Overview ¶
Code generated by counterfeiter. DO NOT EDIT.
Code generated by counterfeiter. DO NOT EDIT.
Code generated by counterfeiter. DO NOT EDIT.
Code generated by counterfeiter. DO NOT EDIT.
Code generated by counterfeiter. DO NOT EDIT.
Code generated by counterfeiter. DO NOT EDIT.
Code generated by counterfeiter. DO NOT EDIT.
Code generated by counterfeiter. DO NOT EDIT.
Code generated by counterfeiter. DO NOT EDIT.
Index ¶
- type BCCSP
- func (fake *BCCSP) Decrypt(k bccsp.Key, ciphertext []byte, opts bccsp.DecrypterOpts) (plaintext []byte, err error)
- func (fake *BCCSP) DecryptArgsForCall(i int) (bccsp.Key, []byte, bccsp.DecrypterOpts)
- func (fake *BCCSP) DecryptCallCount() int
- func (fake *BCCSP) DecryptReturns(result1 []byte, result2 error)
- func (fake *BCCSP) DecryptReturnsOnCall(i int, result1 []byte, result2 error)
- func (fake *BCCSP) Encrypt(k bccsp.Key, plaintext []byte, opts bccsp.EncrypterOpts) (ciphertext []byte, err error)
- func (fake *BCCSP) EncryptArgsForCall(i int) (bccsp.Key, []byte, bccsp.EncrypterOpts)
- func (fake *BCCSP) EncryptCallCount() int
- func (fake *BCCSP) EncryptReturns(result1 []byte, result2 error)
- func (fake *BCCSP) EncryptReturnsOnCall(i int, result1 []byte, result2 error)
- func (fake *BCCSP) GetHash(opts bccsp.HashOpts) (h hash.Hash, err error)
- func (fake *BCCSP) GetHashArgsForCall(i int) bccsp.HashOpts
- func (fake *BCCSP) GetHashCallCount() int
- func (fake *BCCSP) GetHashReturns(result1 hash.Hash, result2 error)
- func (fake *BCCSP) GetHashReturnsOnCall(i int, result1 hash.Hash, result2 error)
- func (fake *BCCSP) GetKey(ski []byte) (k bccsp.Key, err error)
- func (fake *BCCSP) GetKeyArgsForCall(i int) []byte
- func (fake *BCCSP) GetKeyCallCount() int
- func (fake *BCCSP) GetKeyReturns(result1 bccsp.Key, result2 error)
- func (fake *BCCSP) GetKeyReturnsOnCall(i int, result1 bccsp.Key, result2 error)
- func (fake *BCCSP) Hash(msg []byte, opts bccsp.HashOpts) (hash []byte, err error)
- func (fake *BCCSP) HashArgsForCall(i int) ([]byte, bccsp.HashOpts)
- func (fake *BCCSP) HashCallCount() int
- func (fake *BCCSP) HashReturns(result1 []byte, result2 error)
- func (fake *BCCSP) HashReturnsOnCall(i int, result1 []byte, result2 error)
- func (fake *BCCSP) Invocations() map[string][][]interface{}
- func (fake *BCCSP) KeyDeriv(k bccsp.Key, opts bccsp.KeyDerivOpts) (dk bccsp.Key, err error)
- func (fake *BCCSP) KeyDerivArgsForCall(i int) (bccsp.Key, bccsp.KeyDerivOpts)
- func (fake *BCCSP) KeyDerivCallCount() int
- func (fake *BCCSP) KeyDerivReturns(result1 bccsp.Key, result2 error)
- func (fake *BCCSP) KeyDerivReturnsOnCall(i int, result1 bccsp.Key, result2 error)
- func (fake *BCCSP) KeyGen(opts bccsp.KeyGenOpts) (k bccsp.Key, err error)
- func (fake *BCCSP) KeyGenArgsForCall(i int) bccsp.KeyGenOpts
- func (fake *BCCSP) KeyGenCallCount() int
- func (fake *BCCSP) KeyGenReturns(result1 bccsp.Key, result2 error)
- func (fake *BCCSP) KeyGenReturnsOnCall(i int, result1 bccsp.Key, result2 error)
- func (fake *BCCSP) KeyImport(raw interface{}, opts bccsp.KeyImportOpts) (k bccsp.Key, err error)
- func (fake *BCCSP) KeyImportArgsForCall(i int) (interface{}, bccsp.KeyImportOpts)
- func (fake *BCCSP) KeyImportCallCount() int
- func (fake *BCCSP) KeyImportReturns(result1 bccsp.Key, result2 error)
- func (fake *BCCSP) KeyImportReturnsOnCall(i int, result1 bccsp.Key, result2 error)
- func (fake *BCCSP) Sign(k bccsp.Key, digest []byte, opts bccsp.SignerOpts) (signature []byte, err error)
- func (fake *BCCSP) SignArgsForCall(i int) (bccsp.Key, []byte, bccsp.SignerOpts)
- func (fake *BCCSP) SignCallCount() int
- func (fake *BCCSP) SignReturns(result1 []byte, result2 error)
- func (fake *BCCSP) SignReturnsOnCall(i int, result1 []byte, result2 error)
- func (fake *BCCSP) Verify(k bccsp.Key, signature []byte, digest []byte, opts bccsp.SignerOpts) (valid bool, err error)
- func (fake *BCCSP) VerifyArgsForCall(i int) (bccsp.Key, []byte, []byte, bccsp.SignerOpts)
- func (fake *BCCSP) VerifyCallCount() int
- func (fake *BCCSP) VerifyReturns(result1 bool, result2 error)
- func (fake *BCCSP) VerifyReturnsOnCall(i int, result1 bool, result2 error)
- type BCCSPKey
- func (fake *BCCSPKey) Bytes() ([]byte, error)
- func (fake *BCCSPKey) BytesCallCount() int
- func (fake *BCCSPKey) BytesReturns(result1 []byte, result2 error)
- func (fake *BCCSPKey) BytesReturnsOnCall(i int, result1 []byte, result2 error)
