Overview ¶
Package aws implements a steampipe plugin for aws. This plugin provides data that Steampipe uses to present foreign tables that represent Amazon AWS resources.
Index ¶
- func ACMClient(ctx context.Context, d *plugin.QueryData) (*acm.Client, error)
- func ACMPCAClient(ctx context.Context, d *plugin.QueryData) (*acmpca.Client, error)
- func APIGatewayClient(ctx context.Context, d *plugin.QueryData) (*apigateway.Client, error)
- func APIGatewayV2Client(ctx context.Context, d *plugin.QueryData) (*apigatewayv2.Client, error)
- func AccessAnalyzerClient(ctx context.Context, d *plugin.QueryData) (*accessanalyzer.Client, error)
- func AccountClient(ctx context.Context, d *plugin.QueryData) (*account.Client, error)
- func AllCostMetrics() []string
- func AllRegionsMatrix(ctx context.Context, d *plugin.QueryData) []map[string]interface{}
- func AmplifyClient(ctx context.Context, d *plugin.QueryData) (*amplify.Client, error)
- func AppConfigClient(ctx context.Context, d *plugin.QueryData) (*appconfig.Client, error)
- func AppRunnerClient(ctx context.Context, d *plugin.QueryData) (*apprunner.Client, error)
- func AppStreamClient(ctx context.Context, d *plugin.QueryData) (*appstream.Client, error)
- func AppSyncClient(ctx context.Context, d *plugin.QueryData) (*appsync.Client, error)
- func ApplicationAutoScalingClient(ctx context.Context, d *plugin.QueryData) (*applicationautoscaling.Client, error)
- func AthenaClient(ctx context.Context, d *plugin.QueryData) (*athena.Client, error)
- func AuditManagerClient(ctx context.Context, d *plugin.QueryData) (*auditmanager.Client, error)
- func AutoScalingClient(ctx context.Context, d *plugin.QueryData) (*autoscaling.Client, error)
- func BackupClient(ctx context.Context, d *plugin.QueryData) (*backup.Client, error)
- func CloudControlClient(ctx context.Context, d *plugin.QueryData) (*cloudcontrol.Client, error)
- func CloudFormationClient(ctx context.Context, d *plugin.QueryData) (*cloudformation.Client, error)
- func CloudFrontClient(ctx context.Context, d *plugin.QueryData) (*cloudfront.Client, error)
- func CloudSearchClient(ctx context.Context, d *plugin.QueryData) (*cloudsearch.Client, error)
- func CloudTrailClient(ctx context.Context, d *plugin.QueryData) (*cloudtrail.Client, error)
- func CloudTrailRegionsClient(ctx context.Context, d *plugin.QueryData, region string) (*cloudtrail.Client, error)
- func CloudWatchClient(ctx context.Context, d *plugin.QueryData) (*cloudwatch.Client, error)
- func CloudWatchLogsClient(ctx context.Context, d *plugin.QueryData) (*cloudwatchlogs.Client, error)
- func CloudWatchRegionsMatrix(ctx context.Context, d *plugin.QueryData) []map[string]interface{}
- func CodeArtifactClient(ctx context.Context, d *plugin.QueryData) (*codeartifact.Client, error)
- func CodeBuildClient(ctx context.Context, d *plugin.QueryData) (*codebuild.Client, error)
- func CodeCommitClient(ctx context.Context, d *plugin.QueryData) (*codecommit.Client, error)
- func CodeDeployClient(ctx context.Context, d *plugin.QueryData) (*codedeploy.Client, error)
- func CodeDeployDeploymentGroupArn(ctx context.Context, d *plugin.QueryData, h *plugin.HydrateData) string
- func CodePipelineClient(ctx context.Context, d *plugin.QueryData) (*codepipeline.Client, error)
- func CodeStarNotificationsClient(ctx context.Context, d *plugin.QueryData) (*codestarnotifications.Client, error)
- func CognitoIdentityClient(ctx context.Context, d *plugin.QueryData) (*cognitoidentity.Client, error)
- func CognitoIdentityProviderClient(ctx context.Context, d *plugin.QueryData) (*cognitoidentityprovider.Client, error)
- func ConfigClient(ctx context.Context, d *plugin.QueryData) (*configservice.Client, error)
- func ConfigInstance() interface{}
- func CostExplorerClient(ctx context.Context, d *plugin.QueryData) (*costexplorer.Client, error)
- func CostOptimizationHubClient(ctx context.Context, d *plugin.QueryData) (*costoptimizationhub.Client, error)
- func DAXClient(ctx context.Context, d *plugin.QueryData) (*dax.Client, error)
- func DLMClient(ctx context.Context, d *plugin.QueryData) (*dlm.Client, error)
- func DRSClient(ctx context.Context, d *plugin.QueryData) (*drs.Client, error)
- func DatabaseMigrationClient(ctx context.Context, d *plugin.QueryData) (*databasemigrationservice.Client, error)
- func DirectoryServiceClient(ctx context.Context, d *plugin.QueryData) (*directoryservice.Client, error)
- func DocDBClient(ctx context.Context, d *plugin.QueryData) (*docdb.Client, error)
- func DocDBClusterInstanceTagListToTurbotTags(ctx context.Context, d *transform.TransformData) (interface{}, error)
- func DynamoDBClient(ctx context.Context, d *plugin.QueryData) (*dynamodb.Client, error)
- func EC2Client(ctx context.Context, d *plugin.QueryData) (*ec2.Client, error)
- func EC2ClientForRegion(ctx context.Context, d *plugin.QueryData, region string) (*ec2.Client, error)
- func EC2LowRetryClientForRegion(ctx context.Context, d *plugin.QueryData, region string) (*ec2.Client, error)
- func ECRClient(ctx context.Context, d *plugin.QueryData) (*ecr.Client, error)
- func ECRPublicClient(ctx context.Context, d *plugin.QueryData) (*ecrpublic.Client, error)
- func ECSClient(ctx context.Context, d *plugin.QueryData) (*ecs.Client, error)
- func EFSClient(ctx context.Context, d *plugin.QueryData) (*efs.Client, error)
- func EKSClient(ctx context.Context, d *plugin.QueryData) (*eks.Client, error)
- func ELBClient(ctx context.Context, d *plugin.QueryData) (*elasticloadbalancing.Client, error)
- func ELBV2Client(ctx context.Context, d *plugin.QueryData) (*elasticloadbalancingv2.Client, error)
- func EMRClient(ctx context.Context, d *plugin.QueryData) (*emr.Client, error)
- func ElastiCacheClient(ctx context.Context, d *plugin.QueryData) (*elasticache.Client, error)
- func ElasticBeanstalkClient(ctx context.Context, d *plugin.QueryData) (*elasticbeanstalk.Client, error)
- func ElasticsearchClient(ctx context.Context, d *plugin.QueryData) (*elasticsearchservice.Client, error)
- func EmrInstanceGroupTitle(_ context.Context, d *transform.TransformData) (interface{}, error)
- func EventBridgeClient(ctx context.Context, d *plugin.QueryData) (*eventbridge.Client, error)
- func FMSClient(ctx context.Context, d *plugin.QueryData) (*fms.Client, error)
- func FSxClient(ctx context.Context, d *plugin.QueryData) (*fsx.Client, error)
- func FirehoseClient(ctx context.Context, d *plugin.QueryData) (*firehose.Client, error)
