![Go Report Card](https://goreportcard.com/badge/github.com/tsawler/vigilate)
This is the source code for the second project in the Udemy course Working with Websockets in Go (Golang).
A dead simple monitoring service, intended to replace things like Nagios.
Build in the normal way on Mac/Linux:
go build -o vigilate cmd/web/*.go
Or on Windows:
go build -o vigilate.exe cmd/web/.
Or for a particular platform:
env GOOS=linux GOARCH=amd64 go build -o vigilate cmd/web/*.go
Vigilate requires:
- Postgres 11 or later (db is set up as a repository, so other databases are possible)
- An account with Pusher, or a Pusher alternative
(like ipê)
First, make sure ipê is running (if you're using ipê):
On Mac/Linux
cd ipe
On Windows
cd ipe
Run with flags:
./vigilate \
-dbuser='tcs' \
-pusherHost='localhost' \
-pusherPort='4001' \
-pusherKey='123abc' \
-pusherSecret='abc123' \
-pusherApp="1" \
All Flags
tcs@grendel vigilate-udemy % ./vigilate -help
Usage of ./vigilate:
-db string
database name (default "vigilate")
-dbhost string
database host (default "localhost")
-dbport string
database port (default "5432")
-dbssl string
database ssl setting (default "disable")
-dbuser string
database user
-domain string
domain name (e.g. example.com) (default "localhost")
-identifier string
unique identifier (default "vigilate")
-port string
port to listen on (default ":4000")
application is in production
-pusherApp string
pusher app id (default "9")
-pusherHost string
pusher host
-pusherKey string
pusher key
-pusherPort string
pusher port (default "443")
-pusherSecret string
pusher secret
pusher server uses SSL (true or false)