
v0.0.1-alpha Latest Latest

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Published: Feb 28, 2022 License: Apache-2.0 Imports: 14 Imported by: 0



This package provides a set of minimal interfaces which both build on and are by default backed by go-metrics. We wrap go-metrics in order to provide a few pieces of additional functionality and to make sure we don't leak our dependencies to anyone pulling in scoot as a library.

Specifically, we provide the following: - Flexibility to override stat recording and formatting, ex: internal Twitter format. - An interface similar in design to Finagle Metrics - A StatsReceiver object that can be passed down a call tree and scoped to each level. - The ability to specify a time.Duration precision when rendering instruments. - A latched update mechanism which takes snapshots at regular intervals. - A new Latency instrument to more easily record callsite latency. - Pretty printing of instrument output.

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const (
	/****************** ClusterManger metrics ***************************/
		Cluster metrics on Node types
		Available - available or running tasks (not suspended)
		Free - available, not running
		Running - running tasks
		Lost - not responding to status requests
	ClusterAvailableNodes = "availableNodes"
	ClusterFreeNodes      = "freeNodes"
	ClusterRunningNodes   = "runningNodes"
	ClusterLostNodes      = "lostNodes"

	ClusterNodeUpdateFreqMs = "clusterSetNodeUpdatesFreq_ms"
	ClusterFetchFreqMs      = "clusterFetchFreq_ms"
	ClusterFetchDurationMs  = "clusterFetchDuration_ms"
	ClusterNumFetchedNodes  = "clusterNumFetchedNodes"
	ClusterFetchedError     = "clusterFetchError"

	/************************* Bundlestore metrics **************************/
		Bundlestore download metrics (Reads/Gets from top-level Bundlestore/Apiserver)
	BundlestoreDownloadLatency_ms = "downloadLatency_ms"
	BundlestoreDownloadCounter    = "downloadCounter"
	BundlestoreDownloadErrCounter = "downloadErrCounter"
	BundlestoreDownloadOkCounter  = "downloadOkCounter"

		Bundlestore check metrics (Exists/Heads from top-level Bundlestore/Apiserver)
	BundlestoreCheckLatency_ms = "checkLatency_ms"
	BundlestoreCheckCounter    = "checkCounter"
	BundlestoreCheckErrCounter = "checkErrCounter"
	BundlestoreCheckOkCounter  = "checkOkCounter"

		Bundlestore upload metrics (Writes/Puts to top-level Bundlestore/Apiserver)
	BundlestoreUploadCounter         = "uploadCounter"
	BundlestoreUploadErrCounter      = "uploadErrCounter"
	BundlestoreUploadExistingCounter = "uploadExistingCounter"
	BundlestoreUploadLatency_ms      = "uploadLatency_ms"
	BundlestoreUploadOkCounter       = "uploadOkCounter"

	   Bundlestore request counters and uptime statistics
	BundlestoreRequestCounter     = "serveRequestCounter"
	BundlestoreRequestOkCounter   = "serveOkCounter"
	BundlestoreServerStartedGauge = "bundlestoreStartGauge"
	BundlestoreUptime_ms          = "bundlestoreUptimeGauge_ms"

	/************************* Groupcache Metrics ***************************/
		Groupcache Read metrics
	GroupcacheReadCounter    = "readCounter"
	GroupcacheReadOkCounter  = "readOkCounter"
	GroupcacheReadLatency_ms = "readLatency_ms"

		Groupcache Exists metrics
	GroupcacheExistsCounter   = "existsCounter"
	GroupcachExistsLatency_ms = "existsLatency_ms"
	GroupcacheExistsOkCounter = "existsOkCounter"

		Groupcache Write metrics
	GroupcacheWriteCounter    = "writeCounter"
	GroupcacheWriteOkCounter  = "writeOkCounter"
	GroupcacheWriteLatency_ms = "writeLatency_ms"

