Documentation ¶
Index ¶
- type Dao
- func (d *Dao) AddArcOper(c context.Context, aid, adminID int64, attribute int32, typeID, state int16, ...) (rows int64, err error)
- func (d *Dao) AddFirstPass(tx *sql.Tx, aid int64) (err error)
- func (d *Dao) AddTaskHis(c context.Context, pool, action int8, taskID, cid, uid, utime int64, ...) (rows int64, err error)
- func (d *Dao) AddVideoOper(c context.Context, aid, adminID, vid int64, attribute int32, status int16, ...) (id int64, err error)
- func (d *Dao) Addit(c context.Context, aid int64) (ad *archive.Addit, err error)
- func (d *Dao) AdditBatch(c context.Context, aids []int64) (sMap map[int64]*archive.Addit, err error)
- func (d *Dao) ArcStateMap(c context.Context, aids []int64) (sMap map[int64]int, err error)
- func (d *Dao) Archive(c context.Context, aid int64) (a *archive.Archive, err error)
- func (d *Dao) ArchiveOper(c context.Context, aid int64) (oper *archive.ArcOper, err error)
- func (d *Dao) Archives(c context.Context, aids []int64) (am map[int64]*archive.Archive, err error)
- func (d *Dao) AuditTypesConf(c context.Context) (atps map[int16]struct{}, err error)
- func (d *Dao) BeginTran(c context.Context) (tx *sql.Tx, err error)
- func (d *Dao) Close()
- func (d *Dao) Consumers(c context.Context) (cms []*archive.Consumers, err error)
- func (d *Dao) DelWeightConf(c context.Context, id int64) (rows int64, err error)
- func (d *Dao) Delay(c context.Context, aid int64, tp int8) (dl *archive.Delay, err error)
- func (d *Dao) FansConf(c context.Context) (fans int64, err error)
- func (d *Dao) FindGroupIDByScope(c context.Context, pool int8, IndustryID, brandID int64, official int8) (groupID int64, err error)
- func (d *Dao) FlowByPool(pool int8, oid int64) (id int64, err error)
- func (d *Dao) FlowGroupPools(c context.Context, ids []int64) (res map[int64]int8, err error)
- func (d *Dao) FlowUnique(c context.Context, oid, groupID int64, pool int8) (f *archive.FlowData, err error)
- func (d *Dao) Flows(c context.Context) (fs map[int64]string, err error)
- func (d *Dao) FlowsByOID(c context.Context, oid int64) (res []*archive.FlowData, err error)
- func (d *Dao) Forbid(c context.Context, aid int64) (af *archive.ForbidAttr, err error)
- func (d *Dao) GetDispatchTask(c context.Context, uid int64) (tls []*archive.TaskForLog, err error)
- func (d *Dao) GetFirstPassByAID(c context.Context, aid int64) (id int64, err error)
- func (d *Dao) GetMaxWeight(c context.Context) (max int64, err error)
- func (d *Dao) GetNextTask(c context.Context, uid int64) (task *archive.Task, err error)
- func (d *Dao) GetRelTask(c context.Context, uid int64) (rts []*archive.TaskForLog, lastid int64, err error)
- func (d *Dao) GetTimeOutTask(c context.Context) (rts []*archive.TaskForLog, err error)
- func (d *Dao) GetUserCard(c context.Context, mid int64) (card map[string]interface{}, err error)
- func (d *Dao) GetWeightDB(c context.Context, ids []int64) (mcases map[int64]*archive.TaskPriority, err error)
- func (d *Dao) HistoryByAID(c context.Context, aid int64, stime time.Time) (hs []*archive.ArcHistory, err error)
- func (d *Dao) HistoryByID(c context.Context, id int64) (h *archive.ArcHistory, err error)
- func (d *Dao) InWeightConf(c context.Context, mcases map[int64]*archive.WCItem) (err error)