- func GetConfig(connection *plugin.Connection) awsConfig
- func GetEnabledStandards(ctx context.Context, d *plugin.QueryData, h *plugin.HydrateData) (interface{}, error)
- func GlacierClient(ctx context.Context, d *plugin.QueryData) (*glacier.Client, error)
- func GlobalAcceleratorClient(ctx context.Context, d *plugin.QueryData) (*globalaccelerator.Client, error)
- func GlueClient(ctx context.Context, d *plugin.QueryData) (*glue.Client, error)
- func GuardDutyClient(ctx context.Context, d *plugin.QueryData) (*guardduty.Client, error)
- func HealthClient(ctx context.Context, d *plugin.QueryData) (*health.Client, error)
- func IAMClient(ctx context.Context, d *plugin.QueryData) (*iam.Client, error)
- func IdentityStoreClient(ctx context.Context, d *plugin.QueryData) (*identitystore.Client, error)
- func Inspector2Client(ctx context.Context, d *plugin.QueryData) (*inspector2.Client, error)
- func InspectorClient(ctx context.Context, d *plugin.QueryData) (*inspector.Client, error)
- func IoTClient(ctx context.Context, d *plugin.QueryData) (*iot.Client, error)
- func KMSClient(ctx context.Context, d *plugin.QueryData) (*kms.Client, error)
- func KafkaClient(ctx context.Context, d *plugin.QueryData) (*kafka.Client, error)
- func KeyspacesClient(ctx context.Context, d *plugin.QueryData) (*keyspaces.Client, error)
- func KinesisAnalyticsV2Client(ctx context.Context, d *plugin.QueryData) (*kinesisanalyticsv2.Client, error)
- func KinesisClient(ctx context.Context, d *plugin.QueryData) (*kinesis.Client, error)
- func KinesisVideoClient(ctx context.Context, d *plugin.QueryData) (*kinesisvideo.Client, error)
- func LakeFormationClient(ctx context.Context, d *plugin.QueryData) (*lakeformation.Client, error)
- func LambdaClient(ctx context.Context, d *plugin.QueryData) (*lambda.Client, error)
- func LightsailClient(ctx context.Context, d *plugin.QueryData) (*lightsail.Client, error)
- func ListAwsMGNApplications(ctx context.Context, d *plugin.QueryData, h *plugin.HydrateData) (interface{}, error)
- func MGNClient(ctx context.Context, d *plugin.QueryData) (*mgn.Client, error)
- func MQClient(ctx context.Context, d *plugin.QueryData) (*mq.Client, error)
- func Macie2Client(ctx context.Context, d *plugin.QueryData) (*macie2.Client, error)
- func MediaStoreClient(ctx context.Context, d *plugin.QueryData) (*mediastore.Client, error)
- func MemoryDBClient(ctx context.Context, d *plugin.QueryData) (*memorydb.Client, error)
- func NeptuneClient(ctx context.Context, d *plugin.QueryData) (*neptune.Client, error)
- func NetworkFirewallClient(ctx context.Context, d *plugin.QueryData) (*networkfirewall.Client, error)
- func NormalizeRegion(region string) string
- func OAMClient(ctx context.Context, d *plugin.QueryData) (*oam.Client, error)
- func OpenSearchClient(ctx context.Context, d *plugin.QueryData) (*opensearch.Client, error)
- func OrganizationClient(ctx context.Context, d *plugin.QueryData) (*organizations.Client, error)
- func PinpointClient(ctx context.Context, d *plugin.QueryData) (*pinpoint.Client, error)
- func PipesClient(ctx context.Context, d *plugin.QueryData) (*pipes.Client, error)
- func Plugin(ctx context.Context) *plugin.Plugin
- func PricingClient(ctx context.Context, d *plugin.QueryData) (*pricing.Client, error)
- func RAMClient(ctx context.Context, d *plugin.QueryData) (*ram.Client, error)
- func RDSClient(ctx context.Context, d *plugin.QueryData) (*rds.Client, error)
- func RDSDBProxyClient(ctx context.Context, d *plugin.QueryData) (*rds.Client, error)
- func RDSDBRecommendationClient(ctx context.Context, d *plugin.QueryData) (*rds.Client, error)
- func RedshiftClient(ctx context.Context, d *plugin.QueryData) (*redshift.Client, error)
- func RedshiftServerlessClient(ctx context.Context, d *plugin.QueryData) (*redshiftserverless.Client, error)
- func ResourceExplorerClient(ctx context.Context, d *plugin.QueryData, region string) (*resourceexplorer2.Client, error)
- func ResourceGroupsTaggingClient(ctx context.Context, d *plugin.QueryData) (*resourcegroupstaggingapi.Client, error)
- func Route53Client(ctx context.Context, d *plugin.QueryData) (*route53.Client, error)
- func Route53DomainsClient(ctx context.Context, d *plugin.QueryData) (*route53domains.Client, error)
- func Route53ResolverClient(ctx context.Context, d *plugin.QueryData) (*route53resolver.Client, error)
- func S3Client(ctx context.Context, d *plugin.QueryData, region string) (*s3.Client, error)
- func S3ControlClient(ctx context.Context, d *plugin.QueryData, region string) (*s3control.Client, error)
- func S3ControlMultiRegionAccessClient(ctx context.Context, d *plugin.QueryData) (*s3control.Client, error)
- func SESClient(ctx context.Context, d *plugin.QueryData) (*ses.Client, error)
- func SNSClient(ctx context.Context, d *plugin.QueryData) (*sns.Client, error)
- func SQSClient(ctx context.Context, d *plugin.QueryData) (*sqs.Client, error)
- func SSMClient(ctx context.Context, d *plugin.QueryData) (*ssm.Client, error)
- func SSMIncidentsClient(ctx context.Context, d *plugin.QueryData) (*ssmincidents.Client, error)
- func SSOAdminClient(ctx context.Context, d *plugin.QueryData) (*ssoadmin.Client, error)
- func STSClient(ctx context.Context, d *plugin.QueryData) (*sts.Client, error)
- func SageMakerClient(ctx context.Context, d *plugin.QueryData) (*sagemaker.Client, error)
- func SchedulerClient(ctx context.Context, d *plugin.QueryData) (*scheduler.Client, error)
- func SecretsManagerClient(ctx context.Context, d *plugin.QueryData) (*secretsmanager.Client, error)
- func SecurityHubClient(ctx context.Context, d *plugin.QueryData) (*securityhub.Client, error)
- func SecurityHubClientConfig(ctx context.Context, d *plugin.QueryData) (*aws.Config, error)
- func SecurityLakeClient(ctx context.Context, d *plugin.QueryData) (*securitylake.Client, error)
- func ServerlessApplicationRepositoryClient(ctx context.Context, d *plugin.QueryData) (*serverlessapplicationrepository.Client, error)
- func ServiceCatalogClient(ctx context.Context, d *plugin.QueryData) (*servicecatalog.Client, error)
- func ServiceDiscoveryClient(ctx context.Context, d *plugin.QueryData) (*servicediscovery.Client, error)
- func ServiceQuotasClient(ctx context.Context, d *plugin.QueryData) (*servicequotas.Client, error)
- func ShieldClient(ctx context.Context, d *plugin.QueryData) (*shield.Client, error)
- func SimSpaceWeaverClient(ctx context.Context, d *plugin.QueryData) (*simspaceweaver.Client, error)
