
v1.19.1 Latest Latest

This package is not in the latest version of its module.

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Published: May 29, 2024 License: MIT Imports: 23 Imported by: 37




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const (
	Name   = "Tezos"
	Symbol = "XTZ"

	// base58 prefixes for 4 byte hash magics

	// base58 prefixes for 16 byte hash magics

	// base58 prefixes for 20 byte hash magics
	P256_PUBLIC_KEY_HASH_PREFIX      = "tz3"
	NOCURVE_PUBLIC_KEY_HASH_PREFIX   = "KT1"  // originated contract identifier
	BLINDED_PUBLIC_KEY_HASH_PREFIX   = "btz1" // blinded tz1

	// base58 prefixes for 32 byte hash magics
	BLOCK_HASH_PREFIX               = "B"
	OPERATION_HASH_PREFIX           = "o"
	PROTOCOL_HASH_PREFIX            = "P"
	CONTEXT_HASH_PREFIX             = "Co"
	NONCE_HASH_PREFIX               = "nce"
	ED25519_SEED_PREFIX             = "edsk"
	ED25519_PUBLIC_KEY_PREFIX       = "edpk"
	SECP256K1_SECRET_KEY_PREFIX     = "spsk"
	P256_SECRET_KEY_PREFIX          = "p2sk"

	BLOCK_PAYLOAD_HASH_PREFIX                = "vh"  // "\001\106\242" (* vh(52) *)
	BLOCK_METADATA_HASH_PREFIX               = "bm"  // "\234\249" (* bm(52) *)
	OPERATION_METADATA_HASH_PREFIX           = "r"   // "\005\183" (* r(51) *)
	OPERATION_METADATA_LIST_HASH_PREFIX      = "Lr"  // "\134\039" (* Lr(52) *)
	OPERATION_METADATA_LIST_LIST_HASH_PREFIX = "LLr" // "\029\159\182" (* LLr(53) *)

	// base58 prefixes for 33 byte hash magics
	P256_PUBLIC_KEY_PREFIX      = "p2pk"

	// base58 prefixes for 54 byte hash magics

	// base58 prefixes for 56 byte hash magics
	ED25519_ENCRYPTED_SEED_PREFIX         = "edesk"

	// base58 prefixes for 60 byte hash magics
	SECP256K1_ENCRYPTED_SCALAR_PREFIX = "seesk" // "\001\131\036\086\248" (* seesk(93) *)

	// base58 prefixes for 64 byte hash magics
	ED25519_SECRET_KEY_PREFIX  = "edsk"
	ED25519_SIGNATURE_PREFIX   = "edsig"
	P256_SIGNATURE_PREFIX      = "p2sig"

	// base58 prefixes for Sapling byte hash magics
	SAPLING_SPENDING_KEY_PREFIX = "sask" // "\011\237\020\092" (* sask(241) *) // 169 bytes
	SAPLING_ADDRESS_PREFIX      = "zet1" // "\018\071\040\223" (* zet1(69) *) // 43 bytes

	// base58 prefixes for rollup hash magics
	BLS12_381_PUBLIC_KEY_HASH_PREFIX          = "tz4"
	BLS12_381_SIGNATURE_PREFIX                = "BLsig"
	BLS12_381_PUBLIC_KEY_PREFIX               = "BLpk"
	BLS12_381_SECRET_KEY_PREFIX               = "BLsk"
	TX_ROLLUP_ADDRESS_PREFIX                  = "txr1"
	TX_ROLLUP_INBOX_HASH_PREFIX               = "txi"
	TX_ROLLUP_MESSAGE_HASH_PREFIX             = "txm"
	SMART_ROLLUP_ADDRESS_PREFIX               = "sr1"
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const (
	YAY  = "yay"
	NAY  = "nay"
	PASS = "pass"
	ON   = "on"
	OFF  = "off"
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const MAX_ADDRESS_LEN = 37 // tx rollup address


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var (
	// ErrChecksumMismatch describes an error where decoding failed due
	// to a bad checksum.
	ErrChecksumMismatch = errors.New("tezos: checksum mismatch")

	// ErrUnknownAddressType describes an error where an address can not
	// decoded as a specific address type due to the string encoding
	// begining with an identifier byte unknown to any standard or
	// registered (via Register) network.
	ErrUnknownAddressType = errors.New("tezos: unknown address type")

	// InvalidAddress is an empty invalid address
	InvalidAddress = NewAddress(AddressTypeInvalid, nil)

	// ZeroAddress is a tz1 address with all bytes zero
	ZeroAddress  = NewAddress(AddressTypeEd25519, make([]byte, HashTypePkhEd25519.Len))
	ZeroContract = NewAddress(AddressTypeContract, make([]byte, HashTypePkhNocurve.Len))

	// Burn Address
	BurnAddress = MustParseAddress("tz1burnburnburnburnburnburnburjAYjjX")
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var (
	// ErrUnknownHashType describes an error where a hash can not
	// decoded as a specific hash type because the string encoding
	// starts with an unknown identifier.
	ErrUnknownHashType = errors.New("tezos: unknown hash type")

	// Zero hashes
	ZeroChainIdHash           = NewChainIdHash(nil)
	ZeroBlockHash             = NewBlockHash(nil)
	ZeroProtocolHash          = NewProtocolHash(nil)
	ZeroOpHash                = NewOpHash(nil)
	ZeroOpListListHash        = NewOpListListHash(nil)
	ZeroPayloadHash           = NewPayloadHash(nil)
	ZeroExprHash              = NewExprHash(nil)
	ZeroNonceHash             = NewNonceHash(nil)
	ZeroContextHash           = NewContextHash(nil)
	ZeroSmartRollupStateHash  = NewSmartRollupStateHash(nil)
	ZeroSmartRollupCommitHash = NewSmartRollupCommitHash(nil)
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var (
	HashTypeInvalid              = HashType{nil, 0, "", 0}
	HashTypeChainId              = HashType{CHAIN_ID, 4, CHAIN_ID_PREFIX, 15}
	HashTypeId                   = HashType{ID_HASH_ID, 16, ID_HASH_PREFIX, 36}
	HashTypePkhEd25519           = HashType{ED25519_PUBLIC_KEY_HASH_ID, 20, ED25519_PUBLIC_KEY_HASH_PREFIX, 36}
	HashTypePkhSecp256k1         = HashType{SECP256K1_PUBLIC_KEY_HASH_ID, 20, SECP256K1_PUBLIC_KEY_HASH_PREFIX, 36}
	HashTypePkhP256              = HashType{P256_PUBLIC_KEY_HASH_ID, 20, P256_PUBLIC_KEY_HASH_PREFIX, 36}
	HashTypePkhNocurve           = HashType{NOCURVE_PUBLIC_KEY_HASH_ID, 20, NOCURVE_PUBLIC_KEY_HASH_PREFIX, 36}
	HashTypePkhBlinded           = HashType{BLINDED_PUBLIC_KEY_HASH_ID, 20, BLINDED_PUBLIC_KEY_HASH_PREFIX, 37}
	HashTypeBlock                = HashType{BLOCK_HASH_ID, 32, BLOCK_HASH_PREFIX, 51}
	HashTypeOperation            = HashType{OPERATION_HASH_ID, 32, OPERATION_HASH_PREFIX, 51}
	HashTypeOperationList        = HashType{OPERATION_LIST_HASH_ID, 32, OPERATION_LIST_HASH_PREFIX, 52}
	HashTypeProtocol             = HashType{PROTOCOL_HASH_ID, 32, PROTOCOL_HASH_PREFIX, 51}
	HashTypeContext              = HashType{CONTEXT_HASH_ID, 32, CONTEXT_HASH_PREFIX, 52}
	HashTypeNonce                = HashType{NONCE_HASH_ID, 32, NONCE_HASH_PREFIX, 53}
	HashTypeSeedEd25519          = HashType{ED25519_SEED_ID, 32, ED25519_SEED_PREFIX, 54}
	HashTypePkEd25519            = HashType{ED25519_PUBLIC_KEY_ID, 32, ED25519_PUBLIC_KEY_PREFIX, 54}
	HashTypeSkEd25519            = HashType{ED25519_SECRET_KEY_ID, 64, ED25519_SECRET_KEY_PREFIX, 98}
	HashTypePkSecp256k1          = HashType{SECP256K1_PUBLIC_KEY_ID, 33, SECP256K1_PUBLIC_KEY_PREFIX, 55}
	HashTypeSkSecp256k1          = HashType{SECP256K1_SECRET_KEY_ID, 32, SECP256K1_SECRET_KEY_PREFIX, 54}
	HashTypePkP256               = HashType{P256_PUBLIC_KEY_ID, 33, P256_PUBLIC_KEY_PREFIX, 55}
	HashTypeSkP256               = HashType{P256_SECRET_KEY_ID, 32, P256_SECRET_KEY_PREFIX, 54}
	HashTypeScalarSecp256k1      = HashType{SECP256K1_SCALAR_ID, 33, SECP256K1_SCALAR_PREFIX, 53}
	HashTypeElementSecp256k1     = HashType{SECP256K1_ELEMENT_ID, 33, SECP256K1_ELEMENT_PREFIX, 54}
	HashTypeScriptExpr           = HashType{SCRIPT_EXPR_HASH_ID, 32, SCRIPT_EXPR_HASH_PREFIX, 54}
	HashTypeEncryptedSeedEd25519 = HashType{ED25519_ENCRYPTED_SEED_ID, 56, ED25519_ENCRYPTED_SEED_PREFIX, 88}
	HashTypeEncryptedSkSecp256k1 = HashType{SECP256K1_ENCRYPTED_SECRET_KEY_ID, 56, SECP256K1_ENCRYPTED_SECRET_KEY_PREFIX, 88}
	HashTypeEncryptedSkP256      = HashType{P256_ENCRYPTED_SECRET_KEY_ID, 56, P256_ENCRYPTED_SECRET_KEY_PREFIX, 88}
	HashTypeSigEd25519           = HashType{ED25519_SIGNATURE_ID, 64, ED25519_SIGNATURE_PREFIX, 99}
	HashTypeSigSecp256k1         = HashType{SECP256K1_SIGNATURE_ID, 64, SECP256K1_SIGNATURE_PREFIX, 99}
	HashTypeSigP256              = HashType{P256_SIGNATURE_ID, 64, P256_SIGNATURE_PREFIX, 98}
	HashTypeSigGeneric           = HashType{GENERIC_SIGNATURE_ID, 64, GENERIC_SIGNATURE_PREFIX, 96}