- func (d *Dao) InWeightVC(c context.Context, wvc *archive.WeightVC, desc string) (rows int64, err error)
- func (d *Dao) IsConsumerOn(c context.Context, uid int64) (state int8)
- func (d *Dao) IsLockingVideo(c context.Context) (locking bool, err error)
- func (d *Dao) LWConfigHelp(c context.Context, ids []int64) (res map[int64][]interface{}, err error)
- func (d *Dao) ListByCondition(c context.Context, uid int64, pn, ps int, ltype, leader int8) (tasks []*archive.Task, err error)
- func (d *Dao) ListWeightConf(c context.Context, cf *archive.Confs) (citems []*archive.WCItem, err error)
- func (d *Dao) LockingVideo(c context.Context, v int8) (err error)
- func (d *Dao) Mosaic(c context.Context, cid int64) (m []*archive.Mosaic, err error)
- func (d *Dao) MulAddTaskHis(c context.Context, tls []*archive.TaskForLog, action int8, uid int64) (rows int64, err error)
- func (d *Dao) MulReleaseMtime(c context.Context, ids []int64, mtime time.Time) (rows int64, err error)
- func (d *Dao) NewVideoByID(c context.Context, id int64) (v *archive.Video, err error)
- func (d *Dao) NewVideoByIDs(c context.Context, id []int64) (vs []*archive.Video, err error)
- func (d *Dao) NewVideoCount(c context.Context, aid int64) (count int, err error)
- func (d *Dao) NewVideosByAid(c context.Context, aid int64) (vs []*archive.Video, err error)
- func (d *Dao) PassedOper(c context.Context, aid int64) (id int64, err error)
- func (d *Dao) Ping(c context.Context) (err error)
- func (d *Dao) Porder(c context.Context, aid int64) (p *archive.Porder, err error)
- func (d *Dao) PorderConfig(c context.Context) (pc map[int64]*archive.PorderConfig, err error)
- func (d *Dao) RecheckByAid(c context.Context, tp int, aid int64) (recheck *archive.Recheck, err error)
- func (d *Dao) RecheckIDByAID(c context.Context, tp int, aids []int64) (ids []int64, existAID []int64, err error)
- func (d *Dao) RecheckStateMap(c context.Context, tp int, aids []int64) (m map[int64]int8, err error)
- func (d *Dao) RoundTypeConf(c context.Context) (roundTypes map[int16]struct{}, err error)
- func (d *Dao) SendQAVideoAdd(c context.Context, task []byte) (err error)
- func (d *Dao) SetWeightVC(c context.Context, wvc *archive.WeightVC, desc string) (rows int64, err error)
- func (d *Dao) StatsPoints(c context.Context, stime, etime time.Time, typeInt int8) (points []*archive.StatsPoint, err error)
- func (d *Dao) TagNameMap(c context.Context, ids []int64) (nameMap map[int64]string, err error)
- func (d *Dao) TaskByID(c context.Context, id int64) (task *archive.Task, err error)
- func (d *Dao) TaskDispatchByID(c context.Context, id int64) (tk *archive.Task, err error)
- func (d *Dao) TaskTooksByHalfHour(c context.Context, stime time.Time, etime time.Time) (tooks []*archive.TaskTook, err error)
- func (d *Dao) TaskUserCheckIn(c context.Context, uid int64) (rows int64, err error)
- func (d *Dao) TaskUserCheckOff(c context.Context, uid int64) (rows int64, err error)
- func (d *Dao) ThresholdConf(c context.Context) (tpThr map[int16]int, err error)
- func (d *Dao) TxAddAudit(tx *sql.Tx, aid, vid, tagID int64, oname, note, reason string) (rows int64, err error)
- func (d *Dao) TxAddFlow(tx *sql.Tx, pool int8, oid, uid, groupID int64, remark string) (id int64, err error)
