Documentation ¶
Index ¶
- Variables
- func AddCrossOriginWhitelistEntry(source_origin string, target_protocol string, target_domain string, ...) (ret bool)
- func BaseAddRef(rc refCounted)
- func BaseHasAtLeastOneRef(rc refCounted) bool
- func BaseHasOneRef(rc refCounted) bool
- func BaseRelease(rc refCounted) (b bool)
- func BeginTracing(categories string, callback *CCompletionCallbackT) (ret bool)
- func BrowserHostCreateBrowser(windowInfo *CWindowInfoT, client *CClientT, url string, ...) (ret bool)
- func CheckClients(msg string, c *CClientT)
- func ClearCrossOriginWhitelist() (ret bool)
- func ClearSchemeHandlerFactories() (ret bool)
- func ColorGetA(c CColorT) uint32
- func ColorGetB(c CColorT) uint32
- func ColorGetG(c CColorT) uint32
- func ColorGetR(c CColorT) uint32
- func CrashReportingEnabled() (ret bool)
- func CreateDirectory(full_path string) (ret bool)
- func CreateNewTempDirectory(prefix string, new_temp_path string) (ret bool)
- func CreateTempDirectoryInDirectory(base_dir string, prefix string, new_dir string) (ret bool)
- func CurrentlyOn(threadId CThreadIdT) (ret bool)
- func DeleteFile(path string, recursive int) (ret bool)
- func DirectoryExists(path string) (ret bool)
- func DisplayGetCount() (ret int64)
- func DoMessageLoopWork()
- func DumpInfo()
- func EnableHighdpiSupport()
- func EndTracing(tracing_file string, callback *CEndTracingCallbackT) (ret bool)
- func ExecuteProcess(args *CMainArgsT, application *CAppT, windows_sandbox_info unsafe.Pointer) (ret int)
- func GetTempDirectory(temp_dir string) (ret bool)
- func Initialize(args *CMainArgsT, settings *CSettingsT, application *CAppT, ...) (ret bool)
- func IsCertStatusError(status CCertStatusT) (ret bool)
- func LoadCrlsetsFile(path string)
- func Logf(message string, v ...interface{})
- func Logln(v ...interface{})
- func NowFromSystemTraceTime() (ret int64)
- func Panicf(message string, v ...interface{})
- func Panicln(v ...interface{})
- func PostDelayedTask(threadId CThreadIdT, task *CTaskT, delay_ms int64) (ret bool)
- func PostTask(threadId CThreadIdT, task *CTaskT) (ret bool)
- func QuitMessageLoop()
- func RefCountLogOutput(enable bool)
- func RefCountLogTrace(on bool)
- func RegisterExtension(extension_name string, javascript_code string, handler *CV8handlerT) (ret bool)
- func RegisterSchemeHandlerFactory(scheme_name string, domain_name string, factory *CSchemeHandlerFactoryT) (ret bool)
- func RemoveCrossOriginWhitelistEntry(source_origin string, target_protocol string, target_domain string, ...) (ret bool)
- func RunMessageLoop()
- func SetCrashKeyValue(key string, value string)
- func SetOsmodalLoop(osModalLoop bool)
- func Shutdown()
- func StringListAppend(list CStringListT, value string)
- func StringListClear(list CStringListT)
- func StringListFree(list CStringListT)
- func StringListSize(list CStringListT) (ret int64)
- func StringListValue(list CStringListT, index int64) (ret bool, value string)
- func StringMapAppend(cmap CStringMapT, key string, value string) (ret bool)
- func StringMapClear(cmap CStringMapT)
- func StringMapFind(cmap CStringMapT, key string) (ret bool, value string)
- func StringMapFree(cmap CStringMapT)
- func StringMapKey(cmap CStringMapT, index int64) (ret bool, key string)
- func StringMapSize(cmap CStringMapT) (ret int64)
- func StringMapValue(cmap CStringMapT, index int64) (ret bool, value string)
- func StringMultimapAppend(cmap CStringMultimapT, key string, value string) (ret bool)
- func StringMultimapClear(cmap CStringMultimapT)
- func StringMultimapEnumerate(cmap CStringMultimapT, key string, value_index int64) (ret bool, value string)
- func StringMultimapFindCount(cmap CStringMultimapT, key string) (ret int64)
- func StringMultimapFree(cmap CStringMultimapT)
- func StringMultimapKey(cmap CStringMultimapT, index int64) (ret bool, key string)
- func StringMultimapSize(cmap CStringMultimapT) (ret int64)
- func StringMultimapValue(cmap CStringMultimapT, index int64) (ret bool, value string)
- func TimeDelta(cef_time1 *CTimeT, cef_time2 *CTimeT, delta *int64) (ret bool)
- func TimeFromBasetime(from CBasetimeT, to *CTimeT) (ret bool)
- func TimeFromDoublet(ctime float64, cef_time *CTimeT) (ret bool)
- func TimeFromTimet(ctime time.Time, cef_time *CTimeT) (ret bool)
- func TimeNow(cef_time *CTimeT) (ret bool)
- func TimeToBasetime(from *CTimeT, to *CBasetimeT) (ret bool)
- func TimeToDoublet(cef_time *CTimeT, ctime *float64) (ret bool)
- func TimeToTimet(cef_time *CTimeT) (ret bool, ctime time.Time)
- func Tracef(p unsafe.Pointer, message string, v ...interface{})
- func V8contextInContext() (ret bool)
- func ZipDirectory(src_dir string, dest_file string, include_hidden_files int) (ret bool)
- type CAccessibilityHandlerT
- func (accessibility_handler *CAccessibilityHandlerT) Handler() interface{}
- func (accessibility_handler *CAccessibilityHandlerT) HasOneRef() bool
- func (self *CAccessibilityHandlerT) NewRef() (newP *CAccessibilityHandlerT)
- func (p *CAccessibilityHandlerT) Pass() (ret *CAccessibilityHandlerT)
- func (accessibility_handler *CAccessibilityHandlerT) UnbindAll()
- func (accessibility_handler *CAccessibilityHandlerT) Unref() (ret bool)
- type CAlphaTypeT
- type CAppT
- type CAudioHandlerT
- func (audio_handler *CAudioHandlerT) Handler() interface{}
- func (audio_handler *CAudioHandlerT) HasOneRef() bool
- func (self *CAudioHandlerT) NewRef() (newP *CAudioHandlerT)
- func (p *CAudioHandlerT) Pass() (ret *CAudioHandlerT)
- func (audio_handler *CAudioHandlerT) UnbindAll()
- func (audio_handler *CAudioHandlerT) Unref() (ret bool)
- type CAudioParametersT
- func (st *CAudioParametersT) ChannelLayout() CChannelLayoutT
- func (st *CAudioParametersT) FramesPerBuffer() int
- func (st *CAudioParametersT) SampleRate() int
- func (st *CAudioParametersT) SetChannelLayout(v CChannelLayoutT)
- func (st *CAudioParametersT) SetFramesPerBuffer(v int)
- func (st *CAudioParametersT) SetSampleRate(v int)
- type CAuthCallbackT
- func (self *CAuthCallbackT) Cancel()
- func (self *CAuthCallbackT) Cont(username string, password string)
- func (auth_callback *CAuthCallbackT) HasOneRef() bool
- func (self *CAuthCallbackT) NewRef() (newP *CAuthCallbackT)
- func (p *CAuthCallbackT) Pass() (ret *CAuthCallbackT)
- func (auth_callback *CAuthCallbackT) Unref() (ret bool)
- type CBasetimeT
- type CBeforeDownloadCallbackT
- func (self *CBeforeDownloadCallbackT) Cont(download_path string, show_dialog int)
- func (before_download_callback *CBeforeDownloadCallbackT) HasOneRef() bool
- func (self *CBeforeDownloadCallbackT) NewRef() (newP *CBeforeDownloadCallbackT)
- func (p *CBeforeDownloadCallbackT) Pass() (ret *CBeforeDownloadCallbackT)
- func (before_download_callback *CBeforeDownloadCallbackT) Unref() (ret bool)
- type CBinaryValueT
- func (self *CBinaryValueT) Copy() (ret *CBinaryValueT)
- func (self *CBinaryValueT) GetData(buffer unsafe.Pointer, buffer_size int64, data_offset int64) (ret int64)
- func (self *CBinaryValueT) GetSize() (ret int64)
- func (binary_value *CBinaryValueT) HasOneRef() bool
- func (self *CBinaryValueT) IsEqual(that *CBinaryValueT) (ret bool)
- func (self *CBinaryValueT) IsOwned() (ret bool)
- func (self *CBinaryValueT) IsSame(that *CBinaryValueT) (ret bool)
- func (self *CBinaryValueT) IsValid() (ret bool)
- func (self *CBinaryValueT) NewRef() (newP *CBinaryValueT)
- func (p *CBinaryValueT) Pass() (ret *CBinaryValueT)
- func (binary_value *CBinaryValueT) Unref() (ret bool)
- type CBoxLayoutSettingsT
- func (st *CBoxLayoutSettingsT) BetweenChildSpacing() int
- func (st *CBoxLayoutSettingsT) CrossAxisAlignment() CCrossAxisAlignmentT
- func (st *CBoxLayoutSettingsT) DefaultFlex() int
- func (st *CBoxLayoutSettingsT) Horizontal() bool
- func (st *CBoxLayoutSettingsT) InsideBorderHorizontalSpacing() int
- func (st *CBoxLayoutSettingsT) InsideBorderInsets() CInsetsT
- func (st *CBoxLayoutSettingsT) InsideBorderVerticalSpacing() int
- func (st *CBoxLayoutSettingsT) MainAxisAlignment() CMainAxisAlignmentT
- func (st *CBoxLayoutSettingsT) MinimumCrossAxisSize() int
- func (st *CBoxLayoutSettingsT) SetBetweenChildSpacing(v int)
- func (st *CBoxLayoutSettingsT) SetCrossAxisAlignment(v CCrossAxisAlignmentT)
- func (st *CBoxLayoutSettingsT) SetDefaultFlex(v int)
- func (st *CBoxLayoutSettingsT) SetHorizontal(v bool)
- func (st *CBoxLayoutSettingsT) SetInsideBorderHorizontalSpacing(v int)
- func (st *CBoxLayoutSettingsT) SetInsideBorderInsets(v CInsetsT)
- func (st *CBoxLayoutSettingsT) SetInsideBorderVerticalSpacing(v int)
- func (st *CBoxLayoutSettingsT) SetMainAxisAlignment(v CMainAxisAlignmentT)
- func (st *CBoxLayoutSettingsT) SetMinimumCrossAxisSize(v int)
- type CBoxLayoutT
- func (self *CBoxLayoutT) ClearFlexForView(view *CViewT)
- func (box_layout *CBoxLayoutT) HasOneRef() bool
- func (self *CBoxLayoutT) NewRef() (newP *CBoxLayoutT)
- func (p *CBoxLayoutT) Pass() (ret *CBoxLayoutT)
- func (self *CBoxLayoutT) SetFlexForView(view *CViewT, flex int)
- func (box_layout *CBoxLayoutT) ToCLayoutT() *CLayoutT
- func (box_layout *CBoxLayoutT) Unref() (ret bool)
- type CBrowserHostT
- func (self *CBrowserHostT) AddDevToolsMessageObserver(observer *CDevToolsMessageObserverT) (ret *CRegistrationT)
- func (self *CBrowserHostT) AddWordToDictionary(word string)
- func (self *CBrowserHostT) CloseBrowser(force_close bool)
- func (self *CBrowserHostT) CloseDevTools()
- func (self *CBrowserHostT) DownloadImage(image_url string, is_favicon bool, max_image_size uint32, bypass_cache bool, ...)
- func (self *CBrowserHostT) DragSourceEndedAt(x int, y int, op CDragOperationsMaskT)
- func (self *CBrowserHostT) DragSourceSystemDragEnded()
- func (self *CBrowserHostT) DragTargetDragEnter(drag_data *CDragDataT, event *CMouseEventT, allowed_ops CDragOperationsMaskT)
- func (self *CBrowserHostT) DragTargetDragLeave()
- func (self *CBrowserHostT) DragTargetDragOver(event *CMouseEventT, allowed_ops CDragOperationsMaskT)
- func (self *CBrowserHostT) DragTargetDrop(event *CMouseEventT)
- func (self *CBrowserHostT) ExecuteDevToolsMethod(message_id int, method string, params *CDictionaryValueT) (ret bool)
- func (self *CBrowserHostT) Find(searchText string, forward bool, matchCase bool, findNext bool)
- func (self *CBrowserHostT) GetBrowser() (ret *CBrowserT)
- func (self *CBrowserHostT) GetClient() (ret *CClientT)
- func (self *CBrowserHostT) GetExtension() (ret *CExtensionT)
- func (self *CBrowserHostT) GetNavigationEntries(visitor *CNavigationEntryVisitorT, current_only bool)
- func (self *CBrowserHostT) GetOpenerWindowHandle() (ret CWindowHandleT)
- func (self *CBrowserHostT) GetRequestContext() (ret *CRequestContextT)
- func (self *CBrowserHostT) GetVisibleNavigationEntry() (ret *CNavigationEntryT)
- func (self *CBrowserHostT) GetWindowHandle() (ret CWindowHandleT)
- func (self *CBrowserHostT) GetWindowlessFrameRate() (ret int)
- func (self *CBrowserHostT) GetZoomLevel() (ret float64)
- func (self *CBrowserHostT) HasDevTools() (ret bool)
- func (browser_host *CBrowserHostT) HasOneRef() bool
- func (self *CBrowserHostT) HasView() (ret bool)
- func (self *CBrowserHostT) ImeCancelComposition()
- func (self *CBrowserHostT) ImeCommitText(text string, replacement_range *CRangeT, relative_cursor_pos int)
- func (self *CBrowserHostT) ImeFinishComposingText(keep_selection bool)
- func (self *CBrowserHostT) ImeSetComposition(text string, underlinesCount int64, underlines *CCompositionUnderlineT, ...)
- func (self *CBrowserHostT) Invalidate(ctype CPaintElementTypeT)
- func (self *CBrowserHostT) IsAudioMuted() (ret bool)
- func (self *CBrowserHostT) IsBackgroundHost() (ret bool)
- func (self *CBrowserHostT) IsWindowRenderingDisabled() (ret bool)
- func (self *CBrowserHostT) NewRef() (newP *CBrowserHostT)
- func (self *CBrowserHostT) NotifyMoveOrResizeStarted()
- func (self *CBrowserHostT) NotifyScreenInfoChanged()
- func (p *CBrowserHostT) Pass() (ret *CBrowserHostT)
- func (self *CBrowserHostT) Print()
- func (self *CBrowserHostT) PrintToPdf(path string, settings *CPdfPrintSettingsT, callback *CPdfPrintCallbackT)
- func (self *CBrowserHostT) ReplaceMisspelling(word string)
- func (self *CBrowserHostT) RunFileDialog(mode CFileDialogModeT, title string, default_file_path string, ...)
- func (self *CBrowserHostT) SendCaptureLostEvent()
- func (self *CBrowserHostT) SendDevToolsMessage(message []byte) (ret bool)
- func (self *CBrowserHostT) SendExternalBeginFrame()
- func (self *CBrowserHostT) SendKeyEvent(event *CKeyEventT)
- func (self *CBrowserHostT) SendMouseClickEvent(event *CMouseEventT, ctype CMouseButtonTypeT, mouseUp bool, clickCount int)
- func (self *CBrowserHostT) SendMouseMoveEvent(event *CMouseEventT, mouseLeave bool)
- func (self *CBrowserHostT) SendMouseWheelEvent(event *CMouseEventT, deltaX int, deltaY int)
- func (self *CBrowserHostT) SendTouchEvent(event *CTouchEventT)
- func (self *CBrowserHostT) SetAccessibilityState(accessibility_state CStateT)
- func (self *CBrowserHostT) SetAudioMuted(mute bool)
- func (self *CBrowserHostT) SetAutoResizeEnabled(enabled bool, min_size *CSizeT, max_size *CSizeT)
- func (self *CBrowserHostT) SetFocus(focus bool)
- func (self *CBrowserHostT) SetWindowlessFrameRate(frame_rate int)
- func (self *CBrowserHostT) SetZoomLevel(zoomLevel float64)
- func (self *CBrowserHostT) ShowDevTools(windowInfo *CWindowInfoT, client *CClientT, settings *CBrowserSettingsT, ...)
- func (self *CBrowserHostT) StartDownload(url string)
- func (self *CBrowserHostT) StopFinding(clearSelection bool)
- func (self *CBrowserHostT) TryCloseBrowser() (ret bool)
- func (browser_host *CBrowserHostT) Unref() (ret bool)
- func (self *CBrowserHostT) WasHidden(hidden bool)
- func (self *CBrowserHostT) WasResized()
- type CBrowserProcessHandlerT
- func (browser_process_handler *CBrowserProcessHandlerT) Handler() interface{}
- func (browser_process_handler *CBrowserProcessHandlerT) HasOneRef() bool
- func (self *CBrowserProcessHandlerT) NewRef() (newP *CBrowserProcessHandlerT)
- func (p *CBrowserProcessHandlerT) Pass() (ret *CBrowserProcessHandlerT)
- func (browser_process_handler *CBrowserProcessHandlerT) UnbindAll()
- func (browser_process_handler *CBrowserProcessHandlerT) Unref() (ret bool)
- type CBrowserSettingsT
- func (st *CBrowserSettingsT) AcceptLanguageList() string
- func (st *CBrowserSettingsT) BackgroundColor() CColorT
- func (st *CBrowserSettingsT) ChromeStatusBubble() CStateT
- func (st *CBrowserSettingsT) CursiveFontFamily() string
- func (st *CBrowserSettingsT) Databases() CStateT
- func (st *CBrowserSettingsT) DefaultEncoding() string
- func (st *CBrowserSettingsT) DefaultFixedFontSize() int
- func (st *CBrowserSettingsT) DefaultFontSize() int
- func (st *CBrowserSettingsT) FantasyFontFamily() string
- func (st *CBrowserSettingsT) FixedFontFamily() string
- func (st *CBrowserSettingsT) ImageLoading() CStateT
- func (st *CBrowserSettingsT) ImageShrinkStandaloneToFit() CStateT
- func (st *CBrowserSettingsT) Javascript() CStateT
- func (st *CBrowserSettingsT) JavascriptAccessClipboard() CStateT
- func (st *CBrowserSettingsT) JavascriptCloseWindows() CStateT
- func (st *CBrowserSettingsT) JavascriptDomPaste() CStateT
- func (st *CBrowserSettingsT) LocalStorage() CStateT
- func (st *CBrowserSettingsT) MinimumFontSize() int
- func (st *CBrowserSettingsT) MinimumLogicalFontSize() int
- func (st *CBrowserSettingsT) RemoteFonts() CStateT
- func (st *CBrowserSettingsT) SansSerifFontFamily() string
- func (st *CBrowserSettingsT) SerifFontFamily() string
- func (st *CBrowserSettingsT) SetAcceptLanguageList(v string)
- func (st *CBrowserSettingsT) SetBackgroundColor(v CColorT)
- func (st *CBrowserSettingsT) SetChromeStatusBubble(v CStateT)
- func (st *CBrowserSettingsT) SetCursiveFontFamily(v string)
- func (st *CBrowserSettingsT) SetDatabases(v CStateT)
- func (st *CBrowserSettingsT) SetDefaultEncoding(v string)
- func (st *CBrowserSettingsT) SetDefaultFixedFontSize(v int)
- func (st *CBrowserSettingsT) SetDefaultFontSize(v int)
- func (st *CBrowserSettingsT) SetFantasyFontFamily(v string)
- func (st *CBrowserSettingsT) SetFixedFontFamily(v string)
- func (st *CBrowserSettingsT) SetImageLoading(v CStateT)
- func (st *CBrowserSettingsT) SetImageShrinkStandaloneToFit(v CStateT)
- func (st *CBrowserSettingsT) SetJavascript(v CStateT)
- func (st *CBrowserSettingsT) SetJavascriptAccessClipboard(v CStateT)
- func (st *CBrowserSettingsT) SetJavascriptCloseWindows(v CStateT)
- func (st *CBrowserSettingsT) SetJavascriptDomPaste(v CStateT)
- func (st *CBrowserSettingsT) SetLocalStorage(v CStateT)
- func (st *CBrowserSettingsT) SetMinimumFontSize(v int)
- func (st *CBrowserSettingsT) SetMinimumLogicalFontSize(v int)
- func (st *CBrowserSettingsT) SetRemoteFonts(v CStateT)
- func (st *CBrowserSettingsT) SetSansSerifFontFamily(v string)
- func (st *CBrowserSettingsT) SetSerifFontFamily(v string)
- func (st *CBrowserSettingsT) SetStandardFontFamily(v string)
- func (st *CBrowserSettingsT) SetTabToLinks(v CStateT)
- func (st *CBrowserSettingsT) SetTextAreaResize(v CStateT)
- func (st *CBrowserSettingsT) SetWebgl(v CStateT)
- func (st *CBrowserSettingsT) SetWindowlessFrameRate(v int)
- func (st *CBrowserSettingsT) StandardFontFamily() string
- func (st *CBrowserSettingsT) TabToLinks() CStateT
- func (st *CBrowserSettingsT) TextAreaResize() CStateT
- func (st *CBrowserSettingsT) Webgl() CStateT
- func (st *CBrowserSettingsT) WindowlessFrameRate() int
- type CBrowserT
- func (self *CBrowserT) CanGoBack() (ret bool)
- func (self *CBrowserT) CanGoForward() (ret bool)
- func (self *CBrowserT) GetFocusedFrame() (ret *CFrameT)
- func (self *CBrowserT) GetFrame(name string) (ret *CFrameT)
- func (self *CBrowserT) GetFrameByident(identifier int64) (ret *CFrameT)
- func (self *CBrowserT) GetFrameCount() (ret int64)
- func (self *CBrowserT) GetFrameNames(names CStringListT)
- func (self *CBrowserT) GetHost() (ret *CBrowserHostT)
- func (self *CBrowserT) GetIdentifier() (ret int)
- func (self *CBrowserT) GetMainFrame() (ret *CFrameT)
- func (self *CBrowserT) GoBack()
- func (self *CBrowserT) GoForward()
- func (self *CBrowserT) HasDocument() (ret bool)
- func (browser *CBrowserT) HasOneRef() bool
- func (self *CBrowserT) IsLoading() (ret bool)
- func (self *CBrowserT) IsPopup() (ret bool)
- func (self *CBrowserT) IsSame(that *CBrowserT) (ret bool)
- func (self *CBrowserT) IsValid() (ret bool)
- func (self *CBrowserT) NewRef() (newP *CBrowserT)
- func (p *CBrowserT) Pass() (ret *CBrowserT)
- func (self *CBrowserT) Reload()
- func (self *CBrowserT) ReloadIgnoreCache()
- func (self *CBrowserT) StopLoad()
- func (browser *CBrowserT) Unref() (ret bool)
- type CBrowserViewDelegateT
- func (browser_view_delegate *CBrowserViewDelegateT) Handler() interface{}
- func (browser_view_delegate *CBrowserViewDelegateT) HasOneRef() bool
- func (self *CBrowserViewDelegateT) NewRef() (newP *CBrowserViewDelegateT)
- func (p *CBrowserViewDelegateT) Pass() (ret *CBrowserViewDelegateT)
- func (browser_view_delegate *CBrowserViewDelegateT) ToCViewDelegateT() *CViewDelegateT
- func (browser_view_delegate *CBrowserViewDelegateT) UnbindAll()
- func (browser_view_delegate *CBrowserViewDelegateT) Unref() (ret bool)
- type CBrowserViewDelegateTOnBrowserCreatedHandler
- type CBrowserViewDelegateTOnBrowserDestroyedHandler
- type CBrowserViewT
- func (self *CBrowserViewT) GetBrowser() (ret *CBrowserT)
- func (self *CBrowserViewT) GetChromeToolbar() (ret *CViewT)
- func (browser_view *CBrowserViewT) HasOneRef() bool
- func (self *CBrowserViewT) NewRef() (newP *CBrowserViewT)
- func (p *CBrowserViewT) Pass() (ret *CBrowserViewT)
- func (self *CBrowserViewT) SetPreferAccelerators(prefer_accelerators bool)
- func (browser_view *CBrowserViewT) ToCViewT() *CViewT
- func (browser_view *CBrowserViewT) Unref() (ret bool)
- type CButtonDelegateT
- func (button_delegate *CButtonDelegateT) Handler() interface{}
- func (button_delegate *CButtonDelegateT) HasOneRef() bool
- func (self *CButtonDelegateT) NewRef() (newP *CButtonDelegateT)
- func (p *CButtonDelegateT) Pass() (ret *CButtonDelegateT)
- func (button_delegate *CButtonDelegateT) ToCViewDelegateT() *CViewDelegateT
- func (button_delegate *CButtonDelegateT) UnbindAll()
- func (button_delegate *CButtonDelegateT) Unref() (ret bool)
- type CButtonStateT
- type CButtonT
- func (self *CButtonT) AsLabelButton() (ret *CLabelButtonT)
- func (self *CButtonT) GetState() (ret CButtonStateT)
- func (button *CButtonT) HasOneRef() bool
- func (self *CButtonT) NewRef() (newP *CButtonT)
- func (p *CButtonT) Pass() (ret *CButtonT)
- func (self *CButtonT) SetAccessibleName(name string)
- func (self *CButtonT) SetInkDropEnabled(enabled int)
- func (self *CButtonT) SetState(state CButtonStateT)
- func (self *CButtonT) SetTooltipText(tooltip_text string)
- func (button *CButtonT) ToCViewT() *CViewT
- func (button *CButtonT) Unref() (ret bool)
- type CCallbackT
- type CCertStatusT
- type CChannelLayoutT
- type CChromeToolbarTypeT
- type CClientT
- type CClientTGetLoadHandlerHandler
- type CClientTOnProcessMessageReceivedHandler
- type CColorModelT
- type CColorT
- type CColorTypeT
- type CComInitModeT
- type CCommandHandlerT
- func (command_handler *CCommandHandlerT) HasOneRef() bool
- func (self *CCommandHandlerT) NewRef() (newP *CCommandHandlerT)
- func (self *CCommandHandlerT) OnChromeCommand(browser *CBrowserT, command_id int, disposition CWindowOpenDispositionT) (ret bool)
- func (p *CCommandHandlerT) Pass() (ret *CCommandHandlerT)
- func (command_handler *CCommandHandlerT) Unref() (ret bool)
- type CCommandLineT
- func (self *CCommandLineT) AppendArgument(argument string)
- func (self *CCommandLineT) AppendSwitch(name string)
- func (self *CCommandLineT) AppendSwitchWithValue(name string, value string)
- func (self *CCommandLineT) Copy() (ret *CCommandLineT)
- func (self *CCommandLineT) GetArguments(arguments CStringListT)
- func (self *CCommandLineT) GetArgv(argv CStringListT)
- func (self *CCommandLineT) GetCommandLineString() (ret string)
- func (self *CCommandLineT) GetProgram() (ret string)
- func (self *CCommandLineT) GetSwitchValue(name string) (ret string)
- func (self *CCommandLineT) GetSwitches(switches CStringMapT)
- func (self *CCommandLineT) HasArguments() (ret bool)
- func (command_line *CCommandLineT) HasOneRef() bool
- func (self *CCommandLineT) HasSwitch(name string) (ret bool)
- func (self *CCommandLineT) HasSwitches() (ret bool)
- func (self *CCommandLineT) InitFromString(command_line string)
- func (self *CCommandLineT) IsReadOnly() (ret bool)
- func (self *CCommandLineT) IsValid() (ret bool)
- func (self *CCommandLineT) NewRef() (newP *CCommandLineT)
- func (p *CCommandLineT) Pass() (ret *CCommandLineT)
- func (self *CCommandLineT) PrependWrapper(wrapper string)
- func (self *CCommandLineT) Reset()
- func (self *CCommandLineT) SetProgram(program string)
- func (command_line *CCommandLineT) Unref() (ret bool)
- type CCompletionCallbackT
- func (completion_callback *CCompletionCallbackT) HasOneRef() bool
- func (self *CCompletionCallbackT) NewRef() (newP *CCompletionCallbackT)
- func (self *CCompletionCallbackT) OnComplete()
- func (p *CCompletionCallbackT) Pass() (ret *CCompletionCallbackT)
- func (completion_callback *CCompletionCallbackT) Unref() (ret bool)
- type CCompositionUnderlineStyleT
- type CCompositionUnderlineT
- func (st *CCompositionUnderlineT) BackgroundColor() CColorT
- func (st *CCompositionUnderlineT) Color() CColorT
- func (st *CCompositionUnderlineT) Range() CRangeT
- func (st *CCompositionUnderlineT) SetBackgroundColor(v CColorT)
- func (st *CCompositionUnderlineT) SetColor(v CColorT)
- func (st *CCompositionUnderlineT) SetRange(v CRangeT)
- func (st *CCompositionUnderlineT) SetStyle(v CCompositionUnderlineStyleT)
- func (st *CCompositionUnderlineT) SetThick(v bool)
- func (st *CCompositionUnderlineT) Style() CCompositionUnderlineStyleT
- func (st *CCompositionUnderlineT) Thick() bool
- type CContextMenuEditStateFlagsT
- type CContextMenuHandlerT
- func (context_menu_handler *CContextMenuHandlerT) Handler() interface{}
- func (context_menu_handler *CContextMenuHandlerT) HasOneRef() bool
- func (self *CContextMenuHandlerT) NewRef() (newP *CContextMenuHandlerT)
- func (p *CContextMenuHandlerT) Pass() (ret *CContextMenuHandlerT)
- func (context_menu_handler *CContextMenuHandlerT) UnbindAll()
- func (context_menu_handler *CContextMenuHandlerT) Unref() (ret bool)
- type CContextMenuMediaStateFlagsT
- type CContextMenuMediaTypeT
- type CContextMenuParamsT
- func (self *CContextMenuParamsT) GetDictionarySuggestions(suggestions CStringListT) (ret bool)
- func (self *CContextMenuParamsT) GetEditStateFlags() (ret CContextMenuEditStateFlagsT)
- func (self *CContextMenuParamsT) GetFrameCharset() (ret string)
- func (self *CContextMenuParamsT) GetFrameUrl() (ret string)
- func (self *CContextMenuParamsT) GetLinkUrl() (ret string)
- func (self *CContextMenuParamsT) GetMediaStateFlags() (ret CContextMenuMediaStateFlagsT)
- func (self *CContextMenuParamsT) GetMediaType() (ret CContextMenuMediaTypeT)
- func (self *CContextMenuParamsT) GetMisspelledWord() (ret string)
- func (self *CContextMenuParamsT) GetPageUrl() (ret string)
- func (self *CContextMenuParamsT) GetSelectionText() (ret string)
- func (self *CContextMenuParamsT) GetSourceUrl() (ret string)
- func (self *CContextMenuParamsT) GetTitleText() (ret string)
- func (self *CContextMenuParamsT) GetTypeFlags() (ret CContextMenuTypeFlagsT)
- func (self *CContextMenuParamsT) GetUnfilteredLinkUrl() (ret string)
- func (self *CContextMenuParamsT) GetXcoord() (ret bool)
- func (self *CContextMenuParamsT) GetYcoord() (ret bool)
- func (self *CContextMenuParamsT) HasImageContents() (ret bool)
- func (context_menu_params *CContextMenuParamsT) HasOneRef() bool
- func (self *CContextMenuParamsT) IsCustomMenu() (ret bool)
- func (self *CContextMenuParamsT) IsEditable() (ret bool)
- func (self *CContextMenuParamsT) IsSpellCheckEnabled() (ret bool)
- func (self *CContextMenuParamsT) NewRef() (newP *CContextMenuParamsT)
- func (p *CContextMenuParamsT) Pass() (ret *CContextMenuParamsT)
- func (context_menu_params *CContextMenuParamsT) Unref() (ret bool)
- type CContextMenuTypeFlagsT
- type CCookieAccessFilterT
- func (cookie_access_filter *CCookieAccessFilterT) Handler() interface{}
- func (cookie_access_filter *CCookieAccessFilterT) HasOneRef() bool
- func (self *CCookieAccessFilterT) NewRef() (newP *CCookieAccessFilterT)
- func (p *CCookieAccessFilterT) Pass() (ret *CCookieAccessFilterT)
- func (cookie_access_filter *CCookieAccessFilterT) UnbindAll()
- func (cookie_access_filter *CCookieAccessFilterT) Unref() (ret bool)
- type CCookieManagerT
- func (self *CCookieManagerT) DeleteCookies(url string, cookie_name string, callback *CDeleteCookiesCallbackT) (ret bool)
- func (self *CCookieManagerT) FlushStore(callback *CCompletionCallbackT) (ret bool)
- func (cookie_manager *CCookieManagerT) HasOneRef() bool
- func (self *CCookieManagerT) NewRef() (newP *CCookieManagerT)
- func (p *CCookieManagerT) Pass() (ret *CCookieManagerT)
- func (self *CCookieManagerT) SetCookie(url string, cookie *CCookieT, callback *CSetCookieCallbackT) (ret bool)
- func (cookie_manager *CCookieManagerT) Unref() (ret bool)
- func (self *CCookieManagerT) VisitAllCookies(visitor *CCookieVisitorT) (ret bool)
- func (self *CCookieManagerT) VisitUrlCookies(url string, includeHttpOnly int, visitor *CCookieVisitorT) (ret bool)
- type CCookiePriorityT
- type CCookieSameSiteT
- type CCookieT
- func (st *CCookieT) Creation() CBasetimeT
- func (st *CCookieT) Domain() string
- func (st *CCookieT) Expires() CBasetimeT
- func (st *CCookieT) HasExpires() int
- func (st *CCookieT) Httponly() int
- func (st *CCookieT) LastAccess() CBasetimeT
- func (st *CCookieT) Name() string
- func (st *CCookieT) Path() string
- func (st *CCookieT) Priority() CCookiePriorityT
- func (st *CCookieT) SameSite() CCookieSameSiteT
- func (st *CCookieT) Secure() int
- func (st *CCookieT) SetCreation(v CBasetimeT)
- func (st *CCookieT) SetDomain(v string)
- func (st *CCookieT) SetExpires(v CBasetimeT)
- func (st *CCookieT) SetHasExpires(v int)
- func (st *CCookieT) SetHttponly(v int)
- func (st *CCookieT) SetLastAccess(v CBasetimeT)
- func (st *CCookieT) SetName(v string)
- func (st *CCookieT) SetPath(v string)
- func (st *CCookieT) SetPriority(v CCookiePriorityT)
- func (st *CCookieT) SetSameSite(v CCookieSameSiteT)
- func (st *CCookieT) SetSecure(v int)
- func (st *CCookieT) SetValue(v string)
- func (st *CCookieT) Value() string
- type CCookieVisitorT
- func (cookie_visitor *CCookieVisitorT) Handler() interface{}
- func (cookie_visitor *CCookieVisitorT) HasOneRef() bool
- func (self *CCookieVisitorT) NewRef() (newP *CCookieVisitorT)
- func (p *CCookieVisitorT) Pass() (ret *CCookieVisitorT)
- func (cookie_visitor *CCookieVisitorT) UnbindAll()
- func (cookie_visitor *CCookieVisitorT) Unref() (ret bool)
- type CCookieVisitorTVisitHandler
- type CCrossAxisAlignmentT
- type CCursorHandleT
- type CCursorInfoT
- func (st *CCursorInfoT) Buffer() unsafe.Pointer
- func (st *CCursorInfoT) Hotspot() CPointT
- func (st *CCursorInfoT) ImageScaleFactor() float32
- func (st *CCursorInfoT) SetBuffer(v unsafe.Pointer)
- func (st *CCursorInfoT) SetHotspot(v CPointT)
- func (st *CCursorInfoT) SetImageScaleFactor(v float32)
- func (st *CCursorInfoT) SetSize(v CSizeT)
- func (st *CCursorInfoT) Size() CSizeT
- type CCursorTypeT
- type CDeleteCookiesCallbackT
- func (delete_cookies_callback *CDeleteCookiesCallbackT) Handler() interface{}
- func (delete_cookies_callback *CDeleteCookiesCallbackT) HasOneRef() bool
- func (self *CDeleteCookiesCallbackT) NewRef() (newP *CDeleteCookiesCallbackT)
- func (p *CDeleteCookiesCallbackT) Pass() (ret *CDeleteCookiesCallbackT)
- func (delete_cookies_callback *CDeleteCookiesCallbackT) UnbindAll()
- func (delete_cookies_callback *CDeleteCookiesCallbackT) Unref() (ret bool)
- type CDeleteCookiesCallbackTOnCompleteHandler
- type CDevToolsMessageObserverT
- func (dev_tools_message_observer *CDevToolsMessageObserverT) Handler() interface{}
- func (dev_tools_message_observer *CDevToolsMessageObserverT) HasOneRef() bool
- func (self *CDevToolsMessageObserverT) NewRef() (newP *CDevToolsMessageObserverT)
- func (p *CDevToolsMessageObserverT) Pass() (ret *CDevToolsMessageObserverT)
- func (dev_tools_message_observer *CDevToolsMessageObserverT) UnbindAll()
- func (dev_tools_message_observer *CDevToolsMessageObserverT) Unref() (ret bool)
- type CDialogHandlerT
- func (dialog_handler *CDialogHandlerT) Handler() interface{}
- func (dialog_handler *CDialogHandlerT) HasOneRef() bool
- func (self *CDialogHandlerT) NewRef() (newP *CDialogHandlerT)
- func (p *CDialogHandlerT) Pass() (ret *CDialogHandlerT)
- func (dialog_handler *CDialogHandlerT) UnbindAll()
- func (dialog_handler *CDialogHandlerT) Unref() (ret bool)
- type CDictionaryValueT
- func (self *CDictionaryValueT) Clear() (ret bool)
- func (self *CDictionaryValueT) Copy(exclude_empty_children int) (ret *CDictionaryValueT)
- func (self *CDictionaryValueT) GetBinary(key string) (ret *CBinaryValueT)
- func (self *CDictionaryValueT) GetBool(key string) (ret bool)
- func (self *CDictionaryValueT) GetDictionary(key string) (ret *CDictionaryValueT)
- func (self *CDictionaryValueT) GetDouble(key string) (ret float64)
- func (self *CDictionaryValueT) GetInt(key string) (ret bool)
- func (self *CDictionaryValueT) GetKeys(keys CStringListT) (ret bool)
- func (self *CDictionaryValueT) GetList(key string) (ret *CListValueT)
- func (self *CDictionaryValueT) GetSize() (ret int64)
- func (self *CDictionaryValueT) GetString(key string) (ret string)
- func (self *CDictionaryValueT) GetType(key string) (ret CValueTypeT)
- func (self *CDictionaryValueT) GetValue(key string) (ret *CValueT)
- func (self *CDictionaryValueT) HasKey(key string) (ret bool)
- func (dictionary_value *CDictionaryValueT) HasOneRef() bool
- func (self *CDictionaryValueT) IsEqual(that *CDictionaryValueT) (ret bool)
- func (self *CDictionaryValueT) IsOwned() (ret bool)
- func (self *CDictionaryValueT) IsReadOnly() (ret bool)
- func (self *CDictionaryValueT) IsSame(that *CDictionaryValueT) (ret bool)
- func (self *CDictionaryValueT) IsValid() (ret bool)
- func (self *CDictionaryValueT) NewRef() (newP *CDictionaryValueT)
- func (p *CDictionaryValueT) Pass() (ret *CDictionaryValueT)
- func (self *CDictionaryValueT) Remove(key string) (ret bool)
- func (self *CDictionaryValueT) SetBinary(key string, value *CBinaryValueT) (ret bool)
- func (self *CDictionaryValueT) SetBool(key string, value bool) (ret bool)
- func (self *CDictionaryValueT) SetDictionary(key string, value *CDictionaryValueT) (ret bool)
- func (self *CDictionaryValueT) SetDouble(key string, value float64) (ret bool)
- func (self *CDictionaryValueT) SetInt(key string, value int) (ret bool)
- func (self *CDictionaryValueT) SetList(key string, value *CListValueT) (ret bool)
- func (self *CDictionaryValueT) SetNull(key string) (ret bool)
- func (self *CDictionaryValueT) SetString(key string, value string) (ret bool)
- func (self *CDictionaryValueT) SetValue(key string, value *CValueT) (ret bool)
- func (dictionary_value *CDictionaryValueT) Unref() (ret bool)
- type CDisplayHandlerT
- func (display_handler *CDisplayHandlerT) Handler() interface{}
- func (display_handler *CDisplayHandlerT) HasOneRef() bool
- func (self *CDisplayHandlerT) NewRef() (newP *CDisplayHandlerT)
- func (p *CDisplayHandlerT) Pass() (ret *CDisplayHandlerT)
- func (display_handler *CDisplayHandlerT) UnbindAll()
- func (display_handler *CDisplayHandlerT) Unref() (ret bool)
- type CDisplayT
- func (self *CDisplayT) ConvertPointFromPixels(point *CPointT)
- func (self *CDisplayT) ConvertPointToPixels(point *CPointT)
- func (self *CDisplayT) GetBounds() (ret CRectT)
- func (self *CDisplayT) GetDeviceScaleFactor() (ret float32)
- func (self *CDisplayT) GetId() (ret int64)
- func (self *CDisplayT) GetRotation() (ret bool)
- func (self *CDisplayT) GetWorkArea() (ret CRectT)
- func (display *CDisplayT) HasOneRef() bool
- func (self *CDisplayT) NewRef() (newP *CDisplayT)
- func (p *CDisplayT) Pass() (ret *CDisplayT)
- func (display *CDisplayT) Unref() (ret bool)
- type CDockingModeT
- type CDomDocumentTypeT
- type CDomEventCategoryT
- type CDomEventPhaseT
- type CDomNodeTypeT
- type CDomdocumentT
- func (self *CDomdocumentT) GetBaseUrl() (ret string)
- func (self *CDomdocumentT) GetBody() (ret *CDomnodeT)
- func (self *CDomdocumentT) GetCompleteUrl(partialURL string) (ret string)
- func (self *CDomdocumentT) GetDocument() (ret *CDomnodeT)
- func (self *CDomdocumentT) GetElementById(id string) (ret *CDomnodeT)
- func (self *CDomdocumentT) GetFocusedNode() (ret *CDomnodeT)
- func (self *CDomdocumentT) GetHead() (ret *CDomnodeT)
- func (self *CDomdocumentT) GetSelectionAsMarkup() (ret string)
- func (self *CDomdocumentT) GetSelectionAsText() (ret string)
- func (self *CDomdocumentT) GetSelectionEndOffset() (ret bool)
- func (self *CDomdocumentT) GetSelectionStartOffset() (ret bool)
- func (self *CDomdocumentT) GetTitle() (ret string)
- func (self *CDomdocumentT) GetType() (ret CDomDocumentTypeT)
- func (domdocument *CDomdocumentT) HasOneRef() bool
- func (self *CDomdocumentT) HasSelection() (ret bool)
- func (self *CDomdocumentT) NewRef() (newP *CDomdocumentT)
- func (p *CDomdocumentT) Pass() (ret *CDomdocumentT)
- func (domdocument *CDomdocumentT) Unref() (ret bool)
- type CDomnodeT
- func (self *CDomnodeT) GetAsMarkup() (ret string)
- func (self *CDomnodeT) GetDocument() (ret *CDomdocumentT)
- func (self *CDomnodeT) GetElementAttribute(attrName string) (ret string)
- func (self *CDomnodeT) GetElementAttributes(attrMap CStringMapT)
- func (self *CDomnodeT) GetElementBounds() (ret CRectT)
- func (self *CDomnodeT) GetElementInnerText() (ret string)
- func (self *CDomnodeT) GetElementTagName() (ret string)
- func (self *CDomnodeT) GetFirstChild() (ret *CDomnodeT)
- func (self *CDomnodeT) GetFormControlElementType() (ret string)
- func (self *CDomnodeT) GetLastChild() (ret *CDomnodeT)
- func (self *CDomnodeT) GetName() (ret string)
- func (self *CDomnodeT) GetNextSibling() (ret *CDomnodeT)
- func (self *CDomnodeT) GetParent() (ret *CDomnodeT)
- func (self *CDomnodeT) GetPreviousSibling() (ret *CDomnodeT)
- func (self *CDomnodeT) GetType() (ret CDomNodeTypeT)
- func (self *CDomnodeT) GetValue() (ret string)
- func (self *CDomnodeT) HasChildren() (ret bool)
- func (self *CDomnodeT) HasElementAttribute(attrName string) (ret bool)
- func (self *CDomnodeT) HasElementAttributes() (ret bool)
- func (domnode *CDomnodeT) HasOneRef() bool
- func (self *CDomnodeT) IsEditable() (ret bool)
- func (self *CDomnodeT) IsElement() (ret bool)
- func (self *CDomnodeT) IsFormControlElement() (ret bool)
- func (self *CDomnodeT) IsSame(that *CDomnodeT) (ret bool)
- func (self *CDomnodeT) IsText() (ret bool)
- func (self *CDomnodeT) NewRef() (newP *CDomnodeT)
- func (p *CDomnodeT) Pass() (ret *CDomnodeT)
- func (self *CDomnodeT) SetElementAttribute(attrName string, value string) (ret bool)
- func (self *CDomnodeT) SetValue(value string) (ret bool)
- func (domnode *CDomnodeT) Unref() (ret bool)
- type CDomvisitorT
- func (domvisitor *CDomvisitorT) Handler() interface{}
- func (domvisitor *CDomvisitorT) HasOneRef() bool
- func (self *CDomvisitorT) NewRef() (newP *CDomvisitorT)
- func (p *CDomvisitorT) Pass() (ret *CDomvisitorT)
- func (domvisitor *CDomvisitorT) UnbindAll()
- func (domvisitor *CDomvisitorT) Unref() (ret bool)
- type CDomvisitorTVisitHandler
- type CDownloadHandlerT
- func (download_handler *CDownloadHandlerT) Handler() interface{}
- func (download_handler *CDownloadHandlerT) HasOneRef() bool
- func (self *CDownloadHandlerT) NewRef() (newP *CDownloadHandlerT)
- func (p *CDownloadHandlerT) Pass() (ret *CDownloadHandlerT)
- func (download_handler *CDownloadHandlerT) UnbindAll()
- func (download_handler *CDownloadHandlerT) Unref() (ret bool)
- type CDownloadImageCallbackT
- func (download_image_callback *CDownloadImageCallbackT) HasOneRef() bool
- func (self *CDownloadImageCallbackT) NewRef() (newP *CDownloadImageCallbackT)
- func (self *CDownloadImageCallbackT) OnDownloadImageFinished(image_url string, http_status_code int, image *CImageT)
- func (p *CDownloadImageCallbackT) Pass() (ret *CDownloadImageCallbackT)
- func (download_image_callback *CDownloadImageCallbackT) Unref() (ret bool)
- type CDownloadItemCallbackT
- func (self *CDownloadItemCallbackT) Cancel()
- func (download_item_callback *CDownloadItemCallbackT) HasOneRef() bool
- func (self *CDownloadItemCallbackT) NewRef() (newP *CDownloadItemCallbackT)
- func (p *CDownloadItemCallbackT) Pass() (ret *CDownloadItemCallbackT)
- func (self *CDownloadItemCallbackT) Pause()
- func (self *CDownloadItemCallbackT) Resume()
- func (download_item_callback *CDownloadItemCallbackT) Unref() (ret bool)
- type CDownloadItemT
- func (self *CDownloadItemT) GetContentDisposition() (ret string)
- func (self *CDownloadItemT) GetCurrentSpeed() (ret int64)
- func (self *CDownloadItemT) GetEndTime() (ret CBasetimeT)
- func (self *CDownloadItemT) GetFullPath() (ret string)
- func (self *CDownloadItemT) GetId() (ret uint32)
- func (self *CDownloadItemT) GetMimeType() (ret string)
- func (self *CDownloadItemT) GetOriginalUrl() (ret string)
- func (self *CDownloadItemT) GetPercentComplete() (ret bool)
- func (self *CDownloadItemT) GetReceivedBytes() (ret int64)
- func (self *CDownloadItemT) GetStartTime() (ret CBasetimeT)
- func (self *CDownloadItemT) GetSuggestedFileName() (ret string)
- func (self *CDownloadItemT) GetTotalBytes() (ret int64)
- func (self *CDownloadItemT) GetUrl() (ret string)
- func (download_item *CDownloadItemT) HasOneRef() bool
- func (self *CDownloadItemT) IsCanceled() (ret bool)
- func (self *CDownloadItemT) IsComplete() (ret bool)
- func (self *CDownloadItemT) IsInProgress() (ret bool)
- func (self *CDownloadItemT) IsValid() (ret bool)
- func (self *CDownloadItemT) NewRef() (newP *CDownloadItemT)
- func (p *CDownloadItemT) Pass() (ret *CDownloadItemT)
- func (download_item *CDownloadItemT) Unref() (ret bool)
- type CDragDataT
- func (self *CDragDataT) AddFile(path string, display_name string)
- func (self *CDragDataT) ClearFilenames()
- func (self *CDragDataT) Clone() (ret *CDragDataT)
- func (self *CDragDataT) GetFileContents(writer *CStreamWriterT) (ret int64)
- func (self *CDragDataT) GetFileName() (ret string)
- func (self *CDragDataT) GetFileNames(names CStringListT) (ret bool)
- func (self *CDragDataT) GetFragmentBaseUrl() (ret string)
- func (self *CDragDataT) GetFragmentHtml() (ret string)
- func (self *CDragDataT) GetFragmentText() (ret string)
- func (self *CDragDataT) GetImage() (ret *CImageT)
- func (self *CDragDataT) GetImageHotspot() (ret CPointT)
- func (self *CDragDataT) GetLinkMetadata() (ret string)
- func (self *CDragDataT) GetLinkTitle() (ret string)
- func (self *CDragDataT) GetLinkUrl() (ret string)
- func (self *CDragDataT) HasImage() (ret bool)
- func (drag_data *CDragDataT) HasOneRef() bool
- func (self *CDragDataT) IsFile() (ret bool)
- func (self *CDragDataT) IsFragment() (ret bool)
- func (self *CDragDataT) IsLink() (ret bool)
- func (self *CDragDataT) IsReadOnly() (ret bool)
- func (self *CDragDataT) NewRef() (newP *CDragDataT)
- func (p *CDragDataT) Pass() (ret *CDragDataT)
- func (self *CDragDataT) ResetFileContents()
- func (self *CDragDataT) SetFragmentBaseUrl(base_url string)
- func (self *CDragDataT) SetFragmentHtml(html string)
- func (self *CDragDataT) SetFragmentText(text string)
- func (self *CDragDataT) SetLinkMetadata(data string)
- func (self *CDragDataT) SetLinkTitle(title string)
- func (self *CDragDataT) SetLinkUrl(url string)
- func (drag_data *CDragDataT) Unref() (ret bool)
- type CDragHandlerT
- func (drag_handler *CDragHandlerT) Handler() interface{}
- func (drag_handler *CDragHandlerT) HasOneRef() bool
- func (self *CDragHandlerT) NewRef() (newP *CDragHandlerT)
- func (p *CDragHandlerT) Pass() (ret *CDragHandlerT)
- func (drag_handler *CDragHandlerT) UnbindAll()
- func (drag_handler *CDragHandlerT) Unref() (ret bool)
- type CDragOperationsMaskT
- type CDraggableRegionT
- type CDuplexModeT
- type CEndTracingCallbackT
- func (end_tracing_callback *CEndTracingCallbackT) Handler() interface{}
- func (end_tracing_callback *CEndTracingCallbackT) HasOneRef() bool
- func (self *CEndTracingCallbackT) NewRef() (newP *CEndTracingCallbackT)
- func (p *CEndTracingCallbackT) Pass() (ret *CEndTracingCallbackT)
- func (end_tracing_callback *CEndTracingCallbackT) UnbindAll()
- func (end_tracing_callback *CEndTracingCallbackT) Unref() (ret bool)
- type CErrorcodeT
- type CEventFlagsT
- type CEventHandleT
- type CExtensionHandlerT
- func (extension_handler *CExtensionHandlerT) Handler() interface{}
- func (extension_handler *CExtensionHandlerT) HasOneRef() bool
- func (self *CExtensionHandlerT) NewRef() (newP *CExtensionHandlerT)
- func (p *CExtensionHandlerT) Pass() (ret *CExtensionHandlerT)
- func (extension_handler *CExtensionHandlerT) UnbindAll()
- func (extension_handler *CExtensionHandlerT) Unref() (ret bool)
- type CExtensionT
- func (self *CExtensionT) GetHandler() (ret *CExtensionHandlerT)
- func (self *CExtensionT) GetIdentifier() (ret string)
- func (self *CExtensionT) GetLoaderContext() (ret *CRequestContextT)
- func (self *CExtensionT) GetManifest() (ret *CDictionaryValueT)
- func (self *CExtensionT) GetPath() (ret string)
- func (extension *CExtensionT) HasOneRef() bool
- func (self *CExtensionT) IsLoaded() (ret bool)
- func (self *CExtensionT) IsSame(that *CExtensionT) (ret bool)
- func (self *CExtensionT) NewRef() (newP *CExtensionT)
- func (p *CExtensionT) Pass() (ret *CExtensionT)
- func (self *CExtensionT) Unload()
- func (extension *CExtensionT) Unref() (ret bool)
- type CFileDialogCallbackT
- func (self *CFileDialogCallbackT) Cancel()
- func (self *CFileDialogCallbackT) Cont(file_paths CStringListT)
- func (file_dialog_callback *CFileDialogCallbackT) HasOneRef() bool
- func (self *CFileDialogCallbackT) NewRef() (newP *CFileDialogCallbackT)
- func (p *CFileDialogCallbackT) Pass() (ret *CFileDialogCallbackT)
- func (file_dialog_callback *CFileDialogCallbackT) Unref() (ret bool)
- type CFileDialogModeT
- type CFillLayoutT
- type CFindHandlerT
- func (find_handler *CFindHandlerT) Handler() interface{}
- func (find_handler *CFindHandlerT) HasOneRef() bool
- func (self *CFindHandlerT) NewRef() (newP *CFindHandlerT)
- func (p *CFindHandlerT) Pass() (ret *CFindHandlerT)
- func (find_handler *CFindHandlerT) UnbindAll()
- func (find_handler *CFindHandlerT) Unref() (ret bool)
- type CFocusHandlerT
- func (focus_handler *CFocusHandlerT) Handler() interface{}
- func (focus_handler *CFocusHandlerT) HasOneRef() bool
- func (self *CFocusHandlerT) NewRef() (newP *CFocusHandlerT)
- func (p *CFocusHandlerT) Pass() (ret *CFocusHandlerT)
- func (focus_handler *CFocusHandlerT) UnbindAll()
- func (focus_handler *CFocusHandlerT) Unref() (ret bool)
- type CFocusSourceT
- type CFrameHandlerT
- func (frame_handler *CFrameHandlerT) HasOneRef() bool
- func (self *CFrameHandlerT) NewRef() (newP *CFrameHandlerT)
- func (self *CFrameHandlerT) OnFrameAttached(browser *CBrowserT, frame *CFrameT, reattached int)
- func (self *CFrameHandlerT) OnFrameCreated(browser *CBrowserT, frame *CFrameT)
- func (self *CFrameHandlerT) OnFrameDetached(browser *CBrowserT, frame *CFrameT)
- func (self *CFrameHandlerT) OnMainFrameChanged(browser *CBrowserT, old_frame *CFrameT, new_frame *CFrameT)
- func (p *CFrameHandlerT) Pass() (ret *CFrameHandlerT)
- func (frame_handler *CFrameHandlerT) Unref() (ret bool)
- type CFrameT
- func (self *CFrameT) Copy()
- func (self *CFrameT) CreateUrlrequest(request *CRequestT, client *CUrlrequestClientT) (ret *CUrlrequestT)
- func (self *CFrameT) Cut()
- func (self *CFrameT) Del()
- func (self *CFrameT) ExecuteJavaScript(code string, script_url string, start_line int)
- func (self *CFrameT) GetBrowser() (ret *CBrowserT)
- func (self *CFrameT) GetIdentifier() (ret int64)
- func (self *CFrameT) GetName() (ret string)
- func (self *CFrameT) GetParent() (ret *CFrameT)
- func (self *CFrameT) GetSource(visitor *CStringVisitorT)
- func (self *CFrameT) GetText(visitor *CStringVisitorT)
- func (self *CFrameT) GetUrl() (ret string)
- func (self *CFrameT) GetV8context() (ret *CV8contextT)
- func (frame *CFrameT) HasOneRef() bool
- func (self *CFrameT) IsFocused() (ret bool)
- func (self *CFrameT) IsMain() (ret bool)
- func (self *CFrameT) IsValid() (ret bool)
- func (self *CFrameT) LoadRequest(request *CRequestT)
- func (self *CFrameT) LoadUrl(url string)
- func (self *CFrameT) NewRef() (newP *CFrameT)
- func (p *CFrameT) Pass() (ret *CFrameT)
- func (self *CFrameT) Paste()
- func (self *CFrameT) Redo()
- func (self *CFrameT) SelectAll()
- func (self *CFrameT) SendProcessMessage(target_process CProcessIdT, message *CProcessMessageT)
- func (self *CFrameT) Undo()
- func (frame *CFrameT) Unref() (ret bool)
- func (self *CFrameT) ViewSource()
- func (self *CFrameT) VisitDom(visitor *CDomvisitorT)
- type CGetExtensionResourceCallbackT
- func (self *CGetExtensionResourceCallbackT) Cancel()
- func (self *CGetExtensionResourceCallbackT) Cont(stream *CStreamReaderT)
- func (get_extension_resource_callback *CGetExtensionResourceCallbackT) HasOneRef() bool
- func (self *CGetExtensionResourceCallbackT) NewRef() (newP *CGetExtensionResourceCallbackT)
- func (p *CGetExtensionResourceCallbackT) Pass() (ret *CGetExtensionResourceCallbackT)
- func (get_extension_resource_callback *CGetExtensionResourceCallbackT) Unref() (ret bool)
- type CHorizontalAlignmentT
- type CImageT
- func (self *CImageT) AddBitmap(scale_factor float32, pixel_width int, pixel_height int, ...) (ret bool)
- func (self *CImageT) AddJpeg(scale_factor float32, jpeg_data []byte) (ret bool)
- func (self *CImageT) AddPng(scale_factor float32, png_data []byte) (ret bool)
- func (self *CImageT) GetAsBitmap(scale_factor float32, color_type CColorTypeT, alpha_type CAlphaTypeT) (ret *CBinaryValueT, pixel_width int, pixel_height int)
- func (self *CImageT) GetAsJpeg(scale_factor float32, quality int) (ret *CBinaryValueT, pixel_width int, pixel_height int)
- func (self *CImageT) GetAsPng(scale_factor float32, with_transparency int) (ret *CBinaryValueT, pixel_width int, pixel_height int)
- func (self *CImageT) GetHeight() (ret int64)
- func (self *CImageT) GetRepresentationInfo(scale_factor float32) (ret bool, actual_scale_factor float32, pixel_width int, pixel_height int)
- func (self *CImageT) GetWidth() (ret int64)
- func (image *CImageT) HasOneRef() bool
- func (self *CImageT) HasRepresentation(scale_factor float32) (ret bool)
- func (self *CImageT) IsEmpty() (ret bool)
- func (self *CImageT) IsSame(that *CImageT) (ret bool)
- func (self *CImageT) NewRef() (newP *CImageT)
- func (p *CImageT) Pass() (ret *CImageT)
- func (self *CImageT) RemoveRepresentation(scale_factor float32) (ret bool)
- func (image *CImageT) Unref() (ret bool)
- type CInsetsT
- type CJsdialogCallbackT
- func (self *CJsdialogCallbackT) Cont(success int, user_input string)
- func (jsdialog_callback *CJsdialogCallbackT) HasOneRef() bool
- func (self *CJsdialogCallbackT) NewRef() (newP *CJsdialogCallbackT)
- func (p *CJsdialogCallbackT) Pass() (ret *CJsdialogCallbackT)
- func (jsdialog_callback *CJsdialogCallbackT) Unref() (ret bool)
- type CJsdialogHandlerT
- func (jsdialog_handler *CJsdialogHandlerT) Handler() interface{}
- func (jsdialog_handler *CJsdialogHandlerT) HasOneRef() bool
- func (self *CJsdialogHandlerT) NewRef() (newP *CJsdialogHandlerT)
- func (p *CJsdialogHandlerT) Pass() (ret *CJsdialogHandlerT)
- func (jsdialog_handler *CJsdialogHandlerT) UnbindAll()
- func (jsdialog_handler *CJsdialogHandlerT) Unref() (ret bool)
- type CJsdialogTypeT
- type CJsonParserOptionsT
- type CJsonWriterOptionsT
- type CKeyEventT
- func (st *CKeyEventT) Character() uint16
- func (st *CKeyEventT) FocusOnEditableField() int
- func (st *CKeyEventT) IsSystemKey() int
- func (st *CKeyEventT) Modifiers() uint32
- func (st *CKeyEventT) NativeKeyCode() int
- func (st *CKeyEventT) SetCharacter(v uint16)
- func (st *CKeyEventT) SetFocusOnEditableField(v int)
- func (st *CKeyEventT) SetIsSystemKey(v int)
- func (st *CKeyEventT) SetModifiers(v uint32)
- func (st *CKeyEventT) SetNativeKeyCode(v int)
- func (st *CKeyEventT) SetType(v CKeyEventTypeT)
- func (st *CKeyEventT) SetUnmodifiedCharacter(v uint16)
- func (st *CKeyEventT) SetWindowsKeyCode(v int)
- func (st *CKeyEventT) Type() CKeyEventTypeT
- func (st *CKeyEventT) UnmodifiedCharacter() uint16
- func (st *CKeyEventT) WindowsKeyCode() int
- type CKeyEventTypeT
- type CKeyboardHandlerT
- func (keyboard_handler *CKeyboardHandlerT) Handler() interface{}
- func (keyboard_handler *CKeyboardHandlerT) HasOneRef() bool
- func (self *CKeyboardHandlerT) NewRef() (newP *CKeyboardHandlerT)
- func (p *CKeyboardHandlerT) Pass() (ret *CKeyboardHandlerT)
- func (keyboard_handler *CKeyboardHandlerT) UnbindAll()
- func (keyboard_handler *CKeyboardHandlerT) Unref() (ret bool)
- type CKeyboardHandlerTOnKeyEventHandler
- type CLabelButtonT
- func (self *CLabelButtonT) AsMenuButton() (ret *CMenuButtonT)
- func (self *CLabelButtonT) GetImage(button_state CButtonStateT) (ret *CImageT)
- func (self *CLabelButtonT) GetText() (ret string)
- func (label_button *CLabelButtonT) HasOneRef() bool
- func (self *CLabelButtonT) NewRef() (newP *CLabelButtonT)
- func (p *CLabelButtonT) Pass() (ret *CLabelButtonT)
- func (self *CLabelButtonT) SetEnabledTextColors(color CColorT)
- func (self *CLabelButtonT) SetFontList(font_list string)
- func (self *CLabelButtonT) SetHorizontalAlignment(alignment CHorizontalAlignmentT)
- func (self *CLabelButtonT) SetImage(button_state CButtonStateT, image *CImageT)
- func (self *CLabelButtonT) SetMaximumSize(size *CSizeT)
- func (self *CLabelButtonT) SetMinimumSize(size *CSizeT)
- func (self *CLabelButtonT) SetText(text string)
- func (self *CLabelButtonT) SetTextColor(for_state CButtonStateT, color CColorT)
- func (label_button *CLabelButtonT) ToCButtonT() *CButtonT
- func (label_button *CLabelButtonT) Unref() (ret bool)
- type CLayoutT
- func (self *CLayoutT) AsBoxLayout() (ret *CBoxLayoutT)
- func (self *CLayoutT) AsFillLayout() (ret *CFillLayoutT)
- func (layout *CLayoutT) HasOneRef() bool
- func (self *CLayoutT) IsValid() (ret bool)
- func (self *CLayoutT) NewRef() (newP *CLayoutT)
- func (p *CLayoutT) Pass() (ret *CLayoutT)
- func (layout *CLayoutT) Unref() (ret bool)
- type CLifeSpanHandlerT
- func (life_span_handler *CLifeSpanHandlerT) Handler() interface{}
- func (life_span_handler *CLifeSpanHandlerT) HasOneRef() bool
- func (self *CLifeSpanHandlerT) NewRef() (newP *CLifeSpanHandlerT)
- func (p *CLifeSpanHandlerT) Pass() (ret *CLifeSpanHandlerT)
- func (life_span_handler *CLifeSpanHandlerT) UnbindAll()
- func (life_span_handler *CLifeSpanHandlerT) Unref() (ret bool)
- type CListValueT
- func (self *CListValueT) Clear() (ret bool)
- func (self *CListValueT) Copy() (ret *CListValueT)
- func (self *CListValueT) GetBinary(index int64) (ret *CBinaryValueT)
- func (self *CListValueT) GetBool(index int64) (ret bool)
- func (self *CListValueT) GetDictionary(index int64) (ret *CDictionaryValueT)
- func (self *CListValueT) GetDouble(index int64) (ret float64)
- func (self *CListValueT) GetInt(index int64) (ret int)
- func (self *CListValueT) GetList(index int64) (ret *CListValueT)
- func (self *CListValueT) GetSize() (ret int64)
- func (self *CListValueT) GetString(index int64) (ret string)
- func (self *CListValueT) GetType(index int64) (ret CValueTypeT)
- func (self *CListValueT) GetValue(index int64) (ret *CValueT)
- func (list_value *CListValueT) HasOneRef() bool
- func (self *CListValueT) IsEqual(that *CListValueT) (ret bool)
- func (self *CListValueT) IsOwned() (ret bool)
- func (self *CListValueT) IsReadOnly() (ret bool)
- func (self *CListValueT) IsSame(that *CListValueT) (ret bool)
- func (self *CListValueT) IsValid() (ret bool)
- func (self *CListValueT) NewRef() (newP *CListValueT)
- func (p *CListValueT) Pass() (ret *CListValueT)
- func (self *CListValueT) Remove(index int64) (ret bool)
- func (self *CListValueT) SetBinary(index int64, value *CBinaryValueT) (ret bool)
- func (self *CListValueT) SetBool(index int64, value bool) (ret bool)
- func (self *CListValueT) SetDictionary(index int64, value *CDictionaryValueT) (ret bool)
- func (self *CListValueT) SetDouble(index int64, value float64) (ret bool)
- func (self *CListValueT) SetInt(index int64, value int) (ret bool)
- func (self *CListValueT) SetList(index int64, value *CListValueT) (ret bool)
- func (self *CListValueT) SetNull(index int64) (ret bool)
- func (self *CListValueT) SetSize(size int64) (ret bool)
- func (self *CListValueT) SetString(index int64, value string) (ret bool)
- func (self *CListValueT) SetValue(index int64, value *CValueT) (ret bool)
- func (list_value *CListValueT) Unref() (ret bool)
- type CLoadHandlerT
- func (load_handler *CLoadHandlerT) Handler() interface{}
- func (load_handler *CLoadHandlerT) HasOneRef() bool
- func (self *CLoadHandlerT) NewRef() (newP *CLoadHandlerT)
- func (p *CLoadHandlerT) Pass() (ret *CLoadHandlerT)
- func (load_handler *CLoadHandlerT) UnbindAll()
- func (load_handler *CLoadHandlerT) Unref() (ret bool)
- type CLogSeverityT
- type CMainAxisAlignmentT
- type CMediaAccessCallbackT
- func (self *CMediaAccessCallbackT) Cancel()
- func (self *CMediaAccessCallbackT) Cont(allowed_permissions uint32)
- func (media_access_callback *CMediaAccessCallbackT) HasOneRef() bool
- func (self *CMediaAccessCallbackT) NewRef() (newP *CMediaAccessCallbackT)
- func (p *CMediaAccessCallbackT) Pass() (ret *CMediaAccessCallbackT)
- func (media_access_callback *CMediaAccessCallbackT) Unref() (ret bool)
- type CMediaAccessPermissionTypesT
- type CMediaObserverT
- func (media_observer *CMediaObserverT) Handler() interface{}
- func (media_observer *CMediaObserverT) HasOneRef() bool
- func (self *CMediaObserverT) NewRef() (newP *CMediaObserverT)
- func (p *CMediaObserverT) Pass() (ret *CMediaObserverT)
- func (media_observer *CMediaObserverT) UnbindAll()
- func (media_observer *CMediaObserverT) Unref() (ret bool)
- type CMediaRouteConnectionStateT
- type CMediaRouteCreateCallbackT
- func (media_route_create_callback *CMediaRouteCreateCallbackT) HasOneRef() bool
- func (self *CMediaRouteCreateCallbackT) NewRef() (newP *CMediaRouteCreateCallbackT)
- func (self *CMediaRouteCreateCallbackT) OnMediaRouteCreateFinished(result CMediaRouteCreateResultT, error string, route *CMediaRouteT)
- func (p *CMediaRouteCreateCallbackT) Pass() (ret *CMediaRouteCreateCallbackT)
- func (media_route_create_callback *CMediaRouteCreateCallbackT) Unref() (ret bool)
- type CMediaRouteCreateResultT
- type CMediaRouteT
- func (self *CMediaRouteT) GetId() (ret string)
- func (self *CMediaRouteT) GetSink() (ret *CMediaSinkT)
- func (self *CMediaRouteT) GetSource() (ret *CMediaSourceT)
- func (media_route *CMediaRouteT) HasOneRef() bool
- func (self *CMediaRouteT) NewRef() (newP *CMediaRouteT)
- func (p *CMediaRouteT) Pass() (ret *CMediaRouteT)
- func (self *CMediaRouteT) SendRouteMessage(message []byte)
- func (self *CMediaRouteT) Terminate()
- func (media_route *CMediaRouteT) Unref() (ret bool)
- type CMediaRouterT
- func (self *CMediaRouterT) AddObserver(observer *CMediaObserverT) (ret *CRegistrationT)
- func (self *CMediaRouterT) CreateRoute(source *CMediaSourceT, sink *CMediaSinkT, callback *CMediaRouteCreateCallbackT)
- func (self *CMediaRouterT) GetSource(urn string) (ret *CMediaSourceT)
- func (media_router *CMediaRouterT) HasOneRef() bool
- func (self *CMediaRouterT) NewRef() (newP *CMediaRouterT)
- func (self *CMediaRouterT) NotifyCurrentRoutes()
- func (self *CMediaRouterT) NotifyCurrentSinks()
- func (p *CMediaRouterT) Pass() (ret *CMediaRouterT)
- func (media_router *CMediaRouterT) Unref() (ret bool)
- type CMediaSinkDeviceInfoCallbackT
- func (media_sink_device_info_callback *CMediaSinkDeviceInfoCallbackT) HasOneRef() bool
- func (self *CMediaSinkDeviceInfoCallbackT) NewRef() (newP *CMediaSinkDeviceInfoCallbackT)
- func (self *CMediaSinkDeviceInfoCallbackT) OnMediaSinkDeviceInfo(device_info *CMediaSinkDeviceInfoT)
- func (p *CMediaSinkDeviceInfoCallbackT) Pass() (ret *CMediaSinkDeviceInfoCallbackT)
- func (media_sink_device_info_callback *CMediaSinkDeviceInfoCallbackT) Unref() (ret bool)
- type CMediaSinkDeviceInfoT
- func (st *CMediaSinkDeviceInfoT) IpAddress() string
- func (st *CMediaSinkDeviceInfoT) ModelName() string
- func (st *CMediaSinkDeviceInfoT) Port() int
- func (st *CMediaSinkDeviceInfoT) SetIpAddress(v string)
- func (st *CMediaSinkDeviceInfoT) SetModelName(v string)
- func (st *CMediaSinkDeviceInfoT) SetPort(v int)
- type CMediaSinkIconTypeT
- type CMediaSinkT
- func (self *CMediaSinkT) GetDescription() (ret string)
- func (self *CMediaSinkT) GetDeviceInfo(callback *CMediaSinkDeviceInfoCallbackT)
- func (self *CMediaSinkT) GetIconType() (ret CMediaSinkIconTypeT)
- func (self *CMediaSinkT) GetId() (ret string)
- func (self *CMediaSinkT) GetName() (ret string)
- func (media_sink *CMediaSinkT) HasOneRef() bool
- func (self *CMediaSinkT) IsCastSink() (ret bool)
- func (self *CMediaSinkT) IsCompatibleWith(source *CMediaSourceT) (ret bool)
- func (self *CMediaSinkT) IsDialSink() (ret bool)
- func (self *CMediaSinkT) NewRef() (newP *CMediaSinkT)
- func (p *CMediaSinkT) Pass() (ret *CMediaSinkT)
- func (media_sink *CMediaSinkT) Unref() (ret bool)
- type CMediaSourceT
- func (self *CMediaSourceT) GetId() (ret string)
- func (media_source *CMediaSourceT) HasOneRef() bool
- func (self *CMediaSourceT) IsCastSource() (ret bool)
- func (self *CMediaSourceT) IsDialSource() (ret bool)
- func (self *CMediaSourceT) NewRef() (newP *CMediaSourceT)
- func (p *CMediaSourceT) Pass() (ret *CMediaSourceT)
- func (media_source *CMediaSourceT) Unref() (ret bool)
- type CMenuAnchorPositionT
- type CMenuButtonDelegateT
- func (menu_button_delegate *CMenuButtonDelegateT) Handler() interface{}
- func (menu_button_delegate *CMenuButtonDelegateT) HasOneRef() bool
- func (self *CMenuButtonDelegateT) NewRef() (newP *CMenuButtonDelegateT)
- func (p *CMenuButtonDelegateT) Pass() (ret *CMenuButtonDelegateT)
- func (menu_button_delegate *CMenuButtonDelegateT) ToCButtonDelegateT() *CButtonDelegateT
- func (menu_button_delegate *CMenuButtonDelegateT) UnbindAll()
- func (menu_button_delegate *CMenuButtonDelegateT) Unref() (ret bool)
- type CMenuButtonPressedLockT
- type CMenuButtonT
- func (menu_button *CMenuButtonT) HasOneRef() bool
- func (self *CMenuButtonT) NewRef() (newP *CMenuButtonT)
- func (p *CMenuButtonT) Pass() (ret *CMenuButtonT)
- func (self *CMenuButtonT) ShowMenu(menu_model *CMenuModelT, screen_point *CPointT, ...)
- func (menu_button *CMenuButtonT) ToCLabelButtonT() *CLabelButtonT
- func (self *CMenuButtonT) TriggerMenu()
- func (menu_button *CMenuButtonT) Unref() (ret bool)
- type CMenuColorTypeT
- type CMenuIdT
- type CMenuItemTypeT
- type CMenuModelDelegateT
- func (menu_model_delegate *CMenuModelDelegateT) Handler() interface{}
- func (menu_model_delegate *CMenuModelDelegateT) HasOneRef() bool
- func (self *CMenuModelDelegateT) NewRef() (newP *CMenuModelDelegateT)
- func (p *CMenuModelDelegateT) Pass() (ret *CMenuModelDelegateT)
- func (menu_model_delegate *CMenuModelDelegateT) UnbindAll()
- func (menu_model_delegate *CMenuModelDelegateT) Unref() (ret bool)
- type CMenuModelT
- func (self *CMenuModelT) AddCheckItem(command_id int, label string) (ret bool)
- func (self *CMenuModelT) AddItem(command_id int, label string) (ret bool)
- func (self *CMenuModelT) AddRadioItem(command_id int, label string, group_id int) (ret bool)
- func (self *CMenuModelT) AddSeparator() (ret bool)
- func (self *CMenuModelT) AddSubMenu(command_id int, label string) (ret *CMenuModelT)
- func (self *CMenuModelT) Clear() (ret bool)
- func (self *CMenuModelT) GetAccelerator(command_id int) (ret bool, key_code int, shift_pressed int, ctrl_pressed int, alt_pressed int)
- func (self *CMenuModelT) GetAcceleratorAt(index int64) (ret bool, key_code int, shift_pressed int, ctrl_pressed int, alt_pressed int)
- func (self *CMenuModelT) GetColor(command_id int, color_type CMenuColorTypeT, color *CColorT) (ret bool)
- func (self *CMenuModelT) GetColorAt(index int, color_type CMenuColorTypeT, color *CColorT) (ret bool)
- func (self *CMenuModelT) GetCommandIdAt(index int64) (ret bool)
- func (self *CMenuModelT) GetCount() (ret int64)
- func (self *CMenuModelT) GetGroupId(command_id int) (ret bool)
- func (self *CMenuModelT) GetGroupIdAt(index int64) (ret bool)
- func (self *CMenuModelT) GetIndexOf(command_id int) (ret bool)
- func (self *CMenuModelT) GetLabel(command_id int) (ret string)
- func (self *CMenuModelT) GetLabelAt(index int64) (ret string)
- func (self *CMenuModelT) GetSubMenu(command_id int) (ret *CMenuModelT)
- func (self *CMenuModelT) GetSubMenuAt(index int64) (ret *CMenuModelT)
- func (self *CMenuModelT) GetType(command_id int) (ret CMenuItemTypeT)
- func (self *CMenuModelT) GetTypeAt(index int64) (ret CMenuItemTypeT)
- func (self *CMenuModelT) HasAccelerator(command_id int) (ret bool)
- func (self *CMenuModelT) HasAcceleratorAt(index int64) (ret bool)
- func (menu_model *CMenuModelT) HasOneRef() bool
- func (self *CMenuModelT) InsertCheckItemAt(index int64, command_id int, label string) (ret bool)
- func (self *CMenuModelT) InsertItemAt(index int64, command_id int, label string) (ret bool)
- func (self *CMenuModelT) InsertRadioItemAt(index int64, command_id int, label string, group_id int) (ret bool)
- func (self *CMenuModelT) InsertSeparatorAt(index int64) (ret bool)
- func (self *CMenuModelT) InsertSubMenuAt(index int64, command_id int, label string) (ret *CMenuModelT)
- func (self *CMenuModelT) IsChecked(command_id int) (ret bool)
- func (self *CMenuModelT) IsCheckedAt(index int64) (ret bool)
- func (self *CMenuModelT) IsEnabled(command_id int) (ret bool)
- func (self *CMenuModelT) IsEnabledAt(index int64) (ret bool)
- func (self *CMenuModelT) IsSubMenu() (ret bool)
- func (self *CMenuModelT) IsVisible(command_id int) (ret bool)
- func (self *CMenuModelT) IsVisibleAt(index int64) (ret bool)
- func (self *CMenuModelT) NewRef() (newP *CMenuModelT)
- func (p *CMenuModelT) Pass() (ret *CMenuModelT)
- func (self *CMenuModelT) Remove(command_id int) (ret bool)
- func (self *CMenuModelT) RemoveAccelerator(command_id int) (ret bool)
- func (self *CMenuModelT) RemoveAcceleratorAt(index int64) (ret bool)
- func (self *CMenuModelT) RemoveAt(index int64) (ret bool)
- func (self *CMenuModelT) SetAccelerator(command_id int, key_code int, shift_pressed int, ctrl_pressed int, ...) (ret bool)
- func (self *CMenuModelT) SetAcceleratorAt(index int64, key_code int, shift_pressed int, ctrl_pressed int, ...) (ret bool)
- func (self *CMenuModelT) SetChecked(command_id int, checked int) (ret bool)
- func (self *CMenuModelT) SetCheckedAt(index int64, checked int) (ret bool)
- func (self *CMenuModelT) SetColor(command_id int, color_type CMenuColorTypeT, color CColorT) (ret bool)
- func (self *CMenuModelT) SetColorAt(index int, color_type CMenuColorTypeT, color CColorT) (ret bool)
- func (self *CMenuModelT) SetCommandIdAt(index int64, command_id int) (ret bool)
- func (self *CMenuModelT) SetEnabled(command_id int, enabled int) (ret bool)
- func (self *CMenuModelT) SetEnabledAt(index int64, enabled int) (ret bool)
- func (self *CMenuModelT) SetFontList(command_id int, font_list string) (ret bool)
- func (self *CMenuModelT) SetFontListAt(index int, font_list string) (ret bool)
- func (self *CMenuModelT) SetGroupId(command_id int, group_id int) (ret bool)
- func (self *CMenuModelT) SetGroupIdAt(index int64, group_id int) (ret bool)
- func (self *CMenuModelT) SetLabel(command_id int, label string) (ret bool)
- func (self *CMenuModelT) SetLabelAt(index int64, label string) (ret bool)
- func (self *CMenuModelT) SetVisible(command_id int, visible int) (ret bool)
- func (self *CMenuModelT) SetVisibleAt(index int64, visible int) (ret bool)
- func (menu_model *CMenuModelT) Unref() (ret bool)
- type CMessageLoopTypeT
- type CMouseButtonTypeT
- type CMouseEventT
- type CNavigationEntryT
- func (self *CNavigationEntryT) GetCompletionTime() (ret CBasetimeT)
- func (self *CNavigationEntryT) GetDisplayUrl() (ret string)
- func (self *CNavigationEntryT) GetHttpStatusCode() (ret bool)
- func (self *CNavigationEntryT) GetOriginalUrl() (ret string)
- func (self *CNavigationEntryT) GetSslstatus() (ret *CSslstatusT)
- func (self *CNavigationEntryT) GetTitle() (ret string)
- func (self *CNavigationEntryT) GetTransitionType() (ret CTransitionTypeT)
- func (self *CNavigationEntryT) GetUrl() (ret string)
- func (navigation_entry *CNavigationEntryT) HasOneRef() bool
- func (self *CNavigationEntryT) HasPostData() (ret bool)
- func (self *CNavigationEntryT) IsValid() (ret bool)
- func (self *CNavigationEntryT) NewRef() (newP *CNavigationEntryT)
- func (p *CNavigationEntryT) Pass() (ret *CNavigationEntryT)
- func (navigation_entry *CNavigationEntryT) Unref() (ret bool)
- type CNavigationEntryVisitorT
- func (navigation_entry_visitor *CNavigationEntryVisitorT) Handler() interface{}
- func (navigation_entry_visitor *CNavigationEntryVisitorT) HasOneRef() bool
- func (self *CNavigationEntryVisitorT) NewRef() (newP *CNavigationEntryVisitorT)
- func (p *CNavigationEntryVisitorT) Pass() (ret *CNavigationEntryVisitorT)
- func (navigation_entry_visitor *CNavigationEntryVisitorT) UnbindAll()
- func (navigation_entry_visitor *CNavigationEntryVisitorT) Unref() (ret bool)
- type CNavigationEntryVisitorTVisitHandler
- type CNavigationTypeT
- type COverlayControllerT
- func (self *COverlayControllerT) Destroy()
- func (self *COverlayControllerT) GetBounds() (ret CRectT)
- func (self *COverlayControllerT) GetBoundsInScreen() (ret CRectT)
- func (self *COverlayControllerT) GetContentsView() (ret *CViewT)
- func (self *COverlayControllerT) GetDockingMode() (ret CDockingModeT)
- func (self *COverlayControllerT) GetInsets() (ret CInsetsT)
- func (self *COverlayControllerT) GetPosition() (ret CPointT)
- func (self *COverlayControllerT) GetSize() (ret CSizeT)
- func (self *COverlayControllerT) GetWindow() (ret *CWindowT)
- func (overlay_controller *COverlayControllerT) HasOneRef() bool
- func (self *COverlayControllerT) IsDrawn() (ret bool)
- func (self *COverlayControllerT) IsSame(that *COverlayControllerT) (ret bool)
- func (self *COverlayControllerT) IsValid() (ret bool)
- func (self *COverlayControllerT) IsVisible() (ret bool)
- func (self *COverlayControllerT) NewRef() (newP *COverlayControllerT)
- func (p *COverlayControllerT) Pass() (ret *COverlayControllerT)
- func (self *COverlayControllerT) SetBounds(bounds *CRectT)
- func (self *COverlayControllerT) SetInsets(insets *CInsetsT)
- func (self *COverlayControllerT) SetPosition(position *CPointT)
- func (self *COverlayControllerT) SetSize(size *CSizeT)
- func (self *COverlayControllerT) SetVisible(visible int)
- func (self *COverlayControllerT) SizeToPreferredSize()
- func (overlay_controller *COverlayControllerT) Unref() (ret bool)
- type CPaintElementTypeT
- type CPanelDelegateT
- func (panel_delegate *CPanelDelegateT) Handler() interface{}
- func (panel_delegate *CPanelDelegateT) HasOneRef() bool
- func (self *CPanelDelegateT) NewRef() (newP *CPanelDelegateT)
- func (p *CPanelDelegateT) Pass() (ret *CPanelDelegateT)
- func (panel_delegate *CPanelDelegateT) ToCViewDelegateT() *CViewDelegateT
- func (panel_delegate *CPanelDelegateT) UnbindAll()
- func (panel_delegate *CPanelDelegateT) Unref() (ret bool)
- type CPanelT
- func (self *CPanelT) AddChildView(view *CViewT)
- func (self *CPanelT) AddChildViewAt(view *CViewT, index int)
- func (self *CPanelT) AsWindow() (ret *CWindowT)
- func (self *CPanelT) GetChildViewAt(index int) (ret *CViewT)
- func (self *CPanelT) GetChildViewCount() (ret int64)
- func (self *CPanelT) GetLayout() (ret *CLayoutT)
- func (panel *CPanelT) HasOneRef() bool
- func (self *CPanelT) Layout()
- func (self *CPanelT) NewRef() (newP *CPanelT)
- func (p *CPanelT) Pass() (ret *CPanelT)
- func (self *CPanelT) RemoveAllChildViews()
- func (self *CPanelT) RemoveChildView(view *CViewT)
- func (self *CPanelT) ReorderChildView(view *CViewT, index int)
- func (self *CPanelT) SetToBoxLayout(settings *CBoxLayoutSettingsT) (ret *CBoxLayoutT)
- func (self *CPanelT) SetToFillLayout() (ret *CFillLayoutT)
- func (panel *CPanelT) ToCViewT() *CViewT
- func (panel *CPanelT) Unref() (ret bool)
- type CPathKeyT
- type CPdfPrintCallbackT
- func (pdf_print_callback *CPdfPrintCallbackT) Handler() interface{}
- func (pdf_print_callback *CPdfPrintCallbackT) HasOneRef() bool
- func (self *CPdfPrintCallbackT) NewRef() (newP *CPdfPrintCallbackT)
- func (p *CPdfPrintCallbackT) Pass() (ret *CPdfPrintCallbackT)
- func (pdf_print_callback *CPdfPrintCallbackT) UnbindAll()
- func (pdf_print_callback *CPdfPrintCallbackT) Unref() (ret bool)
- type CPdfPrintMarginTypeT
- type CPdfPrintSettingsT
- func (st *CPdfPrintSettingsT) BackgroundsEnabled() bool
- func (st *CPdfPrintSettingsT) HeaderFooterEnabled() bool
- func (st *CPdfPrintSettingsT) HeaderFooterTitle() string
- func (st *CPdfPrintSettingsT) HeaderFooterUrl() string
- func (st *CPdfPrintSettingsT) Landscape() bool
- func (st *CPdfPrintSettingsT) MarginBottom() int
- func (st *CPdfPrintSettingsT) MarginLeft() int
- func (st *CPdfPrintSettingsT) MarginRight() int
- func (st *CPdfPrintSettingsT) MarginTop() int
- func (st *CPdfPrintSettingsT) MarginType() CPdfPrintMarginTypeT
- func (st *CPdfPrintSettingsT) PageHeight() int
- func (st *CPdfPrintSettingsT) PageWidth() int
- func (st *CPdfPrintSettingsT) ScaleFactor() int
- func (st *CPdfPrintSettingsT) SelectionOnly() bool
- func (st *CPdfPrintSettingsT) SetBackgroundsEnabled(v bool)
- func (st *CPdfPrintSettingsT) SetHeaderFooterEnabled(v bool)
- func (st *CPdfPrintSettingsT) SetHeaderFooterTitle(v string)
- func (st *CPdfPrintSettingsT) SetHeaderFooterUrl(v string)
- func (st *CPdfPrintSettingsT) SetLandscape(v bool)
- func (st *CPdfPrintSettingsT) SetMarginBottom(v int)
- func (st *CPdfPrintSettingsT) SetMarginLeft(v int)
- func (st *CPdfPrintSettingsT) SetMarginRight(v int)
- func (st *CPdfPrintSettingsT) SetMarginTop(v int)
- func (st *CPdfPrintSettingsT) SetMarginType(v CPdfPrintMarginTypeT)
- func (st *CPdfPrintSettingsT) SetPageHeight(v int)
- func (st *CPdfPrintSettingsT) SetPageWidth(v int)
- func (st *CPdfPrintSettingsT) SetScaleFactor(v int)
- func (st *CPdfPrintSettingsT) SetSelectionOnly(v bool)
- type CPermissionHandlerT
- func (permission_handler *CPermissionHandlerT) HasOneRef() bool
- func (self *CPermissionHandlerT) NewRef() (newP *CPermissionHandlerT)
- func (self *CPermissionHandlerT) OnDismissPermissionPrompt(browser *CBrowserT, prompt_id uint64, result CPermissionRequestResultT)
- func (self *CPermissionHandlerT) OnRequestMediaAccessPermission(browser *CBrowserT, frame *CFrameT, requesting_origin string, ...) (ret bool)
- func (self *CPermissionHandlerT) OnShowPermissionPrompt(browser *CBrowserT, prompt_id uint64, requesting_origin string, ...) (ret bool)
- func (p *CPermissionHandlerT) Pass() (ret *CPermissionHandlerT)
- func (permission_handler *CPermissionHandlerT) Unref() (ret bool)
- type CPermissionPromptCallbackT
- func (self *CPermissionPromptCallbackT) Cont(result CPermissionRequestResultT)
- func (permission_prompt_callback *CPermissionPromptCallbackT) HasOneRef() bool
- func (self *CPermissionPromptCallbackT) NewRef() (newP *CPermissionPromptCallbackT)
- func (p *CPermissionPromptCallbackT) Pass() (ret *CPermissionPromptCallbackT)
- func (permission_prompt_callback *CPermissionPromptCallbackT) Unref() (ret bool)
- type CPermissionRequestResultT
- type CPermissionRequestTypesT
- type CPointT
- type CPointerTypeT
- type CPopupFeaturesT
- func (st *CPopupFeaturesT) Height() int
- func (st *CPopupFeaturesT) HeightSet() bool
- func (st *CPopupFeaturesT) MenuBarVisible() int
- func (st *CPopupFeaturesT) ScrollbarsVisible() int
- func (st *CPopupFeaturesT) SetHeight(v int)
- func (st *CPopupFeaturesT) SetHeightSet(v bool)
- func (st *CPopupFeaturesT) SetMenuBarVisible(v int)
- func (st *CPopupFeaturesT) SetScrollbarsVisible(v int)
- func (st *CPopupFeaturesT) SetStatusBarVisible(v int)
- func (st *CPopupFeaturesT) SetToolBarVisible(v int)
- func (st *CPopupFeaturesT) SetWidth(v int)
- func (st *CPopupFeaturesT) SetWidthSet(v bool)
- func (st *CPopupFeaturesT) SetX(v int)
- func (st *CPopupFeaturesT) SetXSet(v bool)
- func (st *CPopupFeaturesT) SetY(v int)
- func (st *CPopupFeaturesT) SetYSet(v bool)
- func (st *CPopupFeaturesT) StatusBarVisible() int
- func (st *CPopupFeaturesT) ToolBarVisible() int
- func (st *CPopupFeaturesT) Width() int
- func (st *CPopupFeaturesT) WidthSet() bool
- func (st *CPopupFeaturesT) X() int
- func (st *CPopupFeaturesT) XSet() bool
- func (st *CPopupFeaturesT) Y() int
- func (st *CPopupFeaturesT) YSet() bool
- type CPostDataElementT
- func (self *CPostDataElementT) GetBytes(size int64, bytes unsafe.Pointer) (ret int64)
- func (self *CPostDataElementT) GetBytesCount() (ret int64)
- func (self *CPostDataElementT) GetFile() (ret string)
- func (self *CPostDataElementT) GetType() (ret CPostdataelementTypeT)
- func (post_data_element *CPostDataElementT) HasOneRef() bool
- func (self *CPostDataElementT) IsReadOnly() (ret bool)
- func (self *CPostDataElementT) NewRef() (newP *CPostDataElementT)
- func (p *CPostDataElementT) Pass() (ret *CPostDataElementT)
- func (self *CPostDataElementT) SetToBytes(bytes []byte)
- func (self *CPostDataElementT) SetToEmpty()
- func (self *CPostDataElementT) SetToFile(fileName string)
- func (post_data_element *CPostDataElementT) Unref() (ret bool)
- type CPostDataT
- func (self *CPostDataT) AddElement(element *CPostDataElementT) (ret bool)
- func (self *CPostDataT) GetElementCount() (ret int64)
- func (self *CPostDataT) GetElements() (elements []*CPostDataElementT)
- func (self *CPostDataT) HasExcludedElements() (ret bool)
- func (post_data *CPostDataT) HasOneRef() bool
- func (self *CPostDataT) IsReadOnly() (ret bool)
- func (self *CPostDataT) NewRef() (newP *CPostDataT)
- func (p *CPostDataT) Pass() (ret *CPostDataT)
- func (self *CPostDataT) RemoveElement(element *CPostDataElementT) (ret bool)
- func (self *CPostDataT) RemoveElements()
- func (post_data *CPostDataT) Unref() (ret bool)
- type CPostdataelementTypeT
- type CPrintDialogCallbackT
- func (self *CPrintDialogCallbackT) Cancel()
- func (self *CPrintDialogCallbackT) Cont(settings *CPrintSettingsT)
- func (print_dialog_callback *CPrintDialogCallbackT) HasOneRef() bool
- func (self *CPrintDialogCallbackT) NewRef() (newP *CPrintDialogCallbackT)
- func (p *CPrintDialogCallbackT) Pass() (ret *CPrintDialogCallbackT)
- func (print_dialog_callback *CPrintDialogCallbackT) Unref() (ret bool)
- type CPrintHandlerT
- func (print_handler *CPrintHandlerT) Handler() interface{}
- func (print_handler *CPrintHandlerT) HasOneRef() bool
- func (self *CPrintHandlerT) NewRef() (newP *CPrintHandlerT)
- func (p *CPrintHandlerT) Pass() (ret *CPrintHandlerT)
- func (print_handler *CPrintHandlerT) UnbindAll()
- func (print_handler *CPrintHandlerT) Unref() (ret bool)
- type CPrintJobCallbackT
- type CPrintSettingsT
- func (self *CPrintSettingsT) GetColorModel() (ret CColorModelT)
- func (self *CPrintSettingsT) GetCopies() (ret bool)
- func (self *CPrintSettingsT) GetDeviceName() (ret string)
- func (self *CPrintSettingsT) GetDpi() (ret bool)
- func (self *CPrintSettingsT) GetDuplexMode() (ret CDuplexModeT)
- func (self *CPrintSettingsT) GetPageRangesCount() (ret int64)
- func (print_settings *CPrintSettingsT) HasOneRef() bool
- func (self *CPrintSettingsT) IsLandscape() (ret bool)
- func (self *CPrintSettingsT) IsReadOnly() (ret bool)
- func (self *CPrintSettingsT) IsSelectionOnly() (ret bool)
- func (self *CPrintSettingsT) IsValid() (ret bool)
- func (self *CPrintSettingsT) NewRef() (newP *CPrintSettingsT)
- func (p *CPrintSettingsT) Pass() (ret *CPrintSettingsT)
- func (self *CPrintSettingsT) SetCollate(collate int)
- func (self *CPrintSettingsT) SetColorModel(model CColorModelT)
- func (self *CPrintSettingsT) SetCopies(copies int)
- func (self *CPrintSettingsT) SetDeviceName(name string)
- func (self *CPrintSettingsT) SetDpi(dpi int)
- func (self *CPrintSettingsT) SetDuplexMode(mode CDuplexModeT)
- func (self *CPrintSettingsT) SetOrientation(landscape int)
- func (self *CPrintSettingsT) SetPageRanges(rangesCount int64, ranges *CRangeT)
- func (self *CPrintSettingsT) SetPrinterPrintableArea(physical_size_device_units *CSizeT, printable_area_device_units *CRectT, ...)
- func (self *CPrintSettingsT) SetSelectionOnly(selection_only int)
- func (print_settings *CPrintSettingsT) Unref() (ret bool)
- func (self *CPrintSettingsT) WillCollate() (ret bool)
- type CProcessIdT
- type CProcessMessageT
- func (self *CProcessMessageT) Copy() (ret *CProcessMessageT)
- func (self *CProcessMessageT) GetArgumentList() (ret *CListValueT)
- func (self *CProcessMessageT) GetName() (ret string)
- func (self *CProcessMessageT) GetSharedMemoryRegion() (ret *CSharedMemoryRegionT)
- func (process_message *CProcessMessageT) HasOneRef() bool
- func (self *CProcessMessageT) IsReadOnly() (ret bool)
- func (self *CProcessMessageT) IsValid() (ret bool)
- func (self *CProcessMessageT) NewRef() (newP *CProcessMessageT)
- func (p *CProcessMessageT) Pass() (ret *CProcessMessageT)
- func (process_message *CProcessMessageT) Unref() (ret bool)
- type CQuickMenuEditStateFlagsT
- type CRangeT
- type CReadHandlerT
- func (read_handler *CReadHandlerT) Handler() interface{}
- func (read_handler *CReadHandlerT) HasOneRef() bool
- func (self *CReadHandlerT) NewRef() (newP *CReadHandlerT)
- func (p *CReadHandlerT) Pass() (ret *CReadHandlerT)
- func (read_handler *CReadHandlerT) UnbindAll()
- func (read_handler *CReadHandlerT) Unref() (ret bool)
- type CReadHandlerTMayBlockHandler
- type CReadHandlerTReadHandler
- type CReadHandlerTSeekHandler
- type CReadHandlerTTellHandler
- type CRectT
- type CReferrerPolicyT
- type CRegistrationT
- type CRenderHandlerT
- func (render_handler *CRenderHandlerT) Handler() interface{}
- func (render_handler *CRenderHandlerT) HasOneRef() bool
- func (self *CRenderHandlerT) NewRef() (newP *CRenderHandlerT)
- func (p *CRenderHandlerT) Pass() (ret *CRenderHandlerT)
- func (render_handler *CRenderHandlerT) UnbindAll()
- func (render_handler *CRenderHandlerT) Unref() (ret bool)
- type CRenderProcessHandlerT
- func (render_process_handler *CRenderProcessHandlerT) Handler() interface{}
- func (render_process_handler *CRenderProcessHandlerT) HasOneRef() bool
- func (self *CRenderProcessHandlerT) NewRef() (newP *CRenderProcessHandlerT)
- func (p *CRenderProcessHandlerT) Pass() (ret *CRenderProcessHandlerT)
- func (render_process_handler *CRenderProcessHandlerT) UnbindAll()
- func (render_process_handler *CRenderProcessHandlerT) Unref() (ret bool)
- type CRenderProcessHandlerTGetLoadHandlerHandler
- type CRenderProcessHandlerTOnBrowserCreatedHandler
- type CRenderProcessHandlerTOnBrowserDestroyedHandler
- type CRenderProcessHandlerTOnProcessMessageReceivedHandler
- type CRequestContextHandlerT
- func (request_context_handler *CRequestContextHandlerT) Handler() interface{}
- func (request_context_handler *CRequestContextHandlerT) HasOneRef() bool
- func (self *CRequestContextHandlerT) NewRef() (newP *CRequestContextHandlerT)
- func (p *CRequestContextHandlerT) Pass() (ret *CRequestContextHandlerT)
- func (request_context_handler *CRequestContextHandlerT) UnbindAll()
- func (request_context_handler *CRequestContextHandlerT) Unref() (ret bool)
- type CRequestContextHandlerTGetResourceRequestHandlerHandler
- type CRequestContextSettingsT
- func (st *CRequestContextSettingsT) AcceptLanguageList() string
- func (st *CRequestContextSettingsT) CachePath() string
- func (st *CRequestContextSettingsT) CookieableSchemesExcludeDefaults() int
- func (st *CRequestContextSettingsT) CookieableSchemesList() string
- func (st *CRequestContextSettingsT) PersistSessionCookies() bool
- func (st *CRequestContextSettingsT) PersistUserPreferences() bool
- func (st *CRequestContextSettingsT) SetAcceptLanguageList(v string)
- func (st *CRequestContextSettingsT) SetCachePath(v string)
- func (st *CRequestContextSettingsT) SetCookieableSchemesExcludeDefaults(v int)
- func (st *CRequestContextSettingsT) SetCookieableSchemesList(v string)
- func (st *CRequestContextSettingsT) SetPersistSessionCookies(v bool)
- func (st *CRequestContextSettingsT) SetPersistUserPreferences(v bool)
- type CRequestContextT
- func (self *CRequestContextT) CanSetPreference(name string) (ret bool)
- func (self *CRequestContextT) ClearCertificateExceptions(callback *CCompletionCallbackT)
- func (self *CRequestContextT) ClearHttpAuthCredentials(callback *CCompletionCallbackT)
- func (self *CRequestContextT) ClearSchemeHandlerFactories() (ret bool)
- func (self *CRequestContextT) CloseAllConnections(callback *CCompletionCallbackT)
- func (self *CRequestContextT) DidLoadExtension(extension_id string) (ret bool)
- func (self *CRequestContextT) GetAllPreferences(include_defaults int) (ret *CDictionaryValueT)
- func (self *CRequestContextT) GetCachePath() (ret string)
- func (self *CRequestContextT) GetCookieManager(callback *CCompletionCallbackT) (ret *CCookieManagerT)
- func (self *CRequestContextT) GetExtension(extension_id string) (ret *CExtensionT)
- func (self *CRequestContextT) GetExtensions(extension_ids CStringListT) (ret bool)
- func (self *CRequestContextT) GetHandler() (ret *CRequestContextHandlerT)
- func (self *CRequestContextT) GetMediaRouter(callback *CCompletionCallbackT) (ret *CMediaRouterT)
- func (self *CRequestContextT) GetPreference(name string) (ret *CValueT)
- func (self *CRequestContextT) HasExtension(extension_id string) (ret bool)
- func (request_context *CRequestContextT) HasOneRef() bool
- func (self *CRequestContextT) HasPreference(name string) (ret bool)
- func (self *CRequestContextT) IsGlobal() (ret bool)
- func (self *CRequestContextT) IsSame(other *CRequestContextT) (ret bool)
- func (self *CRequestContextT) IsSharingWith(other *CRequestContextT) (ret bool)
- func (self *CRequestContextT) LoadExtension(root_directory string, manifest *CDictionaryValueT, ...)
