Index ¶
- type ApiService
- func (c *ApiService) CreateCommand(params *CreateCommandParams) (*SupersimV1Command, error)
- func (c *ApiService) CreateEsimProfile(params *CreateEsimProfileParams) (*SupersimV1EsimProfile, error)
- func (c *ApiService) CreateFleet(params *CreateFleetParams) (*SupersimV1Fleet, error)
- func (c *ApiService) CreateIpCommand(params *CreateIpCommandParams) (*SupersimV1IpCommand, error)
- func (c *ApiService) CreateNetworkAccessProfile(params *CreateNetworkAccessProfileParams) (*SupersimV1NetworkAccessProfile, error)
- func (c *ApiService) CreateNetworkAccessProfileNetwork(NetworkAccessProfileSid string, ...) (*SupersimV1NetworkAccessProfileNetwork, error)
- func (c *ApiService) CreateSim(params *CreateSimParams) (*SupersimV1Sim, error)
- func (c *ApiService) CreateSmsCommand(params *CreateSmsCommandParams) (*SupersimV1SmsCommand, error)
- func (c *ApiService) DeleteNetworkAccessProfileNetwork(NetworkAccessProfileSid string, Sid string) error
- func (c *ApiService) FetchCommand(Sid string) (*SupersimV1Command, error)
- func (c *ApiService) FetchEsimProfile(Sid string) (*SupersimV1EsimProfile, error)
- func (c *ApiService) FetchFleet(Sid string) (*SupersimV1Fleet, error)
- func (c *ApiService) FetchIpCommand(Sid string) (*SupersimV1IpCommand, error)
- func (c *ApiService) FetchNetwork(Sid string) (*SupersimV1Network, error)
- func (c *ApiService) FetchNetworkAccessProfile(Sid string) (*SupersimV1NetworkAccessProfile, error)
- func (c *ApiService) FetchNetworkAccessProfileNetwork(NetworkAccessProfileSid string, Sid string) (*SupersimV1NetworkAccessProfileNetwork, error)
- func (c *ApiService) FetchSim(Sid string) (*SupersimV1Sim, error)
- func (c *ApiService) FetchSmsCommand(Sid string) (*SupersimV1SmsCommand, error)
- func (c *ApiService) ListBillingPeriod(SimSid string, params *ListBillingPeriodParams) ([]SupersimV1BillingPeriod, error)
- func (c *ApiService) ListCommand(params *ListCommandParams) ([]SupersimV1Command, error)
- func (c *ApiService) ListEsimProfile(params *ListEsimProfileParams) ([]SupersimV1EsimProfile, error)
- func (c *ApiService) ListFleet(params *ListFleetParams) ([]SupersimV1Fleet, error)
- func (c *ApiService) ListIpCommand(params *ListIpCommandParams) ([]SupersimV1IpCommand, error)
- func (c *ApiService) ListNetwork(params *ListNetworkParams) ([]SupersimV1Network, error)
- func (c *ApiService) ListNetworkAccessProfile(params *ListNetworkAccessProfileParams) ([]SupersimV1NetworkAccessProfile, error)
- func (c *ApiService) ListNetworkAccessProfileNetwork(NetworkAccessProfileSid string, params *ListNetworkAccessProfileNetworkParams) ([]SupersimV1NetworkAccessProfileNetwork, error)
- func (c *ApiService) ListSim(params *ListSimParams) ([]SupersimV1Sim, error)
- func (c *ApiService) ListSmsCommand(params *ListSmsCommandParams) ([]SupersimV1SmsCommand, error)
- func (c *ApiService) ListUsageRecord(params *ListUsageRecordParams) ([]SupersimV1UsageRecord, error)
- func (c *ApiService) PageBillingPeriod(SimSid string, params *ListBillingPeriodParams, pageToken, pageNumber string) (*ListBillingPeriodResponse, error)
- func (c *ApiService) PageCommand(params *ListCommandParams, pageToken, pageNumber string) (*ListCommandResponse, error)
- func (c *ApiService) PageEsimProfile(params *ListEsimProfileParams, pageToken, pageNumber string) (*ListEsimProfileResponse, error)
- func (c *ApiService) PageFleet(params *ListFleetParams, pageToken, pageNumber string) (*ListFleetResponse, error)
- func (c *ApiService) PageIpCommand(params *ListIpCommandParams, pageToken, pageNumber string) (*ListIpCommandResponse, error)
- func (c *ApiService) PageNetwork(params *ListNetworkParams, pageToken, pageNumber string) (*ListNetworkResponse, error)
- func (c *ApiService) PageNetworkAccessProfile(params *ListNetworkAccessProfileParams, pageToken, pageNumber string) (*ListNetworkAccessProfileResponse, error)
- func (c *ApiService) PageNetworkAccessProfileNetwork(NetworkAccessProfileSid string, params *ListNetworkAccessProfileNetworkParams, ...) (*ListNetworkAccessProfileNetworkResponse, error)
- func (c *ApiService) PageSim(params *ListSimParams, pageToken, pageNumber string) (*ListSimResponse, error)
- func (c *ApiService) PageSmsCommand(params *ListSmsCommandParams, pageToken, pageNumber string) (*ListSmsCommandResponse, error)
- func (c *ApiService) PageUsageRecord(params *ListUsageRecordParams, pageToken, pageNumber string) (*ListUsageRecordResponse, error)
- func (c *ApiService) StreamBillingPeriod(SimSid string, params *ListBillingPeriodParams) (chan SupersimV1BillingPeriod, error)
- func (c *ApiService) StreamCommand(params *ListCommandParams) (chan SupersimV1Command, error)
- func (c *ApiService) StreamEsimProfile(params *ListEsimProfileParams) (chan SupersimV1EsimProfile, error)
- func (c *ApiService) StreamFleet(params *ListFleetParams) (chan SupersimV1Fleet, error)
- func (c *ApiService) StreamIpCommand(params *ListIpCommandParams) (chan SupersimV1IpCommand, error)
- func (c *ApiService) StreamNetwork(params *ListNetworkParams) (chan SupersimV1Network, error)
- func (c *ApiService) StreamNetworkAccessProfile(params *ListNetworkAccessProfileParams) (chan SupersimV1NetworkAccessProfile, error)
- func (c *ApiService) StreamNetworkAccessProfileNetwork(NetworkAccessProfileSid string, params *ListNetworkAccessProfileNetworkParams) (chan SupersimV1NetworkAccessProfileNetwork, error)
- func (c *ApiService) StreamSim(params *ListSimParams) (chan SupersimV1Sim, error)
- func (c *ApiService) StreamSmsCommand(params *ListSmsCommandParams) (chan SupersimV1SmsCommand, error)
- func (c *ApiService) StreamUsageRecord(params *ListUsageRecordParams) (chan SupersimV1UsageRecord, error)
- func (c *ApiService) UpdateFleet(Sid string, params *UpdateFleetParams) (*SupersimV1Fleet, error)
- func (c *ApiService) UpdateNetworkAccessProfile(Sid string, params *UpdateNetworkAccessProfileParams) (*SupersimV1NetworkAccessProfile, error)
- func (c *ApiService) UpdateSim(Sid string, params *UpdateSimParams) (*SupersimV1Sim, error)
- type CreateCommandParams
- func (params *CreateCommandParams) SetCallbackMethod(CallbackMethod string) *CreateCommandParams
- func (params *CreateCommandParams) SetCallbackUrl(CallbackUrl string) *CreateCommandParams
- func (params *CreateCommandParams) SetCommand(Command string) *CreateCommandParams
- func (params *CreateCommandParams) SetSim(Sim string) *CreateCommandParams
- type CreateEsimProfileParams
- type CreateFleetParams
- func (params *CreateFleetParams) SetCommandsEnabled(CommandsEnabled bool) *CreateFleetParams
- func (params *CreateFleetParams) SetCommandsMethod(CommandsMethod string) *CreateFleetParams
- func (params *CreateFleetParams) SetCommandsUrl(CommandsUrl string) *CreateFleetParams
- func (params *CreateFleetParams) SetDataEnabled(DataEnabled bool) *CreateFleetParams
- func (params *CreateFleetParams) SetDataLimit(DataLimit int) *CreateFleetParams
- func (params *CreateFleetParams) SetIpCommandsMethod(IpCommandsMethod string) *CreateFleetParams
- func (params *CreateFleetParams) SetIpCommandsUrl(IpCommandsUrl string) *CreateFleetParams
- func (params *CreateFleetParams) SetNetworkAccessProfile(NetworkAccessProfile string) *CreateFleetParams
- func (params *CreateFleetParams) SetSmsCommandsEnabled(SmsCommandsEnabled bool) *CreateFleetParams
- func (params *CreateFleetParams) SetSmsCommandsMethod(SmsCommandsMethod string) *CreateFleetParams
- func (params *CreateFleetParams) SetSmsCommandsUrl(SmsCommandsUrl string) *CreateFleetParams
- func (params *CreateFleetParams) SetUniqueName(UniqueName string) *CreateFleetParams
- type CreateIpCommandParams
- func (params *CreateIpCommandParams) SetCallbackMethod(CallbackMethod string) *CreateIpCommandParams
- func (params *CreateIpCommandParams) SetCallbackUrl(CallbackUrl string) *CreateIpCommandParams
- func (params *CreateIpCommandParams) SetDevicePort(DevicePort int) *CreateIpCommandParams
- func (params *CreateIpCommandParams) SetPayload(Payload string) *CreateIpCommandParams
- func (params *CreateIpCommandParams) SetPayloadType(PayloadType string) *CreateIpCommandParams
- func (params *CreateIpCommandParams) SetSim(Sim string) *CreateIpCommandParams
- type CreateNetworkAccessProfileNetworkParams
- type CreateNetworkAccessProfileParams
- type CreateSimParams
- type CreateSmsCommandParams
- func (params *CreateSmsCommandParams) SetCallbackMethod(CallbackMethod string) *CreateSmsCommandParams
- func (params *CreateSmsCommandParams) SetCallbackUrl(CallbackUrl string) *CreateSmsCommandParams
- func (params *CreateSmsCommandParams) SetPayload(Payload string) *CreateSmsCommandParams
- func (params *CreateSmsCommandParams) SetSim(Sim string) *CreateSmsCommandParams
- type ListBillingPeriodParams
- type ListBillingPeriodResponse
- type ListCommandParams
- func (params *ListCommandParams) SetDirection(Direction string) *ListCommandParams
- func (params *ListCommandParams) SetLimit(Limit int) *ListCommandParams
- func (params *ListCommandParams) SetPageSize(PageSize int) *ListCommandParams
