
v0.0.0-...-83adff0 Latest Latest

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Published: Jul 6, 2020 License: GPL-3.0 Imports: 13 Imported by: 0



Package model is a generated protocol buffer package.

It is generated from these files:


It has these top-level messages:




View Source
const (
	AssociatePlatformNone int8 = iota


View Source
const (
	AssociateBindStateNone int32 = iota

associate bind state.

View Source
const (
	AssociatePrizeTypeCode int8 = iota + 1

associate prize type.

View Source
const (
	UnionOneMonth int32 = 1
	UnionOneYear  int32 = 12

month type.

View Source
const (
	EleMonthVip int32 = 2
	EleYearVip  int32 = 4

ele vip type

View Source
const (
	AssociateGrantStateNone int8 = iota

order grant state

View Source
const (
	CouponNotUsed = iota

coupon state.

View Source
const (
	OpenChangeNONE int8 = iota

open change

View Source
const (
	PlatfromIOS = iota + 1
	PlatfromANDROIDI //安卓国际版

const for vip

View Source
const (
	DeviceIOS = iota + 1

const for vip

View Source
const (
	MobiAppIphone = iota + 1

const for vip

View Source
const (
	RemarkBuy  = "充值开通"
	RemarkGift = "好友赠送"

vip pay remark

View Source
const (
	StatusOpen  = iota //有效
	StatusClose = 1    //无效

business status

View Source
const (
	BizTypeIn  = iota //内部
	BizTypeOut = 1    //外部

business status

View Source
const (
	CodeUnUse int8 = iota + 1

code status

View Source
const (
	ExchangeVip            = iota + 1
	Charge                 //充电
	Contract               //承包
	PointSystem            //系统发放
	FYMReward              //分院帽奖励
	ExchangePendant        //兑换挂件
	MJActive               //萌节活动
	ReAcquirePointDedution //重复领取

point change type

View Source
const (
	UnUse int8 = iota

user discount

View Source
const (
	BcoinUnissued int8 = iota

bcoin salary status.

View Source
const (
	Expire int32 = iota

vip status.

View Source
const (
	Nomal = iota

batch code status

View Source
const (
	BatchNormal int8 = iota + 1

batch status

View Source
const (
	VersionTypeNone int8 = iota

tips judge type .

View Source
const (
	NormalPay int32 = iota

vip pay type.

View Source
const (
	PanelPosition int8 = iota + 1

vip tips.

View Source
const (
	SwitchClose int8 = iota


View Source
const (
	DiscountNotUse = iota

Discount status.

View Source
const (
	AllPrivilege int8 = iota

privilege type.

View Source
const (
	WebResources = iota

privilege resources type.

View Source
const (
	PrivilegeTitle       = "大会员权益"
	AnnualPrivilegeTitle = "年度大会员权益"

privilege title.

View Source
const (
	DeviceIapdName  = "pad"
	MobiAppIpadName = "ipad"

plat arg

View Source
const (
	ServiceTypeNormal        = 0
	ServiceTypeInternational = 2
	ServiceTypePublic        = 1
	ServiceTypeAuto          = 7
	ServiceTypeIap           = 100

pay service type

View Source
const (
	NormalPayType int8 = iota

vip pay type.

View Source
const (
	NormalShowTitle    = "购买大会员"
	AutoRenewShowTitle = "购买大会员连续包月"

pay showTitle.

View Source
const (
	UserNotLoginExplain   = "点击头像登录或注册优惠价开通大会员"
	NotVipExplain         = "你还不是大会员,开通福利多多"
	ExpireVipExplain      = "大会员离你而去了,快来续期吧"
	YYYYDDVipExplain      = "%s到期,购买后有效期将顺延"
	WillExplainVipExplain = "只剩%d天大会员就要离开你而去啦,快来续期吧"

vip panel user explain.

View Source
const (
	TradeSuccess int8 = iota

trade status.

View Source
const (
	PAYING int8 = iota + 1
	CANCEL = 20

order status

View Source
const (
	General int8 = iota

order type

View Source
const (
	QuickPaySuccess int8 = iota + 1

quick pay status

View Source
const (
	ALIPAY int8 = iota + 1

pay way

View Source
const (
	MobileOrigin int8 = iota + 1

pay origin

View Source
const (
	AllUser int8 = iota

vip_price_config suit_type

View Source
const (
	NoRenew int8 = iota

order type

View Source
const (
	OneMonthSub int8 = iota + 1

order type by month for vip_user_discount_history table

View Source
const (
	OneMonth   = int8(1)
	ThreeMonth = int8(3)
	OneYear    = int8(12)

const month

View Source
const (
	All int8 = iota

const vip_price_config beforeSuitType

View Source
const (
	PanelMonthDESC int8 = iota

const panel month sort

View Source
const (
	PanelTypeNormal = "normal"
	PanelTypeFriend = "friend"
	PanelTypeCheck  = "check"
	PanelTypeEle    = "ele"

const PanelType

View Source
const (
	// PlatVipPriceConfigOther 其他平台
	PlatVipPriceConfigOther int64 = iota + 1
	// PlatVipPriceConfigIOS IOS平台
	// PlatVipPriceConfigIPADHD ipad hd平台
	// PlatVipPriceConfigFriendsGift 好友赠送
	// PlatVipPriceConfigInternational 安卓国际版
	// PlatVipPriceConfigIphoneB iphone蓝版
	// PlatVipPriceConfigCheck 审核态价格
	PlatVipPriceConfigCheck = 20
View Source
const (
	PanelNotSelected int32 = iota

const select

View Source
const (
	QrTip          = "请使用微信、支付宝或QQ扫码支付"
	QrAutoRenewTip = "请使用微信扫码支付"

qr tip

View Source
const (
	// PanelTypeDefault .
	PanelTypeDefault = "normal"
	// PlatformWeb .
	PlatformWeb = "web"
	// PlatformAndroid .
	PlatformAndroid = "android"
	// PlatformIos .
	PlatformIos = "ios"
	// DeviceIos .
	DeviceIos = "ios"
View Source
const (
	PointConsumeSuc   = 1
	PointConsumeFaild = 1

point consume status

View Source
const (
	ChangeTypePointExhchange  = 1 // 积分兑换
	ChangeTypeRechange        = 2 //充值开通
	ChangeTypeSystem          = 3 // 系统发放
	ChangeTypeActiveGive      = 4 //活动赠送
	ChangeTypeRepeatDeduction = 5 //重复领取扣除

	VipDaysMonth = 31
	VipDaysYear  = 366

	NotVip    = 0 //非大会员
	Vip       = 1 //月度大会员
	AnnualVip = 2 //年度会员

	VipStatusOverTime    = 0 //过期
	VipStatusNotOverTime = 1 //未过期
	VipStatusFrozen      = 2 //冻结
	VipStatusBan         = 3 //封禁

	VipAppUser  = 1 //大会员对接业务方user缓存
	VipAppPoint = 2 //大会员对接业务方积分缓存

	VipChangeFrozen   = -1 //冻结
	VipChangeUnFrozen = 0  //解冻
	VipChangeOpen     = 1  //开通
	VipChangeModify   = 2  //变更

	VipBusinessStatusOpen  = 0 //有效
	VipBusinessStatusClose = 1 //无效

	VipOpenMsgTitle     = "大会员开通成功"
	VipSystemNotify     = 4
	VipOpenMsg          = "恭喜您已开通大会员服务%s!"
	VipOpenKMsg         = "恭喜您已续期大会员服务%s!"
	VipBcoinGiveContext = "尊敬的年度大会员,您本月%dB币到账啦!请您随意挥霍,注意会在次月%d日清零哦!"
	VipBcoinGiveTitle   = "B币到账通知"

	VipOpenMsgCode      = "10_1_1"
	VipBcoinGiveMsgCode = "10_99_2"
	VipCustomizeMsgCode = "10_99_1"

	AnnualVipBcoinDay              = "annual_vip_bcoin_day"                //年费VIPB券发放每月第几天
	AnnualVipBcoinCouponMoney      = "annual_vip_bcoin_coupon_money"       //年费VIP返回B券金额
	AnnualVipBcoinCouponActivityID = "annual_vip_bcoin_coupon_activity_id" //年费VIP返B券活动ID


Eunm vip enum value.

View Source
const (
	NomalVip = iota

vip renew type

View Source
const (
	CouponUseRemark = "大会员券消费"

coupon remark

View Source
const (
	EleAppID = 32

associate appid.

View Source
const (
	ElemeGrantRemark = "宅e块联合会员"

eleme grant remark.

View Source
const (
	FirstDiscountBuyVip int64 = iota + 1

user discount history enum

View Source
const (
	IapPayChannelID = 100

pay channel id

View Source
const (
	IsAutoRenewed int32 = 1

IsAutoRenewed is auto renewed.

View Source
const (
	PaySubTypeAuto = 1

pay sub type

View Source
const (
	ShowContent = "购买%d个月大会员"

pay param show content.

View Source
const (
	// VipUserFirstDiscount 促销类型
	VipUserFirstDiscount = 1
View Source
const (
	WebHadAccess int32 = iota

vip AccessStatus.


View Source
var (
	// PlatformMap 平台
	PlatformMap = map[string]string{"android": "android", "ios": "ios", "pc": "pc", "public": "public"}
	// DeviceMap 对应设备
	DeviceMap = map[string]string{"pad": "pad", "phone": "phone"}
	// MobiAPPIDIosMap iOS
	MobiAPPIDIosMap = map[string]string{"iphone": "iphone", "ipad": "ipad", "iphone_b": "iphone_b"}
	// MobiAPPIDAndroidMap Android
	MobiAPPIDAndroidMap = map[string]string{"android": "android", "android_tv_yst": "android_tv_yst", "android_tv": "android_tv", "android_i": "android_i", "android_b": "android_b"}
	// MobiAPPIDMap all
	MobiAPPIDMap = map[string]string{"iphone": "iphone", "ipad": "ipad", "iphone_b": "iphone_b", "android": "android", "android_tv_yst": "android_tv_yst", "android_tv": "android_tv", "android_i": "android_i", "android_b": "android_b"}
View Source
var (
	ErrInvalidLengthVip = fmt.Errorf("proto: negative length found during unmarshaling")
	ErrIntOverflowVip   = fmt.Errorf("proto: integer overflow")
View Source
var EleGrantVipDays = map[int32]int64{
	1:  31,
	12: 366,

EleGrantVipDays eleme grant vip days.

View Source
var MapProdLlimRenewal = map[int8]int8{0: 2, 1: 1}

MapProdLlimRenewal .

