Powerpipe is dashboards and benchmarks as code. Use it to visualize any data source, and run compliance benchmarks and controls, for effective decision-making and ongoing compliance monitoring.
Dashboards. Powerpipe runs dashboards that present data in visual and interactive ways.
Benchmarks. Powerpipe can also run benchmarks, which are packages of controls to check your infrastructure against compliance standards.
Modularity and customization. Dashboards and benchmarks are built with HCL and SQL, and are available for remixing and reuse.
Demo Time!
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Install Powerpipe
The downloads page shows you how, but tl;dr:
Linux or WSL
sudo /bin/sh -c "$(curl -fsSL https://powerpipe.io/install/powerpipe.sh)"
brew tap turbot/tap
brew install powerpipe
Run a dashboard
Dashboards use charts, tables, and interactive widgets to help you explore and visualize your resources. For example, the RNAcentrals mod visualizes a dataset of RNA types. To run the RNACentral dashboard:
git clone https://github.com/turbot/powerpipe-mod-rnacentral
cd powerpipe-mod-rnacentral
powerpipe server --database postgres://reader:NWDMCE5xdipIjRrp@hh-pgsql-public.ebi.ac.uk:5432/pfmegrnargs
open localhost:9033 in a browser
That's it! Here's the dashboard.

Run a benchmark
Many Powerpipe mods includes benchmarks that check your cloud resources for compliance. The Net Insights mod provides configuration, compliance and security controls to validate security best practices for DNS records. To run the SSL/TLS Best Practices benchmark:
git clone https://github.com/turbot/powerpipe-mod-net-insights
cd powerpipe-mod-net-insights
powerpipe server
open localhost:9033 in a browser
Here's the dashboard.

You can run benchmarks as dashboards too! Here's the console ouput.
powerpipe benchmark run benchmark.ssl_certificate_best_practices --output=brief

Developing Powerpipe
- Golang Version 1.21 or higher.
Clone github.com/powerpipe
and github.com/turbot/pipe-fittings
git clone https://github.com/turbot/powerpipe
git clone https://github.com/turbot/pipe-fittings
cd powerpipe
The build lands in /usr/local/bin/
is specified.
Check the version:
powerpipe --version
Powerpipe v0.1.0-local.1
Open Source & Contributing
This repository is published under the AGPL 3.0 license. Please see our code of conduct. Contributors must sign our Contributor License Agreement as part of their first pull request. We look forward to collaborating with you!
Powerpipe is a product produced from this open source software, exclusively by Turbot HQ, Inc. It is distributed under our commercial terms. Others are allowed to make their own distribution of the software, but cannot use any of the Turbot trademarks, cloud services, etc. You can learn more in our Open Source FAQ.
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