- func (params *ListCommandParams) SetSim(Sim string) *ListCommandParams
- func (params *ListCommandParams) SetStatus(Status string) *ListCommandParams
- type ListCommandResponse
- type ListCommandResponseMeta
- type ListEsimProfileParams
- func (params *ListEsimProfileParams) SetEid(Eid string) *ListEsimProfileParams
- func (params *ListEsimProfileParams) SetLimit(Limit int) *ListEsimProfileParams
- func (params *ListEsimProfileParams) SetPageSize(PageSize int) *ListEsimProfileParams
- func (params *ListEsimProfileParams) SetSimSid(SimSid string) *ListEsimProfileParams
- func (params *ListEsimProfileParams) SetStatus(Status string) *ListEsimProfileParams
- type ListEsimProfileResponse
- type ListFleetParams
- type ListFleetResponse
- type ListIpCommandParams
- func (params *ListIpCommandParams) SetDirection(Direction string) *ListIpCommandParams
- func (params *ListIpCommandParams) SetLimit(Limit int) *ListIpCommandParams
- func (params *ListIpCommandParams) SetPageSize(PageSize int) *ListIpCommandParams
- func (params *ListIpCommandParams) SetSim(Sim string) *ListIpCommandParams
- func (params *ListIpCommandParams) SetSimIccid(SimIccid string) *ListIpCommandParams
- func (params *ListIpCommandParams) SetStatus(Status string) *ListIpCommandParams
- type ListIpCommandResponse
- type ListNetworkAccessProfileNetworkParams
- type ListNetworkAccessProfileNetworkResponse
- type ListNetworkAccessProfileParams
- type ListNetworkAccessProfileResponse
- type ListNetworkParams
- func (params *ListNetworkParams) SetIsoCountry(IsoCountry string) *ListNetworkParams
- func (params *ListNetworkParams) SetLimit(Limit int) *ListNetworkParams
- func (params *ListNetworkParams) SetMcc(Mcc string) *ListNetworkParams
- func (params *ListNetworkParams) SetMnc(Mnc string) *ListNetworkParams
- func (params *ListNetworkParams) SetPageSize(PageSize int) *ListNetworkParams
- type ListNetworkResponse
- type ListSimParams
- func (params *ListSimParams) SetFleet(Fleet string) *ListSimParams
- func (params *ListSimParams) SetIccid(Iccid string) *ListSimParams
- func (params *ListSimParams) SetLimit(Limit int) *ListSimParams
- func (params *ListSimParams) SetPageSize(PageSize int) *ListSimParams
- func (params *ListSimParams) SetStatus(Status string) *ListSimParams
- type ListSimResponse
- type ListSmsCommandParams
- func (params *ListSmsCommandParams) SetDirection(Direction string) *ListSmsCommandParams
- func (params *ListSmsCommandParams) SetLimit(Limit int) *ListSmsCommandParams
- func (params *ListSmsCommandParams) SetPageSize(PageSize int) *ListSmsCommandParams
- func (params *ListSmsCommandParams) SetSim(Sim string) *ListSmsCommandParams
- func (params *ListSmsCommandParams) SetStatus(Status string) *ListSmsCommandParams
- type ListSmsCommandResponse
- type ListUsageRecordParams
- func (params *ListUsageRecordParams) SetEndTime(EndTime time.Time) *ListUsageRecordParams
- func (params *ListUsageRecordParams) SetFleet(Fleet string) *ListUsageRecordParams
- func (params *ListUsageRecordParams) SetGranularity(Granularity string) *ListUsageRecordParams
- func (params *ListUsageRecordParams) SetGroup(Group string) *ListUsageRecordParams
- func (params *ListUsageRecordParams) SetIsoCountry(IsoCountry string) *ListUsageRecordParams
- func (params *ListUsageRecordParams) SetLimit(Limit int) *ListUsageRecordParams
- func (params *ListUsageRecordParams) SetNetwork(Network string) *ListUsageRecordParams
- func (params *ListUsageRecordParams) SetPageSize(PageSize int) *ListUsageRecordParams
- func (params *ListUsageRecordParams) SetSim(Sim string) *ListUsageRecordParams
- func (params *ListUsageRecordParams) SetStartTime(StartTime time.Time) *ListUsageRecordParams
- type ListUsageRecordResponse
- type SupersimV1BillingPeriod
- type SupersimV1Command
- type SupersimV1EsimProfile
- type SupersimV1Fleet
- type SupersimV1IpCommand
- type SupersimV1Network
- type SupersimV1NetworkAccessProfile
- type SupersimV1NetworkAccessProfileNetwork
- type SupersimV1Sim
- type SupersimV1SmsCommand
- type SupersimV1UsageRecord
- type UpdateFleetParams
- func (params *UpdateFleetParams) SetCommandsMethod(CommandsMethod string) *UpdateFleetParams
- func (params *UpdateFleetParams) SetCommandsUrl(CommandsUrl string) *UpdateFleetParams
- func (params *UpdateFleetParams) SetIpCommandsMethod(IpCommandsMethod string) *UpdateFleetParams
- func (params *UpdateFleetParams) SetIpCommandsUrl(IpCommandsUrl string) *UpdateFleetParams
- func (params *UpdateFleetParams) SetNetworkAccessProfile(NetworkAccessProfile string) *UpdateFleetParams
- func (params *UpdateFleetParams) SetSmsCommandsMethod(SmsCommandsMethod string) *UpdateFleetParams
- func (params *UpdateFleetParams) SetSmsCommandsUrl(SmsCommandsUrl string) *UpdateFleetParams
- func (params *UpdateFleetParams) SetUniqueName(UniqueName string) *UpdateFleetParams
- type UpdateNetworkAccessProfileParams
- type UpdateSimParams
- func (params *UpdateSimParams) SetAccountSid(AccountSid string) *UpdateSimParams
- func (params *UpdateSimParams) SetCallbackMethod(CallbackMethod string) *UpdateSimParams
- func (params *UpdateSimParams) SetCallbackUrl(CallbackUrl string) *UpdateSimParams
- func (params *UpdateSimParams) SetFleet(Fleet string) *UpdateSimParams
- func (params *UpdateSimParams) SetStatus(Status string) *UpdateSimParams
- func (params *UpdateSimParams) SetUniqueName(UniqueName string) *UpdateSimParams
Constants ¶
This section is empty.
Variables ¶
This section is empty.
Functions ¶
This section is empty.
Types ¶
type ApiService ¶ added in v0.11.0
type ApiService struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewApiService ¶ added in v0.11.0
func NewApiService(requestHandler *twilio.RequestHandler) *ApiService
func NewApiServiceWithClient ¶ added in v0.11.0
func NewApiServiceWithClient(client twilio.BaseClient) *ApiService
func (*ApiService) CreateCommand ¶ added in v0.11.0
func (c *ApiService) CreateCommand(params *CreateCommandParams) (*SupersimV1Command, error)
Send a Command to a Sim.
func (*ApiService) CreateEsimProfile ¶ added in v0.20.1
func (c *ApiService) CreateEsimProfile(params *CreateEsimProfileParams) (*SupersimV1EsimProfile, error)
Order an eSIM Profile.
func (*ApiService) CreateFleet ¶ added in v0.11.0
func (c *ApiService) CreateFleet(params *CreateFleetParams) (*SupersimV1Fleet, error)
Create a Fleet
func (*ApiService) CreateIpCommand ¶ added in v0.18.2
func (c *ApiService) CreateIpCommand(params *CreateIpCommandParams) (*SupersimV1IpCommand, error)
Send an IP Command to a Super SIM.
func (*ApiService) CreateNetworkAccessProfile ¶ added in v0.11.0
func (c *ApiService) CreateNetworkAccessProfile(params *CreateNetworkAccessProfileParams) (*SupersimV1NetworkAccessProfile, error)
Create a new Network Access Profile
func (*ApiService) CreateNetworkAccessProfileNetwork ¶ added in v0.11.0
func (c *ApiService) CreateNetworkAccessProfileNetwork(NetworkAccessProfileSid string, params *CreateNetworkAccessProfileNetworkParams) (*SupersimV1NetworkAccessProfileNetwork, error)
Add a Network resource to the Network Access Profile resource.
func (*ApiService) CreateSim ¶ added in v0.11.0
func (c *ApiService) CreateSim(params *CreateSimParams) (*SupersimV1Sim, error)
Register a Super SIM to your Account
func (*ApiService) CreateSmsCommand ¶ added in v0.11.0
func (c *ApiService) CreateSmsCommand(params *CreateSmsCommandParams) (*SupersimV1SmsCommand, error)
Send SMS Command to a Sim.
func (*ApiService) DeleteNetworkAccessProfileNetwork ¶ added in v0.11.0
func (c *ApiService) DeleteNetworkAccessProfileNetwork(NetworkAccessProfileSid string, Sid string) error
Remove a Network resource from the Network Access Profile resource's.
func (*ApiService) FetchCommand ¶ added in v0.11.0
func (c *ApiService) FetchCommand(Sid string) (*SupersimV1Command, error)
Fetch a Command instance from your account.
func (*ApiService) FetchEsimProfile ¶ added in v0.20.1
func (c *ApiService) FetchEsimProfile(Sid string) (*SupersimV1EsimProfile, error)
Fetch an eSIM Profile.
func (*ApiService) FetchFleet ¶ added in v0.11.0
func (c *ApiService) FetchFleet(Sid string) (*SupersimV1Fleet, error)
Fetch a Fleet instance from your account.
func (*ApiService) FetchIpCommand ¶ added in v0.18.2
func (c *ApiService) FetchIpCommand(Sid string) (*SupersimV1IpCommand, error)
Fetch IP Command instance from your account.
func (*ApiService) FetchNetwork ¶ added in v0.11.0
func (c *ApiService) FetchNetwork(Sid string) (*SupersimV1Network, error)
Fetch a Network resource.
func (*ApiService) FetchNetworkAccessProfile ¶ added in v0.11.0
func (c *ApiService) FetchNetworkAccessProfile(Sid string) (*SupersimV1NetworkAccessProfile, error)
Fetch a Network Access Profile instance from your account.
func (*ApiService) FetchNetworkAccessProfileNetwork ¶ added in v0.11.0
func (c *ApiService) FetchNetworkAccessProfileNetwork(NetworkAccessProfileSid string, Sid string) (*SupersimV1NetworkAccessProfileNetwork, error)
Fetch a Network Access Profile resource's Network resource.
