Download the approriate binary for your platform from the Releases
Create a working directory and extract the binary
$ mkdir flowpipe
$ cd flowpipe
$ cp ~/Downloads/flowpipe_0.0.1_darwin_amd64.tar.gz .
$ tar -xzf flowpipe_0.0.1_darwin_amd64.tar.gz
# Create the output directory (default to ./tmp)
$ mkdir tmp
Run flowpipe specifying the pipeline directory
$ ./flowpipe service start --mod-location ./pipeline
VS Code Dev Container
If you are using VS Code, follow the Developer Setup instructions below. Using the Dev Container in VS Code will ensure that you have all the required tools and dependencies installed.
Run the following commands to build and start the Flowpipe service:
# Starts the service, reads pipeline definition from the `pipelines` directory
$ make
FLOWPIPE_LOG_LEVEL=DEBUG go run . service start --mod-location ./pipeline
2023-06-06T11:53:49.835Z DEBUG Manager starting
2023-06-06T11:53:49.835Z DEBUG ES starting
2023-06-06T11:53:49.835Z DEBUG Pipeline dir {"dir": "./pipeline"}
2023-06-06T11:53:49.835Z DEBUG Loading pipelines {"directory": "./pipeline"}
2023-06-06T11:53:49.835Z DEBUG Loaded pipeline {"name": "for_loop_using_http_request_body_json", "file": "pipeline/for_loop_using_http_request_body_json.yaml"}
2023-06-06T11:53:49.847Z DEBUG Loaded pipeline {"name": "series_of_for_loop_steps", "file": "pipeline/series_of_for_loop_steps.yaml"}
2023-06-06T11:53:49.858Z DEBUG Loaded pipeline {"name": "simple_parallel", "file": "pipeline/simple_parallel.yaml"}
2023-06-06T11:53:49.879Z DEBUG Adding middleware {"count": "1"}
In your API tool of choice (e.g. Postman, Insomnia, etc.) send a GET request to the following URL to check that the API server is running:
Check the available pipelines by sending a GET request to the following URL:
Now run one of the pipeline by sending a POST to the following URL: