Documentation ¶
Index ¶
- Constants
- Variables
- func AllWeightAllotments() map[ServiceMemberRank]WeightAllotment
- func AssignQualityBandToTSPPerformance(db *pop.Connection, band int, id uuid.UUID) error
- func BoolPointer(b bool) *bool
- func CalculateRemainingPPMEntitlement(move Move, totalEntitlement unit.Pound) (unit.Pound, error)
- func CentPointer(c unit.Cents) *unit.Cents
- func CreateElectronicOrder(dbConnection *pop.Connection, order *ElectronicOrder) (*validate.Errors, error)
- func CreateElectronicOrderWithRevision(dbConnection *pop.Connection, order *ElectronicOrder, ...) (*validate.Errors, error)
- func DeletePrimeUpload(dbConn *pop.Connection, primeUpload *PrimeUpload) error
- func DeleteUpload(dbConn *pop.Connection, upload *Upload) error
- func DeleteUserUpload(dbConn *pop.Connection, userUpload *UserUpload) error
- func FetchBaseLinehaulRate(tx *pop.Connection, mileage int, weight unit.Pound, date time.Time) (linehaulRate unit.Cents, err error)
- func FetchDiscountRates(db *pop.Connection, originZip string, destinationZip string, cos string, ...) (linehaulDiscount unit.DiscountRate, sitDiscount unit.DiscountRate, err error)
- func FetchRateAreaForZip5(db *pop.Connection, zip string) (string, error)
- func FetchRegionForZip5(db *pop.Connection, zip string) (string, error)
- func FetchShorthaulRateCents(tx *pop.Connection, cwtMiles int, date time.Time) (rateCents unit.Cents, err error)
- func FetchTariff400ngFullPackRateCents(tx *pop.Connection, weight unit.Pound, schedule int, date time.Time) (unit.Cents, error)
- func FetchTariff400ngFullUnpackRateMillicents(tx *pop.Connection, serviceSchedule int, date time.Time) (int, error)
- func Float64Pointer(i float64) *float64
- func FormatCurrentPPMStatus(ppm PersonallyProcuredMove) string
- func FormatDate(date time.Time) string
- func FormatDollars(dollars float64) string
- func FormatEnum(s string, outSep string) string
- func FormatLocation(dutyLocation DutyLocation) string
- func FormatOrdersType(order Order) string
- func FormatOrdersTypeAndOrdersNumber(order Order) string
- func FormatPPMNumberAndType(i int) string
- func FormatPPMPickupDate(ppm PersonallyProcuredMove) string
- func FormatPPMWeight(ppm PersonallyProcuredMove) string
- func FormatRank(rank *ServiceMemberRank) string
- func FormatServiceMemberAffiliation(affiliation *ServiceMemberAffiliation) string
- func FormatServiceMemberFullName(serviceMember ServiceMember) string
- func FormatSignature(sm ServiceMember) string
- func FormatSignatureDate(signature SignedCertification) string
- func FormatValuesShipmentSummaryWorksheet(shipmentSummaryFormData ShipmentSummaryFormData) (ShipmentSummaryWorksheetPage1Values, ShipmentSummaryWorksheetPage2Values, ...)
- func FormatWeights(wtg unit.Pound) string
- func GatherNextEligibleTSPPerformances(tx *pop.Connection, tdlID uuid.UUID, bookDate time.Time, ...) (map[int]TransportationServiceProviderPerformance, error)
- func GenerateLocator() string
- func GenerateReferenceID(db *pop.Connection) (string, error)
- func GetAddressID(address *Address) *uuid.UUID
- func GetEntitlement(rank ServiceMemberRank, hasDependents bool) (int, error)
- func GetRateCycle(year int, peak bool) (start time.Time, end time.Time)
- func Int32Pointer(i int32) *int32
- func Int64Pointer(i int64) *int64
- func IntPointer(i int) *int
- func PPMDiscountFetch(db *pop.Connection, logger *zap.Logger, move Move, originZip string, ...) (unit.DiscountRate, unit.DiscountRate, error)
- func PackDays(weight unit.Pound) int
- func PoundPointer(p unit.Pound) *unit.Pound
- func SaveMoveDependencies(db *pop.Connection, move *Move) (*validate.Errors, error)
- func SaveOrder(db *pop.Connection, order *Order) (*validate.Errors, error)
- func SavePersonallyProcuredMove(db *pop.Connection, ppm *PersonallyProcuredMove) (*validate.Errors, error)
- func SaveServiceMember(appCtx appcontext.AppContext, serviceMember *ServiceMember) (*validate.Errors, error)
- func StringPointer(s string) *string
- func SubTotalExpenses(expenseDocuments MovingExpenses) map[string]float64
- func TimePointer(t time.Time) *time.Time
- func TransitDays(weight unit.Pound, miles int) (int, error)
- func UUIDPointer(u uuid.UUID) *uuid.UUID
- func UpdateUserLoginGovUUID(db *pop.Connection, user *User, loginGovID string) error
- type Address
- func (a *Address) Copy() *Address
- func (a *Address) CountryCode() (*string, error)
- func (a *Address) Format() string
- func (a *Address) LineFormat() string
- func (a *Address) MarshalLogObject(encoder zapcore.ObjectEncoder) error
- func (a *Address) Validate(tx *pop.Connection) (*validate.Errors, error)
- func (a *Address) ValidateCreate(tx *pop.Connection) (*validate.Errors, error)
- func (a *Address) ValidateUpdate(tx *pop.Connection) (*validate.Errors, error)
- type Addresses
- type AdminRole
- type AdminUser
- type AdminUsers
- type AffiliationIsPresent
- type AtLeastOneNotNil
- type AuditHistories
- type AuditHistory
- type BackupContact
- type BackupContactPermission
- type BackupContacts
- type CannotBeTrueIfFalse
- type ClientCert
- type Contractor
- type Contractors
- type CustomerContactType
- type CustomerSupportRemark
- type CustomerSupportRemarks
- type DateIsWorkday
- type DestinationType
- type DimensionType
- type DiscountRateIsValid
- type DistanceCalculation
- type Document
- type Documents
- type Dollar
- type DutyLocation
- type DutyLocationName
- type DutyLocationNames
- type DutyLocationTransportInfo
- type DutyLocations
- type EDIProcessing
- type EDIProcessings
- type EDIType
- type EagerAssociations
- type EdiError
- type EdiErrors
- type ElectronicOrder
- func FetchElectronicOrderByID(db *pop.Connection, id uuid.UUID) (*ElectronicOrder, error)
- func FetchElectronicOrderByIssuerAndOrdersNum(db *pop.Connection, issuer string, ordersNum string) (*ElectronicOrder, error)
- func FetchElectronicOrdersByEdipiAndIssuers(db *pop.Connection, edipi string, issuers []string) ([]*ElectronicOrder, error)
- type ElectronicOrders
- type ElectronicOrdersAffiliation
- type ElectronicOrdersRevision
- func (e ElectronicOrdersRevision) String() string
- func (e *ElectronicOrdersRevision) Validate(tx *pop.Connection) (*validate.Errors, error)
- func (e *ElectronicOrdersRevision) ValidateCreate(tx *pop.Connection) (*validate.Errors, error)
- func (e *ElectronicOrdersRevision) ValidateUpdate(tx *pop.Connection) (*validate.Errors, error)
- type ElectronicOrdersRevisions
- type ElectronicOrdersStatus
- type ElectronicOrdersType
- type Entitlement
- type EvaluationReport
- type EvaluationReportInspectionType
- type EvaluationReportLocationType
- type EvaluationReportType
- type EvaluationReports
- type Float64IsGreaterThan
- type Float64IsPresent
- type FormattedMovingExpenses
- type FormattedOtherExpenses
- type FuelEIADieselPrice
- func (f FuelEIADieselPrice) String() string
- func (f *FuelEIADieselPrice) Validate(tx *pop.Connection) (*validate.Errors, error)
- func (f *FuelEIADieselPrice) ValidateCreate(tx *pop.Connection) (*validate.Errors, error)
- func (f *FuelEIADieselPrice) ValidateUpdate(tx *pop.Connection) (*validate.Errors, error)
- type FuelEIADieselPrices
- type GHCDieselFuelPrice
- type GHCDomesticTransitTime
- type Int64IsPresent
- type Invoice
- type InvoiceStatus
- type Invoices
- type Issuer
- type ItemCanFitInsideCrate
- type JSONMap
- type LOAType
- type MTOAgent
- type MTOAgentType
- type MTOAgents
- type MTOServiceItem
- type MTOServiceItemCustomerContact
- type MTOServiceItemCustomerContacts
- type MTOServiceItemDimension
- type MTOServiceItemDimensions
- type MTOServiceItemStatus
- type MTOServiceItems
- type MTOShipment
- type MTOShipmentStatus
- type MTOShipmentType
- type MTOShipments
- type Market
- type MethodOfReceipt
- type Move
- func FetchMove(db *pop.Connection, session *auth.Session, id uuid.UUID) (*Move, error)
- func FetchMoveByMoveID(db *pop.Connection, moveID uuid.UUID) (Move, error)
- func FetchMoveByOrderID(db *pop.Connection, orderID uuid.UUID) (Move, error)
- func FetchMoveForMoveDates(db *pop.Connection, moveID uuid.UUID) (Move, error)
- func (m Move) CreatePPM(db *pop.Connection, weightEstimate *unit.Pound, originalMoveDate *time.Time, ...) (*PersonallyProcuredMove, *validate.Errors, error)
- func (m Move) CreateSignedCertification(db *pop.Connection, submittingUserID uuid.UUID, certificationText string, ...) (*SignedCertification, *validate.Errors, error)
- func (m Move) IsCanceled() *bool
- func (m *Move) Validate(tx *pop.Connection) (*validate.Errors, error)
- func (m *Move) ValidateCreate(tx *pop.Connection) (*validate.Errors, error)
- func (m *Move) ValidateUpdate(tx *pop.Connection) (*validate.Errors, error)
- type MoveHistory
- type MoveOptions
- type MoveQueueItem
- type MoveStatus
- type MoveToGBLOC
- type MoveToGBLOCs
- type Moves
- type MovingExpense
- type MovingExpenseReceiptType
- type MovingExpenses
- type MustBeBothNilOrBothHaveValue
- type NotImplementedCountryCode
- type Notification
- type NotificationTypes
- type Notifications
- type Obligation
- type Obligations
- type OfficeEmail
- type OfficeEmails
- type OfficePhoneLine
- type OfficePhoneLines
- type OfficeUser
- type OfficeUsers
- type OptionalDateIsWorkday
- type OptionalDateNotBefore
- type OptionalInt64IsPositive
- type OptionalIntIsPositive
- type OptionalPoundIsNonNegative
- type OptionalPoundIsPositive
- type OptionalRegexMatch
- type OptionalStringInclusion
- type OptionalTimeIsPresent
- type OptionalUUIDIsPresent
- type Order
- func FetchLatestOrder(session *auth.Session, db *pop.Connection) (Order, error)
- func FetchOrder(db *pop.Connection, id uuid.UUID) (Order, error)
- func FetchOrderForPDFConversion(db *pop.Connection, id uuid.UUID) (Order, error)
- func FetchOrderForUser(db *pop.Connection, session *auth.Session, id uuid.UUID) (Order, error)
- func (o *Order) Cancel() error
- func (o *Order) CreateNewMove(db *pop.Connection, moveOptions MoveOptions) (*Move, *validate.Errors, error)
- func (o *Order) IsComplete() bool
- func (o *Order) IsCompleteForGBL() bool
- func (o *Order) Submit() error
- func (o *Order) Validate(tx *pop.Connection) (*validate.Errors, error)
- type OrderStatus
- type Orders
- type OrdersTypeIsPresent
- type Organization
- type Organizations
- type OriginDutyLocationToGBLOC
- type PPMAdvanceStatus
- type PPMDocumentStatus
- type PPMShipment
- type PPMShipmentStatus
- type PPMShipments
- type PPMStatus
- type PWSViolation
- type PWSViolationCategory
- type PWSViolations
- type Paygrade
- type PaymentRequest
- type PaymentRequestStatus
- type PaymentRequestToInterchangeControlNumber
- type PaymentRequests
- type PaymentServiceItem
- type PaymentServiceItemParam
- type PaymentServiceItemParams
- type PaymentServiceItemStatus
- type PaymentServiceItems
- type PersonallyProcuredMove
- func (p *PersonallyProcuredMove) Approve(approveDate time.Time) error
- func (p *PersonallyProcuredMove) Cancel() error
- func (p *PersonallyProcuredMove) Complete(reviewedDate time.Time) error
- func (p *PersonallyProcuredMove) RequestPayment() error
- func (p *PersonallyProcuredMove) Submit(submitDate time.Time) error
- func (p *PersonallyProcuredMove) Validate(tx *pop.Connection) (*validate.Errors, error)
- func (p *PersonallyProcuredMove) ValidateCreate(tx *pop.Connection) (*validate.Errors, error)
- func (p *PersonallyProcuredMove) ValidateUpdate(tx *pop.Connection) (*validate.Errors, error)
- type PersonallyProcuredMoves
- type PostalCodeToGBLOC
- type PostalCodeToGBLOCs
- type PrimeUpload
- type PrimeUploads
- type ProGearStatus
- type ProgearWeightTicket
- type ProgearWeightTickets
- type ProofOfServiceDoc
- type ProofOfServiceDocs
- type ReContract
- type ReContractYear
- type ReContractYears
- type ReContracts
- type ReDomesticAccessorialPrice
- type ReDomesticAccessorialPrices
- type ReDomesticLinehaulPrice
- type ReDomesticLinehaulPrices
- type ReDomesticOtherPrice
- type ReDomesticOtherPrices
- type ReDomesticServiceArea
- type ReDomesticServiceAreaPrice
- type ReDomesticServiceAreaPrices
- type ReDomesticServiceAreas
- type ReIntlAccessorialPrice
- type ReIntlAccessorialPrices
- type ReIntlOtherPrice
- type ReIntlOtherPrices
- type ReIntlPrice
- type ReIntlPrices
- type ReRateArea
- type ReRateAreas
- type ReService
- type ReServiceCode
- type ReServices
- type ReShipmentTypePrice
- type ReShipmentTypePrices
- type ReTaskOrderFee
- type ReTaskOrderFees
- type ReZip3
- type ReZip3s
- type ReZip5RateArea
- type ReZip5RateAreas
- type Reimbursement
- func BuildDraftReimbursement(requestedAmount unit.Cents, methodOfReceipt MethodOfReceipt) Reimbursement
- func BuildRequestedReimbursement(requestedAmount unit.Cents, methodOfReceipt MethodOfReceipt) Reimbursement
- func FetchReimbursement(db *pop.Connection, session *auth.Session, id uuid.UUID) (*Reimbursement, error)
- func (r *Reimbursement) Approve() error
- func (r *Reimbursement) Pay() error
- func (r *Reimbursement) Reject() error
- func (r *Reimbursement) Request() error
- func (r Reimbursement) TableName() string
- func (r *Reimbursement) Validate(tx *pop.Connection) (*validate.Errors, error)
- func (r *Reimbursement) ValidateCreate(tx *pop.Connection) (*validate.Errors, error)
- func (r *Reimbursement) ValidateUpdate(tx *pop.Connection) (*validate.Errors, error)
- type ReimbursementStatus
- type Reimbursements
- type ReportViolation
- type ReportViolations
- type Reweigh
- type ReweighRequester
- type RoleInclusion
- type SITExtension
- type SITExtensionRequestReason
- type SITExtensionStatus
- type SITExtensions
- type SITLocationType
- type SSWMaxWeightEntitlement
- type SelectedMoveType
- type ServiceItemParamKey
- type ServiceItemParamKeys
- type ServiceItemParamName
- type ServiceItemParamOrigin
- type ServiceItemParamType
- type ServiceMember
- func (s ServiceMember) CreateBackupContact(db *pop.Connection, name string, email string, phone *string, ...) (BackupContact, *validate.Errors, error)
- func (s ServiceMember) CreateOrder(appCtx appcontext.AppContext, issueDate time.Time, reportByDate time.Time, ...) (Order, *validate.Errors, error)
- func (s *ServiceMember) IsProfileComplete() bool
- func (s *ServiceMember) ReverseNameLineFormat() string
- func (s *ServiceMember) Validate(tx *pop.Connection) (*validate.Errors, error)
- func (s *ServiceMember) ValidateCreate(tx *pop.Connection) (*validate.Errors, error)
- func (s *ServiceMember) ValidateUpdate(tx *pop.Connection) (*validate.Errors, error)
- type ServiceMemberAffiliation
- type ServiceMemberRank
- type ServiceMembers
- type ServiceParam
- type ServiceParams
- type ShipmentSummaryFormData
- type ShipmentSummaryWorkSheetSIT
- type ShipmentSummaryWorkSheetShipments
- type ShipmentSummaryWorksheetPage1Values
- type ShipmentSummaryWorksheetPage2Values
- type ShipmentSummaryWorksheetPage3Values
- type SignedCertification
- type SignedCertificationType
- type SignedCertifications
- type StageConusToOconusPrice
- type StageCounselingServicesPrice
- type StageDomesticInternationalAdditionalPrice
- type StageDomesticLinehaulPrice
- type StageDomesticMoveAccessorialPrice
- type StageDomesticOtherPackPrice
- type StageDomesticOtherSitPrice
- type StageDomesticServiceArea
- type StageDomesticServiceAreaPrice
- type StageInternationalMoveAccessorialPrice
- type StageInternationalServiceArea
- type StageNonStandardLocnPrice
- type StageOconusToConusPrice
- type StageOconusToOconusPrice
- type StageOtherIntlPrice
- type StagePriceEscalationDiscount
- type StageShipmentManagementServicesPrice
- type StageTransitionPrice
- type StorageFacilities
- type StorageFacility
- type StringInList
- type StringIsNilOrNotBlank
- type TSPPerformanceGroup
- type TSPPerformanceGroups
- type Tariff400ngFullPackRate
- type Tariff400ngFullPackRates
- type Tariff400ngFullUnpackRate
- type Tariff400ngFullUnpackRates
- type Tariff400ngItem
- func FetchTariff400ngItem(dbConnection *pop.Connection, id uuid.UUID) (Tariff400ngItem, error)
- func FetchTariff400ngItemByCode(dbConnection *pop.Connection, code string) (Tariff400ngItem, error)
