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Published: Jul 6, 2020 License: GPL-3.0 Imports: 2 Imported by: 0




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const (
	// TimeLayout time layout
	TimeLayout = "2006-01-02 15:04:05"

const text


This section is empty.


This section is empty.


type Account

type Account struct {
	Mid  int64  `json:"mid"`
	Name string `json:"name"`
	Sex  string `json:"sex"`
	Face string `json:"face"`
	Sign string `json:"sign"`
	Rank int64  `json:"rank"`

Account Account

type AccountInfosResult

type AccountInfosResult struct {
	Code    int                `json:"code"`
	Data    map[int64]*Account `json:"data"`
	Message string             `json:"message"`
	TTL     int64              `json:"ttl"`

AccountInfosResult Account info result

type ActUpInfo

type ActUpInfo struct {
	Nickname string `json:"nickname"`
	Face     string `json:"face"`

ActUpInfo account up info

type ActivitiesRes

type ActivitiesRes struct {
	Code    int         `json:"code"`
	Data    []*Activity `json:"data"`
	Message string      `json:"message"`
	TTL     int64       `json:"ttl"`

ActivitiesRes activities result

type Activity

type Activity struct {
	ID         int64  `json:"-"`
	AndroidUrl string `json:"-"`
	H5Cover    string `json:"-"`
	ActUrl     string `json:"act_url"`
	IosUrl     string `json:"-"`
	Cover      string `json:"cover"`
	Type       int32  `json:"type"`

Activity activity

type Archive

type Archive struct {
	AID   int64  `json:"aid"`
	Title string `json:"title"`

Archive archive

type ArchiveIncome

type ArchiveIncome struct {
	ID          int64     `json:"id"`
	ArchiveID   int64     `json:"archive_id"`
	Avs         []int64   `json:"avs,omitempty"`
	MID         int64     `json:"mid"`
	Income      int64     `json:"income"`
	MonthIncome int64     `json:"month_income"`
	TotalIncome int64     `json:"total_income"`
	Breach      *AvBreach `json:"breach"`
	Title       string    `json:"title"`
	Icon        string    `json:"icon"`
	Date        time.Time `json:"date"`
	CTime       time.Time `json:"ctime"`
	MTime       time.Time `json:"mtime"`
	IsDeleted   int       `json:"-"`

ArchiveIncome av income

type ArchiveRes

type ArchiveRes struct {
	Code    int                 `json:"code"`
	Data    map[string]*Archive `json:"data"`
	Message string              `json:"message"`

ArchiveRes archive response

type AvBreach

type AvBreach struct {
	AvID   int64     `json:"archive_id"`
	MID    int64     `json:"mid"`
	CDate  time.Time `json:"cdate"`
	Money  int64     `json:"money"`
	CType  int       `json:"ctype"`
	Reason string    `json:"reason"`
	Title  string    `json:"title"`

AvBreach av breach

type AwardUpStatus

type AwardUpStatus struct {
	Joined    bool `json:"joined"`
	Qualified bool `json:"qualified"`

AwardUpStatus up status

type Banner struct {
	ID      int64     `json:"id"`
	Image   string    `json:"image"`
	Link    string    `json:"link"`
	StartAt time.Time `json:"start_at"`
	EndAt   time.Time `json:"end_at"`
	CTime   time.Time `json:"-"`
	MTime   time.Time `json:"-"`

Banner banner

type Blacklist

type Blacklist struct {
	ID        int64     `json:"id" gorm:"column:id"`
	AvID      int64     `json:"av_id" gorm:"column:av_id"`
	MID       int64     `json:"mid" gorm:"column:mid"`
	Reason    int       `json:"reason" gorm:"column:reason"`
	CType     int       `json:"ctype" gorm:"column:ctype"`
	HasSigned int       `json:"has_signed" gorm:"column:has_signed"`
	Nickname  string    `json:"nickname" gorm:"column:nickname"`
	CTime     time.Time `json:"ctime" gorm:"column:ctime"`
	MTime     time.Time `json:"mtime" gorm:"column:mtime"`
	IsDeleted int       `json:"-"`

Blacklist black list

type BusinessStatus

type BusinessStatus struct {
	IsWhite      bool       `json:"in_white_list"`
	AccountState int        `json:"account_state"`
	AccountType  int        `json:"account_type"`
	Type         int        `json:"type"`
	Reason       string     `json:"reason"`
	ShowPanel    bool       `json:"show_panel"`
	ExpiredIn    xtime.Time `json:"expired_in"`
	QuitAt       time.Time  `json:"-"`
	CTime        time.Time  `json:"-"`