	HashTypeBlockPayload              = HashType{BLOCK_PAYLOAD_HASH_ID, 32, BLOCK_PAYLOAD_HASH_PREFIX, 52}
	HashTypeBlockMetadata             = HashType{BLOCK_METADATA_HASH_ID, 32, BLOCK_METADATA_HASH_PREFIX, 52}
	HashTypeOperationMetadata         = HashType{OPERATION_METADATA_HASH_ID, 32, OPERATION_METADATA_HASH_PREFIX, 51}
	HashTypeEncryptedSecp256k1Scalar  = HashType{SECP256K1_ENCRYPTED_SCALAR_ID, 60, SECP256K1_ENCRYPTED_SCALAR_PREFIX, 93}
	HashTypeSaplingSpendingKey        = HashType{SAPLING_SPENDING_KEY_ID, 169, SAPLING_SPENDING_KEY_PREFIX, 241}
	HashTypeSaplingAddress            = HashType{SAPLING_ADDRESS_ID, 43, SAPLING_ADDRESS_PREFIX, 69}

	HashTypePkhBls12_381              = HashType{BLS12_381_PUBLIC_KEY_HASH_ID, 20, BLS12_381_PUBLIC_KEY_HASH_PREFIX, 36}
	HashTypeSigBls12_381              = HashType{BLS12_381_SIGNATURE_ID, 96, BLS12_381_SIGNATURE_PREFIX, 142}
	HashTypePkBls12_381               = HashType{BLS12_381_PUBLIC_KEY_ID, 48, BLS12_381_PUBLIC_KEY_PREFIX, 76}
	HashTypeSkBls12_381               = HashType{BLS12_381_SECRET_KEY_ID, 32, BLS12_381_SECRET_KEY_PREFIX, 54}
	HashTypeEncryptedSkBls12_381      = HashType{BLS12_381_ENCRYPTED_SECRET_KEY_ID, 58, BLS12_381_ENCRYPTED_SECRET_KEY_PREFIX, 88}
	HashTypeTxRollupAddress           = HashType{TX_ROLLUP_ADDRESS_ID, 20, TX_ROLLUP_ADDRESS_PREFIX, 37}
	HashTypeTxRollupInbox             = HashType{TX_ROLLUP_INBOX_HASH_ID, 32, TX_ROLLUP_INBOX_HASH_PREFIX, 53}
	HashTypeTxRollupMessage           = HashType{TX_ROLLUP_MESSAGE_HASH_ID, 32, TX_ROLLUP_MESSAGE_HASH_PREFIX, 53}
	HashTypeSmartRollupAddress        = HashType{SMART_ROLLUP_ADDRESS_ID, 20, SMART_ROLLUP_ADDRESS_PREFIX, 36}
	HashTypeSmartRollupStateHash      = HashType{SMART_ROLLUP_STATE_HASH_ID, 32, SMART_ROLLUP_STATE_HASH_PREFIX, 54}
View Source
var (
	// ErrUnknownKeyType describes an error where a type for a
	// public key is undefined.
	ErrUnknownKeyType = errors.New("tezos: unknown key type")

	// ErrPassphrase is returned when a required passphrase is missing
	ErrPassphrase = errors.New("tezos: passphrase required")

	InvalidKey = Key{Type: KeyTypeInvalid, Data: nil}

	// Digest is an alias for blake2b checksum algorithm
	Digest = blake2b.Sum256
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var (
	// 4 byte hash magics
	CHAIN_ID = []byte{0x57, 0x52, 0x00} // "\087\082\000" (* Net(15) *)

	// 16 byte hash magics
	ID_HASH_ID = []byte{0x99, 0x67} // "\153\103" (* id(30) *) cryptobox_public_key_hash

	// 20 byte hash magics
	ED25519_PUBLIC_KEY_HASH_ID   = []byte{0x06, 0xA1, 0x9F}       // "\006\161\159" (* tz1(36) *)
	SECP256K1_PUBLIC_KEY_HASH_ID = []byte{0x06, 0xA1, 0xA1}       // "\006\161\161" (* tz2(36) *)
	P256_PUBLIC_KEY_HASH_ID      = []byte{0x06, 0xA1, 0xA4}       // "\006\161\164" (* tz3(36) *)
	NOCURVE_PUBLIC_KEY_HASH_ID   = []byte{0x02, 0x5A, 0x79}       // "\002\090\121" (* KT1(36) *)
	BLINDED_PUBLIC_KEY_HASH_ID   = []byte{0x01, 0x02, 0x31, 0xDF} // "\002\090\121" (* btz1(37) *)

	// 32 byte hash magics
	BLOCK_HASH_ID               = []byte{0x01, 0x34}       // "\001\052" (* B(51) *)
	OPERATION_HASH_ID           = []byte{0x05, 0x74}       // "\005\116" (* o(51) *)
	OPERATION_LIST_HASH_ID      = []byte{0x85, 0xE9}       // "\133\233" (* Lo(52) *)
	OPERATION_LIST_LIST_HASH_ID = []byte{0x1D, 0x9F, 0x6D} // "\029\159\109" (* LLo(53) *)
	PROTOCOL_HASH_ID            = []byte{0x02, 0xAA}       // "\002\170" (* P(51) *)
	CONTEXT_HASH_ID             = []byte{0x4F, 0xC7}       // "\079\199" (* Co(52) *)
	NONCE_HASH_ID               = []byte{0x45, 0xDC, 0xA9} // "\069\220\169" (* nce(53) *)

	BLOCK_PAYLOAD_HASH_ID                = []byte{0x01, 0x6A, 0xF2} // "\001\106\242" (* vh(52) *)
	BLOCK_METADATA_HASH_ID               = []byte{0xEA, 0xF9}       // "\234\249" (* bm(52) *)
	OPERATION_METADATA_HASH_ID           = []byte{0x05, 0xB7}       // "\005\183" (* r(51) *)
	OPERATION_METADATA_LIST_HASH_ID      = []byte{0x86, 0x27}       // "\134\039" (* Lr(52) *)
	OPERATION_METADATA_LIST_LIST_HASH_ID = []byte{0x1D, 0x9F, 0xB6} // "\029\159\182" (* LLr(53) *)

	ED25519_SEED_ID         = []byte{0x0D, 0x0F, 0x3A, 0x07} // "\013\015\058\007" (* edsk(54) *)
	ED25519_PUBLIC_KEY_ID   = []byte{0x0D, 0x0F, 0x25, 0xD9} // "\013\015\037\217" (* edpk(54) *)
	SECP256K1_SECRET_KEY_ID = []byte{0x11, 0xA2, 0xE0, 0xC9} // "\017\162\224\201" (* spsk(54) *)
	P256_SECRET_KEY_ID      = []byte{0x10, 0x51, 0xEE, 0xBD} // "\016\081\238\189" (* p2sk(54) *)

	// 33 byte hash magics
	SECP256K1_PUBLIC_KEY_ID = []byte{0x03, 0xFE, 0xE2, 0x56} // "\003\254\226\086" (* sppk(55) *)
	P256_PUBLIC_KEY_ID      = []byte{0x03, 0xB2, 0x8B, 0x7F} // "\003\178\139\127" (* p2pk(55) *)
	SECP256K1_SCALAR_ID     = []byte{0x26, 0xF8, 0x88}       // "\038\248\136" (* SSp(53) *)
	SECP256K1_ELEMENT_ID    = []byte{0x05, 0x5C, 0x00}       // "\005\092\000" (* GSp(54) *)

	// 54 byte hash magics
	SCRIPT_EXPR_HASH_ID = []byte{0x0D, 0x2C, 0x40, 0x1B} // "\013\044\064\027" (* expr(54) *)

	// 56 byte hash magics
	ED25519_ENCRYPTED_SEED_ID         = []byte{0x07, 0x5A, 0x3C, 0xB3, 0x29} // "\007\090\060\179\041" (* edesk(88) *)
	SECP256K1_ENCRYPTED_SECRET_KEY_ID = []byte{0x09, 0xED, 0xF1, 0xAE, 0x96} // "\009\237\241\174\150" (* spesk(88) *)
	P256_ENCRYPTED_SECRET_KEY_ID      = []byte{0x09, 0x30, 0x39, 0x73, 0xAB} // "\009\048\057\115\171" (* p2esk(88) *)

	// 60 byte hash magics
	SECP256K1_ENCRYPTED_SCALAR_ID = []byte{0x01, 0x83, 0x24, 0x56, 0xF8} // "\001\131\036\086\248" (* seesk(93) *)

	// 64 byte hash magics
	ED25519_SECRET_KEY_ID  = []byte{0x2B, 0xF6, 0x4E, 0x07}       // "\043\246\078\007" (* edsk(98) *)
	ED25519_SIGNATURE_ID   = []byte{0x09, 0xF5, 0xCD, 0x86, 0x12} // "\009\245\205\134\018" (* edsig(99) *)
	SECP256K1_SIGNATURE_ID = []byte{0x0D, 0x73, 0x65, 0x13, 0x3F} // "\013\115\101\019\063" (* spsig1(99) *)
	P256_SIGNATURE_ID      = []byte{0x36, 0xF0, 0x2C, 0x34}       // "\054\240\044\052" (* p2sig(98) *)
	GENERIC_SIGNATURE_ID   = []byte{0x04, 0x82, 0x2B}             // "\004\130\043" (* sig(96) *)

	// Sapling magics
	SAPLING_SPENDING_KEY_ID = []byte{0x0b, 0xED, 0x14, 0x5C} // "\011\237\020\092" (* sask(241) *)
	SAPLING_ADDRESS_ID      = []byte{0x12, 0x47, 0x28, 0xDF} // "\018\071\040\223" (* zet1(69) *)

