Yet Another Salesforce Dataloader
For Windows user with cmd.exe
@"%SystemRoot%\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe" -NoProfile ^
-InputFormat None -ExecutionPolicy Bypass ^
-Command "iex ((New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString('http://install.freedom-man.com/yasd.ps1'))" ^
&& SET "PATH=%PATH%;%APPDATA%\yasd\bin"
For Windows user with PowerShell
Set-ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Scope Process -Force; iex ((New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString('http://install.freedom-man.com/yasd.ps1'))
For Linux, MacOS user
$ curl -sL http://install.freedom-man.com/yasd.sh | bash
For golang user
$ go get github.com/tzmfreedom/yasd
Export records
$ yasd export -q {SOQL}
Insert records
$ yasd insert -t {Salesforce Object Name} -f {path to source file} [--mapping {path to mapping file}] [--insert-nulls]
Update records
$ yasd update -t {Salesforce Object Name} -f {path to source file} [--mapping {path to mapping file}] [--insert-nulls]
Upsert records
$ yasd upsert -t {Salesforce Object Name} -f {path to source file} [--mapping {path to mapping file}] [--insert-nulls]
Delete records
$ yasd delete -t {Salesforce Object Name} -f {path to source file} [--mapping {path to mapping file}]
Undelete records
$ yasd undelete -t {Salesforce Object Name} -f {path to source file} [--mapping {path to mapping file}]
Encrypting Password
$ yasd generate-key > /path/to/key
$ yasd encrypt --key /path/to/key
# input your password interactively
Common Option
--username, -u
--password, -p
--endpoint, -e
Specify Salesforce API Version (e.g. 43.0)
Specify CSV delimiter
Specify CSV encoding, read/write
Specify CSV header mapping file path
--debug, -d
If you set debug, cli output transmitting API SOAP XML to stdout.
DML SubCommand Option (Insert, Update, Upsert, Delete, Undelete)
--file, -f
--type, -t
--query, -q
--output, -o
Just send pull request if needed or fill an issue!
The MIT License See LICENSE file.