
v0.0.0-...-83adff0 Latest Latest

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Published: Jul 6, 2020 License: GPL-3.0 Imports: 18 Imported by: 0



Package model is a generated protocol buffer package.

It is generated from these files:


It has these top-level messages:




View Source
const (
	ActionIdx     = "idx"
	ActionFlush   = "flush"
	ActAddDM      = "dm_add"       // 新增弹幕
	ActFlushDMSeg = "dm_seg_flush" // 刷新分段弹幕缓存

Action actions sent to job

View Source
const (
	// mode
	AdvSpeMode = "sp"      // mode 7
	AdvMode    = "advance" // mode8 mode9
	// type
	AdvTypeRequest = "request"
	AdvTypeAccept  = "accept"
	AdvTypeBuy     = "buy"
	AdvTypeDeny    = "deny"
	// coin
	AdvSPCoin = 2
	AdvCoin   = 5
	// reason
	AdvSPCoinReason       = "购买特殊弹幕"
	AdvCoinReason         = "购买高级弹幕"
	AdvSPCoinCancelReason = "购买特殊弹幕被取消"
	AdvCoinCancelReason   = "购买高级弹幕被取消"
	// confirm state
	AdvStatConfirmDefault = 0
	AdvStatConfirmAgree   = 1
	AdvStatConfirmRequest = 2
	AdvStatConfirmDeny    = 3
	// 高级弹幕申请权限控制
	AdvPermitAll       = int8(0) // 任何人
	AdvPermitFollower  = int8(1) // 仅限粉丝
	AdvPermitAttention = int8(2) // 仅限相互关注
	AdvPermitForbid    = int8(3) // 始终拒绝

all variable used in advance dm

View Source
const (
	AttrNo  = int32(0) // 属性位为0
	AttrYes = int32(1) // 属性位为1

	AttrProtect = uint(0) // 保护弹幕

	StateNormal        = int32(0)  // 普通状态
	StateDelete        = int32(1)  // 删除状态
	StateHide          = int32(2)  // 隐藏状态
	StateBlock         = int32(3)  // 屏蔽状态
	StateFilter        = int32(4)  // 过滤状态
	StateMonitorBefore = int32(5)  // 先审后发
	StateMonitorAfter  = int32(6)  // 先发后审
	StateSystemFilter  = int32(7)  // 敏感词过滤
	StateReportDelete  = int32(8)  // 举报删除
	StateAdminDelete   = int32(9)  // 弹幕管理删除
	StateUserDelete    = int32(10) // 用户删除
	StateScriptDelete  = int32(11) // 举报脚本删除
	StateTaskDel       = int32(12) //弹幕任务删除
	StateAiDelete      = int32(13) // ai删除

	PoolNormal   = int32(0) // 普通弹幕池
	PoolSubtitle = int32(1) // 字幕弹幕池
	PoolSpecial  = int32(2) // 特殊弹幕池

	PlatUnknow  = int32(0)
	PlatWeb     = int32(1)
	PlatAndroid = int32(2)
	PlatIPhone  = int32(3)
	PlatWpM     = int32(4) // wp mobile
	PlatIPad    = int32(5)
	PlatPadHd   = int32(6) // ipad hd
	PlatWpPc    = int32(7) // win10

	MaxLenDefMsg = 100
	MaxLen7Msg   = 300
	// 弹幕模式
	ModeRolling = int32(1)
	ModeBottom  = int32(4)
	ModeTop     = int32(5)
	ModeReverse = int32(6)
	ModeSpecial = int32(7)
	ModeCode    = int32(8)
	ModeBAS     = int32(9)

	SpamBlack    = 52001
	SpamOverflow = 52002
	SpamRestrict = 52005

All const variable used in dm2

View Source
const (

	// DefaultVideoEnd 当视频时长不存在或者为0时的默认视频结尾时间点
	DefaultVideoEnd = int64(3 * 60 * 60 * 1000)
	// DefaultPageSize 默认分段长度
	DefaultPageSize = 60 * 6 * 1000
	// NotFound nothing found flag
	NotFound = int64(-1)
View Source
const (
	FilterUnActive int8 = 0
	FilterActive   int8 = 1

	FilterTypeText   int8 = 0 //  文本类型
	FilterTypeRegex  int8 = 1 //  正则类型
	FilterTypeID     int8 = 2 //  用户ID类型
	FilterTypeBottom int8 = 4
	FilterTypeTop    int8 = 5
	FilterTypeRev    int8 = 6

	FilterLenText  = 50  // 文本类型最大字符长度
	FilterLenRegex = 200 // 正则类型最大字符长度

	FilterMaxUserText = 1000 // 用户关键字最大条数
	FilterMaxUserReg  = 100  // 用户正则最大条数
	FilterMaxUserID   = 1000 // 用户黑名单最大条数
	FilterMaxUpText   = 500  // up主关键字最大条数
	FilterMaxUpReg    = 100  // up主正则最大条数
	FilterMaxUpID     = 1000 // up主黑名单最大条数

	FilterNotExist = -1000000

	FilterContent = "10000,20000,25000,30000"

all const variable used in dm filter

View Source
const (
	MaskPlatWeb int8 = 0
	MaskPlatMbl int8 = 1

all const variable used in mask

View Source
const (
	SubTypeVideo = int32(1) // 主题类型

	SubStateOpen   = int32(0) // 主题打开
	SubStateClosed = int32(1) // 主题关闭

	AttrSubGuest         = uint(0) // 允许游客弹幕
	AttrSubSpolier       = uint(1) // 允许剧透弹幕
	AttrSubMission       = uint(2) // 允许活动弹幕
	AttrSubAdvance       = uint(3) // 允许高级弹幕
	AttrSubMonitorBefore = uint(4) // 先审后发视频
	AttrSubMonitorAfter  = uint(5) // 先发后审视频
	AttrSubMaskOpen      = uint(6) // 开启蒙版
	AttrSubMblMaskReady  = uint(7) // 移动端蒙版生产完成
	AttrSubWebMaskReady  = uint(8) // web端蒙版生产完成

All const variable used in dm subject

View Source
const (
	SubtitleLocationLeftBottom  = uint8(1) //左下角
	SubtitleLocationBottomMid   = uint8(2) //底部居中
	SubtitleLocationRightBottom = uint8(3) //右下角
	SubtitleLocationLeftUp      = uint8(7) //左上角
	SubtitleLocationUpMid       = uint8(8) //顶部居中
	SubtitleLocationRightUp     = uint8(9) //右上角

	SubtitleContentSizeLimit = 300

SubtitleLocation .

