Renders a WAV file as a PNG image, with options to draw a grid, custom colouring and anti-aliasing. The command line version currently supports the following WAV encodings:
- 16-bit signed PCM
- 32-bit floating point PCM
- EXTENSIBLE 32-bit floating point PCM
An online version implemented by compiling this library to WASM can be found here (the online verson supports any audio format supported by the browser).
The command line version includes two utilities:
, which renders a WAV file to a single PNG imagewav2mp4
, which renders a WAV file to a set of PNG frames that can be used with ffmpeg to create an MP4 rendering of the WAV file
Raison d'être
wav2png was initially created as a Go utility library to render an audio file as an anti-aliased waveform for a WASM project - it just seemed like a good idea to add a standalone command line version.
Version | Description |
v1.1.0 | Added wav2mp4 command line utility |
v1.0.0 | Initial release |
Platform specific executables can be downloaded from the releases page. Installation is straightforward - download and extract the archive for your platform and place the executables in a directory in your PATH.
Building from source
Assuming you have Go
and make
git clone
cd wav2png
make build
If you prefer not to use make
git clone
cd transcriptaze
mkdir bin
go build -o bin ./...
Command line:
wav2png [--debug] [options] [--out <path>] <wav>
<wav> WAV file to render.
--out <path> File path for PNG file - if <path> is a directory, the WAV file name is
used. Defaults to the WAV file base path.
--debug Displays occasionally useful diagnostic information.
--settings <file> JSON file with the default settings for the height, width, etc. Defaults to
.settings.json if not specified, falling back to internal default values if
.settings.json does not exist.
--width <pixels> Width (in pixels) of the PNG image. Valid values are in the range 32 to 8192,
defaults to 645px.
--height <pixels> Height (in pixels) of the PNG image. Valid values are in the range 32 to 8192,
defaults to 395px.
--padding <pixels> Padding (in pixels) between the border of the PNG and the extent of the rendered
waveform. Valid values are -16 to +32, defaults to 2px.
--palette <palette> Palette used to colour the waveform. May be the name of one of the internal colour
palettes or a user provided PNG file. Defaults to 'ice'
--fill <fillspec> Fill specification for the background colour, in the form type:colour
e.g. solid:#0000ffff. Currently the only fill type supported is 'solid', defaults
to solid:#000000ff.
--grid <gridspec> Grid specification for an optional rectilinear grid, in the form
type:colour:size:overlay, e.g.
- none
- square:#008000ff:~64
- rectangle:#008000ff:~64x48:overlay
The size may preceded by a 'fit':
- ~ approximate
- = exact
- ≥ at least
- ≤ at most
- > greater than
- < less than
If gridspec includes :overlay, the grid is rendered 'in front' of the waveform.
The default gridspec is 'square:#008000ff:~64'
--antialias <kernel> The antialising kernel applied to soften the rendered PNG. Valid values are:
- none no antialiasing
- horizontal blurs horizontal edges
- vertical blurs vertical edges
- soft blurs both horizontal and vertical edges
The default kernel is 'vertical'.
--scale <scale> A vertical scaling factor to size the height of the rendered waveform. The valid
range is 0.2 to 5.0, defaults to 1.0.
--mix <mixspec> Specifies how to combine channels from a stereo WAV file. Valid values are:
- 'L' Renders the left channel only
- 'R' Renders the right channel only
- 'L+R' Combines the left and right channels
Defaults to 'L+R'.
--start <time> The start time of the segment of audio to render, in Go time format (e.g. 10s or
1m5s). Defaults to 0s.
--end <time> The end time of the segment of audio to render, in Go time format (e.g. 10s or
1m5s). Defaults to the end of the audio.
wav2png --debug \
--settings 'settings.json' \
--height 390 \
--width 641 \
--padding 0 \
--palette 'amber.png' \
--fill 'solid:#0000ffff' \
--grid 'rectangular:#800000ff:~32x128:overlay' \
--antialias 'soft' \
--scale 0.5 \
--start 0.5s \
--end 1.5s \
--mix 'L+R' \
--out example.png \
Command line:
wav2mp4 [--debug] [options] [--out <path>] --window <duration> --fps <frame rate> --cursor <cursor spec> <wav>
<wav> WAV file to render.
