Overview ¶
Package cli is a generated GoMock package.
Package cli is a generated GoMock package.
Package cli is a generated GoMock package.
Index ¶
- Constants
- func AdminAddSearchAttribute(c *cli.Context) error
- func AdminCatIndices(c *cli.Context) error
- func AdminCloseShard(c *cli.Context) error
- func AdminCountDLQMessages(c *cli.Context) error
- func AdminDBClean(c *cli.Context) error
- func AdminDBDataDecodeThrift(c *cli.Context) error
- func AdminDBScan(c *cli.Context) error
- func AdminDBScanUnsupportedWorkflow(c *cli.Context) error
- func AdminDelete(c *cli.Context) error
- func AdminDeleteWorkflow(c *cli.Context) error
- func AdminDescribeCluster(c *cli.Context) error
- func AdminDescribeHistoryHost(c *cli.Context) error
- func AdminDescribeQueue(c *cli.Context) error
- func AdminDescribeShard(c *cli.Context) error
- func AdminDescribeShardDistribution(c *cli.Context) error
- func AdminDescribeTaskList(c *cli.Context) error
- func AdminDescribeWorkflow(c *cli.Context) error
- func AdminFailoverAbort(c *cli.Context) error
- func AdminFailoverList(c *cli.Context) error
- func AdminFailoverPause(c *cli.Context) error
- func AdminFailoverQuery(c *cli.Context) error
- func AdminFailoverResume(c *cli.Context) error
- func AdminFailoverRollback(c *cli.Context) error
- func AdminFailoverStart(c *cli.Context) error
- func AdminGetAsyncWFConfig(c *cli.Context) error
- func AdminGetDLQMessages(c *cli.Context) error
- func AdminGetDomainIDOrName(c *cli.Context) error
- func AdminGetDomainIsolationGroups(c *cli.Context) error
- func AdminGetDynamicConfig(c *cli.Context) error
- func AdminGetGlobalIsolationGroups(c *cli.Context) error
- func AdminGetShardID(c *cli.Context) error
- func AdminIndex(c *cli.Context) error
- func AdminKafkaParse(c *cli.Context) error
- func AdminListConfigKeys(c *cli.Context) error
- func AdminListDynamicConfig(c *cli.Context) error
- func AdminListTaskList(c *cli.Context) error
- func AdminMaintainCorruptWorkflow(c *cli.Context) error
- func AdminMergeDLQMessages(c *cli.Context) error
- func AdminPurgeDLQMessages(c *cli.Context) error
- func AdminRebalanceList(c *cli.Context) error
- func AdminRebalanceStart(c *cli.Context) error
- func AdminRefreshWorkflowTasks(c *cli.Context) error
- func AdminRemoveTask(c *cli.Context) error
- func AdminRereplicate(c *cli.Context) error
- func AdminResetQueue(c *cli.Context) error
- func AdminRestoreDynamicConfig(c *cli.Context) error
- func AdminSetShardRangeID(c *cli.Context) error
- func AdminShowWorkflow(c *cli.Context) error
- func AdminTimers(c *cli.Context) error
- func AdminUpdateAsyncWFConfig(c *cli.Context) error
- func AdminUpdateDomainIsolationGroups(c *cli.Context) error
- func AdminUpdateDynamicConfig(c *cli.Context) error
- func AdminUpdateGlobalIsolationGroups(c *cli.Context) error
- func AdminUpdateTaskListPartitionConfig(c *cli.Context) error
- func CancelWorkflow(c *cli.Context) error
- func ColorEvent(e *types.HistoryEvent) string
- func CompleteActivity(c *cli.Context) error
- func CountWorkflow(c *cli.Context) error
- func DescribeBatchJob(c *cli.Context) error
- func DescribeTaskList(c *cli.Context) error
- func DescribeWorkflow(c *cli.Context) error
- func DescribeWorkflowWithID(c *cli.Context) error
- func DiagnoseWorkflow(c *cli.Context) error
- func EventColorFunction(eventType types.EventType) func(format string, a ...interface{}) string
- func FailActivity(c *cli.Context) error
- func GenerateReport(c *cli.Context) error
- func GetHistory(ctx context.Context, workflowClient frontend.Client, ...) (*types.History, error)
- func GetSearchAttributes(c *cli.Context) error
- func GetWorkflowHistoryIterator(ctx context.Context, workflowClient frontend.Client, ...) (pagination.Iterator, error)
- func HistoryEventToString(e *types.HistoryEvent, printFully bool, maxFieldLength int) string
- func ListAllWorkflow(c *cli.Context) error
- func ListArchivedWorkflow(c *cli.Context) error
- func ListBatchJobs(c *cli.Context) error
- func ListTaskListPartitions(c *cli.Context) error
- func ListWorkflow(c *cli.Context) error
- func NewCliApp(cf ClientFactory, opts ...CLIAppOptions) *cli.App
- func ObserveHistory(c *cli.Context) error
- func ObserveHistoryWithID(c *cli.Context) error
- func QueryWorkflow(c *cli.Context) error
- func QueryWorkflowUsingQueryTypes(c *cli.Context) error
- func QueryWorkflowUsingStackTrace(c *cli.Context) error
- func Render(c *cli.Context, data interface{}, opts RenderOptions) (err error)
- func RenderTable(w io.Writer, data interface{}, opts RenderOptions) error
- func RenderTemplate(w io.Writer, data interface{}, tmpl string, opts RenderOptions) error
- func ResetInBatch(c *cli.Context) error
- func ResetWorkflow(c *cli.Context) error
- func RestartWorkflow(c *cli.Context) error
- func RunWorkflow(c *cli.Context) error
- func ScanAllWorkflow(c *cli.Context) error
- func SetRequiredDomainDataKeys(keys []string)
- func ShowHistory(c *cli.Context) error
- func ShowHistoryWithWID(c *cli.Context) error
- func SignalWithStartWorkflowExecution(c *cli.Context) error
- func SignalWorkflow(c *cli.Context) error
- func StartBatchJob(c *cli.Context) error
- func StartWorkflow(c *cli.Context) error
- func TerminateBatchJob(c *cli.Context) error
- func TerminateWorkflow(c *cli.Context) error
- type AutoResetPointRow
- type BadBinaryRow
- type CLIAppOptions
- type ClientFactory
- type ClustersConfig
- type ContextKey
- type DLQRow
- type DomainMigrationCommand
- type DomainMigrationRow
- type DomainRow
- type ESIndexRow
- type FailoverInfoRow
- type Histogram
- type HistoryDLQCountRow
- type IOHandler
- type JSONHistorySerializer
- type LoadCloser
- type ManagerFactory