- func (d *Dao) TxAddFlowLog(tx *sql.Tx, pool, action int8, oid, uid, groupID int64, remark string) (id int64, err error)
- func (d *Dao) TxAddRelation(tx *sql.Tx, v *archive.Video) (rows int64, err error)
- func (d *Dao) TxAddTaskHis(tx *sql.Tx, pool, action int8, taskID, cid, uid, utime int64, result int16, ...) (rows int64, err error)
- func (d *Dao) TxAddVideo(tx *sql.Tx, v *archive.Video) (vid int64, err error)
- func (d *Dao) TxDelDelay(tx *xsql.Tx, aid int64, tp int8) (rows int64, err error)
- func (d *Dao) TxReleaseByID(tx *sql.Tx, id int64) (rows int64, err error)
- func (d *Dao) TxReleaseSpecial(tx *sql.Tx, mtime time.Time, state int8, taskid, uid int64) (rows int64, err error)
- func (d *Dao) TxUpAddit(tx *xsql.Tx, aid, missionID int64, source, description, dynamic string) (rows int64, err error)
- func (d *Dao) TxUpAdditRedirect(tx *xsql.Tx, aid int64, redirectURL string) (rows int64, err error)
- func (d *Dao) TxUpArcAccess(tx *xsql.Tx, aid int64, access int16) (rows int64, err error)
- func (d *Dao) TxUpArcAttr(tx *xsql.Tx, aid int64, bit uint, val int32) (rows int64, err error)
- func (d *Dao) TxUpArcAuthor(tx *xsql.Tx, aid, mid int64, author string) (rows int64, err error)
- func (d *Dao) TxUpArcCopyRight(tx *xsql.Tx, aid int64, copyright int8) (rows int64, err error)
- func (d *Dao) TxUpArcMtime(tx *xsql.Tx, aid int64) (rows int64, err error)
- func (d *Dao) TxUpArcNote(tx *xsql.Tx, aid int64, note string) (rows int64, err error)
- func (d *Dao) TxUpArcPTime(tx *xsql.Tx, aid int64, pTime xtime.Time) (rows int64, err error)
- func (d *Dao) TxUpArcReason(tx *xsql.Tx, aid, forward int64, reason string) (rows int64, err error)
- func (d *Dao) TxUpArcRound(tx *xsql.Tx, aid int64, round int8) (rows int64, err error)
- func (d *Dao) TxUpArcState(tx *xsql.Tx, aid int64, state int8) (rows int64, err error)
- func (d *Dao) TxUpArcTypeID(tx *xsql.Tx, aid int64, typeID int16) (rows int64, err error)
- func (d *Dao) TxUpArchive(tx *xsql.Tx, aid int64, title, content, cover, note string, copyright int8, ...) (rows int64, err error)
- func (d *Dao) TxUpAttr(tx *sql.Tx, cid int64, bit uint, val int32) (rows int64, err error)
- func (d *Dao) TxUpDelState(tx *xsql.Tx, aid int64, state, tp int8) (rows int64, err error)
- func (d *Dao) TxUpDelay(tx *xsql.Tx, mid, aid int64, state, tp int8, dTime xtime.Time) (rows int64, err error)
- func (d *Dao) TxUpDelayDtime(tx *xsql.Tx, aid int64, tp int8, dtime xtime.Time) (rows int64, err error)
- func (d *Dao) TxUpFlow(tx *sql.Tx, flowID, groupID, UID int64) (rows int64, err error)
- func (d *Dao) TxUpFlowID(tx *sql.Tx, aid, onFlowID int64) (rows int64, err error)
- func (d *Dao) TxUpFlowState(tx *sql.Tx, id int64, state int8) (rows int64, err error)
- func (d *Dao) TxUpForbid(tx *sql.Tx, af *archive.ForbidAttr) (rows int64, err error)
- func (d *Dao) TxUpInnerAttr(tx *xsql.Tx, aid int64, attr int64) (id int64, err error)
- func (d *Dao) TxUpPorder(tx *sql.Tx, aid int64, ap *archive.ArcParam) (rows int64, err error)
- func (d *Dao) TxUpRecheckState(tx *sql.Tx, tp int, aid int64, state int8) (err error)
- func (d *Dao) TxUpRelation(tx *sql.Tx, vid int64, title, desc string) (rows int64, err error)
- func (d *Dao) TxUpRelationOrder(tx *sql.Tx, vid int64, index int) (rows int64, err error)