func (*ApiService) FetchSim ¶ added in v0.11.0
func (c *ApiService) FetchSim(Sid string) (*SupersimV1Sim, error)
Fetch a Super SIM instance from your account.
func (*ApiService) FetchSmsCommand ¶ added in v0.11.0
func (c *ApiService) FetchSmsCommand(Sid string) (*SupersimV1SmsCommand, error)
Fetch SMS Command instance from your account.
func (*ApiService) ListBillingPeriod ¶ added in v0.11.0
func (c *ApiService) ListBillingPeriod(SimSid string, params *ListBillingPeriodParams) ([]SupersimV1BillingPeriod, error)
Lists BillingPeriod records from the API as a list. Unlike stream, this operation is eager and loads 'limit' records into memory before returning.
func (*ApiService) ListCommand ¶ added in v0.11.0
func (c *ApiService) ListCommand(params *ListCommandParams) ([]SupersimV1Command, error)
Lists Command records from the API as a list. Unlike stream, this operation is eager and loads 'limit' records into memory before returning.
func (*ApiService) ListEsimProfile ¶ added in v0.20.1
func (c *ApiService) ListEsimProfile(params *ListEsimProfileParams) ([]SupersimV1EsimProfile, error)
Lists EsimProfile records from the API as a list. Unlike stream, this operation is eager and loads 'limit' records into memory before returning.
func (*ApiService) ListFleet ¶ added in v0.11.0
func (c *ApiService) ListFleet(params *ListFleetParams) ([]SupersimV1Fleet, error)
Lists Fleet records from the API as a list. Unlike stream, this operation is eager and loads 'limit' records into memory before returning.
func (*ApiService) ListIpCommand ¶ added in v0.18.2
func (c *ApiService) ListIpCommand(params *ListIpCommandParams) ([]SupersimV1IpCommand, error)
Lists IpCommand records from the API as a list. Unlike stream, this operation is eager and loads 'limit' records into memory before returning.
func (*ApiService) ListNetwork ¶ added in v0.11.0
func (c *ApiService) ListNetwork(params *ListNetworkParams) ([]SupersimV1Network, error)
Lists Network records from the API as a list. Unlike stream, this operation is eager and loads 'limit' records into memory before returning.
func (*ApiService) ListNetworkAccessProfile ¶ added in v0.11.0
func (c *ApiService) ListNetworkAccessProfile(params *ListNetworkAccessProfileParams) ([]SupersimV1NetworkAccessProfile, error)
Lists NetworkAccessProfile records from the API as a list. Unlike stream, this operation is eager and loads 'limit' records into memory before returning.
func (*ApiService) ListNetworkAccessProfileNetwork ¶ added in v0.11.0
func (c *ApiService) ListNetworkAccessProfileNetwork(NetworkAccessProfileSid string, params *ListNetworkAccessProfileNetworkParams) ([]SupersimV1NetworkAccessProfileNetwork, error)
Lists NetworkAccessProfileNetwork records from the API as a list. Unlike stream, this operation is eager and loads 'limit' records into memory before returning.
func (*ApiService) ListSim ¶ added in v0.11.0
func (c *ApiService) ListSim(params *ListSimParams) ([]SupersimV1Sim, error)
Lists Sim records from the API as a list. Unlike stream, this operation is eager and loads 'limit' records into memory before returning.
func (*ApiService) ListSmsCommand ¶ added in v0.11.0
func (c *ApiService) ListSmsCommand(params *ListSmsCommandParams) ([]SupersimV1SmsCommand, error)
Lists SmsCommand records from the API as a list. Unlike stream, this operation is eager and loads 'limit' records into memory before returning.
func (*ApiService) ListUsageRecord ¶ added in v0.11.0
func (c *ApiService) ListUsageRecord(params *ListUsageRecordParams) ([]SupersimV1UsageRecord, error)
Lists UsageRecord records from the API as a list. Unlike stream, this operation is eager and loads 'limit' records into memory before returning.
func (*ApiService) PageBillingPeriod ¶ added in v0.13.0
func (c *ApiService) PageBillingPeriod(SimSid string, params *ListBillingPeriodParams, pageToken, pageNumber string) (*ListBillingPeriodResponse, error)
Retrieve a single page of BillingPeriod records from the API. Request is executed immediately.
func (*ApiService) PageCommand ¶ added in v0.13.0
func (c *ApiService) PageCommand(params *ListCommandParams, pageToken, pageNumber string) (*ListCommandResponse, error)
Retrieve a single page of Command records from the API. Request is executed immediately.
func (*ApiService) PageEsimProfile ¶ added in v0.20.1
func (c *ApiService) PageEsimProfile(params *ListEsimProfileParams, pageToken, pageNumber string) (*ListEsimProfileResponse, error)
Retrieve a single page of EsimProfile records from the API. Request is executed immediately.
func (*ApiService) PageFleet ¶ added in v0.13.0
func (c *ApiService) PageFleet(params *ListFleetParams, pageToken, pageNumber string) (*ListFleetResponse, error)
Retrieve a single page of Fleet records from the API. Request is executed immediately.
func (*ApiService) PageIpCommand ¶ added in v0.18.2
func (c *ApiService) PageIpCommand(params *ListIpCommandParams, pageToken, pageNumber string) (*ListIpCommandResponse, error)
Retrieve a single page of IpCommand records from the API. Request is executed immediately.
func (*ApiService) PageNetwork ¶ added in v0.13.0
func (c *ApiService) PageNetwork(params *ListNetworkParams, pageToken, pageNumber string) (*ListNetworkResponse, error)
Retrieve a single page of Network records from the API. Request is executed immediately.
func (*ApiService) PageNetworkAccessProfile ¶ added in v0.13.0
func (c *ApiService) PageNetworkAccessProfile(params *ListNetworkAccessProfileParams, pageToken, pageNumber string) (*ListNetworkAccessProfileResponse, error)
Retrieve a single page of NetworkAccessProfile records from the API. Request is executed immediately.
func (*ApiService) PageNetworkAccessProfileNetwork ¶ added in v0.13.0
func (c *ApiService) PageNetworkAccessProfileNetwork(NetworkAccessProfileSid string, params *ListNetworkAccessProfileNetworkParams, pageToken, pageNumber string) (*ListNetworkAccessProfileNetworkResponse, error)
Retrieve a single page of NetworkAccessProfileNetwork records from the API. Request is executed immediately.
func (*ApiService) PageSim ¶ added in v0.13.0
func (c *ApiService) PageSim(params *ListSimParams, pageToken, pageNumber string) (*ListSimResponse, error)
Retrieve a single page of Sim records from the API. Request is executed immediately.
func (*ApiService) PageSmsCommand ¶ added in v0.13.0
func (c *ApiService) PageSmsCommand(params *ListSmsCommandParams, pageToken, pageNumber string) (*ListSmsCommandResponse, error)
Retrieve a single page of SmsCommand records from the API. Request is executed immediately.
func (*ApiService) PageUsageRecord ¶ added in v0.13.0
func (c *ApiService) PageUsageRecord(params *ListUsageRecordParams, pageToken, pageNumber string) (*ListUsageRecordResponse, error)
Retrieve a single page of UsageRecord records from the API. Request is executed immediately.
func (*ApiService) StreamBillingPeriod ¶ added in v0.13.0
func (c *ApiService) StreamBillingPeriod(SimSid string, params *ListBillingPeriodParams) (chan SupersimV1BillingPeriod, error)
Streams BillingPeriod records from the API as a channel stream. This operation lazily loads records as efficiently as possible until the limit is reached.
func (*ApiService) StreamCommand ¶ added in v0.13.0
func (c *ApiService) StreamCommand(params *ListCommandParams) (chan SupersimV1Command, error)
Streams Command records from the API as a channel stream. This operation lazily loads records as efficiently as possible until the limit is reached.
func (*ApiService) StreamEsimProfile ¶ added in v0.20.1
func (c *ApiService) StreamEsimProfile(params *ListEsimProfileParams) (chan SupersimV1EsimProfile, error)
Streams EsimProfile records from the API as a channel stream. This operation lazily loads records as efficiently as possible until the limit is reached.
func (*ApiService) StreamFleet ¶ added in v0.13.0
func (c *ApiService) StreamFleet(params *ListFleetParams) (chan SupersimV1Fleet, error)
Streams Fleet records from the API as a channel stream. This operation lazily loads records as efficiently as possible until the limit is reached.
func (*ApiService) StreamIpCommand ¶ added in v0.18.2
func (c *ApiService) StreamIpCommand(params *ListIpCommandParams) (chan SupersimV1IpCommand, error)
Streams IpCommand records from the API as a channel stream. This operation lazily loads records as efficiently as possible until the limit is reached.
func (*ApiService) StreamNetwork ¶ added in v0.13.0
func (c *ApiService) StreamNetwork(params *ListNetworkParams) (chan SupersimV1Network, error)
Streams Network records from the API as a channel stream. This operation lazily loads records as efficiently as possible until the limit is reached.
func (*ApiService) StreamNetworkAccessProfile ¶ added in v0.13.0
func (c *ApiService) StreamNetworkAccessProfile(params *ListNetworkAccessProfileParams) (chan SupersimV1NetworkAccessProfile, error)
Streams NetworkAccessProfile records from the API as a channel stream. This operation lazily loads records as efficiently as possible until the limit is reached.
func (*ApiService) StreamNetworkAccessProfileNetwork ¶ added in v0.13.0
func (c *ApiService) StreamNetworkAccessProfileNetwork(NetworkAccessProfileSid string, params *ListNetworkAccessProfileNetworkParams) (chan SupersimV1NetworkAccessProfileNetwork, error)
Streams NetworkAccessProfileNetwork records from the API as a channel stream. This operation lazily loads records as efficiently as possible until the limit is reached.
func (*ApiService) StreamSim ¶ added in v0.13.0
func (c *ApiService) StreamSim(params *ListSimParams) (chan SupersimV1Sim, error)
Streams Sim records from the API as a channel stream. This operation lazily loads records as efficiently as possible until the limit is reached.
func (*ApiService) StreamSmsCommand ¶ added in v0.13.0
func (c *ApiService) StreamSmsCommand(params *ListSmsCommandParams) (chan SupersimV1SmsCommand, error)
Streams SmsCommand records from the API as a channel stream. This operation lazily loads records as efficiently as possible until the limit is reached.
func (*ApiService) StreamUsageRecord ¶ added in v0.13.0
func (c *ApiService) StreamUsageRecord(params *ListUsageRecordParams) (chan SupersimV1UsageRecord, error)
Streams UsageRecord records from the API as a channel stream. This operation lazily loads records as efficiently as possible until the limit is reached.
