discogo is a package to create a connection as a discord
bot to handle messages received in a channel and send
messages to a specific channel.
You can use it to implement handlers for updating specific
configurations in your app, so you can update them
without restarting the process and also log some
information to discord.
Getting Started
go get github.com/tripolious/discogo
You first need to create a discord bot and a token
The bot will run as a goroutine. To handle the shutdown gracefully you need a context and a waitgroup.
You can find a working example (main + CreateLaunchContext func) under examples how to start it and handle the interrupt (ctr+c)
Import the package into your project.
import "github.com/tripolious/discogo
Initialize the bot
log.Println("starting discord bot")
err := discogo.Boot(ctx, &wg, *token)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("booting failed %s", err)
You can add as many handlers as you wish in your project to consume message events
// define a function you want to add
func handler_x(s *discordgo.Session, m *discordgo.MessageCreate){
// define an array of handlers
var handlers = []interface{}{
func(s *discordgo.Session, r *discordgo.Ready) { log.Println("discord bot is up and running") },
// add them
err = discogo.AddHandlers(handlers)
if err != nil {
log.Printf("unable to add handlers: %s", err)
Send a message to a discord channel
err := discogo.SendMessage(*channel, "hello world!")
if err != nil {
log.Printf("unable to send message: %s", err)
Checkout examples for a working solution
go run examples/listen-and-respond/listen-and-respond.go --token xxx --channel yyy
go run examples/send-message/send-message.go --token xxx --channel yyy