View Source
var MobiAppByName = map[string]int{
	"iphone":  MobiAppIphone,
	"ipad":    MobiAppIpad,
	"pc":      MobiAppPC,
	"android": MobiAppANDROID,

MobiAppByName .

View Source
var OpenChangeMap = map[int8]string{
	OpenChangeNONE:     "none",
	PointChange:        "积分兑换",
	Recharge:           "充值开通",
	System:             "系统发放",
	Active:             "活动赠送",
	ReacquireDeduction: "重复领取扣除",
	ActiveCode:         "激活码",
	SystemDeduction:    "系统扣减",

OpenChangeMap .

View Source
var PayPlatform = map[int]int8{
	DeviceIOS:     2,
	DeviceIPAD:    2,
	DevicePC:      1,
	DeviceANDROID: 1,

PayPlatform vip mapping platform

View Source
var PayType = map[int8]string{
	ALIPAY: "alipay",
	WECHAT: "wechat",
	BCION:  "bp",
	BANK:   "bank",
	PAYPAL: "paypal",
	IOSPAY: "iospay",
	QPAY:   "qpay",

PayType pay type

View Source
var PayTypeName = map[string]int8{
	"alipay": ALIPAY,
	"wechat": WECHAT,
	"bp":     BCION,
	"bank":   BANK,
	"paypal": PAYPAL,
	"iospay": IOSPAY,

PayTypeName pay name.

View Source
var PayWayName = map[int8]string{
	ALIPAY: "支付宝",
	WECHAT: "微信",
	BCION:  "B币",
	BANK:   "银行卡",
	PAYPAL: "paypal",
	IOSPAY: "iospay",
	QPAY:   "qpay",

PayWayName payWay name

View Source
var PlatformByCode = map[int]string{
	PlatfromIOS:     "ios",
	PlatfromIPAD:    "ipad",
	PlatfromPC:      "pc",
	PlatfromANDROID: "android",

PlatformByCode .

View Source
var PlatformByName = map[string]int{
	"ios":       PlatfromIOS,
	"ipad":      PlatfromIPAD,
	"pc":        PlatfromPC,
	"android":   PlatfromANDROID,
	"ipadhd":    PlatfromIPADHD,
	"ios_b":     PlatfromIOSBLUE,
	"android_b": PlatfromANDROIDBLUE,
	"public":    PlatfromPUBLIC,

PlatformByName .


func AssociatePlatform

func AssociatePlatform(platfrom, device, mobiApp string) int8

AssociatePlatform get platfrom.

func ResourcesType

func ResourcesType(p string) int8

ResourcesType get type by platform.

func UUID4

func UUID4() string

UUID4 is generate uuid


type APIPayCancelResp

type APIPayCancelResp struct {
	TraceID        string `json:"traceId"`
	ServerTime     int64  `json:"serverTime"`
	CustomerID     int64  `json:"customerId"`
	OrderID        string `json:"orderId"`
	OrderCloseTime int64  `json:"orderCloseTime"`

APIPayCancelResp api pay cancel resp.

type APIPayOrderResp

type APIPayOrderResp struct {
	SDK             string `json:"sdk"`
	QrcodeURL       string `json:"qrcode_url"`
	CashierURL      string `json:"cashier_url"`
	RechargeOrderNo string `json:"recharge_order_no"`

APIPayOrderResp api pay resp.

type AddPayOrderResp

type AddPayOrderResp struct {
	OrderNo    string `json:"order_no"`
	CashierURL string `json:"cashier_url"`
	QrcodeURL  string `json:"qrcode_url"`

AddPayOrderResp add pay order

type ArgAddOrder

type ArgAddOrder struct {
	AppID    int64  `form:"appId" default:"0"`
	Months   int64  `form:"months" validate:"required"`
	AppsubID string `form:"appsubId"`
	BmID     int64  `form:"bmid"`

ArgAddOrder add order form.

type ArgAssociatePanel

type ArgAssociatePanel struct {
	Device    string `form:"device"`
	Build     int64  `form:"build"`
	MobiApp   string `form:"mobi_app"`
	Platform  string `form:"platform" default:"pc"`
	SortTP    int8   `form:"sort_type"`
	PanelType string `form:"panel_type" default:"normal"`
	Mid       int64
	IP        string

ArgAssociatePanel args.

type ArgAssociateVip

type ArgAssociateVip struct {
	Platform string `form:"platform"`
	MobiApp  string `form:"mobi_app"`
	Device   string `form:"device"`

ArgAssociateVip associate vip arg.

type ArgBilibiliPrizeGrant

type ArgBilibiliPrizeGrant struct {
	PrizeKey string
	UniqueNo string
	OpenID   string
	AppID    int64

ArgBilibiliPrizeGrant args.

type ArgBilibiliVipGrant

type ArgBilibiliVipGrant struct {
	OpenID     string
	OutOpenID  string
	OutOrderNO string
	Duration   int32
	AppID      int64

ArgBilibiliVipGrant bilibili vip grant args.

type ArgBind

type ArgBind struct {
	OpenID    string
	OutOpenID string
	AppID     int64

ArgBind bind args.

type ArgBindInfo

type ArgBindInfo struct {
	Mid   int64
	AppID int64

ArgBindInfo bind info args.

type ArgBuyPoint

type ArgBuyPoint struct {
	Mid   int64 `form:"mid" validate:"required,min=1,gte=1"`
	Month int16 `form:"month" validate:"required" `

ArgBuyPoint .

type ArgBuyVip

type ArgBuyVip struct {
	AppID     int64  `form:"appId" default:"0"`
	Months    int16  `form:"months" validate:"required"`
	PayWay    string `form:"payWay" validate:"required"`
	Bmid      int64  `form:"bmid"`
	BankCode  string `form:"bank_code"`
	ProductID string `form:"productId"`
	AppSubID  string `form:"appsubId"`
	AccessKey string `form:"access_key"`
	Platform  string `form:"platform"`

ArgBuyVip def.

type ArgCancelUseCoupon

type ArgCancelUseCoupon struct {
	Mid         int64  `form:"mid" validate:"required,min=1,gte=1"`
	CouponToken string `form:"coupon_token" validate:"required"`

ArgCancelUseCoupon cancel use coupon.

type ArgChangeHistory

type ArgChangeHistory struct {
	Mid int64 `form:"mid" validate:"required"`
	Pn  int   `form:"pn"`
	Ps  int   `form:"ps"`

ArgChangeHistory .

type ArgCodeOpened

type ArgCodeOpened struct {
	BisAppkey string    `form:"bis_appkey"`
	BisSign   string    `form:"bis_sign"`
	BisTs     int64     `form:"bis_ts"`
	StartTime time.Time `form:"start_time"`
	EndTime   time.Time `form:"end_time"`
	Cursor    int64     `form:"cursor"`

ArgCodeOpened code opened.

func (*ArgCodeOpened) ToMap

func (arg *ArgCodeOpened) ToMap() map[string]interface{}

ToMap .

type ArgCouponCancel

type ArgCouponCancel struct {
	Mid         int64  `json:"mid"`
	CouponToken string `json:"coupon_token"`
	IP          string `json:"ip"`

ArgCouponCancel coupon cancel use.

type ArgCouponPanel

type ArgCouponPanel struct {
	Mid       int64 `json:"mid"`
	Sid       int64 `json:"sid"`
	Platform  int   `json:"platform"`
	MobiApp   string
	Device    string
	PanelType string
	Build     int64

ArgCouponPanel coupon panel arg.

type ArgCouponPanelV2

type ArgCouponPanelV2 struct {
	Mid int64 `json:"mid"`
	Sid int64 `json:"sid"`

ArgCouponPanelV2 coupon panel arg.

type ArgCreateOrder

type ArgCreateOrder struct {
	Mid       int64   `form:"mid" validate:"required,min=1,gte=1"`
	AppID     int64   `form:"app_id" default:"0"`
	AppSubID  string  `form:"app_sub_id"`
	Months    int16   `form:"months" validate:"required,min=1,gte=1"`
	OrderType int8    `form:"order_type" `
	DType     int8    `form:"dtype"`
	Bmid      int64   `form:"bmid"`
	Platform  string  `form:"platform"`
	Price     float64 `form:"price"`
	IP        string  `form:"ip"`

ArgCreateOrder .

type ArgCreateOrder2

type ArgCreateOrder2 struct {
	Mid         int64  `form:"mid" validate:"required,min=1,gte=1"`
	Month       int32  `form:"months" validate:"required,min=1,gte=1"`
	Platform    string `form:"platform"`
	MobiApp     string `form:"mobi_app"`
	Device      string `form:"device"`
	AppID       int64  `form:"appId"`
	AppSubID    string `form:"appSubId"`
	OrderType   int8   `form:"orderType"`
	Dtype       int8   `form:"dtype"`
	ReturnURL   string `form:"returnUrl"`
	CouponToken string `form:"coupon_token"`
	Bmid        int64  `form:"bmid"`
	PanelType   string `form:"panel_type" default:"normal"`
	Build       int64  `form:"build"`
	IP          net.IP

ArgCreateOrder2 .

type ArgCreateOrderPlatform

type ArgCreateOrderPlatform struct {
	Mid       int64   `form:"mid"`
	AppID     int64   `form:"appId"`
	Bmid      int64   `form:"bmid"`
	Month     int16   `form:"months"`
	Price     float64 `form:"price"`
	Platform  int     `form:"platform"`
	Dtype     int8    `form:"dtype"`
	OrderType int8    `form:"orderType"`
	AppSubID  string  `form:"appsubId"`

ArgCreateOrderPlatform def.

type ArgDevice

type ArgDevice struct {
	Device string `form:"device" default:"pc"`
	Build  int64  `form:"build" default:"0"`

ArgDevice .

type ArgDialog

type ArgDialog struct {
	OrderNo   string `form:"order_no" validate:"required"`
	Mid       int64
	AppID     int64  `form:"app_id"`
	Platform  string `form:"platform" default:"pc"`
	MobiApp   string `form:"mobi_app"`
	Device    string `form:"device"`
	Build     int64  `form:"build"`
	PanelType string `form:"panel_type" default:"normal"`

ArgDialog get order result withc appID and Platform.

type ArgEleAccessToken

type ArgEleAccessToken struct {
	AuthCode string `json:"auth_code"`

ArgEleAccessToken ele access token args.

type ArgEleBindUnion

type ArgEleBindUnion struct {
	ElemeOpenID string `json:"eleme_open_id"`
	BliOpenID   string `json:"bli_open_id"`
	VipType     int32  `json:"vip_type"`
	SourceID    string `json:"source_id"`
	UserIP      string `json:"user_ip"`