- func (self *CRequestContextT) NewRef() (newP *CRequestContextT)
- func (p *CRequestContextT) Pass() (ret *CRequestContextT)
- func (self *CRequestContextT) RegisterSchemeHandlerFactory(scheme_name string, domain_name string, factory *CSchemeHandlerFactoryT) (ret bool)
- func (self *CRequestContextT) ResolveHost(origin string, callback *CResolveCallbackT)
- func (self *CRequestContextT) SetPreference(name string, value *CValueT) (ret bool, error string)
- func (request_context *CRequestContextT) Unref() (ret bool)
- type CRequestHandlerT
- func (request_handler *CRequestHandlerT) Handler() interface{}
- func (request_handler *CRequestHandlerT) HasOneRef() bool
- func (self *CRequestHandlerT) NewRef() (newP *CRequestHandlerT)
- func (p *CRequestHandlerT) Pass() (ret *CRequestHandlerT)
- func (request_handler *CRequestHandlerT) UnbindAll()
- func (request_handler *CRequestHandlerT) Unref() (ret bool)
- type CRequestHandlerTGetAuthCredentialsHandler
- type CRequestHandlerTGetResourceRequestHandlerHandler
- type CRequestT
- func (self *CRequestT) GetFirstPartyForCookies() (ret string)
- func (self *CRequestT) GetFlags() (ret bool)
- func (self *CRequestT) GetHeaderByName(name string) (ret string)
- func (self *CRequestT) GetHeaderMap(headerMap CStringMultimapT)
- func (self *CRequestT) GetIdentifier() (ret uint64)
- func (self *CRequestT) GetMethod() (ret string)
- func (self *CRequestT) GetPostData() (ret *CPostDataT)
- func (self *CRequestT) GetReferrerPolicy() (ret CReferrerPolicyT)
- func (self *CRequestT) GetReferrerUrl() (ret string)
- func (self *CRequestT) GetResourceType() (ret CResourceTypeT)
- func (self *CRequestT) GetTransitionType() (ret CTransitionTypeT)
- func (self *CRequestT) GetUrl() (ret string)
- func (request *CRequestT) HasOneRef() bool
- func (self *CRequestT) IsReadOnly() (ret bool)
- func (self *CRequestT) NewRef() (newP *CRequestT)
- func (p *CRequestT) Pass() (ret *CRequestT)
- func (self *CRequestT) Set(url string, method string, postData *CPostDataT, headerMap CStringMultimapT)
- func (self *CRequestT) SetFirstPartyForCookies(url string)
- func (self *CRequestT) SetFlags(flags int)
- func (self *CRequestT) SetHeaderByName(name string, value string, overwrite int)
- func (self *CRequestT) SetHeaderMap(headerMap CStringMultimapT)
- func (self *CRequestT) SetMethod(method string)
- func (self *CRequestT) SetPostData(postData *CPostDataT)
- func (self *CRequestT) SetReferrer(referrer_url string, policy CReferrerPolicyT)
- func (self *CRequestT) SetUrl(url string)
- func (request *CRequestT) Unref() (ret bool)
- type CResolveCallbackT
- func (resolve_callback *CResolveCallbackT) HasOneRef() bool
- func (self *CResolveCallbackT) NewRef() (newP *CResolveCallbackT)
- func (self *CResolveCallbackT) OnResolveCompleted(result CErrorcodeT, resolved_ips CStringListT)
- func (p *CResolveCallbackT) Pass() (ret *CResolveCallbackT)
- func (resolve_callback *CResolveCallbackT) Unref() (ret bool)
- type CResourceBundleHandlerT
- func (resource_bundle_handler *CResourceBundleHandlerT) Handler() interface{}
- func (resource_bundle_handler *CResourceBundleHandlerT) HasOneRef() bool
- func (self *CResourceBundleHandlerT) NewRef() (newP *CResourceBundleHandlerT)
- func (p *CResourceBundleHandlerT) Pass() (ret *CResourceBundleHandlerT)
- func (resource_bundle_handler *CResourceBundleHandlerT) UnbindAll()
- func (resource_bundle_handler *CResourceBundleHandlerT) Unref() (ret bool)
- type CResourceHandlerT
- func (resource_handler *CResourceHandlerT) Handler() interface{}
- func (resource_handler *CResourceHandlerT) HasOneRef() bool
- func (self *CResourceHandlerT) NewRef() (newP *CResourceHandlerT)
- func (p *CResourceHandlerT) Pass() (ret *CResourceHandlerT)
- func (resource_handler *CResourceHandlerT) UnbindAll()
- func (resource_handler *CResourceHandlerT) Unref() (ret bool)
- type CResourceHandlerTReadHandler
- type CResourceReadCallbackT
- func (self *CResourceReadCallbackT) Cont(bytes_read int)
- func (resource_read_callback *CResourceReadCallbackT) HasOneRef() bool
- func (self *CResourceReadCallbackT) NewRef() (newP *CResourceReadCallbackT)
- func (p *CResourceReadCallbackT) Pass() (ret *CResourceReadCallbackT)
- func (resource_read_callback *CResourceReadCallbackT) Unref() (ret bool)
- type CResourceRequestHandlerT
- func (resource_request_handler *CResourceRequestHandlerT) Handler() interface{}
- func (resource_request_handler *CResourceRequestHandlerT) HasOneRef() bool
- func (self *CResourceRequestHandlerT) NewRef() (newP *CResourceRequestHandlerT)
- func (p *CResourceRequestHandlerT) Pass() (ret *CResourceRequestHandlerT)
- func (resource_request_handler *CResourceRequestHandlerT) UnbindAll()
- func (resource_request_handler *CResourceRequestHandlerT) Unref() (ret bool)
- type CResourceSkipCallbackT
- func (self *CResourceSkipCallbackT) Cont(bytes_skipped int64)
- func (resource_skip_callback *CResourceSkipCallbackT) HasOneRef() bool
- func (self *CResourceSkipCallbackT) NewRef() (newP *CResourceSkipCallbackT)
- func (p *CResourceSkipCallbackT) Pass() (ret *CResourceSkipCallbackT)
- func (resource_skip_callback *CResourceSkipCallbackT) Unref() (ret bool)
- type CResourceTypeT
- type CResponseFilterStatusT
- type CResponseFilterT
- func (response_filter *CResponseFilterT) Handler() interface{}
- func (response_filter *CResponseFilterT) HasOneRef() bool
- func (self *CResponseFilterT) NewRef() (newP *CResponseFilterT)
- func (p *CResponseFilterT) Pass() (ret *CResponseFilterT)
- func (response_filter *CResponseFilterT) UnbindAll()
- func (response_filter *CResponseFilterT) Unref() (ret bool)
- type CResponseT
- func (self *CResponseT) DumpHeaders()
- func (self *CResponseT) GetCharset() (ret string)
- func (self *CResponseT) GetError() (ret CErrorcodeT)
- func (self *CResponseT) GetHeaderByName(name string) (ret string)
- func (self *CResponseT) GetHeaderMap(headerMap CStringMultimapT)
- func (self *CResponseT) GetMimeType() (ret string)
- func (self *CResponseT) GetStatus() (ret bool)
- func (self *CResponseT) GetStatusText() (ret string)
- func (self *CResponseT) GetUrl() (ret string)
- func (response *CResponseT) HasOneRef() bool
- func (self *CResponseT) IsReadOnly() (ret bool)
- func (self *CResponseT) NewRef() (newP *CResponseT)
- func (p *CResponseT) Pass() (ret *CResponseT)
- func (self *CResponseT) SetCharset(charset string)
- func (self *CResponseT) SetError(error CErrorcodeT)
- func (self *CResponseT) SetHeaderByName(name string, value string, overwrite int)
- func (self *CResponseT) SetHeaderMap(headerMap CStringMultimapT)
- func (self *CResponseT) SetMimeType(mimeType string)
- func (self *CResponseT) SetStatus(status int)
- func (self *CResponseT) SetStatusText(statusText string)
- func (self *CResponseT) SetUrl(url string)
- func (response *CResponseT) Unref() (ret bool)
- type CReturnValueT
- type CRunContextMenuCallbackT
- func (self *CRunContextMenuCallbackT) Cancel()
- func (self *CRunContextMenuCallbackT) Cont(command_id int, event_flags CEventFlagsT)
- func (run_context_menu_callback *CRunContextMenuCallbackT) HasOneRef() bool
- func (self *CRunContextMenuCallbackT) NewRef() (newP *CRunContextMenuCallbackT)
- func (p *CRunContextMenuCallbackT) Pass() (ret *CRunContextMenuCallbackT)
- func (run_context_menu_callback *CRunContextMenuCallbackT) Unref() (ret bool)
- type CRunFileDialogCallbackT
- func (run_file_dialog_callback *CRunFileDialogCallbackT) Handler() interface{}
- func (run_file_dialog_callback *CRunFileDialogCallbackT) HasOneRef() bool
- func (self *CRunFileDialogCallbackT) NewRef() (newP *CRunFileDialogCallbackT)
- func (p *CRunFileDialogCallbackT) Pass() (ret *CRunFileDialogCallbackT)
- func (run_file_dialog_callback *CRunFileDialogCallbackT) UnbindAll()
- func (run_file_dialog_callback *CRunFileDialogCallbackT) Unref() (ret bool)
- type CRunQuickMenuCallbackT
- func (self *CRunQuickMenuCallbackT) Cancel()
- func (self *CRunQuickMenuCallbackT) Cont(command_id int, event_flags CEventFlagsT)
- func (run_quick_menu_callback *CRunQuickMenuCallbackT) HasOneRef() bool
- func (self *CRunQuickMenuCallbackT) NewRef() (newP *CRunQuickMenuCallbackT)
- func (p *CRunQuickMenuCallbackT) Pass() (ret *CRunQuickMenuCallbackT)
- func (run_quick_menu_callback *CRunQuickMenuCallbackT) Unref() (ret bool)
- type CScaleFactorT
- type CSchemeHandlerFactoryT
- func (scheme_handler_factory *CSchemeHandlerFactoryT) Handler() interface{}
- func (scheme_handler_factory *CSchemeHandlerFactoryT) HasOneRef() bool
- func (self *CSchemeHandlerFactoryT) NewRef() (newP *CSchemeHandlerFactoryT)
- func (p *CSchemeHandlerFactoryT) Pass() (ret *CSchemeHandlerFactoryT)
- func (scheme_handler_factory *CSchemeHandlerFactoryT) UnbindAll()
- func (scheme_handler_factory *CSchemeHandlerFactoryT) Unref() (ret bool)
- type CSchemeOptionsT
- type CSchemeRegistrarT
- type CScreenInfoT
- func (st *CScreenInfoT) AvailableRect() CRectT
- func (st *CScreenInfoT) Depth() int
- func (st *CScreenInfoT) DepthPerComponent() int
- func (st *CScreenInfoT) DeviceScaleFactor() float32
- func (st *CScreenInfoT) IsMonochrome() int
- func (st *CScreenInfoT) Rect() CRectT
- func (st *CScreenInfoT) SetAvailableRect(v CRectT)
- func (st *CScreenInfoT) SetDepth(v int)
- func (st *CScreenInfoT) SetDepthPerComponent(v int)
- func (st *CScreenInfoT) SetDeviceScaleFactor(v float32)
- func (st *CScreenInfoT) SetIsMonochrome(v int)
- func (st *CScreenInfoT) SetRect(v CRectT)
- type CScrollViewT
- func (self *CScrollViewT) GetContentView() (ret *CViewT)
- func (self *CScrollViewT) GetHorizontalScrollbarHeight() (ret bool)
- func (self *CScrollViewT) GetVerticalScrollbarWidth() (ret bool)
- func (self *CScrollViewT) GetVisibleContentRect() (ret CRectT)
- func (self *CScrollViewT) HasHorizontalScrollbar() (ret bool)
- func (scroll_view *CScrollViewT) HasOneRef() bool
- func (self *CScrollViewT) HasVerticalScrollbar() (ret bool)
- func (self *CScrollViewT) NewRef() (newP *CScrollViewT)
- func (p *CScrollViewT) Pass() (ret *CScrollViewT)
- func (self *CScrollViewT) SetContentView(view *CViewT)
- func (scroll_view *CScrollViewT) ToCViewT() *CViewT
- func (scroll_view *CScrollViewT) Unref() (ret bool)
- type CSelectClientCertificateCallbackT
- func (select_client_certificate_callback *CSelectClientCertificateCallbackT) HasOneRef() bool
- func (self *CSelectClientCertificateCallbackT) NewRef() (newP *CSelectClientCertificateCallbackT)
- func (p *CSelectClientCertificateCallbackT) Pass() (ret *CSelectClientCertificateCallbackT)
- func (self *CSelectClientCertificateCallbackT) Select(cert *CX509certificateT)
- func (select_client_certificate_callback *CSelectClientCertificateCallbackT) Unref() (ret bool)
- type CSetCookieCallbackT
- func (set_cookie_callback *CSetCookieCallbackT) Handler() interface{}
- func (set_cookie_callback *CSetCookieCallbackT) HasOneRef() bool
- func (self *CSetCookieCallbackT) NewRef() (newP *CSetCookieCallbackT)
- func (p *CSetCookieCallbackT) Pass() (ret *CSetCookieCallbackT)
- func (set_cookie_callback *CSetCookieCallbackT) UnbindAll()
- func (set_cookie_callback *CSetCookieCallbackT) Unref() (ret bool)
- type CSetCookieCallbackTOnCompleteHandler
- type CSettingsT
- func (st *CSettingsT) AcceptLanguageList() string
- func (st *CSettingsT) BackgroundColor() CColorT
- func (st *CSettingsT) BrowserSubprocessPath() string
- func (st *CSettingsT) CachePath() string
- func (st *CSettingsT) ChromeRuntime() int
- func (st *CSettingsT) CommandLineArgsDisabled() bool
- func (st *CSettingsT) CookieableSchemesExcludeDefaults() int
- func (st *CSettingsT) CookieableSchemesList() string
- func (st *CSettingsT) ExternalMessagePump() bool
- func (st *CSettingsT) FrameworkDirPath() string
- func (st *CSettingsT) JavascriptFlags() string
- func (st *CSettingsT) Locale() string
- func (st *CSettingsT) LocalesDirPath() string
- func (st *CSettingsT) LogFile() string
- func (st *CSettingsT) LogSeverity() CLogSeverityT
- func (st *CSettingsT) MainBundlePath() string
- func (st *CSettingsT) MultiThreadedMessageLoop() bool
- func (st *CSettingsT) NoSandbox() bool
- func (st *CSettingsT) PackLoadingDisabled() bool
- func (st *CSettingsT) PersistSessionCookies() bool
- func (st *CSettingsT) PersistUserPreferences() bool
- func (st *CSettingsT) RemoteDebuggingPort() int
- func (st *CSettingsT) ResourcesDirPath() string
- func (st *CSettingsT) RootCachePath() string
- func (st *CSettingsT) SetAcceptLanguageList(v string)
- func (st *CSettingsT) SetBackgroundColor(v CColorT)
- func (st *CSettingsT) SetBrowserSubprocessPath(v string)
- func (st *CSettingsT) SetCachePath(v string)
- func (st *CSettingsT) SetChromeRuntime(v int)
- func (st *CSettingsT) SetCommandLineArgsDisabled(v bool)
- func (st *CSettingsT) SetCookieableSchemesExcludeDefaults(v int)
- func (st *CSettingsT) SetCookieableSchemesList(v string)
- func (st *CSettingsT) SetExternalMessagePump(v bool)
- func (st *CSettingsT) SetFrameworkDirPath(v string)
- func (st *CSettingsT) SetJavascriptFlags(v string)
- func (st *CSettingsT) SetLocale(v string)
- func (st *CSettingsT) SetLocalesDirPath(v string)
- func (st *CSettingsT) SetLogFile(v string)
- func (st *CSettingsT) SetLogSeverity(v CLogSeverityT)
- func (st *CSettingsT) SetMainBundlePath(v string)
- func (st *CSettingsT) SetMultiThreadedMessageLoop(v bool)
- func (st *CSettingsT) SetNoSandbox(v bool)
- func (st *CSettingsT) SetPackLoadingDisabled(v bool)
- func (st *CSettingsT) SetPersistSessionCookies(v bool)
- func (st *CSettingsT) SetPersistUserPreferences(v bool)
- func (st *CSettingsT) SetRemoteDebuggingPort(v int)
- func (st *CSettingsT) SetResourcesDirPath(v string)
- func (st *CSettingsT) SetRootCachePath(v string)
- func (st *CSettingsT) SetUncaughtExceptionStackSize(v int)
- func (st *CSettingsT) SetUserAgent(v string)
- func (st *CSettingsT) SetUserAgentProduct(v string)
- func (st *CSettingsT) SetUserDataPath(v string)
- func (st *CSettingsT) SetWindowlessRenderingEnabled(v bool)
- func (st *CSettingsT) UncaughtExceptionStackSize() int
- func (st *CSettingsT) UserAgent() string
- func (st *CSettingsT) UserAgentProduct() string
- func (st *CSettingsT) UserDataPath() string
- func (st *CSettingsT) WindowlessRenderingEnabled() bool
- type CSharedMemoryRegionT
- func (shared_memory_region *CSharedMemoryRegionT) HasOneRef() bool
- func (self *CSharedMemoryRegionT) IsValid() (ret bool)
- func (self *CSharedMemoryRegionT) Memory() (ret unsafe.Pointer)
- func (self *CSharedMemoryRegionT) NewRef() (newP *CSharedMemoryRegionT)
- func (p *CSharedMemoryRegionT) Pass() (ret *CSharedMemoryRegionT)
- func (self *CSharedMemoryRegionT) Size() (ret int64)
- func (shared_memory_region *CSharedMemoryRegionT) Unref() (ret bool)
- type CShowStateT
- type CSizeT
- type CSslContentStatusT
- type CSslVersionT
- type CSslinfoT
- func (self *CSslinfoT) GetCertStatus() (ret CCertStatusT)
- func (self *CSslinfoT) GetX509certificate() (ret *CX509certificateT)
- func (sslinfo *CSslinfoT) HasOneRef() bool
- func (self *CSslinfoT) NewRef() (newP *CSslinfoT)
- func (p *CSslinfoT) Pass() (ret *CSslinfoT)
- func (sslinfo *CSslinfoT) Unref() (ret bool)
- type CSslstatusT
- func (self *CSslstatusT) GetCertStatus() (ret CCertStatusT)
- func (self *CSslstatusT) GetContentStatus() (ret CSslContentStatusT)
- func (self *CSslstatusT) GetSslversion() (ret CSslVersionT)
- func (self *CSslstatusT) GetX509certificate() (ret *CX509certificateT)
- func (sslstatus *CSslstatusT) HasOneRef() bool
- func (self *CSslstatusT) IsSecureConnection() (ret bool)
- func (self *CSslstatusT) NewRef() (newP *CSslstatusT)
- func (p *CSslstatusT) Pass() (ret *CSslstatusT)
- func (sslstatus *CSslstatusT) Unref() (ret bool)
- type CStateT
- type CStorageTypeT
- type CStreamReaderT
- func (self *CStreamReaderT) Eof() (ret bool)
- func (stream_reader *CStreamReaderT) HasOneRef() bool
- func (self *CStreamReaderT) MayBlock() (ret bool)
- func (self *CStreamReaderT) NewRef() (newP *CStreamReaderT)
- func (p *CStreamReaderT) Pass() (ret *CStreamReaderT)
- func (self *CStreamReaderT) Read(ptr unsafe.Pointer, size int64, n int64) (ret int64)
- func (self *CStreamReaderT) Seek(offset int64, whence int) (ret bool)
- func (self *CStreamReaderT) Tell() (ret int64)
- func (stream_reader *CStreamReaderT) Unref() (ret bool)
- type CStreamWriterT
- func (self *CStreamWriterT) Flush() (ret bool)
- func (stream_writer *CStreamWriterT) HasOneRef() bool
- func (self *CStreamWriterT) MayBlock() (ret bool)
- func (self *CStreamWriterT) NewRef() (newP *CStreamWriterT)
- func (p *CStreamWriterT) Pass() (ret *CStreamWriterT)
- func (self *CStreamWriterT) Seek(offset int64, whence int) (ret bool)
- func (self *CStreamWriterT) Tell() (ret int64)
- func (stream_writer *CStreamWriterT) Unref() (ret bool)
- func (self *CStreamWriterT) Write(ptr unsafe.Pointer, size int64, n int64) (ret int64)
- type CStringListT
- type CStringMapT
- type CStringMultimapT
- type CStringVisitorT
- func (string_visitor *CStringVisitorT) Handler() interface{}
- func (string_visitor *CStringVisitorT) HasOneRef() bool
- func (self *CStringVisitorT) NewRef() (newP *CStringVisitorT)
- func (p *CStringVisitorT) Pass() (ret *CStringVisitorT)
- func (string_visitor *CStringVisitorT) UnbindAll()
- func (string_visitor *CStringVisitorT) Unref() (ret bool)
- type CStringVisitorTVisitHandler
- type CTaskRunnerT
- func (self *CTaskRunnerT) BelongsToCurrentThread() (ret bool)
- func (self *CTaskRunnerT) BelongsToThread(threadId CThreadIdT) (ret bool)
- func (task_runner *CTaskRunnerT) HasOneRef() bool
- func (self *CTaskRunnerT) IsSame(that *CTaskRunnerT) (ret bool)
- func (self *CTaskRunnerT) NewRef() (newP *CTaskRunnerT)
- func (p *CTaskRunnerT) Pass() (ret *CTaskRunnerT)
- func (self *CTaskRunnerT) PostDelayedTask(task *CTaskT, delay_ms int64) (ret bool)
- func (self *CTaskRunnerT) PostTask(task *CTaskT) (ret bool)
- func (task_runner *CTaskRunnerT) Unref() (ret bool)
- type CTaskT
- type CTaskTExecuteHandler
- type CTerminationStatusT
- type CTestCertTypeT
- type CTextFieldCommandsT
- type CTextInputModeT
- type CTextStyleT
- type CTextfieldDelegateT
- func (textfield_delegate *CTextfieldDelegateT) Handler() interface{}
- func (textfield_delegate *CTextfieldDelegateT) HasOneRef() bool
- func (self *CTextfieldDelegateT) NewRef() (newP *CTextfieldDelegateT)
- func (p *CTextfieldDelegateT) Pass() (ret *CTextfieldDelegateT)
- func (textfield_delegate *CTextfieldDelegateT) ToCViewDelegateT() *CViewDelegateT
- func (textfield_delegate *CTextfieldDelegateT) UnbindAll()
- func (textfield_delegate *CTextfieldDelegateT) Unref() (ret bool)
- type CTextfieldDelegateTOnKeyEventHandler
- type CTextfieldT
- func (self *CTextfieldT) AppendText(text string)
- func (self *CTextfieldT) ApplyTextColor(color CColorT, crange *CRangeT)
- func (self *CTextfieldT) ApplyTextStyle(style CTextStyleT, add int, crange *CRangeT)
- func (self *CTextfieldT) ClearEditHistory()
- func (self *CTextfieldT) ClearSelection()
- func (self *CTextfieldT) ExecuteCommand(command_id CTextFieldCommandsT)
- func (self *CTextfieldT) GetCursorPosition() (ret int64)
- func (self *CTextfieldT) GetPlaceholderText() (ret string)
- func (self *CTextfieldT) GetSelectedRange() (ret CRangeT)
- func (self *CTextfieldT) GetSelectedText() (ret string)
- func (self *CTextfieldT) GetSelectionBackgroundColor() (ret CColorT)
- func (self *CTextfieldT) GetSelectionTextColor() (ret CColorT)
- func (self *CTextfieldT) GetText() (ret string)
- func (self *CTextfieldT) GetTextColor() (ret CColorT)
- func (textfield *CTextfieldT) HasOneRef() bool
- func (self *CTextfieldT) HasSelection() (ret bool)
- func (self *CTextfieldT) InsertOrReplaceText(text string)
- func (self *CTextfieldT) IsCommandEnabled(command_id CTextFieldCommandsT) (ret bool)
- func (self *CTextfieldT) IsPasswordInput() (ret bool)
- func (self *CTextfieldT) IsReadOnly() (ret bool)
- func (self *CTextfieldT) NewRef() (newP *CTextfieldT)
- func (p *CTextfieldT) Pass() (ret *CTextfieldT)
- func (self *CTextfieldT) SelectAll(reversed int)
- func (self *CTextfieldT) SelectRange(crange *CRangeT)
- func (self *CTextfieldT) SetAccessibleName(name string)
- func (self *CTextfieldT) SetFontList(font_list string)
- func (self *CTextfieldT) SetPasswordInput(password_input int)
- func (self *CTextfieldT) SetPlaceholderText(text string)
- func (self *CTextfieldT) SetPlaceholderTextColor(color CColorT)
- func (self *CTextfieldT) SetReadOnly(read_only int)
- func (self *CTextfieldT) SetSelectionBackgroundColor(color CColorT)
- func (self *CTextfieldT) SetSelectionTextColor(color CColorT)
- func (self *CTextfieldT) SetText(text string)
- func (self *CTextfieldT) SetTextColor(color CColorT)
- func (textfield *CTextfieldT) ToCViewT() *CViewT
- func (textfield *CTextfieldT) Unref() (ret bool)
- type CThreadIdT
- type CThreadPriorityT
- type CTimeT
- func (st *CTimeT) DayOfMonth() int
- func (st *CTimeT) DayOfWeek() int
- func (st *CTimeT) Hour() int
- func (st *CTimeT) Millisecond() int
- func (st *CTimeT) Minute() int
- func (st *CTimeT) Month() int
- func (st *CTimeT) Second() int
- func (st *CTimeT) SetDayOfMonth(v int)
- func (st *CTimeT) SetDayOfWeek(v int)
- func (st *CTimeT) SetHour(v int)
- func (st *CTimeT) SetMillisecond(v int)
- func (st *CTimeT) SetMinute(v int)
- func (st *CTimeT) SetMonth(v int)
- func (st *CTimeT) SetSecond(v int)
- func (st *CTimeT) SetYear(v int)
- func (st *CTimeT) Year() int
- type CTouchEventT
- func (st *CTouchEventT) Id() int
- func (st *CTouchEventT) Modifiers() uint32
- func (st *CTouchEventT) PointerType() CPointerTypeT
- func (st *CTouchEventT) Pressure() float32
- func (st *CTouchEventT) RadiusX() float32
- func (st *CTouchEventT) RadiusY() float32
- func (st *CTouchEventT) RotationAngle() float32
- func (st *CTouchEventT) SetId(v int)
- func (st *CTouchEventT) SetModifiers(v uint32)
- func (st *CTouchEventT) SetPointerType(v CPointerTypeT)
- func (st *CTouchEventT) SetPressure(v float32)
- func (st *CTouchEventT) SetRadiusX(v float32)
- func (st *CTouchEventT) SetRadiusY(v float32)
- func (st *CTouchEventT) SetRotationAngle(v float32)
- func (st *CTouchEventT) SetType(v CTouchEventTypeT)
- func (st *CTouchEventT) SetX(v float32)
- func (st *CTouchEventT) SetY(v float32)
- func (st *CTouchEventT) Type() CTouchEventTypeT
- func (st *CTouchEventT) X() float32
- func (st *CTouchEventT) Y() float32
- type CTouchEventTypeT
- type CTouchHandleStateFlagsT
- type CTouchHandleStateT
- func (st *CTouchHandleStateT) Alpha() float32
- func (st *CTouchHandleStateT) Enabled() int
- func (st *CTouchHandleStateT) Flags() uint32
- func (st *CTouchHandleStateT) MirrorHorizontal() int
- func (st *CTouchHandleStateT) MirrorVertical() int
- func (st *CTouchHandleStateT) Orientation() CHorizontalAlignmentT
- func (st *CTouchHandleStateT) Origin() CPointT
- func (st *CTouchHandleStateT) SetAlpha(v float32)
- func (st *CTouchHandleStateT) SetEnabled(v int)
- func (st *CTouchHandleStateT) SetFlags(v uint32)
- func (st *CTouchHandleStateT) SetMirrorHorizontal(v int)
- func (st *CTouchHandleStateT) SetMirrorVertical(v int)
- func (st *CTouchHandleStateT) SetOrientation(v CHorizontalAlignmentT)
- func (st *CTouchHandleStateT) SetOrigin(v CPointT)
- func (st *CTouchHandleStateT) SetTouchHandleId(v int)
- func (st *CTouchHandleStateT) TouchHandleId() int
- type CTransitionTypeT
- type CUriUnescapeRuleT
- type CUrlpartsT
- func (st *CUrlpartsT) Fragment() string
- func (st *CUrlpartsT) Host() string
- func (st *CUrlpartsT) Origin() string
- func (st *CUrlpartsT) Password() string
- func (st *CUrlpartsT) Path() string
- func (st *CUrlpartsT) Port() string
- func (st *CUrlpartsT) Query() string
- func (st *CUrlpartsT) Scheme() string
- func (st *CUrlpartsT) SetFragment(v string)
- func (st *CUrlpartsT) SetHost(v string)
- func (st *CUrlpartsT) SetOrigin(v string)
- func (st *CUrlpartsT) SetPassword(v string)
- func (st *CUrlpartsT) SetPath(v string)
- func (st *CUrlpartsT) SetPort(v string)
- func (st *CUrlpartsT) SetQuery(v string)
- func (st *CUrlpartsT) SetScheme(v string)
- func (st *CUrlpartsT) SetSpec(v string)
- func (st *CUrlpartsT) SetUsername(v string)
- func (st *CUrlpartsT) Spec() string
- func (st *CUrlpartsT) Username() string
- type CUrlrequestClientT
- func (urlrequest_client *CUrlrequestClientT) Handler() interface{}
- func (urlrequest_client *CUrlrequestClientT) HasOneRef() bool
- func (self *CUrlrequestClientT) NewRef() (newP *CUrlrequestClientT)
- func (p *CUrlrequestClientT) Pass() (ret *CUrlrequestClientT)
- func (urlrequest_client *CUrlrequestClientT) UnbindAll()
- func (urlrequest_client *CUrlrequestClientT) Unref() (ret bool)
- type CUrlrequestClientTGetAuthCredentialsHandler
- type CUrlrequestFlagsT
- type CUrlrequestStatusT
- type CUrlrequestT
- func (self *CUrlrequestT) Cancel()
- func (self *CUrlrequestT) GetClient() (ret *CUrlrequestClientT)
- func (self *CUrlrequestT) GetRequest() (ret *CRequestT)
- func (self *CUrlrequestT) GetRequestError() (ret CErrorcodeT)
- func (self *CUrlrequestT) GetRequestStatus() (ret CUrlrequestStatusT)
- func (self *CUrlrequestT) GetResponse() (ret *CResponseT)
- func (urlrequest *CUrlrequestT) HasOneRef() bool
- func (self *CUrlrequestT) NewRef() (newP *CUrlrequestT)
- func (p *CUrlrequestT) Pass() (ret *CUrlrequestT)
- func (self *CUrlrequestT) ResponseWasCached() (ret bool)
- func (urlrequest *CUrlrequestT) Unref() (ret bool)
- type CV8AccesscontrolT
- type CV8PropertyattributeT
- type CV8accessorT
- func (v8accessor *CV8accessorT) Handler() interface{}
- func (v8accessor *CV8accessorT) HasOneRef() bool
- func (self *CV8accessorT) NewRef() (newP *CV8accessorT)
- func (p *CV8accessorT) Pass() (ret *CV8accessorT)
- func (v8accessor *CV8accessorT) UnbindAll()
- func (v8accessor *CV8accessorT) Unref() (ret bool)
- type CV8arrayBufferReleaseCallbackT
- func (v8array_buffer_release_callback *CV8arrayBufferReleaseCallbackT) Handler() interface{}
- func (v8array_buffer_release_callback *CV8arrayBufferReleaseCallbackT) HasOneRef() bool
- func (self *CV8arrayBufferReleaseCallbackT) NewRef() (newP *CV8arrayBufferReleaseCallbackT)
- func (p *CV8arrayBufferReleaseCallbackT) Pass() (ret *CV8arrayBufferReleaseCallbackT)
- func (v8array_buffer_release_callback *CV8arrayBufferReleaseCallbackT) UnbindAll()
- func (v8array_buffer_release_callback *CV8arrayBufferReleaseCallbackT) Unref() (ret bool)
- type CV8contextT
- func (self *CV8contextT) Enter() (ret bool)
- func (self *CV8contextT) Eval(code string, script_url string, start_line int) (ret bool, retval *CV8valueT, exception *CV8exceptionT)
- func (self *CV8contextT) Exit() (ret bool)
- func (self *CV8contextT) GetBrowser() (ret *CBrowserT)
- func (self *CV8contextT) GetFrame() (ret *CFrameT)
- func (self *CV8contextT) GetGlobal() (ret *CV8valueT)
- func (self *CV8contextT) GetTaskRunner() (ret *CTaskRunnerT)
- func (v8context *CV8contextT) HasOneRef() bool
- func (self *CV8contextT) IsSame(that *CV8contextT) (ret bool)
- func (self *CV8contextT) IsValid() (ret bool)
- func (self *CV8contextT) NewRef() (newP *CV8contextT)
- func (p *CV8contextT) Pass() (ret *CV8contextT)
- func (v8context *CV8contextT) Unref() (ret bool)
- type CV8exceptionT
- func (self *CV8exceptionT) GetEndColumn() (ret bool)
- func (self *CV8exceptionT) GetEndPosition() (ret bool)
- func (self *CV8exceptionT) GetLineNumber() (ret bool)
- func (self *CV8exceptionT) GetMessage() (ret string)
- func (self *CV8exceptionT) GetScriptResourceName() (ret string)
- func (self *CV8exceptionT) GetSourceLine() (ret string)
- func (self *CV8exceptionT) GetStartColumn() (ret bool)
- func (self *CV8exceptionT) GetStartPosition() (ret bool)
- func (v8exception *CV8exceptionT) HasOneRef() bool
- func (self *CV8exceptionT) NewRef() (newP *CV8exceptionT)
- func (p *CV8exceptionT) Pass() (ret *CV8exceptionT)
- func (v8exception *CV8exceptionT) Unref() (ret bool)
- type CV8handlerT
- type CV8handlerTExecuteHandler
- type CV8interceptorT
- func (self *CV8interceptorT) GetByindex(index int, object *CV8valueT) (ret bool, retval *CV8valueT, exception string)
- func (self *CV8interceptorT) GetByname(name string, object *CV8valueT) (ret bool, retval *CV8valueT, exception string)
- func (v8interceptor *CV8interceptorT) HasOneRef() bool
- func (self *CV8interceptorT) NewRef() (newP *CV8interceptorT)
- func (p *CV8interceptorT) Pass() (ret *CV8interceptorT)
- func (self *CV8interceptorT) SetByindex(index int, object *CV8valueT, value *CV8valueT) (ret bool, exception string)
- func (self *CV8interceptorT) SetByname(name string, object *CV8valueT, value *CV8valueT) (ret bool, exception string)
- func (v8interceptor *CV8interceptorT) Unref() (ret bool)
- type CV8stackFrameT
- func (self *CV8stackFrameT) GetColumn() (ret bool)
- func (self *CV8stackFrameT) GetFunctionName() (ret string)
- func (self *CV8stackFrameT) GetLineNumber() (ret bool)
- func (self *CV8stackFrameT) GetScriptName() (ret string)
- func (self *CV8stackFrameT) GetScriptNameOrSourceUrl() (ret string)
- func (v8stack_frame *CV8stackFrameT) HasOneRef() bool
- func (self *CV8stackFrameT) IsConstructor() (ret bool)
- func (self *CV8stackFrameT) IsEval() (ret bool)
- func (self *CV8stackFrameT) IsValid() (ret bool)
- func (self *CV8stackFrameT) NewRef() (newP *CV8stackFrameT)
- func (p *CV8stackFrameT) Pass() (ret *CV8stackFrameT)
- func (v8stack_frame *CV8stackFrameT) Unref() (ret bool)
- type CV8stackTraceT
- func (self *CV8stackTraceT) GetFrame(index int) (ret *CV8stackFrameT)
- func (self *CV8stackTraceT) GetFrameCount() (ret bool)
- func (v8stack_trace *CV8stackTraceT) HasOneRef() bool
- func (self *CV8stackTraceT) IsValid() (ret bool)
- func (self *CV8stackTraceT) NewRef() (newP *CV8stackTraceT)
- func (p *CV8stackTraceT) Pass() (ret *CV8stackTraceT)
- func (v8stack_trace *CV8stackTraceT) Unref() (ret bool)
- type CV8valueT
- func CreateArrayBuffer(buffer []byte) *CV8valueT
- func V8valueCreateArray(length int) (ret *CV8valueT)
- func V8valueCreateArrayBuffer(buffer unsafe.Pointer, length int64, ...) (ret *CV8valueT)
- func V8valueCreateBool(value int) (ret *CV8valueT)
- func V8valueCreateDate(date CBasetimeT) (ret *CV8valueT)
- func V8valueCreateDouble(value float64) (ret *CV8valueT)
- func V8valueCreateFunction(name string, handler *CV8handlerT) (ret *CV8valueT)
- func V8valueCreateInt(value int32) (ret *CV8valueT)
- func V8valueCreateNull() (ret *CV8valueT)
- func V8valueCreateObject(accessor *CV8accessorT, interceptor *CV8interceptorT) (ret *CV8valueT)
- func V8valueCreateString(value string) (ret *CV8valueT)
- func V8valueCreateStringFromByteArray(b []byte) (val *CV8valueT)
- func V8valueCreateUint(value uint32) (ret *CV8valueT)
- func V8valueCreateUndefined() (ret *CV8valueT)
- func (self *CV8valueT) AdjustExternallyAllocatedMemory(change_in_bytes int) (ret bool)
- func (self *CV8valueT) ClearException() (ret bool)
- func (self *CV8valueT) DeleteValueByindex(index int) (ret bool)
- func (self *CV8valueT) DeleteValueBykey(key string) (ret bool)
- func (self *CV8valueT) ExecuteFunction(object *CV8valueT, arguments []*CV8valueT) (ret *CV8valueT)
- func (self *CV8valueT) ExecuteFunctionWithContext(context *CV8contextT, object *CV8valueT, arguments []*CV8valueT) (ret *CV8valueT)
- func (self *CV8valueT) GetArrayBufferReleaseCallback() (ret *CV8arrayBufferReleaseCallbackT)
- func (self *CV8valueT) GetArrayLength() (ret bool)
- func (self *CV8valueT) GetBoolValue() (ret bool)
- func (self *CV8valueT) GetDateValue() (ret CBasetimeT)
- func (self *CV8valueT) GetDoubleValue() (ret float64)
- func (self *CV8valueT) GetException() (ret *CV8exceptionT)
- func (self *CV8valueT) GetExternallyAllocatedMemory() (ret bool)
- func (self *CV8valueT) GetFunctionHandler() (ret *CV8handlerT)
- func (self *CV8valueT) GetFunctionName() (ret string)
- func (self *CV8valueT) GetIntValue() (ret int32)
- func (self *CV8valueT) GetKeys(keys CStringListT) (ret bool)
- func (self *CV8valueT) GetStringValue() (ret string)
- func (self *CV8valueT) GetUintValue() (ret uint32)
- func (self *CV8valueT) GetValueByindex(index int) (ret *CV8valueT)
- func (self *CV8valueT) GetValueBykey(key string) (ret *CV8valueT)
- func (self *CV8valueT) HasException() (ret bool)
- func (v8value *CV8valueT) HasOneRef() bool
- func (self *CV8valueT) HasValueByindex(index int) (ret bool)
- func (self *CV8valueT) HasValueBykey(key string) (ret bool)
- func (self *CV8valueT) IsArray() (ret bool)
- func (self *CV8valueT) IsArrayBuffer() (ret bool)
- func (self *CV8valueT) IsBool() (ret bool)
- func (self *CV8valueT) IsDate() (ret bool)
- func (self *CV8valueT) IsDouble() (ret bool)
- func (self *CV8valueT) IsFunction() (ret bool)
- func (self *CV8valueT) IsInt() (ret bool)
- func (self *CV8valueT) IsNull() (ret bool)
- func (self *CV8valueT) IsObject() (ret bool)
- func (self *CV8valueT) IsSame(that *CV8valueT) (ret bool)
- func (self *CV8valueT) IsString() (ret bool)
- func (self *CV8valueT) IsUint() (ret bool)
- func (self *CV8valueT) IsUndefined() (ret bool)
- func (self *CV8valueT) IsUserCreated() (ret bool)
- func (self *CV8valueT) IsValid() (ret bool)
- func (self *CV8valueT) NeuterArrayBuffer() (ret bool)
- func (self *CV8valueT) NewRef() (newP *CV8valueT)
- func (p *CV8valueT) Pass() (ret *CV8valueT)
- func (self *CV8valueT) SetRethrowExceptions(rethrow int) (ret bool)
- func (self *CV8valueT) SetValueByaccessor(key string, settings CV8AccesscontrolT, attribute CV8PropertyattributeT) (ret bool)
- func (self *CV8valueT) SetValueByindex(index int, value *CV8valueT) (ret bool)
- func (self *CV8valueT) SetValueBykey(key string, value *CV8valueT, attribute CV8PropertyattributeT) (ret bool)
- func (v8value *CV8valueT) Unref() (ret bool)
- func (self *CV8valueT) WillRethrowExceptions() (ret bool)
- type CValueT
- func (self *CValueT) Copy() (ret *CValueT)
- func (self *CValueT) GetBinary() (ret *CBinaryValueT)
- func (self *CValueT) GetBool() (ret bool)
- func (self *CValueT) GetDictionary() (ret *CDictionaryValueT)
- func (self *CValueT) GetDouble() (ret float64)
- func (self *CValueT) GetInt() (ret bool)
- func (self *CValueT) GetList() (ret *CListValueT)
- func (self *CValueT) GetString() (ret string)
- func (self *CValueT) GetType() (ret CValueTypeT)
- func (value *CValueT) HasOneRef() bool
- func (self *CValueT) IsEqual(that *CValueT) (ret bool)
- func (self *CValueT) IsOwned() (ret bool)
- func (self *CValueT) IsReadOnly() (ret bool)
- func (self *CValueT) IsSame(that *CValueT) (ret bool)
- func (self *CValueT) IsValid() (ret bool)
- func (self *CValueT) NewRef() (newP *CValueT)
- func (p *CValueT) Pass() (ret *CValueT)
- func (self *CValueT) SetBinary(value *CBinaryValueT) (ret bool)
- func (self *CValueT) SetBool(value bool) (ret bool)
- func (self *CValueT) SetDictionary(value *CDictionaryValueT) (ret bool)
- func (self *CValueT) SetDouble(value float64) (ret bool)
- func (self *CValueT) SetInt(value int) (ret bool)
- func (self *CValueT) SetList(value *CListValueT) (ret bool)
- func (self *CValueT) SetNull() (ret bool)
- func (self *CValueT) SetString(value string) (ret bool)
- func (value *CValueT) Unref() (ret bool)
- type CValueTypeT
- type CViewDelegateT
- func (view_delegate *CViewDelegateT) Handler() interface{}
- func (view_delegate *CViewDelegateT) HasOneRef() bool
- func (self *CViewDelegateT) NewRef() (newP *CViewDelegateT)
- func (p *CViewDelegateT) Pass() (ret *CViewDelegateT)
- func (view_delegate *CViewDelegateT) UnbindAll()
- func (view_delegate *CViewDelegateT) Unref() (ret bool)
- type CViewT
- func (self *CViewT) AsBrowserView() (ret *CBrowserViewT)
- func (self *CViewT) AsButton() (ret *CButtonT)
- func (self *CViewT) AsPanel() (ret *CPanelT)
- func (self *CViewT) AsScrollView() (ret *CScrollViewT)
- func (self *CViewT) AsTextfield() (ret *CTextfieldT)
- func (self *CViewT) ConvertPointFromScreen(point *CPointT) (ret bool)
- func (self *CViewT) ConvertPointFromView(view *CViewT, point *CPointT) (ret bool)
- func (self *CViewT) ConvertPointFromWindow(point *CPointT) (ret bool)
- func (self *CViewT) ConvertPointToScreen(point *CPointT) (ret bool)
- func (self *CViewT) ConvertPointToView(view *CViewT, point *CPointT) (ret bool)
- func (self *CViewT) ConvertPointToWindow(point *CPointT) (ret bool)
- func (self *CViewT) GetBackgroundColor() (ret CColorT)
- func (self *CViewT) GetBounds() (ret CRectT)
- func (self *CViewT) GetBoundsInScreen() (ret CRectT)
- func (self *CViewT) GetDelegate() (ret *CViewDelegateT)
- func (self *CViewT) GetGroupId() (ret bool)
- func (self *CViewT) GetHeightForWidth(width int) (ret bool)
- func (self *CViewT) GetId() (ret bool)
- func (self *CViewT) GetInsets() (ret CInsetsT)
- func (self *CViewT) GetMaximumSize() (ret CSizeT)
- func (self *CViewT) GetMinimumSize() (ret CSizeT)
- func (self *CViewT) GetParentView() (ret *CViewT)
- func (self *CViewT) GetPosition() (ret CPointT)
- func (self *CViewT) GetPreferredSize() (ret CSizeT)
- func (self *CViewT) GetSize() (ret CSizeT)
- func (self *CViewT) GetTypeString() (ret string)
- func (self *CViewT) GetViewForId(id int) (ret *CViewT)
- func (self *CViewT) GetWindow() (ret *CWindowT)
- func (view *CViewT) HasOneRef() bool
- func (self *CViewT) InvalidateLayout()
- func (self *CViewT) IsAccessibilityFocusable() (ret bool)
- func (self *CViewT) IsAttached() (ret bool)
- func (self *CViewT) IsDrawn() (ret bool)
- func (self *CViewT) IsEnabled() (ret bool)
- func (self *CViewT) IsFocusable() (ret bool)
- func (self *CViewT) IsSame(that *CViewT) (ret bool)
- func (self *CViewT) IsValid() (ret bool)
- func (self *CViewT) IsVisible() (ret bool)
- func (self *CViewT) NewRef() (newP *CViewT)
- func (p *CViewT) Pass() (ret *CViewT)
- func (self *CViewT) RequestFocus()
- func (self *CViewT) SetBackgroundColor(color CColorT)
- func (self *CViewT) SetBounds(bounds *CRectT)
- func (self *CViewT) SetEnabled(enabled int)
- func (self *CViewT) SetFocusable(focusable bool)
- func (self *CViewT) SetGroupId(group_id int)
- func (self *CViewT) SetId(id int)
- func (self *CViewT) SetInsets(insets *CInsetsT)
- func (self *CViewT) SetPosition(position *CPointT)
- func (self *CViewT) SetSize(size *CSizeT)
- func (self *CViewT) SetVisible(visible int)
- func (self *CViewT) SizeToPreferredSize()
- func (self *CViewT) ToString(include_children int) (ret string)
- func (view *CViewT) Unref() (ret bool)
- type CWindowDelegateT
- func (window_delegate *CWindowDelegateT) Handler() interface{}
- func (window_delegate *CWindowDelegateT) HasOneRef() bool
- func (self *CWindowDelegateT) NewRef() (newP *CWindowDelegateT)
- func (p *CWindowDelegateT) Pass() (ret *CWindowDelegateT)
- func (window_delegate *CWindowDelegateT) ToCPanelDelegateT() *CPanelDelegateT
- func (window_delegate *CWindowDelegateT) UnbindAll()
- func (window_delegate *CWindowDelegateT) Unref() (ret bool)
- type CWindowDelegateTOnKeyEventHandler
- type CWindowOpenDispositionT
- type CWindowT
- func (self *CWindowT) Activate()
- func (self *CWindowT) AddOverlayView(view *CViewT, docking_mode CDockingModeT) (ret *COverlayControllerT)
- func (self *CWindowT) BringToTop()
- func (self *CWindowT) CancelMenu()
- func (self *CWindowT) CenterWindow(size *CSizeT)
- func (self *CWindowT) Close()
- func (self *CWindowT) Deactivate()
- func (self *CWindowT) GetClientAreaBoundsInScreen() (ret CRectT)
- func (self *CWindowT) GetDisplay() (ret *CDisplayT)
- func (self *CWindowT) GetTitle() (ret string)
- func (self *CWindowT) GetWindowAppIcon() (ret *CImageT)
- func (self *CWindowT) GetWindowHandle() (ret CWindowHandleT)
- func (self *CWindowT) GetWindowIcon() (ret *CImageT)
- func (window *CWindowT) HasOneRef() bool
- func (self *CWindowT) Hide()
- func (self *CWindowT) IsActive() (ret bool)
- func (self *CWindowT) IsAlwaysOnTop() (ret bool)
- func (self *CWindowT) IsClosed() (ret bool)
- func (self *CWindowT) IsFullscreen() (ret bool)
- func (self *CWindowT) IsMaximized() (ret bool)
- func (self *CWindowT) IsMinimized() (ret bool)
- func (self *CWindowT) Maximize()
- func (self *CWindowT) Minimize()
- func (self *CWindowT) NewRef() (newP *CWindowT)
- func (p *CWindowT) Pass() (ret *CWindowT)
- func (self *CWindowT) RemoveAccelerator(command_id int)
- func (self *CWindowT) RemoveAllAccelerators()
- func (self *CWindowT) Restore()
- func (self *CWindowT) SendKeyPress(key_code int, event_flags uint32)
- func (self *CWindowT) SendMouseEvents(button CMouseButtonTypeT, mouse_down int, mouse_up int)
- func (self *CWindowT) SendMouseMove(screen_x int, screen_y int)
- func (self *CWindowT) SetAccelerator(command_id int, key_code int, shift_pressed int, ctrl_pressed int, ...)
- func (self *CWindowT) SetAlwaysOnTop(on_top int)
- func (self *CWindowT) SetDraggableRegions(regionsCount int64, regions *CDraggableRegionT)
- func (self *CWindowT) SetFullscreen(fullscreen int)
- func (self *CWindowT) SetTitle(title string)
- func (self *CWindowT) SetWindowAppIcon(image *CImageT)
- func (self *CWindowT) SetWindowIcon(image *CImageT)
- func (self *CWindowT) Show()
- func (self *CWindowT) ShowMenu(menu_model *CMenuModelT, screen_point *CPointT, ...)
- func (window *CWindowT) ToCPanelT() *CPanelT
- func (window *CWindowT) Unref() (ret bool)
- type CWriteHandlerT
- func (write_handler *CWriteHandlerT) Handler() interface{}
- func (write_handler *CWriteHandlerT) HasOneRef() bool
- func (self *CWriteHandlerT) NewRef() (newP *CWriteHandlerT)
- func (p *CWriteHandlerT) Pass() (ret *CWriteHandlerT)
- func (write_handler *CWriteHandlerT) UnbindAll()
- func (write_handler *CWriteHandlerT) Unref() (ret bool)
- type CWriteHandlerTMayBlockHandler
- type CWriteHandlerTSeekHandler
- type CWriteHandlerTTellHandler
- type CX509certPrincipalT
- func (self *CX509certPrincipalT) GetCommonName() (ret string)
- func (self *CX509certPrincipalT) GetCountryName() (ret string)
- func (self *CX509certPrincipalT) GetDisplayName() (ret string)
- func (self *CX509certPrincipalT) GetDomainComponents(components CStringListT)
- func (self *CX509certPrincipalT) GetLocalityName() (ret string)
- func (self *CX509certPrincipalT) GetOrganizationNames(names CStringListT)
- func (self *CX509certPrincipalT) GetOrganizationUnitNames(names CStringListT)
- func (self *CX509certPrincipalT) GetStateOrProvinceName() (ret string)
- func (self *CX509certPrincipalT) GetStreetAddresses(addresses CStringListT)
- func (x509cert_principal *CX509certPrincipalT) HasOneRef() bool
- func (self *CX509certPrincipalT) NewRef() (newP *CX509certPrincipalT)
- func (p *CX509certPrincipalT) Pass() (ret *CX509certPrincipalT)
- func (x509cert_principal *CX509certPrincipalT) Unref() (ret bool)
- type CX509certificateT
- func (self *CX509certificateT) GetDerencoded() (ret *CBinaryValueT)
- func (self *CX509certificateT) GetDerencodedIssuerChain() (chain []*CBinaryValueT)
- func (self *CX509certificateT) GetIssuer() (ret *CX509certPrincipalT)
- func (self *CX509certificateT) GetIssuerChainSize() (ret int64)
- func (self *CX509certificateT) GetPemencoded() (ret *CBinaryValueT)
- func (self *CX509certificateT) GetPemencodedIssuerChain() (chain []*CBinaryValueT)
- func (self *CX509certificateT) GetSerialNumber() (ret *CBinaryValueT)
- func (self *CX509certificateT) GetSubject() (ret *CX509certPrincipalT)
- func (self *CX509certificateT) GetValidExpiry() (ret CBasetimeT)
- func (self *CX509certificateT) GetValidStart() (ret CBasetimeT)
- func (x509certificate *CX509certificateT) HasOneRef() bool
- func (self *CX509certificateT) NewRef() (newP *CX509certificateT)
- func (p *CX509certificateT) Pass() (ret *CX509certificateT)
- func (x509certificate *CX509certificateT) Unref() (ret bool)
- type CXmlEncodingTypeT
- type CXmlNodeTypeT
- type CanAccessBrowserHandler
- type CanCloseHandler
- type CanDownloadHandler
- type CanMaximizeHandler
- type CanMinimizeHandler
- type CanResizeHandler
- type CanSaveCookieHandler
- type CanSendCookieHandler
- type CancelHandler
- type CreateHandler
- type DeassocFunc
- type Deassocer
- type DoCloseHandler
- type EofHandler
- type ExecuteCommandHandler
- type FilterHandler
- type FlushHandler
- type FormatLabelHandler
- type GetAccessibilityHandlerHandler
- type GetActiveBrowserHandler
- type GetAudioHandlerHandler
- type GetAudioParametersHandler
- type GetBrowserProcessHandlerHandler
- type GetChromeToolbarTypeHandler
- type GetCommandHandlerHandler
- type GetContextMenuHandlerHandler
- type GetCookieAccessFilterHandler
- type GetDataResourceForScaleHandler
- type GetDataResourceHandler
- type GetDefaultClientHandler
- type GetDelegateForPopupBrowserViewHandler
- type GetDialogHandlerHandler
- type GetDisplayHandlerHandler
- type GetDownloadHandlerHandler
- type GetDragHandlerHandler
- type GetExtensionResourceHandler
- type GetFindHandlerHandler
- type GetFocusHandlerHandler
- type GetFrameHandlerHandler
- type GetHandler
- type GetHeightForWidthHandler
- type GetInitialBoundsHandler
- type GetInitialShowStateHandler
- type GetJsdialogHandlerHandler
- type GetKeyboardHandlerHandler
- type GetLifeSpanHandlerHandler
- type GetLocalizedStringHandler
- type GetMaximumSizeHandler
- type GetMinimumSizeHandler
- type GetParentWindowHandler
- type GetPdfPaperSizeHandler
- type GetPermissionHandlerHandler
- type GetPreferredSizeHandler
- type GetPrintHandlerHandler
- type GetRenderHandlerHandler
- type GetRenderProcessHandlerHandler
- type GetRequestHandlerHandler
- type GetResourceBundleHandlerHandler
- type GetResourceHandlerHandler
- type GetResourceResponseFilterHandler
- type GetResponseHeadersHandler
- type GetRootScreenRectHandler
- type GetScreenInfoHandler
- type GetScreenPointHandler
- type GetTouchHandleSizeHandler
- type GetViewRectHandler
- type InitFilterHandler
- type IsFramelessHandler
- type MenuClosedHandler
- type MenuWillShowHandler
- type MouseOutsideMenuHandler
- type OnAcceleratedPaintHandler
- type OnAcceleratorHandler
- type OnAccessibilityLocationChangeHandler
- type OnAccessibilityTreeChangeHandler
- type OnAddressChangeHandler
- type OnAfterCreatedHandler
- type OnAfterUserActionHandler
- type OnAudioStreamErrorHandler
- type OnAudioStreamStartedHandler
- type OnAudioStreamStoppedHandler
- type OnAutoResizeHandler
- type OnBeforeBackgroundBrowserHandler
- type OnBeforeBrowseHandler
- type OnBeforeBrowserHandler
- type OnBeforeChildProcessLaunchHandler
- type OnBeforeCloseHandler
- type OnBeforeCommandLineProcessingHandler
- type OnBeforeContextMenuHandler
- type OnBeforeDownloadHandler
- type OnBeforePopupHandler
- type OnBeforeResourceLoadHandler
- type OnBeforeUnloadDialogHandler
- type OnBlurHandler
- type OnButtonPressedHandler
- type OnButtonStateChangedHandler
- type OnCertificateErrorHandler
- type OnChildViewChangedHandler
- type OnConsoleMessageHandler
- type OnContextCreatedHandler
- type OnContextInitializedHandler
- type OnContextMenuCommandHandler
- type OnContextMenuDismissedHandler
- type OnContextReleasedHandler
- type OnCursorChangeHandler
- type OnDevToolsAgentAttachedHandler
- type OnDevToolsAgentDetachedHandler
- type OnDevToolsEventHandler
- type OnDevToolsMessageHandler
- type OnDevToolsMethodResultHandler
- type OnDialogClosedHandler
- type OnDocumentAvailableInMainFrameHandler
- type OnDownloadDataHandler
- type OnDownloadProgressHandler
- type OnDownloadUpdatedHandler
- type OnDragEnterHandler
- type OnDraggableRegionsChangedHandler
- type OnEndTracingCompleteHandler
- type OnExtensionLoadFailedHandler
- type OnExtensionLoadedHandler
- type OnExtensionUnloadedHandler
- type OnFaviconUrlchangeHandler
- type OnFileDialogDismissedHandler
- type OnFileDialogHandler
- type OnFindResultHandler
- type OnFocusHandler
- type OnFocusedNodeChangedHandler
- type OnFullscreenModeChangeHandler
- type OnGotFocusHandler
- type OnImeCompositionRangeChangedHandler
- type OnJsdialogHandler
- type OnLayoutChangedHandler
- type OnLoadEndHandler
- type OnLoadErrorHandler
- type OnLoadStartHandler
- type OnLoadingProgressChangeHandler
- type OnLoadingStateChangeHandler
- type OnMediaAccessChangeHandler
- type OnMenuButtonPressedHandler
- type OnOpenUrlfromTabHandler
- type OnPaintHandler
- type OnParentViewChangedHandler
- type OnPdfPrintFinishedHandler
- type OnPopupBrowserViewCreatedHandler
- type OnPopupShowHandler
- type OnPopupSizeHandler
- type OnPreKeyEventHandler
- type OnPrintDialogHandler
- type OnPrintJobHandler
- type OnPrintResetHandler
- type OnPrintSettingsHandler
- type OnPrintStartHandler
- type OnProtocolExecutionHandler
- type OnQuickMenuCommandHandler
- type OnQuickMenuDismissedHandler
- type OnQuotaRequestHandler
- type OnRegisterCustomSchemesHandler
- type OnRenderProcessTerminatedHandler
- type OnRenderViewReadyHandler
- type OnRequestCompleteHandler
- type OnRequestContextInitializedHandler
- type OnResetDialogStateHandler
- type OnResourceLoadCompleteHandler
- type OnResourceRedirectHandler
- type OnResourceResponseHandler
- type OnRouteMessageReceivedHandler
- type OnRouteStateChangedHandler
- type OnRoutesHandler
- type OnScheduleMessagePumpWorkHandler
- type OnScrollOffsetChangedHandler
- type OnSelectClientCertificateHandler
- type OnSetFocusHandler
- type OnSinksHandler
- type OnStatusMessageHandler
- type OnTakeFocusHandler
- type OnTextSelectionChangedHandler
- type OnTitleChangeHandler
- type OnTooltipHandler
- type OnTouchHandleStateChangedHandler
- type OnUncaughtExceptionHandler
- type OnUploadProgressHandler
- type OnVirtualKeyboardRequestedHandler
- type OnWebKitInitializedHandler
- type OnWindowActivationChangedHandler
- type OnWindowChangedHandler
- type OnWindowCreatedHandler
- type OnWindowDestroyedHandler
- type OpenHandler
- type ProcessRequestHandler
- type ReleaseBufferHandler
- type RunContextMenuHandler
- type RunQuickMenuHandler
- type SetHandler
- type Settings
- type SkipHandler
- type StartDraggingHandler
- type UnhandledCloseSubmenuHandler
- type UnhandledOpenSubmenuHandler
- type UpdateDragCursorHandler
- type WriteHandler
Constants ¶
This section is empty.
Variables ¶
var Logger *log.Logger
Functions ¶
func AddCrossOriginWhitelistEntry ¶ added in v0.3.5
func AddCrossOriginWhitelistEntry( source_origin string, target_protocol string, target_domain string, allow_target_subdomains int, ) (ret bool)
/ / Add an entry to the cross-origin access whitelist. / / The same-origin policy restricts how scripts hosted from different origins / (scheme + domain + port) can communicate. By default, scripts can only / access resources with the same origin. Scripts hosted on the HTTP and HTTPS / schemes (but no other schemes) can use the "Access-Control-Allow-Origin" / header to allow cross-origin requests. For example, / can make XMLHttpRequest requests on / if the request returns / an "Access-Control-Allow-Origin:" response / header. / / Scripts in separate frames or iframes and hosted from the same protocol and / domain suffix can execute cross-origin JavaScript if both pages set the / document.domain value to the same domain suffix. For example, / scheme:// and scheme:// can communicate using / JavaScript if both domains set document.domain="". / / This function is used to allow access to origins that would otherwise / violate the same-origin policy. Scripts hosted underneath the fully / qualified |source_origin| URL (like will be allowed / access to all resources hosted on the specified |target_protocol| and / |target_domain|. If |target_domain| is non-NULL and / |allow_target_subdomains| if false (0) only exact domain matches will be / allowed. If |target_domain| contains a top- level domain component (like / "") and |allow_target_subdomains| is true (1) sub-domain matches / will be allowed. If |target_domain| is NULL and |allow_target_subdomains| if / true (1) all domains and IP addresses will be allowed. / / This function cannot be used to bypass the restrictions on local or display / isolated schemes. See the comments on CefRegisterCustomScheme for more / information. / / This function may be called on any thread. Returns false (0) if / |source_origin| is invalid or the whitelist cannot be accessed. /
func BaseAddRef ¶
func BaseAddRef(rc refCounted)
func BaseHasAtLeastOneRef ¶ added in v0.1.2
func BaseHasAtLeastOneRef(rc refCounted) bool
func BaseHasOneRef ¶
func BaseHasOneRef(rc refCounted) bool
func BaseRelease ¶
func BaseRelease(rc refCounted) (b bool)
/ Called to decrement the reference count for the object. If the reference count falls to 0 the object should self-delete. Returns true (1) if the resulting reference count is 0. /
func BeginTracing ¶ added in v0.3.8
func BeginTracing( categories string, callback *CCompletionCallbackT, ) (ret bool)
/ / Start tracing events on all processes. Tracing is initialized asynchronously / and |callback| will be executed on the UI thread after initialization is / complete. / / If CefBeginTracing was called previously, or if a CefEndTracingAsync call is / pending, CefBeginTracing will fail and return false (0). / / |categories| is a comma-delimited list of category wildcards. A category can / have an optional '-' prefix to make it an excluded category. Having both / included and excluded categories in the same list is not supported. / / Examples: - "test_MyTest*" - "test_MyTest*,test_OtherStuff" - / "-excluded_category1,-excluded_category2" / / This function must be called on the browser process UI thread. /
func BrowserHostCreateBrowser ¶
func BrowserHostCreateBrowser( windowInfo *CWindowInfoT, client *CClientT, url string, settings *CBrowserSettingsT, extra_info *CDictionaryValueT, request_context *CRequestContextT, ) (ret bool)
/ / Create a new browser using the window parameters specified by |windowInfo|. / All values will be copied internally and the actual window (if any) will be / created on the UI thread. If |request_context| is NULL the global request / context will be used. This function can be called on any browser process / thread and will not block. The optional |extra_info| parameter provides an / opportunity to specify extra information specific to the created browser / that will be passed to cef_render_process_handler_t::on_browser_created() in / the render process. /
func CheckClients ¶ added in v0.5.6
CClint Pointer print for debug
func ClearCrossOriginWhitelist ¶ added in v0.3.5
func ClearCrossOriginWhitelist() (ret bool)
/ / Remove all entries from the cross-origin access whitelist. Returns false (0) / if the whitelist cannot be accessed. /
func ClearSchemeHandlerFactories ¶ added in v0.1.5
func ClearSchemeHandlerFactories() (ret bool)
/ / Clear all scheme handler factories registered with the global request / context. Returns false (0) on error. This function may be called on any / thread in the browser process. Using this function is equivalent to calling / cef_request_context_t::cef_request_context_get_global_context()->clear_schem / e_handler_factories(). /
func CrashReportingEnabled ¶ added in v0.3.5
func CrashReportingEnabled() (ret bool)
/ / Crash reporting is configured using an INI-style config file named / "crash_reporter.cfg". On Windows and Linux this file must be placed next to / the main application executable. On macOS this file must be placed in the / top-level app bundle Resources directory (e.g. / "<appname>.app/Contents/Resources"). File contents are as follows: / / <pre> / # Comments start with a hash character and must be on their own line. / / [Config] / ProductName=<Value of the "prod" crash key; defaults to "cef"> / ProductVersion=<Value of the "ver" crash key; defaults to the CEF version> / AppName=<Windows only; App-specific folder name component for storing crash / information; default to "CEF"> / ExternalHandler=<Windows only; Name of the external handler exe to use / instead of re-launching the main exe; default to empty> / BrowserCrashForwardingEnabled=<macOS only; True if browser process crashes / should be forwarded to the system crash / reporter; default to false> / ServerURL=<crash server URL; default to empty> / RateLimitEnabled=<True if uploads should be rate limited; default to true> / MaxUploadsPerDay=<Max uploads per 24 hours, used if rate limit is enabled; / default to 5> / MaxDatabaseSizeInMb=<Total crash report disk usage greater than this value / will cause older reports to be deleted; default to 20> / MaxDatabaseAgeInDays=<Crash reports older than this value will be deleted; / default to 5> / / [CrashKeys] / my_key1=<small|medium|large> / my_key2=<small|medium|large> / </pre> / / <b>Config section:</b> / / If "ProductName" and/or "ProductVersion" are set then the specified values / will be included in the crash dump metadata. On macOS if these values are / set to NULL then they will be retrieved from the Info.plist file using the / "CFBundleName" and "CFBundleShortVersionString" keys respectively. / / If "AppName" is set on Windows then crash report information (metrics, / database and dumps) will be stored locally on disk under the / "C:\Users\[CurrentUser]\AppData\Local\[AppName]\User Data" folder. On other / platforms the cef_settings_t.user_data_path value will be used. / / If "ExternalHandler" is set on Windows then the specified exe will be / launched as the crashpad-handler instead of re-launching the main process / exe. The value can be an absolute path or a path relative to the main exe / directory. On Linux the cef_settings_t.browser_subprocess_path value will be / used. On macOS the existing subprocess app bundle will be used. / / If "BrowserCrashForwardingEnabled" is set to true (1) on macOS then browser / process crashes will be forwarded to the system crash reporter. This results / in the crash UI dialog being displayed to the user and crash reports being / logged under "~/Library/Logs/DiagnosticReports". Forwarding of crash reports / from non-browser processes and Debug builds is always disabled. / / If "ServerURL" is set then crashes will be uploaded as a multi-part POST / request to the specified URL. Otherwise, reports will only be stored locally / on disk. / / If "RateLimitEnabled" is set to true (1) then crash report uploads will be / rate limited as follows: / 1. If "MaxUploadsPerDay" is set to a positive value then at most the / specified number of crashes will be uploaded in each 24 hour period. / 2. If crash upload fails due to a network or server error then an / incremental backoff delay up to a maximum of 24 hours will be applied / for retries. / 3. If a backoff delay is applied and "MaxUploadsPerDay" is > 1 then the / "MaxUploadsPerDay" value will be reduced to 1 until the client is / restarted. This helps to avoid an upload flood when the network or / server error is resolved. / Rate limiting is not supported on Linux. / / If "MaxDatabaseSizeInMb" is set to a positive value then crash report / storage on disk will be limited to that size in megabytes. For example, on / Windows each dump is about 600KB so a "MaxDatabaseSizeInMb" value of 20 / equates to about 34 crash reports stored on disk. Not supported on Linux. / / If "MaxDatabaseAgeInDays" is set to a positive value then crash reports / older than the specified age in days will be deleted. Not supported on / Linux. / / <b>CrashKeys section:</b> / / A maximum of 26 crash keys of each size can be specified for use by the / application. Crash key values will be truncated based on the specified size / (small = 64 bytes, medium = 256 bytes, large = 1024 bytes). The value of / crash keys can be set from any thread or process using the / CefSetCrashKeyValue function. These key/value pairs will be sent to the / crash server along with the crash dump file. /
func CreateDirectory ¶ added in v0.3.5
/ / Creates a directory and all parent directories if they don't already exist. / Returns true (1) on successful creation or if the directory already exists. / The directory is only readable by the current user. Calling this function on / the browser process UI or IO threads is not allowed. /
func CreateNewTempDirectory ¶ added in v0.3.5
/ / Creates a new directory. On Windows if |prefix| is provided the new / directory name is in the format of "prefixyyyy". Returns true (1) on success / and sets |new_temp_path| to the full path of the directory that was created. / The directory is only readable by the current user. Calling this function on / the browser process UI or IO threads is not allowed. /
func CreateTempDirectoryInDirectory ¶ added in v0.3.5
/ / Creates a directory within another directory. Extra characters will be / appended to |prefix| to ensure that the new directory does not have the same / name as an existing directory. Returns true (1) on success and sets / |new_dir| to the full path of the directory that was created. The directory / is only readable by the current user. Calling this function on the browser / process UI or IO threads is not allowed. /
func CurrentlyOn ¶ added in v0.1.5
func CurrentlyOn( threadId CThreadIdT, ) (ret bool)
/ / Returns true (1) if called on the specified thread. Equivalent to using / cef_task_runner_t::GetForThread(threadId)->belongs_to_current_thread(). /
func DeleteFile ¶ added in v0.3.5
/ / Deletes the given path whether it's a file or a directory. If |path| is a / directory all contents will be deleted. If |recursive| is true (1) any sub- / directories and their contents will also be deleted (equivalent to executing / "rm -rf", so use with caution). On POSIX environments if |path| is a / symbolic link then only the symlink will be deleted. Returns true (1) on / successful deletion or if |path| does not exist. Calling this function on / the browser process UI or IO threads is not allowed. /
func DirectoryExists ¶ added in v0.3.5
/ / Returns true (1) if the given path exists and is a directory. Calling this / function on the browser process UI or IO threads is not allowed. /
func DisplayGetCount ¶ added in v0.2.5
func DisplayGetCount() (ret int64)
/ / Returns the total number of Displays. Mirrored displays are excluded; this / function is intended to return the number of distinct, usable displays. /
func DoMessageLoopWork ¶ added in v0.1.5
func DoMessageLoopWork()
/ / Perform a single iteration of CEF message loop processing. This function is / provided for cases where the CEF message loop must be integrated into an / existing application message loop. Use of this function is not recommended / for most users; use either the cef_run_message_loop() function or / cef_settings_t.multi_threaded_message_loop if possible. When using this / function care must be taken to balance performance against excessive CPU / usage. It is recommended to enable the cef_settings_t.external_message_pump / option when using this function so that / cef_browser_process_handler_t::on_schedule_message_pump_work() callbacks can / facilitate the scheduling process. This function should only be called on / the main application thread and only if cef_initialize() is called with a / cef_settings_t.multi_threaded_message_loop value of false (0). This function / will not block. /
func EnableHighdpiSupport ¶ added in v0.1.5
func EnableHighdpiSupport()
/ / Call during process startup to enable High-DPI support on Windows 7 or / newer. Older versions of Windows should be left DPI-unaware because they do / not support DirectWrite and GDI fonts are kerned very badly. /
func EndTracing ¶ added in v0.3.8
func EndTracing( tracing_file string, callback *CEndTracingCallbackT, ) (ret bool)
/ / Stop tracing events on all processes. / / This function will fail and return false (0) if a previous call to / CefEndTracingAsync is already pending or if CefBeginTracing was not called. / / |tracing_file| is the path at which tracing data will be written and / |callback| is the callback that will be executed once all processes have / sent their trace data. If |tracing_file| is NULL a new temporary file path / will be used. If |callback| is NULL no trace data will be written. / / This function must be called on the browser process UI thread. /
func ExecuteProcess ¶
func ExecuteProcess( args *CMainArgsT, application *CAppT, windows_sandbox_info unsafe.Pointer, ) (ret int)
/ / This function should be called from the application entry point function to / execute a secondary process. It can be used to run secondary processes from / the browser client executable (default behavior) or from a separate / executable specified by the cef_settings_t.browser_subprocess_path value. If / called for the browser process (identified by no "type" command-line value) / it will return immediately with a value of -1. If called for a recognized / secondary process it will block until the process should exit and then / return the process exit code. The |application| parameter may be NULL. The / |windows_sandbox_info| parameter is only used on Windows and may be NULL / (see cef_sandbox_win.h for details). /
func GetTempDirectory ¶ added in v0.3.5
/ / Get the temporary directory provided by the system. / / WARNING: In general, you should use the temp directory variants below / instead of this function. Those variants will ensure that the proper / permissions are set so that other users on the system can't edit them while / they're open (which could lead to security issues). /
func Initialize ¶
func Initialize( args *CMainArgsT, settings *CSettingsT, application *CAppT, windows_sandbox_info unsafe.Pointer, ) (ret bool)
/ / This function should be called on the main application thread to initialize / the CEF browser process. The |application| parameter may be NULL. A return / value of true (1) indicates that it succeeded and false (0) indicates that / it failed. The |windows_sandbox_info| parameter is only used on Windows and / may be NULL (see cef_sandbox_win.h for details). /
func IsCertStatusError ¶ added in v0.1.5
func IsCertStatusError( status CCertStatusT, ) (ret bool)
/ / Returns true (1) if the certificate status represents an error. /
func LoadCrlsetsFile ¶ added in v0.3.5
func LoadCrlsetsFile( path string, )
/ / Loads the existing "Certificate Revocation Lists" file that is managed by / Google Chrome. This file can generally be found in Chrome's User Data / directory (e.g. "C:\Users\[User]\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\" on / Windows) and is updated periodically by Chrome's component updater service. / Must be called in the browser process after the context has been / initialized. See for / background. /
func NowFromSystemTraceTime ¶ added in v0.3.8
func NowFromSystemTraceTime() (ret int64)
/ / Returns the current system trace time or, if none is defined, the current / high-res time. Can be used by clients to synchronize with the time / information in trace events. /
func PostDelayedTask ¶ added in v0.1.5
func PostDelayedTask( threadId CThreadIdT, task *CTaskT, delay_ms int64, ) (ret bool)
/ / Post a task for delayed execution on the specified thread. Equivalent to / using cef_task_runner_t::GetForThread(threadId)->PostDelayedTask(task, / delay_ms). /
func PostTask ¶ added in v0.1.5
func PostTask( threadId CThreadIdT, task *CTaskT, ) (ret bool)
/ / Post a task for execution on the specified thread. Equivalent to using / cef_task_runner_t::GetForThread(threadId)->PostTask(task). /
func QuitMessageLoop ¶
func QuitMessageLoop()
/ / Quit the CEF message loop that was started by calling / cef_run_message_loop(). This function should only be called on the main / application thread and only if cef_run_message_loop() was used. /
func RefCountLogOutput ¶
func RefCountLogOutput(enable bool)
func RefCountLogTrace ¶
func RefCountLogTrace(on bool)
func RegisterExtension ¶ added in v0.1.5
func RegisterExtension( extension_name string, javascript_code string, handler *CV8handlerT, ) (ret bool)
/ / Register a new V8 extension with the specified JavaScript extension code and / handler. Functions implemented by the handler are prototyped using the / keyword 'native'. The calling of a native function is restricted to the / scope in which the prototype of the native function is defined. This / function may only be called on the render process main thread. / / Example JavaScript extension code: <pre> / // create the 'example' global object if it doesn't already exist. / if (!example) / example = {}; / // create the 'example.test' global object if it doesn't already exist. / if (!example.test) / example.test = {}; / (function() { / // Define the function 'example.test.myfunction'. / example.test.myfunction = function() { / // Call CefV8Handler::Execute() with the function name 'MyFunction' / // and no arguments. / native function MyFunction(); / return MyFunction(); / }; / // Define the getter function for parameter 'example.test.myparam'. / example.test.__defineGetter__('myparam', function() { / // Call CefV8Handler::Execute() with the function name 'GetMyParam' / // and no arguments. / native function GetMyParam(); / return GetMyParam(); / }); / // Define the setter function for parameter 'example.test.myparam'. / example.test.__defineSetter__('myparam', function(b) { / // Call CefV8Handler::Execute() with the function name 'SetMyParam' / // and a single argument. / native function SetMyParam(); / if(b) SetMyParam(b); / }); / / // Extension definitions can also contain normal JavaScript variables / // and functions. / var myint = 0; / example.test.increment = function() { / myint += 1; / return myint; / }; / })(); / </pre> / / Example usage in the page: <pre> / // Call the function. / example.test.myfunction(); / // Set the parameter. / example.test.myparam = value; / // Get the parameter. / value = example.test.myparam; / // Call another function. / example.test.increment(); / </pre> /
func RegisterSchemeHandlerFactory ¶
func RegisterSchemeHandlerFactory( scheme_name string, domain_name string, factory *CSchemeHandlerFactoryT, ) (ret bool)
/ / Register a scheme handler factory with the global request context. An NULL / |domain_name| value for a standard scheme will cause the factory to match / all domain names. The |domain_name| value will be ignored for non-standard / schemes. If |scheme_name| is a built-in scheme and no handler is returned by / |factory| then the built-in scheme handler factory will be called. If / |scheme_name| is a custom scheme then you must also implement the / cef_app_t::on_register_custom_schemes() function in all processes. This / function may be called multiple times to change or remove the factory that / matches the specified |scheme_name| and optional |domain_name|. Returns / false (0) if an error occurs. This function may be called on any thread in / the browser process. Using this function is equivalent to calling cef_reques / t_context_t::cef_request_context_get_global_context()->register_scheme_handl / er_factory(). /
func RemoveCrossOriginWhitelistEntry ¶ added in v0.3.5
func RemoveCrossOriginWhitelistEntry( source_origin string, target_protocol string, target_domain string, allow_target_subdomains int, ) (ret bool)
/ / Remove an entry from the cross-origin access whitelist. Returns false (0) if / |source_origin| is invalid or the whitelist cannot be accessed. /
func RunMessageLoop ¶
func RunMessageLoop()
/ / Run the CEF message loop. Use this function instead of an application- / provided message loop to get the best balance between performance and CPU / usage. This function should only be called on the main application thread / and only if cef_initialize() is called with a / cef_settings_t.multi_threaded_message_loop value of false (0). This function / will block until a quit message is received by the system. /
func SetCrashKeyValue ¶ added in v0.3.5
/ / Sets or clears a specific key-value pair from the crash metadata. /
func SetOsmodalLoop ¶ added in v0.1.5
func SetOsmodalLoop( osModalLoop bool, )
/ / Set to true (1) before calling Windows APIs like TrackPopupMenu that enter a / modal message loop. Set to false (0) after exiting the modal message loop. /
func Shutdown ¶
func Shutdown()
/ / This function should be called on the main application thread to shut down / the CEF browser process before the application exits. /
func StringListAppend ¶
func StringListAppend( list CStringListT, value string, )
/ / Append a new value at the end of the string list. /
func StringListSize ¶
func StringListSize( list CStringListT, ) (ret int64)
/ / Return the number of elements in the string list. /
func StringListValue ¶
func StringListValue( list CStringListT, index int64, ) (ret bool, value string)
/ / Retrieve the value at the specified zero-based string list index. Returns / true (1) if the value was successfully retrieved. /
func StringMapAppend ¶ added in v0.1.5
func StringMapAppend( cmap CStringMapT, key string, value string, ) (ret bool)
/ / Append a new key/value pair at the end of the string map. /
func StringMapClear ¶ added in v0.1.5
func StringMapClear( cmap CStringMapT, )
/ / Clear the string map. /
func StringMapFind ¶ added in v0.1.5
func StringMapFind( cmap CStringMapT, key string, ) (ret bool, value string)
/ / Return the value assigned to the specified key. /
func StringMapFree ¶ added in v0.1.5
func StringMapFree( cmap CStringMapT, )
/ / Free the string map. /
func StringMapKey ¶ added in v0.1.5
func StringMapKey( cmap CStringMapT, index int64, ) (ret bool, key string)
/ / Return the key at the specified zero-based string map index. /
func StringMapSize ¶ added in v0.1.5
func StringMapSize( cmap CStringMapT, ) (ret int64)
/ / Return the number of elements in the string map. /
func StringMapValue ¶ added in v0.1.5
func StringMapValue( cmap CStringMapT, index int64, ) (ret bool, value string)
/ / Return the value at the specified zero-based string map index. /
func StringMultimapAppend ¶ added in v0.1.5
func StringMultimapAppend( cmap CStringMultimapT, key string, value string, ) (ret bool)
/ / Append a new key/value pair at the end of the string multimap. /
func StringMultimapClear ¶ added in v0.1.5
func StringMultimapClear( cmap CStringMultimapT, )
/ / Clear the string multimap. /
func StringMultimapEnumerate ¶ added in v0.1.5
func StringMultimapEnumerate( cmap CStringMultimapT, key string, value_index int64, ) (ret bool, value string)
/ / Return the value_index-th value with the specified key. /
func StringMultimapFindCount ¶ added in v0.1.5
func StringMultimapFindCount( cmap CStringMultimapT, key string, ) (ret int64)
/ / Return the number of values with the specified key. /
func StringMultimapFree ¶ added in v0.1.5
func StringMultimapFree( cmap CStringMultimapT, )
/ / Free the string multimap. /
func StringMultimapKey ¶ added in v0.1.5
func StringMultimapKey( cmap CStringMultimapT, index int64, ) (ret bool, key string)
/ / Return the key at the specified zero-based string multimap index. /
func StringMultimapSize ¶ added in v0.1.5
func StringMultimapSize( cmap CStringMultimapT, ) (ret int64)
/ / Return the number of elements in the string multimap. /
func StringMultimapValue ¶ added in v0.1.5
func StringMultimapValue( cmap CStringMultimapT, index int64, ) (ret bool, value string)
/ / Return the value at the specified zero-based string multimap index. /
func TimeDelta ¶ added in v0.1.5
/ / Retrieve the delta in milliseconds between two time values. Returns true (1) / on success and false (0) on failure.
