
A CLI for generating entity-relationship diagrams in mermaid.js for the Go entity framework ent.
To otherwise install it:
go install github.com/troypoulter/entmaid@latest
The generated diagram aims to be as SQL like as possible, so it will define:
- Primary (PK) and Foreign (FK) Keys: This helps to see how the different relationships are made, especially for foreign keys where if using the standard edges in ent will specify in the schema the actual field name.
- Display Actual Many-to-Many (M2M) Table: How ent shows M2M through the default edges approach doesn't make clear that it creates a separate table, so we show you what it actually looks like!
Additional useful features outside of the generated diagram itself:
- Automatically insert your diagram code into your
: You can support living design documents by having entmaid
to place the generated diagram inside an existing README
or any markdown file, so it always stays up-to-date!
Here's an example diagram generated, checkout the Usage section on how it was generated!.
Car {
int id PK
string model
time-Time registered_at
int user_cars FK
Group {
int id PK
string name
group_users {
int group_id PK,FK
int user_id PK,FK
User {
int id PK
int age
string name
Group |o--o{ group_users : users-groups
User |o--o{ Car : cars-owner
User |o--o{ group_users : groups-users
There are numerous examples you can inspect through the examples folder and also by inspecting the Makefile.
A CLI for generating a mermaid.js Entity Relationship (ER) diagram for an Ent Schema, without needing a live database!
entmaid [flags]
--endPattern string target directory for schemas (default "<!-- #end:entmaid -->")
-h, --help help for entmaid
-o, --outputType outputType set the desired output type: can be 'markdown' (useful for GitHub), 'plain' (default markdown)
-s, --schema string directory containing the schemas (default "./ent/schema")
--startPattern string target directory for schemas (default "<!-- #start:entmaid -->")
-t, --target string target file to output diagram (default "./ent/erd.md")
Start by putting the desired startPattern
and endPattern
values into your target
file so entmaid
knows where to insert the diagram.
Run the command passing through all the relevant parameters, this example will be using the command from the Makefie, example.readme
entmaid -s ./examples/start/schema -t ./README.md -o markdown --startPattern "<!-- #start:entmaidReadme -->" --endPattern "<!-- #end:entmaidReadme -->"
You should now see the generated diagram in the target
file, you can check out the diagram below as the above command generated it!
Inspiration & Acknowledgements
I was inspired by both a8m/enter and hedwigz/entviz for generating mermaid diagrams from reading in just the ent schema folder.
I created this as I wanted to support additional features (as listed in the Features section!), especially being able to insert the generated diagram code directly into my markdown files has been awesome!
This is also my first publihsed Go module and I wanted to give it a shot!