ArgEleBindUnion ele salary bind vip args.

type ArgEleCanPurchase

type ArgEleCanPurchase struct {
	ElemeOpenID string `json:"eleme_open_id"`
	BliOpenID   string `json:"bli_open_id"`
	UserIP      string `json:"user_ip"`
	VipType     int32  `json:"vip_type"`

ArgEleCanPurchase ele can purchase args.

type ArgEleReceivePrizes

type ArgEleReceivePrizes struct {
	ElemeOpenID string `json:"eleme_open_id"`
	BliOpenID   string `json:"bli_open_id"`
	SourceID    string `json:"source_id"`

ArgEleReceivePrizes receive prizes args.

type ArgEleUnionMobile

type ArgEleUnionMobile struct {
	ElemeOpenID string `json:"eleme_open_id"`
	BliOpenID   string `json:"bli_open_id"`

ArgEleUnionMobile ele union mobile.

type ArgEleUnionUpdateOpenID

type ArgEleUnionUpdateOpenID struct {
	ElemeOpenID string `json:"eleme_open_id"`
	BliOpenID   string `json:"bli_open_id"`

ArgEleUnionUpdateOpenID union update open id args.

type ArgEleVipGrant

type ArgEleVipGrant struct {
	OrderNO string `form:"order_no" validate:"required"`

ArgEleVipGrant args ele vip grant.

type ArgMailCouponCodeCreate

type ArgMailCouponCodeCreate struct {
	Mid      int64  `json:"mid"`
	Uname    string `json:"uname"`
	CouponID string `json:"couponId"`

ArgMailCouponCodeCreate mail coupon code create args.

type ArgMid

type ArgMid struct {
	Mid int64 `form:"mid" validate:"required"`

ArgMid .

type ArgOldPayOrder

type ArgOldPayOrder struct {
	OrderNo      string  `form:"order_no" validate:"required"`
	AppID        int64   `form:"app_id"`
	Platform     int8    `form:"platform" `
	OrderType    int8    `form:"order_type"`
	AppSubID     string  `form:"app_sub_id"`
	Mid          int64   `form:"mid"`
	ToMid        int64   `form:"to_mid"`
	BuyMonths    int16   `form:"buy_months" validate:"required,min=1,gte=1"`
	Money        float64 `form:"money" validate:"required"`
	Status       int8    `form:"status"`
	PayType      int8    `form:"pay_type"`
	RechargeBp   float64 `form:"recharge_bp"`
	ThirdTradeNo string  `form:"third_trade_no"`

ArgOldPayOrder def.

type ArgOpenAuthCallBack

type ArgOpenAuthCallBack struct {
	Mid       int64
	ThirdCode string
	AppID     int64

ArgOpenAuthCallBack callback args.

type ArgOpenBindByMid

type ArgOpenBindByMid struct {
	Mid       int64
	AppID     int64
	OutOpenID string

ArgOpenBindByMid args.

type ArgPanel

type ArgPanel struct {
	Mid       int64
	SortTp    int8
	IP        string
	MobiApp   string
	Device    string
	Platform  string
	Plat      int64
	PanelType string
	SubType   int32
	Month     int32
	Build     int64
	Lang      string

ArgPanel .

type ArgPanelExplain

type ArgPanelExplain struct {
	Mid int64 `json:"mid"`

ArgPanelExplain arg explain .

type ArgPannel

type ArgPannel struct {
	Mid      int64  `form:"mid" validate:"required,min=1,gte=1"`
	Platform string `form:"platform" validate:"required"`

ArgPannel .

type ArgPrice

type ArgPrice struct {
	Month          int16 `form:"month"`
	Platform       int   `form:"platform"`
	Mt             int8  `form:"mt"`
	DiscountStatus int8

ArgPrice def.

type ArgPriceByProduct

type ArgPriceByProduct struct {
	ProductID string `form:"product_id" validate:"required"`

ArgPriceByProduct arg price by product.

type ArgPriceV2

type ArgPriceV2 struct {
	Mid       int64
	Month     int16
	SubType   int8
	Token     string
	Platform  string
	PanelType string
	MobiApp   string
	Device    string
	Build     int64

ArgPriceV2 arg price v2.

type ArgPrivilegeBySid

type ArgPrivilegeBySid struct {
	Sid      int64  `json:"sid" form:"sid" validate:"required"`
	Lang     string `form:"lang"`
	Platform string `json:"platform" form:"platform" default:"pc"`

ArgPrivilegeBySid privilege by sid .

type ArgPrivilegeDetail

type ArgPrivilegeDetail struct {
	Type     int8   `json:"type" form:"type"`
	Lang     string `json:"lang" form:"lang"`
	Platform string `json:"platform" form:"platform" default:"pc"`

ArgPrivilegeDetail privilege by type.

type ArgProductLimit

type ArgProductLimit struct {
	Mid       int64
	Months    int32
	PanelType string

ArgProductLimit args product limit.

type ArgRPCCreateOrder

type ArgRPCCreateOrder struct {
	Mid       int64   `form:"mid" validate:"required,min=1,gte=1"`
	AppID     int64   `form:"appId" default:"0"`
	AppSubID  string  `form:"appSubId"`
	Months    int16   `form:"months" validate:"required,min=1,gte=1"`
	OrderType int8    `form:"orderType" `
	DType     int8    `form:"dtype"`
	Bmid      int64   `form:"bmid"`
	Platform  string  `form:"platform"`
	Price     float64 `form:"price"`
	IP        string  `form:"ip"`

ArgRPCCreateOrder .

type ArgRPCHistory

type ArgRPCHistory struct {
	Mid       int64  `form:"mid" validate:"required"`
	StartDate string `form:"start_time"`
	EndDate   string `form:"end_time"`
	Pn        int    `form:"pn"`
	Ps        int    `form:"ps"`

ArgRPCHistory .

type ArgRPCMid

type ArgRPCMid struct {
	Mid int64 `json:"mid"`

ArgRPCMid .

type ArgRPCMids

type ArgRPCMids struct {
	Mids []int64 `json:"mids"`

ArgRPCMids .

type ArgRPCOrderNo

type ArgRPCOrderNo struct {
	OrderNo string `json:"order_no"`

ArgRPCOrderNo .

type ArgRegisterOpenID

type ArgRegisterOpenID struct {
	Mid   int64
	AppID int64

ArgRegisterOpenID add open_id args.

type ArgThirdPrizeGrant

type ArgThirdPrizeGrant struct {
	Mid       int64  `form:"mid" validate:"required"`
	PrizeKey  int64  `form:"prize_key"`
	UniqueNo  string `form:"unique_no" validate:"required"`
	PrizeType int8   `form:"prize_type" validate:"required"`
	Appkey    string `form:"appkey" validate:"required"`
	Remark    string `form:"remark" validate:"required"`
	AppID     int64

ArgThirdPrizeGrant prize grant args.

type ArgTips

type ArgTips struct {
	Version  int64  `json:"version" form:"version"`
	Platform string `json:"platform" form:"platform" validate:"required"`
	Position int8   `json:"position" form:"position"`

ArgTips arg tips.

type ArgUseBatch

type ArgUseBatch struct {
	BatchID int64  `form:"batch_id" validate:"required" json:"batch_id"`
	Mid     int64  `form:"mid" validate:"required" json:"mid"`
	OrderNo string `form:"order_no" validate:"required" json:"order_no"`
	Remark  string `form:"remark" validate:"required" json:"remark"`
	Appkey  string `form:"appkey" validate:"required" json:"appkey"`
	Sign    string `form:"sign"`
	Ts      int64  `form:"ts"`

ArgUseBatch def.

func (*ArgUseBatch) ToMap

func (arg *ArgUseBatch) ToMap() map[string]interface{}

ToMap .

type ArgUserInfoByOpenID

type ArgUserInfoByOpenID struct {
	AppID  int64
	OpenID string
	IP     string

ArgUserInfoByOpenID args.

type ArgVipConfig

type ArgVipConfig struct {
	Mid       int64  `form:"mid" validate:"required,min=1,gte=1"`
	Device    string `form:"device"`
	MobiApp   string `form:"mobi_app"`
	SortType  int8   `form:"sort_type"`
	PanelType string `form:"panel_type" default:"normal"`
	Build     int64  `form:"build"`

ArgVipConfig .

type ArgVipConfigMonth

type ArgVipConfigMonth struct {
	Mid                   int64  `form:"mid" validate:"required,min=1,gte=1"`
	Device                string `form:"device"`
	MobiApp               string `form:"mobi_app"`
	Month                 int16  `form:"month" validate:"required,min=1,gte=1"`
	SubType               int8   `form:"sub_type" validate:"min=0,max=1"`
	CouponToken           string `form:"coupon_token"`
	Platform              string `form:"platform" default:"pc"`
	PanelType             string `form:"panel_type" default:"normal"`
	IgnoreAutoRenewStatus int8   `form:"ignore_autorenew_status"`
	Build                 int64  `form:"build"`

ArgVipConfigMonth .

type ArgVipPriceByID

type ArgVipPriceByID struct {
	ID int64 `form:"id" validate:"required"`

ArgVipPriceByID arg vip price.

type ArgWelfareInfo

type ArgWelfareInfo struct {
	ID  int64 `form:"id"`
	MID int64 `form:"mid"`

ArgWelfareInfo args for welfare info.

type ArgWelfareList

type ArgWelfareList struct {
	Tid       int64      `form:"tid"`
	Recommend int64      `form:"recommend"`
	Ps        int64      `form:"ps"`
	Pn        int64      `form:"pn"`
	NowTime   xtime.Time `form:"-"`

ArgWelfareList args for welfare list.

type ArgWelfareReceive

type ArgWelfareReceive struct {
	Wid int64 `form:"wid"`
	Mid int64 `form:"mid"`

ArgWelfareReceive args for welfare receive.

type AssociatePanelInfo

type AssociatePanelInfo struct {
	ID         int64   `json:"id"`
	Month      int32   `json:"month"`
	PdName     string  `json:"product_name"`
	PdID       string  `json:"product_id"`
	SubType    int32   `json:"sub_type"`
	SuitType   int32   `json:"suit_type"`
	OPrice     float64 `json:"original_price"`
	DPrice     float64 `json:"discount_price"`
	DRate      string  `json:"discount_rate"`
	Remark     string  `json:"remark"`
	Selected   int32   `json:"selected"`
	PayState   int8    `json:"pay_state"`
	PayMessage string  `json:"pay_message"`

AssociatePanelInfo associate panel info.

type AssociateVipResp

type AssociateVipResp struct {
	Title             string `json:"title"`
	Remark            string `json:"remark"`
	Link              string `json:"link"`
	AssociatePlatform int8   `json:"associate_platform"`