- func FetchTariff400ngItems(dbConnection *pop.Connection, onlyRequiresPreApproval bool) ([]Tariff400ngItem, error)
- type Tariff400ngItemAllowedLocation
- type Tariff400ngItemDiscountType
- type Tariff400ngItemMeasurementUnit
- type Tariff400ngItemRate
- type Tariff400ngItemRateRefCode
- type Tariff400ngLinehaulRate
- type Tariff400ngLinehaulRates
- type Tariff400ngServiceArea
- type Tariff400ngServiceAreas
- type Tariff400ngShorthaulRate
- type Tariff400ngShorthaulRates
- type Tariff400ngZip3
- type Tariff400ngZip3s
- type Tariff400ngZip5RateArea
- type Tariff400ngZip5RateAreas
- type TourType
- type TrafficDistributionList
- type TrafficDistributionLists
- type TransportationAccountingCode
- type TransportationOffice
- type TransportationOffices
- type TransportationServiceProvider
- type TransportationServiceProviderPerformance
- func IncrementTSPPerformanceOfferCount(db *pop.Connection, tspPerformanceID uuid.UUID) (TransportationServiceProviderPerformance, error)
- func NextEligibleTSPPerformance(db *pop.Connection, tdlID uuid.UUID, bookDate time.Time, ...) (TransportationServiceProviderPerformance, error)
- func NextTSPPerformanceInQualityBand(tx *pop.Connection, tdlID uuid.UUID, qualityBand int, bookDate time.Time, ...) (TransportationServiceProviderPerformance, error)
- func SelectNextTSPPerformance(tspPerformances map[int]TransportationServiceProviderPerformance) TransportationServiceProviderPerformance
- type TransportationServiceProviderPerformances
- type TransportationServiceProviders
- type Upload
- type UploadType
- type Uploads
- type User
- type UserIdentity
- type UserUpload
- type UserUploads
- type Users
- type UsersRoles
- type ValidateableModel
- type WebhookNotification
- func (w WebhookNotification) String() string
- func (w *WebhookNotification) Validate(tx *pop.Connection) (*validate.Errors, error)
- func (w *WebhookNotification) ValidateCreate(tx *pop.Connection) (*validate.Errors, error)
- func (w *WebhookNotification) ValidateUpdate(tx *pop.Connection) (*validate.Errors, error)
- type WebhookNotificationStatus
- type WebhookNotifications
- type WebhookSubscription
- type WebhookSubscriptionStatus
- type WebhookSubscriptions
- type WeightAllotment
- type WeightTicket
- type WeightTickets
- type Zip3Distance
- type Zip3Distances
Constants ¶
const ( // NTSRaw is the raw string value of the NTS Shipment Type NTSRaw = "HHG_INTO_NTS_DOMESTIC" // NTSrRaw is the raw string value of the NTSr Shipment Type NTSrRaw = "HHG_OUTOF_NTS_DOMESTIC" )
using these also in move.go selected move type
const ( // Tariff400ngItemAllowedLocationORIGIN captures enum value "ORIGIN" Tariff400ngItemAllowedLocationORIGIN Tariff400ngItemAllowedLocation = "ORIGIN" // Tariff400ngItemAllowedLocationDESTINATION captures enum value "DESTINATION" Tariff400ngItemAllowedLocationDESTINATION Tariff400ngItemAllowedLocation = "DESTINATION" // Tariff400ngItemAllowedLocationNEITHER captures enum value "NEITHER" Tariff400ngItemAllowedLocationNEITHER Tariff400ngItemAllowedLocation = "NEITHER" // Tariff400ngItemAllowedLocationEITHER captures enum value "EITHER" Tariff400ngItemAllowedLocationEITHER Tariff400ngItemAllowedLocation = "EITHER" // Tariff400ngItemDiscountTypeHHG captures enum value "HHG" Tariff400ngItemDiscountTypeHHG Tariff400ngItemDiscountType = "HHG" // Tariff400ngItemDiscountTypeHHGLINEHAUL50 captures enum value "HHG_LINEHAUL_50" Tariff400ngItemDiscountTypeHHGLINEHAUL50 Tariff400ngItemDiscountType = "HHG_LINEHAUL_50" // Tariff400ngItemDiscountTypeSIT captures enum value "SIT" Tariff400ngItemDiscountTypeSIT Tariff400ngItemDiscountType = "SIT" // Tariff400ngItemDiscountTypeNONE captures enum value "NONE" Tariff400ngItemDiscountTypeNONE Tariff400ngItemDiscountType = "NONE" // Tariff400ngItemRateRefCodeDATEDELIVERED captures enum value "DD" Tariff400ngItemRateRefCodeDATEDELIVERED Tariff400ngItemRateRefCode = "DD" // Tariff400ngItemRateRefCodeFUELSURCHARGE captures enum value "FS" Tariff400ngItemRateRefCodeFUELSURCHARGE Tariff400ngItemRateRefCode = "FS" // Tariff400ngItemRateRefCodeMILES captures enum value "MI" Tariff400ngItemRateRefCodeMILES Tariff400ngItemRateRefCode = "MI" // Tariff400ngItemRateRefCodePACKPERCENTAGE captures enum value "PS" Tariff400ngItemRateRefCodePACKPERCENTAGE Tariff400ngItemRateRefCode = "PS" // Tariff400ngItemRateRefCodePOINTSCHEDULE captures enum value "SC" Tariff400ngItemRateRefCodePOINTSCHEDULE Tariff400ngItemRateRefCode = "SC" // Tariff400ngItemRateRefCodeTARIFFSECTION captures enum value "SE" Tariff400ngItemRateRefCodeTARIFFSECTION Tariff400ngItemRateRefCode = "SE" // Tariff400ngItemRateRefCodeNONE captures enum value "NONE" Tariff400ngItemRateRefCodeNONE Tariff400ngItemRateRefCode = "NONE" // Tariff400ngItemMeasurementUnitWEIGHT captures enum value "BW" Tariff400ngItemMeasurementUnitWEIGHT Tariff400ngItemMeasurementUnit = "BW" // Tariff400ngItemMeasurementUnitCUBICFOOT captures enum value "CF" Tariff400ngItemMeasurementUnitCUBICFOOT Tariff400ngItemMeasurementUnit = "CF" // Tariff400ngItemMeasurementUnitEACH captures enum value "EA" Tariff400ngItemMeasurementUnitEACH Tariff400ngItemMeasurementUnit = "EA" // Tariff400ngItemMeasurementUnitFLATRATE captures enum value "FR" Tariff400ngItemMeasurementUnitFLATRATE Tariff400ngItemMeasurementUnit = "FR" // Tariff400ngItemMeasurementUnitFUELPERCENTAGE captures enum value "FP" Tariff400ngItemMeasurementUnitFUELPERCENTAGE Tariff400ngItemMeasurementUnit = "FP" // Tariff400ngItemMeasurementUnitCONTAINER captures enum value "NR" Tariff400ngItemMeasurementUnitCONTAINER Tariff400ngItemMeasurementUnit = "NR" // Tariff400ngItemMeasurementUnitMONETARYVALUE captures enum value "MV" Tariff400ngItemMeasurementUnitMONETARYVALUE Tariff400ngItemMeasurementUnit = "MV" // Tariff400ngItemMeasurementUnitDAYS captures enum value "TD" Tariff400ngItemMeasurementUnitDAYS Tariff400ngItemMeasurementUnit = "TD" // Tariff400ngItemMeasurementUnitHOURS captures enum value "TH" Tariff400ngItemMeasurementUnitHOURS Tariff400ngItemMeasurementUnit = "TH" // Tariff400ngItemMeasurementUnitNONE captures enum value "NONE" Tariff400ngItemMeasurementUnitNONE Tariff400ngItemMeasurementUnit = "NONE" )
const (
// DefaultServiceMemberSITDaysAllowance is the default number of SIT days a service member is allowed
DefaultServiceMemberSITDaysAllowance = 90
These are meant to be the default number of SIT days that a customer is allowed to have. They should be used when creating a shipment and setting the initial value. Other values will likely be added to this once we deal with different types of customers.
const PoundsPackedPerDay = 5000
PoundsPackedPerDay represents the number of pounds that can be packed in a single day.
const RecordNotFoundErrorString = "sql: no rows in result set"
RecordNotFoundErrorString is the error string returned when no matching rows exist in the database This is ugly, but the best we can do with go's Postgresql adapter
const UploadedOrdersDocumentName = "uploaded_orders"
UploadedOrdersDocumentName is the name of an uploaded orders document
Variables ¶
var AllowedExpenseTypes = []string{ string(MovingExpenseReceiptTypeContractedExpense), string(MovingExpenseReceiptTypeOil), string(MovingExpenseReceiptTypePackingMaterials), string(MovingExpenseReceiptTypeRentalEquipment), string(MovingExpenseReceiptTypeStorage), string(MovingExpenseReceiptTypeTolls), string(MovingExpenseReceiptTypeWeighingFee), string(MovingExpenseReceiptTypeOther), }
var AllowedPPMDocumentStatuses = []string{ string(PPMDocumentStatusApproved), string(PPMDocumentStatusExcluded), string(PPMDocumentStatusRejected), }
var ErrCreateViolatesUniqueConstraint = errors.New("CREATE_VIOLATES_UNIQUE")
ErrCreateViolatesUniqueConstraint is returned if you call create and violate a unique constraint.
var ErrDestroyForbidden = errors.New("DESTROY_FORBIDDEN")
ErrDestroyForbidden means that a model cannot be destroyed in its current state
var ErrFetchForbidden = errors.New("FETCH_FORBIDDEN")
ErrFetchForbidden means that the record exists but that the user does not have access to it
var ErrFetchNotFound = errors.New("FETCH_NOT_FOUND")
ErrFetchNotFound means that the requested record does not exist
var ErrInvalidPatchGate = errors.New("INVALID_PATCH_GATE")
ErrInvalidPatchGate means that an attempt to patch a model was not given the correct set of fields
var ErrInvalidTransition = errors.New("INVALID_TRANSITION")
ErrInvalidTransition is an error representing an invalid state transition.
var ErrLocatorGeneration = errors.New("LOCATOR_ERRORS")
ErrLocatorGeneration means that we got errors generating the Locator
ErrUserUnauthorized means that the user is not authorized to access a record
var ErrWriteConflict = errors.New("WRITE_CONFLICT")
ErrWriteConflict means that the record creation or update cannot be completed due to a conflict with other records
var ErrWriteForbidden = errors.New("WRITE_FORBIDDEN")
ErrWriteForbidden means that user is not permitted to write the record
var OffersPerQualityBand = map[int]int{
1: 1,
2: 1,
3: 1,
4: 1,
OffersPerQualityBand is a map of the number of shipments to be offered per round to each quality band TODO: change these back to [5, 3, 2, 1] after the B&M pilot
var ValidServiceItemParamNameStrings = []string{ string(ServiceItemParamNameActualPickupDate), string(ServiceItemParamNameContractCode), string(ServiceItemParamNameContractYearName), string(ServiceItemParamNameCubicFeetBilled), string(ServiceItemParamNameCubicFeetCrating), string(ServiceItemParamNameDimensionHeight), string(ServiceItemParamNameDimensionLength), string(ServiceItemParamNameDimensionWidth), string(ServiceItemParamNameDistanceZip), string(ServiceItemParamNameDistanceZipSITDest), string(ServiceItemParamNameDistanceZipSITOrigin), string(ServiceItemParamNameEIAFuelPrice), string(ServiceItemParamNameEscalationCompounded), string(ServiceItemParamNameFSCMultiplier), string(ServiceItemParamNameFSCPriceDifferenceInCents), string(ServiceItemParamNameFSCWeightBasedDistanceMultiplier), string(ServiceItemParamNameIsPeak), string(ServiceItemParamNameMarketDest), string(ServiceItemParamNameMarketOrigin), string(ServiceItemParamNameMTOAvailableToPrimeAt), string(ServiceItemParamNameNTSPackingFactor), string(ServiceItemParamNameNumberDaysSIT), string(ServiceItemParamNamePriceAreaDest), string(ServiceItemParamNamePriceAreaIntlDest), string(ServiceItemParamNamePriceAreaIntlOrigin), string(ServiceItemParamNamePriceAreaOrigin), string(ServiceItemParamNamePriceRateOrFactor), string(ServiceItemParamNamePSILinehaulDom), string(ServiceItemParamNamePSILinehaulDomPrice), string(ServiceItemParamNamePSILinehaulShort), string(ServiceItemParamNamePSILinehaulShortPrice), string(ServiceItemParamNamePSIPriceDomDest), string(ServiceItemParamNamePSIPriceDomDestPrice), string(ServiceItemParamNamePSIPriceDomOrigin), string(ServiceItemParamNamePSIPriceDomOriginPrice), string(ServiceItemParamNamePSIShippingLinehaulIntlCO), string(ServiceItemParamNamePSIShippingLinehaulIntlCOPrice), string(ServiceItemParamNamePSIShippingLinehaulIntlOC), string(ServiceItemParamNamePSIShippingLinehaulIntlOCPrice), string(ServiceItemParamNamePSIShippingLinehaulIntlOO), string(ServiceItemParamNamePSIShippingLinehaulIntlOOPrice), string(ServiceItemParamNameRateAreaNonStdDest), string(ServiceItemParamNameRateAreaNonStdOrigin), string(ServiceItemParamNameReferenceDate), string(ServiceItemParamNameRequestedPickupDate), string(ServiceItemParamNameServiceAreaDest), string(ServiceItemParamNameServiceAreaOrigin), string(ServiceItemParamNameServicesScheduleDest), string(ServiceItemParamNameServicesScheduleOrigin), string(ServiceItemParamNameSITPaymentRequestEnd), string(ServiceItemParamNameSITPaymentRequestStart), string(ServiceItemParamNameSITScheduleDest), string(ServiceItemParamNameSITScheduleOrigin), string(ServiceItemParamNameWeightAdjusted), string(ServiceItemParamNameWeightBilled), string(ServiceItemParamNameWeightEstimated), string(ServiceItemParamNameWeightOriginal), string(ServiceItemParamNameWeightReweigh), string(ServiceItemParamNameZipDestAddress), string(ServiceItemParamNameZipPickupAddress), string(ServiceItemParamNameZipSITDestHHGFinalAddress), string(ServiceItemParamNameZipSITOriginHHGActualAddress), string(ServiceItemParamNameZipSITOriginHHGOriginalAddress), }
ValidServiceItemParamNameStrings lists all valid service item param key names
var ValidServiceItemParamNames = []ServiceItemParamName{ ServiceItemParamNameActualPickupDate, ServiceItemParamNameContractCode, ServiceItemParamNameContractYearName, ServiceItemParamNameCubicFeetBilled, ServiceItemParamNameCubicFeetCrating, ServiceItemParamNameDimensionHeight, ServiceItemParamNameDimensionLength, ServiceItemParamNameDimensionWidth, ServiceItemParamNameDistanceZip, ServiceItemParamNameDistanceZipSITDest, ServiceItemParamNameDistanceZipSITOrigin, ServiceItemParamNameEIAFuelPrice, ServiceItemParamNameEscalationCompounded, ServiceItemParamNameFSCMultiplier, ServiceItemParamNameFSCPriceDifferenceInCents, ServiceItemParamNameFSCWeightBasedDistanceMultiplier, ServiceItemParamNameIsPeak, ServiceItemParamNameMarketDest, ServiceItemParamNameMarketOrigin, ServiceItemParamNameMTOAvailableToPrimeAt, ServiceItemParamNameNTSPackingFactor, ServiceItemParamNameNumberDaysSIT, ServiceItemParamNamePriceAreaDest, ServiceItemParamNamePriceAreaIntlDest, ServiceItemParamNamePriceAreaIntlOrigin, ServiceItemParamNamePriceAreaOrigin, ServiceItemParamNamePriceRateOrFactor, ServiceItemParamNamePSILinehaulDom, ServiceItemParamNamePSILinehaulDomPrice, ServiceItemParamNamePSILinehaulShort, ServiceItemParamNamePSILinehaulShortPrice, ServiceItemParamNamePSIPriceDomDest, ServiceItemParamNamePSIPriceDomDestPrice, ServiceItemParamNamePSIPriceDomOrigin, ServiceItemParamNamePSIPriceDomOriginPrice, ServiceItemParamNamePSIShippingLinehaulIntlCO, ServiceItemParamNamePSIShippingLinehaulIntlCOPrice, ServiceItemParamNamePSIShippingLinehaulIntlOC, ServiceItemParamNamePSIShippingLinehaulIntlOCPrice, ServiceItemParamNamePSIShippingLinehaulIntlOO, ServiceItemParamNamePSIShippingLinehaulIntlOOPrice, ServiceItemParamNameRateAreaNonStdDest, ServiceItemParamNameRateAreaNonStdOrigin, ServiceItemParamNameReferenceDate, ServiceItemParamNameRequestedPickupDate, ServiceItemParamNameServiceAreaDest, ServiceItemParamNameServiceAreaOrigin, ServiceItemParamNameServicesScheduleDest, ServiceItemParamNameServicesScheduleOrigin, ServiceItemParamNameSITPaymentRequestEnd, ServiceItemParamNameSITPaymentRequestStart, ServiceItemParamNameSITScheduleDest, ServiceItemParamNameSITScheduleOrigin, ServiceItemParamNameWeightAdjusted, ServiceItemParamNameWeightBilled, ServiceItemParamNameWeightEstimated, ServiceItemParamNameWeightOriginal, ServiceItemParamNameWeightReweigh, ServiceItemParamNameZipDestAddress, ServiceItemParamNameZipPickupAddress, ServiceItemParamNameZipSITDestHHGFinalAddress, ServiceItemParamNameZipSITOriginHHGActualAddress, ServiceItemParamNameZipSITOriginHHGOriginalAddress, }
ValidServiceItemParamNames lists all valid service item param key names
var ValidServiceItemParamOrigins = []string{ string(ServiceItemParamOriginPrime), string(ServiceItemParamOriginSystem), string(ServiceItemParamOriginPricer), string(ServiceItemParamOriginPaymentRequest), }
ValidServiceItemParamOrigins lists all valid service item param origins
var ValidServiceItemParamTypes = []string{ string(ServiceItemParamTypeString), string(ServiceItemParamTypeDate), string(ServiceItemParamTypeInteger), string(ServiceItemParamTypeDecimal), string(ServiceItemParamTypeTimestamp), string(ServiceItemParamTypePaymentServiceItemUUID), string(ServiceItemParamTypeBoolean), }
ValidServiceItemParamTypes lists all valid service item param types
Functions ¶
func AllWeightAllotments ¶
func AllWeightAllotments() map[ServiceMemberRank]WeightAllotment
AllWeightAllotments returns all the weight allotments for each rank.
func AssignQualityBandToTSPPerformance ¶
AssignQualityBandToTSPPerformance sets the QualityBand value for a TransportationServiceProviderPerformance.