BusinessStatus type: 1.视频 2.专栏 3.素材

type CActivity

type CActivity struct {
	ID              int64        `json:"id"`
	Name            string       `json:"name"`
	SignedStart     time.Time    `json:"-"`
	SignedEnd       time.Time    `json:"-"`
	SignUpStart     time.Time    `json:"-"`
	SignUpEnd       time.Time    `json:"-"`
	SignUp          int          `json:"sign_up"`
	SignUpState     int          `json:"sign_up_state"` // 0可以报名,1已报名,2已获奖,3不能报名
	WinType         int          `json:"win_type"`
	ProgressStart   time.Time    `json:"-"`
	ProgressEnd     time.Time    `json:"-"`
	ProgressState   int          `json:"progress_state"` // 展示状态 0不展示 1展示
	ProgressSync    int          `json:"progress_sync"`
	UpdatePage      int          `json:"-"`
	BonusQuery      int          `json:"bonus_query"`
	BonusQueryStart time.Time    `json:"-"`
	BonusQueryEnd   time.Time    `json:"-"`
	Background      string       `json:"background"`
	WinDesc         string       `json:"win_desc"`
	UnwinDesc       string       `json:"unwin_desc"`
	Details         string       `json:"details"`
	Enrollment      int          `json:"enrollment"`
	WinNum          int          `json:"win_num"`
	Ranking         []*ActUpInfo `json:"ranking"`

CActivity creative activity

type CategoriesRes

type CategoriesRes struct {
	Code    int                 `json:"code"`
	Data    map[int64]*Category `json:"data"`
	Message string              `json:"message"`

CategoriesRes category result

type Category

type Category struct {
	ID   int64  `json:"id"`
	Pid  int64  `json:"pid"`
	Name string `json:"name"`

Category category

type CreditRecord

type CreditRecord struct {
	ID        int64      `json:"id"`
	MID       int64      `json:"mid"`
	OperateAt xtime.Time `json:"operate_at"`
	Operator  string     `json:"operator"`
	Reason    int        `json:"reason"`
	Deducted  int        `json:"deducted"`
	Remaining int        `json:"remaining"`
	IsDeleted int        `json:"recovered"`
	CTime     xtime.Time `json:"ctime"`
	MTime     xtime.Time `json:"mtime"`

CreditRecord credit record

type GoodsInfo

type GoodsInfo struct {
	ID            int64     `json:"-"`
	ProductID     string    `json:"product_id"`
	ResourceID    int64     `json:"-"`
	GoodsType     int       `json:"goods_type"`
	Discount      int       `json:"discount"`
	IsDisplay     int       `json:"-"`
	DisplayOnTime time.Time `json:"-"`
	ProductName   string    `json:"product_name"`  // 商品名称
	OriginPrice   int64     `json:"origin_price"`  // 实时成本, 单位分
	CurrentPrice  int64     `json:"current_price"` // 实时售价, 单位分
	Month         int32     `json:"month"`         //有效期

GoodsInfo goods info

type GoodsOrder

type GoodsOrder struct {
	MID        int64     `json:"-"`
	OrderNo    string    `json:"-"`
	OrderTime  time.Time `json:"order_time"`
	GoodsType  int       `json:"-"`
	GoodsID    string    `json:"-"`
	GoodsName  string    `json:"goods_name"`
	GoodsPrice int64     `json:"goods_price"`
	GoodsCost  int64     `json:"goods_cost"`

GoodsOrder goods order

type NewbieLetterArchive

type NewbieLetterArchive struct {
	Mid   int64  `json:"-"`
	Tid   int64  `json:"-"`
	Title string `json:"title"`
	PTime string `json:"ptime"`

NewbieLetterArchive newbie letter archive

type NewbieLetterReq

type NewbieLetterReq struct {
	Aid int64 `form:"aid" validate:"required"`
	Mid int64

NewbieLetterReq newbie request

type NewbieLetterRes

type NewbieLetterRes struct {
	UperInfo   *NewbieLetterUpInfo  `json:"uper_info"`
	Activities []*Activity          `json:"activities"`
	Relations  []*Relation          `json:"relations"`
	Archive    *NewbieLetterArchive `json:"archive"`
	Talent     string               `json:"talent"`
	Area       string               `json:"area"`

NewbieLetterRes newbie letter result

type NewbieLetterUpInfo

type NewbieLetterUpInfo struct {
	Mid  int64  `json:"mid"`
	Name string `json:"name"`

NewbieLetterUpInfo newbie letter up info

type Notice

type Notice struct {
	ID        int64     `json:"id"`
	Title     string    `json:"title"`
	Type      int       `json:"type"`
	Platform  int       `json:"-"`
	Link      string    `json:"link"`
	Status    int       `json:"-"`
	IsDeleted int       `json:"-"`
	CTime     time.Time `json:"ctime"`
	MTime     time.Time `json:"-"`