View Source
const (
	ThumbupLike       int8 = 1 // 点赞
	ThumbupLikeCancel int8 = 2 // 取消赞
	ThumbupHate       int8 = 3 // 点踩
	ThumbupHateCancel int8 = 4 // 取消踩

All const variable used in thumbup

View Source
const (
	UgcPayRelationStatePaid = "paid"
	UgcPayRelationStateNone = "none"

ugc pay relation state

View Source
const (
	AttrSubtitleClose = uint(1) // 关闭稿件字幕

Subtitle state

View Source
const CondIntNil = -10516

CondIntNil cond int nil

View Source
const (
	UgcPayTypeArchive = "archive"

ugc pay type


View Source
var (
	ErrInvalidLengthDm = fmt.Errorf("proto: negative length found during unmarshaling")
	ErrIntOverflowDm   = fmt.Errorf("proto: integer overflow")
View Source
var (

	// DefaultFlag default dm flag if bigdata downgrade.
	DefaultFlag = []byte(`{"rec_flag":2,"rec_text":"开启后,全站视频将按等级等优化弹幕","rec_switch":1,"dmflags":[]}`)
View Source
var (

	// LimitPerMin 每个rank权限允许的发送速度
	LimitPerMin = map[int32]int64{
		0:     10,
		10000: 30,
		15000: 30,
		20000: 300,
		25000: 60,
		30000: 300,
		32000: 300,
View Source
var (
	// SubtitleLocationMap .
	SubtitleLocationMap = map[uint8]struct{}{
		SubtitleLocationLeftBottom:  {},
		SubtitleLocationBottomMid:   {},
		SubtitleLocationRightBottom: {},
		SubtitleLocationLeftUp:      {},
		SubtitleLocationUpMid:       {},
		SubtitleLocationRightUp:     {},


func CheckThumbup

func CheckThumbup(Thumbup int8) bool

CheckThumbup check thumbup.

func DMAttrNtoA

func DMAttrNtoA(attr int32) string

DMAttrNtoA convert uint to string format,eg:5-->101-->1,3.

func Decode

func Decode(buf []byte) (flag, xml []byte, err error)

Decode decode dm proto.

func Encode

func Encode(flag, xml []byte) (res []byte)

Encode dm ecode.

func Hash

func Hash(mid int64, ip uint32) string

Hash return mid hash string.

func IsDMEditAble

func IsDMEditAble(state int32) bool

IsDMEditAble dm can edit

func IsDMVisible

func IsDMVisible(state int32) bool

IsDMVisible dm can visible

func Resource

func Resource(mobiApp string) (rsc string)

Resource get resource by mobi_app.


type AD struct {
	RequestID string                      `json:"request_id,omitempty"`
	ADsInfo   map[int64]map[int64]*ADInfo `json:"ads_info,omitempty"` // resource_id --> source_id --> adinfo

AD advert struct

func (*AD) Convert

func (a *AD) Convert(clientIP string) (res *ADResp)

Convert convert AD to ADResp.

type ADInfo

type ADInfo struct {
	// filed response from advert api
	Index     int             `json:"index,omitempty"`
	IsAd      bool            `json:"is_ad,omitempty"`
	CmMark    int             `json:"cm_mark,omitempty"`
	CardIndex int             `json:"card_index,omitempty"`
	ADInfo    json.RawMessage `json:"ad_info,omitempty"`
	// filed used in app
	RequestID  string `json:"request_id,omitempty"`
	ResourceID int64  `json:"resource_id,omitempty"`
	SourceID   int64  `json:"source_id,omitempty"`
	ClientIP   string `json:"client_ip,omitempty"`
	IsADLoc    bool   `json:"is_ad_loc,omitempty"`

ADInfo advert info.

type ADReq

type ADReq struct {
	Aid      int64  `json:"aid"`
	Oid      int64  `json:"oid"`
	Mid      int64  `json:"mid"`
	Build    int64  `json:"build"`
	Buvid    string `json:"buvid"`
	ClientIP string `json:"ip"`
	MobiApp  string `json:"mobi_app"`
	ADExtra  string `json:"ad_extra"`

ADReq advert request params

type ADResp

type ADResp struct {
	Icon *ADInfo   `json:"icon,omitempty"`
	ADs  []*ADInfo `json:"ads_info,omitempty"`

ADResp advert response

type Action

type Action struct {
	Action string          `json:"action"`
	Data   json.RawMessage `json:"data"`

Action job msg.

type ActionFlushDMSeg

type ActionFlushDMSeg struct {
	Type  int32 `json:"type"`
	Oid   int64 `json:"oid"`
	Force bool  `json:"force"`
	Page  *Page `json:"page"`

ActionFlushDMSeg flush segment dm cache

type AdvState

type AdvState struct {
	Coins   int  `json:"coins"`
	Confirm int  `json:"confirm"`
	Accept  bool `json:"accept"`
	HasBuy  bool `json:"hasBuy"`

AdvState state

type Advance

type Advance struct {
	ID        int64  `json:"id"`
	Owner     int64  `json:"owner"`
	Cid       int64  `json:"cid"`
	Aid       int64  `json:"aid"`
	Type      string `json:"type"`
	Mode      string `json:"mode"`
	Mid       int64  `json:"mid"`
	Timestamp int64  `json:"timestamp"`
	Refund    int8   `json:"refund"`
	Uname     string `json:"uname"`
	Title     string `json:"title"`
	Cover     string `json:"cover"`

Advance dm_advancecomment

type AdvanceCmt

type AdvanceCmt struct {
	ID        int64
	Owner     int64
	Oid       int64
	Type      string // request:申请中,buy:已购买,accept:已通过,deny:拒绝
	Mode      string // 枚举类型,sp:高级弹幕,advance:pool2特殊弹幕
	Timestamp int64
	Mid       int64
	Refund    int

AdvanceCmt struct

type ArgAddGlobalFilter

type ArgAddGlobalFilter struct {
	Type   int8
	Filter string

ArgAddGlobalFilter add global filter

type ArgAddUpFilters

type ArgAddUpFilters struct {
	Type    int8
	Mid     int64
	Filters []string

ArgAddUpFilters add up filters

type ArgAddUserFilters

type ArgAddUserFilters struct {
	Type    int8
	Mid     int64
	Filters []string
	Comment string