func BoolPointer ¶
BoolPointer allows you to take the address of a bool literal. It is useful for initializing bool pointer fields in model construction
func CalculateRemainingPPMEntitlement ¶
CalculateRemainingPPMEntitlement calculates the remaining PPM entitlement for PPM moves a PPMs remaining entitlement weight is equal to total entitlement - hhg weight
func CentPointer ¶
CentPointer allows you to get the pointer to a unit.Cent literal. It is useful for initializing unit.Cent pointer fields in model construction
func CreateElectronicOrder ¶
func CreateElectronicOrder(dbConnection *pop.Connection, order *ElectronicOrder) (*validate.Errors, error)
CreateElectronicOrder inserts an empty set of electronic Orders into the database
func CreateElectronicOrderWithRevision ¶
func CreateElectronicOrderWithRevision(dbConnection *pop.Connection, order *ElectronicOrder, firstRevision *ElectronicOrdersRevision) (*validate.Errors, error)
CreateElectronicOrderWithRevision inserts a new set of electronic Orders into the database with its first Revision
func DeletePrimeUpload ¶
func DeletePrimeUpload(dbConn *pop.Connection, primeUpload *PrimeUpload) error
DeletePrimeUpload deletes an upload from the database
func DeleteUpload ¶
DeleteUpload deletes an upload from the database
func DeleteUserUpload ¶
func DeleteUserUpload(dbConn *pop.Connection, userUpload *UserUpload) error
DeleteUserUpload deletes an upload from the database
func FetchBaseLinehaulRate ¶
func FetchBaseLinehaulRate(tx *pop.Connection, mileage int, weight unit.Pound, date time.Time) (linehaulRate unit.Cents, err error)
FetchBaseLinehaulRate takes a move's distance and weight and queries the tariff400ng_linehaul_rates table to find a move's base linehaul rate.
func FetchDiscountRates ¶
func FetchDiscountRates(db *pop.Connection, originZip string, destinationZip string, cos string, date time.Time) (linehaulDiscount unit.DiscountRate, sitDiscount unit.DiscountRate, err error)
FetchDiscountRates returns the discount linehaul and SIT rates for the TSP with the highest BVS during the specified date, limited to those TSPs in the channel defined by the originZip and destinationZip. In case of more than one TSP having the same highest BVS score, we return the one whose TSPP ID comes first alphabetically.
func FetchRateAreaForZip5 ¶
FetchRateAreaForZip5 returns the rate area for a specified zip5.
func FetchRegionForZip5 ¶
FetchRegionForZip5 returns the region for a specified zip5.
func FetchShorthaulRateCents ¶
func FetchShorthaulRateCents(tx *pop.Connection, cwtMiles int, date time.Time) (rateCents unit.Cents, err error)
FetchShorthaulRateCents returns the shorthaul rate for a given Centumweight-Miles (cwtMiles is a unit capturing the movement of 100lbs by 1 mile.) The value returned is in cents of 1 USD.
func FetchTariff400ngFullPackRateCents ¶
func FetchTariff400ngFullPackRateCents(tx *pop.Connection, weight unit.Pound, schedule int, date time.Time) (unit.Cents, error)
FetchTariff400ngFullPackRateCents returns the full unpack rate for a service schedule and weight.
func FetchTariff400ngFullUnpackRateMillicents ¶
func FetchTariff400ngFullUnpackRateMillicents(tx *pop.Connection, serviceSchedule int, date time.Time) (int, error)
FetchTariff400ngFullUnpackRateMillicents returns the full unpack rate for a service schedule.
func Float64Pointer ¶
Float64Pointer allows you to take the address of a float64 literal. It is useful for initializing float64 pointer fields in model construction
func FormatCurrentPPMStatus ¶
func FormatCurrentPPMStatus(ppm PersonallyProcuredMove) string
FormatCurrentPPMStatus formats FormatCurrentPPMStatus for the Shipment Summary Worksheet
func FormatDate ¶
FormatDate formats Dates for Shipment Summary Worksheet
func FormatDollars ¶
FormatDollars formats an int using 000s separator
func FormatEnum ¶
FormatEnum titlecases string const types (e.g. THIS_CONSTANT -> This Constant) outSep specifies the character to use for rejoining the string
func FormatLocation ¶
func FormatLocation(dutyLocation DutyLocation) string
FormatLocation formats AuthorizedOrigin and AuthorizedDestination for Shipment Summary Worksheet
func FormatOrdersType ¶
FormatOrdersType formats OrdersType for Shipment Summary Worksheet
func FormatOrdersTypeAndOrdersNumber ¶
FormatOrdersTypeAndOrdersNumber formats OrdersTypeAndOrdersNumber for Shipment Summary Worksheet
func FormatPPMNumberAndType ¶
FormatPPMNumberAndType formats FormatShipmentNumberAndType for the Shipment Summary Worksheet
func FormatPPMPickupDate ¶
func FormatPPMPickupDate(ppm PersonallyProcuredMove) string
FormatPPMPickupDate formats a shipments ActualPickupDate for the Shipment Summary Worksheet
func FormatPPMWeight ¶
func FormatPPMWeight(ppm PersonallyProcuredMove) string
FormatPPMWeight formats a ppms NetWeight for the Shipment Summary Worksheet
func FormatRank ¶
func FormatRank(rank *ServiceMemberRank) string
FormatRank formats the service member's rank for Shipment Summary Worksheet
func FormatServiceMemberAffiliation ¶
func FormatServiceMemberAffiliation(affiliation *ServiceMemberAffiliation) string
FormatServiceMemberAffiliation formats ServiceMemberAffiliation in human friendly format
func FormatServiceMemberFullName ¶
func FormatServiceMemberFullName(serviceMember ServiceMember) string
FormatServiceMemberFullName formats ServiceMember full name for Shipment Summary Worksheet
func FormatSignature ¶
func FormatSignature(sm ServiceMember) string
FormatSignature formats a service member's signature for the Shipment Summary Worksheet
func FormatSignatureDate ¶
func FormatSignatureDate(signature SignedCertification) string
FormatSignatureDate formats the date the service member electronically signed for the Shipment Summary Worksheet
func FormatValuesShipmentSummaryWorksheet ¶
func FormatValuesShipmentSummaryWorksheet(shipmentSummaryFormData ShipmentSummaryFormData) (ShipmentSummaryWorksheetPage1Values, ShipmentSummaryWorksheetPage2Values, ShipmentSummaryWorksheetPage3Values, error)
FormatValuesShipmentSummaryWorksheet returns the formatted pages for the Shipment Summary Worksheet
func FormatWeights ¶
FormatWeights formats a unit.Pound using 000s separator
func GatherNextEligibleTSPPerformances ¶
func GatherNextEligibleTSPPerformances(tx *pop.Connection, tdlID uuid.UUID, bookDate time.Time, requestedPickupDate time.Time) (map[int]TransportationServiceProviderPerformance, error)
GatherNextEligibleTSPPerformances returns a map of QualityBands to their next eligible TSPPerformance.
func GenerateLocator ¶
func GenerateLocator() string
GenerateLocator constructs a record locator - a unique 6 character alphanumeric string
func GenerateReferenceID ¶
GenerateReferenceID generates a reference ID for the MTO
func GetAddressID ¶
GetAddressID facilitates grabbing the ID from an address that may be nil
func GetEntitlement ¶
func GetEntitlement(rank ServiceMemberRank, hasDependents bool) (int, error)
GetEntitlement calculates the entitlement weight based on rank and dependents. Only includes either TotalWeightSelf or TotalWeightSelfPlusDependents.
func GetRateCycle ¶
GetRateCycle returns the start date and end dates for a rate cycle of the given year and season (peak/non-peak), inclusive.
func Int32Pointer ¶
Int32Pointer allows you to take the address of a int32 literal. It is useful for initializing int32 pointer fields in model construction
func Int64Pointer ¶
Int64Pointer allows you to take the address of a int64 literal. It is useful for initializing int64 pointer fields in model construction
func IntPointer ¶
IntPointer allows you to take the address of a int literal. It is useful for initializing int pointer fields in model construction
func PPMDiscountFetch ¶
func PPMDiscountFetch(db *pop.Connection, logger *zap.Logger, move Move, originZip string, destZip string, moveDate time.Time) (unit.DiscountRate, unit.DiscountRate, error)
PPMDiscountFetch attempts to fetch the discount rates first for COS D, then 2 Most PPMs use COS D, but when there is no COS D rate, the calculation is based on Code 2
func PoundPointer ¶
PoundPointer allows you to get the pointer to a unit.Pound literal. It is useful for initializing unit.Pound pointer fields in model construction
func SaveMoveDependencies ¶
SaveMoveDependencies safely saves a Move status, ppms' advances' statuses, orders statuses, and shipment GBLOCs.
func SavePersonallyProcuredMove ¶
func SavePersonallyProcuredMove(db *pop.Connection, ppm *PersonallyProcuredMove) (*validate.Errors, error)
SavePersonallyProcuredMove Safely saves a PPM and it's associated Advance.
func SaveServiceMember ¶
func SaveServiceMember(appCtx appcontext.AppContext, serviceMember *ServiceMember) (*validate.Errors, error)
SaveServiceMember takes a serviceMember with Address structs and coordinates saving it all in a transaction
func StringPointer ¶
StringPointer allows you to take the address of a string literal. It is useful for initializing string pointer fields in model construction
func SubTotalExpenses ¶
func SubTotalExpenses(expenseDocuments MovingExpenses) map[string]float64
SubTotalExpenses groups moving expenses by type and payment method
func TimePointer ¶
TimePointer allows you to take the address of a time.Time literal. It is useful for initializing time.Time pointer fields in model construction
func TransitDays ¶
TransitDays returns the number of days it will take to move the specified weight of goods the specified distance.
func UUIDPointer ¶
UUIDPointer allows you to get the pointer to a uuid.UUID literal. It is useful for initializing uuid.UUID pointer fields in model construction
func UpdateUserLoginGovUUID ¶
UpdateUserLoginGovUUID is called upon the first successful verification of a new user
Types ¶
type Address ¶
type Address struct { ID uuid.UUID `json:"id" db:"id"` CreatedAt time.Time `json:"created_at" db:"created_at"` UpdatedAt time.Time `json:"updated_at" db:"updated_at"` StreetAddress1 string `json:"street_address_1" db:"street_address_1"` StreetAddress2 *string `json:"street_address_2" db:"street_address_2"` StreetAddress3 *string `json:"street_address_3" db:"street_address_3"` City string `json:"city" db:"city"` State string `json:"state" db:"state"` PostalCode string `json:"postal_code" db:"postal_code"` Country *string `json:"country" db:"country"` }
Address is an address
func FetchAddressByID ¶
FetchAddressByID returns an address model by ID
func (*Address) CountryCode ¶
CountryCode returns 2-3 character code for country, returns nil if no Country TODO: since we only support CONUS at this time this just returns USA and otherwise throws a NotImplementedCountryCode
func (*Address) LineFormat ¶
LineFormat returns the address as a string, formatted into a single line
func (*Address) MarshalLogObject ¶
func (a *Address) MarshalLogObject(encoder zapcore.ObjectEncoder) error
MarshalLogObject is required to be able to zap.Object log TDLs
func (*Address) Validate ¶
Validate gets run every time you call a "pop.Validate*" (pop.ValidateAndSave, pop.ValidateAndCreate, pop.ValidateAndUpdate) method. This method is not required and may be deleted.
func (*Address) ValidateCreate ¶
ValidateCreate gets run every time you call "pop.ValidateAndCreate" method. This method is not required and may be deleted.
func (*Address) ValidateUpdate ¶
ValidateUpdate gets run every time you call "pop.ValidateAndUpdate" method. This method is not required and may be deleted.
type AdminRole ¶
type AdminRole string
AdminRole represents administrative roles
func (*AdminRole) ValidRoles ¶
ValidRoles returns a slice of valid roles for an admin
type AdminUser ¶
type AdminUser struct { ID uuid.UUID `json:"id" db:"id"` CreatedAt time.Time `json:"created_at" db:"created_at"` UpdatedAt time.Time `json:"updated_at" db:"updated_at"` UserID *uuid.UUID `json:"user_id" db:"user_id"` User User `belongs_to:"user" fk_id:"user_id"` Role AdminRole `json:"role" db:"role"` Email string `json:"email" db:"email"` FirstName string `json:"first_name" db:"first_name"` LastName string `json:"last_name" db:"last_name"` OrganizationID *uuid.UUID `json:"organization_id" db:"organization_id"` Organization Organization `belongs_to:"organization" fk_id:"organization_id"` Active bool `json:"active" db:"active"` }
AdminUser is someone who operates the Milmove systems
func (*AdminUser) Validate ¶
Validate gets run every time you call a "pop.Validate*" (pop.ValidateAndSave, pop.ValidateAndCreate, pop.ValidateAndUpdate) method. This method is not required and may be deleted.
func (*AdminUser) ValidateCreate ¶
ValidateCreate gets run every time you call "pop.ValidateAndCreate" method. This method is not required and may be deleted.
func (*AdminUser) ValidateUpdate ¶
ValidateUpdate gets run every time you call "pop.ValidateAndUpdate" method. This method is not required and may be deleted.
type AdminUsers ¶
type AdminUsers []AdminUser
AdminUsers is not required by pop and may be deleted
func (AdminUsers) String ¶
func (a AdminUsers) String() string
String is not required by pop and may be deleted
type AffiliationIsPresent ¶
type AffiliationIsPresent struct { Name string Field internalmessages.Affiliation }
AffiliationIsPresent validates that a branch is present
func (*AffiliationIsPresent) IsValid ¶
func (v *AffiliationIsPresent) IsValid(errors *validate.Errors)
IsValid adds an error if the string value is blank.
type AtLeastOneNotNil ¶
type AtLeastOneNotNil struct { FieldName1 string FieldValue1 *string FieldName2 string FieldValue2 *string }
AtLeastOneNotNil validates that at least one of two fields are not nil
func (*AtLeastOneNotNil) IsValid ¶
func (v *AtLeastOneNotNil) IsValid(errors *validate.Errors)
IsValid adds an error if fieldValue1 and fieldValue2 are nil
type AuditHistories ¶
type AuditHistories []AuditHistory
AuditHistories is not required by pop and may be deleted
type AuditHistory ¶
type AuditHistory struct { ID uuid.UUID `json:"id" db:"id"` // Database schema audited table for this event is in SchemaName string `json:"schema_name" db:"schema_name"` // name of database table that was changed TableName string `json:"table_name" db:"table_name"` // relation OID. Table OID (object identifier). Changes with drop/create RelID int64 `json:"rel_id" db:"relid"` // id column for the tableName where the data was changed ObjectID *uuid.UUID `json:"object_id" db:"object_id"` SessionUserID *uuid.UUID `json:"session_user_id" db:"session_userid"` SessionUserFirstName *string `json:"session_user_first_name" db:"session_user_first_name"` SessionUserLastName *string `json:"session_user_last_name" db:"session_user_last_name"` SessionUserEmail *string `json:"session_user_email" db:"session_user_email"` SessionUserTelephone *string `json:"session_user_telephone" db:"session_user_telephone"` Context *string `json:"context" db:"context"` ContextID *string `json:"context_id" db:"context_id"` // Identifier of transaction that made the change. May wrap, but unique paired with action_tstamp_tx TransactionID *int64 `json:"transaction_id" db:"transaction_id"` // Record the text of the client query that triggered the audit event ClientQuery *string `json:"client_query" db:"client_query"` // Action type; I = insert, D = delete, U = update, T = truncate Action string `json:"action" db:"action"` // API endpoint name that was called to make the change EventName *string `json:"event_name" db:"event_name"` OldData *string `json:"old_data" db:"old_data"` ChangedData *string `json:"changed_data" db:"changed_data"` // true if audit event is from an FOR EACH STATEMENT trigger, false for FOR EACH ROW' StatementOnly bool `json:"statement_only" db:"statement_only"` // Transaction start timestamp for tx in which audited event occurred ActionTstampTx time.Time `json:"action_tstamp_tx" db:"action_tstamp_tx"` // Statement start timestamp for tx in which audited event occurred ActionTstampStm time.Time `json:"action_tstamp_stm" db:"action_tstamp_stm"` // Wall clock time at which audited event's trigger call occurred ActionTstampClk time.Time `json:"action_tstamp_clk" db:"action_tstamp_clk"` }
AuditHistory is a record from the audit_history table
type BackupContact ¶
type BackupContact struct { ID uuid.UUID `json:"id" db:"id"` CreatedAt time.Time `json:"created_at" db:"created_at"` UpdatedAt time.Time `json:"updated_at" db:"updated_at"` ServiceMemberID uuid.UUID `json:"service_member_id" db:"service_member_id"` ServiceMember ServiceMember `belongs_to:"service_member" fk_id:"service_member_id"` Permission BackupContactPermission `json:"permission" db:"permission"` Name string `json:"name" db:"name"` Email string `json:"email" db:"email"` Phone *string `json:"phone" db:"phone"` }
BackupContact is a model representing a backup contact for a service member
func FetchBackupContact ¶
func FetchBackupContact(db *pop.Connection, session *auth.Session, id uuid.UUID) (BackupContact, error)
FetchBackupContact returns a specific backup contact model
func (*BackupContact) Validate ¶
func (b *BackupContact) Validate(tx *pop.Connection) (*validate.Errors, error)
Validate gets run every time you call a "pop.Validate*" (pop.ValidateAndSave, pop.ValidateAndCreate, pop.ValidateAndUpdate) method. This method is not required and may be deleted.
func (*BackupContact) ValidateCreate ¶
func (b *BackupContact) ValidateCreate(tx *pop.Connection) (*validate.Errors, error)
ValidateCreate gets run every time you call "pop.ValidateAndCreate" method. This method is not required and may be deleted.
func (*BackupContact) ValidateUpdate ¶
func (b *BackupContact) ValidateUpdate(tx *pop.Connection) (*validate.Errors, error)
ValidateUpdate gets run every time you call "pop.ValidateAndUpdate" method. This method is not required and may be deleted.
type BackupContactPermission ¶
type BackupContactPermission string
BackupContactPermission represents the permissions granted to a backup contact
const ( // BackupContactPermissionNONE captures enum value "NONE" BackupContactPermissionNONE BackupContactPermission = "NONE" // BackupContactPermissionVIEW captures enum value "VIEW" BackupContactPermissionVIEW BackupContactPermission = "VIEW" // BackupContactPermissionEDIT captures enum value "EDIT" BackupContactPermissionEDIT BackupContactPermission = "EDIT" )
type BackupContacts ¶
type BackupContacts []BackupContact
BackupContacts is not required by pop and may be deleted
type CannotBeTrueIfFalse ¶
CannotBeTrueIfFalse validates that field1 cannot be true while field2 is false
func (*CannotBeTrueIfFalse) IsValid ¶
func (v *CannotBeTrueIfFalse) IsValid(errors *validate.Errors)
IsValid adds an error if field1 is true while field2 is false
type ClientCert ¶
type ClientCert struct { ID uuid.UUID `json:"id" db:"id"` Sha256Digest string `db:"sha256_digest"` Subject string `db:"subject"` AllowOrdersAPI bool `db:"allow_orders_api"` CreatedAt time.Time `db:"created_at"` UpdatedAt time.Time `db:"updated_at"` AllowAirForceOrdersRead bool `db:"allow_air_force_orders_read"` AllowAirForceOrdersWrite bool `db:"allow_air_force_orders_write"` AllowArmyOrdersRead bool `db:"allow_army_orders_read"` AllowArmyOrdersWrite bool `db:"allow_army_orders_write"` AllowCoastGuardOrdersRead bool `db:"allow_coast_guard_orders_read"` AllowCoastGuardOrdersWrite bool `db:"allow_coast_guard_orders_write"` AllowMarineCorpsOrdersRead bool `db:"allow_marine_corps_orders_read"` AllowMarineCorpsOrdersWrite bool `db:"allow_marine_corps_orders_write"` AllowPrime bool `db:"allow_prime"` UserID uuid.UUID `db:"user_id"` }
ClientCert represents a known x509 Certificate in the database.