Notice notice

type Poster

type Poster struct {
	AwardName string `json:"award_name"`
	Nickname  string `json:"nickname"`
	Face      string `json:"face"`
	PrizeName string `json:"prize_name"`
	Date      string `json:"date"`
	Bonus     int64  `json:"bonus"`

Poster poster

type QA

type QA struct {
	Question string `json:"question"`
	Answer   string `json:"answer"`

QA question & answer

type RecommendUp

type RecommendUp struct {
	ID       int64        `json:"id"`
	Mid      int64        `json:"mid"`
	Tid      int64        `json:"tid"`
	SubTid   int64        `json:"sub_tid"`
	Reason   string       `json:"reason"`
	Operator string       `json:"operator"`
	CTime    libTime.Time `json:"ctime"`
	MTime    libTime.Time `json:"mtime"`

RecommendUp table recommend up

type Relation

type Relation struct {
	Mid       int64  `json:"mid"`
	Attribute int    `json:"attribute"`
	Face      string `json:"face"`
	Name      string `json:"name"`

Relation relation

type RelationsRes

type RelationsRes struct {
	Code    int                 `json:"code"`
	Data    map[int64]*Relation `json:"data"`
	Message string              `json:"message"`
	TTL     int64               `json:"ttl"`

RelationsRes relation result

type Resource

type Resource struct {
	ResourceType  int
	ResourceIndex int
	Content       string

Resource award resource

type SimpleSpecialAward

type SimpleSpecialAward struct {
	AwardName  string    `json:"award_name"`
	AwardID    int64     `json:"award_id"`
	CycleStart time.Time `json:"cycle_start"`

SimpleSpecialAward simplify

type SpecialAward

type SpecialAward struct {
	AwardID      int64     `json:"award_id"`
	AwardName    string    `json:"award_name"`
	Divisions    []string  `json:"divisions"`
	CycleStart   time.Time `json:"cycle_start"`
	CycleEnd     time.Time `json:"cycle_end"`
	AnnounceDate time.Time `json:"announce_date"`
	Duration     int64     `json:"duration"`
	OpenStatus   int       `json:"open_status"`

SpecialAward special award info

type TagInfo

type TagInfo struct {
	ID    int64
	Radio int64
	Icon  string

TagInfo tag_info

type UpAccount

type UpAccount struct {
	ID                    int64     `json:"id"`
	MID                   int64     `json:"mid"`
	HasSignContract       int       `json:"has_sign_contract"`
	State                 int       `json:"state"`
	TotalIncome           int64     `json:"total_income"`
	TotalUnwithdrawIncome int64     `json:"total_unwithdraw_income"`
	TotalWithdrawIncome   int64     `json:"total_withdraw_income"`
	LastWithdrawTime      time.Time `json:"last_withdraw_time"`
	Version               int64     `json:"version"`
	IsDeleted             int       `json:"is_deleted"`
	CTime                 time.Time `json:"ctime"`
	MTime                 time.Time `json:"mtime"`
	AllowanceState        int       `json:"allowance_state"`
	Nickname              string    `json:"nick_name"`
	WithdrawDateVersion   string    `json:"withdraw_date_version"`

UpAccount up account

type UpAwardState

type UpAwardState struct {
	AwardID   int64  `json:"-"`
	AwardName string `json:"award_name"`
	State     int    `json:"state"`

UpAwardState up award state

type UpBaseStat

type UpBaseStat struct {
	View  int64 `json:"view"`
	Reply int64 `json:"reply"`
	Dm    int64 `json:"dm"`
	Fans  int64 `json:"fans"`
	Fav   int64 `json:"fav"`
	Like  int64 `json:"like"`
	Share int64 `json:"share"`

UpBaseStat for up base.

type UpBill

type UpBill struct {
	MID          int64     `json:"mid"`
	Nickname     string    `json:"nickname"`
	Face         string    `json:"face"`
	FirstIncome  int64     `json:"first_income"`
	MaxIncome    int64     `json:"max_income"`
	TotalIncome  int64     `json:"total_income"`
	AvCount      int64     `json:"av_count"`
	AvMaxIncome  int64     `json:"av_max_income"`
	AvID         int64     `json:"-"`
	AvTitle      string    `json:"av_title"`
	QualityValue int64     `json:"quality_value"`
	DefeatNum    int       `json:"defeat_num"`
	Title        string    `json:"title"`
	ShareItems   string    `json:"share_items"`
	FirstTime    time.Time `json:"first_time"`
	MaxTime      time.Time `json:"max_time"`
	SignedAt     time.Time `json:"signed_at"`
	EndAt        time.Time `json:"end_at"`
	Join         bool      `json:"join"`

