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Published: Jul 6, 2020 License: GPL-3.0 Imports: 4 Imported by: 0




This section is empty.


This section is empty.


This section is empty.


type Active

type Active struct {
	ID           int64  `json:"id"`
	Mid          int64  `json:"mid"`
	Sid          int64  `json:"sid"`
	Background   string `json:"background"`
	Liveid       int64  `json:"live_id"`
	Intr         string `json:"intr"`
	Focus        string `json:"focus"`
	URL          string `json:"url"`
	BackColor    string `json:"back_color"`
	ColorStep    string `json:"color_step"`
	H5Background string `json:"h5_background"`
	H5BackColor  string `json:"h5_back_color"`
	IntrTitle    string `json:"intr_title"`
	IntrText     string `json:"intr_text"`
	H5Focus      string `json:"h5_focus"`
	H5Url        string `json:"h5_url"`

Active match Active

type ActiveDetail

type ActiveDetail struct {
	ID           int64  `json:"id"`
	Maid         int64  `json:"ma_id"`
	GameType     int    `json:"game_type"`
	STime        int64  `json:"stime"`
	ETime        int64  `json:"etime"`
	ScoreID      int64  `json:"score_id"`
	GameStage    string `json:"game_stage"`
	KnockoutType int    `json:"knockout_type"`
	WinnerType   int    `json:"winner_type"`
	Online       int    `json:"online"`

ActiveDetail 活动页数据模块

type ActivePage

type ActivePage struct {
	Active       *Active         `json:"active,omitempty"`
	Videos       []*arcmdl.Arc   `json:"video_first,omitempty"`
	Modules      []*Module       `json:"video_module,omitempty"`
	ActiveDetail []*ActiveDetail `json:"active_detail,omitempty"`
	Season       *Season         `json:"season,omitempty"`

ActivePage 活动页

type Calendar

type Calendar struct {
	Stime string `json:"stime"`
	Count int64  `json:"count"`

Calendar calendar struct

type Champion

type Champion struct {
	VideogameVersions    []string    `json:"videogame_versions"`
	Spellblockperlevel   float64     `json:"spellblockperlevel"`
	Spellblock           float64     `json:"spellblock"`
	Name                 string      `json:"name"`
	Mpregenperlevel      float64     `json:"mpregenperlevel"`
	Mpregen              float64     `json:"mpregen"`
	Mpperlevel           interface{} `json:"mpperlevel"`
	Mp                   float64     `json:"mp"`
	Movespeed            interface{} `json:"movespeed"`
	ImageURL             string      `json:"image_url"`
	ID                   int64       `json:"id"`
	Hpregenperlevel      float64     `json:"hpregenperlevel"`
	Hpregen              interface{} `json:"hpregen"`
	Hpperlevel           interface{} `json:"hpperlevel"`
	Hp                   interface{} `json:"hp"`
	Critperlevel         interface{} `json:"critperlevel"`
	Crit                 interface{} `json:"crit"`
	BigImageURL          string      `json:"big_image_url"`
	Attackspeedperlevel  float64     `json:"attackspeedperlevel"`
	Attackspeedoffset    interface{} `json:"attackspeedoffset"`
	Attackrange          interface{} `json:"attackrange"`
	Attackdamageperlevel float64     `json:"attackdamageperlevel"`
	Attackdamage         float64     `json:"attackdamage"`
	Armorperlevel        float64     `json:"armorperlevel"`
	Armor                interface{} `json:"armor"`

Champion .

type Contest

type Contest struct {
	ID              int64       `json:"id"`
	GameStage       string      `json:"game_stage"`
	Stime           int64       `json:"stime"`
	Etime           int64       `json:"etime"`
	HomeID          int64       `json:"home_id"`
	AwayID          int64       `json:"away_id"`
	HomeScore       int64       `json:"home_score"`
	AwayScore       int64       `json:"away_score"`
	LiveRoom        int64       `json:"live_room"`
	Aid             int64       `json:"aid"`
	Collection      int64       `json:"collection"`
	GameState       int64       `json:"game_state"`
	Dic             string      `json:"dic"`
	Ctime           string      `json:"ctime"`
	Mtime           string      `json:"mtime"`
	Status          int64       `json:"status"`
	Sid             int64       `json:"sid"`
	Mid             int64       `json:"mid"`
	Season          interface{} `json:"season"`
	HomeTeam        interface{} `json:"home_team"`
	AwayTeam        interface{} `json:"away_team"`
	Special         int         `json:"special"`
	SuccessTeam     int64       `json:"success_team"`
	SuccessTeaminfo interface{} `json:"success_teaminfo"`
	SpecialName     string      `json:"special_name"`
	SpecialTips     string      `json:"special_tips"`
	SpecialImage    string      `json:"special_image"`
	Playback        string      `json:"playback"`
	CollectionURL   string      `json:"collection_url"`
	LiveURL         string      `json:"live_url"`
	DataType        int64       `json:"data_type"`
	MatchID         int64       `json:"match_id"`