- func (fake *BCCSPKey) Invocations() map[string][][]interface{}
- func (fake *BCCSPKey) Private() bool
- func (fake *BCCSPKey) PrivateCallCount() int
- func (fake *BCCSPKey) PrivateReturns(result1 bool)
- func (fake *BCCSPKey) PrivateReturnsOnCall(i int, result1 bool)
- func (fake *BCCSPKey) PublicKey() (bccsp.Key, error)
- func (fake *BCCSPKey) PublicKeyCallCount() int
- func (fake *BCCSPKey) PublicKeyReturns(result1 bccsp.Key, result2 error)
- func (fake *BCCSPKey) PublicKeyReturnsOnCall(i int, result1 bccsp.Key, result2 error)
- func (fake *BCCSPKey) SKI() []byte
- func (fake *BCCSPKey) SKICallCount() int
- func (fake *BCCSPKey) SKIReturns(result1 []byte)
- func (fake *BCCSPKey) SKIReturnsOnCall(i int, result1 []byte)
- func (fake *BCCSPKey) Symmetric() bool
- func (fake *BCCSPKey) SymmetricCallCount() int
- func (fake *BCCSPKey) SymmetricReturns(result1 bool)
- func (fake *BCCSPKey) SymmetricReturnsOnCall(i int, result1 bool)
- type ChannelClient
- func (fake *ChannelClient) Invocations() map[string][][]interface{}
- func (fake *ChannelClient) InvokeHandler(handler invoke.Handler, request channel.Request, ...) (channel.Response, error)
- func (fake *ChannelClient) InvokeHandlerArgsForCall(i int) (invoke.Handler, channel.Request, []channel.RequestOption)
- func (fake *ChannelClient) InvokeHandlerCallCount() int
- func (fake *ChannelClient) InvokeHandlerReturns(result1 channel.Response, result2 error)
- func (fake *ChannelClient) InvokeHandlerReturnsOnCall(i int, result1 channel.Response, result2 error)
- type CryptoSuite
- func (fake *CryptoSuite) GetHash(opts core.HashOpts) (h hash.Hash, err error)
- func (fake *CryptoSuite) GetHashArgsForCall(i int) core.HashOpts
- func (fake *CryptoSuite) GetHashCallCount() int
- func (fake *CryptoSuite) GetHashReturns(result1 hash.Hash, result2 error)
- func (fake *CryptoSuite) GetHashReturnsOnCall(i int, result1 hash.Hash, result2 error)
- func (fake *CryptoSuite) GetKey(ski []byte) (k core.Key, err error)
- func (fake *CryptoSuite) GetKeyArgsForCall(i int) []byte
- func (fake *CryptoSuite) GetKeyCallCount() int
- func (fake *CryptoSuite) GetKeyReturns(result1 core.Key, result2 error)
- func (fake *CryptoSuite) GetKeyReturnsOnCall(i int, result1 core.Key, result2 error)
- func (fake *CryptoSuite) Hash(msg []byte, opts core.HashOpts) (hash []byte, err error)
- func (fake *CryptoSuite) HashArgsForCall(i int) ([]byte, core.HashOpts)
- func (fake *CryptoSuite) HashCallCount() int
- func (fake *CryptoSuite) HashReturns(result1 []byte, result2 error)
- func (fake *CryptoSuite) HashReturnsOnCall(i int, result1 []byte, result2 error)
- func (fake *CryptoSuite) Invocations() map[string][][]interface{}
- func (fake *CryptoSuite) KeyGen(opts core.KeyGenOpts) (k core.Key, err error)
- func (fake *CryptoSuite) KeyGenArgsForCall(i int) core.KeyGenOpts
- func (fake *CryptoSuite) KeyGenCallCount() int
- func (fake *CryptoSuite) KeyGenReturns(result1 core.Key, result2 error)
- func (fake *CryptoSuite) KeyGenReturnsOnCall(i int, result1 core.Key, result2 error)
- func (fake *CryptoSuite) KeyImport(raw interface{}, opts core.KeyImportOpts) (k core.Key, err error)
- func (fake *CryptoSuite) KeyImportArgsForCall(i int) (interface{}, core.KeyImportOpts)
- func (fake *CryptoSuite) KeyImportCallCount() int
- func (fake *CryptoSuite) KeyImportReturns(result1 core.Key, result2 error)
- func (fake *CryptoSuite) KeyImportReturnsOnCall(i int, result1 core.Key, result2 error)
- func (fake *CryptoSuite) Sign(k core.Key, digest []byte, opts core.SignerOpts) (signature []byte, err error)
- func (fake *CryptoSuite) SignArgsForCall(i int) (core.Key, []byte, core.SignerOpts)
- func (fake *CryptoSuite) SignCallCount() int
- func (fake *CryptoSuite) SignReturns(result1 []byte, result2 error)
- func (fake *CryptoSuite) SignReturnsOnCall(i int, result1 []byte, result2 error)
- func (fake *CryptoSuite) Verify(k core.Key, signature []byte, digest []byte, opts core.SignerOpts) (valid bool, err error)
- func (fake *CryptoSuite) VerifyArgsForCall(i int) (core.Key, []byte, []byte, core.SignerOpts)
- func (fake *CryptoSuite) VerifyCallCount() int
- func (fake *CryptoSuite) VerifyReturns(result1 bool, result2 error)
- func (fake *CryptoSuite) VerifyReturnsOnCall(i int, result1 bool, result2 error)
- type CryptoSuiteProvider
- func (fake *CryptoSuiteProvider) CryptoSuite() core.CryptoSuite