	// Rollup hash magics
	BLS12_381_PUBLIC_KEY_HASH_ID          = []byte{6, 161, 166}             // "\006\161\166" tz4(36) 20
	GENERIC_AGGREGATE_SIGNATURE_ID        = []byte{2, 075, 234, 101}        // "\002\075\234\101" asig(96) 141
	BLS12_381_SIGNATURE_ID                = []byte{40, 171, 64, 207}        // "\040\171\064\207" (* BLsig(96) *) 142
	BLS12_381_PUBLIC_KEY_ID               = []byte{6, 149, 135, 204}        // "\006\149\135\204" (* BLpk(48) *) 76
	BLS12_381_SECRET_KEY_ID               = []byte{3, 150, 192, 40}         // "\003\150\192\040" (* BLsk(32) *) 54
	BLS12_381_ENCRYPTED_SECRET_KEY_ID     = []byte{2, 5, 30, 53, 25}        // "\002\005\030\053\025" (* BLesk(58) *) 88
	TX_ROLLUP_ADDRESS_ID                  = []byte{1, 128, 120, 31}         // "\001\128\120\031" txr1(37) 20
	TX_ROLLUP_INBOX_HASH_ID               = []byte{79, 148, 196}            // "\079\148\196" txi(53) 32
	TX_ROLLUP_MESSAGE_HASH_ID             = []byte{79, 149, 30}             // "\079\149\030" txm(53) 32
	TX_ROLLUP_COMMITMENT_HASH_ID          = []byte{79, 148, 17}             // "\079\148\017" txc(53) 32
	TX_ROLLUP_MESSAGE_RESULT_HASH_ID      = []byte{18, 7, 206, 87}          // "\018\007\206\087" txmr(54) 32
	TX_ROLLUP_MESSAGE_RESULT_LIST_HASH_ID = []byte{79, 146, 82}             // "\079\146\082" txM(53) 32
	TX_ROLLUP_WITHDRAW_LIST_HASH_ID       = []byte{79, 150, 72}             // "\079\150\072" txw(53) 32
	SMART_ROLLUP_ADDRESS_ID               = []byte{6, 124, 117}             // "\001\118\132\217" sr1(36) 20
	SMART_ROLLUP_STATE_HASH_ID            = []byte{17, 165, 235, 240}       // "\017\165\235\240" srs1(54)
	SMART_ROLLUP_COMMITMENT_HASH_ID       = []byte{17, 165, 134, 138}       // "\017\165\134\138" (* src1(54) *)
	SMART_ROLLUP_REVEAL_HASH_ID           = []byte{230, 206, 128, 200, 196} // "\230\206\128\200\196" scrrh1(56)
View Source
var (
	// DefaultParams defines the blockchain configuration for Mainnet under the latest
	// protocol. It is used to generate compliant transaction encodings. To change,
	// either overwrite this default or set custom params per operation using
	// op.WithParams().
	DefaultParams = (&Params{
		MinimalBlockDelay:            10 * time.Second,
		CostPerByte:                  250,
		OriginationSize:              257,
		HardGasLimitPerOperation:     1040000,
		HardGasLimitPerBlock:         1733333,
		HardStorageLimitPerOperation: 60000,
		MaxOperationDataLength:       32768,
		MaxOperationsTTL:             360,

	// GhostnetParams defines the blockchain configuration for Ghostnet testnet.
	// To produce compliant transactions, use these defaults in op.WithParams().
	GhostnetParams = (&Params{
		MinimalBlockDelay:            8 * time.Second,
		CostPerByte:                  250,
		OriginationSize:              257,
		HardGasLimitPerOperation:     1040000,
		HardGasLimitPerBlock:         1733333,
		HardStorageLimitPerOperation: 60000,
		MaxOperationDataLength:       32768,
		MaxOperationsTTL:             360,

	// NairobinetParams defines the blockchain configuration for Nairobi testnet.
	// To produce compliant transactions, use these defaults in op.WithParams().
	NairobinetParams = (&Params{
		MinimalBlockDelay:            8 * time.Second,
		CostPerByte:                  250,
		OriginationSize:              257,
		HardGasLimitPerOperation:     1040000,
		HardGasLimitPerBlock:         2600000,
		HardStorageLimitPerOperation: 60000,
		MaxOperationDataLength:       32768,
		MaxOperationsTTL:             240,

	// OxfordnetParams defines the blockchain configuration for Oxford testnet.
	// To produce compliant transactions, use these defaults in op.WithParams().
	OxfordnetParams = (&Params{
		MinimalBlockDelay:            8 * time.Second,
		CostPerByte:                  250,
		OriginationSize:              257,
		HardGasLimitPerOperation:     1040000,
		HardGasLimitPerBlock:         2600000,
		HardStorageLimitPerOperation: 60000,
		MaxOperationDataLength:       32768,
		MaxOperationsTTL:             240,

	// ParisnetParams defines the blockchain configuration for Paris testnet.
	// To produce compliant transactions, use these defaults in op.WithParams().
	ParisnetParams = (&Params{
		MinimalBlockDelay:            5 * time.Second,
		CostPerByte:                  250,
		OriginationSize:              257,
		HardGasLimitPerOperation:     1040000,
		HardGasLimitPerBlock:         1733333,
		HardStorageLimitPerOperation: 60000,
		MaxOperationDataLength:       32768,
		MaxOperationsTTL:             360,
View Source
var (
	ProtoAlpha     = MustParseProtocolHash("ProtoALphaALphaALphaALphaALphaALphaALphaALphaDdp3zK")
	ProtoGenesis   = MustParseProtocolHash("PrihK96nBAFSxVL1GLJTVhu9YnzkMFiBeuJRPA8NwuZVZCE1L6i")
	ProtoBootstrap = MustParseProtocolHash("Ps9mPmXaRzmzk35gbAYNCAw6UXdE2qoABTHbN2oEEc1qM7CwT9P")
	ProtoV001      = MustParseProtocolHash("PtCJ7pwoxe8JasnHY8YonnLYjcVHmhiARPJvqcC6VfHT5s8k8sY")
	ProtoV002      = MustParseProtocolHash("PsYLVpVvgbLhAhoqAkMFUo6gudkJ9weNXhUYCiLDzcUpFpkk8Wt")
	ProtoV003      = MustParseProtocolHash("PsddFKi32cMJ2qPjf43Qv5GDWLDPZb3T3bF6fLKiF5HtvHNU7aP")
	ProtoV004      = MustParseProtocolHash("Pt24m4xiPbLDhVgVfABUjirbmda3yohdN82Sp9FeuAXJ4eV9otd")
	ProtoV005_2    = MustParseProtocolHash("PsBabyM1eUXZseaJdmXFApDSBqj8YBfwELoxZHHW77EMcAbbwAS")
	ProtoV006_2    = MustParseProtocolHash("PsCARTHAGazKbHtnKfLzQg3kms52kSRpgnDY982a9oYsSXRLQEb")
	ProtoV007      = MustParseProtocolHash("PsDELPH1Kxsxt8f9eWbxQeRxkjfbxoqM52jvs5Y5fBxWWh4ifpo")
	ProtoV008_2    = MustParseProtocolHash("PtEdo2ZkT9oKpimTah6x2embF25oss54njMuPzkJTEi5RqfdZFA")
	ProtoV009      = MustParseProtocolHash("PsFLorenaUUuikDWvMDr6fGBRG8kt3e3D3fHoXK1j1BFRxeSH4i")
	ProtoV010      = MustParseProtocolHash("PtGRANADsDU8R9daYKAgWnQYAJ64omN1o3KMGVCykShA97vQbvV")
	ProtoV011_2    = MustParseProtocolHash("PtHangz2aRngywmSRGGvrcTyMbbdpWdpFKuS4uMWxg2RaH9i1qx")
	ProtoV012_2    = MustParseProtocolHash("Psithaca2MLRFYargivpo7YvUr7wUDqyxrdhC5CQq78mRvimz6A")
	ProtoV013_2    = MustParseProtocolHash("PtJakart2xVj7pYXJBXrqHgd82rdkLey5ZeeGwDgPp9rhQUbSqY")
	ProtoV014      = MustParseProtocolHash("PtKathmankSpLLDALzWw7CGD2j2MtyveTwboEYokqUCP4a1LxMg")
	ProtoV015      = MustParseProtocolHash("PtLimaPtLMwfNinJi9rCfDPWea8dFgTZ1MeJ9f1m2SRic6ayiwW")
	ProtoV016_2    = MustParseProtocolHash("PtMumbai2TmsJHNGRkD8v8YDbtao7BLUC3wjASn1inAKLFCjaH1")
	ProtoV017      = MustParseProtocolHash("PtNairobiyssHuh87hEhfVBGCVrK3WnS8Z2FT4ymB5tAa4r1nQf")
	ProtoV018      = MustParseProtocolHash("ProxfordYmVfjWnRcgjWH36fW6PArwqykTFzotUxRs6gmTcZDuH")
	ProtoV019      = MustParseProtocolHash("PtParisBxoLz5gzMmn3d9WBQNoPSZakgnkMC2VNuQ3KXfUtUQeZ")

	// aliases
	PtAthens  = ProtoV004
	PsBabyM1  = ProtoV005_2
	PsCARTHA  = ProtoV006_2
	PsDELPH1  = ProtoV007
	PtEdo2Zk  = ProtoV008_2
	PsFLoren  = ProtoV009
	PtGRANAD  = ProtoV010
	PtHangz2  = ProtoV011_2
	Psithaca  = ProtoV012_2
	PtJakart  = ProtoV013_2
	PtKathma  = ProtoV014
	PtLimaPt  = ProtoV015
	PtMumbai  = ProtoV016_2
	PtNairobi = ProtoV017
	Proxford  = ProtoV018
	PtParisB  = ProtoV019

	Mainnet    = MustParseChainIdHash("NetXdQprcVkpaWU")
	Ghostnet   = MustParseChainIdHash("NetXnHfVqm9iesp")
	Nairobinet = MustParseChainIdHash("NetXyuzvDo2Ugzb")
	Oxfordnet  = MustParseChainIdHash("NetXxWsskGahzQB")
	Parisnet   = MustParseChainIdHash("NetXo8SqH1c38SS")

	Versions = map[ProtocolHash]int{
		ProtoGenesis:   0,
		ProtoBootstrap: 0,
		ProtoV001:      1,
		ProtoV002:      2,
		ProtoV003:      3,
		ProtoV004:      4,
		ProtoV005_2:    5,
		ProtoV006_2:    6,
		ProtoV007:      7,
		ProtoV008_2:    8,
		ProtoV009:      9,
		ProtoV010:      10,
		ProtoV011_2:    11,
		ProtoV012_2:    12,
		ProtoV013_2:    13,
		ProtoV014:      14,
		ProtoV015:      15,
		ProtoV016_2:    16,
		ProtoV017:      17,
		ProtoV018:      18,
		ProtoV019:      19,
		ProtoAlpha:     20,