func (*ApiService) UpdateFleet ¶ added in v0.11.0
func (c *ApiService) UpdateFleet(Sid string, params *UpdateFleetParams) (*SupersimV1Fleet, error)
Updates the given properties of a Super SIM Fleet instance from your account.
func (*ApiService) UpdateNetworkAccessProfile ¶ added in v0.11.0
func (c *ApiService) UpdateNetworkAccessProfile(Sid string, params *UpdateNetworkAccessProfileParams) (*SupersimV1NetworkAccessProfile, error)
Updates the given properties of a Network Access Profile in your account.
func (*ApiService) UpdateSim ¶ added in v0.11.0
func (c *ApiService) UpdateSim(Sid string, params *UpdateSimParams) (*SupersimV1Sim, error)
Updates the given properties of a Super SIM instance from your account.
type CreateCommandParams ¶
type CreateCommandParams struct { // The HTTP method we should use to call `callback_url`. Can be: `GET` or `POST` and the default is POST. CallbackMethod *string `json:"CallbackMethod,omitempty"` // The URL we should call using the `callback_method` after we have sent the command. CallbackUrl *string `json:"CallbackUrl,omitempty"` // The message body of the command. Command *string `json:"Command,omitempty"` // The `sid` or `unique_name` of the [SIM]( to send the Command to. Sim *string `json:"Sim,omitempty"` }
Optional parameters for the method 'CreateCommand'
func (*CreateCommandParams) SetCallbackMethod ¶
func (params *CreateCommandParams) SetCallbackMethod(CallbackMethod string) *CreateCommandParams
func (*CreateCommandParams) SetCallbackUrl ¶
func (params *CreateCommandParams) SetCallbackUrl(CallbackUrl string) *CreateCommandParams
func (*CreateCommandParams) SetCommand ¶
func (params *CreateCommandParams) SetCommand(Command string) *CreateCommandParams
func (*CreateCommandParams) SetSim ¶
func (params *CreateCommandParams) SetSim(Sim string) *CreateCommandParams
type CreateEsimProfileParams ¶ added in v0.20.1
type CreateEsimProfileParams struct { // The HTTP method we should use to call `callback_url`. Can be: `GET` or `POST` and the default is POST. CallbackMethod *string `json:"CallbackMethod,omitempty"` // The URL we should call using the `callback_method` when the status of the eSIM Profile changes. At this stage of the eSIM Profile pilot, the a request to the URL will only be called when the ESimProfile resource changes from `reserving` to `available`. CallbackUrl *string `json:"CallbackUrl,omitempty"` // Identifier of the eUICC that will claim the eSIM Profile. Eid *string `json:"Eid,omitempty"` }
Optional parameters for the method 'CreateEsimProfile'
func (*CreateEsimProfileParams) SetCallbackMethod ¶ added in v0.20.1
func (params *CreateEsimProfileParams) SetCallbackMethod(CallbackMethod string) *CreateEsimProfileParams
func (*CreateEsimProfileParams) SetCallbackUrl ¶ added in v0.20.1
func (params *CreateEsimProfileParams) SetCallbackUrl(CallbackUrl string) *CreateEsimProfileParams
func (*CreateEsimProfileParams) SetEid ¶ added in v0.20.1
func (params *CreateEsimProfileParams) SetEid(Eid string) *CreateEsimProfileParams
type CreateFleetParams ¶
type CreateFleetParams struct { // Deprecated. Use `sms_commands_enabled` instead. Defines whether SIMs in the Fleet are capable of sending and receiving machine-to-machine SMS via Commands. Defaults to `true`. CommandsEnabled *bool `json:"CommandsEnabled,omitempty"` // Deprecated. Use `sms_commands_method` instead. A string representing the HTTP method to use when making a request to `commands_url`. Can be one of `POST` or `GET`. Defaults to `POST`. CommandsMethod *string `json:"CommandsMethod,omitempty"` // Deprecated. Use `sms_commands_url` instead. The URL that will receive a webhook when a Super SIM in the Fleet is used to send an SMS from your device to the Commands number. Your server should respond with an HTTP status code in the 200 range; any response body will be ignored. CommandsUrl *string `json:"CommandsUrl,omitempty"` // Defines whether SIMs in the Fleet are capable of using 2G/3G/4G/LTE/CAT-M data connectivity. Defaults to `true`. DataEnabled *bool `json:"DataEnabled,omitempty"` // The total data usage (download and upload combined) in Megabytes that each Sim resource assigned to the Fleet resource can consume during a billing period (normally one month). Value must be between 1MB (1) and 2TB (2,000,000). Defaults to 1GB (1,000). DataLimit *int `json:"DataLimit,omitempty"` // A string representing the HTTP method to use when making a request to `ip_commands_url`. Can be one of `POST` or `GET`. Defaults to `POST`. IpCommandsMethod *string `json:"IpCommandsMethod,omitempty"` // The URL that will receive a webhook when a Super SIM in the Fleet is used to send an IP Command from your device to a special IP address. Your server should respond with an HTTP status code in the 200 range; any response body will be ignored. IpCommandsUrl *string `json:"IpCommandsUrl,omitempty"` // The SID or unique name of the Network Access Profile that will control which cellular networks the Fleet's SIMs can connect to. NetworkAccessProfile *string `json:"NetworkAccessProfile,omitempty"` // Defines whether SIMs in the Fleet are capable of sending and receiving machine-to-machine SMS via Commands. Defaults to `true`. SmsCommandsEnabled *bool `json:"SmsCommandsEnabled,omitempty"` // A string representing the HTTP method to use when making a request to `sms_commands_url`. Can be one of `POST` or `GET`. Defaults to `POST`. SmsCommandsMethod *string `json:"SmsCommandsMethod,omitempty"` // The URL that will receive a webhook when a Super SIM in the Fleet is used to send an SMS from your device to the SMS Commands number. Your server should respond with an HTTP status code in the 200 range; any response body will be ignored. SmsCommandsUrl *string `json:"SmsCommandsUrl,omitempty"` // An application-defined string that uniquely identifies the resource. It can be used in place of the resource's `sid` in the URL to address the resource. UniqueName *string `json:"UniqueName,omitempty"` }
Optional parameters for the method 'CreateFleet'
func (*CreateFleetParams) SetCommandsEnabled ¶
func (params *CreateFleetParams) SetCommandsEnabled(CommandsEnabled bool) *CreateFleetParams
func (*CreateFleetParams) SetCommandsMethod ¶
func (params *CreateFleetParams) SetCommandsMethod(CommandsMethod string) *CreateFleetParams
func (*CreateFleetParams) SetCommandsUrl ¶
func (params *CreateFleetParams) SetCommandsUrl(CommandsUrl string) *CreateFleetParams
func (*CreateFleetParams) SetDataEnabled ¶
func (params *CreateFleetParams) SetDataEnabled(DataEnabled bool) *CreateFleetParams
func (*CreateFleetParams) SetDataLimit ¶
func (params *CreateFleetParams) SetDataLimit(DataLimit int) *CreateFleetParams
func (*CreateFleetParams) SetIpCommandsMethod ¶ added in v0.21.0
func (params *CreateFleetParams) SetIpCommandsMethod(IpCommandsMethod string) *CreateFleetParams
func (*CreateFleetParams) SetIpCommandsUrl ¶ added in v0.21.0
func (params *CreateFleetParams) SetIpCommandsUrl(IpCommandsUrl string) *CreateFleetParams
func (*CreateFleetParams) SetNetworkAccessProfile ¶
func (params *CreateFleetParams) SetNetworkAccessProfile(NetworkAccessProfile string) *CreateFleetParams
func (*CreateFleetParams) SetSmsCommandsEnabled ¶
func (params *CreateFleetParams) SetSmsCommandsEnabled(SmsCommandsEnabled bool) *CreateFleetParams
func (*CreateFleetParams) SetSmsCommandsMethod ¶
func (params *CreateFleetParams) SetSmsCommandsMethod(SmsCommandsMethod string) *CreateFleetParams
func (*CreateFleetParams) SetSmsCommandsUrl ¶
func (params *CreateFleetParams) SetSmsCommandsUrl(SmsCommandsUrl string) *CreateFleetParams
func (*CreateFleetParams) SetUniqueName ¶
func (params *CreateFleetParams) SetUniqueName(UniqueName string) *CreateFleetParams
type CreateIpCommandParams ¶ added in v0.18.2
type CreateIpCommandParams struct { // The HTTP method we should use to call `callback_url`. Can be `GET` or `POST`, and the default is `POST`. CallbackMethod *string `json:"CallbackMethod,omitempty"` // The URL we should call using the `callback_method` after we have sent the IP Command. CallbackUrl *string `json:"CallbackUrl,omitempty"` // The device port to which the IP Command will be sent. DevicePort *int `json:"DevicePort,omitempty"` // The payload to be delivered to the device. Payload *string `json:"Payload,omitempty"` // Indicates how the payload is encoded. Either `text` or `binary`. Defaults to `text`. PayloadType *string `json:"PayloadType,omitempty"` // The `sid` or `unique_name` of the [Super SIM]( to send the IP Command to. Sim *string `json:"Sim,omitempty"` }
Optional parameters for the method 'CreateIpCommand'
func (*CreateIpCommandParams) SetCallbackMethod ¶ added in v0.18.2
func (params *CreateIpCommandParams) SetCallbackMethod(CallbackMethod string) *CreateIpCommandParams
func (*CreateIpCommandParams) SetCallbackUrl ¶ added in v0.18.2
func (params *CreateIpCommandParams) SetCallbackUrl(CallbackUrl string) *CreateIpCommandParams
func (*CreateIpCommandParams) SetDevicePort ¶ added in v0.18.2
func (params *CreateIpCommandParams) SetDevicePort(DevicePort int) *CreateIpCommandParams
func (*CreateIpCommandParams) SetPayload ¶ added in v0.18.2
func (params *CreateIpCommandParams) SetPayload(Payload string) *CreateIpCommandParams
func (*CreateIpCommandParams) SetPayloadType ¶ added in v0.18.2
func (params *CreateIpCommandParams) SetPayloadType(PayloadType string) *CreateIpCommandParams
func (*CreateIpCommandParams) SetSim ¶ added in v0.18.2
func (params *CreateIpCommandParams) SetSim(Sim string) *CreateIpCommandParams
type CreateNetworkAccessProfileNetworkParams ¶
type CreateNetworkAccessProfileNetworkParams struct { // The SID of the Network resource to be added to the Network Access Profile resource. Network *string `json:"Network,omitempty"` }
Optional parameters for the method 'CreateNetworkAccessProfileNetwork'
func (*CreateNetworkAccessProfileNetworkParams) SetNetwork ¶
func (params *CreateNetworkAccessProfileNetworkParams) SetNetwork(Network string) *CreateNetworkAccessProfileNetworkParams