func FetchClientCert ¶
func FetchClientCert(db *pop.Connection, sha256Digest string) (*ClientCert, error)
FetchClientCert fetches and validates a client certificate by digest
func (*ClientCert) GetAllowedOrdersIssuersRead ¶
func (c *ClientCert) GetAllowedOrdersIssuersRead() []string
GetAllowedOrdersIssuersRead returns a slice with the issuers of Orders that this ClientCert is allowed to read
func (*ClientCert) Validate ¶
func (c *ClientCert) Validate(tx *pop.Connection) (*validate.Errors, error)
Validate gets run every time you call a "pop.Validate*" (pop.ValidateAndSave, pop.ValidateAndCreate, pop.ValidateAndUpdate) method. This method is not required and may be deleted.
func (*ClientCert) ValidateCreate ¶
func (c *ClientCert) ValidateCreate(tx *pop.Connection) (*validate.Errors, error)
ValidateCreate gets run every time you call "pop.ValidateAndCreate" method. This method is not required and may be deleted.
func (*ClientCert) ValidateUpdate ¶
func (c *ClientCert) ValidateUpdate(tx *pop.Connection) (*validate.Errors, error)
ValidateUpdate gets run every time you call "pop.ValidateAndUpdate" method. This method is not required and may be deleted.
type Contractor ¶
type Contractor struct { ID uuid.UUID `json:"id" db:"id"` Name string `json:"code" db:"name"` Type string `json:"type" db:"type"` ContractNumber string `json:"contract_number" db:"contract_number"` CreatedAt time.Time `json:"created_at" db:"created_at"` }
Contractor is an object representing an access code for a service member
func FetchGHCPrimeTestContractor ¶
func FetchGHCPrimeTestContractor(db *pop.Connection) (*Contractor, error)
FetchGHCPrimeTestContractor returns a test contractor for dev
func (*Contractor) Validate ¶
func (c *Contractor) Validate(tx *pop.Connection) (*validate.Errors, error)
Validate gets run every time you call a "pop.Validate*" (pop.ValidateAndSave, pop.ValidateAndCreate, pop.ValidateAndUpdate) method. This method is not required and may be deleted.
func (*Contractor) ValidateCreate ¶
func (c *Contractor) ValidateCreate(tx *pop.Connection) (*validate.Errors, error)
ValidateCreate gets run every time you call "pop.ValidateAndCreate" method. This method is not required and may be deleted.
func (*Contractor) ValidateUpdate ¶
func (c *Contractor) ValidateUpdate(tx *pop.Connection) (*validate.Errors, error)
ValidateUpdate gets run every time you call "pop.ValidateAndUpdate" method. This method is not required and may be deleted.
type CustomerContactType ¶
type CustomerContactType string
CustomerContactType determines what type of customer contact for a service item. For domestic destination 1st day SIT.
const ( // CustomerContactTypeFirst describes customer contacts for a FIRST type. CustomerContactTypeFirst CustomerContactType = "FIRST" // CustomerContactTypeSecond describes customer contacts for a SECOND type. CustomerContactTypeSecond CustomerContactType = "SECOND" )
type CustomerSupportRemark ¶
type CustomerSupportRemark struct { ID uuid.UUID `db:"id"` Content string `db:"content"` OfficeUser OfficeUser `belongs_to:"office_users" fk_id:"office_user_id"` OfficeUserID uuid.UUID `db:"office_user_id"` Move Move `belongs_to:"moves" fk_id:"move_id"` MoveID uuid.UUID `db:"move_id"` CreatedAt time.Time `db:"created_at"` UpdatedAt time.Time `db:"updated_at"` DeletedAt *time.Time `db:"deleted_at"` }
CustomerSupportRemark struct represents the shape of an office move remark
func (CustomerSupportRemark) TableName ¶
func (o CustomerSupportRemark) TableName() string
TableName overrides the table name used by Pop.
type CustomerSupportRemarks ¶
type CustomerSupportRemarks []CustomerSupportRemark
type DateIsWorkday ¶
DateIsWorkday validates that field is on a workday
func (*DateIsWorkday) IsValid ¶
func (v *DateIsWorkday) IsValid(errors *validate.Errors)
IsValid adds error if field is not on valid workday
type DestinationType ¶
type DestinationType string
const ( DestinationTypeHomeOfRecord DestinationType = "HOME_OF_RECORD" DestinationTypeHomeOfSelection DestinationType = "HOME_OF_SELECTION" DestinationTypePlaceEnteredActiveDuty DestinationType = "PLACE_ENTERED_ACTIVE_DUTY" DestinationTypeOtherThanAuthorized DestinationType = "OTHER_THAN_AUTHORIZED" )
type DimensionType ¶
type DimensionType string
DimensionType determines what type of dimension for a service item
const ( // DimensionTypeItem describes dimensions for an ITEM type DimensionTypeItem DimensionType = "ITEM" // DimensionTypeCrate describes dimensions for a CRATE type DimensionTypeCrate DimensionType = "CRATE" )
type DiscountRateIsValid ¶
type DiscountRateIsValid struct { Name string Field unit.DiscountRate }
DiscountRateIsValid validates that a DiscountRate contains a value between 0 and 1.
func (*DiscountRateIsValid) IsValid ¶
func (v *DiscountRateIsValid) IsValid(errors *validate.Errors)
IsValid adds an error if the value is not between 0 and 1.
type DistanceCalculation ¶
type DistanceCalculation struct { ID uuid.UUID `json:"id" db:"id"` OriginAddressID uuid.UUID `json:"origin_address_id" db:"origin_address_id"` OriginAddress Address `belongs_to:"address" fk_id:"origin_address_id"` DestinationAddressID uuid.UUID `json:"destination_address_id" db:"destination_address_id"` DestinationAddress Address `belongs_to:"address" fk_id:"destination_address_id"` DistanceMiles int `json:"distance_miles" db:"distance_miles"` CreatedAt time.Time `json:"created_at" db:"created_at"` UpdatedAt time.Time `json:"updated_at" db:"updated_at"` }
DistanceCalculation represents a distance calculation in miles between an origin and destination address
func NewDistanceCalculation ¶
func NewDistanceCalculation(appCtx appcontext.AppContext, planner distanceCalculator, origin Address, destination Address, useZipOnly bool) (DistanceCalculation, error)
NewDistanceCalculation performs a distance calculation and returns the resulting DistanceCalculation model
func (*DistanceCalculation) Validate ¶
func (d *DistanceCalculation) Validate(tx *pop.Connection) (*validate.Errors, error)
Validate gets run every time you call a "pop.Validate*" (pop.ValidateAndSave, pop.ValidateAndCreate, pop.ValidateAndUpdate) method. This method is not required and may be deleted.
type Document ¶
type Document struct { ID uuid.UUID `db:"id"` ServiceMemberID uuid.UUID `db:"service_member_id"` ServiceMember ServiceMember `belongs_to:"service_members" fk_id:"service_member_id"` CreatedAt time.Time `db:"created_at"` UpdatedAt time.Time `db:"updated_at"` DeletedAt *time.Time `db:"deleted_at"` UserUploads UserUploads `has_many:"user_uploads" fk_id:"document_id" order_by:"created_at asc"` }
A Document represents a physical artifact such as a multipage form that was filled out by hand. A Document can have many associated Uploads, which allows for handling multiple files that belong to the same document.
type DutyLocation ¶
type DutyLocation struct { ID uuid.UUID `json:"id" db:"id"` CreatedAt time.Time `json:"created_at" db:"created_at"` UpdatedAt time.Time `json:"updated_at" db:"updated_at"` Name string `json:"name" db:"name"` Affiliation *internalmessages.Affiliation `json:"affiliation" db:"affiliation"` AddressID uuid.UUID `json:"address_id" db:"address_id"` Address Address `belongs_to:"address" fk_id:"address_id"` TransportationOfficeID *uuid.UUID `json:"transportation_office_id" db:"transportation_office_id"` TransportationOffice TransportationOffice `belongs_to:"transportation_offices" fk_id:"transportation_office_id"` ProvidesServicesCounseling bool `json:"provides_services_counseling" db:"provides_services_counseling"` }
DutyLocation represents a military duty location for a specific affiliation
func FetchDutyLocation ¶
func FetchDutyLocation(tx *pop.Connection, id uuid.UUID) (DutyLocation, error)
FetchDutyLocation returns a DutyLocation for a given id
func FetchDutyLocationByName ¶
func FetchDutyLocationByName(tx *pop.Connection, name string) (DutyLocation, error)
FetchDutyLocationByName returns a DutyLocation for a given unique name
func (*DutyLocation) Validate ¶
func (d *DutyLocation) Validate(tx *pop.Connection) (*validate.Errors, error)
Validate gets run every time you call a "pop.Validate*" (pop.ValidateAndSave, pop.ValidateAndCreate, pop.ValidateAndUpdate) method. This method is not required and may be deleted.
func (*DutyLocation) ValidateCreate ¶
func (d *DutyLocation) ValidateCreate(tx *pop.Connection) (*validate.Errors, error)
ValidateCreate gets run every time you call "pop.ValidateAndCreate" method. This method is not required and may be deleted.
func (*DutyLocation) ValidateUpdate ¶
func (d *DutyLocation) ValidateUpdate(tx *pop.Connection) (*validate.Errors, error)
ValidateUpdate gets run every time you call "pop.ValidateAndUpdate" method. This method is not required and may be deleted.
type DutyLocationName ¶
type DutyLocationName struct { ID uuid.UUID `json:"id" db:"id"` CreatedAt time.Time `json:"created_at" db:"created_at"` UpdatedAt time.Time `json:"updated_at" db:"updated_at"` Name string `json:"name" db:"name"` DutyLocationID uuid.UUID `json:"duty_location_id" db:"duty_location_id"` DutyLocation DutyLocation `belongs_to:"duty_locations" fk_id:"duty_location_id"` }
DutyLocationName represents an alternative name for a DutyLocation
type DutyLocationNames ¶
type DutyLocationNames []DutyLocationName
DutyLocationNames is not required by pop and may be deleted
type DutyLocationTransportInfo ¶
DutyLocationTransportInfo contains all info needed for notifications emails
func FetchDLContactInfo ¶
func FetchDLContactInfo(db *pop.Connection, dutyLocationID *uuid.UUID) (*DutyLocationTransportInfo, error)
FetchDLContactInfo loads a duty location's associated transportation office and its first listed office phone number.
type DutyLocations ¶
type DutyLocations []DutyLocation
DutyLocations is not required by pop and may be deleted
func FetchDutyLocationsByPostalCode ¶
func FetchDutyLocationsByPostalCode(tx *pop.Connection, postalCode string) (DutyLocations, error)
FetchDutyLocationsByPostalCode returns a duty location for a given postal code
func FindDutyLocations ¶
func FindDutyLocations(tx *pop.Connection, search string) (DutyLocations, error)
FindDutyLocations returns all duty locations matching a search query
type EDIProcessing ¶
type EDIProcessing struct { ID uuid.UUID `db:"id"` EDIType EDIType `db:"edi_type"` NumEDIsProcessed int `db:"num_edis_processed"` ProcessStartedAt time.Time `db:"process_started_at"` ProcessEndedAt time.Time `db:"process_ended_at"` CreatedAt time.Time `db:"created_at"` UpdatedAt time.Time `db:"updated_at"` }
EDIProcessing represents an email sent to a service member
func (*EDIProcessing) MarshalLogObject ¶
func (e *EDIProcessing) MarshalLogObject(encoder zapcore.ObjectEncoder) error
MarshalLogObject is required to be able to zap.Object log this model.
func (*EDIProcessing) TableName ¶
func (e *EDIProcessing) TableName() string
TableName overrides the table name used by Pop.
func (*EDIProcessing) Validate ¶
func (e *EDIProcessing) Validate(tx *pop.Connection) (*validate.Errors, error)
Validate gets run every time you call a "pop.Validate*" (pop.ValidateAndSave, pop.ValidateAndCreate, pop.ValidateAndUpdate) method.
type EDIProcessings ¶
type EDIProcessings []EDIProcessing
EDIProcessings is a slice of notification structs
type EagerAssociations ¶
type EagerAssociations []string
EagerAssociations are a collection of named associations
type EdiError ¶
type EdiError struct { ID uuid.UUID `json:"id" db:"id"` CreatedAt time.Time `json:"created_at" db:"created_at"` UpdatedAt time.Time `json:"updated_at" db:"updated_at"` PaymentRequestID uuid.UUID `json:"payment_request_id" db:"payment_request_id"` PaymentRequest PaymentRequest `belongs_to:"payment_requests" fk_id:"payment_request_id"` InterchangeControlNumberID *uuid.UUID `json:"interchange_control_number_id" db:"interchange_control_number_id"` InterchangeControlNumber PaymentRequestToInterchangeControlNumber `belongs_to:"payment_request_to_interchange_control_numbers" fk_id:"interchange_control_number_id"` Code *string `json:"code" db:"code"` Description *string `json:"description" db:"description"` EDIType EDIType `json:"edi_type" db:"edi_type"` }
EdiError stores errors found while sending an 858 and being reported from EDI response files (824, 997)
type ElectronicOrder ¶
type ElectronicOrder struct { ID uuid.UUID `json:"id" db:"id"` CreatedAt time.Time `json:"created_at" db:"created_at"` UpdatedAt time.Time `json:"updated_at" db:"updated_at"` OrdersNumber string `json:"orders_number" db:"orders_number"` Edipi string `json:"edipi" db:"edipi"` Issuer Issuer `json:"issuer" db:"issuer"` Revisions ElectronicOrdersRevisions `has_many:"electronic_orders_revisions" fk_id:"electronic_order_id" order_by:"seq_num asc"` }
ElectronicOrder contains the unchanging data of a set of orders across all amendments / revisions
func FetchElectronicOrderByID ¶
func FetchElectronicOrderByID(db *pop.Connection, id uuid.UUID) (*ElectronicOrder, error)
FetchElectronicOrderByID gets all revisions of a set of Orders by their shared UUID, sorted in ascending order by their sequence number
func FetchElectronicOrderByIssuerAndOrdersNum ¶
func FetchElectronicOrderByIssuerAndOrdersNum(db *pop.Connection, issuer string, ordersNum string) (*ElectronicOrder, error)
FetchElectronicOrderByIssuerAndOrdersNum gets all revisions of a set of Orders by the unique combination of the Orders number and the issuer.
func FetchElectronicOrdersByEdipiAndIssuers ¶
func FetchElectronicOrdersByEdipiAndIssuers(db *pop.Connection, edipi string, issuers []string) ([]*ElectronicOrder, error)
FetchElectronicOrdersByEdipiAndIssuers gets all Orders issued to a member by EDIPI from the specified issuers
func (ElectronicOrder) String ¶
func (e ElectronicOrder) String() string
String is not required by pop and may be deleted
func (*ElectronicOrder) Validate ¶
func (e *ElectronicOrder) Validate(tx *pop.Connection) (*validate.Errors, error)
Validate gets run every time you call a "pop.Validate*" (pop.ValidateAndSave, pop.ValidateAndCreate, pop.ValidateAndUpdate) method. This method is not required and may be deleted.
func (*ElectronicOrder) ValidateCreate ¶
func (e *ElectronicOrder) ValidateCreate(tx *pop.Connection) (*validate.Errors, error)
ValidateCreate gets run every time you call "pop.ValidateAndCreate" method. This method is not required and may be deleted.
func (*ElectronicOrder) ValidateUpdate ¶
func (e *ElectronicOrder) ValidateUpdate(tx *pop.Connection) (*validate.Errors, error)
ValidateUpdate gets run every time you call "pop.ValidateAndUpdate" method. This method is not required and may be deleted.
type ElectronicOrders ¶
type ElectronicOrders []ElectronicOrder
ElectronicOrders is not required by pop and may be deleted
func (ElectronicOrders) String ¶
func (e ElectronicOrders) String() string
String is not required by pop and may be deleted
type ElectronicOrdersAffiliation ¶
type ElectronicOrdersAffiliation string
ElectronicOrdersAffiliation is a service member's military branch of service, or identifies a civilian
const ( // ElectronicOrdersAffiliationAirForce captures enum value "air-force" ElectronicOrdersAffiliationAirForce ElectronicOrdersAffiliation = "air-force" // ElectronicOrdersAffiliationArmy captures enum value "army" ElectronicOrdersAffiliationArmy ElectronicOrdersAffiliation = "army" // ElectronicOrdersAffiliationCivilianAgency captures enum value "civilian-agency" ElectronicOrdersAffiliationCivilianAgency ElectronicOrdersAffiliation = "civilian-agency" // ElectronicOrdersAffiliationCoastGuard captures enum value "coast-guard" ElectronicOrdersAffiliationCoastGuard ElectronicOrdersAffiliation = "coast-guard" // ElectronicOrdersAffiliationMarineCorps captures enum value "marine-corps" ElectronicOrdersAffiliationMarineCorps ElectronicOrdersAffiliation = "marine-corps" ElectronicOrdersAffiliationNavy ElectronicOrdersAffiliation = "navy" )
type ElectronicOrdersRevision ¶
type ElectronicOrdersRevision struct { ID uuid.UUID `json:"id" db:"id"` CreatedAt time.Time `json:"created_at" db:"created_at"` UpdatedAt time.Time `json:"updated_at" db:"updated_at"` ElectronicOrderID uuid.UUID `json:"electronic_order_id" db:"electronic_order_id"` ElectronicOrder ElectronicOrder `belongs_to:"electronic_order" fk_id:"electronic_order_id"` SeqNum int `json:"seq_num" db:"seq_num"` GivenName string `json:"given_name" db:"given_name"` MiddleName *string `json:"middle_name" db:"middle_name"` FamilyName string `json:"family_name" db:"family_name"` NameSuffix *string `json:"name_suffix" db:"name_suffix"` Affiliation ElectronicOrdersAffiliation `json:"affiliation" db:"affiliation"` Paygrade Paygrade `json:"paygrade" db:"paygrade"` Title *string `json:"title" db:"title"` Status ElectronicOrdersStatus `json:"status" db:"status"` DateIssued time.Time `json:"date_issued" db:"date_issued"` NoCostMove bool `json:"no_cost_move" db:"no_cost_move"` TdyEnRoute bool `json:"tdy_en_route" db:"tdy_en_route"` TourType TourType `json:"tour_type" db:"tour_type"` OrdersType ElectronicOrdersType `json:"orders_type" db:"orders_type"` HasDependents bool `json:"has_dependents" db:"has_dependents"` LosingUIC *string `json:"losing_uic" db:"losing_uic"` LosingUnitName *string `json:"losing_unit_name" db:"losing_unit_name"` LosingUnitCity *string `json:"losing_unit_city" db:"losing_unit_city"` LosingUnitLocality *string `json:"losing_unit_locality" db:"losing_unit_locality"` LosingUnitCountry *string `json:"losing_unit_country" db:"losing_unit_country"` LosingUnitPostalCode *string `json:"losing_unit_postal_code" db:"losing_unit_postal_code"` GainingUIC *string `json:"gaining_uic" db:"gaining_uic"` GainingUnitName *string `json:"gaining_unit_name" db:"gaining_unit_name"` GainingUnitCity *string `json:"gaining_unit_city" db:"gaining_unit_city"` GainingUnitLocality *string `json:"gaining_unit_locality" db:"gaining_unit_locality"` GainingUnitCountry *string `json:"gaining_unit_country" db:"gaining_unit_country"` GainingUnitPostalCode *string `json:"gaining_unit_postal_code" db:"gaining_unit_postal_code"` ReportNoEarlierThan *time.Time `json:"report_no_earlier_than" db:"report_no_earlier_than"` ReportNoLaterThan *time.Time `json:"report_no_later_than" db:"report_no_later_than"` HhgTAC *string `json:"hhg_tac" db:"hhg_tac"` HhgSDN *string `json:"hhg_sdn" db:"hhg_sdn"` HhgLOA *string `json:"hhg_loa" db:"hhg_loa"` NtsTAC *string `json:"nts_tac" db:"nts_tac"` NtsSDN *string `json:"nts_sdn" db:"nts_sdn"` NtsLOA *string `json:"nts_loa" db:"nts_loa"` PovShipmentTAC *string `json:"pov_shipment_tac" db:"pov_shipment_tac"` PovShipmentSDN *string `json:"pov_shipment_sdn" db:"pov_shipment_sdn"` PovShipmentLOA *string `json:"pov_shipment_loa" db:"pov_shipment_loa"` PovStorageTAC *string `json:"pov_storage_tac" db:"pov_storage_tac"` PovStorageSDN *string `json:"pov_storage_sdn" db:"pov_storage_sdn"` PovStorageLOA *string `json:"pov_storage_loa" db:"pov_storage_loa"` UbTAC *string `json:"ub_tac" db:"ub_tac"` UbSDN *string `json:"ub_sdn" db:"ub_sdn"` UbLOA *string `json:"ub_loa" db:"ub_loa"` Comments *string `json:"comments" db:"comments"` }
ElectronicOrdersRevision represents a complete amendment of one set of electronic orders
func (ElectronicOrdersRevision) String ¶
func (e ElectronicOrdersRevision) String() string
String is not required by pop and may be deleted
func (*ElectronicOrdersRevision) Validate ¶
func (e *ElectronicOrdersRevision) Validate(tx *pop.Connection) (*validate.Errors, error)
Validate gets run every time you call a "pop.Validate*" (pop.ValidateAndSave, pop.ValidateAndCreate, pop.ValidateAndUpdate) method. This method is not required and may be deleted.