Contest contest struct

type ContestDataPage

type ContestDataPage struct {
	Contest *Contest        `json:"contest"`
	Detail  []*ContestsData `json:"detail"`

ContestDataPage contest data pager

type ContestInfo

type ContestInfo struct {
	HomeName    string `json:"home_name"`
	AwayName    string `json:"away_name"`
	SuccessName string `json:"success_name" form:"success_name"`

ContestInfo .

type ContestsData

type ContestsData struct {
	ID         int64  `json:"id"`
	Cid        int64  `json:"cid"`
	URL        string `json:"url"`
	PointData  int64  `json:"point_data"`
	GameStatus int64  `json:"game_status"`
	DataType   int64  `json:"-"`

ContestsData contest data struct

type ElaSub

type ElaSub struct {
	SeasonStime int64 `json:"season_stime"`
	Mid         int64 `json:"mid"`
	Stime       int64 `json:"stime"`
	Oid         int64 `json:"oid"`
	State       int64 `json:"state"`
	Sid         int64 `json:"sid"`

ElaSub elasticsearch sub contest.

type Filter

type Filter struct {
	ID        int64  `json:"id"`
	Title     string `json:"title"`
	SubTitle  string `json:"sub_title"`
	Rank      int    `json:"rank"`
	URL       string `json:"url"`
	DataFocus string `json:"data_focus"`
	FocusURL  string `json:"focus_url"`

Filter filter struct

type FilterES

type FilterES struct {
	GroupByGid []struct {
		DocCount int    `json:"doc_count"`
		Key      string `json:"key"`
	} `json:"group_by_gid"`
	GroupByMatch []struct {
		DocCount int    `json:"doc_count"`
		Key      string `json:"key"`
	} `json:"group_by_match"`
	GroupByTag []struct {
		DocCount int    `json:"doc_count"`
		Key      string `json:"key"`
	} `json:"group_by_tag"`
	GroupByTeam []struct {
		DocCount int    `json:"doc_count"`
		Key      string `json:"key"`
	} `json:"group_by_team"`
	GroupByYear []struct {
		DocCount int    `json:"doc_count"`
		Key      string `json:"key"`
	} `json:"group_by_year"`

FilterES filter ES video and match

type Game

type Game struct {
	WinnerType string          `json:"winner_type"`
	Winner     json.RawMessage `json:"winner"`
	Teams      json.RawMessage `json:"teams"`
	Position   int64           `json:"position"`
	Players    json.RawMessage `json:"players"`
	MatchID    int64           `json:"match_id"`
	Match      json.RawMessage `json:"match"`
	Length     int64           `json:"length"`
	ID         int64           `json:"id"`
	Finished   interface{}     `json:"finished"`
	BeginAt    interface{}     `json:"begin_at"`

Game .

type Hero

type Hero struct {
	LocalizedName string `json:"localized_name"`

Hero .

type Item

type Item struct {
	PercentMovementSpeedMod interface{} `json:"percent_movement_speed_mod"`
	PercentLifeStealMod     interface{} `json:"percent_life_steal_mod"`
	PercentAttackSpeedMod   interface{} `json:"percent_attack_speed_mod"`
	Name                    string      `json:"name"`
	ImageURL                string      `json:"image_url"`
	ID                      int64       `json:"id"`
	GoldTotal               interface{} `json:"gold_total"`
	GoldSell                interface{} `json:"gold_sell"`
	GoldPurchasable         bool        `json:"gold_purchasable"`
	GoldBase                interface{} `json:"gold_base"`
	FlatSpellBlockMod       interface{} `json:"flat_spell_block_mod"`
	FlatPhysicalDamageMod   interface{} `json:"flat_physical_damage_mod"`
	FlatMpRegenMod          interface{} `json:"flat_mp_regen_mod"`
	FlatMpPoolMod           interface{} `json:"flat_mp_pool_mod"`
	FlatMovementSpeedMod    interface{} `json:"flat_movement_speed_mod"`
	FlatMagicDamageMod      interface{} `json:"flat_magic_damage_mod"`
	FlatHpRegenMod          interface{} `json:"flat_hp_regen_mod"`
	FlatHpPoolMod           interface{} `json:"flat_hp_pool_mod"`
	FlatCritChanceMod       interface{} `json:"flat_crit_chance_mod"`
	FlatArmorMod            interface{} `json:"flat_armor_mod"`