type CreateNetworkAccessProfileParams ¶
type CreateNetworkAccessProfileParams struct { // List of Network SIDs that this Network Access Profile will allow connections to. Networks *[]string `json:"Networks,omitempty"` // An application-defined string that uniquely identifies the resource. It can be used in place of the resource's `sid` in the URL to address the resource. UniqueName *string `json:"UniqueName,omitempty"` }
Optional parameters for the method 'CreateNetworkAccessProfile'
func (*CreateNetworkAccessProfileParams) SetNetworks ¶
func (params *CreateNetworkAccessProfileParams) SetNetworks(Networks []string) *CreateNetworkAccessProfileParams
func (*CreateNetworkAccessProfileParams) SetUniqueName ¶
func (params *CreateNetworkAccessProfileParams) SetUniqueName(UniqueName string) *CreateNetworkAccessProfileParams
type CreateSimParams ¶
type CreateSimParams struct { // The [ICCID]( of the Super SIM to be added to your Account. Iccid *string `json:"Iccid,omitempty"` // The 10-digit code required to claim the Super SIM for your Account. RegistrationCode *string `json:"RegistrationCode,omitempty"` }
Optional parameters for the method 'CreateSim'
func (*CreateSimParams) SetIccid ¶
func (params *CreateSimParams) SetIccid(Iccid string) *CreateSimParams
func (*CreateSimParams) SetRegistrationCode ¶
func (params *CreateSimParams) SetRegistrationCode(RegistrationCode string) *CreateSimParams
type CreateSmsCommandParams ¶
type CreateSmsCommandParams struct { // The HTTP method we should use to call `callback_url`. Can be: `GET` or `POST` and the default is POST. CallbackMethod *string `json:"CallbackMethod,omitempty"` // The URL we should call using the `callback_method` after we have sent the command. CallbackUrl *string `json:"CallbackUrl,omitempty"` // The message body of the SMS Command. Payload *string `json:"Payload,omitempty"` // The `sid` or `unique_name` of the [SIM]( to send the SMS Command to. Sim *string `json:"Sim,omitempty"` }
Optional parameters for the method 'CreateSmsCommand'
func (*CreateSmsCommandParams) SetCallbackMethod ¶
func (params *CreateSmsCommandParams) SetCallbackMethod(CallbackMethod string) *CreateSmsCommandParams
func (*CreateSmsCommandParams) SetCallbackUrl ¶
func (params *CreateSmsCommandParams) SetCallbackUrl(CallbackUrl string) *CreateSmsCommandParams
func (*CreateSmsCommandParams) SetPayload ¶
func (params *CreateSmsCommandParams) SetPayload(Payload string) *CreateSmsCommandParams
func (*CreateSmsCommandParams) SetSim ¶
func (params *CreateSmsCommandParams) SetSim(Sim string) *CreateSmsCommandParams
type ListBillingPeriodParams ¶ added in v0.11.0
type ListBillingPeriodParams struct { // How many resources to return in each list page. The default is 50, and the maximum is 1000. PageSize *int `json:"PageSize,omitempty"` // Max number of records to return. Limit *int `json:"limit,omitempty"` }
Optional parameters for the method 'ListBillingPeriod'
func (*ListBillingPeriodParams) SetLimit ¶ added in v0.13.0
func (params *ListBillingPeriodParams) SetLimit(Limit int) *ListBillingPeriodParams
func (*ListBillingPeriodParams) SetPageSize ¶ added in v0.11.0
func (params *ListBillingPeriodParams) SetPageSize(PageSize int) *ListBillingPeriodParams
type ListBillingPeriodResponse ¶ added in v0.11.0
type ListBillingPeriodResponse struct { BillingPeriods []SupersimV1BillingPeriod `json:"billing_periods,omitempty"` Meta ListCommandResponseMeta `json:"meta,omitempty"` }
ListBillingPeriodResponse struct for ListBillingPeriodResponse
type ListCommandParams ¶
type ListCommandParams struct { // The SID or unique name of the Sim that Command was sent to or from. Sim *string `json:"Sim,omitempty"` // The status of the Command. Can be: `queued`, `sent`, `delivered`, `received` or `failed`. See the [Command Status Values]( for a description of each. Status *string `json:"Status,omitempty"` // The direction of the Command. Can be `to_sim` or `from_sim`. The value of `to_sim` is synonymous with the term `mobile terminated`, and `from_sim` is synonymous with the term `mobile originated`. Direction *string `json:"Direction,omitempty"` // How many resources to return in each list page. The default is 50, and the maximum is 1000. PageSize *int `json:"PageSize,omitempty"` // Max number of records to return. Limit *int `json:"limit,omitempty"` }
Optional parameters for the method 'ListCommand'
func (*ListCommandParams) SetDirection ¶
func (params *ListCommandParams) SetDirection(Direction string) *ListCommandParams
func (*ListCommandParams) SetLimit ¶ added in v0.13.0
func (params *ListCommandParams) SetLimit(Limit int) *ListCommandParams
func (*ListCommandParams) SetPageSize ¶
func (params *ListCommandParams) SetPageSize(PageSize int) *ListCommandParams
func (*ListCommandParams) SetSim ¶
func (params *ListCommandParams) SetSim(Sim string) *ListCommandParams
func (*ListCommandParams) SetStatus ¶
func (params *ListCommandParams) SetStatus(Status string) *ListCommandParams
type ListCommandResponse ¶
type ListCommandResponse struct { Commands []SupersimV1Command `json:"commands,omitempty"` Meta ListCommandResponseMeta `json:"meta,omitempty"` }
ListCommandResponse struct for ListCommandResponse
type ListCommandResponseMeta ¶
type ListCommandResponseMeta struct { FirstPageUrl string `json:"first_page_url,omitempty"` Key string `json:"key,omitempty"` NextPageUrl string `json:"next_page_url,omitempty"` Page int `json:"page,omitempty"` PageSize int `json:"page_size,omitempty"` PreviousPageUrl string `json:"previous_page_url,omitempty"` Url string `json:"url,omitempty"` }
ListCommandResponseMeta struct for ListCommandResponseMeta
type ListEsimProfileParams ¶ added in v0.20.1
type ListEsimProfileParams struct { // List the eSIM Profiles that have been associated with an EId. Eid *string `json:"Eid,omitempty"` // Find the eSIM Profile resource related to a [Sim]( resource by providing the SIM SID. Will always return an array with either 1 or 0 records. SimSid *string `json:"SimSid,omitempty"` // List the eSIM Profiles that are in a given status. Status *string `json:"Status,omitempty"` // How many resources to return in each list page. The default is 50, and the maximum is 1000. PageSize *int `json:"PageSize,omitempty"` // Max number of records to return. Limit *int `json:"limit,omitempty"` }
Optional parameters for the method 'ListEsimProfile'
func (*ListEsimProfileParams) SetEid ¶ added in v0.20.1
func (params *ListEsimProfileParams) SetEid(Eid string) *ListEsimProfileParams
func (*ListEsimProfileParams) SetLimit ¶ added in v0.20.1
func (params *ListEsimProfileParams) SetLimit(Limit int) *ListEsimProfileParams
func (*ListEsimProfileParams) SetPageSize ¶ added in v0.20.1
func (params *ListEsimProfileParams) SetPageSize(PageSize int) *ListEsimProfileParams
func (*ListEsimProfileParams) SetSimSid ¶ added in v0.20.1
func (params *ListEsimProfileParams) SetSimSid(SimSid string) *ListEsimProfileParams
func (*ListEsimProfileParams) SetStatus ¶ added in v0.20.1
func (params *ListEsimProfileParams) SetStatus(Status string) *ListEsimProfileParams
type ListEsimProfileResponse ¶ added in v0.20.1
type ListEsimProfileResponse struct { EsimProfiles []SupersimV1EsimProfile `json:"esim_profiles,omitempty"` Meta ListCommandResponseMeta `json:"meta,omitempty"` }
ListEsimProfileResponse struct for ListEsimProfileResponse
type ListFleetParams ¶
type ListFleetParams struct { // The SID or unique name of the Network Access Profile that controls which cellular networks the Fleet's SIMs can connect to. NetworkAccessProfile *string `json:"NetworkAccessProfile,omitempty"` // How many resources to return in each list page. The default is 50, and the maximum is 1000. PageSize *int `json:"PageSize,omitempty"` // Max number of records to return. Limit *int `json:"limit,omitempty"` }
Optional parameters for the method 'ListFleet'
func (*ListFleetParams) SetLimit ¶ added in v0.13.0
func (params *ListFleetParams) SetLimit(Limit int) *ListFleetParams
func (*ListFleetParams) SetNetworkAccessProfile ¶
func (params *ListFleetParams) SetNetworkAccessProfile(NetworkAccessProfile string) *ListFleetParams
func (*ListFleetParams) SetPageSize ¶
func (params *ListFleetParams) SetPageSize(PageSize int) *ListFleetParams
type ListFleetResponse ¶
type ListFleetResponse struct { Fleets []SupersimV1Fleet `json:"fleets,omitempty"` Meta ListCommandResponseMeta `json:"meta,omitempty"` }
ListFleetResponse struct for ListFleetResponse
type ListIpCommandParams ¶ added in v0.18.2
type ListIpCommandParams struct { // The SID or unique name of the Sim resource that IP Command was sent to or from. Sim *string `json:"Sim,omitempty"` // The ICCID of the Sim resource that IP Command was sent to or from. SimIccid *string `json:"SimIccid,omitempty"` // The status of the IP Command. Can be: `queued`, `sent`, `received` or `failed`. See the [IP Command Status Values]( for a description of each. Status *string `json:"Status,omitempty"` // The direction of the IP Command. Can be `to_sim` or `from_sim`. The value of `to_sim` is synonymous with the term `mobile terminated`, and `from_sim` is synonymous with the term `mobile originated`. Direction *string `json:"Direction,omitempty"` // How many resources to return in each list page. The default is 50, and the maximum is 1000. PageSize *int `json:"PageSize,omitempty"` // Max number of records to return. Limit *int `json:"limit,omitempty"` }
Optional parameters for the method 'ListIpCommand'
func (*ListIpCommandParams) SetDirection ¶ added in v0.18.2
func (params *ListIpCommandParams) SetDirection(Direction string) *ListIpCommandParams
func (*ListIpCommandParams) SetLimit ¶ added in v0.18.2
func (params *ListIpCommandParams) SetLimit(Limit int) *ListIpCommandParams
func (*ListIpCommandParams) SetPageSize ¶ added in v0.18.2
func (params *ListIpCommandParams) SetPageSize(PageSize int) *ListIpCommandParams
func (*ListIpCommandParams) SetSim ¶ added in v0.18.2
func (params *ListIpCommandParams) SetSim(Sim string) *ListIpCommandParams
func (*ListIpCommandParams) SetSimIccid ¶ added in v0.18.2