func (*ElectronicOrdersRevision) ValidateCreate ¶
func (e *ElectronicOrdersRevision) ValidateCreate(tx *pop.Connection) (*validate.Errors, error)
ValidateCreate gets run every time you call "pop.ValidateAndCreate" method. This method is not required and may be deleted.
func (*ElectronicOrdersRevision) ValidateUpdate ¶
func (e *ElectronicOrdersRevision) ValidateUpdate(tx *pop.Connection) (*validate.Errors, error)
ValidateUpdate gets run every time you call "pop.ValidateAndUpdate" method. This method is not required and may be deleted.
type ElectronicOrdersRevisions ¶
type ElectronicOrdersRevisions []ElectronicOrdersRevision
ElectronicOrdersRevisions is not required by pop and may be deleted
func (ElectronicOrdersRevisions) String ¶
func (e ElectronicOrdersRevisions) String() string
String is not required by pop and may be deleted
type ElectronicOrdersStatus ¶
type ElectronicOrdersStatus string
ElectronicOrdersStatus indicates whether these Orders are authorized, RFO (Request For Orders), or canceled. An RFO is not sufficient to authorize moving expenses; only authorized Orders can do that.
const ( // ElectronicOrdersStatusAuthorized captures enum value "authorized" ElectronicOrdersStatusAuthorized ElectronicOrdersStatus = "authorized" // ElectronicOrdersStatusRfo captures enum value "rfo" ElectronicOrdersStatusRfo ElectronicOrdersStatus = "rfo" // ElectronicOrdersStatusCanceled captures enum value "canceled" ElectronicOrdersStatusCanceled ElectronicOrdersStatus = "canceled" )
type ElectronicOrdersType ¶
type ElectronicOrdersType string
ElectronicOrdersType is the type of travel or move for a set of Orders
const ( // ElectronicOrdersTypeAccession captures enum value "accession" ElectronicOrdersTypeAccession ElectronicOrdersType = "accession" // ElectronicOrdersTypeBetweenDutyStations captures enum value "between-duty-stations" ElectronicOrdersTypeBetweenDutyStations ElectronicOrdersType = "between-duty-stations" // ElectronicOrdersTypeBrac captures enum value "brac" ElectronicOrdersTypeBrac ElectronicOrdersType = "brac" // ElectronicOrdersTypeCot captures enum value "cot" ElectronicOrdersTypeCot ElectronicOrdersType = "cot" // ElectronicOrdersTypeEmergencyEvac captures enum value "emergency-evac" ElectronicOrdersTypeEmergencyEvac ElectronicOrdersType = "emergency-evac" // ElectronicOrdersTypeIpcot captures enum value "ipcot" ElectronicOrdersTypeIpcot ElectronicOrdersType = "ipcot" // ElectronicOrdersTypeLowCostTravel captures enum value "low-cost-travel" ElectronicOrdersTypeLowCostTravel ElectronicOrdersType = "low-cost-travel" // ElectronicOrdersTypeOperational captures enum value "operational" ElectronicOrdersTypeOperational ElectronicOrdersType = "operational" // ElectronicOrdersTypeOteip captures enum value "oteip" ElectronicOrdersTypeOteip ElectronicOrdersType = "oteip" // ElectronicOrdersTypeRotational captures enum value "rotational" ElectronicOrdersTypeRotational ElectronicOrdersType = "rotational" // ElectronicOrdersTypeSeparation captures enum value "separation" ElectronicOrdersTypeSeparation ElectronicOrdersType = "separation" // ElectronicOrdersTypeSpecialPurpose captures enum value "special-purpose" ElectronicOrdersTypeSpecialPurpose ElectronicOrdersType = "special-purpose" // ElectronicOrdersTypeTraining captures enum value "training" ElectronicOrdersTypeTraining ElectronicOrdersType = "training" // ElectronicOrdersTypeUnitMove captures enum value "unit-move" ElectronicOrdersTypeUnitMove ElectronicOrdersType = "unit-move" )
type Entitlement ¶
type Entitlement struct { ID uuid.UUID `db:"id"` DependentsAuthorized *bool `db:"dependents_authorized"` TotalDependents *int `db:"total_dependents"` NonTemporaryStorage *bool `db:"non_temporary_storage"` PrivatelyOwnedVehicle *bool `db:"privately_owned_vehicle"` //DBAuthorizedWeight is AuthorizedWeight when not null DBAuthorizedWeight *int `db:"authorized_weight"` StorageInTransit *int `db:"storage_in_transit"` RequiredMedicalEquipmentWeight int `db:"required_medical_equipment_weight"` OrganizationalClothingAndIndividualEquipment bool `db:"organizational_clothing_and_individual_equipment"` ProGearWeight int `db:"pro_gear_weight"` ProGearWeightSpouse int `db:"pro_gear_weight_spouse"` CreatedAt time.Time `db:"created_at"` UpdatedAt time.Time `db:"updated_at"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Entitlement is an object representing entitlements for orders
func (*Entitlement) AuthorizedWeight ¶
func (e *Entitlement) AuthorizedWeight() *int
AuthorizedWeight returns authorized weight. If authorized weight has not been stored in DBAuthorizedWeight use either TotalWeightSelf with no dependents or TotalWeightSelfPlusDependents with dependents.
func (*Entitlement) SetWeightAllotment ¶
func (e *Entitlement) SetWeightAllotment(grade string)
SetWeightAllotment sets the weight allotment TODO probably want to reconsider keeping grade a string rather than enum TODO and possibly consider creating ghc specific GetWeightAllotment should the two TODO diverge in the future
func (*Entitlement) Validate ¶
func (e *Entitlement) Validate(*pop.Connection) (*validate.Errors, error)
Validate gets run every time you call a "pop.Validate*" (pop.ValidateAndSave, pop.ValidateAndCreate, pop.ValidateAndUpdate) method.
func (*Entitlement) WeightAllotment ¶
func (e *Entitlement) WeightAllotment() *WeightAllotment
WeightAllotment returns the weight allotment
func (*Entitlement) WeightAllowance ¶
func (e *Entitlement) WeightAllowance() *int
WeightAllowance will return the service member's weight allotment based on their rank and if dependents are authorized
type EvaluationReport ¶
type EvaluationReport struct { ID uuid.UUID `json:"id" db:"id"` OfficeUser OfficeUser `belongs_to:"office_users" fk_id:"office_user_id"` OfficeUserID uuid.UUID `db:"office_user_id"` Move Move `belongs_to:"moves" fk_id:"move_id"` MoveID uuid.UUID `db:"move_id"` Shipment *MTOShipment `belongs_to:"mto_shipments" fk_id:"shipment_id"` ShipmentID *uuid.UUID `json:"shipment_id" db:"shipment_id"` Type EvaluationReportType `json:"type" db:"type"` InspectionDate *time.Time `json:"inspection_date" db:"inspection_date"` InspectionType *EvaluationReportInspectionType `json:"inspection_type" db:"inspection_type"` TravelTimeMinutes *int `json:"travel_time_minutes" db:"travel_time_minutes"` Location *EvaluationReportLocationType `json:"location" db:"location"` LocationDescription *string `json:"location_description" db:"location_description"` ObservedDate *time.Time `json:"observed_date" db:"observed_date"` EvaluationLengthMinutes *int `json:"evaluation_length_minutes" db:"evaluation_length_minutes"` ViolationsObserved *bool `json:"violations_observed" db:"violations_observed"` Remarks *string `json:"remarks" db:"remarks"` SeriousIncident *bool `json:"serious_incident" db:"serious_incident"` SeriousIncidentDesc *string `json:"serious_incident_desc" db:"serious_incident_desc"` ObservedClaimsResponseDate *time.Time `json:"observed_claims_response_date" db:"observed_claims_response_date"` ObservedPickupDate *time.Time `json:"observed_pickup_date" db:"observed_pickup_date"` ObservedPickupSpreadStartDate *time.Time `json:"observed_pickup_spread_start_date" db:"observed_pickup_spread_start_date"` ObservedPickupSpreadEndDate *time.Time `json:"observed_pickup_spread_end_date" db:"observed_pickup_spread_end_date"` ObservedDeliveryDate *time.Time `json:"observed_delivery_date" db:"observed_delivery_date"` SubmittedAt *time.Time `json:"submitted_at" db:"submitted_at"` DeletedAt *time.Time `db:"deleted_at"` CreatedAt time.Time `json:"created_at" db:"created_at"` UpdatedAt time.Time `json:"updated_at" db:"updated_at"` ReportViolations ReportViolations `json:"report_violation,omitempty" fk_id:"report_id" has_many:"report_violation"` }
func (*EvaluationReport) TableName ¶
func (r *EvaluationReport) TableName() string
func (*EvaluationReport) Validate ¶
func (r *EvaluationReport) Validate(tx *pop.Connection) (*validate.Errors, error)
Validate gets run every time you call a "pop.Validate*" (pop.ValidateAndSave, pop.ValidateAndCreate, pop.ValidateAndUpdate) method.
type EvaluationReportInspectionType ¶
type EvaluationReportInspectionType string
const ( EvaluationReportInspectionTypeDataReview EvaluationReportInspectionType = "DATA_REVIEW" EvaluationReportInspectionTypePhysical EvaluationReportInspectionType = "PHYSICAL" EvaluationReportInspectionTypeVirtual EvaluationReportInspectionType = "VIRTUAL" )
type EvaluationReportLocationType ¶
type EvaluationReportLocationType string
const ( EvaluationReportLocationTypeOrigin EvaluationReportLocationType = "ORIGIN" EvaluationReportLocationTypeDestination EvaluationReportLocationType = "DESTINATION" EvaluationReportLocationTypeOther EvaluationReportLocationType = "OTHER" )
type EvaluationReportType ¶
type EvaluationReportType string
const ( EvaluationReportTypeShipment EvaluationReportType = "SHIPMENT" EvaluationReportTypeCounseling EvaluationReportType = "COUNSELING" )
type EvaluationReports ¶
type EvaluationReports []EvaluationReport
EvaluationReports is not required by pop and may be deleted
type Float64IsGreaterThan ¶
Float64IsGreaterThan validates that a float64 is greater than a given value
func (*Float64IsGreaterThan) IsValid ¶
func (v *Float64IsGreaterThan) IsValid(errors *validate.Errors)
IsValid adds an error if the field is not greater than the compared value.
type Float64IsPresent ¶
Float64IsPresent validates that a float64 is non-zero.
func (*Float64IsPresent) IsValid ¶
func (v *Float64IsPresent) IsValid(errors *validate.Errors)
IsValid adds an error if the field equals 0.
type FormattedMovingExpenses ¶
type FormattedMovingExpenses struct { ContractedExpenseMemberPaid Dollar ContractedExpenseGTCCPaid Dollar RentalEquipmentMemberPaid Dollar RentalEquipmentGTCCPaid Dollar PackingMaterialsMemberPaid Dollar PackingMaterialsGTCCPaid Dollar WeighingFeesMemberPaid Dollar WeighingFeesGTCCPaid Dollar GasMemberPaid Dollar GasGTCCPaid Dollar TollsMemberPaid Dollar TollsGTCCPaid Dollar OilMemberPaid Dollar OilGTCCPaid Dollar OtherMemberPaid Dollar OtherGTCCPaid Dollar TotalMemberPaid Dollar TotalGTCCPaid Dollar TotalMemberPaidRepeated Dollar TotalGTCCPaidRepeated Dollar TotalPaidNonSIT Dollar TotalMemberPaidSIT Dollar TotalGTCCPaidSIT Dollar TotalPaidSIT Dollar }
FormattedMovingExpenses is an object representing the service member's moving expenses formatted for the SSW
type FormattedOtherExpenses ¶
FormattedOtherExpenses is an object representing the other moving expenses formatted for the SSW
type FuelEIADieselPrice ¶
type FuelEIADieselPrice struct { ID uuid.UUID `json:"id" db:"id"` CreatedAt time.Time `json:"created_at" db:"created_at"` UpdatedAt time.Time `json:"updated_at" db:"updated_at"` PubDate time.Time `json:"pub_date" db:"pub_date"` RateStartDate time.Time `json:"rate_start_date" db:"rate_start_date"` RateEndDate time.Time `json:"rate_end_date" db:"rate_end_date"` EIAPricePerGallonMillicents unit.Millicents `json:"eia_price_per_gallon_millicents" db:"eia_price_per_gallon_millicents"` BaselineRate int64 `json:"baseline_rate" db:"baseline_rate"` }
FuelEIADieselPrice used to hold data from the SDDC Fuel Surcharge information found at to calculate a shipment's fuel surcharge
func FetchMostRecentFuelPrices ¶
func FetchMostRecentFuelPrices(dbConnection *pop.Connection, clock clock.Clock, numMonths int) ([]FuelEIADieselPrice, error)
FetchMostRecentFuelPrices queries and fetches all fuel_eia_diesel_prices for past specified number of months, including this month
func (FuelEIADieselPrice) String ¶
func (f FuelEIADieselPrice) String() string
String is not required by pop and may be deleted
func (*FuelEIADieselPrice) Validate ¶
func (f *FuelEIADieselPrice) Validate(tx *pop.Connection) (*validate.Errors, error)
Validate gets run every time you call a "pop.Validate*" (pop.ValidateAndSave, pop.ValidateAndCreate, pop.ValidateAndUpdate) method. This method is not required and may be deleted.
func (*FuelEIADieselPrice) ValidateCreate ¶
func (f *FuelEIADieselPrice) ValidateCreate(tx *pop.Connection) (*validate.Errors, error)
ValidateCreate gets run every time you call "pop.ValidateAndCreate" method. This method is not required and may be deleted.
func (*FuelEIADieselPrice) ValidateUpdate ¶
func (f *FuelEIADieselPrice) ValidateUpdate(tx *pop.Connection) (*validate.Errors, error)
ValidateUpdate gets run every time you call "pop.ValidateAndUpdate" method. This method is not required and may be deleted.
type FuelEIADieselPrices ¶
type FuelEIADieselPrices []FuelEIADieselPrice
FuelEIADieselPrices is not required by pop and may be deleted
func (FuelEIADieselPrices) String ¶
func (f FuelEIADieselPrices) String() string
String is not required by pop and may be deleted
type GHCDieselFuelPrice ¶
type GHCDieselFuelPrice struct { ID uuid.UUID `json:"id" db:"id"` CreatedAt time.Time `json:"created_at" db:"created_at"` UpdatedAt time.Time `json:"updated_at" db:"updated_at"` FuelPriceInMillicents unit.Millicents `json:"fuel_price_in_millicents" db:"fuel_price_in_millicents"` PublicationDate time.Time `json:"publication_date" db:"publication_date"` }
GHCDieselFuelPrice represents the weekly national average diesel fuel price
func (GHCDieselFuelPrice) TableName ¶
func (g GHCDieselFuelPrice) TableName() string
TableName overrides the table name used by Pop.
func (*GHCDieselFuelPrice) Validate ¶
func (g *GHCDieselFuelPrice) Validate(tx *pop.Connection) (*validate.Errors, error)
Validate gets run every time you call a "pop.Validate*" (pop.ValidateAndSave, pop.ValidateAndCreate, pop.ValidateAndUpdate) method.
type GHCDomesticTransitTime ¶
type GHCDomesticTransitTime struct { ID uuid.UUID `db:"id" csv:"id"` MaxDaysTransitTime int `db:"max_days_transit_time" csv:"max_days_transit_time"` WeightLbsLower int `db:"weight_lbs_lower" csv:"weight_lbs_lower"` WeightLbsUpper int `db:"weight_lbs_upper" csv:"weight_lbs_upper"` DistanceMilesLower int `db:"distance_miles_lower" csv:"distance_miles_lower"` DistanceMilesUpper int `db:"distance_miles_upper" csv:"distance_miles_upper"` }
GHCDomesticTransitTime Tab Domestic Transit Times
func (GHCDomesticTransitTime) TableName ¶
func (m GHCDomesticTransitTime) TableName() string
TableName overrides the table name used by Pop.
type Int64IsPresent ¶
Int64IsPresent validates that an int64 is greater than 0.
func (*Int64IsPresent) IsValid ¶
func (v *Int64IsPresent) IsValid(errors *validate.Errors)
IsValid adds an error if the value is equal to 0.