ArgAddUserFilters add user filters

type ArgAdvBuy

type ArgAdvBuy struct {
	Mid       int64
	Owner     int64
	Type      string
	Reason    string
	Cid       int64
	Coin      float64
	Mode      string
	Cookie    string
	AccessKey string
	Refund    int
	IsCoin    bool

ArgAdvBuy buy adv data

type ArgAdvance

type ArgAdvance struct {
	Mid  int64
	Cid  int64
	Mode string

ArgAdvance arguments passed by rpc client

type ArgArchiveID

type ArgArchiveID struct {
	Aid int64

ArgArchiveID .

type ArgBanUsers

type ArgBanUsers struct {
	Mid   int64
	Oid   int64
	DMIDs []int64

ArgBanUsers ban users

type ArgCancelBanUsers

type ArgCancelBanUsers struct {
	Mid     int64
	Aid     int64
	Filters []string

ArgCancelBanUsers cancel banned users

type ArgCid

type ArgCid struct {
	Cid int64

ArgCid arg cid

type ArgDelGlobalFilters

type ArgDelGlobalFilters struct {
	IDs []int64

ArgDelGlobalFilters delete global filters

type ArgDelUserFilters

type ArgDelUserFilters struct {
	Mid int64
	IDs []int64

ArgDelUserFilters delete user filter

type ArgEditDMAttr

type ArgEditDMAttr struct {
	Type         int32
	Oid          int64
	Mid          int64
	Bit          uint
	Value        int32
	Dmids        []int64
	Source       oplog.Source
	OperatorType oplog.OperatorType

ArgEditDMAttr edit dm attr,bit: AttrXXX defined in model,value:AttrYes/AttrNo

type ArgEditDMPool

type ArgEditDMPool struct {
	Type         int32
	Oid          int64
	Mid          int64
	Pool         int32
	Dmids        []int64
	Source       oplog.Source
	OperatorType oplog.OperatorType

ArgEditDMPool arguments passed by rpc client

type ArgEditDMState

type ArgEditDMState struct {
	Type         int32
	Oid          int64
	Mid          int64
	State        int32
	Dmids        []int64
	Source       oplog.Source
	OperatorType oplog.OperatorType

ArgEditDMState arguments passed by rpc client

type ArgEditUpFilters

type ArgEditUpFilters struct {
	Type    int8
	Mid     int64
	Active  int8
	Filters []string

ArgEditUpFilters edit up filter

type ArgGlobalFilters

type ArgGlobalFilters struct {

ArgGlobalFilters get global filter

type ArgMask

type ArgMask struct {
	Cid  int64
	Plat int8

ArgMask .

type ArgMid

type ArgMid struct {
	Mid int64

ArgMid arguments passed by rpc client

type ArgOids

type ArgOids struct {
	Type   int32
	Plat   int8
	Oids   []int64
	RealIP string

ArgOids arguments passed by rpc client

type ArgSubtitleAllowSubmit

type ArgSubtitleAllowSubmit struct {
	Aid         int64
	AllowSubmit bool
	Lan         string

ArgSubtitleAllowSubmit .

type ArgSubtitleGet

type ArgSubtitleGet struct {
	Aid  int64
	Oid  int64
	Type int32

ArgSubtitleGet .

type ArgUpAdvance

type ArgUpAdvance struct {
	Mid int64
	ID  int64

ArgUpAdvance arguments passed by rpc client

type ArgUpFilters

type ArgUpFilters struct {
	Mid int64

ArgUpFilters up filters

type AuthorStatus

type AuthorStatus uint8

AuthorStatus .

const (
	AuthorStatusUnknow AuthorStatus = iota


type BuyAdv

type BuyAdv struct {
	CID       int64
	Owner     int64
	Mid       int64
	Type      string
	Timestamp int64
	Mode      string
	Refund    int

BuyAdv user buy adv

type CommonResponse

type CommonResponse struct {
	Code    int    `json:"code"`
	Message string `json:"message"`

CommonResponse .

type Content

type Content struct {
	ID       int64                       `protobuf:"varint,1,opt,name=ID,proto3" json:"id"`
	FontSize int32                       `protobuf:"varint,2,opt,name=FontSize,proto3" json:"fontsize"`
	Color    int64                       `protobuf:"varint,3,opt,name=Color,proto3" json:"color"`
	Mode     int32                       `protobuf:"varint,4,opt,name=Mode,proto3" json:"mode"`
	IP       int64                       `protobuf:"varint,5,opt,name=IP,proto3" json:"ip"`
	Plat     int32                       `protobuf:"varint,6,opt,name=Plat,proto3" json:"plat"`
	Msg      string                      `protobuf:"bytes,7,opt,name=Msg,proto3" json:"msg"`
	Ctime    go_common_library_time.Time `protobuf:"varint,8,opt,name=Ctime,proto3,casttype=go-common/library/time.Time" json:"ctime"`
	Mtime    go_common_library_time.Time `protobuf:"varint,9,opt,name=Mtime,proto3,casttype=go-common/library/time.Time" json:"mtime"`

func (*Content) Descriptor

func (*Content) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)

func (*Content) Marshal

func (m *Content) Marshal() (dAtA []byte, err error)

func (*Content) MarshalTo

func (m *Content) MarshalTo(dAtA []byte) (int, error)

func (*Content) ProtoMessage

func (*Content) ProtoMessage()

func (*Content) Reset

func (m *Content) Reset()

func (*Content) Size

func (m *Content) Size() (n int)

func (*Content) String

func (m *Content) String() string

func (*Content) Unmarshal

func (m *Content) Unmarshal(dAtA []byte) error

type ContentSpecial

type ContentSpecial struct {
	ID    int64                       `protobuf:"varint,1,opt,name=ID,proto3" json:"id"`
	Msg   string                      `protobuf:"bytes,2,opt,name=Msg,proto3" json:"msg"`
	Ctime go_common_library_time.Time `protobuf:"varint,3,opt,name=Ctime,proto3,casttype=go-common/library/time.Time" json:"ctime"`
	Mtime go_common_library_time.Time `protobuf:"varint,4,opt,name=Mtime,proto3,casttype=go-common/library/time.Time" json:"mtime"`

func (*ContentSpecial) Descriptor

func (*ContentSpecial) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)

func (*ContentSpecial) Marshal

func (m *ContentSpecial) Marshal() (dAtA []byte, err error)

func (*ContentSpecial) MarshalTo

func (m *ContentSpecial) MarshalTo(dAtA []byte) (int, error)

func (*ContentSpecial) ProtoMessage

func (*ContentSpecial) ProtoMessage()

func (*ContentSpecial) Reset

func (m *ContentSpecial) Reset()

func (*ContentSpecial) Size

func (m *ContentSpecial) Size() (n int)

func (*ContentSpecial) String

func (m *ContentSpecial) String() string

func (*ContentSpecial) Unmarshal

func (m *ContentSpecial) Unmarshal(dAtA []byte) error

type CountSubtitleResult

type CountSubtitleResult struct {
	Draft     int64
	ToAudit   int64
	AuditBack int64
	Publish   int64