- type MismatchedDynamicConfig
- type MockClientFactory
- func (m *MockClientFactory) EXPECT() *MockClientFactoryMockRecorder
- func (m *MockClientFactory) ElasticSearchClient(c *cli.Context) (*elastic.Client, error)
- func (m *MockClientFactory) ServerAdminClient(c *cli.Context) (admin.Client, error)
- func (m *MockClientFactory) ServerAdminClientForMigration(c *cli.Context) (admin.Client, error)
- func (m *MockClientFactory) ServerConfig(c *cli.Context) (*config.Config, error)
- func (m *MockClientFactory) ServerFrontendClient(c *cli.Context) (frontend.Client, error)
- func (m *MockClientFactory) ServerFrontendClientForMigration(c *cli.Context) (frontend.Client, error)
- type MockClientFactoryMockRecorder
- func (mr *MockClientFactoryMockRecorder) ElasticSearchClient(c interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockClientFactoryMockRecorder) ServerAdminClient(c interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockClientFactoryMockRecorder) ServerAdminClientForMigration(c interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockClientFactoryMockRecorder) ServerConfig(c interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockClientFactoryMockRecorder) ServerFrontendClient(c interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockClientFactoryMockRecorder) ServerFrontendClientForMigration(c interface{}) *gomock.Call
- type MockLoadCloser
- type MockLoadCloserMockRecorder
- type MockManagerFactory
- type MockManagerFactoryMockRecorder
- type MockPrinter
- type MockPrinterMockRecorder
- type Printer
- type RenderOptions
- type Reporter
- type SearchAttributesRow
- type SearchAttributesTable
- type ShardRow
- type TaskListPartitionConfigRow
- type TaskListPartitionRow
- type TaskListPollerRow
- type TaskListRow
- type TaskListStatusRow
- type ValidationDetails
- type WorkflowRow
Constants ¶
const ( FlagVerbose = "verbose" FlagUsername = "username" FlagPassword = "password" FlagKeyspace = "keyspace" FlagDatabaseName = "db_name" FlagEncodingType = "encoding_type" FlagDecodingTypes = "decoding_types" FlagAddress = "address" FlagDestinationAddress = "destination_address" FlagHistoryAddress = "history_address" FlagDBType = "db_type" FlagDBAddress = "db_address" FlagDBPort = "db_port" FlagDBRegion = "db_region" FlagDBShard = "db_shard" FlagProtoVersion = "protocol_version" FlagDomainID = "domain_id" FlagDomain = "domain" FlagDestinationDomain = "destination_domain" FlagShardID = "shard_id" FlagShards = "shards" FlagRangeID = "range_id" FlagWorkflowID = "workflow_id" FlagRunID = "run_id" FlagTreeID = "tree_id" FlagBranchID = "branch_id" FlagNumberOfShards = "number_of_shards" FlagTargetCluster = "target_cluster" FlagSourceCluster = "source_cluster" FlagMinEventID = "min_event_id" FlagMaxEventID = "max_event_id" FlagEndEventVersion = "end_event_version" FlagTaskList = "tasklist" FlagTaskListType = "tasklisttype" FlagWorkflowIDReusePolicy = "workflowidreusepolicy" FlagCronSchedule = "cron" FlagWorkflowType = "workflow_type" FlagWorkflowStatus = "status" FlagExecutionTimeout = "execution_timeout" FlagDecisionTimeout = "decision_timeout" FlagContextTimeout = "context_timeout" FlagInput = "input" FlagInputFile = "input_file" FlagInputEncoding = "encoding" FlagSignalInput = "signal_input" FlagSignalInputFile = "signal_input_file" FlagExcludeFile = "exclude_file" FlagInputSeparator = "input_separator" FlagParallelism = "input_parallelism" FlagParallismDeprecated = "input_parallism" // typo, replaced by FlagParallelism FlagScanType = "scan_type" FlagInvariantCollection = "invariant_collection" FlagSkipCurrentOpen = "skip_current_open" FlagSkipCurrentCompleted = "skip_current_completed" FlagSkipBaseIsNotCurrent = "skip_base_is_not_current" FlagDryRun = "dry_run" FlagNonDeterministicOnly = "only_non_deterministic" FlagInputTopic = "input_topic" FlagHostFile = "host_file" FlagCluster = "cluster" FlagInputCluster = "input_cluster" FlagStartOffset = "start_offset" FlagTopic = "topic" FlagGroup = "group" FlagResult = "result" FlagIdentity = "identity" FlagDetail = "detail" FlagReason = "reason" FlagOpen = "open" FlagMore = "more" FlagAll = "all" FlagPrefix = "prefix" FlagDeprecated = "deprecated" FlagForce = "force" FlagPageID = "page_id" FlagPageSize = "pagesize" FlagEarliestTime = "earliest_time" FlagLatestTime = "latest_time" FlagPrintEventVersion = "print_event_version" FlagPrintFullyDetail = "print_full" FlagPrintRawTime = "print_raw_time" FlagPrintRaw = "print_raw" FlagPrintDateTime = "print_datetime" FlagPrintMemo = "print_memo" FlagPrintSearchAttr = "print_search_attr" FlagPrintJSON = "print_json" // Deprecated: use --format json FlagDescription = "description" FlagOwnerEmail = "owner_email" FlagRetentionDays = "retention" FlagHistoryArchivalStatus = "history_archival_status" FlagHistoryArchivalURI = "history_uri" FlagVisibilityArchivalStatus = "visibility_archival_status" FlagVisibilityArchivalURI = "visibility_uri" FlagName = "name" FlagOutputFilename = "output_filename" FlagOutputFormat = "output" FlagQueryType = "query_type" FlagQueryRejectCondition = "query_reject_condition" FlagQueryConsistencyLevel = "query_consistency_level" FlagShowDetail = "show_detail" FlagActiveClusterName = "active_cluster" FlagClusters = "clusters" FlagIsGlobalDomain = "global_domain" FlagDomainData = "domain_data" FlagEventID = "event_id" FlagActivityID = "activity_id" FlagMaxFieldLength = "max_field_length" FlagSecurityToken = "security_token" FlagSkipErrorMode = "skip_errors" FlagRemote = "remote" FlagTimerType = "timer_type" FlagHeadersMode = "headers" FlagMessageType = "message_type" FlagURL = "url" FlagIndex = "index" FlagBatchSize = "batch_size" FlagMemoKey = "memo_key" FlagMemo = "memo" FlagMemoFile = "memo_file" FlagSearchAttributesKey = "search_attr_key" FlagSearchAttributesVal = "search_attr_value" FlagSearchAttributesType = "search_attr_type" FlagAddBadBinary = "add_bad_binary" FlagRemoveBadBinary = "remove_bad_binary" FlagResetType = "reset_type" FlagDecisionOffset = "decision_offset" FlagResetPointsOnly = "reset_points_only" FlagResetBadBinaryChecksum = "reset_bad_binary_checksum" FlagSkipSignalReapply = "skip_signal_reapply" FlagListQuery = "query" FlagExcludeWorkflowIDByQuery = "exclude_query" FlagBatchType = "batch_type" FlagSignalName = "signal_name" FlagTaskID = "task_id" FlagTaskType = "task_type" FlagTaskVisibilityTimestamp = "task_timestamp" FlagQueueType = "queue_type" FlagStartingRPS = "starting_rps" FlagRPS = "rps" FlagRPSScaleUpSeconds = "rps_scale_up_seconds" FlagJobID = "job_id" FlagYes = "yes" FlagServiceConfigDir = "service_config_dir" FlagServiceEnv = "service_env" FlagServiceZone = "service_zone" FlagEnableTLS = "tls" FlagTLSCertPath = "tls_cert_path" FlagTLSKeyPath = "tls_key_path" FlagTLSCaPath = "tls_ca_path" FlagTLSEnableHostVerification = "tls_enable_host_verification" FlagDLQType = "dlq_type" FlagMaxMessageCount = "max_message_count" FlagLastMessageID = "last_message_id" FlagConcurrency = "concurrency" FlagReportRate = "report_rate" FlagLowerShardBound = "lower_shard_bound" FlagUpperShardBound = "upper_shard_bound" FlagInputDirectory = "input_directory" FlagSkipHistoryChecks = "skip_history_checks" FlagFailoverType = "failover_type" FlagFailoverTimeout = "failover_timeout_seconds" FlagActivityHeartBeatTimeout = "heart_beat_timeout_seconds" FlagFailoverWaitTime = "failover_wait_time_second" FlagFailoverBatchSize = "failover_batch_size" FlagFailoverDomains = "domains" FlagFailoverDrillWaitTime = "failover_drill_wait_second" FlagFailoverDrill = "failover_drill" FlagRetryInterval = "retry_interval" FlagRetryAttempts = "retry_attempts" FlagMaxActivityRetries = "max_activity_retries" FlagRetryExpiration = "retry_expiration" FlagRetryBackoff = "retry_backoff" FlagRetryMaxInterval = "retry_max_interval" FlagHeaderKey = "header_key" FlagHeaderValue = "header_value" FlagHeaderFile = "header_file" FlagStartDate = "start_date" FlagEndDate = "end_date" FlagDateFormat = "date_format" FlagShardMultiplier = "shard_multiplier" FlagBucketSize = "bucket_size" DelayStartSeconds = "delay_start_seconds" JitterStartSeconds = "jitter_start_seconds" FirstRunAtTime = "first_run_at_time" FlagConnectionAttributes = "conn_attrs" FlagJWT = "jwt" FlagJWTPrivateKey = "jwt-private-key" FlagDynamicConfigName = "name" FlagDynamicConfigFilter = "filter" FlagDynamicConfigValue = "value" FlagTransport = "transport" FlagFormat = "format" FlagJSON = "json" FlagIsolationGroupSetDrains = "set-drains" FlagIsolationGroupsRemoveAllDrains = "remove-all-drains" FlagSearchAttribute = "search_attr" FlagNumReadPartitions = "num_read_partitions" FlagNumWritePartitions = "num_write_partitions" )
Flags used to specify cli command line arguments
const ( // CtxKeyJWT is the name of the context key for the JWT CtxKeyJWT = ContextKey("ctxKeyJWT") )
Variables ¶
This section is empty.
Functions ¶
func AdminAddSearchAttribute ¶ added in v0.6.0
func AdminAddSearchAttribute(c *cli.Context) error
AdminAddSearchAttribute to whitelist search attribute
func AdminCatIndices ¶ added in v0.5.3
func AdminCatIndices(c *cli.Context) error
AdminCatIndices cat indices for ES cluster
func AdminCloseShard ¶ added in v0.15.0
func AdminCloseShard(c *cli.Context) error
AdminCloseShard closes shard by shard id
func AdminCountDLQMessages ¶ added in v0.25.0
func AdminCountDLQMessages(c *cli.Context) error
AdminCountDLQMessages returns info how many and where DLQ messages are queued
func AdminDBClean ¶ added in v0.13.0
func AdminDBClean(c *cli.Context) error
AdminDBClean is the command to clean up unhealthy executions. Input is a JSON stream provided via STDIN or a file.
func AdminDBDataDecodeThrift ¶ added in v0.24.0
func AdminDBDataDecodeThrift(c *cli.Context) error
AdminDBDataDecodeThrift is the command to decode thrift binary into JSON
func AdminDBScan ¶ added in v0.13.0
func AdminDBScan(c *cli.Context) error
AdminDBScan is used to scan over executions in database and detect corruptions.
func AdminDBScanUnsupportedWorkflow ¶ added in v0.16.0
func AdminDBScanUnsupportedWorkflow(c *cli.Context) error
AdminDBScanUnsupportedWorkflow is to scan DB for unsupported workflow for a new release
func AdminDelete ¶ added in v0.9.0
func AdminDelete(c *cli.Context) error
AdminDelete used to delete documents from ElasticSearch with input of list result
func AdminDeleteWorkflow ¶ added in v0.5.0
func AdminDeleteWorkflow(c *cli.Context) error
AdminDeleteWorkflow delete a workflow execution for admin
func AdminDescribeCluster ¶ added in v0.11.0
func AdminDescribeCluster(c *cli.Context) error
AdminDescribeCluster is used to dump information about the cluster
func AdminDescribeHistoryHost ¶ added in v0.3.13
func AdminDescribeHistoryHost(c *cli.Context) error
AdminDescribeHistoryHost describes history host
func AdminDescribeQueue ¶ added in v0.15.0
func AdminDescribeQueue(c *cli.Context) error
AdminDescribeQueue describes task processing queue states
func AdminDescribeShard ¶ added in v0.14.0
func AdminDescribeShard(c *cli.Context) error
AdminDescribeShard describes shard by shard id
func AdminDescribeShardDistribution ¶ added in v0.22.0
func AdminDescribeShardDistribution(c *cli.Context) error
AdminDescribeShardDistribution describes shard distribution
func AdminDescribeTaskList ¶ added in v0.5.7
func AdminDescribeTaskList(c *cli.Context) error
AdminDescribeTaskList displays poller and status information of task list.