	Deployments = map[ChainIdHash]ProtocolHistory{
		Mainnet: {
			{ProtoGenesis, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5, 4096, 256},
			{ProtoBootstrap, 0, 1, 1, 0, 5, 4096, 256},
			{ProtoV001, 2, 2, 28082, 0, 5, 4096, 256},
			{ProtoV002, 3507, 28083, 204761, 6, 5, 4096, 256},
			{ProtoV003, 4057, 204762, 458752, 49, 5, 4096, 256},
			{PtAthens, 0, 458753, 655360, 112, 5, 4096, 256},
			{PsBabyM1, 0, 655361, 851968, 160, 5, 4096, 256},
			{PsCARTHA, 0, 851969, 1212416, 208, 5, 4096, 256},
			{PsDELPH1, 0, 1212417, 1343488, 296, 5, 4096, 256},
			{PtEdo2Zk, 0, 1343489, 1466367, 328, 5, 4096, 256},
			{PsFLoren, 4095, 1466368, 1589247, 357, 5, 4096, 256},
			{PtGRANAD, -1, 1589248, 1916928, 388, 5, 8192, 512},
			{PtHangz2, 0, 1916929, 2244608, 428, 5, 8192, 512},
			{Psithaca, 0, 2244609, 2490368, 468, 5, 8192, 512},
			{PtJakart, 0, 2490369, 2736128, 498, 5, 8192, 512},
			{PtKathma, 0, 2736129, 2981888, 528, 5, 8192, 512},
			{PtLimaPt, 0, 2981889, 3268608, 558, 5, 8192, 512},
			{PtMumbai, 0, 3268609, 3760128, 593, 5, 16384, 1024},
			{PtNairobi, 0, 3760129, 5070848, 623, 5, 16384, 1024},
			{Proxford, 0, 5070849, 5726208, 703, 5, 16384, 1024},
			{PtParisB, 0, 5726209, -1, 743, 2, 24576, 24576},
		Ghostnet: {
			{ProtoGenesis, 0, 0, 0, 0, 3, 4096, 256},
			{ProtoBootstrap, 0, 1, 1, 0, 3, 4096, 256},
			{PtHangz2, 2, 2, 8191, 0, 3, 4096, 256},
			{Psithaca, 0, 8192, 765952, 2, 3, 4096, 256},
			{PtJakart, 0, 765953, 1191936, 187, 3, 4096, 256},
			{PtKathma, 0, 1191937, 1654784, 291, 3, 4096, 256},
			{PtLimaPt, 0, 1654785, 2162688, 404, 3, 4096, 256},
			{PtMumbai, 0, 2162689, 2957312, 528, 3, 8192, 512},
			{PtNairobi, 0, 2957313, 5316608, 625, 3, 8192, 512},
			{Proxford, 0, 5316609, -1, 913, 3, 8192, 512},
		Nairobinet: {
			{ProtoGenesis, 0, 0, 0, 0, 3, 8192, 512},
			{ProtoBootstrap, 0, 1, 1, 0, 3, 8192, 512},
			{PtMumbai, 2, 2, 16384, 0, 3, 8192, 512},
			{PtNairobi, 0, 16385, -1, 2, 3, 8192, 512},
		Oxfordnet: {
			{ProtoGenesis, 0, 0, 0, 0, 3, 8192, 512},
			{ProtoBootstrap, 0, 1, 1, 0, 3, 8192, 512},
			{PtNairobi, 2, 2, 16384, 0, 3, 8192, 512},
			{Proxford, 0, 16385, -1, 2, 3, 8192, 512},
		Parisnet: {
			{ProtoGenesis, 0, 0, 0, 0, 3, 8192, 512},
			{ProtoBootstrap, 0, 1, 1, 0, 3, 8192, 512},
			{Proxford, 2, 2, 16384, 0, 3, 8192, 512},
			{PtParisB, 0, 16385, -1, 2, 2, 12288, 12288},
View Source
var (
	// ErrUnknownSignatureType describes an error where a type for a
	// signature is undefined.
	ErrUnknownSignatureType = errors.New("unknown signature type")

	// ErrSignature is returned when signature verification fails
	ErrSignature = errors.New("signature mismatch")

	// InvalidSignature represents an empty invalid signature
	InvalidSignature = Signature{Type: SignatureTypeInvalid, Data: nil}

	// ZeroSignature represents a valid signature derived from null bytes
	ZeroSignature = MustParseSignature("sigMzJ4GVAvXEd2RjsKGfG2H9QvqTSKCZsuB2KiHbZRGFz72XgF6KaKADznh674fQgBatxw3xdHqTtMHUZAGRprxy64wg1aq")
View Source
var (
	InvalidToken = Token{}

	// ZeroToken is a placeholder token with zero hash and zero id that may be
	// used by applications to represent tez or another default option where
	// a token address is expected.
	ZeroToken = NewToken(ZeroContract, Zero)
View Source
var Zero = NewZ(0)


func BlindHash

func BlindHash(hash, secret []byte) ([]byte, error)

func EncodeAddress

func EncodeAddress(typ AddressType, hash []byte) string

func EncodeBlindedAddress

func EncodeBlindedAddress(hash, secret []byte) (string, error)

func HasAddressPrefix

func HasAddressPrefix(s string) bool

func HasKeyPrefix

func HasKeyPrefix(s string) bool

func HasSignaturePrefix

func HasSignaturePrefix(s string) bool

func IsAddressBytes

func IsAddressBytes(b []byte) bool

IsAddressBytes checks whether a buffer likely contains a binary encoded address.

func IsEncryptedKey

func IsEncryptedKey(s string) bool

func IsPrivateKey

func IsPrivateKey(s string) bool

func IsPublicKey

func IsPublicKey(s string) bool

func IsSignature

func IsSignature(s string) bool

func MatchBlindedAddress

func MatchBlindedAddress(a, b Address, secret []byte) bool

Checks if address a when blinded with secret equals blinded address b.

func Short

func Short(v any) string


type Address

type Address [21]byte

Address represents a typed tezos address

func BlindAddress

func BlindAddress(a Address, secret []byte) (Address, error)

func DecodeBlindedAddress

func DecodeBlindedAddress(addr string) (a Address, err error)

func MustParseAddress

func MustParseAddress(addr string) Address

func NewAddress

func NewAddress(typ AddressType, hash []byte) (a Address)

func ParseAddress

func ParseAddress(addr string) (a Address, err error)

func (Address) Clone

func (a Address) Clone() (b Address)

func (Address) ContractAddress

func (a Address) ContractAddress() string

ContractAddress returns the string encoding of the address when used as originated contract.

func (*Address) Decode

func (a *Address) Decode(b []byte) error

Decode reads a 21 byte or 22 byte address versions and is resilient to longer byte strings that contain extra padding or a suffix (e.g. an entrypoint suffix as found in smart contract data).

func (Address) Encode

func (a Address) Encode() []byte

Bytes returns the 21 (implicit) or 22 byte (contract) tagged and optionally padded binary hash value of the address. func (a Address) Bytes() []byte {

func (Address) EncodePadded

func (a Address) EncodePadded() []byte

Bytes22 returns the 22 byte tagged and padded binary encoding for contracts and EOAs (tz1/2/3). In contrast to Bytes which outputs the 21 byte address for EOAs here we add a leading 0-byte. func (a Address) Bytes22() []byte {

func (Address) Equal

func (a Address) Equal(b Address) bool

func (Address) Hash

func (a Address) Hash() []byte

func (Address) IsContract

func (a Address) IsContract() bool

func (Address) IsEOA

func (a Address) IsEOA() bool

func (Address) IsRollup

func (a Address) IsRollup() bool

func (Address) IsValid

func (a Address) IsValid() bool

func (Address) KeyType

func (a Address) KeyType() KeyType

func (Address) MarshalBinary

func (a Address) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)

MarshalBinary outputs the 21 byte TzGo version of an address containing a one byte type tag and the 20 byte address hash.

func (Address) MarshalText

func (a Address) MarshalText() ([]byte, error)

func (*Address) Set

func (a *Address) Set(addr string) (err error)

Set implements the flags.Value interface for use in command line argument parsing.

func (Address) SmartRollupAddress

func (a Address) SmartRollupAddress() string

SmartRollupAddress returns the string encoding of the address when used as smart rollup contract.

func (Address) String

func (a Address) String() string

String returns the string encoding of the address.

func (Address) TxRollupAddress

func (a Address) TxRollupAddress() string

TxRollupAddress returns the string encoding of the address when used as rollup contract.

func (Address) Type

func (a Address) Type() AddressType

func (*Address) UnmarshalBinary

func (a *Address) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error

UnmarshalBinary reads the 21 byte TzGo version of an address containing a one byte type tag and the 20 byte address hash.

func (*Address) UnmarshalText

func (a *Address) UnmarshalText(data []byte) error

type AddressFilter

type AddressFilter struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewAddressFilter

func NewAddressFilter(addrs ...Address) *AddressFilter

func (*AddressFilter) Add

func (s *AddressFilter) Add(addr Address)

func (*AddressFilter) AddUnique

func (s *AddressFilter) AddUnique(addr Address) bool

func (AddressFilter) Contains

func (s AddressFilter) Contains(addr Address) bool

func (*AddressFilter) Len

func (s *AddressFilter) Len() int

func (*AddressFilter) Merge

func (s *AddressFilter) Merge(b *AddressFilter)

func (*AddressFilter) Remove

func (s *AddressFilter) Remove(addr Address)

type AddressSet

type AddressSet struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func BuildAddressSet

func BuildAddressSet(s ...string) (*AddressSet, error)

func MustBuildAddressSet

func MustBuildAddressSet(s ...string) *AddressSet

func NewAddressSet

func NewAddressSet(addrs ...Address) *AddressSet

func (*AddressSet) Add

func (s *AddressSet) Add(addr Address)

func (*AddressSet) AddUnique

func (s *AddressSet) AddUnique(addr Address) bool

func (*AddressSet) Clear

func (s *AddressSet) Clear()

func (*AddressSet) Contains

func (s *AddressSet) Contains(addr Address) bool

func (AddressSet) HasCollisions

func (s AddressSet) HasCollisions() bool

func (AddressSet) HasIntersect

func (s AddressSet) HasIntersect(t *AddressSet) bool

func (AddressSet) Intersect

func (s AddressSet) Intersect(t *AddressSet) *AddressSet

func (*AddressSet) Len

func (s *AddressSet) Len() int

func (AddressSet) Map

func (s AddressSet) Map() map[uint64]Address

func (*AddressSet) Merge

func (s *AddressSet) Merge(b *AddressSet)

func (*AddressSet) Remove

func (s *AddressSet) Remove(addr Address)

func (AddressSet) Slice

func (s AddressSet) Slice() []Address

type AddressType

type AddressType byte

AddressType represents the type of a Tezos signature.

const (
	AddressTypeInvalid     AddressType = iota // 0
	AddressTypeEd25519                        // 1
	AddressTypeSecp256k1                      // 2
	AddressTypeP256                           // 3
	AddressTypeContract                       // 4
	AddressTypeBlinded                        // 5
	AddressTypeBls12_381                      // 6
	AddressTypeTxRollup                       // 7
	AddressTypeSmartRollup                    // 8

func DetectAddressType

func DetectAddressType(s string) AddressType

func ParseAddressType

func ParseAddressType(s string) AddressType

func (AddressType) HashType

func (t AddressType) HashType() HashType

func (AddressType) IsValid

func (t AddressType) IsValid() bool

func (AddressType) KeyType

func (t AddressType) KeyType() KeyType

func (AddressType) MarshalText

func (t AddressType) MarshalText() ([]byte, error)

func (AddressType) Prefix

func (t AddressType) Prefix() string

func (AddressType) String

func (t AddressType) String() string

func (AddressType) Tag

func (t AddressType) Tag() byte

func (*AddressType) UnmarshalText

func (t *AddressType) UnmarshalText(data []byte) error

type BallotVote

type BallotVote byte

BallotVote represents a named ballot in Tezos.