- func StepFunctionsClient(ctx context.Context, d *plugin.QueryData) (*sfn.Client, error)
- func SupportClient(ctx context.Context, d *plugin.QueryData) (*support.Client, error)
- func SupportedRegionMatrix(serviceID string) func(ctx context.Context, d *plugin.QueryData) []map[string]interface{}
- func SupportedRegionMatrixWithExclusions(serviceID string, excludeRegions []string) func(ctx context.Context, d *plugin.QueryData) []map[string]interface{}
- func TimestreamwriteClient(ctx context.Context, d *plugin.QueryData) (*timestreamwrite.Client, error)
- func TransferClient(ctx context.Context, d *plugin.QueryData) (*transfer.Client, error)
- func WAFClient(ctx context.Context, d *plugin.QueryData) (*waf.Client, error)
- func WAFRegionMatrix(ctx context.Context, d *plugin.QueryData) []map[string]interface{}
- func WAFRegionalClient(ctx context.Context, d *plugin.QueryData) (*wafregional.Client, error)
- func WAFV2Client(ctx context.Context, d *plugin.QueryData, region string) (*wafv2.Client, error)
- func WellArchitectedClient(ctx context.Context, d *plugin.QueryData) (*wellarchitected.Client, error)
- func WorkspacesClient(ctx context.Context, d *plugin.QueryData) (*workspaces.Client, error)
- type AnswerInfo
- type AttackExtended
- type CEMetricRow
- type CEQuals
- type CWMetricRow
- type CaseSensitiveValue
- type CertInfo
- type CheckDetailInfo
- type CheckSummaryInfo
- type ConfigurationDetails
- type DestinationInfo
- type ExclusionInfo
- type ExponentialJitterBackoff
- type FilterQual
- type FilterQuals
- type GetQueryInfo
- type HCLoggerToSmithyLoggerWrapper
- type HostedZoneResult
- type IdentityProviderConfig
- type IdentityStoreGroup
- type IdentityStoreUser
- type InspectorFindingInfo
- type IntelligentTieringConfigurationInfo
- type InventoryEntryInfo
- type InventoryInfo
- type LaunchPermissions
- type LayerVersionInfo
- type LensInfo
- type LensReviewInfo
- type LensShareInfo
- type ListQueryInfo
- type ManagedPolicyAttachment
- type MethodInfo
- type MetricDataPoint
- type MetricStatistics
- type NoOpRateLimit
- type Offer
- type OpenIDConnectProvider
- type OrgAccount
- type OrganizationalUnit
- type Parameter
- type ParliamentCondition
- type ParliamentPermissions
- type ParliamentPrivilege
- type ParliamentResource
- type ParliamentResourceType
- type ParliamentService
- type PermissionInfo
- type PermissionSetItem
- type Policy
- type PolicyAttachment
- type PolicyInfo
- type PrefixListEntryInfo
- type PriceDimension
- type PriceList
- type Principal
- type Product
- type ProductSubscription
- type RegionsData
- type ReviewImprovementInfo
- type ReviewReportInfo
- type RotationInfo
- type RouteDetails
- type RouteInfo
- type SAMLProvider
- type SearchStreamItem
- type ServerCertificate
- type ServiceDetail
- type ServiceInstanceInfo
- type SsoAdminAccountAssignmentItem
- type Statement
- type Statements
- type Term
- type TermAttributes
- type TransferUserInfo
- type VPCAssociationAuthorizationResult
- type Value
- type VpcFilterKeyMap
- type WorkloadShareInfo
Constants ¶
This section is empty.
Variables ¶
This section is empty.
Functions ¶
func ACMPCAClient ¶ added in v0.133.0
func APIGatewayClient ¶ added in v0.72.0
func APIGatewayV2Client ¶ added in v0.72.0
func AccessAnalyzerClient ¶ added in v0.79.0
AccessAnalyzerClient returns the service connection for AWS IAM Access Analyzer service
func AccountClient ¶ added in v0.78.0
AccountClient is used to query general information about an AWS account.
func AllCostMetrics ¶ added in v0.19.0
func AllCostMetrics() []string
AllCostMetrics is a constant returning all the cost metrics
func AllRegionsMatrix ¶ added in v0.93.0
Return a matrix of all regions for tables that target every region. It's normally better to use SupportedRegionMatrix instead, as it will filter out regions that are not enabled for the specific service.
func AmplifyClient ¶ added in v0.80.0
func AppConfigClient ¶ added in v0.77.0
func AppRunnerClient ¶ added in v0.146.0
func AppStreamClient ¶ added in v0.97.0
func AppSyncClient ¶ added in v0.127.0
func ApplicationAutoScalingClient ¶ added in v0.80.0
func AthenaClient ¶ added in v0.99.0
func AuditManagerClient ¶ added in v0.79.0
func AutoScalingClient ¶ added in v0.75.0
func BackupClient ¶ added in v0.79.0
func CloudControlClient ¶ added in v0.79.0
func CloudFormationClient ¶ added in v0.79.0
func CloudFrontClient ¶ added in v0.79.0
func CloudSearchClient ¶ added in v0.85.0
func CloudTrailClient ¶ added in v0.79.0
func CloudTrailRegionsClient ¶ added in v0.79.0
func CloudWatchClient ¶ added in v0.80.0
func CloudWatchLogsClient ¶ added in v0.79.0
func CloudWatchRegionsMatrix ¶ added in v0.93.0
_metric_ tables must all be limited to the CloudWatch service regions. This is a convenience function for them to use.
func CodeArtifactClient ¶ added in v0.77.0
func CodeBuildClient ¶ added in v0.79.0
func CodeCommitClient ¶ added in v0.81.0
func CodeDeployClient ¶ added in v0.77.0
func CodeDeployDeploymentGroupArn ¶ added in v0.97.0
func CodePipelineClient ¶ added in v0.79.0
func CodeStarNotificationsClient ¶ added in v0.140.0
func CognitoIdentityClient ¶ added in v0.117.0
func CognitoIdentityProviderClient ¶ added in v0.116.0
func ConfigClient ¶ added in v0.79.0
func ConfigInstance ¶ added in v0.5.0
func ConfigInstance() interface{}
func CostExplorerClient ¶ added in v0.75.0
func CostOptimizationHubClient ¶ added in v1.5.0
func DatabaseMigrationClient ¶ added in v0.79.0
func DirectoryServiceClient ¶ added in v0.79.0
func DocDBClient ¶ added in v0.76.0
func DocDBClusterInstanceTagListToTurbotTags ¶ added in v0.105.0
func DocDBClusterInstanceTagListToTurbotTags(ctx context.Context, d *transform.TransformData) (interface{}, error)
func DynamoDBClient ¶ added in v0.79.0
func EC2ClientForRegion ¶ added in v0.93.0
func EC2ClientForRegion(ctx context.Context, d *plugin.QueryData, region string) (*ec2.Client, error)
Get an EC2 client for a specific region. Used by various hydrate functions pulling data from regions other than the query region.
func EC2LowRetryClientForRegion ¶ added in v0.93.0
func EC2LowRetryClientForRegion(ctx context.Context, d *plugin.QueryData, region string) (*ec2.Client, error)
Get an EC2 client with a small number of retries. Used in very specific situations like listing regions where fast failure is preferred over a long retry/backoff loop. Do not use for general tables.