--out <path> File path for MP4 file - if <path> is a directory, the WAV file name is
used and defaults to the WAV file base path. wav2mp4 generates a set of ffmpeg
frames files in the 'frames' subdirectory of the out file directory.
--window <duration> The interval allotted to a single frame, in Go time format e.g. --window 1s.
The window interval must be less than the duration of the MP4.
--fps <frame rate> Frame rate for the MP4 in frames per second e.g. --fps 30
--cursor <cursorspec> Cursor to indicate for the current play position. A cursor is specified by the
image source and dynamic:
--cursor <image>:<dynamic>
where image may be:
- none
- red (internal 'red' cursor)
- blue (internal 'blue' cursor)
- a PNG file with a custom cursor image
The cursor 'dynamic' defaults to 'sweep' if not specified, but may be one of
the following:
- sweep Moves linearly from left to right over the duration of the MP4
- left Fixed on left side
- right Fixed on right side
- center Fixed in center of frame
- ease Migrates from the left to center of the frame, before moving to the
right side to finish
- erf Moves 'sigmoidally' from left to right over the duration of the MP4,
with the sigmoid defined by the inverse error function
--debug Displays occasionally useful diagnostic information.
--settings <file> JSON file with the default settings for the height, width, etc. Defaults to
.settings.json if not specified, falling back to internal default values if
.settings.json does not exist.
--width <pixels> Width (in pixels) of the PNG image. Valid values are in the range 32 to 8192,
defaults to 645px.
--height <pixels> Height (in pixels) of the PNG image. Valid values are in the range 32 to 8192,
defaults to 395px.
--padding <pixels> Padding (in pixels) between the border of the PNG and the extent of the
rendered waveform. Valid values are -16 to +32, defaults to 2px.
--palette <palette> Palette used to colour the waveform. May be the name of one of the internal
colour palettes or a user provided PNG file. Defaults to 'ice'
--fill <fillspec> Fill specification for the background colour, in the form type:colour
e.g. solid:#0000ffff. Currently the only fill type supported is 'solid',
defaults to solid:#000000ff.
--grid <gridspec> Grid specification for an optional rectilinear grid, in the form
type:colour:size:overlay, e.g.
- none
- square:#008000ff:~64
- rectangle:#008000ff:~64x48:overlay
The size may preceded by a 'fit':
- ~ approximate
- = exact
- ≥ at least
- ≤ at most
- > greater than
- < less than
If gridspec includes :overlay, the grid is rendered 'in front' of the
The default gridspec is 'square:#008000ff:~64'
--antialias <kernel> The antialising kernel applied to soften the rendered PNG. Valid values are:
- none no antialiasing
- horizontal blurs horizontal edges
- vertical blurs vertical edges
- soft blurs both horizontal and vertical edges
The default kernel is 'vertical'.
--scale <scale> A vertical scaling factor to size the height of the rendered waveform. The
valid range is 0.2 to 5.0, defaults to 1.0.
--mix <mixspec> Specifies how to combine channels from a stereo WAV file. Valid values are:
- 'L' Renders the left channel only
- 'R' Renders the right channel only
- 'L+R' Combines the left and right channels
Defaults to 'L+R'.
--start <time> The start time of the segment of audio to render, in Go time format (e.g. 10s
or 1m5s). Defaults to 0s.
--end <time> The end time of the segment of audio to render, in Go time format (e.g. 10s
or 1m5s). Defaults to the end of the audio.
wav2mp4 --debug --window 1s --fps 30 --cursor red:sweep --out ./example/chirp.mp4 ./samples/chirp.wav
cd ./example/frames
ffmpeg -framerate 30 -i frame-%05d.png -c:v libx264 -pix_fmt yuv420p -crf 23 -y out.mp4
ffmpeg -i out.mp4 -i ./samples/chirp.wav -c:v copy -c:a aac -y ../chirp.mp4