- func (fake *CryptoSuiteProvider) CryptoSuiteCallCount() int
- func (fake *CryptoSuiteProvider) CryptoSuiteReturns(result1 core.CryptoSuite)
- func (fake *CryptoSuiteProvider) CryptoSuiteReturnsOnCall(i int, result1 core.CryptoSuite)
- func (fake *CryptoSuiteProvider) Invocations() map[string][][]interface{}
- type DiscoveryService
- func (fake *DiscoveryService) GetPeers() ([]fab.Peer, error)
- func (fake *DiscoveryService) GetPeersCallCount() int
- func (fake *DiscoveryService) GetPeersReturns(result1 []fab.Peer, result2 error)
- func (fake *DiscoveryService) GetPeersReturnsOnCall(i int, result1 []fab.Peer, result2 error)
- func (fake *DiscoveryService) Invocations() map[string][][]interface{}
- type EndpointConfig
- func (fake *EndpointConfig) ChannelConfig(name string) *fab.ChannelEndpointConfig
- func (fake *EndpointConfig) ChannelConfigArgsForCall(i int) string
- func (fake *EndpointConfig) ChannelConfigCallCount() int
- func (fake *EndpointConfig) ChannelConfigReturns(result1 *fab.ChannelEndpointConfig)
- func (fake *EndpointConfig) ChannelConfigReturnsOnCall(i int, result1 *fab.ChannelEndpointConfig)
- func (fake *EndpointConfig) ChannelOrderers(name string) []fab.OrdererConfig
- func (fake *EndpointConfig) ChannelOrderersArgsForCall(i int) string
- func (fake *EndpointConfig) ChannelOrderersCallCount() int
- func (fake *EndpointConfig) ChannelOrderersReturns(result1 []fab.OrdererConfig)
- func (fake *EndpointConfig) ChannelOrderersReturnsOnCall(i int, result1 []fab.OrdererConfig)
- func (fake *EndpointConfig) ChannelPeers(name string) []fab.ChannelPeer
- func (fake *EndpointConfig) ChannelPeersArgsForCall(i int) string
- func (fake *EndpointConfig) ChannelPeersCallCount() int
- func (fake *EndpointConfig) ChannelPeersReturns(result1 []fab.ChannelPeer)
- func (fake *EndpointConfig) ChannelPeersReturnsOnCall(i int, result1 []fab.ChannelPeer)
- func (fake *EndpointConfig) CryptoConfigPath() string
- func (fake *EndpointConfig) CryptoConfigPathCallCount() int
- func (fake *EndpointConfig) CryptoConfigPathReturns(result1 string)
- func (fake *EndpointConfig) CryptoConfigPathReturnsOnCall(i int, result1 string)
- func (fake *EndpointConfig) Invocations() map[string][][]interface{}
- func (fake *EndpointConfig) NetworkConfig() *fab.NetworkConfig
- func (fake *EndpointConfig) NetworkConfigCallCount() int
- func (fake *EndpointConfig) NetworkConfigReturns(result1 *fab.NetworkConfig)
- func (fake *EndpointConfig) NetworkConfigReturnsOnCall(i int, result1 *fab.NetworkConfig)
- func (fake *EndpointConfig) NetworkPeers() []fab.NetworkPeer
- func (fake *EndpointConfig) NetworkPeersCallCount() int
- func (fake *EndpointConfig) NetworkPeersReturns(result1 []fab.NetworkPeer)
- func (fake *EndpointConfig) NetworkPeersReturnsOnCall(i int, result1 []fab.NetworkPeer)
- func (fake *EndpointConfig) OrdererConfig(nameOrURL string) (*fab.OrdererConfig, bool, bool)
- func (fake *EndpointConfig) OrdererConfigArgsForCall(i int) string
- func (fake *EndpointConfig) OrdererConfigCallCount() int
- func (fake *EndpointConfig) OrdererConfigReturns(result1 *fab.OrdererConfig, result2 bool, result3 bool)
- func (fake *EndpointConfig) OrdererConfigReturnsOnCall(i int, result1 *fab.OrdererConfig, result2 bool, result3 bool)
- func (fake *EndpointConfig) OrderersConfig() []fab.OrdererConfig
- func (fake *EndpointConfig) OrderersConfigCallCount() int
- func (fake *EndpointConfig) OrderersConfigReturns(result1 []fab.OrdererConfig)
- func (fake *EndpointConfig) OrderersConfigReturnsOnCall(i int, result1 []fab.OrdererConfig)
- func (fake *EndpointConfig) PeerConfig(nameOrURL string) (*fab.PeerConfig, bool)
- func (fake *EndpointConfig) PeerConfigArgsForCall(i int) string
- func (fake *EndpointConfig) PeerConfigCallCount() int
- func (fake *EndpointConfig) PeerConfigReturns(result1 *fab.PeerConfig, result2 bool)
- func (fake *EndpointConfig) PeerConfigReturnsOnCall(i int, result1 *fab.PeerConfig, result2 bool)
- func (fake *EndpointConfig) PeersConfig(org string) ([]fab.PeerConfig, bool)
- func (fake *EndpointConfig) PeersConfigArgsForCall(i int) string
- func (fake *EndpointConfig) PeersConfigCallCount() int
- func (fake *EndpointConfig) PeersConfigReturns(result1 []fab.PeerConfig, result2 bool)
- func (fake *EndpointConfig) PeersConfigReturnsOnCall(i int, result1 []fab.PeerConfig, result2 bool)
- func (fake *EndpointConfig) TLSCACertPool() commtls.CertPool