CountSubtitleResult .

type DM

type DM struct {
	ID         int64                       `protobuf:"varint,1,opt,name=ID,proto3" json:"id"`
	Type       int32                       `protobuf:"varint,2,opt,name=Type,proto3" json:"type"`
	Oid        int64                       `protobuf:"varint,3,opt,name=Oid,proto3" json:"oid"`
	Mid        int64                       `protobuf:"varint,4,opt,name=Mid,proto3" json:"mid"`
	Progress   int32                       `protobuf:"varint,5,opt,name=Progress,proto3" json:"progress"`
	Pool       int32                       `protobuf:"varint,6,opt,name=Pool,proto3" json:"pool"`
	Attr       int32                       `protobuf:"varint,7,opt,name=Attr,proto3" json:"attr"`
	State      int32                       `protobuf:"varint,8,opt,name=State,proto3" json:"state"`
	Ctime      go_common_library_time.Time `protobuf:"varint,9,opt,name=Ctime,proto3,casttype=go-common/library/time.Time" json:"ctime"`
	Mtime      go_common_library_time.Time `protobuf:"varint,10,opt,name=Mtime,proto3,casttype=go-common/library/time.Time" json:"mtime"`
	Content    *Content                    `protobuf:"bytes,11,opt,name=Content" json:"content,omitempty"`
	ContentSpe *ContentSpecial             `protobuf:"bytes,12,opt,name=ContentSpe" json:"content_special,omitempty"`

func (*DM) AttrNtoA

func (d *DM) AttrNtoA() string

AttrNtoA convert uint to string format,eg:5-->101-->1,3.

func (*DM) AttrSet

func (d *DM) AttrSet(v int32, bit uint)

AttrSet set val of index'attr

func (*DM) AttrVal

func (d *DM) AttrVal(bit uint) int32

AttrVal return val of index'attr

func (*DM) Descriptor

func (*DM) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)

func (*DM) Marshal

func (m *DM) Marshal() (dAtA []byte, err error)

func (*DM) MarshalTo

func (m *DM) MarshalTo(dAtA []byte) (int, error)

func (*DM) ProtoMessage

func (*DM) ProtoMessage()

func (*DM) Reset

func (m *DM) Reset()

func (*DM) Size

func (m *DM) Size() (n int)

func (*DM) String

func (m *DM) String() string

func (*DM) ToElem

func (d *DM) ToElem() (e *Elem)

ToElem convert dm struct to element.

func (*DM) ToXML

func (d *DM) ToXML(realname bool) (s string)

ToXML convert dm struct to xml.

func (*DM) ToXMLSeg

func (d *DM) ToXMLSeg(realname bool) (s string)

ToXMLSeg convert dm struct to xml.

func (*DM) ToXMLSpecialSeg

func (d *DM) ToXMLSpecialSeg(realname bool) (s string)

ToXMLSpecialSeg .

func (*DM) Unmarshal

func (m *DM) Unmarshal(dAtA []byte) error

type DMMember

type DMMember struct {
	ID       int64     `json:"id"`
	IDStr    string    `json:"id_str"`
	Type     int32     `json:"type"`
	Aid      int64     `json:"aid"`
	Oid      int64     `json:"oid"`
	Mid      int64     `json:"mid"`
	MidHash  string    `json:"mid_hash"`
	Pool     int32     `json:"pool"`
	Attrs    string    `json:"attrs"`
	Progress int32     `json:"progress"`
	Mode     int32     `json:"mode"`
	Msg      string    `json:"msg"`
	State    int32     `json:"state"`
	FontSize int32     `json:"fontsize"`
	Color    string    `json:"color"`
	Ctime    time.Time `json:"ctime"`
	Uname    string    `json:"uname"`
	Title    string    `json:"title"`

DMMember dm struct used in member

type DMSeg

type DMSeg struct {
	Elems      []*Elem  `protobuf:"bytes,1,rep,name=Elems" json:"dms"`
	SpecialURL []string `protobuf:"bytes,2,rep,name=SpecialURL" json:"special_url,omitempty"`

func (*DMSeg) Descriptor

func (*DMSeg) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)

func (*DMSeg) Marshal

func (m *DMSeg) Marshal() (dAtA []byte, err error)

func (*DMSeg) MarshalTo

func (m *DMSeg) MarshalTo(dAtA []byte) (int, error)

func (*DMSeg) ProtoMessage

func (*DMSeg) ProtoMessage()

func (*DMSeg) Reset

func (m *DMSeg) Reset()

func (*DMSeg) Size

func (m *DMSeg) Size() (n int)

func (*DMSeg) String

func (m *DMSeg) String() string

func (*DMSeg) Unmarshal

func (m *DMSeg) Unmarshal(dAtA []byte) error

type DMSegResp

type DMSegResp struct {
	Dms  []*Elem         `json:"dms"`
	Flag json.RawMessage `json:"flags,omitempty"`

DMSegResp segment dm list response

type DMSlice

type DMSlice []*DM

DMSlice dm slice

func (DMSlice) Len

func (d DMSlice) Len() int

func (DMSlice) Less

func (d DMSlice) Less(i, j int) bool

func (DMSlice) Swap

func (d DMSlice) Swap(i, j int)

type DMSlice2

type DMSlice2 []*DM

DMSlice2 sort dm slice by progress

func (DMSlice2) Len

func (d DMSlice2) Len() int

func (DMSlice2) Less

func (d DMSlice2) Less(i, j int) bool

func (DMSlice2) Swap

func (d DMSlice2) Swap(i, j int)

type DailyLimiter

type DailyLimiter struct {
	Date  string
	Count int64

DailyLimiter daily limiter

type DmRecentResponse

type DmRecentResponse struct {
	Page *Page       `json:"page"`
	Data []*DMMember `json:"result"`

DmRecentResponse .