func AdminDescribeWorkflow ¶ added in v0.3.13
func AdminDescribeWorkflow(c *cli.Context) error
AdminDescribeWorkflow describe a new workflow execution for admin
func AdminFailoverAbort ¶ added in v0.15.0
func AdminFailoverAbort(c *cli.Context) error
AdminFailoverAbort abort a failover workflow
func AdminFailoverList ¶ added in v0.15.0
func AdminFailoverList(c *cli.Context) error
AdminFailoverList list failover runs
func AdminFailoverPause ¶ added in v0.15.0
func AdminFailoverPause(c *cli.Context) error
AdminFailoverPause pause failover workflow
func AdminFailoverQuery ¶ added in v0.15.0
func AdminFailoverQuery(c *cli.Context) error
AdminFailoverQuery query a failover workflow
func AdminFailoverResume ¶ added in v0.15.0
func AdminFailoverResume(c *cli.Context) error
AdminFailoverResume resume a paused failover workflow
func AdminFailoverRollback ¶ added in v0.15.0
func AdminFailoverRollback(c *cli.Context) error
AdminFailoverRollback rollback a failover run
func AdminFailoverStart ¶ added in v0.15.0
func AdminFailoverStart(c *cli.Context) error
AdminFailoverStart start failover workflow
func AdminGetAsyncWFConfig ¶ added in v1.2.8
func AdminGetAsyncWFConfig(c *cli.Context) error
func AdminGetDLQMessages ¶ added in v0.12.0
func AdminGetDLQMessages(c *cli.Context) error
AdminGetDLQMessages gets DLQ metadata
func AdminGetDomainIDOrName ¶ added in v0.5.0
func AdminGetDomainIDOrName(c *cli.Context) error
AdminGetDomainIDOrName map domain
func AdminGetDomainIsolationGroups ¶ added in v1.2.1
func AdminGetDomainIsolationGroups(c *cli.Context) error
func AdminGetDynamicConfig ¶ added in v0.23.1
func AdminGetDynamicConfig(c *cli.Context) error
AdminGetDynamicConfig gets value of specified dynamic config parameter matching specified filter
func AdminGetGlobalIsolationGroups ¶ added in v1.2.1
func AdminGetGlobalIsolationGroups(c *cli.Context) error
func AdminGetShardID ¶ added in v0.5.0
func AdminGetShardID(c *cli.Context) error
AdminGetShardID get shardID
func AdminIndex ¶ added in v0.5.3
func AdminIndex(c *cli.Context) error
AdminIndex used to bulk insert message from kafka parse
func AdminKafkaParse ¶ added in v0.5.0
func AdminKafkaParse(c *cli.Context) error
AdminKafkaParse parses the output of k8read and outputs replication tasks
func AdminListConfigKeys ¶ added in v1.0.0
func AdminListConfigKeys(c *cli.Context) error
AdminListConfigKeys lists all available dynamic config keys with description and default value
func AdminListDynamicConfig ¶ added in v0.23.1
func AdminListDynamicConfig(c *cli.Context) error
AdminListDynamicConfig lists all values associated with specified dynamic config parameter or all values for all dc parameter if none is specified.
func AdminListTaskList ¶ added in v0.24.0
func AdminListTaskList(c *cli.Context) error
AdminListTaskList displays all task lists under a domain.
func AdminMaintainCorruptWorkflow ¶ added in v0.24.0
func AdminMaintainCorruptWorkflow(c *cli.Context) error
AdminMaintainCorruptWorkflow deletes workflow from DB if it's corrupt
func AdminMergeDLQMessages ¶ added in v0.12.0
func AdminMergeDLQMessages(c *cli.Context) error
AdminMergeDLQMessages merges message from DLQ
func AdminPurgeDLQMessages ¶ added in v0.12.0
func AdminPurgeDLQMessages(c *cli.Context) error
AdminPurgeDLQMessages deletes messages from DLQ
func AdminRebalanceList ¶ added in v0.22.0
func AdminRebalanceList(c *cli.Context) error
func AdminRebalanceStart ¶ added in v0.22.0
func AdminRebalanceStart(c *cli.Context) error
func AdminRefreshWorkflowTasks ¶ added in v0.12.0
func AdminRefreshWorkflowTasks(c *cli.Context) error
AdminRefreshWorkflowTasks refreshes all the tasks of a workflow
func AdminRemoveTask ¶ added in v0.9.0
func AdminRemoveTask(c *cli.Context) error
AdminRemoveTask describes history host
func AdminRereplicate ¶ added in v0.5.0
func AdminRereplicate(c *cli.Context) error
AdminRereplicate parses will re-publish replication tasks to topic
func AdminResetQueue ¶ added in v0.15.0
func AdminResetQueue(c *cli.Context) error
AdminResetQueue resets task processing queue states
func AdminRestoreDynamicConfig ¶ added in v0.23.1
func AdminRestoreDynamicConfig(c *cli.Context) error
AdminRestoreDynamicConfig removes values of specified dynamic config parameter matching specified filter
func AdminSetShardRangeID ¶ added in v0.16.0
func AdminSetShardRangeID(c *cli.Context) error
AdminSetShardRangeID set shard rangeID by shard id
func AdminShowWorkflow ¶ added in v0.5.0
func AdminShowWorkflow(c *cli.Context) error
AdminShowWorkflow shows history
func AdminTimers ¶ added in v0.14.0
func AdminTimers(c *cli.Context) error
AdminTimers is used to list scheduled timers.
