This tool was written to allow the creation of root filesystems from docker
image names. The binary will download the docker image and untar them in the
destination directory provided.
--dest <destination of rootfs> <image repository>
--cacerts string The location of the CA certs to use for TLS authentication with the registry. (default "/registry-ca-certs.pem")
--dest string The destination of the rootfs that we will untar the image to. (default "rootfs")
-h, --help help for --dest
--registry string The registry to pull the image from. (default "")
--tag string The tag of the image to pull. (default "latest")
panic: Requires an image repository as argument
Example usage:
mkrootfs library/alpine --dest alpine-rootfs --tag=3.6
Note: The destination rootfs directory needs to be created and empty.