[ARCHIVED] opa-kube-scheduler
This project is no longer active and will be deleted in the future.
This project shows how OPA can policy-enable container scheduling in Kubernetes.
To build the scheduler binary:
To build the Docker image:
make image
Kubernetes allows users to run multiple independent schedulers in the cluster. Once an additional scheduler is deployed, pod scheduling can be delegated to it by annotating the pods with the name of the scheduler.
In opa-kube-scheduler, the name of the scheduler is part of the scheduling policy. If annotation does not match the policy, opa-kube-scheduler will ignore the pod:
package io.k8s.scheduler
import requested_pod as req
scheduler_name_match :-
req.metadata.annotations[k8s_scheduler_annotation] = "experimental"
k8s_scheduler_annotation = "scheduler.alpha.kubernetes.io/name"
fit[node] = weight :-
The scheduler can be deployed on Kubernetes. For example, assuming you are using kubernetes/minikube for test purposes, you can try the scheduler as follows:
Create a deployment for the scheduler:
kubectl create -f ./examples/deployment.yaml
Expose the scheduler's server as as service:
kubectl expose deployment opa-kube-scheduler \
--port 8181 --target-port 8181 --type NodePort
Obtain the scheduler's URL:
SCHEDULER_URL=$(minikube service opa-kube-scheduler --url)
Push the scheduling policy to the scheduler:
curl -X PUT --data-binary \
@./examples/policy.rego $SCHEDULER_URL/v1/policies/example
At this point, the scheduler is deployed and the scheduling policy has been installed. Create a replication controller for nginx as a test:
kubectl create -f ./examples/nginx.yaml
If you tail the scheduler's log, you will see that it has scheduled the nginx pods:
kubectl logs $(kubectl get pod | grep opa-kube-scheduler | cut -f 1 -d ' ')
If you have built the scheduler, you can run it in the development with:
./opa-kube-scheduler -kubeconfig ~/.kube/config --v 2 --logtostderr 1