func TimeFromBasetime ¶ added in v0.5.4
func TimeFromBasetime( from CBasetimeT, to *CTimeT, ) (ret bool)
/ / Converts cef_basetime_t to cef_time_t. Returns true (1) on success and / false (0) on failure. /
func TimeFromDoublet ¶ added in v0.1.5
func TimeFromTimet ¶ added in v0.1.5
func TimeNow ¶ added in v0.1.5
/ / Retrieve the current system time. Returns true (1) on success and false (0) / on failure. /
func TimeToBasetime ¶ added in v0.5.4
func TimeToBasetime( from *CTimeT, to *CBasetimeT, ) (ret bool)
/ / Converts cef_time_t to cef_basetime_t. Returns true (1) on success and / false (0) on failure. /
func TimeToDoublet ¶ added in v0.1.5
/ / Converts cef_time_t to/from a double which is the number of seconds since / epoch (Jan 1, 1970). Webkit uses this format to represent time. A value of 0 / means "not initialized". Returns true (1) on success and false (0) on / failure. /
func TimeToTimet ¶ added in v0.1.5
/ / Converts cef_time_t to/from time_t. Returns true (1) on success and false / (0) on failure. /
func V8contextInContext ¶
func V8contextInContext() (ret bool)
/ / Returns true (1) if V8 is currently inside a context. /
func ZipDirectory ¶ added in v0.3.5
/ / Writes the contents of |src_dir| into a zip archive at |dest_file|. If / |include_hidden_files| is true (1) files starting with "." will be included. / Returns true (1) on success. Calling this function on the browser process / UI or IO threads is not allowed. /
Types ¶
type CAccessibilityHandlerT ¶ added in v0.1.5
type CAccessibilityHandlerT struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Go type for cef_accessibility_handler_t
func NewCAccessibilityHandlerT ¶ added in v0.5.0
func NewCAccessibilityHandlerT(a interface{}) *CAccessibilityHandlerT
NewCAccessibilityHandlerT allocates CAccessibilityHandlerT, construct and bind it
func (*CAccessibilityHandlerT) Handler ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (accessibility_handler *CAccessibilityHandlerT) Handler() interface{}
func (*CAccessibilityHandlerT) HasOneRef ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (accessibility_handler *CAccessibilityHandlerT) HasOneRef() bool
*C.cef_accessibility_handler_t has refCounted interface
func (*CAccessibilityHandlerT) NewRef ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (self *CAccessibilityHandlerT) NewRef() (newP *CAccessibilityHandlerT)
func (*CAccessibilityHandlerT) Pass ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (p *CAccessibilityHandlerT) Pass() (ret *CAccessibilityHandlerT)
func (*CAccessibilityHandlerT) UnbindAll ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (accessibility_handler *CAccessibilityHandlerT) UnbindAll()
func (*CAccessibilityHandlerT) Unref ¶ added in v0.4.1
func (accessibility_handler *CAccessibilityHandlerT) Unref() (ret bool)
type CAlphaTypeT ¶ added in v0.1.5
type CAlphaTypeT C.cef_alpha_type_t
/ / Describes how to interpret the alpha component of a pixel. /
const ( /// /// No transparency. The alpha component is ignored. /// CefAlphaTypeOpaque CAlphaTypeT = C.CEF_ALPHA_TYPE_OPAQUE /// /// Transparency with pre-multiplied alpha component. /// CefAlphaTypePremultiplied CAlphaTypeT = C.CEF_ALPHA_TYPE_PREMULTIPLIED /// /// Transparency with post-multiplied alpha component. /// CefAlphaTypePostmultiplied CAlphaTypeT = C.CEF_ALPHA_TYPE_POSTMULTIPLIED )
type CAppT ¶
type CAppT struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Go type for cef_app_t
type CAudioHandlerT ¶ added in v0.1.5
type CAudioHandlerT struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Go type for cef_audio_handler_t
func NewCAudioHandlerT ¶ added in v0.5.0
func NewCAudioHandlerT(a interface{}) *CAudioHandlerT
NewCAudioHandlerT allocates CAudioHandlerT, construct and bind it
func (*CAudioHandlerT) Handler ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (audio_handler *CAudioHandlerT) Handler() interface{}
func (*CAudioHandlerT) HasOneRef ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (audio_handler *CAudioHandlerT) HasOneRef() bool
*C.cef_audio_handler_t has refCounted interface
func (*CAudioHandlerT) NewRef ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (self *CAudioHandlerT) NewRef() (newP *CAudioHandlerT)
func (*CAudioHandlerT) Pass ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (p *CAudioHandlerT) Pass() (ret *CAudioHandlerT)
func (*CAudioHandlerT) UnbindAll ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (audio_handler *CAudioHandlerT) UnbindAll()
func (*CAudioHandlerT) Unref ¶ added in v0.4.1
func (audio_handler *CAudioHandlerT) Unref() (ret bool)
type CAudioParametersT ¶ added in v0.2.12
type CAudioParametersT C.cef_audio_parameters_t
/ / Structure representing the audio parameters for setting up the audio / handler. /
func NewCAudioParametersT ¶ added in v0.3.1
func NewCAudioParametersT() *CAudioParametersT
func (*CAudioParametersT) ChannelLayout ¶ added in v0.3.1
func (st *CAudioParametersT) ChannelLayout() CChannelLayoutT
func (*CAudioParametersT) FramesPerBuffer ¶ added in v0.3.1
func (st *CAudioParametersT) FramesPerBuffer() int
func (*CAudioParametersT) SampleRate ¶ added in v0.3.1
func (st *CAudioParametersT) SampleRate() int
func (*CAudioParametersT) SetChannelLayout ¶ added in v0.3.1
func (st *CAudioParametersT) SetChannelLayout(v CChannelLayoutT)
func (*CAudioParametersT) SetFramesPerBuffer ¶ added in v0.3.1
func (st *CAudioParametersT) SetFramesPerBuffer(v int)
func (*CAudioParametersT) SetSampleRate ¶ added in v0.3.1
func (st *CAudioParametersT) SetSampleRate(v int)
type CAuthCallbackT ¶ added in v0.1.5
type CAuthCallbackT struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Go type for cef_auth_callback_t
func (*CAuthCallbackT) Cancel ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CAuthCallbackT) Cancel()
/ / Cancel the authentication request. /
func (*CAuthCallbackT) Cont ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CAuthCallbackT) Cont( username string, password string, )
/ / Continue the authentication request. /
func (*CAuthCallbackT) HasOneRef ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (auth_callback *CAuthCallbackT) HasOneRef() bool
*C.cef_auth_callback_t has refCounted interface
func (*CAuthCallbackT) NewRef ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (self *CAuthCallbackT) NewRef() (newP *CAuthCallbackT)
func (*CAuthCallbackT) Pass ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (p *CAuthCallbackT) Pass() (ret *CAuthCallbackT)
func (*CAuthCallbackT) Unref ¶ added in v0.4.1
func (auth_callback *CAuthCallbackT) Unref() (ret bool)
type CBasetimeT ¶ added in v0.5.4
type CBasetimeT C.cef_basetime_t
/ / Represents a wall clock time in UTC. Values are not guaranteed to be / monotonically non-decreasing and are subject to large amounts of skew. / Time is stored internally as microseconds since the Windows epoch (1601). / / This is equivalent of Chromium `base::Time` (see base/time/time.h). /
func BasetimeNow ¶ added in v0.5.4
func BasetimeNow() (ret CBasetimeT)
/ / Retrieve the current system time. /
func NewCBasetimeT ¶ added in v0.5.4
func NewCBasetimeT() *CBasetimeT
func (*CBasetimeT) SetVal ¶ added in v0.5.4
func (st *CBasetimeT) SetVal(v int64)
func (*CBasetimeT) Val ¶ added in v0.5.4
func (st *CBasetimeT) Val() int64
type CBeforeDownloadCallbackT ¶ added in v0.1.5
type CBeforeDownloadCallbackT struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Go type for cef_before_download_callback_t
func (*CBeforeDownloadCallbackT) Cont ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CBeforeDownloadCallbackT) Cont( download_path string, show_dialog int, )
/ / Call to continue the download. Set |download_path| to the full file path / for the download including the file name or leave blank to use the / suggested name and the default temp directory. Set |show_dialog| to true / (1) if you do wish to show the default "Save As" dialog. /
func (*CBeforeDownloadCallbackT) HasOneRef ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (before_download_callback *CBeforeDownloadCallbackT) HasOneRef() bool
*C.cef_before_download_callback_t has refCounted interface
func (*CBeforeDownloadCallbackT) NewRef ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (self *CBeforeDownloadCallbackT) NewRef() (newP *CBeforeDownloadCallbackT)
func (*CBeforeDownloadCallbackT) Pass ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (p *CBeforeDownloadCallbackT) Pass() (ret *CBeforeDownloadCallbackT)
func (*CBeforeDownloadCallbackT) Unref ¶ added in v0.4.1
func (before_download_callback *CBeforeDownloadCallbackT) Unref() (ret bool)
type CBinaryValueT ¶
type CBinaryValueT struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Go type for cef_binary_value_t
func BinaryValueCreate ¶
func BinaryValueCreate( data []byte, ) (ret *CBinaryValueT)
/ / Creates a new object that is not owned by any other object. The specified / |data| will be copied. /
func (*CBinaryValueT) Copy ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CBinaryValueT) Copy() (ret *CBinaryValueT)
/ / Returns a copy of this object. The data in this object will also be / copied. /
func (*CBinaryValueT) GetData ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CBinaryValueT) GetData( buffer unsafe.Pointer, buffer_size int64, data_offset int64, ) (ret int64)
/ / Read up to |buffer_size| number of bytes into |buffer|. Reading begins at / the specified byte |data_offset|. Returns the number of bytes read. /
func (*CBinaryValueT) GetSize ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CBinaryValueT) GetSize() (ret int64)
/ / Returns the data size. /
func (*CBinaryValueT) HasOneRef ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (binary_value *CBinaryValueT) HasOneRef() bool
*C.cef_binary_value_t has refCounted interface
func (*CBinaryValueT) IsEqual ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CBinaryValueT) IsEqual( that *CBinaryValueT, ) (ret bool)
/ / Returns true (1) if this object and |that| object have an equivalent / underlying value but are not necessarily the same object. /
func (*CBinaryValueT) IsOwned ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CBinaryValueT) IsOwned() (ret bool)
/ / Returns true (1) if this object is currently owned by another object. /
func (*CBinaryValueT) IsSame ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CBinaryValueT) IsSame( that *CBinaryValueT, ) (ret bool)
/ / Returns true (1) if this object and |that| object have the same underlying / data. /
func (*CBinaryValueT) IsValid ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CBinaryValueT) IsValid() (ret bool)
/ / Returns true (1) if this object is valid. This object may become invalid / if the underlying data is owned by another object (e.g. list or / dictionary) and that other object is then modified or destroyed. Do not / call any other functions if this function returns false (0). /
func (*CBinaryValueT) NewRef ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (self *CBinaryValueT) NewRef() (newP *CBinaryValueT)
func (*CBinaryValueT) Pass ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (p *CBinaryValueT) Pass() (ret *CBinaryValueT)
func (*CBinaryValueT) Unref ¶ added in v0.4.1
func (binary_value *CBinaryValueT) Unref() (ret bool)
type CBoxLayoutSettingsT ¶ added in v0.1.5
type CBoxLayoutSettingsT C.cef_box_layout_settings_t
/ / Settings used when initializing a CefBoxLayout. /
func NewCBoxLayoutSettingsT ¶ added in v0.2.0
func NewCBoxLayoutSettingsT() *CBoxLayoutSettingsT
func (*CBoxLayoutSettingsT) BetweenChildSpacing ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (st *CBoxLayoutSettingsT) BetweenChildSpacing() int
func (*CBoxLayoutSettingsT) CrossAxisAlignment ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (st *CBoxLayoutSettingsT) CrossAxisAlignment() CCrossAxisAlignmentT
func (*CBoxLayoutSettingsT) DefaultFlex ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (st *CBoxLayoutSettingsT) DefaultFlex() int
func (*CBoxLayoutSettingsT) Horizontal ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (st *CBoxLayoutSettingsT) Horizontal() bool
func (*CBoxLayoutSettingsT) InsideBorderHorizontalSpacing ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (st *CBoxLayoutSettingsT) InsideBorderHorizontalSpacing() int
func (*CBoxLayoutSettingsT) InsideBorderInsets ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (st *CBoxLayoutSettingsT) InsideBorderInsets() CInsetsT
func (*CBoxLayoutSettingsT) InsideBorderVerticalSpacing ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (st *CBoxLayoutSettingsT) InsideBorderVerticalSpacing() int
func (*CBoxLayoutSettingsT) MainAxisAlignment ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (st *CBoxLayoutSettingsT) MainAxisAlignment() CMainAxisAlignmentT
func (*CBoxLayoutSettingsT) MinimumCrossAxisSize ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (st *CBoxLayoutSettingsT) MinimumCrossAxisSize() int
func (*CBoxLayoutSettingsT) SetBetweenChildSpacing ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (st *CBoxLayoutSettingsT) SetBetweenChildSpacing(v int)
func (*CBoxLayoutSettingsT) SetCrossAxisAlignment ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (st *CBoxLayoutSettingsT) SetCrossAxisAlignment(v CCrossAxisAlignmentT)
func (*CBoxLayoutSettingsT) SetDefaultFlex ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (st *CBoxLayoutSettingsT) SetDefaultFlex(v int)
func (*CBoxLayoutSettingsT) SetHorizontal ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (st *CBoxLayoutSettingsT) SetHorizontal(v bool)
func (*CBoxLayoutSettingsT) SetInsideBorderHorizontalSpacing ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (st *CBoxLayoutSettingsT) SetInsideBorderHorizontalSpacing(v int)
func (*CBoxLayoutSettingsT) SetInsideBorderInsets ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (st *CBoxLayoutSettingsT) SetInsideBorderInsets(v CInsetsT)
func (*CBoxLayoutSettingsT) SetInsideBorderVerticalSpacing ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (st *CBoxLayoutSettingsT) SetInsideBorderVerticalSpacing(v int)
func (*CBoxLayoutSettingsT) SetMainAxisAlignment ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (st *CBoxLayoutSettingsT) SetMainAxisAlignment(v CMainAxisAlignmentT)
func (*CBoxLayoutSettingsT) SetMinimumCrossAxisSize ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (st *CBoxLayoutSettingsT) SetMinimumCrossAxisSize(v int)
type CBoxLayoutT ¶ added in v0.2.5
type CBoxLayoutT struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Go type for cef_box_layout_t
func (*CBoxLayoutT) ClearFlexForView ¶ added in v0.2.5
func (self *CBoxLayoutT) ClearFlexForView( view *CViewT, )
/ / Clears the flex for the given |view|, causing it to use the default flex / specified via cef_box_layout_tSettings.default_flex. /
func (*CBoxLayoutT) HasOneRef ¶ added in v0.2.5
func (box_layout *CBoxLayoutT) HasOneRef() bool
*C.cef_box_layout_t has refCounted interface
func (*CBoxLayoutT) NewRef ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (self *CBoxLayoutT) NewRef() (newP *CBoxLayoutT)
func (*CBoxLayoutT) Pass ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (p *CBoxLayoutT) Pass() (ret *CBoxLayoutT)
func (*CBoxLayoutT) SetFlexForView ¶ added in v0.2.5
func (self *CBoxLayoutT) SetFlexForView( view *CViewT, flex int, )
/ / Set the flex weight for the given |view|. Using the preferred size as the / basis, free space along the main axis is distributed to views in the ratio / of their flex weights. Similarly, if the views will overflow the parent, / space is subtracted in these ratios. A flex of 0 means this view is not / resized. Flex values must not be negative. /
func (*CBoxLayoutT) ToCLayoutT ¶ added in v0.2.6
func (box_layout *CBoxLayoutT) ToCLayoutT() *CLayoutT
Convert to Base Class Pointer *CLayoutT
func (*CBoxLayoutT) Unref ¶ added in v0.4.1
func (box_layout *CBoxLayoutT) Unref() (ret bool)
type CBrowserHostT ¶
type CBrowserHostT struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Go type for cef_browser_host_t
func (*CBrowserHostT) AddDevToolsMessageObserver ¶ added in v0.2.13
func (self *CBrowserHostT) AddDevToolsMessageObserver( observer *CDevToolsMessageObserverT, ) (ret *CRegistrationT)
/ / Add an observer for DevTools protocol messages (function results and / events). The observer will remain registered until the returned / Registration object is destroyed. See the SendDevToolsMessage / documentation for additional usage information. /
func (*CBrowserHostT) AddWordToDictionary ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CBrowserHostT) AddWordToDictionary( word string, )
/ / Add the specified |word| to the spelling dictionary. /
func (*CBrowserHostT) CloseBrowser ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CBrowserHostT) CloseBrowser( force_close bool, )
/ / Request that the browser close. The JavaScript 'onbeforeunload' event will / be fired. If |force_close| is false (0) the event handler, if any, will be / allowed to prompt the user and the user can optionally cancel the close. / If |force_close| is true (1) the prompt will not be displayed and the / close will proceed. Results in a call to / cef_life_span_handler_t::do_close() if the event handler allows the close / or if |force_close| is true (1). See cef_life_span_handler_t::do_close() / documentation for additional usage information. /
func (*CBrowserHostT) CloseDevTools ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CBrowserHostT) CloseDevTools()
/ / Explicitly close the associated DevTools browser, if any. /
func (*CBrowserHostT) DownloadImage ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CBrowserHostT) DownloadImage( image_url string, is_favicon bool, max_image_size uint32, bypass_cache bool, callback *CDownloadImageCallbackT, )
/ / Download |image_url| and execute |callback| on completion with the images / received from the renderer. If |is_favicon| is true (1) then cookies are / not sent and not accepted during download. Images with density independent / pixel (DIP) sizes larger than |max_image_size| are filtered out from the / image results. Versions of the image at different scale factors may be / downloaded up to the maximum scale factor supported by the system. If / there are no image results <= |max_image_size| then the smallest image is / resized to |max_image_size| and is the only result. A |max_image_size| of / 0 means unlimited. If |bypass_cache| is true (1) then |image_url| is / requested from the server even if it is present in the browser cache. /
func (*CBrowserHostT) DragSourceEndedAt ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CBrowserHostT) DragSourceEndedAt( x int, y int, op CDragOperationsMaskT, )
/ / Call this function when the drag operation started by a / cef_render_handler_t::StartDragging call has ended either in a drop or by / being cancelled. |x| and |y| are mouse coordinates relative to the upper- / left corner of the view. If the web view is both the drag source and the / drag target then all DragTarget* functions should be called before / DragSource* mthods. This function is only used when window rendering is / disabled. /
func (*CBrowserHostT) DragSourceSystemDragEnded ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CBrowserHostT) DragSourceSystemDragEnded()
/ / Call this function when the drag operation started by a / cef_render_handler_t::StartDragging call has completed. This function may / be called immediately without first calling DragSourceEndedAt to cancel a / drag operation. If the web view is both the drag source and the drag / target then all DragTarget* functions should be called before DragSource* / mthods. This function is only used when window rendering is disabled. /
func (*CBrowserHostT) DragTargetDragEnter ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CBrowserHostT) DragTargetDragEnter( drag_data *CDragDataT, event *CMouseEventT, allowed_ops CDragOperationsMaskT, )
/ / Call this function when the user drags the mouse into the web view (before / calling DragTargetDragOver/DragTargetLeave/DragTargetDrop). |drag_data| / should not contain file contents as this type of data is not allowed to be / dragged into the web view. File contents can be removed using / cef_drag_data_t::ResetFileContents (for example, if |drag_data| comes from / cef_render_handler_t::StartDragging). This function is only used when / window rendering is disabled. /
func (*CBrowserHostT) DragTargetDragLeave ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CBrowserHostT) DragTargetDragLeave()
/ / Call this function when the user drags the mouse out of the web view / (after calling DragTargetDragEnter). This function is only used when / window rendering is disabled. /
func (*CBrowserHostT) DragTargetDragOver ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CBrowserHostT) DragTargetDragOver( event *CMouseEventT, allowed_ops CDragOperationsMaskT, )
/ / Call this function each time the mouse is moved across the web view during / a drag operation (after calling DragTargetDragEnter and before calling / DragTargetDragLeave/DragTargetDrop). This function is only used when / window rendering is disabled. /
func (*CBrowserHostT) DragTargetDrop ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CBrowserHostT) DragTargetDrop( event *CMouseEventT, )
/ / Call this function when the user completes the drag operation by dropping / the object onto the web view (after calling DragTargetDragEnter). The / object being dropped is |drag_data|, given as an argument to the previous / DragTargetDragEnter call. This function is only used when window rendering / is disabled. /
func (*CBrowserHostT) ExecuteDevToolsMethod ¶ added in v0.2.13
func (self *CBrowserHostT) ExecuteDevToolsMethod( message_id int, method string, params *CDictionaryValueT, ) (ret bool)
/ / Execute a function call over the DevTools protocol. This is a more / structured version of SendDevToolsMessage. |message_id| is an incremental / number that uniquely identifies the message (pass 0 to have the next / number assigned automatically based on previous values). |function| is the / function name. |params| are the function parameters, which may be NULL. / See the DevTools protocol documentation (linked above) for details of / supported functions and the expected |params| dictionary contents. This / function will return the assigned message ID if called on the UI thread / and the message was successfully submitted for validation, otherwise 0. / See the SendDevToolsMessage documentation for additional usage / information. /
func (*CBrowserHostT) Find ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CBrowserHostT) Find( searchText string, forward bool, matchCase bool, findNext bool, )
/ / Search for |searchText|. |forward| indicates whether to search forward or / backward within the page. |matchCase| indicates whether the search should / be case-sensitive. |findNext| indicates whether this is the first request / or a follow-up. The search will be restarted if |searchText| or / |matchCase| change. The search will be stopped if |searchText| is NULL. / The cef_find_handler_t instance, if any, returned via / cef_client_t::GetFindHandler will be called to report find results. /
func (*CBrowserHostT) GetBrowser ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CBrowserHostT) GetBrowser() (ret *CBrowserT)
/ / Returns the hosted browser object. /
func (*CBrowserHostT) GetClient ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CBrowserHostT) GetClient() (ret *CClientT)
/ / Returns the client for this browser. /
func (*CBrowserHostT) GetExtension ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CBrowserHostT) GetExtension() (ret *CExtensionT)
/ / Returns the extension hosted in this browser or NULL if no extension is / hosted. See cef_request_context_t::LoadExtension for details. /
func (*CBrowserHostT) GetNavigationEntries ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CBrowserHostT) GetNavigationEntries( visitor *CNavigationEntryVisitorT, current_only bool, )
/ / Retrieve a snapshot of current navigation entries as values sent to the / specified visitor. If |current_only| is true (1) only the current / navigation entry will be sent, otherwise all navigation entries will be / sent. /
func (*CBrowserHostT) GetOpenerWindowHandle ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CBrowserHostT) GetOpenerWindowHandle() (ret CWindowHandleT)
/ / Retrieve the window handle (if any) of the browser that opened this / browser. Will return NULL for non-popup browsers or if this browser is / wrapped in a cef_browser_view_t. This function can be used in combination / with custom handling of modal windows. /
func (*CBrowserHostT) GetRequestContext ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CBrowserHostT) GetRequestContext() (ret *CRequestContextT)
/ / Returns the request context for this browser. /
func (*CBrowserHostT) GetVisibleNavigationEntry ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CBrowserHostT) GetVisibleNavigationEntry() (ret *CNavigationEntryT)
/ / Returns the current visible navigation entry for this browser. This / function can only be called on the UI thread. /
func (*CBrowserHostT) GetWindowHandle ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CBrowserHostT) GetWindowHandle() (ret CWindowHandleT)
/ / Retrieve the window handle (if any) for this browser. If this browser is / wrapped in a cef_browser_view_t this function should be called on the / browser process UI thread and it will return the handle for the top-level / native window. /
func (*CBrowserHostT) GetWindowlessFrameRate ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CBrowserHostT) GetWindowlessFrameRate() (ret int)
/ / Returns the maximum rate in frames per second (fps) that / cef_render_handler_t::OnPaint will be called for a windowless browser. The / actual fps may be lower if the browser cannot generate frames at the / requested rate. The minimum value is 1 and the maximum value is 60 / (default 30). This function can only be called on the UI thread. /
func (*CBrowserHostT) GetZoomLevel ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CBrowserHostT) GetZoomLevel() (ret float64)
/ / Get the current zoom level. The default zoom level is 0.0. This function / can only be called on the UI thread. /
func (*CBrowserHostT) HasDevTools ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CBrowserHostT) HasDevTools() (ret bool)
/ / Returns true (1) if this browser currently has an associated DevTools / browser. Must be called on the browser process UI thread. /
func (*CBrowserHostT) HasOneRef ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (browser_host *CBrowserHostT) HasOneRef() bool
*C.cef_browser_host_t has refCounted interface
func (*CBrowserHostT) HasView ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CBrowserHostT) HasView() (ret bool)
/ / Returns true (1) if this browser is wrapped in a cef_browser_view_t. /
func (*CBrowserHostT) ImeCancelComposition ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CBrowserHostT) ImeCancelComposition()
/ / Cancels the existing composition and discards the composition node / contents without applying them. See comments on ImeSetComposition for / usage. This function is only used when window rendering is disabled. /
func (*CBrowserHostT) ImeCommitText ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CBrowserHostT) ImeCommitText( text string, replacement_range *CRangeT, relative_cursor_pos int, )
/ / Completes the existing composition by optionally inserting the specified / |text| into the composition node. |replacement_range| is an optional range / of the existing text that will be replaced. |relative_cursor_pos| is where / the cursor will be positioned relative to the current cursor position. See / comments on ImeSetComposition for usage. The |replacement_range| and / |relative_cursor_pos| values are only used on OS X. This function is only / used when window rendering is disabled. /
func (*CBrowserHostT) ImeFinishComposingText ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CBrowserHostT) ImeFinishComposingText( keep_selection bool, )
/ / Completes the existing composition by applying the current composition / node contents. If |keep_selection| is false (0) the current selection, if / any, will be discarded. See comments on ImeSetComposition for usage. This / function is only used when window rendering is disabled. /
func (*CBrowserHostT) ImeSetComposition ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CBrowserHostT) ImeSetComposition( text string, underlinesCount int64, underlines *CCompositionUnderlineT, replacement_range *CRangeT, selection_range *CRangeT, )
/ / Begins a new composition or updates the existing composition. Blink has a / special node (a composition node) that allows the input function to change / text without affecting other DOM nodes. |text| is the optional text that / will be inserted into the composition node. |underlines| is an optional / set of ranges that will be underlined in the resulting text. / |replacement_range| is an optional range of the existing text that will be / replaced. |selection_range| is an optional range of the resulting text / that will be selected after insertion or replacement. The / |replacement_range| value is only used on OS X. / / This function may be called multiple times as the composition changes. / When the client is done making changes the composition should either be / canceled or completed. To cancel the composition call / ImeCancelComposition. To complete the composition call either / ImeCommitText or ImeFinishComposingText. Completion is usually signaled / when: / / 1. The client receives a WM_IME_COMPOSITION message with a GCS_RESULTSTR / flag (on Windows), or; / 2. The client receives a "commit" signal of GtkIMContext (on Linux), or; / 3. insertText of NSTextInput is called (on Mac). / / This function is only used when window rendering is disabled. /
func (*CBrowserHostT) Invalidate ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CBrowserHostT) Invalidate( ctype CPaintElementTypeT, )
/ / Invalidate the view. The browser will call cef_render_handler_t::OnPaint / asynchronously. This function is only used when window rendering is / disabled. /
func (*CBrowserHostT) IsAudioMuted ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CBrowserHostT) IsAudioMuted() (ret bool)
/ / Returns true (1) if the browser's audio is muted. This function can only / be called on the UI thread. /
func (*CBrowserHostT) IsBackgroundHost ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CBrowserHostT) IsBackgroundHost() (ret bool)
/ / Returns true (1) if this browser is hosting an extension background / script. Background hosts do not have a window and are not displayable. See / cef_request_context_t::LoadExtension for details. /
func (*CBrowserHostT) IsWindowRenderingDisabled ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CBrowserHostT) IsWindowRenderingDisabled() (ret bool)
/ / Returns true (1) if window rendering is disabled. /
func (*CBrowserHostT) NewRef ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (self *CBrowserHostT) NewRef() (newP *CBrowserHostT)
func (*CBrowserHostT) NotifyMoveOrResizeStarted ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CBrowserHostT) NotifyMoveOrResizeStarted()
/ / Notify the browser that the window hosting it is about to be moved or / resized. This function is only used on Windows and Linux. /
func (*CBrowserHostT) NotifyScreenInfoChanged ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CBrowserHostT) NotifyScreenInfoChanged()
/ / Send a notification to the browser that the screen info has changed. The / browser will then call cef_render_handler_t::GetScreenInfo to update the / screen information with the new values. This simulates moving the webview / window from one display to another, or changing the properties of the / current display. This function is only used when window rendering is / disabled. /
func (*CBrowserHostT) Pass ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (p *CBrowserHostT) Pass() (ret *CBrowserHostT)
func (*CBrowserHostT) Print ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CBrowserHostT) Print()
/ / Print the current browser contents. /
func (*CBrowserHostT) PrintToPdf ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CBrowserHostT) PrintToPdf( path string, settings *CPdfPrintSettingsT, callback *CPdfPrintCallbackT, )
/ / Print the current browser contents to the PDF file specified by |path| and / execute |callback| on completion. The caller is responsible for deleting / |path| when done. For PDF printing to work on Linux you must implement the / cef_print_handler_t::GetPdfPaperSize function. /
func (*CBrowserHostT) ReplaceMisspelling ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CBrowserHostT) ReplaceMisspelling( word string, )
/ / If a misspelled word is currently selected in an editable node calling / this function will replace it with the specified |word|. /
func (*CBrowserHostT) RunFileDialog ¶
func (self *CBrowserHostT) RunFileDialog( mode CFileDialogModeT, title string, default_file_path string, accept_filters CStringListT, callback *CRunFileDialogCallbackT, )
/ / Call to run a file chooser dialog. Only a single file chooser dialog may / be pending at any given time. |mode| represents the type of dialog to / display. |title| to the title to be used for the dialog and may be NULL to / show the default title ("Open" or "Save" depending on the mode). / |default_file_path| is the path with optional directory and/or file name / component that will be initially selected in the dialog. |accept_filters| / are used to restrict the selectable file types and may any combination of / (a) valid lower-cased MIME types (e.g. "text/*" or "image/*"), (b) / individual file extensions (e.g. ".txt" or ".png"), or (c) combined / description and file extension delimited using "|" and ";" (e.g. "Image / Types|.png;.gif;.jpg"). |callback| will be executed after the dialog is / dismissed or immediately if another dialog is already pending. The dialog / will be initiated asynchronously on the UI thread. /
func (*CBrowserHostT) SendCaptureLostEvent ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CBrowserHostT) SendCaptureLostEvent()
/ / Send a capture lost event to the browser. /
func (*CBrowserHostT) SendDevToolsMessage ¶ added in v0.2.13
func (self *CBrowserHostT) SendDevToolsMessage( message []byte, ) (ret bool)
/ / Send a function call message over the DevTools protocol. |message| must be / a UTF8-encoded JSON dictionary that contains "id" (int), "function" / (string) and "params" (dictionary, optional) values. See the DevTools / protocol documentation at / protocol/ for details of supported functions and the expected "params" / dictionary contents. |message| will be copied if necessary. This function / will return true (1) if called on the UI thread and the message was / successfully submitted for validation, otherwise false (0). Validation / will be applied asynchronously and any messages that fail due to / formatting errors or missing parameters may be discarded without / notification. Prefer ExecuteDevToolsMethod if a more structured approach / to message formatting is desired. / / Every valid function call will result in an asynchronous function result / or error message that references the sent message "id". Event messages are / received while notifications are enabled (for example, between function / calls for "Page.enable" and "Page.disable"). All received messages will be / delivered to the observer(s) registered with AddDevToolsMessageObserver. / See cef_dev_tools_message_observer_t::OnDevToolsMessage documentation for / details of received message contents. / / Usage of the SendDevToolsMessage, ExecuteDevToolsMethod and / AddDevToolsMessageObserver functions does not require an active DevTools / front-end or remote-debugging session. Other active DevTools sessions will / continue to function independently. However, any modification of global / browser state by one session may not be reflected in the UI of other / sessions. / / Communication with the DevTools front-end (when displayed) can be logged / for development purposes by passing the `--devtools-protocol-log- / file=<path>` command-line flag. /
func (*CBrowserHostT) SendExternalBeginFrame ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CBrowserHostT) SendExternalBeginFrame()
/ / Issue a BeginFrame request to Chromium. Only valid when / cef_window_tInfo::external_begin_frame_enabled is set to true (1). /
func (*CBrowserHostT) SendKeyEvent ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CBrowserHostT) SendKeyEvent( event *CKeyEventT, )
/ / Send a key event to the browser. /
func (*CBrowserHostT) SendMouseClickEvent ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CBrowserHostT) SendMouseClickEvent( event *CMouseEventT, ctype CMouseButtonTypeT, mouseUp bool, clickCount int, )
/ / Send a mouse click event to the browser. The |x| and |y| coordinates are / relative to the upper-left corner of the view. /
func (*CBrowserHostT) SendMouseMoveEvent ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CBrowserHostT) SendMouseMoveEvent( event *CMouseEventT, mouseLeave bool, )
/ / Send a mouse move event to the browser. The |x| and |y| coordinates are / relative to the upper-left corner of the view. /
func (*CBrowserHostT) SendMouseWheelEvent ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CBrowserHostT) SendMouseWheelEvent( event *CMouseEventT, deltaX int, deltaY int, )
/ / Send a mouse wheel event to the browser. The |x| and |y| coordinates are / relative to the upper-left corner of the view. The |deltaX| and |deltaY| / values represent the movement delta in the X and Y directions / respectively. In order to scroll inside select popups with window / rendering disabled cef_render_handler_t::GetScreenPoint should be / implemented properly. /
func (*CBrowserHostT) SendTouchEvent ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CBrowserHostT) SendTouchEvent( event *CTouchEventT, )
/ / Send a touch event to the browser for a windowless browser. /
func (*CBrowserHostT) SetAccessibilityState ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CBrowserHostT) SetAccessibilityState( accessibility_state CStateT, )
/ / Set accessibility state for all frames. |accessibility_state| may be / default, enabled or disabled. If |accessibility_state| is STATE_DEFAULT / then accessibility will be disabled by default and the state may be / further controlled with the "force-renderer-accessibility" and "disable- / renderer-accessibility" command-line switches. If |accessibility_state| is / STATE_ENABLED then accessibility will be enabled. If |accessibility_state| / is STATE_DISABLED then accessibility will be completely disabled. / / For windowed browsers accessibility will be enabled in Complete mode / (which corresponds to kAccessibilityModeComplete in Chromium). In this / mode all platform accessibility objects will be created and managed by / Chromium's internal implementation. The client needs only to detect the / screen reader and call this function appropriately. For example, on macOS / the client can handle the @"AXEnhancedUserStructure" accessibility / attribute to detect VoiceOver state changes and on Windows the client can / handle WM_GETOBJECT with OBJID_CLIENT to detect accessibility readers. / / For windowless browsers accessibility will be enabled in TreeOnly mode / (which corresponds to kAccessibilityModeWebContentsOnly in Chromium). In / this mode renderer accessibility is enabled, the full tree is computed, / and events are passed to CefAccessibiltyHandler, but platform / accessibility objects are not created. The client may implement platform / accessibility objects using CefAccessibiltyHandler callbacks if desired. /
func (*CBrowserHostT) SetAudioMuted ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CBrowserHostT) SetAudioMuted( mute bool, )
/ / Set whether the browser's audio is muted. /
func (*CBrowserHostT) SetAutoResizeEnabled ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CBrowserHostT) SetAutoResizeEnabled( enabled bool, min_size *CSizeT, max_size *CSizeT, )
/ / Enable notifications of auto resize via / cef_display_handler_t::OnAutoResize. Notifications are disabled by / default. |min_size| and |max_size| define the range of allowed sizes. /
func (*CBrowserHostT) SetFocus ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CBrowserHostT) SetFocus( focus bool, )
/ / Set whether the browser is focused. /
func (*CBrowserHostT) SetWindowlessFrameRate ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CBrowserHostT) SetWindowlessFrameRate( frame_rate int, )
/ / Set the maximum rate in frames per second (fps) that / cef_render_handler_t:: OnPaint will be called for a windowless browser. / The actual fps may be lower if the browser cannot generate frames at the / requested rate. The minimum value is 1 and the maximum value is 60 / (default 30). Can also be set at browser creation via / cef_browser_tSettings.windowless_frame_rate. /
func (*CBrowserHostT) SetZoomLevel ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CBrowserHostT) SetZoomLevel( zoomLevel float64, )
/ / Change the zoom level to the specified value. Specify 0.0 to reset the / zoom level. If called on the UI thread the change will be applied / immediately. Otherwise, the change will be applied asynchronously on the / UI thread. /
func (*CBrowserHostT) ShowDevTools ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CBrowserHostT) ShowDevTools( windowInfo *CWindowInfoT, client *CClientT, settings *CBrowserSettingsT, inspect_element_at *CPointT, )
/ / Open developer tools (DevTools) in its own browser. The DevTools browser / will remain associated with this browser. If the DevTools browser is / already open then it will be focused, in which case the |windowInfo|, / |client| and |settings| parameters will be ignored. If / |inspect_element_at| is non-NULL then the element at the specified (x,y) / location will be inspected. The |windowInfo| parameter will be ignored if / this browser is wrapped in a cef_browser_view_t. /
func (*CBrowserHostT) StartDownload ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CBrowserHostT) StartDownload( url string, )
/ / Download the file at |url| using cef_download_handler_t. /
func (*CBrowserHostT) StopFinding ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CBrowserHostT) StopFinding( clearSelection bool, )
/ / Cancel all searches that are currently going on. /
func (*CBrowserHostT) TryCloseBrowser ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CBrowserHostT) TryCloseBrowser() (ret bool)
/ / Helper for closing a browser. Call this function from the top-level window / close handler (if any). Internally this calls CloseBrowser(false (0)) if / the close has not yet been initiated. This function returns false (0) / while the close is pending and true (1) after the close has completed. See / close_browser() and cef_life_span_handler_t::do_close() documentation for / additional usage information. This function must be called on the browser / process UI thread. /
func (*CBrowserHostT) Unref ¶ added in v0.4.1
func (browser_host *CBrowserHostT) Unref() (ret bool)
func (*CBrowserHostT) WasHidden ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CBrowserHostT) WasHidden( hidden bool, )
/ / Notify the browser that it has been hidden or shown. Layouting and / cef_render_handler_t::OnPaint notification will stop when the browser is / hidden. This function is only used when window rendering is disabled. /
func (*CBrowserHostT) WasResized ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CBrowserHostT) WasResized()
/ / Notify the browser that the widget has been resized. The browser will / first call cef_render_handler_t::GetViewRect to get the new size and then / call cef_render_handler_t::OnPaint asynchronously with the updated / regions. This function is only used when window rendering is disabled. /
type CBrowserProcessHandlerT ¶
type CBrowserProcessHandlerT struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Go type for cef_browser_process_handler_t
func NewCBrowserProcessHandlerT ¶ added in v0.5.0
func NewCBrowserProcessHandlerT(a interface{}) *CBrowserProcessHandlerT
NewCBrowserProcessHandlerT allocates CBrowserProcessHandlerT, construct and bind it
func (*CBrowserProcessHandlerT) Handler ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (browser_process_handler *CBrowserProcessHandlerT) Handler() interface{}
func (*CBrowserProcessHandlerT) HasOneRef ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (browser_process_handler *CBrowserProcessHandlerT) HasOneRef() bool
*C.cef_browser_process_handler_t has refCounted interface
func (*CBrowserProcessHandlerT) NewRef ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (self *CBrowserProcessHandlerT) NewRef() (newP *CBrowserProcessHandlerT)
func (*CBrowserProcessHandlerT) Pass ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (p *CBrowserProcessHandlerT) Pass() (ret *CBrowserProcessHandlerT)
func (*CBrowserProcessHandlerT) UnbindAll ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (browser_process_handler *CBrowserProcessHandlerT) UnbindAll()
func (*CBrowserProcessHandlerT) Unref ¶ added in v0.4.1
func (browser_process_handler *CBrowserProcessHandlerT) Unref() (ret bool)
type CBrowserSettingsT ¶ added in v0.1.5
type CBrowserSettingsT C.cef_browser_settings_t
/ / Browser initialization settings. Specify NULL or 0 to get the recommended / default values. The consequences of using custom values may not be well / tested. Many of these and other settings can also configured using command- / line switches. /
func NewCBrowserSettingsT ¶ added in v0.2.0
func NewCBrowserSettingsT() *CBrowserSettingsT
func (*CBrowserSettingsT) AcceptLanguageList ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (st *CBrowserSettingsT) AcceptLanguageList() string
func (*CBrowserSettingsT) BackgroundColor ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (st *CBrowserSettingsT) BackgroundColor() CColorT
func (*CBrowserSettingsT) ChromeStatusBubble ¶ added in v0.5.2
func (st *CBrowserSettingsT) ChromeStatusBubble() CStateT
func (*CBrowserSettingsT) CursiveFontFamily ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (st *CBrowserSettingsT) CursiveFontFamily() string
func (*CBrowserSettingsT) Databases ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (st *CBrowserSettingsT) Databases() CStateT
func (*CBrowserSettingsT) DefaultEncoding ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (st *CBrowserSettingsT) DefaultEncoding() string
func (*CBrowserSettingsT) DefaultFixedFontSize ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (st *CBrowserSettingsT) DefaultFixedFontSize() int
func (*CBrowserSettingsT) DefaultFontSize ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (st *CBrowserSettingsT) DefaultFontSize() int
func (*CBrowserSettingsT) FantasyFontFamily ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (st *CBrowserSettingsT) FantasyFontFamily() string
func (*CBrowserSettingsT) FixedFontFamily ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (st *CBrowserSettingsT) FixedFontFamily() string
func (*CBrowserSettingsT) ImageLoading ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (st *CBrowserSettingsT) ImageLoading() CStateT
func (*CBrowserSettingsT) ImageShrinkStandaloneToFit ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (st *CBrowserSettingsT) ImageShrinkStandaloneToFit() CStateT
func (*CBrowserSettingsT) Javascript ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (st *CBrowserSettingsT) Javascript() CStateT
func (*CBrowserSettingsT) JavascriptAccessClipboard ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (st *CBrowserSettingsT) JavascriptAccessClipboard() CStateT
func (*CBrowserSettingsT) JavascriptCloseWindows ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (st *CBrowserSettingsT) JavascriptCloseWindows() CStateT
func (*CBrowserSettingsT) JavascriptDomPaste ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (st *CBrowserSettingsT) JavascriptDomPaste() CStateT
func (*CBrowserSettingsT) LocalStorage ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (st *CBrowserSettingsT) LocalStorage() CStateT
func (*CBrowserSettingsT) MinimumFontSize ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (st *CBrowserSettingsT) MinimumFontSize() int
func (*CBrowserSettingsT) MinimumLogicalFontSize ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (st *CBrowserSettingsT) MinimumLogicalFontSize() int
func (*CBrowserSettingsT) RemoteFonts ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (st *CBrowserSettingsT) RemoteFonts() CStateT
func (*CBrowserSettingsT) SansSerifFontFamily ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (st *CBrowserSettingsT) SansSerifFontFamily() string
func (*CBrowserSettingsT) SerifFontFamily ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (st *CBrowserSettingsT) SerifFontFamily() string
func (*CBrowserSettingsT) SetAcceptLanguageList ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (st *CBrowserSettingsT) SetAcceptLanguageList(v string)
func (*CBrowserSettingsT) SetBackgroundColor ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (st *CBrowserSettingsT) SetBackgroundColor(v CColorT)
func (*CBrowserSettingsT) SetChromeStatusBubble ¶ added in v0.5.2
func (st *CBrowserSettingsT) SetChromeStatusBubble(v CStateT)
func (*CBrowserSettingsT) SetCursiveFontFamily ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (st *CBrowserSettingsT) SetCursiveFontFamily(v string)
func (*CBrowserSettingsT) SetDatabases ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (st *CBrowserSettingsT) SetDatabases(v CStateT)
func (*CBrowserSettingsT) SetDefaultEncoding ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (st *CBrowserSettingsT) SetDefaultEncoding(v string)
func (*CBrowserSettingsT) SetDefaultFixedFontSize ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (st *CBrowserSettingsT) SetDefaultFixedFontSize(v int)
func (*CBrowserSettingsT) SetDefaultFontSize ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (st *CBrowserSettingsT) SetDefaultFontSize(v int)
func (*CBrowserSettingsT) SetFantasyFontFamily ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (st *CBrowserSettingsT) SetFantasyFontFamily(v string)
func (*CBrowserSettingsT) SetFixedFontFamily ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (st *CBrowserSettingsT) SetFixedFontFamily(v string)
func (*CBrowserSettingsT) SetImageLoading ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (st *CBrowserSettingsT) SetImageLoading(v CStateT)
func (*CBrowserSettingsT) SetImageShrinkStandaloneToFit ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (st *CBrowserSettingsT) SetImageShrinkStandaloneToFit(v CStateT)
func (*CBrowserSettingsT) SetJavascript ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (st *CBrowserSettingsT) SetJavascript(v CStateT)
func (*CBrowserSettingsT) SetJavascriptAccessClipboard ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (st *CBrowserSettingsT) SetJavascriptAccessClipboard(v CStateT)
func (*CBrowserSettingsT) SetJavascriptCloseWindows ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (st *CBrowserSettingsT) SetJavascriptCloseWindows(v CStateT)
func (*CBrowserSettingsT) SetJavascriptDomPaste ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (st *CBrowserSettingsT) SetJavascriptDomPaste(v CStateT)
func (*CBrowserSettingsT) SetLocalStorage ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (st *CBrowserSettingsT) SetLocalStorage(v CStateT)
func (*CBrowserSettingsT) SetMinimumFontSize ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (st *CBrowserSettingsT) SetMinimumFontSize(v int)
func (*CBrowserSettingsT) SetMinimumLogicalFontSize ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (st *CBrowserSettingsT) SetMinimumLogicalFontSize(v int)
func (*CBrowserSettingsT) SetRemoteFonts ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (st *CBrowserSettingsT) SetRemoteFonts(v CStateT)
func (*CBrowserSettingsT) SetSansSerifFontFamily ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (st *CBrowserSettingsT) SetSansSerifFontFamily(v string)
func (*CBrowserSettingsT) SetSerifFontFamily ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (st *CBrowserSettingsT) SetSerifFontFamily(v string)
func (*CBrowserSettingsT) SetStandardFontFamily ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (st *CBrowserSettingsT) SetStandardFontFamily(v string)
func (*CBrowserSettingsT) SetTabToLinks ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (st *CBrowserSettingsT) SetTabToLinks(v CStateT)
func (*CBrowserSettingsT) SetTextAreaResize ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (st *CBrowserSettingsT) SetTextAreaResize(v CStateT)
func (*CBrowserSettingsT) SetWebgl ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (st *CBrowserSettingsT) SetWebgl(v CStateT)
func (*CBrowserSettingsT) SetWindowlessFrameRate ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (st *CBrowserSettingsT) SetWindowlessFrameRate(v int)
func (*CBrowserSettingsT) StandardFontFamily ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (st *CBrowserSettingsT) StandardFontFamily() string
func (*CBrowserSettingsT) TabToLinks ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (st *CBrowserSettingsT) TabToLinks() CStateT
func (*CBrowserSettingsT) TextAreaResize ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (st *CBrowserSettingsT) TextAreaResize() CStateT
func (*CBrowserSettingsT) Webgl ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (st *CBrowserSettingsT) Webgl() CStateT
func (*CBrowserSettingsT) WindowlessFrameRate ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (st *CBrowserSettingsT) WindowlessFrameRate() int
type CBrowserT ¶
type CBrowserT struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Go type for cef_browser_t
func BrowserHostCreateBrowserSync ¶ added in v0.2.0
func BrowserHostCreateBrowserSync( windowInfo *CWindowInfoT, client *CClientT, url string, settings *CBrowserSettingsT, extra_info *CDictionaryValueT, request_context *CRequestContextT, ) (ret *CBrowserT)
/ / Create a new browser using the window parameters specified by |windowInfo|. / If |request_context| is NULL the global request context will be used. This / function can only be called on the browser process UI thread. The optional / |extra_info| parameter provides an opportunity to specify extra information / specific to the created browser that will be passed to / cef_render_process_handler_t::on_browser_created() in the render process. /
func (*CBrowserT) CanGoBack ¶ added in v0.1.5
/ / Returns true (1) if the browser can navigate backwards. /
func (*CBrowserT) CanGoForward ¶ added in v0.1.5
/ / Returns true (1) if the browser can navigate forwards. /
func (*CBrowserT) GetFocusedFrame ¶
/ / Returns the focused frame for the browser. /
func (*CBrowserT) GetFrame ¶ added in v0.1.5
/ / Returns the frame with the specified name, or NULL if not found. /
func (*CBrowserT) GetFrameByident ¶ added in v0.1.5
/ / Returns the frame with the specified identifier, or NULL if not found. /
func (*CBrowserT) GetFrameCount ¶ added in v0.1.5
/ / Returns the number of frames that currently exist. /
func (*CBrowserT) GetFrameNames ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CBrowserT) GetFrameNames( names CStringListT, )
/ / Returns the names of all existing frames. /
func (*CBrowserT) GetHost ¶
func (self *CBrowserT) GetHost() (ret *CBrowserHostT)
/ / Returns the browser host object. This function can only be called in the / browser process. /
func (*CBrowserT) GetIdentifier ¶ added in v0.1.5
/ / Returns the globally unique identifier for this browser. This value is / also used as the tabId for extension APIs. /
func (*CBrowserT) GetMainFrame ¶ added in v0.1.5
/ / Returns the main (top-level) frame for the browser. In the browser process / this will return a valid object until after / cef_life_span_handler_t::OnBeforeClose is called. In the renderer process / this will return NULL if the main frame is hosted in a different renderer / process (e.g. for cross-origin sub-frames). The main frame object will / change during cross-origin navigation or re-navigation after renderer / process termination (due to crashes, etc). /
func (*CBrowserT) GoBack ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CBrowserT) GoBack()
/ / Navigate backwards. /
func (*CBrowserT) GoForward ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CBrowserT) GoForward()
/ / Navigate forwards. /
func (*CBrowserT) HasDocument ¶ added in v0.1.5
/ / Returns true (1) if a document has been loaded in the browser. /
func (*CBrowserT) IsLoading ¶ added in v0.1.5
/ / Returns true (1) if the browser is currently loading. /
func (*CBrowserT) IsSame ¶ added in v0.1.5
/ / Returns true (1) if this object is pointing to the same handle as |that| / object. /
func (*CBrowserT) IsValid ¶ added in v0.4.0
/ / True if this object is currently valid. This will return false (0) after / cef_life_span_handler_t::OnBeforeClose is called. /
func (*CBrowserT) Reload ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CBrowserT) Reload()
/ / Reload the current page. /
func (*CBrowserT) ReloadIgnoreCache ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CBrowserT) ReloadIgnoreCache()
/ / Reload the current page ignoring any cached data. /
type CBrowserViewDelegateT ¶ added in v0.2.5
type CBrowserViewDelegateT struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Go type for cef_browser_view_delegate_t
func NewCBrowserViewDelegateT ¶ added in v0.5.0
func NewCBrowserViewDelegateT(a interface{}) *CBrowserViewDelegateT
NewCBrowserViewDelegateT allocates CBrowserViewDelegateT, construct and bind it
func (*CBrowserViewDelegateT) Handler ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (browser_view_delegate *CBrowserViewDelegateT) Handler() interface{}
func (*CBrowserViewDelegateT) HasOneRef ¶ added in v0.2.5
func (browser_view_delegate *CBrowserViewDelegateT) HasOneRef() bool
*C.cef_browser_view_delegate_t has refCounted interface
func (*CBrowserViewDelegateT) NewRef ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (self *CBrowserViewDelegateT) NewRef() (newP *CBrowserViewDelegateT)
func (*CBrowserViewDelegateT) Pass ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (p *CBrowserViewDelegateT) Pass() (ret *CBrowserViewDelegateT)
func (*CBrowserViewDelegateT) ToCViewDelegateT ¶ added in v0.2.6
func (browser_view_delegate *CBrowserViewDelegateT) ToCViewDelegateT() *CViewDelegateT
Convert to Base Class Pointer *CViewDelegateT
func (*CBrowserViewDelegateT) UnbindAll ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (browser_view_delegate *CBrowserViewDelegateT) UnbindAll()
func (*CBrowserViewDelegateT) Unref ¶ added in v0.4.1
func (browser_view_delegate *CBrowserViewDelegateT) Unref() (ret bool)
type CBrowserViewDelegateTOnBrowserCreatedHandler ¶ added in v0.2.5
type CBrowserViewDelegateTOnBrowserCreatedHandler interface { OnBrowserCreated( self *CBrowserViewDelegateT, browser_view *CBrowserViewT, browser *CBrowserT, ) }
/ / Called when |browser| associated with |browser_view| is created. This / function will be called after cef_life_span_handler_t::on_after_created() / is called for |browser| and before on_popup_browser_view_created() is / called for |browser|'s parent delegate if |browser| is a popup. /
type CBrowserViewDelegateTOnBrowserDestroyedHandler ¶ added in v0.2.5
type CBrowserViewDelegateTOnBrowserDestroyedHandler interface { OnBrowserDestroyed( self *CBrowserViewDelegateT, browser_view *CBrowserViewT, browser *CBrowserT, ) }
/ / Called when |browser| associated with |browser_view| is destroyed. Release / all references to |browser| and do not attempt to execute any functions on / |browser| after this callback returns. This function will be called before / cef_life_span_handler_t::on_before_close() is called for |browser|. /
type CBrowserViewT ¶ added in v0.2.5
type CBrowserViewT struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Go type for cef_browser_view_t
func BrowserViewCreate ¶ added in v0.2.5
func BrowserViewCreate( client *CClientT, url string, settings *CBrowserSettingsT, extra_info *CDictionaryValueT, request_context *CRequestContextT, delegate *CBrowserViewDelegateT, ) (ret *CBrowserViewT)
/ / Create a new BrowserView. The underlying cef_browser_t will not be created / until this view is added to the views hierarchy. The optional |extra_info| / parameter provides an opportunity to specify extra information specific to / the created browser that will be passed to / cef_render_process_handler_t::on_browser_created() in the render process. /
func BrowserViewGetForBrowser ¶ added in v0.2.5
func BrowserViewGetForBrowser( browser *CBrowserT, ) (ret *CBrowserViewT)
/ / Returns the BrowserView associated with |browser|. /
func (*CBrowserViewT) GetBrowser ¶ added in v0.2.5
func (self *CBrowserViewT) GetBrowser() (ret *CBrowserT)
/ / Returns the cef_browser_t hosted by this BrowserView. Will return NULL if / the browser has not yet been created or has already been destroyed. /
func (*CBrowserViewT) GetChromeToolbar ¶ added in v0.4.0
func (self *CBrowserViewT) GetChromeToolbar() (ret *CViewT)
/ / Returns the Chrome toolbar associated with this BrowserView. Only / supported when using the Chrome runtime. The cef_browser_view_delegate_t:: / get_chrome_toolbar_type() function must return a value other than / CEF_CTT_NONE and the toolbar will not be available until after this / BrowserView is added to a cef_window_t and / cef_view_delegate_t::on_window_changed() has been called. /
func (*CBrowserViewT) HasOneRef ¶ added in v0.2.5
func (browser_view *CBrowserViewT) HasOneRef() bool
*C.cef_browser_view_t has refCounted interface
func (*CBrowserViewT) NewRef ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (self *CBrowserViewT) NewRef() (newP *CBrowserViewT)
func (*CBrowserViewT) Pass ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (p *CBrowserViewT) Pass() (ret *CBrowserViewT)
func (*CBrowserViewT) SetPreferAccelerators ¶ added in v0.2.5
func (self *CBrowserViewT) SetPreferAccelerators( prefer_accelerators bool, )
/ / Sets whether accelerators registered with cef_window_t::SetAccelerator are / triggered before or after the event is sent to the cef_browser_t. If / |prefer_accelerators| is true (1) then the matching accelerator will be / triggered immediately and the event will not be sent to the cef_browser_t. / If |prefer_accelerators| is false (0) then the matching accelerator will / only be triggered if the event is not handled by web content or by / cef_keyboard_handler_t. The default value is false (0). /
func (*CBrowserViewT) ToCViewT ¶ added in v0.2.6
func (browser_view *CBrowserViewT) ToCViewT() *CViewT
Convert to Base Class Pointer *CViewT
func (*CBrowserViewT) Unref ¶ added in v0.4.1
func (browser_view *CBrowserViewT) Unref() (ret bool)
type CButtonDelegateT ¶ added in v0.2.5
type CButtonDelegateT struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Go type for cef_button_delegate_t
func NewCButtonDelegateT ¶ added in v0.5.0
func NewCButtonDelegateT(a interface{}) *CButtonDelegateT
NewCButtonDelegateT allocates CButtonDelegateT, construct and bind it
func (*CButtonDelegateT) Handler ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (button_delegate *CButtonDelegateT) Handler() interface{}
func (*CButtonDelegateT) HasOneRef ¶ added in v0.2.5
func (button_delegate *CButtonDelegateT) HasOneRef() bool
*C.cef_button_delegate_t has refCounted interface
func (*CButtonDelegateT) NewRef ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (self *CButtonDelegateT) NewRef() (newP *CButtonDelegateT)
func (*CButtonDelegateT) Pass ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (p *CButtonDelegateT) Pass() (ret *CButtonDelegateT)
func (*CButtonDelegateT) ToCViewDelegateT ¶ added in v0.2.6
func (button_delegate *CButtonDelegateT) ToCViewDelegateT() *CViewDelegateT
Convert to Base Class Pointer *CViewDelegateT
func (*CButtonDelegateT) UnbindAll ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (button_delegate *CButtonDelegateT) UnbindAll()
func (*CButtonDelegateT) Unref ¶ added in v0.4.1
func (button_delegate *CButtonDelegateT) Unref() (ret bool)
type CButtonStateT ¶ added in v0.1.5
type CButtonStateT C.cef_button_state_t
/ / Specifies the button display state. /
const ( CefButtonStateNormal CButtonStateT = C.CEF_BUTTON_STATE_NORMAL CefButtonStateHovered CButtonStateT = C.CEF_BUTTON_STATE_HOVERED CefButtonStatePressed CButtonStateT = C.CEF_BUTTON_STATE_PRESSED CefButtonStateDisabled CButtonStateT = C.CEF_BUTTON_STATE_DISABLED )
type CButtonT ¶ added in v0.2.5
type CButtonT struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Go type for cef_button_t
func (*CButtonT) AsLabelButton ¶ added in v0.2.5
func (self *CButtonT) AsLabelButton() (ret *CLabelButtonT)
/ / Returns this Button as a LabelButton or NULL if this is not a LabelButton. /
func (*CButtonT) GetState ¶ added in v0.2.5
func (self *CButtonT) GetState() (ret CButtonStateT)
/ / Returns the current display state of the Button. /
func (*CButtonT) SetAccessibleName ¶ added in v0.2.5
/ / Sets the accessible name that will be exposed to assistive technology / (AT). /
func (*CButtonT) SetInkDropEnabled ¶ added in v0.2.5
/ / Sets the Button will use an ink drop effect for displaying state changes. /
func (*CButtonT) SetState ¶ added in v0.2.5
func (self *CButtonT) SetState( state CButtonStateT, )
/ / Sets the current display state of the Button. /
func (*CButtonT) SetTooltipText ¶ added in v0.2.5
/ / Sets the tooltip text that will be displayed when the user hovers the / mouse cursor over the Button. /
type CCallbackT ¶
type CCallbackT struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Go type for cef_callback_t
func (*CCallbackT) HasOneRef ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (callback *CCallbackT) HasOneRef() bool
*C.cef_callback_t has refCounted interface
func (*CCallbackT) NewRef ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (self *CCallbackT) NewRef() (newP *CCallbackT)
func (*CCallbackT) Pass ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (p *CCallbackT) Pass() (ret *CCallbackT)
func (*CCallbackT) Unref ¶ added in v0.4.1
func (callback *CCallbackT) Unref() (ret bool)
type CCertStatusT ¶ added in v0.1.5
type CCertStatusT C.cef_cert_status_t
/ / Supported certificate status code values. See net\cert\cert_status_flags.h / for more information. CERT_STATUS_NONE is new in CEF because we use an / enum while cert_status_flags.h uses a typedef and static const variables. /
const ( CertStatusNone CCertStatusT = C.CERT_STATUS_NONE CertStatusCommonNameInvalid CCertStatusT = C.CERT_STATUS_COMMON_NAME_INVALID CertStatusDateInvalid CCertStatusT = C.CERT_STATUS_DATE_INVALID CertStatusAuthorityInvalid CCertStatusT = C.CERT_STATUS_AUTHORITY_INVALID // 1 << 3 is reserved for ERR_CERT_CONTAINS_ERRORS (not useful with WinHTTP). CertStatusNoRevocationMechanism CCertStatusT = C.CERT_STATUS_NO_REVOCATION_MECHANISM CertStatusUnableToCheckRevocation CCertStatusT = C.CERT_STATUS_UNABLE_TO_CHECK_REVOCATION CertStatusRevoked CCertStatusT = C.CERT_STATUS_REVOKED CertStatusInvalid CCertStatusT = C.CERT_STATUS_INVALID CertStatusWeakSignatureAlgorithm CCertStatusT = C.CERT_STATUS_WEAK_SIGNATURE_ALGORITHM // 1 << 9 was used for CERT_STATUS_NOT_IN_DNS CertStatusNonUniqueName CCertStatusT = C.CERT_STATUS_NON_UNIQUE_NAME CertStatusWeakKey CCertStatusT = C.CERT_STATUS_WEAK_KEY // 1 << 12 was used for CERT_STATUS_WEAK_DH_KEY CertStatusPinnedKeyMissing CCertStatusT = C.CERT_STATUS_PINNED_KEY_MISSING CertStatusNameConstraintViolation CCertStatusT = C.CERT_STATUS_NAME_CONSTRAINT_VIOLATION CertStatusValidityTooLong CCertStatusT = C.CERT_STATUS_VALIDITY_TOO_LONG // Bits 16 to 31 are for non-error statuses. CertStatusIsEv CCertStatusT = C.CERT_STATUS_IS_EV CertStatusRevCheckingEnabled CCertStatusT = C.CERT_STATUS_REV_CHECKING_ENABLED // Bit 18 was CERT_STATUS_IS_DNSSEC CertStatusSha1SignaturePresent CCertStatusT = C.CERT_STATUS_SHA1_SIGNATURE_PRESENT CertStatusCtComplianceFailed CCertStatusT = C.CERT_STATUS_CT_COMPLIANCE_FAILED )
type CChannelLayoutT ¶ added in v0.1.5
type CChannelLayoutT C.cef_channel_layout_t
/ / Enumerates the various representations of the ordering of audio channels. / Must be kept synchronized with media::ChannelLayout from Chromium. / See media\base\channel_layout.h /
const ( CefChannelLayoutNone CChannelLayoutT = C.CEF_CHANNEL_LAYOUT_NONE CefChannelLayoutUnsupported CChannelLayoutT = C.CEF_CHANNEL_LAYOUT_UNSUPPORTED /// Front C CefChannelLayoutMono CChannelLayoutT = C.CEF_CHANNEL_LAYOUT_MONO /// Front L, Front R CefChannelLayoutStereo CChannelLayoutT = C.CEF_CHANNEL_LAYOUT_STEREO /// Front L, Front R, Back C CefChannelLayout21 CChannelLayoutT = C.CEF_CHANNEL_LAYOUT_2_1 /// Front L, Front R, Front C CefChannelLayoutSurround CChannelLayoutT = C.CEF_CHANNEL_LAYOUT_SURROUND /// Front L, Front R, Front C, Back C CefChannelLayout40 CChannelLayoutT = C.CEF_CHANNEL_LAYOUT_4_0 /// Front L, Front R, Side L, Side R CefChannelLayout22 CChannelLayoutT = C.CEF_CHANNEL_LAYOUT_2_2 /// Front L, Front R, Back L, Back R CefChannelLayoutQuad CChannelLayoutT = C.CEF_CHANNEL_LAYOUT_QUAD /// Front L, Front R, Front C, Side L, Side R CefChannelLayout50 CChannelLayoutT = C.CEF_CHANNEL_LAYOUT_5_0 /// Front L, Front R, Front C, LFE, Side L, Side R CefChannelLayout51 CChannelLayoutT = C.CEF_CHANNEL_LAYOUT_5_1 /// Front L, Front R, Front C, Back L, Back R CefChannelLayout50Back CChannelLayoutT = C.CEF_CHANNEL_LAYOUT_5_0_BACK /// Front L, Front R, Front C, LFE, Back L, Back R CefChannelLayout51Back CChannelLayoutT = C.CEF_CHANNEL_LAYOUT_5_1_BACK /// Front L, Front R, Front C, Side L, Side R, Back L, Back R CefChannelLayout70 CChannelLayoutT = C.CEF_CHANNEL_LAYOUT_7_0 /// Front L, Front R, Front C, LFE, Side L, Side R, Back L, Back R CefChannelLayout71 CChannelLayoutT = C.CEF_CHANNEL_LAYOUT_7_1 /// Front L, Front R, Front C, LFE, Side L, Side R, Front LofC, Front RofC CefChannelLayout71Wide CChannelLayoutT = C.CEF_CHANNEL_LAYOUT_7_1_WIDE /// Stereo L, Stereo R CefChannelLayoutStereoDownmix CChannelLayoutT = C.CEF_CHANNEL_LAYOUT_STEREO_DOWNMIX /// Stereo L, Stereo R, LFE CefChannelLayout2point1 CChannelLayoutT = C.CEF_CHANNEL_LAYOUT_2POINT1 /// Stereo L, Stereo R, Front C, LFE CefChannelLayout31 CChannelLayoutT = C.CEF_CHANNEL_LAYOUT_3_1 /// Stereo L, Stereo R, Front C, Rear C, LFE CefChannelLayout41 CChannelLayoutT = C.CEF_CHANNEL_LAYOUT_4_1 /// Stereo L, Stereo R, Front C, Side L, Side R, Back C CefChannelLayout60 CChannelLayoutT = C.CEF_CHANNEL_LAYOUT_6_0 /// Stereo L, Stereo R, Side L, Side R, Front LofC, Front RofC CefChannelLayout60Front CChannelLayoutT = C.CEF_CHANNEL_LAYOUT_6_0_FRONT /// Stereo L, Stereo R, Front C, Rear L, Rear R, Rear C CefChannelLayoutHexagonal CChannelLayoutT = C.CEF_CHANNEL_LAYOUT_HEXAGONAL /// Stereo L, Stereo R, Front C, LFE, Side L, Side R, Rear Center CefChannelLayout61 CChannelLayoutT = C.CEF_CHANNEL_LAYOUT_6_1 /// Stereo L, Stereo R, Front C, LFE, Back L, Back R, Rear Center CefChannelLayout61Back CChannelLayoutT = C.CEF_CHANNEL_LAYOUT_6_1_BACK /// Stereo L, Stereo R, Side L, Side R, Front LofC, Front RofC, LFE CefChannelLayout61Front CChannelLayoutT = C.CEF_CHANNEL_LAYOUT_6_1_FRONT /// Front L, Front R, Front C, Side L, Side R, Front LofC, Front RofC CefChannelLayout70Front CChannelLayoutT = C.CEF_CHANNEL_LAYOUT_7_0_FRONT /// Front L, Front R, Front C, LFE, Back L, Back R, Front LofC, Front RofC CefChannelLayout71WideBack CChannelLayoutT = C.CEF_CHANNEL_LAYOUT_7_1_WIDE_BACK /// Front L, Front R, Front C, Side L, Side R, Rear L, Back R, Back C. CefChannelLayoutOctagonal CChannelLayoutT = C.CEF_CHANNEL_LAYOUT_OCTAGONAL /// Channels are not explicitly mapped to speakers. CefChannelLayoutDiscrete CChannelLayoutT = C.CEF_CHANNEL_LAYOUT_DISCRETE /// Front L, Front R, Front C. Front C contains the keyboard mic audio. This /// layout is only intended for input for WebRTC. The Front C channel /// is stripped away in the WebRTC audio input pipeline and never seen outside /// of that. CefChannelLayoutStereoAndKeyboardMic CChannelLayoutT = C.CEF_CHANNEL_LAYOUT_STEREO_AND_KEYBOARD_MIC /// Front L, Front R, Side L, Side R, LFE CefChannelLayout41QuadSide CChannelLayoutT = C.CEF_CHANNEL_LAYOUT_4_1_QUAD_SIDE /// Actual channel layout is specified in the bitstream and the actual channel /// count is unknown at Chromium media pipeline level (useful for audio /// pass-through mode). CefChannelLayoutBitstream CChannelLayoutT = C.CEF_CHANNEL_LAYOUT_BITSTREAM /// Front L, Front R, Front C, LFE, Side L, Side R, /// Front Height L, Front Height R, Rear Height L, Rear Height R /// Will be represented as six channels (5.1) due to eight channel limit /// kMaxConcurrentChannels CefChannelLayout514Downmix CChannelLayoutT = C.CEF_CHANNEL_LAYOUT_5_1_4_DOWNMIX /// Max value, must always equal the largest entry ever logged. CefChannelLayoutMax CChannelLayoutT = C.CEF_CHANNEL_LAYOUT_MAX )
type CChromeToolbarTypeT ¶ added in v0.4.0
type CChromeToolbarTypeT C.cef_chrome_toolbar_type_t
/ / Supported Chrome toolbar types. /
const ( CefCttNone CChromeToolbarTypeT = C.CEF_CTT_NONE CefCttNormal CChromeToolbarTypeT = C.CEF_CTT_NORMAL CefCttLocation CChromeToolbarTypeT = C.CEF_CTT_LOCATION )
type CClientT ¶
type CClientT struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Go type for cef_client_t
func NewCClientT ¶ added in v0.5.0
func NewCClientT(a interface{}) *CClientT
NewCClientT allocates CClientT, construct and bind it
type CClientTGetLoadHandlerHandler ¶ added in v0.3.0
type CClientTGetLoadHandlerHandler interface { GetLoadHandler( self *CClientT, ) (ret *CLoadHandlerT) }
/ / Return the handler for browser load status events. /
type CClientTOnProcessMessageReceivedHandler ¶ added in v0.1.5
type CClientTOnProcessMessageReceivedHandler interface { OnProcessMessageReceived( self *CClientT, browser *CBrowserT, frame *CFrameT, source_process CProcessIdT, message *CProcessMessageT, ) (ret bool) }
/ / Called when a new message is received from a different process. Return / true (1) if the message was handled or false (0) otherwise. It is safe to / keep a reference to |message| outside of this callback. /
type CColorModelT ¶ added in v0.1.5
type CColorModelT C.cef_color_model_t
/ / Print job color mode values. /
const ( ColorModelUnknown CColorModelT = C.COLOR_MODEL_UNKNOWN ColorModelGray CColorModelT = C.COLOR_MODEL_GRAY ColorModelColor CColorModelT = C.COLOR_MODEL_COLOR ColorModelCmyk CColorModelT = C.COLOR_MODEL_CMYK ColorModelCmy CColorModelT = C.COLOR_MODEL_CMY ColorModelKcmy CColorModelT = C.COLOR_MODEL_KCMY ColorModelCmyK CColorModelT = C.COLOR_MODEL_CMY_K ColorModelBlack CColorModelT = C.COLOR_MODEL_BLACK ColorModelGrayscale CColorModelT = C.COLOR_MODEL_GRAYSCALE ColorModelRgb CColorModelT = C.COLOR_MODEL_RGB ColorModelRgb16 CColorModelT = C.COLOR_MODEL_RGB16 ColorModelRgba CColorModelT = C.COLOR_MODEL_RGBA ColorModelColormodeColor CColorModelT = C.COLOR_MODEL_COLORMODE_COLOR ColorModelColormodeMonochrome CColorModelT = C.COLOR_MODEL_COLORMODE_MONOCHROME ColorModelHpColorColor CColorModelT = C.COLOR_MODEL_HP_COLOR_COLOR ColorModelHpColorBlack CColorModelT = C.COLOR_MODEL_HP_COLOR_BLACK ColorModelPrintoutmodeNormal CColorModelT = C.COLOR_MODEL_PRINTOUTMODE_NORMAL ColorModelPrintoutmodeNormalGray CColorModelT = C.COLOR_MODEL_PRINTOUTMODE_NORMAL_GRAY ColorModelProcesscolormodelCmyk CColorModelT = C.COLOR_MODEL_PROCESSCOLORMODEL_CMYK ColorModelProcesscolormodelGreyscale CColorModelT = C.COLOR_MODEL_PROCESSCOLORMODEL_GREYSCALE ColorModelProcesscolormodelRgb CColorModelT = C.COLOR_MODEL_PROCESSCOLORMODEL_RGB )
type CColorT ¶ added in v0.1.5
type CColorT C.cef_color_t
32-bit ARGB color value, not premultiplied. The color components are always in a known order. Equivalent to the SkColor type.
func ColorSetARGB ¶ added in v0.3.4
type CColorTypeT ¶ added in v0.1.5
type CColorTypeT C.cef_color_type_t
/ / Describes how to interpret the components of a pixel. /
const ( /// /// RGBA with 8 bits per pixel (32bits total). /// CefColorTypeRgba8888 CColorTypeT = C.CEF_COLOR_TYPE_RGBA_8888 /// /// BGRA with 8 bits per pixel (32bits total). /// CefColorTypeBgra8888 CColorTypeT = C.CEF_COLOR_TYPE_BGRA_8888 )
type CComInitModeT ¶ added in v0.1.5
type CComInitModeT C.cef_com_init_mode_t
/ / Windows COM initialization mode. Specifies how COM will be initialized for a / new thread. /
const ( /// /// No COM initialization. /// ComInitModeNone CComInitModeT = C.COM_INIT_MODE_NONE /// /// Initialize COM using single-threaded apartments. /// ComInitModeSta CComInitModeT = C.COM_INIT_MODE_STA /// /// Initialize COM using multi-threaded apartments. /// ComInitModeMta CComInitModeT = C.COM_INIT_MODE_MTA )
type CCommandHandlerT ¶ added in v0.5.2
type CCommandHandlerT struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Go type for cef_command_handler_t
func (*CCommandHandlerT) HasOneRef ¶ added in v0.5.2
func (command_handler *CCommandHandlerT) HasOneRef() bool
*C.cef_command_handler_t has refCounted interface
func (*CCommandHandlerT) NewRef ¶ added in v0.5.2
func (self *CCommandHandlerT) NewRef() (newP *CCommandHandlerT)
func (*CCommandHandlerT) OnChromeCommand ¶ added in v0.5.2
func (self *CCommandHandlerT) OnChromeCommand( browser *CBrowserT, command_id int, disposition CWindowOpenDispositionT, ) (ret bool)
/ / Called to execute a Chrome command triggered via menu selection or / keyboard shortcut. Values for |command_id| can be found in the / cef_command_ids.h file. |disposition| provides information about the / intended command target. Return true (1) if the command was handled or / false (0) for the default implementation. For context menu commands this / will be called after cef_context_menu_handler_t::OnContextMenuCommand. / Only used with the Chrome runtime. /
func (*CCommandHandlerT) Pass ¶ added in v0.5.2
func (p *CCommandHandlerT) Pass() (ret *CCommandHandlerT)
func (*CCommandHandlerT) Unref ¶ added in v0.5.2
func (command_handler *CCommandHandlerT) Unref() (ret bool)
type CCommandLineT ¶
type CCommandLineT struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Go type for cef_command_line_t
func CommandLineCreate ¶ added in v0.1.5
func CommandLineCreate() (ret *CCommandLineT)
/ / Create a new cef_command_line_t instance. /
func CommandLineGetGlobal ¶ added in v0.1.5
func CommandLineGetGlobal() (ret *CCommandLineT)
/ / Returns the singleton global cef_command_line_t object. The returned object / will be read-only. /
func (*CCommandLineT) AppendArgument ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CCommandLineT) AppendArgument( argument string, )
/ / Add an argument to the end of the command line. /
func (*CCommandLineT) AppendSwitch ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CCommandLineT) AppendSwitch( name string, )
/ / Add a switch to the end of the command line. If the switch has no value / pass an NULL value string. /
func (*CCommandLineT) AppendSwitchWithValue ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CCommandLineT) AppendSwitchWithValue( name string, value string, )
/ / Add a switch with the specified value to the end of the command line. /
func (*CCommandLineT) Copy ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CCommandLineT) Copy() (ret *CCommandLineT)
/ / Returns a writable copy of this object. /
func (*CCommandLineT) GetArguments ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CCommandLineT) GetArguments( arguments CStringListT, )
/ / Get the remaining command line arguments. /
func (*CCommandLineT) GetArgv ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CCommandLineT) GetArgv( argv CStringListT, )
/ / Retrieve the original command line string as a vector of strings. The argv / array: `{ program, [(--|-|/)switch[=value]]*, [--], [argument]* }` /
func (*CCommandLineT) GetCommandLineString ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CCommandLineT) GetCommandLineString() (ret string)
/ / Constructs and returns the represented command line string. Use this / function cautiously because quoting behavior is unclear. / The resulting string must be freed by calling cef_string_userfree_free().
func (*CCommandLineT) GetProgram ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CCommandLineT) GetProgram() (ret string)
/ / Get the program part of the command line string (the first item). / The resulting string must be freed by calling cef_string_userfree_free().
func (*CCommandLineT) GetSwitchValue ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CCommandLineT) GetSwitchValue( name string, ) (ret string)
/ / Returns the value associated with the given switch. If the switch has no / value or isn't present this function returns the NULL string. / The resulting string must be freed by calling cef_string_userfree_free().
func (*CCommandLineT) GetSwitches ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CCommandLineT) GetSwitches( switches CStringMapT, )
/ / Returns the map of switch names and values. If a switch has no value an / NULL string is returned. /
func (*CCommandLineT) HasArguments ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CCommandLineT) HasArguments() (ret bool)
/ / True if there are remaining command line arguments. /
func (*CCommandLineT) HasOneRef ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (command_line *CCommandLineT) HasOneRef() bool
*C.cef_command_line_t has refCounted interface
func (*CCommandLineT) HasSwitch ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CCommandLineT) HasSwitch( name string, ) (ret bool)
/ / Returns true (1) if the command line contains the given switch. /
func (*CCommandLineT) HasSwitches ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CCommandLineT) HasSwitches() (ret bool)
/ / Returns true (1) if the command line has switches. /
func (*CCommandLineT) InitFromString ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CCommandLineT) InitFromString( command_line string, )
/ / Initialize the command line with the string returned by calling / GetCommandLineW(). This function is only supported on Windows. /
func (*CCommandLineT) IsReadOnly ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CCommandLineT) IsReadOnly() (ret bool)
/ / Returns true (1) if the values of this object are read-only. Some APIs may / expose read-only objects. /
func (*CCommandLineT) IsValid ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CCommandLineT) IsValid() (ret bool)
/ / Returns true (1) if this object is valid. Do not call any other functions / if this function returns false (0). /
func (*CCommandLineT) NewRef ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (self *CCommandLineT) NewRef() (newP *CCommandLineT)
func (*CCommandLineT) Pass ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (p *CCommandLineT) Pass() (ret *CCommandLineT)
func (*CCommandLineT) PrependWrapper ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CCommandLineT) PrependWrapper( wrapper string, )
/ / Insert a command before the current command. Common for debuggers, like / "valgrind" or "gdb --args". /
func (*CCommandLineT) Reset ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CCommandLineT) Reset()
/ / Reset the command-line switches and arguments but leave the program / component unchanged. /
func (*CCommandLineT) SetProgram ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CCommandLineT) SetProgram( program string, )
/ / Set the program part of the command line string (the first item). /
func (*CCommandLineT) Unref ¶ added in v0.4.1
func (command_line *CCommandLineT) Unref() (ret bool)
type CCompletionCallbackT ¶ added in v0.1.5
type CCompletionCallbackT struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Go type for cef_completion_callback_t
func (*CCompletionCallbackT) HasOneRef ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (completion_callback *CCompletionCallbackT) HasOneRef() bool
*C.cef_completion_callback_t has refCounted interface
func (*CCompletionCallbackT) NewRef ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (self *CCompletionCallbackT) NewRef() (newP *CCompletionCallbackT)
func (*CCompletionCallbackT) OnComplete ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CCompletionCallbackT) OnComplete()
/ / Method that will be called once the task is complete. /
func (*CCompletionCallbackT) Pass ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (p *CCompletionCallbackT) Pass() (ret *CCompletionCallbackT)
func (*CCompletionCallbackT) Unref ¶ added in v0.4.1
func (completion_callback *CCompletionCallbackT) Unref() (ret bool)
type CCompositionUnderlineStyleT ¶ added in v0.2.10
type CCompositionUnderlineStyleT C.cef_composition_underline_style_t
/ / Composition underline style. /
const ( CefCusSolid CCompositionUnderlineStyleT = C.CEF_CUS_SOLID CefCusDot CCompositionUnderlineStyleT = C.CEF_CUS_DOT CefCusDash CCompositionUnderlineStyleT = C.CEF_CUS_DASH CefCusNone CCompositionUnderlineStyleT = C.CEF_CUS_NONE )
type CCompositionUnderlineT ¶ added in v0.1.5
type CCompositionUnderlineT C.cef_composition_underline_t
/ / Structure representing IME composition underline information. This is a thin / wrapper around Blink's WebCompositionUnderline class and should be kept in / sync with that. /
func NewCCompositionUnderlineT ¶ added in v0.2.0
func NewCCompositionUnderlineT() *CCompositionUnderlineT
func (*CCompositionUnderlineT) BackgroundColor ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (st *CCompositionUnderlineT) BackgroundColor() CColorT
func (*CCompositionUnderlineT) Color ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (st *CCompositionUnderlineT) Color() CColorT
func (*CCompositionUnderlineT) Range ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (st *CCompositionUnderlineT) Range() CRangeT
func (*CCompositionUnderlineT) SetBackgroundColor ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (st *CCompositionUnderlineT) SetBackgroundColor(v CColorT)
func (*CCompositionUnderlineT) SetColor ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (st *CCompositionUnderlineT) SetColor(v CColorT)
func (*CCompositionUnderlineT) SetRange ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (st *CCompositionUnderlineT) SetRange(v CRangeT)
func (*CCompositionUnderlineT) SetStyle ¶ added in v0.2.10
func (st *CCompositionUnderlineT) SetStyle(v CCompositionUnderlineStyleT)
func (*CCompositionUnderlineT) SetThick ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (st *CCompositionUnderlineT) SetThick(v bool)
func (*CCompositionUnderlineT) Style ¶ added in v0.2.10
func (st *CCompositionUnderlineT) Style() CCompositionUnderlineStyleT
func (*CCompositionUnderlineT) Thick ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (st *CCompositionUnderlineT) Thick() bool
type CContextMenuEditStateFlagsT ¶ added in v0.1.5
type CContextMenuEditStateFlagsT C.cef_context_menu_edit_state_flags_t
/ / Supported context menu edit state bit flags. These constants match their / equivalents in Chromium's ContextMenuDataEditFlags and should not be / renumbered. /
const ( CmEditflagNone CContextMenuEditStateFlagsT = C.CM_EDITFLAG_NONE CmEditflagCanUndo CContextMenuEditStateFlagsT = C.CM_EDITFLAG_CAN_UNDO CmEditflagCanRedo CContextMenuEditStateFlagsT = C.CM_EDITFLAG_CAN_REDO CmEditflagCanCut CContextMenuEditStateFlagsT = C.CM_EDITFLAG_CAN_CUT CmEditflagCanCopy CContextMenuEditStateFlagsT = C.CM_EDITFLAG_CAN_COPY CmEditflagCanPaste CContextMenuEditStateFlagsT = C.CM_EDITFLAG_CAN_PASTE CmEditflagCanDelete CContextMenuEditStateFlagsT = C.CM_EDITFLAG_CAN_DELETE CmEditflagCanSelectAll CContextMenuEditStateFlagsT = C.CM_EDITFLAG_CAN_SELECT_ALL CmEditflagCanTranslate CContextMenuEditStateFlagsT = C.CM_EDITFLAG_CAN_TRANSLATE CmEditflagCanEditRichly CContextMenuEditStateFlagsT = C.CM_EDITFLAG_CAN_EDIT_RICHLY )
type CContextMenuHandlerT ¶
type CContextMenuHandlerT struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Go type for cef_context_menu_handler_t
func NewCContextMenuHandlerT ¶ added in v0.5.0
func NewCContextMenuHandlerT(a interface{}) *CContextMenuHandlerT
NewCContextMenuHandlerT allocates CContextMenuHandlerT, construct and bind it
func (*CContextMenuHandlerT) Handler ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (context_menu_handler *CContextMenuHandlerT) Handler() interface{}
func (*CContextMenuHandlerT) HasOneRef ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (context_menu_handler *CContextMenuHandlerT) HasOneRef() bool
*C.cef_context_menu_handler_t has refCounted interface
func (*CContextMenuHandlerT) NewRef ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (self *CContextMenuHandlerT) NewRef() (newP *CContextMenuHandlerT)
func (*CContextMenuHandlerT) Pass ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (p *CContextMenuHandlerT) Pass() (ret *CContextMenuHandlerT)
func (*CContextMenuHandlerT) UnbindAll ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (context_menu_handler *CContextMenuHandlerT) UnbindAll()
func (*CContextMenuHandlerT) Unref ¶ added in v0.4.1
func (context_menu_handler *CContextMenuHandlerT) Unref() (ret bool)
type CContextMenuMediaStateFlagsT ¶ added in v0.1.5
type CContextMenuMediaStateFlagsT C.cef_context_menu_media_state_flags_t
/ / Supported context menu media state bit flags. These constants match their / equivalents in Chromium's ContextMenuData::MediaFlags and should not be / renumbered. /
const ( CmMediaflagNone CContextMenuMediaStateFlagsT = C.CM_MEDIAFLAG_NONE CmMediaflagInError CContextMenuMediaStateFlagsT = C.CM_MEDIAFLAG_IN_ERROR CmMediaflagPaused CContextMenuMediaStateFlagsT = C.CM_MEDIAFLAG_PAUSED CmMediaflagMuted CContextMenuMediaStateFlagsT = C.CM_MEDIAFLAG_MUTED CmMediaflagLoop CContextMenuMediaStateFlagsT = C.CM_MEDIAFLAG_LOOP CmMediaflagCanSave CContextMenuMediaStateFlagsT = C.CM_MEDIAFLAG_CAN_SAVE CmMediaflagHasAudio CContextMenuMediaStateFlagsT = C.CM_MEDIAFLAG_HAS_AUDIO CmMediaflagCanToggleControls CContextMenuMediaStateFlagsT = C.CM_MEDIAFLAG_CAN_TOGGLE_CONTROLS CmMediaflagControls CContextMenuMediaStateFlagsT = C.CM_MEDIAFLAG_CONTROLS CmMediaflagCanPrint CContextMenuMediaStateFlagsT = C.CM_MEDIAFLAG_CAN_PRINT CmMediaflagCanRotate CContextMenuMediaStateFlagsT = C.CM_MEDIAFLAG_CAN_ROTATE CmMediaflagCanPictureInPicture CContextMenuMediaStateFlagsT = C.CM_MEDIAFLAG_CAN_PICTURE_IN_PICTURE CmMediaflagPictureInPicture CContextMenuMediaStateFlagsT = C.CM_MEDIAFLAG_PICTURE_IN_PICTURE CmMediaflagCanLoop CContextMenuMediaStateFlagsT = C.CM_MEDIAFLAG_CAN_LOOP )
type CContextMenuMediaTypeT ¶ added in v0.1.5
type CContextMenuMediaTypeT C.cef_context_menu_media_type_t
/ / Supported context menu media types. These constants match their equivalents / in Chromium's ContextMenuDataMediaType and should not be renumbered. /
const ( /// /// No special node is in context. /// CmMediatypeNone CContextMenuMediaTypeT = C.CM_MEDIATYPE_NONE /// /// An image node is selected. /// CmMediatypeImage CContextMenuMediaTypeT = C.CM_MEDIATYPE_IMAGE /// /// A video node is selected. /// CmMediatypeVideo CContextMenuMediaTypeT = C.CM_MEDIATYPE_VIDEO /// /// An audio node is selected. /// CmMediatypeAudio CContextMenuMediaTypeT = C.CM_MEDIATYPE_AUDIO /// /// An canvas node is selected. /// CmMediatypeCanvas CContextMenuMediaTypeT = C.CM_MEDIATYPE_CANVAS /// /// A file node is selected. /// CmMediatypeFile CContextMenuMediaTypeT = C.CM_MEDIATYPE_FILE /// /// A plugin node is selected. /// CmMediatypePlugin CContextMenuMediaTypeT = C.CM_MEDIATYPE_PLUGIN )
type CContextMenuParamsT ¶ added in v0.1.5
type CContextMenuParamsT struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Go type for cef_context_menu_params_t
func (*CContextMenuParamsT) GetDictionarySuggestions ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CContextMenuParamsT) GetDictionarySuggestions( suggestions CStringListT, ) (ret bool)
/ / Returns true (1) if suggestions exist, false (0) otherwise. Fills in / |suggestions| from the spell check service for the misspelled word if / there is one. /
func (*CContextMenuParamsT) GetEditStateFlags ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CContextMenuParamsT) GetEditStateFlags() (ret CContextMenuEditStateFlagsT)
/ / Returns flags representing the actions supported by the editable node, if / any, that the context menu was invoked on. /
func (*CContextMenuParamsT) GetFrameCharset ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CContextMenuParamsT) GetFrameCharset() (ret string)
/ / Returns the character encoding of the subframe that the context menu was / invoked on. / The resulting string must be freed by calling cef_string_userfree_free().
func (*CContextMenuParamsT) GetFrameUrl ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CContextMenuParamsT) GetFrameUrl() (ret string)
/ / Returns the URL of the subframe that the context menu was invoked on. / The resulting string must be freed by calling cef_string_userfree_free().
func (*CContextMenuParamsT) GetLinkUrl ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CContextMenuParamsT) GetLinkUrl() (ret string)
/ / Returns the URL of the link, if any, that encloses the node that the / context menu was invoked on. / The resulting string must be freed by calling cef_string_userfree_free().
func (*CContextMenuParamsT) GetMediaStateFlags ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CContextMenuParamsT) GetMediaStateFlags() (ret CContextMenuMediaStateFlagsT)
/ / Returns flags representing the actions supported by the media element, if / any, that the context menu was invoked on. /
func (*CContextMenuParamsT) GetMediaType ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CContextMenuParamsT) GetMediaType() (ret CContextMenuMediaTypeT)
/ / Returns the type of context node that the context menu was invoked on. /
func (*CContextMenuParamsT) GetMisspelledWord ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CContextMenuParamsT) GetMisspelledWord() (ret string)
/ / Returns the text of the misspelled word, if any, that the context menu was / invoked on. / The resulting string must be freed by calling cef_string_userfree_free().
func (*CContextMenuParamsT) GetPageUrl ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CContextMenuParamsT) GetPageUrl() (ret string)
/ / Returns the URL of the top level page that the context menu was invoked / on. / The resulting string must be freed by calling cef_string_userfree_free().
func (*CContextMenuParamsT) GetSelectionText ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CContextMenuParamsT) GetSelectionText() (ret string)
/ / Returns the text of the selection, if any, that the context menu was / invoked on. / The resulting string must be freed by calling cef_string_userfree_free().
func (*CContextMenuParamsT) GetSourceUrl ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CContextMenuParamsT) GetSourceUrl() (ret string)
/ / Returns the source URL, if any, for the element that the context menu was / invoked on. Example of elements with source URLs are img, audio, and / video. / The resulting string must be freed by calling cef_string_userfree_free().
func (*CContextMenuParamsT) GetTitleText ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CContextMenuParamsT) GetTitleText() (ret string)
/ / Returns the title text or the alt text if the context menu was invoked on / an image. / The resulting string must be freed by calling cef_string_userfree_free().
func (*CContextMenuParamsT) GetTypeFlags ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CContextMenuParamsT) GetTypeFlags() (ret CContextMenuTypeFlagsT)
/ / Returns flags representing the type of node that the context menu was / invoked on. /
func (*CContextMenuParamsT) GetUnfilteredLinkUrl ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CContextMenuParamsT) GetUnfilteredLinkUrl() (ret string)
/ / Returns the link URL, if any, to be used ONLY for "copy link address". We / don't validate this field in the frontend process. / The resulting string must be freed by calling cef_string_userfree_free().
func (*CContextMenuParamsT) GetXcoord ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CContextMenuParamsT) GetXcoord() (ret bool)
/ / Returns the X coordinate of the mouse where the context menu was invoked. / Coords are relative to the associated RenderView's origin. /
func (*CContextMenuParamsT) GetYcoord ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CContextMenuParamsT) GetYcoord() (ret bool)
/ / Returns the Y coordinate of the mouse where the context menu was invoked. / Coords are relative to the associated RenderView's origin. /
func (*CContextMenuParamsT) HasImageContents ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CContextMenuParamsT) HasImageContents() (ret bool)
/ / Returns true (1) if the context menu was invoked on an image which has / non-NULL contents. /
func (*CContextMenuParamsT) HasOneRef ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (context_menu_params *CContextMenuParamsT) HasOneRef() bool
*C.cef_context_menu_params_t has refCounted interface
func (*CContextMenuParamsT) IsCustomMenu ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CContextMenuParamsT) IsCustomMenu() (ret bool)
/ / Returns true (1) if the context menu contains items specified by the / renderer process. /
func (*CContextMenuParamsT) IsEditable ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CContextMenuParamsT) IsEditable() (ret bool)
/ / Returns true (1) if the context menu was invoked on an editable node. /
func (*CContextMenuParamsT) IsSpellCheckEnabled ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CContextMenuParamsT) IsSpellCheckEnabled() (ret bool)
/ / Returns true (1) if the context menu was invoked on an editable node where / spell-check is enabled. /
func (*CContextMenuParamsT) NewRef ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (self *CContextMenuParamsT) NewRef() (newP *CContextMenuParamsT)
func (*CContextMenuParamsT) Pass ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (p *CContextMenuParamsT) Pass() (ret *CContextMenuParamsT)
func (*CContextMenuParamsT) Unref ¶ added in v0.4.1
func (context_menu_params *CContextMenuParamsT) Unref() (ret bool)
type CContextMenuTypeFlagsT ¶ added in v0.1.5
type CContextMenuTypeFlagsT C.cef_context_menu_type_flags_t
/ / Supported context menu type flags. /
const ( /// /// No node is selected. /// CmTypeflagNone CContextMenuTypeFlagsT = C.CM_TYPEFLAG_NONE /// /// The top page is selected. /// CmTypeflagPage CContextMenuTypeFlagsT = C.CM_TYPEFLAG_PAGE /// /// A subframe page is selected. /// CmTypeflagFrame CContextMenuTypeFlagsT = C.CM_TYPEFLAG_FRAME /// /// A link is selected. /// CmTypeflagLink CContextMenuTypeFlagsT = C.CM_TYPEFLAG_LINK /// /// A media node is selected. /// CmTypeflagMedia CContextMenuTypeFlagsT = C.CM_TYPEFLAG_MEDIA /// /// There is a textual or mixed selection that is selected. /// CmTypeflagSelection CContextMenuTypeFlagsT = C.CM_TYPEFLAG_SELECTION /// /// An editable element is selected. /// CmTypeflagEditable CContextMenuTypeFlagsT = C.CM_TYPEFLAG_EDITABLE )
type CCookieAccessFilterT ¶ added in v0.1.7
type CCookieAccessFilterT struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Go type for cef_cookie_access_filter_t
func NewCCookieAccessFilterT ¶ added in v0.5.0
func NewCCookieAccessFilterT(a interface{}) *CCookieAccessFilterT
NewCCookieAccessFilterT allocates CCookieAccessFilterT, construct and bind it
func (*CCookieAccessFilterT) Handler ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (cookie_access_filter *CCookieAccessFilterT) Handler() interface{}
func (*CCookieAccessFilterT) HasOneRef ¶ added in v0.1.7
func (cookie_access_filter *CCookieAccessFilterT) HasOneRef() bool
*C.cef_cookie_access_filter_t has refCounted interface
func (*CCookieAccessFilterT) NewRef ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (self *CCookieAccessFilterT) NewRef() (newP *CCookieAccessFilterT)
func (*CCookieAccessFilterT) Pass ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (p *CCookieAccessFilterT) Pass() (ret *CCookieAccessFilterT)
func (*CCookieAccessFilterT) UnbindAll ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (cookie_access_filter *CCookieAccessFilterT) UnbindAll()
func (*CCookieAccessFilterT) Unref ¶ added in v0.4.1
func (cookie_access_filter *CCookieAccessFilterT) Unref() (ret bool)
type CCookieManagerT ¶ added in v0.1.5
type CCookieManagerT struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Go type for cef_cookie_manager_t
func CookieManagerGetGlobalManager ¶ added in v0.1.5
func CookieManagerGetGlobalManager( callback *CCompletionCallbackT, ) (ret *CCookieManagerT)
/ / Returns the global cookie manager. By default data will be stored at / cef_settings_t.cache_path if specified or in memory otherwise. If |callback| / is non-NULL it will be executed asnychronously on the UI thread after the / manager's storage has been initialized. Using this function is equivalent to / calling cef_request_context_t::cef_request_context_get_global_context()->Get / DefaultCookieManager(). /
func (*CCookieManagerT) DeleteCookies ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CCookieManagerT) DeleteCookies( url string, cookie_name string, callback *CDeleteCookiesCallbackT, ) (ret bool)
/ / Delete all cookies that match the specified parameters. If both |url| and / |cookie_name| values are specified all host and domain cookies matching / both will be deleted. If only |url| is specified all host cookies (but not / domain cookies) irrespective of path will be deleted. If |url| is NULL all / cookies for all hosts and domains will be deleted. If |callback| is non- / NULL it will be executed asnychronously on the UI thread after the cookies / have been deleted. Returns false (0) if a non-NULL invalid URL is / specified or if cookies cannot be accessed. Cookies can alternately be / deleted using the Visit*Cookies() functions. /
func (*CCookieManagerT) FlushStore ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CCookieManagerT) FlushStore( callback *CCompletionCallbackT, ) (ret bool)
/ / Flush the backing store (if any) to disk. If |callback| is non-NULL it / will be executed asnychronously on the UI thread after the flush is / complete. Returns false (0) if cookies cannot be accessed. /
func (*CCookieManagerT) HasOneRef ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (cookie_manager *CCookieManagerT) HasOneRef() bool
*C.cef_cookie_manager_t has refCounted interface
func (*CCookieManagerT) NewRef ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (self *CCookieManagerT) NewRef() (newP *CCookieManagerT)
func (*CCookieManagerT) Pass ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (p *CCookieManagerT) Pass() (ret *CCookieManagerT)
func (*CCookieManagerT) SetCookie ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CCookieManagerT) SetCookie( url string, cookie *CCookieT, callback *CSetCookieCallbackT, ) (ret bool)
/ / Sets a cookie given a valid URL and explicit user-provided cookie / attributes. This function expects each attribute to be well-formed. It / will check for disallowed characters (e.g. the ';' character is disallowed / within the cookie value attribute) and fail without setting the cookie if / such characters are found. If |callback| is non-NULL it will be executed / asnychronously on the UI thread after the cookie has been set. Returns / false (0) if an invalid URL is specified or if cookies cannot be accessed. /
func (*CCookieManagerT) Unref ¶ added in v0.4.1
func (cookie_manager *CCookieManagerT) Unref() (ret bool)
func (*CCookieManagerT) VisitAllCookies ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CCookieManagerT) VisitAllCookies( visitor *CCookieVisitorT, ) (ret bool)
/ / Visit all cookies on the UI thread. The returned cookies are ordered by / longest path, then by earliest creation date. Returns false (0) if cookies / cannot be accessed. /
func (*CCookieManagerT) VisitUrlCookies ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CCookieManagerT) VisitUrlCookies( url string, includeHttpOnly int, visitor *CCookieVisitorT, ) (ret bool)
/ / Visit a subset of cookies on the UI thread. The results are filtered by / the given url scheme, host, domain and path. If |includeHttpOnly| is true / (1) HTTP-only cookies will also be included in the results. The returned / cookies are ordered by longest path, then by earliest creation date. / Returns false (0) if cookies cannot be accessed. /
type CCookiePriorityT ¶ added in v0.2.12
type CCookiePriorityT C.cef_cookie_priority_t
/ / Cookie priority values. /
const ( CefCookiePriorityLow CCookiePriorityT = C.CEF_COOKIE_PRIORITY_LOW CefCookiePriorityMedium CCookiePriorityT = C.CEF_COOKIE_PRIORITY_MEDIUM CefCookiePriorityHigh CCookiePriorityT = C.CEF_COOKIE_PRIORITY_HIGH )
type CCookieSameSiteT ¶ added in v0.2.12
type CCookieSameSiteT C.cef_cookie_same_site_t
/ / Cookie same site values. /
const ( CefCookieSameSiteUnspecified CCookieSameSiteT = C.CEF_COOKIE_SAME_SITE_UNSPECIFIED CefCookieSameSiteNoRestriction CCookieSameSiteT = C.CEF_COOKIE_SAME_SITE_NO_RESTRICTION CefCookieSameSiteLaxMode CCookieSameSiteT = C.CEF_COOKIE_SAME_SITE_LAX_MODE CefCookieSameSiteStrictMode CCookieSameSiteT = C.CEF_COOKIE_SAME_SITE_STRICT_MODE )
type CCookieT ¶
type CCookieT C.cef_cookie_t
/ / Cookie information. /
func NewCCookieT ¶ added in v0.2.0
func NewCCookieT() *CCookieT
func (*CCookieT) Creation ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (st *CCookieT) Creation() CBasetimeT
func (*CCookieT) Expires ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (st *CCookieT) Expires() CBasetimeT
func (*CCookieT) HasExpires ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (*CCookieT) LastAccess ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (st *CCookieT) LastAccess() CBasetimeT
func (*CCookieT) Priority ¶ added in v0.2.12
func (st *CCookieT) Priority() CCookiePriorityT
func (*CCookieT) SameSite ¶ added in v0.2.12
func (st *CCookieT) SameSite() CCookieSameSiteT
func (*CCookieT) SetCreation ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (st *CCookieT) SetCreation(v CBasetimeT)
func (*CCookieT) SetExpires ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (st *CCookieT) SetExpires(v CBasetimeT)
func (*CCookieT) SetHasExpires ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (*CCookieT) SetHttponly ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (*CCookieT) SetLastAccess ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (st *CCookieT) SetLastAccess(v CBasetimeT)
func (*CCookieT) SetPriority ¶ added in v0.2.12
func (st *CCookieT) SetPriority(v CCookiePriorityT)
func (*CCookieT) SetSameSite ¶ added in v0.2.12
func (st *CCookieT) SetSameSite(v CCookieSameSiteT)
type CCookieVisitorT ¶ added in v0.1.5
type CCookieVisitorT struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Go type for cef_cookie_visitor_t
func NewCCookieVisitorT ¶ added in v0.5.0
func NewCCookieVisitorT(a interface{}) *CCookieVisitorT
NewCCookieVisitorT allocates CCookieVisitorT, construct and bind it
func (*CCookieVisitorT) Handler ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (cookie_visitor *CCookieVisitorT) Handler() interface{}
func (*CCookieVisitorT) HasOneRef ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (cookie_visitor *CCookieVisitorT) HasOneRef() bool
*C.cef_cookie_visitor_t has refCounted interface
func (*CCookieVisitorT) NewRef ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (self *CCookieVisitorT) NewRef() (newP *CCookieVisitorT)
func (*CCookieVisitorT) Pass ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (p *CCookieVisitorT) Pass() (ret *CCookieVisitorT)
func (*CCookieVisitorT) UnbindAll ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (cookie_visitor *CCookieVisitorT) UnbindAll()
func (*CCookieVisitorT) Unref ¶ added in v0.4.1
func (cookie_visitor *CCookieVisitorT) Unref() (ret bool)
type CCookieVisitorTVisitHandler ¶ added in v0.2.4
type CCookieVisitorTVisitHandler interface { Visit( self *CCookieVisitorT, cookie *CCookieT, count int, total int, ) (ret bool, deleteCookie int) }
/ / Method that will be called once for each cookie. |count| is the 0-based / index for the current cookie. |total| is the total number of cookies. Set / |deleteCookie| to true (1) to delete the cookie currently being visited. / Return false (0) to stop visiting cookies. This function may never be / called if no cookies are found. /
type CCrossAxisAlignmentT ¶ added in v0.1.5
type CCrossAxisAlignmentT C.cef_cross_axis_alignment_t
/ / Specifies where along the cross axis the CefBoxLayout child views should be / laid out. /
const ( /// /// Child views will be stretched to fit. /// CefCrossAxisAlignmentStretch CCrossAxisAlignmentT = C.CEF_CROSS_AXIS_ALIGNMENT_STRETCH /// /// Child views will be left-aligned. /// CefCrossAxisAlignmentStart CCrossAxisAlignmentT = C.CEF_CROSS_AXIS_ALIGNMENT_START /// /// Child views will be center-aligned. /// CefCrossAxisAlignmentCenter CCrossAxisAlignmentT = C.CEF_CROSS_AXIS_ALIGNMENT_CENTER /// /// Child views will be right-aligned. /// CefCrossAxisAlignmentEnd CCrossAxisAlignmentT = C.CEF_CROSS_AXIS_ALIGNMENT_END )
type CCursorHandleT ¶ added in v0.1.5
type CCursorHandleT C.cef_cursor_handle_t
type CCursorInfoT ¶ added in v0.1.5
type CCursorInfoT C.cef_cursor_info_t
/ / Structure representing cursor information. |buffer| will be / |size.width|*|size.height|*4 bytes in size and represents a BGRA image with / an upper-left origin. /
func NewCCursorInfoT ¶ added in v0.2.0
func NewCCursorInfoT() *CCursorInfoT
func (*CCursorInfoT) Buffer ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (st *CCursorInfoT) Buffer() unsafe.Pointer
func (*CCursorInfoT) Hotspot ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (st *CCursorInfoT) Hotspot() CPointT
func (*CCursorInfoT) ImageScaleFactor ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (st *CCursorInfoT) ImageScaleFactor() float32
func (*CCursorInfoT) SetBuffer ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (st *CCursorInfoT) SetBuffer(v unsafe.Pointer)
func (*CCursorInfoT) SetHotspot ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (st *CCursorInfoT) SetHotspot(v CPointT)
func (*CCursorInfoT) SetImageScaleFactor ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (st *CCursorInfoT) SetImageScaleFactor(v float32)
func (*CCursorInfoT) SetSize ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (st *CCursorInfoT) SetSize(v CSizeT)
func (*CCursorInfoT) Size ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (st *CCursorInfoT) Size() CSizeT
type CCursorTypeT ¶ added in v0.1.5
type CCursorTypeT C.cef_cursor_type_t
/ / Cursor type values. /
const ( CtPointer CCursorTypeT = C.CT_POINTER CtCross CCursorTypeT = C.CT_CROSS CtHand CCursorTypeT = C.CT_HAND CtIbeam CCursorTypeT = C.CT_IBEAM CtWait CCursorTypeT = C.CT_WAIT CtHelp CCursorTypeT = C.CT_HELP CtEastresize CCursorTypeT = C.CT_EASTRESIZE CtNorthresize CCursorTypeT = C.CT_NORTHRESIZE CtNortheastresize CCursorTypeT = C.CT_NORTHEASTRESIZE CtNorthwestresize CCursorTypeT = C.CT_NORTHWESTRESIZE CtSouthresize CCursorTypeT = C.CT_SOUTHRESIZE CtSoutheastresize CCursorTypeT = C.CT_SOUTHEASTRESIZE CtSouthwestresize CCursorTypeT = C.CT_SOUTHWESTRESIZE CtWestresize CCursorTypeT = C.CT_WESTRESIZE CtNorthsouthresize CCursorTypeT = C.CT_NORTHSOUTHRESIZE CtEastwestresize CCursorTypeT = C.CT_EASTWESTRESIZE CtNortheastsouthwestresize CCursorTypeT = C.CT_NORTHEASTSOUTHWESTRESIZE CtNorthwestsoutheastresize CCursorTypeT = C.CT_NORTHWESTSOUTHEASTRESIZE CtColumnresize CCursorTypeT = C.CT_COLUMNRESIZE CtRowresize CCursorTypeT = C.CT_ROWRESIZE CtMiddlepanning CCursorTypeT = C.CT_MIDDLEPANNING CtEastpanning CCursorTypeT = C.CT_EASTPANNING CtNorthpanning CCursorTypeT = C.CT_NORTHPANNING CtNortheastpanning CCursorTypeT = C.CT_NORTHEASTPANNING CtNorthwestpanning CCursorTypeT = C.CT_NORTHWESTPANNING CtSouthpanning CCursorTypeT = C.CT_SOUTHPANNING CtSoutheastpanning CCursorTypeT = C.CT_SOUTHEASTPANNING CtSouthwestpanning CCursorTypeT = C.CT_SOUTHWESTPANNING CtWestpanning CCursorTypeT = C.CT_WESTPANNING CtMove CCursorTypeT = C.CT_MOVE CtVerticaltext CCursorTypeT = C.CT_VERTICALTEXT CtCell CCursorTypeT = C.CT_CELL CtAlias CCursorTypeT = C.CT_ALIAS CtProgress CCursorTypeT = C.CT_PROGRESS CtNodrop CCursorTypeT = C.CT_NODROP CtCopy CCursorTypeT = C.CT_COPY CtNone CCursorTypeT = C.CT_NONE CtNotallowed CCursorTypeT = C.CT_NOTALLOWED CtZoomin CCursorTypeT = C.CT_ZOOMIN CtZoomout CCursorTypeT = C.CT_ZOOMOUT CtGrab CCursorTypeT = C.CT_GRAB CtGrabbing CCursorTypeT = C.CT_GRABBING CtMiddlePanningVertical CCursorTypeT = C.CT_MIDDLE_PANNING_VERTICAL CtMiddlePanningHorizontal CCursorTypeT = C.CT_MIDDLE_PANNING_HORIZONTAL CtCustom CCursorTypeT = C.CT_CUSTOM CtDndNone CCursorTypeT = C.CT_DND_NONE CtDndMove CCursorTypeT = C.CT_DND_MOVE CtDndCopy CCursorTypeT = C.CT_DND_COPY CtDndLink CCursorTypeT = C.CT_DND_LINK )
type CDeleteCookiesCallbackT ¶ added in v0.1.5
type CDeleteCookiesCallbackT struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Go type for cef_delete_cookies_callback_t
func NewCDeleteCookiesCallbackT ¶ added in v0.5.0
func NewCDeleteCookiesCallbackT(a interface{}) *CDeleteCookiesCallbackT
NewCDeleteCookiesCallbackT allocates CDeleteCookiesCallbackT, construct and bind it
func (*CDeleteCookiesCallbackT) Handler ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (delete_cookies_callback *CDeleteCookiesCallbackT) Handler() interface{}
func (*CDeleteCookiesCallbackT) HasOneRef ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (delete_cookies_callback *CDeleteCookiesCallbackT) HasOneRef() bool
*C.cef_delete_cookies_callback_t has refCounted interface
func (*CDeleteCookiesCallbackT) NewRef ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (self *CDeleteCookiesCallbackT) NewRef() (newP *CDeleteCookiesCallbackT)
func (*CDeleteCookiesCallbackT) Pass ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (p *CDeleteCookiesCallbackT) Pass() (ret *CDeleteCookiesCallbackT)
func (*CDeleteCookiesCallbackT) UnbindAll ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (delete_cookies_callback *CDeleteCookiesCallbackT) UnbindAll()
func (*CDeleteCookiesCallbackT) Unref ¶ added in v0.4.1
func (delete_cookies_callback *CDeleteCookiesCallbackT) Unref() (ret bool)
type CDeleteCookiesCallbackTOnCompleteHandler ¶ added in v0.2.4
type CDeleteCookiesCallbackTOnCompleteHandler interface { OnComplete( self *CDeleteCookiesCallbackT, num_deleted int, ) }
/ / Method that will be called upon completion. |num_deleted| will be the / number of cookies that were deleted. /
type CDevToolsMessageObserverT ¶ added in v0.2.13
type CDevToolsMessageObserverT struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Go type for cef_dev_tools_message_observer_t
func NewCDevToolsMessageObserverT ¶ added in v0.5.0
func NewCDevToolsMessageObserverT(a interface{}) *CDevToolsMessageObserverT
NewCDevToolsMessageObserverT allocates CDevToolsMessageObserverT, construct and bind it
func (*CDevToolsMessageObserverT) Handler ¶ added in v0.3.2
func (dev_tools_message_observer *CDevToolsMessageObserverT) Handler() interface{}
func (*CDevToolsMessageObserverT) HasOneRef ¶ added in v0.2.13
func (dev_tools_message_observer *CDevToolsMessageObserverT) HasOneRef() bool
*C.cef_dev_tools_message_observer_t has refCounted interface
func (*CDevToolsMessageObserverT) NewRef ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (self *CDevToolsMessageObserverT) NewRef() (newP *CDevToolsMessageObserverT)
func (*CDevToolsMessageObserverT) Pass ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (p *CDevToolsMessageObserverT) Pass() (ret *CDevToolsMessageObserverT)
func (*CDevToolsMessageObserverT) UnbindAll ¶ added in v0.3.2
func (dev_tools_message_observer *CDevToolsMessageObserverT) UnbindAll()
func (*CDevToolsMessageObserverT) Unref ¶ added in v0.4.1
func (dev_tools_message_observer *CDevToolsMessageObserverT) Unref() (ret bool)
type CDialogHandlerT ¶
type CDialogHandlerT struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Go type for cef_dialog_handler_t
func NewCDialogHandlerT ¶ added in v0.5.0
func NewCDialogHandlerT(a interface{}) *CDialogHandlerT
NewCDialogHandlerT allocates CDialogHandlerT, construct and bind it
func (*CDialogHandlerT) Handler ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (dialog_handler *CDialogHandlerT) Handler() interface{}
func (*CDialogHandlerT) HasOneRef ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (dialog_handler *CDialogHandlerT) HasOneRef() bool
*C.cef_dialog_handler_t has refCounted interface
func (*CDialogHandlerT) NewRef ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (self *CDialogHandlerT) NewRef() (newP *CDialogHandlerT)
func (*CDialogHandlerT) Pass ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (p *CDialogHandlerT) Pass() (ret *CDialogHandlerT)
func (*CDialogHandlerT) UnbindAll ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (dialog_handler *CDialogHandlerT) UnbindAll()
func (*CDialogHandlerT) Unref ¶ added in v0.4.1
func (dialog_handler *CDialogHandlerT) Unref() (ret bool)
type CDictionaryValueT ¶
type CDictionaryValueT struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Go type for cef_dictionary_value_t
func DictionaryValueCreate ¶
func DictionaryValueCreate() (ret *CDictionaryValueT)
/ / Creates a new object that is not owned by any other object. /
func (*CDictionaryValueT) Clear ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CDictionaryValueT) Clear() (ret bool)
/ / Removes all values. Returns true (1) on success. /
func (*CDictionaryValueT) Copy ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CDictionaryValueT) Copy( exclude_empty_children int, ) (ret *CDictionaryValueT)
/ / Returns a writable copy of this object. If |exclude_NULL_children| is true / (1) any NULL dictionaries or lists will be excluded from the copy. /
func (*CDictionaryValueT) GetBinary ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CDictionaryValueT) GetBinary( key string, ) (ret *CBinaryValueT)
/ / Returns the value at the specified key as type binary. The returned value / will reference existing data. /
func (*CDictionaryValueT) GetBool ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CDictionaryValueT) GetBool( key string, ) (ret bool)
/ / Returns the value at the specified key as type bool. /
func (*CDictionaryValueT) GetDictionary ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CDictionaryValueT) GetDictionary( key string, ) (ret *CDictionaryValueT)
/ / Returns the value at the specified key as type dictionary. The returned / value will reference existing data and modifications to the value will / modify this object. /
func (*CDictionaryValueT) GetDouble ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CDictionaryValueT) GetDouble( key string, ) (ret float64)
/ / Returns the value at the specified key as type double. /
func (*CDictionaryValueT) GetInt ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CDictionaryValueT) GetInt( key string, ) (ret bool)
/ / Returns the value at the specified key as type int. /
func (*CDictionaryValueT) GetKeys ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CDictionaryValueT) GetKeys( keys CStringListT, ) (ret bool)
/ / Reads all keys for this dictionary into the specified vector. /
func (*CDictionaryValueT) GetList ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CDictionaryValueT) GetList( key string, ) (ret *CListValueT)
/ / Returns the value at the specified key as type list. The returned value / will reference existing data and modifications to the value will modify / this object. /
func (*CDictionaryValueT) GetSize ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CDictionaryValueT) GetSize() (ret int64)
/ / Returns the number of values. /
func (*CDictionaryValueT) GetString ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CDictionaryValueT) GetString( key string, ) (ret string)
/ / Returns the value at the specified key as type string. / The resulting string must be freed by calling cef_string_userfree_free().