type DmSpecial

type DmSpecial struct {
	ID        int64
	Type      int32
	Oid       int64
	Locations string

DmSpecial special dm bfs location

func (*DmSpecial) Join

func (d *DmSpecial) Join(s []string)

Join .

func (*DmSpecial) Split

func (d *DmSpecial) Split() []string

Split .

type Elem

type Elem struct {
	Attribute string `protobuf:"bytes,1,opt,name=Attribute,proto3" json:"attribute,omitempty"`
	Content   string `protobuf:"bytes,2,opt,name=Content,proto3" json:"content,omitempty"`

func (*Elem) Descriptor

func (*Elem) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)

func (*Elem) Marshal

func (m *Elem) Marshal() (dAtA []byte, err error)

func (*Elem) MarshalTo

func (m *Elem) MarshalTo(dAtA []byte) (int, error)

func (*Elem) ProtoMessage

func (*Elem) ProtoMessage()

func (*Elem) Reset

func (m *Elem) Reset()

func (*Elem) Size

func (m *Elem) Size() (n int)

func (*Elem) String

func (m *Elem) String() string

func (*Elem) Unmarshal

func (m *Elem) Unmarshal(dAtA []byte) error

type FilterCheckResp

type FilterCheckResp struct {
	Hits map[string]string `json:"hits"`

FilterCheckResp .

type FilterData

type FilterData struct {
	Level  int64    `json:"level"`
	Limit  int64    `json:"limit"`
	Msg    string   `json:"msg"`
	TypeID []int64  `json:"typeid"`
	Hit    []string `json:"hit"`

FilterData filter-service data

type Flush

type Flush struct {
	Type  int32 `json:"type,omitempty"`
	Oid   int64 `json:"oid,omitempty"`
	Force bool  `json:"force,omitempty"`

Flush flush msg

type GlobalFilter

type GlobalFilter struct {
	ID     int64     `json:"id"`
	Type   int8      `json:"type"`
	Filter string    `json:"filter"`
	Ctime  time.Time `json:"-"`
	Mtime  time.Time `json:"-"`

GlobalFilter define a new struct, consistent with table "dm_sys_filter"

type JDM

type JDM struct {
	ID       int64     `json:"id"`
	Msg      string    `json:"msg"`
	Mid      int64     `json:"mid"`
	Progress string    `json:"progress"`
	CTime    time.Time `json:"ctime"`

JDM judge dm

type JobParam

type JobParam struct {
	Type     int32 `json:"type,omitempty"`
	Pid      int64 `json:"pid,omitempty"`
	Oid      int64 `json:"oid,omitempty"`
	Cnt      int64 `json:"cnt,omitempty"`
	Num      int64 `json:"num,omitempty"`
	Duration int64 `json:"duration,omitempty"`

JobParam job param.

type JudgeDMList

type JudgeDMList struct {
	List  []*JDM  `json:"list"`
	Index []int64 `json:"index"`

JudgeDMList dm list of judge

type JudgeSlice

type JudgeSlice []*DM

JudgeSlice sort for dm judgement

func (JudgeSlice) Len

func (d JudgeSlice) Len() int

func (JudgeSlice) Less

func (d JudgeSlice) Less(i, j int) bool

func (JudgeSlice) Swap

func (d JudgeSlice) Swap(i, j int)

type Language

type Language struct {
	Lan       string       `json:"lan"`
	LanDoc    string       `json:"lan_doc"`
	Pub       *LanguagePub `json:"pub,omitempty"`
	Draft     *LanguageID  `json:"draft,omitempty"`
	Audit     *LanguageID  `json:"audit,omitempty"`
	AuditBack *LanguageID  `json:"audit_back,omitempty"`

Language .

type LanguageID

type LanguageID struct {
	SubtitleID int64 `json:"subtitle_id"`

LanguageID .

type LanguagePub

type LanguagePub struct {
	SubtitleID int64 `json:"subtitle_id"`
	IsLock     bool  `json:"is_lock"`
	IsPub      bool  `json:"is_pub"`

LanguagePub .

type Limiter

type Limiter struct {
	Allowance int64
	Timestamp int64

Limiter retrun

type Mask

type Mask struct {
	Cid     int64  `json:"cid,omitempty"`
	Plat    int8   `json:"plat,omitempty"`
	FPS     int32  `json:"fps,omitempty"`
	Time    int64  `json:"time,omitempty"`
	MaskURL string `json:"mask_url,omitempty"`

Mask mask info

type MaskLists

type MaskLists struct {
	Onoff int64    `json:"onoff"`
	Cid   int64    `json:"cid,omitempty"`
	Fps   int64    `json:"fps,omitempty"`
	Time  int64    `json:"time,omitempty"`
	Lists []string `json:"list,omitempty"`

MaskLists mask lists

type Page

type Page struct {
	Num   int64 `json:"num"`
	Size  int64 `json:"size"`
	Total int64 `json:"total"`

Page page info.

type Recent

type Recent struct {
	ID       int64  `json:"id"`
	Type     int32  `json:"type"`
	Aid      int64  `json:"pid"`
	Oid      int64  `json:"oid"`
	Mid      int64  `json:"mid"`
	Pool     int32  `json:"pool"`
	Attr     int32  `json:"attr"`
	Progress int32  `json:"progress"`
	Mode     int32  `json:"mode"`
	Msg      string `json:"msg"`
	State    int32  `json:"state"`
	FontSize int32  `json:"fontsize"`
	Color    int32  `json:"color"`
	Ctime    string `json:"ctime"`

Recent recent dm

type SearchDMData

type SearchDMData struct {
	Result []*struct {
		ID int64 `json:"id"`
	} `json:"result"`
	Page *SearchPage

SearchDMData dm meta data from search

type SearchDMParams

type SearchDMParams struct {
	Type         int32
	Oid          int64
	Keyword      string
	Mids         string
	Mode         string
	Pool         string
	Attrs        string
	ProgressFrom int64
	ProgressTo   int64
	CtimeFrom    string
	CtimeTo      string
	Pn           int64
	Ps           int64
	Sort         string
	Order        string
	State        string

SearchDMParams dm search params

type SearchDMResult

type SearchDMResult struct {
	Page struct {
		Num   int64 `json:"num"`
		Size  int64 `json:"size"`
		Total int64 `json:"total"`
	} `json:"page"`
	Result []*DMMember `json:"result"`

SearchDMResult dm list

type SearchHistoryIdxResult

type SearchHistoryIdxResult struct {
	Page   *SearchPage `json:"page"`
	Result []*struct {
		Date string `json:"date"`
	} `json:"result"`