AssociateVipResp associate vip resp

type BcoinSalaryResp

type BcoinSalaryResp struct {
	BcoinList    []*VipBcoinSalary `json:"bcoin_list"`
	DaysNextGive int32             `json:"days_next_give"`

BcoinSalaryResp salary dto.

type BcoinSendBo

type BcoinSendBo struct {
	Amount     int64
	DayOfMonth int64
	DueDate    time.Time

BcoinSendBo bcoinSendBo

type BilibiliPrizeGrantResp

type BilibiliPrizeGrantResp struct {
	Amount      float64
	FullAmount  float64
	Description string

BilibiliPrizeGrantResp resp.

type BindAccount

type BindAccount struct {
	Mid  int64  `json:"mid"`
	Name string `json:"name"`
	Face string `json:"face"`

BindAccount bind account.

type BindInfo

type BindInfo struct {
	Account *BindAccount `json:"account"`
	Outer   *BindOuter   `json:"outer"`

BindInfo struct.

type BindOuter

type BindOuter struct {
	Tel       string `json:"tel"`
	BindState int32  `json:"bind_state"`

BindOuter outer bind info.

type BuyVipResp

type BuyVipResp struct {
	Qrcode          string `json:"qrcode"`
	CashierURL      string `json:"cashier_url"`
	OrderNo         string `json:"orderNo"`
	RechargeOrderNo string `json:"rechargeOrderNo"`
	PayPayOrderNo   string `json:"payPayOrderNo"`
	PaySign         string `json:"paySign"`
	Status          int8   `json:"status"`
	ProductID       string `json:"productId"`

BuyVipResp buy vip resp.

type CodeInfoResp

type CodeInfoResp struct {
	ID       int64     `json:"id"`
	UserTime time.Time `json:"user_time"`
	Code     string    `json:"code"`

CodeInfoResp code info Response

type CommonResq

type CommonResq struct {
	Code    int64  `json:"code"`
	TS      int64  `json:"ts"`
	Message string `json:"message"`

CommonResq response params.

type ConfDialog

type ConfDialog struct {
	ID          int64     `json:"-"`
	AppID       int64     `json:"app_id"`
	Platform    int64     `json:"platform"`
	StartTime   time.Time `json:"-"`
	EndTime     time.Time `json:"-"`
	Title       string    `json:"title"`
	Content     string    `json:"content"`
	Follow      bool      `json:"follow"`
	LeftButton  string    `json:"left_button"`
	LeftLink    string    `json:"left_link"`
	RightButton string    `json:"right_button"`
	RightLink   string    `json:"right_link"`
	Operator    string    `json:"-"`
	Stage       bool      `json:"stage"`
	Ctime       time.Time `json:"-"`
	Mtime       time.Time `json:"-"`

ConfDialog .

type ConfPlatform

type ConfPlatform struct {
	ID           int64  `json:"id"`
	PlatformName string `json:"platform_name"`
	Platform     string `json:"platform"`
	Device       string `json:"device"`
	MobiApp      string `json:"mobi_app"`
	PanelType    string `json:"panel_type"`

ConfPlatform struct .

type CreateOrderRet

type CreateOrderRet struct {
	PayParam    map[string]interface{} `json:"pay_param"`
	Dprice      float64                `json:"dprice"`
	Oprice      float64                `json:"oprice"`
	CouponMoney float64                `json:"coupon_money"`
	UserIP      string                 `json:"user_ip"`
	PID         int64                  `json:"p_id"`

CreateOrderRet create order ret.

type EleAccessTokenResp

type EleAccessTokenResp struct {
	OpenID string `json:"open_id"`

EleAccessTokenResp ele access token resp.

type EleBindUnionResp

type EleBindUnionResp struct {
	Status  int32  `json:"status"`
	Message string `json:"message"`

EleBindUnionResp ele bind union resp.

type EleCanPurchaseResp

type EleCanPurchaseResp struct {
	CanPurchase bool   `json:"can_purchase"`
	Status      int32  `json:"status"`
	Message     string `json:"message"`

EleCanPurchaseResp ele can purchase resp.

type EleReceivePrizesResp

type EleReceivePrizesResp struct {
	Amount       float64 `json:"amount"`
	SumCondition float64 `json:"sum_condition"`
	Description  string  `json:"description"`

EleReceivePrizesResp receive prizes resp.

type EleRedPackagesResp

type EleRedPackagesResp struct {
	Name         string  `json:"name"`
	Amount       float64 `json:"amount"`
	SumCondition float64 `json:"sum_condition"`

EleRedPackagesResp ele red packages.

type EleSpecailFoodsResp

type EleSpecailFoodsResp struct {
	RestaurantName string  `json:"restaurant_name"`
	FoodName       string  `json:"food_name"`
	FoodURL        string  `json:"food_url"`
	Discount       float64 `json:"discount"`
	Amount         float64 `json:"amount"`
	OriginalAmount float64 `json:"original_amount"`
	RatingPoint    float64 `json:"rating_point"`

EleSpecailFoodsResp ele specail foods resp.

type EleUnionMobileResp

type EleUnionMobileResp struct {
	Status     int32  `json:"status"`
	Message    string `json:"message"`
	BlurMobile string `json:"blur_mobile"`

EleUnionMobileResp ele get union mobile resp.

type EleUnionUpdateOpenIDResp

type EleUnionUpdateOpenIDResp struct {
	Status  int32  `json:"status"`
	Message string `json:"message"`

EleUnionUpdateOpenIDResp union update resp.

type HandlerVip

type HandlerVip struct {
	OldVipUser *VipInfoDB
	VipUser    *VipInfoDB
	HistoryID  int64
	Days       int64
	Months     int16
	Mid        int64
	ToMid      int64

HandlerVip vip handler

type Jointly

type Jointly struct {
	ID        int64     `json:"id"`
	Title     string    `json:"title"`
	Content   string    `json:"content"`
	StartTime int64     `json:"start_time"`
	EndTime   int64     `json:"end_time"`
	Link      string    `json:"link"`
	IsHot     int8      `json:"is_hot"`
	State     int8      `json:"state"`
	Operator  string    `json:"operator"`
	CTime     time.Time `json:"ctime"`
	MTime     time.Time `json:"mtime"`

Jointly def.

type JointlyResp

type JointlyResp struct {
	Title   string `json:"title"`
	Content string `json:"content"`
	IsHot   int8   `json:"is_hot"`
	Link    string `json:"link"`
	EndTime int64  `json:"end_time"`

JointlyResp jointly resp.

type MailCouponCodeCreateResp

type MailCouponCodeCreateResp struct {
	CouponCodeID       string `json:"couponCodeId"`
	RemainReceiveTimes int64  `json:"remainReceiveTimes"`

MailCouponCodeCreateResp mail code create resp.

type Member

type Member struct {
	Mid      string `json:"mid"`
	Name     string `json:"name"`
	Face     string `json:"face"`
	Sign     string `json:"sign"`
	Sex      string `json:"sex"`
	Cert     string `json:"cert"`
	Rank     string `json:"rank"`
	Certdesc string `json:"certdesc"`

Member response params .

type MemberResq

type MemberResq struct {
	Data *Member `json:"data"`

MemberResq response params .

type Month

type Month struct {
	ID        int64     `json:"_"`
	Month     int16     `json:"month"`
	MonthType int8      `json:"month_type"`
	Operator  string    `json:"operator"`
	Status    int8      `json:"status"`
	Deleted   int8      `json:"deleted"`
	Mtime     time.Time `json:"mtime"`

Month def.

type MyWelfareResp

type MyWelfareResp struct {
	Wid        int32     `json:"wid"`
	Name       string    `json:"name"`
	Desc       string    `json:"desc"`
	UsageForm  int32     `json:"usage_form"`
	ReceiveUri string    `json:"receive_uri"`
	Code       string    `json:"code"`
	Expired    bool      `json:"expired"`
	Stime      time.Time `json:"stime"`
	Etime      time.Time `json:"etime"`

MyWelfareResp response for my welfare.

type OldHandlerVip

type OldHandlerVip struct {
	OldVipUser *VipUserInfo
	VipUser    *VipUserInfo
	HistoryID  int64
	Days       int64
	Months     int16
	Mid        int64
	ToMid      int64

OldHandlerVip old vip handler

type OpenBindInfo

type OpenBindInfo struct {
	Mid       int64  `protobuf:"varint,1,opt,name=Mid,proto3" json:"mid"`
	AppID     int64  `protobuf:"varint,2,opt,name=AppID,proto3" json:"app_id"`
	OutOpenID string `protobuf:"bytes,3,opt,name=OutOpenID,proto3" json:"out_open_id"`
	State     int32  `protobuf:"varint,4,opt,name=State,proto3" json:"state"`
	Ver       int64  `protobuf:"varint,5,opt,name=Ver,proto3" json:"ver"`
	ID        int64  `protobuf:"varint,6,opt,name=ID,proto3" json:"-"`

func (*OpenBindInfo) Descriptor

func (*OpenBindInfo) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)

func (*OpenBindInfo) Marshal

func (m *OpenBindInfo) Marshal() (dAtA []byte, err error)

func (*OpenBindInfo) MarshalTo

func (m *OpenBindInfo) MarshalTo(dAtA []byte) (int, error)

func (*OpenBindInfo) ProtoMessage

func (*OpenBindInfo) ProtoMessage()

func (*OpenBindInfo) Reset

func (m *OpenBindInfo) Reset()

func (*OpenBindInfo) Size

func (m *OpenBindInfo) Size() (n int)

func (*OpenBindInfo) String

func (m *OpenBindInfo) String() string

func (*OpenBindInfo) Unmarshal

func (m *OpenBindInfo) Unmarshal(dAtA []byte) error

type OpenCodeResp

type OpenCodeResp struct {
	Data int64 `json:"data"`

OpenCodeResp openCode resq.