func (*CDictionaryValueT) GetType ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CDictionaryValueT) GetType( key string, ) (ret CValueTypeT)
/ / Returns the value type for the specified key. /
func (*CDictionaryValueT) GetValue ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CDictionaryValueT) GetValue( key string, ) (ret *CValueT)
/ / Returns the value at the specified key. For simple types the returned / value will copy existing data and modifications to the value will not / modify this object. For complex types (binary, dictionary and list) the / returned value will reference existing data and modifications to the value / will modify this object. /
func (*CDictionaryValueT) HasKey ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CDictionaryValueT) HasKey( key string, ) (ret bool)
/ / Returns true (1) if the current dictionary has a value for the given key. /
func (*CDictionaryValueT) HasOneRef ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (dictionary_value *CDictionaryValueT) HasOneRef() bool
*C.cef_dictionary_value_t has refCounted interface
func (*CDictionaryValueT) IsEqual ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CDictionaryValueT) IsEqual( that *CDictionaryValueT, ) (ret bool)
/ / Returns true (1) if this object and |that| object have an equivalent / underlying value but are not necessarily the same object. /
func (*CDictionaryValueT) IsOwned ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CDictionaryValueT) IsOwned() (ret bool)
/ / Returns true (1) if this object is currently owned by another object. /
func (*CDictionaryValueT) IsReadOnly ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CDictionaryValueT) IsReadOnly() (ret bool)
/ / Returns true (1) if the values of this object are read-only. Some APIs may / expose read-only objects. /
func (*CDictionaryValueT) IsSame ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CDictionaryValueT) IsSame( that *CDictionaryValueT, ) (ret bool)
/ / Returns true (1) if this object and |that| object have the same underlying / data. If true (1) modifications to this object will also affect |that| / object and vice-versa. /
func (*CDictionaryValueT) IsValid ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CDictionaryValueT) IsValid() (ret bool)
/ / Returns true (1) if this object is valid. This object may become invalid / if the underlying data is owned by another object (e.g. list or / dictionary) and that other object is then modified or destroyed. Do not / call any other functions if this function returns false (0). /
func (*CDictionaryValueT) NewRef ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (self *CDictionaryValueT) NewRef() (newP *CDictionaryValueT)
func (*CDictionaryValueT) Pass ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (p *CDictionaryValueT) Pass() (ret *CDictionaryValueT)
func (*CDictionaryValueT) Remove ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CDictionaryValueT) Remove( key string, ) (ret bool)
/ / Removes the value at the specified key. Returns true (1) is the value was / removed successfully. /
func (*CDictionaryValueT) SetBinary ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CDictionaryValueT) SetBinary( key string, value *CBinaryValueT, ) (ret bool)
/ / Sets the value at the specified key as type binary. Returns true (1) if / the value was set successfully. If |value| is currently owned by another / object then the value will be copied and the |value| reference will not / change. Otherwise, ownership will be transferred to this object and the / |value| reference will be invalidated. /
func (*CDictionaryValueT) SetBool ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CDictionaryValueT) SetBool( key string, value bool, ) (ret bool)
/ / Sets the value at the specified key as type bool. Returns true (1) if the / value was set successfully. /
func (*CDictionaryValueT) SetDictionary ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CDictionaryValueT) SetDictionary( key string, value *CDictionaryValueT, ) (ret bool)
/ / Sets the value at the specified key as type dict. Returns true (1) if the / value was set successfully. If |value| is currently owned by another / object then the value will be copied and the |value| reference will not / change. Otherwise, ownership will be transferred to this object and the / |value| reference will be invalidated. /
func (*CDictionaryValueT) SetDouble ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CDictionaryValueT) SetDouble( key string, value float64, ) (ret bool)
/ / Sets the value at the specified key as type double. Returns true (1) if / the value was set successfully. /
func (*CDictionaryValueT) SetInt ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CDictionaryValueT) SetInt( key string, value int, ) (ret bool)
/ / Sets the value at the specified key as type int. Returns true (1) if the / value was set successfully. /
func (*CDictionaryValueT) SetList ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CDictionaryValueT) SetList( key string, value *CListValueT, ) (ret bool)
/ / Sets the value at the specified key as type list. Returns true (1) if the / value was set successfully. If |value| is currently owned by another / object then the value will be copied and the |value| reference will not / change. Otherwise, ownership will be transferred to this object and the / |value| reference will be invalidated. /
func (*CDictionaryValueT) SetNull ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CDictionaryValueT) SetNull( key string, ) (ret bool)
/ / Sets the value at the specified key as type null. Returns true (1) if the / value was set successfully. /
func (*CDictionaryValueT) SetString ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CDictionaryValueT) SetString( key string, value string, ) (ret bool)
/ / Sets the value at the specified key as type string. Returns true (1) if / the value was set successfully. /
func (*CDictionaryValueT) SetValue ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CDictionaryValueT) SetValue( key string, value *CValueT, ) (ret bool)
/ / Sets the value at the specified key. Returns true (1) if the value was set / successfully. If |value| represents simple data then the underlying data / will be copied and modifications to |value| will not modify this object. / If |value| represents complex data (binary, dictionary or list) then the / underlying data will be referenced and modifications to |value| will / modify this object. /
func (*CDictionaryValueT) Unref ¶ added in v0.4.1
func (dictionary_value *CDictionaryValueT) Unref() (ret bool)
type CDisplayHandlerT ¶
type CDisplayHandlerT struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Go type for cef_display_handler_t
func NewCDisplayHandlerT ¶ added in v0.5.0
func NewCDisplayHandlerT(a interface{}) *CDisplayHandlerT
NewCDisplayHandlerT allocates CDisplayHandlerT, construct and bind it
func (*CDisplayHandlerT) Handler ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (display_handler *CDisplayHandlerT) Handler() interface{}
func (*CDisplayHandlerT) HasOneRef ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (display_handler *CDisplayHandlerT) HasOneRef() bool
*C.cef_display_handler_t has refCounted interface
func (*CDisplayHandlerT) NewRef ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (self *CDisplayHandlerT) NewRef() (newP *CDisplayHandlerT)
func (*CDisplayHandlerT) Pass ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (p *CDisplayHandlerT) Pass() (ret *CDisplayHandlerT)
func (*CDisplayHandlerT) UnbindAll ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (display_handler *CDisplayHandlerT) UnbindAll()
func (*CDisplayHandlerT) Unref ¶ added in v0.4.1
func (display_handler *CDisplayHandlerT) Unref() (ret bool)
type CDisplayT ¶ added in v0.2.5
type CDisplayT struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Go type for cef_display_t
func DisplayGetAlls ¶ added in v0.2.5
func DisplayGetAlls() (displays []*CDisplayT)
/ / Returns all Displays. Mirrored displays are excluded; this function is / intended to return distinct, usable displays. /
func DisplayGetMatchingBounds ¶ added in v0.2.5
/ / Returns the Display that most closely intersects |bounds|. Set / |input_pixel_coords| to true (1) if |bounds| is in pixel screen coordinates / instead of DIP screen coordinates. /
func DisplayGetNearestPoint ¶ added in v0.2.5
/ / Returns the Display nearest |point|. Set |input_pixel_coords| to true (1) if / |point| is in pixel screen coordinates instead of DIP screen coordinates. /
func DisplayGetPrimary ¶ added in v0.2.5
func DisplayGetPrimary() (ret *CDisplayT)
/ / Returns the primary Display. /
func (*CDisplayT) ConvertPointFromPixels ¶ added in v0.2.5
/ / Convert |point| from pixel coordinates to DIP coordinates using this / Display's device scale factor. /
func (*CDisplayT) ConvertPointToPixels ¶ added in v0.2.5
/ / Convert |point| from DIP coordinates to pixel coordinates using this / Display's device scale factor. /
func (*CDisplayT) GetBounds ¶ added in v0.2.5
/ / Returns this Display's bounds in DIP screen coordinates. This is the full / size of the display. /
func (*CDisplayT) GetDeviceScaleFactor ¶ added in v0.2.5
/ / Returns this Display's device pixel scale factor. This specifies how much / the UI should be scaled when the actual output has more pixels than / standard displays (which is around 100~120dpi). The potential return / values differ by platform. /
func (*CDisplayT) GetRotation ¶ added in v0.2.5
/ / Returns this Display's rotation in degrees. /
func (*CDisplayT) GetWorkArea ¶ added in v0.2.5
/ / Returns this Display's work area in DIP screen coordinates. This excludes / areas of the display that are occupied with window manager toolbars, etc. /
type CDockingModeT ¶ added in v0.4.2
type CDockingModeT C.cef_docking_mode_t
/ / Docking modes supported by CefWindow::AddOverlay. /
const ( CefDockingModeTopLeft CDockingModeT = C.CEF_DOCKING_MODE_TOP_LEFT CefDockingModeTopRight CDockingModeT = C.CEF_DOCKING_MODE_TOP_RIGHT CefDockingModeBottomLeft CDockingModeT = C.CEF_DOCKING_MODE_BOTTOM_LEFT CefDockingModeBottomRight CDockingModeT = C.CEF_DOCKING_MODE_BOTTOM_RIGHT CefDockingModeCustom CDockingModeT = C.CEF_DOCKING_MODE_CUSTOM )
type CDomDocumentTypeT ¶ added in v0.1.5
type CDomDocumentTypeT C.cef_dom_document_type_t
/ / DOM document types. /
const ( DomDocumentTypeUnknown CDomDocumentTypeT = C.DOM_DOCUMENT_TYPE_UNKNOWN DomDocumentTypeHtml CDomDocumentTypeT = C.DOM_DOCUMENT_TYPE_HTML DomDocumentTypeXhtml CDomDocumentTypeT = C.DOM_DOCUMENT_TYPE_XHTML DomDocumentTypePlugin CDomDocumentTypeT = C.DOM_DOCUMENT_TYPE_PLUGIN )
type CDomEventCategoryT ¶ added in v0.1.5
type CDomEventCategoryT C.cef_dom_event_category_t
/ / DOM event category flags. /
const ( DomEventCategoryUnknown CDomEventCategoryT = C.DOM_EVENT_CATEGORY_UNKNOWN DomEventCategoryUi CDomEventCategoryT = C.DOM_EVENT_CATEGORY_UI DomEventCategoryMouse CDomEventCategoryT = C.DOM_EVENT_CATEGORY_MOUSE DomEventCategoryMutation CDomEventCategoryT = C.DOM_EVENT_CATEGORY_MUTATION DomEventCategoryKeyboard CDomEventCategoryT = C.DOM_EVENT_CATEGORY_KEYBOARD DomEventCategoryText CDomEventCategoryT = C.DOM_EVENT_CATEGORY_TEXT DomEventCategoryComposition CDomEventCategoryT = C.DOM_EVENT_CATEGORY_COMPOSITION DomEventCategoryDrag CDomEventCategoryT = C.DOM_EVENT_CATEGORY_DRAG DomEventCategoryClipboard CDomEventCategoryT = C.DOM_EVENT_CATEGORY_CLIPBOARD DomEventCategoryMessage CDomEventCategoryT = C.DOM_EVENT_CATEGORY_MESSAGE DomEventCategoryWheel CDomEventCategoryT = C.DOM_EVENT_CATEGORY_WHEEL DomEventCategoryBeforeTextInserted CDomEventCategoryT = C.DOM_EVENT_CATEGORY_BEFORE_TEXT_INSERTED DomEventCategoryOverflow CDomEventCategoryT = C.DOM_EVENT_CATEGORY_OVERFLOW DomEventCategoryPageTransition CDomEventCategoryT = C.DOM_EVENT_CATEGORY_PAGE_TRANSITION DomEventCategoryPopstate CDomEventCategoryT = C.DOM_EVENT_CATEGORY_POPSTATE DomEventCategoryProgress CDomEventCategoryT = C.DOM_EVENT_CATEGORY_PROGRESS DomEventCategoryXmlhttprequestProgress CDomEventCategoryT = C.DOM_EVENT_CATEGORY_XMLHTTPREQUEST_PROGRESS )
type CDomEventPhaseT ¶ added in v0.1.5
type CDomEventPhaseT C.cef_dom_event_phase_t
/ / DOM event processing phases. /
const ( DomEventPhaseUnknown CDomEventPhaseT = C.DOM_EVENT_PHASE_UNKNOWN DomEventPhaseCapturing CDomEventPhaseT = C.DOM_EVENT_PHASE_CAPTURING DomEventPhaseAtTarget CDomEventPhaseT = C.DOM_EVENT_PHASE_AT_TARGET DomEventPhaseBubbling CDomEventPhaseT = C.DOM_EVENT_PHASE_BUBBLING )
type CDomNodeTypeT ¶ added in v0.1.5
type CDomNodeTypeT C.cef_dom_node_type_t
/ / DOM node types. /
const ( DomNodeTypeUnsupported CDomNodeTypeT = C.DOM_NODE_TYPE_UNSUPPORTED DomNodeTypeElement CDomNodeTypeT = C.DOM_NODE_TYPE_ELEMENT DomNodeTypeAttribute CDomNodeTypeT = C.DOM_NODE_TYPE_ATTRIBUTE DomNodeTypeText CDomNodeTypeT = C.DOM_NODE_TYPE_TEXT DomNodeTypeCdataSection CDomNodeTypeT = C.DOM_NODE_TYPE_CDATA_SECTION DomNodeTypeProcessingInstructions CDomNodeTypeT = C.DOM_NODE_TYPE_PROCESSING_INSTRUCTIONS DomNodeTypeComment CDomNodeTypeT = C.DOM_NODE_TYPE_COMMENT DomNodeTypeDocument CDomNodeTypeT = C.DOM_NODE_TYPE_DOCUMENT DomNodeTypeDocumentType CDomNodeTypeT = C.DOM_NODE_TYPE_DOCUMENT_TYPE DomNodeTypeDocumentFragment CDomNodeTypeT = C.DOM_NODE_TYPE_DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT )
type CDomdocumentT ¶ added in v0.1.5
type CDomdocumentT struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Go type for cef_domdocument_t
func (*CDomdocumentT) GetBaseUrl ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CDomdocumentT) GetBaseUrl() (ret string)
/ / Returns the base URL for the document. / The resulting string must be freed by calling cef_string_userfree_free().
func (*CDomdocumentT) GetBody ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CDomdocumentT) GetBody() (ret *CDomnodeT)
/ / Returns the BODY node of an HTML document. /
func (*CDomdocumentT) GetCompleteUrl ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CDomdocumentT) GetCompleteUrl( partialURL string, ) (ret string)
/ / Returns a complete URL based on the document base URL and the specified / partial URL. / The resulting string must be freed by calling cef_string_userfree_free().
func (*CDomdocumentT) GetDocument ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CDomdocumentT) GetDocument() (ret *CDomnodeT)
/ / Returns the root document node. /
func (*CDomdocumentT) GetElementById ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CDomdocumentT) GetElementById( id string, ) (ret *CDomnodeT)
/ / Returns the document element with the specified ID value. /
func (*CDomdocumentT) GetFocusedNode ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CDomdocumentT) GetFocusedNode() (ret *CDomnodeT)
/ / Returns the node that currently has keyboard focus. /
func (*CDomdocumentT) GetHead ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CDomdocumentT) GetHead() (ret *CDomnodeT)
/ / Returns the HEAD node of an HTML document. /
func (*CDomdocumentT) GetSelectionAsMarkup ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CDomdocumentT) GetSelectionAsMarkup() (ret string)
/ / Returns the contents of this selection as markup. / The resulting string must be freed by calling cef_string_userfree_free().
func (*CDomdocumentT) GetSelectionAsText ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CDomdocumentT) GetSelectionAsText() (ret string)
/ / Returns the contents of this selection as text. / The resulting string must be freed by calling cef_string_userfree_free().
func (*CDomdocumentT) GetSelectionEndOffset ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CDomdocumentT) GetSelectionEndOffset() (ret bool)
/ / Returns the selection offset within the end node. /
func (*CDomdocumentT) GetSelectionStartOffset ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CDomdocumentT) GetSelectionStartOffset() (ret bool)
/ / Returns the selection offset within the start node. /
func (*CDomdocumentT) GetTitle ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CDomdocumentT) GetTitle() (ret string)
/ / Returns the title of an HTML document. / The resulting string must be freed by calling cef_string_userfree_free().
func (*CDomdocumentT) GetType ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CDomdocumentT) GetType() (ret CDomDocumentTypeT)
/ / Returns the document type. /
func (*CDomdocumentT) HasOneRef ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (domdocument *CDomdocumentT) HasOneRef() bool
*C.cef_domdocument_t has refCounted interface
func (*CDomdocumentT) HasSelection ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CDomdocumentT) HasSelection() (ret bool)
/ / Returns true (1) if a portion of the document is selected. /
func (*CDomdocumentT) NewRef ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (self *CDomdocumentT) NewRef() (newP *CDomdocumentT)
func (*CDomdocumentT) Pass ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (p *CDomdocumentT) Pass() (ret *CDomdocumentT)
func (*CDomdocumentT) Unref ¶ added in v0.4.1
func (domdocument *CDomdocumentT) Unref() (ret bool)
type CDomnodeT ¶
type CDomnodeT struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Go type for cef_domnode_t
func (*CDomnodeT) GetAsMarkup ¶ added in v0.1.5
/ / Returns the contents of this node as markup. / The resulting string must be freed by calling cef_string_userfree_free().
func (*CDomnodeT) GetDocument ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CDomnodeT) GetDocument() (ret *CDomdocumentT)
/ / Returns the document associated with this node. /
func (*CDomnodeT) GetElementAttribute ¶ added in v0.1.5
/ / Returns the element attribute named |attrName|. / The resulting string must be freed by calling cef_string_userfree_free().
func (*CDomnodeT) GetElementAttributes ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CDomnodeT) GetElementAttributes( attrMap CStringMapT, )
/ / Returns a map of all element attributes. /
func (*CDomnodeT) GetElementBounds ¶ added in v0.1.5
/ / Returns the bounds of the element in device pixels. Use / "window.devicePixelRatio" to convert to/from CSS pixels. /
func (*CDomnodeT) GetElementInnerText ¶ added in v0.1.5
/ / Returns the inner text of the element. / The resulting string must be freed by calling cef_string_userfree_free().
func (*CDomnodeT) GetElementTagName ¶ added in v0.1.5
/ / Returns the tag name of this element. / The resulting string must be freed by calling cef_string_userfree_free().
func (*CDomnodeT) GetFirstChild ¶ added in v0.1.5
/ / Return the first child node. /
func (*CDomnodeT) GetFormControlElementType ¶ added in v0.1.5
/ / Returns the type of this form control element node. / The resulting string must be freed by calling cef_string_userfree_free().
func (*CDomnodeT) GetLastChild ¶ added in v0.1.5
/ / Returns the last child node. /
func (*CDomnodeT) GetName ¶ added in v0.1.5
/ / Returns the name of this node. / The resulting string must be freed by calling cef_string_userfree_free().
func (*CDomnodeT) GetNextSibling ¶ added in v0.1.5
/ / Returns the next sibling node. /
func (*CDomnodeT) GetPreviousSibling ¶ added in v0.1.5
/ / Returns the previous sibling node. /
func (*CDomnodeT) GetType ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CDomnodeT) GetType() (ret CDomNodeTypeT)
/ / Returns the type for this node. /
func (*CDomnodeT) GetValue ¶ added in v0.1.5
/ / Returns the value of this node. / The resulting string must be freed by calling cef_string_userfree_free().
func (*CDomnodeT) HasChildren ¶ added in v0.1.5
/ / Returns true (1) if this node has child nodes. /
func (*CDomnodeT) HasElementAttribute ¶ added in v0.1.5
/ / Returns true (1) if this element has an attribute named |attrName|. /
func (*CDomnodeT) HasElementAttributes ¶ added in v0.1.5
/ / Returns true (1) if this element has attributes. /
func (*CDomnodeT) IsEditable ¶ added in v0.1.5
/ / Returns true (1) if this is an editable node. /
func (*CDomnodeT) IsFormControlElement ¶ added in v0.1.5
/ / Returns true (1) if this is a form control element node. /
func (*CDomnodeT) IsSame ¶ added in v0.1.5
/ / Returns true (1) if this object is pointing to the same handle as |that| / object. /
func (*CDomnodeT) SetElementAttribute ¶ added in v0.1.5
/ / Set the value for the element attribute named |attrName|. Returns true (1) / on success. /
type CDomvisitorT ¶ added in v0.1.5
type CDomvisitorT struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Go type for cef_domvisitor_t
func NewCDomvisitorT ¶ added in v0.5.0
func NewCDomvisitorT(a interface{}) *CDomvisitorT
NewCDomvisitorT allocates CDomvisitorT, construct and bind it
func (*CDomvisitorT) Handler ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (domvisitor *CDomvisitorT) Handler() interface{}
func (*CDomvisitorT) HasOneRef ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (domvisitor *CDomvisitorT) HasOneRef() bool
*C.cef_domvisitor_t has refCounted interface
func (*CDomvisitorT) NewRef ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (self *CDomvisitorT) NewRef() (newP *CDomvisitorT)
func (*CDomvisitorT) Pass ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (p *CDomvisitorT) Pass() (ret *CDomvisitorT)
func (*CDomvisitorT) UnbindAll ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (domvisitor *CDomvisitorT) UnbindAll()
func (*CDomvisitorT) Unref ¶ added in v0.4.1
func (domvisitor *CDomvisitorT) Unref() (ret bool)
type CDomvisitorTVisitHandler ¶ added in v0.2.4
type CDomvisitorTVisitHandler interface { Visit( self *CDomvisitorT, document *CDomdocumentT, ) }
/ / Method executed for visiting the DOM. The document object passed to this / function represents a snapshot of the DOM at the time this function is / executed. DOM objects are only valid for the scope of this function. Do / not keep references to or attempt to access any DOM objects outside the / scope of this function. /
type CDownloadHandlerT ¶ added in v0.1.5
type CDownloadHandlerT struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Go type for cef_download_handler_t
func NewCDownloadHandlerT ¶ added in v0.5.0
func NewCDownloadHandlerT(a interface{}) *CDownloadHandlerT
NewCDownloadHandlerT allocates CDownloadHandlerT, construct and bind it
func (*CDownloadHandlerT) Handler ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (download_handler *CDownloadHandlerT) Handler() interface{}
func (*CDownloadHandlerT) HasOneRef ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (download_handler *CDownloadHandlerT) HasOneRef() bool
*C.cef_download_handler_t has refCounted interface
func (*CDownloadHandlerT) NewRef ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (self *CDownloadHandlerT) NewRef() (newP *CDownloadHandlerT)
func (*CDownloadHandlerT) Pass ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (p *CDownloadHandlerT) Pass() (ret *CDownloadHandlerT)
func (*CDownloadHandlerT) UnbindAll ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (download_handler *CDownloadHandlerT) UnbindAll()
func (*CDownloadHandlerT) Unref ¶ added in v0.4.1
func (download_handler *CDownloadHandlerT) Unref() (ret bool)
type CDownloadImageCallbackT ¶ added in v0.1.5
type CDownloadImageCallbackT struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Go type for cef_download_image_callback_t
func (*CDownloadImageCallbackT) HasOneRef ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (download_image_callback *CDownloadImageCallbackT) HasOneRef() bool
*C.cef_download_image_callback_t has refCounted interface
func (*CDownloadImageCallbackT) NewRef ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (self *CDownloadImageCallbackT) NewRef() (newP *CDownloadImageCallbackT)
func (*CDownloadImageCallbackT) OnDownloadImageFinished ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CDownloadImageCallbackT) OnDownloadImageFinished( image_url string, http_status_code int, image *CImageT, )
/ / Method that will be executed when the image download has completed. / |image_url| is the URL that was downloaded and |http_status_code| is the / resulting HTTP status code. |image| is the resulting image, possibly at / multiple scale factors, or NULL if the download failed. /
func (*CDownloadImageCallbackT) Pass ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (p *CDownloadImageCallbackT) Pass() (ret *CDownloadImageCallbackT)
func (*CDownloadImageCallbackT) Unref ¶ added in v0.4.1
func (download_image_callback *CDownloadImageCallbackT) Unref() (ret bool)
type CDownloadItemCallbackT ¶ added in v0.1.5
type CDownloadItemCallbackT struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Go type for cef_download_item_callback_t
func (*CDownloadItemCallbackT) Cancel ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CDownloadItemCallbackT) Cancel()
/ / Call to cancel the download. /
func (*CDownloadItemCallbackT) HasOneRef ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (download_item_callback *CDownloadItemCallbackT) HasOneRef() bool
*C.cef_download_item_callback_t has refCounted interface
func (*CDownloadItemCallbackT) NewRef ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (self *CDownloadItemCallbackT) NewRef() (newP *CDownloadItemCallbackT)
func (*CDownloadItemCallbackT) Pass ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (p *CDownloadItemCallbackT) Pass() (ret *CDownloadItemCallbackT)
func (*CDownloadItemCallbackT) Pause ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CDownloadItemCallbackT) Pause()
/ / Call to pause the download. /
func (*CDownloadItemCallbackT) Resume ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CDownloadItemCallbackT) Resume()
/ / Call to resume the download. /
func (*CDownloadItemCallbackT) Unref ¶ added in v0.4.1
func (download_item_callback *CDownloadItemCallbackT) Unref() (ret bool)
type CDownloadItemT ¶ added in v0.1.5
type CDownloadItemT struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Go type for cef_download_item_t
func (*CDownloadItemT) GetContentDisposition ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CDownloadItemT) GetContentDisposition() (ret string)
/ / Returns the content disposition. / The resulting string must be freed by calling cef_string_userfree_free().
func (*CDownloadItemT) GetCurrentSpeed ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CDownloadItemT) GetCurrentSpeed() (ret int64)
/ / Returns a simple speed estimate in bytes/s. /
func (*CDownloadItemT) GetEndTime ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CDownloadItemT) GetEndTime() (ret CBasetimeT)
/ / Returns the time that the download ended. /
func (*CDownloadItemT) GetFullPath ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CDownloadItemT) GetFullPath() (ret string)
/ / Returns the full path to the downloaded or downloading file. / The resulting string must be freed by calling cef_string_userfree_free().
func (*CDownloadItemT) GetId ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CDownloadItemT) GetId() (ret uint32)
/ / Returns the unique identifier for this download. /
func (*CDownloadItemT) GetMimeType ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CDownloadItemT) GetMimeType() (ret string)
/ / Returns the mime type. / The resulting string must be freed by calling cef_string_userfree_free().
func (*CDownloadItemT) GetOriginalUrl ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CDownloadItemT) GetOriginalUrl() (ret string)
/ / Returns the original URL before any redirections. / The resulting string must be freed by calling cef_string_userfree_free().
func (*CDownloadItemT) GetPercentComplete ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CDownloadItemT) GetPercentComplete() (ret bool)
/ / Returns the rough percent complete or -1 if the receive total size is / unknown. /
func (*CDownloadItemT) GetReceivedBytes ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CDownloadItemT) GetReceivedBytes() (ret int64)
/ / Returns the number of received bytes. /
func (*CDownloadItemT) GetStartTime ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CDownloadItemT) GetStartTime() (ret CBasetimeT)
/ / Returns the time that the download started. /
func (*CDownloadItemT) GetSuggestedFileName ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CDownloadItemT) GetSuggestedFileName() (ret string)
/ / Returns the suggested file name. / The resulting string must be freed by calling cef_string_userfree_free().
func (*CDownloadItemT) GetTotalBytes ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CDownloadItemT) GetTotalBytes() (ret int64)
/ / Returns the total number of bytes. /
func (*CDownloadItemT) GetUrl ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CDownloadItemT) GetUrl() (ret string)
/ / Returns the URL. / The resulting string must be freed by calling cef_string_userfree_free().
func (*CDownloadItemT) HasOneRef ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (download_item *CDownloadItemT) HasOneRef() bool
*C.cef_download_item_t has refCounted interface
func (*CDownloadItemT) IsCanceled ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CDownloadItemT) IsCanceled() (ret bool)
/ / Returns true (1) if the download has been canceled or interrupted. /
func (*CDownloadItemT) IsComplete ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CDownloadItemT) IsComplete() (ret bool)
/ / Returns true (1) if the download is complete. /
func (*CDownloadItemT) IsInProgress ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CDownloadItemT) IsInProgress() (ret bool)
/ / Returns true (1) if the download is in progress. /
func (*CDownloadItemT) IsValid ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CDownloadItemT) IsValid() (ret bool)
/ / Returns true (1) if this object is valid. Do not call any other functions / if this function returns false (0). /
func (*CDownloadItemT) NewRef ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (self *CDownloadItemT) NewRef() (newP *CDownloadItemT)
func (*CDownloadItemT) Pass ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (p *CDownloadItemT) Pass() (ret *CDownloadItemT)
func (*CDownloadItemT) Unref ¶ added in v0.4.1
func (download_item *CDownloadItemT) Unref() (ret bool)
type CDragDataT ¶ added in v0.1.5
type CDragDataT struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Go type for cef_drag_data_t
func DragDataCreate ¶ added in v0.1.5
func DragDataCreate() (ret *CDragDataT)
/ / Create a new cef_drag_data_t object. /
func (*CDragDataT) AddFile ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CDragDataT) AddFile( path string, display_name string, )
/ / Add a file that is being dragged into the webview. /
func (*CDragDataT) ClearFilenames ¶ added in v0.5.2
func (self *CDragDataT) ClearFilenames()
/ / Clear list of filenames. /
func (*CDragDataT) Clone ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CDragDataT) Clone() (ret *CDragDataT)
/ / Returns a copy of the current object. /
func (*CDragDataT) GetFileContents ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CDragDataT) GetFileContents( writer *CStreamWriterT, ) (ret int64)
/ / Write the contents of the file being dragged out of the web view into / |writer|. Returns the number of bytes sent to |writer|. If |writer| is / NULL this function will return the size of the file contents in bytes. / Call get_file_name() to get a suggested name for the file. /
func (*CDragDataT) GetFileName ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CDragDataT) GetFileName() (ret string)
/ / Return the name of the file being dragged out of the browser window. / The resulting string must be freed by calling cef_string_userfree_free().
func (*CDragDataT) GetFileNames ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CDragDataT) GetFileNames( names CStringListT, ) (ret bool)
/ / Retrieve the list of file names that are being dragged into the browser / window. /
func (*CDragDataT) GetFragmentBaseUrl ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CDragDataT) GetFragmentBaseUrl() (ret string)
/ / Return the base URL that the fragment came from. This value is used for / resolving relative URLs and may be NULL. / The resulting string must be freed by calling cef_string_userfree_free().
func (*CDragDataT) GetFragmentHtml ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CDragDataT) GetFragmentHtml() (ret string)
/ / Return the text/html fragment that is being dragged. / The resulting string must be freed by calling cef_string_userfree_free().
func (*CDragDataT) GetFragmentText ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CDragDataT) GetFragmentText() (ret string)
/ / Return the plain text fragment that is being dragged. / The resulting string must be freed by calling cef_string_userfree_free().
func (*CDragDataT) GetImage ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CDragDataT) GetImage() (ret *CImageT)
/ / Get the image representation of drag data. May return NULL if no image / representation is available. /
func (*CDragDataT) GetImageHotspot ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CDragDataT) GetImageHotspot() (ret CPointT)
/ / Get the image hotspot (drag start location relative to image dimensions). /
func (*CDragDataT) GetLinkMetadata ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CDragDataT) GetLinkMetadata() (ret string)
/ / Return the metadata, if any, associated with the link being dragged. / The resulting string must be freed by calling cef_string_userfree_free().
func (*CDragDataT) GetLinkTitle ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CDragDataT) GetLinkTitle() (ret string)
/ / Return the title associated with the link being dragged. / The resulting string must be freed by calling cef_string_userfree_free().
func (*CDragDataT) GetLinkUrl ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CDragDataT) GetLinkUrl() (ret string)
/ / Return the link URL that is being dragged. / The resulting string must be freed by calling cef_string_userfree_free().
func (*CDragDataT) HasImage ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CDragDataT) HasImage() (ret bool)
/ / Returns true (1) if an image representation of drag data is available. /
func (*CDragDataT) HasOneRef ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (drag_data *CDragDataT) HasOneRef() bool
*C.cef_drag_data_t has refCounted interface
func (*CDragDataT) IsFile ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CDragDataT) IsFile() (ret bool)
/ / Returns true (1) if the drag data is a file. /
func (*CDragDataT) IsFragment ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CDragDataT) IsFragment() (ret bool)
/ / Returns true (1) if the drag data is a text or html fragment. /
func (*CDragDataT) IsLink ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CDragDataT) IsLink() (ret bool)
/ / Returns true (1) if the drag data is a link. /
func (*CDragDataT) IsReadOnly ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CDragDataT) IsReadOnly() (ret bool)
/ / Returns true (1) if this object is read-only. /
func (*CDragDataT) NewRef ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (self *CDragDataT) NewRef() (newP *CDragDataT)
func (*CDragDataT) Pass ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (p *CDragDataT) Pass() (ret *CDragDataT)
func (*CDragDataT) ResetFileContents ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CDragDataT) ResetFileContents()
/ / Reset the file contents. You should do this before calling / cef_browser_host_t::DragTargetDragEnter as the web view does not allow us / to drag in this kind of data. /
func (*CDragDataT) SetFragmentBaseUrl ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CDragDataT) SetFragmentBaseUrl( base_url string, )
/ / Set the base URL that the fragment came from. /
func (*CDragDataT) SetFragmentHtml ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CDragDataT) SetFragmentHtml( html string, )
/ / Set the text/html fragment that is being dragged. /
func (*CDragDataT) SetFragmentText ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CDragDataT) SetFragmentText( text string, )
/ / Set the plain text fragment that is being dragged. /
func (*CDragDataT) SetLinkMetadata ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CDragDataT) SetLinkMetadata( data string, )
/ / Set the metadata associated with the link being dragged. /
func (*CDragDataT) SetLinkTitle ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CDragDataT) SetLinkTitle( title string, )
/ / Set the title associated with the link being dragged. /
func (*CDragDataT) SetLinkUrl ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CDragDataT) SetLinkUrl( url string, )
/ / Set the link URL that is being dragged. /
func (*CDragDataT) Unref ¶ added in v0.4.1
func (drag_data *CDragDataT) Unref() (ret bool)
type CDragHandlerT ¶
type CDragHandlerT struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Go type for cef_drag_handler_t
func NewCDragHandlerT ¶ added in v0.5.0
func NewCDragHandlerT(a interface{}) *CDragHandlerT
NewCDragHandlerT allocates CDragHandlerT, construct and bind it
func (*CDragHandlerT) Handler ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (drag_handler *CDragHandlerT) Handler() interface{}
func (*CDragHandlerT) HasOneRef ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (drag_handler *CDragHandlerT) HasOneRef() bool
*C.cef_drag_handler_t has refCounted interface
func (*CDragHandlerT) NewRef ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (self *CDragHandlerT) NewRef() (newP *CDragHandlerT)
func (*CDragHandlerT) Pass ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (p *CDragHandlerT) Pass() (ret *CDragHandlerT)
func (*CDragHandlerT) UnbindAll ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (drag_handler *CDragHandlerT) UnbindAll()
func (*CDragHandlerT) Unref ¶ added in v0.4.1
func (drag_handler *CDragHandlerT) Unref() (ret bool)
type CDragOperationsMaskT ¶ added in v0.1.5
type CDragOperationsMaskT C.cef_drag_operations_mask_t
/ / "Verb" of a drag-and-drop operation as negotiated between the source and / destination. These constants match their equivalents in WebCore's / DragActions.h and should not be renumbered. /
const ( DragOperationNone CDragOperationsMaskT = C.DRAG_OPERATION_NONE DragOperationCopy CDragOperationsMaskT = C.DRAG_OPERATION_COPY DragOperationLink CDragOperationsMaskT = C.DRAG_OPERATION_LINK DragOperationGeneric CDragOperationsMaskT = C.DRAG_OPERATION_GENERIC DragOperationPrivate CDragOperationsMaskT = C.DRAG_OPERATION_PRIVATE DragOperationMove CDragOperationsMaskT = C.DRAG_OPERATION_MOVE DragOperationDelete CDragOperationsMaskT = C.DRAG_OPERATION_DELETE DragOperationEvery CDragOperationsMaskT = C.DRAG_OPERATION_EVERY )
type CDraggableRegionT ¶ added in v0.1.5
type CDraggableRegionT C.cef_draggable_region_t
/ Structure representing a draggable region. /
func NewCDraggableRegionT ¶ added in v0.2.0
func NewCDraggableRegionT() *CDraggableRegionT
func (*CDraggableRegionT) Bounds ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (st *CDraggableRegionT) Bounds() CRectT
func (*CDraggableRegionT) Draggable ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (st *CDraggableRegionT) Draggable() bool
func (*CDraggableRegionT) SetBounds ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (st *CDraggableRegionT) SetBounds(v CRectT)
func (*CDraggableRegionT) SetDraggable ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (st *CDraggableRegionT) SetDraggable(v bool)
type CDuplexModeT ¶ added in v0.1.5
type CDuplexModeT C.cef_duplex_mode_t
/ / Print job duplex mode values. /
const ( DuplexModeUnknown CDuplexModeT = C.DUPLEX_MODE_UNKNOWN DuplexModeSimplex CDuplexModeT = C.DUPLEX_MODE_SIMPLEX DuplexModeLongEdge CDuplexModeT = C.DUPLEX_MODE_LONG_EDGE DuplexModeShortEdge CDuplexModeT = C.DUPLEX_MODE_SHORT_EDGE )
type CEndTracingCallbackT ¶ added in v0.3.8
type CEndTracingCallbackT struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Go type for cef_end_tracing_callback_t
func NewCEndTracingCallbackT ¶ added in v0.5.0
func NewCEndTracingCallbackT(a interface{}) *CEndTracingCallbackT
NewCEndTracingCallbackT allocates CEndTracingCallbackT, construct and bind it
func (*CEndTracingCallbackT) Handler ¶ added in v0.3.8
func (end_tracing_callback *CEndTracingCallbackT) Handler() interface{}
func (*CEndTracingCallbackT) HasOneRef ¶ added in v0.3.8
func (end_tracing_callback *CEndTracingCallbackT) HasOneRef() bool
*C.cef_end_tracing_callback_t has refCounted interface
func (*CEndTracingCallbackT) NewRef ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (self *CEndTracingCallbackT) NewRef() (newP *CEndTracingCallbackT)
func (*CEndTracingCallbackT) Pass ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (p *CEndTracingCallbackT) Pass() (ret *CEndTracingCallbackT)
func (*CEndTracingCallbackT) UnbindAll ¶ added in v0.3.8
func (end_tracing_callback *CEndTracingCallbackT) UnbindAll()
func (*CEndTracingCallbackT) Unref ¶ added in v0.4.1
func (end_tracing_callback *CEndTracingCallbackT) Unref() (ret bool)
type CErrorcodeT ¶
type CErrorcodeT C.cef_errorcode_t
/ / Supported error code values. For the complete list of error values see / "include/base/internal/cef_net_error_list.h". /
const ( // No error. ErrNone CErrorcodeT = C.ERR_NONE // Copyright (c) 2014 Marshall A. Greenblatt. All rights reserved. // // Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without // modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are // met: // // * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright // notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. // * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above // copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer // in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the // distribution. // * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the name Chromium Embedded // Framework nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse // or promote products derived from this software without specific prior // written permission. // // THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS // "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT // LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR // A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT // OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, // SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT // LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, // DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY // THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT // (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE // OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. ErrIoPending CErrorcodeT = C.ERR_IO_PENDING ErrFailed CErrorcodeT = C.ERR_FAILED ErrAborted CErrorcodeT = C.ERR_ABORTED ErrInvalidArgument CErrorcodeT = C.ERR_INVALID_ARGUMENT // Bring in platform-specific definitions. ErrInvalidHandle CErrorcodeT = C.ERR_INVALID_HANDLE ErrFileNotFound CErrorcodeT = C.ERR_FILE_NOT_FOUND ErrTimedOut CErrorcodeT = C.ERR_TIMED_OUT ErrFileTooBig CErrorcodeT = C.ERR_FILE_TOO_BIG // Return the alpha byte from a cef_color_t value. ErrUnexpected CErrorcodeT = C.ERR_UNEXPECTED ErrAccessDenied CErrorcodeT = C.ERR_ACCESS_DENIED // Return the blue byte from a cef_color_t value. ErrNotImplemented CErrorcodeT = C.ERR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED // Return an cef_color_t value with the specified byte component values. ErrInsufficientResources CErrorcodeT = C.ERR_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES ErrOutOfMemory CErrorcodeT = C.ERR_OUT_OF_MEMORY ErrUploadFileChanged CErrorcodeT = C.ERR_UPLOAD_FILE_CHANGED ErrSocketNotConnected CErrorcodeT = C.ERR_SOCKET_NOT_CONNECTED ErrFileExists CErrorcodeT = C.ERR_FILE_EXISTS ErrFilePathTooLong CErrorcodeT = C.ERR_FILE_PATH_TOO_LONG ErrFileNoSpace CErrorcodeT = C.ERR_FILE_NO_SPACE ErrFileVirusInfected CErrorcodeT = C.ERR_FILE_VIRUS_INFECTED ErrBlockedByClient CErrorcodeT = C.ERR_BLOCKED_BY_CLIENT /// /// Default logging (currently INFO logging). /// ErrNetworkChanged CErrorcodeT = C.ERR_NETWORK_CHANGED ErrBlockedByAdministrator CErrorcodeT = C.ERR_BLOCKED_BY_ADMINISTRATOR ErrSocketIsConnected CErrorcodeT = C.ERR_SOCKET_IS_CONNECTED ErrBlockedEnrollmentCheckPending CErrorcodeT = C.ERR_BLOCKED_ENROLLMENT_CHECK_PENDING ErrUploadStreamRewindNotSupported CErrorcodeT = C.ERR_UPLOAD_STREAM_REWIND_NOT_SUPPORTED /// /// WARNING logging. /// ErrContextShutDown CErrorcodeT = C.ERR_CONTEXT_SHUT_DOWN /// /// ERROR logging. /// ErrBlockedByResponse CErrorcodeT = C.ERR_BLOCKED_BY_RESPONSE ErrCleartextNotPermitted CErrorcodeT = C.ERR_CLEARTEXT_NOT_PERMITTED ErrBlockedByCsp CErrorcodeT = C.ERR_BLOCKED_BY_CSP ErrH2OrQuicRequired CErrorcodeT = C.ERR_H2_OR_QUIC_REQUIRED ErrConnectionClosed CErrorcodeT = C.ERR_CONNECTION_CLOSED ErrConnectionReset CErrorcodeT = C.ERR_CONNECTION_RESET /// /// Use the default state for the setting. /// ErrConnectionRefused CErrorcodeT = C.ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED ErrConnectionAborted CErrorcodeT = C.ERR_CONNECTION_ABORTED ErrConnectionFailed CErrorcodeT = C.ERR_CONNECTION_FAILED /// /// Disable or disallow the setting. /// ErrNameNotResolved CErrorcodeT = C.ERR_NAME_NOT_RESOLVED ErrInternetDisconnected CErrorcodeT = C.ERR_INTERNET_DISCONNECTED ErrSslProtocolError CErrorcodeT = C.ERR_SSL_PROTOCOL_ERROR ErrAddressInvalid CErrorcodeT = C.ERR_ADDRESS_INVALID ErrAddressUnreachable CErrorcodeT = C.ERR_ADDRESS_UNREACHABLE ErrSslClientAuthCertNeeded CErrorcodeT = C.ERR_SSL_CLIENT_AUTH_CERT_NEEDED ErrTunnelConnectionFailed CErrorcodeT = C.ERR_TUNNEL_CONNECTION_FAILED ErrNoSslVersionsEnabled CErrorcodeT = C.ERR_NO_SSL_VERSIONS_ENABLED ErrSslVersionOrCipherMismatch CErrorcodeT = C.ERR_SSL_VERSION_OR_CIPHER_MISMATCH ErrSslRenegotiationRequested CErrorcodeT = C.ERR_SSL_RENEGOTIATION_REQUESTED ErrProxyAuthUnsupported CErrorcodeT = C.ERR_PROXY_AUTH_UNSUPPORTED ErrBadSslClientAuthCert CErrorcodeT = C.ERR_BAD_SSL_CLIENT_AUTH_CERT ErrConnectionTimedOut CErrorcodeT = C.ERR_CONNECTION_TIMED_OUT ErrHostResolverQueueTooLarge CErrorcodeT = C.ERR_HOST_RESOLVER_QUEUE_TOO_LARGE ErrSocksConnectionFailed CErrorcodeT = C.ERR_SOCKS_CONNECTION_FAILED ErrSocksConnectionHostUnreachable CErrorcodeT = C.ERR_SOCKS_CONNECTION_HOST_UNREACHABLE ErrAlpnNegotiationFailed CErrorcodeT = C.ERR_ALPN_NEGOTIATION_FAILED ErrSslNoRenegotiation CErrorcodeT = C.ERR_SSL_NO_RENEGOTIATION /// /// Set to true (1) to have the browser process message loop run in a separate /// thread. If false (0) then the CefDoMessageLoopWork() function must be /// called from your application message loop. This option is only supported /// on Windows and Linux. /// ErrWinsockUnexpectedWrittenBytes CErrorcodeT = C.ERR_WINSOCK_UNEXPECTED_WRITTEN_BYTES ErrSslDecompressionFailureAlert CErrorcodeT = C.ERR_SSL_DECOMPRESSION_FAILURE_ALERT ErrSslBadRecordMacAlert CErrorcodeT = C.ERR_SSL_BAD_RECORD_MAC_ALERT ErrProxyAuthRequested CErrorcodeT = C.ERR_PROXY_AUTH_REQUESTED /// /// Set to true (1) to enable windowless (off-screen) rendering support. Do /// not enable this value if the application does not use windowless rendering /// as it may reduce rendering performance on some systems. /// ErrProxyConnectionFailed CErrorcodeT = C.ERR_PROXY_CONNECTION_FAILED ErrMandatoryProxyConfigurationFailed CErrorcodeT = C.ERR_MANDATORY_PROXY_CONFIGURATION_FAILED ErrPreconnectMaxSocketLimit CErrorcodeT = C.ERR_PRECONNECT_MAX_SOCKET_LIMIT ErrSslClientAuthPrivateKeyAccessDenied CErrorcodeT = C.ERR_SSL_CLIENT_AUTH_PRIVATE_KEY_ACCESS_DENIED ErrSslClientAuthCertNoPrivateKey CErrorcodeT = C.ERR_SSL_CLIENT_AUTH_CERT_NO_PRIVATE_KEY ErrProxyCertificateInvalid CErrorcodeT = C.ERR_PROXY_CERTIFICATE_INVALID /// /// The location where data for the global browser cache will be stored on /// disk. If this value is non-empty then it must be an absolute path that is /// either equal to or a child directory of CefSettings.root_cache_path. If /// this value is empty then browsers will be created in "incognito mode" /// where in-memory caches are used for storage and no data is persisted to /// disk. HTML5 databases such as localStorage will only persist across /// sessions if a cache path is specified. Can be overridden for individual /// CefRequestContext instances via the CefRequestContextSettings.cache_path /// value. When using the Chrome runtime the "default" profile will be used if /// |cache_path| and |root_cache_path| have the same value. /// ErrNameResolutionFailed CErrorcodeT = C.ERR_NAME_RESOLUTION_FAILED ErrNetworkAccessDenied CErrorcodeT = C.ERR_NETWORK_ACCESS_DENIED ErrTemporarilyThrottled CErrorcodeT = C.ERR_TEMPORARILY_THROTTLED ErrHttpsProxyTunnelResponseRedirect CErrorcodeT = C.ERR_HTTPS_PROXY_TUNNEL_RESPONSE_REDIRECT ErrSslClientAuthSignatureFailed CErrorcodeT = C.ERR_SSL_CLIENT_AUTH_SIGNATURE_FAILED ErrMsgTooBig CErrorcodeT = C.ERR_MSG_TOO_BIG ErrWsProtocolError CErrorcodeT = C.ERR_WS_PROTOCOL_ERROR ErrAddressInUse CErrorcodeT = C.ERR_ADDRESS_IN_USE /// /// To persist user preferences as a JSON file in the cache path directory set /// this value to true (1). A |cache_path| value must also be specified /// to enable this feature. Also configurable using the /// "persist-user-preferences" command-line switch. Can be overridden for /// individual CefRequestContext instances via the /// CefRequestContextSettings.persist_user_preferences value. /// ErrSslHandshakeNotCompleted CErrorcodeT = C.ERR_SSL_HANDSHAKE_NOT_COMPLETED ErrSslBadPeerPublicKey CErrorcodeT = C.ERR_SSL_BAD_PEER_PUBLIC_KEY ErrSslPinnedKeyNotInCertChain CErrorcodeT = C.ERR_SSL_PINNED_KEY_NOT_IN_CERT_CHAIN ErrClientAuthCertTypeUnsupported CErrorcodeT = C.ERR_CLIENT_AUTH_CERT_TYPE_UNSUPPORTED ErrSslDecryptErrorAlert CErrorcodeT = C.ERR_SSL_DECRYPT_ERROR_ALERT ErrWsThrottleQueueTooLarge CErrorcodeT = C.ERR_WS_THROTTLE_QUEUE_TOO_LARGE ErrSslServerCertChanged CErrorcodeT = C.ERR_SSL_SERVER_CERT_CHANGED /// /// The directory and file name to use for the debug log. If empty a default /// log file name and location will be used. On Windows and Linux a /// "debug.log" file will be written in the main executable directory. On /// MacOS a "~/Library/Logs/[app name]_debug.log" file will be written where /// [app name] is the name of the main app executable. Also configurable using /// the "log-file" command-line switch. /// ErrSslUnrecognizedNameAlert CErrorcodeT = C.ERR_SSL_UNRECOGNIZED_NAME_ALERT ErrSocketSetReceiveBufferSizeError CErrorcodeT = C.ERR_SOCKET_SET_RECEIVE_BUFFER_SIZE_ERROR ErrSocketSetSendBufferSizeError CErrorcodeT = C.ERR_SOCKET_SET_SEND_BUFFER_SIZE_ERROR ErrSocketReceiveBufferSizeUnchangeable CErrorcodeT = C.ERR_SOCKET_RECEIVE_BUFFER_SIZE_UNCHANGEABLE ErrSocketSendBufferSizeUnchangeable CErrorcodeT = C.ERR_SOCKET_SEND_BUFFER_SIZE_UNCHANGEABLE ErrSslClientAuthCertBadFormat CErrorcodeT = C.ERR_SSL_CLIENT_AUTH_CERT_BAD_FORMAT ErrIcannNameCollision CErrorcodeT = C.ERR_ICANN_NAME_COLLISION ErrSslServerCertBadFormat CErrorcodeT = C.ERR_SSL_SERVER_CERT_BAD_FORMAT ErrCtSthParsingFailed CErrorcodeT = C.ERR_CT_STH_PARSING_FAILED ErrCtSthIncomplete CErrorcodeT = C.ERR_CT_STH_INCOMPLETE /// /// Set to true (1) to disable loading of pack files for resources and /// locales. A resource bundle handler must be provided for the browser and /// render processes via CefApp::GetResourceBundleHandler() if loading of pack /// files is disabled. Also configurable using the "disable-pack-loading" /// command- line switch. /// ErrUnableToReuseConnectionForProxyAuth CErrorcodeT = C.ERR_UNABLE_TO_REUSE_CONNECTION_FOR_PROXY_AUTH ErrCtConsistencyProofParsingFailed CErrorcodeT = C.ERR_CT_CONSISTENCY_PROOF_PARSING_FAILED ErrSslObsoleteCipher CErrorcodeT = C.ERR_SSL_OBSOLETE_CIPHER ErrWsUpgrade CErrorcodeT = C.ERR_WS_UPGRADE ErrReadIfReadyNotImplemented CErrorcodeT = C.ERR_READ_IF_READY_NOT_IMPLEMENTED ErrNoBufferSpace CErrorcodeT = C.ERR_NO_BUFFER_SPACE ErrSslClientAuthNoCommonAlgorithms CErrorcodeT = C.ERR_SSL_CLIENT_AUTH_NO_COMMON_ALGORITHMS ErrEarlyDataRejected CErrorcodeT = C.ERR_EARLY_DATA_REJECTED ErrWrongVersionOnEarlyData CErrorcodeT = C.ERR_WRONG_VERSION_ON_EARLY_DATA ErrTls13DowngradeDetected CErrorcodeT = C.ERR_TLS13_DOWNGRADE_DETECTED ErrSslKeyUsageIncompatible CErrorcodeT = C.ERR_SSL_KEY_USAGE_INCOMPATIBLE ErrInvalidEchConfigList CErrorcodeT = C.ERR_INVALID_ECH_CONFIG_LIST ErrEchNotNegotiated CErrorcodeT = C.ERR_ECH_NOT_NEGOTIATED ErrEchFallbackCertificateInvalid CErrorcodeT = C.ERR_ECH_FALLBACK_CERTIFICATE_INVALID ErrCertCommonNameInvalid CErrorcodeT = C.ERR_CERT_COMMON_NAME_INVALID ErrCertDateInvalid CErrorcodeT = C.ERR_CERT_DATE_INVALID /// /// Comma delimited ordered list of language codes without any whitespace that /// will be used in the "Accept-Language" HTTP header. Can be set globally /// using the CefSettings.accept_language_list value or overridden on a per- /// browser basis using the CefBrowserSettings.accept_language_list value. If /// all values are empty then "en-US,en" will be used. This value will be /// ignored if |cache_path| matches the CefSettings.cache_path value. /// ErrCertAuthorityInvalid CErrorcodeT = C.ERR_CERT_AUTHORITY_INVALID ErrCertContainsErrors CErrorcodeT = C.ERR_CERT_CONTAINS_ERRORS ErrCertNoRevocationMechanism CErrorcodeT = C.ERR_CERT_NO_REVOCATION_MECHANISM /// /// Size of this structure. /// ErrCertUnableToCheckRevocation CErrorcodeT = C.ERR_CERT_UNABLE_TO_CHECK_REVOCATION ErrCertRevoked CErrorcodeT = C.ERR_CERT_REVOKED ErrCertInvalid CErrorcodeT = C.ERR_CERT_INVALID ErrCertWeakSignatureAlgorithm CErrorcodeT = C.ERR_CERT_WEAK_SIGNATURE_ALGORITHM ErrCertNonUniqueName CErrorcodeT = C.ERR_CERT_NON_UNIQUE_NAME ErrCertWeakKey CErrorcodeT = C.ERR_CERT_WEAK_KEY ErrCertNameConstraintViolation CErrorcodeT = C.ERR_CERT_NAME_CONSTRAINT_VIOLATION ErrCertValidityTooLong CErrorcodeT = C.ERR_CERT_VALIDITY_TOO_LONG ErrCertificateTransparencyRequired CErrorcodeT = C.ERR_CERTIFICATE_TRANSPARENCY_REQUIRED ErrCertSymantecLegacy CErrorcodeT = C.ERR_CERT_SYMANTEC_LEGACY ErrCertKnownInterceptionBlocked CErrorcodeT = C.ERR_CERT_KNOWN_INTERCEPTION_BLOCKED /// /// Controls whether JavaScript can access the clipboard. Also configurable /// using the "disable-javascript-access-clipboard" command-line switch. /// ErrCertEnd CErrorcodeT = C.ERR_CERT_END ErrInvalidUrl CErrorcodeT = C.ERR_INVALID_URL ErrDisallowedUrlScheme CErrorcodeT = C.ERR_DISALLOWED_URL_SCHEME ErrUnknownUrlScheme CErrorcodeT = C.ERR_UNKNOWN_URL_SCHEME ErrInvalidRedirect CErrorcodeT = C.ERR_INVALID_REDIRECT /// /// Controls whether image URLs will be loaded from the network. A cached /// image will still be rendered if requested. Also configurable using the /// "disable-image-loading" command-line switch. /// ErrTooManyRedirects CErrorcodeT = C.ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS ErrUnsafeRedirect CErrorcodeT = C.ERR_UNSAFE_REDIRECT ErrUnsafePort CErrorcodeT = C.ERR_UNSAFE_PORT /// /// Controls whether text areas can be resized. Also configurable using the /// "disable-text-area-resize" command-line switch. /// ErrInvalidResponse CErrorcodeT = C.ERR_INVALID_RESPONSE ErrInvalidChunkedEncoding CErrorcodeT = C.ERR_INVALID_CHUNKED_ENCODING /// /// Controls whether the tab key can advance focus to links. Also configurable /// using the "disable-tab-to-links" command-line switch. /// ErrMethodNotSupported CErrorcodeT = C.ERR_METHOD_NOT_SUPPORTED ErrUnexpectedProxyAuth CErrorcodeT = C.ERR_UNEXPECTED_PROXY_AUTH ErrEmptyResponse CErrorcodeT = C.ERR_EMPTY_RESPONSE ErrResponseHeadersTooBig CErrorcodeT = C.ERR_RESPONSE_HEADERS_TOO_BIG ErrPacScriptFailed CErrorcodeT = C.ERR_PAC_SCRIPT_FAILED /// /// Controls whether WebGL can be used. Note that WebGL requires hardware /// support and may not work on all systems even when enabled. Also /// configurable using the "disable-webgl" command-line switch. /// ErrRequestRangeNotSatisfiable CErrorcodeT = C.ERR_REQUEST_RANGE_NOT_SATISFIABLE /// END values that map to WebPreferences settings. ErrMalformedIdentity CErrorcodeT = C.ERR_MALFORMED_IDENTITY ErrContentDecodingFailed CErrorcodeT = C.ERR_CONTENT_DECODING_FAILED ErrNetworkIoSuspended CErrorcodeT = C.ERR_NETWORK_IO_SUSPENDED ErrSynReplyNotReceived CErrorcodeT = C.ERR_SYN_REPLY_NOT_RECEIVED ErrEncodingConversionFailed CErrorcodeT = C.ERR_ENCODING_CONVERSION_FAILED ErrUnrecognizedFtpDirectoryListingFormat CErrorcodeT = C.ERR_UNRECOGNIZED_FTP_DIRECTORY_LISTING_FORMAT ErrNoSupportedProxies CErrorcodeT = C.ERR_NO_SUPPORTED_PROXIES ErrHttp2ProtocolError CErrorcodeT = C.ERR_HTTP2_PROTOCOL_ERROR ErrInvalidAuthCredentials CErrorcodeT = C.ERR_INVALID_AUTH_CREDENTIALS /// /// Return value types. /// ErrUnsupportedAuthScheme CErrorcodeT = C.ERR_UNSUPPORTED_AUTH_SCHEME ErrEncodingDetectionFailed CErrorcodeT = C.ERR_ENCODING_DETECTION_FAILED ErrMissingAuthCredentials CErrorcodeT = C.ERR_MISSING_AUTH_CREDENTIALS /// /// Continue immediately. /// ErrUnexpectedSecurityLibraryStatus CErrorcodeT = C.ERR_UNEXPECTED_SECURITY_LIBRARY_STATUS ErrMisconfiguredAuthEnvironment CErrorcodeT = C.ERR_MISCONFIGURED_AUTH_ENVIRONMENT ErrUndocumentedSecurityLibraryStatus CErrorcodeT = C.ERR_UNDOCUMENTED_SECURITY_LIBRARY_STATUS ErrResponseBodyTooBigToDrain CErrorcodeT = C.ERR_RESPONSE_BODY_TOO_BIG_TO_DRAIN ErrResponseHeadersMultipleContentLength CErrorcodeT = C.ERR_RESPONSE_HEADERS_MULTIPLE_CONTENT_LENGTH ErrIncompleteHttp2Headers CErrorcodeT = C.ERR_INCOMPLETE_HTTP2_HEADERS ErrPacNotInDhcp CErrorcodeT = C.ERR_PAC_NOT_IN_DHCP /// /// User name component. /// ErrResponseHeadersMultipleContentDisposition CErrorcodeT = C.ERR_RESPONSE_HEADERS_MULTIPLE_CONTENT_DISPOSITION ErrResponseHeadersMultipleLocation CErrorcodeT = C.ERR_RESPONSE_HEADERS_MULTIPLE_LOCATION ErrHttp2ServerRefusedStream CErrorcodeT = C.ERR_HTTP2_SERVER_REFUSED_STREAM ErrHttp2PingFailed CErrorcodeT = C.ERR_HTTP2_PING_FAILED ErrContentLengthMismatch CErrorcodeT = C.ERR_CONTENT_LENGTH_MISMATCH ErrIncompleteChunkedEncoding CErrorcodeT = C.ERR_INCOMPLETE_CHUNKED_ENCODING ErrQuicProtocolError CErrorcodeT = C.ERR_QUIC_PROTOCOL_ERROR ErrResponseHeadersTruncated CErrorcodeT = C.ERR_RESPONSE_HEADERS_TRUNCATED ErrQuicHandshakeFailed CErrorcodeT = C.ERR_QUIC_HANDSHAKE_FAILED ErrHttp2InadequateTransportSecurity CErrorcodeT = C.ERR_HTTP2_INADEQUATE_TRANSPORT_SECURITY /// /// Cookie priority values. /// ErrHttp2FlowControlError CErrorcodeT = C.ERR_HTTP2_FLOW_CONTROL_ERROR ErrHttp2FrameSizeError CErrorcodeT = C.ERR_HTTP2_FRAME_SIZE_ERROR ErrHttp2CompressionError CErrorcodeT = C.ERR_HTTP2_COMPRESSION_ERROR /// /// Cookie same site values. /// ErrProxyAuthRequestedWithNoConnection CErrorcodeT = C.ERR_PROXY_AUTH_REQUESTED_WITH_NO_CONNECTION ErrHttp11Required CErrorcodeT = C.ERR_HTTP_1_1_REQUIRED ErrProxyHttp11Required CErrorcodeT = C.ERR_PROXY_HTTP_1_1_REQUIRED ErrPacScriptTerminated CErrorcodeT = C.ERR_PAC_SCRIPT_TERMINATED ErrInvalidHttpResponse CErrorcodeT = C.ERR_INVALID_HTTP_RESPONSE ErrContentDecodingInitFailed CErrorcodeT = C.ERR_CONTENT_DECODING_INIT_FAILED /// /// If |domain| is empty a host cookie will be created instead of a domain /// cookie. Domain cookies are stored with a leading "." and are visible to /// sub-domains whereas host cookies are not. /// ErrHttp2RstStreamNoErrorReceived CErrorcodeT = C.ERR_HTTP2_RST_STREAM_NO_ERROR_RECEIVED ErrHttp2PushedStreamNotAvailable CErrorcodeT = C.ERR_HTTP2_PUSHED_STREAM_NOT_AVAILABLE ErrHttp2ClaimedPushedStreamResetByServer CErrorcodeT = C.ERR_HTTP2_CLAIMED_PUSHED_STREAM_RESET_BY_SERVER ErrTooManyRetries CErrorcodeT = C.ERR_TOO_MANY_RETRIES /// /// If |httponly| is true the cookie will only be sent for HTTP requests. /// ErrHttp2StreamClosed CErrorcodeT = C.ERR_HTTP2_STREAM_CLOSED ErrHttp2ClientRefusedStream CErrorcodeT = C.ERR_HTTP2_CLIENT_REFUSED_STREAM ErrHttp2PushedResponseDoesNotMatch CErrorcodeT = C.ERR_HTTP2_PUSHED_RESPONSE_DOES_NOT_MATCH ErrHttpResponseCodeFailure CErrorcodeT = C.ERR_HTTP_RESPONSE_CODE_FAILURE ErrQuicCertRootNotKnown CErrorcodeT = C.ERR_QUIC_CERT_ROOT_NOT_KNOWN /// /// Same site. /// ErrQuicGoawayRequestCanBeRetried CErrorcodeT = C.ERR_QUIC_GOAWAY_REQUEST_CAN_BE_RETRIED ErrTooManyAcceptChRestarts CErrorcodeT = C.ERR_TOO_MANY_ACCEPT_CH_RESTARTS ErrInconsistentIpAddressSpace CErrorcodeT = C.ERR_INCONSISTENT_IP_ADDRESS_SPACE ErrCachedIpAddressSpaceBlockedByPrivateNetworkAccessPolicy CErrorcodeT = C.ERR_CACHED_IP_ADDRESS_SPACE_BLOCKED_BY_PRIVATE_NETWORK_ACCESS_POLICY ErrCacheMiss CErrorcodeT = C.ERR_CACHE_MISS ErrCacheReadFailure CErrorcodeT = C.ERR_CACHE_READ_FAILURE ErrCacheWriteFailure CErrorcodeT = C.ERR_CACHE_WRITE_FAILURE /// /// Segmentation fault. /// ErrCacheOperationNotSupported CErrorcodeT = C.ERR_CACHE_OPERATION_NOT_SUPPORTED ErrCacheOpenFailure CErrorcodeT = C.ERR_CACHE_OPEN_FAILURE ErrCacheCreateFailure CErrorcodeT = C.ERR_CACHE_CREATE_FAILURE ErrCacheRace CErrorcodeT = C.ERR_CACHE_RACE ErrCacheChecksumReadFailure CErrorcodeT = C.ERR_CACHE_CHECKSUM_READ_FAILURE ErrCacheChecksumMismatch CErrorcodeT = C.ERR_CACHE_CHECKSUM_MISMATCH ErrCacheLockTimeout CErrorcodeT = C.ERR_CACHE_LOCK_TIMEOUT /// /// Temporary directory. /// ErrCacheAuthFailureAfterRead CErrorcodeT = C.ERR_CACHE_AUTH_FAILURE_AFTER_READ /// /// Path and filename of the current executable. /// ErrCacheEntryNotSuitable CErrorcodeT = C.ERR_CACHE_ENTRY_NOT_SUITABLE ErrCacheDoomFailure CErrorcodeT = C.ERR_CACHE_DOOM_FAILURE /// /// Path and filename of the module containing the CEF code (usually the /// libcef module). /// ErrCacheOpenOrCreateFailure CErrorcodeT = C.ERR_CACHE_OPEN_OR_CREATE_FAILURE ErrInsecureResponse CErrorcodeT = C.ERR_INSECURE_RESPONSE ErrNoPrivateKeyForCert CErrorcodeT = C.ERR_NO_PRIVATE_KEY_FOR_CERT ErrAddUserCertFailed CErrorcodeT = C.ERR_ADD_USER_CERT_FAILED ErrInvalidSignedExchange CErrorcodeT = C.ERR_INVALID_SIGNED_EXCHANGE ErrInvalidWebBundle CErrorcodeT = C.ERR_INVALID_WEB_BUNDLE ErrTrustTokenOperationFailed CErrorcodeT = C.ERR_TRUST_TOKEN_OPERATION_FAILED ErrTrustTokenOperationSuccessWithoutSendingRequest CErrorcodeT = C.ERR_TRUST_TOKEN_OPERATION_SUCCESS_WITHOUT_SENDING_REQUEST /// /// Supported error code values. For the complete list of error values see /// "include/base/internal/cef_net_error_list.h". /// ErrFtpFailed CErrorcodeT = C.ERR_FTP_FAILED ErrFtpTransferAborted CErrorcodeT = C.ERR_FTP_TRANSFER_ABORTED ErrFtpFileBusy CErrorcodeT = C.ERR_FTP_FILE_BUSY ErrFtpSyntaxError CErrorcodeT = C.ERR_FTP_SYNTAX_ERROR ErrFtpCommandNotSupported CErrorcodeT = C.ERR_FTP_COMMAND_NOT_SUPPORTED // 1 << 9 was used for CERT_STATUS_NOT_IN_DNS ErrFtpBadCommandSequence CErrorcodeT = C.ERR_FTP_BAD_COMMAND_SEQUENCE // 1 << 12 was used for CERT_STATUS_WEAK_DH_KEY ErrPkcs12ImportBadPassword CErrorcodeT = C.ERR_PKCS12_IMPORT_BAD_PASSWORD ErrPkcs12ImportFailed CErrorcodeT = C.ERR_PKCS12_IMPORT_FAILED ErrImportCaCertNotCa CErrorcodeT = C.ERR_IMPORT_CA_CERT_NOT_CA ErrImportCertAlreadyExists CErrorcodeT = C.ERR_IMPORT_CERT_ALREADY_EXISTS ErrImportCaCertFailed CErrorcodeT = C.ERR_IMPORT_CA_CERT_FAILED /// /// The manner in which a link click should be opened. These constants match /// their equivalents in Chromium's window_open_disposition.h and should not be /// renumbered. /// ErrImportServerCertFailed CErrorcodeT = C.ERR_IMPORT_SERVER_CERT_FAILED ErrPkcs12ImportInvalidMac CErrorcodeT = C.ERR_PKCS12_IMPORT_INVALID_MAC /// /// Current tab. This is the default in most cases. /// ErrPkcs12ImportInvalidFile CErrorcodeT = C.ERR_PKCS12_IMPORT_INVALID_FILE ErrPkcs12ImportUnsupported CErrorcodeT = C.ERR_PKCS12_IMPORT_UNSUPPORTED ErrKeyGenerationFailed CErrorcodeT = C.ERR_KEY_GENERATION_FAILED ErrPrivateKeyExportFailed CErrorcodeT = C.ERR_PRIVATE_KEY_EXPORT_FAILED ErrSelfSignedCertGenerationFailed CErrorcodeT = C.ERR_SELF_SIGNED_CERT_GENERATION_FAILED ErrCertDatabaseChanged CErrorcodeT = C.ERR_CERT_DATABASE_CHANGED ErrDnsMalformedResponse CErrorcodeT = C.ERR_DNS_MALFORMED_RESPONSE ErrDnsServerRequiresTcp CErrorcodeT = C.ERR_DNS_SERVER_REQUIRES_TCP ErrDnsServerFailed CErrorcodeT = C.ERR_DNS_SERVER_FAILED ErrDnsTimedOut CErrorcodeT = C.ERR_DNS_TIMED_OUT ErrDnsCacheMiss CErrorcodeT = C.ERR_DNS_CACHE_MISS /// /// Activates an existing tab containing the url, rather than navigating. /// This is similar to SINGLETON_TAB, but searches across all windows from /// the current profile and anonymity (instead of just the current one); /// closes the current tab on switching if the current tab was the NTP with /// no session history; and behaves like CURRENT_TAB instead of /// NEW_FOREGROUND_TAB when no existing tab is found. /// ErrDnsSearchEmpty CErrorcodeT = C.ERR_DNS_SEARCH_EMPTY ErrDnsSortError CErrorcodeT = C.ERR_DNS_SORT_ERROR ErrDnsSecureResolverHostnameResolutionFailed CErrorcodeT = C.ERR_DNS_SECURE_RESOLVER_HOSTNAME_RESOLUTION_FAILED /// /// "Verb" of a drag-and-drop operation as negotiated between the source and /// destination. These constants match their equivalents in WebCore's /// DragActions.h and should not be renumbered. /// ErrDnsNameHttpsOnly CErrorcodeT = C.ERR_DNS_NAME_HTTPS_ONLY ErrDnsRequestCancelled CErrorcodeT = C.ERR_DNS_REQUEST_CANCELLED ErrDnsNoMachingSupportedAlpn CErrorcodeT = C.ERR_DNS_NO_MACHING_SUPPORTED_ALPN )
type CEventFlagsT ¶ added in v0.1.5
type CEventFlagsT C.cef_event_flags_t
/ / Supported event bit flags. /
const ( EventflagNone CEventFlagsT = C.EVENTFLAG_NONE EventflagCapsLockOn CEventFlagsT = C.EVENTFLAG_CAPS_LOCK_ON EventflagShiftDown CEventFlagsT = C.EVENTFLAG_SHIFT_DOWN EventflagControlDown CEventFlagsT = C.EVENTFLAG_CONTROL_DOWN EventflagAltDown CEventFlagsT = C.EVENTFLAG_ALT_DOWN EventflagLeftMouseButton CEventFlagsT = C.EVENTFLAG_LEFT_MOUSE_BUTTON EventflagMiddleMouseButton CEventFlagsT = C.EVENTFLAG_MIDDLE_MOUSE_BUTTON EventflagRightMouseButton CEventFlagsT = C.EVENTFLAG_RIGHT_MOUSE_BUTTON /// Mac OS-X command key. EventflagCommandDown CEventFlagsT = C.EVENTFLAG_COMMAND_DOWN EventflagNumLockOn CEventFlagsT = C.EVENTFLAG_NUM_LOCK_ON EventflagIsKeyPad CEventFlagsT = C.EVENTFLAG_IS_KEY_PAD EventflagIsLeft CEventFlagsT = C.EVENTFLAG_IS_LEFT EventflagIsRight CEventFlagsT = C.EVENTFLAG_IS_RIGHT EventflagAltgrDown CEventFlagsT = C.EVENTFLAG_ALTGR_DOWN EventflagIsRepeat CEventFlagsT = C.EVENTFLAG_IS_REPEAT )
type CEventHandleT ¶ added in v0.1.5
type CEventHandleT C.cef_event_handle_t
type CLangSizeT C.size_t
type CExtensionHandlerT ¶ added in v0.1.5
type CExtensionHandlerT struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Go type for cef_extension_handler_t
func NewCExtensionHandlerT ¶ added in v0.5.0
func NewCExtensionHandlerT(a interface{}) *CExtensionHandlerT
NewCExtensionHandlerT allocates CExtensionHandlerT, construct and bind it
func (*CExtensionHandlerT) Handler ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (extension_handler *CExtensionHandlerT) Handler() interface{}
func (*CExtensionHandlerT) HasOneRef ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (extension_handler *CExtensionHandlerT) HasOneRef() bool
*C.cef_extension_handler_t has refCounted interface
func (*CExtensionHandlerT) NewRef ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (self *CExtensionHandlerT) NewRef() (newP *CExtensionHandlerT)
func (*CExtensionHandlerT) Pass ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (p *CExtensionHandlerT) Pass() (ret *CExtensionHandlerT)
func (*CExtensionHandlerT) UnbindAll ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (extension_handler *CExtensionHandlerT) UnbindAll()
func (*CExtensionHandlerT) Unref ¶ added in v0.4.1
func (extension_handler *CExtensionHandlerT) Unref() (ret bool)
type CExtensionT ¶ added in v0.1.5
type CExtensionT struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Go type for cef_extension_t
func (*CExtensionT) GetHandler ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CExtensionT) GetHandler() (ret *CExtensionHandlerT)
/ / Returns the handler for this extension. Will return NULL for internal / extensions or if no handler was passed to / cef_request_context_t::LoadExtension. /
func (*CExtensionT) GetIdentifier ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CExtensionT) GetIdentifier() (ret string)
/ / Returns the unique extension identifier. This is calculated based on the / extension public key, if available, or on the extension path. See / for details. / The resulting string must be freed by calling cef_string_userfree_free().
func (*CExtensionT) GetLoaderContext ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CExtensionT) GetLoaderContext() (ret *CRequestContextT)
/ / Returns the request context that loaded this extension. Will return NULL / for internal extensions or if the extension has been unloaded. See the / cef_request_context_t::LoadExtension documentation for more information / about loader contexts. Must be called on the browser process UI thread. /
func (*CExtensionT) GetManifest ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CExtensionT) GetManifest() (ret *CDictionaryValueT)
/ / Returns the extension manifest contents as a cef_dictionary_value_t / object. See for details. /
func (*CExtensionT) GetPath ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CExtensionT) GetPath() (ret string)
/ / Returns the absolute path to the extension directory on disk. This value / will be prefixed with PK_DIR_RESOURCES if a relative path was passed to / cef_request_context_t::LoadExtension. / The resulting string must be freed by calling cef_string_userfree_free().
func (*CExtensionT) HasOneRef ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (extension *CExtensionT) HasOneRef() bool
*C.cef_extension_t has refCounted interface
func (*CExtensionT) IsLoaded ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CExtensionT) IsLoaded() (ret bool)
/ / Returns true (1) if this extension is currently loaded. Must be called on / the browser process UI thread. /
func (*CExtensionT) IsSame ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CExtensionT) IsSame( that *CExtensionT, ) (ret bool)
/ / Returns true (1) if this object is the same extension as |that| object. / Extensions are considered the same if identifier, path and loader context / match. /
func (*CExtensionT) NewRef ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (self *CExtensionT) NewRef() (newP *CExtensionT)
func (*CExtensionT) Pass ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (p *CExtensionT) Pass() (ret *CExtensionT)
func (*CExtensionT) Unload ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CExtensionT) Unload()
/ / Unload this extension if it is not an internal extension and is currently / loaded. Will result in a call to / cef_extension_handler_t::OnExtensionUnloaded on success. /
func (*CExtensionT) Unref ¶ added in v0.4.1
func (extension *CExtensionT) Unref() (ret bool)
type CFileDialogCallbackT ¶ added in v0.1.5
type CFileDialogCallbackT struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Go type for cef_file_dialog_callback_t
func (*CFileDialogCallbackT) Cancel ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CFileDialogCallbackT) Cancel()
/ / Cancel the file selection. /
func (*CFileDialogCallbackT) Cont ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CFileDialogCallbackT) Cont( file_paths CStringListT, )
/ / Continue the file selection. |file_paths| should be a single value or a / list of values depending on the dialog mode. An NULL |file_paths| value is / treated the same as calling cancel(). /
func (*CFileDialogCallbackT) HasOneRef ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (file_dialog_callback *CFileDialogCallbackT) HasOneRef() bool
*C.cef_file_dialog_callback_t has refCounted interface
func (*CFileDialogCallbackT) NewRef ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (self *CFileDialogCallbackT) NewRef() (newP *CFileDialogCallbackT)
func (*CFileDialogCallbackT) Pass ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (p *CFileDialogCallbackT) Pass() (ret *CFileDialogCallbackT)
func (*CFileDialogCallbackT) Unref ¶ added in v0.4.1
func (file_dialog_callback *CFileDialogCallbackT) Unref() (ret bool)
type CFileDialogModeT ¶
type CFileDialogModeT C.cef_file_dialog_mode_t
/ / Supported file dialog modes. /
const ( /// /// Requires that the file exists before allowing the user to pick it. /// FileDialogOpen CFileDialogModeT = C.FILE_DIALOG_OPEN /// /// Like Open, but allows picking multiple files to open. /// FileDialogOpenMultiple CFileDialogModeT = C.FILE_DIALOG_OPEN_MULTIPLE /// /// Like Open, but selects a folder to open. /// FileDialogOpenFolder CFileDialogModeT = C.FILE_DIALOG_OPEN_FOLDER /// /// Allows picking a nonexistent file, and prompts to overwrite if the file /// already exists. /// FileDialogSave CFileDialogModeT = C.FILE_DIALOG_SAVE )
type CFillLayoutT ¶ added in v0.2.5
type CFillLayoutT struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Go type for cef_fill_layout_t
func (*CFillLayoutT) HasOneRef ¶ added in v0.2.5
func (fill_layout *CFillLayoutT) HasOneRef() bool
*C.cef_fill_layout_t has refCounted interface
func (*CFillLayoutT) NewRef ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (self *CFillLayoutT) NewRef() (newP *CFillLayoutT)
func (*CFillLayoutT) Pass ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (p *CFillLayoutT) Pass() (ret *CFillLayoutT)
func (*CFillLayoutT) ToCLayoutT ¶ added in v0.2.6
func (fill_layout *CFillLayoutT) ToCLayoutT() *CLayoutT
Convert to Base Class Pointer *CLayoutT
func (*CFillLayoutT) Unref ¶ added in v0.4.1
func (fill_layout *CFillLayoutT) Unref() (ret bool)
type CFindHandlerT ¶
type CFindHandlerT struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Go type for cef_find_handler_t
func NewCFindHandlerT ¶ added in v0.5.0
func NewCFindHandlerT(a interface{}) *CFindHandlerT
NewCFindHandlerT allocates CFindHandlerT, construct and bind it
func (*CFindHandlerT) Handler ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (find_handler *CFindHandlerT) Handler() interface{}
func (*CFindHandlerT) HasOneRef ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (find_handler *CFindHandlerT) HasOneRef() bool
*C.cef_find_handler_t has refCounted interface
func (*CFindHandlerT) NewRef ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (self *CFindHandlerT) NewRef() (newP *CFindHandlerT)
func (*CFindHandlerT) Pass ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (p *CFindHandlerT) Pass() (ret *CFindHandlerT)
func (*CFindHandlerT) UnbindAll ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (find_handler *CFindHandlerT) UnbindAll()
func (*CFindHandlerT) Unref ¶ added in v0.4.1
func (find_handler *CFindHandlerT) Unref() (ret bool)
type CFocusHandlerT ¶ added in v0.1.5
type CFocusHandlerT struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Go type for cef_focus_handler_t
func NewCFocusHandlerT ¶ added in v0.5.0
func NewCFocusHandlerT(a interface{}) *CFocusHandlerT
NewCFocusHandlerT allocates CFocusHandlerT, construct and bind it
func (*CFocusHandlerT) Handler ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (focus_handler *CFocusHandlerT) Handler() interface{}
func (*CFocusHandlerT) HasOneRef ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (focus_handler *CFocusHandlerT) HasOneRef() bool
*C.cef_focus_handler_t has refCounted interface
func (*CFocusHandlerT) NewRef ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (self *CFocusHandlerT) NewRef() (newP *CFocusHandlerT)
func (*CFocusHandlerT) Pass ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (p *CFocusHandlerT) Pass() (ret *CFocusHandlerT)
func (*CFocusHandlerT) UnbindAll ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (focus_handler *CFocusHandlerT) UnbindAll()
func (*CFocusHandlerT) Unref ¶ added in v0.4.1
func (focus_handler *CFocusHandlerT) Unref() (ret bool)
type CFocusSourceT ¶ added in v0.1.5
type CFocusSourceT C.cef_focus_source_t
/ / Focus sources. /
const ( /// The source is explicit navigation via the API (LoadURL(), etc). /// FocusSourceNavigation CFocusSourceT = C.FOCUS_SOURCE_NAVIGATION /// /// The source is a system-generated focus event. /// FocusSourceSystem CFocusSourceT = C.FOCUS_SOURCE_SYSTEM )
type CFrameHandlerT ¶ added in v0.4.0
type CFrameHandlerT struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Go type for cef_frame_handler_t
func (*CFrameHandlerT) HasOneRef ¶ added in v0.4.0
func (frame_handler *CFrameHandlerT) HasOneRef() bool
*C.cef_frame_handler_t has refCounted interface
func (*CFrameHandlerT) NewRef ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (self *CFrameHandlerT) NewRef() (newP *CFrameHandlerT)
func (*CFrameHandlerT) OnFrameAttached ¶ added in v0.4.0
func (self *CFrameHandlerT) OnFrameAttached( browser *CBrowserT, frame *CFrameT, reattached int, )
/ / Called when a frame can begin routing commands to/from the associated / renderer process. |reattached| will be true (1) if the frame was re- / attached after exiting the BackForwardCache. Any commands that were queued / have now been dispatched. /
func (*CFrameHandlerT) OnFrameCreated ¶ added in v0.4.0
func (self *CFrameHandlerT) OnFrameCreated( browser *CBrowserT, frame *CFrameT, )
/ / Called when a new frame is created. This will be the first notification / that references |frame|. Any commands that require transport to the / associated renderer process (LoadRequest, SendProcessMessage, GetSource, / etc.) will be queued until OnFrameAttached is called for |frame|. /
func (*CFrameHandlerT) OnFrameDetached ¶ added in v0.4.0
func (self *CFrameHandlerT) OnFrameDetached( browser *CBrowserT, frame *CFrameT, )
/ / Called when a frame loses its connection to the renderer process and will / be destroyed. Any pending or future commands will be discarded and / cef_frame_t::is_valid() will now return false (0) for |frame|. If called / after cef_life_span_handler_t::on_before_close() during browser / destruction then cef_browser_t::is_valid() will return false (0) for / |browser|. /
func (*CFrameHandlerT) OnMainFrameChanged ¶ added in v0.4.0
func (self *CFrameHandlerT) OnMainFrameChanged( browser *CBrowserT, old_frame *CFrameT, new_frame *CFrameT, )
/ / Called when the main frame changes due to (a) initial browser creation, / (b) final browser destruction, (c) cross-origin navigation or (d) re- / navigation after renderer process termination (due to crashes, etc). / |old_frame| will be NULL and |new_frame| will be non-NULL when a main / frame is assigned to |browser| for the first time. |old_frame| will be / non-NULL and |new_frame| will be NULL and when a main frame is removed / from |browser| for the last time. Both |old_frame| and |new_frame| will be / non-NULL for cross-origin navigations or re-navigation after renderer / process termination. This function will be called after on_frame_created() / for |new_frame| and/or after on_frame_detached() for |old_frame|. If / called after cef_life_span_handler_t::on_before_close() during browser / destruction then cef_browser_t::is_valid() will return false (0) for / |browser|. /
func (*CFrameHandlerT) Pass ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (p *CFrameHandlerT) Pass() (ret *CFrameHandlerT)
func (*CFrameHandlerT) Unref ¶ added in v0.4.1
func (frame_handler *CFrameHandlerT) Unref() (ret bool)
type CFrameT ¶
type CFrameT struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Go type for cef_frame_t
func (*CFrameT) Copy ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CFrameT) Copy()
/ / Execute copy in this frame. /
func (*CFrameT) CreateUrlrequest ¶ added in v0.1.7
func (self *CFrameT) CreateUrlrequest( request *CRequestT, client *CUrlrequestClientT, ) (ret *CUrlrequestT)
/ / Create a new URL request that will be treated as originating from this / frame and the associated browser. This request may be intercepted by the / client via cef_resource_request_handler_t or cef_scheme_handler_factory_t. / Use cef_urlrequest_t::Create instead if you do not want the request to / have this association, in which case it may be handled differently (see / documentation on that function). Requests may originate from both the / browser process and the render process. / / For requests originating from the browser process: / - POST data may only contain a single element of type PDE_TYPE_FILE or / PDE_TYPE_BYTES. / / For requests originating from the render process: / - POST data may only contain a single element of type PDE_TYPE_BYTES. / - If the response contains Content-Disposition or Mime-Type header / values that would not normally be rendered then the response may / receive special handling inside the browser (for example, via the / file download code path instead of the URL request code path). / / The |request| object will be marked as read-only after calling this / function. /
func (*CFrameT) Del ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CFrameT) Del()
/ / Execute delete in this frame. /
func (*CFrameT) ExecuteJavaScript ¶ added in v0.1.5
/ / Execute a string of JavaScript code in this frame. The |script_url| / parameter is the URL where the script in question can be found, if any. / The renderer may request this URL to show the developer the source of the / error. The |start_line| parameter is the base line number to use for / error reporting. /
func (*CFrameT) GetBrowser ¶ added in v0.1.5
/ / Returns the browser that this frame belongs to. /
func (*CFrameT) GetIdentifier ¶ added in v0.1.5
/ / Returns the globally unique identifier for this frame or < 0 if the / underlying frame does not yet exist. /
func (*CFrameT) GetName ¶ added in v0.1.5
/ / Returns the name for this frame. If the frame has an assigned name (for / example, set via the iframe "name" attribute) then that value will be / returned. Otherwise a unique name will be constructed based on the frame / parent hierarchy. The main (top-level) frame will always have an NULL name / value. / The resulting string must be freed by calling cef_string_userfree_free().
func (*CFrameT) GetParent ¶ added in v0.1.5
/ / Returns the parent of this frame or NULL if this is the main (top-level) / frame. /
func (*CFrameT) GetSource ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CFrameT) GetSource( visitor *CStringVisitorT, )
/ / Retrieve this frame's HTML source as a string sent to the specified / visitor. /
func (*CFrameT) GetText ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CFrameT) GetText( visitor *CStringVisitorT, )
/ / Retrieve this frame's display text as a string sent to the specified / visitor. /
func (*CFrameT) GetUrl ¶
/ / Returns the URL currently loaded in this frame. / The resulting string must be freed by calling cef_string_userfree_free().
func (*CFrameT) GetV8context ¶
func (self *CFrameT) GetV8context() (ret *CV8contextT)
/ / Get the V8 context associated with the frame. This function can only be / called from the render process. /
func (*CFrameT) IsMain ¶ added in v0.1.5
/ / Returns true (1) if this is the main (top-level) frame. /
func (*CFrameT) IsValid ¶ added in v0.1.5
/ / True if this object is currently attached to a valid frame. /
func (*CFrameT) LoadRequest ¶ added in v0.1.5
/ / Load the request represented by the |request| object. / / WARNING: This function will fail with "bad IPC message" reason / INVALID_INITIATOR_ORIGIN (213) unless you first navigate to the request / origin using some other mechanism (LoadURL, link click, etc). /
func (*CFrameT) Paste ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CFrameT) Paste()
/ / Execute paste in this frame. /
func (*CFrameT) Redo ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CFrameT) Redo()
/ / Execute redo in this frame. /
func (*CFrameT) SelectAll ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CFrameT) SelectAll()
/ / Execute select all in this frame. /
func (*CFrameT) SendProcessMessage ¶ added in v0.1.7
func (self *CFrameT) SendProcessMessage( target_process CProcessIdT, message *CProcessMessageT, )
/ / Send a message to the specified |target_process|. Ownership of the message / contents will be transferred and the |message| reference will be / invalidated. Message delivery is not guaranteed in all cases (for example, / if the browser is closing, navigating, or if the target process crashes). / Send an ACK message back from the target process if confirmation is / required. /
func (*CFrameT) Undo ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CFrameT) Undo()
/ / Execute undo in this frame. /
func (*CFrameT) ViewSource ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CFrameT) ViewSource()
/ / Save this frame's HTML source to a temporary file and open it in the / default text viewing application. This function can only be called from / the browser process. /
func (*CFrameT) VisitDom ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CFrameT) VisitDom( visitor *CDomvisitorT, )
/ / Visit the DOM document. This function can only be called from the render / process. /
type CGetExtensionResourceCallbackT ¶ added in v0.1.5
type CGetExtensionResourceCallbackT struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Go type for cef_get_extension_resource_callback_t
func (*CGetExtensionResourceCallbackT) Cancel ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CGetExtensionResourceCallbackT) Cancel()
/ / Cancel the request. /
func (*CGetExtensionResourceCallbackT) Cont ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CGetExtensionResourceCallbackT) Cont( stream *CStreamReaderT, )
/ / Continue the request. Read the resource contents from |stream|. /
func (*CGetExtensionResourceCallbackT) HasOneRef ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (get_extension_resource_callback *CGetExtensionResourceCallbackT) HasOneRef() bool
*C.cef_get_extension_resource_callback_t has refCounted interface
func (*CGetExtensionResourceCallbackT) NewRef ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (self *CGetExtensionResourceCallbackT) NewRef() (newP *CGetExtensionResourceCallbackT)
func (*CGetExtensionResourceCallbackT) Pass ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (p *CGetExtensionResourceCallbackT) Pass() (ret *CGetExtensionResourceCallbackT)
func (*CGetExtensionResourceCallbackT) Unref ¶ added in v0.4.1
func (get_extension_resource_callback *CGetExtensionResourceCallbackT) Unref() (ret bool)
type CHorizontalAlignmentT ¶ added in v0.1.5
type CHorizontalAlignmentT C.cef_horizontal_alignment_t
/ / Specifies the horizontal text alignment mode. /
const ( /// /// Align the text's left edge with that of its display area. /// CefHorizontalAlignmentLeft CHorizontalAlignmentT = C.CEF_HORIZONTAL_ALIGNMENT_LEFT /// /// Align the text's center with that of its display area. /// CefHorizontalAlignmentCenter CHorizontalAlignmentT = C.CEF_HORIZONTAL_ALIGNMENT_CENTER /// /// Align the text's right edge with that of its display area. /// CefHorizontalAlignmentRight CHorizontalAlignmentT = C.CEF_HORIZONTAL_ALIGNMENT_RIGHT )
type CImageT ¶ added in v0.1.5
type CImageT struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Go type for cef_image_t
func ImageCreate ¶ added in v0.1.5
func ImageCreate() (ret *CImageT)
/ / Create a new cef_image_t. It will initially be NULL. Use the Add*() / functions to add representations at different scale factors. /
func (*CImageT) AddBitmap ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CImageT) AddBitmap( scale_factor float32, pixel_width int, pixel_height int, color_type CColorTypeT, alpha_type CAlphaTypeT, pixel_data []byte, ) (ret bool)
/ / Add a bitmap image representation for |scale_factor|. Only 32-bit / RGBA/BGRA formats are supported. |pixel_width| and |pixel_height| are the / bitmap representation size in pixel coordinates. |pixel_data| is the array / of pixel data and should be |pixel_width| x |pixel_height| x 4 bytes in / size. |color_type| and |alpha_type| values specify the pixel format. /
func (*CImageT) AddJpeg ¶ added in v0.1.5
/ / Create a JPEG image representation for |scale_factor|. |jpeg_data| is the / image data of size |jpeg_data_size|. The JPEG format does not support / transparency so the alpha byte will be set to 0xFF for all pixels. /
func (*CImageT) AddPng ¶ added in v0.1.5
/ / Add a PNG image representation for |scale_factor|. |png_data| is the image / data of size |png_data_size|. Any alpha transparency in the PNG data will / be maintained. /
func (*CImageT) GetAsBitmap ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CImageT) GetAsBitmap( scale_factor float32, color_type CColorTypeT, alpha_type CAlphaTypeT, ) (ret *CBinaryValueT, pixel_width int, pixel_height int)
/ / Returns the bitmap representation that most closely matches / |scale_factor|. Only 32-bit RGBA/BGRA formats are supported. |color_type| / and |alpha_type| values specify the desired output pixel format. / |pixel_width| and |pixel_height| are the output representation size in / pixel coordinates. Returns a cef_binary_value_t containing the pixel data / on success or NULL on failure. /
func (*CImageT) GetAsJpeg ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CImageT) GetAsJpeg( scale_factor float32, quality int, ) (ret *CBinaryValueT, pixel_width int, pixel_height int)
/ / Returns the JPEG representation that most closely matches |scale_factor|. / |quality| determines the compression level with 0 == lowest and 100 == / highest. The JPEG format does not support alpha transparency and the alpha / channel, if any, will be discarded. |pixel_width| and |pixel_height| are / the output representation size in pixel coordinates. Returns a / cef_binary_value_t containing the JPEG image data on success or NULL on / failure. /
func (*CImageT) GetAsPng ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CImageT) GetAsPng( scale_factor float32, with_transparency int, ) (ret *CBinaryValueT, pixel_width int, pixel_height int)
/ / Returns the PNG representation that most closely matches |scale_factor|. / If |with_transparency| is true (1) any alpha transparency in the image / will be represented in the resulting PNG data. |pixel_width| and / |pixel_height| are the output representation size in pixel coordinates. / Returns a cef_binary_value_t containing the PNG image data on success or / NULL on failure. /
func (*CImageT) GetHeight ¶ added in v0.1.5
/ / Returns the image height in density independent pixel (DIP) units. /
func (*CImageT) GetRepresentationInfo ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CImageT) GetRepresentationInfo( scale_factor float32, ) (ret bool, actual_scale_factor float32, pixel_width int, pixel_height int)
/ / Returns information for the representation that most closely matches / |scale_factor|. |actual_scale_factor| is the actual scale factor for the / representation. |pixel_width| and |pixel_height| are the representation / size in pixel coordinates. Returns true (1) on success. /
func (*CImageT) GetWidth ¶ added in v0.1.5
/ / Returns the image width in density independent pixel (DIP) units. /
func (*CImageT) HasRepresentation ¶ added in v0.1.5
/ / Returns true (1) if this image contains a representation for / |scale_factor|. /
func (*CImageT) IsSame ¶ added in v0.1.5
/ / Returns true (1) if this Image and |that| Image share the same underlying / storage. Will also return true (1) if both images are NULL. /
func (*CImageT) RemoveRepresentation ¶ added in v0.1.5
/ / Removes the representation for |scale_factor|. Returns true (1) on / success. /
type CInsetsT ¶ added in v0.1.5
type CInsetsT C.cef_insets_t
/ / Structure representing insets. /
func NewCInsetsT ¶ added in v0.2.0
func NewCInsetsT() *CInsetsT
type CJsdialogCallbackT ¶ added in v0.1.5
type CJsdialogCallbackT struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Go type for cef_jsdialog_callback_t
func (*CJsdialogCallbackT) Cont ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CJsdialogCallbackT) Cont( success int, user_input string, )
/ / Continue the JS dialog request. Set |success| to true (1) if the OK button / was pressed. The |user_input| value should be specified for prompt / dialogs. /
func (*CJsdialogCallbackT) HasOneRef ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (jsdialog_callback *CJsdialogCallbackT) HasOneRef() bool
*C.cef_jsdialog_callback_t has refCounted interface
func (*CJsdialogCallbackT) NewRef ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (self *CJsdialogCallbackT) NewRef() (newP *CJsdialogCallbackT)
func (*CJsdialogCallbackT) Pass ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (p *CJsdialogCallbackT) Pass() (ret *CJsdialogCallbackT)
func (*CJsdialogCallbackT) Unref ¶ added in v0.4.1
func (jsdialog_callback *CJsdialogCallbackT) Unref() (ret bool)
type CJsdialogHandlerT ¶
type CJsdialogHandlerT struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Go type for cef_jsdialog_handler_t
func NewCJsdialogHandlerT ¶ added in v0.5.0
func NewCJsdialogHandlerT(a interface{}) *CJsdialogHandlerT
NewCJsdialogHandlerT allocates CJsdialogHandlerT, construct and bind it
func (*CJsdialogHandlerT) Handler ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (jsdialog_handler *CJsdialogHandlerT) Handler() interface{}
func (*CJsdialogHandlerT) HasOneRef ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (jsdialog_handler *CJsdialogHandlerT) HasOneRef() bool
*C.cef_jsdialog_handler_t has refCounted interface
func (*CJsdialogHandlerT) NewRef ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (self *CJsdialogHandlerT) NewRef() (newP *CJsdialogHandlerT)
func (*CJsdialogHandlerT) Pass ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (p *CJsdialogHandlerT) Pass() (ret *CJsdialogHandlerT)
func (*CJsdialogHandlerT) UnbindAll ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (jsdialog_handler *CJsdialogHandlerT) UnbindAll()
func (*CJsdialogHandlerT) Unref ¶ added in v0.4.1
func (jsdialog_handler *CJsdialogHandlerT) Unref() (ret bool)
type CJsdialogTypeT ¶ added in v0.1.5
type CJsdialogTypeT C.cef_jsdialog_type_t
/ / Supported JavaScript dialog types. /
const ( JsdialogtypeAlert CJsdialogTypeT = C.JSDIALOGTYPE_ALERT JsdialogtypeConfirm CJsdialogTypeT = C.JSDIALOGTYPE_CONFIRM JsdialogtypePrompt CJsdialogTypeT = C.JSDIALOGTYPE_PROMPT )
type CJsonParserOptionsT ¶ added in v0.1.5
type CJsonParserOptionsT C.cef_json_parser_options_t
/ / Options that can be passed to CefParseJSON. /
const ( /// /// Parses the input strictly according to RFC 4627. See comments in /// Chromium's base/json/json_reader.h file for known limitations/ /// deviations from the RFC. /// JsonParserRfc CJsonParserOptionsT = C.JSON_PARSER_RFC /// /// Allows commas to exist after the last element in structures. /// JsonParserAllowTrailingCommas CJsonParserOptionsT = C.JSON_PARSER_ALLOW_TRAILING_COMMAS )
type CJsonWriterOptionsT ¶ added in v0.1.5
type CJsonWriterOptionsT C.cef_json_writer_options_t
/ / Options that can be passed to CefWriteJSON. /
const ( /// /// Default behavior. /// JsonWriterDefault CJsonWriterOptionsT = C.JSON_WRITER_DEFAULT /// /// This option instructs the writer that if a Binary value is encountered, /// the value (and key if within a dictionary) will be omitted from the /// output, and success will be returned. Otherwise, if a binary value is /// encountered, failure will be returned. /// JsonWriterOmitBinaryValues CJsonWriterOptionsT = C.JSON_WRITER_OMIT_BINARY_VALUES /// /// This option instructs the writer to write doubles that have no fractional /// part as a normal integer (i.e., without using exponential notation /// or appending a '.0') as long as the value is within the range of a /// 64-bit int. /// JsonWriterOmitDoubleTypePreservation CJsonWriterOptionsT = C.JSON_WRITER_OMIT_DOUBLE_TYPE_PRESERVATION /// /// Return a slightly nicer formatted json string (pads with whitespace to /// help with readability). /// JsonWriterPrettyPrint CJsonWriterOptionsT = C.JSON_WRITER_PRETTY_PRINT )
type CKeyEventT ¶ added in v0.1.5
type CKeyEventT C.cef_key_event_t
/ / Structure representing keyboard event information. /
func NewCKeyEventT ¶ added in v0.2.0
func NewCKeyEventT() *CKeyEventT
func (*CKeyEventT) Character ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (st *CKeyEventT) Character() uint16
func (*CKeyEventT) FocusOnEditableField ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (st *CKeyEventT) FocusOnEditableField() int
func (*CKeyEventT) IsSystemKey ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (st *CKeyEventT) IsSystemKey() int
func (*CKeyEventT) Modifiers ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (st *CKeyEventT) Modifiers() uint32
func (*CKeyEventT) NativeKeyCode ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (st *CKeyEventT) NativeKeyCode() int
func (*CKeyEventT) SetCharacter ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (st *CKeyEventT) SetCharacter(v uint16)
func (*CKeyEventT) SetFocusOnEditableField ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (st *CKeyEventT) SetFocusOnEditableField(v int)
func (*CKeyEventT) SetIsSystemKey ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (st *CKeyEventT) SetIsSystemKey(v int)
func (*CKeyEventT) SetModifiers ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (st *CKeyEventT) SetModifiers(v uint32)
func (*CKeyEventT) SetNativeKeyCode ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (st *CKeyEventT) SetNativeKeyCode(v int)
func (*CKeyEventT) SetType ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (st *CKeyEventT) SetType(v CKeyEventTypeT)
func (*CKeyEventT) SetUnmodifiedCharacter ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (st *CKeyEventT) SetUnmodifiedCharacter(v uint16)
func (*CKeyEventT) SetWindowsKeyCode ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (st *CKeyEventT) SetWindowsKeyCode(v int)
func (*CKeyEventT) Type ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (st *CKeyEventT) Type() CKeyEventTypeT
func (*CKeyEventT) UnmodifiedCharacter ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (st *CKeyEventT) UnmodifiedCharacter() uint16
func (*CKeyEventT) WindowsKeyCode ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (st *CKeyEventT) WindowsKeyCode() int
type CKeyEventTypeT ¶ added in v0.1.5
type CKeyEventTypeT C.cef_key_event_type_t
/ / Key event types. /
const ( /// /// Notification that a key transitioned from "up" to "down". /// KeyeventRawkeydown CKeyEventTypeT = C.KEYEVENT_RAWKEYDOWN /// /// Notification that a key was pressed. This does not necessarily correspond /// to a character depending on the key and language. Use KEYEVENT_CHAR for /// character input. /// KeyeventKeydown CKeyEventTypeT = C.KEYEVENT_KEYDOWN /// /// Notification that a key was released. /// KeyeventKeyup CKeyEventTypeT = C.KEYEVENT_KEYUP /// /// Notification that a character was typed. Use this for text input. Key /// down events may generate 0, 1, or more than one character event depending /// on the key, locale, and operating system. /// KeyeventChar CKeyEventTypeT = C.KEYEVENT_CHAR )
type CKeyboardHandlerT ¶
type CKeyboardHandlerT struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Go type for cef_keyboard_handler_t
func NewCKeyboardHandlerT ¶ added in v0.5.0
func NewCKeyboardHandlerT(a interface{}) *CKeyboardHandlerT
NewCKeyboardHandlerT allocates CKeyboardHandlerT, construct and bind it
func (*CKeyboardHandlerT) Handler ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (keyboard_handler *CKeyboardHandlerT) Handler() interface{}
func (*CKeyboardHandlerT) HasOneRef ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (keyboard_handler *CKeyboardHandlerT) HasOneRef() bool
*C.cef_keyboard_handler_t has refCounted interface
func (*CKeyboardHandlerT) NewRef ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (self *CKeyboardHandlerT) NewRef() (newP *CKeyboardHandlerT)
func (*CKeyboardHandlerT) Pass ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (p *CKeyboardHandlerT) Pass() (ret *CKeyboardHandlerT)
func (*CKeyboardHandlerT) UnbindAll ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (keyboard_handler *CKeyboardHandlerT) UnbindAll()
func (*CKeyboardHandlerT) Unref ¶ added in v0.4.1
func (keyboard_handler *CKeyboardHandlerT) Unref() (ret bool)
type CKeyboardHandlerTOnKeyEventHandler ¶ added in v0.2.5
type CKeyboardHandlerTOnKeyEventHandler interface { OnKeyEvent( self *CKeyboardHandlerT, browser *CBrowserT, event *CKeyEventT, os_event CEventHandleT, ) (ret bool) }
/ / Called after the renderer and JavaScript in the page has had a chance to / handle the event. |event| contains information about the keyboard event. / |os_event| is the operating system event message, if any. Return true (1) / if the keyboard event was handled or false (0) otherwise. /
type CLabelButtonT ¶ added in v0.2.5
type CLabelButtonT struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Go type for cef_label_button_t
func LabelButtonCreate ¶ added in v0.2.5
func LabelButtonCreate( delegate *CButtonDelegateT, text string, ) (ret *CLabelButtonT)
/ / Create a new LabelButton. A |delegate| must be provided to handle the button / click. |text| will be shown on the LabelButton and used as the default / accessible name. /
func (*CLabelButtonT) AsMenuButton ¶ added in v0.2.5
func (self *CLabelButtonT) AsMenuButton() (ret *CMenuButtonT)
/ / Returns this LabelButton as a MenuButton or NULL if this is not a / MenuButton. /
func (*CLabelButtonT) GetImage ¶ added in v0.2.5
func (self *CLabelButtonT) GetImage( button_state CButtonStateT, ) (ret *CImageT)
/ / Returns the image shown for |button_state|. If no image exists for that / state then the image for CEF_BUTTON_STATE_NORMAL will be returned. /
func (*CLabelButtonT) GetText ¶ added in v0.2.5
func (self *CLabelButtonT) GetText() (ret string)
/ / Returns the text shown on the LabelButton. / The resulting string must be freed by calling cef_string_userfree_free().