SearchHistoryIdxResult history date index

type SearchHistoryResult

type SearchHistoryResult struct {
	Page   *SearchPage `json:"page"`
	Result []*struct {
		ID int64 `json:"id"`
	} `json:"result"`

SearchHistoryResult history dm from search

type SearchPage

type SearchPage struct {
	Num   int64 `json:"num"`
	Size  int64 `json:"size"`
	Total int64 `json:"total"`

SearchPage page struct from search

type SearchRecentDMParam

type SearchRecentDMParam struct {
	Type   int32
	UpMid  int64
	States []int32
	Ps     int
	Pn     int
	Sort   string
	Field  string

SearchRecentDMParam .

type SearchRecentDMResult

type SearchRecentDMResult struct {
	Page   *Page     `json:"page"`
	Result []*Recent `json:"result"`

SearchRecentDMResult .

type SearchSubtitle

type SearchSubtitle struct {
	ID            int64  `json:"id"`
	Oid           int64  `json:"oid"`
	Aid           int64  `json:"aid"`
	Type          int32  `json:"type"`
	ArchiveName   string `json:"archive_name"`
	VideoName     string `json:"video_name"`
	ArchivePic    string `json:"archive_pic"`
	AuthorID      int64  `json:"author_id"`
	Author        string `json:"author"`
	AuthorPic     string `json:"author_pic"`
	Lan           string `json:"lan"`
	LanDoc        string `json:"lan_doc"`
	Status        int32  `json:"status"`
	IsSign        bool   `json:"is_sign"`
	IsLock        bool   `json:"is_lock"`
	RejectComment string `json:"reject_comment"`
	Mtime         int64  `json:"mtime"`

SearchSubtitle .

type SearchSubtitleAssit

type SearchSubtitleAssit struct {
	Page         *SearchPage       `json:"page"`
	Subtitles    []*SearchSubtitle `json:"subtitles"`
	Total        int64             `json:"total"`
	AuditCount   int64             `json:"audit_count"`
	PublishCount int64             `json:"publish_count"`

SearchSubtitleAssit .

type SearchSubtitleAuthor

type SearchSubtitleAuthor struct {
	Page         *SearchPage                 `json:"page"`
	Subtitles    []*SearchSubtitleAuthorItem `json:"subtitles"`
	Total        int64                       `json:"total"`
	DraftCount   int64                       `json:"draft_count"`
	AuditCount   int64                       `json:"audit_count"`
	BackCount    int64                       `json:"back_count"`
	PublishCount int64                       `json:"publish_count"`

SearchSubtitleAuthor .

type SearchSubtitleAuthorItem

type SearchSubtitleAuthorItem struct {
	ID            int64  `json:"id"`
	Oid           int64  `json:"oid"`
	Aid           int64  `json:"aid"`
	Type          int32  `json:"type"`
	ArchiveName   string `json:"archive_name"`
	VideoName     string `json:"video_name"`
	ArchivePic    string `json:"archive_pic"`
	Lan           string `json:"lan"`
	LanDoc        string `json:"lan_doc"`
	Status        int32  `json:"status"`
	IsSign        bool   `json:"is_sign"`
	IsLock        bool   `json:"is_lock"`
	RejectComment string `json:"reject_comment"`
	Mtime         int64  `json:"mtime"`

SearchSubtitleAuthorItem .

type SearchSubtitleResponse

type SearchSubtitleResponse struct {
	Page      *SearchPage       `json:"page"`
	Subtitles []*SearchSubtitle `json:"subtitles"`

SearchSubtitleResponse .

type SearchSubtitleResult

type SearchSubtitleResult struct {
	Page    *SearchPage           `json:"page"`
	Results []*SubtitlePageResult `json:"result"`

SearchSubtitleResult .

type Season

type Season struct {
	AllowDownload string          `json:"allow_download,omitempty"`
	SeasonID      string          `json:"season_id"`
	IsJump        int             `json:"is_jump"`
	EpisodeStatus int             `json:"episode_status"`
	Title         string          `json:"title"`
	Cover         string          `json:"cover"`
	IsFinish      string          `json:"is_finish"`
	IsStarted     int             `json:"is_started"`
	NewestEpID    string          `json:"newest_ep_id"`
	NewestEpIndex string          `json:"newest_ep_index"`
	TotalCount    string          `json:"total_count"`
	Weekday       string          `json:"weekday"`
	Evaluate      string          `json:"evaluate"`
	Bp            json.RawMessage `json:"rank,omitempty"`
	UserSeason    *struct {
		Attention string `json:"attention"`
	} `json:"user_season,omitempty"`

Season 番剧季度对象

type Segment

type Segment struct {
	Start    int64 `json:"ps"`       // 分段起始时间
	End      int64 `json:"pe"`       // 分段结束时间
	Cnt      int64 `json:"cnt"`      // 总分段数
	Num      int64 `json:"num"`      // 当前第几段
	Duration int64 `json:"duration"` // 视频总时长

Segment dm segment struct

func SegmentInfo

func SegmentInfo(ps, duration int64) (s *Segment)

SegmentInfo get segment info by start time and video duration.

func (*Segment) ToXMLHeader

func (s *Segment) ToXMLHeader(oid int64, state, realname int32) string

ToXMLHeader convert segment to xml header format.

type Subject

type Subject struct {
	ID        int64     `json:"id"`
	Type      int32     `json:"type"`
	Oid       int64     `json:"oid"`
	Pid       int64     `json:"pid"`
	Mid       int64     `json:"mid"`
	State     int32     `json:"state"`
	Attr      int32     `json:"attr"`
	ACount    int64     `json:"acount"`
	Count     int64     `json:"count"`
	MCount    int64     `json:"mcount"`
	MoveCnt   int64     `json:"move_count"`
	Maxlimit  int64     `json:"maxlimit"`
	Childpool int32     `json:"childpool"`
	Ctime     time.Time `json:"ctime"`
	Mtime     time.Time `json:"mtime"`

Subject dm_subject

func (*Subject) AttrSet

func (s *Subject) AttrSet(v int32, bit uint)

AttrSet set val of subject'attr

func (*Subject) AttrVal

func (s *Subject) AttrVal(bit uint) int32

AttrVal return val of subject'attr

func (*Subject) IsMonitoring

func (s *Subject) IsMonitoring() bool

IsMonitoring check if the subject is monitoring or not.