type OpenInfo

type OpenInfo struct {
	Mid    int64  `protobuf:"varint,1,opt,name=Mid,proto3" json:"mid"`
	AppID  int64  `protobuf:"varint,2,opt,name=AppID,proto3" json:"app_id"`
	OpenID string `protobuf:"bytes,3,opt,name=OpenID,proto3" json:"open_id"`

func (*OpenInfo) Descriptor

func (*OpenInfo) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)

func (*OpenInfo) Marshal

func (m *OpenInfo) Marshal() (dAtA []byte, err error)

func (*OpenInfo) MarshalTo

func (m *OpenInfo) MarshalTo(dAtA []byte) (int, error)

func (*OpenInfo) ProtoMessage

func (*OpenInfo) ProtoMessage()

func (*OpenInfo) Reset

func (m *OpenInfo) Reset()

func (*OpenInfo) Size

func (m *OpenInfo) Size() (n int)

func (*OpenInfo) String

func (m *OpenInfo) String() string

func (*OpenInfo) Unmarshal

func (m *OpenInfo) Unmarshal(dAtA []byte) error

type OrderInfo

type OrderInfo struct {
	ID           int64
	OrderNo      string
	AppID        int64
	OrderType    int8
	Platform     int8
	Mid          int64
	ToMid        int64
	BuyMonths    int16
	Money        float64
	RefundAmount float64
	Status       int8
	PayType      string
	RechargeBP   float64
	ThirdTradeNo string
	PaymentTime  time.Time
	Ver          int64
	Ctime        time.Time
	Mtime        time.Time
	AppSubID     string

OrderInfo order info.

type OrderMessage

type OrderMessage struct {
	LeftButton      string `json:"left_button"`
	RightButton     string `json:"right_button"`
	LeftButtonLink  string `json:"left_button_link"`
	RightButtonLink string `json:"right_button_link"`
	Title           string `json:"title"`
	Content         string `json:"content"`

OrderMessage .

type OrderMng

type OrderMng struct {
	Username         string `json:"username"`
	Mid              int64  `json:"mid"`
	IsAutoRenew      int8   `json:"isAuto_renew"`
	ExpireDate       string `json:"expire_date"`
	NextDedutionDate string `json:"next_dedution_date"`
	AutoRenewLoop    string `json:"auto_renew_loop"`
	PriceTip         string `json:"price_tip"`
	ChannelID        int32  `json:"channel_id"`
	PayType          string `json:"pay_type"`

OrderMng .

type OrderResult

type OrderResult struct {
	OrderNo string      `json:"order_no"`
	Status  int8        `json:"status"`
	Dialog  *ConfDialog `json:"dialog,omitempty"`

OrderResult order result.

type PannelInfo

type PannelInfo struct {
	VipMonths []*VipMonthsPriceBo `json:"vipMonths"`
	PayTypes  []*PayTypeBo        `json:"payTypes"`
	BcoinTips string              `json:"bcoinTips"`

PannelInfo .

type PassportDetail

type PassportDetail struct {
	Mid      int64  `json:"mid"`
	Email    string `json:"email"`
	Phone    string `json:"telphone"`
	Spacesta int8   `json:"spacesta"`
	JoinTime int64  `json:"join_time"`

PassportDetail .

type PayAccountResp

type PayAccountResp struct {
	Mid       int64   `json:"mid"`
	Brokerage float64 `json:"brokerage"`
	DefaultBp float64 `json:"default_bp"`

PayAccountResp .

type PayBankBo

type PayBankBo struct {
	Code  string `json:"code"`
	Name  string `json:"name"`
	Image string `json:"image"`

PayBankBo .

type PayBankResp

type PayBankResp struct {
	BanckCode string `json:"bankCode"`
	Name      string `json:"name"`
	Res       string `json:"res"`

PayBankResp pay bank resp

type PayCallBackResult

type PayCallBackResult struct {
	TradeNO     string  `json:"trade_no" form:"trade_no"`
	OutTradeNO  string  `json:"out_trade_no" form:"out_trade_no"`
	TradeStatus int8    `json:"trade_status" form:"trade_status"`
	Bp          float64 `json:"bp" form:"bp"`

PayCallBackResult def.

type PayNotifyContent

type PayNotifyContent struct {
	TxID         int64  `json:"txId"`
	OrderID      string `json:"orderId"`
	PayAmount    int64  `json:"payAmount"`
	PayChannel   string `json:"payChannel"`
	PayChannelID int32  `json:"payChannelId"`
	PayStatus    string `json:"payStatus"`
	CustomerID   int64  `json:"customerId"`
	ExpiredTime  int64  `json:"expiredTime"`

PayNotifyContent def.

type PayNotifyContentOld

type PayNotifyContentOld struct {
	TradeNO      string `json:"txId"`
	OrderID      string `json:"orderId"`
	PayAmount    int64  `json:"payAmount"`
	PayChannel   string `json:"payChannel"`
	PayChannelID int32  `json:"payChannelId"`
	PayStatus    string `json:"payStatus"`
	CustomerID   int64  `json:"customerId"`

PayNotifyContentOld .

type PayOrder

type PayOrder struct {
	ID           int64     `json:"_"`
	OrderNo      string    `json:"order_no"`
	AppID        int64     `json:"app_id"`
	Platform     int8      `json:"platform"`
	OrderType    int8      `json:"order_type"`
	AppSubID     string    `json:"app_sub_id"`
	Mid          int64     `json:"mid"`
	ToMid        int64     `json:"to_mid"`
	BuyMonths    int16     `json:"buy_months"`
	Money        float64   `json:"money"`
	RefundAmount float64   `json:"refund_amount"`
	Status       int8      `json:"status"`
	PayType      int8      `json:"pay_type"`
	RechargeBp   float64   `json:"recharge_bp"`
	ThirdTradeNo string    `json:"third_trade_no"`
	Ver          int64     `json:"ver"`
	CouponMoney  float64   `json:"coupon_money"`
	PaymentTime  time.Time `json:"payment_time"`
	Ctime        time.Time `json:"ctime"`
	Mtime        time.Time `json:"mtime"`
	PID          int64     `json:"p_id"`
	UserIP       []byte    `json:"-"`

PayOrder pay order

func (*PayOrder) DoPayOrderTypeKey

func (po *PayOrder) DoPayOrderTypeKey() string

DoPayOrderTypeKey .

func (*PayOrder) IsSub

func (po *PayOrder) IsSub() bool

IsSub .

type PayOrderResp

type PayOrderResp struct {
	OrderNo   string    `json:"order_no"`
	BuyMonths int16     `json:"buy_months"`
	Money     float64   `json:"money"`
	Status    int8      `json:"status"`
	Remark    string    `json:"remark"`
	Ctime     time.Time `json:"ctime"`

PayOrderResp pay order resp.

type PayParam

type PayParam struct {
	CustomerID      int64  `json:"customerId,omitempty"`
	DeviceType      int8   `json:"deviceType,omitempty"`
	DefaultChoose   string `json:"defaultChoose,omitempty"`
	OrderID         string `json:"orderId,omitempty"`
	OrderCreateTime int64  `json:"orderCreateTime,omitempty"`
	OrderExpire     int    `json:"orderExpire,omitempty"`
	NotifyURL       string `json:"notifyUrl,omitempty"`
	CreateIP        string `json:"createIp,omitempty"`
	SignURL         string `json:"signUrl,omitempty"`
	ShowTitle       string `json:"showTitle,omitempty"`
	ShowContent     string `json:"showContent,omitempty"`
	TraceID         string `json:"traceId,omitempty"`
	Timestamp       int64  `json:"timestamp,omitempty"`
	Version         string `json:"version,omitempty"`
	SignType        string `json:"signType,omitempty"`
	Sign            string `json:"sign,omitempty"`
	ProductID       string `json:"productId,omitempty"`
	PayAmount       int32  `json:"payAmount,omitempty"`
	PlanID          int32  `json:"planId,omitempty"`
	DisplayAccount  string `json:"displayAccount,omitempty"`
	UID             int64  `json:"uid,omitempty"`
	ServiceType     int    `json:"serviceType,omitempty"`
	OriginalAmount  int32  `json:"originalAmount,omitempty"`
	ReturnURL       string `json:"returnUrl,omitempty"`
	FeeType         string `json:"feeType,omitempty"`
	SubscribeType   int    `json:"subscribeType,omitempty"`

PayParam call pay param.

type PayPlatformOrder

type PayPlatformOrder struct {
	CustomerID      string `json:"customerId"`
	DeviceType      int8   `json:"deviceType"`
	OrderID         string `json:"orderId"`
	OrderCreateTime string `json:"orderCreateTime"`
	OrderExpire     int64  `json:"orderExpire"`
	NotifyURL       string `json:"notifyUrl"`
	SignURL         string `json:"signUrl"`
	ShowTitle       string `json:"showTitle"`
	TraceID         string `json:"traceId"`
	Timestamp       string `json:"timestamp"`
	Version         string `json:"version"`
	SignType        string `json:"signType"`
	Sign            string `json:"sign"`
	ProductID       string `json:"productId"`
	PayAmount       int32  `json:"payAmount"`
	PlanID          int32  `json:"planId"`
	UID             int64  `json:"uid"`
	DisplayAccount  string `json:"displayAccount"`
	ServiceType     int32  `json:"serviceType"`
	OriginalAmout   int32  `json:"originalAmount"`

PayPlatformOrder .

type PayQrCode

type PayQrCode struct {
	CodeURL     string `json:"codeUrl"`
	ExpiredTime int64  `json:"expiredTime"`

PayQrCode resp.

type PayQrCodeResp

type PayQrCodeResp struct {
	CodeURL     string  `json:"codeUrl"`
	ExpiredTime int64   `json:"expiredTime"`
	Amount      float64 `json:"amount"`
	SaveAmount  float64 `json:"saveAmount"`
	Tip         string  `json:"tip"`
	OrderNo     string  `json:"orderNo"`

PayQrCodeResp pay qr resp.

type PayQrCodeRet

type PayQrCodeRet struct {
	PayQrCodeResp *PayQrCodeResp `json:"pay_qr_data"`
	Dprice        float64        `json:"dprice"`
	CouponMoney   float64        `json:"coupon_money"`
	UserIP        string         `json:"user_ip"`
	PID           int64          `json:"p_id"`

PayQrCodeRet pay qr resp.

type PayRefundList

type PayRefundList struct {
	CustomerRefundID string `json:"customerRefundId"`
	RefundStatus     string `json:"refundStatus"`
	RefundStatusDesc string `json:"refundStatusDesc"`
	RefundAmount     int64  `json:"refundAmount"`

PayRefundList pay refund list.

type PayRefundNotify

type PayRefundNotify struct {
	CustomerID      int64            `json:"customerId"`
	OrderID         string           `json:"orderId"`
	TxID            int64            `json:"txId"`
	RefundCount     int64            `json:"refundCount"`
	PayChannel      int64            `json:"payChannel"`
	PayChannelID    int32            `json:"payChannelId"`
	BatchRefundList []*PayRefundList `json:"batchRefundList"`

PayRefundNotify pay refund notify.

type PayResq

type PayResq struct {
	Errno   int64  `json:"errno"`
	Message string `json:"msg"`

PayResq response params.

type PayRetResp

type PayRetResp struct {
	Status int8 `json:"status"`

PayRetResp pay ret response.

