A CLI tool for scaffolding out new AWS ECS/Fargate applications based on terraform-ecs-fargate and Fargate CLI.
The main design goal of this project is to create an easy and maintainable Fargate experience by separating infrastructure
related concerns and application
related concerns using tools that are optimized for each.
Assuming you have a project with a Dockerfile...
Specify your template's input parameters in terraform.tfvars. The default web application template's input looks like this.
region = "us-east-1"
aws_profile = "default"
app = "my-app"
environment = "dev"
internal = "true"
container_name = "app"
container_port = "8080"
lb_port = "80"
lb_protocol = "HTTP"
replicas = "1"
health_check = "/health"
health_check_interval = "10"
health_check_timeout = "5"
health_check_matcher = "200-299"
vpc = "xyz"
private_subnets = "xyz,abc"
public_subnets = "def,ghi"
saml_role = "devops"
tags = {
app = "my-app"
env = "dev"
$ fargate-create
scaffolding my-app dev
Looking up AWS Account ID using profile: default
downloading terraform template https://github.com/turnerlabs/terraform-ecs-fargate/archive/v0.2.0.zip
installing terraform template
Now you have all the files you need to spin up something in Fargate.
Infrastructure: provision using Terraform
cd iac/base
tf init && tf apply
cd ../env/dev
tf init && tf apply
Application: build/push using Docker and deploy using Fargate CLI
docker-compose build
login=$(aws ecr get-login --no-include-email) && eval "$login"
docker-compose push
fargate service deploy -f docker-compose.yml
To scaffold out additional environnments, simply change the environment
input parameter in terraform.tfvars
and re-run
$ fargate-create
scaffolding my-app prod
Looking up AWS Account ID using profile: default
downloading terraform template https://github.com/turnerlabs/terraform-ecs-fargate/archive/v0.2.0.zip
installing terraform template
iac/base already exists, ignoring
| |____base
| |____env
| | |____dev
| | |____prod
CI/CD (coming soon)
Using this technique, it's easy to codegen CI/CD pipelines for many popular build tools. The build
command support this. For example:
$ fargate-create build circleciv2
works with any terraform template repo (-t
) that has:
and env/dev
directory structure
- a
with an s3 remote state backend
and environment
input variables
For example (coming soon):
$ fargate-create -f scheduledtask.tfvars -t https://github.com/example/terraform-scheduledtask/archive/v0.1.0.zip