type SubjectInfo

type SubjectInfo struct {
	Closed        bool                 `json:"closed"`
	Realname      bool                 `json:"real_name"`
	Count         int64                `json:"count"`
	MaskList      Mask                 `json:"mask"`
	VideoSubtitle []*ViewVideoSubtitle `json:"subtitles"`

SubjectInfo dm subject info

type Subtitle

type Subtitle struct {
	ID            int64          `json:"id"`
	Oid           int64          `json:"oid"`
	Type          int32          `json:"type"`
	Lan           uint8          `json:"lan"`
	Aid           int64          `json:"aid"`
	Mid           int64          `json:"mid"`
	AuthorID      int64          `json:"author_id"`
	UpMid         int64          `json:"up_mid"`
	IsSign        bool           `json:"is_sign"`
	IsLock        bool           `json:"is_lock"`
	Status        SubtitleStatus `json:"status"`
	CheckSum      string         `json:"-"`
	SubtitleURL   string         `json:"subtitle_url"`
	PubTime       int64          `json:"pub_time"`
	RejectComment string         `json:"reject_comment"`
	Mtime         int64          `json:"mtime"`
	Empty         bool           `json:"empty"`

Subtitle .

type SubtitleBody

type SubtitleBody struct {
	FontSize        float64         `json:"font_size,omitempty"`
	FontColor       string          `json:"font_color,omitempty"`
	BackgroundAlpha float64         `json:"background_alpha,omitempty"`
	BackgroundColor string          `json:"background_color,omitempty"`
	Stroke          string          `json:"Stroke,omitempty"`
	Bodys           []*SubtitleItem `json:"body"`

SubtitleBody .

func (*SubtitleBody) CheckItem

func (s *SubtitleBody) CheckItem(duration int64) (detectErrs []*SubtitleDetectError, err error)

CheckItem . err 兼容老接口error,等创作中心上线后去掉error返回

type SubtitleCheckMsg

type SubtitleCheckMsg struct {
	SubtitleID int64 `json:"subtitle_id"`
	Oid        int64 `json:"oid"`

SubtitleCheckMsg .

type SubtitleDetectError

type SubtitleDetectError struct {
	Line     int32  `json:"line"`
	ErrorMsg string `json:"error_msg"`

SubtitleDetectError .

type SubtitleItem

type SubtitleItem struct {
	From     float64 `json:"from"`
	To       float64 `json:"to"`
	Location uint8   `json:"location"`
	Content  string  `json:"content"`

SubtitleItem .

type SubtitleLan

type SubtitleLan struct {
	Code     int64  `json:"-"`
	Lan      string `json:"lan"`
	DocZh    string `json:"doc_zh"`
	DocEn    string `json:"-"`
	IsDelete bool   `json:"-"`

SubtitleLan .

type SubtitleLans

type SubtitleLans []*SubtitleLan

SubtitleLans .

func (SubtitleLans) GetByID

func (ss SubtitleLans) GetByID(lanID int64) (lan string, doc string)

GetByID .

func (SubtitleLans) GetByLan

func (ss SubtitleLans) GetByLan(lan string) (code int64)

GetByLan .

type SubtitlePageResult

type SubtitlePageResult struct {
	ID  int64 `json:"id"`
	Oid int64 `json:"oid"`

SubtitlePageResult .

type SubtitlePub

type SubtitlePub struct {
	Oid        int64 `json:"oid"`
	Type       int32 `json:"type"`
	Lan        uint8 `json:"lan"`
	SubtitleID int64 `json:"subtitle_id"`
	IsDelete   bool  `json:"is_delete"`

SubtitlePub .

type SubtitleReportAddParam

type SubtitleReportAddParam struct {
	Oid        int64   `form:"oid" validate:"required"`
	SubtitleID int64   `form:"subtitle_id" validate:"required"`
	Tid        int64   `form:"tid" validate:"required"`
	MetaData   string  `form:"metadata" validate:"lt=300"`
	From       float64 `form:"from"`
	To         float64 `form:"to" validate:"required"`
	Content    string  `form:"content" validate:"required"`

SubtitleReportAddParam .

type SubtitleShow

type SubtitleShow struct {
	ID            int64          `json:"id"`
	Oid           int64          `json:"oid"`
	Type          int32          `json:"type"`
	Lan           string         `json:"lan"`
	LanDoc        string         `json:"lan_doc"`
	Mid           int64          `json:"mid"`
	Author        string         `json:"author"`
	Aid           int64          `json:"aid"`
	ArchiveName   string         `json:"archive_name"`
	IsSign        bool           `json:"is_sign"`
	IsLock        bool           `json:"is_lock"`
	Status        SubtitleStatus `json:"status"`
	SubtitleURL   string         `json:"subtitle_url"`
	RejectComment string         `json:"reject_comment"`
	AuthorStatus  AuthorStatus   `json:"author_status"` // 1:作者
	UpperStatus   UpperStatus    `json:"upper_status"`  // 1:up主

SubtitleShow .

type SubtitleStatus

type SubtitleStatus uint8

SubtitleStatus .

const (
	SubtitleStatusUnknown SubtitleStatus = iota


type SubtitleSubject

type SubtitleSubject struct {
	Aid   int64 `json:"aid"`
	Allow bool  `json:"allow"`
	Attr  int32 `json:"attr"`
	Lan   uint8 `json:"lan"`
	Empty bool  `json:"empty"`

SubtitleSubject .

func (*SubtitleSubject) AttrSet

func (s *SubtitleSubject) AttrSet(v int32, bit uint)

AttrSet set val of subtitle subject'attr

func (*SubtitleSubject) AttrVal

func (s *SubtitleSubject) AttrVal(bit uint) int32

AttrVal return val of subtitle subject'attr

type SubtitleSubjectReply

type SubtitleSubjectReply struct {
	AllowSubmit bool
	Lan         string
	LanDoc      string

SubtitleSubjectReply .

type ThumbupStat

type ThumbupStat struct {
	Likes    int64 `json:"likes"`
	UserLike int8  `json:"user_like"`

ThumbupStat thumbup state

type UpFilter

type UpFilter struct {
	ID      int64     `json:"id"`
	Mid     int64     `json:"mid"`
	Type    int8      `json:"type"`
	Filter  string    `json:"filter"`
	Active  int8      `json:"active"`
	Comment string    `json:"comment"`
	Ctime   time.Time `json:"ctime"`
	Mtime   time.Time `json:"mtime"`