func ECRPublicClient ¶ added in v0.79.0
func ELBV2Client ¶ added in v0.75.0
func ElastiCacheClient ¶ added in v0.79.0
func ElasticBeanstalkClient ¶ added in v0.79.0
func ElasticsearchClient ¶ added in v0.80.0
func EmrInstanceGroupTitle ¶ added in v0.29.0
func EmrInstanceGroupTitle(_ context.Context, d *transform.TransformData) (interface{}, error)
func EventBridgeClient ¶ added in v0.80.0
func FirehoseClient ¶ added in v0.80.0
func GetConfig ¶ added in v0.5.0
func GetConfig(connection *plugin.Connection) awsConfig
GetConfig :: retrieve and cast connection config from query data
func GetEnabledStandards ¶ added in v0.30.0
func GlacierClient ¶ added in v0.80.0
func GlobalAcceleratorClient ¶ added in v0.81.0
func GlueClient ¶ added in v0.79.0
func GuardDutyClient ¶ added in v0.80.0
func HealthClient ¶ added in v0.85.0
func IdentityStoreClient ¶ added in v0.80.0
func Inspector2Client ¶ added in v0.104.0
func InspectorClient ¶ added in v0.79.0
func KafkaClient ¶ added in v0.78.0
func KeyspacesClient ¶ added in v1.5.0
func KinesisAnalyticsV2Client ¶ added in v0.80.0
func KinesisClient ¶ added in v0.80.0
func KinesisVideoClient ¶ added in v0.80.0
func LakeFormationClient ¶ added in v0.133.0
func LambdaClient ¶ added in v0.79.0
func LightsailClient ¶ added in v0.80.0
func ListAwsMGNApplications ¶ added in v0.89.0
func ListAwsMGNApplications(ctx context.Context, d *plugin.QueryData, h *plugin.HydrateData) (interface{}, error)
func Macie2Client ¶ added in v0.80.0
func MediaStoreClient ¶ added in v0.80.0
func MemoryDBClient ¶ added in v0.146.0
func NeptuneClient ¶ added in v0.80.0
func NetworkFirewallClient ¶ added in v0.80.0
func NormalizeRegion ¶ added in v0.93.0
func OpenSearchClient ¶ added in v0.80.0
func OrganizationClient ¶ added in v0.79.0
func PinpointClient ¶ added in v0.81.0
func PipesClient ¶ added in v0.88.0
func PricingClient ¶ added in v0.83.0
func RDSDBProxyClient ¶ added in v0.86.0
func RDSDBRecommendationClient ¶ added in v0.143.0
func RedshiftClient ¶ added in v0.79.0
func RedshiftServerlessClient ¶ added in v0.77.0
func ResourceExplorerClient ¶ added in v0.83.0
func ResourceGroupsTaggingClient ¶ added in v0.80.0
func Route53Client ¶ added in v0.79.0
func Route53DomainsClient ¶ added in v0.79.0
func Route53ResolverClient ¶ added in v0.80.0
func S3ControlClient ¶ added in v0.75.0
func S3ControlMultiRegionAccessClient ¶ added in v0.98.0
func S3ControlMultiRegionAccessClient(ctx context.Context, d *plugin.QueryData) (*s3control.Client, error)
All requests to create or maintain Multi-Region Access Points are routed to the US West (Oregon) Region. so we have no choice but to hard code it here. This is true regardless of which Region you are in when making the request, or what Regions the Multi-Region Access Point supports. S3 multi-region access point supports in China but not in US Gov or US ISO
func SSMIncidentsClient ¶ added in v0.131.0
func SSOAdminClient ¶ added in v0.80.0
func SageMakerClient ¶ added in v0.80.0
func SchedulerClient ¶ added in v1.5.0
func SecretsManagerClient ¶ added in v0.80.0
func SecurityHubClient ¶ added in v0.80.0
func SecurityHubClientConfig ¶ added in v0.81.0
Added for using middleware for migrating table "aws_securityhub_member" See for more info
func SecurityLakeClient ¶ added in v0.87.0
func ServerlessApplicationRepositoryClient ¶ added in v0.80.0
func ServiceCatalogClient ¶ added in v0.95.0
func ServiceDiscoveryClient ¶ added in v0.103.0
func ServiceQuotasClient ¶ added in v0.81.0
func ShieldClient ¶ added in v1.2.0
func SimSpaceWeaverClient ¶ added in v0.89.0
func StepFunctionsClient ¶ added in v0.80.0
func SupportClient ¶ added in v0.131.0
func SupportedRegionMatrix ¶ added in v0.93.0
func SupportedRegionMatrix(serviceID string) func(ctx context.Context, d *plugin.QueryData) []map[string]interface{}
Return a matrix of regions supported by serviceID, which will then be queried for the table in parallel. This result factors in things like regions that are opted-in, regions for the service and even the `regions` config in aws.spc.
func SupportedRegionMatrixWithExclusions ¶ added in v0.93.0
func SupportedRegionMatrixWithExclusions(serviceID string, excludeRegions []string) func(ctx context.Context, d *plugin.QueryData) []map[string]interface{}
Similar to SupportedRegionMatrix, but excludes the regions in excludeRegions for manual overrides if the service definition is incorrect.
func TimestreamwriteClient ¶ added in v0.146.0
func TransferClient ¶ added in v0.122.0
func WAFRegionMatrix ¶ added in v0.93.0
WAFRegionMatrix returns the general region list, with a special region called "global" added. This is a specific region name used only by the WAF service. Note that the global region is always included in WAF results, even if the target region list is limited to specific regions. Currently, there is no way to exclude it except by filtering the results.
func WAFRegionalClient ¶ added in v0.80.0
func WAFV2Client ¶ added in v0.80.0
func WellArchitectedClient ¶ added in v0.80.0
func WorkspacesClient ¶ added in v0.80.0
Types ¶
type AnswerInfo ¶ added in v0.103.0
type AttackExtended ¶ added in v1.2.0
type AttackExtended struct { AttackVectors []types.AttackVectorDescription AttackCounters []types.SummarizedCounter AttackId *string AttackProperties []types.AttackProperty EndTime *time.Time Mitigations []types.Mitigation ResourceArn *string StartTime *time.Time SubResources []types.SubResourceSummary }
type CEMetricRow ¶ added in v0.19.0
type CEMetricRow struct { Estimated bool // The time period that the result covers. PeriodStart *string PeriodEnd *string Dimension1 *string Dimension2 *string BlendedCostAmount *string UnblendedCostAmount *string NetUnblendedCostAmount *string AmortizedCostAmount *string NetAmortizedCostAmount *string UsageQuantityAmount *string NormalizedUsageAmount *string BlendedCostUnit *string UnblendedCostUnit *string NetUnblendedCostUnit *string AmortizedCostUnit *string NetAmortizedCostUnit *string UsageQuantityUnit *string NormalizedUsageUnit *string }
CEMetricRow is the flattened, aggregated value for a metric.
type CWMetricRow ¶ added in v0.19.0
type CWMetricRow struct { // The (single) metric Dimension name DimensionName *string // The value for the (single) metric Dimension DimensionValue *string // The namespace of the metric Namespace *string // The name of the metric MetricName *string // The average of the metric values that correspond to the data point. Average *float64 // The maximum metric value for the data point. Maximum *float64 // The minimum metric value for the data point. Minimum *float64 // The number of metric values that contributed to the aggregate value of this // data point. SampleCount *float64 // The sum of the metric values for the data point. Sum *float64 // The time stamp used for the data point. Timestamp *time.Time // The standard unit for the data point. Unit *string }
type CaseSensitiveValue ¶
type CaseSensitiveValue []string
CaseSensitiveValue is used for value arrays that care about case AWS allows string or []string as value, we convert everything to []string to avoid casting. We also sort these - order does not matter for arrays/lists in IAM policies, so we sort them for easier diffing and remove duplicates since they're ignored anyway
func (*CaseSensitiveValue) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (value *CaseSensitiveValue) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON for the CaseSensitiveValue struct
type CertInfo ¶ added in v0.112.0
type CertInfo struct { DirectoryId *string CertificateId *string ClientCertAuthSettings *types.ClientCertAuthSettings CommonName *string ExpiryDateTime *time.Time RegisteredDateTime *time.Time State types.CertificateState StateReason *string Type types.CertificateType }
type CheckDetailInfo ¶ added in v0.103.0
type CheckDetailInfo struct { types.CheckDetail WorkloadId *string }
type CheckSummaryInfo ¶ added in v0.103.0
type CheckSummaryInfo struct { types.CheckSummary WorkloadId *string }
type ConfigurationDetails ¶ added in v0.131.0
type DestinationInfo ¶ added in v0.60.0
type DestinationInfo = struct { DestinationId *string DestinationType types.DestinationType DestinationArn *string KmsKeyArn *string Status types.PublishingStatus PublishingFailureStartTimestamp *int64 DetectorId string }
type ExclusionInfo ¶ added in v0.60.0
type ExponentialJitterBackoff ¶ added in v0.72.0
type ExponentialJitterBackoff struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
ExponentialJitterBackoff provides backoff delays with jitter based on the number of attempts.