- func (d *Dao) TxUpRelationState(tx *sql.Tx, vid int64, state int16) (rows int64, err error)
- func (d *Dao) TxUpStatus(tx *sql.Tx, cid int64, status int16) (rows int64, err error)
- func (d *Dao) TxUpTag(tx *xsql.Tx, aid int64, tags string) (id int64, err error)
- func (d *Dao) TxUpTaskByID(tx *sql.Tx, id int64, paras map[string]interface{}) (rows int64, err error)
- func (d *Dao) TxUpVideo(tx *sql.Tx, vid int64, title, desc string) (rows int64, err error)
- func (d *Dao) TxUpVideoAttr(tx *sql.Tx, id int64, bit uint, val int32) (rows int64, err error)
- func (d *Dao) TxUpVideoIndex(tx *sql.Tx, vid int64, index int) (rows int64, err error)
- func (d *Dao) TxUpVideoLink(tx *sql.Tx, id int64, weblink string) (rows int64, err error)
- func (d *Dao) TxUpVideoStatus(tx *sql.Tx, id int64, status int16) (rows int64, err error)
- func (d *Dao) TxUpWebLink(tx *sql.Tx, cid int64, weblink string) (rows int64, err error)
- func (d *Dao) TypeMapping(c context.Context) (tmap map[int16]*archive.Type, err error)
- func (d *Dao) UpCwAfterAdd(c context.Context, id int64, desc string) (rows int64, err error)
- func (d *Dao) UpDispatchTask(c context.Context, uid int64, ids []int64) (rows int64, err error)
- func (d *Dao) UpGtimeByID(c context.Context, id int64, gtime string) (rows int64, err error)
- func (d *Dao) UpVideoOper(c context.Context, lastID, id int64) (rows int64, err error)
- func (d *Dao) UserUndoneSpecTask(c context.Context, uid int64) (tasks []*archive.Task, err error)
- func (d *Dao) VIDByAIDFilename(c context.Context, aid int64, filename string) (vid int64, err error)
- func (d *Dao) VideoAidMap(c context.Context, vids []int64) (vMap map[int64]int64, err error)
- func (d *Dao) VideoByCID(c context.Context, cid int64) (v *archive.Video, err error)
- func (d *Dao) VideoByID(c context.Context, id int64) (v *archive.Video, err error)
- func (d *Dao) VideoByIDs(c context.Context, id []int64) (vs []*archive.Video, err error)
- func (d *Dao) VideoHistoryByHID(c context.Context, hid int64) (hs []*archive.VideoHistory, err error)
- func (d *Dao) VideoInfo(c context.Context, aid int64, cid int64) (v *archive.VideoInfo, err error)
- func (d *Dao) VideoOper(c context.Context, vid int64) (oper *archive.VideoOper, err error)
- func (d *Dao) VideoOperAttrsCtimes(c context.Context, vid int64) (attrs []int32, ctimes []int64, err error)
- func (d *Dao) VideoPlayurl(c context.Context, cid int64) (playurl string, err error)
- func (d *Dao) VideoRelated(c context.Context, aid int64) (vs []*archive.RelationVideo, err error)
- func (d *Dao) VideoSrcTypeByIDs(c context.Context, ids []int64) (st map[int64]string, err error)
- func (d *Dao) VideoStateMap(c context.Context, vids []int64) (sMap map[int64]int, err error)
- func (d *Dao) VideosByAid(c context.Context, aid int64) (vs []*archive.Video, err error)
- func (d *Dao) Watermark(c context.Context, mid int64) (m []*archive.Watermark, err error)
- func (d *Dao) WeightConf(c context.Context) (items []*archive.WCItem, err error)
- func (d *Dao) WeightLog(c context.Context, taskid int64) (ls []*archive.TaskWeightLog, err error)
- func (d *Dao) WeightVC(c context.Context) (wvc *archive.WeightVC, err error)
Constants ¶
This section is empty.