type PaySignNotify

type PaySignNotify struct {
	ChangeType string `json:"changeType"`
	PayChannel string `json:"payChannel"`
	UID        int64  `json:"uid"`
	CustomerID int64  `json:"customerId"`

PaySignNotify .

type PayTypeBo

type PayTypeBo struct {
	Name  string       `json:"name"`
	Code  string       `json:"code"`
	Banks []*PayBankBo `json:"banks"`

PayTypeBo .

type PointExchangePrice

type PointExchangePrice struct {
	ID             int64  `json:"id"`
	OriginPoint    int32  `json:"originPoint"`
	CurrentPoint   int32  `json:"currentPoint"`
	Month          int16  `json:"month"`
	PromotionTip   string `json:"promotionTip"`
	PromotionColor string `json:"promotionColor"`
	OperatorID     string `json:"operatorId"`

PointExchangePrice .

type PriceMapping

type PriceMapping struct {
	ID                 int64     `json:"_"`
	MonthID            int64     `json:"month_id"`
	MonthType          int8      `json:"month_type"`
	Money              float64   `json:"money"`
	Selected           int8      `json:"selected"`
	FirstDiscountMoney float64   `json:"first_discount_money"`
	DiscountMoney      float64   `json:"discount_money"`
	StartTime          time.Time `json:"start_time"`
	EndTime            time.Time `json:"end_time"`
	Remark             string    `json:"remark"`
	Operator           string    `json:"operator"`
	Mtime              time.Time `json:"mtime"`

PriceMapping vip month map.

type Privilege

type Privilege struct {
	ID          int64     `json:"id"`
	Name        string    `json:"name"`
	Title       string    `json:"title"`
	Explain     string    `json:"explain"`
	Type        int8      `json:"type"`
	Operator    string    `json:"operator"`
	State       int8      `json:"state"`
	Deleted     int8      `json:"deleted"`
	IconURL     string    `json:"icon_url"`
	IconGrayURL string    `json:"icon_gray_url"`
	Order       int64     `json:"order"`
	LangType    int64     `json:"-"`
	Ctime       time.Time `json:"ctime"`
	Mtime       time.Time `json:"mtime"`

Privilege info.

type PrivilegeDetailResp

type PrivilegeDetailResp struct {
	ID       int64  `json:"id"`
	Name     string `json:"name"`
	Title    string `json:"title"`
	Explain  string `json:"explain"`
	IconURL  string `json:"icon_url"`
	Type     int8   `json:"type"`
	Link     string `json:"link"`
	ImageURL string `json:"image_url"`

PrivilegeDetailResp privilege detail resp.

type PrivilegeResources

type PrivilegeResources struct {
	ID       int64     `json:"id"`
	PID      int64     `json:"pid"`
	Link     string    `json:"link"`
	ImageURL string    `json:"image_url"`
	Type     int8      `json:"type"`
	Ctime    time.Time `json:"ctime"`
	Mtime    time.Time `json:"mtime"`

PrivilegeResources privilege resources.

type PrivilegeResp

type PrivilegeResp struct {
	Name    string `json:"name"`
	IconURL string `json:"icon_url"`
	Type    int8   `json:"type"`

PrivilegeResp privilege resp.

type PrivilegesResp

type PrivilegesResp struct {
	Title string           `json:"title"`
	List  []*PrivilegeResp `json:"list"`

PrivilegesResp privileges resp.

type QucikPayResp

type QucikPayResp struct {
	Token string `json:"token"`

QucikPayResp quick pay token.

type ReceiveRecordResp

type ReceiveRecordResp struct {
	Id        int `json:"id"`
	Mid       int `json:"mid"`
	Wid       int `json:"wid"`
	MonthYear int `json:"month_year"`
	Count     int `json:"count"`

ReceiveRecordResp response for welfare record.

type ReceivedCodeResp

type ReceivedCodeResp struct {
	ID    int       `json:"id"`
	Mtime time.Time `json:"mtime"`

ReceivedCodeResp response for welfare code.

type RegisterOpenIDResp

type RegisterOpenIDResp struct {
	OpenID string

RegisterOpenIDResp register openid resp.

type Tips

type Tips struct {
	ID        int64     `json:"id"`
	Platform  int64     `json:"platform"`
	Version   int64     `json:"version"`
	Tip       string    `json:"tip"`
	Link      string    `json:"link"`
	StartTime int64     `json:"start_time"`
	EndTime   int64     `json:"end_time"`
	Level     int8      `json:"level"`
	JudgeType int8      `json:"judge_type"`
	Operator  string    `json:"operator"`
	Deleted   int8      `json:"deleted"`
	Position  int8      `json:"position"`
	Ctime     time.Time `json:"ctime"`
	Mtime     time.Time `json:"mtime"`

Tips def.

type TipsResp

type TipsResp struct {
	ID         int64  `json:"id"`
	Version    int64  `json:"version"`
	Tip        string `json:"tip"`
	Link       string `json:"link"`
	ButtonName string `json:"button_name"`
	ButtonLink string `json:"button_link"`

TipsResp tips resp.

type Token

type Token struct {
	Token string `json:"token"`
	URL   string `json:"url"`

Token get token .

type TokenResq

type TokenResq struct {
	Data *Token `json:"data"`

TokenResq get token resq.

type UnReceivedCodeResp

type UnReceivedCodeResp struct {
	Id   int    `json:"id"`
	Bid  int    `json:"bid"`
	Code string `json:"code"`

UnReceivedCodeResp response for welfare unreceive.

type UserInfoByOpenIDResp

type UserInfoByOpenIDResp struct {
	Name      string `json:"name"`
	BindState int32  `json:"bind_state"`
	OutOpenID string `json:"out_open_id"`

UserInfoByOpenIDResp resp.

type VipActiveShow

type VipActiveShow struct {
	ID            int64  `json:"id"`
	ProductName   string `json:"product_name"`
	ProductPic    string `json:"product_pic"`
	ProductDetail string `json:"product_detail"`
	RelationID    string `json:"relation_id"`
	BusID         string `json:"bus_id"`
	UseType       string `json:"use_type"`
	Type          int16  `json:"type"`

VipActiveShow vip active show.

type VipAppInfo

type VipAppInfo struct {
	ID       int64     `json:"id"`
	Type     int8      `json:"type"`
	Name     string    `json:"name"`
	AppKey   string    `json:"appKey"`
	PurgeURL string    `json:"purgeUrl"`
	Ctime    time.Time `json:"ctime"`
	Mtime    time.Time `json:"mtime"`

VipAppInfo vip app info

type VipAssociateGrantCount

type VipAssociateGrantCount struct {
	ID           int64     `json:"id"`
	AppID        int64     `json:"app_id"`
	Mid          int64     `json:"mid"`
	Months       int32     `json:"months"`
	CurrentCount int64     `json:"current_count"`
	Ctime        time.Time `json:"-"`
	Mtime        time.Time `json:"-"`

VipAssociateGrantCount associate grant count.

type VipBcoinSalary

type VipBcoinSalary struct {
	ID            int64     `json:"id"`
	Mid           int64     `json:"mid"`
	Status        int8      `json:"status"`
	GiveNowStatus int8      `json:"give_now_status"`
	Month         time.Time `json:"month"`
	PayDay        time.Time `json:"payday"`
	Amount        int64     `json:"amount"`
	Memo          string    `json:"memo"`
	Ctime         time.Time `json:"ctime"`
	Mtime         time.Time `json:"mtime"`

VipBcoinSalary vip_bcoin_salary table

type VipBo

type VipBo struct {
	Mid       int64 `json:"mid"`
	VipStatus int8  `json:"vipStatus"`
	VipType   int8  `json:"vipType"`

VipBo vipBo

type VipBusinessInfo

type VipBusinessInfo struct {
	ID             int64     `json:"id"`
	BusinessName   string    `json:"businessName"`
	BusinessType   int8      `json:"businessType"`
	Status         int8      `json:"status"`
	AppKey         string    `json:"appKey"`
	Secret         string    `json:"secret"`
	Contacts       string    `json:"contacts"`
	ContactsNumber string    `json:"contactsNumber"`
	Ctime          time.Time `json:"ctime"`
	Mtime          time.Time `json:"mtime"`

VipBusinessInfo vip_business_info table

type VipChangeBo

type VipChangeBo struct {
	Mid         int64
	ChangeType  int8
	ChangeTime  time.Time
	RelationID  string
	Remark      string
	Days        int64
	Months      int16
	BatchID     int64
	BatchCodeID int64
	OperatorID  string

VipChangeBo vip change

type VipChangeHistory

type VipChangeHistory struct {
	ID          int64     `json:"id"`
	Mid         int64     `json:"mid"`
	ChangeType  int8      `json:"changeType"`
	ChangeTime  time.Time `json:"changeTime"`
	Days        int64     `json:"days"`
	Month       int16     `json:"month"`
	OperatorID  string    `json:"operatorId"`
	RelationID  string    `json:"relationId"`
	BatchID     int64     `json:"batchId"`
	Remark      string    `json:"remark"`
	Ctime       time.Time `json:"ctime"`
	BatchCodeID int64     `json:"batchCodeId"`

VipChangeHistory vip_change_history table

type VipChangeHistoryVo

type VipChangeHistoryVo struct {
	ID            string           `json:"id"`
	ChangeType    int8             `json:"change_type"`
	ChangeTypeStr string           `json:"change_type_str"`
	ChangeTime    int64            `json:"change_time"`
	Month         int16            `json:"month"`
	OpenRemark    string           `json:"open_remark"`
	Days          int32            `json:"days"`
	Remark        string           `json:"remark"`
	Actives       []*VipActiveShow `json:"actives"`

VipChangeHistoryVo .

type VipConfig

type VipConfig struct {
	ID           int64     `json:"id"`
	ConfigKey    string    `json:"configKey"`
	Name         string    `json:"name"`
	Content      string    `json:"content"`
	Description  string    `json:"description"`
	OperatorID   int64     `json:"operatorId"`
	OperatorName string    `json:"operatorName"`
	Mtime        time.Time `json:"mtime"`

VipConfig vipConfig

type VipDPriceConfig

type VipDPriceConfig struct {
	ID         int64     `json:"id"`
	PdID       string    `json:"product_id"`
	DPrice     float64   `json:"discount_price"`
	STime      time.Time `json:"stime"`
	ETime      time.Time `json:"etime"`
	Remark     string    `json:"remark"`
	Operator   string    `json:"operator"`
	OpID       int64     `json:"oper_id"`
	CTime      time.Time `json:"ctime"`
	MTime      time.Time `json:"mtime"`
	FirstPrice float64   `json:"first_price"`