		Groupcache Underlying load metrics (cache misses)
	GroupcacheReadUnderlyingCounter     = "readUnderlyingCounter"
	GroupcacheReadUnderlyingLatency_ms  = "readUnderlyingLatency_ms"
	GroupcacheExistUnderlyingCounter    = "existUnderlyingCounter"
	GroupcacheExistUnderlyingLatency_ms = "existUnderlyingLatency_ms"
	GroupcacheWriteUnderlyingCounter    = "writeUnderlyingCounter"
	GroupcacheWriteUnderlyingLatency_ms = "writeUnderlyingLatency_ms"

		Groupcache library - per-cache metrics (typical groupcache includes separate "main" and "hot" caches)
	GroupcacheMainBytesGauge       = "mainBytesGauge"
	GroupcacheMainGetsCounter      = "mainGetsCounter"
	GroupcacheMainHitsCounter      = "mainHitsCounter"
	GroupcacheMainItemsGauge       = "mainItemsGauge"
	GroupcacheMainEvictionsCounter = "mainEvictionsCounter"
	GroupcacheHotBytesGauge        = "hotBytesGauge"
	GroupcacheHotGetsCounter       = "hotGetsCounter"
	GroupcacheHotHitsCounter       = "hotHitsCounter"
	GroupcacheHotItemsGauge        = "hotItemsGauge"
	GroupcacheHotEvictionsCounter  = "hotEvictionsCounter"

		Groupcache library - per-group metrics (overall metrics for a groupcache on a single Apiserver)
	GroupcacheGetCounter              = "cacheGetCounter"
	GroupcacheContainCounter          = "cacheContainCounter"
	GroupcachePutCounter              = "cachePutCounter"
	GroupcacheHitCounter              = "cacheHitCounter"
	GroupcacheLoadCounter             = "cacheLoadCounter"
	GroupcacheCheckCounter            = "cacheCheckCounter"
	GroupcacheStoreCounter            = "cacheStoreCounter"
	GroupcacheIncomingRequestsCounter = "cacheIncomingRequestsCounter"
	GroupcacheLocalLoadErrCounter     = "cacheLocalLoadErrCounter"
	GroupcacheLocalLoadCounter        = "cacheLocalLoadCounter"
	GroupcacheLocalCheckErrCounter    = "cacheLocalCheckErrCounter"
	GroupcacheLocalCheckCounter       = "cacheLocalCheckCounter"
	GroupcacheLocalStoreErrCounter    = "cacheLocalStoreErrCounter"
	GroupcacheLocalStoreCounter       = "cacheLocalStoreCounter"
	GroupcachePeerGetsCounter         = "cachePeerGetsCounter"
	GroupcachePeerChecksCounter       = "cachePeerChecksCounter"
	GroupcachePeerPutsCounter         = "cachePeerPutsCounter"
	GroupcachPeerErrCounter           = "cachePeerErrCounter"

		Groupcache peer pool metrics (maintained by Scoot)
	GroupcachePeerCountGauge       = "peerCountGauge"
	GroupcachePeerDiscoveryCounter = "peerDiscoveryCounter"

	SchedAcceptedJobsGauge = "schedAcceptedJobsGauge"

		the number of tasks that have finished (including those that have been killed)
	SchedCompletedTaskCounter = "completedTaskCounter"

		The number of times any of the following conditions occurred:
		- the task's command errored while running
		- the platform could not run the task
		- the platform encountered an error reporting the end of the task to saga
	SchedFailedTaskCounter = "failedTaskCounter"

		the number of times the processing failed to serialize the workerapi status object
	SchedFailedTaskSerializeCounter = "failedTaskSerializeCounter"
		The number of tasks from the inProgress list waiting to start or running.
	SchedInProgressTasksGauge = "schedInProgressTasksGauge"

		the number of job requests that have been put on the addJobChannel
	SchedJobsCounter = "schedJobsCounter"

		the amount of time it takes to verify a job definition, add it to the job channel and
		return a job id.
	SchedJobLatency_ms = "schedJobLatency_ms"

		the number of jobs requests that have been able to be converted from the thrift
		request to the sched.JobDefinition structure.
	SchedJobRequestsCounter = "schedJobRequestsCounter"