func (*CLabelButtonT) HasOneRef ¶ added in v0.2.5
func (label_button *CLabelButtonT) HasOneRef() bool
*C.cef_label_button_t has refCounted interface
func (*CLabelButtonT) NewRef ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (self *CLabelButtonT) NewRef() (newP *CLabelButtonT)
func (*CLabelButtonT) Pass ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (p *CLabelButtonT) Pass() (ret *CLabelButtonT)
func (*CLabelButtonT) SetEnabledTextColors ¶ added in v0.2.5
func (self *CLabelButtonT) SetEnabledTextColors( color CColorT, )
/ / Sets the text colors shown for the non-disabled states to |color|. /
func (*CLabelButtonT) SetFontList ¶ added in v0.2.5
func (self *CLabelButtonT) SetFontList( font_list string, )
/ / Sets the font list. The format is "<FONT_FAMILY_LIST>,[STYLES] <SIZE>", / where: - FONT_FAMILY_LIST is a comma-separated list of font family names, / - STYLES is an optional space-separated list of style names (case- / sensitive / "Bold" and "Italic" are supported), and / - SIZE is an integer font size in pixels with the suffix "px". / / Here are examples of valid font description strings: - "Arial, Helvetica, / Bold Italic 14px" - "Arial, 14px" /
func (*CLabelButtonT) SetHorizontalAlignment ¶ added in v0.2.5
func (self *CLabelButtonT) SetHorizontalAlignment( alignment CHorizontalAlignmentT, )
/ / Sets the horizontal alignment; reversed in RTL. Default is / CEF_HORIZONTAL_ALIGNMENT_CENTER. /
func (*CLabelButtonT) SetImage ¶ added in v0.2.5
func (self *CLabelButtonT) SetImage( button_state CButtonStateT, image *CImageT, )
/ / Sets the image shown for |button_state|. When this Button is drawn if no / image exists for the current state then the image for / CEF_BUTTON_STATE_NORMAL, if any, will be shown. /
func (*CLabelButtonT) SetMaximumSize ¶ added in v0.2.5
func (self *CLabelButtonT) SetMaximumSize( size *CSizeT, )
/ / Reset the maximum size of this LabelButton to |size|. /
func (*CLabelButtonT) SetMinimumSize ¶ added in v0.2.5
func (self *CLabelButtonT) SetMinimumSize( size *CSizeT, )
/ / Reset the minimum size of this LabelButton to |size|. /
func (*CLabelButtonT) SetText ¶ added in v0.2.5
func (self *CLabelButtonT) SetText( text string, )
/ / Sets the text shown on the LabelButton. By default |text| will also be / used as the accessible name. /
func (*CLabelButtonT) SetTextColor ¶ added in v0.2.5
func (self *CLabelButtonT) SetTextColor( for_state CButtonStateT, color CColorT, )
/ / Sets the text color shown for the specified button |for_state| to |color|. /
func (*CLabelButtonT) ToCButtonT ¶ added in v0.2.6
func (label_button *CLabelButtonT) ToCButtonT() *CButtonT
Convert to Base Class Pointer *CButtonT
func (*CLabelButtonT) Unref ¶ added in v0.4.1
func (label_button *CLabelButtonT) Unref() (ret bool)
type CLayoutT ¶ added in v0.2.5
type CLayoutT struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Go type for cef_layout_t
func (*CLayoutT) AsBoxLayout ¶ added in v0.2.5
func (self *CLayoutT) AsBoxLayout() (ret *CBoxLayoutT)
/ / Returns this Layout as a BoxLayout or NULL if this is not a BoxLayout. /
func (*CLayoutT) AsFillLayout ¶ added in v0.2.5
func (self *CLayoutT) AsFillLayout() (ret *CFillLayoutT)
/ / Returns this Layout as a FillLayout or NULL if this is not a FillLayout. /
type CLifeSpanHandlerT ¶
type CLifeSpanHandlerT struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Go type for cef_life_span_handler_t
func NewCLifeSpanHandlerT ¶ added in v0.5.0
func NewCLifeSpanHandlerT(a interface{}) *CLifeSpanHandlerT
NewCLifeSpanHandlerT allocates CLifeSpanHandlerT, construct and bind it
func (*CLifeSpanHandlerT) Handler ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (life_span_handler *CLifeSpanHandlerT) Handler() interface{}
func (*CLifeSpanHandlerT) HasOneRef ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (life_span_handler *CLifeSpanHandlerT) HasOneRef() bool
*C.cef_life_span_handler_t has refCounted interface
func (*CLifeSpanHandlerT) NewRef ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (self *CLifeSpanHandlerT) NewRef() (newP *CLifeSpanHandlerT)
func (*CLifeSpanHandlerT) Pass ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (p *CLifeSpanHandlerT) Pass() (ret *CLifeSpanHandlerT)
func (*CLifeSpanHandlerT) UnbindAll ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (life_span_handler *CLifeSpanHandlerT) UnbindAll()
func (*CLifeSpanHandlerT) Unref ¶ added in v0.4.1
func (life_span_handler *CLifeSpanHandlerT) Unref() (ret bool)
type CListValueT ¶
type CListValueT struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Go type for cef_list_value_t
func ListValueCreate ¶
func ListValueCreate() (ret *CListValueT)
/ / Creates a new object that is not owned by any other object. /
func (*CListValueT) Clear ¶
func (self *CListValueT) Clear() (ret bool)
/ / Removes all values. Returns true (1) on success. /
func (*CListValueT) Copy ¶
func (self *CListValueT) Copy() (ret *CListValueT)
/ / Returns a writable copy of this object. /
func (*CListValueT) GetBinary ¶
func (self *CListValueT) GetBinary( index int64, ) (ret *CBinaryValueT)
/ / Returns the value at the specified index as type binary. The returned / value will reference existing data. /
func (*CListValueT) GetBool ¶
func (self *CListValueT) GetBool( index int64, ) (ret bool)
/ / Returns the value at the specified index as type bool. /
func (*CListValueT) GetDictionary ¶
func (self *CListValueT) GetDictionary( index int64, ) (ret *CDictionaryValueT)
/ / Returns the value at the specified index as type dictionary. The returned / value will reference existing data and modifications to the value will / modify this object. /
func (*CListValueT) GetDouble ¶
func (self *CListValueT) GetDouble( index int64, ) (ret float64)
/ / Returns the value at the specified index as type double. /
func (*CListValueT) GetInt ¶
func (self *CListValueT) GetInt( index int64, ) (ret int)
/ / Returns the value at the specified index as type int. /
func (*CListValueT) GetList ¶
func (self *CListValueT) GetList( index int64, ) (ret *CListValueT)
/ / Returns the value at the specified index as type list. The returned value / will reference existing data and modifications to the value will modify / this object. /
func (*CListValueT) GetSize ¶
func (self *CListValueT) GetSize() (ret int64)
/ / Returns the number of values. /
func (*CListValueT) GetString ¶
func (self *CListValueT) GetString( index int64, ) (ret string)
/ / Returns the value at the specified index as type string. / The resulting string must be freed by calling cef_string_userfree_free().
func (*CListValueT) GetType ¶
func (self *CListValueT) GetType( index int64, ) (ret CValueTypeT)
/ / Returns the value type at the specified index. /
func (*CListValueT) GetValue ¶
func (self *CListValueT) GetValue( index int64, ) (ret *CValueT)
/ / Returns the value at the specified index. For simple types the returned / value will copy existing data and modifications to the value will not / modify this object. For complex types (binary, dictionary and list) the / returned value will reference existing data and modifications to the value / will modify this object. /
func (*CListValueT) HasOneRef ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (list_value *CListValueT) HasOneRef() bool
*C.cef_list_value_t has refCounted interface
func (*CListValueT) IsEqual ¶
func (self *CListValueT) IsEqual( that *CListValueT, ) (ret bool)
/ / Returns true (1) if this object and |that| object have an equivalent / underlying value but are not necessarily the same object. /
func (*CListValueT) IsOwned ¶
func (self *CListValueT) IsOwned() (ret bool)
/ / Returns true (1) if this object is currently owned by another object. /
func (*CListValueT) IsReadOnly ¶
func (self *CListValueT) IsReadOnly() (ret bool)
/ / Returns true (1) if the values of this object are read-only. Some APIs may / expose read-only objects. /
func (*CListValueT) IsSame ¶
func (self *CListValueT) IsSame( that *CListValueT, ) (ret bool)
/ / Returns true (1) if this object and |that| object have the same underlying / data. If true (1) modifications to this object will also affect |that| / object and vice-versa. /
func (*CListValueT) IsValid ¶
func (self *CListValueT) IsValid() (ret bool)
/ / Returns true (1) if this object is valid. This object may become invalid / if the underlying data is owned by another object (e.g. list or / dictionary) and that other object is then modified or destroyed. Do not / call any other functions if this function returns false (0). /
func (*CListValueT) NewRef ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (self *CListValueT) NewRef() (newP *CListValueT)
func (*CListValueT) Pass ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (p *CListValueT) Pass() (ret *CListValueT)
func (*CListValueT) Remove ¶
func (self *CListValueT) Remove( index int64, ) (ret bool)
/ / Removes the value at the specified index. /
func (*CListValueT) SetBinary ¶
func (self *CListValueT) SetBinary( index int64, value *CBinaryValueT, ) (ret bool)
/ / Sets the value at the specified index as type binary. Returns true (1) if / the value was set successfully. If |value| is currently owned by another / object then the value will be copied and the |value| reference will not / change. Otherwise, ownership will be transferred to this object and the / |value| reference will be invalidated. /
func (*CListValueT) SetBool ¶
func (self *CListValueT) SetBool( index int64, value bool, ) (ret bool)
/ / Sets the value at the specified index as type bool. Returns true (1) if / the value was set successfully. /
func (*CListValueT) SetDictionary ¶
func (self *CListValueT) SetDictionary( index int64, value *CDictionaryValueT, ) (ret bool)
/ / Sets the value at the specified index as type dict. Returns true (1) if / the value was set successfully. If |value| is currently owned by another / object then the value will be copied and the |value| reference will not / change. Otherwise, ownership will be transferred to this object and the / |value| reference will be invalidated. /
func (*CListValueT) SetDouble ¶
func (self *CListValueT) SetDouble( index int64, value float64, ) (ret bool)
/ / Sets the value at the specified index as type double. Returns true (1) if / the value was set successfully. /
func (*CListValueT) SetInt ¶
func (self *CListValueT) SetInt( index int64, value int, ) (ret bool)
/ / Sets the value at the specified index as type int. Returns true (1) if the / value was set successfully. /
func (*CListValueT) SetList ¶
func (self *CListValueT) SetList( index int64, value *CListValueT, ) (ret bool)
/ / Sets the value at the specified index as type list. Returns true (1) if / the value was set successfully. If |value| is currently owned by another / object then the value will be copied and the |value| reference will not / change. Otherwise, ownership will be transferred to this object and the / |value| reference will be invalidated. /
func (*CListValueT) SetNull ¶
func (self *CListValueT) SetNull( index int64, ) (ret bool)
/ / Sets the value at the specified index as type null. Returns true (1) if / the value was set successfully. /
func (*CListValueT) SetSize ¶
func (self *CListValueT) SetSize( size int64, ) (ret bool)
/ / Sets the number of values. If the number of values is expanded all new / value slots will default to type null. Returns true (1) on success. /
func (*CListValueT) SetString ¶
func (self *CListValueT) SetString( index int64, value string, ) (ret bool)
/ / Sets the value at the specified index as type string. Returns true (1) if / the value was set successfully. /
func (*CListValueT) SetValue ¶
func (self *CListValueT) SetValue( index int64, value *CValueT, ) (ret bool)
/ / Sets the value at the specified index. Returns true (1) if the value was / set successfully. If |value| represents simple data then the underlying / data will be copied and modifications to |value| will not modify this / object. If |value| represents complex data (binary, dictionary or list) / then the underlying data will be referenced and modifications to |value| / will modify this object. /
func (*CListValueT) Unref ¶ added in v0.4.1
func (list_value *CListValueT) Unref() (ret bool)
type CLoadHandlerT ¶
type CLoadHandlerT struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Go type for cef_load_handler_t
func NewCLoadHandlerT ¶ added in v0.5.0
func NewCLoadHandlerT(a interface{}) *CLoadHandlerT
NewCLoadHandlerT allocates CLoadHandlerT, construct and bind it
func (*CLoadHandlerT) Handler ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (load_handler *CLoadHandlerT) Handler() interface{}
func (*CLoadHandlerT) HasOneRef ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (load_handler *CLoadHandlerT) HasOneRef() bool
*C.cef_load_handler_t has refCounted interface
func (*CLoadHandlerT) NewRef ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (self *CLoadHandlerT) NewRef() (newP *CLoadHandlerT)
func (*CLoadHandlerT) Pass ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (p *CLoadHandlerT) Pass() (ret *CLoadHandlerT)
func (*CLoadHandlerT) UnbindAll ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (load_handler *CLoadHandlerT) UnbindAll()
func (*CLoadHandlerT) Unref ¶ added in v0.4.1
func (load_handler *CLoadHandlerT) Unref() (ret bool)
type CLogSeverityT ¶
type CLogSeverityT C.cef_log_severity_t
/ / Log severity levels. /
const ( /// /// Default logging (currently INFO logging). /// LogseverityDefault CLogSeverityT = C.LOGSEVERITY_DEFAULT /// /// Verbose logging. /// LogseverityVerbose CLogSeverityT = C.LOGSEVERITY_VERBOSE /// /// DEBUG logging. /// LogseverityDebug CLogSeverityT = C.LOGSEVERITY_DEBUG /// /// INFO logging. /// LogseverityInfo CLogSeverityT = C.LOGSEVERITY_INFO /// /// WARNING logging. /// LogseverityWarning CLogSeverityT = C.LOGSEVERITY_WARNING /// /// ERROR logging. /// LogseverityError CLogSeverityT = C.LOGSEVERITY_ERROR /// /// FATAL logging. /// LogseverityFatal CLogSeverityT = C.LOGSEVERITY_FATAL /// /// Disable logging to file for all messages, and to stderr for messages with /// severity less than FATAL. /// LogseverityDisable CLogSeverityT = C.LOGSEVERITY_DISABLE )
type CMainAxisAlignmentT ¶ added in v0.1.5
type CMainAxisAlignmentT C.cef_main_axis_alignment_t
/ / Specifies where along the main axis the CefBoxLayout child views should be / laid out. /
const ( /// /// Child views will be left-aligned. /// CefMainAxisAlignmentStart CMainAxisAlignmentT = C.CEF_MAIN_AXIS_ALIGNMENT_START /// /// Child views will be center-aligned. /// CefMainAxisAlignmentCenter CMainAxisAlignmentT = C.CEF_MAIN_AXIS_ALIGNMENT_CENTER /// /// Child views will be right-aligned. /// CefMainAxisAlignmentEnd CMainAxisAlignmentT = C.CEF_MAIN_AXIS_ALIGNMENT_END )
type CMediaAccessCallbackT ¶ added in v0.5.4
type CMediaAccessCallbackT struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Go type for cef_media_access_callback_t
func (*CMediaAccessCallbackT) Cancel ¶ added in v0.5.4
func (self *CMediaAccessCallbackT) Cancel()
/ / Cancel the media access request. /
func (*CMediaAccessCallbackT) Cont ¶ added in v0.5.4
func (self *CMediaAccessCallbackT) Cont( allowed_permissions uint32, )
/ / Call to allow or deny media access. If this callback was initiated in / response to a getUserMedia (indicated by / CEF_MEDIA_PERMISSION_DEVICE_AUDIO_CAPTURE and/or / CEF_MEDIA_PERMISSION_DEVICE_VIDEO_CAPTURE being set) then / |allowed_permissions| must match |required_permissions| passed to / OnRequestMediaAccessPermission. /
func (*CMediaAccessCallbackT) HasOneRef ¶ added in v0.5.4
func (media_access_callback *CMediaAccessCallbackT) HasOneRef() bool
*C.cef_media_access_callback_t has refCounted interface
func (*CMediaAccessCallbackT) NewRef ¶ added in v0.5.4
func (self *CMediaAccessCallbackT) NewRef() (newP *CMediaAccessCallbackT)
func (*CMediaAccessCallbackT) Pass ¶ added in v0.5.4
func (p *CMediaAccessCallbackT) Pass() (ret *CMediaAccessCallbackT)
func (*CMediaAccessCallbackT) Unref ¶ added in v0.5.4
func (media_access_callback *CMediaAccessCallbackT) Unref() (ret bool)
type CMediaAccessPermissionTypesT ¶ added in v0.5.4
type CMediaAccessPermissionTypesT C.cef_media_access_permission_types_t
/ / Media access permissions used by OnRequestMediaAccessPermission. /
const ( /// /// No permission. /// CefMediaPermissionNone CMediaAccessPermissionTypesT = C.CEF_MEDIA_PERMISSION_NONE /// /// Device audio capture permission. /// CefMediaPermissionDeviceAudioCapture CMediaAccessPermissionTypesT = C.CEF_MEDIA_PERMISSION_DEVICE_AUDIO_CAPTURE /// /// Device video capture permission. /// CefMediaPermissionDeviceVideoCapture CMediaAccessPermissionTypesT = C.CEF_MEDIA_PERMISSION_DEVICE_VIDEO_CAPTURE /// /// Desktop audio capture permission. /// CefMediaPermissionDesktopAudioCapture CMediaAccessPermissionTypesT = C.CEF_MEDIA_PERMISSION_DESKTOP_AUDIO_CAPTURE /// /// Desktop video capture permission. /// CefMediaPermissionDesktopVideoCapture CMediaAccessPermissionTypesT = C.CEF_MEDIA_PERMISSION_DESKTOP_VIDEO_CAPTURE )
type CMediaObserverT ¶ added in v0.2.7
type CMediaObserverT struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Go type for cef_media_observer_t
func NewCMediaObserverT ¶ added in v0.5.0
func NewCMediaObserverT(a interface{}) *CMediaObserverT
NewCMediaObserverT allocates CMediaObserverT, construct and bind it
func (*CMediaObserverT) Handler ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (media_observer *CMediaObserverT) Handler() interface{}
func (*CMediaObserverT) HasOneRef ¶ added in v0.2.7
func (media_observer *CMediaObserverT) HasOneRef() bool
*C.cef_media_observer_t has refCounted interface
func (*CMediaObserverT) NewRef ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (self *CMediaObserverT) NewRef() (newP *CMediaObserverT)
func (*CMediaObserverT) Pass ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (p *CMediaObserverT) Pass() (ret *CMediaObserverT)
func (*CMediaObserverT) UnbindAll ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (media_observer *CMediaObserverT) UnbindAll()
func (*CMediaObserverT) Unref ¶ added in v0.4.1
func (media_observer *CMediaObserverT) Unref() (ret bool)
type CMediaRouteConnectionStateT ¶ added in v0.2.7
type CMediaRouteConnectionStateT C.cef_media_route_connection_state_t
/ / Connection state for a MediaRoute object. /
const ( CefMrcsUnknown CMediaRouteConnectionStateT = C.CEF_MRCS_UNKNOWN CefMrcsConnecting CMediaRouteConnectionStateT = C.CEF_MRCS_CONNECTING CefMrcsConnected CMediaRouteConnectionStateT = C.CEF_MRCS_CONNECTED CefMrcsClosed CMediaRouteConnectionStateT = C.CEF_MRCS_CLOSED CefMrcsTerminated CMediaRouteConnectionStateT = C.CEF_MRCS_TERMINATED )
type CMediaRouteCreateCallbackT ¶ added in v0.2.7
type CMediaRouteCreateCallbackT struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Go type for cef_media_route_create_callback_t
func (*CMediaRouteCreateCallbackT) HasOneRef ¶ added in v0.2.7
func (media_route_create_callback *CMediaRouteCreateCallbackT) HasOneRef() bool
*C.cef_media_route_create_callback_t has refCounted interface
func (*CMediaRouteCreateCallbackT) NewRef ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (self *CMediaRouteCreateCallbackT) NewRef() (newP *CMediaRouteCreateCallbackT)
func (*CMediaRouteCreateCallbackT) OnMediaRouteCreateFinished ¶ added in v0.2.7
func (self *CMediaRouteCreateCallbackT) OnMediaRouteCreateFinished( result CMediaRouteCreateResultT, error string, route *CMediaRouteT, )
/ / Method that will be executed when the route creation has finished. / |result| will be CEF_MRCR_OK if the route creation succeeded. |error| will / be a description of the error if the route creation failed. |route| is the / resulting route, or NULL if the route creation failed. /
func (*CMediaRouteCreateCallbackT) Pass ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (p *CMediaRouteCreateCallbackT) Pass() (ret *CMediaRouteCreateCallbackT)
func (*CMediaRouteCreateCallbackT) Unref ¶ added in v0.4.1
func (media_route_create_callback *CMediaRouteCreateCallbackT) Unref() (ret bool)
type CMediaRouteCreateResultT ¶ added in v0.2.7
type CMediaRouteCreateResultT C.cef_media_route_create_result_t
/ / Result codes for CefMediaRouter::CreateRoute. Should be kept in sync with / Chromium's media_router::mojom::RouteRequestResultCode type. /
const ( CefMrcrUnknownError CMediaRouteCreateResultT = C.CEF_MRCR_UNKNOWN_ERROR CefMrcrOk CMediaRouteCreateResultT = C.CEF_MRCR_OK CefMrcrTimedOut CMediaRouteCreateResultT = C.CEF_MRCR_TIMED_OUT CefMrcrRouteNotFound CMediaRouteCreateResultT = C.CEF_MRCR_ROUTE_NOT_FOUND CefMrcrSinkNotFound CMediaRouteCreateResultT = C.CEF_MRCR_SINK_NOT_FOUND CefMrcrInvalidOrigin CMediaRouteCreateResultT = C.CEF_MRCR_INVALID_ORIGIN CefMrcrNoSupportedProvider CMediaRouteCreateResultT = C.CEF_MRCR_NO_SUPPORTED_PROVIDER CefMrcrCancelled CMediaRouteCreateResultT = C.CEF_MRCR_CANCELLED CefMrcrRouteAlreadyExists CMediaRouteCreateResultT = C.CEF_MRCR_ROUTE_ALREADY_EXISTS CefMrcrRouteAlreadyTerminated CMediaRouteCreateResultT = C.CEF_MRCR_ROUTE_ALREADY_TERMINATED )
type CMediaRouteT ¶ added in v0.2.7
type CMediaRouteT struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Go type for cef_media_route_t
func (*CMediaRouteT) GetId ¶ added in v0.2.7
func (self *CMediaRouteT) GetId() (ret string)
/ / Returns the ID for this route. / The resulting string must be freed by calling cef_string_userfree_free().
func (*CMediaRouteT) GetSink ¶ added in v0.2.7
func (self *CMediaRouteT) GetSink() (ret *CMediaSinkT)
/ / Returns the sink associated with this route. /
func (*CMediaRouteT) GetSource ¶ added in v0.2.7
func (self *CMediaRouteT) GetSource() (ret *CMediaSourceT)
/ / Returns the source associated with this route. /
func (*CMediaRouteT) HasOneRef ¶ added in v0.2.7
func (media_route *CMediaRouteT) HasOneRef() bool
*C.cef_media_route_t has refCounted interface
func (*CMediaRouteT) NewRef ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (self *CMediaRouteT) NewRef() (newP *CMediaRouteT)
func (*CMediaRouteT) Pass ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (p *CMediaRouteT) Pass() (ret *CMediaRouteT)
func (*CMediaRouteT) SendRouteMessage ¶ added in v0.2.7
func (self *CMediaRouteT) SendRouteMessage( message []byte, )
/ / Send a message over this route. |message| will be copied if necessary. /
func (*CMediaRouteT) Terminate ¶ added in v0.2.7
func (self *CMediaRouteT) Terminate()
/ / Terminate this route. Will result in an asynchronous call to / cef_media_observer_t::OnRoutes on all registered observers. /
func (*CMediaRouteT) Unref ¶ added in v0.4.1
func (media_route *CMediaRouteT) Unref() (ret bool)
type CMediaRouterT ¶ added in v0.2.7
type CMediaRouterT struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Go type for cef_media_router_t
func MediaRouterGetGlobal ¶ added in v0.2.7
func MediaRouterGetGlobal( callback *CCompletionCallbackT, ) (ret *CMediaRouterT)
/ / Returns the MediaRouter object associated with the global request context. / If |callback| is non-NULL it will be executed asnychronously on the UI / thread after the manager's storage has been initialized. Equivalent to / calling cef_request_context_t::cef_request_context_get_global_context()->get / _media_router(). /
func (*CMediaRouterT) AddObserver ¶ added in v0.2.7
func (self *CMediaRouterT) AddObserver( observer *CMediaObserverT, ) (ret *CRegistrationT)
/ / Add an observer for MediaRouter events. The observer will remain / registered until the returned Registration object is destroyed. /
func (*CMediaRouterT) CreateRoute ¶ added in v0.2.7
func (self *CMediaRouterT) CreateRoute( source *CMediaSourceT, sink *CMediaSinkT, callback *CMediaRouteCreateCallbackT, )
/ / Create a new route between |source| and |sink|. Source and sink must be / valid, compatible (as reported by cef_media_sink_t::IsCompatibleWith), and / a route between them must not already exist. |callback| will be executed / on success or failure. If route creation succeeds it will also trigger an / asynchronous call to cef_media_observer_t::OnRoutes on all registered / observers. /
func (*CMediaRouterT) GetSource ¶ added in v0.2.7
func (self *CMediaRouterT) GetSource( urn string, ) (ret *CMediaSourceT)
/ / Returns a MediaSource object for the specified media source URN. Supported / URN schemes include "cast:" and "dial:", and will be already known by the / client application (e.g. "cast:<appId>?clientId=<clientId>"). /
func (*CMediaRouterT) HasOneRef ¶ added in v0.2.7
func (media_router *CMediaRouterT) HasOneRef() bool
*C.cef_media_router_t has refCounted interface
func (*CMediaRouterT) NewRef ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (self *CMediaRouterT) NewRef() (newP *CMediaRouterT)
func (*CMediaRouterT) NotifyCurrentRoutes ¶ added in v0.2.7
func (self *CMediaRouterT) NotifyCurrentRoutes()
/ / Trigger an asynchronous call to cef_media_observer_t::OnRoutes on all / registered observers. /
func (*CMediaRouterT) NotifyCurrentSinks ¶ added in v0.2.7
func (self *CMediaRouterT) NotifyCurrentSinks()
/ / Trigger an asynchronous call to cef_media_observer_t::OnSinks on all / registered observers. /
func (*CMediaRouterT) Pass ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (p *CMediaRouterT) Pass() (ret *CMediaRouterT)
func (*CMediaRouterT) Unref ¶ added in v0.4.1
func (media_router *CMediaRouterT) Unref() (ret bool)
type CMediaSinkDeviceInfoCallbackT ¶ added in v0.3.1
type CMediaSinkDeviceInfoCallbackT struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Go type for cef_media_sink_device_info_callback_t
func (*CMediaSinkDeviceInfoCallbackT) HasOneRef ¶ added in v0.3.1
func (media_sink_device_info_callback *CMediaSinkDeviceInfoCallbackT) HasOneRef() bool
*C.cef_media_sink_device_info_callback_t has refCounted interface
func (*CMediaSinkDeviceInfoCallbackT) NewRef ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (self *CMediaSinkDeviceInfoCallbackT) NewRef() (newP *CMediaSinkDeviceInfoCallbackT)
func (*CMediaSinkDeviceInfoCallbackT) OnMediaSinkDeviceInfo ¶ added in v0.3.1
func (self *CMediaSinkDeviceInfoCallbackT) OnMediaSinkDeviceInfo( device_info *CMediaSinkDeviceInfoT, )
/ / Method that will be executed asyncronously once device information has / been retrieved. /
func (*CMediaSinkDeviceInfoCallbackT) Pass ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (p *CMediaSinkDeviceInfoCallbackT) Pass() (ret *CMediaSinkDeviceInfoCallbackT)
func (*CMediaSinkDeviceInfoCallbackT) Unref ¶ added in v0.4.1
func (media_sink_device_info_callback *CMediaSinkDeviceInfoCallbackT) Unref() (ret bool)
type CMediaSinkDeviceInfoT ¶ added in v0.3.1
type CMediaSinkDeviceInfoT C.cef_media_sink_device_info_t
/ / Device information for a MediaSink object. /
func NewCMediaSinkDeviceInfoT ¶ added in v0.3.1
func NewCMediaSinkDeviceInfoT() *CMediaSinkDeviceInfoT
func (*CMediaSinkDeviceInfoT) IpAddress ¶ added in v0.3.1
func (st *CMediaSinkDeviceInfoT) IpAddress() string
func (*CMediaSinkDeviceInfoT) ModelName ¶ added in v0.3.1
func (st *CMediaSinkDeviceInfoT) ModelName() string
func (*CMediaSinkDeviceInfoT) Port ¶ added in v0.3.1
func (st *CMediaSinkDeviceInfoT) Port() int
func (*CMediaSinkDeviceInfoT) SetIpAddress ¶ added in v0.3.1
func (st *CMediaSinkDeviceInfoT) SetIpAddress(v string)
func (*CMediaSinkDeviceInfoT) SetModelName ¶ added in v0.3.1
func (st *CMediaSinkDeviceInfoT) SetModelName(v string)
func (*CMediaSinkDeviceInfoT) SetPort ¶ added in v0.3.1
func (st *CMediaSinkDeviceInfoT) SetPort(v int)
type CMediaSinkIconTypeT ¶ added in v0.2.12
type CMediaSinkIconTypeT C.cef_media_sink_icon_type_t
/ / Icon types for a MediaSink object. Should be kept in sync with Chromium's / media_router::SinkIconType type. /
const ( CefMsitCast CMediaSinkIconTypeT = C.CEF_MSIT_CAST CefMsitCastAudioGroup CMediaSinkIconTypeT = C.CEF_MSIT_CAST_AUDIO_GROUP CefMsitCastAudio CMediaSinkIconTypeT = C.CEF_MSIT_CAST_AUDIO CefMsitMeeting CMediaSinkIconTypeT = C.CEF_MSIT_MEETING CefMsitHangout CMediaSinkIconTypeT = C.CEF_MSIT_HANGOUT CefMsitEducation CMediaSinkIconTypeT = C.CEF_MSIT_EDUCATION CefMsitWiredDisplay CMediaSinkIconTypeT = C.CEF_MSIT_WIRED_DISPLAY CefMsitGeneric CMediaSinkIconTypeT = C.CEF_MSIT_GENERIC CefMsitTotalCount CMediaSinkIconTypeT = C.CEF_MSIT_TOTAL_COUNT )
type CMediaSinkT ¶ added in v0.2.7
type CMediaSinkT struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Go type for cef_media_sink_t
func (*CMediaSinkT) GetDescription ¶ added in v0.2.7
func (self *CMediaSinkT) GetDescription() (ret string)
/ / Returns the description of this sink. / The resulting string must be freed by calling cef_string_userfree_free().
func (*CMediaSinkT) GetDeviceInfo ¶ added in v0.3.1
func (self *CMediaSinkT) GetDeviceInfo( callback *CMediaSinkDeviceInfoCallbackT, )
/ / Asynchronously retrieves device info. /
func (*CMediaSinkT) GetIconType ¶ added in v0.2.12
func (self *CMediaSinkT) GetIconType() (ret CMediaSinkIconTypeT)
/ / Returns the icon type for this sink. /
func (*CMediaSinkT) GetId ¶ added in v0.2.7
func (self *CMediaSinkT) GetId() (ret string)
/ / Returns the ID for this sink. / The resulting string must be freed by calling cef_string_userfree_free().
func (*CMediaSinkT) GetName ¶ added in v0.2.7
func (self *CMediaSinkT) GetName() (ret string)
/ / Returns the name of this sink. / The resulting string must be freed by calling cef_string_userfree_free().
func (*CMediaSinkT) HasOneRef ¶ added in v0.2.7
func (media_sink *CMediaSinkT) HasOneRef() bool
*C.cef_media_sink_t has refCounted interface
func (*CMediaSinkT) IsCastSink ¶ added in v0.2.7
func (self *CMediaSinkT) IsCastSink() (ret bool)
/ / Returns true (1) if this sink accepts content via Cast. /
func (*CMediaSinkT) IsCompatibleWith ¶ added in v0.2.7
func (self *CMediaSinkT) IsCompatibleWith( source *CMediaSourceT, ) (ret bool)
/ / Returns true (1) if this sink is compatible with |source|. /
func (*CMediaSinkT) IsDialSink ¶ added in v0.2.7
func (self *CMediaSinkT) IsDialSink() (ret bool)
/ / Returns true (1) if this sink accepts content via DIAL. /
func (*CMediaSinkT) NewRef ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (self *CMediaSinkT) NewRef() (newP *CMediaSinkT)
func (*CMediaSinkT) Pass ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (p *CMediaSinkT) Pass() (ret *CMediaSinkT)
func (*CMediaSinkT) Unref ¶ added in v0.4.1
func (media_sink *CMediaSinkT) Unref() (ret bool)
type CMediaSourceT ¶ added in v0.2.7
type CMediaSourceT struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Go type for cef_media_source_t
func (*CMediaSourceT) GetId ¶ added in v0.2.7
func (self *CMediaSourceT) GetId() (ret string)
/ / Returns the ID (media source URN or URL) for this source. / The resulting string must be freed by calling cef_string_userfree_free().
func (*CMediaSourceT) HasOneRef ¶ added in v0.2.7
func (media_source *CMediaSourceT) HasOneRef() bool
*C.cef_media_source_t has refCounted interface
func (*CMediaSourceT) IsCastSource ¶ added in v0.2.7
func (self *CMediaSourceT) IsCastSource() (ret bool)
/ / Returns true (1) if this source outputs its content via Cast. /
func (*CMediaSourceT) IsDialSource ¶ added in v0.2.7
func (self *CMediaSourceT) IsDialSource() (ret bool)
/ / Returns true (1) if this source outputs its content via DIAL. /
func (*CMediaSourceT) NewRef ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (self *CMediaSourceT) NewRef() (newP *CMediaSourceT)
func (*CMediaSourceT) Pass ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (p *CMediaSourceT) Pass() (ret *CMediaSourceT)
func (*CMediaSourceT) Unref ¶ added in v0.4.1
func (media_source *CMediaSourceT) Unref() (ret bool)
type CMenuAnchorPositionT ¶ added in v0.1.5
type CMenuAnchorPositionT C.cef_menu_anchor_position_t
/ / Specifies how a menu will be anchored for non-RTL languages. The opposite / position will be used for RTL languages. /
const ( CefMenuAnchorTopleft CMenuAnchorPositionT = C.CEF_MENU_ANCHOR_TOPLEFT CefMenuAnchorTopright CMenuAnchorPositionT = C.CEF_MENU_ANCHOR_TOPRIGHT CefMenuAnchorBottomcenter CMenuAnchorPositionT = C.CEF_MENU_ANCHOR_BOTTOMCENTER )
type CMenuButtonDelegateT ¶ added in v0.2.5
type CMenuButtonDelegateT struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Go type for cef_menu_button_delegate_t
func NewCMenuButtonDelegateT ¶ added in v0.5.0
func NewCMenuButtonDelegateT(a interface{}) *CMenuButtonDelegateT
NewCMenuButtonDelegateT allocates CMenuButtonDelegateT, construct and bind it
func (*CMenuButtonDelegateT) Handler ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (menu_button_delegate *CMenuButtonDelegateT) Handler() interface{}
func (*CMenuButtonDelegateT) HasOneRef ¶ added in v0.2.5
func (menu_button_delegate *CMenuButtonDelegateT) HasOneRef() bool
*C.cef_menu_button_delegate_t has refCounted interface
func (*CMenuButtonDelegateT) NewRef ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (self *CMenuButtonDelegateT) NewRef() (newP *CMenuButtonDelegateT)
func (*CMenuButtonDelegateT) Pass ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (p *CMenuButtonDelegateT) Pass() (ret *CMenuButtonDelegateT)
func (*CMenuButtonDelegateT) ToCButtonDelegateT ¶ added in v0.2.6
func (menu_button_delegate *CMenuButtonDelegateT) ToCButtonDelegateT() *CButtonDelegateT
Convert to Base Class Pointer *CButtonDelegateT
func (*CMenuButtonDelegateT) UnbindAll ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (menu_button_delegate *CMenuButtonDelegateT) UnbindAll()
func (*CMenuButtonDelegateT) Unref ¶ added in v0.4.1
func (menu_button_delegate *CMenuButtonDelegateT) Unref() (ret bool)
type CMenuButtonPressedLockT ¶ added in v0.2.5
type CMenuButtonPressedLockT struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Go type for cef_menu_button_pressed_lock_t
func (*CMenuButtonPressedLockT) HasOneRef ¶ added in v0.2.5
func (menu_button_pressed_lock *CMenuButtonPressedLockT) HasOneRef() bool
*C.cef_menu_button_pressed_lock_t has refCounted interface
func (*CMenuButtonPressedLockT) NewRef ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (self *CMenuButtonPressedLockT) NewRef() (newP *CMenuButtonPressedLockT)
func (*CMenuButtonPressedLockT) Pass ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (p *CMenuButtonPressedLockT) Pass() (ret *CMenuButtonPressedLockT)
func (*CMenuButtonPressedLockT) Unref ¶ added in v0.4.1
func (menu_button_pressed_lock *CMenuButtonPressedLockT) Unref() (ret bool)
type CMenuButtonT ¶ added in v0.2.5
type CMenuButtonT struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Go type for cef_menu_button_t
func MenuButtonCreate ¶ added in v0.2.5
func MenuButtonCreate( delegate *CMenuButtonDelegateT, text string, ) (ret *CMenuButtonT)
/ / Create a new MenuButton. A |delegate| must be provided to call show_menu() / when the button is clicked. |text| will be shown on the MenuButton and used / as the default accessible name. If |with_frame| is true (1) the button will / have a visible frame at all times, center alignment, additional padding and / a default minimum size of 70x33 DIP. If |with_frame| is false (0) the button / will only have a visible frame on hover/press, left alignment, less padding / and no default minimum size. /
func (*CMenuButtonT) HasOneRef ¶ added in v0.2.5
func (menu_button *CMenuButtonT) HasOneRef() bool
*C.cef_menu_button_t has refCounted interface
func (*CMenuButtonT) NewRef ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (self *CMenuButtonT) NewRef() (newP *CMenuButtonT)
func (*CMenuButtonT) Pass ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (p *CMenuButtonT) Pass() (ret *CMenuButtonT)
func (*CMenuButtonT) ShowMenu ¶ added in v0.2.5
func (self *CMenuButtonT) ShowMenu( menu_model *CMenuModelT, screen_point *CPointT, anchor_position CMenuAnchorPositionT, )
/ / Show a menu with contents |menu_model|. |screen_point| specifies the menu / position in screen coordinates. |anchor_position| specifies how the menu / will be anchored relative to |screen_point|. This function should be / called from cef_menu_button_delegate_t::on_menu_button_pressed(). /
func (*CMenuButtonT) ToCLabelButtonT ¶ added in v0.2.6
func (menu_button *CMenuButtonT) ToCLabelButtonT() *CLabelButtonT
Convert to Base Class Pointer *CLabelButtonT
func (*CMenuButtonT) TriggerMenu ¶ added in v0.2.5
func (self *CMenuButtonT) TriggerMenu()
/ / Show the menu for this button. Results in a call to / cef_menu_button_delegate_t::on_menu_button_pressed(). /
func (*CMenuButtonT) Unref ¶ added in v0.4.1
func (menu_button *CMenuButtonT) Unref() (ret bool)
type CMenuColorTypeT ¶ added in v0.1.5
type CMenuColorTypeT C.cef_menu_color_type_t
/ / Supported color types for menu items. /
const ( CefMenuColorText CMenuColorTypeT = C.CEF_MENU_COLOR_TEXT CefMenuColorTextHovered CMenuColorTypeT = C.CEF_MENU_COLOR_TEXT_HOVERED CefMenuColorTextAccelerator CMenuColorTypeT = C.CEF_MENU_COLOR_TEXT_ACCELERATOR CefMenuColorTextAcceleratorHovered CMenuColorTypeT = C.CEF_MENU_COLOR_TEXT_ACCELERATOR_HOVERED CefMenuColorBackground CMenuColorTypeT = C.CEF_MENU_COLOR_BACKGROUND CefMenuColorBackgroundHovered CMenuColorTypeT = C.CEF_MENU_COLOR_BACKGROUND_HOVERED CefMenuColorCount CMenuColorTypeT = C.CEF_MENU_COLOR_COUNT )
type CMenuIdT ¶ added in v0.1.5
type CMenuIdT C.cef_menu_id_t
/ / Supported menu IDs. Non-English translations can be provided for the / IDS_MENU_* strings in CefResourceBundleHandler::GetLocalizedString(). /
const ( // Navigation. MenuIdBack CMenuIdT = C.MENU_ID_BACK MenuIdForward CMenuIdT = C.MENU_ID_FORWARD MenuIdReload CMenuIdT = C.MENU_ID_RELOAD MenuIdReloadNocache CMenuIdT = C.MENU_ID_RELOAD_NOCACHE MenuIdStopload CMenuIdT = C.MENU_ID_STOPLOAD // Editing. MenuIdUndo CMenuIdT = C.MENU_ID_UNDO MenuIdRedo CMenuIdT = C.MENU_ID_REDO MenuIdCut CMenuIdT = C.MENU_ID_CUT MenuIdCopy CMenuIdT = C.MENU_ID_COPY MenuIdPaste CMenuIdT = C.MENU_ID_PASTE MenuIdDelete CMenuIdT = C.MENU_ID_DELETE MenuIdSelectAll CMenuIdT = C.MENU_ID_SELECT_ALL // Miscellaneous. MenuIdFind CMenuIdT = C.MENU_ID_FIND MenuIdPrint CMenuIdT = C.MENU_ID_PRINT MenuIdViewSource CMenuIdT = C.MENU_ID_VIEW_SOURCE // Spell checking word correction suggestions. MenuIdSpellcheckSuggestion0 CMenuIdT = C.MENU_ID_SPELLCHECK_SUGGESTION_0 MenuIdSpellcheckSuggestion1 CMenuIdT = C.MENU_ID_SPELLCHECK_SUGGESTION_1 MenuIdSpellcheckSuggestion2 CMenuIdT = C.MENU_ID_SPELLCHECK_SUGGESTION_2 MenuIdSpellcheckSuggestion3 CMenuIdT = C.MENU_ID_SPELLCHECK_SUGGESTION_3 MenuIdSpellcheckSuggestion4 CMenuIdT = C.MENU_ID_SPELLCHECK_SUGGESTION_4 MenuIdSpellcheckSuggestionLast CMenuIdT = C.MENU_ID_SPELLCHECK_SUGGESTION_LAST MenuIdNoSpellingSuggestions CMenuIdT = C.MENU_ID_NO_SPELLING_SUGGESTIONS MenuIdAddToDictionary CMenuIdT = C.MENU_ID_ADD_TO_DICTIONARY // Custom menu items originating from the renderer process. MenuIdCustomFirst CMenuIdT = C.MENU_ID_CUSTOM_FIRST MenuIdCustomLast CMenuIdT = C.MENU_ID_CUSTOM_LAST // All user-defined menu IDs should come between MENU_ID_USER_FIRST and // MENU_ID_USER_LAST to avoid overlapping the Chromium and CEF ID ranges // defined in the tools/gritsettings/resource_ids file. MenuIdUserFirst CMenuIdT = C.MENU_ID_USER_FIRST MenuIdUserLast CMenuIdT = C.MENU_ID_USER_LAST )
type CMenuItemTypeT ¶ added in v0.1.5
type CMenuItemTypeT C.cef_menu_item_type_t
/ / Supported menu item types. /
const ( MenuitemtypeNone CMenuItemTypeT = C.MENUITEMTYPE_NONE MenuitemtypeCommand CMenuItemTypeT = C.MENUITEMTYPE_COMMAND MenuitemtypeCheck CMenuItemTypeT = C.MENUITEMTYPE_CHECK MenuitemtypeRadio CMenuItemTypeT = C.MENUITEMTYPE_RADIO MenuitemtypeSeparator CMenuItemTypeT = C.MENUITEMTYPE_SEPARATOR )
type CMenuModelDelegateT ¶ added in v0.1.5
type CMenuModelDelegateT struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Go type for cef_menu_model_delegate_t
func NewCMenuModelDelegateT ¶ added in v0.5.0
func NewCMenuModelDelegateT(a interface{}) *CMenuModelDelegateT
NewCMenuModelDelegateT allocates CMenuModelDelegateT, construct and bind it
func (*CMenuModelDelegateT) Handler ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (menu_model_delegate *CMenuModelDelegateT) Handler() interface{}
func (*CMenuModelDelegateT) HasOneRef ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (menu_model_delegate *CMenuModelDelegateT) HasOneRef() bool
*C.cef_menu_model_delegate_t has refCounted interface
func (*CMenuModelDelegateT) NewRef ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (self *CMenuModelDelegateT) NewRef() (newP *CMenuModelDelegateT)
func (*CMenuModelDelegateT) Pass ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (p *CMenuModelDelegateT) Pass() (ret *CMenuModelDelegateT)
func (*CMenuModelDelegateT) UnbindAll ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (menu_model_delegate *CMenuModelDelegateT) UnbindAll()
func (*CMenuModelDelegateT) Unref ¶ added in v0.4.1
func (menu_model_delegate *CMenuModelDelegateT) Unref() (ret bool)
type CMenuModelT ¶ added in v0.1.5
type CMenuModelT struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Go type for cef_menu_model_t
func MenuModelCreate ¶ added in v0.1.5
func MenuModelCreate( delegate *CMenuModelDelegateT, ) (ret *CMenuModelT)
/ / Create a new MenuModel with the specified |delegate|. /
func (*CMenuModelT) AddCheckItem ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CMenuModelT) AddCheckItem( command_id int, label string, ) (ret bool)
/ / Add a check item to the menu. Returns true (1) on success. /
func (*CMenuModelT) AddItem ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CMenuModelT) AddItem( command_id int, label string, ) (ret bool)
/ / Add an item to the menu. Returns true (1) on success. /
func (*CMenuModelT) AddRadioItem ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CMenuModelT) AddRadioItem( command_id int, label string, group_id int, ) (ret bool)
/ / Add a radio item to the menu. Only a single item with the specified / |group_id| can be checked at a time. Returns true (1) on success. /
func (*CMenuModelT) AddSeparator ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CMenuModelT) AddSeparator() (ret bool)
/ / Add a separator to the menu. Returns true (1) on success. /
func (*CMenuModelT) AddSubMenu ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CMenuModelT) AddSubMenu( command_id int, label string, ) (ret *CMenuModelT)
/ / Add a sub-menu to the menu. The new sub-menu is returned. /
func (*CMenuModelT) Clear ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CMenuModelT) Clear() (ret bool)
/ / Clears the menu. Returns true (1) on success. /
func (*CMenuModelT) GetAccelerator ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CMenuModelT) GetAccelerator( command_id int, ) (ret bool, key_code int, shift_pressed int, ctrl_pressed int, alt_pressed int)
/ / Retrieves the keyboard accelerator for the specified |command_id|. Returns / true (1) on success. /
func (*CMenuModelT) GetAcceleratorAt ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CMenuModelT) GetAcceleratorAt( index int64, ) (ret bool, key_code int, shift_pressed int, ctrl_pressed int, alt_pressed int)
/ / Retrieves the keyboard accelerator for the specified |index|. Returns true / (1) on success. /
func (*CMenuModelT) GetColor ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CMenuModelT) GetColor( command_id int, color_type CMenuColorTypeT, color *CColorT, ) (ret bool)
/ / Returns in |color| the color that was explicitly set for |command_id| and / |color_type|. If a color was not set then 0 will be returned in |color|. / Returns true (1) on success. /
func (*CMenuModelT) GetColorAt ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CMenuModelT) GetColorAt( index int, color_type CMenuColorTypeT, color *CColorT, ) (ret bool)
/ / Returns in |color| the color that was explicitly set for |command_id| and / |color_type|. Specify an |index| value of -1 to return the default color / in |color|. If a color was not set then 0 will be returned in |color|. / Returns true (1) on success. /
func (*CMenuModelT) GetCommandIdAt ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CMenuModelT) GetCommandIdAt( index int64, ) (ret bool)
/ / Returns the command id at the specified |index| or -1 if not found due to / invalid range or the index being a separator. /
func (*CMenuModelT) GetCount ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CMenuModelT) GetCount() (ret int64)
/ / Returns the number of items in this menu. /
func (*CMenuModelT) GetGroupId ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CMenuModelT) GetGroupId( command_id int, ) (ret bool)
/ / Returns the group id for the specified |command_id| or -1 if invalid. /
func (*CMenuModelT) GetGroupIdAt ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CMenuModelT) GetGroupIdAt( index int64, ) (ret bool)
/ / Returns the group id at the specified |index| or -1 if invalid. /
func (*CMenuModelT) GetIndexOf ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CMenuModelT) GetIndexOf( command_id int, ) (ret bool)
/ / Returns the index associated with the specified |command_id| or -1 if not / found due to the command id not existing in the menu. /
func (*CMenuModelT) GetLabel ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CMenuModelT) GetLabel( command_id int, ) (ret string)
/ / Returns the label for the specified |command_id| or NULL if not found. / The resulting string must be freed by calling cef_string_userfree_free().
func (*CMenuModelT) GetLabelAt ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CMenuModelT) GetLabelAt( index int64, ) (ret string)
/ / Returns the label at the specified |index| or NULL if not found due to / invalid range or the index being a separator. / The resulting string must be freed by calling cef_string_userfree_free().
func (*CMenuModelT) GetSubMenu ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CMenuModelT) GetSubMenu( command_id int, ) (ret *CMenuModelT)
/ / Returns the submenu for the specified |command_id| or NULL if invalid. /
func (*CMenuModelT) GetSubMenuAt ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CMenuModelT) GetSubMenuAt( index int64, ) (ret *CMenuModelT)
/ / Returns the submenu at the specified |index| or NULL if invalid. /
func (*CMenuModelT) GetType ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CMenuModelT) GetType( command_id int, ) (ret CMenuItemTypeT)
/ / Returns the item type for the specified |command_id|. /
func (*CMenuModelT) GetTypeAt ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CMenuModelT) GetTypeAt( index int64, ) (ret CMenuItemTypeT)
/ / Returns the item type at the specified |index|. /
func (*CMenuModelT) HasAccelerator ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CMenuModelT) HasAccelerator( command_id int, ) (ret bool)
/ / Returns true (1) if the specified |command_id| has a keyboard accelerator / assigned. /
func (*CMenuModelT) HasAcceleratorAt ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CMenuModelT) HasAcceleratorAt( index int64, ) (ret bool)
/ / Returns true (1) if the specified |index| has a keyboard accelerator / assigned. /
func (*CMenuModelT) HasOneRef ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (menu_model *CMenuModelT) HasOneRef() bool
*C.cef_menu_model_t has refCounted interface
func (*CMenuModelT) InsertCheckItemAt ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CMenuModelT) InsertCheckItemAt( index int64, command_id int, label string, ) (ret bool)
/ / Insert a check item in the menu at the specified |index|. Returns true (1) / on success. /
func (*CMenuModelT) InsertItemAt ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CMenuModelT) InsertItemAt( index int64, command_id int, label string, ) (ret bool)
/ / Insert an item in the menu at the specified |index|. Returns true (1) on / success. /
func (*CMenuModelT) InsertRadioItemAt ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CMenuModelT) InsertRadioItemAt( index int64, command_id int, label string, group_id int, ) (ret bool)
/ / Insert a radio item in the menu at the specified |index|. Only a single / item with the specified |group_id| can be checked at a time. Returns true / (1) on success. /
func (*CMenuModelT) InsertSeparatorAt ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CMenuModelT) InsertSeparatorAt( index int64, ) (ret bool)
/ / Insert a separator in the menu at the specified |index|. Returns true (1) / on success. /
func (*CMenuModelT) InsertSubMenuAt ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CMenuModelT) InsertSubMenuAt( index int64, command_id int, label string, ) (ret *CMenuModelT)
/ / Insert a sub-menu in the menu at the specified |index|. The new sub-menu / is returned. /
func (*CMenuModelT) IsChecked ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CMenuModelT) IsChecked( command_id int, ) (ret bool)
/ / Returns true (1) if the specified |command_id| is checked. Only applies to / check and radio items. /
func (*CMenuModelT) IsCheckedAt ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CMenuModelT) IsCheckedAt( index int64, ) (ret bool)
/ / Returns true (1) if the specified |index| is checked. Only applies to / check and radio items. /
func (*CMenuModelT) IsEnabled ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CMenuModelT) IsEnabled( command_id int, ) (ret bool)
/ / Returns true (1) if the specified |command_id| is enabled. /
func (*CMenuModelT) IsEnabledAt ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CMenuModelT) IsEnabledAt( index int64, ) (ret bool)
/ / Returns true (1) if the specified |index| is enabled. /
func (*CMenuModelT) IsSubMenu ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CMenuModelT) IsSubMenu() (ret bool)
/ / Returns true (1) if this menu is a submenu. /
func (*CMenuModelT) IsVisible ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CMenuModelT) IsVisible( command_id int, ) (ret bool)
/ / Returns true (1) if the specified |command_id| is visible. /
func (*CMenuModelT) IsVisibleAt ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CMenuModelT) IsVisibleAt( index int64, ) (ret bool)
/ / Returns true (1) if the specified |index| is visible. /
func (*CMenuModelT) NewRef ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (self *CMenuModelT) NewRef() (newP *CMenuModelT)
func (*CMenuModelT) Pass ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (p *CMenuModelT) Pass() (ret *CMenuModelT)
func (*CMenuModelT) Remove ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CMenuModelT) Remove( command_id int, ) (ret bool)
/ / Removes the item with the specified |command_id|. Returns true (1) on / success. /
func (*CMenuModelT) RemoveAccelerator ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CMenuModelT) RemoveAccelerator( command_id int, ) (ret bool)
/ / Remove the keyboard accelerator for the specified |command_id|. Returns / true (1) on success. /
func (*CMenuModelT) RemoveAcceleratorAt ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CMenuModelT) RemoveAcceleratorAt( index int64, ) (ret bool)
/ / Remove the keyboard accelerator at the specified |index|. Returns true (1) / on success. /
func (*CMenuModelT) RemoveAt ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CMenuModelT) RemoveAt( index int64, ) (ret bool)
/ / Removes the item at the specified |index|. Returns true (1) on success. /
func (*CMenuModelT) SetAccelerator ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CMenuModelT) SetAccelerator( command_id int, key_code int, shift_pressed int, ctrl_pressed int, alt_pressed int, ) (ret bool)
/ / Set the keyboard accelerator for the specified |command_id|. |key_code| / can be any virtual key or character value. Returns true (1) on success. /
func (*CMenuModelT) SetAcceleratorAt ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CMenuModelT) SetAcceleratorAt( index int64, key_code int, shift_pressed int, ctrl_pressed int, alt_pressed int, ) (ret bool)
/ / Set the keyboard accelerator at the specified |index|. |key_code| can be / any virtual key or character value. Returns true (1) on success. /
func (*CMenuModelT) SetChecked ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CMenuModelT) SetChecked( command_id int, checked int, ) (ret bool)
/ / Check the specified |command_id|. Only applies to check and radio items. / Returns true (1) on success. /
func (*CMenuModelT) SetCheckedAt ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CMenuModelT) SetCheckedAt( index int64, checked int, ) (ret bool)
/ / Check the specified |index|. Only applies to check and radio items. / Returns true (1) on success. /
func (*CMenuModelT) SetColor ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CMenuModelT) SetColor( command_id int, color_type CMenuColorTypeT, color CColorT, ) (ret bool)
/ / Set the explicit color for |command_id| and |color_type| to |color|. / Specify a |color| value of 0 to remove the explicit color. If no explicit / color or default color is set for |color_type| then the system color will / be used. Returns true (1) on success. /
func (*CMenuModelT) SetColorAt ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CMenuModelT) SetColorAt( index int, color_type CMenuColorTypeT, color CColorT, ) (ret bool)
/ / Set the explicit color for |command_id| and |index| to |color|. Specify a / |color| value of 0 to remove the explicit color. Specify an |index| value / of -1 to set the default color for items that do not have an explicit / color set. If no explicit color or default color is set for |color_type| / then the system color will be used. Returns true (1) on success. /
func (*CMenuModelT) SetCommandIdAt ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CMenuModelT) SetCommandIdAt( index int64, command_id int, ) (ret bool)
/ / Sets the command id at the specified |index|. Returns true (1) on success. /
func (*CMenuModelT) SetEnabled ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CMenuModelT) SetEnabled( command_id int, enabled int, ) (ret bool)
/ / Change the enabled status of the specified |command_id|. Returns true (1) / on success. /
func (*CMenuModelT) SetEnabledAt ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CMenuModelT) SetEnabledAt( index int64, enabled int, ) (ret bool)
/ / Change the enabled status at the specified |index|. Returns true (1) on / success. /
func (*CMenuModelT) SetFontList ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CMenuModelT) SetFontList( command_id int, font_list string, ) (ret bool)
/ / Sets the font list for the specified |command_id|. If |font_list| is NULL / the system font will be used. Returns true (1) on success. The format is / "<FONT_FAMILY_LIST>,[STYLES] <SIZE>", where: - FONT_FAMILY_LIST is a / comma-separated list of font family names, - STYLES is an optional space- / separated list of style names / (case-sensitive "Bold" and "Italic" are supported), and / - SIZE is an integer font size in pixels with the suffix "px". / / Here are examples of valid font description strings: - "Arial, Helvetica, / Bold Italic 14px" - "Arial, 14px" /
func (*CMenuModelT) SetFontListAt ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CMenuModelT) SetFontListAt( index int, font_list string, ) (ret bool)
/ / Sets the font list for the specified |index|. Specify an |index| value of / -1 to set the default font. If |font_list| is NULL the system font will be / used. Returns true (1) on success. The format is / "<FONT_FAMILY_LIST>,[STYLES] <SIZE>", where: - FONT_FAMILY_LIST is a / comma-separated list of font family names, - STYLES is an optional space- / separated list of style names / (case-sensitive "Bold" and "Italic" are supported), and / - SIZE is an integer font size in pixels with the suffix "px". / / Here are examples of valid font description strings: - "Arial, Helvetica, / Bold Italic 14px" - "Arial, 14px" /
func (*CMenuModelT) SetGroupId ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CMenuModelT) SetGroupId( command_id int, group_id int, ) (ret bool)
/ / Sets the group id for the specified |command_id|. Returns true (1) on / success. /
func (*CMenuModelT) SetGroupIdAt ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CMenuModelT) SetGroupIdAt( index int64, group_id int, ) (ret bool)
/ / Sets the group id at the specified |index|. Returns true (1) on success. /
func (*CMenuModelT) SetLabel ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CMenuModelT) SetLabel( command_id int, label string, ) (ret bool)
/ / Sets the label for the specified |command_id|. Returns true (1) on / success. /
func (*CMenuModelT) SetLabelAt ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CMenuModelT) SetLabelAt( index int64, label string, ) (ret bool)
/ / Set the label at the specified |index|. Returns true (1) on success. /
func (*CMenuModelT) SetVisible ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CMenuModelT) SetVisible( command_id int, visible int, ) (ret bool)
/ / Change the visibility of the specified |command_id|. Returns true (1) on / success. /
func (*CMenuModelT) SetVisibleAt ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CMenuModelT) SetVisibleAt( index int64, visible int, ) (ret bool)
/ / Change the visibility at the specified |index|. Returns true (1) on / success. /
func (*CMenuModelT) Unref ¶ added in v0.4.1
func (menu_model *CMenuModelT) Unref() (ret bool)
type CMessageLoopTypeT ¶ added in v0.1.5
type CMessageLoopTypeT C.cef_message_loop_type_t
/ / Message loop types. Indicates the set of asynchronous events that a message / loop can process. /
const ( /// /// Supports tasks and timers. /// MlTypeDefault CMessageLoopTypeT = C.ML_TYPE_DEFAULT /// /// Supports tasks, timers and native UI events (e.g. Windows messages). /// MlTypeUi CMessageLoopTypeT = C.ML_TYPE_UI /// /// Supports tasks, timers and asynchronous IO events. /// MlTypeIo CMessageLoopTypeT = C.ML_TYPE_IO )
type CMouseButtonTypeT ¶ added in v0.1.5
type CMouseButtonTypeT C.cef_mouse_button_type_t
/ / Mouse button types. /
const ( MbtLeft CMouseButtonTypeT = C.MBT_LEFT MbtMiddle CMouseButtonTypeT = C.MBT_MIDDLE MbtRight CMouseButtonTypeT = C.MBT_RIGHT )
type CMouseEventT ¶ added in v0.1.5
type CMouseEventT C.cef_mouse_event_t
/ / Structure representing mouse event information. /
func NewCMouseEventT ¶ added in v0.2.0
func NewCMouseEventT() *CMouseEventT
func (*CMouseEventT) Modifiers ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (st *CMouseEventT) Modifiers() uint32
func (*CMouseEventT) SetModifiers ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (st *CMouseEventT) SetModifiers(v uint32)
func (*CMouseEventT) SetX ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (st *CMouseEventT) SetX(v int)
func (*CMouseEventT) SetY ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (st *CMouseEventT) SetY(v int)
func (*CMouseEventT) X ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (st *CMouseEventT) X() int
func (*CMouseEventT) Y ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (st *CMouseEventT) Y() int
type CNavigationEntryT ¶ added in v0.1.5
type CNavigationEntryT struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Go type for cef_navigation_entry_t
func (*CNavigationEntryT) GetCompletionTime ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CNavigationEntryT) GetCompletionTime() (ret CBasetimeT)
/ / Returns the time for the last known successful navigation completion. A / navigation may be completed more than once if the page is reloaded. May be / 0 if the navigation has not yet completed. /
func (*CNavigationEntryT) GetDisplayUrl ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CNavigationEntryT) GetDisplayUrl() (ret string)
/ / Returns a display-friendly version of the URL. / The resulting string must be freed by calling cef_string_userfree_free().
func (*CNavigationEntryT) GetHttpStatusCode ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CNavigationEntryT) GetHttpStatusCode() (ret bool)
/ / Returns the HTTP status code for the last known successful navigation / response. May be 0 if the response has not yet been received or if the / navigation has not yet completed. /
func (*CNavigationEntryT) GetOriginalUrl ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CNavigationEntryT) GetOriginalUrl() (ret string)
/ / Returns the original URL that was entered by the user before any / redirects. / The resulting string must be freed by calling cef_string_userfree_free().
func (*CNavigationEntryT) GetSslstatus ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CNavigationEntryT) GetSslstatus() (ret *CSslstatusT)
/ / Returns the SSL information for this navigation entry. /
func (*CNavigationEntryT) GetTitle ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CNavigationEntryT) GetTitle() (ret string)
/ / Returns the title set by the page. This value may be NULL. / The resulting string must be freed by calling cef_string_userfree_free().
func (*CNavigationEntryT) GetTransitionType ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CNavigationEntryT) GetTransitionType() (ret CTransitionTypeT)
/ / Returns the transition type which indicates what the user did to move to / this page from the previous page. /
func (*CNavigationEntryT) GetUrl ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CNavigationEntryT) GetUrl() (ret string)
/ / Returns the actual URL of the page. For some pages this may be data: URL / or similar. Use get_display_url() to return a display-friendly version. / The resulting string must be freed by calling cef_string_userfree_free().
func (*CNavigationEntryT) HasOneRef ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (navigation_entry *CNavigationEntryT) HasOneRef() bool
*C.cef_navigation_entry_t has refCounted interface
func (*CNavigationEntryT) HasPostData ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CNavigationEntryT) HasPostData() (ret bool)
/ / Returns true (1) if this navigation includes post data. /
func (*CNavigationEntryT) IsValid ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CNavigationEntryT) IsValid() (ret bool)
/ / Returns true (1) if this object is valid. Do not call any other functions / if this function returns false (0). /
func (*CNavigationEntryT) NewRef ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (self *CNavigationEntryT) NewRef() (newP *CNavigationEntryT)
func (*CNavigationEntryT) Pass ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (p *CNavigationEntryT) Pass() (ret *CNavigationEntryT)
func (*CNavigationEntryT) Unref ¶ added in v0.4.1
func (navigation_entry *CNavigationEntryT) Unref() (ret bool)
type CNavigationEntryVisitorT ¶ added in v0.1.5
type CNavigationEntryVisitorT struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Go type for cef_navigation_entry_visitor_t
func NewCNavigationEntryVisitorT ¶ added in v0.5.0
func NewCNavigationEntryVisitorT(a interface{}) *CNavigationEntryVisitorT
NewCNavigationEntryVisitorT allocates CNavigationEntryVisitorT, construct and bind it
func (*CNavigationEntryVisitorT) Handler ¶ added in v0.3.4
func (navigation_entry_visitor *CNavigationEntryVisitorT) Handler() interface{}
func (*CNavigationEntryVisitorT) HasOneRef ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (navigation_entry_visitor *CNavigationEntryVisitorT) HasOneRef() bool
*C.cef_navigation_entry_visitor_t has refCounted interface
func (*CNavigationEntryVisitorT) NewRef ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (self *CNavigationEntryVisitorT) NewRef() (newP *CNavigationEntryVisitorT)
func (*CNavigationEntryVisitorT) Pass ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (p *CNavigationEntryVisitorT) Pass() (ret *CNavigationEntryVisitorT)
func (*CNavigationEntryVisitorT) UnbindAll ¶ added in v0.3.4
func (navigation_entry_visitor *CNavigationEntryVisitorT) UnbindAll()
func (*CNavigationEntryVisitorT) Unref ¶ added in v0.4.1
func (navigation_entry_visitor *CNavigationEntryVisitorT) Unref() (ret bool)
type CNavigationEntryVisitorTVisitHandler ¶ added in v0.3.4
type CNavigationEntryVisitorTVisitHandler interface { CNavigationEntryVisitorT, entry *CNavigationEntryT, current bool, index int, total int, ) (ret bool) }self *
/ / Method that will be executed. Do not keep a reference to |entry| outside / of this callback. Return true (1) to continue visiting entries or false / (0) to stop. |current| is true (1) if this entry is the currently loaded / navigation entry. |index| is the 0-based index of this entry and |total| / is the total number of entries. /
type CNavigationTypeT ¶ added in v0.1.5
type CNavigationTypeT C.cef_navigation_type_t
/ / Navigation types. /
const ()
type COverlayControllerT ¶ added in v0.4.2
type COverlayControllerT struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Go type for cef_overlay_controller_t
func (*COverlayControllerT) Destroy ¶ added in v0.4.2
func (self *COverlayControllerT) Destroy()
/ / Destroy this overlay. /
func (*COverlayControllerT) GetBounds ¶ added in v0.4.2
func (self *COverlayControllerT) GetBounds() (ret CRectT)
/ / Returns the bounds (size and position) of this overlay in parent / coordinates. /
func (*COverlayControllerT) GetBoundsInScreen ¶ added in v0.4.2
func (self *COverlayControllerT) GetBoundsInScreen() (ret CRectT)
/ / Returns the bounds (size and position) of this overlay in DIP screen / coordinates. /
func (*COverlayControllerT) GetContentsView ¶ added in v0.4.2
func (self *COverlayControllerT) GetContentsView() (ret *CViewT)
/ / Returns the contents View for this overlay. /
func (*COverlayControllerT) GetDockingMode ¶ added in v0.4.2
func (self *COverlayControllerT) GetDockingMode() (ret CDockingModeT)
/ / Returns the docking mode for this overlay. /
func (*COverlayControllerT) GetInsets ¶ added in v0.4.2
func (self *COverlayControllerT) GetInsets() (ret CInsetsT)
/ / Returns the insets for this overlay in parent coordinates. /
func (*COverlayControllerT) GetPosition ¶ added in v0.4.2
func (self *COverlayControllerT) GetPosition() (ret CPointT)
/ / Returns the position of this overlay in parent coordinates. /
func (*COverlayControllerT) GetSize ¶ added in v0.4.2
func (self *COverlayControllerT) GetSize() (ret CSizeT)
/ / Returns the size of this overlay in parent coordinates. /
func (*COverlayControllerT) GetWindow ¶ added in v0.4.2
func (self *COverlayControllerT) GetWindow() (ret *CWindowT)
/ / Returns the top-level Window hosting this overlay. Use this function / instead of calling get_window() on the contents View. /
func (*COverlayControllerT) HasOneRef ¶ added in v0.4.2
func (overlay_controller *COverlayControllerT) HasOneRef() bool
*C.cef_overlay_controller_t has refCounted interface
func (*COverlayControllerT) IsDrawn ¶ added in v0.4.2
func (self *COverlayControllerT) IsDrawn() (ret bool)
/ / Returns whether this overlay is visible and drawn in a Window. A View is / drawn if it and all parent Views are visible. To determine if the / containing Window is visible to the user on-screen call is_visible() on / the Window. /
func (*COverlayControllerT) IsSame ¶ added in v0.4.2
func (self *COverlayControllerT) IsSame( that *COverlayControllerT, ) (ret bool)
/ / Returns true (1) if this object is the same as |that| object. /
func (*COverlayControllerT) IsValid ¶ added in v0.4.2
func (self *COverlayControllerT) IsValid() (ret bool)
/ / Returns true (1) if this object is valid. /
func (*COverlayControllerT) IsVisible ¶ added in v0.4.2
func (self *COverlayControllerT) IsVisible() (ret bool)
/ / Returns whether this overlay is visible. A View may be visible but still / not drawn in a Window if any parent Views are hidden. Call is_drawn() to / determine whether this overlay and all parent Views are visible and will / be drawn. /
func (*COverlayControllerT) NewRef ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (self *COverlayControllerT) NewRef() (newP *COverlayControllerT)
func (*COverlayControllerT) Pass ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (p *COverlayControllerT) Pass() (ret *COverlayControllerT)
func (*COverlayControllerT) SetBounds ¶ added in v0.4.2
func (self *COverlayControllerT) SetBounds( bounds *CRectT, )
/ / Sets the bounds (size and position) of this overlay. This will set the / bounds of the contents View to match and trigger a re-layout if necessary. / |bounds| is in parent coordinates and any insets configured on this / overlay will be ignored. Use this function only for overlays created with / a docking mode value of CEF_DOCKING_MODE_CUSTOM. With other docking modes / modify the insets of this overlay and/or layout of the contents View and / call size_to_preferred_size() instead to calculate the new size and re- / position the overlay if necessary. /
func (*COverlayControllerT) SetInsets ¶ added in v0.4.2
func (self *COverlayControllerT) SetInsets( insets *CInsetsT, )
/ / Sets the insets for this overlay. |insets| is in parent coordinates. Use / this function only for overlays created with a docking mode value other / than CEF_DOCKING_MODE_CUSTOM. /
func (*COverlayControllerT) SetPosition ¶ added in v0.4.2
func (self *COverlayControllerT) SetPosition( position *CPointT, )
/ / Sets the position of this overlay without changing the size. |position| is / in parent coordinates and any insets configured on this overlay will be / ignored. Use this function only for overlays created with a docking mode / value of CEF_DOCKING_MODE_CUSTOM. With other docking modes modify the / insets of this overlay and/or layout of the contents View and call / size_to_preferred_size() instead to calculate the new size and re-position / the overlay if necessary. /
func (*COverlayControllerT) SetSize ¶ added in v0.4.2
func (self *COverlayControllerT) SetSize( size *CSizeT, )
/ / Sets the size of this overlay without changing the position. This will set / the size of the contents View to match and trigger a re-layout if / necessary. |size| is in parent coordinates and any insets configured on / this overlay will be ignored. Use this function only for overlays created / with a docking mode value of CEF_DOCKING_MODE_CUSTOM. With other docking / modes modify the insets of this overlay and/or layout of the contents View / and call size_to_preferred_size() instead to calculate the new size and / re-position the overlay if necessary. /
func (*COverlayControllerT) SetVisible ¶ added in v0.4.2
func (self *COverlayControllerT) SetVisible( visible int, )
/ / Sets whether this overlay is visible. Overlays are hidden by default. If / this overlay is hidden then it and any child Views will not be drawn and, / if any of those Views currently have focus, then focus will also be / cleared. Painting is scheduled as needed. /
func (*COverlayControllerT) SizeToPreferredSize ¶ added in v0.4.2
func (self *COverlayControllerT) SizeToPreferredSize()
/ / Size this overlay to its preferred size and trigger a re-layout if / necessary. The position of overlays created with a docking mode value of / CEF_DOCKING_MODE_CUSTOM will not be modified by calling this function. / With other docking modes this function may re-position the overlay if / necessary to accommodate the new size and any insets configured on the / contents View. /
func (*COverlayControllerT) Unref ¶ added in v0.4.2
func (overlay_controller *COverlayControllerT) Unref() (ret bool)
type CPaintElementTypeT ¶ added in v0.1.5
type CPaintElementTypeT C.cef_paint_element_type_t
/ / Paint element types. /
const ( PetView CPaintElementTypeT = C.PET_VIEW PetPopup CPaintElementTypeT = C.PET_POPUP )
type CPanelDelegateT ¶ added in v0.2.5
type CPanelDelegateT struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Go type for cef_panel_delegate_t
func NewCPanelDelegateT ¶ added in v0.5.0
func NewCPanelDelegateT(a interface{}) *CPanelDelegateT
NewCPanelDelegateT allocates CPanelDelegateT, construct and bind it
func (*CPanelDelegateT) Handler ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (panel_delegate *CPanelDelegateT) Handler() interface{}
func (*CPanelDelegateT) HasOneRef ¶ added in v0.2.5
func (panel_delegate *CPanelDelegateT) HasOneRef() bool
*C.cef_panel_delegate_t has refCounted interface
func (*CPanelDelegateT) NewRef ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (self *CPanelDelegateT) NewRef() (newP *CPanelDelegateT)
func (*CPanelDelegateT) Pass ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (p *CPanelDelegateT) Pass() (ret *CPanelDelegateT)
func (*CPanelDelegateT) ToCViewDelegateT ¶ added in v0.2.6
func (panel_delegate *CPanelDelegateT) ToCViewDelegateT() *CViewDelegateT
Convert to Base Class Pointer *CViewDelegateT
func (*CPanelDelegateT) UnbindAll ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (panel_delegate *CPanelDelegateT) UnbindAll()
func (*CPanelDelegateT) Unref ¶ added in v0.4.1
func (panel_delegate *CPanelDelegateT) Unref() (ret bool)
type CPanelT ¶ added in v0.2.5
type CPanelT struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Go type for cef_panel_t
func PanelCreate ¶ added in v0.2.5
func PanelCreate( delegate *CPanelDelegateT, ) (ret *CPanelT)
/ / Create a new Panel. /
func (*CPanelT) AddChildView ¶ added in v0.2.5
/ / Add a child View. /
func (*CPanelT) AddChildViewAt ¶ added in v0.2.5
/ / Add a child View at the specified |index|. If |index| matches the result / of GetChildCount() then the View will be added at the end. /
func (*CPanelT) AsWindow ¶ added in v0.2.5
/ / Returns this Panel as a Window or NULL if this is not a Window. /
func (*CPanelT) GetChildViewAt ¶ added in v0.2.5
/ / Returns the child View at the specified |index|. /
func (*CPanelT) GetChildViewCount ¶ added in v0.2.5
/ / Returns the number of child Views. /
func (*CPanelT) Layout ¶ added in v0.2.5
func (self *CPanelT) Layout()
/ / Lay out the child Views (set their bounds based on sizing heuristics / specific to the current Layout). /
func (*CPanelT) RemoveAllChildViews ¶ added in v0.2.5
func (self *CPanelT) RemoveAllChildViews()
/ / Remove all child Views. The removed Views will be deleted if the client / holds no references to them. /
func (*CPanelT) RemoveChildView ¶ added in v0.2.5
/ / Remove a child View. The View can then be added to another Panel. /
func (*CPanelT) ReorderChildView ¶ added in v0.2.5
/ / Move the child View to the specified |index|. A negative value for |index| / will move the View to the end. /
func (*CPanelT) SetToBoxLayout ¶ added in v0.2.5
func (self *CPanelT) SetToBoxLayout( settings *CBoxLayoutSettingsT, ) (ret *CBoxLayoutT)
/ / Set this Panel's Layout to BoxLayout and return the BoxLayout object. /
func (*CPanelT) SetToFillLayout ¶ added in v0.2.5
func (self *CPanelT) SetToFillLayout() (ret *CFillLayoutT)
/ / Set this Panel's Layout to FillLayout and return the FillLayout object. /
type CPathKeyT ¶ added in v0.1.5
type CPathKeyT C.cef_path_key_t
/ / Path key values. /
const ( /// /// Current directory. /// PkDirCurrent CPathKeyT = C.PK_DIR_CURRENT /// /// Directory containing PK_FILE_EXE. /// PkDirExe CPathKeyT = C.PK_DIR_EXE /// /// Directory containing PK_FILE_MODULE. /// PkDirModule CPathKeyT = C.PK_DIR_MODULE /// /// Temporary directory. /// PkDirTemp CPathKeyT = C.PK_DIR_TEMP /// /// Path and filename of the current executable. /// PkFileExe CPathKeyT = C.PK_FILE_EXE /// /// Path and filename of the module containing the CEF code (usually the /// libcef module). /// PkFileModule CPathKeyT = C.PK_FILE_MODULE /// /// "Local Settings\Application Data" directory under the user profile /// directory on Windows. /// PkLocalAppData CPathKeyT = C.PK_LOCAL_APP_DATA /// /// "Application Data" directory under the user profile directory on Windows /// and "~/Library/Application Support" directory on MacOS. /// PkUserData CPathKeyT = C.PK_USER_DATA /// /// Directory containing application resources. Can be configured via /// CefSettings.resources_dir_path. /// PkDirResources CPathKeyT = C.PK_DIR_RESOURCES )
type CPdfPrintCallbackT ¶ added in v0.1.5
type CPdfPrintCallbackT struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Go type for cef_pdf_print_callback_t
func NewCPdfPrintCallbackT ¶ added in v0.5.0
func NewCPdfPrintCallbackT(a interface{}) *CPdfPrintCallbackT
NewCPdfPrintCallbackT allocates CPdfPrintCallbackT, construct and bind it
func (*CPdfPrintCallbackT) Handler ¶ added in v0.3.8
func (pdf_print_callback *CPdfPrintCallbackT) Handler() interface{}
func (*CPdfPrintCallbackT) HasOneRef ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (pdf_print_callback *CPdfPrintCallbackT) HasOneRef() bool
*C.cef_pdf_print_callback_t has refCounted interface
func (*CPdfPrintCallbackT) NewRef ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (self *CPdfPrintCallbackT) NewRef() (newP *CPdfPrintCallbackT)
func (*CPdfPrintCallbackT) Pass ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (p *CPdfPrintCallbackT) Pass() (ret *CPdfPrintCallbackT)
func (*CPdfPrintCallbackT) UnbindAll ¶ added in v0.3.8
func (pdf_print_callback *CPdfPrintCallbackT) UnbindAll()
func (*CPdfPrintCallbackT) Unref ¶ added in v0.4.1
func (pdf_print_callback *CPdfPrintCallbackT) Unref() (ret bool)
type CPdfPrintMarginTypeT ¶ added in v0.1.5
type CPdfPrintMarginTypeT C.cef_pdf_print_margin_type_t
/ / Margin type for PDF printing. /
const ( /// /// Default margins. /// PdfPrintMarginDefault CPdfPrintMarginTypeT = C.PDF_PRINT_MARGIN_DEFAULT /// /// No margins. /// PdfPrintMarginNone CPdfPrintMarginTypeT = C.PDF_PRINT_MARGIN_NONE /// /// Minimum margins. /// PdfPrintMarginMinimum CPdfPrintMarginTypeT = C.PDF_PRINT_MARGIN_MINIMUM /// /// Custom margins using the |margin_*| values from cef_pdf_print_settings_t. /// PdfPrintMarginCustom CPdfPrintMarginTypeT = C.PDF_PRINT_MARGIN_CUSTOM )
type CPdfPrintSettingsT ¶ added in v0.1.5
type CPdfPrintSettingsT C.cef_pdf_print_settings_t
/ / Structure representing PDF print settings. /
func NewCPdfPrintSettingsT ¶ added in v0.2.0
func NewCPdfPrintSettingsT() *CPdfPrintSettingsT
func (*CPdfPrintSettingsT) BackgroundsEnabled ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (st *CPdfPrintSettingsT) BackgroundsEnabled() bool
func (*CPdfPrintSettingsT) HeaderFooterEnabled ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (st *CPdfPrintSettingsT) HeaderFooterEnabled() bool
func (*CPdfPrintSettingsT) HeaderFooterTitle ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (st *CPdfPrintSettingsT) HeaderFooterTitle() string
func (*CPdfPrintSettingsT) HeaderFooterUrl ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (st *CPdfPrintSettingsT) HeaderFooterUrl() string
func (*CPdfPrintSettingsT) Landscape ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (st *CPdfPrintSettingsT) Landscape() bool
func (*CPdfPrintSettingsT) MarginBottom ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (st *CPdfPrintSettingsT) MarginBottom() int
func (*CPdfPrintSettingsT) MarginLeft ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (st *CPdfPrintSettingsT) MarginLeft() int
func (*CPdfPrintSettingsT) MarginRight ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (st *CPdfPrintSettingsT) MarginRight() int
func (*CPdfPrintSettingsT) MarginTop ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (st *CPdfPrintSettingsT) MarginTop() int
func (*CPdfPrintSettingsT) MarginType ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (st *CPdfPrintSettingsT) MarginType() CPdfPrintMarginTypeT
func (*CPdfPrintSettingsT) PageHeight ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (st *CPdfPrintSettingsT) PageHeight() int
func (*CPdfPrintSettingsT) PageWidth ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (st *CPdfPrintSettingsT) PageWidth() int
func (*CPdfPrintSettingsT) ScaleFactor ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (st *CPdfPrintSettingsT) ScaleFactor() int
func (*CPdfPrintSettingsT) SelectionOnly ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (st *CPdfPrintSettingsT) SelectionOnly() bool
func (*CPdfPrintSettingsT) SetBackgroundsEnabled ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (st *CPdfPrintSettingsT) SetBackgroundsEnabled(v bool)
func (*CPdfPrintSettingsT) SetHeaderFooterEnabled ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (st *CPdfPrintSettingsT) SetHeaderFooterEnabled(v bool)
func (*CPdfPrintSettingsT) SetHeaderFooterTitle ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (st *CPdfPrintSettingsT) SetHeaderFooterTitle(v string)
func (*CPdfPrintSettingsT) SetHeaderFooterUrl ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (st *CPdfPrintSettingsT) SetHeaderFooterUrl(v string)
func (*CPdfPrintSettingsT) SetLandscape ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (st *CPdfPrintSettingsT) SetLandscape(v bool)
func (*CPdfPrintSettingsT) SetMarginBottom ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (st *CPdfPrintSettingsT) SetMarginBottom(v int)
func (*CPdfPrintSettingsT) SetMarginLeft ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (st *CPdfPrintSettingsT) SetMarginLeft(v int)
func (*CPdfPrintSettingsT) SetMarginRight ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (st *CPdfPrintSettingsT) SetMarginRight(v int)
func (*CPdfPrintSettingsT) SetMarginTop ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (st *CPdfPrintSettingsT) SetMarginTop(v int)
func (*CPdfPrintSettingsT) SetMarginType ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (st *CPdfPrintSettingsT) SetMarginType(v CPdfPrintMarginTypeT)
func (*CPdfPrintSettingsT) SetPageHeight ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (st *CPdfPrintSettingsT) SetPageHeight(v int)
func (*CPdfPrintSettingsT) SetPageWidth ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (st *CPdfPrintSettingsT) SetPageWidth(v int)
func (*CPdfPrintSettingsT) SetScaleFactor ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (st *CPdfPrintSettingsT) SetScaleFactor(v int)
func (*CPdfPrintSettingsT) SetSelectionOnly ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (st *CPdfPrintSettingsT) SetSelectionOnly(v bool)
type CPermissionHandlerT ¶ added in v0.5.4
type CPermissionHandlerT struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Go type for cef_permission_handler_t
func (*CPermissionHandlerT) HasOneRef ¶ added in v0.5.4
func (permission_handler *CPermissionHandlerT) HasOneRef() bool
*C.cef_permission_handler_t has refCounted interface
func (*CPermissionHandlerT) NewRef ¶ added in v0.5.4
func (self *CPermissionHandlerT) NewRef() (newP *CPermissionHandlerT)
func (*CPermissionHandlerT) OnDismissPermissionPrompt ¶ added in v0.5.4
func (self *CPermissionHandlerT) OnDismissPermissionPrompt( browser *CBrowserT, prompt_id uint64, result CPermissionRequestResultT, )
/ / Called when a permission prompt handled via OnShowPermissionPrompt is / dismissed. |prompt_id| will match the value that was passed to / OnShowPermissionPrompt. |result| will be the value passed to / cef_permission_prompt_callback_t::Continue or CEF_PERMISSION_RESULT_IGNORE / if the dialog was dismissed for other reasons such as navigation, browser / closure, etc. This function will not be called if OnShowPermissionPrompt / returned false (0) for |prompt_id|. /
func (*CPermissionHandlerT) OnRequestMediaAccessPermission ¶ added in v0.5.4
func (self *CPermissionHandlerT) OnRequestMediaAccessPermission( browser *CBrowserT, frame *CFrameT, requesting_origin string, requested_permissions uint32, callback *CMediaAccessCallbackT, ) (ret bool)
/ / Called when a page requests permission to access media. / |requesting_origin| is the URL origin requesting permission. / |requested_permissions| is a combination of values from / cef_media_access_permission_types_t that represent the requested / permissions. Return true (1) and call cef_media_access_callback_t / functions either in this function or at a later time to continue or cancel / the request. Return false (0) to proceed with default handling. With the / Chrome runtime, default handling will display the permission request UI. / With the Alloy runtime, default handling will deny the request. This / function will not be called if the "--enable-media-stream" command-line / switch is used to grant all permissions. /
func (*CPermissionHandlerT) OnShowPermissionPrompt ¶ added in v0.5.4
func (self *CPermissionHandlerT) OnShowPermissionPrompt( browser *CBrowserT, prompt_id uint64, requesting_origin string, requested_permissions uint32, callback *CPermissionPromptCallbackT, ) (ret bool)
/ / Called when a page should show a permission prompt. |prompt_id| uniquely / identifies the prompt. |requesting_origin| is the URL origin requesting / permission. |requested_permissions| is a combination of values from / cef_permission_request_types_t that represent the requested permissions. / Return true (1) and call cef_permission_prompt_callback_t::Continue either / in this function or at a later time to continue or cancel the request. / Return false (0) to proceed with default handling. With the Chrome / runtime, default handling will display the permission prompt UI. With the / Alloy runtime, default handling is CEF_PERMISSION_RESULT_IGNORE. /
func (*CPermissionHandlerT) Pass ¶ added in v0.5.4
func (p *CPermissionHandlerT) Pass() (ret *CPermissionHandlerT)
func (*CPermissionHandlerT) Unref ¶ added in v0.5.4
func (permission_handler *CPermissionHandlerT) Unref() (ret bool)
type CPermissionPromptCallbackT ¶ added in v0.5.4
type CPermissionPromptCallbackT struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Go type for cef_permission_prompt_callback_t
func (*CPermissionPromptCallbackT) Cont ¶ added in v0.5.4
func (self *CPermissionPromptCallbackT) Cont( result CPermissionRequestResultT, )
/ / Complete the permissions request with the specified |result|. /
func (*CPermissionPromptCallbackT) HasOneRef ¶ added in v0.5.4
func (permission_prompt_callback *CPermissionPromptCallbackT) HasOneRef() bool
*C.cef_permission_prompt_callback_t has refCounted interface
func (*CPermissionPromptCallbackT) NewRef ¶ added in v0.5.4
func (self *CPermissionPromptCallbackT) NewRef() (newP *CPermissionPromptCallbackT)
func (*CPermissionPromptCallbackT) Pass ¶ added in v0.5.4
func (p *CPermissionPromptCallbackT) Pass() (ret *CPermissionPromptCallbackT)
func (*CPermissionPromptCallbackT) Unref ¶ added in v0.5.4
func (permission_prompt_callback *CPermissionPromptCallbackT) Unref() (ret bool)
type CPermissionRequestResultT ¶ added in v0.5.4
type CPermissionRequestResultT C.cef_permission_request_result_t
/ / Permission request results. /
const ( /// /// Accept the permission request as an explicit user action. /// CefPermissionResultAccept CPermissionRequestResultT = C.CEF_PERMISSION_RESULT_ACCEPT /// /// Deny the permission request as an explicit user action. /// CefPermissionResultDeny CPermissionRequestResultT = C.CEF_PERMISSION_RESULT_DENY /// /// Dismiss the permission request as an explicit user action. /// CefPermissionResultDismiss CPermissionRequestResultT = C.CEF_PERMISSION_RESULT_DISMISS /// /// Ignore the permission request. If the prompt remains unhandled (e.g. /// OnShowPermissionPrompt returns false and there is no default permissions /// UI) then any related promises may remain unresolved. /// CefPermissionResultIgnore CPermissionRequestResultT = C.CEF_PERMISSION_RESULT_IGNORE )
type CPermissionRequestTypesT ¶ added in v0.5.4
type CPermissionRequestTypesT C.cef_permission_request_types_t
/ / Permission types used with OnShowPermissionPrompt. Some types are / platform-specific or only supported with the Chrome runtime. Should be kept / in sync with Chromium's permissions::RequestType type. /
const ( CefPermissionTypeNone CPermissionRequestTypesT = C.CEF_PERMISSION_TYPE_NONE CefPermissionTypeAccessibilityEvents CPermissionRequestTypesT = C.CEF_PERMISSION_TYPE_ACCESSIBILITY_EVENTS CefPermissionTypeArSession CPermissionRequestTypesT = C.CEF_PERMISSION_TYPE_AR_SESSION CefPermissionTypeCameraPanTiltZoom CPermissionRequestTypesT = C.CEF_PERMISSION_TYPE_CAMERA_PAN_TILT_ZOOM CefPermissionTypeCameraStream CPermissionRequestTypesT = C.CEF_PERMISSION_TYPE_CAMERA_STREAM CefPermissionTypeClipboard CPermissionRequestTypesT = C.CEF_PERMISSION_TYPE_CLIPBOARD CefPermissionTypeDiskQuota CPermissionRequestTypesT = C.CEF_PERMISSION_TYPE_DISK_QUOTA CefPermissionTypeLocalFonts CPermissionRequestTypesT = C.CEF_PERMISSION_TYPE_LOCAL_FONTS CefPermissionTypeGeolocation CPermissionRequestTypesT = C.CEF_PERMISSION_TYPE_GEOLOCATION CefPermissionTypeIdleDetection CPermissionRequestTypesT = C.CEF_PERMISSION_TYPE_IDLE_DETECTION CefPermissionTypeMicStream CPermissionRequestTypesT = C.CEF_PERMISSION_TYPE_MIC_STREAM CefPermissionTypeMidiSysex CPermissionRequestTypesT = C.CEF_PERMISSION_TYPE_MIDI_SYSEX CefPermissionTypeMultipleDownloads CPermissionRequestTypesT = C.CEF_PERMISSION_TYPE_MULTIPLE_DOWNLOADS CefPermissionTypeNotifications CPermissionRequestTypesT = C.CEF_PERMISSION_TYPE_NOTIFICATIONS CefPermissionTypeProtectedMediaIdentifier CPermissionRequestTypesT = C.CEF_PERMISSION_TYPE_PROTECTED_MEDIA_IDENTIFIER CefPermissionTypeRegisterProtocolHandler CPermissionRequestTypesT = C.CEF_PERMISSION_TYPE_REGISTER_PROTOCOL_HANDLER CefPermissionTypeSecurityAttestation CPermissionRequestTypesT = C.CEF_PERMISSION_TYPE_SECURITY_ATTESTATION CefPermissionTypeStorageAccess CPermissionRequestTypesT = C.CEF_PERMISSION_TYPE_STORAGE_ACCESS CefPermissionTypeU2fApiRequest CPermissionRequestTypesT = C.CEF_PERMISSION_TYPE_U2F_API_REQUEST CefPermissionTypeVrSession CPermissionRequestTypesT = C.CEF_PERMISSION_TYPE_VR_SESSION CefPermissionTypeWindowPlacement CPermissionRequestTypesT = C.CEF_PERMISSION_TYPE_WINDOW_PLACEMENT )
type CPointT ¶ added in v0.1.5
type CPointT C.cef_point_t
/ / Structure representing a point. /
func NewCPointT ¶ added in v0.2.0
func NewCPointT() *CPointT
type CPointerTypeT ¶ added in v0.1.5
type CPointerTypeT C.cef_pointer_type_t
/ / The device type that caused the event. /
const ( CefPointerTypeTouch CPointerTypeT = C.CEF_POINTER_TYPE_TOUCH CefPointerTypeMouse CPointerTypeT = C.CEF_POINTER_TYPE_MOUSE CefPointerTypePen CPointerTypeT = C.CEF_POINTER_TYPE_PEN CefPointerTypeEraser CPointerTypeT = C.CEF_POINTER_TYPE_ERASER CefPointerTypeUnknown CPointerTypeT = C.CEF_POINTER_TYPE_UNKNOWN )
type CPopupFeaturesT ¶ added in v0.1.5
type CPopupFeaturesT C.cef_popup_features_t
/ / Popup window features. /
func NewCPopupFeaturesT ¶ added in v0.2.0
func NewCPopupFeaturesT() *CPopupFeaturesT
func (*CPopupFeaturesT) Height ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (st *CPopupFeaturesT) Height() int
func (*CPopupFeaturesT) HeightSet ¶ added in v0.2.12
func (st *CPopupFeaturesT) HeightSet() bool
func (*CPopupFeaturesT) MenuBarVisible ¶ added in v0.2.12
func (st *CPopupFeaturesT) MenuBarVisible() int
func (*CPopupFeaturesT) ScrollbarsVisible ¶ added in v0.2.12
func (st *CPopupFeaturesT) ScrollbarsVisible() int
func (*CPopupFeaturesT) SetHeight ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (st *CPopupFeaturesT) SetHeight(v int)
func (*CPopupFeaturesT) SetHeightSet ¶ added in v0.2.12
func (st *CPopupFeaturesT) SetHeightSet(v bool)
func (*CPopupFeaturesT) SetMenuBarVisible ¶ added in v0.2.12
func (st *CPopupFeaturesT) SetMenuBarVisible(v int)
func (*CPopupFeaturesT) SetScrollbarsVisible ¶ added in v0.2.12
func (st *CPopupFeaturesT) SetScrollbarsVisible(v int)
func (*CPopupFeaturesT) SetStatusBarVisible ¶ added in v0.2.12
func (st *CPopupFeaturesT) SetStatusBarVisible(v int)
func (*CPopupFeaturesT) SetToolBarVisible ¶ added in v0.2.12
func (st *CPopupFeaturesT) SetToolBarVisible(v int)
func (*CPopupFeaturesT) SetWidth ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (st *CPopupFeaturesT) SetWidth(v int)
func (*CPopupFeaturesT) SetWidthSet ¶ added in v0.2.12
func (st *CPopupFeaturesT) SetWidthSet(v bool)
func (*CPopupFeaturesT) SetX ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (st *CPopupFeaturesT) SetX(v int)
func (*CPopupFeaturesT) SetXSet ¶ added in v0.2.12
func (st *CPopupFeaturesT) SetXSet(v bool)
func (*CPopupFeaturesT) SetY ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (st *CPopupFeaturesT) SetY(v int)
func (*CPopupFeaturesT) SetYSet ¶ added in v0.2.12
func (st *CPopupFeaturesT) SetYSet(v bool)
func (*CPopupFeaturesT) StatusBarVisible ¶ added in v0.2.12
func (st *CPopupFeaturesT) StatusBarVisible() int
func (*CPopupFeaturesT) ToolBarVisible ¶ added in v0.2.12
func (st *CPopupFeaturesT) ToolBarVisible() int
func (*CPopupFeaturesT) Width ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (st *CPopupFeaturesT) Width() int
func (*CPopupFeaturesT) WidthSet ¶ added in v0.2.12
func (st *CPopupFeaturesT) WidthSet() bool
func (*CPopupFeaturesT) X ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (st *CPopupFeaturesT) X() int
func (*CPopupFeaturesT) XSet ¶ added in v0.2.12
func (st *CPopupFeaturesT) XSet() bool
func (*CPopupFeaturesT) Y ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (st *CPopupFeaturesT) Y() int
func (*CPopupFeaturesT) YSet ¶ added in v0.2.12
func (st *CPopupFeaturesT) YSet() bool
type CPostDataElementT ¶ added in v0.1.5
type CPostDataElementT struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Go type for cef_post_data_element_t
func PostDataElementCreate ¶ added in v0.1.5
func PostDataElementCreate() (ret *CPostDataElementT)
/ / Create a new cef_post_data_element_t object. /
func (*CPostDataElementT) GetBytes ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CPostDataElementT) GetBytes( size int64, bytes unsafe.Pointer, ) (ret int64)
/ / Read up to |size| bytes into |bytes| and return the number of bytes / actually read. /
func (*CPostDataElementT) GetBytesCount ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CPostDataElementT) GetBytesCount() (ret int64)
/ / Return the number of bytes. /
func (*CPostDataElementT) GetFile ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CPostDataElementT) GetFile() (ret string)
/ / Return the file name. / The resulting string must be freed by calling cef_string_userfree_free().