func AdminUpdateAsyncWFConfig ¶ added in v1.2.8
func AdminUpdateAsyncWFConfig(c *cli.Context) error
func AdminUpdateDomainIsolationGroups ¶ added in v1.2.1
func AdminUpdateDomainIsolationGroups(c *cli.Context) error
func AdminUpdateDynamicConfig ¶ added in v0.23.1
func AdminUpdateDynamicConfig(c *cli.Context) error
AdminUpdateDynamicConfig updates specified dynamic config parameter with specified values
func AdminUpdateGlobalIsolationGroups ¶ added in v1.2.1
func AdminUpdateGlobalIsolationGroups(c *cli.Context) error
func AdminUpdateTaskListPartitionConfig ¶ added in v1.2.15
func AdminUpdateTaskListPartitionConfig(c *cli.Context) error
func CancelWorkflow ¶
func CancelWorkflow(c *cli.Context) error
CancelWorkflow cancels a workflow execution
func ColorEvent ¶ added in v0.3.11
func ColorEvent(e *types.HistoryEvent) string
ColorEvent takes an event and return string with color Event with color mapping rules:
Failed - red Timeout - yellow Canceled - magenta Completed - green Started - blue Others - default (white/black)
func CompleteActivity ¶ added in v0.5.7
func CompleteActivity(c *cli.Context) error
CompleteActivity completes an activity
func CountWorkflow ¶ added in v0.6.0
func CountWorkflow(c *cli.Context) error
CountWorkflow count number of workflows
func DescribeBatchJob ¶ added in v0.7.0
func DescribeBatchJob(c *cli.Context) error
DescribeBatchJob describe the status of the batch job
func DescribeTaskList ¶
func DescribeTaskList(c *cli.Context) error
DescribeTaskList show pollers info of a given tasklist
func DescribeWorkflow ¶ added in v0.3.11
func DescribeWorkflow(c *cli.Context) error
DescribeWorkflow show information about the specified workflow execution
func DescribeWorkflowWithID ¶ added in v0.3.11
func DescribeWorkflowWithID(c *cli.Context) error
DescribeWorkflowWithID show information about the specified workflow execution
func DiagnoseWorkflow ¶ added in v1.2.14
func DiagnoseWorkflow(c *cli.Context) error
DiagnoseWorkflow diagnoses a workflow execution
func EventColorFunction ¶ added in v1.2.1
func FailActivity ¶ added in v0.5.7
func FailActivity(c *cli.Context) error
FailActivity fails an activity
func GenerateReport ¶ added in v0.8.0
func GenerateReport(c *cli.Context) error
GenerateReport generate report for an aggregation query to ES
func GetHistory ¶
func GetHistory(ctx context.Context, workflowClient frontend.Client, domain, workflowID, runID string) (*types.History, error)
GetHistory helper method to iterate over all pages and return complete list of history events
func GetSearchAttributes ¶ added in v0.5.9
func GetSearchAttributes(c *cli.Context) error
GetSearchAttributes get valid search attributes
func GetWorkflowHistoryIterator ¶ added in v0.24.0
func GetWorkflowHistoryIterator( ctx context.Context, workflowClient frontend.Client, domain, workflowID, runID string, isLongPoll bool, filterType *types.HistoryEventFilterType, ) (pagination.Iterator, error)
GetWorkflowHistoryIterator returns a HistoryEvent iterator
func HistoryEventToString ¶
func HistoryEventToString(e *types.HistoryEvent, printFully bool, maxFieldLength int) string
HistoryEventToString convert HistoryEvent to string
func ListAllWorkflow ¶ added in v0.3.11
func ListAllWorkflow(c *cli.Context) error
ListAllWorkflow list all workflow executions based on filters
func ListArchivedWorkflow ¶ added in v0.9.3
func ListArchivedWorkflow(c *cli.Context) error
ListArchivedWorkflow lists archived workflow executions based on filters
func ListBatchJobs ¶ added in v0.7.0
func ListBatchJobs(c *cli.Context) error
ListBatchJobs list the started batch jobs
func ListTaskListPartitions ¶ added in v0.12.0
func ListTaskListPartitions(c *cli.Context) error
ListTaskListPartitions gets all the tasklist partition and host information.
func ListWorkflow ¶
func ListWorkflow(c *cli.Context) error
ListWorkflow list workflow executions based on filters
func NewCliApp ¶
func NewCliApp(cf ClientFactory, opts ...CLIAppOptions) *cli.App
NewCliApp instantiates a new instance of the CLI application
func ObserveHistory ¶ added in v0.3.11
func ObserveHistory(c *cli.Context) error
ObserveHistory show the process of running workflow
func ObserveHistoryWithID ¶ added in v0.3.11
func ObserveHistoryWithID(c *cli.Context) error
ObserveHistoryWithID show the process of running workflow
func QueryWorkflow ¶
func QueryWorkflow(c *cli.Context) error
QueryWorkflow query workflow execution
func QueryWorkflowUsingQueryTypes ¶ added in v1.2.7
func QueryWorkflowUsingQueryTypes(c *cli.Context) error
QueryWorkflowUsingQueryTypes list all query types of the workflow using __query_types as query type
func QueryWorkflowUsingStackTrace ¶
func QueryWorkflowUsingStackTrace(c *cli.Context) error
QueryWorkflowUsingStackTrace query workflow execution using __stack_trace as query type
func Render ¶ added in v0.24.0
func Render(c *cli.Context, data interface{}, opts RenderOptions) (err error)
Render is an entry point for presentation layer. It uses --format flag to determine output format.
func RenderTable ¶ added in v0.24.0
func RenderTable(w io.Writer, data interface{}, opts RenderOptions) error
RenderTable is generic function for rendering a slice of structs as a table
func RenderTemplate ¶ added in v0.24.0
func RenderTemplate(w io.Writer, data interface{}, tmpl string, opts RenderOptions) error
RenderTemplate uses golang text/template format to render data with user provided template
func ResetInBatch ¶ added in v0.5.8
func ResetInBatch(c *cli.Context) error
ResetInBatch resets workflow in batch
func ResetWorkflow ¶ added in v0.5.2
func ResetWorkflow(c *cli.Context) error
ResetWorkflow reset workflow
func RestartWorkflow ¶ added in v0.25.0
func RestartWorkflow(c *cli.Context) error
RestartWorkflow restarts a workflow execution
func RunWorkflow ¶
func RunWorkflow(c *cli.Context) error
RunWorkflow starts a new workflow execution and print workflow progress and result
func ScanAllWorkflow ¶ added in v0.9.0
func ScanAllWorkflow(c *cli.Context) error
ScanAllWorkflow list all workflow executions using Scan API. It should be faster than ListAllWorkflow, but result are not sorted.
func SetRequiredDomainDataKeys ¶ added in v0.3.14
func SetRequiredDomainDataKeys(keys []string)
SetRequiredDomainDataKeys will set requiredDomainDataKeys
func ShowHistory ¶
func ShowHistory(c *cli.Context) error
ShowHistory shows the history of given workflow execution based on workflowID and runID.