func NewExponentialJitterBackoff ¶ added in v0.72.0
func NewExponentialJitterBackoff(minDelay time.Duration, maxAttempts int) *ExponentialJitterBackoff
NewExponentialJitterBackoff returns an ExponentialJitterBackoff configured for the max backoff.
func (*ExponentialJitterBackoff) BackoffDelay ¶ added in v0.72.0
BackoffDelay returns the duration to wait before the next attempt should be made. Returns an error if unable get a duration.
type FilterQual ¶ added in v0.35.0
type FilterQuals ¶ added in v0.35.0
type FilterQuals []FilterQual
type GetQueryInfo ¶ added in v0.89.0
type GetQueryInfo struct { EventDataStoreArn *string *cloudtrail.DescribeQueryOutput }
type HCLoggerToSmithyLoggerWrapper ¶ added in v0.134.0
type HCLoggerToSmithyLoggerWrapper struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
HCLoggerToSmithyLoggerWrapper wraps an hclog Logger in order to pass it as an AWS SDK smithy Logger
func NewHCLoggerToSmithyLoggerWrapper ¶ added in v0.134.0
func NewHCLoggerToSmithyLoggerWrapper(l *hclog.Logger) *HCLoggerToSmithyLoggerWrapper
func (*HCLoggerToSmithyLoggerWrapper) Logf ¶ added in v0.134.0
func (logger *HCLoggerToSmithyLoggerWrapper) Logf(classification logging.Classification, format string, v ...interface{})
type HostedZoneResult ¶ added in v0.67.0
type HostedZoneResult struct { types.HostedZone VPCs []types.VPC }
type IdentityProviderConfig ¶ added in v0.29.0
type IdentityProviderConfig struct { Name *string Type *string types.OidcIdentityProviderConfig }
type IdentityStoreGroup ¶ added in v0.34.0
type IdentityStoreUser ¶ added in v0.37.0
type InspectorFindingInfo ¶ added in v0.60.0
type InspectorFindingInfo struct { FailedItems map[string]types.FailedItemDetails Finding types.Finding }
type IntelligentTieringConfigurationInfo ¶ added in v0.108.0
type IntelligentTieringConfigurationInfo struct { BucketName *string types.IntelligentTieringConfiguration }
type InventoryEntryInfo ¶ added in v0.105.0
type InventoryInfo ¶ added in v0.64.0
type LaunchPermissions ¶ added in v0.79.0
type LayerVersionInfo ¶ added in v0.39.0
type LayerVersionInfo struct { LayerName string lambda.GetLayerVersionOutput }
type LensReviewInfo ¶ added in v0.100.0
type LensReviewInfo struct { MilestoneNumber int32 WorkloadId *string *types.LensReview }
type LensShareInfo ¶ added in v0.103.0
type LensShareInfo struct {}
type ListQueryInfo ¶ added in v0.89.0
We need custom structure 1. EventDataStoreArn is required for joing the queries 2. list/get call do not provide the EventDataStoreArn 3. Both list/get API call return different stracture with dfferent data
type ManagedPolicyAttachment ¶ added in v0.36.0
type ManagedPolicyAttachment struct { InstanceArn *string PermissionSetArn *string AttachedManagedPolicy types.AttachedManagedPolicy }
type MethodInfo ¶ added in v0.131.0
type MetricDataPoint ¶ added in v0.104.0
type MetricStatistics ¶ added in v0.104.0
type NoOpRateLimit ¶ added in v0.72.0
type NoOpRateLimit struct{}
func (NoOpRateLimit) AddTokens ¶ added in v0.72.0
func (NoOpRateLimit) AddTokens(uint) error
type Offer ¶ added in v0.83.0
type Offer struct { PriceDimensions map[string]*PriceDimension EffectiveDate *time.Time OfferTermCode *string TermAttributes *TermAttributes // contains filtered or unexported fields }
type OpenIDConnectProvider ¶ added in v0.109.0
type OpenIDConnectProvider struct { Arn string `type:"string"` iam.GetOpenIDConnectProviderOutput }
type OrgAccount ¶ added in v0.143.0
type OrganizationalUnit ¶ added in v0.128.0
type OrganizationalUnit struct { types.OrganizationalUnit Path string ParentId string }
type ParliamentCondition ¶ added in v0.3.0
type ParliamentPermissions ¶ added in v0.3.0
type ParliamentPermissions []ParliamentService
type ParliamentPrivilege ¶ added in v0.3.0
type ParliamentPrivilege struct { AccessLevel string Description string Privilege string ResourceTypes []ParliamentResourceType }
type ParliamentResource ¶ added in v0.3.0
type ParliamentResourceType ¶ added in v0.3.0
type ParliamentService ¶ added in v0.3.0
type ParliamentService struct { Conditions []ParliamentCondition Prefix string Privileges []ParliamentPrivilege Resources []ParliamentResource ServiceName string }
type PermissionInfo ¶ added in v0.98.0
type PermissionInfo struct { DocumentName string AccountIds []string AccountSharingInfo types.AccountSharingInfo }
type PermissionSetItem ¶ added in v0.35.0
type PermissionSetItem struct { InstanceArn *string PermissionSetArn *string PermissionSet types.PermissionSet }
type Policy ¶
type Policy struct { Id string `json:"Id,omitempty"` // Optional, case sensitive Statements Statements `json:"Statement"` // Required, array of Statements or single statement // 2012-10-17 or 2008-10-17 old policies, do NOT use this for new policies Version string `json:"Version"` // Required, version date string }
Policy represents an IAM Policy document It would be nice if we could sort the fields (json keys) but postgres jsonb "does not preserve the order of object keys", per
type PolicyAttachment ¶ added in v0.43.0
type PolicyAttachment struct { PolicyArn string AttachmentCount *int32 PolicyGroups []types.PolicyGroup PolicyRoles []types.PolicyRole PolicyUsers []types.PolicyUser }
type PolicyInfo ¶ added in v0.122.0
type PolicyInfo struct { ExcludeResourceTags bool PolicyArn *string PolicyName *string RemediationEnabled bool ResourceType *string SecurityServicePolicyData *types.SecurityServicePolicyData DeleteUnusedFMManagedResources bool ExcludeMap map[string][]string IncludeMap map[string][]string PolicyDescription *string PolicyId *string PolicyStatus types.CustomerPolicyStatus PolicyUpdateToken *string ResourceSetIds []string ResourceTags []types.ResourceTag ResourceTypeList []string }
type PrefixListEntryInfo ¶ added in v0.107.0
type PriceDimension ¶ added in v0.83.0
type Principal ¶
type Principal map[string]interface{}
Principal may be string '*' or a map of principaltype:value. If '*', we add as an array element to the AWS principal type. Each value in the map may be a string or []string, we convert everything to []string and sort it and remove duplicates
func (*Principal) UnmarshalJSON ¶
UnmarshalJSON for the Principal struct
type ProductSubscription ¶ added in v0.146.0
type ProductSubscription struct {
Arn string
type RegionsData ¶ added in v0.75.0
type ReviewImprovementInfo ¶ added in v0.103.0
type ReviewReportInfo ¶ added in v0.103.0
type RotationInfo ¶ added in v0.137.0
type RouteDetails ¶ added in v0.32.0
type RouteDetails struct { Route types.TransitGatewayRoute TransitGatewayRouteTableId string }
type RouteInfo ¶ added in v0.92.0
type RouteInfo struct { ApiId string *apigatewayv2.GetRouteOutput }
type SAMLProvider ¶ added in v0.68.0
type SearchStreamItem ¶ added in v0.83.0
type ServerCertificate ¶ added in v0.72.0
type ServiceDetail ¶ added in v0.68.0
type ServiceInstanceInfo ¶ added in v0.105.0
type SsoAdminAccountAssignmentItem ¶ added in v0.99.0
type SsoAdminAccountAssignmentItem struct { InstanceArn *string AccountAssignment types.AccountAssignment }
type Statement ¶
type Statement struct { Action Value `json:"Action,omitempty"` // Optional, string or array of strings, case insensitive Condition map[string]interface{} `json:"Condition,omitempty"` // Optional, map of conditions Effect string `json:"Effect"` // Required, Allow or Deny, case sensitive NotAction Value `json:"NotAction,omitempty"` // Optional, string or array of strings, case insensitive NotPrincipal Principal `json:"NotPrincipal,omitempty"` // Optional, string (*) or map of strings/arrays NotResource CaseSensitiveValue `json:"NotResource,omitempty"` // Optional, string or array of strings, case sensitive Principal Principal `json:"Principal,omitempty"` // Optional, string (*) or map of strings/arrays Resource CaseSensitiveValue `json:"Resource,omitempty"` // Optional, string or array of strings, case sensitive Sid string `json:"Sid,omitempty"` // Optional, case sensitive }
Statement represents a Statement in an IAM Policy. It would be nice if we could sort the fields (json keys) but postgres jsonb "does not preserve the order of object keys", per
func (*Statement) UnmarshalJSON ¶
UnmarshalJSON for the Statement struct
type Statements ¶
type Statements []Statement
Statements is an array of statements from an IAM policy
func (*Statements) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (statement *Statements) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON for the Policy struct. A policy can contain a single Statement or an array of statements, we always convert to array. Currently, we do not sort these but we probably should....
