Less compiler for Golang
Builds CSS using original Less compiler and goja for a true cross-platform Less solution.
The original project less-go used Duktape instead of goja.
This project is "stable" but also very much a work in progress. Expect changes as required, and feel free to submit pull requests to improve it.
go get github.com/tystuyfzand/less-go
Command Line usage
cd $GOPATH/src/github.com/tystuyfzand/less-go/lessc
go get
go build
./lessc --input="inputFile" --output="outputFile"
./lessc -i inputFile -o outputFile
./lessc --input="./styles.less" --output="./styles.css"
./lessc -i styles.less -o styles.css
More about usage you can see in cli help:
./lessc -h
Programmatic usage
import "github.com/tystuyfzand/less-go"
func main() {
output, err := less.RenderFile("./styles.less", map[string]interface{}{"compress": true})
Function reference
Renders Less as raw input and generates output CSS.
Renders Less files and generates output CSS.
SetReader(customReader Reader)
type Reader interface {
ReadFile(string) ([]byte, error)
Sets a custom reader for .less files. You can use it to replace standard input from file system to another. Example:
type LessReader struct{}
var lessFiles = map[string][]byte{"styles": []byte{".class { width: (1 + 1) }"}}
func (LessReader) ReadFile(path string) ([]byte, error) {
lessFile, ok := lessFiles[path]
if !ok {
return "", errors.New("path not found")
return lessFile, nil
func main() {
Updating Less
Get the latest version of less.js, navigate to packages/less/src
With npm installed, run:
npm install @babel/core @babel/cli @babel/preset-env
Then, run babel to get a copy that goja can run:
npx babel less/ --out-dir /path/to/less-go/assets/less/ --presets=@babel/preset-env
And finally, re-build the packr files:
Current limitations
Unlike the original version, this doesn't use any C Javascript engine. It will run on any platform, and cross compile just fine.
CLI interface doesn't support options