Variables ¶
This section is empty.
Functions ¶
This section is empty.
Types ¶
type Dao ¶
type Dao struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Dao is redis dao.
func (*Dao) AddArcOper ¶
func (d *Dao) AddArcOper(c context.Context, aid, adminID int64, attribute int32, typeID, state int16, round int8, lastID int64, content, remark string) (rows int64, err error)
AddArcOper insert archive_oper.
func (*Dao) AddFirstPass ¶
AddFirstPass 添加一条 第一次过审的记录
func (*Dao) AddTaskHis ¶
func (d *Dao) AddTaskHis(c context.Context, pool, action int8, taskID, cid, uid, utime int64, result int16, reason string) (rows int64, err error)
AddTaskHis 非事务
func (*Dao) AddVideoOper ¶
func (d *Dao) AddVideoOper(c context.Context, aid, adminID, vid int64, attribute int32, status int16, lastID int64, content, remark string) (id int64, err error)
AddVideoOper insert archive_video_oper.
func (*Dao) AdditBatch ¶
func (d *Dao) AdditBatch(c context.Context, aids []int64) (sMap map[int64]*archive.Addit, err error)
ArcStateMap get archive id and state map
func (*Dao) ArcStateMap ¶
ArcStateMap get archive id and state map
func (*Dao) ArchiveOper ¶
ArchiveOper select archive_oper.
func (*Dao) AuditTypesConf ¶
AuditTypesConf is audit types.
func (*Dao) DelWeightConf ¶
DelWeightConf 删除权重配置
func (*Dao) FindGroupIDByScope ¶
func (d *Dao) FindGroupIDByScope(c context.Context, pool int8, IndustryID, brandID int64, official int8) (groupID int64, err error)
FindGroupIDByScope .
func (*Dao) FlowByPool ¶
FlowByPool .
func (*Dao) FlowGroupPools ¶
FlowGroupPools 获取指定流量套餐的pool
func (*Dao) FlowUnique ¶
func (d *Dao) FlowUnique(c context.Context, oid, groupID int64, pool int8) (f *archive.FlowData, err error)
FlowUnique 获取命中 指定流量套餐的记录
func (*Dao) FlowsByOID ¶
FlowsByOID 获取所有命中的流量套餐记录
func (*Dao) GetDispatchTask ¶
GetDispatchTask 获取抢占到的任务(用于记录日志)
func (*Dao) GetFirstPassByAID ¶
GetFirstPassByAID 根据aid获取第一次过审的记录
func (*Dao) GetMaxWeight ¶
GetMaxWeight 获取当前最大权重数值
func (*Dao) GetNextTask ¶
GetNextTask 获取一条任务
func (*Dao) GetRelTask ¶
func (d *Dao) GetRelTask(c context.Context, uid int64) (rts []*archive.TaskForLog, lastid int64, err error)
GetRelTask 用户登出或者主动释放(分配给该用户的都释放)
func (*Dao) GetTimeOutTask ¶
GetTimeOutTask 释放正在处理且超时的,释放指派后但长时间未审核的
func (*Dao) GetUserCard ¶
GetUserCard get user card
func (*Dao) GetWeightDB ¶
func (d *Dao) GetWeightDB(c context.Context, ids []int64) (mcases map[int64]*archive.TaskPriority, err error)
GetWeightDB 从数据库读取权重配置
func (*Dao) HistoryByAID ¶
func (d *Dao) HistoryByAID(c context.Context, aid int64, stime time.Time) (hs []*archive.ArcHistory, err error)
HistoryByAID 根据aid获取稿件的用户编辑历史
func (*Dao) HistoryByID ¶
HistoryByID 根据id获取一条稿件的用户编辑历史
func (*Dao) InWeightConf ¶
InWeightConf 写入权重配置表
func (*Dao) InWeightVC ¶
func (d *Dao) InWeightVC(c context.Context, wvc *archive.WeightVC, desc string) (rows int64, err error)
InWeightVC 插入
func (*Dao) IsConsumerOn ¶
IsConsumerOn 判断是否登入
func (*Dao) IsLockingVideo ¶
IsLockingVideo 是否正在自动锁定视频
func (*Dao) LWConfigHelp ¶