func (params *ListIpCommandParams) SetSimIccid(SimIccid string) *ListIpCommandParams
func (*ListIpCommandParams) SetStatus ¶ added in v0.18.2
func (params *ListIpCommandParams) SetStatus(Status string) *ListIpCommandParams
type ListIpCommandResponse ¶ added in v0.18.2
type ListIpCommandResponse struct { IpCommands []SupersimV1IpCommand `json:"ip_commands,omitempty"` Meta ListCommandResponseMeta `json:"meta,omitempty"` }
ListIpCommandResponse struct for ListIpCommandResponse
type ListNetworkAccessProfileNetworkParams ¶
type ListNetworkAccessProfileNetworkParams struct { // How many resources to return in each list page. The default is 50, and the maximum is 1000. PageSize *int `json:"PageSize,omitempty"` // Max number of records to return. Limit *int `json:"limit,omitempty"` }
Optional parameters for the method 'ListNetworkAccessProfileNetwork'
func (*ListNetworkAccessProfileNetworkParams) SetLimit ¶ added in v0.13.0
func (params *ListNetworkAccessProfileNetworkParams) SetLimit(Limit int) *ListNetworkAccessProfileNetworkParams
func (*ListNetworkAccessProfileNetworkParams) SetPageSize ¶
func (params *ListNetworkAccessProfileNetworkParams) SetPageSize(PageSize int) *ListNetworkAccessProfileNetworkParams
type ListNetworkAccessProfileNetworkResponse ¶
type ListNetworkAccessProfileNetworkResponse struct { Meta ListCommandResponseMeta `json:"meta,omitempty"` Networks []SupersimV1NetworkAccessProfileNetwork `json:"networks,omitempty"` }
ListNetworkAccessProfileNetworkResponse struct for ListNetworkAccessProfileNetworkResponse
type ListNetworkAccessProfileParams ¶
type ListNetworkAccessProfileParams struct { // How many resources to return in each list page. The default is 50, and the maximum is 1000. PageSize *int `json:"PageSize,omitempty"` // Max number of records to return. Limit *int `json:"limit,omitempty"` }
Optional parameters for the method 'ListNetworkAccessProfile'
func (*ListNetworkAccessProfileParams) SetLimit ¶ added in v0.13.0
func (params *ListNetworkAccessProfileParams) SetLimit(Limit int) *ListNetworkAccessProfileParams
func (*ListNetworkAccessProfileParams) SetPageSize ¶
func (params *ListNetworkAccessProfileParams) SetPageSize(PageSize int) *ListNetworkAccessProfileParams
type ListNetworkAccessProfileResponse ¶
type ListNetworkAccessProfileResponse struct { Meta ListCommandResponseMeta `json:"meta,omitempty"` NetworkAccessProfiles []SupersimV1NetworkAccessProfile `json:"network_access_profiles,omitempty"` }
ListNetworkAccessProfileResponse struct for ListNetworkAccessProfileResponse
type ListNetworkParams ¶
type ListNetworkParams struct { // The [ISO country code]( of the Network resources to read. IsoCountry *string `json:"IsoCountry,omitempty"` // The 'mobile country code' of a country. Network resources with this `mcc` in their `identifiers` will be read. Mcc *string `json:"Mcc,omitempty"` // The 'mobile network code' of a mobile operator network. Network resources with this `mnc` in their `identifiers` will be read. Mnc *string `json:"Mnc,omitempty"` // How many resources to return in each list page. The default is 50, and the maximum is 1000. PageSize *int `json:"PageSize,omitempty"` // Max number of records to return. Limit *int `json:"limit,omitempty"` }
Optional parameters for the method 'ListNetwork'
func (*ListNetworkParams) SetIsoCountry ¶
func (params *ListNetworkParams) SetIsoCountry(IsoCountry string) *ListNetworkParams
func (*ListNetworkParams) SetLimit ¶ added in v0.13.0
func (params *ListNetworkParams) SetLimit(Limit int) *ListNetworkParams
func (*ListNetworkParams) SetMcc ¶
func (params *ListNetworkParams) SetMcc(Mcc string) *ListNetworkParams
func (*ListNetworkParams) SetMnc ¶
func (params *ListNetworkParams) SetMnc(Mnc string) *ListNetworkParams
func (*ListNetworkParams) SetPageSize ¶
func (params *ListNetworkParams) SetPageSize(PageSize int) *ListNetworkParams
type ListNetworkResponse ¶
type ListNetworkResponse struct { Meta ListCommandResponseMeta `json:"meta,omitempty"` Networks []SupersimV1Network `json:"networks,omitempty"` }
ListNetworkResponse struct for ListNetworkResponse
type ListSimParams ¶
type ListSimParams struct { // The status of the Sim resources to read. Can be `new`, `ready`, `active`, `inactive`, or `scheduled`. Status *string `json:"Status,omitempty"` // The SID or unique name of the Fleet to which a list of Sims are assigned. Fleet *string `json:"Fleet,omitempty"` // The [ICCID]( associated with a Super SIM to filter the list by. Passing this parameter will always return a list containing zero or one SIMs. Iccid *string `json:"Iccid,omitempty"` // How many resources to return in each list page. The default is 50, and the maximum is 1000. PageSize *int `json:"PageSize,omitempty"` // Max number of records to return. Limit *int `json:"limit,omitempty"` }
Optional parameters for the method 'ListSim'
func (*ListSimParams) SetFleet ¶
func (params *ListSimParams) SetFleet(Fleet string) *ListSimParams
func (*ListSimParams) SetIccid ¶
func (params *ListSimParams) SetIccid(Iccid string) *ListSimParams
func (*ListSimParams) SetLimit ¶ added in v0.13.0
func (params *ListSimParams) SetLimit(Limit int) *ListSimParams
func (*ListSimParams) SetPageSize ¶
func (params *ListSimParams) SetPageSize(PageSize int) *ListSimParams
func (*ListSimParams) SetStatus ¶
func (params *ListSimParams) SetStatus(Status string) *ListSimParams
type ListSimResponse ¶
type ListSimResponse struct { Meta ListCommandResponseMeta `json:"meta,omitempty"` Sims []SupersimV1Sim `json:"sims,omitempty"` }
ListSimResponse struct for ListSimResponse
type ListSmsCommandParams ¶
type ListSmsCommandParams struct { // The SID or unique name of the Sim resource that SMS Command was sent to or from. Sim *string `json:"Sim,omitempty"` // The status of the SMS Command. Can be: `queued`, `sent`, `delivered`, `received` or `failed`. See the [SMS Command Status Values]( for a description of each. Status *string `json:"Status,omitempty"` // The direction of the SMS Command. Can be `to_sim` or `from_sim`. The value of `to_sim` is synonymous with the term `mobile terminated`, and `from_sim` is synonymous with the term `mobile originated`. Direction *string `json:"Direction,omitempty"` // How many resources to return in each list page. The default is 50, and the maximum is 1000. PageSize *int `json:"PageSize,omitempty"` // Max number of records to return. Limit *int `json:"limit,omitempty"` }
Optional parameters for the method 'ListSmsCommand'
func (*ListSmsCommandParams) SetDirection ¶
func (params *ListSmsCommandParams) SetDirection(Direction string) *ListSmsCommandParams
func (*ListSmsCommandParams) SetLimit ¶ added in v0.13.0
func (params *ListSmsCommandParams) SetLimit(Limit int) *ListSmsCommandParams
func (*ListSmsCommandParams) SetPageSize ¶
func (params *ListSmsCommandParams) SetPageSize(PageSize int) *ListSmsCommandParams
func (*ListSmsCommandParams) SetSim ¶
func (params *ListSmsCommandParams) SetSim(Sim string) *ListSmsCommandParams
func (*ListSmsCommandParams) SetStatus ¶
func (params *ListSmsCommandParams) SetStatus(Status string) *ListSmsCommandParams
type ListSmsCommandResponse ¶
type ListSmsCommandResponse struct { Meta ListCommandResponseMeta `json:"meta,omitempty"` SmsCommands []SupersimV1SmsCommand `json:"sms_commands,omitempty"` }
ListSmsCommandResponse struct for ListSmsCommandResponse
type ListUsageRecordParams ¶
type ListUsageRecordParams struct { // SID or unique name of a Sim resource. Only show UsageRecords representing usage incurred by this Super SIM. Sim *string `json:"Sim,omitempty"` // SID or unique name of a Fleet resource. Only show UsageRecords representing usage for Super SIMs belonging to this Fleet resource at the time the usage occurred. Fleet *string `json:"Fleet,omitempty"` // SID of a Network resource. Only show UsageRecords representing usage on this network. Network *string `json:"Network,omitempty"` // Alpha-2 ISO Country Code. Only show UsageRecords representing usage in this country. IsoCountry *string `json:"IsoCountry,omitempty"` // Dimension over which to aggregate usage records. Can be: `sim`, `fleet`, `network`, `isoCountry`. Default is to not aggregate across any of these dimensions, UsageRecords will be aggregated into the time buckets described by the `Granularity` parameter. Group *string `json:"Group,omitempty"` // Time-based grouping that UsageRecords should be aggregated by. Can be: `hour`, `day`, or `all`. Default is `all`. `all` returns one UsageRecord that describes the usage for the entire period. Granularity *string `json:"Granularity,omitempty"` // Only include usage that occurred at or after this time, specified in [ISO 8601]( format. Default is one month before the `end_time`. StartTime *time.Time `json:"StartTime,omitempty"` // Only include usage that occurred before this time, specified in [ISO 8601]( format. Default is the current time. EndTime *time.Time `json:"EndTime,omitempty"` // How many resources to return in each list page. The default is 50, and the maximum is 1000. PageSize *int `json:"PageSize,omitempty"` // Max number of records to return. Limit *int `json:"limit,omitempty"` }
Optional parameters for the method 'ListUsageRecord'
func (*ListUsageRecordParams) SetEndTime ¶
func (params *ListUsageRecordParams) SetEndTime(EndTime time.Time) *ListUsageRecordParams
func (*ListUsageRecordParams) SetFleet ¶
func (params *ListUsageRecordParams) SetFleet(Fleet string) *ListUsageRecordParams
func (*ListUsageRecordParams) SetGranularity ¶
func (params *ListUsageRecordParams) SetGranularity(Granularity string) *ListUsageRecordParams
func (*ListUsageRecordParams) SetGroup ¶
func (params *ListUsageRecordParams) SetGroup(Group string) *ListUsageRecordParams
func (*ListUsageRecordParams) SetIsoCountry ¶
func (params *ListUsageRecordParams) SetIsoCountry(IsoCountry string) *ListUsageRecordParams
func (*ListUsageRecordParams) SetLimit ¶ added in v0.13.0
func (params *ListUsageRecordParams) SetLimit(Limit int) *ListUsageRecordParams
func (*ListUsageRecordParams) SetNetwork ¶