type TermAttributes ¶ added in v0.83.0
type TransferUserInfo ¶ added in v0.133.0
type TransferUserInfo = struct { types.DescribedUser UserName *string ServerID *string Arn *string HomeDirectory *string HomeDirectoryType *types.HomeDirectoryType Role *string SshPublicKeyCount *int32 }
type VPCAssociationAuthorizationResult ¶ added in v0.139.0
type Value ¶
type Value []string
Value is an AWS IAM value string or array. AWS allows string or []string as value, we convert everything to []string to avoid casting. We also sort these - order does not matter for arrays/lists in IAM policies, so we sort them for easier diffing, and remove duplicates since they're ignored anyway
func (*Value) UnmarshalJSON ¶
UnmarshalJSON for the Value struct
type VpcFilterKeyMap ¶ added in v0.46.0
type WorkloadShareInfo ¶ added in v0.101.0
type WorkloadShareInfo struct {}
Source Files
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- canonical_policy.go
- cloudwatch_metric.go
- common_columns.go
- connection_config.go
- cost_explorer.go
- errors.go
- multi_region.go
- parliament_iam_permissions.go
- plugin.go
- service.go
- table_aws_accessanalyzer_analyzer.go
- table_aws_accessanalyzer_finding.go
- table_aws_account.go
- table_aws_account_alternate_contact.go
- table_aws_account_contact.go
- table_aws_acm_certificate.go
- table_aws_acmpca_certificate_authority.go
- table_aws_amplify_app.go
- table_aws_api_gateway_api_authorizer.go
- table_aws_api_gateway_api_key.go
- table_aws_api_gateway_domain_name.go
- table_aws_api_gateway_method.go
- table_aws_api_gateway_rest_api.go
- table_aws_api_gateway_stage.go
- table_aws_api_gateway_usage_plan.go
- table_aws_api_gatewayv2_api.go
- table_aws_api_gatewayv2_domain_name.go
- table_aws_api_gatewayv2_integration.go
- table_aws_api_gatewayv2_route.go
- table_aws_api_gatewayv2_stage.go
- table_aws_app_runner_Service.go
- table_aws_appautoscaling_policy.go
- table_aws_appautoscaling_target.go
- table_aws_appconfig_application.go
- table_aws_appstream_fleet.go
- table_aws_appstream_image.go
- table_aws_appsync_graphql_api.go
- table_aws_athena_query_execution.go
- table_aws_athena_workgroup.go
- table_aws_auditmanager_assessment.go
- table_aws_auditmanager_control.go
- table_aws_auditmanager_evidence.go
- table_aws_auditmanager_evidence_folder.go
- table_aws_auditmanager_framework.go
- table_aws_availability_zone.go
- table_aws_backup_framework.go
- table_aws_backup_job.go
- table_aws_backup_legal_hold.go
- table_aws_backup_plan.go
- table_aws_backup_protected_resource.go
- table_aws_backup_recovery_point.go
- table_aws_backup_report_plan.go
- table_aws_backup_selection.go
- table_aws_backup_vault.go
- table_aws_cloudcontrol_resource.go
- table_aws_cloudformation_stack.go
- table_aws_cloudformation_stack_resource.go
- table_aws_cloudformation_stack_set.go
- table_aws_cloudfront_cache_policy.go
- table_aws_cloudfront_distribution.go
- table_aws_cloudfront_function.go
- table_aws_cloudfront_origin_access_identity.go
- table_aws_cloudfront_origin_request_policy.go
- table_aws_cloudfront_response_headers_policy.go
- table_aws_cloudsearch_domain.go
- table_aws_cloudtrail_channel.go
- table_aws_cloudtrail_event_data_store.go
- table_aws_cloudtrail_import.go
- table_aws_cloudtrail_lookup_event.go
- table_aws_cloudtrail_query.go
- table_aws_cloudtrail_trail.go
- table_aws_cloudtrail_trail_event.go
- table_aws_cloudwatch_alarm.go
- table_aws_cloudwatch_log_event.go
- table_aws_cloudwatch_log_group.go
- table_aws_cloudwatch_log_metric_filter.go
- table_aws_cloudwatch_log_resource_policy.go
- table_aws_cloudwatch_log_stream.go
- table_aws_cloudwatch_log_subscription_filter.go
- table_aws_cloudwatch_metric.go
- table_aws_cloudwatch_metric_data_point.go
- table_aws_cloudwatch_metric_statistic_data_point.go
- table_aws_codeartifact_domain.go
- table_aws_codeartifact_repository.go
- table_aws_codebuild_build.go
- table_aws_codebuild_project.go
- table_aws_codebuild_source_credential.go
- table_aws_codecommit_repository.go
- table_aws_codedeploy_app.go
- table_aws_codedeploy_deployment_config.go
- table_aws_codedeploy_deployment_group.go
- table_aws_codepipeline_pipeline.go
- table_aws_codestar_notification_rule.go
- table_aws_cognito_identity_pool.go
- table_aws_cognito_identity_provider.go
- table_aws_cognito_user_pool.go
- table_aws_config_aggregate_authorization.go
- table_aws_config_configuration_recorder.go
- table_aws_config_conformance_pack.go
- table_aws_config_delivery_channel.go
- table_aws_config_retention_configuration.go
- table_aws_config_rule.go
- table_aws_cost_by_account_daily.go
- table_aws_cost_by_account_monthly.go
- table_aws_cost_by_record_type_daily.go
- table_aws_cost_by_record_type_monthly.go
- table_aws_cost_by_region_monthly.go
- table_aws_cost_by_service_daily.go
- table_aws_cost_by_service_monthly.go
- table_aws_cost_by_service_usage_type_daily.go
- table_aws_cost_by_service_usage_type_monthly.go
- table_aws_cost_by_tag.go
- table_aws_cost_forecast_daily.go
- table_aws_cost_forecast_monthly.go
- table_aws_cost_usage.go
- table_aws_costoptimizationhub_recommendation.go
- table_aws_dax_cluster.go
- table_aws_dax_parameter.go
- table_aws_dax_parameter_group.go
- table_aws_dax_subnet_group.go
- table_aws_directory_service_certificate.go
- table_aws_directory_service_directory.go
- table_aws_directory_service_log_subscription.go
- table_aws_dlm_lifecycle_policy.go
- table_aws_dms_certificate.go
- table_aws_dms_endpoint.go
- table_aws_dms_replication_instance.go
- table_aws_dms_replication_task.go
- table_aws_docdb_cluster.go
- table_aws_docdb_cluster_instance.go
- table_aws_docdb_cluster_snapshot.go
- table_aws_drs_job.go
- table_aws_drs_recovery_instance.go
- table_aws_drs_recovery_snapshot.go
- table_aws_drs_source_server.go
- table_aws_dynamodb_backup.go
- table_aws_dynamodb_global_table.go
- table_aws_dynamodb_metric_account_provisioned_read_capacity_util.go
- table_aws_dynamodb_metric_account_provisioned_write_capacity_util.go
- table_aws_dynamodb_table.go
- table_aws_dynamodb_table_export.go
- table_aws_ebs_snapshot.go
- table_aws_ebs_volume.go
- table_aws_ebs_volume_metric_read_ops.go
- table_aws_ebs_volume_metric_read_ops_daily.go
- table_aws_ebs_volume_metric_read_ops_hourly.go
- table_aws_ebs_volume_metric_write_ops.go
- table_aws_ebs_volume_metric_write_ops_daily.go
- table_aws_ebs_volume_metric_write_ops_hourly.go
- table_aws_ec2_ami.go
- table_aws_ec2_ami_shared.go
- table_aws_ec2_application_load_balancer.go
