Simple Virtual Assembler
The assembler for the Simple Virtual Computer.
It reads a rudimentary assembly language and outputs a file in a binary format called "svb".
It works a bit differently than a typical x86 assembly language (partial because I don't know any "real" assembly languages very well).
sva <input file> [-o <output file>] [-p]
<output file>
will default to ./out.svb
With the -p
option the assembler will write the preprocessed assembly to <output file>.asm
Preprocessing includes stripping trailing whitespace and comments, sourcing files, and expanding instructions.
It can be useful for debugging.
To execute the assembled program, run:
svc <svb file>
The Assembly Language
Comments are be denoted with ;
Each line of an input file does one of five things:
Source another file
. <path to another file>
This works as if the contents of the other file were directly inserted into the current file at this line. This will only go one file deep, i.e. a file that is sourced cannot source another file.
. foo.asm
. dir/bar.asm
. ../baz.asm
Define a constant
<name> = <value>
The value of the constant can be a double quoted string, hex (prefixed with 0x
), or a positive/negative integer.
This will store some value at a unique address in memory.
Negative integers will be stored in two's complement form, and strings will allocate each character consecutively, followed by a null word.
This address (or the address of the first character in the case of strings) can later be used in your program with the [name]
foo = 0x41
bar = "Hello, world!"
baz = 42
qux = -1337
Define an instruction to be executed
<name> <operands>...
Refer to the main
file to view a table of instruction names and their operands.
Operands can be a hex value, positive/negative integer, a register alias (also see main
), constant address ([name]
), a subroutine address ({name}
), or a label reference (&name
cpl ac 0xff ; Copies 0xff into the accumulator.
cpl ra 257 ; Copies 257 into register 0.
sub ra ; Subtracts the value held in ra from the accumulator.
cpl rd -2 ; Copies -2 into register 3.
cmp ac rd ; Compares the value of the accumulator and dd.
Instruction expansions
Expansions are syntactic sugar, allowing two instructions to be defined with one line. There are three different types of them.
One type maps a single operation to two sets of operands. For example, this code:
inc ra, rb
expands to this:
inc ra
inc rb
Another variant maps two operations to one set of operands. This code:
inc, add ra
will expand to:
inc ra
add ra
The last kind will take a value from inside some parenthesis, copy it into ex
, and replace the value with "ex", so this code:
orr (0x0f00)
expands to:
cpl ex 0x0f00
orr ex
Define a subroutine
This will define a new subroutine with all of the instructions below it, until the next one is defined.
Subroutines' main purpose is to be used by call instructions (cal
, cle
, cln
) with the {name}
Every program needs a "main" subroutine. This is a special subroutine that is compiled so that it is the entry point to your program (where the CPU starts executing).
; Prints "A" if 5 + 1 equals 6.
foo = "A"
ldr ac ([foo]) ; Loads "A" into the accumulator.
orr (0x0f00) ; Applies black background and white foreground colors to the accumulator.
str (0) ac ; Stores the value held in the accumulator at the first address in memory.
vga, ret ; Draws the text buffer, printing "A" with white text and black background.
cpl ac 1 ; Copies 1 into the accumulator.
add (5) ; Adds 5 to the accumulator.
cmp ac (6) ; Compares the value of the accumulator and 6.
cle {print} ; Calls the print subroutine if the last cmp was equal.
There should be a ret
instruction at the end of each subroutine, or else the CPU will continue executing whatever is stored after the subroutine in memory.
Subroutines cannot be addressed before they are defined.
Define a label
A label is like a subroutine except it can be addressed in code before it is defined, to make a "goto"-like structure.
Here is an example of a subroutine from asm/lib/io.asm
that uses labels.
; Prints a string.
; ra = Address of the start of the string.
; rb = Starting address to print to.
; The following code is like a while loop.
; Pseudo-code:
; while ((ac = memory[ra]) != 0) {
; memory[rb] = ac | 0x0f00
; ra++
; rb++
; }
; Label the start of the subroutine for looping purposes.
; If the value stored at the address in ra is 0x0, skip to the end.
ldr ac ra
cmp ac (0)
gte &after_print_str
; Store the loaded character with the applied VGA color codes
; at the address stored in rb, then increase ra and rb by 1.
orr (0x0f00)
str rb ac
inc ra, rb
; Loop back up.
gto &loop_print_str
; Label the end of the subroutine so it can be skipped to.
There is no documentation for this package.