type Invoice ¶
type Invoice struct { ID uuid.UUID `json:"id" db:"id"` ApproverID uuid.UUID `json:"approver_id" db:"approver_id"` Approver OfficeUser `belongs_to:"office_user" fk_id:"approver_id"` Status InvoiceStatus `json:"status" db:"status"` InvoiceNumber string `json:"invoice_number" db:"invoice_number"` InvoicedDate time.Time `json:"invoiced_date" db:"invoiced_date"` CreatedAt time.Time `json:"created_at" db:"created_at"` UpdatedAt time.Time `json:"updated_at" db:"updated_at"` UserUploadID *uuid.UUID `json:"user_upload_id" db:"user_upload_id"` UserUpload *UserUpload `belongs_to:"user_uploads" fk_id:"user_upload_id"` }
Invoice is a collection of line item charges to be sent for payment
func FetchInvoice ¶
FetchInvoice fetches and validates an invoice model
type InvoiceStatus ¶
type InvoiceStatus string
InvoiceStatus represents the status of an invoice
const ( // InvoiceStatusDRAFT captures enum value "DRAFT" InvoiceStatusDRAFT InvoiceStatus = "DRAFT" // InvoiceStatusINPROCESS captures enum value "IN_PROCESS" InvoiceStatusINPROCESS InvoiceStatus = "IN_PROCESS" // InvoiceStatusSUBMITTED captures enum value "SUBMITTED" InvoiceStatusSUBMITTED InvoiceStatus = "SUBMITTED" // InvoiceStatusSUBMISSIONFAILURE captures enum value "SUBMISSION_FAILURE" InvoiceStatusSUBMISSIONFAILURE InvoiceStatus = "SUBMISSION_FAILURE" // InvoiceStatusUPDATEFAILURE captures enum value "UPDATE_FAILURE" // This status indicates that the invoice was successfully submitted, but the updating of the invoice // and associated shipment line items failed. InvoiceStatusUPDATEFAILURE InvoiceStatus = "UPDATE_FAILURE" )
type Issuer ¶
type Issuer string
Issuer is the organization that issues orders.
const ( // IssuerArmy captures enum value "army" IssuerArmy Issuer = "army" IssuerNavy Issuer = "navy" // IssuerAirForce captures enum value "air-force" IssuerAirForce Issuer = "air-force" // IssuerMarineCorps captures enum value "marine-corps" IssuerMarineCorps Issuer = "marine-corps" // IssuerCoastGuard captures enum value "coast-guard" IssuerCoastGuard Issuer = "coast-guard" )
type ItemCanFitInsideCrate ¶
type ItemCanFitInsideCrate struct { Name string NameCompared string Item *primemessages.MTOServiceItemDimension Crate *primemessages.MTOServiceItemDimension Message string }
ItemCanFitInsideCrate is a structure for determining if an Item Dimension can fit inside a Crate Dimension
func (ItemCanFitInsideCrate) IsValid ¶
func (v ItemCanFitInsideCrate) IsValid(errors *validate.Errors)
IsValid adds an error if the Item can not fit inside a Crate
type JSONMap ¶
type JSONMap map[string]interface{}
type LOAType ¶
type LOAType string
LOAType represents the possible TAC and SAC types for a mto shipment
type MTOAgent ¶
type MTOAgent struct { ID uuid.UUID `db:"id"` MTOShipment MTOShipment `belongs_to:"mto_shipments" fk_id:"mto_shipment_id"` MTOShipmentID uuid.UUID `db:"mto_shipment_id"` FirstName *string `db:"first_name"` LastName *string `db:"last_name"` Email *string `db:"email"` Phone *string `db:"phone"` MTOAgentType MTOAgentType `db:"agent_type"` CreatedAt time.Time `db:"created_at"` UpdatedAt time.Time `db:"updated_at"` DeletedAt *time.Time `db:"deleted_at"` }
MTOAgent is a struct that represents the mto_agents table.
type MTOAgentType ¶
type MTOAgentType string
MTOAgentType represents the type label for move task order agent
const ( MTOAgentReleasing MTOAgentType = "RELEASING_AGENT" MTOAgentReceiving MTOAgentType = "RECEIVING_AGENT" )
Constants for the MTOAgentType
type MTOServiceItem ¶
type MTOServiceItem struct { ID uuid.UUID `db:"id"` MoveTaskOrder Move `belongs_to:"moves" fk_id:"move_id"` MoveTaskOrderID uuid.UUID `db:"move_id"` MTOShipment MTOShipment `belongs_to:"mto_shipments" fk_id:"mto_shipment_id"` MTOShipmentID *uuid.UUID `db:"mto_shipment_id"` ReService ReService `belongs_to:"re_services" fk_id:"re_service_id"` ReServiceID uuid.UUID `db:"re_service_id"` Reason *string `db:"reason"` RejectionReason *string `db:"rejection_reason"` Status MTOServiceItemStatus `db:"status"` PickupPostalCode *string `db:"pickup_postal_code"` SITPostalCode *string `db:"sit_postal_code"` SITEntryDate *time.Time `db:"sit_entry_date"` SITDepartureDate *time.Time `db:"sit_departure_date"` SITOriginHHGOriginalAddress *Address `belongs_to:"addresses" fk_id:"sit_origin_hhg_original_address_id"` SITOriginHHGOriginalAddressID *uuid.UUID `db:"sit_origin_hhg_original_address_id"` SITOriginHHGActualAddress *Address `belongs_to:"addresses" fk_id:"sit_origin_hhg_actual_address_id"` SITOriginHHGActualAddressID *uuid.UUID `db:"sit_origin_hhg_actual_address_id"` SITDestinationFinalAddress *Address `belongs_to:"addresses" fk_id:"sit_destination_final_address_id"` SITDestinationFinalAddressID *uuid.UUID `db:"sit_destination_final_address_id"` Description *string `db:"description"` EstimatedWeight *unit.Pound `db:"estimated_weight"` ActualWeight *unit.Pound `db:"actual_weight"` Dimensions MTOServiceItemDimensions `has_many:"mto_service_item_dimensions" fk_id:"mto_service_item_id"` CustomerContacts MTOServiceItemCustomerContacts `has_many:"mto_service_item_customer_contacts" fk_id:"mto_service_item_id"` CreatedAt time.Time `db:"created_at"` UpdatedAt time.Time `db:"updated_at"` ApprovedAt *time.Time `db:"approved_at"` RejectedAt *time.Time `db:"rejected_at"` }
MTOServiceItem is an object representing service items for a move task order.
func (MTOServiceItem) TableName ¶
func (m MTOServiceItem) TableName() string
TableName overrides the table name used by Pop.
func (*MTOServiceItem) Validate ¶
func (m *MTOServiceItem) Validate(tx *pop.Connection) (*validate.Errors, error)
Validate gets run every time you call a "pop.Validate*" (pop.ValidateAndSave, pop.ValidateAndCreate, pop.ValidateAndUpdate) method.
type MTOServiceItemCustomerContact ¶
type MTOServiceItemCustomerContact struct { ID uuid.UUID `db:"id"` MTOServiceItem MTOServiceItem `belongs_to:"mto_service_items" fk_id:"mto_service_item_id"` MTOServiceItemID uuid.UUID `db:"mto_service_item_id"` Type CustomerContactType `db:"type"` TimeMilitary string `db:"time_military"` FirstAvailableDeliveryDate time.Time `db:"first_available_delivery_date"` CreatedAt time.Time `db:"created_at"` UpdatedAt time.Time `db:"updated_at"` }
MTOServiceItemCustomerContact is an object representing customer contact for a service item.
func (MTOServiceItemCustomerContact) TableName ¶
func (m MTOServiceItemCustomerContact) TableName() string
TableName overrides the table name used by Pop.
func (*MTOServiceItemCustomerContact) Validate ¶
func (m *MTOServiceItemCustomerContact) Validate(tx *pop.Connection) (*validate.Errors, error)
Validate gets run every time you call a "pop.Validate*" (pop.ValidateAndSave, pop.ValidateAndCreate, pop.ValidateAndUpdate) method.
type MTOServiceItemCustomerContacts ¶
type MTOServiceItemCustomerContacts []MTOServiceItemCustomerContact
MTOServiceItemCustomerContacts is a slice containing MTOServiceItemCustomerContact.
type MTOServiceItemDimension ¶
type MTOServiceItemDimension struct { ID uuid.UUID `db:"id"` MTOServiceItem MTOServiceItem `belongs_to:"mto_service_items" fk_id:"mto_service_item_id"` MTOServiceItemID uuid.UUID `db:"mto_service_item_id"` Type DimensionType `db:"type"` Length unit.ThousandthInches `db:"length_thousandth_inches"` Height unit.ThousandthInches `db:"height_thousandth_inches"` Width unit.ThousandthInches `db:"width_thousandth_inches"` CreatedAt time.Time `db:"created_at"` UpdatedAt time.Time `db:"updated_at"` }
MTOServiceItemDimension is an object representing dimensions for a service item.
func (MTOServiceItemDimension) TableName ¶
func (m MTOServiceItemDimension) TableName() string
TableName overrides the table name used by Pop.
func (*MTOServiceItemDimension) Validate ¶
func (m *MTOServiceItemDimension) Validate(tx *pop.Connection) (*validate.Errors, error)
Validate gets run every time you call a "pop.Validate*" (pop.ValidateAndSave, pop.ValidateAndCreate, pop.ValidateAndUpdate) method.
func (*MTOServiceItemDimension) Volume ¶
func (m *MTOServiceItemDimension) Volume() unit.CubicThousandthInch
Volume calculates Length x Height x Width
type MTOServiceItemDimensions ¶
type MTOServiceItemDimensions []MTOServiceItemDimension
MTOServiceItemDimensions is a slice containing MTOServiceItemDimension.
type MTOServiceItemStatus ¶
type MTOServiceItemStatus string
MTOServiceItemStatus represents the possible statuses for a mto shipment
const ( // MTOServiceItemStatusSubmitted is the submitted status type for MTO Service Items MTOServiceItemStatusSubmitted MTOServiceItemStatus = "SUBMITTED" // MTOServiceItemStatusApproved is the approved status type for MTO Service Items MTOServiceItemStatusApproved MTOServiceItemStatus = "APPROVED" // MTOServiceItemStatusRejected is the rejected status type for MTO Service Items MTOServiceItemStatusRejected MTOServiceItemStatus = "REJECTED" )
type MTOServiceItems ¶
type MTOServiceItems []MTOServiceItem
MTOServiceItems is a slice containing MTOServiceItems
type MTOShipment ¶
type MTOShipment struct { ID uuid.UUID `db:"id"` MoveTaskOrder Move `belongs_to:"moves" fk_id:"move_id"` MoveTaskOrderID uuid.UUID `db:"move_id"` ScheduledPickupDate *time.Time `db:"scheduled_pickup_date"` RequestedPickupDate *time.Time `db:"requested_pickup_date"` RequestedDeliveryDate *time.Time `db:"requested_delivery_date"` ApprovedDate *time.Time `db:"approved_date"` FirstAvailableDeliveryDate *time.Time `db:"first_available_delivery_date"` ActualPickupDate *time.Time `db:"actual_pickup_date"` RequiredDeliveryDate *time.Time `db:"required_delivery_date"` ScheduledDeliveryDate *time.Time `db:"scheduled_delivery_date"` ActualDeliveryDate *time.Time `db:"actual_delivery_date"` CustomerRemarks *string `db:"customer_remarks"` CounselorRemarks *string `db:"counselor_remarks"` PickupAddress *Address `belongs_to:"addresses" fk_id:"pickup_address_id"` PickupAddressID *uuid.UUID `db:"pickup_address_id"` DestinationAddress *Address `belongs_to:"addresses" fk_id:"destination_address_id"` DestinationAddressID *uuid.UUID `db:"destination_address_id"` DestinationType *DestinationType `db:"destination_address_type"` MTOAgents MTOAgents `has_many:"mto_agents" fk_id:"mto_shipment_id"` MTOServiceItems MTOServiceItems `has_many:"mto_service_items" fk_id:"mto_shipment_id"` SecondaryPickupAddress *Address `belongs_to:"addresses" fk_id:"secondary_pickup_address_id"` SecondaryPickupAddressID *uuid.UUID `db:"secondary_pickup_address_id"` SecondaryDeliveryAddress *Address `belongs_to:"addresses" fk_id:"secondary_delivery_address_id"` SecondaryDeliveryAddressID *uuid.UUID `db:"secondary_delivery_address_id"` SITDaysAllowance *int `db:"sit_days_allowance"` SITExtensions SITExtensions `has_many:"sit_extensions" fk_id:"mto_shipment_id"` PrimeEstimatedWeight *unit.Pound `db:"prime_estimated_weight"` PrimeEstimatedWeightRecordedDate *time.Time `db:"prime_estimated_weight_recorded_date"` PrimeActualWeight *unit.Pound `db:"prime_actual_weight"` BillableWeightCap *unit.Pound `db:"billable_weight_cap"` BillableWeightJustification *string `db:"billable_weight_justification"` NTSRecordedWeight *unit.Pound `db:"nts_recorded_weight"` ShipmentType MTOShipmentType `db:"shipment_type"` Status MTOShipmentStatus `db:"status"` Diversion bool `db:"diversion"` RejectionReason *string `db:"rejection_reason"` Distance *unit.Miles `db:"distance"` Reweigh *Reweigh `has_one:"reweighs" fk_id:"shipment_id"` UsesExternalVendor bool `db:"uses_external_vendor"` StorageFacility *StorageFacility `belongs_to:"storage_facilities" fk:"storage_facility_id"` StorageFacilityID *uuid.UUID `db:"storage_facility_id"` ServiceOrderNumber *string `db:"service_order_number"` TACType *LOAType `db:"tac_type"` SACType *LOAType `db:"sac_type"` PPMShipment *PPMShipment `has_one:"ppm_shipment" fk_id:"shipment_id"` CreatedAt time.Time `db:"created_at"` UpdatedAt time.Time `db:"updated_at"` DeletedAt *time.Time `db:"deleted_at"` }
MTOShipment is an object representing data for a move task order shipment
func (MTOShipment) TableName ¶
func (m MTOShipment) TableName() string
TableName overrides the table name used by Pop.
func (*MTOShipment) Validate ¶
func (m *MTOShipment) Validate(tx *pop.Connection) (*validate.Errors, error)
Validate gets run every time you call a "pop.Validate*" (pop.ValidateAndSave, pop.ValidateAndCreate, pop.ValidateAndUpdate) method.
type MTOShipmentStatus ¶
type MTOShipmentStatus string
MTOShipmentStatus represents the possible statuses for a mto shipment
const ( // MTOShipmentStatusDraft is the draft status type for MTO Shipments MTOShipmentStatusDraft MTOShipmentStatus = "DRAFT" // MTOShipmentStatusSubmitted is the submitted status type for MTO Shipments MTOShipmentStatusSubmitted MTOShipmentStatus = "SUBMITTED" // MTOShipmentStatusApproved is the approved status type for MTO Shipments MTOShipmentStatusApproved MTOShipmentStatus = "APPROVED" // MTOShipmentStatusRejected is the rejected status type for MTO Shipments MTOShipmentStatusRejected MTOShipmentStatus = "REJECTED" // MTOShipmentStatusCancellationRequested indicates the TOO has requested that the Prime cancel the shipment MTOShipmentStatusCancellationRequested MTOShipmentStatus = "CANCELLATION_REQUESTED" // MTOShipmentStatusCanceled indicates that a shipment has been canceled by the Prime MTOShipmentStatusCanceled MTOShipmentStatus = "CANCELED" // MTOShipmentStatusDiversionRequested indicates that the TOO has requested that the Prime divert a shipment MTOShipmentStatusDiversionRequested MTOShipmentStatus = "DIVERSION_REQUESTED" )
type MTOShipmentType ¶
type MTOShipmentType string
MTOShipmentType represents the type of shipments the mto shipment is
const ( // MTOShipmentTypeHHG is an HHG Shipment Type default MTOShipmentTypeHHG MTOShipmentType = "HHG" // MTOShipmentTypeInternationalHHG is a Shipment Type for International HHG MTOShipmentTypeInternationalHHG MTOShipmentType = "INTERNATIONAL_HHG" // MTOShipmentTypeInternationalUB is a Shipment Type for International UB MTOShipmentTypeInternationalUB MTOShipmentType = "INTERNATIONAL_UB" // MTOShipmentTypeHHGLongHaulDom is an HHG Shipment Type for Longhaul Domestic MTOShipmentTypeHHGLongHaulDom MTOShipmentType = "HHG_LONGHAUL_DOMESTIC" // MTOShipmentTypeHHGShortHaulDom is an HHG Shipment Type for Shothaul Domestic MTOShipmentTypeHHGShortHaulDom MTOShipmentType = "HHG_SHORTHAUL_DOMESTIC" // MTOShipmentTypeHHGIntoNTSDom is an HHG Shipment Type for going into NTS Domestic MTOShipmentTypeHHGIntoNTSDom MTOShipmentType = NTSRaw // MTOShipmentTypeHHGOutOfNTSDom is an HHG Shipment Type for going out of NTS Domestic MTOShipmentTypeHHGOutOfNTSDom MTOShipmentType = NTSrRaw // MTOShipmentTypeMotorhome is a Shipment Type for Motorhome MTOShipmentTypeMotorhome MTOShipmentType = "MOTORHOME" // MTOShipmentTypeBoatHaulAway is a Shipment Type for Boat Haul Away MTOShipmentTypeBoatHaulAway MTOShipmentType = "BOAT_HAUL_AWAY" // MTOShipmentTypeBoatTowAway is a Shipment Type for Boat Tow Away MTOShipmentTypeBoatTowAway MTOShipmentType = "BOAT_TOW_AWAY" // MTOShipmentTypePPM is a Shipment Type for Personally Procured Move shipments MTOShipmentTypePPM MTOShipmentType = "PPM" )
type Market ¶
type Market string
Market represents the market for an international move
This lists available markets for international accessorial pricing
type MethodOfReceipt ¶
type MethodOfReceipt string
MethodOfReceipt is how the SM will be paid
const ( // MethodOfReceiptMILPAY captures enum value MIL_PAY MethodOfReceiptMILPAY MethodOfReceipt = "MIL_PAY" // MethodOfReceiptOTHERDD captures enum value OTHER_DD MethodOfReceiptOTHERDD MethodOfReceipt = "OTHER_DD" // MethodOfReceiptGTCC captures enum value GTCC MethodOfReceiptGTCC MethodOfReceipt = "GTCC" )
type Move ¶
type Move struct { ID uuid.UUID `json:"id" db:"id"` Locator string `json:"locator" db:"locator"` CreatedAt time.Time `json:"created_at" db:"created_at"` UpdatedAt time.Time `json:"updated_at" db:"updated_at"` SubmittedAt *time.Time `json:"submitted_at" db:"submitted_at"` OrdersID uuid.UUID `json:"orders_id" db:"orders_id"` Orders Order `belongs_to:"orders" fk_id:"orders_id"` SelectedMoveType *SelectedMoveType `json:"selected_move_type" db:"selected_move_type"` PersonallyProcuredMoves PersonallyProcuredMoves `has_many:"personally_procured_moves" fk_id:"move_id" order_by:"created_at desc"` Status MoveStatus `json:"status" db:"status"` SignedCertifications SignedCertifications `has_many:"signed_certifications" fk_id:"move_id" order_by:"created_at desc"` CancelReason *string `json:"cancel_reason" db:"cancel_reason"` Show *bool `json:"show" db:"show"` TIORemarks *string `db:"tio_remarks"` AvailableToPrimeAt *time.Time `db:"available_to_prime_at"` ContractorID *uuid.UUID `db:"contractor_id"` Contractor *Contractor `belongs_to:"contractors" fk_id:"contractor_id"` PPMEstimatedWeight *unit.Pound `db:"ppm_estimated_weight"` PPMType *string `db:"ppm_type"` MTOServiceItems MTOServiceItems `has_many:"mto_service_items" fk_id:"move_id"` PaymentRequests PaymentRequests `has_many:"payment_requests" fk_id:"move_id"` MTOShipments MTOShipments `has_many:"mto_shipments" fk_id:"move_id"` ReferenceID *string `db:"reference_id"` ServiceCounselingCompletedAt *time.Time `db:"service_counseling_completed_at"` PrimeCounselingCompletedAt *time.Time `db:"prime_counseling_completed_at"` ExcessWeightQualifiedAt *time.Time `db:"excess_weight_qualified_at"` ExcessWeightUploadID *uuid.UUID `db:"excess_weight_upload_id"` ExcessWeightUpload *Upload `belongs_to:"uploads" fk_id:"excess_weight_upload_id"` ExcessWeightAcknowledgedAt *time.Time `db:"excess_weight_acknowledged_at"` BillableWeightsReviewedAt *time.Time `db:"billable_weights_reviewed_at"` FinancialReviewFlag bool `db:"financial_review_flag"` FinancialReviewFlagSetAt *time.Time `db:"financial_review_flag_set_at"` FinancialReviewRemarks *string `db:"financial_review_remarks"` ShipmentGBLOC MoveToGBLOCs `has_many:"move_to_gbloc" fk_id:"move_id"` OriginDutyLocationGBLOC OriginDutyLocationToGBLOC `has_one:"origin_duty_location_to_gbloc" fk_id:"move_id"` }
Move is an object representing a move
func FetchMoveByMoveID ¶
FetchMoveByMoveID returns a Move for a given id
func FetchMoveByOrderID ¶
FetchMoveByOrderID returns a Move for a given id
func FetchMoveForMoveDates ¶
FetchMoveForMoveDates returns a Move along with all the associations needed to determine the move dates summary information.