- func (fake *EndpointConfig) TLSCACertPoolCallCount() int
- func (fake *EndpointConfig) TLSCACertPoolReturns(result1 commtls.CertPool)
- func (fake *EndpointConfig) TLSCACertPoolReturnsOnCall(i int, result1 commtls.CertPool)
- func (fake *EndpointConfig) TLSClientCerts() []tls.Certificate
- func (fake *EndpointConfig) TLSClientCertsCallCount() int
- func (fake *EndpointConfig) TLSClientCertsReturns(result1 []tls.Certificate)
- func (fake *EndpointConfig) TLSClientCertsReturnsOnCall(i int, result1 []tls.Certificate)
- func (fake *EndpointConfig) Timeout(arg1 fab.TimeoutType) time.Duration
- func (fake *EndpointConfig) TimeoutArgsForCall(i int) fab.TimeoutType
- func (fake *EndpointConfig) TimeoutCallCount() int
- func (fake *EndpointConfig) TimeoutReturns(result1 time.Duration)
- func (fake *EndpointConfig) TimeoutReturnsOnCall(i int, result1 time.Duration)
- type Hash
- func (fake *Hash) BlockSize() int
- func (fake *Hash) BlockSizeCallCount() int
- func (fake *Hash) BlockSizeReturns(result1 int)
- func (fake *Hash) BlockSizeReturnsOnCall(i int, result1 int)
- func (fake *Hash) Invocations() map[string][][]interface{}
- func (fake *Hash) Reset()
- func (fake *Hash) ResetCallCount() int
- func (fake *Hash) Size() int
- func (fake *Hash) SizeCallCount() int
- func (fake *Hash) SizeReturns(result1 int)
- func (fake *Hash) SizeReturnsOnCall(i int, result1 int)
- func (fake *Hash) Sum(b []byte) []byte
- func (fake *Hash) SumArgsForCall(i int) []byte
- func (fake *Hash) SumCallCount() int
- func (fake *Hash) SumReturns(result1 []byte)
- func (fake *Hash) SumReturnsOnCall(i int, result1 []byte)
- func (fake *Hash) Write(p []byte) (n int, err error)
- func (fake *Hash) WriteArgsForCall(i int) []byte
- func (fake *Hash) WriteCallCount() int
- func (fake *Hash) WriteReturns(result1 int, result2 error)
- func (fake *Hash) WriteReturnsOnCall(i int, result1 int, result2 error)
- type IdentitySerializer
- func (fake *IdentitySerializer) Invocations() map[string][][]interface{}
- func (fake *IdentitySerializer) Serialize() ([]byte, error)
- func (fake *IdentitySerializer) SerializeCallCount() int
- func (fake *IdentitySerializer) SerializeReturns(result1 []byte, result2 error)
- func (fake *IdentitySerializer) SerializeReturnsOnCall(i int, result1 []byte, result2 error)
Constants ¶
This section is empty.
Variables ¶
This section is empty.
Functions ¶
This section is empty.
Types ¶
type BCCSP ¶
type BCCSP struct { KeyGenStub func(opts bccsp.KeyGenOpts) (k bccsp.Key, err error) KeyDerivStub func(k bccsp.Key, opts bccsp.KeyDerivOpts) (dk bccsp.Key, err error) KeyImportStub func(raw interface{}, opts bccsp.KeyImportOpts) (k bccsp.Key, err error) GetKeyStub func(ski []byte) (k bccsp.Key, err error) HashStub func(msg []byte, opts bccsp.HashOpts) (hash []byte, err error) GetHashStub func(opts bccsp.HashOpts) (h hash.Hash, err error) SignStub func(k bccsp.Key, digest []byte, opts bccsp.SignerOpts) (signature []byte, err error) VerifyStub func(k bccsp.Key, signature, digest []byte, opts bccsp.SignerOpts) (valid bool, err error) EncryptStub func(k bccsp.Key, plaintext []byte, opts bccsp.EncrypterOpts) (ciphertext []byte, err error) DecryptStub func(k bccsp.Key, ciphertext []byte, opts bccsp.DecrypterOpts) (plaintext []byte, err error) // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*BCCSP) DecryptArgsForCall ¶
func (*BCCSP) DecryptCallCount ¶
func (*BCCSP) DecryptReturns ¶
func (*BCCSP) DecryptReturnsOnCall ¶
func (*BCCSP) EncryptArgsForCall ¶
func (*BCCSP) EncryptCallCount ¶
func (*BCCSP) EncryptReturns ¶
func (*BCCSP) EncryptReturnsOnCall ¶
func (*BCCSP) GetHashCallCount ¶
func (*BCCSP) GetHashReturnsOnCall ¶
func (*BCCSP) GetKeyArgsForCall ¶
func (*BCCSP) GetKeyCallCount ¶
func (*BCCSP) GetKeyReturnsOnCall ¶
func (*BCCSP) HashCallCount ¶
func (*BCCSP) HashReturns ¶
func (*BCCSP) HashReturnsOnCall ¶
func (*BCCSP) Invocations ¶
func (*BCCSP) KeyDerivArgsForCall ¶
func (*BCCSP) KeyDerivCallCount ¶
func (*BCCSP) KeyDerivReturns ¶
func (*BCCSP) KeyDerivReturnsOnCall ¶
func (*BCCSP) KeyGenArgsForCall ¶
func (fake *BCCSP) KeyGenArgsForCall(i int) bccsp.KeyGenOpts
func (*BCCSP) KeyGenCallCount ¶
func (*BCCSP) KeyGenReturnsOnCall ¶
func (*BCCSP) KeyImportArgsForCall ¶
func (fake *BCCSP) KeyImportArgsForCall(i int) (interface{}, bccsp.KeyImportOpts)
func (*BCCSP) KeyImportCallCount ¶
func (*BCCSP) KeyImportReturns ¶
func (*BCCSP) KeyImportReturnsOnCall ¶
func (*BCCSP) SignArgsForCall ¶
func (*BCCSP) SignCallCount ¶
func (*BCCSP) SignReturns ¶
func (*BCCSP) SignReturnsOnCall ¶
func (*BCCSP) VerifyArgsForCall ¶
func (*BCCSP) VerifyCallCount ¶
func (*BCCSP) VerifyReturns ¶
type BCCSPKey ¶
type BCCSPKey struct { BytesStub func() ([]byte, error) SKIStub func() []byte SymmetricStub func() bool PrivateStub func() bool PublicKeyStub func() (bccsp.Key, error) // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*BCCSPKey) BytesCallCount ¶
func (*BCCSPKey) BytesReturns ¶
func (*BCCSPKey) BytesReturnsOnCall ¶
func (*BCCSPKey) Invocations ¶
func (*BCCSPKey) PrivateCallCount ¶
func (*BCCSPKey) PrivateReturns ¶
func (*BCCSPKey) PrivateReturnsOnCall ¶
func (*BCCSPKey) PublicKeyCallCount ¶
func (*BCCSPKey) PublicKeyReturns ¶
func (*BCCSPKey) PublicKeyReturnsOnCall ¶
func (*BCCSPKey) SKICallCount ¶
func (*BCCSPKey) SKIReturns ¶
func (*BCCSPKey) SKIReturnsOnCall ¶
func (*BCCSPKey) SymmetricCallCount ¶
func (*BCCSPKey) SymmetricReturns ¶
func (*BCCSPKey) SymmetricReturnsOnCall ¶
type ChannelClient ¶
type ChannelClient struct { InvokeHandlerStub func(handler invoke.Handler, request channel.Request, options (channel.Response, error) // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*ChannelClient) Invocations ¶
func (fake *ChannelClient) Invocations() map[string][][]interface{}
func (*ChannelClient) InvokeHandler ¶ added in v0.1.4
func (fake *ChannelClient) InvokeHandler(handler invoke.Handler, request channel.Request, options (channel.Response, error)
func (*ChannelClient) InvokeHandlerArgsForCall ¶ added in v0.1.4
func (fake *ChannelClient) InvokeHandlerArgsForCall(i int) (invoke.Handler, channel.Request, []channel.RequestOption)
func (*ChannelClient) InvokeHandlerCallCount ¶ added in v0.1.4
func (fake *ChannelClient) InvokeHandlerCallCount() int
func (*ChannelClient) InvokeHandlerReturns ¶ added in v0.1.4
func (fake *ChannelClient) InvokeHandlerReturns(result1 channel.Response, result2 error)
func (*ChannelClient) InvokeHandlerReturnsOnCall ¶ added in v0.1.4
func (fake *ChannelClient) InvokeHandlerReturnsOnCall(i int, result1 channel.Response, result2 error)
type CryptoSuite ¶
type CryptoSuite struct { KeyGenStub func(opts core.KeyGenOpts) (k core.Key, err error) KeyImportStub func(raw interface{}, opts core.KeyImportOpts) (k core.Key, err error) GetKeyStub func(ski []byte) (k core.Key, err error) HashStub func(msg []byte, opts core.HashOpts) (hash []byte, err error) GetHashStub func(opts core.HashOpts) (h hash.Hash, err error) SignStub func(k core.Key, digest []byte, opts core.SignerOpts) (signature []byte, err error) VerifyStub func(k core.Key, signature, digest []byte, opts core.SignerOpts) (valid bool, err error) // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*CryptoSuite) GetHashArgsForCall ¶
func (fake *CryptoSuite) GetHashArgsForCall(i int) core.HashOpts
func (*CryptoSuite) GetHashCallCount ¶
func (fake *CryptoSuite) GetHashCallCount() int
func (*CryptoSuite) GetHashReturns ¶
func (fake *CryptoSuite) GetHashReturns(result1 hash.Hash, result2 error)
func (*CryptoSuite) GetHashReturnsOnCall ¶
func (fake *CryptoSuite) GetHashReturnsOnCall(i int, result1 hash.Hash, result2 error)
func (*CryptoSuite) GetKeyArgsForCall ¶
func (fake *CryptoSuite) GetKeyArgsForCall(i int) []byte
func (*CryptoSuite) GetKeyCallCount ¶
func (fake *CryptoSuite) GetKeyCallCount() int
func (*CryptoSuite) GetKeyReturns ¶
func (fake *CryptoSuite) GetKeyReturns(result1 core.Key, result2 error)
func (*CryptoSuite) GetKeyReturnsOnCall ¶
func (fake *CryptoSuite) GetKeyReturnsOnCall(i int, result1 core.Key, result2 error)
func (*CryptoSuite) HashArgsForCall ¶
func (fake *CryptoSuite) HashArgsForCall(i int) ([]byte, core.HashOpts)
func (*CryptoSuite) HashCallCount ¶
func (fake *CryptoSuite) HashCallCount() int
func (*CryptoSuite) HashReturns ¶
func (fake *CryptoSuite) HashReturns(result1 []byte, result2 error)
func (*CryptoSuite) HashReturnsOnCall ¶
func (fake *CryptoSuite) HashReturnsOnCall(i int, result1 []byte, result2 error)
func (*CryptoSuite) Invocations ¶
func (fake *CryptoSuite) Invocations() map[string][][]interface{}
func (*CryptoSuite) KeyGen ¶
func (fake *CryptoSuite) KeyGen(opts core.KeyGenOpts) (k core.Key, err error)
func (*CryptoSuite) KeyGenArgsForCall ¶
func (fake *CryptoSuite) KeyGenArgsForCall(i int) core.KeyGenOpts
func (*CryptoSuite) KeyGenCallCount ¶
func (fake *CryptoSuite) KeyGenCallCount() int