		the number of async runners still waiting on task completion
	SchedNumAsyncRunnersGauge = "schedNumAsyncRunnersGauge"

		the number of jobs with tasks running.  Only reported by requestor
	SchedNumRunningJobsGauge = "schedNumRunningJobsGauge"

		the number of running tasks.  Collected at the end of each time through the
		scheduler's job handling loop.
	SchedNumRunningTasksGauge = "schedNumRunningTasksGauge"

		the number of tasks waiting to start. (Only reported by requestor)
	SchedNumWaitingTasksGauge = "schedNumWaitingTasksGauge"

		the number of active tasks that stopped because they were preempted by the scheduler
	SchedPreemptedTasksCounter = "preemptedTasksCounter"

		the number of times the platform retried sending an end saga message
	SchedRetriedEndSagaCounter = "schedRetriedEndSagaCounter"

		record the start of the scheduler server
	SchedServerStartedGauge = "schedStartGauge"

		the number of tasks that were scheduled to be started on nodes with the last
		run of the scheduling algorithm
	SchedScheduledTasksCounter = "scheduledTasksCounter"

		the number of times the server received a job kill request
	SchedServerJobKillCounter = "jobKillRpmCounter"

		the amount of time it took to kill a job (from the server)
	SchedServerJobKillLatency_ms = "jobKillLatency_ms"

		the number of job status requests the thrift server received
	SchedServerJobStatusCounter = "jobStatusRpmCounter"

		the amount of time it took to process a job status request (from the server)
	SchedServerJobStatusLatency_ms = "jobStatusLatency_ms"

		the number of job run requests the thrift server received
	SchedServerRunJobCounter = "runJobRpmCounter"

		the amount of time it took to process a RunJob request (from the server) and return either an error or job id
	SchedServerRunJobLatency_ms = "runJobLatency_ms"

		The amount of time it takes to assign the tasks to nodes
	SchedTaskAssignmentsLatency_ms = "schedTaskAssignmentsLatency_ms"

		the number of times the task runner had to retry the task start
	SchedTaskStartRetries = "taskStartRetries"

		The length of time the server has been running
	SchedUptime_ms = "schedUptimeGauge_ms"

		The number of jobs waiting to start in the inProgress list at the end of each time through the
		scheduler's job handling loop.  (No tasks in this job have been started.)
	SchedWaitingJobsGauge = "schedWaitingJobsGauge"

		Amount of time it takes the scheduler to complete a full step()
	SchedStepLatency_ms = "schedStepLatency_ms"

		Amount of time it takes the scheduler to add newly requested jobs to list of jobs currently being handled by scheduler
	SchedAddJobsLatency_ms = "schedAddJobsLatency_ms"

		Amount of time it takes the scheduler to check newly requested jobs for validity
	SchedCheckJobsLoopLatency_ms = "schedCheckJobsLoopLatency_ms"

		Amount of time it takes the scheduler to add newly verified jobs from add job channel to list of jobs currently being handled by scheduler
	SchedAddJobsLoopLatency_ms = "schedAddJobsLoopLatency_ms"

		Amount of time it takes the scheduler to update list of removed / added nodes to its worker cluster
	SchedUpdateClusterLatency_ms = "schedUpdateClusterLatency_ms"

		Amount of time it takes the scheduler to process all messages in mailbox & execute callbacks (if applicable)
	SchedProcessMessagesLatency_ms = "schedProcessMessagesLatency_ms"

		Amount of time it takes the scheduler to check if any of the in progress jobs are completed
	SchedCheckForCompletedLatency_ms = "schedCheckForCompletedLatency_ms"

		Amount of time it takes the scheduler to kill all jobs requested to be killed
	SchedKillJobsLatency_ms = "schedKillJobsLatency_ms"

		Amount of time it takes the scheduler to figure out which tasks to schedule next and on which worker
	SchedScheduleTasksLatency_ms = "schedScheduleTasksLatency_ms"