UpBill up_bill

type UpBonus

type UpBonus struct {
	MID        int64
	ActivityID int64
	Nickname   string
	Rank       int
	State      int
	SignUpTime time.Time

UpBonus up bonus

type UpIdentify

type UpIdentify struct {
	Article int `json:"article"`
	Pic     int `json:"pic"`
	Archive int `json:"archive"`
	Blink   int `json:"blink"`

UpIdentify up identify

type UpIncome

type UpIncome struct {
	ID               int64
	MID              int64
	Income           int64
	AvIncome         int64
	ColumnIncome     int64
	BgmIncome        int64
	BaseIncome       int64
	AvBaseIncome     int64
	ColumnBaseIncome int64
	BgmBaseIncome    int64
	TotalIncome      int64
	Date             time.Time

UpIncome up_income

type UpIncomeStat

type UpIncomeStat struct {
	MID         int64     `json:"-"`
	Income      int64     `json:"income"`
	BaseIncome  int64     `json:"base_income"`
	ExtraIncome int64     `json:"extra_income"`
	Breach      int64     `json:"breach"`
	Date        time.Time `json:"date"`

UpIncomeStat for up daily income analytics

type UpIncomeWithdraw

type UpIncomeWithdraw struct {
	ID             int64     `json:"id"`
	MID            int64     `json:"mid"`
	WithdrawIncome int64     `json:"withdraw_income"`
	DateVersion    string    `json:"date_version"`
	State          int       `json:"state"`
	IsDeleted      int       `json:"is_deleted"`
	CTime          time.Time `json:"ctime"`
	MTime          time.Time `json:"mtime"`

UpIncomeWithdraw up income withdraw

type UpInfo

type UpInfo struct {
	ID                   int64      `json:"id"`
	MID                  int64      `json:"mid"`
	Nickname             string     `json:"nickname"`
	AccountType          int        `json:"account_type"`
	OriginalArchiveCount int        `json:"original_archive_count"`
	MainCategory         int        `json:"category_id"`
	Bgms                 int        `json:"bgms"`
	Fans                 int        `json:"fans"`
	TotalPlayCount       int64      `json:"total_play_count"`
	AccountState         int        `json:"account_state"`
	SignType             int        `json:"sign_type,omitempty"`
	Reason               string     `json:"reason"`
	ApplyAt              xtime.Time `json:"apply_at"`
	SignedAt             xtime.Time `json:"signed_at"`
	RejectAt             xtime.Time `json:"reject_at"`
	ForbidAt             xtime.Time `json:"forbid_at"`
	QuitAt               xtime.Time `json:"quit_at"`
	DismissAt            xtime.Time `json:"dismiss_at"`
	ExpiredIn            xtime.Time `json:"expired_in"`
	IsDeleted            int        `json:"-"`

UpInfo is users of growup/video/column who applied for.

type UpStatus

type UpStatus struct {
	Status  []*BusinessStatus `json:"status"`
	Blocked bool              `json:"blocked"`

UpStatus is user status of growup plan

type UperInfosResult

type UperInfosResult struct {
	Code    int                    `json:"code"`
	Data    map[string]*UpIdentify `json:"data"`
	Message string                 `json:"message"`
	TTL     int64                  `json:"ttl"`

UperInfosResult info result

type VideoUp

type VideoUp struct {
	Archive *VideoUpArchive `json:"archive"`

VideoUp video up

type VideoUpArchive

type VideoUpArchive struct {
	Aid   int64  `json:"aid"`
	Mid   int64  `json:"mid"`
	Tid   int64  `json:"tid"`
	Title string `json:"title"`
	PTime int64  `json:"ptime"`

VideoUpArchive video up archive

type VideoUpRes

type VideoUpRes struct {
	Code    int      `json:"code"`
	Data    *VideoUp `json:"data"`
	Message string   `json:"message"`

VideoUpRes video up result

type WinningRecord

type WinningRecord struct {
	AwardID   int64  `json:"award_id"`
	AwardName string `json:"award_name"`
	PrizeID   int64  `json:"prize_id"`
	State     int    `json:"state"`

WinningRecord winning record

type WithdrawVo

type WithdrawVo struct {
	MID          int64   `json:"mid"`
	ThirdOrderNo string  `json:"third_order_no"`
	ThirdCoin    float64 `json:"third_coin"`
	CTime        string  `json:"ctime"`
	NotifyURL    string  `json:"notify_url"`

WithdrawVo withdraw

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