espresso - a framework for testing BigQuery queries
- Componentization: compose complex queries from smaller, reusable components
- Test driven development: write tests for each query and run them like unit tests (except for the fact that they make calls to BigQuery)
- Data as code: input and required output for tests can be defined as part of the code (as well as in real database tables)
- No new languages to learn
- Run tests in your own development stack: programming language, IDE and CI/CD pipeline
Writing Your Own SQL Tests
- Write an SQL query using Go Text Template notation, for example report_summary.sql:
{{ define "report_summary" }}
WITH base AS (
SUM(hit_count_yesterday) AS hit_count_yesterday,
FROM {{ .Endpoints }}
WHERE status_code<400
COUNT(*) AS total_endpoints,
COUNTIF(hit_count_yesterday>0) AS total_endpoints_yesterday,
SUM(hit_count_yesterday) AS hit_count_yesterday,
FROM base
{{ end }}
The query may contain parameters.
- Add additional SQL queries to pass as paramaters to the main query.
These can be data files like new_endpoints_input.sql or additional sub-queries like get_new_endpoints.sql
- Write your result query like report_summary_result.sql:
{{ define "report_summary_result" }}
2 AS hit_count_yesterday,
1 AS total_endpoints,
1 AS total_endpoints_yesterday,
{{ end }}
The test will expect the result of the test to be equal to this.
- Create a query definition YAML file decribing your query and one or more tests like report_summary.yaml:
Name: report_summary
- Endpoints
- Name: Endpoints
Source: get_new_endpoints
- Name: NewEndpoints
Source: new_endpoints_input
Source: report_summary_result
- Put all files together in a directory
Access To BigQuery
The tests require access to BigQuery API.
Please set the following environment variables to grant espresso access to BigQuery:
export GCLOUD_PROJECT_ID=<your GCP project ID>
export BIGQUERY_KEY=<a service account with permissions to use BigQuery>
Running Tests From The Command-line
go build
./espresso -dir="./shot/queries/endpoints/" -query="report_summary" -test="Test1"
Running Tests From Docker
docker run --rm -t -e GCLOUD_PROJECT_ID=$GCLOUD_PROJECT_ID -e BIGQUERY_KEY=$BIGQUERY_KEY -v $(pwd)/shot:/shot:ro tufin/espresso -dir="/shot" -query="report_summary" -test="Test1"
Running Tests From Golang
- Embed your tests directory
- Create an "Espresso Shot" and run it
- Use standard Go assertions to check the expected result against the actual output
//go:embed queries/endpoints
var endpointTemplates embed.FS
func TestEspressoShot_Embed(t *testing.T) {
queryValues, resultValues, err := shot.NewShot(env.GetGCPProjectID(), "", endpointTemplates).RunTest("report_summary", "Test1", []bigquery.QueryParameter{})
require.NoError(t, err)
require.ElementsMatch(t, queryValues, resultValues)
You can also pass the tests directory without embedding it:
func TestEspressoShot_Filesystem(t *testing.T) {
queryValues, resultValues, err := shot.NewShot(env.GetGCPProjectID(), "", os.DirFS("./queries/endpoints")).RunTest("report_summary", "Test1", []bigquery.QueryParameter{})
require.NoError(t, err)
require.ElementsMatch(t, queryValues, resultValues)
Current Status
- This is an initial proof-of-concept and request-for-comments
- Please submit your feedback as pull requests