	/*--------------------- load based scheduler stats ---------------------------*/
		number of time Load Based Scheduler saw an unrecognized requestor
	SchedLBSUnknownJobCounter = "schedLBSUnknownJobCounter"

	   number of jobs ignored because the load % is 0
	SchedLBSIgnoredJobCounter = "schedLBSIgnoredJobCounter"

		number of tasks starting by job class (after the last run of lbs)
	SchedJobClassTasksStarting = "schedStartingTasks_"

		number of tasks already running by job class (before starting tasks as per lbs)
	SchedJobClassTasksRunning = "schedRunningTasks_"

		number of tasks still waiting by job class after the tasks identified by lbs have started
	SchedJobClassTasksWaiting = "schedWaitingTasks_"

		job class % (set via scheduler api)
	SchedJobClassDefinedPct = "schedClassTargetPct_"

		job class actual % (set computed from running tasks)
	SchedJobClassActualPct = "schedClassActualPct_"

		number of tasks being stopped for the class (due to rebalancing)
	SchedStoppingTasks = "schedStoppingTasks_"

		scheduler internal data structure size monitoring
	SchedLBSConfigLoadPercentsSize     = "schedDS_size_ConfigLoadPercents"
	SchedLBSConfigRequestorToPctsSize  = "schedDS_size_ConfigRequestorToClassMap"
	SchedLBSConfigDescLoadPctSize      = "schedDS_size_ConfigDescLoadPercents"
	SchedLBSWorkingJobClassesSize      = "schedDS_size_WorkingJobClasses"
	SchedLBSWorkingLoadPercentsSize    = "schedDS_size_WorkingLoadPercents"
	SchedLBSWorkingRequestorToPctsSize = "schedDS_size_WorkingRequestorToClassMap"
	SchedLBSWorkingDescLoadPctSize     = "schedDS_size_WorkingDescLoadPercents"
	SchedTaskStartTimeMapSize          = "schedDS_size_taskStartTimeMap"
	SchedInProgressJobsSize            = "schedDS_size_inProgressJobs"
	SchedRequestorMapSize              = "schedDS_size_requestorMap"
	SchedRequestorHistorySize          = "schedDS_size_requestorHistory"
	SchedTaskDurationsSize             = "schedDS_size_taskDurations"
	SchedSagasSize                     = "schedDS_size_sagas"
	SchedRunnersSize                   = "schedDS_size_runners"

	/******************************** Worker metrics **************************************/
		The number of runs the worker has currently running
	WorkerActiveRunsGauge = "activeRunsGauge"

		The disk size change for the indicated directory seen when running the task.
		The reported stat will be of the form commandDirUsage_kb_<PathSuffix from
	CommandDirUsageKb = "commandDirUsage_kb"

		the number of times the worker downloaded a snapshot from bundlestore
	WorkerDownloads = "workerDownloads"

		the number of times a worker's inti failed.  Should be at most 1 for each worker
	WorkerDownloadInitFailure = "workerDownloadInitFailure"

		the amount of time spent downloading snapshots to the worker.  This includes time for
		successful as well as erroring downloads
	WorkerDownloadLatency_ms = "workerDownloadLatency_ms"

		The number of runs in the worker's statusAll() response that are not currently running
		TODO - this includes runs that are waiting to start - will not be accurate if we go to a
		worker that can run multiple commands
	WorkerEndedCachedRunsGauge = "endedCachedRunsGauge"

		The number of runs that the worker tried to run an whose state is failed
		TODO - understand how/when this gets reset - it's based on the runs in the worker's StatusAll()
		response - how/when do old jobs drop out of StatusAll()?
	WorkerFailedCachedRunsGauge = "failedCachedRunsGauge"

		The amount of time it took a worker to init
	WorkerFinalInitLatency_ms = "workerFinishedInitLatency_ms"

		The number of workers who are currently exceeding the max init time
	WorkerActiveInitLatency_ms = "workerActiveInitLatency_ms"

		the amount of worker's memory currently consumed by the current command (and its subprocesses)
		TODO- verify with Ryan that this description is correct
		scope is osexecer - change to worker?
	WorkerMemory = "memory"

		A gauge used to indicate if the worker is currently running a task or if is idling
	WorkerRunningTask = "runningTask"

		the number of abort requests received by the worker
	WorkerServerAborts = "aborts"

		the number of clear requests received by the worker
	WorkerServerClears = "clears"

		The number of QueryWorker requests received by the worker server
	WorkerServerQueries = "workerQueries"

		the amount of time it takes the worker to put a run request on the worker's run queue
	WorkerServerStartRunLatency_ms = "runLatency_ms"

		the number of run requests a worker has received
	WorkerServerRuns = "runs"

		record when a worker service is starting
	WorkerServerStartedGauge = "workerStartGauge"

		record when a worker service kills itself
	WorkerServerKillGauge = "workerKillGauge"

		The time it takes to run the task (including snapshot handling)
	WorkerTaskLatency_ms = "workerTaskLatency_ms"

		Time since the most recent run, status, abort, erase request
	WorkerTimeSinceLastContactGauge_ms = "timeSinceLastContactGauge_ms"

		the number of times the worker uploaded a snapshot to bundlestore
	WorkerUploads = "workerUploads"

		the amount of time spent uploading snapshots to bundlestore.  This includes time for
		successful as well as erroring uploads
	WorkerUploadLatency_ms = "workerUploadLatency_ms"

		Time since the worker started
	WorkerUptimeGauge_ms = "workerUptimeGauge_ms"

		The amount of time a worker node was idle between tasks
	WorkerIdleLatency_ms = "workerIdleLatency_ms"

	/****************************** Git Metrics **********************************************/
		The number of failures trying to init a ref clone
	GitClonerInitFailures = "clonerInitFailures"

		The amount of time it took to init a ref clone
	GitClonerInitLatency_ms = "clonerInitLatency_ms"

		The number of times a gitdb stream backend had to resort to a git fetch
	GitStreamUpdateFetches = "gitStreamUpdateFetches"

	/****************************** Execution Service ******************************************/
		Execute API metrics emitted by Scheduler
	BzExecSuccessCounter = "bzExecSuccessCounter"
	BzExecFailureCounter = "bzExecFailureCounter"
	BzExecLatency_ms     = "bzExecLatency_ms"

		Longrunning GetOperation API metrics emitted by Scheduler
	BzGetOpSuccessCounter = "bzGetOpSuccessCounter"
	BzGetOpFailureCounter = "bzGetOpFailureCounter"
	BzGetOpLatency_ms     = "bzGetOpLatency_ms"

		Longrunning CancelOperation API metrics emitted by Scheduler
	BzCancelOpSuccessCounter = "bzCancelOpSuccessCounter"
	BzCancelOpFailureCounter = "bzCancelOpFailureCounter"
	BzCancelOpLatency_ms     = "bzCancelOpLatency_ms"

	/****************************** Worker/Invoker Execution Timings ***************************/
		Execution metadata timing metrics emitted by Worker.
		These probably aren't updated enough to make use of the Histogram values, but
		using that type results in these values being automatically cleared each
		stat interval vs a gauge.
	BzExecQueuedTimeHistogram_ms           = "bzExecQueuedTimeHistogram_ms"
	BzExecInputFetchTimeHistogram_ms       = "bzExecInputFetchTimeHistogram_ms"
	BzExecActionCacheCheckTimeHistogram_ms = "BzExecActionCacheCheckTimeHistogram_ms"
	BzExecActionFetchTimeHistogram_ms      = "BzExecActionFetchTimeHistogram_ms"
	BzExecCommandFetchTimeHistogram_ms     = "BzExecCommandFetchTimeHistogram_ms"
	BzExecExecerTimeHistogram_ms           = "bzExecExecerTimeHistogram_ms"