Item .

type LdInfo

type LdInfo struct {
	Name     string `json:"name"`
	ImageURL string `json:"image_url"`
	ID       int64  `json:"id"`

LdInfo .

type Module

type Module struct {
	ID   int64  `json:"id"`
	MAid int64  `json:"ma_id"`
	Name string `json:"name"`
	Oids string `json:"oids"`

Module match module

type Page

type Page struct {
	Num   int `json:"num"`
	Size  int `json:"size"`
	Total int `json:"total"`

Page es page

type ParamActPoint

type ParamActPoint struct {
	Aid  int64 `form:"aid" validate:"gt=0"`
	MdID int64 `form:"md_id" validate:"gt=0"`
	Sort int   `form:"sort"`
	Pn   int   `form:"pn"  validate:"gt=0"`
	Ps   int   `form:"ps"  validate:"gt=0,lte=50"`

ParamActPoint matchs params.

type ParamActTop

type ParamActTop struct {
	Aid   int64  `form:"aid" validate:"gt=0"`
	Sort  int    `form:"sort"`
	Stime string `form:"stime" `
	Etime string `form:"etime" `
	Pn    int    `form:"pn"  validate:"gt=0"`
	Ps    int    `form:"ps"  validate:"gt=0,lte=50"`

ParamActTop matchs params.

type ParamCDRecent

type ParamCDRecent struct {
	HomeID int64 `form:"home_id" validate:"gt=0"`
	AwayID int64 `form:"away_id" validate:"gt=0"`
	CID    int64 `form:"cid" validate:"gt=0"`
	Ps     int64 `form:"ps" default:"8" validate:"lte=10"`

ParamCDRecent contest recently match

type ParamCale

type ParamCale struct {
	Stime int64 `form:"stime" validate:"required"`
	Etime int64 `form:"etime" validate:"required"`

ParamCale calendar params.

type ParamContest

type ParamContest struct {
	Mid    int64   `form:"mid" validate:"gte=0"`
	Gid    int64   `form:"gid" validate:"gte=0"`
	Tid    int64   `form:"tid" validate:"gte=0"`
	Stime  string  `form:"stime"`
	Etime  string  `form:"etime"`
	GState string  `form:"g_state"`
	Sids   []int64 `form:"sids,split"`
	Sort   int     `form:"sort"`
	Pn     int     `form:"pn"  validate:"gt=0"`
	Ps     int     `form:"ps"  validate:"gt=0,lte=50"`

ParamContest matchs params.

type ParamFav

type ParamFav struct {
	VMID  int64   `form:"vmid"`
	Sids  []int64 `form:"sids,split"`
	Stime string  `form:"stime"`
	Etime string  `form:"etime"`
	Sort  int     `form:"sort"`
	Pn    int     `form:"pn" default:"1" validate:"min=1"`
	Ps    int     `form:"ps" default:"50" validate:"min=1"`

ParamFav app fav list.

type ParamFilter

type ParamFilter struct {
	Mid   int64  `form:"mid"   validate:"gte=0"`
	Gid   int64  `form:"gid"   validate:"gte=0"`
	Tid   int64  `form:"tid"   validate:"gte=0"`
	Year  int64  `form:"year"  validate:"gte=0"`
	Tag   int64  `form:"tag"   validate:"gte=0"`
	Stime string `form:"stime" `
	Etime string `form:"etime" `

ParamFilter filter video params

type ParamGame

type ParamGame struct {
	MatchID int64   `form:"match_id" validate:"required"`
	GameIDs []int64 `form:"game_ids,split" validate:"required"`
	Tp      int64   `form:"tp" default:"1" validate:"min=1"`

ParamGame game

type ParamLd

type ParamLd struct {
	Route string `form:"route"`

ParamLd leidata param

type ParamLeidas

type ParamLeidas struct {
	IDs []int64 `form:"ids,split" validate:"required"`
	Tp  int64   `form:"tp" default:"1" validate:"min=1"`

ParamLeidas .