VipDPriceConfig price discount config.

type VipInfo

type VipInfo struct {
	*VipInfoDB  `protobuf:"bytes,1,opt,name=VipInfoDB,embedded=VipInfoDB" json:""`
	AutoRenewed int32 `protobuf:"varint,2,opt,name=AutoRenewed,proto3" json:"auto_renewed"`

func (*VipInfo) Descriptor

func (*VipInfo) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)

func (*VipInfo) Marshal

func (m *VipInfo) Marshal() (dAtA []byte, err error)

func (*VipInfo) MarshalTo

func (m *VipInfo) MarshalTo(dAtA []byte) (int, error)

func (*VipInfo) ProtoMessage

func (*VipInfo) ProtoMessage()

func (*VipInfo) Reset

func (m *VipInfo) Reset()

func (*VipInfo) Size

func (m *VipInfo) Size() (n int)

func (*VipInfo) String

func (m *VipInfo) String() string

func (*VipInfo) Unmarshal

func (m *VipInfo) Unmarshal(dAtA []byte) error

type VipInfoBoResp

type VipInfoBoResp struct {
	Mid                  int64 `json:"mid"`
	VipType              int32 `json:"vip_type"`
	PayType              int32 `json:"pay_type"`
	PayChannelID         int32 `json:"pay_channel_id"`
	VipStatus            int32 `json:"vip_status"`
	VipStartTime         int64 `json:"vip_start_time"`
	VipOverdueTime       int64 `json:"vip_overdue_time"`
	AnnualVipOverdueTime int64 `json:"annual_vip_overdue_time"`
	VipRecentTime        int64 `json:"vip_recent_time"`
	AutoRenewed          int32 `json:"auto_renewed"`
	IosOverdueTime       int64 `json:"ios_overdue_time"`

VipInfoBoResp vipinfo bo resp.

type VipInfoDB

type VipInfoDB struct {
	ID                   int64                       `protobuf:"varint,1,opt,name=ID,proto3" json:"id"`
	Mid                  int64                       `protobuf:"varint,2,opt,name=Mid,proto3" json:"mid"`
	VipType              int32                       `protobuf:"varint,3,opt,name=VipType,proto3" json:"vip_type"`
	VipPayType           int32                       `protobuf:"varint,4,opt,name=VipPayType,proto3" json:"vip_pay_type"`
	PayChannelID         int32                       `protobuf:"varint,5,opt,name=PayChannelID,proto3" json:"pay_channel_id"`
	VipStatus            int32                       `protobuf:"varint,6,opt,name=VipStatus,proto3" json:"vip_status"`
	VipStartTime         go_common_library_time.Time `protobuf:"varint,7,opt,name=VipStartTime,proto3,casttype=go-common/library/time.Time" json:"vip_start_time"`
	VipRecentTime        go_common_library_time.Time `protobuf:"varint,8,opt,name=VipRecentTime,proto3,casttype=go-common/library/time.Time" json:"vip_recent_time"`
	VipOverdueTime       go_common_library_time.Time `protobuf:"varint,9,opt,name=VipOverdueTime,proto3,casttype=go-common/library/time.Time" json:"vip_overdue_time"`
	AnnualVipOverdueTime go_common_library_time.Time `protobuf:"varint,10,opt,name=AnnualVipOverdueTime,proto3,casttype=go-common/library/time.Time" json:"annual_vip_overdue_time"`
	Ctime                go_common_library_time.Time `protobuf:"varint,11,opt,name=Ctime,proto3,casttype=go-common/library/time.Time" json:"ctime"`
	Mtime                go_common_library_time.Time `protobuf:"varint,12,opt,name=Mtime,proto3,casttype=go-common/library/time.Time" json:"mtime"`
	IosOverdueTime       go_common_library_time.Time `protobuf:"varint,13,opt,name=IosOverdueTime,proto3,casttype=go-common/library/time.Time" json:"ios_overdue_time"`
	Ver                  int64                       `protobuf:"varint,14,opt,name=Ver,proto3" json:"ver"`

func (*VipInfoDB) Descriptor

func (*VipInfoDB) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)

func (*VipInfoDB) Marshal

func (m *VipInfoDB) Marshal() (dAtA []byte, err error)

func (*VipInfoDB) MarshalTo

func (m *VipInfoDB) MarshalTo(dAtA []byte) (int, error)

func (*VipInfoDB) ProtoMessage

func (*VipInfoDB) ProtoMessage()

func (*VipInfoDB) Reset

func (m *VipInfoDB) Reset()

func (*VipInfoDB) Size

func (m *VipInfoDB) Size() (n int)

func (*VipInfoDB) String

func (m *VipInfoDB) String() string

func (*VipInfoDB) Unmarshal

func (m *VipInfoDB) Unmarshal(dAtA []byte) error

type VipInfoResp

type VipInfoResp struct {
	Mid            int64  `json:"mid"`
	VipType        int8   `json:"vip_type"`
	PayType        int8   `json:"pay_type"`
	PayChannelID   int32  `json:"pay_channel_id"`
	VipStatus      int32  `json:"vip_status"`
	VipTotalMsec   int64  `json:"vip_total_sec"`
	VipHoldMsec    int64  `json:"vip_hold_sec"`
	VipDueMsec     int64  `json:"vip_due_sec"`
	VipSurplusMsec int64  `json:"vip_surplus_sec"`
	DueRemark      string `json:"due_remark"`
	VipDueDate     int64  `json:"vip_due_date"`
	VipRecentTime  int64  `json:"vip_recent_time"`
	AutoRenewed    int32  `json:"auto_renewed"`

VipInfoResp vipinfo resp.

type VipListVo

type VipListVo struct {
	VipList []*VipBo `json:"vipList"`
	ID      int64    `json:"id"`

VipListVo vipListVo

type VipMonthsPriceBo

type VipMonthsPriceBo struct {
	ID                 int64   `json:"_"`
	Month              int16   `json:"month"`
	DiscountRate       string  `json:"discount_rate"`
	MonthStr           string  `json:"month_str"`
	MonthID            int64   `json:"month_id"`
	OrderType          int8    `json:"order_type"`
	MonthType          int8    `json:"month_type"`
	OriginalPrice      float64 `json:"original_price"`
	Selected           int8    `json:"selected"`
	FirstDiscountMoney float64 `json:"first_discount_money"`
	Price              float64 `json:"price"`
	Remark             string  `json:"remark"`

VipMonthsPriceBo .

type VipOldPayOrder

type VipOldPayOrder struct {
	ID          int64
	OrderNo     string
	AppID       int64
	Platform    int8
	OrderType   int8
	Mid         int64
	Bmid        int64
	BuyMonths   int16
	Money       float64
	Status      int8
	PaymentTime time.Time
	Ver         int64
	AppSubID    string
	CouponMoney float64
	PID         int64 //套餐ID
	UserIP      []byte

VipOldPayOrder vip pay order table

type VipOldRechargeOrder

type VipOldRechargeOrder struct {
	AppID        int64
	PayMid       int64
	OrderNo      string
	RechargeBp   float64
	PayOrderNO   string
	Status       int8
	Remark       string
	Ver          int64
	Ctime        time.Time
	Bmid         int64
	ThirdTradeNO string

VipOldRechargeOrder vip recharge order.

type VipOrderActivityRecord

type VipOrderActivityRecord struct {
	ID             int64  `json:"id"`
	Mid            int64  `json:"mid"`
	OrderNO        string `json:"order_no"`
	ProductID      string `json:"product_id"`
	Months         int32  `json:"months"`
	PanelType      string `json:"panel_type"`
	AssociateState int8   `json:"associate_state"`
	Ctime          time.Time
	Mtime          time.Time

VipOrderActivityRecord vip order activity record.

type VipOrderAssociateGrant

type VipOrderAssociateGrant struct {
	ID         int64
	AppID      int64
	Mid        int64
	Months     int32
	OutOpenID  string
	OutTradeNO string
	State      int8
	Ctime      time.Time
	Mtime      time.Time

VipOrderAssociateGrant vip order associate grant.

type VipPanelExplain

type VipPanelExplain struct {
	BackgroundURL string `json:"background_url"`
	Explain       string `json:"user_explain"`

VipPanelExplain vip panel explain.

type VipPanelInfo

type VipPanelInfo struct {
	Month    int32   `protobuf:"varint,1,opt,name=Month,proto3" json:"month"`
	PdName   string  `protobuf:"bytes,2,opt,name=PdName,proto3" json:"product_name"`
	PdID     string  `protobuf:"bytes,3,opt,name=PdID,proto3" json:"product_id"`
	SubType  int32   `protobuf:"varint,4,opt,name=SubType,proto3" json:"sub_type"`
	SuitType int32   `protobuf:"varint,5,opt,name=SuitType,proto3" json:"suit_type"`
	OPrice   float64 `protobuf:"fixed64,6,opt,name=OPrice,proto3" json:"original_price"`
	DPrice   float64 `protobuf:"fixed64,7,opt,name=DPrice,proto3" json:"discount_price"`
	DRate    string  `protobuf:"bytes,8,opt,name=DRate,proto3" json:"discount_rate"`
	Remark   string  `protobuf:"bytes,9,opt,name=Remark,proto3" json:"remark"`
	Selected int32   `protobuf:"varint,10,opt,name=Selected,proto3" json:"selected"`
	Id       int64   `protobuf:"varint,11,opt,name=Id,proto3" json:"id"`
	Type     int32   `protobuf:"varint,12,opt,name=Type,proto3" json:"type"`

func (*VipPanelInfo) Descriptor

func (*VipPanelInfo) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)

func (*VipPanelInfo) Marshal

func (m *VipPanelInfo) Marshal() (dAtA []byte, err error)

func (*VipPanelInfo) MarshalTo

func (m *VipPanelInfo) MarshalTo(dAtA []byte) (int, error)

func (*VipPanelInfo) ProtoMessage

func (*VipPanelInfo) ProtoMessage()

func (*VipPanelInfo) Reset

func (m *VipPanelInfo) Reset()

func (*VipPanelInfo) Size

func (m *VipPanelInfo) Size() (n int)

func (*VipPanelInfo) String

func (m *VipPanelInfo) String() string

func (*VipPanelInfo) Unmarshal

func (m *VipPanelInfo) Unmarshal(dAtA []byte) error

type VipPayOrderLog

type VipPayOrderLog struct {
	ID           int64   `json:"id"`
	OrderNo      string  `json:"order_no"`
	RefundID     string  `json:"refund_id"`
	RefundAmount float64 `json:"refund_amount"`
	Mid          int64   `json:"mid"`
	Status       int8    `json:"status"`