func (params *ListUsageRecordParams) SetNetwork(Network string) *ListUsageRecordParams
func (*ListUsageRecordParams) SetPageSize ¶
func (params *ListUsageRecordParams) SetPageSize(PageSize int) *ListUsageRecordParams
func (*ListUsageRecordParams) SetSim ¶
func (params *ListUsageRecordParams) SetSim(Sim string) *ListUsageRecordParams
func (*ListUsageRecordParams) SetStartTime ¶
func (params *ListUsageRecordParams) SetStartTime(StartTime time.Time) *ListUsageRecordParams
type ListUsageRecordResponse ¶
type ListUsageRecordResponse struct { Meta ListCommandResponseMeta `json:"meta,omitempty"` UsageRecords []SupersimV1UsageRecord `json:"usage_records,omitempty"` }
ListUsageRecordResponse struct for ListUsageRecordResponse
type SupersimV1BillingPeriod ¶ added in v0.14.0
type SupersimV1BillingPeriod struct { // The SID of the Account the Super SIM belongs to AccountSid *string `json:"account_sid,omitempty"` // The ISO 8601 date and time in GMT when the resource was created DateCreated *time.Time `json:"date_created,omitempty"` // The ISO 8601 date and time in GMT when the resource was last updated DateUpdated *time.Time `json:"date_updated,omitempty"` // The end time of the Billing Period EndTime *time.Time `json:"end_time,omitempty"` // The type of the Billing Period PeriodType *string `json:"period_type,omitempty"` // The SID of the Billing Period Sid *string `json:"sid,omitempty"` // The SID of the Super SIM the Billing Period belongs to SimSid *string `json:"sim_sid,omitempty"` // The start time of the Billing Period StartTime *time.Time `json:"start_time,omitempty"` }
SupersimV1BillingPeriod struct for SupersimV1BillingPeriod
type SupersimV1Command ¶
type SupersimV1Command struct { // The SID of the Account that created the resource AccountSid *string `json:"account_sid,omitempty"` // The message body of the command sent to or from the SIM Command *string `json:"command,omitempty"` // The ISO 8601 date and time in GMT when the resource was created DateCreated *time.Time `json:"date_created,omitempty"` // The ISO 8601 date and time in GMT when the resource was last updated DateUpdated *time.Time `json:"date_updated,omitempty"` // The direction of the Command Direction *string `json:"direction,omitempty"` // The unique string that identifies the resource Sid *string `json:"sid,omitempty"` // The SID of the SIM that this Command was sent to or from SimSid *string `json:"sim_sid,omitempty"` // The status of the Command Status *string `json:"status,omitempty"` // The absolute URL of the Command resource Url *string `json:"url,omitempty"` }
SupersimV1Command struct for SupersimV1Command
type SupersimV1EsimProfile ¶ added in v0.20.1
type SupersimV1EsimProfile struct { // The SID of the Account to which the eSIM Profile resource belongs AccountSid *string `json:"account_sid,omitempty"` // The ISO 8601 date and time in GMT when the resource was created DateCreated *time.Time `json:"date_created,omitempty"` // The ISO 8601 date and time in GMT when the resource was last updated DateUpdated *time.Time `json:"date_updated,omitempty"` // Identifier of the eUICC that can claim the eSIM Profile Eid *string `json:"eid,omitempty"` // Code indicating the failure if the download of the SIM Profile failed and the eSIM Profile is in `failed` state ErrorCode *string `json:"error_code,omitempty"` // Error message describing the failure if the download of the SIM Profile failed and the eSIM Profile is in `failed` state ErrorMessage *string `json:"error_message,omitempty"` // The ICCID associated with the Sim resource Iccid *string `json:"iccid,omitempty"` // The unique string that identifies the resource Sid *string `json:"sid,omitempty"` // The SID of the Sim resource that this eSIM Profile controls SimSid *string `json:"sim_sid,omitempty"` // Address of the SM-DP+ server from which the Profile will be downloaded SmdpPlusAddress *string `json:"smdp_plus_address,omitempty"` // The status of the eSIM Profile Status *string `json:"status,omitempty"` // The absolute URL of the eSIM Profile resource Url *string `json:"url,omitempty"` }
SupersimV1EsimProfile struct for SupersimV1EsimProfile
type SupersimV1Fleet ¶
type SupersimV1Fleet struct { // The SID of the Account that created the resource AccountSid *string `json:"account_sid,omitempty"` // Deprecated CommandsEnabled *bool `json:"commands_enabled,omitempty"` // Deprecated CommandsMethod *string `json:"commands_method,omitempty"` // Deprecated CommandsUrl *string `json:"commands_url,omitempty"` // Defines whether SIMs in the Fleet are capable of using data connectivity DataEnabled *bool `json:"data_enabled,omitempty"` // The total data usage (download and upload combined) in Megabytes that each Sim resource assigned to the Fleet resource can consume DataLimit *int `json:"data_limit,omitempty"` // The model by which a SIM is metered and billed DataMetering *string `json:"data_metering,omitempty"` // The ISO 8601 date and time in GMT when the resource was created DateCreated *time.Time `json:"date_created,omitempty"` // The ISO 8601 date and time in GMT when the resource was last updated DateUpdated *time.Time `json:"date_updated,omitempty"` // A string representing the HTTP method to use when making a request to `ip_commands_url` IpCommandsMethod *string `json:"ip_commands_method,omitempty"` // The URL that will receive a webhook when a Super SIM in the Fleet is used to send an IP Command from your device IpCommandsUrl *string `json:"ip_commands_url,omitempty"` // The SID of the Network Access Profile of the Fleet NetworkAccessProfileSid *string `json:"network_access_profile_sid,omitempty"` // The unique string that identifies the resource Sid *string `json:"sid,omitempty"` // Defines whether SIMs in the Fleet are capable of sending and receiving machine-to-machine SMS via Commands SmsCommandsEnabled *bool `json:"sms_commands_enabled,omitempty"` // A string representing the HTTP method to use when making a request to `sms_commands_url` SmsCommandsMethod *string `json:"sms_commands_method,omitempty"` // The URL that will receive a webhook when a Super SIM in the Fleet is used to send an SMS from your device to the SMS Commands number SmsCommandsUrl *string `json:"sms_commands_url,omitempty"` // An application-defined string that uniquely identifies the resource UniqueName *string `json:"unique_name,omitempty"` // The absolute URL of the Fleet resource Url *string `json:"url,omitempty"` }
SupersimV1Fleet struct for SupersimV1Fleet
type SupersimV1IpCommand ¶ added in v0.18.2
type SupersimV1IpCommand struct { // The SID of the Account that created the resource AccountSid *string `json:"account_sid,omitempty"` // The ISO 8601 date and time in GMT when the resource was created DateCreated *time.Time `json:"date_created,omitempty"` // The ISO 8601 date and time in GMT when the resource was last updated DateUpdated *time.Time `json:"date_updated,omitempty"` // The IP address of the device that the IP Command was sent to or received from DeviceIp *string `json:"device_ip,omitempty"` // The port that the IP Command either originated from or was sent to DevicePort *int `json:"device_port,omitempty"` // The direction of the IP Command Direction *string `json:"direction,omitempty"` // The payload of the IP Command sent to or from the Super SIM Payload *string `json:"payload,omitempty"` // The payload type of the IP Command PayloadType *string `json:"payload_type,omitempty"` // The unique string that identifies the resource Sid *string `json:"sid,omitempty"` // The ICCID of the Super SIM that this IP Command was sent to or from SimIccid *string `json:"sim_iccid,omitempty"` // The SID of the Super SIM that this IP Command was sent to or from SimSid *string `json:"sim_sid,omitempty"` // The status of the IP Command Status *string `json:"status,omitempty"` // The absolute URL of the IP Command resource Url *string `json:"url,omitempty"` }
SupersimV1IpCommand struct for SupersimV1IpCommand
type SupersimV1Network ¶
type SupersimV1Network struct { // A human readable identifier of this resource FriendlyName *string `json:"friendly_name,omitempty"` // The MCC/MNCs included in the Network resource Identifiers *[]map[string]interface{} `json:"identifiers,omitempty"` // The ISO country code of the Network resource IsoCountry *string `json:"iso_country,omitempty"` // The unique string that identifies the resource Sid *string `json:"sid,omitempty"` // The absolute URL of the Network resource Url *string `json:"url,omitempty"` }
SupersimV1Network struct for SupersimV1Network
type SupersimV1NetworkAccessProfile ¶
type SupersimV1NetworkAccessProfile struct { // The SID of the Account that the Network Access Profile belongs to AccountSid *string `json:"account_sid,omitempty"` // The ISO 8601 date and time in GMT when the resource was created DateCreated *time.Time `json:"date_created,omitempty"` // The ISO 8601 date and time in GMT when the resource was last updated DateUpdated *time.Time `json:"date_updated,omitempty"` Links *map[string]interface{} `json:"links,omitempty"` // The unique string that identifies the resource Sid *string `json:"sid,omitempty"` // An application-defined string that uniquely identifies the resource UniqueName *string `json:"unique_name,omitempty"` // The absolute URL of the resource Url *string `json:"url,omitempty"` }
SupersimV1NetworkAccessProfile struct for SupersimV1NetworkAccessProfile
type SupersimV1NetworkAccessProfileNetwork ¶ added in v0.14.0
type SupersimV1NetworkAccessProfileNetwork struct { // A human readable identifier of this resource FriendlyName *string `json:"friendly_name,omitempty"` // The MCC/MNCs included in the resource Identifiers *[]map[string]interface{} `json:"identifiers,omitempty"` // The ISO country code of the Network resource IsoCountry *string `json:"iso_country,omitempty"` // The unique string that identifies the Network Access Profile resource NetworkAccessProfileSid *string `json:"network_access_profile_sid,omitempty"` // The unique string that identifies the resource Sid *string `json:"sid,omitempty"` // The absolute URL of the resource Url *string `json:"url,omitempty"` }
