A CLI for managing application configuration backed by DynamoDB
With a working Golang installation run the following command:
go get
Also, make sure that $GOPATH/bin
is in your $PATH
so that your shell can find the go binaries.
Since envi
is backed by a DynamoDB table, the DynamoDB table must
exist before using envi
. By default envi
will try to use a table named
"envi" located in the "us-east-1" region.
The only other thing required before using envi
is valid credentials
and permissions to the DynamodDB table. You can provide an AWS Access
Key ID and Access Key Secret via environment variables but the most
convenient way is to have AWS configigured locally through the AWS CLI.
Environment variables ENVI_TABLE
can be used to
change the default DynamoDB table and AWS region or they can be set
with a flag.
envi set --application myapp --environment dev --variables=one=eno,two=owt,three=eerht
envi s -a myapp -e dev -v one=eno,two=owt,three=eerht
envi s -i myapp__dev -f path/to/file/with/exported/vars
envi g -a myapp -e dev -o json
A simple application configuration store cli backed by dynamodb
set, s save application configuraton in dynamodb
get, g get the application configuration for a particular application
update, u update an applications configuration by inserting new vars and updating old vars if specified
delete, d delete the application configuration for a particular application
help, h Shows a list of commands or help for one command
--help, -h show help
--version, -v print the version
The get
command is self expalatory. Besides the default output
format (simple key=value) there are two other options: json
. The json
option prints an array of objects containg and name
and value (this is the format used in AWS ECS Task Definition
templates). The sh
option is the same as the regulare output but
is added to the beginning of each line so as to more
convenient in using the env vars in a cli.
envi get - get the application configuration for a particular application
envi get [command options] [arguments...]
--output value, -o value format of the output of the variables (default: "text")
--table value, -t value name of the dynamodb to store values (default: "envi") [$ENVI_TABLE]
--region value, -r value name of the aws region in which dynamodb table resides (default: "us-east-1") [$ENVI_REGION]
--id value, -i value id of the application environment combo; if id is not provided then application__environment is used as the id
--application value, -a value name of the application
--environment value, -e value name of the environment
Use with CAUTION.
Use set
to create new configurations. Set overrides all variables so
if one attempts to set a config with only one variable, all current
variables will be deleted and replaced with the single new variable.
If not creating a new config, it is better to use the update
envi set - save application configuraton in dynamodb
envi set [command options] [arguments...]
--variables value, -v value env variables to store in the form of key=value,key2=value2,key3=value3
--file value, -f value path to a shell file that exports env vars
--table value, -t value name of the dynamodb to store values (default: "envi") [$ENVI_TABLE]
--region value, -r value name of the aws region in which dynamodb table resides (default: "us-east-1") [$ENVI_REGION]
--id value, -i value id of the application environment combo; if id is not provided then application__environment is used as the id
--application value, -a value name of the application
--environment value, -e value name of the environment
The update
command will override provided variables while leaving
current variables untouched.
Here is an example of how to update a single variable:
envi u -i omega__staging -v OLD_VAR=new-value
The above command will replace the OLD_VAR value with "new-value" and leave all other unmentioned variables untouched.
envi update - update an applications configuration by inserting new vars and updating old vars if specified
envi update [command options] [arguments...]
--variables value, -v value env variables to store in the form of key=value,key2=value2,key3=value3
--file value, -f value path to a shell file that exports env vars
--table value, -t value name of the dynamodb to store values (default: "envi") [$ENVI_TABLE]
--region value, -r value name of the aws region in which dynamodb table resides (default: "us-east-1") [$ENVI_REGION]
--id value, -i value id of the application environment combo; if id is not provided then application__environment is used as the id
--application value, -a value name of the application
--environment value, -e value name of the environment
The delete
command will delete variables from a config if variables
are provided. If no variables are provided the entire config will be
When deleting variables provide only the names of the variables to be deleted. The same goes for files containing the env vars. The file should only have the names of the vars to be deleted.
envi delete - delete the application configuration for a particular application
envi delete [command options] [arguments...]
--variables value, -v value env variables to delete in the form of key=value,key2=value2,key3=value3
--file value, -f value path to a shell file that contains env vars
--table value, -t value name of the dynamodb to store values (default: "envi") [$ENVI_TABLE]
--region value, -r value name of the aws region in which dynamodb table resides (default: "us-east-1") [$ENVI_REGION]
--id value, -i value id of the application environment combo; if id is not provided then application__environment is used as the id
--application value, -a value name of the application
--environment value, -e value name of the environment
There is a script to run the go tests and to test the basic
functionality of envi called
. This script
assumes privileged AWS credentials are setup in the environment. From
the root of the project simply run:
To just run go tests:
cd store
go test
There is no documentation for this package.