const (
	BallotVoteInvalid BallotVote = iota

func ParseBallotTag

func ParseBallotTag(t byte) BallotVote

func ParseBallotVote

func ParseBallotVote(s string) BallotVote

func (BallotVote) IsValid

func (v BallotVote) IsValid() bool

func (BallotVote) MarshalText

func (v BallotVote) MarshalText() ([]byte, error)

func (BallotVote) String

func (v BallotVote) String() string

func (BallotVote) Tag

func (v BallotVote) Tag() byte

func (*BallotVote) UnmarshalBinary

func (v *BallotVote) UnmarshalBinary(data []byte) error

func (*BallotVote) UnmarshalText

func (v *BallotVote) UnmarshalText(data []byte) error

type BlockHash

type BlockHash [32]byte


func MustParseBlockHash

func MustParseBlockHash(s string) BlockHash

func NewBlockHash

func NewBlockHash(buf []byte) (h BlockHash)

func ParseBlockHash

func ParseBlockHash(s string) (h BlockHash, err error)

func (BlockHash) Bytes

func (h BlockHash) Bytes() []byte

func (BlockHash) Clone

func (h BlockHash) Clone() BlockHash

func (BlockHash) Equal

func (h BlockHash) Equal(h2 BlockHash) bool

func (BlockHash) Int64

func (h BlockHash) Int64() int64

Int64 ensures interface compatibility with the RPC packages' BlockID type

func (BlockHash) IsValid

func (h BlockHash) IsValid() bool

func (BlockHash) MarshalBinary

func (h BlockHash) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)

func (BlockHash) MarshalText

func (h BlockHash) MarshalText() ([]byte, error)

func (*BlockHash) Set

func (h *BlockHash) Set(s string) (err error)

Set implements the flags.Value interface for use in command line argument parsing.

func (BlockHash) String

func (h BlockHash) String() string

func (*BlockHash) UnmarshalBinary

func (h *BlockHash) UnmarshalBinary(buf []byte) error

func (*BlockHash) UnmarshalText

func (h *BlockHash) UnmarshalText(buf []byte) error

type Bool

type Bool byte
const (
	False Bool = 0x00
	True  Bool = 0xff

func (*Bool) DecodeBuffer

func (b *Bool) DecodeBuffer(buf *bytes.Buffer) error

func (Bool) EncodeBuffer

func (b Bool) EncodeBuffer(buf *bytes.Buffer) error

type ChainIdHash

type ChainIdHash [4]byte


func MustParseChainIdHash

func MustParseChainIdHash(s string) ChainIdHash

func NewChainIdHash

func NewChainIdHash(buf []byte) (h ChainIdHash)

func ParseChainIdHash

func ParseChainIdHash(s string) (h ChainIdHash, err error)

func (ChainIdHash) Bytes

func (h ChainIdHash) Bytes() []byte

func (ChainIdHash) Clone

func (h ChainIdHash) Clone() ChainIdHash

func (ChainIdHash) Equal

func (h ChainIdHash) Equal(h2 ChainIdHash) bool

func (ChainIdHash) IsValid

func (h ChainIdHash) IsValid() bool

func (ChainIdHash) MarshalBinary

func (h ChainIdHash) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)

func (ChainIdHash) MarshalText

func (h ChainIdHash) MarshalText() ([]byte, error)

func (*ChainIdHash) Set

func (h *ChainIdHash) Set(s string) (err error)

Set implements the flags.Value interface for use in command line argument parsing.

func (ChainIdHash) String

func (h ChainIdHash) String() string

func (ChainIdHash) Uint32

func (h ChainIdHash) Uint32() uint32

func (*ChainIdHash) UnmarshalBinary

func (h *ChainIdHash) UnmarshalBinary(buf []byte) error

func (*ChainIdHash) UnmarshalText

func (h *ChainIdHash) UnmarshalText(buf []byte) error

type ContextHash

type ContextHash [32]byte


func MustParseContextHash

func MustParseContextHash(s string) ContextHash

func NewContextHash

func NewContextHash(buf []byte) (h ContextHash)

func ParseContextHash

func ParseContextHash(s string) (h ContextHash, err error)

func (ContextHash) Bytes

func (h ContextHash) Bytes() []byte

func (ContextHash) Clone

func (h ContextHash) Clone() ContextHash

func (ContextHash) Equal

func (h ContextHash) Equal(h2 ContextHash) bool

func (ContextHash) IsValid

func (h ContextHash) IsValid() bool

func (ContextHash) MarshalBinary

func (h ContextHash) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)

func (ContextHash) MarshalText

func (h ContextHash) MarshalText() ([]byte, error)

func (*ContextHash) Set

func (h *ContextHash) Set(hash string) (err error)

Set implements the flags.Value interface for use in command line argument parsing.

func (ContextHash) String

func (h ContextHash) String() string

func (*ContextHash) UnmarshalBinary

func (h *ContextHash) UnmarshalBinary(buf []byte) error

func (*ContextHash) UnmarshalText

func (h *ContextHash) UnmarshalText(buf []byte) error

type Costs

type Costs struct {
	Fee            int64 // the total fee paid in mutez
	Burn           int64 // total amount of mutez burned (not included in fee)
	GasUsed        int64 // gas used
	StorageUsed    int64 // new storage bytes allocated
	StorageBurn    int64 // mutez burned for allocating new storage (not included in fee)
	AllocationBurn int64 // mutez burned for allocating a new account (not included in fee)

Costs represents all costs paid by an operation in Tezos. Its contents depends on operation type and activity. Consensus and voting operations have no cost, user operations have variable cost. For transactions with internal results costs are a summary.

func (Costs) Add

func (x Costs) Add(y Costs) Costs

Add adds two costs z = x + y and returns the sum z without changing any of the inputs.

type Deployment

type Deployment struct {
	Protocol             ProtocolHash
	StartOffset          int64
	StartHeight          int64
	EndHeight            int64
	StartCycle           int64
	ConsensusRightsDelay int64
	BlocksPerCycle       int64
	BlocksPerSnapshot    int64

type ExprHash

type ExprHash [32]byte


func MustParseExprHash

func MustParseExprHash(s string) ExprHash

func NewExprHash

func NewExprHash(buf []byte) (h ExprHash)

func ParseExprHash

func ParseExprHash(s string) (h ExprHash, err error)

func (ExprHash) Bytes

func (h ExprHash) Bytes() []byte

func (ExprHash) Clone

func (h ExprHash) Clone() ExprHash

func (ExprHash) Equal

func (h ExprHash) Equal(h2 ExprHash) bool

func (ExprHash) IsValid

func (h ExprHash) IsValid() bool

func (ExprHash) MarshalBinary

func (h ExprHash) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)

func (ExprHash) MarshalText

func (h ExprHash) MarshalText() ([]byte, error)

func (*ExprHash) Set

func (h *ExprHash) Set(hash string) (err error)

Set implements the flags.Value interface for use in command line argument parsing.

func (ExprHash) String

func (h ExprHash) String() string

func (*ExprHash) UnmarshalBinary

func (h *ExprHash) UnmarshalBinary(buf []byte) error

func (*ExprHash) UnmarshalText

func (h *ExprHash) UnmarshalText(buf []byte) error

type FeatureVote

type FeatureVote byte

FeatureVote represents liquidity baking votes in Tezos block headers.

const (
	FeatureVoteInvalid FeatureVote = iota

func ParseFeatureVoteTag

func ParseFeatureVoteTag(t byte) FeatureVote

func (FeatureVote) IsValid

func (v FeatureVote) IsValid() bool

func (FeatureVote) MarshalText

func (v FeatureVote) MarshalText() ([]byte, error)

func (FeatureVote) String

func (v FeatureVote) String() string

func (FeatureVote) Tag

func (v FeatureVote) Tag() byte

func (*FeatureVote) UnmarshalBinary

func (v *FeatureVote) UnmarshalBinary(data []byte) error

func (*FeatureVote) UnmarshalJSON

func (v *FeatureVote) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

type HashType

type HashType struct {
	Id        []byte
	Len       int
	B58Prefix string
	B58Len    int

func (HashType) Equal

func (t HashType) Equal(x HashType) bool

func (HashType) IsValid

func (t HashType) IsValid() bool

func (HashType) String

func (t HashType) String() string

type HexBytes

type HexBytes []byte

HexBytes represents bytes as a JSON string of hexadecimal digits

func (HexBytes) Bytes

func (h HexBytes) Bytes() []byte

Bytes type-casts HexBytes back to a byte slice

func (HexBytes) MarshalBinary

func (h HexBytes) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)

MarshalBinary marshals as binary slice. It implements the encoding.BinaryMarshaler interface.

func (HexBytes) MarshalText

func (h HexBytes) MarshalText() ([]byte, error)

MarshalText converts a byte slice to a hex encoded string. It implements the encoding.TextMarshaler interface, so that HexBytes can be used in Go structs in combination with the standard JSON library.

func (*HexBytes) ReadBytes

func (h *HexBytes) ReadBytes(r io.Reader, size int) error

ReadBytes copies size bytes from r into h. If h is nil or too short, a new byte slice is allocated. Fails with io.ErrShortBuffer when less than size bytes can be read from r.

func (HexBytes) String

func (h HexBytes) String() string

String converts a byte slice to a hex encoded string

func (*HexBytes) UnmarshalBinary

func (h *HexBytes) UnmarshalBinary(data []byte) error

UnmarshalBinary umarshals a binary slice. It implements the encoding.BinaryUnmarshaler interface.

func (*HexBytes) UnmarshalText

func (h *HexBytes) UnmarshalText(data []byte) error

UnmarshalText umarshals a hex string to bytes. It implements the encoding.TextUnmarshaler interface, so that HexBytes can be used in Go structs in combination with the standard JSON library.

type Key

type Key struct {
	Type KeyType
	Data []byte

Key represents a public key on the Tezos blockchain.

func DecodeKey

func DecodeKey(buf []byte) (Key, error)

func MustParseKey

func MustParseKey(key string) Key

func NewKey

func NewKey(typ KeyType, data []byte) Key

func ParseKey

func ParseKey(s string) (Key, error)

func (Key) Address

func (k Key) Address() Address

func (Key) Bytes

func (k Key) Bytes() []byte

func (Key) Clone

func (k Key) Clone() Key

func (*Key) DecodeBuffer

func (k *Key) DecodeBuffer(buf *bytes.Buffer) error

func (*Key) EncodeBuffer

func (k *Key) EncodeBuffer(buf *bytes.Buffer) error

func (Key) Hash

func (k Key) Hash() []byte

func (Key) IsEqual

func (k Key) IsEqual(k2 Key) bool

func (Key) IsValid

func (k Key) IsValid() bool

func (Key) MarshalBinary

func (k Key) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)

func (Key) MarshalText

func (k Key) MarshalText() ([]byte, error)

func (*Key) Set

func (k *Key) Set(key string) (err error)

