![workflow checking](https://github.com/tsw303005/Dcard-URL-Shortener/actions/workflows/main.yaml/badge.svg)
About The Project
This is Dcard's homework about implementing url shortener. This repository includes all the modules with the mono-repo architecture. Also, if you want to know more about this homework detail, you can refer to this spec.
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Built With
The following are the packages used in this Golang project.
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Getting Started
Before starting this program, please make sure that your docker is running.
Unit Testing
This project has unit tests with ginkgo framework for DAO and toolkit in pkg directory.
- Test whole project
make dc.test
- Test pkg
make dc.pkg.test
Style Check
This project uses golangci to check the style.
- Check whole project's style
make dc.lint
- Check only modules' style
make dc.internal.lint
- Check only pkg's style
make dc.pkg.lint
Build Image
- Build shorten url api image
make dc.image
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Future Work
- This time, I only use google-uuid to simply generate shorten url. The next goal is to adopt a suitable shorten url algorithm.
- This implementation is kind of like image-to-url converter. So I want to extend this project to contain image-to-url converter in the future.
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