	/****************************** CAS Service ******************************************/
		FindMissingBlobs API metrics emitted by Apiserver
	BzFindBlobsSuccessCounter  = "bzFindBlobsSuccessCounter"
	BzFindBlobsFailureCounter  = "bzFindBlobsFailureCounter"
	BzFindBlobsLengthHistogram = "bzFindBlobsLengthHistogram"
	BzFindBlobsLatency_ms      = "bzFindBlobsLatency_ms"

		CAS Read API metrics emitted by Apiserver
	BzReadSuccessCounter = "bzReadSuccessCounter"
	BzReadFailureCounter = "bzReadFailureCounter"
	BzReadBytesHistogram = "bzReadBytesHistogram"
	BzReadLatency_ms     = "bzReadLatency_ms"

		CAS Write API metrics emitted by Apiserver
	BzWriteSuccessCounter = "bzWriteSuccessCounter"
	BzWriteFailureCounter = "bzWriteFailureCounter"
	BzWriteBytesHistogram = "bzWriteBytesHistogram"
	BzWriteLatency_ms     = "bzWriteLatency_ms"

		CAS BatchUpdateBlobs API metrics emitted by Apiserver
	BzBatchUpdateSuccessCounter  = "bzBatchUpdateSuccessCounter"
	BzBatchUpdateFailureCounter  = "bzBatchUpdateFailureCounter"
	BzBatchUpdateLengthHistogram = "bzBatchUpdateLengthHistogram"
	BzBatchUpdateLatency_ms      = "bzBatchUpdateLatency_ms"

		CAS BatchReadBlobs API metrics emitted by Apiserver
	BzBatchReadSuccessCounter  = "bzBatchReadSuccessCounter"
	BzBatchReadFailureCounter  = "bzBatchReadFailureCounter"
	BzBatchReadLengthHistogram = "bzBatchReadLengthHistogram"
	BzBatchReadLatency_ms      = "bzBatchReadLatency_ms"

	/****************************** ActionCache Service ****************************************/
		ActionCache result metrics
	BzCachedExecCounter = "bzCachedExecCounter"

		GetActionResult API metrics emitted by Apiserver
	BzGetActionSuccessCounter = "bzGetActionSuccessCounter"
	BzGetActionFailureCounter = "bzGetActionFailureCounter"
	BzGetActionLatency_ms     = "bzGetActionLatency_ms"

		UpdateActionResult API metrics emitted by Apiserver
	BzUpdateActionSuccessCounter = "bzUpdateActionSuccessCounter"
	BzUpdateActionFailureCounter = "bzUpdateActionFailureCounter"
	BzUpdateActionLatency_ms     = "bzUpdateActionLatency_ms"

	/****************************** Saga Metrics ****************************************/
		The amount of time spent in looping through the buffered update channel to accumulate
		the updates in a batch, to be processed together
	SagaUpdateStateLoopLatency_ms = "sagaUpdateStateLoopLatency_ms"

		The amount of time spent in (bulk) updating the saga state and storing the messages in sagalog
	SagaUpdateStateLatency_ms = "sagaUpdateStateLatency_ms"

		The number of updates that were processed together by the updateSagaState loop
	SagaNumUpdatesProcessed = "sagaNumUpdatesProcessed"

		The amount of time spent in updating the saga state and sagalog when a task starts or ends
	SagaStartOrEndTaskLatency_ms = "sagaStartOrEndTaskLatency_ms"


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var DefaultStartupGaugeSpikeLen time.Duration = 1 * time.Minute
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var DoesNotExistTest = RuleChecker{/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}
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var FloatEqTest = RuleChecker{/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}
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var FloatGTTest = RuleChecker{/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}
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var Int64EqTest = RuleChecker{/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}
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var Int64GTTest = RuleChecker{/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}
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var NewCounter func() Counter = newMetricCounter

Overridable instrument creation.