func (*CPostDataElementT) GetType ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CPostDataElementT) GetType() (ret CPostdataelementTypeT)
/ / Return the type of this post data element. /
func (*CPostDataElementT) HasOneRef ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (post_data_element *CPostDataElementT) HasOneRef() bool
*C.cef_post_data_element_t has refCounted interface
func (*CPostDataElementT) IsReadOnly ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CPostDataElementT) IsReadOnly() (ret bool)
/ / Returns true (1) if this object is read-only. /
func (*CPostDataElementT) NewRef ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (self *CPostDataElementT) NewRef() (newP *CPostDataElementT)
func (*CPostDataElementT) Pass ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (p *CPostDataElementT) Pass() (ret *CPostDataElementT)
func (*CPostDataElementT) SetToBytes ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CPostDataElementT) SetToBytes( bytes []byte, )
/ / The post data element will represent bytes. The bytes passed in will be / copied. /
func (*CPostDataElementT) SetToEmpty ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CPostDataElementT) SetToEmpty()
/ / Remove all contents from the post data element. /
func (*CPostDataElementT) SetToFile ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CPostDataElementT) SetToFile( fileName string, )
/ / The post data element will represent a file. /
func (*CPostDataElementT) Unref ¶ added in v0.4.1
func (post_data_element *CPostDataElementT) Unref() (ret bool)
type CPostDataT ¶ added in v0.1.5
type CPostDataT struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Go type for cef_post_data_t
func PostDataCreate ¶ added in v0.1.5
func PostDataCreate() (ret *CPostDataT)
/ / Create a new cef_post_data_t object. /
func (*CPostDataT) AddElement ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CPostDataT) AddElement( element *CPostDataElementT, ) (ret bool)
/ / Add the specified post data element. Returns true (1) if the add / succeeds. /
func (*CPostDataT) GetElementCount ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CPostDataT) GetElementCount() (ret int64)
/ / Returns the number of existing post data elements. /
func (*CPostDataT) GetElements ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (self *CPostDataT) GetElements() (elements []*CPostDataElementT)
/ / Retrieve the post data elements. /
func (*CPostDataT) HasExcludedElements ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CPostDataT) HasExcludedElements() (ret bool)
/ / Returns true (1) if the underlying POST data includes elements that are / not represented by this cef_post_data_t object (for example, multi-part / file upload data). Modifying cef_post_data_t objects with excluded / elements may result in the request failing. /
func (*CPostDataT) HasOneRef ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (post_data *CPostDataT) HasOneRef() bool
*C.cef_post_data_t has refCounted interface
func (*CPostDataT) IsReadOnly ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CPostDataT) IsReadOnly() (ret bool)
/ / Returns true (1) if this object is read-only. /
func (*CPostDataT) NewRef ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (self *CPostDataT) NewRef() (newP *CPostDataT)
func (*CPostDataT) Pass ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (p *CPostDataT) Pass() (ret *CPostDataT)
func (*CPostDataT) RemoveElement ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CPostDataT) RemoveElement( element *CPostDataElementT, ) (ret bool)
/ / Remove the specified post data element. Returns true (1) if the removal / succeeds. /
func (*CPostDataT) RemoveElements ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CPostDataT) RemoveElements()
/ / Remove all existing post data elements. /
func (*CPostDataT) Unref ¶ added in v0.4.1
func (post_data *CPostDataT) Unref() (ret bool)
type CPostdataelementTypeT ¶ added in v0.1.5
type CPostdataelementTypeT C.cef_postdataelement_type_t
/ / Post data elements may represent either bytes or files. /
const ( PdeTypeEmpty CPostdataelementTypeT = C.PDE_TYPE_EMPTY PdeTypeBytes CPostdataelementTypeT = C.PDE_TYPE_BYTES PdeTypeFile CPostdataelementTypeT = C.PDE_TYPE_FILE )
type CPrintDialogCallbackT ¶ added in v0.1.5
type CPrintDialogCallbackT struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Go type for cef_print_dialog_callback_t
func (*CPrintDialogCallbackT) Cancel ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CPrintDialogCallbackT) Cancel()
/ / Cancel the printing. /
func (*CPrintDialogCallbackT) Cont ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CPrintDialogCallbackT) Cont( settings *CPrintSettingsT, )
/ / Continue printing with the specified |settings|. /
func (*CPrintDialogCallbackT) HasOneRef ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (print_dialog_callback *CPrintDialogCallbackT) HasOneRef() bool
*C.cef_print_dialog_callback_t has refCounted interface
func (*CPrintDialogCallbackT) NewRef ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (self *CPrintDialogCallbackT) NewRef() (newP *CPrintDialogCallbackT)
func (*CPrintDialogCallbackT) Pass ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (p *CPrintDialogCallbackT) Pass() (ret *CPrintDialogCallbackT)
func (*CPrintDialogCallbackT) Unref ¶ added in v0.4.1
func (print_dialog_callback *CPrintDialogCallbackT) Unref() (ret bool)
type CPrintHandlerT ¶ added in v0.1.5
type CPrintHandlerT struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Go type for cef_print_handler_t
func NewCPrintHandlerT ¶ added in v0.5.0
func NewCPrintHandlerT(a interface{}) *CPrintHandlerT
NewCPrintHandlerT allocates CPrintHandlerT, construct and bind it
func (*CPrintHandlerT) Handler ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (print_handler *CPrintHandlerT) Handler() interface{}
func (*CPrintHandlerT) HasOneRef ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (print_handler *CPrintHandlerT) HasOneRef() bool
*C.cef_print_handler_t has refCounted interface
func (*CPrintHandlerT) NewRef ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (self *CPrintHandlerT) NewRef() (newP *CPrintHandlerT)
func (*CPrintHandlerT) Pass ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (p *CPrintHandlerT) Pass() (ret *CPrintHandlerT)
func (*CPrintHandlerT) UnbindAll ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (print_handler *CPrintHandlerT) UnbindAll()
func (*CPrintHandlerT) Unref ¶ added in v0.4.1
func (print_handler *CPrintHandlerT) Unref() (ret bool)
type CPrintJobCallbackT ¶ added in v0.1.5
type CPrintJobCallbackT struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Go type for cef_print_job_callback_t
func (*CPrintJobCallbackT) Cont ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CPrintJobCallbackT) Cont()
/ / Indicate completion of the print job. /
func (*CPrintJobCallbackT) HasOneRef ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (print_job_callback *CPrintJobCallbackT) HasOneRef() bool
*C.cef_print_job_callback_t has refCounted interface
func (*CPrintJobCallbackT) NewRef ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (self *CPrintJobCallbackT) NewRef() (newP *CPrintJobCallbackT)
func (*CPrintJobCallbackT) Pass ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (p *CPrintJobCallbackT) Pass() (ret *CPrintJobCallbackT)
func (*CPrintJobCallbackT) Unref ¶ added in v0.4.1
func (print_job_callback *CPrintJobCallbackT) Unref() (ret bool)
type CPrintSettingsT ¶ added in v0.1.5
type CPrintSettingsT struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Go type for cef_print_settings_t
func PrintSettingsCreate ¶ added in v0.1.5
func PrintSettingsCreate() (ret *CPrintSettingsT)
/ / Create a new cef_print_settings_t object. /
func (*CPrintSettingsT) GetColorModel ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CPrintSettingsT) GetColorModel() (ret CColorModelT)
/ / Get the color model. /
func (*CPrintSettingsT) GetCopies ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CPrintSettingsT) GetCopies() (ret bool)
/ / Get the number of copies. /
func (*CPrintSettingsT) GetDeviceName ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CPrintSettingsT) GetDeviceName() (ret string)
/ / Get the device name. / The resulting string must be freed by calling cef_string_userfree_free().
func (*CPrintSettingsT) GetDpi ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CPrintSettingsT) GetDpi() (ret bool)
/ / Get the DPI (dots per inch). /
func (*CPrintSettingsT) GetDuplexMode ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CPrintSettingsT) GetDuplexMode() (ret CDuplexModeT)
/ / Get the duplex mode. /
func (*CPrintSettingsT) GetPageRangesCount ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CPrintSettingsT) GetPageRangesCount() (ret int64)
/ / Returns the number of page ranges that currently exist. /
func (*CPrintSettingsT) HasOneRef ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (print_settings *CPrintSettingsT) HasOneRef() bool
*C.cef_print_settings_t has refCounted interface
func (*CPrintSettingsT) IsLandscape ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CPrintSettingsT) IsLandscape() (ret bool)
/ / Returns true (1) if the orientation is landscape. /
func (*CPrintSettingsT) IsReadOnly ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CPrintSettingsT) IsReadOnly() (ret bool)
/ / Returns true (1) if the values of this object are read-only. Some APIs may / expose read-only objects. /
func (*CPrintSettingsT) IsSelectionOnly ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CPrintSettingsT) IsSelectionOnly() (ret bool)
/ / Returns true (1) if only the selection will be printed. /
func (*CPrintSettingsT) IsValid ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CPrintSettingsT) IsValid() (ret bool)
/ / Returns true (1) if this object is valid. Do not call any other functions / if this function returns false (0). /
func (*CPrintSettingsT) NewRef ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (self *CPrintSettingsT) NewRef() (newP *CPrintSettingsT)
func (*CPrintSettingsT) Pass ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (p *CPrintSettingsT) Pass() (ret *CPrintSettingsT)
func (*CPrintSettingsT) SetCollate ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CPrintSettingsT) SetCollate( collate int, )
/ / Set whether pages will be collated. /
func (*CPrintSettingsT) SetColorModel ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CPrintSettingsT) SetColorModel( model CColorModelT, )
/ / Set the color model. /
func (*CPrintSettingsT) SetCopies ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CPrintSettingsT) SetCopies( copies int, )
/ / Set the number of copies. /
func (*CPrintSettingsT) SetDeviceName ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CPrintSettingsT) SetDeviceName( name string, )
/ / Set the device name. /
func (*CPrintSettingsT) SetDpi ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CPrintSettingsT) SetDpi( dpi int, )
/ / Set the DPI (dots per inch). /
func (*CPrintSettingsT) SetDuplexMode ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CPrintSettingsT) SetDuplexMode( mode CDuplexModeT, )
/ / Set the duplex mode. /
func (*CPrintSettingsT) SetOrientation ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CPrintSettingsT) SetOrientation( landscape int, )
/ / Set the page orientation. /
func (*CPrintSettingsT) SetPageRanges ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CPrintSettingsT) SetPageRanges( rangesCount int64, ranges *CRangeT, )
/ / Set the page ranges. /
func (*CPrintSettingsT) SetPrinterPrintableArea ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CPrintSettingsT) SetPrinterPrintableArea( physical_size_device_units *CSizeT, printable_area_device_units *CRectT, landscape_needs_flip int, )
/ / Set the printer printable area in device units. Some platforms already / provide flipped area. Set |landscape_needs_flip| to false (0) on those / platforms to avoid double flipping. /
func (*CPrintSettingsT) SetSelectionOnly ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CPrintSettingsT) SetSelectionOnly( selection_only int, )
/ / Set whether only the selection will be printed. /
func (*CPrintSettingsT) Unref ¶ added in v0.4.1
func (print_settings *CPrintSettingsT) Unref() (ret bool)
func (*CPrintSettingsT) WillCollate ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CPrintSettingsT) WillCollate() (ret bool)
/ / Returns true (1) if pages will be collated. /
type CProcessIdT ¶
type CProcessIdT C.cef_process_id_t
/ / Existing process IDs. /
const ( /// /// Browser process. /// PidBrowser CProcessIdT = C.PID_BROWSER /// /// Renderer process. /// PidRenderer CProcessIdT = C.PID_RENDERER )
type CProcessMessageT ¶
type CProcessMessageT struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Go type for cef_process_message_t
func ProcessMessageCreate ¶
func ProcessMessageCreate( name string, ) (ret *CProcessMessageT)
/ / Create a new cef_process_message_t object with the specified name. /
func (*CProcessMessageT) Copy ¶
func (self *CProcessMessageT) Copy() (ret *CProcessMessageT)
/ / Returns a writable copy of this object. Returns nullptr when message / contains a shared memory region. /
func (*CProcessMessageT) GetArgumentList ¶
func (self *CProcessMessageT) GetArgumentList() (ret *CListValueT)
/ / Returns the list of arguments. Returns nullptr when message contains a / shared memory region. /
func (*CProcessMessageT) GetName ¶
func (self *CProcessMessageT) GetName() (ret string)
/ / Returns the message name. / The resulting string must be freed by calling cef_string_userfree_free().
func (*CProcessMessageT) GetSharedMemoryRegion ¶ added in v0.5.4
func (self *CProcessMessageT) GetSharedMemoryRegion() (ret *CSharedMemoryRegionT)
/ / Returns the shared memory region. Returns nullptr when message contains an / argument list. /
func (*CProcessMessageT) HasOneRef ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (process_message *CProcessMessageT) HasOneRef() bool
*C.cef_process_message_t has refCounted interface
func (*CProcessMessageT) IsReadOnly ¶
func (self *CProcessMessageT) IsReadOnly() (ret bool)
/ / Returns true (1) if the values of this object are read-only. Some APIs may / expose read-only objects. /
func (*CProcessMessageT) IsValid ¶
func (self *CProcessMessageT) IsValid() (ret bool)
/ / Returns true (1) if this object is valid. Do not call any other functions / if this function returns false (0). /
func (*CProcessMessageT) NewRef ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (self *CProcessMessageT) NewRef() (newP *CProcessMessageT)
func (*CProcessMessageT) Pass ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (p *CProcessMessageT) Pass() (ret *CProcessMessageT)
func (*CProcessMessageT) Unref ¶ added in v0.4.1
func (process_message *CProcessMessageT) Unref() (ret bool)
type CQuickMenuEditStateFlagsT ¶ added in v0.5.4
type CQuickMenuEditStateFlagsT C.cef_quick_menu_edit_state_flags_t
/ / Supported quick menu state bit flags. /
const ( QmEditflagNone CQuickMenuEditStateFlagsT = C.QM_EDITFLAG_NONE QmEditflagCanEllipsis CQuickMenuEditStateFlagsT = C.QM_EDITFLAG_CAN_ELLIPSIS QmEditflagCanCut CQuickMenuEditStateFlagsT = C.QM_EDITFLAG_CAN_CUT QmEditflagCanCopy CQuickMenuEditStateFlagsT = C.QM_EDITFLAG_CAN_COPY QmEditflagCanPaste CQuickMenuEditStateFlagsT = C.QM_EDITFLAG_CAN_PASTE )
type CRangeT ¶ added in v0.1.5
type CRangeT C.cef_range_t
/ / Structure representing a range. /
func NewCRangeT ¶ added in v0.2.0
func NewCRangeT() *CRangeT
type CReadHandlerT ¶ added in v0.1.5
type CReadHandlerT struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Go type for cef_read_handler_t
func NewCReadHandlerT ¶ added in v0.5.0
func NewCReadHandlerT(a interface{}) *CReadHandlerT
NewCReadHandlerT allocates CReadHandlerT, construct and bind it
func (*CReadHandlerT) Handler ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (read_handler *CReadHandlerT) Handler() interface{}
func (*CReadHandlerT) HasOneRef ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (read_handler *CReadHandlerT) HasOneRef() bool
*C.cef_read_handler_t has refCounted interface
func (*CReadHandlerT) NewRef ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (self *CReadHandlerT) NewRef() (newP *CReadHandlerT)
func (*CReadHandlerT) Pass ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (p *CReadHandlerT) Pass() (ret *CReadHandlerT)
func (*CReadHandlerT) UnbindAll ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (read_handler *CReadHandlerT) UnbindAll()
func (*CReadHandlerT) Unref ¶ added in v0.4.1
func (read_handler *CReadHandlerT) Unref() (ret bool)
type CReadHandlerTMayBlockHandler ¶ added in v0.2.4
type CReadHandlerTMayBlockHandler interface { MayBlock( self *CReadHandlerT, ) (ret bool) }
/ / Return true (1) if this handler performs work like accessing the file / system which may block. Used as a hint for determining the thread to / access the handler from. /
type CReadHandlerTReadHandler ¶ added in v0.2.4
type CReadHandlerTReadHandler interface { Read( self *CReadHandlerT, ptr []byte, size int64, n int64, ) (ret int64) }
/ / Read raw binary data. /
type CReadHandlerTSeekHandler ¶ added in v0.2.4
type CReadHandlerTSeekHandler interface { Seek( self *CReadHandlerT, offset int64, whence int, ) (ret bool) }
/ / Seek to the specified offset position. |whence| may be any one of / SEEK_CUR, SEEK_END or SEEK_SET. Return zero on success and non-zero on / failure. /
type CReadHandlerTTellHandler ¶ added in v0.2.4
type CReadHandlerTTellHandler interface { Tell( self *CReadHandlerT, ) (ret int64) }
/ / Return the current offset position. /
type CReferrerPolicyT ¶ added in v0.1.5
type CReferrerPolicyT C.cef_referrer_policy_t
/ / Policy for how the Referrer HTTP header value will be sent during / navigation. If the `--no-referrers` command-line flag is specified then the / policy value will be ignored and the Referrer value will never be sent. Must / be kept synchronized with net::URLRequest::ReferrerPolicy from Chromium. /
const ( /// /// Clear the referrer header if the header value is HTTPS but the request /// destination is HTTP. This is the default behavior. /// ReferrerPolicyClearReferrerOnTransitionFromSecureToInsecure CReferrerPolicyT = C.REFERRER_POLICY_CLEAR_REFERRER_ON_TRANSITION_FROM_SECURE_TO_INSECURE ReferrerPolicyDefault CReferrerPolicyT = C.REFERRER_POLICY_DEFAULT /// /// A slight variant on CLEAR_REFERRER_ON_TRANSITION_FROM_SECURE_TO_INSECURE: /// If the request destination is HTTP, an HTTPS referrer will be cleared. If /// the request's destination is cross-origin with the referrer (but does not /// downgrade), the referrer's granularity will be stripped down to an origin /// rather than a full URL. Same-origin requests will send the full referrer. /// ReferrerPolicyReduceReferrerGranularityOnTransitionCrossOrigin CReferrerPolicyT = C.REFERRER_POLICY_REDUCE_REFERRER_GRANULARITY_ON_TRANSITION_CROSS_ORIGIN /// /// Strip the referrer down to an origin when the origin of the referrer is /// different from the destination's origin. /// ReferrerPolicyOriginOnlyOnTransitionCrossOrigin CReferrerPolicyT = C.REFERRER_POLICY_ORIGIN_ONLY_ON_TRANSITION_CROSS_ORIGIN /// /// Never change the referrer. /// ReferrerPolicyNeverClearReferrer CReferrerPolicyT = C.REFERRER_POLICY_NEVER_CLEAR_REFERRER /// /// Strip the referrer down to the origin regardless of the redirect location. /// ReferrerPolicyOrigin CReferrerPolicyT = C.REFERRER_POLICY_ORIGIN /// /// Clear the referrer when the request's referrer is cross-origin with the /// request's destination. /// ReferrerPolicyClearReferrerOnTransitionCrossOrigin CReferrerPolicyT = C.REFERRER_POLICY_CLEAR_REFERRER_ON_TRANSITION_CROSS_ORIGIN /// /// Strip the referrer down to the origin, but clear it entirely if the /// referrer value is HTTPS and the destination is HTTP. /// ReferrerPolicyOriginClearOnTransitionFromSecureToInsecure CReferrerPolicyT = C.REFERRER_POLICY_ORIGIN_CLEAR_ON_TRANSITION_FROM_SECURE_TO_INSECURE /// /// Always clear the referrer regardless of the request destination. /// ReferrerPolicyNoReferrer CReferrerPolicyT = C.REFERRER_POLICY_NO_REFERRER /// Always the last value in this enumeration. ReferrerPolicyLastValue CReferrerPolicyT = C.REFERRER_POLICY_LAST_VALUE )
type CRegistrationT ¶ added in v0.2.7
type CRegistrationT struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Go type for cef_registration_t
func (*CRegistrationT) HasOneRef ¶ added in v0.2.7
func (registration *CRegistrationT) HasOneRef() bool
*C.cef_registration_t has refCounted interface
func (*CRegistrationT) NewRef ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (self *CRegistrationT) NewRef() (newP *CRegistrationT)
func (*CRegistrationT) Pass ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (p *CRegistrationT) Pass() (ret *CRegistrationT)
func (*CRegistrationT) Unref ¶ added in v0.4.1
func (registration *CRegistrationT) Unref() (ret bool)
type CRenderHandlerT ¶
type CRenderHandlerT struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Go type for cef_render_handler_t
func NewCRenderHandlerT ¶ added in v0.5.0
func NewCRenderHandlerT(a interface{}) *CRenderHandlerT
NewCRenderHandlerT allocates CRenderHandlerT, construct and bind it
func (*CRenderHandlerT) Handler ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (render_handler *CRenderHandlerT) Handler() interface{}
func (*CRenderHandlerT) HasOneRef ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (render_handler *CRenderHandlerT) HasOneRef() bool
*C.cef_render_handler_t has refCounted interface
func (*CRenderHandlerT) NewRef ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (self *CRenderHandlerT) NewRef() (newP *CRenderHandlerT)
func (*CRenderHandlerT) Pass ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (p *CRenderHandlerT) Pass() (ret *CRenderHandlerT)
func (*CRenderHandlerT) UnbindAll ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (render_handler *CRenderHandlerT) UnbindAll()
func (*CRenderHandlerT) Unref ¶ added in v0.4.1
func (render_handler *CRenderHandlerT) Unref() (ret bool)
type CRenderProcessHandlerT ¶
type CRenderProcessHandlerT struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Go type for cef_render_process_handler_t
func NewCRenderProcessHandlerT ¶ added in v0.5.0
func NewCRenderProcessHandlerT(a interface{}) *CRenderProcessHandlerT
NewCRenderProcessHandlerT allocates CRenderProcessHandlerT, construct and bind it
func (*CRenderProcessHandlerT) Handler ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (render_process_handler *CRenderProcessHandlerT) Handler() interface{}
func (*CRenderProcessHandlerT) HasOneRef ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (render_process_handler *CRenderProcessHandlerT) HasOneRef() bool
*C.cef_render_process_handler_t has refCounted interface
func (*CRenderProcessHandlerT) NewRef ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (self *CRenderProcessHandlerT) NewRef() (newP *CRenderProcessHandlerT)
func (*CRenderProcessHandlerT) Pass ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (p *CRenderProcessHandlerT) Pass() (ret *CRenderProcessHandlerT)
func (*CRenderProcessHandlerT) UnbindAll ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (render_process_handler *CRenderProcessHandlerT) UnbindAll()
func (*CRenderProcessHandlerT) Unref ¶ added in v0.4.1
func (render_process_handler *CRenderProcessHandlerT) Unref() (ret bool)
type CRenderProcessHandlerTGetLoadHandlerHandler ¶ added in v0.3.0
type CRenderProcessHandlerTGetLoadHandlerHandler interface { GetLoadHandler( self *CRenderProcessHandlerT, ) (ret *CLoadHandlerT) }
/ / Return the handler for browser load status events. /
type CRenderProcessHandlerTOnBrowserCreatedHandler ¶ added in v0.2.5
type CRenderProcessHandlerTOnBrowserCreatedHandler interface { OnBrowserCreated( self *CRenderProcessHandlerT, browser *CBrowserT, extra_info *CDictionaryValueT, ) }
/ / Called after a browser has been created. When browsing cross-origin a new / browser will be created before the old browser with the same identifier is / destroyed. |extra_info| is an optional read-only value originating from / cef_browser_host_t::cef_browser_host_create_browser(), / cef_browser_host_t::cef_browser_host_create_browser_sync(), / cef_life_span_handler_t::on_before_popup() or / cef_browser_view_t::cef_browser_view_create(). /
type CRenderProcessHandlerTOnBrowserDestroyedHandler ¶ added in v0.2.5
type CRenderProcessHandlerTOnBrowserDestroyedHandler interface { OnBrowserDestroyed( self *CRenderProcessHandlerT, browser *CBrowserT, ) }
/ / Called before a browser is destroyed. /
type CRenderProcessHandlerTOnProcessMessageReceivedHandler ¶ added in v0.1.5
type CRenderProcessHandlerTOnProcessMessageReceivedHandler interface { OnProcessMessageReceived( self *CRenderProcessHandlerT, browser *CBrowserT, frame *CFrameT, source_process CProcessIdT, message *CProcessMessageT, ) (ret bool) }
/ / Called when a new message is received from a different process. Return / true (1) if the message was handled or false (0) otherwise. It is safe to / keep a reference to |message| outside of this callback. /
type CRequestContextHandlerT ¶ added in v0.1.5
type CRequestContextHandlerT struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Go type for cef_request_context_handler_t
func NewCRequestContextHandlerT ¶ added in v0.5.0
func NewCRequestContextHandlerT(a interface{}) *CRequestContextHandlerT
NewCRequestContextHandlerT allocates CRequestContextHandlerT, construct and bind it
func (*CRequestContextHandlerT) Handler ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (request_context_handler *CRequestContextHandlerT) Handler() interface{}
func (*CRequestContextHandlerT) HasOneRef ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (request_context_handler *CRequestContextHandlerT) HasOneRef() bool
*C.cef_request_context_handler_t has refCounted interface
func (*CRequestContextHandlerT) NewRef ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (self *CRequestContextHandlerT) NewRef() (newP *CRequestContextHandlerT)
func (*CRequestContextHandlerT) Pass ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (p *CRequestContextHandlerT) Pass() (ret *CRequestContextHandlerT)
func (*CRequestContextHandlerT) UnbindAll ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (request_context_handler *CRequestContextHandlerT) UnbindAll()
func (*CRequestContextHandlerT) Unref ¶ added in v0.4.1
func (request_context_handler *CRequestContextHandlerT) Unref() (ret bool)
type CRequestContextHandlerTGetResourceRequestHandlerHandler ¶ added in v0.2.12
type CRequestContextHandlerTGetResourceRequestHandlerHandler interface { GetResourceRequestHandler( self *CRequestContextHandlerT, browser *CBrowserT, frame *CFrameT, request *CRequestT, is_navigation int, is_download int, request_initiator string, ) (ret *CResourceRequestHandlerT, disable_default_handling bool) }
/ / Called on the browser process IO thread before a resource request is / initiated. The |browser| and |frame| values represent the source of the / request, and may be NULL for requests originating from service workers or / cef_urlrequest_t. |request| represents the request contents and cannot be / modified in this callback. |is_navigation| will be true (1) if the / resource request is a navigation. |is_download| will be true (1) if the / resource request is a download. |request_initiator| is the origin (scheme / + domain) of the page that initiated the request. Set / |disable_default_handling| to true (1) to disable default handling of the / request, in which case it will need to be handled via / cef_resource_request_handler_t::GetResourceHandler or it will be canceled. / To allow the resource load to proceed with default handling return NULL. / To specify a handler for the resource return a / cef_resource_request_handler_t object. This function will not be called if / the client associated with |browser| returns a non-NULL value from / cef_request_handler_t::GetResourceRequestHandler for the same request / (identified by cef_request_t::GetIdentifier). /
type CRequestContextSettingsT ¶ added in v0.1.5
type CRequestContextSettingsT C.cef_request_context_settings_t
/ / Request context initialization settings. Specify NULL or 0 to get the / recommended default values. /
func NewCRequestContextSettingsT ¶ added in v0.2.0
func NewCRequestContextSettingsT() *CRequestContextSettingsT
func (*CRequestContextSettingsT) AcceptLanguageList ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (st *CRequestContextSettingsT) AcceptLanguageList() string
func (*CRequestContextSettingsT) CachePath ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (st *CRequestContextSettingsT) CachePath() string
func (*CRequestContextSettingsT) CookieableSchemesExcludeDefaults ¶ added in v0.4.0
func (st *CRequestContextSettingsT) CookieableSchemesExcludeDefaults() int
func (*CRequestContextSettingsT) CookieableSchemesList ¶ added in v0.4.0
func (st *CRequestContextSettingsT) CookieableSchemesList() string
func (*CRequestContextSettingsT) PersistSessionCookies ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (st *CRequestContextSettingsT) PersistSessionCookies() bool
func (*CRequestContextSettingsT) PersistUserPreferences ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (st *CRequestContextSettingsT) PersistUserPreferences() bool
func (*CRequestContextSettingsT) SetAcceptLanguageList ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (st *CRequestContextSettingsT) SetAcceptLanguageList(v string)
func (*CRequestContextSettingsT) SetCachePath ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (st *CRequestContextSettingsT) SetCachePath(v string)
func (*CRequestContextSettingsT) SetCookieableSchemesExcludeDefaults ¶ added in v0.4.0
func (st *CRequestContextSettingsT) SetCookieableSchemesExcludeDefaults(v int)
func (*CRequestContextSettingsT) SetCookieableSchemesList ¶ added in v0.4.0
func (st *CRequestContextSettingsT) SetCookieableSchemesList(v string)
func (*CRequestContextSettingsT) SetPersistSessionCookies ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (st *CRequestContextSettingsT) SetPersistSessionCookies(v bool)
func (*CRequestContextSettingsT) SetPersistUserPreferences ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (st *CRequestContextSettingsT) SetPersistUserPreferences(v bool)
type CRequestContextT ¶ added in v0.1.5
type CRequestContextT struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Go type for cef_request_context_t
func CreateContextShared ¶ added in v0.1.5
func CreateContextShared( other *CRequestContextT, handler *CRequestContextHandlerT, ) (ret *CRequestContextT)
/ / Creates a new context object that shares storage with |other| and uses an / optional |handler|. /
func RequestContextCreateContext ¶ added in v0.1.5
func RequestContextCreateContext( settings *CRequestContextSettingsT, handler *CRequestContextHandlerT, ) (ret *CRequestContextT)
/ / Creates a new context object with the specified |settings| and optional / |handler|. /
func RequestContextGetGlobalContext ¶ added in v0.1.5
func RequestContextGetGlobalContext() (ret *CRequestContextT)
/ / Returns the global context object. /
func (*CRequestContextT) CanSetPreference ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CRequestContextT) CanSetPreference( name string, ) (ret bool)
/ / Returns true (1) if the preference with the specified |name| can be / modified using SetPreference. As one example preferences set via the / command-line usually cannot be modified. This function must be called on / the browser process UI thread. /
func (*CRequestContextT) ClearCertificateExceptions ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CRequestContextT) ClearCertificateExceptions( callback *CCompletionCallbackT, )
/ / Clears all certificate exceptions that were added as part of handling / cef_request_handler_t::on_certificate_error(). If you call this it is / recommended that you also call close_all_connections() or you risk not / being prompted again for server certificates if you reconnect quickly. If / |callback| is non-NULL it will be executed on the UI thread after / completion. /
func (*CRequestContextT) ClearHttpAuthCredentials ¶ added in v0.1.7
func (self *CRequestContextT) ClearHttpAuthCredentials( callback *CCompletionCallbackT, )
/ / Clears all HTTP authentication credentials that were added as part of / handling GetAuthCredentials. If |callback| is non-NULL it will be executed / on the UI thread after completion. /
func (*CRequestContextT) ClearSchemeHandlerFactories ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CRequestContextT) ClearSchemeHandlerFactories() (ret bool)
/ / Clear all registered scheme handler factories. Returns false (0) on error. / This function may be called on any thread in the browser process. /
func (*CRequestContextT) CloseAllConnections ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CRequestContextT) CloseAllConnections( callback *CCompletionCallbackT, )
/ / Clears all active and idle connections that Chromium currently has. This / is only recommended if you have released all other CEF objects but don't / yet want to call cef_shutdown(). If |callback| is non-NULL it will be / executed on the UI thread after completion. /
func (*CRequestContextT) DidLoadExtension ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CRequestContextT) DidLoadExtension( extension_id string, ) (ret bool)
/ / Returns true (1) if this context was used to load the extension identified / by |extension_id|. Other contexts sharing the same storage will also have / access to the extension (see HasExtension). This function must be called / on the browser process UI thread. /
func (*CRequestContextT) GetAllPreferences ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CRequestContextT) GetAllPreferences( include_defaults int, ) (ret *CDictionaryValueT)
/ / Returns all preferences as a dictionary. If |include_defaults| is true (1) / then preferences currently at their default value will be included. The / returned object contains a copy of the underlying preference values and / modifications to the returned object will not modify the underlying / preference values. This function must be called on the browser process UI / thread. /
func (*CRequestContextT) GetCachePath ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CRequestContextT) GetCachePath() (ret string)
/ / Returns the cache path for this object. If NULL an "incognito mode" in- / memory cache is being used. / The resulting string must be freed by calling cef_string_userfree_free().
func (*CRequestContextT) GetCookieManager ¶ added in v0.1.7
func (self *CRequestContextT) GetCookieManager( callback *CCompletionCallbackT, ) (ret *CCookieManagerT)
/ / Returns the cookie manager for this object. If |callback| is non-NULL it / will be executed asnychronously on the UI thread after the manager's / storage has been initialized. /
func (*CRequestContextT) GetExtension ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CRequestContextT) GetExtension( extension_id string, ) (ret *CExtensionT)
/ / Returns the extension matching |extension_id| or NULL if no matching / extension is accessible in this context (see HasExtension). This function / must be called on the browser process UI thread. /
func (*CRequestContextT) GetExtensions ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CRequestContextT) GetExtensions( extension_ids CStringListT, ) (ret bool)
/ / Retrieve the list of all extensions that this context has access to (see / HasExtension). |extension_ids| will be populated with the list of / extension ID values. Returns true (1) on success. This function must be / called on the browser process UI thread. /
func (*CRequestContextT) GetHandler ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CRequestContextT) GetHandler() (ret *CRequestContextHandlerT)
/ / Returns the handler for this context if any. /
func (*CRequestContextT) GetMediaRouter ¶ added in v0.2.7
func (self *CRequestContextT) GetMediaRouter( callback *CCompletionCallbackT, ) (ret *CMediaRouterT)
/ / Returns the MediaRouter object associated with this context. If / |callback| is non-NULL it will be executed asnychronously on the UI thread / after the manager's context has been initialized. /
func (*CRequestContextT) GetPreference ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CRequestContextT) GetPreference( name string, ) (ret *CValueT)
/ / Returns the value for the preference with the specified |name|. Returns / NULL if the preference does not exist. The returned object contains a copy / of the underlying preference value and modifications to the returned / object will not modify the underlying preference value. This function must / be called on the browser process UI thread. /
func (*CRequestContextT) HasExtension ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CRequestContextT) HasExtension( extension_id string, ) (ret bool)
/ / Returns true (1) if this context has access to the extension identified by / |extension_id|. This may not be the context that was used to load the / extension (see DidLoadExtension). This function must be called on the / browser process UI thread. /
func (*CRequestContextT) HasOneRef ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (request_context *CRequestContextT) HasOneRef() bool
*C.cef_request_context_t has refCounted interface
func (*CRequestContextT) HasPreference ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CRequestContextT) HasPreference( name string, ) (ret bool)
/ / Returns true (1) if a preference with the specified |name| exists. This / function must be called on the browser process UI thread. /
func (*CRequestContextT) IsGlobal ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CRequestContextT) IsGlobal() (ret bool)
/ / Returns true (1) if this object is the global context. The global context / is used by default when creating a browser or URL request with a NULL / context argument. /
func (*CRequestContextT) IsSame ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CRequestContextT) IsSame( other *CRequestContextT, ) (ret bool)
/ / Returns true (1) if this object is pointing to the same context as |that| / object. /
func (*CRequestContextT) IsSharingWith ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CRequestContextT) IsSharingWith( other *CRequestContextT, ) (ret bool)
/ / Returns true (1) if this object is sharing the same storage as |that| / object. /
func (*CRequestContextT) LoadExtension ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CRequestContextT) LoadExtension( root_directory string, manifest *CDictionaryValueT, handler *CExtensionHandlerT, )
/ / Load an extension. / / If extension resources will be read from disk using the default load / implementation then |root_directory| should be the absolute path to the / extension resources directory and |manifest| should be NULL. If extension / resources will be provided by the client (e.g. via cef_request_handler_t / and/or cef_extension_handler_t) then |root_directory| should be a path / component unique to the extension (if not absolute this will be internally / prefixed with the PK_DIR_RESOURCES path) and |manifest| should contain the / contents that would otherwise be read from the "manifest.json" file on / disk. / / The loaded extension will be accessible in all contexts sharing the same / storage (HasExtension returns true (1)). However, only the context on / which this function was called is considered the loader (DidLoadExtension / returns true (1)) and only the loader will receive / cef_request_context_handler_t callbacks for the extension. / / cef_extension_handler_t::OnExtensionLoaded will be called on load success / or cef_extension_handler_t::OnExtensionLoadFailed will be called on load / failure. / / If the extension specifies a background script via the "background" / manifest key then cef_extension_handler_t::OnBeforeBackgroundBrowser will / be called to create the background browser. See that function for / additional information about background scripts. / / For visible extension views the client application should evaluate the / manifest to determine the correct extension URL to load and then pass that / URL to the cef_browser_host_t::CreateBrowser* function after the extension / has loaded. For example, the client can look for the "browser_action" / manifest key as documented at / Extension URLs take / the form "chrome-extension://<extension_id>/<path>". / / Browsers that host extensions differ from normal browsers as follows: / - Can access chrome.* JavaScript APIs if allowed by the manifest. Visit / chrome://extensions-support for the list of extension APIs currently / supported by CEF. / - Main frame navigation to non-extension content is blocked. / - Pinch-zooming is disabled. / - CefBrowserHost::GetExtension returns the hosted extension. / - CefBrowserHost::IsBackgroundHost returns true for background hosts. / / See for extension implementation / and usage documentation. /
func (*CRequestContextT) NewRef ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (self *CRequestContextT) NewRef() (newP *CRequestContextT)
func (*CRequestContextT) Pass ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (p *CRequestContextT) Pass() (ret *CRequestContextT)
func (*CRequestContextT) RegisterSchemeHandlerFactory ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CRequestContextT) RegisterSchemeHandlerFactory( scheme_name string, domain_name string, factory *CSchemeHandlerFactoryT, ) (ret bool)
/ / Register a scheme handler factory for the specified |scheme_name| and / optional |domain_name|. An NULL |domain_name| value for a standard scheme / will cause the factory to match all domain names. The |domain_name| value / will be ignored for non-standard schemes. If |scheme_name| is a built-in / scheme and no handler is returned by |factory| then the built-in scheme / handler factory will be called. If |scheme_name| is a custom scheme then / you must also implement the cef_app_t::on_register_custom_schemes() / function in all processes. This function may be called multiple times to / change or remove the factory that matches the specified |scheme_name| and / optional |domain_name|. Returns false (0) if an error occurs. This / function may be called on any thread in the browser process. /
func (*CRequestContextT) ResolveHost ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CRequestContextT) ResolveHost( origin string, callback *CResolveCallbackT, )
/ / Attempts to resolve |origin| to a list of associated IP addresses. / |callback| will be executed on the UI thread after completion. /
func (*CRequestContextT) SetPreference ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CRequestContextT) SetPreference( name string, value *CValueT, ) (ret bool, error string)
/ / Set the |value| associated with preference |name|. Returns true (1) if the / value is set successfully and false (0) otherwise. If |value| is NULL the / preference will be restored to its default value. If setting the / preference fails then |error| will be populated with a detailed / description of the problem. This function must be called on the browser / process UI thread. /
func (*CRequestContextT) Unref ¶ added in v0.4.1
func (request_context *CRequestContextT) Unref() (ret bool)
type CRequestHandlerT ¶
type CRequestHandlerT struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Go type for cef_request_handler_t
func NewCRequestHandlerT ¶ added in v0.5.0
func NewCRequestHandlerT(a interface{}) *CRequestHandlerT
NewCRequestHandlerT allocates CRequestHandlerT, construct and bind it
func (*CRequestHandlerT) Handler ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (request_handler *CRequestHandlerT) Handler() interface{}
func (*CRequestHandlerT) HasOneRef ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (request_handler *CRequestHandlerT) HasOneRef() bool
*C.cef_request_handler_t has refCounted interface
func (*CRequestHandlerT) NewRef ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (self *CRequestHandlerT) NewRef() (newP *CRequestHandlerT)
func (*CRequestHandlerT) Pass ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (p *CRequestHandlerT) Pass() (ret *CRequestHandlerT)
func (*CRequestHandlerT) UnbindAll ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (request_handler *CRequestHandlerT) UnbindAll()
func (*CRequestHandlerT) Unref ¶ added in v0.4.1
func (request_handler *CRequestHandlerT) Unref() (ret bool)
type CRequestHandlerTGetAuthCredentialsHandler ¶ added in v0.2.4
type CRequestHandlerTGetAuthCredentialsHandler interface { GetAuthCredentials( self *CRequestHandlerT, browser *CBrowserT, origin_url string, isProxy int, host string, port int, realm string, scheme string, callback *CAuthCallbackT, ) (ret bool) }
/ / Called on the IO thread when the browser needs credentials from the user. / |origin_url| is the origin making this authentication request. |isProxy| / indicates whether the host is a proxy server. |host| contains the hostname / and |port| contains the port number. |realm| is the realm of the challenge / and may be NULL. |scheme| is the authentication scheme used, such as / "basic" or "digest", and will be NULL if the source of the request is an / FTP server. Return true (1) to continue the request and call / cef_auth_callback_t::cont() either in this function or at a later time / when the authentication information is available. Return false (0) to / cancel the request immediately. /
type CRequestHandlerTGetResourceRequestHandlerHandler ¶ added in v0.2.12
type CRequestHandlerTGetResourceRequestHandlerHandler interface { GetResourceRequestHandler( self *CRequestHandlerT, browser *CBrowserT, frame *CFrameT, request *CRequestT, is_navigation int, is_download int, request_initiator string, ) (ret *CResourceRequestHandlerT, disable_default_handling bool) }
/ / Called on the browser process IO thread before a resource request is / initiated. The |browser| and |frame| values represent the source of the / request. |request| represents the request contents and cannot be modified / in this callback. |is_navigation| will be true (1) if the resource request / is a navigation. |is_download| will be true (1) if the resource request is / a download. |request_initiator| is the origin (scheme + domain) of the / page that initiated the request. Set |disable_default_handling| to true / (1) to disable default handling of the request, in which case it will need / to be handled via cef_resource_request_handler_t::GetResourceHandler or it / will be canceled. To allow the resource load to proceed with default / handling return NULL. To specify a handler for the resource return a / cef_resource_request_handler_t object. If this callback returns NULL the / same function will be called on the associated / cef_request_context_handler_t, if any. /
type CRequestT ¶
type CRequestT struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Go type for cef_request_t
func RequestCreate ¶ added in v0.1.5
func RequestCreate() (ret *CRequestT)
/ / Create a new cef_request_t object. /
func (*CRequestT) GetFirstPartyForCookies ¶ added in v0.1.5
/ / Get the URL to the first party for cookies used in combination with / cef_urlrequest_t. / The resulting string must be freed by calling cef_string_userfree_free().
func (*CRequestT) GetFlags ¶ added in v0.1.5
/ / Get the flags used in combination with cef_urlrequest_t. See / cef_urlrequest_flags_t for supported values. /
func (*CRequestT) GetHeaderByName ¶ added in v0.1.7
/ / Returns the first header value for |name| or an NULL string if not found. / Will not return the Referer value if any. Use GetHeaderMap instead if / |name| might have multiple values. / The resulting string must be freed by calling cef_string_userfree_free().
func (*CRequestT) GetHeaderMap ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CRequestT) GetHeaderMap( headerMap CStringMultimapT, )
/ / Get the header values. Will not include the Referer value if any. /
func (*CRequestT) GetIdentifier ¶ added in v0.1.5
/ / Returns the globally unique identifier for this request or 0 if not / specified. Can be used by cef_resource_request_handler_t implementations / in the browser process to track a single request across multiple / callbacks. /
func (*CRequestT) GetMethod ¶ added in v0.1.5
/ / Get the request function type. The value will default to POST if post data / is provided and GET otherwise. / The resulting string must be freed by calling cef_string_userfree_free().
func (*CRequestT) GetPostData ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CRequestT) GetPostData() (ret *CPostDataT)
/ / Get the post data. /
func (*CRequestT) GetReferrerPolicy ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CRequestT) GetReferrerPolicy() (ret CReferrerPolicyT)
/ / Get the referrer policy. /
func (*CRequestT) GetReferrerUrl ¶ added in v0.1.5
/ / Get the referrer URL. / The resulting string must be freed by calling cef_string_userfree_free().
func (*CRequestT) GetResourceType ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CRequestT) GetResourceType() (ret CResourceTypeT)
/ / Get the resource type for this request. Only available in the browser / process. /
func (*CRequestT) GetTransitionType ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CRequestT) GetTransitionType() (ret CTransitionTypeT)
/ / Get the transition type for this request. Only available in the browser / process and only applies to requests that represent a main frame or sub- / frame navigation. /
func (*CRequestT) GetUrl ¶
/ / Get the fully qualified URL. / The resulting string must be freed by calling cef_string_userfree_free().
func (*CRequestT) IsReadOnly ¶ added in v0.1.5
/ / Returns true (1) if this object is read-only. /
func (*CRequestT) Set ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CRequestT) Set( url string, method string, postData *CPostDataT, headerMap CStringMultimapT, )
/ / Set all values at one time. /
func (*CRequestT) SetFirstPartyForCookies ¶ added in v0.1.5
/ / Set the URL to the first party for cookies used in combination with / cef_urlrequest_t. /
func (*CRequestT) SetFlags ¶ added in v0.1.5
/ / Set the flags used in combination with cef_urlrequest_t. See / cef_urlrequest_flags_t for supported values. /
func (*CRequestT) SetHeaderByName ¶ added in v0.1.7
/ / Set the header |name| to |value|. If |overwrite| is true (1) any existing / values will be replaced with the new value. If |overwrite| is false (0) / any existing values will not be overwritten. The Referer value cannot be / set using this function. /
func (*CRequestT) SetHeaderMap ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CRequestT) SetHeaderMap( headerMap CStringMultimapT, )
/ / Set the header values. If a Referer value exists in the header map it will / be removed and ignored. /
func (*CRequestT) SetPostData ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CRequestT) SetPostData( postData *CPostDataT, )
/ / Set the post data. /
func (*CRequestT) SetReferrer ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CRequestT) SetReferrer( referrer_url string, policy CReferrerPolicyT, )
/ / Set the referrer URL and policy. If non-NULL the referrer URL must be / fully qualified with an HTTP or HTTPS scheme component. Any username, / password or ref component will be removed. /
type CResolveCallbackT ¶ added in v0.1.5
type CResolveCallbackT struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Go type for cef_resolve_callback_t
func (*CResolveCallbackT) HasOneRef ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (resolve_callback *CResolveCallbackT) HasOneRef() bool
*C.cef_resolve_callback_t has refCounted interface
func (*CResolveCallbackT) NewRef ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (self *CResolveCallbackT) NewRef() (newP *CResolveCallbackT)
func (*CResolveCallbackT) OnResolveCompleted ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CResolveCallbackT) OnResolveCompleted( result CErrorcodeT, resolved_ips CStringListT, )
/ / Called on the UI thread after the ResolveHost request has completed. / |result| will be the result code. |resolved_ips| will be the list of / resolved IP addresses or NULL if the resolution failed. /
func (*CResolveCallbackT) Pass ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (p *CResolveCallbackT) Pass() (ret *CResolveCallbackT)
func (*CResolveCallbackT) Unref ¶ added in v0.4.1
func (resolve_callback *CResolveCallbackT) Unref() (ret bool)
type CResourceBundleHandlerT ¶ added in v0.1.5
type CResourceBundleHandlerT struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Go type for cef_resource_bundle_handler_t
func NewCResourceBundleHandlerT ¶ added in v0.5.0
func NewCResourceBundleHandlerT(a interface{}) *CResourceBundleHandlerT
NewCResourceBundleHandlerT allocates CResourceBundleHandlerT, construct and bind it
func (*CResourceBundleHandlerT) Handler ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (resource_bundle_handler *CResourceBundleHandlerT) Handler() interface{}
func (*CResourceBundleHandlerT) HasOneRef ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (resource_bundle_handler *CResourceBundleHandlerT) HasOneRef() bool
*C.cef_resource_bundle_handler_t has refCounted interface
func (*CResourceBundleHandlerT) NewRef ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (self *CResourceBundleHandlerT) NewRef() (newP *CResourceBundleHandlerT)
func (*CResourceBundleHandlerT) Pass ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (p *CResourceBundleHandlerT) Pass() (ret *CResourceBundleHandlerT)
func (*CResourceBundleHandlerT) UnbindAll ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (resource_bundle_handler *CResourceBundleHandlerT) UnbindAll()
func (*CResourceBundleHandlerT) Unref ¶ added in v0.4.1
func (resource_bundle_handler *CResourceBundleHandlerT) Unref() (ret bool)
type CResourceHandlerT ¶
type CResourceHandlerT struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Go type for cef_resource_handler_t
func NewCResourceHandlerT ¶ added in v0.5.0
func NewCResourceHandlerT(a interface{}) *CResourceHandlerT
NewCResourceHandlerT allocates CResourceHandlerT, construct and bind it
func (*CResourceHandlerT) Handler ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (resource_handler *CResourceHandlerT) Handler() interface{}
func (*CResourceHandlerT) HasOneRef ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (resource_handler *CResourceHandlerT) HasOneRef() bool
*C.cef_resource_handler_t has refCounted interface
func (*CResourceHandlerT) NewRef ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (self *CResourceHandlerT) NewRef() (newP *CResourceHandlerT)
func (*CResourceHandlerT) Pass ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (p *CResourceHandlerT) Pass() (ret *CResourceHandlerT)
func (*CResourceHandlerT) UnbindAll ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (resource_handler *CResourceHandlerT) UnbindAll()
func (*CResourceHandlerT) Unref ¶ added in v0.4.1
func (resource_handler *CResourceHandlerT) Unref() (ret bool)
type CResourceHandlerTReadHandler ¶ added in v0.2.4
type CResourceHandlerTReadHandler interface { Read( self *CResourceHandlerT, data_out []byte, callback *CResourceReadCallbackT, ) (ret bool, bytes_read int) }
/ / Read response data. If data is available immediately copy up to / |bytes_to_read| bytes into |data_out|, set |bytes_read| to the number of / bytes copied, and return true (1). To read the data at a later time keep a / pointer to |data_out|, set |bytes_read| to 0, return true (1) and execute / |callback| when the data is available (|data_out| will remain valid until / the callback is executed). To indicate response completion set / |bytes_read| to 0 and return false (0). To indicate failure set / |bytes_read| to < 0 (e.g. -2 for ERR_FAILED) and return false (0). This / function will be called in sequence but not from a dedicated thread. For / backwards compatibility set |bytes_read| to -1 and return false (0) and / the ReadResponse function will be called. /
type CResourceReadCallbackT ¶ added in v0.1.7
type CResourceReadCallbackT struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Go type for cef_resource_read_callback_t
func (*CResourceReadCallbackT) Cont ¶ added in v0.1.7
func (self *CResourceReadCallbackT) Cont( bytes_read int, )
/ / Callback for asynchronous continuation of read(). If |bytes_read| == 0 the / response will be considered complete. If |bytes_read| > 0 then read() will / be called again until the request is complete (based on either the result / or the expected content length). If |bytes_read| < 0 then the request will / fail and the |bytes_read| value will be treated as the error code. /
func (*CResourceReadCallbackT) HasOneRef ¶ added in v0.1.7
func (resource_read_callback *CResourceReadCallbackT) HasOneRef() bool
*C.cef_resource_read_callback_t has refCounted interface
func (*CResourceReadCallbackT) NewRef ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (self *CResourceReadCallbackT) NewRef() (newP *CResourceReadCallbackT)
func (*CResourceReadCallbackT) Pass ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (p *CResourceReadCallbackT) Pass() (ret *CResourceReadCallbackT)
func (*CResourceReadCallbackT) Unref ¶ added in v0.4.1
func (resource_read_callback *CResourceReadCallbackT) Unref() (ret bool)
type CResourceRequestHandlerT ¶ added in v0.1.7
type CResourceRequestHandlerT struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Go type for cef_resource_request_handler_t
func NewCResourceRequestHandlerT ¶ added in v0.5.0
func NewCResourceRequestHandlerT(a interface{}) *CResourceRequestHandlerT
NewCResourceRequestHandlerT allocates CResourceRequestHandlerT, construct and bind it
func (*CResourceRequestHandlerT) Handler ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (resource_request_handler *CResourceRequestHandlerT) Handler() interface{}
func (*CResourceRequestHandlerT) HasOneRef ¶ added in v0.1.7
func (resource_request_handler *CResourceRequestHandlerT) HasOneRef() bool
*C.cef_resource_request_handler_t has refCounted interface
func (*CResourceRequestHandlerT) NewRef ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (self *CResourceRequestHandlerT) NewRef() (newP *CResourceRequestHandlerT)
func (*CResourceRequestHandlerT) Pass ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (p *CResourceRequestHandlerT) Pass() (ret *CResourceRequestHandlerT)
func (*CResourceRequestHandlerT) UnbindAll ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (resource_request_handler *CResourceRequestHandlerT) UnbindAll()
func (*CResourceRequestHandlerT) Unref ¶ added in v0.4.1
func (resource_request_handler *CResourceRequestHandlerT) Unref() (ret bool)
type CResourceSkipCallbackT ¶ added in v0.1.7
type CResourceSkipCallbackT struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Go type for cef_resource_skip_callback_t
func (*CResourceSkipCallbackT) Cont ¶ added in v0.1.7
func (self *CResourceSkipCallbackT) Cont( bytes_skipped int64, )
/ / Callback for asynchronous continuation of skip(). If |bytes_skipped| > 0 / then either skip() will be called again until the requested number of / bytes have been skipped or the request will proceed. If |bytes_skipped| <= / 0 the request will fail with ERR_REQUEST_RANGE_NOT_SATISFIABLE. /
func (*CResourceSkipCallbackT) HasOneRef ¶ added in v0.1.7
func (resource_skip_callback *CResourceSkipCallbackT) HasOneRef() bool
*C.cef_resource_skip_callback_t has refCounted interface
func (*CResourceSkipCallbackT) NewRef ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (self *CResourceSkipCallbackT) NewRef() (newP *CResourceSkipCallbackT)
func (*CResourceSkipCallbackT) Pass ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (p *CResourceSkipCallbackT) Pass() (ret *CResourceSkipCallbackT)
func (*CResourceSkipCallbackT) Unref ¶ added in v0.4.1
func (resource_skip_callback *CResourceSkipCallbackT) Unref() (ret bool)
type CResourceTypeT ¶ added in v0.1.5
type CResourceTypeT C.cef_resource_type_t
/ / Resource type for a request. These constants match their equivalents in / Chromium's ResourceType and should not be renumbered. /
const ( /// /// Top level page. /// RtMainFrame CResourceTypeT = C.RT_MAIN_FRAME /// /// Frame or iframe. /// RtSubFrame CResourceTypeT = C.RT_SUB_FRAME /// /// CSS stylesheet. /// RtStylesheet CResourceTypeT = C.RT_STYLESHEET /// /// External script. /// RtScript CResourceTypeT = C.RT_SCRIPT /// /// Image (jpg/gif/png/etc). /// RtImage CResourceTypeT = C.RT_IMAGE /// /// Font. /// RtFontResource CResourceTypeT = C.RT_FONT_RESOURCE /// /// Some other subresource. This is the default type if the actual type is /// unknown. /// RtSubResource CResourceTypeT = C.RT_SUB_RESOURCE /// /// Object (or embed) tag for a plugin, or a resource that a plugin requested. /// RtObject CResourceTypeT = C.RT_OBJECT /// /// Media resource. /// RtMedia CResourceTypeT = C.RT_MEDIA /// /// Main resource of a dedicated worker. /// RtWorker CResourceTypeT = C.RT_WORKER /// Main resource of a shared worker. /// RtSharedWorker CResourceTypeT = C.RT_SHARED_WORKER /// /// Explicitly requested prefetch. /// RtPrefetch CResourceTypeT = C.RT_PREFETCH /// /// Favicon. /// RtFavicon CResourceTypeT = C.RT_FAVICON /// /// XMLHttpRequest. /// RtXhr CResourceTypeT = C.RT_XHR /// /// A request for a "<ping>". /// RtPing CResourceTypeT = C.RT_PING /// /// Main resource of a service worker. /// RtServiceWorker CResourceTypeT = C.RT_SERVICE_WORKER /// /// A report of Content Security Policy violations. /// RtCspReport CResourceTypeT = C.RT_CSP_REPORT /// /// A resource that a plugin requested. /// RtPluginResource CResourceTypeT = C.RT_PLUGIN_RESOURCE /// A main-frame service worker navigation preload request. /// RtNavigationPreloadMainFrame CResourceTypeT = C.RT_NAVIGATION_PRELOAD_MAIN_FRAME /// A sub-frame service worker navigation preload request. /// RtNavigationPreloadSubFrame CResourceTypeT = C.RT_NAVIGATION_PRELOAD_SUB_FRAME )
type CResponseFilterStatusT ¶ added in v0.1.5
type CResponseFilterStatusT C.cef_response_filter_status_t
/ / Return values for CefResponseFilter::Filter(). /
const ( /// /// Some or all of the pre-filter data was read successfully but more data is /// needed in order to continue filtering (filtered output is pending). /// ResponseFilterNeedMoreData CResponseFilterStatusT = C.RESPONSE_FILTER_NEED_MORE_DATA /// /// Some or all of the pre-filter data was read successfully and all available /// filtered output has been written. /// ResponseFilterDone CResponseFilterStatusT = C.RESPONSE_FILTER_DONE /// /// An error occurred during filtering. /// ResponseFilterError CResponseFilterStatusT = C.RESPONSE_FILTER_ERROR )
type CResponseFilterT ¶ added in v0.1.5
type CResponseFilterT struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Go type for cef_response_filter_t
func NewCResponseFilterT ¶ added in v0.5.0
func NewCResponseFilterT(a interface{}) *CResponseFilterT
NewCResponseFilterT allocates CResponseFilterT, construct and bind it
func (*CResponseFilterT) Handler ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (response_filter *CResponseFilterT) Handler() interface{}
func (*CResponseFilterT) HasOneRef ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (response_filter *CResponseFilterT) HasOneRef() bool
*C.cef_response_filter_t has refCounted interface
func (*CResponseFilterT) NewRef ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (self *CResponseFilterT) NewRef() (newP *CResponseFilterT)
func (*CResponseFilterT) Pass ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (p *CResponseFilterT) Pass() (ret *CResponseFilterT)
func (*CResponseFilterT) UnbindAll ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (response_filter *CResponseFilterT) UnbindAll()
func (*CResponseFilterT) Unref ¶ added in v0.4.1
func (response_filter *CResponseFilterT) Unref() (ret bool)
type CResponseT ¶
type CResponseT struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Go type for cef_response_t
func ResponseCreate ¶ added in v0.1.5
func ResponseCreate() (ret *CResponseT)
/ / Create a new cef_response_t object. /
func (*CResponseT) DumpHeaders ¶
func (self *CResponseT) DumpHeaders()
func (*CResponseT) GetCharset ¶ added in v0.1.7
func (self *CResponseT) GetCharset() (ret string)
/ / Get the response charset. / The resulting string must be freed by calling cef_string_userfree_free().
func (*CResponseT) GetError ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CResponseT) GetError() (ret CErrorcodeT)
/ / Get the response error code. Returns ERR_NONE if there was no error. /
func (*CResponseT) GetHeaderByName ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (self *CResponseT) GetHeaderByName( name string, ) (ret string)
/ / Get the value for the specified response header field. / The resulting string must be freed by calling cef_string_userfree_free().
func (*CResponseT) GetHeaderMap ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CResponseT) GetHeaderMap( headerMap CStringMultimapT, )
/ / Get all response header fields. /
func (*CResponseT) GetMimeType ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CResponseT) GetMimeType() (ret string)
/ / Get the response mime type. / The resulting string must be freed by calling cef_string_userfree_free().
func (*CResponseT) GetStatus ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CResponseT) GetStatus() (ret bool)
/ / Get the response status code. /
func (*CResponseT) GetStatusText ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CResponseT) GetStatusText() (ret string)
/ / Get the response status text. / The resulting string must be freed by calling cef_string_userfree_free().
func (*CResponseT) GetUrl ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CResponseT) GetUrl() (ret string)
/ / Get the resolved URL after redirects or changed as a result of HSTS. / The resulting string must be freed by calling cef_string_userfree_free().
func (*CResponseT) HasOneRef ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (response *CResponseT) HasOneRef() bool
*C.cef_response_t has refCounted interface
func (*CResponseT) IsReadOnly ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CResponseT) IsReadOnly() (ret bool)
/ / Returns true (1) if this object is read-only. /
func (*CResponseT) NewRef ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (self *CResponseT) NewRef() (newP *CResponseT)
func (*CResponseT) Pass ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (p *CResponseT) Pass() (ret *CResponseT)
func (*CResponseT) SetCharset ¶ added in v0.1.7
func (self *CResponseT) SetCharset( charset string, )
/ / Set the response charset. /
func (*CResponseT) SetError ¶
func (self *CResponseT) SetError( error CErrorcodeT, )
/ / Set the response error code. This can be used by custom scheme handlers to / return errors during initial request processing. /
func (*CResponseT) SetHeaderByName ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (self *CResponseT) SetHeaderByName( name string, value string, overwrite int, )
/ / Set the header |name| to |value|. If |overwrite| is true (1) any existing / values will be replaced with the new value. If |overwrite| is false (0) / any existing values will not be overwritten. /
func (*CResponseT) SetHeaderMap ¶
func (self *CResponseT) SetHeaderMap( headerMap CStringMultimapT, )
/ / Set all response header fields. /
func (*CResponseT) SetMimeType ¶
func (self *CResponseT) SetMimeType( mimeType string, )
/ / Set the response mime type. /
func (*CResponseT) SetStatus ¶
func (self *CResponseT) SetStatus( status int, )
/ / Set the response status code. /
func (*CResponseT) SetStatusText ¶
func (self *CResponseT) SetStatusText( statusText string, )
/ / Set the response status text. /
func (*CResponseT) SetUrl ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CResponseT) SetUrl( url string, )
/ / Set the resolved URL after redirects or changed as a result of HSTS. /
func (*CResponseT) Unref ¶ added in v0.4.1
func (response *CResponseT) Unref() (ret bool)
type CReturnValueT ¶ added in v0.1.5
type CReturnValueT C.cef_return_value_t
/ / Return value types. /
const ( /// /// Cancel immediately. /// RvCancel CReturnValueT = C.RV_CANCEL /// /// Continue immediately. /// RvContinue CReturnValueT = C.RV_CONTINUE /// /// Continue asynchronously (usually via a callback). /// RvContinueAsync CReturnValueT = C.RV_CONTINUE_ASYNC )
type CRunContextMenuCallbackT ¶ added in v0.1.5
type CRunContextMenuCallbackT struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Go type for cef_run_context_menu_callback_t
func (*CRunContextMenuCallbackT) Cancel ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CRunContextMenuCallbackT) Cancel()
/ / Cancel context menu display. /
func (*CRunContextMenuCallbackT) Cont ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CRunContextMenuCallbackT) Cont( command_id int, event_flags CEventFlagsT, )
/ / Complete context menu display by selecting the specified |command_id| and / |event_flags|. /
func (*CRunContextMenuCallbackT) HasOneRef ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (run_context_menu_callback *CRunContextMenuCallbackT) HasOneRef() bool
*C.cef_run_context_menu_callback_t has refCounted interface
func (*CRunContextMenuCallbackT) NewRef ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (self *CRunContextMenuCallbackT) NewRef() (newP *CRunContextMenuCallbackT)
func (*CRunContextMenuCallbackT) Pass ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (p *CRunContextMenuCallbackT) Pass() (ret *CRunContextMenuCallbackT)
func (*CRunContextMenuCallbackT) Unref ¶ added in v0.4.1
func (run_context_menu_callback *CRunContextMenuCallbackT) Unref() (ret bool)
type CRunFileDialogCallbackT ¶
type CRunFileDialogCallbackT struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Go type for cef_run_file_dialog_callback_t
func NewCRunFileDialogCallbackT ¶ added in v0.5.0
func NewCRunFileDialogCallbackT(a interface{}) *CRunFileDialogCallbackT
NewCRunFileDialogCallbackT allocates CRunFileDialogCallbackT, construct and bind it
func (*CRunFileDialogCallbackT) Handler ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (run_file_dialog_callback *CRunFileDialogCallbackT) Handler() interface{}
func (*CRunFileDialogCallbackT) HasOneRef ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (run_file_dialog_callback *CRunFileDialogCallbackT) HasOneRef() bool
*C.cef_run_file_dialog_callback_t has refCounted interface
func (*CRunFileDialogCallbackT) NewRef ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (self *CRunFileDialogCallbackT) NewRef() (newP *CRunFileDialogCallbackT)
func (*CRunFileDialogCallbackT) Pass ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (p *CRunFileDialogCallbackT) Pass() (ret *CRunFileDialogCallbackT)
func (*CRunFileDialogCallbackT) UnbindAll ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (run_file_dialog_callback *CRunFileDialogCallbackT) UnbindAll()
func (*CRunFileDialogCallbackT) Unref ¶ added in v0.4.1
func (run_file_dialog_callback *CRunFileDialogCallbackT) Unref() (ret bool)
type CRunQuickMenuCallbackT ¶ added in v0.5.4
type CRunQuickMenuCallbackT struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Go type for cef_run_quick_menu_callback_t
func (*CRunQuickMenuCallbackT) Cancel ¶ added in v0.5.4
func (self *CRunQuickMenuCallbackT) Cancel()
/ / Cancel quick menu display. /
func (*CRunQuickMenuCallbackT) Cont ¶ added in v0.5.4
func (self *CRunQuickMenuCallbackT) Cont( command_id int, event_flags CEventFlagsT, )
/ / Complete quick menu display by selecting the specified |command_id| and / |event_flags|. /
func (*CRunQuickMenuCallbackT) HasOneRef ¶ added in v0.5.4
func (run_quick_menu_callback *CRunQuickMenuCallbackT) HasOneRef() bool
*C.cef_run_quick_menu_callback_t has refCounted interface
func (*CRunQuickMenuCallbackT) NewRef ¶ added in v0.5.4
func (self *CRunQuickMenuCallbackT) NewRef() (newP *CRunQuickMenuCallbackT)
func (*CRunQuickMenuCallbackT) Pass ¶ added in v0.5.4
func (p *CRunQuickMenuCallbackT) Pass() (ret *CRunQuickMenuCallbackT)
func (*CRunQuickMenuCallbackT) Unref ¶ added in v0.5.4
func (run_quick_menu_callback *CRunQuickMenuCallbackT) Unref() (ret bool)
type CScaleFactorT ¶ added in v0.1.5
type CScaleFactorT C.cef_scale_factor_t
/ / Supported UI scale factors for the platform. SCALE_FACTOR_NONE is used for / density independent resources such as string, html/js files or an image that / can be used for any scale factors (such as wallpapers). /
const ( ScaleFactorNone CScaleFactorT = C.SCALE_FACTOR_NONE ScaleFactor100p CScaleFactorT = C.SCALE_FACTOR_100P ScaleFactor125p CScaleFactorT = C.SCALE_FACTOR_125P ScaleFactor133p CScaleFactorT = C.SCALE_FACTOR_133P ScaleFactor140p CScaleFactorT = C.SCALE_FACTOR_140P ScaleFactor150p CScaleFactorT = C.SCALE_FACTOR_150P ScaleFactor180p CScaleFactorT = C.SCALE_FACTOR_180P ScaleFactor200p CScaleFactorT = C.SCALE_FACTOR_200P ScaleFactor250p CScaleFactorT = C.SCALE_FACTOR_250P ScaleFactor300p CScaleFactorT = C.SCALE_FACTOR_300P )
type CSchemeHandlerFactoryT ¶
type CSchemeHandlerFactoryT struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Go type for cef_scheme_handler_factory_t
func NewCSchemeHandlerFactoryT ¶ added in v0.5.0
func NewCSchemeHandlerFactoryT(a interface{}) *CSchemeHandlerFactoryT
NewCSchemeHandlerFactoryT allocates CSchemeHandlerFactoryT, construct and bind it
func (*CSchemeHandlerFactoryT) Handler ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (scheme_handler_factory *CSchemeHandlerFactoryT) Handler() interface{}
func (*CSchemeHandlerFactoryT) HasOneRef ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (scheme_handler_factory *CSchemeHandlerFactoryT) HasOneRef() bool
*C.cef_scheme_handler_factory_t has refCounted interface
func (*CSchemeHandlerFactoryT) NewRef ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (self *CSchemeHandlerFactoryT) NewRef() (newP *CSchemeHandlerFactoryT)
func (*CSchemeHandlerFactoryT) Pass ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (p *CSchemeHandlerFactoryT) Pass() (ret *CSchemeHandlerFactoryT)
func (*CSchemeHandlerFactoryT) UnbindAll ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (scheme_handler_factory *CSchemeHandlerFactoryT) UnbindAll()
func (*CSchemeHandlerFactoryT) Unref ¶ added in v0.4.1
func (scheme_handler_factory *CSchemeHandlerFactoryT) Unref() (ret bool)
type CSchemeOptionsT ¶
type CSchemeOptionsT C.cef_scheme_options_t
/ Configuration options for registering a custom scheme. / These values are used when calling AddCustomScheme.
const ( CefSchemeOptionNone CSchemeOptionsT = C.CEF_SCHEME_OPTION_NONE /// /// If CEF_SCHEME_OPTION_STANDARD is set the scheme will be treated as a /// standard scheme. Standard schemes are subject to URL canonicalization and /// parsing rules as defined in the Common Internet Scheme Syntax RFC 1738 /// Section 3.1 available at // /// In particular, the syntax for standard scheme URLs must be of the form: /// <pre> /// [scheme]://[username]:[password]@[host]:[port]/[url-path] /// </pre> Standard scheme URLs must have a host component that is a fully /// qualified domain name as defined in Section 3.5 of RFC 1034 [13] and /// Section 2.1 of RFC 1123. These URLs will be canonicalized to /// "scheme://host/path" in the simplest case and /// "scheme://username:password@host:port/path" in the most explicit case. For /// example, "scheme:host/path" and "scheme:///host/path" will both be /// canonicalized to "scheme://host/path". The origin of a standard scheme URL /// is the combination of scheme, host and port (i.e., "scheme://host:port" in /// the most explicit case). // /// For non-standard scheme URLs only the "scheme:" component is parsed and /// canonicalized. The remainder of the URL will be passed to the handler as- /// is. For example, "scheme:///some%20text" will remain the same. /// Non-standard scheme URLs cannot be used as a target for form submission. /// CefSchemeOptionStandard CSchemeOptionsT = C.CEF_SCHEME_OPTION_STANDARD /// /// If CEF_SCHEME_OPTION_LOCAL is set the scheme will be treated with the same /// security rules as those applied to "file" URLs. Normal pages cannot link /// to or access local URLs. Also, by default, local URLs can only perform /// XMLHttpRequest calls to the same URL (origin + path) that originated the /// request. To allow XMLHttpRequest calls from a local URL to other URLs with /// the same origin set the CefSettings.file_access_from_file_urls_allowed /// value to true (1). To allow XMLHttpRequest calls from a local URL to all /// origins set the CefSettings.universal_access_from_file_urls_allowed value /// to true (1). /// CefSchemeOptionLocal CSchemeOptionsT = C.CEF_SCHEME_OPTION_LOCAL /// /// If CEF_SCHEME_OPTION_DISPLAY_ISOLATED is set the scheme can only be /// displayed from other content hosted with the same scheme. For example, /// pages in other origins cannot create iframes or hyperlinks to URLs with /// the scheme. For schemes that must be accessible from other schemes don't /// set this, set CEF_SCHEME_OPTION_CORS_ENABLED, and use CORS /// "Access-Control-Allow-Origin" headers to further restrict access. /// CefSchemeOptionDisplayIsolated CSchemeOptionsT = C.CEF_SCHEME_OPTION_DISPLAY_ISOLATED /// /// If CEF_SCHEME_OPTION_SECURE is set the scheme will be treated with the /// same security rules as those applied to "https" URLs. For example, loading /// this scheme from other secure schemes will not trigger mixed content /// warnings. /// CefSchemeOptionSecure CSchemeOptionsT = C.CEF_SCHEME_OPTION_SECURE /// /// If CEF_SCHEME_OPTION_CORS_ENABLED is set the scheme can be sent CORS /// requests. This value should be set in most cases where /// CEF_SCHEME_OPTION_STANDARD is set. /// CefSchemeOptionCorsEnabled CSchemeOptionsT = C.CEF_SCHEME_OPTION_CORS_ENABLED /// /// If CEF_SCHEME_OPTION_CSP_BYPASSING is set the scheme can bypass Content- /// Security-Policy (CSP) checks. This value should not be set in most cases /// where CEF_SCHEME_OPTION_STANDARD is set. /// CefSchemeOptionCspBypassing CSchemeOptionsT = C.CEF_SCHEME_OPTION_CSP_BYPASSING /// /// If CEF_SCHEME_OPTION_FETCH_ENABLED is set the scheme can perform Fetch API /// requests. /// CefSchemeOptionFetchEnabled CSchemeOptionsT = C.CEF_SCHEME_OPTION_FETCH_ENABLED )
type CSchemeRegistrarT ¶
type CSchemeRegistrarT struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Go type for cef_scheme_registrar_t
func (*CSchemeRegistrarT) AddCustomScheme ¶
func (self *CSchemeRegistrarT) AddCustomScheme( scheme_name string, options int, ) (ret bool)
/ / Register a custom scheme. This function should not be called for the / built-in HTTP, HTTPS, FILE, FTP, ABOUT and DATA schemes. / / See cef_scheme_options_t for possible values for |options|. / / This function may be called on any thread. It should only be called once / per unique |scheme_name| value. If |scheme_name| is already registered or / if an error occurs this function will return false (0). /
func (*CSchemeRegistrarT) NewRef ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (self *CSchemeRegistrarT) NewRef() (newP *CSchemeRegistrarT)
func (*CSchemeRegistrarT) Pass ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (p *CSchemeRegistrarT) Pass() (ret *CSchemeRegistrarT)
type CScreenInfoT ¶ added in v0.1.5
type CScreenInfoT C.cef_screen_info_t
/ / Screen information used when window rendering is disabled. This structure is / passed as a parameter to CefRenderHandler::GetScreenInfo and should be / filled in by the client. /
func NewCScreenInfoT ¶ added in v0.2.0
func NewCScreenInfoT() *CScreenInfoT
func (*CScreenInfoT) AvailableRect ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (st *CScreenInfoT) AvailableRect() CRectT
func (*CScreenInfoT) Depth ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (st *CScreenInfoT) Depth() int
func (*CScreenInfoT) DepthPerComponent ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (st *CScreenInfoT) DepthPerComponent() int
func (*CScreenInfoT) DeviceScaleFactor ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (st *CScreenInfoT) DeviceScaleFactor() float32
func (*CScreenInfoT) IsMonochrome ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (st *CScreenInfoT) IsMonochrome() int
func (*CScreenInfoT) Rect ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (st *CScreenInfoT) Rect() CRectT
func (*CScreenInfoT) SetAvailableRect ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (st *CScreenInfoT) SetAvailableRect(v CRectT)
func (*CScreenInfoT) SetDepth ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (st *CScreenInfoT) SetDepth(v int)
func (*CScreenInfoT) SetDepthPerComponent ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (st *CScreenInfoT) SetDepthPerComponent(v int)
func (*CScreenInfoT) SetDeviceScaleFactor ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (st *CScreenInfoT) SetDeviceScaleFactor(v float32)
func (*CScreenInfoT) SetIsMonochrome ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (st *CScreenInfoT) SetIsMonochrome(v int)
func (*CScreenInfoT) SetRect ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (st *CScreenInfoT) SetRect(v CRectT)
type CScrollViewT ¶ added in v0.2.5
type CScrollViewT struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Go type for cef_scroll_view_t
func ScrollViewCreate ¶ added in v0.2.5
func ScrollViewCreate( delegate *CViewDelegateT, ) (ret *CScrollViewT)
/ / Create a new ScrollView. /
func (*CScrollViewT) GetContentView ¶ added in v0.2.5
func (self *CScrollViewT) GetContentView() (ret *CViewT)
/ / Returns the content View. /
func (*CScrollViewT) GetHorizontalScrollbarHeight ¶ added in v0.2.5
func (self *CScrollViewT) GetHorizontalScrollbarHeight() (ret bool)
/ / Returns the height of the horizontal scrollbar. /
func (*CScrollViewT) GetVerticalScrollbarWidth ¶ added in v0.2.5
func (self *CScrollViewT) GetVerticalScrollbarWidth() (ret bool)
/ / Returns the width of the vertical scrollbar. /
func (*CScrollViewT) GetVisibleContentRect ¶ added in v0.2.5
func (self *CScrollViewT) GetVisibleContentRect() (ret CRectT)
/ / Returns the visible region of the content View. /
func (*CScrollViewT) HasHorizontalScrollbar ¶ added in v0.2.5
func (self *CScrollViewT) HasHorizontalScrollbar() (ret bool)
/ / Returns true (1) if the horizontal scrollbar is currently showing. /
func (*CScrollViewT) HasOneRef ¶ added in v0.2.5
func (scroll_view *CScrollViewT) HasOneRef() bool
*C.cef_scroll_view_t has refCounted interface
func (*CScrollViewT) HasVerticalScrollbar ¶ added in v0.2.5
func (self *CScrollViewT) HasVerticalScrollbar() (ret bool)
/ / Returns true (1) if the vertical scrollbar is currently showing. /
func (*CScrollViewT) NewRef ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (self *CScrollViewT) NewRef() (newP *CScrollViewT)
func (*CScrollViewT) Pass ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (p *CScrollViewT) Pass() (ret *CScrollViewT)
func (*CScrollViewT) SetContentView ¶ added in v0.2.5
func (self *CScrollViewT) SetContentView( view *CViewT, )
/ / Set the content View. The content View must have a specified size (e.g. / via cef_view_t::SetBounds or cef_view_delegate_t::GetPreferredSize). /
func (*CScrollViewT) ToCViewT ¶ added in v0.2.6
func (scroll_view *CScrollViewT) ToCViewT() *CViewT
Convert to Base Class Pointer *CViewT
func (*CScrollViewT) Unref ¶ added in v0.4.1
func (scroll_view *CScrollViewT) Unref() (ret bool)
type CSelectClientCertificateCallbackT ¶ added in v0.1.5
type CSelectClientCertificateCallbackT struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Go type for cef_select_client_certificate_callback_t
func (*CSelectClientCertificateCallbackT) HasOneRef ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (select_client_certificate_callback *CSelectClientCertificateCallbackT) HasOneRef() bool
*C.cef_select_client_certificate_callback_t has refCounted interface
func (*CSelectClientCertificateCallbackT) NewRef ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (self *CSelectClientCertificateCallbackT) NewRef() (newP *CSelectClientCertificateCallbackT)
func (*CSelectClientCertificateCallbackT) Pass ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (p *CSelectClientCertificateCallbackT) Pass() (ret *CSelectClientCertificateCallbackT)
func (*CSelectClientCertificateCallbackT) Select ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CSelectClientCertificateCallbackT) Select( cert *CX509certificateT, )
/ / Chooses the specified certificate for client certificate authentication. / NULL value means that no client certificate should be used. /
func (*CSelectClientCertificateCallbackT) Unref ¶ added in v0.4.1
func (select_client_certificate_callback *CSelectClientCertificateCallbackT) Unref() (ret bool)
type CSetCookieCallbackT ¶ added in v0.1.5
type CSetCookieCallbackT struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Go type for cef_set_cookie_callback_t
func NewCSetCookieCallbackT ¶ added in v0.5.0
func NewCSetCookieCallbackT(a interface{}) *CSetCookieCallbackT
NewCSetCookieCallbackT allocates CSetCookieCallbackT, construct and bind it
func (*CSetCookieCallbackT) Handler ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (set_cookie_callback *CSetCookieCallbackT) Handler() interface{}
func (*CSetCookieCallbackT) HasOneRef ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (set_cookie_callback *CSetCookieCallbackT) HasOneRef() bool
*C.cef_set_cookie_callback_t has refCounted interface
func (*CSetCookieCallbackT) NewRef ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (self *CSetCookieCallbackT) NewRef() (newP *CSetCookieCallbackT)
func (*CSetCookieCallbackT) Pass ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (p *CSetCookieCallbackT) Pass() (ret *CSetCookieCallbackT)
func (*CSetCookieCallbackT) UnbindAll ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (set_cookie_callback *CSetCookieCallbackT) UnbindAll()
func (*CSetCookieCallbackT) Unref ¶ added in v0.4.1
func (set_cookie_callback *CSetCookieCallbackT) Unref() (ret bool)
type CSetCookieCallbackTOnCompleteHandler ¶ added in v0.2.4
type CSetCookieCallbackTOnCompleteHandler interface { OnComplete( self *CSetCookieCallbackT, success int, ) }
/ / Method that will be called upon completion. |success| will be true (1) if / the cookie was set successfully. /
type CSettingsT ¶ added in v0.1.5
type CSettingsT C.cef_settings_t
/ / Initialization settings. Specify NULL or 0 to get the recommended default / values. Many of these and other settings can also configured using command- / line switches. /
func NewCSettingsT ¶ added in v0.2.0
func NewCSettingsT() *CSettingsT
func (*CSettingsT) AcceptLanguageList ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (st *CSettingsT) AcceptLanguageList() string
func (*CSettingsT) BackgroundColor ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (st *CSettingsT) BackgroundColor() CColorT
func (*CSettingsT) BrowserSubprocessPath ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (st *CSettingsT) BrowserSubprocessPath() string
func (*CSettingsT) CachePath ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (st *CSettingsT) CachePath() string
func (*CSettingsT) ChromeRuntime ¶ added in v0.3.3
func (st *CSettingsT) ChromeRuntime() int
func (*CSettingsT) CommandLineArgsDisabled ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (st *CSettingsT) CommandLineArgsDisabled() bool
func (*CSettingsT) CookieableSchemesExcludeDefaults ¶ added in v0.4.0
func (st *CSettingsT) CookieableSchemesExcludeDefaults() int
func (*CSettingsT) CookieableSchemesList ¶ added in v0.4.0
func (st *CSettingsT) CookieableSchemesList() string
func (*CSettingsT) ExternalMessagePump ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (st *CSettingsT) ExternalMessagePump() bool
func (*CSettingsT) FrameworkDirPath ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (st *CSettingsT) FrameworkDirPath() string
func (*CSettingsT) JavascriptFlags ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (st *CSettingsT) JavascriptFlags() string
func (*CSettingsT) Locale ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (st *CSettingsT) Locale() string
func (*CSettingsT) LocalesDirPath ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (st *CSettingsT) LocalesDirPath() string
func (*CSettingsT) LogFile ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (st *CSettingsT) LogFile() string
func (*CSettingsT) LogSeverity ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (st *CSettingsT) LogSeverity() CLogSeverityT
func (*CSettingsT) MainBundlePath ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (st *CSettingsT) MainBundlePath() string
func (*CSettingsT) MultiThreadedMessageLoop ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (st *CSettingsT) MultiThreadedMessageLoop() bool
func (*CSettingsT) NoSandbox ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (st *CSettingsT) NoSandbox() bool
func (*CSettingsT) PackLoadingDisabled ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (st *CSettingsT) PackLoadingDisabled() bool
func (*CSettingsT) PersistSessionCookies ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (st *CSettingsT) PersistSessionCookies() bool
func (*CSettingsT) PersistUserPreferences ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (st *CSettingsT) PersistUserPreferences() bool
func (*CSettingsT) RemoteDebuggingPort ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (st *CSettingsT) RemoteDebuggingPort() int
func (*CSettingsT) ResourcesDirPath ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (st *CSettingsT) ResourcesDirPath() string
func (*CSettingsT) RootCachePath ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (st *CSettingsT) RootCachePath() string
func (*CSettingsT) SetAcceptLanguageList ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (st *CSettingsT) SetAcceptLanguageList(v string)
func (*CSettingsT) SetBackgroundColor ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (st *CSettingsT) SetBackgroundColor(v CColorT)
func (*CSettingsT) SetBrowserSubprocessPath ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (st *CSettingsT) SetBrowserSubprocessPath(v string)
func (*CSettingsT) SetCachePath ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (st *CSettingsT) SetCachePath(v string)
func (*CSettingsT) SetChromeRuntime ¶ added in v0.3.3
func (st *CSettingsT) SetChromeRuntime(v int)
func (*CSettingsT) SetCommandLineArgsDisabled ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (st *CSettingsT) SetCommandLineArgsDisabled(v bool)
func (*CSettingsT) SetCookieableSchemesExcludeDefaults ¶ added in v0.4.0
func (st *CSettingsT) SetCookieableSchemesExcludeDefaults(v int)
func (*CSettingsT) SetCookieableSchemesList ¶ added in v0.4.0
func (st *CSettingsT) SetCookieableSchemesList(v string)
func (*CSettingsT) SetExternalMessagePump ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (st *CSettingsT) SetExternalMessagePump(v bool)
func (*CSettingsT) SetFrameworkDirPath ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (st *CSettingsT) SetFrameworkDirPath(v string)
func (*CSettingsT) SetJavascriptFlags ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (st *CSettingsT) SetJavascriptFlags(v string)
func (*CSettingsT) SetLocale ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (st *CSettingsT) SetLocale(v string)
func (*CSettingsT) SetLocalesDirPath ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (st *CSettingsT) SetLocalesDirPath(v string)
func (*CSettingsT) SetLogFile ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (st *CSettingsT) SetLogFile(v string)
func (*CSettingsT) SetLogSeverity ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (st *CSettingsT) SetLogSeverity(v CLogSeverityT)
func (*CSettingsT) SetMainBundlePath ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (st *CSettingsT) SetMainBundlePath(v string)
func (*CSettingsT) SetMultiThreadedMessageLoop ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (st *CSettingsT) SetMultiThreadedMessageLoop(v bool)
func (*CSettingsT) SetNoSandbox ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (st *CSettingsT) SetNoSandbox(v bool)
func (*CSettingsT) SetPackLoadingDisabled ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (st *CSettingsT) SetPackLoadingDisabled(v bool)
func (*CSettingsT) SetPersistSessionCookies ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (st *CSettingsT) SetPersistSessionCookies(v bool)
func (*CSettingsT) SetPersistUserPreferences ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (st *CSettingsT) SetPersistUserPreferences(v bool)
func (*CSettingsT) SetRemoteDebuggingPort ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (st *CSettingsT) SetRemoteDebuggingPort(v int)
func (*CSettingsT) SetResourcesDirPath ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (st *CSettingsT) SetResourcesDirPath(v string)
func (*CSettingsT) SetRootCachePath ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (st *CSettingsT) SetRootCachePath(v string)
func (*CSettingsT) SetUncaughtExceptionStackSize ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (st *CSettingsT) SetUncaughtExceptionStackSize(v int)
func (*CSettingsT) SetUserAgent ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (st *CSettingsT) SetUserAgent(v string)
func (*CSettingsT) SetUserAgentProduct ¶ added in v0.4.0
func (st *CSettingsT) SetUserAgentProduct(v string)
func (*CSettingsT) SetUserDataPath ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (st *CSettingsT) SetUserDataPath(v string)
func (*CSettingsT) SetWindowlessRenderingEnabled ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (st *CSettingsT) SetWindowlessRenderingEnabled(v bool)
func (*CSettingsT) UncaughtExceptionStackSize ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (st *CSettingsT) UncaughtExceptionStackSize() int
func (*CSettingsT) UserAgent ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (st *CSettingsT) UserAgent() string
func (*CSettingsT) UserAgentProduct ¶ added in v0.4.0
func (st *CSettingsT) UserAgentProduct() string
func (*CSettingsT) UserDataPath ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (st *CSettingsT) UserDataPath() string
func (*CSettingsT) WindowlessRenderingEnabled ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (st *CSettingsT) WindowlessRenderingEnabled() bool
type CSharedMemoryRegionT ¶ added in v0.5.4
type CSharedMemoryRegionT struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Go type for cef_shared_memory_region_t
func (*CSharedMemoryRegionT) HasOneRef ¶ added in v0.5.4
func (shared_memory_region *CSharedMemoryRegionT) HasOneRef() bool
*C.cef_shared_memory_region_t has refCounted interface
func (*CSharedMemoryRegionT) IsValid ¶ added in v0.5.4
func (self *CSharedMemoryRegionT) IsValid() (ret bool)
/ / Returns true (1) if the mapping is valid. /
func (*CSharedMemoryRegionT) Memory ¶ added in v0.5.4
func (self *CSharedMemoryRegionT) Memory() (ret unsafe.Pointer)
/ / Returns the pointer to the memory. Returns nullptr for invalid instances. / The returned pointer is only valid for the life span of this object. /
func (*CSharedMemoryRegionT) NewRef ¶ added in v0.5.4
func (self *CSharedMemoryRegionT) NewRef() (newP *CSharedMemoryRegionT)
func (*CSharedMemoryRegionT) Pass ¶ added in v0.5.4
func (p *CSharedMemoryRegionT) Pass() (ret *CSharedMemoryRegionT)
func (*CSharedMemoryRegionT) Size ¶ added in v0.5.4
func (self *CSharedMemoryRegionT) Size() (ret int64)
/ / Returns the size of the mapping in bytes. Returns 0 for invalid instances. /
func (*CSharedMemoryRegionT) Unref ¶ added in v0.5.4
func (shared_memory_region *CSharedMemoryRegionT) Unref() (ret bool)
type CShowStateT ¶ added in v0.4.2
type CShowStateT C.cef_show_state_t
/ / Show states supported by CefWindowDelegate::GetInitialShowState. /
const ( CefShowStateNormal CShowStateT = C.CEF_SHOW_STATE_NORMAL CefShowStateMinimized CShowStateT = C.CEF_SHOW_STATE_MINIMIZED CefShowStateMaximized CShowStateT = C.CEF_SHOW_STATE_MAXIMIZED CefShowStateFullscreen CShowStateT = C.CEF_SHOW_STATE_FULLSCREEN )
type CSslContentStatusT ¶ added in v0.1.5
type CSslContentStatusT C.cef_ssl_content_status_t
/ Supported SSL content status flags. See content/public/common/ssl_status.h / for more information.
const ( SslContentNormalContent CSslContentStatusT = C.SSL_CONTENT_NORMAL_CONTENT SslContentDisplayedInsecureContent CSslContentStatusT = C.SSL_CONTENT_DISPLAYED_INSECURE_CONTENT SslContentRanInsecureContent CSslContentStatusT = C.SSL_CONTENT_RAN_INSECURE_CONTENT )
type CSslVersionT ¶ added in v0.1.5
type CSslVersionT C.cef_ssl_version_t
/ Supported SSL version values. See net/ssl/ssl_connection_status_flags.h / for more information.