func (Move) CreatePPM ¶
func (m Move) CreatePPM(db *pop.Connection, weightEstimate *unit.Pound, originalMoveDate *time.Time, pickupPostalCode *string, hasAdditionalPostalCode *bool, additionalPickupPostalCode *string, destinationPostalCode *string, hasSit *bool, daysInStorage *int64, estimatedStorageReimbursement *string, hasRequestedAdvance bool, advance *Reimbursement) (*PersonallyProcuredMove, *validate.Errors, error)
CreatePPM creates a new PPM associated with this move
func (Move) CreateSignedCertification ¶
func (m Move) CreateSignedCertification(db *pop.Connection, submittingUserID uuid.UUID, certificationText string, signature string, date time.Time, ppmID *uuid.UUID, certificationType *SignedCertificationType) (*SignedCertification, *validate.Errors, error)
CreateSignedCertification creates a new SignedCertification associated with this move
func (Move) IsCanceled ¶
IsCanceled returns true if the Move's status is `CANCELED`, false otherwise
func (*Move) Validate ¶
Validate gets run every time you call a "pop.Validate*" (pop.ValidateAndSave, pop.ValidateAndCreate, pop.ValidateAndUpdate) method. This method is not required and may be deleted.
func (*Move) ValidateCreate ¶
ValidateCreate gets run every time you call "pop.ValidateAndCreate" method. This method is not required and may be deleted.
func (*Move) ValidateUpdate ¶
ValidateUpdate gets run every time you call "pop.ValidateAndUpdate" method. This method is not required and may be deleted.
type MoveHistory ¶
type MoveHistory struct { ID uuid.UUID Locator string ReferenceID *string AuditHistories AuditHistories }
MoveHistory captures a move's audit history. This struct doesn't have a database table it is used for the ghc.yaml/GHC API. NO DATABASE TABLE
type MoveOptions ¶
type MoveOptions struct { SelectedType *SelectedMoveType Show *bool }
MoveOptions is used when creating new moves based on parameters
type MoveQueueItem ¶
type MoveQueueItem struct { ID uuid.UUID `json:"id" db:"id"` CreatedAt time.Time `json:"created_at" db:"created_at"` Edipi string `json:"edipi" db:"edipi"` Rank *ServiceMemberRank `json:"rank" db:"rank"` CustomerName string `json:"customer_name" db:"customer_name"` Locator string `json:"locator" db:"locator"` Status string `json:"status" db:"status"` PpmStatus *string `json:"ppm_status" db:"ppm_status"` OrdersType string `json:"orders_type" db:"orders_type"` MoveDate *time.Time `json:"move_date" db:"move_date"` SubmittedDate *time.Time `json:"submitted_date" db:"submitted_date"` LastModifiedDate time.Time `json:"last_modified_date" db:"last_modified_date"` OriginDutyLocationName string `json:"origin_duty_location_name" db:"origin_duty_location_name"` DestinationDutyLocationName string `json:"destination_duty_location_name" db:"destination_duty_location_name"` PmSurveyConductedDate *time.Time `json:"pm_survey_conducted_date" db:"pm_survey_conducted_date"` OriginGBLOC *string `json:"origin_gbloc" db:"origin_gbloc"` DestinationGBLOC *string `json:"destination_gbloc" db:"destination_gbloc"` DeliveredDate *time.Time `json:"delivered_date" db:"delivered_date"` InvoiceApprovedDate *time.Time `json:"invoice_approved_date" db:"invoice_approved_date"` BranchOfService string `json:"branch_of_service" db:"branch_of_service"` ActualMoveDate *time.Time `json:"actual_move_date" db:"actual_move_date"` OriginalMoveDate *time.Time `json:"original_move_date" db:"original_move_date"` }
MoveQueueItem represents a single move queue item within a queue.
func GetMoveQueueItems ¶
func GetMoveQueueItems(db *pop.Connection, lifecycleState string) ([]MoveQueueItem, error)
GetMoveQueueItems gets all moveQueueItems for a specific lifecycleState
type MoveStatus ¶
type MoveStatus string
MoveStatus represents the status of an order record's lifecycle
const ( // MoveStatusDRAFT captures enum value "DRAFT" MoveStatusDRAFT MoveStatus = "DRAFT" // MoveStatusSUBMITTED captures enum value "SUBMITTED" MoveStatusSUBMITTED MoveStatus = "SUBMITTED" // MoveStatusAPPROVED captures enum value "APPROVED" MoveStatusAPPROVED MoveStatus = "APPROVED" // MoveStatusCANCELED captures enum value "CANCELED" MoveStatusCANCELED MoveStatus = "CANCELED" // MoveStatusAPPROVALSREQUESTED captures enum value "APPROVALS REQUESTED" MoveStatusAPPROVALSREQUESTED MoveStatus = "APPROVALS REQUESTED" // MoveStatusNeedsServiceCounseling captures enum value "NEEDS SERVICE COUNSELING" MoveStatusNeedsServiceCounseling MoveStatus = "NEEDS SERVICE COUNSELING" // MoveStatusServiceCounselingCompleted captures enum value "SERVICE COUNSELING COMPLETED" MoveStatusServiceCounselingCompleted MoveStatus = "SERVICE COUNSELING COMPLETED" )
type MoveToGBLOC ¶
type MoveToGBLOC struct { MoveID uuid.UUID `db:"move_id"` Move Move `belongs_to:"moves" fk_id:"move_id"` GBLOC *string `db:"gbloc"` }
MoveToGBLOC represents the view that associates each move ID with a GBLOC based on the postal code of its first shipment. This view is used to encapsulate query logic that was impossible to express with Pop. It will be used for the TOO and TIO queues, but not for Services Counseling.
func (MoveToGBLOC) TableName ¶
func (m MoveToGBLOC) TableName() string
TableName overrides the table name used by Pop.
type MoveToGBLOCs ¶
type MoveToGBLOCs []MoveToGBLOC
MoveToGBLOCs is not required by pop and may be deleted
type MovingExpense ¶
type MovingExpense struct { ID uuid.UUID `json:"id" db:"id"` PPMShipmentID uuid.UUID `json:"ppm_shipment_id" db:"ppm_shipment_id"` PPMShipment PPMShipment `belongs_to:"ppm_shipments" fk_id:"ppm_shipment_id"` DocumentID uuid.UUID `json:"document_id" db:"document_id"` Document Document `belongs_to:"documents" fk_id:"document_id"` CreatedAt time.Time `json:"created_at" db:"created_at"` UpdatedAt time.Time `json:"updated_at" db:"updated_at"` DeletedAt *time.Time `json:"deleted_at" db:"deleted_at"` MovingExpenseType *MovingExpenseReceiptType `json:"moving_expense_type" db:"moving_expense_type"` Description *string `json:"description" db:"description"` PaidWithGTCC *bool `json:"paid_with_gtcc" db:"paid_with_gtcc"` Amount *unit.Cents `json:"amount" db:"amount"` MissingReceipt *bool `json:"missing_receipt" db:"missing_receipt"` Status *PPMDocumentStatus `json:"status" db:"status"` Reason *string `json:"reason" db:"reason"` SITStartDate *time.Time `json:"sit_start_date" db:"sit_start_date"` SITEndDate *time.Time `json:"sit_end_date" db:"sit_end_date"` }
func FetchMovingExpensesShipmentSummaryWorksheet ¶
func FetchMovingExpensesShipmentSummaryWorksheet(move Move, db *pop.Connection, session *auth.Session) ([]MovingExpense, error)
FetchMovingExpensesShipmentSummaryWorksheet fetches moving expenses for the Shipment Summary Worksheet TODO: update to create moving expense summary with the new moving expense model
func (*MovingExpense) Validate ¶
func (m *MovingExpense) Validate(_ *pop.Connection) (*validate.Errors, error)
Validate gets run every time you call a "pop.Validate*" (pop.ValidateAndSave, pop.ValidateAndCreate, pop.ValidateAndUpdate) method. This should contain validation that is for data integrity. Business validation should occur in service objects.
type MovingExpenseReceiptType ¶
type MovingExpenseReceiptType string
MovingExpenseReceiptType represents types of different moving expenses
const ( // MovingExpenseReceiptTypeContractedExpense captures enum value "CONTRACTED_EXPENSE" MovingExpenseReceiptTypeContractedExpense MovingExpenseReceiptType = "CONTRACTED_EXPENSE" // MovingExpenseReceiptTypeOil captures enum value "OIL" MovingExpenseReceiptTypeOil MovingExpenseReceiptType = "OIL" // MovingExpenseReceiptTypePackingMaterials captures enum value "PACKING_MATERIALS" MovingExpenseReceiptTypePackingMaterials MovingExpenseReceiptType = "PACKING_MATERIALS" // MovingExpenseReceiptTypeRentalEquipment captures enum value "RENTAL_EQUIPMENT" MovingExpenseReceiptTypeRentalEquipment MovingExpenseReceiptType = "RENTAL_EQUIPMENT" // MovingExpenseReceiptTypeStorage captures enum value "STORAGE" MovingExpenseReceiptTypeStorage MovingExpenseReceiptType = "STORAGE" // MovingExpenseReceiptTypeTolls captures enum value "TOLLS" MovingExpenseReceiptTypeTolls MovingExpenseReceiptType = "TOLLS" // MovingExpenseReceiptTypeWeighingFee captures enum value "WEIGHING_FEE" MovingExpenseReceiptTypeWeighingFee MovingExpenseReceiptType = "WEIGHING_FEE" // MovingExpenseReceiptTypeOther captures enum value "OTHER" MovingExpenseReceiptTypeOther MovingExpenseReceiptType = "OTHER" )
type MovingExpenses ¶
type MovingExpenses []MovingExpense
type MustBeBothNilOrBothHaveValue ¶
type MustBeBothNilOrBothHaveValue struct { FieldName1 string FieldValue1 *string FieldName2 string FieldValue2 *string }
MustBeBothNilOrBothHaveValue validates that two fields are either both nil or both have values
func (*MustBeBothNilOrBothHaveValue) IsValid ¶
func (v *MustBeBothNilOrBothHaveValue) IsValid(errors *validate.Errors)
IsValid adds an error if fieldValue1 or fieldValue2 are neither both empty nor both non-empty
type NotImplementedCountryCode ¶
type NotImplementedCountryCode struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
NotImplementedCountryCode is the default for unimplemented country code lookup
func (NotImplementedCountryCode) Error ¶
func (e NotImplementedCountryCode) Error() string
type Notification ¶
type Notification struct { ID uuid.UUID `db:"id"` ServiceMemberID uuid.UUID `db:"service_member_id"` ServiceMember ServiceMember `belongs_to:"service_member" fk_id:"service_member_id"` SESMessageID string `db:"ses_message_id"` NotificationType NotificationTypes `db:"notification_type"` CreatedAt time.Time `db:"created_at"` }
Notification represents an email sent to a service member
func (*Notification) Validate ¶
func (n *Notification) Validate(tx *pop.Connection) (*validate.Errors, error)
Validate gets run every time you call a "pop.Validate*" (pop.ValidateAndSave, pop.ValidateAndCreate, pop.ValidateAndUpdate) method.
type NotificationTypes ¶
type NotificationTypes string
NotificationTypes represents types of notifications
const ( // MoveReviewedEmail captures enum value "MOVE_REVIEWED_EMAIL" MoveReviewedEmail NotificationTypes = "MOVE_REVIEWED_EMAIL" // MovePaymentReminderEmail captures enum value "MOVE_PAYMENT_REMINDER_EMAIL" MovePaymentReminderEmail NotificationTypes = "MOVE_PAYMENT_REMINDER_EMAIL" )
type Notifications ¶
type Notifications []Notification
Notifications is a slice of notification structs
type Obligation ¶
Obligation an object representing the obligations section on the shipment summary worksheet
func (Obligation) FormatSIT ¶
func (obligation Obligation) FormatSIT() float64
FormatSIT formats the SIT Cost into a dollar float for the shipment summary worksheet
func (Obligation) GCC100 ¶
func (obligation Obligation) GCC100() float64
GCC100 calculates the 100% GCC on shipment summary worksheet
func (Obligation) GCC95 ¶
func (obligation Obligation) GCC95() float64
GCC95 calculates the 95% GCC on shipment summary worksheet
func (Obligation) MaxAdvance ¶
func (obligation Obligation) MaxAdvance() float64
MaxAdvance calculates the Max Advance on the shipment summary worksheet
type Obligations ¶
type Obligations struct { MaxObligation Obligation ActualObligation Obligation NonWinningMaxObligation Obligation NonWinningActualObligation Obligation }
Obligations is an object representing the winning and non-winning Max Obligation and Actual Obligation sections of the shipment summary worksheet
type OfficeEmail ¶
type OfficeEmail struct { ID uuid.UUID `json:"id" db:"id"` TransportationOfficeID uuid.UUID `json:"transportation_office_id" db:"transportation_office_id"` TransportationOffice TransportationOffice `belongs_to:"transportation_office" fk_id:"transportation_office_id"` Email string `json:"email" db:"email"` Label *string `json:"label" db:"label"` CreatedAt time.Time `json:"created_at" db:"created_at"` UpdatedAt time.Time `json:"updated_at" db:"updated_at"` }
OfficeEmail is used to store Email addresses for the TransportationOffices
func (*OfficeEmail) Validate ¶
func (o *OfficeEmail) Validate(tx *pop.Connection) (*validate.Errors, error)
Validate gets run every time you call a "pop.Validate*" (pop.ValidateAndSave, pop.ValidateAndCreate, pop.ValidateAndUpdate) method. This method is not required and may be deleted.
func (*OfficeEmail) ValidateCreate ¶
func (o *OfficeEmail) ValidateCreate(tx *pop.Connection) (*validate.Errors, error)
ValidateCreate gets run every time you call "pop.ValidateAndCreate" method. This method is not required and may be deleted.
func (*OfficeEmail) ValidateUpdate ¶
func (o *OfficeEmail) ValidateUpdate(tx *pop.Connection) (*validate.Errors, error)
ValidateUpdate gets run every time you call "pop.ValidateAndUpdate" method. This method is not required and may be deleted.
type OfficeEmails ¶
type OfficeEmails []OfficeEmail
OfficeEmails is not required by pop and may be deleted
type OfficePhoneLine ¶
type OfficePhoneLine struct { ID uuid.UUID `json:"id" db:"id"` TransportationOfficeID uuid.UUID `json:"transportation_office_id" db:"transportation_office_id"` TransportationOffice TransportationOffice `belongs_to:"transportation_office" fk_id:"transportation_office_id"` Number string `json:"number" db:"number"` Label *string `json:"label" db:"label"` IsDsnNumber bool `json:"is_dsn_number" db:"is_dsn_number"` Type string `json:"type" db:"type"` CreatedAt time.Time `json:"created_at" db:"created_at"` UpdatedAt time.Time `json:"updated_at" db:"updated_at"` }
OfficePhoneLine is used to store Phone lines (voice or fax) for the TransportationOffices
func (*OfficePhoneLine) Validate ¶
func (o *OfficePhoneLine) Validate(tx *pop.Connection) (*validate.Errors, error)
Validate gets run every time you call a "pop.Validate*" (pop.ValidateAndSave, pop.ValidateAndCreate, pop.ValidateAndUpdate) method. This method is not required and may be deleted.
func (*OfficePhoneLine) ValidateCreate ¶
func (o *OfficePhoneLine) ValidateCreate(tx *pop.Connection) (*validate.Errors, error)
ValidateCreate gets run every time you call "pop.ValidateAndCreate" method. This method is not required and may be deleted.
func (*OfficePhoneLine) ValidateUpdate ¶
func (o *OfficePhoneLine) ValidateUpdate(tx *pop.Connection) (*validate.Errors, error)
ValidateUpdate gets run every time you call "pop.ValidateAndUpdate" method. This method is not required and may be deleted.