LWConfigHelp 补充任务对应稿件的title和filename
func (*Dao) ListByCondition ¶
func (d *Dao) ListByCondition(c context.Context, uid int64, pn, ps int, ltype, leader int8) (tasks []*archive.Task, err error)
ListByCondition 从数据库获取读取任务列表
func (*Dao) ListWeightConf ¶
func (d *Dao) ListWeightConf(c context.Context, cf *archive.Confs) (citems []*archive.WCItem, err error)
ListWeightConf 查看权重配置表列表
func (*Dao) LockingVideo ¶
LockingVideo 设置是否正在自动锁定视频
func (*Dao) MulAddTaskHis ¶
func (d *Dao) MulAddTaskHis(c context.Context, tls []*archive.TaskForLog, action int8, uid int64) (rows int64, err error)
MulAddTaskHis 批量插入日志
func (*Dao) MulReleaseMtime ¶
func (d *Dao) MulReleaseMtime(c context.Context, ids []int64, mtime time.Time) (rows int64, err error)
MulReleaseMtime 批量释放任务,加时间防止释放错误
func (*Dao) NewVideoByID ¶
NewVideoByID Video get video info by id.
func (*Dao) NewVideoByIDs ¶
NewVideoByIDs Video get video info by ids. NOTE: NOT USED
func (*Dao) NewVideoCount ¶
NewVideoCount get all video duration by aid. NOTE: NOT USED
func (*Dao) NewVideosByAid ¶
NewVideosByAid Video get video info by aid.
func (*Dao) PassedOper ¶
PassedOper check archive passed
func (*Dao) PorderConfig ¶
PorderConfig get archive ProderConfigs
func (*Dao) RecheckByAid ¶
func (d *Dao) RecheckByAid(c context.Context, tp int, aid int64) (recheck *archive.Recheck, err error)
RecheckByAid find archive recheck
func (*Dao) RecheckIDByAID ¶
func (d *Dao) RecheckIDByAID(c context.Context, tp int, aids []int64) (ids []int64, existAID []int64, err error)
RecheckIDByAID find states by ids
func (*Dao) RecheckStateMap ¶
func (*Dao) RoundTypeConf ¶
RoundTypeConf is typeid round check types config.
func (*Dao) SendQAVideoAdd ¶
SendQAVideoAdd http request to add qa video task
func (*Dao) SetWeightVC ¶
func (d *Dao) SetWeightVC(c context.Context, wvc *archive.WeightVC, desc string) (rows int64, err error)
SetWeightVC 设置权重分值
func (*Dao) StatsPoints ¶
func (d *Dao) StatsPoints(c context.Context, stime, etime time.Time, typeInt int8) (points []*archive.StatsPoint, err error)
StatsPoints get archive_report_sum data by type and time
func (*Dao) TagNameMap ¶
TagNameMap get audit tag id and name map
func (*Dao) TaskDispatchByID ¶
TaskDispatchByID task by id
func (*Dao) TaskTooksByHalfHour ¶
func (d *Dao) TaskTooksByHalfHour(c context.Context, stime time.Time, etime time.Time) (tooks []*archive.TaskTook, err error)
TaskTooksByHalfHour get TaskTooks by half hour
func (*Dao) TaskUserCheckIn ¶
TaskUserCheckIn insert or update task consumer check state
func (*Dao) TaskUserCheckOff ¶
TaskUserCheckOff update task consumer check state
func (*Dao) ThresholdConf ¶
ThresholdConf is second types opposite first types.
func (*Dao) TxAddAudit ¶
func (d *Dao) TxAddAudit(tx *sql.Tx, aid, vid, tagID int64, oname, note, reason string) (rows int64, err error)
TxAddAudit insert video audit
func (*Dao) TxAddFlow ¶
func (d *Dao) TxAddFlow(tx *sql.Tx, pool int8, oid, uid, groupID int64, remark string) (id int64, err error)
TxAddFlow tx add flow_design.