const ( SslConnectionVersionUnknown CSslVersionT = C.SSL_CONNECTION_VERSION_UNKNOWN SslConnectionVersionSsl2 CSslVersionT = C.SSL_CONNECTION_VERSION_SSL2 SslConnectionVersionSsl3 CSslVersionT = C.SSL_CONNECTION_VERSION_SSL3 SslConnectionVersionTls1 CSslVersionT = C.SSL_CONNECTION_VERSION_TLS1 SslConnectionVersionTls11 CSslVersionT = C.SSL_CONNECTION_VERSION_TLS1_1 SslConnectionVersionTls12 CSslVersionT = C.SSL_CONNECTION_VERSION_TLS1_2 SslConnectionVersionTls13 CSslVersionT = C.SSL_CONNECTION_VERSION_TLS1_3 SslConnectionVersionQuic CSslVersionT = C.SSL_CONNECTION_VERSION_QUIC )
type CSslinfoT ¶ added in v0.1.5
type CSslinfoT struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Go type for cef_sslinfo_t
func (*CSslinfoT) GetCertStatus ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CSslinfoT) GetCertStatus() (ret CCertStatusT)
/ / Returns a bitmask containing any and all problems verifying the server / certificate. /
func (*CSslinfoT) GetX509certificate ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CSslinfoT) GetX509certificate() (ret *CX509certificateT)
/ / Returns the X.509 certificate. /
type CSslstatusT ¶ added in v0.1.5
type CSslstatusT struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Go type for cef_sslstatus_t
func (*CSslstatusT) GetCertStatus ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CSslstatusT) GetCertStatus() (ret CCertStatusT)
/ / Returns a bitmask containing any and all problems verifying the server / certificate. /
func (*CSslstatusT) GetContentStatus ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CSslstatusT) GetContentStatus() (ret CSslContentStatusT)
/ / Returns a bitmask containing the page security content status. /
func (*CSslstatusT) GetSslversion ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CSslstatusT) GetSslversion() (ret CSslVersionT)
/ / Returns the SSL version used for the SSL connection. /
func (*CSslstatusT) GetX509certificate ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CSslstatusT) GetX509certificate() (ret *CX509certificateT)
/ / Returns the X.509 certificate. /
func (*CSslstatusT) HasOneRef ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (sslstatus *CSslstatusT) HasOneRef() bool
*C.cef_sslstatus_t has refCounted interface
func (*CSslstatusT) IsSecureConnection ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CSslstatusT) IsSecureConnection() (ret bool)
/ / Returns true (1) if the status is related to a secure SSL/TLS connection. /
func (*CSslstatusT) NewRef ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (self *CSslstatusT) NewRef() (newP *CSslstatusT)
func (*CSslstatusT) Pass ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (p *CSslstatusT) Pass() (ret *CSslstatusT)
func (*CSslstatusT) Unref ¶ added in v0.4.1
func (sslstatus *CSslstatusT) Unref() (ret bool)
type CStateT ¶ added in v0.1.5
type CStateT C.cef_state_t
/ / Represents the state of a setting. /
const ( /// /// Use the default state for the setting. /// StateDefault CStateT = C.STATE_DEFAULT /// /// Enable or allow the setting. /// StateEnabled CStateT = C.STATE_ENABLED /// /// Disable or disallow the setting. /// StateDisabled CStateT = C.STATE_DISABLED )
type CStorageTypeT ¶ added in v0.1.5
type CStorageTypeT C.cef_storage_type_t
/ / Storage types. /
const ( StLocalstorage CStorageTypeT = C.ST_LOCALSTORAGE StSessionstorage CStorageTypeT = C.ST_SESSIONSTORAGE )
type CStreamReaderT ¶ added in v0.1.5
type CStreamReaderT struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Go type for cef_stream_reader_t
func StreamReaderCreateForData ¶ added in v0.1.5
func StreamReaderCreateForData( data []byte, ) (ret *CStreamReaderT)
/ / Create a new cef_stream_reader_t object from data. /
func StreamReaderCreateForFile ¶ added in v0.1.5
func StreamReaderCreateForFile( fileName string, ) (ret *CStreamReaderT)
/ / Create a new cef_stream_reader_t object from a file. /
func StreamReaderCreateForHandler ¶ added in v0.1.5
func StreamReaderCreateForHandler( handler *CReadHandlerT, ) (ret *CStreamReaderT)
/ / Create a new cef_stream_reader_t object from a custom handler. /
func (*CStreamReaderT) Eof ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CStreamReaderT) Eof() (ret bool)
/ / Return non-zero if at end of file. /
func (*CStreamReaderT) HasOneRef ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (stream_reader *CStreamReaderT) HasOneRef() bool
*C.cef_stream_reader_t has refCounted interface
func (*CStreamReaderT) MayBlock ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CStreamReaderT) MayBlock() (ret bool)
/ / Returns true (1) if this reader performs work like accessing the file / system which may block. Used as a hint for determining the thread to / access the reader from. /
func (*CStreamReaderT) NewRef ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (self *CStreamReaderT) NewRef() (newP *CStreamReaderT)
func (*CStreamReaderT) Pass ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (p *CStreamReaderT) Pass() (ret *CStreamReaderT)
func (*CStreamReaderT) Seek ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CStreamReaderT) Seek( offset int64, whence int, ) (ret bool)
/ / Seek to the specified offset position. |whence| may be any one of / SEEK_CUR, SEEK_END or SEEK_SET. Returns zero on success and non-zero on / failure. /
func (*CStreamReaderT) Tell ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CStreamReaderT) Tell() (ret int64)
/ / Return the current offset position. /
func (*CStreamReaderT) Unref ¶ added in v0.4.1
func (stream_reader *CStreamReaderT) Unref() (ret bool)
type CStreamWriterT ¶ added in v0.1.5
type CStreamWriterT struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Go type for cef_stream_writer_t
func StreamWriterCreateForFile ¶ added in v0.1.5
func StreamWriterCreateForFile( fileName string, ) (ret *CStreamWriterT)
/ / Create a new cef_stream_writer_t object for a file. /
func StreamWriterCreateForHandler ¶ added in v0.1.5
func StreamWriterCreateForHandler( handler *CWriteHandlerT, ) (ret *CStreamWriterT)
/ / Create a new cef_stream_writer_t object for a custom handler. /
func (*CStreamWriterT) Flush ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CStreamWriterT) Flush() (ret bool)
/ / Flush the stream. /
func (*CStreamWriterT) HasOneRef ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (stream_writer *CStreamWriterT) HasOneRef() bool
*C.cef_stream_writer_t has refCounted interface
func (*CStreamWriterT) MayBlock ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CStreamWriterT) MayBlock() (ret bool)
/ / Returns true (1) if this writer performs work like accessing the file / system which may block. Used as a hint for determining the thread to / access the writer from. /
func (*CStreamWriterT) NewRef ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (self *CStreamWriterT) NewRef() (newP *CStreamWriterT)
func (*CStreamWriterT) Pass ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (p *CStreamWriterT) Pass() (ret *CStreamWriterT)
func (*CStreamWriterT) Seek ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CStreamWriterT) Seek( offset int64, whence int, ) (ret bool)
/ / Seek to the specified offset position. |whence| may be any one of / SEEK_CUR, SEEK_END or SEEK_SET. Returns zero on success and non-zero on / failure. /
func (*CStreamWriterT) Tell ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CStreamWriterT) Tell() (ret int64)
/ / Return the current offset position. /
func (*CStreamWriterT) Unref ¶ added in v0.4.1
func (stream_writer *CStreamWriterT) Unref() (ret bool)
type CStringListT ¶
type CStringListT C.cef_string_list_t
/ / CEF string maps are a set of key/value string pairs. /
func StringListCopy ¶
func StringListCopy( list CStringListT, ) (ret CStringListT)
/ / Creates a copy of an existing string list. /
type CStringMapT ¶ added in v0.1.5
type CStringMapT C.cef_string_map_t
/ / CEF string maps are a set of key/value string pairs. /
func StringMapAlloc ¶ added in v0.1.5
func StringMapAlloc() (ret CStringMapT)
/ / Allocate a new string map. /
type CStringMultimapT ¶ added in v0.1.5
type CStringMultimapT C.cef_string_multimap_t
/ / CEF string multimaps are a set of key/value string pairs. / More than one value can be assigned to a single key. /
func StringMultimapAlloc ¶ added in v0.1.5
func StringMultimapAlloc() (ret CStringMultimapT)
/ / Allocate a new string multimap. /
type CStringVisitorT ¶ added in v0.1.5
type CStringVisitorT struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Go type for cef_string_visitor_t
func NewCStringVisitorT ¶ added in v0.5.0
func NewCStringVisitorT(a interface{}) *CStringVisitorT
NewCStringVisitorT allocates CStringVisitorT, construct and bind it
func (*CStringVisitorT) Handler ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (string_visitor *CStringVisitorT) Handler() interface{}
func (*CStringVisitorT) HasOneRef ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (string_visitor *CStringVisitorT) HasOneRef() bool
*C.cef_string_visitor_t has refCounted interface
func (*CStringVisitorT) NewRef ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (self *CStringVisitorT) NewRef() (newP *CStringVisitorT)
func (*CStringVisitorT) Pass ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (p *CStringVisitorT) Pass() (ret *CStringVisitorT)
func (*CStringVisitorT) UnbindAll ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (string_visitor *CStringVisitorT) UnbindAll()
func (*CStringVisitorT) Unref ¶ added in v0.4.1
func (string_visitor *CStringVisitorT) Unref() (ret bool)
type CStringVisitorTVisitHandler ¶ added in v0.2.4
type CStringVisitorTVisitHandler interface { Visit( self *CStringVisitorT, cstring string, ) }
/ / Method that will be executed. /
type CTaskRunnerT ¶ added in v0.1.5
type CTaskRunnerT struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Go type for cef_task_runner_t
func TaskRunnerGetForCurrentThread ¶ added in v0.1.5
func TaskRunnerGetForCurrentThread() (ret *CTaskRunnerT)
/ / Returns the task runner for the current thread. Only CEF threads will have / task runners. An NULL reference will be returned if this function is called / on an invalid thread. /
func TaskRunnerGetForThread ¶ added in v0.1.5
func TaskRunnerGetForThread( threadId CThreadIdT, ) (ret *CTaskRunnerT)
/ / Returns the task runner for the specified CEF thread. /
func (*CTaskRunnerT) BelongsToCurrentThread ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CTaskRunnerT) BelongsToCurrentThread() (ret bool)
/ / Returns true (1) if this task runner belongs to the current thread. /
func (*CTaskRunnerT) BelongsToThread ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CTaskRunnerT) BelongsToThread( threadId CThreadIdT, ) (ret bool)
/ / Returns true (1) if this task runner is for the specified CEF thread. /
func (*CTaskRunnerT) HasOneRef ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (task_runner *CTaskRunnerT) HasOneRef() bool
*C.cef_task_runner_t has refCounted interface
func (*CTaskRunnerT) IsSame ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CTaskRunnerT) IsSame( that *CTaskRunnerT, ) (ret bool)
/ / Returns true (1) if this object is pointing to the same task runner as / |that| object. /
func (*CTaskRunnerT) NewRef ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (self *CTaskRunnerT) NewRef() (newP *CTaskRunnerT)
func (*CTaskRunnerT) Pass ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (p *CTaskRunnerT) Pass() (ret *CTaskRunnerT)
func (*CTaskRunnerT) PostDelayedTask ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CTaskRunnerT) PostDelayedTask( task *CTaskT, delay_ms int64, ) (ret bool)
/ / Post a task for delayed execution on the thread associated with this task / runner. Execution will occur asynchronously. Delayed tasks are not / supported on V8 WebWorker threads and will be executed without the / specified delay. /
func (*CTaskRunnerT) PostTask ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CTaskRunnerT) PostTask( task *CTaskT, ) (ret bool)
/ / Post a task for execution on the thread associated with this task runner. / Execution will occur asynchronously. /
func (*CTaskRunnerT) Unref ¶ added in v0.4.1
func (task_runner *CTaskRunnerT) Unref() (ret bool)
type CTaskT ¶ added in v0.1.5
type CTaskT struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Go type for cef_task_t
func NewCTaskT ¶ added in v0.5.0
func NewCTaskT(a interface{}) *CTaskT
NewCTaskT allocates CTaskT, construct and bind it
type CTaskTExecuteHandler ¶ added in v0.2.4
type CTaskTExecuteHandler interface { Execute( self *CTaskT, ) }
/ / Method that will be executed on the target thread. /
type CTerminationStatusT ¶ added in v0.1.5
type CTerminationStatusT C.cef_termination_status_t
/ / Process termination status values. /
const ( /// /// Non-zero exit status. /// TsAbnormalTermination CTerminationStatusT = C.TS_ABNORMAL_TERMINATION /// /// SIGKILL or task manager kill. /// TsProcessWasKilled CTerminationStatusT = C.TS_PROCESS_WAS_KILLED /// /// Segmentation fault. /// TsProcessCrashed CTerminationStatusT = C.TS_PROCESS_CRASHED /// /// Out of memory. Some platforms may use TS_PROCESS_CRASHED instead. /// TsProcessOom CTerminationStatusT = C.TS_PROCESS_OOM )
type CTestCertTypeT ¶ added in v0.5.4
type CTestCertTypeT C.cef_test_cert_type_t
/ / Certificate types supported by CefTestServer::CreateAndStart. The matching / certificate file must exist in the "net/data/ssl/certificates" directory. / See CefSetDataDirectoryForTests() for related configuration. /
const ( /// Valid certificate using the IP ( Loads the "ok_cert.pem" file. CefTestCertOkIp CTestCertTypeT = C.CEF_TEST_CERT_OK_IP /// Valid certificate using the domain ("localhost"). Loads the /// "localhost_cert.pem" file. CefTestCertOkDomain CTestCertTypeT = C.CEF_TEST_CERT_OK_DOMAIN /// Expired certificate. Loads the "expired_cert.pem" file. CefTestCertExpired CTestCertTypeT = C.CEF_TEST_CERT_EXPIRED )
type CTextFieldCommandsT ¶ added in v0.3.1
type CTextFieldCommandsT C.cef_text_field_commands_t
/ / Represents commands available to TextField. /
const ( CefTfcCut CTextFieldCommandsT = C.CEF_TFC_CUT CefTfcCopy CTextFieldCommandsT = C.CEF_TFC_COPY CefTfcPaste CTextFieldCommandsT = C.CEF_TFC_PASTE CefTfcUndo CTextFieldCommandsT = C.CEF_TFC_UNDO CefTfcDelete CTextFieldCommandsT = C.CEF_TFC_DELETE CefTfcSelectAll CTextFieldCommandsT = C.CEF_TFC_SELECT_ALL )
type CTextInputModeT ¶ added in v0.1.5
type CTextInputModeT C.cef_text_input_mode_t
/ / Input mode of a virtual keyboard. These constants match their equivalents / in Chromium's text_input_mode.h and should not be renumbered. / See /
const ( CefTextInputModeDefault CTextInputModeT = C.CEF_TEXT_INPUT_MODE_DEFAULT CefTextInputModeNone CTextInputModeT = C.CEF_TEXT_INPUT_MODE_NONE CefTextInputModeText CTextInputModeT = C.CEF_TEXT_INPUT_MODE_TEXT CefTextInputModeTel CTextInputModeT = C.CEF_TEXT_INPUT_MODE_TEL CefTextInputModeUrl CTextInputModeT = C.CEF_TEXT_INPUT_MODE_URL CefTextInputModeEmail CTextInputModeT = C.CEF_TEXT_INPUT_MODE_EMAIL CefTextInputModeNumeric CTextInputModeT = C.CEF_TEXT_INPUT_MODE_NUMERIC CefTextInputModeDecimal CTextInputModeT = C.CEF_TEXT_INPUT_MODE_DECIMAL CefTextInputModeSearch CTextInputModeT = C.CEF_TEXT_INPUT_MODE_SEARCH CefTextInputModeMax CTextInputModeT = C.CEF_TEXT_INPUT_MODE_MAX )
type CTextStyleT ¶ added in v0.1.5
type CTextStyleT C.cef_text_style_t
/ / Text style types. Should be kepy in sync with gfx::TextStyle. /
const ( CefTextStyleBold CTextStyleT = C.CEF_TEXT_STYLE_BOLD CefTextStyleItalic CTextStyleT = C.CEF_TEXT_STYLE_ITALIC CefTextStyleStrike CTextStyleT = C.CEF_TEXT_STYLE_STRIKE CefTextStyleDiagonalStrike CTextStyleT = C.CEF_TEXT_STYLE_DIAGONAL_STRIKE CefTextStyleUnderline CTextStyleT = C.CEF_TEXT_STYLE_UNDERLINE )
type CTextfieldDelegateT ¶ added in v0.2.5
type CTextfieldDelegateT struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Go type for cef_textfield_delegate_t
func NewCTextfieldDelegateT ¶ added in v0.5.0
func NewCTextfieldDelegateT(a interface{}) *CTextfieldDelegateT
NewCTextfieldDelegateT allocates CTextfieldDelegateT, construct and bind it
func (*CTextfieldDelegateT) Handler ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (textfield_delegate *CTextfieldDelegateT) Handler() interface{}
func (*CTextfieldDelegateT) HasOneRef ¶ added in v0.2.5
func (textfield_delegate *CTextfieldDelegateT) HasOneRef() bool
*C.cef_textfield_delegate_t has refCounted interface
func (*CTextfieldDelegateT) NewRef ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (self *CTextfieldDelegateT) NewRef() (newP *CTextfieldDelegateT)
func (*CTextfieldDelegateT) Pass ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (p *CTextfieldDelegateT) Pass() (ret *CTextfieldDelegateT)
func (*CTextfieldDelegateT) ToCViewDelegateT ¶ added in v0.2.6
func (textfield_delegate *CTextfieldDelegateT) ToCViewDelegateT() *CViewDelegateT
Convert to Base Class Pointer *CViewDelegateT
func (*CTextfieldDelegateT) UnbindAll ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (textfield_delegate *CTextfieldDelegateT) UnbindAll()
func (*CTextfieldDelegateT) Unref ¶ added in v0.4.1
func (textfield_delegate *CTextfieldDelegateT) Unref() (ret bool)
type CTextfieldDelegateTOnKeyEventHandler ¶ added in v0.2.5
type CTextfieldDelegateTOnKeyEventHandler interface { OnKeyEvent( self *CTextfieldDelegateT, textfield *CTextfieldT, event *CKeyEventT, ) (ret bool) }
/ / Called when |textfield| recieves a keyboard event. |event| contains / information about the keyboard event. Return true (1) if the keyboard / event was handled or false (0) otherwise for default handling. /
type CTextfieldT ¶ added in v0.2.5
type CTextfieldT struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Go type for cef_textfield_t
func TextfieldCreate ¶ added in v0.2.5
func TextfieldCreate( delegate *CTextfieldDelegateT, ) (ret *CTextfieldT)
/ / Create a new Textfield. /
func (*CTextfieldT) AppendText ¶ added in v0.2.5
func (self *CTextfieldT) AppendText( text string, )
/ / Appends |text| to the previously-existing text. /
func (*CTextfieldT) ApplyTextColor ¶ added in v0.2.5
func (self *CTextfieldT) ApplyTextColor( color CColorT, crange *CRangeT, )
/ / Applies |color| to the specified |range| without changing the default / color. If |range| is NULL the color will be set on the complete text / contents. /
func (*CTextfieldT) ApplyTextStyle ¶ added in v0.2.5
func (self *CTextfieldT) ApplyTextStyle( style CTextStyleT, add int, crange *CRangeT, )
/ / Applies |style| to the specified |range| without changing the default / style. If |add| is true (1) the style will be added, otherwise the style / will be removed. If |range| is NULL the style will be set on the complete / text contents. /
func (*CTextfieldT) ClearEditHistory ¶ added in v0.2.5
func (self *CTextfieldT) ClearEditHistory()
/ / Clears Edit history. /
func (*CTextfieldT) ClearSelection ¶ added in v0.2.5
func (self *CTextfieldT) ClearSelection()
/ / Clears the text selection and sets the caret to the end. /
func (*CTextfieldT) ExecuteCommand ¶ added in v0.2.5
func (self *CTextfieldT) ExecuteCommand( command_id CTextFieldCommandsT, )
/ / Performs the action associated with the specified command id. /
func (*CTextfieldT) GetCursorPosition ¶ added in v0.2.5
func (self *CTextfieldT) GetCursorPosition() (ret int64)
/ / Returns the current cursor position. /
func (*CTextfieldT) GetPlaceholderText ¶ added in v0.2.5
func (self *CTextfieldT) GetPlaceholderText() (ret string)
/ / Returns the placeholder text that will be displayed when the Textfield is / NULL. / The resulting string must be freed by calling cef_string_userfree_free().
func (*CTextfieldT) GetSelectedRange ¶ added in v0.2.5
func (self *CTextfieldT) GetSelectedRange() (ret CRangeT)
/ / Returns the selected logical text range. /
func (*CTextfieldT) GetSelectedText ¶ added in v0.2.5
func (self *CTextfieldT) GetSelectedText() (ret string)
/ / Returns the currently selected text. / The resulting string must be freed by calling cef_string_userfree_free().
func (*CTextfieldT) GetSelectionBackgroundColor ¶ added in v0.2.5
func (self *CTextfieldT) GetSelectionBackgroundColor() (ret CColorT)
/ / Returns the selection background color. /
func (*CTextfieldT) GetSelectionTextColor ¶ added in v0.2.5
func (self *CTextfieldT) GetSelectionTextColor() (ret CColorT)
/ / Returns the selection text color. /
func (*CTextfieldT) GetText ¶ added in v0.2.5
func (self *CTextfieldT) GetText() (ret string)
/ / Returns the currently displayed text. / The resulting string must be freed by calling cef_string_userfree_free().
func (*CTextfieldT) GetTextColor ¶ added in v0.2.5
func (self *CTextfieldT) GetTextColor() (ret CColorT)
/ / Returns the text color. /
func (*CTextfieldT) HasOneRef ¶ added in v0.2.5
func (textfield *CTextfieldT) HasOneRef() bool
*C.cef_textfield_t has refCounted interface
func (*CTextfieldT) HasSelection ¶ added in v0.2.5
func (self *CTextfieldT) HasSelection() (ret bool)
/ / Returns true (1) if there is any selected text. /
func (*CTextfieldT) InsertOrReplaceText ¶ added in v0.2.5
func (self *CTextfieldT) InsertOrReplaceText( text string, )
/ / Inserts |text| at the current cursor position replacing any selected text. /
func (*CTextfieldT) IsCommandEnabled ¶ added in v0.2.5
func (self *CTextfieldT) IsCommandEnabled( command_id CTextFieldCommandsT, ) (ret bool)
/ / Returns true (1) if the action associated with the specified command id is / enabled. See additional comments on execute_command(). /
func (*CTextfieldT) IsPasswordInput ¶ added in v0.2.5
func (self *CTextfieldT) IsPasswordInput() (ret bool)
/ / Returns true (1) if the text will be displayed as asterisks. /
func (*CTextfieldT) IsReadOnly ¶ added in v0.2.5
func (self *CTextfieldT) IsReadOnly() (ret bool)
/ / Returns true (1) if the text is read-only. /
func (*CTextfieldT) NewRef ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (self *CTextfieldT) NewRef() (newP *CTextfieldT)
func (*CTextfieldT) Pass ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (p *CTextfieldT) Pass() (ret *CTextfieldT)
func (*CTextfieldT) SelectAll ¶ added in v0.2.5
func (self *CTextfieldT) SelectAll( reversed int, )
/ / Selects all text. If |reversed| is true (1) the range will end at the / logical beginning of the text; this generally shows the leading portion of / text that overflows its display area. /
func (*CTextfieldT) SelectRange ¶ added in v0.2.5
func (self *CTextfieldT) SelectRange( crange *CRangeT, )
/ / Selects the specified logical text range. /
func (*CTextfieldT) SetAccessibleName ¶ added in v0.2.5
func (self *CTextfieldT) SetAccessibleName( name string, )
/ / Set the accessible name that will be exposed to assistive technology (AT). /
func (*CTextfieldT) SetFontList ¶ added in v0.2.5
func (self *CTextfieldT) SetFontList( font_list string, )
/ / Sets the font list. The format is "<FONT_FAMILY_LIST>,[STYLES] <SIZE>", / where: - FONT_FAMILY_LIST is a comma-separated list of font family names, / - STYLES is an optional space-separated list of style names (case- / sensitive / "Bold" and "Italic" are supported), and / - SIZE is an integer font size in pixels with the suffix "px". / / Here are examples of valid font description strings: - "Arial, Helvetica, / Bold Italic 14px" - "Arial, 14px" /
func (*CTextfieldT) SetPasswordInput ¶ added in v0.2.5
func (self *CTextfieldT) SetPasswordInput( password_input int, )
/ / Sets whether the text will be displayed as asterisks. /
func (*CTextfieldT) SetPlaceholderText ¶ added in v0.2.5
func (self *CTextfieldT) SetPlaceholderText( text string, )
/ / Sets the placeholder text that will be displayed when the Textfield is / NULL. /
func (*CTextfieldT) SetPlaceholderTextColor ¶ added in v0.2.5
func (self *CTextfieldT) SetPlaceholderTextColor( color CColorT, )
/ / Sets the placeholder text color. /
func (*CTextfieldT) SetReadOnly ¶ added in v0.2.5
func (self *CTextfieldT) SetReadOnly( read_only int, )
/ / Sets whether the text will read-only. /
func (*CTextfieldT) SetSelectionBackgroundColor ¶ added in v0.2.5
func (self *CTextfieldT) SetSelectionBackgroundColor( color CColorT, )
/ / Sets the selection background color. /
func (*CTextfieldT) SetSelectionTextColor ¶ added in v0.2.5
func (self *CTextfieldT) SetSelectionTextColor( color CColorT, )
/ / Sets the selection text color. /
func (*CTextfieldT) SetText ¶ added in v0.2.5
func (self *CTextfieldT) SetText( text string, )
/ / Sets the contents to |text|. The cursor will be moved to end of the text / if the current position is outside of the text range. /
func (*CTextfieldT) SetTextColor ¶ added in v0.2.5
func (self *CTextfieldT) SetTextColor( color CColorT, )
/ / Sets the text color. /
func (*CTextfieldT) ToCViewT ¶ added in v0.2.6
func (textfield *CTextfieldT) ToCViewT() *CViewT
Convert to Base Class Pointer *CViewT
func (*CTextfieldT) Unref ¶ added in v0.4.1
func (textfield *CTextfieldT) Unref() (ret bool)
type CThreadIdT ¶ added in v0.1.5
type CThreadIdT C.cef_thread_id_t
/ / Existing thread IDs. /
const ( /// /// The main thread in the browser. This will be the same as the main /// application thread if CefInitialize() is called with a /// CefSettings.multi_threaded_message_loop value of false. Do not perform /// blocking tasks on this thread. All tasks posted after /// CefBrowserProcessHandler::OnContextInitialized() and before CefShutdown() /// are guaranteed to run. This thread will outlive all other CEF threads. /// TidUi CThreadIdT = C.TID_UI /// /// Used for blocking tasks like file system access where the user won't /// notice if the task takes an arbitrarily long time to complete. All tasks /// posted after CefBrowserProcessHandler::OnContextInitialized() and before /// CefShutdown() are guaranteed to run. /// TidFileBackground CThreadIdT = C.TID_FILE_BACKGROUND /// /// Used for blocking tasks like file system access that affect UI or /// responsiveness of future user interactions. Do not use if an immediate /// response to a user interaction is expected. All tasks posted after /// CefBrowserProcessHandler::OnContextInitialized() and before CefShutdown() /// are guaranteed to run. /// Examples: /// - Updating the UI to reflect progress on a long task. /// - Loading data that might be shown in the UI after a future user /// interaction. /// TidFileUserVisible CThreadIdT = C.TID_FILE_USER_VISIBLE /// /// Used for blocking tasks like file system access that affect UI /// immediately after a user interaction. All tasks posted after /// CefBrowserProcessHandler::OnContextInitialized() and before CefShutdown() /// are guaranteed to run. /// Example: Generating data shown in the UI immediately after a click. /// TidFileUserBlocking CThreadIdT = C.TID_FILE_USER_BLOCKING /// /// Used to launch and terminate browser processes. /// TidProcessLauncher CThreadIdT = C.TID_PROCESS_LAUNCHER /// /// Used to process IPC and network messages. Do not perform blocking tasks on /// this thread. All tasks posted after /// CefBrowserProcessHandler::OnContextInitialized() and before CefShutdown() /// are guaranteed to run. /// TidIo CThreadIdT = C.TID_IO /// /// The main thread in the renderer. Used for all WebKit and V8 interaction. /// Tasks may be posted to this thread after /// CefRenderProcessHandler::OnWebKitInitialized but are not guaranteed to /// run before sub-process termination (sub-processes may be killed at any /// time without warning). /// TidRenderer CThreadIdT = C.TID_RENDERER )
type CThreadPriorityT ¶ added in v0.1.5
type CThreadPriorityT C.cef_thread_priority_t
/ / Thread priority values listed in increasing order of importance. /
const ( /// /// Suitable for threads that shouldn't disrupt high priority work. /// TpBackground CThreadPriorityT = C.TP_BACKGROUND /// /// Default priority level. /// TpNormal CThreadPriorityT = C.TP_NORMAL /// /// Suitable for threads which generate data for the display (at ~60Hz). /// TpDisplay CThreadPriorityT = C.TP_DISPLAY /// /// Suitable for low-latency, glitch-resistant audio. /// TpRealtimeAudio CThreadPriorityT = C.TP_REALTIME_AUDIO )
type CTimeT ¶
type CTimeT C.cef_time_t
/ / Time information. Values should always be in UTC. /
func (*CTimeT) DayOfMonth ¶ added in v0.5.5
func (*CTimeT) Millisecond ¶ added in v0.5.5
func (*CTimeT) SetDayOfMonth ¶ added in v0.5.5
func (*CTimeT) SetDayOfWeek ¶ added in v0.5.5
func (*CTimeT) SetMillisecond ¶ added in v0.5.5
type CTouchEventT ¶ added in v0.1.5
type CTouchEventT C.cef_touch_event_t
/ / Structure representing touch event information. /
func NewCTouchEventT ¶ added in v0.2.0
func NewCTouchEventT() *CTouchEventT
func (*CTouchEventT) Id ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (st *CTouchEventT) Id() int
func (*CTouchEventT) Modifiers ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (st *CTouchEventT) Modifiers() uint32
func (*CTouchEventT) PointerType ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (st *CTouchEventT) PointerType() CPointerTypeT
func (*CTouchEventT) Pressure ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (st *CTouchEventT) Pressure() float32
func (*CTouchEventT) RadiusX ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (st *CTouchEventT) RadiusX() float32
func (*CTouchEventT) RadiusY ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (st *CTouchEventT) RadiusY() float32
func (*CTouchEventT) RotationAngle ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (st *CTouchEventT) RotationAngle() float32
func (*CTouchEventT) SetId ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (st *CTouchEventT) SetId(v int)
func (*CTouchEventT) SetModifiers ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (st *CTouchEventT) SetModifiers(v uint32)
func (*CTouchEventT) SetPointerType ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (st *CTouchEventT) SetPointerType(v CPointerTypeT)
func (*CTouchEventT) SetPressure ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (st *CTouchEventT) SetPressure(v float32)
func (*CTouchEventT) SetRadiusX ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (st *CTouchEventT) SetRadiusX(v float32)
func (*CTouchEventT) SetRadiusY ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (st *CTouchEventT) SetRadiusY(v float32)
func (*CTouchEventT) SetRotationAngle ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (st *CTouchEventT) SetRotationAngle(v float32)
func (*CTouchEventT) SetType ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (st *CTouchEventT) SetType(v CTouchEventTypeT)
func (*CTouchEventT) SetX ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (st *CTouchEventT) SetX(v float32)
func (*CTouchEventT) SetY ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (st *CTouchEventT) SetY(v float32)
func (*CTouchEventT) Type ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (st *CTouchEventT) Type() CTouchEventTypeT
func (*CTouchEventT) X ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (st *CTouchEventT) X() float32
func (*CTouchEventT) Y ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (st *CTouchEventT) Y() float32
type CTouchEventTypeT ¶ added in v0.1.5
type CTouchEventTypeT C.cef_touch_event_type_t
/ / Touch points states types. /
const ( CefTetReleased CTouchEventTypeT = C.CEF_TET_RELEASED CefTetPressed CTouchEventTypeT = C.CEF_TET_PRESSED CefTetMoved CTouchEventTypeT = C.CEF_TET_MOVED CefTetCancelled CTouchEventTypeT = C.CEF_TET_CANCELLED )
type CTouchHandleStateFlagsT ¶ added in v0.5.4
type CTouchHandleStateFlagsT C.cef_touch_handle_state_flags_t
/ / Values indicating what state of the touch handle is set. /
const ( CefThsFlagNone CTouchHandleStateFlagsT = C.CEF_THS_FLAG_NONE CefThsFlagEnabled CTouchHandleStateFlagsT = C.CEF_THS_FLAG_ENABLED CefThsFlagOrientation CTouchHandleStateFlagsT = C.CEF_THS_FLAG_ORIENTATION CefThsFlagOrigin CTouchHandleStateFlagsT = C.CEF_THS_FLAG_ORIGIN CefThsFlagAlpha CTouchHandleStateFlagsT = C.CEF_THS_FLAG_ALPHA )
type CTouchHandleStateT ¶ added in v0.5.4
type CTouchHandleStateT C.cef_touch_handle_state_t
func NewCTouchHandleStateT ¶ added in v0.5.4
func NewCTouchHandleStateT() *CTouchHandleStateT
func (*CTouchHandleStateT) Alpha ¶ added in v0.5.4
func (st *CTouchHandleStateT) Alpha() float32
func (*CTouchHandleStateT) Enabled ¶ added in v0.5.4
func (st *CTouchHandleStateT) Enabled() int
func (*CTouchHandleStateT) Flags ¶ added in v0.5.4
func (st *CTouchHandleStateT) Flags() uint32
func (*CTouchHandleStateT) MirrorHorizontal ¶ added in v0.5.4
func (st *CTouchHandleStateT) MirrorHorizontal() int
func (*CTouchHandleStateT) MirrorVertical ¶ added in v0.5.4
func (st *CTouchHandleStateT) MirrorVertical() int
func (*CTouchHandleStateT) Orientation ¶ added in v0.5.4
func (st *CTouchHandleStateT) Orientation() CHorizontalAlignmentT
func (*CTouchHandleStateT) Origin ¶ added in v0.5.4
func (st *CTouchHandleStateT) Origin() CPointT
func (*CTouchHandleStateT) SetAlpha ¶ added in v0.5.4
func (st *CTouchHandleStateT) SetAlpha(v float32)
func (*CTouchHandleStateT) SetEnabled ¶ added in v0.5.4
func (st *CTouchHandleStateT) SetEnabled(v int)
func (*CTouchHandleStateT) SetFlags ¶ added in v0.5.4
func (st *CTouchHandleStateT) SetFlags(v uint32)
func (*CTouchHandleStateT) SetMirrorHorizontal ¶ added in v0.5.4
func (st *CTouchHandleStateT) SetMirrorHorizontal(v int)
func (*CTouchHandleStateT) SetMirrorVertical ¶ added in v0.5.4
func (st *CTouchHandleStateT) SetMirrorVertical(v int)
func (*CTouchHandleStateT) SetOrientation ¶ added in v0.5.4
func (st *CTouchHandleStateT) SetOrientation(v CHorizontalAlignmentT)
func (*CTouchHandleStateT) SetOrigin ¶ added in v0.5.4
func (st *CTouchHandleStateT) SetOrigin(v CPointT)
func (*CTouchHandleStateT) SetTouchHandleId ¶ added in v0.5.4
func (st *CTouchHandleStateT) SetTouchHandleId(v int)
func (*CTouchHandleStateT) TouchHandleId ¶ added in v0.5.4
func (st *CTouchHandleStateT) TouchHandleId() int
type CTransitionTypeT ¶
type CTransitionTypeT C.cef_transition_type_t
/ / Transition type for a request. Made up of one source value and 0 or more / qualifiers. /
const ( /// /// Source is a link click or the JavaScript function. This is /// also the default value for requests like sub-resource loads that are not /// navigations. /// TtLink CTransitionTypeT = C.TT_LINK /// /// Source is some other "explicit" navigation. This is the default value for /// navigations where the actual type is unknown. See also /// TT_DIRECT_LOAD_FLAG. /// TtExplicit CTransitionTypeT = C.TT_EXPLICIT /// /// User got to this page through a suggestion in the UI (for example, via the /// destinations page). Chrome runtime only. /// TtAutoBookmark CTransitionTypeT = C.TT_AUTO_BOOKMARK /// /// Source is a subframe navigation. This is any content that is automatically /// loaded in a non-toplevel frame. For example, if a page consists of several /// frames containing ads, those ad URLs will have this transition type. /// The user may not even realize the content in these pages is a separate /// frame, so may not care about the URL. /// TtAutoSubframe CTransitionTypeT = C.TT_AUTO_SUBFRAME /// /// Source is a subframe navigation explicitly requested by the user that will /// generate new navigation entries in the back/forward list. These are /// probably more important than frames that were automatically loaded in /// the background because the user probably cares about the fact that this /// link was loaded. /// TtManualSubframe CTransitionTypeT = C.TT_MANUAL_SUBFRAME /// /// User got to this page by typing in the URL bar and selecting an entry /// that did not look like a URL. For example, a match might have the URL /// of a Google search result page, but appear like "Search Google for ...". /// These are not quite the same as EXPLICIT navigations because the user /// didn't type or see the destination URL. Chrome runtime only. /// See also TT_KEYWORD. /// TtGenerated CTransitionTypeT = C.TT_GENERATED /// /// This is a toplevel navigation. This is any content that is automatically /// loaded in a toplevel frame. For example, opening a tab to show the ASH /// screen saver, opening the devtools window, opening the NTP after the safe /// browsing warning, opening web-based dialog boxes are examples of /// AUTO_TOPLEVEL navigations. Chrome runtime only. /// TtAutoToplevel CTransitionTypeT = C.TT_AUTO_TOPLEVEL /// /// Source is a form submission by the user. NOTE: In some situations /// submitting a form does not result in this transition type. This can happen /// if the form uses a script to submit the contents. /// TtFormSubmit CTransitionTypeT = C.TT_FORM_SUBMIT /// /// Source is a "reload" of the page via the Reload function or by re-visiting /// the same URL. NOTE: This is distinct from the concept of whether a /// particular load uses "reload semantics" (i.e. bypasses cached data). /// TtReload CTransitionTypeT = C.TT_RELOAD /// /// The url was generated from a replaceable keyword other than the default /// search provider. If the user types a keyword (which also applies to /// tab-to-search) in the omnibox this qualifier is applied to the transition /// type of the generated url. TemplateURLModel then may generate an /// additional visit with a transition type of TT_KEYWORD_GENERATED against /// the url 'http://' + keyword. For example, if you do a tab-to-search /// against wikipedia the generated url has a transition qualifer of /// TT_KEYWORD, and TemplateURLModel generates a visit for '' /// with a transition type of TT_KEYWORD_GENERATED. Chrome runtime only. /// TtKeyword CTransitionTypeT = C.TT_KEYWORD /// /// Corresponds to a visit generated for a keyword. See description of /// TT_KEYWORD for more details. Chrome runtime only. /// TtKeywordGenerated CTransitionTypeT = C.TT_KEYWORD_GENERATED /// /// General mask defining the bits used for the source values. /// TtSourceMask CTransitionTypeT = C.TT_SOURCE_MASK /// /// Attempted to visit a URL but was blocked. /// TtBlockedFlag CTransitionTypeT = C.TT_BLOCKED_FLAG /// /// Used the Forward or Back function to navigate among browsing history. /// Will be ORed to the transition type for the original load. /// TtForwardBackFlag CTransitionTypeT = C.TT_FORWARD_BACK_FLAG /// /// Loaded a URL directly via CreateBrowser, LoadURL or LoadRequest. /// TtDirectLoadFlag CTransitionTypeT = C.TT_DIRECT_LOAD_FLAG /// /// User is navigating to the home page. Chrome runtime only. /// TtHomePageFlag CTransitionTypeT = C.TT_HOME_PAGE_FLAG /// /// The transition originated from an external application; the exact /// definition of this is embedder dependent. Chrome runtime and /// extension system only. /// TtFromApiFlag CTransitionTypeT = C.TT_FROM_API_FLAG /// /// The beginning of a navigation chain. /// TtChainStartFlag CTransitionTypeT = C.TT_CHAIN_START_FLAG /// /// The last transition in a redirect chain. /// TtChainEndFlag CTransitionTypeT = C.TT_CHAIN_END_FLAG /// /// Redirects caused by JavaScript or a meta refresh tag on the page. /// TtClientRedirectFlag CTransitionTypeT = C.TT_CLIENT_REDIRECT_FLAG /// /// Redirects sent from the server by HTTP headers. /// TtServerRedirectFlag CTransitionTypeT = C.TT_SERVER_REDIRECT_FLAG /// /// Used to test whether a transition involves a redirect. /// TtIsRedirectMask CTransitionTypeT = C.TT_IS_REDIRECT_MASK /// /// General mask defining the bits used for the qualifiers. /// TtQualifierMask CTransitionTypeT = C.TT_QUALIFIER_MASK )
type CUriUnescapeRuleT ¶ added in v0.1.5
type CUriUnescapeRuleT C.cef_uri_unescape_rule_t
/ / URI unescape rules passed to CefURIDecode(). /
const ( /// /// Don't unescape anything at all. /// UuNone CUriUnescapeRuleT = C.UU_NONE /// /// Don't unescape anything special, but all normal unescaping will happen. /// This is a placeholder and can't be combined with other flags (since it's /// just the absence of them). All other unescape rules imply "normal" in /// addition to their special meaning. Things like escaped letters, digits, /// and most symbols will get unescaped with this mode. /// UuNormal CUriUnescapeRuleT = C.UU_NORMAL /// /// Convert %20 to spaces. In some places where we're showing URLs, we may /// want this. In places where the URL may be copied and pasted out, then /// you wouldn't want this since it might not be interpreted in one piece /// by other applications. /// UuSpaces CUriUnescapeRuleT = C.UU_SPACES /// /// Unescapes '/' and '\\'. If these characters were unescaped, the resulting /// URL won't be the same as the source one. Moreover, they are dangerous to /// unescape in strings that will be used as file paths or names. This value /// should only be used when slashes don't have special meaning, like data /// URLs. /// UuPathSeparators CUriUnescapeRuleT = C.UU_PATH_SEPARATORS /// /// Unescapes various characters that will change the meaning of URLs, /// including '%', '+', '&', '#'. Does not unescape path separators. /// If these characters were unescaped, the resulting URL won't be the same /// as the source one. This flag is used when generating final output like /// filenames for URLs where we won't be interpreting as a URL and want to do /// as much unescaping as possible. /// UuUrlSpecialCharsExceptPathSeparators CUriUnescapeRuleT = C.UU_URL_SPECIAL_CHARS_EXCEPT_PATH_SEPARATORS /// /// URL queries use "+" for space. This flag controls that replacement. /// UuReplacePlusWithSpace CUriUnescapeRuleT = C.UU_REPLACE_PLUS_WITH_SPACE )
type CUrlpartsT ¶ added in v0.1.5
type CUrlpartsT C.cef_urlparts_t
/ / URL component parts. /
func NewCUrlpartsT ¶ added in v0.2.0
func NewCUrlpartsT() *CUrlpartsT
func (*CUrlpartsT) Fragment ¶ added in v0.2.10
func (st *CUrlpartsT) Fragment() string
func (*CUrlpartsT) Host ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (st *CUrlpartsT) Host() string
func (*CUrlpartsT) Origin ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (st *CUrlpartsT) Origin() string
func (*CUrlpartsT) Password ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (st *CUrlpartsT) Password() string
func (*CUrlpartsT) Path ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (st *CUrlpartsT) Path() string
func (*CUrlpartsT) Port ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (st *CUrlpartsT) Port() string
func (*CUrlpartsT) Query ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (st *CUrlpartsT) Query() string
func (*CUrlpartsT) Scheme ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (st *CUrlpartsT) Scheme() string
func (*CUrlpartsT) SetFragment ¶ added in v0.2.10
func (st *CUrlpartsT) SetFragment(v string)
func (*CUrlpartsT) SetHost ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (st *CUrlpartsT) SetHost(v string)
func (*CUrlpartsT) SetOrigin ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (st *CUrlpartsT) SetOrigin(v string)
func (*CUrlpartsT) SetPassword ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (st *CUrlpartsT) SetPassword(v string)
func (*CUrlpartsT) SetPath ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (st *CUrlpartsT) SetPath(v string)
func (*CUrlpartsT) SetPort ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (st *CUrlpartsT) SetPort(v string)
func (*CUrlpartsT) SetQuery ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (st *CUrlpartsT) SetQuery(v string)
func (*CUrlpartsT) SetScheme ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (st *CUrlpartsT) SetScheme(v string)
func (*CUrlpartsT) SetSpec ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (st *CUrlpartsT) SetSpec(v string)
func (*CUrlpartsT) SetUsername ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (st *CUrlpartsT) SetUsername(v string)
func (*CUrlpartsT) Spec ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (st *CUrlpartsT) Spec() string
func (*CUrlpartsT) Username ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (st *CUrlpartsT) Username() string
type CUrlrequestClientT ¶ added in v0.1.7
type CUrlrequestClientT struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Go type for cef_urlrequest_client_t
func NewCUrlrequestClientT ¶ added in v0.5.0
func NewCUrlrequestClientT(a interface{}) *CUrlrequestClientT
NewCUrlrequestClientT allocates CUrlrequestClientT, construct and bind it
func (*CUrlrequestClientT) Handler ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (urlrequest_client *CUrlrequestClientT) Handler() interface{}
func (*CUrlrequestClientT) HasOneRef ¶ added in v0.1.7
func (urlrequest_client *CUrlrequestClientT) HasOneRef() bool
*C.cef_urlrequest_client_t has refCounted interface
func (*CUrlrequestClientT) NewRef ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (self *CUrlrequestClientT) NewRef() (newP *CUrlrequestClientT)
func (*CUrlrequestClientT) Pass ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (p *CUrlrequestClientT) Pass() (ret *CUrlrequestClientT)
func (*CUrlrequestClientT) UnbindAll ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (urlrequest_client *CUrlrequestClientT) UnbindAll()
func (*CUrlrequestClientT) Unref ¶ added in v0.4.1
func (urlrequest_client *CUrlrequestClientT) Unref() (ret bool)
type CUrlrequestClientTGetAuthCredentialsHandler ¶ added in v0.2.4
type CUrlrequestClientTGetAuthCredentialsHandler interface { GetAuthCredentials( self *CUrlrequestClientT, isProxy int, host string, port int, realm string, scheme string, callback *CAuthCallbackT, ) (ret bool) }
/ / Called on the IO thread when the browser needs credentials from the user. / |isProxy| indicates whether the host is a proxy server. |host| contains / the hostname and |port| contains the port number. Return true (1) to / continue the request and call cef_auth_callback_t::cont() when the / authentication information is available. If the request has an associated / browser/frame then returning false (0) will result in a call to / GetAuthCredentials on the cef_request_handler_t associated with that / browser, if any. Otherwise, returning false (0) will cancel the request / immediately. This function will only be called for requests initiated from / the browser process. /
type CUrlrequestFlagsT ¶ added in v0.1.5
type CUrlrequestFlagsT C.cef_urlrequest_flags_t
/ / Flags used to customize the behavior of CefURLRequest. /
const ( /// /// Default behavior. /// UrFlagNone CUrlrequestFlagsT = C.UR_FLAG_NONE /// /// If set the cache will be skipped when handling the request. Setting this /// value is equivalent to specifying the "Cache-Control: no-cache" request /// header. Setting this value in combination with UR_FLAG_ONLY_FROM_CACHE /// will cause the request to fail. /// UrFlagSkipCache CUrlrequestFlagsT = C.UR_FLAG_SKIP_CACHE /// /// If set the request will fail if it cannot be served from the cache (or /// some equivalent local store). Setting this value is equivalent to /// specifying the "Cache-Control: only-if-cached" request header. Setting /// this value in combination with UR_FLAG_SKIP_CACHE or UR_FLAG_DISABLE_CACHE /// will cause the request to fail. /// UrFlagOnlyFromCache CUrlrequestFlagsT = C.UR_FLAG_ONLY_FROM_CACHE /// /// If set the cache will not be used at all. Setting this value is equivalent /// to specifying the "Cache-Control: no-store" request header. Setting this /// value in combination with UR_FLAG_ONLY_FROM_CACHE will cause the request /// to fail. /// UrFlagDisableCache CUrlrequestFlagsT = C.UR_FLAG_DISABLE_CACHE /// /// If set user name, password, and cookies may be sent with the request, and /// cookies may be saved from the response. /// UrFlagAllowStoredCredentials CUrlrequestFlagsT = C.UR_FLAG_ALLOW_STORED_CREDENTIALS /// /// If set upload progress events will be generated when a request has a body. /// UrFlagReportUploadProgress CUrlrequestFlagsT = C.UR_FLAG_REPORT_UPLOAD_PROGRESS /// /// If set the CefURLRequestClient::OnDownloadData method will not be called. /// UrFlagNoDownloadData CUrlrequestFlagsT = C.UR_FLAG_NO_DOWNLOAD_DATA /// /// If set 5XX redirect errors will be propagated to the observer instead of /// automatically re-tried. This currently only applies for requests /// originated in the browser process. /// UrFlagNoRetryOn5xx CUrlrequestFlagsT = C.UR_FLAG_NO_RETRY_ON_5XX /// /// If set 3XX responses will cause the fetch to halt immediately rather than /// continue through the redirect. /// UrFlagStopOnRedirect CUrlrequestFlagsT = C.UR_FLAG_STOP_ON_REDIRECT )
type CUrlrequestStatusT ¶ added in v0.1.5
type CUrlrequestStatusT C.cef_urlrequest_status_t
/ / Flags that represent CefURLRequest status. /
const ( /// /// Unknown status. /// UrUnknown CUrlrequestStatusT = C.UR_UNKNOWN /// /// Request succeeded. /// UrSuccess CUrlrequestStatusT = C.UR_SUCCESS /// /// An IO request is pending, and the caller will be informed when it is /// completed. /// UrIoPending CUrlrequestStatusT = C.UR_IO_PENDING /// /// Request was canceled programatically. /// UrCanceled CUrlrequestStatusT = C.UR_CANCELED /// /// Request failed for some reason. /// UrFailed CUrlrequestStatusT = C.UR_FAILED )
type CUrlrequestT ¶ added in v0.1.7
type CUrlrequestT struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Go type for cef_urlrequest_t
func UrlrequestCreate ¶ added in v0.1.7
func UrlrequestCreate( request *CRequestT, client *CUrlrequestClientT, request_context *CRequestContextT, ) (ret *CUrlrequestT)
/ / Create a new URL request that is not associated with a specific browser or / frame. Use cef_frame_t::CreateURLRequest instead if you want the request to / have this association, in which case it may be handled differently (see / documentation on that function). A request created with this function may / only originate from the browser process, and will behave as follows: / - It may be intercepted by the client via CefResourceRequestHandler or / CefSchemeHandlerFactory. / - POST data may only contain only a single element of type PDE_TYPE_FILE / or PDE_TYPE_BYTES. / - If |request_context| is empty the global request context will be used. / / The |request| object will be marked as read-only after calling this / function. /
func (*CUrlrequestT) Cancel ¶ added in v0.1.7
func (self *CUrlrequestT) Cancel()
/ / Cancel the request. /
func (*CUrlrequestT) GetClient ¶ added in v0.1.7
func (self *CUrlrequestT) GetClient() (ret *CUrlrequestClientT)
/ / Returns the client. /
func (*CUrlrequestT) GetRequest ¶ added in v0.1.7
func (self *CUrlrequestT) GetRequest() (ret *CRequestT)
/ / Returns the request object used to create this URL request. The returned / object is read-only and should not be modified. /
func (*CUrlrequestT) GetRequestError ¶ added in v0.1.7
func (self *CUrlrequestT) GetRequestError() (ret CErrorcodeT)
/ / Returns the request error if status is UR_CANCELED or UR_FAILED, or 0 / otherwise. /
func (*CUrlrequestT) GetRequestStatus ¶ added in v0.1.7
func (self *CUrlrequestT) GetRequestStatus() (ret CUrlrequestStatusT)
/ / Returns the request status. /
func (*CUrlrequestT) GetResponse ¶ added in v0.1.7
func (self *CUrlrequestT) GetResponse() (ret *CResponseT)
/ / Returns the response, or NULL if no response information is available. / Response information will only be available after the upload has / completed. The returned object is read-only and should not be modified. /
func (*CUrlrequestT) HasOneRef ¶ added in v0.1.7
func (urlrequest *CUrlrequestT) HasOneRef() bool
*C.cef_urlrequest_t has refCounted interface
func (*CUrlrequestT) NewRef ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (self *CUrlrequestT) NewRef() (newP *CUrlrequestT)
func (*CUrlrequestT) Pass ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (p *CUrlrequestT) Pass() (ret *CUrlrequestT)
func (*CUrlrequestT) ResponseWasCached ¶ added in v0.1.7
func (self *CUrlrequestT) ResponseWasCached() (ret bool)
/ / Returns true (1) if the response body was served from the cache. This / includes responses for which revalidation was required. /
func (*CUrlrequestT) Unref ¶ added in v0.4.1
func (urlrequest *CUrlrequestT) Unref() (ret bool)
type CV8AccesscontrolT ¶ added in v0.1.5
type CV8AccesscontrolT C.cef_v8_accesscontrol_t
/ / V8 access control values. /
const ( V8AccessControlDefault CV8AccesscontrolT = C.V8_ACCESS_CONTROL_DEFAULT V8AccessControlAllCanRead CV8AccesscontrolT = C.V8_ACCESS_CONTROL_ALL_CAN_READ V8AccessControlAllCanWrite CV8AccesscontrolT = C.V8_ACCESS_CONTROL_ALL_CAN_WRITE V8AccessControlProhibitsOverwriting CV8AccesscontrolT = C.V8_ACCESS_CONTROL_PROHIBITS_OVERWRITING )
type CV8PropertyattributeT ¶ added in v0.1.5
type CV8PropertyattributeT C.cef_v8_propertyattribute_t
/ / V8 property attribute values. /
const ( /// /// Writeable, Enumerable, Configurable /// V8PropertyAttributeNone CV8PropertyattributeT = C.V8_PROPERTY_ATTRIBUTE_NONE /// /// Not writeable /// V8PropertyAttributeReadonly CV8PropertyattributeT = C.V8_PROPERTY_ATTRIBUTE_READONLY /// /// Not enumerable /// V8PropertyAttributeDontenum CV8PropertyattributeT = C.V8_PROPERTY_ATTRIBUTE_DONTENUM /// /// Not configurable /// V8PropertyAttributeDontdelete CV8PropertyattributeT = C.V8_PROPERTY_ATTRIBUTE_DONTDELETE )
type CV8accessorT ¶
type CV8accessorT struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Go type for cef_v8accessor_t
func NewCV8accessorT ¶ added in v0.5.0
func NewCV8accessorT(a interface{}) *CV8accessorT
NewCV8accessorT allocates CV8accessorT, construct and bind it
func (*CV8accessorT) Handler ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (v8accessor *CV8accessorT) Handler() interface{}
func (*CV8accessorT) HasOneRef ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (v8accessor *CV8accessorT) HasOneRef() bool
*C.cef_v8accessor_t has refCounted interface
func (*CV8accessorT) NewRef ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (self *CV8accessorT) NewRef() (newP *CV8accessorT)
func (*CV8accessorT) Pass ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (p *CV8accessorT) Pass() (ret *CV8accessorT)
func (*CV8accessorT) UnbindAll ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (v8accessor *CV8accessorT) UnbindAll()
func (*CV8accessorT) Unref ¶ added in v0.4.1
func (v8accessor *CV8accessorT) Unref() (ret bool)
type CV8arrayBufferReleaseCallbackT ¶
type CV8arrayBufferReleaseCallbackT struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Go type for cef_v8array_buffer_release_callback_t
func NewCV8arrayBufferReleaseCallbackT ¶ added in v0.5.0
func NewCV8arrayBufferReleaseCallbackT(a interface{}) *CV8arrayBufferReleaseCallbackT
NewCV8arrayBufferReleaseCallbackT allocates CV8arrayBufferReleaseCallbackT, construct and bind it
func (*CV8arrayBufferReleaseCallbackT) Handler ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (v8array_buffer_release_callback *CV8arrayBufferReleaseCallbackT) Handler() interface{}
func (*CV8arrayBufferReleaseCallbackT) HasOneRef ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (v8array_buffer_release_callback *CV8arrayBufferReleaseCallbackT) HasOneRef() bool
*C.cef_v8array_buffer_release_callback_t has refCounted interface
func (*CV8arrayBufferReleaseCallbackT) NewRef ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (self *CV8arrayBufferReleaseCallbackT) NewRef() (newP *CV8arrayBufferReleaseCallbackT)
func (*CV8arrayBufferReleaseCallbackT) Pass ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (p *CV8arrayBufferReleaseCallbackT) Pass() (ret *CV8arrayBufferReleaseCallbackT)
func (*CV8arrayBufferReleaseCallbackT) UnbindAll ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (v8array_buffer_release_callback *CV8arrayBufferReleaseCallbackT) UnbindAll()
func (*CV8arrayBufferReleaseCallbackT) Unref ¶ added in v0.4.1
func (v8array_buffer_release_callback *CV8arrayBufferReleaseCallbackT) Unref() (ret bool)
type CV8contextT ¶
type CV8contextT struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Go type for cef_v8context_t
func V8contextGetCurrentContext ¶ added in v0.1.5
func V8contextGetCurrentContext() (ret *CV8contextT)
/ / Returns the current (top) context object in the V8 context stack. /
func V8contextGetEnteredContext ¶ added in v0.1.5
func V8contextGetEnteredContext() (ret *CV8contextT)
/ / Returns the entered (bottom) context object in the V8 context stack. /
func (*CV8contextT) Enter ¶
func (self *CV8contextT) Enter() (ret bool)
/ / Enter this context. A context must be explicitly entered before creating a / V8 Object, Array, Function or Date asynchronously. exit() must be called / the same number of times as enter() before releasing this context. V8 / objects belong to the context in which they are created. Returns true (1) / if the scope was entered successfully. /
func (*CV8contextT) Eval ¶
func (self *CV8contextT) Eval( code string, script_url string, start_line int, ) (ret bool, retval *CV8valueT, exception *CV8exceptionT)
/ / Execute a string of JavaScript code in this V8 context. The |script_url| / parameter is the URL where the script in question can be found, if any. / The |start_line| parameter is the base line number to use for error / reporting. On success |retval| will be set to the return value, if any, / and the function will return true (1). On failure |exception| will be set / to the exception, if any, and the function will return false (0). /
func (*CV8contextT) Exit ¶
func (self *CV8contextT) Exit() (ret bool)
/ / Exit this context. Call this function only after calling enter(). Returns / true (1) if the scope was exited successfully. /
func (*CV8contextT) GetBrowser ¶
func (self *CV8contextT) GetBrowser() (ret *CBrowserT)
/ / Returns the browser for this context. This function will return an NULL / reference for WebWorker contexts. /
func (*CV8contextT) GetFrame ¶
func (self *CV8contextT) GetFrame() (ret *CFrameT)
/ / Returns the frame for this context. This function will return an NULL / reference for WebWorker contexts. /
func (*CV8contextT) GetGlobal ¶
func (self *CV8contextT) GetGlobal() (ret *CV8valueT)
/ / Returns the global object for this context. The context must be entered / before calling this function. /
func (*CV8contextT) GetTaskRunner ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CV8contextT) GetTaskRunner() (ret *CTaskRunnerT)
/ / Returns the task runner associated with this context. V8 handles can only / be accessed from the thread on which they are created. This function can / be called on any render process thread. /
func (*CV8contextT) HasOneRef ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (v8context *CV8contextT) HasOneRef() bool
*C.cef_v8context_t has refCounted interface
func (*CV8contextT) IsSame ¶
func (self *CV8contextT) IsSame( that *CV8contextT, ) (ret bool)
/ / Returns true (1) if this object is pointing to the same handle as |that| / object. /
func (*CV8contextT) IsValid ¶
func (self *CV8contextT) IsValid() (ret bool)
/ / Returns true (1) if the underlying handle is valid and it can be accessed / on the current thread. Do not call any other functions if this function / returns false (0). /
func (*CV8contextT) NewRef ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (self *CV8contextT) NewRef() (newP *CV8contextT)
func (*CV8contextT) Pass ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (p *CV8contextT) Pass() (ret *CV8contextT)
func (*CV8contextT) Unref ¶ added in v0.4.1
func (v8context *CV8contextT) Unref() (ret bool)
type CV8exceptionT ¶
type CV8exceptionT struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Go type for cef_v8exception_t
func (*CV8exceptionT) GetEndColumn ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CV8exceptionT) GetEndColumn() (ret bool)
/ / Returns the index within the line of the last character where the error / occurred. /
func (*CV8exceptionT) GetEndPosition ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CV8exceptionT) GetEndPosition() (ret bool)
/ / Returns the index within the script of the last character where the error / occurred. /
func (*CV8exceptionT) GetLineNumber ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CV8exceptionT) GetLineNumber() (ret bool)
/ / Returns the 1-based number of the line where the error occurred or 0 if / the line number is unknown. /
func (*CV8exceptionT) GetMessage ¶
func (self *CV8exceptionT) GetMessage() (ret string)
/ / Returns the exception message. / The resulting string must be freed by calling cef_string_userfree_free().
func (*CV8exceptionT) GetScriptResourceName ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CV8exceptionT) GetScriptResourceName() (ret string)
/ / Returns the resource name for the script from where the function causing / the error originates. / The resulting string must be freed by calling cef_string_userfree_free().
func (*CV8exceptionT) GetSourceLine ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CV8exceptionT) GetSourceLine() (ret string)
/ / Returns the line of source code that the exception occurred within. / The resulting string must be freed by calling cef_string_userfree_free().
func (*CV8exceptionT) GetStartColumn ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CV8exceptionT) GetStartColumn() (ret bool)
/ / Returns the index within the line of the first character where the error / occurred. /
func (*CV8exceptionT) GetStartPosition ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CV8exceptionT) GetStartPosition() (ret bool)
/ / Returns the index within the script of the first character where the error / occurred. /
func (*CV8exceptionT) HasOneRef ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (v8exception *CV8exceptionT) HasOneRef() bool
*C.cef_v8exception_t has refCounted interface
func (*CV8exceptionT) NewRef ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (self *CV8exceptionT) NewRef() (newP *CV8exceptionT)
func (*CV8exceptionT) Pass ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (p *CV8exceptionT) Pass() (ret *CV8exceptionT)
func (*CV8exceptionT) Unref ¶ added in v0.4.1
func (v8exception *CV8exceptionT) Unref() (ret bool)
type CV8handlerT ¶
type CV8handlerT struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Go type for cef_v8handler_t
func NewCV8handlerT ¶ added in v0.5.0
func NewCV8handlerT(a interface{}) *CV8handlerT
NewCV8handlerT allocates CV8handlerT, construct and bind it
func (*CV8handlerT) Handler ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (v8handler *CV8handlerT) Handler() interface{}
func (*CV8handlerT) HasOneRef ¶
func (v8handler *CV8handlerT) HasOneRef() bool
*C.cef_v8handler_t has refCounted interface
func (*CV8handlerT) NewRef ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (self *CV8handlerT) NewRef() (newP *CV8handlerT)
func (*CV8handlerT) Pass ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (p *CV8handlerT) Pass() (ret *CV8handlerT)
func (*CV8handlerT) UnbindAll ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (v8handler *CV8handlerT) UnbindAll()
func (*CV8handlerT) Unref ¶ added in v0.4.1
func (v8handler *CV8handlerT) Unref() (ret bool)
type CV8handlerTExecuteHandler ¶ added in v0.2.4
type CV8handlerTExecuteHandler interface { Execute( self *CV8handlerT, name string, object *CV8valueT, arguments []*CV8valueT, ) (ret bool, retval *CV8valueT, exception string) }
/ / Handle execution of the function identified by |name|. |object| is the / receiver ('this' object) of the function. |arguments| is the list of / arguments passed to the function. If execution succeeds set |retval| to / the function return value. If execution fails set |exception| to the / exception that will be thrown. Return true (1) if execution was handled. /
type CV8interceptorT ¶
type CV8interceptorT struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Go type for cef_v8interceptor_t
func (*CV8interceptorT) GetByindex ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CV8interceptorT) GetByindex( index int, object *CV8valueT, ) (ret bool, retval *CV8valueT, exception string)
/ / Handle retrieval of the interceptor value identified by |index|. |object| / is the receiver ('this' object) of the interceptor. If retrieval succeeds, / set |retval| to the return value. If the requested value does not exist, / don't set either |retval| or |exception|. If retrieval fails, set / |exception| to the exception that will be thrown. Return true (1) if / interceptor retrieval was handled, false (0) otherwise. /
func (*CV8interceptorT) GetByname ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CV8interceptorT) GetByname( name string, object *CV8valueT, ) (ret bool, retval *CV8valueT, exception string)
/ / Handle retrieval of the interceptor value identified by |name|. |object| / is the receiver ('this' object) of the interceptor. If retrieval succeeds, / set |retval| to the return value. If the requested value does not exist, / don't set either |retval| or |exception|. If retrieval fails, set / |exception| to the exception that will be thrown. If the property has an / associated accessor, it will be called only if you don't set |retval|. / Return true (1) if interceptor retrieval was handled, false (0) otherwise. /
func (*CV8interceptorT) HasOneRef ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (v8interceptor *CV8interceptorT) HasOneRef() bool
*C.cef_v8interceptor_t has refCounted interface
func (*CV8interceptorT) NewRef ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (self *CV8interceptorT) NewRef() (newP *CV8interceptorT)
func (*CV8interceptorT) Pass ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (p *CV8interceptorT) Pass() (ret *CV8interceptorT)
func (*CV8interceptorT) SetByindex ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CV8interceptorT) SetByindex( index int, object *CV8valueT, value *CV8valueT, ) (ret bool, exception string)
/ / Handle assignment of the interceptor value identified by |index|. |object| / is the receiver ('this' object) of the interceptor. |value| is the new / value being assigned to the interceptor. If assignment fails, set / |exception| to the exception that will be thrown. Return true (1) if / interceptor assignment was handled, false (0) otherwise. /
func (*CV8interceptorT) SetByname ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CV8interceptorT) SetByname( name string, object *CV8valueT, value *CV8valueT, ) (ret bool, exception string)
/ / Handle assignment of the interceptor value identified by |name|. |object| / is the receiver ('this' object) of the interceptor. |value| is the new / value being assigned to the interceptor. If assignment fails, set / |exception| to the exception that will be thrown. This setter will always / be called, even when the property has an associated accessor. Return true / (1) if interceptor assignment was handled, false (0) otherwise. /
func (*CV8interceptorT) Unref ¶ added in v0.4.1
func (v8interceptor *CV8interceptorT) Unref() (ret bool)
type CV8stackFrameT ¶ added in v0.1.5
type CV8stackFrameT struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Go type for cef_v8stack_frame_t
func (*CV8stackFrameT) GetColumn ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CV8stackFrameT) GetColumn() (ret bool)
/ / Returns the 1-based column offset on the line for the function call or 0 / if unknown. /
func (*CV8stackFrameT) GetFunctionName ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CV8stackFrameT) GetFunctionName() (ret string)
/ / Returns the name of the function. / The resulting string must be freed by calling cef_string_userfree_free().
func (*CV8stackFrameT) GetLineNumber ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CV8stackFrameT) GetLineNumber() (ret bool)
/ / Returns the 1-based line number for the function call or 0 if unknown. /
func (*CV8stackFrameT) GetScriptName ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CV8stackFrameT) GetScriptName() (ret string)
/ / Returns the name of the resource script that contains the function. / The resulting string must be freed by calling cef_string_userfree_free().
func (*CV8stackFrameT) GetScriptNameOrSourceUrl ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CV8stackFrameT) GetScriptNameOrSourceUrl() (ret string)
/ / Returns the name of the resource script that contains the function or the / sourceURL value if the script name is undefined and its source ends with a / "//@ sourceURL=..." string. / The resulting string must be freed by calling cef_string_userfree_free().
func (*CV8stackFrameT) HasOneRef ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (v8stack_frame *CV8stackFrameT) HasOneRef() bool
*C.cef_v8stack_frame_t has refCounted interface
func (*CV8stackFrameT) IsConstructor ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CV8stackFrameT) IsConstructor() (ret bool)
/ / Returns true (1) if the function was called as a constructor via "new". /
func (*CV8stackFrameT) IsEval ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CV8stackFrameT) IsEval() (ret bool)
/ / Returns true (1) if the function was compiled using eval(). /
func (*CV8stackFrameT) IsValid ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CV8stackFrameT) IsValid() (ret bool)
/ / Returns true (1) if the underlying handle is valid and it can be accessed / on the current thread. Do not call any other functions if this function / returns false (0). /
func (*CV8stackFrameT) NewRef ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (self *CV8stackFrameT) NewRef() (newP *CV8stackFrameT)
func (*CV8stackFrameT) Pass ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (p *CV8stackFrameT) Pass() (ret *CV8stackFrameT)
func (*CV8stackFrameT) Unref ¶ added in v0.4.1
func (v8stack_frame *CV8stackFrameT) Unref() (ret bool)
type CV8stackTraceT ¶
type CV8stackTraceT struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Go type for cef_v8stack_trace_t
func V8stackTraceGetCurrent ¶ added in v0.1.5
func V8stackTraceGetCurrent( frame_limit int, ) (ret *CV8stackTraceT)
/ / Returns the stack trace for the currently active context. |frame_limit| is / the maximum number of frames that will be captured. /
func (*CV8stackTraceT) GetFrame ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CV8stackTraceT) GetFrame( index int, ) (ret *CV8stackFrameT)
/ / Returns the stack frame at the specified 0-based index. /
func (*CV8stackTraceT) GetFrameCount ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CV8stackTraceT) GetFrameCount() (ret bool)
/ / Returns the number of stack frames. /
func (*CV8stackTraceT) HasOneRef ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (v8stack_trace *CV8stackTraceT) HasOneRef() bool
*C.cef_v8stack_trace_t has refCounted interface
func (*CV8stackTraceT) IsValid ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CV8stackTraceT) IsValid() (ret bool)
/ / Returns true (1) if the underlying handle is valid and it can be accessed / on the current thread. Do not call any other functions if this function / returns false (0). /
func (*CV8stackTraceT) NewRef ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (self *CV8stackTraceT) NewRef() (newP *CV8stackTraceT)
func (*CV8stackTraceT) Pass ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (p *CV8stackTraceT) Pass() (ret *CV8stackTraceT)
func (*CV8stackTraceT) Unref ¶ added in v0.4.1
func (v8stack_trace *CV8stackTraceT) Unref() (ret bool)
type CV8valueT ¶
type CV8valueT struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Go type for cef_v8value_t
func CreateArrayBuffer ¶ added in v0.1.5
func V8valueCreateArray ¶ added in v0.1.5
/ / Create a new cef_v8value_t object of type array with the specified |length|. / If |length| is negative the returned array will have length 0. This function / should only be called from within the scope of a / cef_render_process_handler_t, cef_v8handler_t or cef_v8accessor_t callback, / or in combination with calling enter() and exit() on a stored / cef_v8context_t reference. /
func V8valueCreateArrayBuffer ¶
func V8valueCreateArrayBuffer( buffer unsafe.Pointer, length int64, release_callback *CV8arrayBufferReleaseCallbackT, ) (ret *CV8valueT)
/ / Create a new cef_v8value_t object of type ArrayBuffer which wraps the / provided |buffer| of size |length| bytes. The ArrayBuffer is externalized, / meaning that it does not own |buffer|. The caller is responsible for freeing / |buffer| when requested via a call to / cef_v8array_buffer_release_callback_t::ReleaseBuffer. This function should / only be called from within the scope of a cef_render_process_handler_t, / cef_v8handler_t or cef_v8accessor_t callback, or in combination with calling / enter() and exit() on a stored cef_v8context_t reference. /
func V8valueCreateBool ¶ added in v0.1.2
/ / Create a new cef_v8value_t object of type bool. /
func V8valueCreateDate ¶
func V8valueCreateDate( date CBasetimeT, ) (ret *CV8valueT)
/ / Create a new cef_v8value_t object of type Date. This function should only be / called from within the scope of a cef_render_process_handler_t, / cef_v8handler_t or cef_v8accessor_t callback, or in combination with calling / enter() and exit() on a stored cef_v8context_t reference. /
func V8valueCreateDouble ¶
/ / Create a new cef_v8value_t object of type double. /
func V8valueCreateFunction ¶
func V8valueCreateFunction( name string, handler *CV8handlerT, ) (ret *CV8valueT)
/ / Create a new cef_v8value_t object of type function. This function should / only be called from within the scope of a cef_render_process_handler_t, / cef_v8handler_t or cef_v8accessor_t callback, or in combination with calling / enter() and exit() on a stored cef_v8context_t reference. /
func V8valueCreateInt ¶
/ / Create a new cef_v8value_t object of type int. /
func V8valueCreateNull ¶ added in v0.1.2
func V8valueCreateNull() (ret *CV8valueT)
/ / Create a new cef_v8value_t object of type null. /
func V8valueCreateObject ¶
func V8valueCreateObject( accessor *CV8accessorT, interceptor *CV8interceptorT, ) (ret *CV8valueT)
/ / Create a new cef_v8value_t object of type object with optional accessor / and/or interceptor. This function should only be called from within the / scope of a cef_render_process_handler_t, cef_v8handler_t or cef_v8accessor_t / callback, or in combination with calling enter() and exit() on a stored / cef_v8context_t reference. /
func V8valueCreateString ¶
/ / Create a new cef_v8value_t object of type string. /
func V8valueCreateUint ¶
/ / Create a new cef_v8value_t object of type unsigned int. /
func V8valueCreateUndefined ¶ added in v0.1.2
func V8valueCreateUndefined() (ret *CV8valueT)
/ / Create a new cef_v8value_t object of type undefined. /
func (*CV8valueT) AdjustExternallyAllocatedMemory ¶ added in v0.1.5
/ / Adjusts the amount of registered external memory for the object. Used to / give V8 an indication of the amount of externally allocated memory that is / kept alive by JavaScript objects. V8 uses this information to decide when / to perform global garbage collection. Each cef_v8value_t tracks the amount / of external memory associated with it and automatically decreases the / global total by the appropriate amount on its destruction. / |change_in_bytes| specifies the number of bytes to adjust by. This / function returns the number of bytes associated with the object after the / adjustment. This function can only be called on user created objects. /
func (*CV8valueT) ClearException ¶
/ / Clears the last exception and returns true (1) on success. /
func (*CV8valueT) DeleteValueByindex ¶ added in v0.1.3
/ / Deletes the value with the specified identifier and returns true (1) on / success. Returns false (0) if this function is called incorrectly, / deletion fails or an exception is thrown. For read-only and don't-delete / values this function will return true (1) even though deletion failed. /
func (*CV8valueT) DeleteValueBykey ¶
/ / Deletes the value with the specified identifier and returns true (1) on / success. Returns false (0) if this function is called incorrectly or an / exception is thrown. For read-only and don't-delete values this function / will return true (1) even though deletion failed. /
func (*CV8valueT) ExecuteFunction ¶
func (self *CV8valueT) ExecuteFunction( object *CV8valueT, arguments []*CV8valueT, ) (ret *CV8valueT)
/ / Execute the function using the current V8 context. This function should / only be called from within the scope of a cef_v8handler_t or / cef_v8accessor_t callback, or in combination with calling enter() and / exit() on a stored cef_v8context_t reference. |object| is the receiver / ('this' object) of the function. If |object| is NULL the current context's / global object will be used. |arguments| is the list of arguments that will / be passed to the function. Returns the function return value on success. / Returns NULL if this function is called incorrectly or an exception is / thrown. /
func (*CV8valueT) ExecuteFunctionWithContext ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CV8valueT) ExecuteFunctionWithContext( context *CV8contextT, object *CV8valueT, arguments []*CV8valueT, ) (ret *CV8valueT)
/ / Execute the function using the specified V8 context. |object| is the / receiver ('this' object) of the function. If |object| is NULL the / specified context's global object will be used. |arguments| is the list of / arguments that will be passed to the function. Returns the function return / value on success. Returns NULL if this function is called incorrectly or / an exception is thrown. /
func (*CV8valueT) GetArrayBufferReleaseCallback ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CV8valueT) GetArrayBufferReleaseCallback() (ret *CV8arrayBufferReleaseCallbackT)
/ / Returns the ReleaseCallback object associated with the ArrayBuffer or NULL / if the ArrayBuffer was not created with CreateArrayBuffer. /
func (*CV8valueT) GetArrayLength ¶ added in v0.1.5
/ / Returns the number of elements in the array. /
func (*CV8valueT) GetBoolValue ¶
/ / Return a bool value. /
func (*CV8valueT) GetDateValue ¶
func (self *CV8valueT) GetDateValue() (ret CBasetimeT)
/ / Return a Date value. /
func (*CV8valueT) GetDoubleValue ¶
/ / Return a double value. /
func (*CV8valueT) GetException ¶
func (self *CV8valueT) GetException() (ret *CV8exceptionT)
/ / Returns the exception resulting from the last function call. This / attribute exists only in the scope of the current CEF value object. /
func (*CV8valueT) GetExternallyAllocatedMemory ¶ added in v0.1.5
/ / Returns the amount of externally allocated memory registered for the / object. /
func (*CV8valueT) GetFunctionHandler ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CV8valueT) GetFunctionHandler() (ret *CV8handlerT)
/ / Returns the function handler or NULL if not a CEF-created function. /
func (*CV8valueT) GetFunctionName ¶
/ / Returns the function name. / The resulting string must be freed by calling cef_string_userfree_free().
func (*CV8valueT) GetIntValue ¶
/ / Return an int value. /
func (*CV8valueT) GetKeys ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CV8valueT) GetKeys( keys CStringListT, ) (ret bool)
/ / Read the keys for the object's values into the specified vector. Integer- / based keys will also be returned as strings. /
func (*CV8valueT) GetStringValue ¶
/ / Return a string value. / The resulting string must be freed by calling cef_string_userfree_free().
func (*CV8valueT) GetUintValue ¶
/ / Return an unsigned int value. /
func (*CV8valueT) GetValueByindex ¶ added in v0.1.3
/ / Returns the value with the specified identifier on success. Returns NULL / if this function is called incorrectly or an exception is thrown. /
func (*CV8valueT) GetValueBykey ¶
/ / Returns the value with the specified identifier on success. Returns NULL / if this function is called incorrectly or an exception is thrown. /
func (*CV8valueT) HasException ¶
/ / Returns true (1) if the last function call resulted in an exception. This / attribute exists only in the scope of the current CEF value object. /
func (*CV8valueT) HasValueByindex ¶ added in v0.1.3
/ / Returns true (1) if the object has a value with the specified identifier. /
func (*CV8valueT) HasValueBykey ¶
/ / Returns true (1) if the object has a value with the specified identifier. /
func (*CV8valueT) IsArrayBuffer ¶
/ / True if the value type is an ArrayBuffer. /
func (*CV8valueT) IsFunction ¶
/ / True if the value type is function. /
func (*CV8valueT) IsSame ¶
/ / Returns true (1) if this object is pointing to the same handle as |that| / object. /
func (*CV8valueT) IsUndefined ¶
/ / True if the value type is undefined. /
func (*CV8valueT) IsUserCreated ¶ added in v0.1.5
/ / Returns true (1) if this is a user created object. /
func (*CV8valueT) IsValid ¶
/ / Returns true (1) if the underlying handle is valid and it can be accessed / on the current thread. Do not call any other functions if this function / returns false (0). /
func (*CV8valueT) NeuterArrayBuffer ¶ added in v0.1.5
/ / Prevent the ArrayBuffer from using it's memory block by setting the length / to zero. This operation cannot be undone. If the ArrayBuffer was created / with CreateArrayBuffer then / cef_v8array_buffer_release_callback_t::ReleaseBuffer will be called to / release the underlying buffer. /
func (*CV8valueT) SetRethrowExceptions ¶ added in v0.1.5
/ / Set whether this object will re-throw future exceptions. By default / exceptions are not re-thrown. If a exception is re-thrown the current / context should not be accessed again until after the exception has been / caught and not re-thrown. Returns true (1) on success. This attribute / exists only in the scope of the current CEF value object. /
func (*CV8valueT) SetValueByaccessor ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CV8valueT) SetValueByaccessor( key string, settings CV8AccesscontrolT, attribute CV8PropertyattributeT, ) (ret bool)
/ / Registers an identifier and returns true (1) on success. Access to the / identifier will be forwarded to the cef_v8accessor_t instance passed to / cef_v8value_t::cef_v8value_create_object(). Returns false (0) if this / function is called incorrectly or an exception is thrown. For read-only / values this function will return true (1) even though assignment failed. /
func (*CV8valueT) SetValueByindex ¶ added in v0.1.3
/ / Associates a value with the specified identifier and returns true (1) on / success. Returns false (0) if this function is called incorrectly or an / exception is thrown. For read-only values this function will return true / (1) even though assignment failed. /
func (*CV8valueT) SetValueBykey ¶
func (self *CV8valueT) SetValueBykey( key string, value *CV8valueT, attribute CV8PropertyattributeT, ) (ret bool)
/ / Associates a value with the specified identifier and returns true (1) on / success. Returns false (0) if this function is called incorrectly or an / exception is thrown. For read-only values this function will return true / (1) even though assignment failed. /
func (*CV8valueT) WillRethrowExceptions ¶ added in v0.1.5
/ / Returns true (1) if this object will re-throw future exceptions. This / attribute exists only in the scope of the current CEF value object. /
type CValueT ¶
type CValueT struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Go type for cef_value_t
func (*CValueT) Copy ¶ added in v0.1.5
/ / Returns a copy of this object. The underlying data will also be copied. /
func (*CValueT) GetBinary ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CValueT) GetBinary() (ret *CBinaryValueT)
/ / Returns the underlying value as type binary. The returned reference may / become invalid if the value is owned by another object or if ownership is / transferred to another object in the future. To maintain a reference to / the value after assigning ownership to a dictionary or list pass this / object to the set_value() function instead of passing the returned / reference to set_binary(). /
func (*CValueT) GetDictionary ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CValueT) GetDictionary() (ret *CDictionaryValueT)
/ / Returns the underlying value as type dictionary. The returned reference / may become invalid if the value is owned by another object or if ownership / is transferred to another object in the future. To maintain a reference to / the value after assigning ownership to a dictionary or list pass this / object to the set_value() function instead of passing the returned / reference to set_dictionary(). /
func (*CValueT) GetList ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CValueT) GetList() (ret *CListValueT)
/ / Returns the underlying value as type list. The returned reference may / become invalid if the value is owned by another object or if ownership is / transferred to another object in the future. To maintain a reference to / the value after assigning ownership to a dictionary or list pass this / object to the set_value() function instead of passing the returned / reference to set_list(). /
func (*CValueT) GetString ¶ added in v0.1.5
/ / Returns the underlying value as type string. / The resulting string must be freed by calling cef_string_userfree_free().
func (*CValueT) GetType ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CValueT) GetType() (ret CValueTypeT)
/ / Returns the underlying value type. /
func (*CValueT) IsEqual ¶ added in v0.1.5
/ / Returns true (1) if this object and |that| object have an equivalent / underlying value but are not necessarily the same object. /
func (*CValueT) IsOwned ¶ added in v0.1.5
/ / Returns true (1) if the underlying data is owned by another object. /
func (*CValueT) IsReadOnly ¶ added in v0.1.5
/ / Returns true (1) if the underlying data is read-only. Some APIs may expose / read-only objects. /
func (*CValueT) IsSame ¶ added in v0.1.5
/ / Returns true (1) if this object and |that| object have the same underlying / data. If true (1) modifications to this object will also affect |that| / object and vice-versa. /
func (*CValueT) IsValid ¶ added in v0.1.5
/ / Returns true (1) if the underlying data is valid. This will always be true / (1) for simple types. For complex types (binary, dictionary and list) the / underlying data may become invalid if owned by another object (e.g. list / or dictionary) and that other object is then modified or destroyed. This / value object can be re-used by calling Set*() even if the underlying data / is invalid. /
func (*CValueT) SetBinary ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CValueT) SetBinary( value *CBinaryValueT, ) (ret bool)
/ / Sets the underlying value as type binary. Returns true (1) if the value / was set successfully. This object keeps a reference to |value| and / ownership of the underlying data remains unchanged. /
func (*CValueT) SetBool ¶ added in v0.1.5
/ / Sets the underlying value as type bool. Returns true (1) if the value was / set successfully. /
func (*CValueT) SetDictionary ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CValueT) SetDictionary( value *CDictionaryValueT, ) (ret bool)
/ / Sets the underlying value as type dict. Returns true (1) if the value was / set successfully. This object keeps a reference to |value| and ownership / of the underlying data remains unchanged. /
func (*CValueT) SetDouble ¶ added in v0.1.5
/ / Sets the underlying value as type double. Returns true (1) if the value / was set successfully. /
func (*CValueT) SetInt ¶ added in v0.1.5
/ / Sets the underlying value as type int. Returns true (1) if the value was / set successfully. /
func (*CValueT) SetList ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CValueT) SetList( value *CListValueT, ) (ret bool)
/ / Sets the underlying value as type list. Returns true (1) if the value was / set successfully. This object keeps a reference to |value| and ownership / of the underlying data remains unchanged. /
func (*CValueT) SetNull ¶ added in v0.1.5
/ / Sets the underlying value as type null. Returns true (1) if the value was / set successfully. /
type CValueTypeT ¶
type CValueTypeT C.cef_value_type_t
/ / Supported value types. /
const ( VtypeInvalid CValueTypeT = C.VTYPE_INVALID VtypeNull CValueTypeT = C.VTYPE_NULL VtypeBool CValueTypeT = C.VTYPE_BOOL VtypeInt CValueTypeT = C.VTYPE_INT VtypeDouble CValueTypeT = C.VTYPE_DOUBLE VtypeString CValueTypeT = C.VTYPE_STRING VtypeBinary CValueTypeT = C.VTYPE_BINARY VtypeDictionary CValueTypeT = C.VTYPE_DICTIONARY VtypeList CValueTypeT = C.VTYPE_LIST )
type CViewDelegateT ¶ added in v0.2.5
type CViewDelegateT struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Go type for cef_view_delegate_t
func NewCViewDelegateT ¶ added in v0.5.0
func NewCViewDelegateT(a interface{}) *CViewDelegateT
NewCViewDelegateT allocates CViewDelegateT, construct and bind it
func (*CViewDelegateT) Handler ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (view_delegate *CViewDelegateT) Handler() interface{}
func (*CViewDelegateT) HasOneRef ¶ added in v0.2.5
func (view_delegate *CViewDelegateT) HasOneRef() bool
*C.cef_view_delegate_t has refCounted interface
func (*CViewDelegateT) NewRef ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (self *CViewDelegateT) NewRef() (newP *CViewDelegateT)
func (*CViewDelegateT) Pass ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (p *CViewDelegateT) Pass() (ret *CViewDelegateT)
func (*CViewDelegateT) UnbindAll ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (view_delegate *CViewDelegateT) UnbindAll()
func (*CViewDelegateT) Unref ¶ added in v0.4.1
func (view_delegate *CViewDelegateT) Unref() (ret bool)
type CViewT ¶ added in v0.2.5
type CViewT struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Go type for cef_view_t
func (*CViewT) AsBrowserView ¶ added in v0.2.5
func (self *CViewT) AsBrowserView() (ret *CBrowserViewT)
/ / Returns this View as a BrowserView or NULL if this is not a BrowserView. /
func (*CViewT) AsButton ¶ added in v0.2.5
/ / Returns this View as a Button or NULL if this is not a Button. /
func (*CViewT) AsPanel ¶ added in v0.2.5
/ / Returns this View as a Panel or NULL if this is not a Panel. /
func (*CViewT) AsScrollView ¶ added in v0.2.5
func (self *CViewT) AsScrollView() (ret *CScrollViewT)
/ / Returns this View as a ScrollView or NULL if this is not a ScrollView. /
func (*CViewT) AsTextfield ¶ added in v0.2.5
func (self *CViewT) AsTextfield() (ret *CTextfieldT)
/ / Returns this View as a Textfield or NULL if this is not a Textfield. /
func (*CViewT) ConvertPointFromScreen ¶ added in v0.2.5
/ / Convert |point| to this View's coordinate system from DIP screen / coordinates. This View must belong to a Window when calling this function. / Returns true (1) if the conversion is successful or false (0) otherwise. / Use cef_display_t::convert_point_from_pixels() before calling this / function if conversion from display-specific pixel coordinates is / necessary. /
func (*CViewT) ConvertPointFromView ¶ added in v0.2.5
/ / Convert |point| to this View's coordinate system from that |view|. |view| / needs to be in the same Window but not necessarily the same view / hierarchy. Returns true (1) if the conversion is successful or false (0) / otherwise. /
func (*CViewT) ConvertPointFromWindow ¶ added in v0.2.5
/ / Convert |point| to this View's coordinate system from that of the Window. / This View must belong to a Window when calling this function. Returns true / (1) if the conversion is successful or false (0) otherwise. /
func (*CViewT) ConvertPointToScreen ¶ added in v0.2.5
/ / Convert |point| from this View's coordinate system to DIP screen / coordinates. This View must belong to a Window when calling this function. / Returns true (1) if the conversion is successful or false (0) otherwise. / Use cef_display_t::convert_point_to_pixels() after calling this function / if further conversion to display-specific pixel coordinates is desired. /
func (*CViewT) ConvertPointToView ¶ added in v0.2.5
/ / Convert |point| from this View's coordinate system to that of |view|. / |view| needs to be in the same Window but not necessarily the same view / hierarchy. Returns true (1) if the conversion is successful or false (0) / otherwise. /
func (*CViewT) ConvertPointToWindow ¶ added in v0.2.5
/ / Convert |point| from this View's coordinate system to that of the Window. / This View must belong to a Window when calling this function. Returns true / (1) if the conversion is successful or false (0) otherwise. /
func (*CViewT) GetBackgroundColor ¶ added in v0.2.5
/ / Returns the background color for this View. /
func (*CViewT) GetBounds ¶ added in v0.2.5
/ / Returns the bounds (size and position) of this View in parent coordinates, / or DIP screen coordinates if there is no parent. /
func (*CViewT) GetBoundsInScreen ¶ added in v0.2.5
/ / Returns the bounds (size and position) of this View in DIP screen / coordinates. /
func (*CViewT) GetDelegate ¶ added in v0.2.5
func (self *CViewT) GetDelegate() (ret *CViewDelegateT)
/ / Returns the delegate associated with this View, if any. /
func (*CViewT) GetGroupId ¶ added in v0.2.5
/ / Returns the group id of this View, or -1 if not set. /
func (*CViewT) GetHeightForWidth ¶ added in v0.2.5
/ / Returns the height necessary to display this View with the provided width. /
func (*CViewT) GetInsets ¶ added in v0.4.2
/ / Returns the insets for this View in parent coordinates, or DIP screen / coordinates if there is no parent. /
func (*CViewT) GetMaximumSize ¶ added in v0.2.5
/ / Returns the maximum size for this View. Size is in parent coordinates, or / DIP screen coordinates if there is no parent. /
func (*CViewT) GetMinimumSize ¶ added in v0.2.5
/ / Returns the minimum size for this View. Size is in parent coordinates, or / DIP screen coordinates if there is no parent. /
func (*CViewT) GetParentView ¶ added in v0.2.5
/ / Returns the View that contains this View, if any. /
func (*CViewT) GetPosition ¶ added in v0.2.5
/ / Returns the position of this View. Position is in parent coordinates, or / DIP screen coordinates if there is no parent. /
func (*CViewT) GetPreferredSize ¶ added in v0.2.5
/ / Returns the size this View would like to be if enough space is available. / Size is in parent coordinates, or DIP screen coordinates if there is no / parent. /
func (*CViewT) GetSize ¶ added in v0.2.5
/ / Returns the size of this View in parent coordinates, or DIP screen / coordinates if there is no parent. /
func (*CViewT) GetTypeString ¶ added in v0.2.5
/ / Returns the type of this View as a string. Used primarily for testing / purposes. / The resulting string must be freed by calling cef_string_userfree_free().
func (*CViewT) GetViewForId ¶ added in v0.2.5
/ / Recursively descends the view tree starting at this View, and returns the / first child that it encounters with the given ID. Returns NULL if no / matching child view is found. /
func (*CViewT) GetWindow ¶ added in v0.2.5
/ / Returns the top-level Window hosting this View, if any. /
func (*CViewT) InvalidateLayout ¶ added in v0.2.5
func (self *CViewT) InvalidateLayout()
/ / Indicate that this View and all parent Views require a re-layout. This / ensures the next call to layout() will propagate to this View even if the / bounds of parent Views do not change. /
func (*CViewT) IsAccessibilityFocusable ¶ added in v0.2.5
/ / Return whether this View is focusable when the user requires full keyboard / access, even though it may not be normally focusable. /
func (*CViewT) IsAttached ¶ added in v0.2.5
/ / Returns true (1) if this View is currently attached to another View. A / View can only be attached to one View at a time. /
func (*CViewT) IsDrawn ¶ added in v0.2.5
/ / Returns whether this View is visible and drawn in a Window. A view is / drawn if it and all parent views are visible. If this View is a Window / then calling this function is equivalent to calling is_visible(). / Otherwise, to determine if the containing Window is visible to the user / on-screen call is_visible() on the Window. /
func (*CViewT) IsFocusable ¶ added in v0.2.5
/ / Returns true (1) if this View is focusable, enabled and drawn. /
func (*CViewT) IsSame ¶ added in v0.2.5
/ / Returns true (1) if this View is the same as |that| View. /
func (*CViewT) IsVisible ¶ added in v0.2.5
/ / Returns whether this View is visible. A view may be visible but still not / drawn in a Window if any parent views are hidden. If this View is a Window / then a return value of true (1) indicates that this Window is currently / visible to the user on-screen. If this View is not a Window then call / is_drawn() to determine whether this View and all parent views are visible / and will be drawn. /
func (*CViewT) RequestFocus ¶ added in v0.2.5
func (self *CViewT) RequestFocus()
/ / Request keyboard focus. If this View is focusable it will become the / focused View. /
func (*CViewT) SetBackgroundColor ¶ added in v0.2.5
/ / Sets the background color for this View. /
func (*CViewT) SetBounds ¶ added in v0.2.5
/ / Sets the bounds (size and position) of this View. |bounds| is in parent / coordinates, or DIP screen coordinates if there is no parent. /
func (*CViewT) SetEnabled ¶ added in v0.2.5
/ / Set whether this View is enabled. A disabled View does not receive / keyboard or mouse inputs. If |enabled| differs from the current value the / View will be repainted. Also, clears focus if the focused View is / disabled. /
func (*CViewT) SetFocusable ¶ added in v0.2.5
/ / Sets whether this View is capable of taking focus. It will clear focus if / the focused View is set to be non-focusable. This is false (0) by default / so that a View used as a container does not get the focus. /
func (*CViewT) SetGroupId ¶ added in v0.2.5
/ / A group id is used to tag Views which are part of the same logical group. / Focus can be moved between views with the same group using the arrow keys. / The group id is immutable once it's set. /
func (*CViewT) SetId ¶ added in v0.2.5
/ / Sets the ID for this View. ID should be unique within the subtree that you / intend to search for it. 0 is the default ID for views. /
func (*CViewT) SetInsets ¶ added in v0.4.2
/ / Sets the insets for this View. |insets| is in parent coordinates, or DIP / screen coordinates if there is no parent. /
func (*CViewT) SetPosition ¶ added in v0.2.5
/ / Sets the position of this View without changing the size. |position| is in / parent coordinates, or DIP screen coordinates if there is no parent. /
func (*CViewT) SetSize ¶ added in v0.2.5
/ / Sets the size of this View without changing the position. |size| in parent / coordinates, or DIP screen coordinates if there is no parent. /
func (*CViewT) SetVisible ¶ added in v0.2.5
/ / Sets whether this View is visible. Windows are hidden by default and other / views are visible by default. This View and any parent views must be set / as visible for this View to be drawn in a Window. If this View is set as / hidden then it and any child views will not be drawn and, if any of those / views currently have focus, then focus will also be cleared. Painting is / scheduled as needed. If this View is a Window then calling this function / is equivalent to calling the Window show() and hide() functions. /
func (*CViewT) SizeToPreferredSize ¶ added in v0.2.5
func (self *CViewT) SizeToPreferredSize()
/ / Size this View to its preferred size. Size is in parent coordinates, or / DIP screen coordinates if there is no parent. /
func (*CViewT) ToString ¶ added in v0.2.5
/ / Returns a string representation of this View which includes the type and / various type-specific identifying attributes. If |include_children| is / true (1) any child Views will also be included. Used primarily for testing / purposes. / The resulting string must be freed by calling cef_string_userfree_free().
type CWindowDelegateT ¶ added in v0.2.5
type CWindowDelegateT struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Go type for cef_window_delegate_t
func NewCWindowDelegateT ¶ added in v0.5.0
func NewCWindowDelegateT(a interface{}) *CWindowDelegateT
NewCWindowDelegateT allocates CWindowDelegateT, construct and bind it
func (*CWindowDelegateT) Handler ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (window_delegate *CWindowDelegateT) Handler() interface{}
func (*CWindowDelegateT) HasOneRef ¶ added in v0.2.5
func (window_delegate *CWindowDelegateT) HasOneRef() bool
*C.cef_window_delegate_t has refCounted interface
func (*CWindowDelegateT) NewRef ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (self *CWindowDelegateT) NewRef() (newP *CWindowDelegateT)
func (*CWindowDelegateT) Pass ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (p *CWindowDelegateT) Pass() (ret *CWindowDelegateT)
func (*CWindowDelegateT) ToCPanelDelegateT ¶ added in v0.2.6
func (window_delegate *CWindowDelegateT) ToCPanelDelegateT() *CPanelDelegateT
Convert to Base Class Pointer *CPanelDelegateT
func (*CWindowDelegateT) UnbindAll ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (window_delegate *CWindowDelegateT) UnbindAll()
func (*CWindowDelegateT) Unref ¶ added in v0.4.1
func (window_delegate *CWindowDelegateT) Unref() (ret bool)
type CWindowDelegateTOnKeyEventHandler ¶ added in v0.2.5
type CWindowDelegateTOnKeyEventHandler interface { OnKeyEvent( self *CWindowDelegateT, window *CWindowT, event *CKeyEventT, ) (ret bool) }
/ / Called after all other controls in the window have had a chance to handle / the event. |event| contains information about the keyboard event. Return / true (1) if the keyboard event was handled or false (0) otherwise. /
type CWindowOpenDispositionT ¶ added in v0.1.5
type CWindowOpenDispositionT C.cef_window_open_disposition_t
/ / The manner in which a link click should be opened. These constants match / their equivalents in Chromium's window_open_disposition.h and should not be / renumbered. /
const ( WodUnknown CWindowOpenDispositionT = C.WOD_UNKNOWN /// /// Current tab. This is the default in most cases. /// WodCurrentTab CWindowOpenDispositionT = C.WOD_CURRENT_TAB /// /// Indicates that only one tab with the url should exist in the same window. /// WodSingletonTab CWindowOpenDispositionT = C.WOD_SINGLETON_TAB /// /// Shift key + Middle mouse button or meta/ctrl key while clicking. /// WodNewForegroundTab CWindowOpenDispositionT = C.WOD_NEW_FOREGROUND_TAB /// /// Middle mouse button or meta/ctrl key while clicking. /// WodNewBackgroundTab CWindowOpenDispositionT = C.WOD_NEW_BACKGROUND_TAB /// /// New popup window. /// WodNewPopup CWindowOpenDispositionT = C.WOD_NEW_POPUP /// /// Shift key while clicking. /// WodNewWindow CWindowOpenDispositionT = C.WOD_NEW_WINDOW /// /// Alt key while clicking. /// WodSaveToDisk CWindowOpenDispositionT = C.WOD_SAVE_TO_DISK /// /// New off-the-record (incognito) window. /// WodOffTheRecord CWindowOpenDispositionT = C.WOD_OFF_THE_RECORD /// /// Special case error condition from the renderer. /// WodIgnoreAction CWindowOpenDispositionT = C.WOD_IGNORE_ACTION /// /// Activates an existing tab containing the url, rather than navigating. /// This is similar to SINGLETON_TAB, but searches across all windows from /// the current profile and anonymity (instead of just the current one); /// closes the current tab on switching if the current tab was the NTP with /// no session history; and behaves like CURRENT_TAB instead of /// NEW_FOREGROUND_TAB when no existing tab is found. /// WodSwitchToTab CWindowOpenDispositionT = C.WOD_SWITCH_TO_TAB /// /// Creates a new document picture-in-picture window showing a child WebView. /// WodNewPictureInPicture CWindowOpenDispositionT = C.WOD_NEW_PICTURE_IN_PICTURE )
type CWindowT ¶ added in v0.2.5
type CWindowT struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Go type for cef_window_t
func WindowCreateTopLevel ¶ added in v0.2.5
func WindowCreateTopLevel( delegate *CWindowDelegateT, ) (ret *CWindowT)
/ / Create a new Window. /
func (*CWindowT) Activate ¶ added in v0.2.5
func (self *CWindowT) Activate()
/ / Activate the Window, assuming it already exists and is visible. /
func (*CWindowT) AddOverlayView ¶ added in v0.4.2
func (self *CWindowT) AddOverlayView( view *CViewT, docking_mode CDockingModeT, ) (ret *COverlayControllerT)
/ / Add a View that will be overlayed on the Window contents with absolute / positioning and high z-order. Positioning is controlled by |docking_mode| / as described below. The returned cef_overlay_controller_t object is used / to control the overlay. Overlays are hidden by default. / / With CEF_DOCKING_MODE_CUSTOM: / 1. The overlay is initially hidden, sized to |view|'s preferred size, / and positioned in the top-left corner. / 2. Optionally change the overlay position and/or size by calling / CefOverlayController methods. / 3. Call CefOverlayController::SetVisible(true) to show the overlay. / 4. The overlay will be automatically re-sized if |view|'s layout / changes. Optionally change the overlay position and/or size when / OnLayoutChanged is called on the Window's delegate to indicate a / change in Window bounds. / / With other docking modes: / 1. The overlay is initially hidden, sized to |view|'s preferred size, / and positioned based on |docking_mode|. / 2. Call CefOverlayController::SetVisible(true) to show the overlay. / 3. The overlay will be automatically re-sized if |view|'s layout changes / and re-positioned as appropriate when the Window resizes. / / Overlays created by this function will receive a higher z-order then any / child Views added previously. It is therefore recommended to call this / function last after all other child Views have been added so that the / overlay displays as the top-most child of the Window. /
func (*CWindowT) BringToTop ¶ added in v0.2.5
func (self *CWindowT) BringToTop()
/ / Bring this Window to the top of other Windows in the Windowing system. /
func (*CWindowT) CancelMenu ¶ added in v0.2.5
func (self *CWindowT) CancelMenu()
/ / Cancel the menu that is currently showing, if any. /
func (*CWindowT) CenterWindow ¶ added in v0.2.5
/ / Sizes the Window to |size| and centers it in the current display. /
func (*CWindowT) Deactivate ¶ added in v0.2.5
func (self *CWindowT) Deactivate()
/ / Deactivate the Window, making the next Window in the Z order the active / Window. /
func (*CWindowT) GetClientAreaBoundsInScreen ¶ added in v0.2.5
/ / Returns the bounds (size and position) of this Window's client area. / Position is in screen coordinates. /
func (*CWindowT) GetDisplay ¶ added in v0.2.5
/ / Returns the Display that most closely intersects the bounds of this / Window. May return NULL if this Window is not currently displayed. /
func (*CWindowT) GetTitle ¶ added in v0.2.5
/ / Get the Window title. / The resulting string must be freed by calling cef_string_userfree_free().
func (*CWindowT) GetWindowAppIcon ¶ added in v0.2.5
/ / Get the Window App icon. /
func (*CWindowT) GetWindowHandle ¶ added in v0.2.5
func (self *CWindowT) GetWindowHandle() (ret CWindowHandleT)
/ / Retrieve the platform window handle for this Window. /
func (*CWindowT) GetWindowIcon ¶ added in v0.2.5
/ / Get the Window icon. /
func (*CWindowT) IsActive ¶ added in v0.2.5
/ / Returns whether the Window is the currently active Window. /
func (*CWindowT) IsAlwaysOnTop ¶ added in v0.2.5
/ / Returns whether the Window has been set to be on top of other Windows in / the Windowing system. /
func (*CWindowT) IsFullscreen ¶ added in v0.2.5
/ / Returns true (1) if the Window is fullscreen. /
func (*CWindowT) IsMaximized ¶ added in v0.2.5
/ / Returns true (1) if the Window is maximized. /
func (*CWindowT) IsMinimized ¶ added in v0.2.5
/ / Returns true (1) if the Window is minimized. /
func (*CWindowT) Maximize ¶ added in v0.2.5
func (self *CWindowT) Maximize()
/ / Maximize the Window. /
func (*CWindowT) Minimize ¶ added in v0.2.5
func (self *CWindowT) Minimize()
/ / Minimize the Window. /
func (*CWindowT) RemoveAccelerator ¶ added in v0.2.5
/ / Remove the keyboard accelerator for the specified |command_id|. /
func (*CWindowT) RemoveAllAccelerators ¶ added in v0.2.5
func (self *CWindowT) RemoveAllAccelerators()
/ / Remove all keyboard accelerators. /
func (*CWindowT) Restore ¶ added in v0.2.5
func (self *CWindowT) Restore()
/ / Restore the Window. /
func (*CWindowT) SendKeyPress ¶ added in v0.2.5
/ / Simulate a key press. |key_code| is the VKEY_* value from Chromium's / ui/events/keycodes/keyboard_codes.h header (VK_* values on Windows). / |event_flags| is some combination of EVENTFLAG_SHIFT_DOWN, / EVENTFLAG_CONTROL_DOWN and/or EVENTFLAG_ALT_DOWN. This function is exposed / primarily for testing purposes. /
func (*CWindowT) SendMouseEvents ¶ added in v0.2.5
func (self *CWindowT) SendMouseEvents( button CMouseButtonTypeT, mouse_down int, mouse_up int, )
/ / Simulate mouse down and/or mouse up events. |button| is the mouse button / type. If |mouse_down| is true (1) a mouse down event will be sent. If / |mouse_up| is true (1) a mouse up event will be sent. If both are true (1) / a mouse down event will be sent followed by a mouse up event (equivalent / to clicking the mouse button). The events will be sent using the current / cursor position so make sure to call send_mouse_move() first to position / the mouse. This function is exposed primarily for testing purposes. /
func (*CWindowT) SendMouseMove ¶ added in v0.2.5
/ / Simulate a mouse move. The mouse cursor will be moved to the specified / (screen_x, screen_y) position. This function is exposed primarily for / testing purposes. /
func (*CWindowT) SetAccelerator ¶ added in v0.2.5
func (self *CWindowT) SetAccelerator( command_id int, key_code int, shift_pressed int, ctrl_pressed int, alt_pressed int, )
/ / Set the keyboard accelerator for the specified |command_id|. |key_code| / can be any virtual key or character value. / cef_window_delegate_t::OnAccelerator will be called if the keyboard / combination is triggered while this window has focus. /
func (*CWindowT) SetAlwaysOnTop ¶ added in v0.2.5
/ / Set the Window to be on top of other Windows in the Windowing system. /
func (*CWindowT) SetDraggableRegions ¶ added in v0.2.5
func (self *CWindowT) SetDraggableRegions( regionsCount int64, regions *CDraggableRegionT, )
/ / Set the regions where mouse events will be intercepted by this Window to / support drag operations. Call this function with an NULL vector to clear / the draggable regions. The draggable region bounds should be in window / coordinates. /
func (*CWindowT) SetFullscreen ¶ added in v0.2.5
/ / Set fullscreen Window state. /
func (*CWindowT) SetWindowAppIcon ¶ added in v0.2.5
/ / Set the Window App icon. This should be a larger icon for use in the host / environment app switching UI. On Windows, this is the ICON_BIG used in / Alt-Tab list and Windows taskbar. The Window icon will be used by default / if no Window App icon is specified. /
func (*CWindowT) SetWindowIcon ¶ added in v0.2.5
/ / Set the Window icon. This should be a 16x16 icon suitable for use in the / Windows's title bar. /
func (*CWindowT) ShowMenu ¶ added in v0.2.5
func (self *CWindowT) ShowMenu( menu_model *CMenuModelT, screen_point *CPointT, anchor_position CMenuAnchorPositionT, )
/ / Show a menu with contents |menu_model|. |screen_point| specifies the menu / position in screen coordinates. |anchor_position| specifies how the menu / will be anchored relative to |screen_point|. /
type CWriteHandlerT ¶ added in v0.1.5
type CWriteHandlerT struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Go type for cef_write_handler_t
func NewCWriteHandlerT ¶ added in v0.5.0
func NewCWriteHandlerT(a interface{}) *CWriteHandlerT
NewCWriteHandlerT allocates CWriteHandlerT, construct and bind it
func (*CWriteHandlerT) Handler ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (write_handler *CWriteHandlerT) Handler() interface{}
func (*CWriteHandlerT) HasOneRef ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (write_handler *CWriteHandlerT) HasOneRef() bool
*C.cef_write_handler_t has refCounted interface
func (*CWriteHandlerT) NewRef ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (self *CWriteHandlerT) NewRef() (newP *CWriteHandlerT)
func (*CWriteHandlerT) Pass ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (p *CWriteHandlerT) Pass() (ret *CWriteHandlerT)
func (*CWriteHandlerT) UnbindAll ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (write_handler *CWriteHandlerT) UnbindAll()
func (*CWriteHandlerT) Unref ¶ added in v0.4.1
func (write_handler *CWriteHandlerT) Unref() (ret bool)
type CWriteHandlerTMayBlockHandler ¶ added in v0.2.4
type CWriteHandlerTMayBlockHandler interface { MayBlock( self *CWriteHandlerT, ) (ret bool) }
/ / Return true (1) if this handler performs work like accessing the file / system which may block. Used as a hint for determining the thread to / access the handler from. /
type CWriteHandlerTSeekHandler ¶ added in v0.2.4
type CWriteHandlerTSeekHandler interface { Seek( self *CWriteHandlerT, offset int64, whence int, ) (ret bool) }
/ / Seek to the specified offset position. |whence| may be any one of / SEEK_CUR, SEEK_END or SEEK_SET. Return zero on success and non-zero on / failure. /
type CWriteHandlerTTellHandler ¶ added in v0.2.4
type CWriteHandlerTTellHandler interface { Tell( self *CWriteHandlerT, ) (ret int64) }
/ / Return the current offset position. /
type CX509certPrincipalT ¶ added in v0.1.5
type CX509certPrincipalT struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Go type for cef_x509cert_principal_t
func (*CX509certPrincipalT) GetCommonName ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CX509certPrincipalT) GetCommonName() (ret string)
/ / Returns the common name. / The resulting string must be freed by calling cef_string_userfree_free().