func (*CryptoSuite) KeyGenReturns ¶
func (fake *CryptoSuite) KeyGenReturns(result1 core.Key, result2 error)
func (*CryptoSuite) KeyGenReturnsOnCall ¶
func (fake *CryptoSuite) KeyGenReturnsOnCall(i int, result1 core.Key, result2 error)
func (*CryptoSuite) KeyImport ¶
func (fake *CryptoSuite) KeyImport(raw interface{}, opts core.KeyImportOpts) (k core.Key, err error)
func (*CryptoSuite) KeyImportArgsForCall ¶
func (fake *CryptoSuite) KeyImportArgsForCall(i int) (interface{}, core.KeyImportOpts)
func (*CryptoSuite) KeyImportCallCount ¶
func (fake *CryptoSuite) KeyImportCallCount() int
func (*CryptoSuite) KeyImportReturns ¶
func (fake *CryptoSuite) KeyImportReturns(result1 core.Key, result2 error)
func (*CryptoSuite) KeyImportReturnsOnCall ¶
func (fake *CryptoSuite) KeyImportReturnsOnCall(i int, result1 core.Key, result2 error)
func (*CryptoSuite) Sign ¶
func (fake *CryptoSuite) Sign(k core.Key, digest []byte, opts core.SignerOpts) (signature []byte, err error)
func (*CryptoSuite) SignArgsForCall ¶
func (fake *CryptoSuite) SignArgsForCall(i int) (core.Key, []byte, core.SignerOpts)
func (*CryptoSuite) SignCallCount ¶
func (fake *CryptoSuite) SignCallCount() int
func (*CryptoSuite) SignReturns ¶
func (fake *CryptoSuite) SignReturns(result1 []byte, result2 error)
func (*CryptoSuite) SignReturnsOnCall ¶
func (fake *CryptoSuite) SignReturnsOnCall(i int, result1 []byte, result2 error)
func (*CryptoSuite) Verify ¶
func (fake *CryptoSuite) Verify(k core.Key, signature []byte, digest []byte, opts core.SignerOpts) (valid bool, err error)
func (*CryptoSuite) VerifyArgsForCall ¶
func (fake *CryptoSuite) VerifyArgsForCall(i int) (core.Key, []byte, []byte, core.SignerOpts)
func (*CryptoSuite) VerifyCallCount ¶
func (fake *CryptoSuite) VerifyCallCount() int
func (*CryptoSuite) VerifyReturns ¶
func (fake *CryptoSuite) VerifyReturns(result1 bool, result2 error)
func (*CryptoSuite) VerifyReturnsOnCall ¶
func (fake *CryptoSuite) VerifyReturnsOnCall(i int, result1 bool, result2 error)
type CryptoSuiteProvider ¶ added in v0.1.4
type CryptoSuiteProvider struct { CryptoSuiteStub func() core.CryptoSuite // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*CryptoSuiteProvider) CryptoSuite ¶ added in v0.1.4
func (fake *CryptoSuiteProvider) CryptoSuite() core.CryptoSuite
func (*CryptoSuiteProvider) CryptoSuiteCallCount ¶ added in v0.1.4
func (fake *CryptoSuiteProvider) CryptoSuiteCallCount() int
func (*CryptoSuiteProvider) CryptoSuiteReturns ¶ added in v0.1.4
func (fake *CryptoSuiteProvider) CryptoSuiteReturns(result1 core.CryptoSuite)
func (*CryptoSuiteProvider) CryptoSuiteReturnsOnCall ¶ added in v0.1.4
func (fake *CryptoSuiteProvider) CryptoSuiteReturnsOnCall(i int, result1 core.CryptoSuite)
func (*CryptoSuiteProvider) Invocations ¶ added in v0.1.4
func (fake *CryptoSuiteProvider) Invocations() map[string][][]interface{}
type DiscoveryService ¶ added in v0.1.4
type DiscoveryService struct { GetPeersStub func() ([]fab.Peer, error) // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*DiscoveryService) GetPeers ¶ added in v0.1.4
func (fake *DiscoveryService) GetPeers() ([]fab.Peer, error)
func (*DiscoveryService) GetPeersCallCount ¶ added in v0.1.4
func (fake *DiscoveryService) GetPeersCallCount() int
func (*DiscoveryService) GetPeersReturns ¶ added in v0.1.4
func (fake *DiscoveryService) GetPeersReturns(result1 []fab.Peer, result2 error)
func (*DiscoveryService) GetPeersReturnsOnCall ¶ added in v0.1.4
func (fake *DiscoveryService) GetPeersReturnsOnCall(i int, result1 []fab.Peer, result2 error)
func (*DiscoveryService) Invocations ¶ added in v0.1.4
func (fake *DiscoveryService) Invocations() map[string][][]interface{}
type EndpointConfig ¶
type EndpointConfig struct { TimeoutStub func(fab.TimeoutType) time.Duration OrderersConfigStub func() []fab.OrdererConfig OrdererConfigStub func(nameOrURL string) (*fab.OrdererConfig, bool, bool) PeersConfigStub func(org string) ([]fab.PeerConfig, bool) PeerConfigStub func(nameOrURL string) (*fab.PeerConfig, bool) NetworkConfigStub func() *fab.NetworkConfig NetworkPeersStub func() []fab.NetworkPeer ChannelConfigStub func(name string) *fab.ChannelEndpointConfig ChannelPeersStub func(name string) []fab.ChannelPeer ChannelOrderersStub func(name string) []fab.OrdererConfig TLSCACertPoolStub func() commtls.CertPool TLSClientCertsStub func() []tls.Certificate CryptoConfigPathStub func() string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*EndpointConfig) ChannelConfig ¶