- table_aws_ec2_application_load_balancer_metric_request_count.go
- table_aws_ec2_application_load_balancer_metric_request_count_daily.go
- table_aws_ec2_autoscaling_group.go
- table_aws_ec2_capacity_reservation.go
- table_aws_ec2_classic_load_balancer.go
- table_aws_ec2_client_vpn_endpoint.go
- table_aws_ec2_gateway_load_balancer.go
- table_aws_ec2_instance.go
- table_aws_ec2_instance_availability.go
- table_aws_ec2_instance_metric_cpu_utilization.go
- table_aws_ec2_instance_metric_cpu_utilization_daily.go
- table_aws_ec2_instance_metric_cpu_utilization_hourly.go
- table_aws_ec2_instance_type.go
- table_aws_ec2_key_pair.go
- table_aws_ec2_launch_configuration.go
- table_aws_ec2_launch_template.go
- table_aws_ec2_launch_template_version.go
- table_aws_ec2_load_balancer_listener.go
- table_aws_ec2_load_balancer_listener_rule.go
- table_aws_ec2_managed_prefix_list.go
- table_aws_ec2_managed_prefix_list_entry.go
- table_aws_ec2_network_interface.go
- table_aws_ec2_network_load_balancer.go
- table_aws_ec2_network_load_balancer_metric_net_flow_count.go
- table_aws_ec2_network_load_balancer_metric_net_flow_count_daily.go
- table_aws_ec2_regional_settings.go
- table_aws_ec2_reserved_instance.go
- table_aws_ec2_spot_price.go
- table_aws_ec2_ssl_policy.go
- table_aws_ec2_target_group.go
- table_aws_ec2_transit_gateway.go
- table_aws_ec2_transit_gateway_route.go
- table_aws_ec2_transit_gateway_route_table.go
- table_aws_ec2_transit_gateway_vpc_attachment.go
- table_aws_ecr_image.go
- table_aws_ecr_image_scan_finding.go
- table_aws_ecr_registry_scanning_configuration.go
- table_aws_ecr_repository.go
- table_aws_ecrpublic_repository.go
- table_aws_ecs_cluster.go
- table_aws_ecs_cluster_metric_cpu_utilization.go
- table_aws_ecs_cluster_metric_cpu_utilization_daily.go
- table_aws_ecs_cluster_metric_cpu_utilization_hourly.go
- table_aws_ecs_container_instance.go
- table_aws_ecs_service.go
- table_aws_ecs_task.go
- table_aws_ecs_task_definition.go
- table_aws_efs_access_point.go
- table_aws_efs_file_system.go
- table_aws_efs_mount_target.go
- table_aws_eks_addon.go
- table_aws_eks_addon_version.go
- table_aws_eks_cluster.go
- table_aws_eks_fargate_profile.go
- table_aws_eks_identity_provider_config.go
- table_aws_eks_node_group.go
- table_aws_elastic_beanstalk_application.go
- table_aws_elastic_beanstalk_application_version.go
- table_aws_elastic_beanstalk_environment.go
- table_aws_elasticache_cluster.go
- table_aws_elasticache_parameter_group.go
- table_aws_elasticache_redis_metric_cache_hits_hourly.go
- table_aws_elasticache_redis_metric_curr_connections_hourly.go
- table_aws_elasticache_redis_metric_engine_cpu_utilization_daily.go
- table_aws_elasticache_redis_metric_engine_cpu_utilization_hourly.go
- table_aws_elasticache_redis_metric_get_type_cmds_hourly.go
- table_aws_elasticache_redis_metric_list_based_cmds_hourly.go
- table_aws_elasticache_redis_metric_new_connections_hourly.go
- table_aws_elasticache_replication_group.go
- table_aws_elasticache_reserved_cache_node.go
- table_aws_elasticache_subnet_group.go
- table_aws_elasticsearch_domain.go
- table_aws_emr_block_public_access_configuration.go
- table_aws_emr_cluster.go
- table_aws_emr_cluster_metric_is_idle.go
- table_aws_emr_instance.go
- table_aws_emr_instance_fleet.go
- table_aws_emr_instance_group.go
- table_aws_emr_security_configuration.go
- table_aws_eventbridge_bus.go
- table_aws_eventbridge_rule.go
- table_aws_fms_app_list.go
- table_aws_fms_policy.go
- table_aws_fsx_file_system.go
- table_aws_glacier_vault.go
- table_aws_globalaccelerator_accelerator.go
- table_aws_globalaccelerator_endpoint_group.go
- table_aws_globalaccelerator_listener.go
- table_aws_glue_catalog_database.go
- table_aws_glue_catalog_table.go
- table_aws_glue_connection.go
- table_aws_glue_crawler.go
- table_aws_glue_data_catalog_encryption_settings.go
- table_aws_glue_data_quality_ruleset.go
- table_aws_glue_dev_endpoint.go
- table_aws_glue_job.go
- table_aws_glue_security_configuration.go
- table_aws_guardduty_detector.go
- table_aws_guardduty_filter.go
- table_aws_guardduty_finding.go
- table_aws_guardduty_ipset.go
- table_aws_guardduty_member.go
- table_aws_guardduty_publishing_destination.go
- table_aws_guardduty_threat_intel_set.go
- table_aws_health_affected_entity.go
- table_aws_health_event.go
- table_aws_iam_access_advisor.go
- table_aws_iam_access_key.go
- table_aws_iam_account_password_policy.go
- table_aws_iam_account_summary.go
- table_aws_iam_action.go
- table_aws_iam_credential_report.go
- table_aws_iam_group.go
- table_aws_iam_open_id_connect_provider.go
- table_aws_iam_policy.go
- table_aws_iam_policy_attachment.go
- table_aws_iam_policy_simulator.go
- table_aws_iam_role.go
- table_aws_iam_saml_provider.go
- table_aws_iam_server_certificate.go
- table_aws_iam_service_specific_credential.go
- table_aws_iam_user.go
- table_aws_iam_virtual_mfa_device.go
- table_aws_identitystore_group.go
- table_aws_identitystore_group_membership.go
- table_aws_identitystore_user.go
- table_aws_inspector2_coverage.go
- table_aws_inspector2_coverage_statistics.go
- table_aws_inspector2_finding.go
- table_aws_inspector2_member.go
- table_aws_inspector_assessment_run.go
- table_aws_inspector_assessment_target.go
- table_aws_inspector_assessment_template.go
- table_aws_inspector_exclusion.go
- table_aws_inspector_finding.go
- table_aws_iot_fleet_metric.go
- table_aws_iot_thing.go
- table_aws_iot_thing_group.go
- table_aws_iot_thing_type.go
- table_aws_keyspaces_keyspace.go
- table_aws_keyspaces_table.go
- table_aws_kinesis_consumer.go
- table_aws_kinesis_firehose_delivery_stream.go
- table_aws_kinesis_stream.go
- table_aws_kinesis_video_stream.go
- table_aws_kinesisanalyticsv2_application.go
- table_aws_kms_alias.go
- table_aws_kms_key.go
- table_aws_kms_key_rotation.go
- table_aws_lambda_alias.go
- table_aws_lambda_event_source_mapping.go
- table_aws_lambda_function.go
- table_aws_lambda_function_metric_duration_daily.go
- table_aws_lambda_function_metric_errors_daily.go
- table_aws_lambda_function_metric_invocations_daily.go
- table_aws_lambda_layer.go
- table_aws_lambda_layer_version.go
- table_aws_lambda_version.go
- table_aws_lightsail_bucket.go
- table_aws_lightsail_instance.go
- table_aws_macie2_classification_job.go
- table_aws_media_store_container.go
- table_aws_memorydb_cluster.go
- table_aws_mgn_application.go
- table_aws_mq_broker.go
- table_aws_msk_cluster.go
- table_aws_msk_serverless_cluster.go