SupersimV1NetworkAccessProfileNetwork struct for SupersimV1NetworkAccessProfileNetwork
type SupersimV1Sim ¶
type SupersimV1Sim struct { // The SID of the Account that the Super SIM belongs to AccountSid *string `json:"account_sid,omitempty"` // The ISO 8601 date and time in GMT when the resource was created DateCreated *time.Time `json:"date_created,omitempty"` // The ISO 8601 date and time in GMT when the resource was last updated DateUpdated *time.Time `json:"date_updated,omitempty"` // The unique ID of the Fleet configured for this SIM FleetSid *string `json:"fleet_sid,omitempty"` // The ICCID associated with the SIM Iccid *string `json:"iccid,omitempty"` Links *map[string]interface{} `json:"links,omitempty"` // The unique string that identifies the resource Sid *string `json:"sid,omitempty"` // The status of the Super SIM Status *string `json:"status,omitempty"` // An application-defined string that uniquely identifies the resource UniqueName *string `json:"unique_name,omitempty"` // The absolute URL of the Sim Resource Url *string `json:"url,omitempty"` }
SupersimV1Sim struct for SupersimV1Sim
type SupersimV1SmsCommand ¶
type SupersimV1SmsCommand struct { // The SID of the Account that created the resource AccountSid *string `json:"account_sid,omitempty"` // The ISO 8601 date and time in GMT when the resource was created DateCreated *time.Time `json:"date_created,omitempty"` // The ISO 8601 date and time in GMT when the resource was last updated DateUpdated *time.Time `json:"date_updated,omitempty"` // The direction of the SMS Command Direction *string `json:"direction,omitempty"` // The message body of the SMS Command sent to or from the SIM Payload *string `json:"payload,omitempty"` // The unique string that identifies the resource Sid *string `json:"sid,omitempty"` // The SID of the SIM that this SMS Command was sent to or from SimSid *string `json:"sim_sid,omitempty"` // The status of the SMS Command Status *string `json:"status,omitempty"` // The absolute URL of the SMS Command resource Url *string `json:"url,omitempty"` }
SupersimV1SmsCommand struct for SupersimV1SmsCommand
type SupersimV1UsageRecord ¶
type SupersimV1UsageRecord struct { // The SID of the Account that incurred the usage. AccountSid *string `json:"account_sid,omitempty"` // Total data downloaded in bytes, aggregated by the query parameters. DataDownload *int `json:"data_download,omitempty"` // Total of data_upload and data_download. DataTotal *int `json:"data_total,omitempty"` // Total data uploaded in bytes, aggregated by the query parameters. DataUpload *int `json:"data_upload,omitempty"` // SID of the Fleet resource on which the usage occurred. FleetSid *string `json:"fleet_sid,omitempty"` // Alpha-2 ISO Country Code of the country the usage occurred in. IsoCountry *string `json:"iso_country,omitempty"` // SID of the Network resource on which the usage occurred. NetworkSid *string `json:"network_sid,omitempty"` // The time period for which the usage is reported. Period *map[string]interface{} `json:"period,omitempty"` // SID of a Sim resource to which the UsageRecord belongs. SimSid *string `json:"sim_sid,omitempty"` }
SupersimV1UsageRecord struct for SupersimV1UsageRecord
type UpdateFleetParams ¶
type UpdateFleetParams struct { // Deprecated. Use `sms_commands_method` instead. A string representing the HTTP method to use when making a request to `commands_url`. Can be one of `POST` or `GET`. Defaults to `POST`. CommandsMethod *string `json:"CommandsMethod,omitempty"` // Deprecated. Use `sms_commands_url` instead. The URL that will receive a webhook when a Super SIM in the Fleet is used to send an SMS from your device to the Commands number. Your server should respond with an HTTP status code in the 200 range; any response body will be ignored. CommandsUrl *string `json:"CommandsUrl,omitempty"` // A string representing the HTTP method to use when making a request to `ip_commands_url`. Can be one of `POST` or `GET`. Defaults to `POST`. IpCommandsMethod *string `json:"IpCommandsMethod,omitempty"` // The URL that will receive a webhook when a Super SIM in the Fleet is used to send an IP Command from your device to a special IP address. Your server should respond with an HTTP status code in the 200 range; any response body will be ignored. IpCommandsUrl *string `json:"IpCommandsUrl,omitempty"` // The SID or unique name of the Network Access Profile that will control which cellular networks the Fleet's SIMs can connect to. NetworkAccessProfile *string `json:"NetworkAccessProfile,omitempty"` // A string representing the HTTP method to use when making a request to `sms_commands_url`. Can be one of `POST` or `GET`. Defaults to `POST`. SmsCommandsMethod *string `json:"SmsCommandsMethod,omitempty"` // The URL that will receive a webhook when a Super SIM in the Fleet is used to send an SMS from your device to the SMS Commands number. Your server should respond with an HTTP status code in the 200 range; any response body will be ignored. SmsCommandsUrl *string `json:"SmsCommandsUrl,omitempty"` // An application-defined string that uniquely identifies the resource. It can be used in place of the resource's `sid` in the URL to address the resource. UniqueName *string `json:"UniqueName,omitempty"` }
Optional parameters for the method 'UpdateFleet'
func (*UpdateFleetParams) SetCommandsMethod ¶
func (params *UpdateFleetParams) SetCommandsMethod(CommandsMethod string) *UpdateFleetParams
func (*UpdateFleetParams) SetCommandsUrl ¶
func (params *UpdateFleetParams) SetCommandsUrl(CommandsUrl string) *UpdateFleetParams
func (*UpdateFleetParams) SetIpCommandsMethod ¶ added in v0.21.0
func (params *UpdateFleetParams) SetIpCommandsMethod(IpCommandsMethod string) *UpdateFleetParams
func (*UpdateFleetParams) SetIpCommandsUrl ¶ added in v0.21.0
func (params *UpdateFleetParams) SetIpCommandsUrl(IpCommandsUrl string) *UpdateFleetParams
func (*UpdateFleetParams) SetNetworkAccessProfile ¶
func (params *UpdateFleetParams) SetNetworkAccessProfile(NetworkAccessProfile string) *UpdateFleetParams
func (*UpdateFleetParams) SetSmsCommandsMethod ¶
func (params *UpdateFleetParams) SetSmsCommandsMethod(SmsCommandsMethod string) *UpdateFleetParams
func (*UpdateFleetParams) SetSmsCommandsUrl ¶
func (params *UpdateFleetParams) SetSmsCommandsUrl(SmsCommandsUrl string) *UpdateFleetParams
func (*UpdateFleetParams) SetUniqueName ¶
func (params *UpdateFleetParams) SetUniqueName(UniqueName string) *UpdateFleetParams
type UpdateNetworkAccessProfileParams ¶
type UpdateNetworkAccessProfileParams struct { // The new unique name of the Network Access Profile. UniqueName *string `json:"UniqueName,omitempty"` }
Optional parameters for the method 'UpdateNetworkAccessProfile'
func (*UpdateNetworkAccessProfileParams) SetUniqueName ¶
func (params *UpdateNetworkAccessProfileParams) SetUniqueName(UniqueName string) *UpdateNetworkAccessProfileParams
type UpdateSimParams ¶
type UpdateSimParams struct { // The SID of the Account to which the Sim resource should belong. The Account SID can only be that of the requesting Account or that of a Subaccount of the requesting Account. Only valid when the Sim resource's status is new. AccountSid *string `json:"AccountSid,omitempty"` // The HTTP method we should use to call `callback_url`. Can be: `GET` or `POST` and the default is POST. CallbackMethod *string `json:"CallbackMethod,omitempty"` // The URL we should call using the `callback_method` after an asynchronous update has finished. CallbackUrl *string `json:"CallbackUrl,omitempty"` // The SID or unique name of the Fleet to which the SIM resource should be assigned. Fleet *string `json:"Fleet,omitempty"` // The new status of the resource. Can be: `ready`, `active`, or `inactive`. See the [Super SIM Status Values]( for more info. Status *string `json:"Status,omitempty"` // An application-defined string that uniquely identifies the resource. It can be used in place of the resource's `sid` in the URL to address the resource. UniqueName *string `json:"UniqueName,omitempty"` }
Optional parameters for the method 'UpdateSim'
func (*UpdateSimParams) SetAccountSid ¶
func (params *UpdateSimParams) SetAccountSid(AccountSid string) *UpdateSimParams
func (*UpdateSimParams) SetCallbackMethod ¶
func (params *UpdateSimParams) SetCallbackMethod(CallbackMethod string) *UpdateSimParams
func (*UpdateSimParams) SetCallbackUrl ¶
func (params *UpdateSimParams) SetCallbackUrl(CallbackUrl string) *UpdateSimParams
func (*UpdateSimParams) SetFleet ¶
func (params *UpdateSimParams) SetFleet(Fleet string) *UpdateSimParams
func (*UpdateSimParams) SetStatus ¶
func (params *UpdateSimParams) SetStatus(Status string) *UpdateSimParams
func (*UpdateSimParams) SetUniqueName ¶
func (params *UpdateSimParams) SetUniqueName(UniqueName string) *UpdateSimParams
Source Files
- api_service.go
- commands.go
- e_sim_profiles.go
- fleets.go
- ip_commands.go
- model_list_billing_period_response.go
- model_list_command_response.go
- model_list_command_response_meta.go
- model_list_esim_profile_response.go
- model_list_fleet_response.go
- model_list_ip_command_response.go
- model_list_network_access_profile_network_response.go
- model_list_network_access_profile_response.go
- model_list_network_response.go
- model_list_sim_response.go
- model_list_sms_command_response.go
- model_list_usage_record_response.go
- model_supersim_v1_billing_period.go
- model_supersim_v1_command.go
- model_supersim_v1_esim_profile.go
- model_supersim_v1_fleet.go
- model_supersim_v1_ip_command.go
- model_supersim_v1_network.go
- model_supersim_v1_network_access_profile.go
- model_supersim_v1_network_access_profile_network.go
- model_supersim_v1_sim.go
- model_supersim_v1_sms_command.go
- model_supersim_v1_usage_record.go
- network_access_profiles.go
- network_access_profiles_networks.go
- networks.go
- sims.go
- sims_billing_periods.go
- sms_commands.go
- usage_records.go