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var NewGauge func() Gauge = newMetricGauge
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var NewGaugeFloat func() GaugeFloat = newMetricGaugeFloat
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var NewHistogram func() Histogram = newMetricHistogram
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var NewLatency func() Latency = newLatency
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var StatReportIntvl time.Duration = 500 * time.Millisecond


func GetDiskUsageKB

func GetDiskUsageKB(dir string) (uint64, error)

GetDiskUsageKB use posix du to get disk usage of a dir, for simplicity vs syscall or walking dir contents

func PPrintStats

func PPrintStats(tag string, statsRegistry StatsRegistry)

func ReportServerRestart

func ReportServerRestart(stat StatsReceiver, statName string, startupGaugeSpikeLen time.Duration)

func StartUptimeReporting

func StartUptimeReporting(stat StatsReceiver, statName string, serverStartGaugeName string, startupGaugeSpikeLen time.Duration)

func StatsOk

func StatsOk(tag string, statsRegistry StatsRegistry, t *testing.T, contains map[string]Rule) bool

Verify that the stats registry object contains values for the keys in the contains map parameter and that each entry conforms to the rule (condition) associated with that key.


type CapturedRegistry

type CapturedRegistry struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

type Counter

type Counter interface {
	Capture() Counter
	Count() int64

Minimally mirror go-metrics instruments.


type DirsMonitor

type DirsMonitor struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

DirsMonitor monitor disk usage for selected directories

var NopDirsMonitor *DirsMonitor = NewDirsMonitor([]MonitorDir{})

func NewDirsMonitor

func NewDirsMonitor(dirs []MonitorDir) *DirsMonitor

NewDirsMonitor return a DirsMonitor

func (*DirsMonitor) GetEndSizes

func (dm *DirsMonitor) GetEndSizes()

GetEndSizes get the ending sizes of the directories being monitored

func (*DirsMonitor) GetStartSizes

func (dm *DirsMonitor) GetStartSizes()

GetStartSizes get the starting sizes of the directories being monitored

func (*DirsMonitor) RecordSizeStats

func (dm *DirsMonitor) RecordSizeStats(stat StatsReceiver)

RecordSizeStats record the disk size deltas to the stats receiver

type Gauge

type Gauge interface {
	Capture() Gauge
	Value() int64


type GaugeFloat

type GaugeFloat interface {
	Capture() GaugeFloat
	Value() float64


type Histogram

type Histogram interface {
	Capture() Histogram


type HistogramView

type HistogramView interface {
	Mean() float64
	Count() int64
	Max() int64
	Min() int64
	Sum() int64
	Percentiles(ps []float64) []float64

Viewable histogram without updates or capture.

type Latency

type Latency interface {
	Capture() Latency
	Time() Latency //returns self.
	GetPrecision() time.Duration
	Precision(time.Duration) Latency //returns self.

Latency. Default implementation uses Histogram as its base.

type MarshalerPretty

type MarshalerPretty interface {
	MarshalJSONPretty() ([]byte, error)

To check if pretty printing is supported.

type MonitorDir

type MonitorDir struct {
	Directory  string // the directory to monitor
	StatSuffix string // the suffix to use on the commandDirUsage_kb stat
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

MonitorDir a directory to monitor and a shortname (suffix) for reporting the stat

type Rule

type Rule struct {
	Checker RuleChecker
	Value   interface{}

defines the condition checker to use to validate the measurement. Each Checker(a, b) implementation will expect a to be the 'got' value and b to be the 'expected' value.

type RuleChecker

type RuleChecker struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

Utilities for validating the stats registry contents

add new Checker functions here as needed

type StatsReceiver

type StatsReceiver interface {
	// Return a stats receiver that will automatically namespace elements with
	// the given scope args.
	//   statsReceiver.Scope("foo", "bar").Stat("baz")  // is equivalent to
	//   statsReceiver.Stat("foo", "bar", "baz")
	Scope(scope ...string) StatsReceiver

	// If StatsRegistry supports the latency instrument:
	// Returns a copy that can in turn create a Latency instrument that will use the
	// given precision as its display precision when the stats are rendered as
	// JSON. For example:
	//   statsReceiver.Precision(time.Millisecond).Stat("foo_ms")
	// means that the 'foo_ms' stat will have its nanosecond data points displayed
	// as milliseconds when rendered. Note that this does _not_ affect the
	// captured data in any way, only its display.
	// If the given duration is <= 1ns, we will default to ns.
	Precision(time.Duration) StatsReceiver