func (*Dao) TxAddFlowLog ¶
func (d *Dao) TxAddFlowLog(tx *sql.Tx, pool, action int8, oid, uid, groupID int64, remark string) (id int64, err error)
TxAddFlowLog tx add flow_design log.
func (*Dao) TxAddRelation ¶
TxAddRelation insert archive_video_relation.
func (*Dao) TxAddTaskHis ¶
func (d *Dao) TxAddTaskHis(tx *sql.Tx, pool, action int8, taskID, cid, uid, utime int64, result int16, reason string) (rows int64, err error)
TxAddTaskHis add task oper history
func (*Dao) TxAddVideo ¶
TxAddVideo insert video.
func (*Dao) TxDelDelay ¶
TxDelDelay delete delay
func (*Dao) TxReleaseByID ¶
TxReleaseByID 释放指定任务
func (*Dao) TxReleaseSpecial ¶
func (d *Dao) TxReleaseSpecial(tx *sql.Tx, mtime time.Time, state int8, taskid, uid int64) (rows int64, err error)
TxReleaseSpecial 延时固定时间释放的任务,需要校验释放时的状态,时间,认领人等
func (*Dao) TxUpAddit ¶
func (d *Dao) TxUpAddit(tx *xsql.Tx, aid, missionID int64, source, description, dynamic string) (rows int64, err error)
TxUpAddit update archive_addit mission_id && source by aid.
func (*Dao) TxUpAdditRedirect ¶
TxUpAdditRedirect update archive redirect url.
func (*Dao) TxUpArcAccess ¶
TxUpArcAccess update archive by aid.
func (*Dao) TxUpArcAttr ¶
TxUpArcAttr update attribute by aid.
func (*Dao) TxUpArcAuthor ¶
TxUpArcAuthor update archive mid && author by aid.
func (*Dao) TxUpArcCopyRight ¶
TxUpArcCopyRight update copyright by aid.
func (*Dao) TxUpArcMtime ¶
TxUpArcMtime update mtime by aid.
func (*Dao) TxUpArcNote ¶
TxUpArcNote update note by aid.
func (*Dao) TxUpArcPTime ¶
TxUpArcPTime update ptime by aid
func (*Dao) TxUpArcReason ¶
TxUpArcReason update archive reject_reason && forward_id by aid
func (*Dao) TxUpArcRound ¶
TxUpArcRound update archive round by aid
func (*Dao) TxUpArcState ¶
TxUpArcState update archive state by aid
func (*Dao) TxUpArcTypeID ¶
TxUpArcTypeID update archive type_id by aid
func (*Dao) TxUpArchive ¶
func (d *Dao) TxUpArchive(tx *xsql.Tx, aid int64, title, content, cover, note string, copyright int8, pTime xtime.Time) (rows int64, err error)
TxUpArchive update archive by aid.
func (*Dao) TxUpDelState ¶
TxUpDelState update delay state
func (*Dao) TxUpDelay ¶
func (d *Dao) TxUpDelay(tx *xsql.Tx, mid, aid int64, state, tp int8, dTime xtime.Time) (rows int64, err error)
TxUpDelay update delay
func (*Dao) TxUpDelayDtime ¶
func (d *Dao) TxUpDelayDtime(tx *xsql.Tx, aid int64, tp int8, dtime xtime.Time) (rows int64, err error)
TxUpDelayDtime update archive delaytime by aid.
func (*Dao) TxUpFlowID ¶
TxUpFlowID insert archive flowid.
func (*Dao) TxUpFlowState ¶
TxUpFlowState 更新pool!=1的流量套餐资源的状态
func (*Dao) TxUpForbid ¶
TxUpForbid insert archive forbid.