Set implements the flags.Value interface for use in command line argument parsing.

func (Key) String

func (k Key) String() string

func (*Key) UnmarshalBinary

func (k *Key) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error

func (*Key) UnmarshalText

func (k *Key) UnmarshalText(data []byte) error

func (Key) Verify

func (k Key) Verify(hash []byte, sig Signature) error

Verify verifies the signature using the public key.

type KeyType

type KeyType byte

KeyType is a type that describes which cryptograhic curve is used by a public or private key

const (
	KeyTypeEd25519 KeyType = iota

func ParseKeyTag

func ParseKeyTag(b byte) KeyType

func ParseKeyType

func ParseKeyType(s string) (KeyType, bool)

func (KeyType) AddressType

func (t KeyType) AddressType() AddressType

func (KeyType) Curve

func (t KeyType) Curve() elliptic.Curve

func (KeyType) IsValid

func (t KeyType) IsValid() bool

func (KeyType) PkHashType

func (t KeyType) PkHashType() HashType

func (KeyType) PkPrefix

func (t KeyType) PkPrefix() string

func (KeyType) PkPrefixBytes

func (t KeyType) PkPrefixBytes() []byte

func (KeyType) SkHashType

func (t KeyType) SkHashType() HashType

func (KeyType) SkPrefix

func (t KeyType) SkPrefix() string

func (KeyType) SkPrefixBytes

func (t KeyType) SkPrefixBytes() []byte

func (KeyType) SkePrefix

func (t KeyType) SkePrefix() string

func (KeyType) SkePrefixBytes

func (t KeyType) SkePrefixBytes() []byte

func (KeyType) String

func (t KeyType) String() string

func (KeyType) Tag

func (t KeyType) Tag() byte

type Limits

type Limits struct {
	Fee          int64
	GasLimit     int64
	StorageLimit int64

Limits represents all resource limits defined for an operation in Tezos.

func (Limits) Add

func (x Limits) Add(y Limits) Limits

Add adds two limits z = x + y and returns the sum z without changing any of the inputs.

type N

type N int64

A variable length sequence of bytes, encoding a Zarith number. Each byte has a running unary size bit: the most significant bit of each byte tells is this is the last byte in the sequence (0) or if there is more to read (1). Size bits ignored, data is then the binary representation of the absolute value of the number in little endian order.

func NewN

func NewN(i int64) N

func ParseN

func ParseN(s string) (N, error)

func (N) Clone

func (n N) Clone() N

func (N) Decimals

func (n N) Decimals(d int) string

func (*N) DecodeBuffer

func (n *N) DecodeBuffer(buf *bytes.Buffer) error

func (N) EncodeBuffer

func (n N) EncodeBuffer(buf *bytes.Buffer) error

func (N) Equal

func (n N) Equal(x N) bool

func (N) Int64

func (n N) Int64() int64

func (N) IsZero

func (n N) IsZero() bool

func (N) MarshalBinary

func (n N) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)

func (N) MarshalText

func (n N) MarshalText() ([]byte, error)

func (*N) Set

func (n *N) Set(val string) (err error)

Set implements the flags.Value interface for use in command line argument parsing.

func (*N) SetInt64

func (n *N) SetInt64(i int64) *N

func (N) String

func (n N) String() string

func (*N) UnmarshalBinary

func (n *N) UnmarshalBinary(data []byte) error

func (*N) UnmarshalText

func (n *N) UnmarshalText(d []byte) error

type NonceHash

type NonceHash [32]byte


func MustParseNonceHash

func MustParseNonceHash(s string) NonceHash

func NewNonceHash

func NewNonceHash(buf []byte) (h NonceHash)

func ParseNonceHash

func ParseNonceHash(s string) (h NonceHash, err error)

func ParseNonceHashSafe

func ParseNonceHashSafe(s string) (h NonceHash)

func (NonceHash) Bytes

func (h NonceHash) Bytes() []byte

func (NonceHash) Clone

func (h NonceHash) Clone() NonceHash

func (NonceHash) Equal

func (h NonceHash) Equal(h2 NonceHash) bool

func (NonceHash) IsValid

func (h NonceHash) IsValid() bool

func (NonceHash) MarshalBinary

func (h NonceHash) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)

func (NonceHash) MarshalText

func (h NonceHash) MarshalText() ([]byte, error)

func (*NonceHash) Set

func (h *NonceHash) Set(hash string) (err error)

Set implements the flags.Value interface for use in command line argument parsing.

func (NonceHash) String

func (h NonceHash) String() string

func (*NonceHash) UnmarshalBinary

func (h *NonceHash) UnmarshalBinary(buf []byte) error

func (*NonceHash) UnmarshalText

func (h *NonceHash) UnmarshalText(buf []byte) error

type OpHash

type OpHash [32]byte


func MustParseOpHash

func MustParseOpHash(s string) OpHash

func NewOpHash

func NewOpHash(buf []byte) (h OpHash)

func ParseOpHash

func ParseOpHash(s string) (h OpHash, err error)

func (OpHash) Bytes

func (h OpHash) Bytes() []byte

func (OpHash) Clone

func (h OpHash) Clone() OpHash

func (OpHash) Equal

func (h OpHash) Equal(h2 OpHash) bool

func (OpHash) IsValid

func (h OpHash) IsValid() bool

func (OpHash) MarshalBinary

func (h OpHash) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)

func (OpHash) MarshalText

func (h OpHash) MarshalText() ([]byte, error)

func (*OpHash) Set

func (h *OpHash) Set(s string) (err error)

Set implements the flags.Value interface for use in command line argument parsing.

func (OpHash) String

func (h OpHash) String() string

func (*OpHash) UnmarshalBinary

func (h *OpHash) UnmarshalBinary(buf []byte) error

func (*OpHash) UnmarshalText

func (h *OpHash) UnmarshalText(buf []byte) error

type OpListListHash

type OpListListHash [32]byte


func MustParseOpListListHash

func MustParseOpListListHash(s string) OpListListHash

func NewOpListListHash

func NewOpListListHash(buf []byte) (h OpListListHash)

func ParseOpListListHash

func ParseOpListListHash(s string) (h OpListListHash, err error)

func (OpListListHash) Bytes

func (h OpListListHash) Bytes() []byte

func (OpListListHash) Clone

func (h OpListListHash) Clone() OpListListHash

func (OpListListHash) Equal

func (h OpListListHash) Equal(h2 OpListListHash) bool

func (OpListListHash) IsValid

func (h OpListListHash) IsValid() bool

func (OpListListHash) MarshalBinary

func (h OpListListHash) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)

func (OpListListHash) MarshalText

func (h OpListListHash) MarshalText() ([]byte, error)

func (*OpListListHash) Set

func (h *OpListListHash) Set(s string) (err error)

Set implements the flags.Value interface for use in command line argument parsing.

func (OpListListHash) String

func (h OpListListHash) String() string

func (*OpListListHash) UnmarshalBinary

func (h *OpListListHash) UnmarshalBinary(buf []byte) error

func (*OpListListHash) UnmarshalText

func (h *OpListListHash) UnmarshalText(buf []byte) error

type OpStatus

type OpStatus byte
const (
	OpStatusInvalid OpStatus = iota // 0
	OpStatusApplied                 // 1 (success)

func ParseOpStatus

func ParseOpStatus(s string) OpStatus

func (OpStatus) IsSuccess

func (t OpStatus) IsSuccess() bool

func (OpStatus) IsValid

func (t OpStatus) IsValid() bool

func (OpStatus) MarshalText

func (t OpStatus) MarshalText() ([]byte, error)

func (OpStatus) String

func (t OpStatus) String() string

func (*OpStatus) UnmarshalText

func (t *OpStatus) UnmarshalText(data []byte) error

type OpType

type OpType byte
const (
	OpTypeInvalid                         OpType = iota
	OpTypeActivateAccount                        // 1
	OpTypeDoubleBakingEvidence                   // 2
	OpTypeDoubleEndorsementEvidence              // 3
	OpTypeSeedNonceRevelation                    // 4
	OpTypeTransaction                            // 5
	OpTypeOrigination                            // 6
	OpTypeDelegation                             // 7
	OpTypeReveal                                 // 8
	OpTypeEndorsement                            // 9
	OpTypeProposals                              // 10
	OpTypeBallot                                 // 11
	OpTypeFailingNoop                            // 12 v009
	OpTypeEndorsementWithSlot                    // 13 v009
	OpTypeRegisterConstant                       // 14 v011
	OpTypePreendorsement                         // 15 v012
	OpTypeDoublePreendorsementEvidence           // 16 v012
	OpTypeSetDepositsLimit                       // 17 v012 DEPRECATED in v019 (AI)
	OpTypeTxRollupOrigination                    // 18 v013 DEPRECATED in v016
	OpTypeTxRollupSubmitBatch                    // 19 v013 DEPRECATED in v016
	OpTypeTxRollupCommit                         // 20 v013 DEPRECATED in v016
	OpTypeTxRollupReturnBond                     // 21 v013 DEPRECATED in v016
	OpTypeTxRollupFinalizeCommitment             // 22 v013 DEPRECATED in v016
	OpTypeTxRollupRemoveCommitment               // 23 v013 DEPRECATED in v016
	OpTypeTxRollupRejection                      // 24 v013 DEPRECATED in v016
	OpTypeTxRollupDispatchTickets                // 25 v013 DEPRECATED in v016
	OpTypeTransferTicket                         // 26 v013
	OpTypeVdfRevelation                          // 27 v014
	OpTypeIncreasePaidStorage                    // 28 v014
	OpTypeEvent                                  // 29 v014 (only in internal_operation_results)
	OpTypeDrainDelegate                          // 30 v015
	OpTypeUpdateConsensusKey                     // 31 v015
	OpTypeSmartRollupOriginate                   // 32 v016
	OpTypeSmartRollupAddMessages                 // 33 v016
	OpTypeSmartRollupCement                      // 34 v016
	OpTypeSmartRollupPublish                     // 35 v016
	OpTypeSmartRollupRefute                      // 36 v016
	OpTypeSmartRollupTimeout                     // 37 v016
	OpTypeSmartRollupExecuteOutboxMessage        // 38 v016
	OpTypeSmartRollupRecoverBond                 // 39 v016
	OpTypeDalPublishCommitment                   // 40 v019
	OpTypeAttestation                            // 41 v019 ??
	OpTypePreattestation                         // 42 v019
	OpTypeDoublePreattestationEvidence           // 43 v019
	OpTypeDoubleAttestationEvidence              // 44 v019
	OpTypeAttestationWithDal                     // 45 v019 ??