- table_aws_neptune_db_cluster.go
- table_aws_neptune_db_cluster_snapshot.go
- table_aws_networkfirewall_firewall.go
- table_aws_networkfirewall_firewall_policy.go
- table_aws_networkfirewall_rule_group.go
- table_aws_oam_link.go
- table_aws_oam_sink.go
- table_aws_opensearch_domain.go
- table_aws_organizations_account.go
- table_aws_organizations_organizational_unit.go
- table_aws_organizations_policy.go
- table_aws_organizations_policy_target.go
- table_aws_organizations_root.go
- table_aws_pinpoint_app.go
- table_aws_pipes_pipe.go
- table_aws_pricing_product.go
- table_aws_pricing_service_attribute.go
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- table_aws_ram_resource_association.go
- table_aws_rds_db_cluster.go
- table_aws_rds_db_cluster_parameter_group.go
- table_aws_rds_db_cluster_snapshot.go
- table_aws_rds_db_engine_version.go
- table_aws_rds_db_event_subscription.go
- table_aws_rds_db_instance.go
- table_aws_rds_db_instance_automated_backup.go
- table_aws_rds_db_instance_metric_connections.go
- table_aws_rds_db_instance_metric_connections_daily.go
- table_aws_rds_db_instance_metric_connections_hourly.go
- table_aws_rds_db_instance_metric_cpu_utilization.go
- table_aws_rds_db_instance_metric_cpu_utilization_daily.go
- table_aws_rds_db_instance_metric_cpu_utilization_hourly.go
- table_aws_rds_db_instance_metric_read_iops.go
- table_aws_rds_db_instance_metric_read_iops_daily.go
- table_aws_rds_db_instance_metric_read_iops_hourly.go
- table_aws_rds_db_instance_metric_write_iops.go
- table_aws_rds_db_instance_metric_write_iops_daily.go
- table_aws_rds_db_instance_metric_write_iops_hourly.go
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- table_aws_rds_db_snapshot.go
- table_aws_rds_db_subnet_group.go
- table_aws_rds_reserved_db_instance.go
- table_aws_redshift_cluster.go
- table_aws_redshift_cluster_metric_cpu_utilization_daily.go
- table_aws_redshift_event_subscription.go
- table_aws_redshift_parameter_group.go
- table_aws_redshift_snapshot.go
- table_aws_redshift_subnet_group.go
- table_aws_redshiftserverless_namespace.go
- table_aws_redshiftserverless_workgroup.go
- table_aws_region.go
- table_aws_resource_explorer_index.go
- table_aws_resource_explorer_search.go
- table_aws_resource_explorer_supported_resource_type.go
- table_aws_route53_domain.go
- table_aws_route53_health_check.go
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- table_aws_route53_record.go
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- table_aws_route53_resolver_query_log_config.go
- table_aws_route53_resolver_rule.go
- table_aws_route53_traffic_policy.go
- table_aws_route53_traffic_policy_instance.go
- table_aws_route53_vpc_association_authorization.go
- table_aws_route53_zone.go
- table_aws_s3_access_point.go
- table_aws_s3_account_settings.go
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- table_aws_s3_bucket_intelligent_tiering_configuration.go
- table_aws_s3_multi_region_access_point.go
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- table_aws_s3_object_version.go
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- table_aws_sagemaker_domain.go
- table_aws_sagemaker_endpoint_configuration.go
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- table_aws_sagemaker_notebook_instance.go
- table_aws_sagemaker_training_job.go
- table_aws_scheduler_schedule.go
- table_aws_secretsmanager_secret.go
- table_aws_securityhub_action_target.go
- table_aws_securityhub_enabled_product_subscription.go
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- table_aws_securityhub_finding_aggregator.go
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- table_aws_securityhub_insight.go
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- table_aws_securityhub_product.go
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- table_aws_securityhub_standards_subscription.go
- table_aws_securitylake_data_lake.go
- table_aws_securitylake_subscriber.go
- table_aws_serverlessapplicationrepository_application.go
- table_aws_service_discovery_instance.go
- table_aws_service_discovery_namespace.go
- table_aws_service_discovery_service.go
- table_aws_servicecatalog_portfolio.go
- table_aws_servicecatalog_product.go
- table_aws_servicecatalog_provisioned_product.go
- table_aws_servicequotas_default_service_quota.go
- table_aws_servicequotas_service.go
- table_aws_servicequotas_service_quota.go
- table_aws_servicequotas_service_quota_change_request.go
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- table_aws_ses_email_identity.go
- table_aws_sfn_state_machine.go
- table_aws_sfn_state_machine_execution.go
- table_aws_sfn_state_machine_execution_history.go
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- table_aws_shield_attack_statistic.go
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- table_aws_shield_protection_group.go
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- table_aws_sns_topic_subscription.go
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- table_aws_ssm_association.go
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- table_aws_ssm_document_permission.go
- table_aws_ssm_inventory.go
- table_aws_ssm_inventory_entry.go
- table_aws_ssm_maintenance_window.go
- table_aws_ssm_managed_instance.go
- table_aws_ssm_managed_instance_compliance.go
- table_aws_ssm_managed_instance_patch_state.go
- table_aws_ssm_parameter.go
- table_aws_ssm_patch_baseline.go
- table_aws_ssmincidents_response_plan.go
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- table_aws_ssoadmin_instance.go
- table_aws_ssoadmin_managed_policy_attachment.go
- table_aws_ssoadmin_permission_set.go
- table_aws_sts_caller_identity.go
- table_aws_tagging_resource.go
- table_aws_timestreamwrite_database.go
- table_aws_timestreamwrite_table.go
- table_aws_transfer_server.go
- table_aws_transfer_user.go
- table_aws_trusted_advisor_check_summary.go
- table_aws_vpc.go
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- table_aws_vpc_nat_gateway_metric_bytes_out_to_destination.go
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- table_aws_vpc_route.go
- table_aws_vpc_route_table.go
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- table_aws_vpc_verified_access_group.go
- table_aws_vpc_verified_access_instance.go
- table_aws_vpc_verified_access_trust_provider.go
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- table_aws_vpc_vpn_gateway.go
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- table_aws_workspaces_workspace.go
- utils.go