func (*CX509certPrincipalT) GetCountryName ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CX509certPrincipalT) GetCountryName() (ret string)
/ / Returns the country name. / The resulting string must be freed by calling cef_string_userfree_free().
func (*CX509certPrincipalT) GetDisplayName ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CX509certPrincipalT) GetDisplayName() (ret string)
/ / Returns a name that can be used to represent the issuer. It tries in this / order: Common Name (CN), Organization Name (O) and Organizational Unit / Name (OU) and returns the first non-NULL one found. / The resulting string must be freed by calling cef_string_userfree_free().
func (*CX509certPrincipalT) GetDomainComponents ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CX509certPrincipalT) GetDomainComponents( components CStringListT, )
/ / Retrieve the list of domain components. /
func (*CX509certPrincipalT) GetLocalityName ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CX509certPrincipalT) GetLocalityName() (ret string)
/ / Returns the locality name. / The resulting string must be freed by calling cef_string_userfree_free().
func (*CX509certPrincipalT) GetOrganizationNames ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CX509certPrincipalT) GetOrganizationNames( names CStringListT, )
/ / Retrieve the list of organization names. /
func (*CX509certPrincipalT) GetOrganizationUnitNames ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CX509certPrincipalT) GetOrganizationUnitNames( names CStringListT, )
/ / Retrieve the list of organization unit names. /
func (*CX509certPrincipalT) GetStateOrProvinceName ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CX509certPrincipalT) GetStateOrProvinceName() (ret string)
/ / Returns the state or province name. / The resulting string must be freed by calling cef_string_userfree_free().
func (*CX509certPrincipalT) GetStreetAddresses ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CX509certPrincipalT) GetStreetAddresses( addresses CStringListT, )
/ / Retrieve the list of street addresses. /
func (*CX509certPrincipalT) HasOneRef ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (x509cert_principal *CX509certPrincipalT) HasOneRef() bool
*C.cef_x509cert_principal_t has refCounted interface
func (*CX509certPrincipalT) NewRef ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (self *CX509certPrincipalT) NewRef() (newP *CX509certPrincipalT)
func (*CX509certPrincipalT) Pass ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (p *CX509certPrincipalT) Pass() (ret *CX509certPrincipalT)
func (*CX509certPrincipalT) Unref ¶ added in v0.4.1
func (x509cert_principal *CX509certPrincipalT) Unref() (ret bool)
type CX509certificateT ¶ added in v0.1.5
type CX509certificateT struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Go type for cef_x509certificate_t
func (*CX509certificateT) GetDerencoded ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CX509certificateT) GetDerencoded() (ret *CBinaryValueT)
/ / Returns the DER encoded data for the X.509 certificate. /
func (*CX509certificateT) GetDerencodedIssuerChain ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (self *CX509certificateT) GetDerencodedIssuerChain() (chain []*CBinaryValueT)
/ / Returns the DER encoded data for the certificate issuer chain. If we / failed to encode a certificate in the chain it is still present in the / array but is an NULL string. /
func (*CX509certificateT) GetIssuer ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CX509certificateT) GetIssuer() (ret *CX509certPrincipalT)
/ / Returns the issuer of the X.509 certificate. /
func (*CX509certificateT) GetIssuerChainSize ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CX509certificateT) GetIssuerChainSize() (ret int64)
/ / Returns the number of certificates in the issuer chain. If 0, the / certificate is self-signed. /
func (*CX509certificateT) GetPemencoded ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CX509certificateT) GetPemencoded() (ret *CBinaryValueT)
/ / Returns the PEM encoded data for the X.509 certificate. /
func (*CX509certificateT) GetPemencodedIssuerChain ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (self *CX509certificateT) GetPemencodedIssuerChain() (chain []*CBinaryValueT)
/ / Returns the PEM encoded data for the certificate issuer chain. If we / failed to encode a certificate in the chain it is still present in the / array but is an NULL string. /
func (*CX509certificateT) GetSerialNumber ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CX509certificateT) GetSerialNumber() (ret *CBinaryValueT)
/ / Returns the DER encoded serial number for the X.509 certificate. The value / possibly includes a leading 00 byte. /
func (*CX509certificateT) GetSubject ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CX509certificateT) GetSubject() (ret *CX509certPrincipalT)
/ / Returns the subject of the X.509 certificate. For HTTPS server / certificates this represents the web server. The common name of the / subject should match the host name of the web server. /
func (*CX509certificateT) GetValidExpiry ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CX509certificateT) GetValidExpiry() (ret CBasetimeT)
/ / Returns the date after which the X.509 certificate is invalid. / CefBaseTime.GetTimeT() will return 0 if no date was specified. /
func (*CX509certificateT) GetValidStart ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (self *CX509certificateT) GetValidStart() (ret CBasetimeT)
/ / Returns the date before which the X.509 certificate is invalid. / CefBaseTime.GetTimeT() will return 0 if no date was specified. /
func (*CX509certificateT) HasOneRef ¶ added in v0.1.5
func (x509certificate *CX509certificateT) HasOneRef() bool
*C.cef_x509certificate_t has refCounted interface
func (*CX509certificateT) NewRef ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (self *CX509certificateT) NewRef() (newP *CX509certificateT)
func (*CX509certificateT) Pass ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (p *CX509certificateT) Pass() (ret *CX509certificateT)
func (*CX509certificateT) Unref ¶ added in v0.4.1
func (x509certificate *CX509certificateT) Unref() (ret bool)
type CXmlEncodingTypeT ¶ added in v0.1.5
type CXmlEncodingTypeT C.cef_xml_encoding_type_t
/ / Supported XML encoding types. The parser supports ASCII, ISO-8859-1, and / UTF16 (LE and BE) by default. All other types must be translated to UTF8 / before being passed to the parser. If a BOM is detected and the correct / decoder is available then that decoder will be used automatically. /
const ( XmlEncodingNone CXmlEncodingTypeT = C.XML_ENCODING_NONE XmlEncodingUtf8 CXmlEncodingTypeT = C.XML_ENCODING_UTF8 XmlEncodingUtf16le CXmlEncodingTypeT = C.XML_ENCODING_UTF16LE XmlEncodingUtf16be CXmlEncodingTypeT = C.XML_ENCODING_UTF16BE XmlEncodingAscii CXmlEncodingTypeT = C.XML_ENCODING_ASCII )
type CXmlNodeTypeT ¶ added in v0.1.5
type CXmlNodeTypeT C.cef_xml_node_type_t
/ / XML node types. /
const ( XmlNodeUnsupported CXmlNodeTypeT = C.XML_NODE_UNSUPPORTED XmlNodeProcessingInstruction CXmlNodeTypeT = C.XML_NODE_PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION XmlNodeDocumentType CXmlNodeTypeT = C.XML_NODE_DOCUMENT_TYPE XmlNodeElementStart CXmlNodeTypeT = C.XML_NODE_ELEMENT_START XmlNodeElementEnd CXmlNodeTypeT = C.XML_NODE_ELEMENT_END XmlNodeAttribute CXmlNodeTypeT = C.XML_NODE_ATTRIBUTE XmlNodeText CXmlNodeTypeT = C.XML_NODE_TEXT XmlNodeCdata CXmlNodeTypeT = C.XML_NODE_CDATA XmlNodeEntityReference CXmlNodeTypeT = C.XML_NODE_ENTITY_REFERENCE XmlNodeWhitespace CXmlNodeTypeT = C.XML_NODE_WHITESPACE XmlNodeComment CXmlNodeTypeT = C.XML_NODE_COMMENT )
type CanAccessBrowserHandler ¶ added in v0.1.5
type CanAccessBrowserHandler interface { CanAccessBrowser( self *CExtensionHandlerT, extension *CExtensionT, browser *CBrowserT, include_incognito int, target_browser *CBrowserT, ) (ret bool) }
/ / Called when the tabId associated with |target_browser| is specified to an / extension API call that accepts a tabId parameter (e.g. chrome.tabs.*). / |extension| and |browser| are the source of the API call. Return true (1) / to allow access of false (0) to deny access. Access to incognito browsers / should not be allowed unless the source extension has incognito access / enabled, in which case |include_incognito| will be true (1). /
type CanCloseHandler ¶ added in v0.2.5
type CanCloseHandler interface { CanClose( self *CWindowDelegateT, window *CWindowT, ) (ret bool) }
/ / Return true (1) if |window| can be closed. This will be called for user- / initiated window close actions and when cef_window_t::close() is called. /
type CanDownloadHandler ¶ added in v0.5.2
type CanDownloadHandler interface { CanDownload( self *CDownloadHandlerT, browser *CBrowserT, url string, request_method string, ) (ret bool) }
/ / Called before a download begins in response to a user-initiated action / (e.g. alt + link click or link click that returns a `Content-Disposition: / attachment` response from the server). |url| is the target download URL / and |request_function| is the target function (GET, POST, etc). Return / true (1) to proceed with the download or false (0) to cancel the download. /
type CanMaximizeHandler ¶ added in v0.2.5
type CanMaximizeHandler interface { CanMaximize( self *CWindowDelegateT, window *CWindowT, ) (ret bool) }
/ / Return true (1) if |window| can be maximized. /
type CanMinimizeHandler ¶ added in v0.2.5
type CanMinimizeHandler interface { CanMinimize( self *CWindowDelegateT, window *CWindowT, ) (ret bool) }
/ / Return true (1) if |window| can be minimized. /
type CanResizeHandler ¶ added in v0.2.5
type CanResizeHandler interface { CanResize( self *CWindowDelegateT, window *CWindowT, ) (ret bool) }
/ / Return true (1) if |window| can be resized. /
type CanSaveCookieHandler ¶ added in v0.2.4
type CanSaveCookieHandler interface { CanSaveCookie( self *CCookieAccessFilterT, browser *CBrowserT, frame *CFrameT, request *CRequestT, response *CResponseT, cookie *CCookieT, ) (ret bool) }
/ / Called on the IO thread after a resource response is received. The / |browser| and |frame| values represent the source of the request, and may / be NULL for requests originating from service workers or cef_urlrequest_t. / |request| cannot be modified in this callback. Return true (1) if the / specified cookie returned with the response can be saved or false (0) / otherwise. /
type CanSendCookieHandler ¶ added in v0.2.4
type CanSendCookieHandler interface { CanSendCookie( self *CCookieAccessFilterT, browser *CBrowserT, frame *CFrameT, request *CRequestT, cookie *CCookieT, ) (ret bool) }
/ / Called on the IO thread before a resource request is sent. The |browser| / and |frame| values represent the source of the request, and may be NULL / for requests originating from service workers or cef_urlrequest_t. / |request| cannot be modified in this callback. Return true (1) if the / specified cookie can be sent with the request or false (0) otherwise. /
type CancelHandler ¶
type CancelHandler interface { Cancel( self *CResourceHandlerT, ) }
/ / Request processing has been canceled. /
type CreateHandler ¶ added in v0.1.5
type CreateHandler interface { Create( self *CSchemeHandlerFactoryT, browser *CBrowserT, frame *CFrameT, scheme_name string, request *CRequestT, ) (ret *CResourceHandlerT) }
/ / Return a new resource handler instance to handle the request or an NULL / reference to allow default handling of the request. |browser| and |frame| / will be the browser window and frame respectively that originated the / request or NULL if the request did not originate from a browser window / (for example, if the request came from cef_urlrequest_t). The |request| / object passed to this function cannot be modified. /
type DeassocFunc ¶
type DeassocFunc func()
func (DeassocFunc) Deassoc ¶
func (f DeassocFunc) Deassoc()
type DoCloseHandler ¶
type DoCloseHandler interface { DoClose( self *CLifeSpanHandlerT, browser *CBrowserT, ) (ret bool) }
/ / Called when a browser has recieved a request to close. This may result / directly from a call to cef_browser_host_t::*close_browser() or indirectly / if the browser is parented to a top-level window created by CEF and the / user attempts to close that window (by clicking the 'X', for example). The / do_close() function will be called after the JavaScript 'onunload' event / has been fired. / / An application should handle top-level owner window close notifications by / calling cef_browser_host_t::try_close_browser() or / cef_browser_host_t::CloseBrowser(false (0)) instead of allowing the window / to close immediately (see the examples below). This gives CEF an / opportunity to process the 'onbeforeunload' event and optionally cancel / the close before do_close() is called. / / When windowed rendering is enabled CEF will internally create a window or / view to host the browser. In that case returning false (0) from do_close() / will send the standard close notification to the browser's top-level owner / window (e.g. WM_CLOSE on Windows, performClose: on OS X, "delete_event" on / Linux or cef_window_delegate_t::can_close() callback from Views). If the / browser's host window/view has already been destroyed (via view hierarchy / tear-down, for example) then do_close() will not be called for that / browser since is no longer possible to cancel the close. / / When windowed rendering is disabled returning false (0) from do_close() / will cause the browser object to be destroyed immediately. / / If the browser's top-level owner window requires a non-standard close / notification then send that notification from do_close() and return true / (1). / / The cef_life_span_handler_t::on_before_close() function will be called / after do_close() (if do_close() is called) and immediately before the / browser object is destroyed. The application should only exit after / on_before_close() has been called for all existing browsers. / / The below examples describe what should happen during window close when / the browser is parented to an application-provided top-level window. / / Example 1: Using cef_browser_host_t::try_close_browser(). This is / recommended for clients using standard close handling and windows created / on the browser process UI thread. 1. User clicks the window close button / which sends a close notification / to the application's top-level window. / 2. Application's top-level window receives the close notification and / calls TryCloseBrowser() (which internally calls CloseBrowser(false)). / TryCloseBrowser() returns false so the client cancels the window / close. / 3. JavaScript 'onbeforeunload' handler executes and shows the close / confirmation dialog (which can be overridden via / CefJSDialogHandler::OnBeforeUnloadDialog()). / 4. User approves the close. 5. JavaScript 'onunload' handler executes. / 6. CEF sends a close notification to the application's top-level window / (because DoClose() returned false by default). / 7. Application's top-level window receives the close notification and / calls TryCloseBrowser(). TryCloseBrowser() returns true so the client / allows the window close. / 8. Application's top-level window is destroyed. 9. Application's / on_before_close() handler is called and the browser object / is destroyed. / 10. Application exits by calling cef_quit_message_loop() if no other / browsers / exist. / / Example 2: Using cef_browser_host_t::CloseBrowser(false (0)) and / implementing the do_close() callback. This is recommended for clients / using non-standard close handling or windows that were not created on the / browser process UI thread. 1. User clicks the window close button which / sends a close notification / to the application's top-level window. / 2. Application's top-level window receives the close notification and: / A. Calls CefBrowserHost::CloseBrowser(false). / B. Cancels the window close. / 3. JavaScript 'onbeforeunload' handler executes and shows the close / confirmation dialog (which can be overridden via / CefJSDialogHandler::OnBeforeUnloadDialog()). / 4. User approves the close. 5. JavaScript 'onunload' handler executes. / 6. Application's do_close() handler is called. Application will: / A. Set a flag to indicate that the next close attempt will be allowed. / B. Return false. / 7. CEF sends an close notification to the application's top-level window. / 8. Application's top-level window receives the close notification and / allows the window to close based on the flag from #6B. / 9. Application's top-level window is destroyed. 10. Application's / on_before_close() handler is called and the browser object / is destroyed. / 11. Application exits by calling cef_quit_message_loop() if no other / browsers / exist. /
type EofHandler ¶ added in v0.2.4
type EofHandler interface { Eof( self *CReadHandlerT, ) (ret bool) }
/ / Return non-zero if at end of file. /
type ExecuteCommandHandler ¶ added in v0.1.5
type ExecuteCommandHandler interface { ExecuteCommand( self *CMenuModelDelegateT, menu_model *CMenuModelT, command_id int, event_flags CEventFlagsT, ) }
/ / Perform the action associated with the specified |command_id| and optional / |event_flags|. /
type FilterHandler ¶ added in v0.2.0
type FilterHandler interface { Filter( self *CResponseFilterT, data_in []byte, data_out []byte, ) (ret CResponseFilterStatusT, data_in_read int64, data_out_written int64) }
/ / Called to filter a chunk of data. Expected usage is as follows: / / 1. Read input data from |data_in| and set |data_in_read| to the number of / bytes that were read up to a maximum of |data_in_size|. |data_in| will / be NULL if |data_in_size| is zero. / 2. Write filtered output data to |data_out| and set |data_out_written| to / the number of bytes that were written up to a maximum of / |data_out_size|. If no output data was written then all data must be / read from |data_in| (user must set |data_in_read| = |data_in_size|). / 3. Return RESPONSE_FILTER_DONE if all output data was written or / RESPONSE_FILTER_NEED_MORE_DATA if output data is still pending. / / This function will be called repeatedly until the input buffer has been / fully read (user sets |data_in_read| = |data_in_size|) and there is no / more input data to filter (the resource response is complete). This / function may then be called an additional time with an NULL input buffer / if the user filled the output buffer (set |data_out_written| = / |data_out_size|) and returned RESPONSE_FILTER_NEED_MORE_DATA to indicate / that output data is still pending. / / Calls to this function will stop when one of the following conditions is / met: / / 1. There is no more input data to filter (the resource response is / complete) and the user sets |data_out_written| = 0 or returns / RESPONSE_FILTER_DONE to indicate that all data has been written, or; / 2. The user returns RESPONSE_FILTER_ERROR to indicate an error. / / Do not keep a reference to the buffers passed to this function. /
type FlushHandler ¶ added in v0.2.4
type FlushHandler interface { Flush( self *CWriteHandlerT, ) (ret bool) }
/ / Flush the stream. /
type FormatLabelHandler ¶ added in v0.1.5
type FormatLabelHandler interface { FormatLabel( self *CMenuModelDelegateT, menu_model *CMenuModelT, label string, ) (ret bool, labelOut string) }
/ / Optionally modify a menu item label. Return true (1) if |label| was / modified. /
type GetAccessibilityHandlerHandler ¶ added in v0.3.0
type GetAccessibilityHandlerHandler interface { GetAccessibilityHandler( self *CRenderHandlerT, ) (ret *CAccessibilityHandlerT) }
/ / Return the handler for accessibility notifications. If no handler is / provided the default implementation will be used. /
type GetActiveBrowserHandler ¶ added in v0.1.5
type GetActiveBrowserHandler interface { GetActiveBrowser( self *CExtensionHandlerT, extension *CExtensionT, browser *CBrowserT, include_incognito int, ) (ret *CBrowserT) }
/ / Called when no tabId is specified to an extension API call that accepts a / tabId parameter (e.g. chrome.tabs.*). |extension| and |browser| are the / source of the API call. Return the browser that will be acted on by the / API call or return NULL to act on |browser|. The returned browser must / share the same cef_request_context_t as |browser|. Incognito browsers / should not be considered unless the source extension has incognito access / enabled, in which case |include_incognito| will be true (1). /
type GetAudioHandlerHandler ¶ added in v0.3.0
type GetAudioHandlerHandler interface { GetAudioHandler( self *CClientT, ) (ret *CAudioHandlerT) }
/ / Return the handler for audio rendering events. /
type GetAudioParametersHandler ¶ added in v0.2.12
type GetAudioParametersHandler interface { GetAudioParameters( self *CAudioHandlerT, browser *CBrowserT, params *CAudioParametersT, ) (ret bool) }
/ / Called on the UI thread to allow configuration of audio stream parameters. / Return true (1) to proceed with audio stream capture, or false (0) to / cancel it. All members of |params| can optionally be configured here, but / they are also pre-filled with some sensible defaults. /
type GetBrowserProcessHandlerHandler ¶ added in v0.3.0
type GetBrowserProcessHandlerHandler interface { GetBrowserProcessHandler( self *CAppT, ) (ret *CBrowserProcessHandlerT) }
/ / Return the handler for functionality specific to the browser process. This / function is called on multiple threads in the browser process. /
type GetChromeToolbarTypeHandler ¶ added in v0.4.0
type GetChromeToolbarTypeHandler interface { GetChromeToolbarType( self *CBrowserViewDelegateT, ) (ret CChromeToolbarTypeT) }
/ / Returns the Chrome toolbar type that will be available via / cef_browser_view_t::get_chrome_toolbar(). See that function for related / documentation. /
type GetCommandHandlerHandler ¶ added in v0.5.2
type GetCommandHandlerHandler interface { GetCommandHandler( self *CClientT, ) (ret *CCommandHandlerT) }
/ / Return the handler for commands. If no handler is provided the default / implementation will be used. /
type GetContextMenuHandlerHandler ¶ added in v0.3.0
type GetContextMenuHandlerHandler interface { GetContextMenuHandler( self *CClientT, ) (ret *CContextMenuHandlerT) }
/ / Return the handler for context menus. If no handler is provided the / default implementation will be used. /
type GetCookieAccessFilterHandler ¶ added in v0.2.0
type GetCookieAccessFilterHandler interface { GetCookieAccessFilter( self *CResourceRequestHandlerT, browser *CBrowserT, frame *CFrameT, request *CRequestT, ) (ret *CCookieAccessFilterT) }
/ / Called on the IO thread before a resource request is loaded. The |browser| / and |frame| values represent the source of the request, and may be NULL / for requests originating from service workers or cef_urlrequest_t. To / optionally filter cookies for the request return a / cef_cookie_access_filter_t object. The |request| object cannot not be / modified in this callback. /
type GetDataResourceForScaleHandler ¶ added in v0.2.0
type GetDataResourceForScaleHandler interface { GetDataResourceForScale( self *CResourceBundleHandlerT, resource_id int, scale_factor CScaleFactorT, ) (ret bool, data []byte) }
/ / Called to retrieve data for the specified |resource_id| nearest the scale / factor |scale_factor|. To provide the resource data set |data| and / |data_size| to the data pointer and size respectively and return true (1). / To use the default resource data return false (0). The resource data will / not be copied and must remain resident in memory. Include / cef_pack_resources.h for a listing of valid resource ID values. /
type GetDataResourceHandler ¶ added in v0.2.0
type GetDataResourceHandler interface { GetDataResource( self *CResourceBundleHandlerT, resource_id int, ) (ret bool, data []byte) }
/ / Called to retrieve data for the specified scale independent |resource_id|. / To provide the resource data set |data| and |data_size| to the data / pointer and size respectively and return true (1). To use the default / resource data return false (0). The resource data will not be copied and / must remain resident in memory. Include cef_pack_resources.h for a listing / of valid resource ID values. /
type GetDefaultClientHandler ¶ added in v0.3.5
type GetDefaultClientHandler interface { GetDefaultClient( self *CBrowserProcessHandlerT, ) (ret *CClientT) }
/ / Return the default client for use with a newly created browser window. If / null is returned the browser will be unmanaged (no callbacks will be / executed for that browser) and application shutdown will be blocked until / the browser window is closed manually. This function is currently only / used with the chrome runtime. /
type GetDelegateForPopupBrowserViewHandler ¶ added in v0.2.5
type GetDelegateForPopupBrowserViewHandler interface { GetDelegateForPopupBrowserView( self *CBrowserViewDelegateT, browser_view *CBrowserViewT, settings *CBrowserSettingsT, client *CClientT, is_devtools bool, ) (ret *CBrowserViewDelegateT) }
/ / Called before a new popup BrowserView is created. The popup originated / from |browser_view|. |settings| and |client| are the values returned from / cef_life_span_handler_t::on_before_popup(). |is_devtools| will be true (1) / if the popup will be a DevTools browser. Return the delegate that will be / used for the new popup BrowserView. /
type GetDialogHandlerHandler ¶ added in v0.3.0
type GetDialogHandlerHandler interface { GetDialogHandler( self *CClientT, ) (ret *CDialogHandlerT) }
/ / Return the handler for dialogs. If no handler is provided the default / implementation will be used. /
type GetDisplayHandlerHandler ¶ added in v0.3.0
type GetDisplayHandlerHandler interface { GetDisplayHandler( self *CClientT, ) (ret *CDisplayHandlerT) }
/ / Return the handler for browser display state events. /
type GetDownloadHandlerHandler ¶ added in v0.3.0
type GetDownloadHandlerHandler interface { GetDownloadHandler( self *CClientT, ) (ret *CDownloadHandlerT) }
/ / Return the handler for download events. If no handler is returned / downloads will not be allowed. /
type GetDragHandlerHandler ¶ added in v0.3.0
type GetDragHandlerHandler interface { GetDragHandler( self *CClientT, ) (ret *CDragHandlerT) }
/ / Return the handler for drag events. /
type GetExtensionResourceHandler ¶ added in v0.1.5
type GetExtensionResourceHandler interface { GetExtensionResource( self *CExtensionHandlerT, extension *CExtensionT, browser *CBrowserT, file string, callback *CGetExtensionResourceCallbackT, ) (ret bool) }
/ / Called to retrieve an extension resource that would normally be loaded / from disk (e.g. if a file parameter is specified to / chrome.tabs.executeScript). |extension| and |browser| are the source of / the resource request. |file| is the requested relative file path. To / handle the resource request return true (1) and execute |callback| either / synchronously or asynchronously. For the default behavior which reads the / resource from the extension directory on disk return false (0). / Localization substitutions will not be applied to resources handled via / this function. /
type GetFindHandlerHandler ¶ added in v0.3.0
type GetFindHandlerHandler interface { GetFindHandler( self *CClientT, ) (ret *CFindHandlerT) }
/ / Return the handler for find result events. /
type GetFocusHandlerHandler ¶ added in v0.3.0
type GetFocusHandlerHandler interface { GetFocusHandler( self *CClientT, ) (ret *CFocusHandlerT) }
/ / Return the handler for focus events. /
type GetFrameHandlerHandler ¶ added in v0.4.0
type GetFrameHandlerHandler interface { GetFrameHandler( self *CClientT, ) (ret *CFrameHandlerT) }
/ / Return the handler for events related to cef_frame_t lifespan. This / function will be called once during cef_browser_t creation and the result / will be cached for performance reasons. /
type GetHandler ¶ added in v0.2.4
type GetHandler interface { Get( self *CV8accessorT, name string, object *CV8valueT, ) (ret bool, retval *CV8valueT, exception string) }
/ / Handle retrieval the accessor value identified by |name|. |object| is the / receiver ('this' object) of the accessor. If retrieval succeeds set / |retval| to the return value. If retrieval fails set |exception| to the / exception that will be thrown. Return true (1) if accessor retrieval was / handled. /
type GetHeightForWidthHandler ¶ added in v0.2.5
type GetHeightForWidthHandler interface { GetHeightForWidth( self *CViewDelegateT, view *CViewT, width int, ) (ret bool) }
/ / Return the height necessary to display |view| with the provided |width|. / If not specified the result of get_preferred_size().height will be used by / default. Override if |view|'s preferred height depends upon the width (for / example, with Labels). /
type GetInitialBoundsHandler ¶ added in v0.3.4
type GetInitialBoundsHandler interface { GetInitialBounds( self *CWindowDelegateT, window *CWindowT, ) (ret CRectT) }
/ / Return the initial bounds for |window| in density independent pixel (DIP) / coordinates. If this function returns an NULL CefRect then / get_preferred_size() will be called to retrieve the size, and the window / will be placed on the screen with origin (0,0). This function can be used / in combination with cef_view_t::get_bounds_in_screen() to restore the / previous window bounds. /
type GetInitialShowStateHandler ¶ added in v0.4.2
type GetInitialShowStateHandler interface { GetInitialShowState( self *CWindowDelegateT, window *CWindowT, ) (ret CShowStateT) }
/ / Return the initial show state for |window|. /
type GetJsdialogHandlerHandler ¶ added in v0.3.0
type GetJsdialogHandlerHandler interface { GetJsdialogHandler( self *CClientT, ) (ret *CJsdialogHandlerT) }
/ / Return the handler for JavaScript dialogs. If no handler is provided the / default implementation will be used. /
type GetKeyboardHandlerHandler ¶ added in v0.3.0
type GetKeyboardHandlerHandler interface { GetKeyboardHandler( self *CClientT, ) (ret *CKeyboardHandlerT) }
/ / Return the handler for keyboard events. /
type GetLifeSpanHandlerHandler ¶ added in v0.3.0
type GetLifeSpanHandlerHandler interface { GetLifeSpanHandler( self *CClientT, ) (ret *CLifeSpanHandlerT) }
/ / Return the handler for browser life span events. /
type GetLocalizedStringHandler ¶ added in v0.1.5
type GetLocalizedStringHandler interface { GetLocalizedString( self *CResourceBundleHandlerT, string_id int, ) (ret bool, cstring string) }
/ / Called to retrieve a localized translation for the specified |string_id|. / To provide the translation set |string| to the translation string and / return true (1). To use the default translation return false (0). Include / cef_pack_strings.h for a listing of valid string ID values. /
type GetMaximumSizeHandler ¶ added in v0.2.5
type GetMaximumSizeHandler interface { GetMaximumSize( self *CViewDelegateT, view *CViewT, ) (ret CSizeT) }
/ / Return the maximum size for |view|. /
type GetMinimumSizeHandler ¶ added in v0.2.5
type GetMinimumSizeHandler interface { GetMinimumSize( self *CViewDelegateT, view *CViewT, ) (ret CSizeT) }
/ / Return the minimum size for |view|. /
type GetParentWindowHandler ¶ added in v0.2.5
type GetParentWindowHandler interface { GetParentWindow( self *CWindowDelegateT, window *CWindowT, ) (ret *CWindowT, is_menu bool, can_activate_menu bool) }
/ / Return the parent for |window| or NULL if the |window| does not have a / parent. Windows with parents will not get a taskbar button. Set |is_menu| / to true (1) if |window| will be displayed as a menu, in which case it will / not be clipped to the parent window bounds. Set |can_activate_menu| to / false (0) if |is_menu| is true (1) and |window| should not be activated / (given keyboard focus) when displayed. /
type GetPdfPaperSizeHandler ¶ added in v0.2.4
type GetPdfPaperSizeHandler interface { GetPdfPaperSize( self *CPrintHandlerT, browser *CBrowserT, device_units_per_inch int, ) (ret CSizeT) }
/ / Return the PDF paper size in device units. Used in combination with / cef_browser_host_t::print_to_pdf(). /
type GetPermissionHandlerHandler ¶ added in v0.5.4
type GetPermissionHandlerHandler interface { GetPermissionHandler( self *CClientT, ) (ret *CPermissionHandlerT) }
/ / Return the handler for permission requests. /
type GetPreferredSizeHandler ¶ added in v0.2.5
type GetPreferredSizeHandler interface { GetPreferredSize( self *CViewDelegateT, view *CViewT, ) (ret CSizeT) }
/ / Return the preferred size for |view|. The Layout will use this information / to determine the display size. /
type GetPrintHandlerHandler ¶ added in v0.3.0
type GetPrintHandlerHandler interface { GetPrintHandler( self *CClientT, ) (ret *CPrintHandlerT) }
/ / Return the handler for printing on Linux. If a print handler is not / provided then printing will not be supported on the Linux platform. /
type GetRenderHandlerHandler ¶ added in v0.3.0
type GetRenderHandlerHandler interface { GetRenderHandler( self *CClientT, ) (ret *CRenderHandlerT) }
/ / Return the handler for off-screen rendering events. /
type GetRenderProcessHandlerHandler ¶ added in v0.3.0
type GetRenderProcessHandlerHandler interface { GetRenderProcessHandler( self *CAppT, ) (ret *CRenderProcessHandlerT) }
/ / Return the handler for functionality specific to the render process. This / function is called on the render process main thread. /
type GetRequestHandlerHandler ¶ added in v0.3.0
type GetRequestHandlerHandler interface { GetRequestHandler( self *CClientT, ) (ret *CRequestHandlerT) }
/ / Return the handler for browser request events. /
type GetResourceBundleHandlerHandler ¶ added in v0.3.0
type GetResourceBundleHandlerHandler interface { GetResourceBundleHandler( self *CAppT, ) (ret *CResourceBundleHandlerT) }
/ / Return the handler for resource bundle events. If / cef_settings_t.pack_loading_disabled is true (1) a handler must be / returned. If no handler is returned resources will be loaded from pack / files. This function is called by the browser and render processes on / multiple threads. /
type GetResourceHandlerHandler ¶ added in v0.1.5
type GetResourceHandlerHandler interface { GetResourceHandler( self *CResourceRequestHandlerT, browser *CBrowserT, frame *CFrameT, request *CRequestT, ) (ret *CResourceHandlerT) }
/ / Called on the IO thread before a resource is loaded. The |browser| and / |frame| values represent the source of the request, and may be NULL for / requests originating from service workers or cef_urlrequest_t. To allow / the resource to load using the default network loader return NULL. To / specify a handler for the resource return a cef_resource_handler_t object. / The |request| object cannot not be modified in this callback. /
type GetResourceResponseFilterHandler ¶ added in v0.1.5
type GetResourceResponseFilterHandler interface { GetResourceResponseFilter( self *CResourceRequestHandlerT, browser *CBrowserT, frame *CFrameT, request *CRequestT, response *CResponseT, ) (ret *CResponseFilterT) }
/ / Called on the IO thread to optionally filter resource response content. / The |browser| and |frame| values represent the source of the request, and / may be NULL for requests originating from service workers or / cef_urlrequest_t. |request| and |response| represent the request and / response respectively and cannot be modified in this callback. /
type GetResponseHeadersHandler ¶
type GetResponseHeadersHandler interface { GetResponseHeaders( self *CResourceHandlerT, response *CResponseT, ) (response_length int64, redirectUrl string) }
/ / Retrieve response header information. If the response length is not known / set |response_length| to -1 and read_response() will be called until it / returns false (0). If the response length is known set |response_length| / to a positive value and read_response() will be called until it returns / false (0) or the specified number of bytes have been read. Use the / |response| object to set the mime type, http status code and other / optional header values. To redirect the request to a new URL set / |redirectUrl| to the new URL. |redirectUrl| can be either a relative or / fully qualified URL. It is also possible to set |response| to a redirect / http status code and pass the new URL via a Location header. Likewise with / |redirectUrl| it is valid to set a relative or fully qualified URL as the / Location header value. If an error occured while setting up the request / you can call set_error() on |response| to indicate the error condition. /
type GetRootScreenRectHandler ¶ added in v0.1.5
type GetRootScreenRectHandler interface { GetRootScreenRect( self *CRenderHandlerT, browser *CBrowserT, ) (ret bool, rect CRectT) }
/ / Called to retrieve the root window rectangle in screen DIP coordinates. / Return true (1) if the rectangle was provided. If this function returns / false (0) the rectangle from GetViewRect will be used. /
type GetScreenInfoHandler ¶ added in v0.1.5
type GetScreenInfoHandler interface { GetScreenInfo( self *CRenderHandlerT, browser *CBrowserT, screen_info CScreenInfoT, ) (ret bool, screen_infoOut CScreenInfoT) }
/ / Called to allow the client to fill in the CefScreenInfo object with / appropriate values. Return true (1) if the |screen_info| structure has / been modified. / / If the screen info rectangle is left NULL the rectangle from GetViewRect / will be used. If the rectangle is still NULL or invalid popups may not be / drawn correctly. /
type GetScreenPointHandler ¶ added in v0.1.5
type GetScreenPointHandler interface { GetScreenPoint( self *CRenderHandlerT, browser *CBrowserT, viewX int, viewY int, ) (ret bool, screenX int, screenY int) }
/ / Called to retrieve the translation from view DIP coordinates to screen / coordinates. Windows/Linux should provide screen device (pixel) / coordinates and MacOS should provide screen DIP coordinates. Return true / (1) if the requested coordinates were provided. /
type GetTouchHandleSizeHandler ¶ added in v0.5.4
type GetTouchHandleSizeHandler interface { GetTouchHandleSize( self *CRenderHandlerT, browser *CBrowserT, orientation CHorizontalAlignmentT, size *CSizeT, ) }
/ / Called to retrieve the size of the touch handle for the specified / |orientation|. /
type GetViewRectHandler ¶ added in v0.1.5
type GetViewRectHandler interface { GetViewRect( self *CRenderHandlerT, browser *CBrowserT, ) (rect CRectT) }
/ / Called to retrieve the view rectangle in screen DIP coordinates. This / function must always provide a non-NULL rectangle. /
type InitFilterHandler ¶ added in v0.2.0
type InitFilterHandler interface { InitFilter( self *CResponseFilterT, ) (ret bool) }
/ / Initialize the response filter. Will only be called a single time. The / filter will not be installed if this function returns false (0). /
type IsFramelessHandler ¶ added in v0.2.5
type IsFramelessHandler interface { IsFrameless( self *CWindowDelegateT, window *CWindowT, ) (ret bool) }
/ / Return true (1) if |window| should be created without a frame or title / bar. The window will be resizable if can_resize() returns true (1). Use / cef_window_t::set_draggable_regions() to specify draggable regions. /
type MenuClosedHandler ¶ added in v0.1.5
type MenuClosedHandler interface { MenuClosed( self *CMenuModelDelegateT, menu_model *CMenuModelT, ) }
/ / The menu has closed. /
type MenuWillShowHandler ¶ added in v0.1.5
type MenuWillShowHandler interface { MenuWillShow( self *CMenuModelDelegateT, menu_model *CMenuModelT, ) }
/ / The menu is about to show. /
type MouseOutsideMenuHandler ¶ added in v0.1.5
type MouseOutsideMenuHandler interface { MouseOutsideMenu( self *CMenuModelDelegateT, menu_model *CMenuModelT, screen_point *CPointT, ) }
/ / Called when the user moves the mouse outside the menu and over the owning / window. /
type OnAcceleratedPaintHandler ¶ added in v0.1.5
type OnAcceleratedPaintHandler interface { OnAcceleratedPaint( self *CRenderHandlerT, browser *CBrowserT, ctype CPaintElementTypeT, dirtyRectsCount int64, dirtyRects *CRectT, shared_handle unsafe.Pointer, ) }
/ / Called when an element has been rendered to the shared texture handle. / |type| indicates whether the element is the view or the popup widget. / |dirtyRects| contains the set of rectangles in pixel coordinates that need / to be repainted. |shared_handle| is the handle for a D3D11 Texture2D that / can be accessed via ID3D11Device using the OpenSharedResource function. / This function is only called when cef_window_tInfo::shared_texture_enabled / is set to true (1), and is currently only supported on Windows. /
type OnAcceleratorHandler ¶ added in v0.2.5
type OnAcceleratorHandler interface { OnAccelerator( self *CWindowDelegateT, window *CWindowT, command_id int, ) (ret bool) }
/ / Called when a keyboard accelerator registered with / cef_window_t::SetAccelerator is triggered. Return true (1) if the / accelerator was handled or false (0) otherwise. /
type OnAccessibilityLocationChangeHandler ¶ added in v0.1.5
type OnAccessibilityLocationChangeHandler interface { OnAccessibilityLocationChange( self *CAccessibilityHandlerT, value *CValueT, ) }
/ / Called after renderer process sends accessibility location changes to the / browser process. /
type OnAccessibilityTreeChangeHandler ¶ added in v0.1.5
type OnAccessibilityTreeChangeHandler interface { OnAccessibilityTreeChange( self *CAccessibilityHandlerT, value *CValueT, ) }
/ / Called after renderer process sends accessibility tree changes to the / browser process. /
type OnAddressChangeHandler ¶ added in v0.1.5
type OnAddressChangeHandler interface { OnAddressChange( self *CDisplayHandlerT, browser *CBrowserT, frame *CFrameT, url string, ) }
/ / Called when a frame's address has changed. /
type OnAfterCreatedHandler ¶
type OnAfterCreatedHandler interface { OnAfterCreated( self *CLifeSpanHandlerT, browser *CBrowserT, ) }
/ / Called after a new browser is created. It is now safe to begin performing / actions with |browser|. cef_frame_handler_t callbacks related to initial / main frame creation will arrive before this callback. See / cef_frame_handler_t documentation for additional usage information. /
type OnAfterUserActionHandler ¶ added in v0.2.5
type OnAfterUserActionHandler interface { OnAfterUserAction( self *CTextfieldDelegateT, textfield *CTextfieldT, ) }
/ / Called after performing a user action that may change |textfield|. /
type OnAudioStreamErrorHandler ¶ added in v0.2.12
type OnAudioStreamErrorHandler interface { OnAudioStreamError( self *CAudioHandlerT, browser *CBrowserT, message string, ) }
/ / Called on the UI or audio stream thread when an error occurred. During the / stream creation phase this callback will be called on the UI thread while / in the capturing phase it will be called on the audio stream thread. The / stream will be stopped immediately. /
type OnAudioStreamStartedHandler ¶ added in v0.1.5
type OnAudioStreamStartedHandler interface { OnAudioStreamStarted( self *CAudioHandlerT, browser *CBrowserT, params *CAudioParametersT, channels int, ) }
/ / Called on a browser audio capture thread when the browser starts streaming / audio. OnAudioStreamStopped will always be called after / OnAudioStreamStarted; both functions may be called multiple times for the / same browser. |params| contains the audio parameters like sample rate and / channel layout. |channels| is the number of channels. /
type OnAudioStreamStoppedHandler ¶ added in v0.1.5
type OnAudioStreamStoppedHandler interface { OnAudioStreamStopped( self *CAudioHandlerT, browser *CBrowserT, ) }
/ / Called on the UI thread when the stream has stopped. OnAudioSteamStopped / will always be called after OnAudioStreamStarted; both functions may be / called multiple times for the same stream. /
type OnAutoResizeHandler ¶ added in v0.1.5
type OnAutoResizeHandler interface { OnAutoResize( self *CDisplayHandlerT, browser *CBrowserT, new_size *CSizeT, ) (ret bool) }
/ / Called when auto-resize is enabled via / cef_browser_host_t::SetAutoResizeEnabled and the contents have auto- / resized. |new_size| will be the desired size in view coordinates. Return / true (1) if the resize was handled or false (0) for default handling. /
type OnBeforeBackgroundBrowserHandler ¶ added in v0.1.5
type OnBeforeBackgroundBrowserHandler interface { OnBeforeBackgroundBrowser( self *CExtensionHandlerT, extension *CExtensionT, url string, client *CClientT, settings CBrowserSettingsT, ) (ret bool, clientOut *CClientT, settingsOut CBrowserSettingsT) }
/ / Called when an extension needs a browser to host a background script / specified via the "background" manifest key. The browser will have no / visible window and cannot be displayed. |extension| is the extension that / is loading the background script. |url| is an internally generated / reference to an HTML page that will be used to load the background script / via a "<script>" src attribute. To allow creation of the browser / optionally modify |client| and |settings| and return false (0). To cancel / creation of the browser (and consequently cancel load of the background / script) return true (1). Successful creation will be indicated by a call / to cef_life_span_handler_t::OnAfterCreated, and / cef_browser_host_t::IsBackgroundHost will return true (1) for the / resulting browser. See / for more information about extension background script usage. /
type OnBeforeBrowseHandler ¶ added in v0.1.5
type OnBeforeBrowseHandler interface { OnBeforeBrowse( self *CRequestHandlerT, browser *CBrowserT, frame *CFrameT, request *CRequestT, user_gesture bool, is_redirect bool, ) (ret bool) }
/ / Called on the UI thread before browser navigation. Return true (1) to / cancel the navigation or false (0) to allow the navigation to proceed. The / |request| object cannot be modified in this callback. / cef_load_handler_t::OnLoadingStateChange will be called twice in all / cases. If the navigation is allowed cef_load_handler_t::OnLoadStart and / cef_load_handler_t::OnLoadEnd will be called. If the navigation is / canceled cef_load_handler_t::OnLoadError will be called with an / |errorCode| value of ERR_ABORTED. The |user_gesture| value will be true / (1) if the browser navigated via explicit user gesture (e.g. clicking a / link) or false (0) if it navigated automatically (e.g. via the / DomContentLoaded event). /
type OnBeforeBrowserHandler ¶ added in v0.1.5
type OnBeforeBrowserHandler interface { OnBeforeBrowser( self *CExtensionHandlerT, extension *CExtensionT, browser *CBrowserT, active_browser *CBrowserT, index int, url string, active int, windowInfo CWindowInfoT, client *CClientT, settings CBrowserSettingsT, ) (ret bool, windowInfoOut CWindowInfoT, clientOut *CClientT, settingsOut CBrowserSettingsT) }
/ / Called when an extension API (e.g. chrome.tabs.create) requests creation / of a new browser. |extension| and |browser| are the source of the API / call. |active_browser| may optionally be specified via the windowId / property or returned via the get_active_browser() callback and provides / the default |client| and |settings| values for the new browser. |index| is / the position value optionally specified via the index property. |url| is / the URL that will be loaded in the browser. |active| is true (1) if the / new browser should be active when opened. To allow creation of the / browser optionally modify |windowInfo|, |client| and |settings| and return / false (0). To cancel creation of the browser return true (1). Successful / creation will be indicated by a call to / cef_life_span_handler_t::OnAfterCreated. Any modifications to |windowInfo| / will be ignored if |active_browser| is wrapped in a cef_browser_view_t. /
type OnBeforeChildProcessLaunchHandler ¶ added in v0.1.5
type OnBeforeChildProcessLaunchHandler interface { OnBeforeChildProcessLaunch( self *CBrowserProcessHandlerT, command_line *CCommandLineT, ) }
/ / Called before a child process is launched. Will be called on the browser / process UI thread when launching a render process and on the browser / process IO thread when launching a GPU process. Provides an opportunity to / modify the child process command line. Do not keep a reference to / |command_line| outside of this function. /
type OnBeforeCloseHandler ¶
type OnBeforeCloseHandler interface { OnBeforeClose( self *CLifeSpanHandlerT, browser *CBrowserT, ) }
/ / Called just before a browser is destroyed. Release all references to the / browser object and do not attempt to execute any functions on the browser / object (other than IsValid, GetIdentifier or IsSame) after this callback / returns. cef_frame_handler_t callbacks related to final main frame / destruction will arrive after this callback and cef_browser_t::IsValid / will return false (0) at that time. Any in-progress network requests / associated with |browser| will be aborted when the browser is destroyed, / and cef_resource_request_handler_t callbacks related to those requests may / still arrive on the IO thread after this callback. See cef_frame_handler_t / and do_close() documentation for additional usage information. /
type OnBeforeCommandLineProcessingHandler ¶
type OnBeforeCommandLineProcessingHandler interface { OnBeforeCommandLineProcessing( self *CAppT, process_type string, command_line *CCommandLineT, ) }
/ / Provides an opportunity to view and/or modify command-line arguments / before processing by CEF and Chromium. The |process_type| value will be / NULL for the browser process. Do not keep a reference to the / cef_command_line_t object passed to this function. The / cef_settings_t.command_line_args_disabled value can be used to start with / an NULL command-line object. Any values specified in CefSettings that / equate to command-line arguments will be set before this function is / called. Be cautious when using this function to modify command-line / arguments for non-browser processes as this may result in undefined / behavior including crashes. /
type OnBeforeContextMenuHandler ¶ added in v0.1.5
type OnBeforeContextMenuHandler interface { OnBeforeContextMenu( self *CContextMenuHandlerT, browser *CBrowserT, frame *CFrameT, params *CContextMenuParamsT, model *CMenuModelT, ) }
/ / Called before a context menu is displayed. |params| provides information / about the context menu state. |model| initially contains the default / context menu. The |model| can be cleared to show no context menu or / modified to show a custom menu. Do not keep references to |params| or / |model| outside of this callback. /
type OnBeforeDownloadHandler ¶ added in v0.1.5
type OnBeforeDownloadHandler interface { OnBeforeDownload( self *CDownloadHandlerT, browser *CBrowserT, download_item *CDownloadItemT, suggested_name string, callback *CBeforeDownloadCallbackT, ) }
/ / Called before a download begins. |suggested_name| is the suggested name / for the download file. By default the download will be canceled. Execute / |callback| either asynchronously or in this function to continue the / download if desired. Do not keep a reference to |download_item| outside of / this function. /
type OnBeforePopupHandler ¶ added in v0.1.5
type OnBeforePopupHandler interface { OnBeforePopup( self *CLifeSpanHandlerT, browser *CBrowserT, frame *CFrameT, target_url string, target_frame_name string, target_disposition CWindowOpenDispositionT, user_gesture int, popupFeatures *CPopupFeaturesT, windowInfo CWindowInfoT, client *CClientT, settings CBrowserSettingsT, no_javascript_access bool, ) (ret bool, windowInfoOut CWindowInfoT, clientOut *CClientT, settingsOut CBrowserSettingsT, extra_info *CDictionaryValueT, no_javascript_accessOut bool) }
/ / Called on the UI thread before a new popup browser is created. The / |browser| and |frame| values represent the source of the popup request. / The |target_url| and |target_frame_name| values indicate where the popup / browser should navigate and may be NULL if not specified with the request. / The |target_disposition| value indicates where the user intended to open / the popup (e.g. current tab, new tab, etc). The |user_gesture| value will / be true (1) if the popup was opened via explicit user gesture (e.g. / clicking a link) or false (0) if the popup opened automatically (e.g. via / the DomContentLoaded event). The |popupFeatures| structure contains / additional information about the requested popup window. To allow creation / of the popup browser optionally modify |windowInfo|, |client|, |settings| / and |no_javascript_access| and return false (0). To cancel creation of the / popup browser return true (1). The |client| and |settings| values will / default to the source browser's values. If the |no_javascript_access| / value is set to false (0) the new browser will not be scriptable and may / not be hosted in the same renderer process as the source browser. Any / modifications to |windowInfo| will be ignored if the parent browser is / wrapped in a cef_browser_view_t. Popup browser creation will be canceled / if the parent browser is destroyed before the popup browser creation / completes (indicated by a call to OnAfterCreated for the popup browser). / The |extra_info| parameter provides an opportunity to specify extra / information specific to the created popup browser that will be passed to / cef_render_process_handler_t::on_browser_created() in the render process. /
type OnBeforeResourceLoadHandler ¶ added in v0.1.5
type OnBeforeResourceLoadHandler interface { OnBeforeResourceLoad( self *CResourceRequestHandlerT, browser *CBrowserT, frame *CFrameT, request *CRequestT, callback *CCallbackT, ) (ret CReturnValueT) }
/ / Called on the IO thread before a resource request is loaded. The |browser| / and |frame| values represent the source of the request, and may be NULL / for requests originating from service workers or cef_urlrequest_t. To / redirect or change the resource load optionally modify |request|. / Modification of the request URL will be treated as a redirect. Return / RV_CONTINUE to continue the request immediately. Return RV_CONTINUE_ASYNC / and call cef_callback_t functions at a later time to continue or cancel / the request asynchronously. Return RV_CANCEL to cancel the request / immediately. /
type OnBeforeUnloadDialogHandler ¶ added in v0.1.5
type OnBeforeUnloadDialogHandler interface { OnBeforeUnloadDialog( self *CJsdialogHandlerT, browser *CBrowserT, message_text string, is_reload int, callback *CJsdialogCallbackT, ) (ret bool) }
/ / Called to run a dialog asking the user if they want to leave a page. / Return false (0) to use the default dialog implementation. Return true (1) / if the application will use a custom dialog or if the callback has been / executed immediately. Custom dialogs may be either modal or modeless. If a / custom dialog is used the application must execute |callback| once the / custom dialog is dismissed. /
type OnBlurHandler ¶ added in v0.2.5
type OnBlurHandler interface { OnBlur( self *CViewDelegateT, view *CViewT, ) }
/ / Called when |view| loses focus. /
type OnButtonPressedHandler ¶ added in v0.2.5
type OnButtonPressedHandler interface { OnButtonPressed( self *CButtonDelegateT, button *CButtonT, ) }
/ / Called when |button| is pressed. /
type OnButtonStateChangedHandler ¶ added in v0.2.5
type OnButtonStateChangedHandler interface { OnButtonStateChanged( self *CButtonDelegateT, button *CButtonT, ) }
/ / Called when the state of |button| changes. /
type OnCertificateErrorHandler ¶ added in v0.1.5
type OnCertificateErrorHandler interface { OnCertificateError( self *CRequestHandlerT, browser *CBrowserT, cert_error CErrorcodeT, request_url string, ssl_info *CSslinfoT, callback *CCallbackT, ) (ret bool) }
/ / Called on the UI thread to handle requests for URLs with an invalid SSL / certificate. Return true (1) and call cef_callback_t functions either in / this function or at a later time to continue or cancel the request. Return / false (0) to cancel the request immediately. If / cef_settings_t.ignore_certificate_errors is set all invalid certificates / will be accepted without calling this function. /
type OnChildViewChangedHandler ¶ added in v0.2.5
type OnChildViewChangedHandler interface { OnChildViewChanged( self *CViewDelegateT, view *CViewT, added int, child *CViewT, ) }
/ / Called when a child of |view| has changed. If |child| is being added to / |view| then |added| will be true (1). If |child| is being removed from / |view| then |added| will be false (0). If |child| is being reparented the / remove notification will be sent to the old parent before the add / notification is sent to the new parent. Do not modify the view hierarchy / in this callback. /
type OnConsoleMessageHandler ¶ added in v0.1.5
type OnConsoleMessageHandler interface { OnConsoleMessage( self *CDisplayHandlerT, browser *CBrowserT, level CLogSeverityT, message string, source string, line int, ) (ret bool) }
/ / Called to display a console message. Return true (1) to stop the message / from being output to the console. /
type OnContextCreatedHandler ¶
type OnContextCreatedHandler interface { OnContextCreated( self *CRenderProcessHandlerT, browser *CBrowserT, frame *CFrameT, context *CV8contextT, ) }
/ / Called immediately after the V8 context for a frame has been created. To / retrieve the JavaScript 'window' object use the / cef_v8context_t::get_global() function. V8 handles can only be accessed / from the thread on which they are created. A task runner for posting tasks / on the associated thread can be retrieved via the / cef_v8context_t::get_task_runner() function. /
type OnContextInitializedHandler ¶
type OnContextInitializedHandler interface { OnContextInitialized( self *CBrowserProcessHandlerT, ) }
/ / Called on the browser process UI thread immediately after the CEF context / has been initialized. /
type OnContextMenuCommandHandler ¶ added in v0.1.5
type OnContextMenuCommandHandler interface { OnContextMenuCommand( self *CContextMenuHandlerT, browser *CBrowserT, frame *CFrameT, params *CContextMenuParamsT, command_id int, event_flags CEventFlagsT, ) (ret bool) }
/ / Called to execute a command selected from the context menu. Return true / (1) if the command was handled or false (0) for the default / implementation. See cef_menu_id_t for the command ids that have default / implementations. All user-defined command ids should be between / MENU_ID_USER_FIRST and MENU_ID_USER_LAST. |params| will have the same / values as what was passed to on_before_context_menu(). Do not keep a / reference to |params| outside of this callback. /
type OnContextMenuDismissedHandler ¶ added in v0.1.5
type OnContextMenuDismissedHandler interface { OnContextMenuDismissed( self *CContextMenuHandlerT, browser *CBrowserT, frame *CFrameT, ) }
/ / Called when the context menu is dismissed irregardless of whether the menu / was canceled or a command was selected. /
type OnContextReleasedHandler ¶
type OnContextReleasedHandler interface { OnContextReleased( self *CRenderProcessHandlerT, browser *CBrowserT, frame *CFrameT, context *CV8contextT, ) }
/ / Called immediately before the V8 context for a frame is released. No / references to the context should be kept after this function is called. /
type OnCursorChangeHandler ¶ added in v0.1.5
type OnCursorChangeHandler interface { OnCursorChange( self *CDisplayHandlerT, browser *CBrowserT, cursor CCursorHandleT, ctype CCursorTypeT, custom_cursor_info *CCursorInfoT, ) (ret bool) }
/ / Called when the browser's cursor has changed. If |type| is CT_CUSTOM then / |custom_cursor_info| will be populated with the custom cursor information. / Return true (1) if the cursor change was handled or false (0) for default / handling. /
type OnDevToolsAgentAttachedHandler ¶ added in v0.3.2
type OnDevToolsAgentAttachedHandler interface { OnDevToolsAgentAttached( self *CDevToolsMessageObserverT, browser *CBrowserT, ) }
/ / Method that will be called when the DevTools agent has attached. |browser| / is the originating browser instance. This will generally occur in response / to the first message sent while the agent is detached. /
type OnDevToolsAgentDetachedHandler ¶ added in v0.3.2
type OnDevToolsAgentDetachedHandler interface { OnDevToolsAgentDetached( self *CDevToolsMessageObserverT, browser *CBrowserT, ) }
/ / Method that will be called when the DevTools agent has detached. |browser| / is the originating browser instance. Any function results that were / pending before the agent became detached will not be delivered, and any / active event subscriptions will be canceled. /
type OnDevToolsEventHandler ¶ added in v0.3.2
type OnDevToolsEventHandler interface { OnDevToolsEvent( self *CDevToolsMessageObserverT, browser *CBrowserT, method string, params []byte, ) }
/ / Method that will be called on receipt of a DevTools protocol event. / |browser| is the originating browser instance. |function| is the / "function" value. |params| is the UTF8-encoded JSON "params" dictionary / value (which may be NULL). |params| is only valid for the scope of this / callback and should be copied if necessary. See the OnDevToolsMessage / documentation for additional details on |params| contents. /
type OnDevToolsMessageHandler ¶ added in v0.3.2
type OnDevToolsMessageHandler interface { OnDevToolsMessage( self *CDevToolsMessageObserverT, browser *CBrowserT, message []byte, ) (ret bool) }
/ / Method that will be called on receipt of a DevTools protocol message. / |browser| is the originating browser instance. |message| is a UTF8-encoded / JSON dictionary representing either a function result or an event. / |message| is only valid for the scope of this callback and should be / copied if necessary. Return true (1) if the message was handled or false / (0) if the message should be further processed and passed to the / OnDevToolsMethodResult or OnDevToolsEvent functions as appropriate. / / Method result dictionaries include an "id" (int) value that identifies the / orginating function call sent from / cef_browser_host_t::SendDevToolsMessage, and optionally either a "result" / (dictionary) or "error" (dictionary) value. The "error" dictionary will / contain "code" (int) and "message" (string) values. Event dictionaries / include a "function" (string) value and optionally a "params" (dictionary) / value. See the DevTools protocol documentation at / for details of / supported function calls and the expected "result" or "params" dictionary / contents. JSON dictionaries can be parsed using the CefParseJSON function / if desired, however be aware of performance considerations when parsing / large messages (some of which may exceed 1MB in size). /
type OnDevToolsMethodResultHandler ¶ added in v0.3.2
type OnDevToolsMethodResultHandler interface { OnDevToolsMethodResult( self *CDevToolsMessageObserverT, browser *CBrowserT, message_id int, success int, result []byte, ) }
/ / Method that will be called after attempted execution of a DevTools / protocol function. |browser| is the originating browser instance. / |message_id| is the "id" value that identifies the originating function / call message. If the function succeeded |success| will be true (1) and / |result| will be the UTF8-encoded JSON "result" dictionary value (which / may be NULL). If the function failed |success| will be false (0) and / |result| will be the UTF8-encoded JSON "error" dictionary value. |result| / is only valid for the scope of this callback and should be copied if / necessary. See the OnDevToolsMessage documentation for additional details / on |result| contents. /
type OnDialogClosedHandler ¶ added in v0.1.5
type OnDialogClosedHandler interface { OnDialogClosed( self *CJsdialogHandlerT, browser *CBrowserT, ) }
/ / Called when the dialog is closed. /
type OnDocumentAvailableInMainFrameHandler ¶ added in v0.2.13
type OnDocumentAvailableInMainFrameHandler interface { OnDocumentAvailableInMainFrame( self *CRequestHandlerT, browser *CBrowserT, ) }
/ / Called on the browser process UI thread when the window.document object of / the main frame has been created. /
type OnDownloadDataHandler ¶ added in v0.2.4
type OnDownloadDataHandler interface { OnDownloadData( self *CUrlrequestClientT, request *CUrlrequestT, data []byte, ) }
/ / Called when some part of the response is read. |data| contains the current / bytes received since the last call. This function will not be called if / the UR_FLAG_NO_DOWNLOAD_DATA flag is set on the request. /
type OnDownloadProgressHandler ¶ added in v0.2.4
type OnDownloadProgressHandler interface { OnDownloadProgress( self *CUrlrequestClientT, request *CUrlrequestT, current int64, total int64, ) }
/ / Notifies the client of download progress. |current| denotes the number of / bytes received up to the call and |total| is the expected total size of / the response (or -1 if not determined). /
type OnDownloadUpdatedHandler ¶ added in v0.1.5
type OnDownloadUpdatedHandler interface { OnDownloadUpdated( self *CDownloadHandlerT, browser *CBrowserT, download_item *CDownloadItemT, callback *CDownloadItemCallbackT, ) }
/ / Called when a download's status or progress information has been updated. / This may be called multiple times before and after on_before_download(). / Execute |callback| either asynchronously or in this function to cancel the / download if desired. Do not keep a reference to |download_item| outside of / this function. /
type OnDragEnterHandler ¶ added in v0.1.5
type OnDragEnterHandler interface { OnDragEnter( self *CDragHandlerT, browser *CBrowserT, dragData *CDragDataT, mask CDragOperationsMaskT, ) (ret bool) }
/ / Called when an external drag event enters the browser window. |dragData| / contains the drag event data and |mask| represents the type of drag / operation. Return false (0) for default drag handling behavior or true (1) / to cancel the drag event. /
type OnDraggableRegionsChangedHandler ¶ added in v0.1.5
type OnDraggableRegionsChangedHandler interface { OnDraggableRegionsChanged( self *CDragHandlerT, browser *CBrowserT, frame *CFrameT, regionsCount int64, regions *CDraggableRegionT, ) }
/ / Called whenever draggable regions for the browser window change. These can / be specified using the '-webkit-app-region: drag/no-drag' CSS-property. If / draggable regions are never defined in a document this function will also / never be called. If the last draggable region is removed from a document / this function will be called with an NULL vector. /
type OnEndTracingCompleteHandler ¶ added in v0.3.8
type OnEndTracingCompleteHandler interface { OnEndTracingComplete( self *CEndTracingCallbackT, tracing_file string, ) }
/ / Called after all processes have sent their trace data. |tracing_file| is / the path at which tracing data was written. The client is responsible for / deleting |tracing_file|. /
type OnExtensionLoadFailedHandler ¶ added in v0.1.5
type OnExtensionLoadFailedHandler interface { OnExtensionLoadFailed( self *CExtensionHandlerT, result CErrorcodeT, ) }
/ / Called if the cef_request_context_t::LoadExtension request fails. |result| / will be the error code. /
type OnExtensionLoadedHandler ¶ added in v0.1.5
type OnExtensionLoadedHandler interface { OnExtensionLoaded( self *CExtensionHandlerT, extension *CExtensionT, ) }
/ / Called if the cef_request_context_t::LoadExtension request succeeds. / |extension| is the loaded extension. /
type OnExtensionUnloadedHandler ¶ added in v0.1.5
type OnExtensionUnloadedHandler interface { OnExtensionUnloaded( self *CExtensionHandlerT, extension *CExtensionT, ) }
/ / Called after the cef_extension_t::Unload request has completed. /
type OnFaviconUrlchangeHandler ¶ added in v0.1.5
type OnFaviconUrlchangeHandler interface { OnFaviconUrlchange( self *CDisplayHandlerT, browser *CBrowserT, icon_urls CStringListT, ) }
/ / Called when the page icon changes. /
type OnFileDialogDismissedHandler ¶ added in v0.1.5
type OnFileDialogDismissedHandler interface { OnFileDialogDismissed( self *CRunFileDialogCallbackT, file_paths CStringListT, ) }
/ / Called asynchronously after the file dialog is dismissed. |file_paths| / will be a single value or a list of values depending on the dialog mode. / If the selection was cancelled |file_paths| will be NULL. /
type OnFileDialogHandler ¶ added in v0.1.5
type OnFileDialogHandler interface { OnFileDialog( self *CDialogHandlerT, browser *CBrowserT, mode CFileDialogModeT, title string, default_file_path string, accept_filters CStringListT, callback *CFileDialogCallbackT, ) (ret bool) }
/ / Called to run a file chooser dialog. |mode| represents the type of dialog / to display. |title| to the title to be used for the dialog and may be NULL / to show the default title ("Open" or "Save" depending on the mode). / |default_file_path| is the path with optional directory and/or file name / component that should be initially selected in the dialog. / |accept_filters| are used to restrict the selectable file types and may / any combination of (a) valid lower-cased MIME types (e.g. "text/*" or / "image/*"), (b) individual file extensions (e.g. ".txt" or ".png"), or (c) / combined description and file extension delimited using "|" and ";" (e.g. / "Image Types|.png;.gif;.jpg"). To display a custom dialog return true (1) / and execute |callback| either inline or at a later time. To display the / default dialog return false (0). /
type OnFindResultHandler ¶ added in v0.1.5
type OnFindResultHandler interface { OnFindResult( self *CFindHandlerT, browser *CBrowserT, identifier int, count int, selectionRect *CRectT, activeMatchOrdinal int, finalUpdate int, ) }
/ / Called to report find results returned by cef_browser_host_t::find(). / |identifer| is a unique incremental identifier for the currently active / search, |count| is the number of matches currently identified, / |selectionRect| is the location of where the match was found (in window / coordinates), |activeMatchOrdinal| is the current position in the search / results, and |finalUpdate| is true (1) if this is the last find / notification. /
type OnFocusHandler ¶ added in v0.2.5
type OnFocusHandler interface { OnFocus( self *CViewDelegateT, view *CViewT, ) }
/ / Called when |view| gains focus. /
type OnFocusedNodeChangedHandler ¶
type OnFocusedNodeChangedHandler interface { OnFocusedNodeChanged( self *CRenderProcessHandlerT, browser *CBrowserT, frame *CFrameT, node *CDomnodeT, ) }
/ / Called when a new node in the the browser gets focus. The |node| value may / be NULL if no specific node has gained focus. The node object passed to / this function represents a snapshot of the DOM at the time this function / is executed. DOM objects are only valid for the scope of this function. Do / not keep references to or attempt to access any DOM objects outside the / scope of this function. /
type OnFullscreenModeChangeHandler ¶ added in v0.1.5
type OnFullscreenModeChangeHandler interface { OnFullscreenModeChange( self *CDisplayHandlerT, browser *CBrowserT, fullscreen int, ) }
/ / Called when web content in the page has toggled fullscreen mode. If / |fullscreen| is true (1) the content will automatically be sized to fill / the browser content area. If |fullscreen| is false (0) the content will / automatically return to its original size and position. The client is / responsible for resizing the browser if desired. /
type OnGotFocusHandler ¶ added in v0.1.5
type OnGotFocusHandler interface { OnGotFocus( self *CFocusHandlerT, browser *CBrowserT, ) }
/ / Called when the browser component has received focus. /
type OnImeCompositionRangeChangedHandler ¶ added in v0.1.5
type OnImeCompositionRangeChangedHandler interface { OnImeCompositionRangeChanged( self *CRenderHandlerT, browser *CBrowserT, selected_range *CRangeT, character_boundsCount int64, character_bounds *CRectT, ) }
/ / Called when the IME composition range has changed. |selected_range| is the / range of characters that have been selected. |character_bounds| is the / bounds of each character in view coordinates. /
type OnJsdialogHandler ¶ added in v0.1.5
type OnJsdialogHandler interface { OnJsdialog( self *CJsdialogHandlerT, browser *CBrowserT, origin_url string, dialog_type CJsdialogTypeT, message_text string, default_prompt_text string, callback *CJsdialogCallbackT, ) (ret bool, suppress_message int) }
/ / Called to run a JavaScript dialog. If |origin_url| is non-NULL it can be / passed to the CefFormatUrlForSecurityDisplay function to retrieve a secure / and user-friendly display string. The |default_prompt_text| value will be / specified for prompt dialogs only. Set |suppress_message| to true (1) and / return false (0) to suppress the message (suppressing messages is / preferable to immediately executing the callback as this is used to detect / presumably malicious behavior like spamming alert messages in / onbeforeunload). Set |suppress_message| to false (0) and return false (0) / to use the default implementation (the default implementation will show / one modal dialog at a time and suppress any additional dialog requests / until the displayed dialog is dismissed). Return true (1) if the / application will use a custom dialog or if the callback has been executed / immediately. Custom dialogs may be either modal or modeless. If a custom / dialog is used the application must execute |callback| once the custom / dialog is dismissed. /
type OnLayoutChangedHandler ¶ added in v0.4.2
type OnLayoutChangedHandler interface { OnLayoutChanged( self *CViewDelegateT, view *CViewT, new_bounds *CRectT, ) }
/ / Called when the layout of |view| has changed. /
type OnLoadEndHandler ¶
type OnLoadEndHandler interface { OnLoadEnd( self *CLoadHandlerT, browser *CBrowserT, frame *CFrameT, httpStatusCode int, ) }
/ / Called when the browser is done loading a frame. The |frame| value will / never be NULL -- call the is_main() function to check if this frame is the / main frame. Multiple frames may be loading at the same time. Sub-frames / may start or continue loading after the main frame load has ended. This / function will not be called for same page navigations (fragments, history / state, etc.) or for navigations that fail or are canceled before commit. / For notification of overall browser load status use OnLoadingStateChange / instead. /
type OnLoadErrorHandler ¶
type OnLoadErrorHandler interface { OnLoadError( self *CLoadHandlerT, browser *CBrowserT, frame *CFrameT, errorCode CErrorcodeT, errorText string, failedUrl string, ) }
/ / Called when a navigation fails or is canceled. This function may be called / by itself if before commit or in combination with OnLoadStart/OnLoadEnd if / after commit. |errorCode| is the error code number, |errorText| is the / error text and |failedUrl| is the URL that failed to load. See / net\base\net_error_list.h for complete descriptions of the error codes. /
type OnLoadStartHandler ¶
type OnLoadStartHandler interface { OnLoadStart( self *CLoadHandlerT, browser *CBrowserT, frame *CFrameT, transition_type CTransitionTypeT, ) }
/ / Called after a navigation has been committed and before the browser begins / loading contents in the frame. The |frame| value will never be NULL -- / call the is_main() function to check if this frame is the main frame. / |transition_type| provides information about the source of the navigation / and an accurate value is only available in the browser process. Multiple / frames may be loading at the same time. Sub-frames may start or continue / loading after the main frame load has ended. This function will not be / called for same page navigations (fragments, history state, etc.) or for / navigations that fail or are canceled before commit. For notification of / overall browser load status use OnLoadingStateChange instead. /
type OnLoadingProgressChangeHandler ¶ added in v0.1.5
type OnLoadingProgressChangeHandler interface { OnLoadingProgressChange( self *CDisplayHandlerT, browser *CBrowserT, progress float64, ) }
/ / Called when the overall page loading progress has changed. |progress| / ranges from 0.0 to 1.0. /
type OnLoadingStateChangeHandler ¶
type OnLoadingStateChangeHandler interface { OnLoadingStateChange( self *CLoadHandlerT, browser *CBrowserT, isLoading bool, canGoBack bool, canGoForward bool, ) }
/ / Called when the loading state has changed. This callback will be executed / twice -- once when loading is initiated either programmatically or by user / action, and once when loading is terminated due to completion, / cancellation of failure. It will be called before any calls to OnLoadStart / and after all calls to OnLoadError and/or OnLoadEnd. /
type OnMediaAccessChangeHandler ¶ added in v0.5.4
type OnMediaAccessChangeHandler interface { OnMediaAccessChange( self *CDisplayHandlerT, browser *CBrowserT, has_video_access int, has_audio_access int, ) }
/ / Called when the browser's access to an audio and/or video source has / changed. /
type OnMenuButtonPressedHandler ¶ added in v0.2.5
type OnMenuButtonPressedHandler interface { OnMenuButtonPressed( self *CMenuButtonDelegateT, menu_button *CMenuButtonT, screen_point *CPointT, button_pressed_lock *CMenuButtonPressedLockT, ) }
/ / Called when |button| is pressed. Call cef_menu_button_t::show_menu() to / show a popup menu at |screen_point|. When showing a custom popup such as a / window keep a reference to |button_pressed_lock| until the popup is hidden / to maintain the pressed button state. /
type OnOpenUrlfromTabHandler ¶ added in v0.1.5
type OnOpenUrlfromTabHandler interface { OnOpenUrlfromTab( self *CRequestHandlerT, browser *CBrowserT, frame *CFrameT, target_url string, target_disposition CWindowOpenDispositionT, user_gesture bool, ) (ret bool) }
/ / Called on the UI thread before OnBeforeBrowse in certain limited cases / where navigating a new or different browser might be desirable. This / includes user-initiated navigation that might open in a special way (e.g. / links clicked via middle-click or ctrl + left-click) and certain types of / cross-origin navigation initiated from the renderer process (e.g. / navigating the top-level frame to/from a file URL). The |browser| and / |frame| values represent the source of the navigation. The / |target_disposition| value indicates where the user intended to navigate / the browser based on standard Chromium behaviors (e.g. current tab, new / tab, etc). The |user_gesture| value will be true (1) if the browser / navigated via explicit user gesture (e.g. clicking a link) or false (0) if / it navigated automatically (e.g. via the DomContentLoaded event). Return / true (1) to cancel the navigation or false (0) to allow the navigation to / proceed in the source browser's top-level frame. /
type OnPaintHandler ¶ added in v0.1.5
type OnPaintHandler interface { OnPaint( self *CRenderHandlerT, browser *CBrowserT, ctype CPaintElementTypeT, dirtyRects []CRectT, buffer unsafe.Pointer, width int, height int, ) }
/ / Called when an element should be painted. Pixel values passed to this / function are scaled relative to view coordinates based on the value of / CefScreenInfo.device_scale_factor returned from GetScreenInfo. |type| / indicates whether the element is the view or the popup widget. |buffer| / contains the pixel data for the whole image. |dirtyRects| contains the set / of rectangles in pixel coordinates that need to be repainted. |buffer| / will be |width|*|height|*4 bytes in size and represents a BGRA image with / an upper-left origin. This function is only called when / cef_window_tInfo::shared_texture_enabled is set to false (0). /
type OnParentViewChangedHandler ¶ added in v0.2.5
type OnParentViewChangedHandler interface { OnParentViewChanged( self *CViewDelegateT, view *CViewT, added int, parent *CViewT, ) }
/ / Called when the parent of |view| has changed. If |view| is being added to / |parent| then |added| will be true (1). If |view| is being removed from / |parent| then |added| will be false (0). If |view| is being reparented the / remove notification will be sent before the add notification. Do not / modify the view hierarchy in this callback. /
type OnPdfPrintFinishedHandler ¶ added in v0.3.8
type OnPdfPrintFinishedHandler interface { OnPdfPrintFinished( self *CPdfPrintCallbackT, path string, ok bool, ) }
/ / Method that will be executed when the PDF printing has completed. |path| / is the output path. |ok| will be true (1) if the printing completed / successfully or false (0) otherwise. /
type OnPopupBrowserViewCreatedHandler ¶ added in v0.2.5
type OnPopupBrowserViewCreatedHandler interface { OnPopupBrowserViewCreated( self *CBrowserViewDelegateT, browser_view *CBrowserViewT, popup_browser_view *CBrowserViewT, is_devtools bool, ) (ret bool) }
/ / Called after |popup_browser_view| is created. This function will be called / after cef_life_span_handler_t::on_after_created() and on_browser_created() / are called for the new popup browser. The popup originated from / |browser_view|. |is_devtools| will be true (1) if the popup is a DevTools / browser. Optionally add |popup_browser_view| to the views hierarchy / yourself and return true (1). Otherwise return false (0) and a default / cef_window_t will be created for the popup. /
type OnPopupShowHandler ¶ added in v0.1.5
type OnPopupShowHandler interface { OnPopupShow( self *CRenderHandlerT, browser *CBrowserT, show int, ) }
/ / Called when the browser wants to show or hide the popup widget. The popup / should be shown if |show| is true (1) and hidden if |show| is false (0). /
type OnPopupSizeHandler ¶ added in v0.1.5
type OnPopupSizeHandler interface { OnPopupSize( self *CRenderHandlerT, browser *CBrowserT, rect *CRectT, ) }
/ / Called when the browser wants to move or resize the popup widget. |rect| / contains the new location and size in view coordinates. /
type OnPreKeyEventHandler ¶ added in v0.1.5
type OnPreKeyEventHandler interface { OnPreKeyEvent( self *CKeyboardHandlerT, browser *CBrowserT, event *CKeyEventT, os_event CEventHandleT, ) (ret bool, is_keyboard_shortcut int) }
/ / Called before a keyboard event is sent to the renderer. |event| contains / information about the keyboard event. |os_event| is the operating system / event message, if any. Return true (1) if the event was handled or false / (0) otherwise. If the event will be handled in on_key_event() as a / keyboard shortcut set |is_keyboard_shortcut| to true (1) and return false / (0). /
type OnPrintDialogHandler ¶ added in v0.2.4
type OnPrintDialogHandler interface { OnPrintDialog( self *CPrintHandlerT, browser *CBrowserT, has_selection int, callback *CPrintDialogCallbackT, ) (ret bool) }
/ / Show the print dialog. Execute |callback| once the dialog is dismissed. / Return true (1) if the dialog will be displayed or false (0) to cancel the / printing immediately. /
type OnPrintJobHandler ¶ added in v0.2.4
type OnPrintJobHandler interface { OnPrintJob( self *CPrintHandlerT, browser *CBrowserT, document_name string, pdf_file_path string, callback *CPrintJobCallbackT, ) (ret bool) }
/ / Send the print job to the printer. Execute |callback| once the job is / completed. Return true (1) if the job will proceed or false (0) to cancel / the job immediately. /
type OnPrintResetHandler ¶ added in v0.2.4
type OnPrintResetHandler interface { OnPrintReset( self *CPrintHandlerT, browser *CBrowserT, ) }
/ / Reset client state related to printing. /
type OnPrintSettingsHandler ¶ added in v0.2.4
type OnPrintSettingsHandler interface { OnPrintSettings( self *CPrintHandlerT, browser *CBrowserT, settings *CPrintSettingsT, get_defaults int, ) }
/ / Synchronize |settings| with client state. If |get_defaults| is true (1) / then populate |settings| with the default print settings. Do not keep a / reference to |settings| outside of this callback. /
type OnPrintStartHandler ¶ added in v0.2.4
type OnPrintStartHandler interface { OnPrintStart( self *CPrintHandlerT, browser *CBrowserT, ) }
/ / Called when printing has started for the specified |browser|. This / function will be called before the other OnPrint*() functions and / irrespective of how printing was initiated (e.g. / cef_browser_host_t::print(), JavaScript window.print() or PDF extension / print button). /
type OnProtocolExecutionHandler ¶ added in v0.1.5
type OnProtocolExecutionHandler interface { OnProtocolExecution( self *CResourceRequestHandlerT, browser *CBrowserT, frame *CFrameT, request *CRequestT, ) (allow_os_execution int) }
/ / Called on the IO thread to handle requests for URLs with an unknown / protocol component. The |browser| and |frame| values represent the source / of the request, and may be NULL for requests originating from service / workers or cef_urlrequest_t. |request| cannot be modified in this / callback. Set |allow_os_execution| to true (1) to attempt execution via / the registered OS protocol handler, if any. SECURITY WARNING: YOU SHOULD / USE THIS METHOD TO ENFORCE RESTRICTIONS BASED ON SCHEME, HOST OR OTHER URL / ANALYSIS BEFORE ALLOWING OS EXECUTION. /
type OnQuickMenuCommandHandler ¶ added in v0.5.4
type OnQuickMenuCommandHandler interface { OnQuickMenuCommand( self *CContextMenuHandlerT, browser *CBrowserT, frame *CFrameT, command_id int, event_flags CEventFlagsT, ) (ret bool) }
/ / Called to execute a command selected from the quick menu for a windowless / browser. Return true (1) if the command was handled or false (0) for the / default implementation. See cef_menu_id_t for command IDs that have / default implementations. /
type OnQuickMenuDismissedHandler ¶ added in v0.5.4
type OnQuickMenuDismissedHandler interface { OnQuickMenuDismissed( self *CContextMenuHandlerT, browser *CBrowserT, frame *CFrameT, ) }
/ / Called when the quick menu for a windowless browser is dismissed / irregardless of whether the menu was canceled or a command was selected. /
type OnQuotaRequestHandler ¶ added in v0.1.5
type OnQuotaRequestHandler interface { OnQuotaRequest( self *CRequestHandlerT, browser *CBrowserT, origin_url string, new_size int64, callback *CCallbackT, ) (ret bool) }
/ / Called on the IO thread when JavaScript requests a specific storage quota / size via the webkitStorageInfo.requestQuota function. |origin_url| is the / origin of the page making the request. |new_size| is the requested quota / size in bytes. Return true (1) to continue the request and call / cef_callback_t functions either in this function or at a later time to / grant or deny the request. Return false (0) to cancel the request / immediately. /
type OnRegisterCustomSchemesHandler ¶
type OnRegisterCustomSchemesHandler interface { OnRegisterCustomSchemes( self *CAppT, registrar *CSchemeRegistrarT, ) }
/ / Provides an opportunity to register custom schemes. Do not keep a / reference to the |registrar| object. This function is called on the main / thread for each process and the registered schemes should be the same / across all processes. /
type OnRenderProcessTerminatedHandler ¶ added in v0.1.5
type OnRenderProcessTerminatedHandler interface { OnRenderProcessTerminated( self *CRequestHandlerT, browser *CBrowserT, status CTerminationStatusT, ) }
/ / Called on the browser process UI thread when the render process terminates / unexpectedly. |status| indicates how the process terminated. /
type OnRenderViewReadyHandler ¶ added in v0.1.5
type OnRenderViewReadyHandler interface { OnRenderViewReady( self *CRequestHandlerT, browser *CBrowserT, ) }
/ / Called on the browser process UI thread when the render view associated / with |browser| is ready to receive/handle IPC messages in the render / process. /
type OnRequestCompleteHandler ¶ added in v0.2.4
type OnRequestCompleteHandler interface { OnRequestComplete( self *CUrlrequestClientT, request *CUrlrequestT, ) }
/ / Notifies the client that the request has completed. Use the / cef_urlrequest_t::GetRequestStatus function to determine if the request / was successful or not. /
type OnRequestContextInitializedHandler ¶ added in v0.1.5
type OnRequestContextInitializedHandler interface { OnRequestContextInitialized( self *CRequestContextHandlerT, request_context *CRequestContextT, ) }
/ / Called on the browser process UI thread immediately after the request / context has been initialized. /
type OnResetDialogStateHandler ¶ added in v0.1.5
type OnResetDialogStateHandler interface { OnResetDialogState( self *CJsdialogHandlerT, browser *CBrowserT, ) }
/ / Called to cancel any pending dialogs and reset any saved dialog state. / Will be called due to events like page navigation irregardless of whether / any dialogs are currently pending. /
type OnResourceLoadCompleteHandler ¶ added in v0.1.5
type OnResourceLoadCompleteHandler interface { OnResourceLoadComplete( self *CResourceRequestHandlerT, browser *CBrowserT, frame *CFrameT, request *CRequestT, response *CResponseT, status CUrlrequestStatusT, received_content_length int64, ) }
/ / Called on the IO thread when a resource load has completed. The |browser| / and |frame| values represent the source of the request, and may be NULL / for requests originating from service workers or cef_urlrequest_t. / |request| and |response| represent the request and response respectively / and cannot be modified in this callback. |status| indicates the load / completion status. |received_content_length| is the number of response / bytes actually read. This function will be called for all requests, / including requests that are aborted due to CEF shutdown or destruction of / the associated browser. In cases where the associated browser is destroyed / this callback may arrive after the cef_life_span_handler_t::OnBeforeClose / callback for that browser. The cef_frame_t::IsValid function can be used / to test for this situation, and care should be taken not to call |browser| / or |frame| functions that modify state (like LoadURL, SendProcessMessage, / etc.) if the frame is invalid. /
type OnResourceRedirectHandler ¶ added in v0.1.5
type OnResourceRedirectHandler interface { OnResourceRedirect( self *CResourceRequestHandlerT, browser *CBrowserT, frame *CFrameT, request *CRequestT, response *CResponseT, ) (new_url string) }
/ / Called on the IO thread when a resource load is redirected. The |browser| / and |frame| values represent the source of the request, and may be NULL / for requests originating from service workers or cef_urlrequest_t. The / |request| parameter will contain the old URL and other request-related / information. The |response| parameter will contain the response that / resulted in the redirect. The |new_url| parameter will contain the new URL / and can be changed if desired. The |request| and |response| objects cannot / be modified in this callback. /
type OnResourceResponseHandler ¶ added in v0.1.5
type OnResourceResponseHandler interface { OnResourceResponse( self *CResourceRequestHandlerT, browser *CBrowserT, frame *CFrameT, request *CRequestT, response *CResponseT, ) (ret bool) }
/ / Called on the IO thread when a resource response is received. The / |browser| and |frame| values represent the source of the request, and may / be NULL for requests originating from service workers or cef_urlrequest_t. / To allow the resource load to proceed without modification return false / (0). To redirect or retry the resource load optionally modify |request| / and return true (1). Modification of the request URL will be treated as a / redirect. Requests handled using the default network loader cannot be / redirected in this callback. The |response| object cannot be modified in / this callback. / / WARNING: Redirecting using this function is deprecated. Use / OnBeforeResourceLoad or GetResourceHandler to perform redirects. /
type OnRouteMessageReceivedHandler ¶ added in v0.2.7
type OnRouteMessageReceivedHandler interface { OnRouteMessageReceived( self *CMediaObserverT, route *CMediaRouteT, message []byte, ) }
/ / A message was recieved over |route|. |message| is only valid for the scope / of this callback and should be copied if necessary. /
type OnRouteStateChangedHandler ¶ added in v0.2.7
type OnRouteStateChangedHandler interface { OnRouteStateChanged( self *CMediaObserverT, route *CMediaRouteT, state CMediaRouteConnectionStateT, ) }
/ / The connection state of |route| has changed. /
type OnRoutesHandler ¶ added in v0.2.7
type OnRoutesHandler interface { OnRoutes( self *CMediaObserverT, routes []*CMediaRouteT, ) }
/ / The list of available media routes has changed or / cef_media_router_t::NotifyCurrentRoutes was called. /
type OnScheduleMessagePumpWorkHandler ¶ added in v0.1.5
type OnScheduleMessagePumpWorkHandler interface { OnScheduleMessagePumpWork( self *CBrowserProcessHandlerT, delay_ms int64, ) }
/ / Called from any thread when work has been scheduled for the browser / process main (UI) thread. This callback is used in combination with / cef_settings_t.external_message_pump and cef_do_message_loop_work() in / cases where the CEF message loop must be integrated into an existing / application message loop (see additional comments and warnings on / CefDoMessageLoopWork). This callback should schedule a / cef_do_message_loop_work() call to happen on the main (UI) thread. / |delay_ms| is the requested delay in milliseconds. If |delay_ms| is <= 0 / then the call should happen reasonably soon. If |delay_ms| is > 0 then the / call should be scheduled to happen after the specified delay and any / currently pending scheduled call should be cancelled. /
type OnScrollOffsetChangedHandler ¶ added in v0.1.5
type OnScrollOffsetChangedHandler interface { OnScrollOffsetChanged( self *CRenderHandlerT, browser *CBrowserT, x float64, y float64, ) }
/ / Called when the scroll offset has changed. /
type OnSelectClientCertificateHandler ¶ added in v0.1.5
type OnSelectClientCertificateHandler interface { OnSelectClientCertificate( self *CRequestHandlerT, browser *CBrowserT, isProxy int, host string, port int, certificates []*CX509certificateT, callback *CSelectClientCertificateCallbackT, ) (ret bool) }
/ / Called on the UI thread when a client certificate is being requested for / authentication. Return false (0) to use the default behavior and / automatically select the first certificate available. Return true (1) and / call cef_select_client_certificate_callback_t::Select either in this / function or at a later time to select a certificate. Do not call Select or / call it with NULL to continue without using any certificate. |isProxy| / indicates whether the host is an HTTPS proxy or the origin server. |host| / and |port| contains the hostname and port of the SSL server. / |certificates| is the list of certificates to choose from; this list has / already been pruned by Chromium so that it only contains certificates from / issuers that the server trusts. /
type OnSetFocusHandler ¶ added in v0.1.5
type OnSetFocusHandler interface { OnSetFocus( self *CFocusHandlerT, browser *CBrowserT, source CFocusSourceT, ) (ret bool) }
/ / Called when the browser component is requesting focus. |source| indicates / where the focus request is originating from. Return false (0) to allow the / focus to be set or true (1) to cancel setting the focus. /
type OnSinksHandler ¶ added in v0.2.7
type OnSinksHandler interface { OnSinks( self *CMediaObserverT, sinks []*CMediaSinkT, ) }
/ / The list of available media sinks has changed or / cef_media_router_t::NotifyCurrentSinks was called. /
type OnStatusMessageHandler ¶ added in v0.1.5
type OnStatusMessageHandler interface { OnStatusMessage( self *CDisplayHandlerT, browser *CBrowserT, value string, ) }
/ / Called when the browser receives a status message. |value| contains the / text that will be displayed in the status message. /
type OnTakeFocusHandler ¶ added in v0.1.5
type OnTakeFocusHandler interface { OnTakeFocus( self *CFocusHandlerT, browser *CBrowserT, next int, ) }
/ / Called when the browser component is about to loose focus. For instance, / if focus was on the last HTML element and the user pressed the TAB key. / |next| will be true (1) if the browser is giving focus to the next / component and false (0) if the browser is giving focus to the previous / component. /
type OnTextSelectionChangedHandler ¶ added in v0.1.5
type OnTextSelectionChangedHandler interface { OnTextSelectionChanged( self *CRenderHandlerT, browser *CBrowserT, selected_text string, selected_range *CRangeT, ) }
/ / Called when text selection has changed for the specified |browser|. / |selected_text| is the currently selected text and |selected_range| is the / character range. /
type OnTitleChangeHandler ¶ added in v0.1.5
type OnTitleChangeHandler interface { OnTitleChange( self *CDisplayHandlerT, browser *CBrowserT, title string, ) }
/ / Called when the page title changes. /
type OnTooltipHandler ¶ added in v0.1.5
type OnTooltipHandler interface { OnTooltip( self *CDisplayHandlerT, browser *CBrowserT, text string, ) (ret bool, textOut string) }
/ / Called when the browser is about to display a tooltip. |text| contains the / text that will be displayed in the tooltip. To handle the display of the / tooltip yourself return true (1). Otherwise, you can optionally modify / |text| and then return false (0) to allow the browser to display the / tooltip. When window rendering is disabled the application is responsible / for drawing tooltips and the return value is ignored. /
type OnTouchHandleStateChangedHandler ¶ added in v0.5.4
type OnTouchHandleStateChangedHandler interface { OnTouchHandleStateChanged( self *CRenderHandlerT, browser *CBrowserT, state *CTouchHandleStateT, ) }
/ / Called when touch handle state is updated. The client is responsible for / rendering the touch handles. /
type OnUncaughtExceptionHandler ¶
type OnUncaughtExceptionHandler interface { OnUncaughtException( self *CRenderProcessHandlerT, browser *CBrowserT, frame *CFrameT, context *CV8contextT, exception *CV8exceptionT, stackTrace *CV8stackTraceT, ) }
/ / Called for global uncaught exceptions in a frame. Execution of this / callback is disabled by default. To enable set / cef_settings_t.uncaught_exception_stack_size > 0. /
type OnUploadProgressHandler ¶ added in v0.2.4
type OnUploadProgressHandler interface { OnUploadProgress( self *CUrlrequestClientT, request *CUrlrequestT, current int64, total int64, ) }
/ / Notifies the client of upload progress. |current| denotes the number of / bytes sent so far and |total| is the total size of uploading data (or -1 / if chunked upload is enabled). This function will only be called if the / UR_FLAG_REPORT_UPLOAD_PROGRESS flag is set on the request. /
type OnVirtualKeyboardRequestedHandler ¶ added in v0.1.5
type OnVirtualKeyboardRequestedHandler interface { OnVirtualKeyboardRequested( self *CRenderHandlerT, browser *CBrowserT, input_mode CTextInputModeT, ) }
/ / Called when an on-screen keyboard should be shown or hidden for the / specified |browser|. |input_mode| specifies what kind of keyboard should / be opened. If |input_mode| is CEF_TEXT_INPUT_MODE_NONE, any existing / keyboard for this browser should be hidden. /
type OnWebKitInitializedHandler ¶
type OnWebKitInitializedHandler interface { OnWebKitInitialized( self *CRenderProcessHandlerT, ) }
/ / Called after WebKit has been initialized. /
type OnWindowActivationChangedHandler ¶ added in v0.5.3
type OnWindowActivationChangedHandler interface { OnWindowActivationChanged( self *CWindowDelegateT, window *CWindowT, active int, ) }
/ / Called when |window| is activated or deactivated. /
type OnWindowChangedHandler ¶ added in v0.4.0
type OnWindowChangedHandler interface { OnWindowChanged( self *CViewDelegateT, view *CViewT, added int, ) }
/ / Called when |view| is added or removed from the cef_window_t. /
type OnWindowCreatedHandler ¶ added in v0.2.5
type OnWindowCreatedHandler interface { OnWindowCreated( self *CWindowDelegateT, window *CWindowT, ) }
/ / Called when |window| is created. /
type OnWindowDestroyedHandler ¶ added in v0.2.5
type OnWindowDestroyedHandler interface { OnWindowDestroyed( self *CWindowDelegateT, window *CWindowT, ) }
/ / Called when |window| is destroyed. Release all references to |window| and / do not attempt to execute any functions on |window| after this callback / returns. /
type OpenHandler ¶ added in v0.1.7
type OpenHandler interface { Open( self *CResourceHandlerT, request *CRequestT, callback *CCallbackT, ) (ret bool, handle_request bool) }
/ / Open the response stream. To handle the request immediately set / |handle_request| to true (1) and return true (1). To decide at a later / time set |handle_request| to false (0), return true (1), and execute / |callback| to continue or cancel the request. To cancel the request / immediately set |handle_request| to true (1) and return false (0). This / function will be called in sequence but not from a dedicated thread. For / backwards compatibility set |handle_request| to false (0) and return false / (0) and the ProcessRequest function will be called. /
type ProcessRequestHandler ¶
type ProcessRequestHandler interface { ProcessRequest( self *CResourceHandlerT, request *CRequestT, callback *CCallbackT, ) (ret bool) }
/ / Begin processing the request. To handle the request return true (1) and / call cef_callback_t::cont() once the response header information is / available (cef_callback_t::cont() can also be called from inside this / function if header information is available immediately). To cancel the / request return false (0). / / WARNING: This function is deprecated. Use Open instead. /
type ReleaseBufferHandler ¶ added in v0.1.5
type ReleaseBufferHandler interface { ReleaseBuffer( self *CV8arrayBufferReleaseCallbackT, buffer unsafe.Pointer, ) }
/ / Called to release |buffer| when the ArrayBuffer JS object is garbage / collected. |buffer| is the value that was passed to CreateArrayBuffer / along with this object. /
type RunContextMenuHandler ¶ added in v0.1.5
type RunContextMenuHandler interface { RunContextMenu( self *CContextMenuHandlerT, browser *CBrowserT, frame *CFrameT, params *CContextMenuParamsT, model *CMenuModelT, callback *CRunContextMenuCallbackT, ) (ret bool) }
/ / Called to allow custom display of the context menu. |params| provides / information about the context menu state. |model| contains the context / menu model resulting from OnBeforeContextMenu. For custom display return / true (1) and execute |callback| either synchronously or asynchronously / with the selected command ID. For default display return false (0). Do not / keep references to |params| or |model| outside of this callback. /
type RunQuickMenuHandler ¶ added in v0.5.4
type RunQuickMenuHandler interface { RunQuickMenu( self *CContextMenuHandlerT, browser *CBrowserT, frame *CFrameT, location *CPointT, size *CSizeT, edit_state_flags CQuickMenuEditStateFlagsT, callback *CRunQuickMenuCallbackT, ) (ret bool) }
/ / Called to allow custom display of the quick menu for a windowless browser. / |location| is the top left corner of the selected region. |size| is the / size of the selected region. |edit_state_flags| is a combination of flags / that represent the state of the quick menu. Return true (1) if the menu / will be handled and execute |callback| either synchronously or / asynchronously with the selected command ID. Return false (0) to cancel / the menu. /
type SetHandler ¶ added in v0.2.4
type SetHandler interface { Set( self *CV8accessorT, name string, object *CV8valueT, value *CV8valueT, ) (ret bool, exception string) }
/ / Handle assignment of the accessor value identified by |name|. |object| is / the receiver ('this' object) of the accessor. |value| is the new value / being assigned to the accessor. If assignment fails set |exception| to the / exception that will be thrown. Return true (1) if accessor assignment was / handled. /
type Settings ¶
type Settings struct { LogSeverity CLogSeverityT NoSandbox int MultiThreadedMessageLoop int RemoteDebuggingPort int }
type SkipHandler ¶ added in v0.1.7
type SkipHandler interface { Skip( self *CResourceHandlerT, bytes_to_skip int64, callback *CResourceSkipCallbackT, ) (ret bool, bytes_skipped int64) }
/ / Skip response data when requested by a Range header. Skip over and discard / |bytes_to_skip| bytes of response data. If data is available immediately / set |bytes_skipped| to the number of bytes skipped and return true (1). To / read the data at a later time set |bytes_skipped| to 0, return true (1) / and execute |callback| when the data is available. To indicate failure set / |bytes_skipped| to < 0 (e.g. -2 for ERR_FAILED) and return false (0). This / function will be called in sequence but not from a dedicated thread. /
type StartDraggingHandler ¶ added in v0.1.5
type StartDraggingHandler interface { StartDragging( self *CRenderHandlerT, browser *CBrowserT, drag_data *CDragDataT, allowed_ops CDragOperationsMaskT, x int, y int, ) (ret bool) }
/ / Called when the user starts dragging content in the web view. Contextual / information about the dragged content is supplied by |drag_data|. (|x|, / |y|) is the drag start location in screen coordinates. OS APIs that run a / system message loop may be used within the StartDragging call. / / Return false (0) to abort the drag operation. Don't call any of / cef_browser_host_t::DragSource*Ended* functions after returning false (0). / / Return true (1) to handle the drag operation. Call / cef_browser_host_t::DragSourceEndedAt and DragSourceSystemDragEnded either / synchronously or asynchronously to inform the web view that the drag / operation has ended. /
type UnhandledCloseSubmenuHandler ¶ added in v0.1.5
type UnhandledCloseSubmenuHandler interface { CMenuModelDelegateT, menu_model *CMenuModelT, is_rtl int, ) }self *
/ / Called on unhandled close submenu keyboard commands. |is_rtl| will be true / (1) if the menu is displaying a right-to-left language. /
type UnhandledOpenSubmenuHandler ¶ added in v0.1.5
type UnhandledOpenSubmenuHandler interface { CMenuModelDelegateT, menu_model *CMenuModelT, is_rtl int, ) }self *
/ / Called on unhandled open submenu keyboard commands. |is_rtl| will be true / (1) if the menu is displaying a right-to-left language. /
type UpdateDragCursorHandler ¶ added in v0.1.5
type UpdateDragCursorHandler interface { UpdateDragCursor( self *CRenderHandlerT, browser *CBrowserT, operation CDragOperationsMaskT, ) }
/ / Called when the web view wants to update the mouse cursor during a drag & / drop operation. |operation| describes the allowed operation (none, move, / copy, link). /
type WriteHandler ¶ added in v0.2.4
type WriteHandler interface { Write( self *CWriteHandlerT, ptr []byte, size int64, n int64, ) (ret int64) }
/ / Write raw binary data. /