enums are allocated in chronological order

func ParseOpTag

func ParseOpTag(t byte) OpType

func ParseOpTagVersion

func ParseOpTagVersion(t byte, ver int) OpType

func ParseOpType

func ParseOpType(s string) OpType

func (OpType) IsValid

func (t OpType) IsValid() bool

func (OpType) ListId

func (t OpType) ListId() int

func (OpType) MarshalText

func (t OpType) MarshalText() ([]byte, error)

func (OpType) MinSize

func (t OpType) MinSize() int

func (OpType) MinSizeVersion

func (t OpType) MinSizeVersion(ver int) int

func (OpType) String

func (t OpType) String() string

func (OpType) Tag

func (t OpType) Tag() byte

func (OpType) TagVersion

func (t OpType) TagVersion(ver int) byte

func (*OpType) UnmarshalText

func (t *OpType) UnmarshalText(data []byte) error

type Params

type Params struct {
	// identity
	Network  string       `json:"network,omitempty"`
	ChainId  ChainIdHash  `json:"chain_id"`
	Protocol ProtocolHash `json:"protocol"`
	Version  int          `json:"version"`

	// timing
	MinimalBlockDelay time.Duration `json:"minimal_block_delay"`

	// costs
	CostPerByte     int64 `json:"cost_per_byte"`
	OriginationSize int64 `json:"origination_size"`

	// limits
	BlocksPerCycle               int64 `json:"blocks_per_cycle"`
	ConsensusRightsDelay         int64 `json:"consensus_rights_delay"`
	BlocksPerSnapshot            int64 `json:"blocks_per_snapshot"`
	HardGasLimitPerOperation     int64 `json:"hard_gas_limit_per_operation"`
	HardGasLimitPerBlock         int64 `json:"hard_gas_limit_per_block"`
	HardStorageLimitPerOperation int64 `json:"hard_storage_limit_per_operation"`
	MaxOperationDataLength       int   `json:"max_operation_data_length"`
	MaxOperationsTTL             int64 `json:"max_operations_ttl"`

	// extra features to follow protocol upgrades
	OperationTagsVersion int   `json:"operation_tags_version,omitempty"` // 1: v5..v11, 2: v12..v18, 3:v19+
	StartHeight          int64 `json:"start_height"`                     // protocol start (may be != cycle start!!)
	EndHeight            int64 `json:"end_height"`                       // protocol end (may be != cycle end!!)
	StartOffset          int64 `json:"start_offset"`                     // correction for cycle start
	StartCycle           int64 `json:"start_cycle"`                      // correction cycle length

Params contains a subset of protocol configuration settings that are relevant for dapps and most indexers. For additional protocol data, call rpc.GetCustomConstants() with a custom data struct.

func NewParams

func NewParams() *Params

func (*Params) AtBlock

func (p *Params) AtBlock(height int64) *Params

func (*Params) AtCycle

func (p *Params) AtCycle(cycle int64) *Params

func (Params) Clone

func (p Params) Clone() *Params

func (Params) ContainsCycle

func (p Params) ContainsCycle(c int64) bool

func (Params) ContainsHeight

func (p Params) ContainsHeight(height int64) bool

Note: functions below require StartHeight, EndHeight and/or StartCycle!

func (*Params) CycleEndHeight

func (p *Params) CycleEndHeight(c int64) int64

func (*Params) CycleFromHeight

func (p *Params) CycleFromHeight(height int64) int64

func (*Params) CyclePosition

func (p *Params) CyclePosition(height int64) int64

func (*Params) CycleStartHeight

func (p *Params) CycleStartHeight(c int64) int64

func (*Params) IsCycleEnd

func (p *Params) IsCycleEnd(height int64) bool

func (*Params) IsCycleStart

func (p *Params) IsCycleStart(height int64) bool

func (Params) IsMainnet

func (p Params) IsMainnet() bool

func (*Params) IsSnapshotBlock

func (p *Params) IsSnapshotBlock(height int64) bool

func (Params) SnapshotBaseCycle

func (p Params) SnapshotBaseCycle(cycle int64) int64

func (*Params) SnapshotBlock

func (p *Params) SnapshotBlock(cycle int64, index int) int64

func (*Params) SnapshotIndex

func (p *Params) SnapshotIndex(height int64) int

func (*Params) WithBlock

func (p *Params) WithBlock(height int64) *Params

func (*Params) WithChainId

func (p *Params) WithChainId(id ChainIdHash) *Params

func (*Params) WithDeployment

func (p *Params) WithDeployment(d Deployment) *Params

func (*Params) WithNetwork

func (p *Params) WithNetwork(n string) *Params

func (*Params) WithProtocol

func (p *Params) WithProtocol(h ProtocolHash) *Params

type PassphraseFunc

type PassphraseFunc func() ([]byte, error)

PassphraseFunc is a callback used to obtain a passphrase for decrypting a private key

type PayloadHash

type PayloadHash [32]byte


func MustParsePayloadHash

func MustParsePayloadHash(s string) PayloadHash

func NewPayloadHash

func NewPayloadHash(buf []byte) (h PayloadHash)

func ParsePayloadHash

func ParsePayloadHash(s string) (h PayloadHash, err error)

func (PayloadHash) Bytes

func (h PayloadHash) Bytes() []byte

func (PayloadHash) Clone

func (h PayloadHash) Clone() PayloadHash

func (PayloadHash) Equal

func (h PayloadHash) Equal(h2 PayloadHash) bool

func (PayloadHash) IsValid

func (h PayloadHash) IsValid() bool

func (PayloadHash) MarshalBinary

func (h PayloadHash) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)

func (PayloadHash) MarshalText

func (h PayloadHash) MarshalText() ([]byte, error)

func (*PayloadHash) Set

func (h *PayloadHash) Set(hash string) (err error)

Set implements the flags.Value interface for use in command line argument parsing.

func (PayloadHash) String

func (h PayloadHash) String() string

func (*PayloadHash) UnmarshalBinary

func (h *PayloadHash) UnmarshalBinary(buf []byte) error

func (*PayloadHash) UnmarshalText

func (h *PayloadHash) UnmarshalText(buf []byte) error

type PrivateKey

type PrivateKey struct {
	Type KeyType
	Data []byte

PrivateKey represents a typed private key used for signing messages.

func GenerateKey

func GenerateKey(typ KeyType) (PrivateKey, error)

GenerateKey creates a random private key.

func MustParsePrivateKey

func MustParsePrivateKey(key string) PrivateKey

func ParseEncryptedPrivateKey

func ParseEncryptedPrivateKey(s string, fn PassphraseFunc) (k PrivateKey, err error)

ParseEncryptedPrivateKey attempts to parse and optionally decrypt a Tezos private key. When an encrypted key is detected, fn is called and expected to return the decoding passphrase.

func ParsePrivateKey

func ParsePrivateKey(s string) (PrivateKey, error)

func (PrivateKey) Address

func (k PrivateKey) Address() Address

func (PrivateKey) Encrypt

func (k PrivateKey) Encrypt(fn PassphraseFunc) (string, error)

Encrypt encrypts the private key with a passphrase obtained from calling fn.

func (PrivateKey) IsValid

func (k PrivateKey) IsValid() bool

func (PrivateKey) MarshalText

func (k PrivateKey) MarshalText() ([]byte, error)

func (PrivateKey) Public

func (k PrivateKey) Public() Key

Public returns the public key associated with the private key.

func (*PrivateKey) Set

func (k *PrivateKey) Set(key string) (err error)

Set implements the flags.Value interface for use in command line argument parsing.

func (PrivateKey) Sign

func (k PrivateKey) Sign(hash []byte) (Signature, error)

Sign signs the digest (hash) of a message with the private key.

func (PrivateKey) String

func (k PrivateKey) String() string

func (*PrivateKey) UnmarshalText

func (k *PrivateKey) UnmarshalText(data []byte) error

type ProtocolHash

type ProtocolHash [32]byte


func MustParseProtocolHash

func MustParseProtocolHash(s string) ProtocolHash

func NewProtocolHash

func NewProtocolHash(buf []byte) (h ProtocolHash)

func ParseProtocolHash

func ParseProtocolHash(s string) (h ProtocolHash, err error)

func (ProtocolHash) Bytes

func (h ProtocolHash) Bytes() []byte

func (ProtocolHash) Clone

func (h ProtocolHash) Clone() ProtocolHash

func (ProtocolHash) Equal

func (h ProtocolHash) Equal(h2 ProtocolHash) bool

func (ProtocolHash) IsValid

func (h ProtocolHash) IsValid() bool

func (ProtocolHash) MarshalBinary

func (h ProtocolHash) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)

func (ProtocolHash) MarshalText

func (h ProtocolHash) MarshalText() ([]byte, error)

func (*ProtocolHash) Set

func (h *ProtocolHash) Set(s string) (err error)

Set implements the flags.Value interface for use in command line argument parsing.

func (ProtocolHash) String

func (h ProtocolHash) String() string

func (*ProtocolHash) UnmarshalBinary

func (h *ProtocolHash) UnmarshalBinary(buf []byte) error

func (*ProtocolHash) UnmarshalText

func (h *ProtocolHash) UnmarshalText(buf []byte) error

type ProtocolHistory

type ProtocolHistory []Deployment

func (*ProtocolHistory) Add

func (h *ProtocolHistory) Add(d Deployment)

func (ProtocolHistory) AtBlock

func (h ProtocolHistory) AtBlock(height int64) (d Deployment)

func (ProtocolHistory) AtCycle

func (h ProtocolHistory) AtCycle(cycle int64) (d Deployment)

func (ProtocolHistory) AtProtocol

func (h ProtocolHistory) AtProtocol(proto ProtocolHash) (d Deployment)

func (ProtocolHistory) Clone

func (h ProtocolHistory) Clone() ProtocolHistory

func (ProtocolHistory) Last

func (h ProtocolHistory) Last() (d Deployment)

type PvmKind

type PvmKind byte
const (
	PvmKindArith     PvmKind = iota // 0
	PvmKindWasm200                  // 1
	PvmKindWasm200r1                // 2 v1
	PvmKindWasm200r2                // 3 v2
	PvmKindWasm200r3                // 4 v3
	PvmKindWasm200r4                // 5 v4
	PvmKindInvalid   = 255

func ParsePvmKind

func ParsePvmKind(s string) PvmKind

func (PvmKind) IsValid

func (t PvmKind) IsValid() bool

func (PvmKind) MarshalText

func (t PvmKind) MarshalText() ([]byte, error)

func (PvmKind) String

func (t PvmKind) String() string

func (*PvmKind) UnmarshalText

func (t *PvmKind) UnmarshalText(data []byte) error

type Ratio

type Ratio struct {
	Num int `json:"numerator"`
	Den int `json:"denominator"`

Ratio represents a numeric ratio used in Ithaca constants

func (Ratio) Float64

func (r Ratio) Float64() float64

type RightType

type RightType byte
const (
	RightTypeInvalid RightType = iota

func ParseRightType

func ParseRightType(s string) RightType

func (RightType) IsValid

func (r RightType) IsValid() bool

func (RightType) MarshalText

func (r RightType) MarshalText() ([]byte, error)

func (RightType) String

func (r RightType) String() string

func (*RightType) UnmarshalText

func (r *RightType) UnmarshalText(data []byte) error

type Signature

type Signature struct {
	Type SignatureType
	Data []byte

Signature represents a typed Tezos signature.