UpFilter filter of upper

type UpperStatus

type UpperStatus uint8

UpperStatus .

const (
	UpperStatusUnknow UpperStatus = iota


type UptSearchDMAttr

type UptSearchDMAttr struct {
	ID         int64   `json:"id"`
	Oid        int64   `json:"oid"`
	Type       int32   `json:"type"`
	Attr       int32   `json:"attr"`
	Mtime      string  `json:"mtime"`
	AttrFormat []int64 `json:"attr_format"`

UptSearchDMAttr update search dm attr

type UptSearchDMPool

type UptSearchDMPool struct {
	ID    int64  `json:"id"`
	Oid   int64  `json:"oid"`
	Type  int32  `json:"type"`
	Pool  int32  `json:"pool"`
	Mtime string `json:"mtime"`

UptSearchDMPool update search dm pool

type UptSearchDMState

type UptSearchDMState struct {
	ID    int64  `json:"id"`
	Oid   int64  `json:"oid"`
	Type  int32  `json:"type"`
	State int32  `json:"state"`
	Mtime string `json:"mtime"`

UptSearchDMState update search dm state

type UserFilter

type UserFilter struct {
	ID      int64     `json:"id"`
	Mid     int64     `json:"mid"`
	Type    int8      `json:"type"`
	Filter  string    `json:"filter"`
	Comment string    `json:"comment"`
	Ctime   time.Time `json:"-"`
	Mtime   time.Time `json:"-"`

UserFilter define a new struct, consistent with table "dm_filter_user_%"

type VideoSubtitle

type VideoSubtitle struct {
	ID          int64  `json:"id"`
	Lan         string `json:"lan"`
	LanDoc      string `json:"lan_doc"`
	IsLock      bool   `json:"is_lock"`
	AuthorMid   int64  `json:"author_mid,omitempty"`
	SubtitleURL string `json:"subtitle_url"`

VideoSubtitle .

type VideoSubtitleCache

type VideoSubtitleCache struct {
	VideoSubtitles []*VideoSubtitle `json:"video_subtitles"`

VideoSubtitleCache .

type VideoSubtitles

type VideoSubtitles struct {
	AllowSubmit bool             `json:"allow_submit"`
	Lan         string           `json:"lan"`
	LanDoc      string           `json:"lan_doc"`
	Subtitles   []*VideoSubtitle `json:"subtitles"`

VideoSubtitles .

type ViewAuthor

type ViewAuthor struct {
	Mid  int64  `json:"mid"`
	Name string `json:"name"`
	Sex  string `json:"sex"`
	Face string `json:"face"`
	Sign string `json:"sign"`
	Rank int32  `json:"rank"`

ViewAuthor .

type ViewDm

type ViewDm struct {
	Closed     bool            `json:"closed"`
	ViewDmSeg  *ViewDmSeg      `json:"dm_seg"`                // 分段弹幕规则
	Flag       json.RawMessage `json:"flag"`                  // flag
	Subtitle   *ViewSubtitle   `json:"subtitle,omitempty"`    // 字幕
	ViewDmMask *Mask           `json:"mask,omitempty"`        // 蒙版
	SpecialDms []string        `json:"special_dms,omitempty"` // 高级弹幕

ViewDm .

type ViewDmSeg

type ViewDmSeg struct {
	PageSize int64 `json:"page_size"`
	Total    int64 `json:"total"`

ViewDmSeg .

type ViewSubtitle

type ViewSubtitle struct {
	Lan       string               `json:"lan"`
	LanDoc    string               `json:"lan_doc"`
	Subtitles []*ViewVideoSubtitle `json:"subtitles"`

ViewSubtitle .

type ViewVideoSubtitle

type ViewVideoSubtitle struct {
	Author      *ViewAuthor `json:"author,omitempty"`
	ID          int64       `json:"id"`
	Lan         string      `json:"lan"`
	LanDoc      string      `json:"lan_doc"`
	SubtitleURL string      `json:"subtitle_url"`

ViewVideoSubtitle .

type WaveForm

type WaveForm struct {
	Oid         int64          `json:"oid"`
	Type        int32          `json:"type"`
	State       WaveFormStatus `json:"state"`
	WaveFromURL string         `json:"wave_form_url"`
	Mtime       int64          `json:"mtime"`
	Empty       bool

WaveForm .

type WaveFormResp

type WaveFormResp struct {
	State       WaveFormStatus `json:"state"`
	WaveFromURL string         `json:"wave_form_url"`

WaveFormResp .

type WaveFormStatus

type WaveFormStatus uint8

WaveFormStatus .

const (
	WaveFormStatusWaitting WaveFormStatus = iota
	WaveFormStatusError // this status need retry


type WorkFlowAppealAddExtra

type WorkFlowAppealAddExtra struct {
	SubtitleStatus int64  `json:"subtitle_status"`
	SubtitleURL    string `json:"subtitle_url"`
	ArchiveName    string `json:"arcvhive_name"`

WorkFlowAppealAddExtra .

type WorkFlowAppealAddReq

type WorkFlowAppealAddReq struct {
	Business       int64                   // 14
	LanCode        int64                   // 语言code
	Rid            int64                   // workflow rid
	SubtitleID     int64                   // 字幕id
	Score          int32                   // 举报人得分
	Tid            int64                   // workflow tag id
	Oid            int64                   // 视频cid
	Aid            int64                   // 稿件id
	Mid            int64                   // 举报人mid
	BusinessTypeID int32                   // 分区id
	BusinessTitle  string                  // 举报内容
	BusinessMid    int64                   // 被举报人mid
	Description    string                  // 投诉的具体描述
	Extra          *WorkFlowAppealAddExtra // 附加信息

WorkFlowAppealAddReq .

func (*WorkFlowAppealAddReq) Params

func (w *WorkFlowAppealAddReq) Params() (params url.Values)

Params .

type WorkFlowTag

type WorkFlowTag struct {
	Bid   int64  `json:"bid"`
	TagID int64  `json:"tag_id"`
	Rid   int64  `json:"rid"`
	Name  string `json:"name"`

WorkFlowTag .

type WorkFlowTagListResp

type WorkFlowTagListResp struct {
	Code    int            `json:"code"`
	Message string         `json:"message"`
	Data    []*WorkFlowTag `json:"data"`

WorkFlowTagListResp .


Path Synopsis

Jump to

Keyboard shortcuts

? : This menu
/ : Search site
f or F : Jump to
y or Y : Canonical URL