func ShowHistoryWithWID ¶
func ShowHistoryWithWID(c *cli.Context) error
ShowHistoryWithWID shows the history of given workflow with workflow_id
func SignalWithStartWorkflowExecution ¶ added in v0.18.0
func SignalWithStartWorkflowExecution(c *cli.Context) error
SignalWithStartWorkflowExecution starts a workflow execution if not already exists and signals it
func SignalWorkflow ¶
func SignalWorkflow(c *cli.Context) error
SignalWorkflow signals a workflow execution
func StartBatchJob ¶ added in v0.7.0
func StartBatchJob(c *cli.Context) error
StartBatchJob starts a batch job
func StartWorkflow ¶
func StartWorkflow(c *cli.Context) error
StartWorkflow starts a new workflow execution
func TerminateBatchJob ¶ added in v0.7.0
func TerminateBatchJob(c *cli.Context) error
TerminateBatchJob stops abatch job
func TerminateWorkflow ¶
func TerminateWorkflow(c *cli.Context) error
TerminateWorkflow terminates a workflow execution
Types ¶
type AutoResetPointRow ¶ added in v0.24.0
type BadBinaryRow ¶ added in v0.24.0
type CLIAppOptions ¶ added in v1.2.15
type CLIAppOptions func(*cli.App)
func WithIOHandler ¶ added in v1.2.15
func WithIOHandler(h IOHandler) CLIAppOptions
WithIOHandler sets the IOHandler for the CLI app. By default the app uses urfave's default Reader/Writer/ErrorWriter.
func WithManagerFactory ¶ added in v1.2.15
func WithManagerFactory(factory ManagerFactory) CLIAppOptions
WithManagerFactory sets the ManagerFactory for the CLI app.
type ClientFactory ¶ added in v0.5.0
type ClientFactory interface { ServerFrontendClient(c *cli.Context) (frontend.Client, error) ServerAdminClient(c *cli.Context) (admin.Client, error) // ServerFrontendClientForMigration frontend client of the migration destination ServerFrontendClientForMigration(c *cli.Context) (frontend.Client, error) // ServerAdminClientForMigration admin client of the migration destination ServerAdminClientForMigration(c *cli.Context) (admin.Client, error) ElasticSearchClient(c *cli.Context) (*elastic.Client, error) ServerConfig(c *cli.Context) (*config.Config, error) }
ClientFactory is used to construct rpc clients
func NewClientFactory ¶ added in v0.5.0
func NewClientFactory(logger *zap.Logger) ClientFactory
NewClientFactory creates a new ClientFactory
type ClustersConfig ¶ added in v0.5.0
type ClustersConfig struct { Clusters map[string]config.ClusterConfig TLS config.TLS }
ClustersConfig describes the kafka clusters
type ContextKey ¶ added in v0.23.1
type ContextKey string
ContextKey is an alias for string, used as context key
type DLQRow ¶ added in v0.24.0
type DLQRow struct { ShardID int `header:"Shard ID" json:"shardID"` DomainName string `header:"Domain Name" json:"domainName"` DomainID string `header:"Domain ID" json:"domainID"` WorkflowID string `header:"Workflow ID" json:"workflowID"` RunID string `header:"Run ID" json:"runID"` TaskID int64 `header:"Task ID" json:"taskID"` TaskType *types.ReplicationTaskType `header:"Task Type" json:"taskType"` Version int64 `json:"version"` FirstEventID int64 `json:"firstEventID"` NextEventID int64 `json:"nextEventID"` ScheduledID int64 `json:"scheduledID"` ReplicationTask *types.ReplicationTask `json:"replicationTask"` // Those are deserialized variants from history replications task Events []*types.HistoryEvent `json:"events"` NewRunEvents []*types.HistoryEvent `json:"newRunEvents,omitempty"` // Only event IDs for compact table representation EventIDs []int64 `header:"Event IDs"` NewRunEventIDs []int64 `header:"New Run Event IDs"` }
type DomainMigrationCommand ¶ added in v1.2.5
type DomainMigrationCommand interface { Validation(c *cli.Context) error DomainMetaDataCheck(c *cli.Context) (DomainMigrationRow, error) DomainWorkFlowCheck(c *cli.Context) (DomainMigrationRow, error) SearchAttributesChecker(c *cli.Context) (DomainMigrationRow, error) DynamicConfigCheck(c *cli.Context) (DomainMigrationRow, error) }
func NewDomainMigrationCommand ¶ added in v1.2.5
func NewDomainMigrationCommand(c *cli.Context) DomainMigrationCommand
Export a function to create an instance of the domainMigrationCLIImpl.