func (fake *EndpointConfig) ChannelConfig(name string) *fab.ChannelEndpointConfig
func (*EndpointConfig) ChannelConfigArgsForCall ¶
func (fake *EndpointConfig) ChannelConfigArgsForCall(i int) string
func (*EndpointConfig) ChannelConfigCallCount ¶
func (fake *EndpointConfig) ChannelConfigCallCount() int
func (*EndpointConfig) ChannelConfigReturns ¶
func (fake *EndpointConfig) ChannelConfigReturns(result1 *fab.ChannelEndpointConfig)
func (*EndpointConfig) ChannelConfigReturnsOnCall ¶
func (fake *EndpointConfig) ChannelConfigReturnsOnCall(i int, result1 *fab.ChannelEndpointConfig)
func (*EndpointConfig) ChannelOrderers ¶
func (fake *EndpointConfig) ChannelOrderers(name string) []fab.OrdererConfig
func (*EndpointConfig) ChannelOrderersArgsForCall ¶
func (fake *EndpointConfig) ChannelOrderersArgsForCall(i int) string
func (*EndpointConfig) ChannelOrderersCallCount ¶
func (fake *EndpointConfig) ChannelOrderersCallCount() int
func (*EndpointConfig) ChannelOrderersReturns ¶
func (fake *EndpointConfig) ChannelOrderersReturns(result1 []fab.OrdererConfig)
func (*EndpointConfig) ChannelOrderersReturnsOnCall ¶
func (fake *EndpointConfig) ChannelOrderersReturnsOnCall(i int, result1 []fab.OrdererConfig)
func (*EndpointConfig) ChannelPeers ¶
func (fake *EndpointConfig) ChannelPeers(name string) []fab.ChannelPeer
func (*EndpointConfig) ChannelPeersArgsForCall ¶
func (fake *EndpointConfig) ChannelPeersArgsForCall(i int) string
func (*EndpointConfig) ChannelPeersCallCount ¶
func (fake *EndpointConfig) ChannelPeersCallCount() int
func (*EndpointConfig) ChannelPeersReturns ¶
func (fake *EndpointConfig) ChannelPeersReturns(result1 []fab.ChannelPeer)
func (*EndpointConfig) ChannelPeersReturnsOnCall ¶
func (fake *EndpointConfig) ChannelPeersReturnsOnCall(i int, result1 []fab.ChannelPeer)
func (*EndpointConfig) CryptoConfigPath ¶
func (fake *EndpointConfig) CryptoConfigPath() string
func (*EndpointConfig) CryptoConfigPathCallCount ¶
func (fake *EndpointConfig) CryptoConfigPathCallCount() int
func (*EndpointConfig) CryptoConfigPathReturns ¶
func (fake *EndpointConfig) CryptoConfigPathReturns(result1 string)
func (*EndpointConfig) CryptoConfigPathReturnsOnCall ¶
func (fake *EndpointConfig) CryptoConfigPathReturnsOnCall(i int, result1 string)
func (*EndpointConfig) Invocations ¶
func (fake *EndpointConfig) Invocations() map[string][][]interface{}
func (*EndpointConfig) NetworkConfig ¶
func (fake *EndpointConfig) NetworkConfig() *fab.NetworkConfig
func (*EndpointConfig) NetworkConfigCallCount ¶
func (fake *EndpointConfig) NetworkConfigCallCount() int
func (*EndpointConfig) NetworkConfigReturns ¶
func (fake *EndpointConfig) NetworkConfigReturns(result1 *fab.NetworkConfig)
func (*EndpointConfig) NetworkConfigReturnsOnCall ¶
func (fake *EndpointConfig) NetworkConfigReturnsOnCall(i int, result1 *fab.NetworkConfig)
func (*EndpointConfig) NetworkPeers ¶
func (fake *EndpointConfig) NetworkPeers() []fab.NetworkPeer
func (*EndpointConfig) NetworkPeersCallCount ¶
func (fake *EndpointConfig) NetworkPeersCallCount() int
func (*EndpointConfig) NetworkPeersReturns ¶
func (fake *EndpointConfig) NetworkPeersReturns(result1 []fab.NetworkPeer)
func (*EndpointConfig) NetworkPeersReturnsOnCall ¶
func (fake *EndpointConfig) NetworkPeersReturnsOnCall(i int, result1 []fab.NetworkPeer)
func (*EndpointConfig) OrdererConfig ¶
func (fake *EndpointConfig) OrdererConfig(nameOrURL string) (*fab.OrdererConfig, bool, bool)
func (*EndpointConfig) OrdererConfigArgsForCall ¶
func (fake *EndpointConfig) OrdererConfigArgsForCall(i int) string
func (*EndpointConfig) OrdererConfigCallCount ¶
func (fake *EndpointConfig) OrdererConfigCallCount() int
func (*EndpointConfig) OrdererConfigReturns ¶
func (fake *EndpointConfig) OrdererConfigReturns(result1 *fab.OrdererConfig, result2 bool, result3 bool)
func (*EndpointConfig) OrdererConfigReturnsOnCall ¶
func (fake *EndpointConfig) OrdererConfigReturnsOnCall(i int, result1 *fab.OrdererConfig, result2 bool, result3 bool)
func (*EndpointConfig) OrderersConfig ¶
func (fake *EndpointConfig) OrderersConfig() []fab.OrdererConfig
func (*EndpointConfig) OrderersConfigCallCount ¶
func (fake *EndpointConfig) OrderersConfigCallCount() int
func (*EndpointConfig) OrderersConfigReturns ¶
func (fake *EndpointConfig) OrderersConfigReturns(result1 []fab.OrdererConfig)