func (*Dao) TxUpInnerAttr ¶
TxUpInnerAttr update archive inner_attr
func (*Dao) TxUpPorder ¶
TxUpPorder archive_porder
func (*Dao) TxUpRecheckState ¶
TxUpRecheckState update recheck state
func (*Dao) TxUpRelation ¶
TxUpRelation update title and desc on archive_video_relation by vid.
func (*Dao) TxUpRelationOrder ¶
TxUpRelationOrder update index_order on archive_video_relation by vid.
func (*Dao) TxUpRelationState ¶
TxUpRelationState update state on archive_video_relation by vid.
func (*Dao) TxUpStatus ¶
TxUpStatus update status on video by cid.
func (*Dao) TxUpTaskByID ¶
func (d *Dao) TxUpTaskByID(tx *sql.Tx, id int64, paras map[string]interface{}) (rows int64, err error)
TxUpTaskByID 更新任务状态
func (*Dao) TxUpVideoAttr ¶
TxUpVideoAttr update video attribute by id.
func (*Dao) TxUpVideoIndex ¶
TxUpVideoIndex update video index by id.
func (*Dao) TxUpVideoLink ¶
TxUpVideoLink update weblink.
func (*Dao) TxUpVideoStatus ¶
TxUpVideoStatus update video status by id.
func (*Dao) TxUpWebLink ¶
TxUpWebLink update weblink on video by cid.
func (*Dao) TypeMapping ¶
TypeMapping is second types opposite first types.
func (*Dao) UpCwAfterAdd ¶
UpCwAfterAdd update config weight after add config
func (*Dao) UpDispatchTask ¶
UpDispatchTask 抢占任务
func (*Dao) UpGtimeByID ¶
UpGtimeByID update gtime
func (*Dao) UpVideoOper ¶
UpVideoOper update archive_video_oper last_id by id.
func (*Dao) UserUndoneSpecTask ¶
UserUndoneSpecTask get undone dispatch which belongs to someone.
func (*Dao) VIDByAIDFilename ¶
func (d *Dao) VIDByAIDFilename(c context.Context, aid int64, filename string) (vid int64, err error)
VIDByAIDFilename 根据filename查询视频的vid
func (*Dao) VideoAidMap ¶
VideoAidMap 批量通过视频id获取稿件id
func (*Dao) VideoByCID ¶
VideoByCID get video by cid
func (*Dao) VideoByIDs ¶
VideoByIDs Video get video info by ids. TODO Depreciated
func (*Dao) VideoHistoryByHID ¶
func (d *Dao) VideoHistoryByHID(c context.Context, hid int64) (hs []*archive.VideoHistory, err error)
VideoHistoryByHID 根据稿件编辑历史id, 获取当时视频的用户编辑历史
func (*Dao) VideoOperAttrsCtimes ¶
func (d *Dao) VideoOperAttrsCtimes(c context.Context, vid int64) (attrs []int32, ctimes []int64, err error)
VideoOperAttrsCtimes 获取vid的审核属性记录,按照ctime排序
func (*Dao) VideoPlayurl ¶
VideoPlayurl get video play url
func (*Dao) VideoRelated ¶
VideoRelated related videos
func (*Dao) VideoSrcTypeByIDs ¶
VideoSrcTypeByIDs video src_type and id map
func (*Dao) VideoStateMap ¶
VideoStateMap get archive id and state map
func (*Dao) VideosByAid ¶
VideosByAid Video get video info by aid. TODO Depreciated
func (*Dao) WeightConf ¶
WeightConf 所有有效的配置(用于检测是否和已有的配置冲突)
Source Files ¶
- addit.go
- archive.go
- config.go
- dao.go
- delay.go
- first_pass.go
- flow.go
- forbid.go
- hbase.go
- history.go
- mosaic.go
- new_video.go
- oper.go
- porder.go
- recheck.go
- redis.go
- stats.go
- tag.go
- task.go
- task_consumer.go
- task_dispatch.go
- task_oper_history.go
- task_qa_video.go
- task_state.go
- task_weight_config.go
- type.go
- user_card.go
- video.go
- video_audit.go
- video_history.go
- watermark.go