type DomainMigrationRow ¶ added in v1.2.1
type DomainMigrationRow struct { ValidationCheck string `header:"Validation Checker"` ValidationResult bool `header:"Validation Result"` ValidationDetails ValidationDetails }
type DomainRow ¶ added in v0.24.0
type DomainRow struct { Name string `header:"Name"` UUID string `header:"UUID"` Description string OwnerEmail string DomainData map[string]string `header:"Domain Data"` Status types.DomainStatus `header:"Status"` IsGlobal bool `header:"Is Global Domain"` ActiveCluster string `header:"Active Cluster"` Clusters []string `header:"Clusters"` RetentionDays int32 `header:"Retention Days"` EmitMetrics bool HistoryArchivalStatus types.ArchivalStatus `header:"History Archival Status"` HistoryArchivalURI string `header:"History Archival URI"` VisibilityArchivalStatus types.ArchivalStatus `header:"Visibility Archival Status"` VisibilityArchivalURI string `header:"Visibility Archival URI"` BadBinaries []BadBinaryRow FailoverInfo *FailoverInfoRow LongRunningWorkFlowNum *int }
type ESIndexRow ¶ added in v0.24.0
type ESIndexRow struct { Health string `header:"Health"` Status string `header:"Status"` Index string `header:"Index"` PrimaryShards int `header:"Pri"` ReplicaShards int `header:"Rep"` DocsCount int `header:"Docs Count"` DocsDeleted int `header:"Docs Deleted"` StorageSize string `header:"Store Size"` PrimaryStorageSize string `header:"Pri Store Size"` }
type FailoverInfoRow ¶ added in v0.24.0
type Histogram ¶ added in v0.14.0
type Histogram struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Histogram holds the occurrence count for each key
func NewHistogram ¶ added in v0.14.0
func NewHistogram() *Histogram
NewHistogram creates a new Histogram
type HistoryDLQCountRow ¶ added in v0.25.0
type IOHandler ¶ added in v1.2.15
type IOHandler interface { // Input is the "primary" input to read from. // // This is currently always os.Stdin, as files are handled separately. Input() io.Reader // Output should be used to write to the primary output target. // This may be os.Stdout or a file (or an in-memory writer), // and it should only be used for the "results" of a command so values // can be redirected / grepped / etc reasonably. // // For progress or info-like output, use Progress() instead. // // For errors, return an error value instead. Output() io.Writer // Progress should be used for any "non-result" output, // e.g. "loading X" or "press enter to continue" or similar. // // This generally writes to os.Stderr so any displayed text will // be visible when the CLI is piped, and will not be sent into "result" files. // // For error reporting, return an error instead, such as a commoncli.Problem Progress() io.Writer }
type JSONHistorySerializer ¶
type JSONHistorySerializer struct{}
JSONHistorySerializer is used to encode history event in JSON
func (*JSONHistorySerializer) Deserialize ¶
func (j *JSONHistorySerializer) Deserialize(data []byte) (*types.History, error)
Deserialize deserializes history
type LoadCloser ¶ added in v0.22.0
type LoadCloser interface { Load() ([]*persistence.TimerTaskInfo, error) Close() }
LoadCloser loads timer task information
func NewDBLoadCloser ¶ added in v0.22.0
func NewDBLoadCloser(c *cli.Context) (LoadCloser, error)
NewDBLoadCloser creates a new LoadCloser to load timer task information from database
func NewFileLoadCloser ¶ added in v0.22.0
func NewFileLoadCloser(c *cli.Context) (LoadCloser, error)
type ManagerFactory ¶ added in v1.2.15
type ManagerFactory interface {
// contains filtered or unexported methods
type MismatchedDynamicConfig ¶ added in v1.2.1
type MismatchedDynamicConfig struct { Key dynamicconfig.Key CurrValues []*types.DynamicConfigValue NewValues []*types.DynamicConfigValue }
type MockClientFactory ¶ added in v1.2.15
type MockClientFactory struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MockClientFactory is a mock of ClientFactory interface.
func NewMockClientFactory ¶ added in v1.2.15
func NewMockClientFactory(ctrl *gomock.Controller) *MockClientFactory
NewMockClientFactory creates a new mock instance.
func (*MockClientFactory) EXPECT ¶ added in v1.2.15
func (m *MockClientFactory) EXPECT() *MockClientFactoryMockRecorder
EXPECT returns an object that allows the caller to indicate expected use.
func (*MockClientFactory) ElasticSearchClient ¶ added in v1.2.15
ElasticSearchClient mocks base method.
func (*MockClientFactory) ServerAdminClient ¶ added in v1.2.15
ServerAdminClient mocks base method.
func (*MockClientFactory) ServerAdminClientForMigration ¶ added in v1.2.15
ServerAdminClientForMigration mocks base method.
func (*MockClientFactory) ServerConfig ¶ added in v1.2.15
ServerConfig mocks base method.
func (*MockClientFactory) ServerFrontendClient ¶ added in v1.2.15
ServerFrontendClient mocks base method.
func (*MockClientFactory) ServerFrontendClientForMigration ¶ added in v1.2.15
func (m *MockClientFactory) ServerFrontendClientForMigration(c *cli.Context) (frontend.Client, error)
ServerFrontendClientForMigration mocks base method.
type MockClientFactoryMockRecorder ¶ added in v1.2.15
type MockClientFactoryMockRecorder struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MockClientFactoryMockRecorder is the mock recorder for MockClientFactory.
func (*MockClientFactoryMockRecorder) ElasticSearchClient ¶ added in v1.2.15
func (mr *MockClientFactoryMockRecorder) ElasticSearchClient(c interface{}) *gomock.Call
ElasticSearchClient indicates an expected call of ElasticSearchClient.
func (*MockClientFactoryMockRecorder) ServerAdminClient ¶ added in v1.2.15
func (mr *MockClientFactoryMockRecorder) ServerAdminClient(c interface{}) *gomock.Call
ServerAdminClient indicates an expected call of ServerAdminClient.
func (*MockClientFactoryMockRecorder) ServerAdminClientForMigration ¶ added in v1.2.15
func (mr *MockClientFactoryMockRecorder) ServerAdminClientForMigration(c interface{}) *gomock.Call
ServerAdminClientForMigration indicates an expected call of ServerAdminClientForMigration.
func (*MockClientFactoryMockRecorder) ServerConfig ¶ added in v1.2.15
func (mr *MockClientFactoryMockRecorder) ServerConfig(c interface{}) *gomock.Call
ServerConfig indicates an expected call of ServerConfig.
func (*MockClientFactoryMockRecorder) ServerFrontendClient ¶ added in v1.2.15
func (mr *MockClientFactoryMockRecorder) ServerFrontendClient(c interface{}) *gomock.Call
ServerFrontendClient indicates an expected call of ServerFrontendClient.
func (*MockClientFactoryMockRecorder) ServerFrontendClientForMigration ¶ added in v1.2.15
func (mr *MockClientFactoryMockRecorder) ServerFrontendClientForMigration(c interface{}) *gomock.Call
ServerFrontendClientForMigration indicates an expected call of ServerFrontendClientForMigration.
type MockLoadCloser ¶ added in v1.2.15
type MockLoadCloser struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MockLoadCloser is a mock of LoadCloser interface.
func NewMockLoadCloser ¶ added in v1.2.15
func NewMockLoadCloser(ctrl *gomock.Controller) *MockLoadCloser
NewMockLoadCloser creates a new mock instance.
func (*MockLoadCloser) Close ¶ added in v1.2.15
func (m *MockLoadCloser) Close()
Close mocks base method.
func (*MockLoadCloser) EXPECT ¶ added in v1.2.15
func (m *MockLoadCloser) EXPECT() *MockLoadCloserMockRecorder
EXPECT returns an object that allows the caller to indicate expected use.
func (*MockLoadCloser) Load ¶ added in v1.2.15
func (m *MockLoadCloser) Load() ([]*persistence.TimerTaskInfo, error)
Load mocks base method.
type MockLoadCloserMockRecorder ¶ added in v1.2.15
type MockLoadCloserMockRecorder struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MockLoadCloserMockRecorder is the mock recorder for MockLoadCloser.