func (*EndpointConfig) OrderersConfigReturnsOnCall ¶
func (fake *EndpointConfig) OrderersConfigReturnsOnCall(i int, result1 []fab.OrdererConfig)
func (*EndpointConfig) PeerConfig ¶
func (fake *EndpointConfig) PeerConfig(nameOrURL string) (*fab.PeerConfig, bool)
func (*EndpointConfig) PeerConfigArgsForCall ¶
func (fake *EndpointConfig) PeerConfigArgsForCall(i int) string
func (*EndpointConfig) PeerConfigCallCount ¶
func (fake *EndpointConfig) PeerConfigCallCount() int
func (*EndpointConfig) PeerConfigReturns ¶
func (fake *EndpointConfig) PeerConfigReturns(result1 *fab.PeerConfig, result2 bool)
func (*EndpointConfig) PeerConfigReturnsOnCall ¶
func (fake *EndpointConfig) PeerConfigReturnsOnCall(i int, result1 *fab.PeerConfig, result2 bool)
func (*EndpointConfig) PeersConfig ¶
func (fake *EndpointConfig) PeersConfig(org string) ([]fab.PeerConfig, bool)
func (*EndpointConfig) PeersConfigArgsForCall ¶
func (fake *EndpointConfig) PeersConfigArgsForCall(i int) string
func (*EndpointConfig) PeersConfigCallCount ¶
func (fake *EndpointConfig) PeersConfigCallCount() int
func (*EndpointConfig) PeersConfigReturns ¶
func (fake *EndpointConfig) PeersConfigReturns(result1 []fab.PeerConfig, result2 bool)
func (*EndpointConfig) PeersConfigReturnsOnCall ¶
func (fake *EndpointConfig) PeersConfigReturnsOnCall(i int, result1 []fab.PeerConfig, result2 bool)
func (*EndpointConfig) TLSCACertPool ¶
func (fake *EndpointConfig) TLSCACertPool() commtls.CertPool
func (*EndpointConfig) TLSCACertPoolCallCount ¶
func (fake *EndpointConfig) TLSCACertPoolCallCount() int
func (*EndpointConfig) TLSCACertPoolReturns ¶
func (fake *EndpointConfig) TLSCACertPoolReturns(result1 commtls.CertPool)
func (*EndpointConfig) TLSCACertPoolReturnsOnCall ¶
func (fake *EndpointConfig) TLSCACertPoolReturnsOnCall(i int, result1 commtls.CertPool)
func (*EndpointConfig) TLSClientCerts ¶
func (fake *EndpointConfig) TLSClientCerts() []tls.Certificate
func (*EndpointConfig) TLSClientCertsCallCount ¶
func (fake *EndpointConfig) TLSClientCertsCallCount() int
func (*EndpointConfig) TLSClientCertsReturns ¶
func (fake *EndpointConfig) TLSClientCertsReturns(result1 []tls.Certificate)
func (*EndpointConfig) TLSClientCertsReturnsOnCall ¶
func (fake *EndpointConfig) TLSClientCertsReturnsOnCall(i int, result1 []tls.Certificate)
func (*EndpointConfig) Timeout ¶
func (fake *EndpointConfig) Timeout(arg1 fab.TimeoutType) time.Duration
func (*EndpointConfig) TimeoutArgsForCall ¶
func (fake *EndpointConfig) TimeoutArgsForCall(i int) fab.TimeoutType
func (*EndpointConfig) TimeoutCallCount ¶
func (fake *EndpointConfig) TimeoutCallCount() int
func (*EndpointConfig) TimeoutReturns ¶
func (fake *EndpointConfig) TimeoutReturns(result1 time.Duration)
func (*EndpointConfig) TimeoutReturnsOnCall ¶
func (fake *EndpointConfig) TimeoutReturnsOnCall(i int, result1 time.Duration)
type Hash ¶
type Hash struct { WriteStub func(p []byte) (n int, err error) SumStub func(b []byte) []byte ResetStub func() SizeStub func() int BlockSizeStub func() int // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*Hash) BlockSizeCallCount ¶
func (*Hash) BlockSizeReturns ¶
func (*Hash) BlockSizeReturnsOnCall ¶
func (*Hash) Invocations ¶
func (*Hash) ResetCallCount ¶
func (*Hash) SizeCallCount ¶
func (*Hash) SizeReturns ¶
func (*Hash) SizeReturnsOnCall ¶
func (*Hash) SumArgsForCall ¶
func (*Hash) SumCallCount ¶
func (*Hash) SumReturns ¶
func (*Hash) SumReturnsOnCall ¶
func (*Hash) WriteArgsForCall ¶
func (*Hash) WriteCallCount ¶
func (*Hash) WriteReturns ¶
type IdentitySerializer ¶ added in v0.1.4
type IdentitySerializer struct { SerializeStub func() ([]byte, error) // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*IdentitySerializer) Invocations ¶ added in v0.1.4
func (fake *IdentitySerializer) Invocations() map[string][][]interface{}
func (*IdentitySerializer) Serialize ¶ added in v0.1.4
func (fake *IdentitySerializer) Serialize() ([]byte, error)
func (*IdentitySerializer) SerializeCallCount ¶ added in v0.1.4
func (fake *IdentitySerializer) SerializeCallCount() int
func (*IdentitySerializer) SerializeReturns ¶ added in v0.1.4
func (fake *IdentitySerializer) SerializeReturns(result1 []byte, result2 error)
func (*IdentitySerializer) SerializeReturnsOnCall ¶ added in v0.1.4
func (fake *IdentitySerializer) SerializeReturnsOnCall(i int, result1 []byte, result2 error)
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