	// Provides an event counter
	Counter(name ...string) Counter

	// Provides a histogram of sampled stats over time. Times output in
	// nanoseconds by default, but can be adjusted by using the Precision()
	// function.
	Latency(name ...string) Latency

	// Add a gauge, which holds an int64 value that can be set arbitrarily.
	Gauge(name ...string) Gauge

	// Add a gauge, which holds a float64 value that can be set arbitrarily.
	GaugeFloat(name ...string) GaugeFloat

	// Provide a histogram of sampled stats
	Histogram(name ...string) Histogram

	// Removes the given named stats item if it exists
	Remove(name ...string)

	// Construct a JSON string by marshaling the registry.
	Render(pretty bool) []byte

A registry wrapper for metrics that will be collected about the runtime performance of an application.

A quick note about name elements: hierarchical names are stored using a '/' path separator. To avoid confusion, variadic name elements passed to any method will have '/' characters in their names replaced by the string "_SLASH_" before they are used internally. This is instead of failing, because sometimes counters are dynamically generated (i.e. with error names), and it is better to strip the path elements than to, for example, panic.

var CurrentStatsReceiver StatsReceiver = NilStatsReceiver()

Stats users can either reference this global receiver or construct their own.

func DefaultStatsReceiver

func DefaultStatsReceiver() StatsReceiver

DefaultStats is a small wrapper around a go-metrics like registry. Uses defaultStatsRegistry and sets latched duration to zero. Note: a <=0 latch means that the stats are reset on every call to Render().

func NewCustomStatsReceiver

func NewCustomStatsReceiver(makeRegistry func() StatsRegistry, latched time.Duration) (stat StatsReceiver, cancelFn func())

Like DefaultStatsReceiver() but registry and latched are made explicit.

func NewLatchedStatsReceiver

func NewLatchedStatsReceiver(latched time.Duration) (stat StatsReceiver, cancelFn func())

Like DefaultStatsReceiver() but latched interval is made explicit. Starts a goroutine that periodically captures all and clears select instruments. Note: setting latched to <=0 will disable latching so rendering/resetting is on demand. Note: it is up the main app to prevent calls to Render() after canceling the latched receiver.

func NilStatsReceiver

func NilStatsReceiver(scope ...string) StatsReceiver

NilStats ignores all stats operations.

type StatsRegistry

type StatsRegistry interface {
	// Gets an existing metric or registers the given one.
	// The interface can be the metric to register if not found in registry,
	// or a function returning the metric for lazy instantiation.
	GetOrRegister(string, interface{}) interface{}

	// Unregister the metric with the given name.

	// Call the given function for each registered metric.
	Each(func(string, interface{}))

Similar to the go-metrics registry but with most methods removed.

Note: the default StatsRegistry (from rcrowley) doesn't support the Latency metric,

only finagleStatsRegistry has logic to check for and marshal latency.

func NewFinagleStatsRegistry

func NewFinagleStatsRegistry() StatsRegistry

type StatsTicker

type StatsTicker interface {
	C() <-chan time.Time

wraps the stdlib time.Ticker struct, allows for mocking in tests

func NewStatsTicker

func NewStatsTicker(dur time.Duration) StatsTicker

type StatsTime

type StatsTime interface {
	Now() time.Time
	Since(t time.Time) time.Duration
	NewTicker(d time.Duration) StatsTicker

Defines the calls we make to the stdlib time package. Allows for overriding in tests.

For testing.

func DefaultStatsTime

func DefaultStatsTime() StatsTime

Returns a StatsTime instance backed by the stdlib 'time' package

func DefaultTestTime

func DefaultTestTime() StatsTime

func NewTestTime

func NewTestTime(now time.Time, since time.Duration, ch <-chan time.Time) StatsTime

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