VipPayOrderLog vip pay order log table

type VipPayOrderOld

type VipPayOrderOld struct {
	ID          int64     `json:"id"`
	OrderNo     string    `json:"orderNo"`
	AppID       int64     `json:"appId"`
	Platform    int8      `json:"platform"`
	OrderType   int8      `json:"orderType"`
	Mid         int64     `json:"mid"`
	Bmid        int64     `json:"bmid"`
	BuyMonths   int16     `json:"buyMonths"`
	Money       float64   `json:"money"`
	Status      int8      `json:"status"`
	PayType     int8      `json:"payType"`
	PaymentTime time.Time `json:"paymentTime"`
	Ver         int64     `json:"ver"`
	AppSubID    string    `json:"appSubId"`
	PID         int64     `json:"pid"`
	UserIP      []byte    `json:"user_ip"`

VipPayOrderOld vip pay order table

type VipPirce

type VipPirce struct {
	Panel  *VipPanelInfo            `json:"pirce_info"`
	Coupon *col.CouponAllowanceInfo `json:"coupon_info"`

VipPirce vip pirce.

type VipPirceResp

type VipPirceResp struct {
	Vps         []*VipPanelInfo               `json:"price_list"`
	CouponInfo  *col.CouponAllowancePanelInfo `json:"coupon_info"`
	CouponSwith int8                          `json:"coupon_switch"`
	CodeSwitch  int8                          `json:"code_switch"`
	GiveSwitch  int8                          `json:"give_switch"`
	ExistCoupon int8                          `json:"exist_coupon"`
	Privileges  *PrivilegesResp               `json:"privileges"`

VipPirceResp vip pirce resp.

type VipPirceResp5

type VipPirceResp5 struct {
	Vps         []*VipPanelInfo               `json:"price_list"`
	CouponInfo  *col.CouponAllowancePanelInfo `json:"coupon_info"`
	CouponSwith int8                          `json:"coupon_switch"`
	CodeSwitch  int8                          `json:"code_switch"`
	GiveSwitch  int8                          `json:"give_switch"`
	Privileges  map[int8]*PrivilegesResp      `json:"privileges"`

VipPirceResp5 vip pirce resp.

type VipPirceRespV9

type VipPirceRespV9 struct {
	Vps         []*VipPanelInfo                      `json:"price_list"`
	Coupon      *colapi.UsableAllowanceCouponV2Reply `json:"coupon"`
	CouponSwith int8                                 `json:"coupon_switch"`
	CodeSwitch  int8                                 `json:"code_switch"`
	GiveSwitch  int8                                 `json:"give_switch"`
	Privileges  map[int8]*PrivilegesResp             `json:"privileges"`

VipPirceRespV9 vip pirce resp v9.

type VipPriceConfig

type VipPriceConfig struct {
	ID          int64     `json:"id"`
	Plat        int64     `json:"platform"`
	PdName      string    `json:"product_name"`
	PdID        string    `json:"product_id"`
	SuitType    int8      `json:"suit_type"`
	TopSuitType int8      `json:"-"`
	Month       int16     `json:"month"`
	SubType     int8      `json:"sub_type"`
	OPrice      float64   `json:"original_price"`
	DPrice      float64   `json:"discount_price"`
	Selected    int32     `json:"selected"`
	Remark      string    `json:"remark"`
	Status      int8      `json:"status"`
	Forever     bool      `json:"-"`
	Operator    string    `json:"operator"`
	OpID        int64     `json:"oper_id"`
	Superscript string    `json:"superscript"`
	StartBuild  int64     `json:"start_build"`
	EndBuild    int64     `json:"end_build"`
	PanelType   string    `json:"panel_type"`
	CTime       time.Time `json:"ctime"`
	MTime       time.Time `json:"mtime"`

VipPriceConfig price config.

func (*VipPriceConfig) DoCheckRealPrice

func (vpc *VipPriceConfig) DoCheckRealPrice(mvp map[int64]*VipDPriceConfig)

DoCheckRealPrice ,

func (*VipPriceConfig) DoSubMonthKey

func (vpc *VipPriceConfig) DoSubMonthKey() string

DoSubMonthKey .

func (*VipPriceConfig) DoTopSuitType

func (vpc *VipPriceConfig) DoTopSuitType()

DoTopSuitType .

func (*VipPriceConfig) FilterBuild

func (vpc *VipPriceConfig) FilterBuild(build int64) bool

FilterBuild filter price build .

func (*VipPriceConfig) FormatRate

func (vpc *VipPriceConfig) FormatRate() string

FormatRate .

type VipResourceBatch

type VipResourceBatch struct {
	ID             int64     `json:"id"`
	PoolID         int64     `json:"poolId"`
	Unit           int64     `json:"unit"`
	Count          int64     `json:"count"`
	Ver            int64     `json:"ver"`
	StartTime      time.Time `json:"startTime"`
	EndTime        time.Time `json:"endTime"`
	SurplusCount   int64     `json:"surplusCount"`
	CodeUseCount   int64     `json:"codeUseCount"`
	DirectUseCount int64     `json:"directUseCount"`
	Ctime          time.Time `json:"ctime"`
	Mtime          time.Time `json:"mtime"`

VipResourceBatch vip_resource_batch table

type VipResourceBatchCode

type VipResourceBatchCode struct {
	ID           int64     `json:"id"`
	BusinessID   int64     `json:"business_id"`
	PoolID       int64     `json:"pool_id"`
	Status       int8      `json:"status"`
	Type         int8      `json:"type"`
	MaxCount     int64     `json:"max_count"`
	LimitDay     int64     `json:"limit_day"`
	BatchName    string    `json:"batch_name"`
	Reason       string    `json:"reason"`
	Unit         int32     `json:"unit"`
	Count        int32     `json:"count"`
	SurplusCount int32     `json:"surplus_count"`
	Price        float64   `json:"price"`
	StartTime    time.Time `json:"start_time"`
	EndTime      time.Time `json:"end_time"`

VipResourceBatchCode vip resource batchcode.

type VipResourceCode

type VipResourceCode struct {
	ID          int64     `json:"id"`
	BatchCodeID int64     `json:"batch_code_id"`
	Status      int8      `json:"status"`
	Days        int32     `json:"days"`
	RelationID  string    `json:"relation_id"`
	Code        string    `json:"code"`
	Mid         int64     `json:"mid"`
	UseTime     time.Time `json:"use_time"`

VipResourceCode vip resource code.

type VipResourcePool

type VipResourcePool struct {
	ID             int64     `json:"id"`
	PoolName       string    `json:"poolName"`
	BusinessID     int64     `json:"businessId"`
	BusinessName   string    `json:"businessName"`
	Reason         string    `json:"reason"`
	CodeExpireTime time.Time `json:"codeExpireTime"`
	StartTime      time.Time `json:"startTime"`
	EndTime        time.Time `json:"endTime"`
	Contacts       string    `json:"contacts"`
	ContactsNumber string    `json:"contactsNumber"`
	Ctime          time.Time `json:"ctime"`
	Mtime          time.Time `json:"mtime"`

VipResourcePool vip_resource_pool table

type VipUserDiscountHistory

type VipUserDiscountHistory struct {
	ID         int64  `json:"id"`
	Mid        int64  `json:"mid"`
	DiscountID int64  `json:"discount_id"`
	OrderNo    string `json:"order_no"`
	Status     int8   `json:"status"`

VipUserDiscountHistory .

type VipUserInfo

type VipUserInfo struct {
	ID                   int64     `json:"id"`
	Mid                  int64     `form:"mid" validate:"required" json:"mid"`
	VipType              int32     `form:"vipType" json:"vipType"`
	VipStatus            int32     `form:"vipStatus" json:"vipStatus"`
	VipStartTime         time.Time `form:"vipStartTime" validate:"required" json:"vipStartTime"`
	VipRecentTime        time.Time `form:"vipRecentTime" json:"vipRecentTime"`
	VipOverdueTime       time.Time `form:"vipOverdueTime" validate:"required" json:"vipOverdueTime"`
	AnnualVipOverdueTime time.Time `form:"annualVipOverdueTime" json:"annualVipOverdueTime"`
	Wander               int8      `json:"wander"`
	AccessStatus         int8      `json:"accessStatus"`
	Ctime                time.Time `form:"ctime" validate:"required" json:"ctime"`
	Mtime                time.Time `form:"mtime" validate:"required" json:"mtime"`
	Ver                  int64     `form:"ver" json:"ver"`
	AutoRenewed          int8      `form:"autoRenewed" json:"autoRenewed"`
	IsAutoRenew          int32     `form:"isAutoRenew" json:"isAutoRenew"`
	PayChannelID         int32     `form:"payChannelId" json:"payChannelId"`
	IosOverdueTime       time.Time `form:"iosOverdueTime" json:"iosOverdueTime"`

VipUserInfo vip_user_info table for vip java

func (*VipUserInfo) ToNew

func (v *VipUserInfo) ToNew() (res *VipInfoDB)

ToNew convert old model to new.

type WelfareBatchResp

type WelfareBatchResp struct {
	Id            int       `json:"id"`
	ReceivedCount int       `json:"received_count"`
	Count         int       `json:"count"`
	Vtime         time.Time `json:"vtime"`

WelfareBatchResp response for welfare batch.

type WelfareInfoResp

type WelfareInfoResp struct {
	ID          int32     `json:"id"`
	Name        string    `json:"name"`
	Desc        string    `json:"desc"`
	ReceiveRate int       `json:"receive_rate"`
	HomepageUri string    `json:"homepage_uri"`
	BackdropUri string    `json:"backdrop_uri"`
	Finished    bool      `json:"finished"`
	Received    bool      `json:"received"`
	UsageForm   int32     `json:"usage_form"`
	VipType     int64     `json:"vip_type"`
	Stime       time.Time `json:"stime"`
	Etime       time.Time `json:"etime"`

WelfareInfoResp response for welfare info.

type WelfareListResp

type WelfareListResp struct {
	ID          int32  `json:"id"`
	Name        string `json:"name"`
	HomepageUri string `json:"homepage_uri"`
	BackdropUri string `json:"backdrop_uri"`
	Tid         int32  `json:"tid"`
	Rank        int32  `json:"rank"`

WelfareListResp response for welfare list.

type WelfareReceiveResp

type WelfareReceiveResp struct {

WelfareReceiveResp response for welfare receive.

type WelfareTypeListResp

type WelfareTypeListResp struct {
	ID   int32  `json:"id"`
	Name string `json:"name"`

WelfareTypeListResp response for welfare type list.

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