func (*MockLoadCloserMockRecorder) Close ¶ added in v1.2.15
func (mr *MockLoadCloserMockRecorder) Close() *gomock.Call
Close indicates an expected call of Close.
func (*MockLoadCloserMockRecorder) Load ¶ added in v1.2.15
func (mr *MockLoadCloserMockRecorder) Load() *gomock.Call
Load indicates an expected call of Load.
type MockManagerFactory ¶ added in v1.2.15
type MockManagerFactory struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MockManagerFactory is a mock of ManagerFactory interface.
func NewMockManagerFactory ¶ added in v1.2.15
func NewMockManagerFactory(ctrl *gomock.Controller) *MockManagerFactory
NewMockManagerFactory creates a new mock instance.
func (*MockManagerFactory) EXPECT ¶ added in v1.2.15
func (m *MockManagerFactory) EXPECT() *MockManagerFactoryMockRecorder
EXPECT returns an object that allows the caller to indicate expected use.
type MockManagerFactoryMockRecorder ¶ added in v1.2.15
type MockManagerFactoryMockRecorder struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MockManagerFactoryMockRecorder is the mock recorder for MockManagerFactory.
type MockPrinter ¶ added in v1.2.15
type MockPrinter struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MockPrinter is a mock of Printer interface.
func NewMockPrinter ¶ added in v1.2.15
func NewMockPrinter(ctrl *gomock.Controller) *MockPrinter
NewMockPrinter creates a new mock instance.
func (*MockPrinter) EXPECT ¶ added in v1.2.15
func (m *MockPrinter) EXPECT() *MockPrinterMockRecorder
EXPECT returns an object that allows the caller to indicate expected use.
func (*MockPrinter) Print ¶ added in v1.2.15
func (m *MockPrinter) Print(arg0 io.Writer, arg1 []*persistence.TimerTaskInfo) error
Print mocks base method.
type MockPrinterMockRecorder ¶ added in v1.2.15
type MockPrinterMockRecorder struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MockPrinterMockRecorder is the mock recorder for MockPrinter.
func (*MockPrinterMockRecorder) Print ¶ added in v1.2.15
func (mr *MockPrinterMockRecorder) Print(arg0, arg1 interface{}) *gomock.Call
Print indicates an expected call of Print.
type Printer ¶ added in v0.14.0
type Printer interface {
Print(output io.Writer, timers []*persistence.TimerTaskInfo) error
Printer prints timer task information
func NewHistogramPrinter ¶ added in v0.14.0
NewHistogramPrinter creates a new Printer to display timer task information in a histogram
func NewJSONPrinter ¶ added in v0.14.0
func NewJSONPrinter(c *cli.Context) Printer
NewJSONPrinter creates a new Printer to display timer task information in a JSON format
type RenderOptions ¶ added in v0.24.0
type RenderOptions struct { // OptionalColumns may contain column header names which can be hidden OptionalColumns map[string]bool // Border specified whether to render table border Border bool // Custom, per column alignment ColumnAlignment []int // Color will use coloring characters while printing table Color bool // PrintRawTime will print time as int64 unix nanos PrintRawTime bool // PrintDateTime will print both date & time PrintDateTime bool // DefaultTemplate (if specified) will be used to render data when not --format flag is given DefaultTemplate string }
RenderOptions allows passing optional flags for altering rendered table
type Reporter ¶ added in v0.14.0
type Reporter struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Reporter wraps LoadCloser, Printer and a filter on time task type and domainID
func NewReporter ¶ added in v0.14.0
func NewReporter(domain string, timerTypes []int, loader LoadCloser, printer Printer) *Reporter
NewReporter creates a new Reporter
type SearchAttributesRow ¶ added in v0.24.0
type SearchAttributesTable ¶ added in v0.24.0
type SearchAttributesTable []SearchAttributesRow
func (SearchAttributesTable) Len ¶ added in v0.24.0
func (s SearchAttributesTable) Len() int
func (SearchAttributesTable) Less ¶ added in v0.24.0
func (s SearchAttributesTable) Less(i, j int) bool
func (SearchAttributesTable) Swap ¶ added in v0.24.0
func (s SearchAttributesTable) Swap(i, j int)
type TaskListPartitionConfigRow ¶ added in v1.2.15
type TaskListPartitionRow ¶ added in v0.24.0
type TaskListPollerRow ¶ added in v0.24.0
type TaskListRow ¶ added in v0.24.0
type TaskListStatusRow ¶ added in v0.24.0
type ValidationDetails ¶ added in v1.2.1
type ValidationDetails struct { CurrentDomainRow *types.DescribeDomainResponse NewDomainRow *types.DescribeDomainResponse MismatchedDomainMetaData string LongRunningWorkFlowNum *int MismatchedDynamicConfig []MismatchedDynamicConfig MissingCurrSearchAttributes []string MissingNewSearchAttributes []string }
type WorkflowRow ¶ added in v0.24.0
type WorkflowRow struct { WorkflowType string `header:"Workflow Type" maxLength:"32"` WorkflowID string `header:"Workflow ID"` RunID string `header:"Run ID"` TaskList string `header:"Task List"` IsCron bool `header:"Is Cron"` StartTime time.Time `header:"Start Time"` ExecutionTime time.Time `header:"Execution Time"` EndTime time.Time `header:"End Time"` CloseStatus string `header:"Close Status"` HistoryLength int64 `header:"History Length"` UpdateTime time.Time `header:"Update Time"` Memo map[string]string `header:"Memo"` SearchAttributes map[string]interface{} `header:"Search Attributes"` }
WorkflowRow is a presentation layer entity use to render a table of workflows
Source Files
- admin.go
- admin_async_queue_commands.go
- admin_cluster_commands.go
- admin_commands.go
- admin_config_store_commands.go
- admin_db_clean_command.go
- admin_db_decode_thrift.go
- admin_db_scan_command.go
- admin_dlq_commands.go
- admin_elastic_search_commands.go
- admin_failover_commands.go
- admin_kafka_commands.go
- admin_task_list_commands.go
- admin_timers.go
- admin_timers_mock.go
- app.go
- cluster.go
- cluster_commands.go
- database.go
- defs.go
- domain.go
- domain_commands.go
- domain_migration_command.go
- domain_utils.go
- factory.go
- factory_mock.go
- flags.go
- histogram.go
- isolation-groups.go
- mock_manager_factory.go
- render.go
- task_list.go
- task_list_commands.go
- utils.go
- workflow.go
- workflow_batch_commands.go
- workflow_commands.go