Affected by GO-2022-1019
and 4 other vulnerabilities
GO-2022-1019: lakeFS vulnerable to authenticated users deleting files they are not authorized to delete in
GO-2023-2012: lakeFS vulnerable to Arbitrary JavaScript Injection via Direct Link to HTML Files in
GO-2023-2397: User with permission to write actions can impersonate another user when auth token is configured in environment variable in
GO-2023-2398: lakeFS logs S3 credentials in plain text in
GO-2024-3291: Re-creating a deleted user in lakeFS will re-enable previous user credentials that existed prior to its deletion in
type OnlyOne interface {
// Compute returns the value of calling fn(), but only calls fn once concurrently for// each k.
Compute(k interface{}, fn func() (interface{}, error)) (interface{}, error)
OnlyOne ensures only one concurrent evaluation of a keyed expression.