type ParamSearch

type ParamSearch struct {
	Pn      int    `form:"pn"    validate:"gt=0"`
	Ps      int    `form:"ps"    validate:"gt=0"`
	Keyword string `form:"keyword" validate:"required"`
	Sort    int64  `form:"sort"  validate:"gte=0"`

ParamSearch search video params

type ParamSeason

type ParamSeason struct {
	VMID int64 `form:"vmid"`
	Sort int64 `form:"sort"`
	Pn   int   `form:"pn"  validate:"gt=0"`
	Ps   int   `form:"ps"  validate:"gt=0,lte=50"`

ParamSeason season params.

type ParamVideo

type ParamVideo struct {
	Mid  int64 `form:"mid"   validate:"gte=0"`
	Gid  int64 `form:"gid"   validate:"gte=0"`
	Tid  int64 `form:"tid"   validate:"gte=0"`
	Year int64 `form:"year"  validate:"gte=0"`
	Tag  int64 `form:"tag"   validate:"gte=0"`
	Sort int64 `form:"sort"  validate:"gte=0"`
	Pn   int   `form:"pn"    validate:"gt=0"`
	Ps   int   `form:"ps"    validate:"gt=0,lte=50"`

ParamVideo video params

type SearchEsp

type SearchEsp struct {
	Code       int             `json:"code,omitempty"`
	Seid       string          `json:"seid"`
	Page       int             `json:"page"`
	PageSize   int             `json:"pagesize"`
	NumResults int             `json:"numResults"`
	NumPages   int             `json:"numPages"`
	Result     json.RawMessage `json:"result"`

SearchEsp big search esports.

type SearchVideo

type SearchVideo struct {
	AID int64 `json:"aid"`

SearchVideo search video.

type Season

type Season struct {
	ID        int64     `json:"id"`
	Mid       int64     `json:"mid"`
	Title     string    `json:"title"`
	SubTitle  string    `json:"sub_title"`
	Stime     int64     `json:"stime"`
	Etime     int64     `json:"etime"`
	Sponsor   string    `json:"sponsor"`
	Dic       string    `json:"dic"`
	Status    int64     `json:"status"`
	Ctime     time.Time `json:"ctime"`
	Mtime     time.Time `json:"mtime"`
	Rank      int64     `json:"rank"`
	IsApp     int64     `json:"is_app"`
	URL       string    `json:"url"`
	DataFocus string    `json:"data_focus"`
	FocusURL  string    `json:"focus_url"`

Season season struct

type SyncChampion

type SyncChampion struct {
	Data map[int64]*Champion

SyncChampion store champion list

type SyncGame

type SyncGame struct {
	Data map[int64][]*Game

SyncGame store leida game list

type SyncHero

type SyncHero struct {
	Data map[int64]*Hero

SyncHero store hero list

type SyncInfo

type SyncInfo struct {
	Data map[int64]*LdInfo

SyncInfo store leida base info list

type SyncItem

type SyncItem struct {
	Data map[int64]*Item

SyncItem store item list

type Team

type Team struct {
	ID         int64  `json:"id" form:"id"`
	Title      string `json:"title" form:"title" validate:"required"`
	SubTitle   string `json:"sub_title" form:"sub_title"`
	ETitle     string `json:"e_title" form:"e_title"`
	CreateTime int64  `json:"create_time" form:"create_time"`
	Area       string `json:"area" form:"area"`
	UID        int64  `json:"uid" form:"uid" gorm:"column:uid"`
	Members    string `json:"members" form:"members"`
	Dic        string `json:"dic" form:"dic"`
	IsDeleted  int    `json:"is_deleted" form:"is_deleted"`

Team .

type Tree

type Tree struct {
	ID        int64 `json:"id" form:"id"`
	MaID      int64 `json:"ma_id,omitempty" form:"ma_id" validate:"required"`
	MadID     int64 `json:"mad_id,omitempty" form:"mad_id" validate:"required"`
	Pid       int64 `json:"pid" form:"pid"`
	RootID    int64 `json:"root_id" form:"root_id"`
	GameRank  int64 `json:"game_rank,omitempty" form:"game_rank" validate:"required"`
	Mid       int64 `json:"mid" form:"mid"`
	IsDeleted int   `json:"is_deleted,omitempty" form:"is_deleted"`

Tree match Active

type TreeList

type TreeList struct {

TreeList .

type Year

type Year struct {
	ID   int64 `json:"id"`
	Year int64 `json:"year"`
	Aid  int64 `json:"aid"`

Year year struct

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? : This menu
/ : Search site
f or F : Jump to
y or Y : Canonical URL