func MustParseSignature

func MustParseSignature(s string) Signature

func NewSignature

func NewSignature(typ SignatureType, data []byte) Signature

func ParseSignature

func ParseSignature(s string) (sig Signature, err error)

func (Signature) Bytes

func (s Signature) Bytes() []byte

func (Signature) Clone

func (s Signature) Clone() Signature

func (*Signature) DecodeBuffer

func (s *Signature) DecodeBuffer(buf *bytes.Buffer) error

func (Signature) Equal

func (s Signature) Equal(s2 Signature) bool

func (Signature) Generic

func (s Signature) Generic() string

Signature converts a typed Tezos signature into a generic signature string.

func (Signature) IsValid

func (s Signature) IsValid() bool

func (Signature) MarshalBinary

func (s Signature) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)

func (Signature) MarshalText

func (s Signature) MarshalText() ([]byte, error)

func (*Signature) Set

func (s *Signature) Set(sig string) (err error)

Set implements the flags.Value interface for use in command line argument parsing.

func (Signature) String

func (s Signature) String() string

func (*Signature) UnmarshalBinary

func (s *Signature) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error

func (*Signature) UnmarshalText

func (s *Signature) UnmarshalText(data []byte) error

type SignatureType

type SignatureType byte

SignatureType represents the type of a Tezos signature.

const (
	SignatureTypeEd25519 SignatureType = iota

func ParseSignatureTag

func ParseSignatureTag(b byte) SignatureType

func (SignatureType) HashType

func (t SignatureType) HashType() HashType

func (SignatureType) IsValid

func (t SignatureType) IsValid() bool

func (SignatureType) Len

func (t SignatureType) Len() int

func (SignatureType) Prefix

func (t SignatureType) Prefix() string

func (SignatureType) PrefixBytes

func (t SignatureType) PrefixBytes() []byte

func (SignatureType) String

func (t SignatureType) String() string

func (SignatureType) Tag

func (t SignatureType) Tag() byte

type SmartRollupCommitHash

type SmartRollupCommitHash [32]byte


func MustParseSmartRollupCommitHash

func MustParseSmartRollupCommitHash(s string) SmartRollupCommitHash

func NewSmartRollupCommitHash

func NewSmartRollupCommitHash(buf []byte) (h SmartRollupCommitHash)

func ParseSmartRollupCommitHash

func ParseSmartRollupCommitHash(s string) (h SmartRollupCommitHash, err error)

func (SmartRollupCommitHash) Bytes

func (h SmartRollupCommitHash) Bytes() []byte

func (SmartRollupCommitHash) Clone

func (SmartRollupCommitHash) Equal

func (SmartRollupCommitHash) IsValid

func (h SmartRollupCommitHash) IsValid() bool

func (SmartRollupCommitHash) MarshalBinary

func (h SmartRollupCommitHash) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)

func (SmartRollupCommitHash) MarshalText

func (h SmartRollupCommitHash) MarshalText() ([]byte, error)

func (*SmartRollupCommitHash) Set

func (h *SmartRollupCommitHash) Set(hash string) (err error)

Set implements the flags.Value interface for use in command line argument parsing.

func (SmartRollupCommitHash) String

func (h SmartRollupCommitHash) String() string

func (*SmartRollupCommitHash) UnmarshalBinary

func (h *SmartRollupCommitHash) UnmarshalBinary(buf []byte) error

func (*SmartRollupCommitHash) UnmarshalText

func (h *SmartRollupCommitHash) UnmarshalText(buf []byte) error

type SmartRollupStateHash

type SmartRollupStateHash [32]byte


func MustParseSmartRollupStateHash

func MustParseSmartRollupStateHash(s string) SmartRollupStateHash

func NewSmartRollupStateHash

func NewSmartRollupStateHash(buf []byte) (h SmartRollupStateHash)

func ParseSmartRollupStateHash

func ParseSmartRollupStateHash(s string) (h SmartRollupStateHash, err error)

func (SmartRollupStateHash) Bytes

func (h SmartRollupStateHash) Bytes() []byte

func (SmartRollupStateHash) Clone

func (SmartRollupStateHash) Equal

func (SmartRollupStateHash) IsValid

func (h SmartRollupStateHash) IsValid() bool

func (SmartRollupStateHash) MarshalBinary

func (h SmartRollupStateHash) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)

func (SmartRollupStateHash) MarshalText

func (h SmartRollupStateHash) MarshalText() ([]byte, error)

func (*SmartRollupStateHash) Set

func (h *SmartRollupStateHash) Set(hash string) (err error)

Set implements the flags.Value interface for use in command line argument parsing.

func (SmartRollupStateHash) String

func (h SmartRollupStateHash) String() string

func (*SmartRollupStateHash) UnmarshalBinary

func (h *SmartRollupStateHash) UnmarshalBinary(buf []byte) error

func (*SmartRollupStateHash) UnmarshalText

func (h *SmartRollupStateHash) UnmarshalText(buf []byte) error

type Token

type Token struct {
	Hash [20]byte // type is always KT1
	Id   Z

Token represents a specialized Tezos token address that consists of a smart contract KT1 address and a token id represented as big integer number.

func MustParseToken

func MustParseToken(addr string) Token

func NewToken

func NewToken(contract Address, id Z) (t Token)

func ParseToken

func ParseToken(addr string) (Token, error)

func (Token) Bytes

func (t Token) Bytes() []byte

Bytes returns the 20 byte (contract) hash appended with a zarith encoded token id.

func (Token) Clone

func (t Token) Clone() Token

func (Token) Contract

func (t Token) Contract() Address

func (Token) Equal

func (t Token) Equal(b Token) bool

func (Token) MarshalBinary

func (t Token) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)

func (Token) MarshalText

func (t Token) MarshalText() ([]byte, error)

func (*Token) Set

func (t *Token) Set(key string) (err error)

Set implements the flags.Value interface for use in command line argument parsing.

func (Token) String

func (t Token) String() string

func (Token) TokenId

func (t Token) TokenId() Z

func (*Token) UnmarshalBinary

func (t *Token) UnmarshalBinary(data []byte) error

func (*Token) UnmarshalText

func (t *Token) UnmarshalText(data []byte) error

type VotingPeriodKind

type VotingPeriodKind byte

VotingPeriodKind represents a named voting period in Tezos.

const (
	VotingPeriodInvalid VotingPeriodKind = iota

func ParseVotingPeriod

func ParseVotingPeriod(s string) VotingPeriodKind

func ToVotingPeriod

func ToVotingPeriod(i int) VotingPeriodKind

func (VotingPeriodKind) IsValid

func (v VotingPeriodKind) IsValid() bool

func (VotingPeriodKind) MarshalText

func (v VotingPeriodKind) MarshalText() ([]byte, error)

func (VotingPeriodKind) Num

func (v VotingPeriodKind) Num() int

func (VotingPeriodKind) String

func (v VotingPeriodKind) String() string

func (*VotingPeriodKind) UnmarshalText

func (v *VotingPeriodKind) UnmarshalText(data []byte) error

type Z

type Z big.Int

A variable length sequence of bytes, encoding a Zarith number. Each byte has a running unary size bit: the most significant bit of each byte tells if this is the last byte in the sequence (0) or if there is more to read (1). The second most significant bit of the first byte is reserved for the sign (positive if zero). Size and sign bits ignored, data is then the binary representation of the absolute value of the number in little endian order.

func MaxZ

func MaxZ(args ...Z) Z

func MinZ

func MinZ(args ...Z) Z

func MustParseZ

func MustParseZ(s string) Z

func NewBigZ

func NewBigZ(b *big.Int) Z

func NewZ

func NewZ(i int64) Z

func ParseZ

func ParseZ(s string) (Z, error)

func (Z) Add

func (z Z) Add(y Z) Z

func (Z) Add64

func (z Z) Add64(y int64) Z

func (Z) Big

func (z Z) Big() *big.Int

func (Z) Bytes

func (z Z) Bytes() []byte

func (Z) CeilDiv

func (z Z) CeilDiv(y Z) Z

func (Z) CeilScale

func (z Z) CeilScale(n int) Z

func (Z) Clone

func (z Z) Clone() Z

func (Z) Cmp

func (z Z) Cmp(b Z) int

func (Z) Decimals

func (z Z) Decimals(d int) string

func (*Z) DecodeBuffer

func (z *Z) DecodeBuffer(buf *bytes.Buffer) error

func (Z) Div

func (z Z) Div(y Z) Z

func (Z) Div64

func (z Z) Div64(y int64) Z

func (*Z) EncodeBuffer

func (z *Z) EncodeBuffer(buf *bytes.Buffer) error

func (Z) Equal

func (z Z) Equal(x Z) bool

func (Z) Float64

func (z Z) Float64(dec int) float64

func (Z) Int64

func (z Z) Int64() int64

func (Z) IsLess

func (z Z) IsLess(b Z) bool

func (Z) IsLessEqual

func (z Z) IsLessEqual(b Z) bool

func (Z) IsNeg

func (z Z) IsNeg() bool

func (Z) IsZero

func (z Z) IsZero() bool

func (Z) Lsh

func (z Z) Lsh(n uint) Z

func (Z) MarshalBinary

func (z Z) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)

func (Z) MarshalText

func (z Z) MarshalText() ([]byte, error)

func (Z) Mul

func (z Z) Mul(y Z) Z

func (Z) Mul64

func (z Z) Mul64(y int64) Z

func (Z) Neg

func (z Z) Neg() Z

func (Z) Rsh

func (z Z) Rsh(n uint) Z

func (Z) Scale

func (z Z) Scale(n int) Z

func (*Z) Set

func (z *Z) Set(val string) (err error)

Set implements the flags.Value interface for use in command line argument parsing.

func (*Z) SetBig

func (z *Z) SetBig(b *big.Int) *Z

func (*Z) SetInt64

func (z *Z) SetInt64(i int64) *Z

func (Z) String

func (z Z) String() string

func (Z) Sub

func (z Z) Sub(y Z) Z

func (Z) Sub64

func (z Z) Sub64(y int64) Z

func (*Z) UnmarshalBinary

func (z *Z) UnmarshalBinary(data []byte) error

func (*Z) UnmarshalText

func (z *Z) UnmarshalText(d []byte) error

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