type OfficePhoneLines ¶
type OfficePhoneLines []OfficePhoneLine
OfficePhoneLines is not required by pop and may be deleted
type OfficeUser ¶
type OfficeUser struct { ID uuid.UUID `json:"id" db:"id"` UserID *uuid.UUID `json:"user_id" db:"user_id"` User User `belongs_to:"user" fk_id:"user_id"` LastName string `json:"last_name" db:"last_name"` FirstName string `json:"first_name" db:"first_name"` MiddleInitials *string `json:"middle_initials" db:"middle_initials"` Email string `json:"email" db:"email"` Telephone string `json:"telephone" db:"telephone"` TransportationOfficeID uuid.UUID `json:"transportation_office_id" db:"transportation_office_id"` TransportationOffice TransportationOffice `belongs_to:"transportation_office" fk_id:"transportation_office_id"` CreatedAt time.Time `json:"created_at" db:"created_at"` UpdatedAt time.Time `json:"updated_at" db:"updated_at"` Active bool `json:"active" db:"active"` }
OfficeUser is someone who works in one of the TransportationOffices
func FetchOfficeUserByEmail ¶
func FetchOfficeUserByEmail(tx *pop.Connection, email string) (*OfficeUser, error)
FetchOfficeUserByEmail looks for an office user with a specific email
func FetchOfficeUserByID ¶
func FetchOfficeUserByID(tx *pop.Connection, id uuid.UUID) (*OfficeUser, error)
FetchOfficeUserByID fetches an office user by ID
func (*OfficeUser) Validate ¶
func (o *OfficeUser) Validate(tx *pop.Connection) (*validate.Errors, error)
Validate gets run every time you call a "pop.Validate*" (pop.ValidateAndSave, pop.ValidateAndCreate, pop.ValidateAndUpdate) method. This method is not required and may be deleted.
func (*OfficeUser) ValidateCreate ¶
func (o *OfficeUser) ValidateCreate(tx *pop.Connection) (*validate.Errors, error)
ValidateCreate gets run every time you call "pop.ValidateAndCreate" method. This method is not required and may be deleted.
func (*OfficeUser) ValidateUpdate ¶
func (o *OfficeUser) ValidateUpdate(tx *pop.Connection) (*validate.Errors, error)
ValidateUpdate gets run every time you call "pop.ValidateAndUpdate" method. This method is not required and may be deleted.
type OfficeUsers ¶
type OfficeUsers []OfficeUser
OfficeUsers is not required by pop and may be deleted
type OptionalDateIsWorkday ¶
OptionalDateIsWorkday validates that a field is on a workday if it exists
func (*OptionalDateIsWorkday) IsValid ¶
func (v *OptionalDateIsWorkday) IsValid(errors *validate.Errors)
IsValid adds error if field is not on valid workday ignores nil field
type OptionalDateNotBefore ¶
OptionalDateNotBefore validates that a date is not before the earliest allowable date
func (*OptionalDateNotBefore) IsValid ¶
func (v *OptionalDateNotBefore) IsValid(errors *validate.Errors)
IsValid adds an error if the field has a value and there is not a not-before date or the date is before the not-before date
type OptionalInt64IsPositive ¶
OptionalInt64IsPositive adds an error if the Field is less than or equal to zero
func (*OptionalInt64IsPositive) IsValid ¶
func (v *OptionalInt64IsPositive) IsValid(errors *validate.Errors)
IsValid adds an error if the Field is less than or equal to zero
type OptionalIntIsPositive ¶
OptionalIntIsPositive adds an error if the Field is less than or equal to zero
func (*OptionalIntIsPositive) IsValid ¶
func (v *OptionalIntIsPositive) IsValid(errors *validate.Errors)
IsValid adds an error if the Field is less than or equal to zero
type OptionalPoundIsNonNegative ¶
OptionalPoundIsNonNegative adds an error if the Field is less than zero
func (*OptionalPoundIsNonNegative) IsValid ¶
func (v *OptionalPoundIsNonNegative) IsValid(errors *validate.Errors)
IsValid adds an error if the Field is less than zero
type OptionalPoundIsPositive ¶
OptionalPoundIsPositive adds an error if the Field is less than or equal to zero
func (*OptionalPoundIsPositive) IsValid ¶
func (v *OptionalPoundIsPositive) IsValid(errors *validate.Errors)
IsValid adds an error if the Field is less than zero
type OptionalRegexMatch ¶
OptionalRegexMatch validates that a field matches the regexp match
func (*OptionalRegexMatch) IsValid ¶
func (v *OptionalRegexMatch) IsValid(errors *validate.Errors)
IsValid performs the validation based on the regexp match
type OptionalStringInclusion ¶
OptionalStringInclusion validates that a field is in a list of strings if the field exists
func (*OptionalStringInclusion) IsValid ¶
func (v *OptionalStringInclusion) IsValid(errors *validate.Errors)
IsValid adds error if field is non-nil and not in the list of strings
type OptionalTimeIsPresent ¶
OptionalTimeIsPresent adds an error if the Field is not nil and also not a valid time
func (*OptionalTimeIsPresent) IsValid ¶
func (v *OptionalTimeIsPresent) IsValid(errors *validate.Errors)
IsValid adds an error if the Field is not nil and also not a valid time
type OptionalUUIDIsPresent ¶
OptionalUUIDIsPresent is a structure for determining if an Optional UUID is valid If it is a nil pointer, it passes validation. If it is a pointer to a valid UUID, it passes validation. If it is a pointer to a non-valid UUID, it fails validation.
func (*OptionalUUIDIsPresent) IsValid ¶
func (v *OptionalUUIDIsPresent) IsValid(errors *validate.Errors)
IsValid adds an error if an optional UUID is valid. If it is a nil pointer, it passes validation. If it is a pointer to a valid UUID, it passes validation. If it is a pointer to a non-valid UUID, it fails validation.
type Order ¶
type Order struct { ID uuid.UUID `json:"id" db:"id"` CreatedAt time.Time `json:"created_at" db:"created_at"` UpdatedAt time.Time `json:"updated_at" db:"updated_at"` ServiceMemberID uuid.UUID `json:"service_member_id" db:"service_member_id"` ServiceMember ServiceMember `belongs_to:"service_members" fk_id:"service_member_id"` IssueDate time.Time `json:"issue_date" db:"issue_date"` ReportByDate time.Time `json:"report_by_date" db:"report_by_date"` OrdersType internalmessages.OrdersType `json:"orders_type" db:"orders_type"` OrdersTypeDetail *internalmessages.OrdersTypeDetail `json:"orders_type_detail" db:"orders_type_detail"` HasDependents bool `json:"has_dependents" db:"has_dependents"` SpouseHasProGear bool `json:"spouse_has_pro_gear" db:"spouse_has_pro_gear"` OriginDutyLocation *DutyLocation `belongs_to:"duty_locations" fk_id:"origin_duty_location_id"` OriginDutyLocationID *uuid.UUID `json:"origin_duty_location_id" db:"origin_duty_location_id"` NewDutyLocationID uuid.UUID `json:"new_duty_location_id" db:"new_duty_location_id"` NewDutyLocation DutyLocation `belongs_to:"duty_locations" fk_id:"new_duty_location_id"` UploadedOrders Document `belongs_to:"documents" fk_id:"uploaded_orders_id"` UploadedOrdersID uuid.UUID `json:"uploaded_orders_id" db:"uploaded_orders_id"` OrdersNumber *string `json:"orders_number" db:"orders_number"` Moves Moves `has_many:"moves" fk_id:"orders_id" order_by:"created_at desc"` Status OrderStatus `json:"status" db:"status"` TAC *string `json:"tac" db:"tac"` SAC *string `json:"sac" db:"sac"` NtsTAC *string `json:"nts_tac" db:"nts_tac"` NtsSAC *string `json:"nts_sac" db:"nts_sac"` DepartmentIndicator *string `json:"department_indicator" db:"department_indicator"` Grade *string `json:"grade" db:"grade"` Entitlement *Entitlement `belongs_to:"entitlements" fk_id:"entitlement_id"` EntitlementID *uuid.UUID `json:"entitlement_id" db:"entitlement_id"` UploadedAmendedOrders *Document `belongs_to:"documents" fk_id:"uploaded_amended_orders_id"` UploadedAmendedOrdersID *uuid.UUID `json:"uploaded_amended_orders_id" db:"uploaded_amended_orders_id"` AmendedOrdersAcknowledgedAt *time.Time `json:"amended_orders_acknowledged_at" db:"amended_orders_acknowledged_at"` }
Order is a set of orders received by a service member
func FetchLatestOrder ¶
FetchLatestOrder gets the latest order for a service member
func FetchOrder ¶
FetchOrder returns orders without REGARDLESS OF USER. DO NOT USE IF YOU NEED USER AUTH
func FetchOrderForPDFConversion ¶
FetchOrderForPDFConversion returns orders and any attached uploads
func FetchOrderForUser ¶
FetchOrderForUser returns orders only if it is allowed for the given user to access those orders.
func (*Order) CreateNewMove ¶
func (o *Order) CreateNewMove(db *pop.Connection, moveOptions MoveOptions) (*Move, *validate.Errors, error)
CreateNewMove creates a move associated with these Orders
func (*Order) IsComplete ¶
IsComplete checks if orders have all fields necessary to approve a move
func (*Order) IsCompleteForGBL ¶
IsCompleteForGBL checks if orders have all fields necessary to generate a GBL
type OrderStatus ¶
type OrderStatus string
OrderStatus represents the state of an order record in the UX manual orders flow
const ( // OrderStatusDRAFT captures enum value "DRAFT" OrderStatusDRAFT OrderStatus = "DRAFT" // OrderStatusSUBMITTED captures enum value "SUBMITTED" OrderStatusSUBMITTED OrderStatus = "SUBMITTED" // OrderStatusAPPROVED captures enum value "APPROVED" OrderStatusAPPROVED OrderStatus = "APPROVED" // OrderStatusCANCELED captures enum value "CANCELED" OrderStatusCANCELED OrderStatus = "CANCELED" )
type OrdersTypeIsPresent ¶
type OrdersTypeIsPresent struct { Name string Field internalmessages.OrdersType }
OrdersTypeIsPresent validates that orders type field is present
func (*OrdersTypeIsPresent) IsValid ¶
func (v *OrdersTypeIsPresent) IsValid(errors *validate.Errors)
IsValid adds an error if the string value is blank.
type Organization ¶
type Organization struct { ID uuid.UUID `json:"id" db:"id"` CreatedAt time.Time `json:"created_at" db:"created_at"` UpdatedAt time.Time `json:"updated_at" db:"updated_at"` Name string `json:"name" db:"name"` PocEmail *string `json:"poc_email" db:"poc_email"` PocPhone *string `json:"poc_phone" db:"poc_phone"` }
Organization represents an organization and their contact information
func (Organization) String ¶
func (o Organization) String() string
String is not required by pop and may be deleted
func (*Organization) Validate ¶
func (o *Organization) Validate(tx *pop.Connection) (*validate.Errors, error)
Validate gets run every time you call a "pop.Validate*" (pop.ValidateAndSave, pop.ValidateAndCreate, pop.ValidateAndUpdate) method. This method is not required and may be deleted.
func (*Organization) ValidateCreate ¶
func (o *Organization) ValidateCreate(tx *pop.Connection) (*validate.Errors, error)
ValidateCreate gets run every time you call "pop.ValidateAndCreate" method. This method is not required and may be deleted.
func (*Organization) ValidateUpdate ¶
func (o *Organization) ValidateUpdate(tx *pop.Connection) (*validate.Errors, error)
ValidateUpdate gets run every time you call "pop.ValidateAndUpdate" method. This method is not required and may be deleted.
type Organizations ¶
type Organizations []Organization
Organizations is not required by pop and may be deleted
func (Organizations) String ¶
func (o Organizations) String() string
String is not required by pop and may be deleted
type OriginDutyLocationToGBLOC ¶
type OriginDutyLocationToGBLOC struct { ID uuid.UUID `db:"id"` MoveID uuid.UUID `db:"move_id"` GBLOC string `db:"gbloc"` }
OriginDutyLocationToGBLOC represents the view that associates each move ID with a GBLOC based on the postal code of its origin duty location. This view is used to encapsulate query logic that was impossible to express with Pop. It will be used for the for Services Counseling queue.
func (OriginDutyLocationToGBLOC) TableName ¶
func (m OriginDutyLocationToGBLOC) TableName() string
TableName overrides the table name used by Pop.
type PPMAdvanceStatus ¶
type PPMAdvanceStatus string
PPMAdvanceStatus represents the status of an advance that can be approved, edited or rejected by a SC
const ( // PPMAdvanceStatusApproved captures enum value "APPROVED" PPMAdvanceStatusApproved PPMAdvanceStatus = "APPROVED" // PPMAdvanceStatusEdited captures enum value "EDITED" PPMAdvanceStatusEdited PPMAdvanceStatus = "EDITED" // PPMAdvanceStatusRejected captures enum value "REJECTED" PPMAdvanceStatusRejected PPMAdvanceStatus = "REJECTED" )
type PPMDocumentStatus ¶
type PPMDocumentStatus string
PPMDocumentStatus represents the status of a PPMShipment's documents. Lives here since we have multiple PPM document models.
const ( // PPMDocumentStatusApproved captures enum value "APPROVED" PPMDocumentStatusApproved PPMDocumentStatus = "APPROVED" // PPMDocumentStatusExcluded captures enum value "EXCLUDED" PPMDocumentStatusExcluded PPMDocumentStatus = "EXCLUDED" // PPMDocumentStatusRejected captures enum value "REJECTED" PPMDocumentStatusRejected PPMDocumentStatus = "REJECTED" )
type PPMShipment ¶
type PPMShipment struct { ID uuid.UUID `json:"id" db:"id"` ShipmentID uuid.UUID `json:"shipment_id" db:"shipment_id"` Shipment MTOShipment `belongs_to:"mto_shipments" fk_id:"shipment_id"` CreatedAt time.Time `json:"created_at" db:"created_at"` UpdatedAt time.Time `json:"updated_at" db:"updated_at"` DeletedAt *time.Time `json:"deleted_at" db:"deleted_at"` Status PPMShipmentStatus `json:"status" db:"status"` ExpectedDepartureDate time.Time `json:"expected_departure_date" db:"expected_departure_date"` ActualMoveDate *time.Time `json:"actual_move_date" db:"actual_move_date"` SubmittedAt *time.Time `json:"submitted_at" db:"submitted_at"` ReviewedAt *time.Time `json:"reviewed_at" db:"reviewed_at"` ApprovedAt *time.Time `json:"approved_at" db:"approved_at"` W2Address *Address `belongs_to:"addresses" fk_id:"w2_address_id"` W2AddressID *uuid.UUID `db:"w2_address_id"` PickupPostalCode string `json:"pickup_postal_code" db:"pickup_postal_code"` SecondaryPickupPostalCode *string `json:"secondary_pickup_postal_code" db:"secondary_pickup_postal_code"` ActualPickupPostalCode *string `json:"actual_pickup_postal_code" db:"actual_pickup_postal_code"` DestinationPostalCode string `json:"destination_postal_code" db:"destination_postal_code"` SecondaryDestinationPostalCode *string `json:"secondary_destination_postal_code" db:"secondary_destination_postal_code"` ActualDestinationPostalCode *string `json:"actual_destination_postal_code" db:"actual_destination_postal_code"` EstimatedWeight *unit.Pound `json:"estimated_weight" db:"estimated_weight"` NetWeight *unit.Pound `json:"net_weight" db:"net_weight"` HasProGear *bool `json:"has_pro_gear" db:"has_pro_gear"` ProGearWeight *unit.Pound `json:"pro_gear_weight" db:"pro_gear_weight"` SpouseProGearWeight *unit.Pound `json:"spouse_pro_gear_weight" db:"spouse_pro_gear_weight"` EstimatedIncentive *unit.Cents `json:"estimated_incentive" db:"estimated_incentive"` FinalIncentive *unit.Cents `json:"final_incentive" db:"final_incentive"` HasRequestedAdvance *bool `json:"has_requested_advance" db:"has_requested_advance"` AdvanceAmountRequested *unit.Cents `json:"advance_amount_requested" db:"advance_amount_requested"` HasReceivedAdvance *bool `json:"has_received_advance" db:"has_received_advance"` AdvanceStatus *PPMAdvanceStatus `json:"advance_status" db:"advance_status"` AdvanceAmountReceived *unit.Cents `json:"advance_amount_received" db:"advance_amount_received"` SITExpected *bool `json:"sit_expected" db:"sit_expected"` SITLocation *SITLocationType `json:"sit_location" db:"sit_location"` SITEstimatedWeight *unit.Pound `json:"sit_estimated_weight" db:"sit_estimated_weight"` SITEstimatedEntryDate *time.Time `json:"sit_estimated_entry_date" db:"sit_estimated_entry_date"` SITEstimatedDepartureDate *time.Time `json:"sit_estimated_departure_date" db:"sit_estimated_departure_date"` SITEstimatedCost *unit.Cents `json:"sit_estimated_cost" db:"sit_estimated_cost"` WeightTickets WeightTickets `has_many:"weight_tickets" fk_id:"ppm_shipment_id" order_by:"created_at asc"` MovingExpenses MovingExpenses `has_many:"moving_expenses" fk_id:"ppm_shipment_id" order_by:"created_at asc"` ProgearExpenses ProgearWeightTickets `has_many:"progear_weight_tickets" fk_id:"ppm_shipment_id" order_by:"created_at asc"` SignedCertifications SignedCertifications `has_many:"signed_certifications" fk_id:"ppm_id" order_by:"created_at desc"` }
PPMShipment is the portion of a move that a service member performs themselves
func FetchPPMShipmentFromMTOShipmentID ¶
func FetchPPMShipmentFromMTOShipmentID(db *pop.Connection, mtoShipmentID uuid.UUID) (*PPMShipment, error)
func (PPMShipment) TableName ¶
func (p PPMShipment) TableName() string
TableName overrides the table name used by Pop. By default it tries using the name `ppmshipments`.
type PPMShipmentStatus ¶
type PPMShipmentStatus string
PPMShipmentStatus represents the status of an order record's lifecycle
const ( // PPMShipmentStatusDraft captures enum value "DRAFT" PPMShipmentStatusDraft PPMShipmentStatus = "DRAFT" // PPMShipmentStatusSubmitted captures enum value "SUBMITTED" PPMShipmentStatusSubmitted PPMShipmentStatus = "SUBMITTED" // PPMShipmentStatusWaitingOnCustomer captures enum value "WAITING_ON_CUSTOMER" PPMShipmentStatusWaitingOnCustomer PPMShipmentStatus = "WAITING_ON_CUSTOMER" // PPMShipmentStatusNeedsAdvanceApproval captures enum value "NEEDS_ADVANCE_APPROVAL" PPMShipmentStatusNeedsAdvanceApproval PPMShipmentStatus = "NEEDS_ADVANCE_APPROVAL" // PPMShipmentStatusNeedsPaymentApproval captures enum value "NEEDS_PAYMENT_APPROVAL" PPMShipmentStatusNeedsPaymentApproval PPMShipmentStatus = "NEEDS_PAYMENT_APPROVAL" // PPMShipmentStatusPaymentApproved captures enum value "PAYMENT_APPROVED" PPMShipmentStatusPaymentApproved PPMShipmentStatus = "PAYMENT_APPROVED" // PPMShipmentStatusNeedsCloseOut captures enum value "NEEDS_CLOSE_OUT" PPMShipmentStatusNeedsCloseOut PPMShipmentStatus = "NEEDS_CLOSE_OUT" )
type PPMStatus ¶
type PPMStatus string
PPMStatus represents the status of an order record's lifecycle
const ( // PPMStatusDRAFT captures enum value "DRAFT" PPMStatusDRAFT PPMStatus = "DRAFT" // PPMStatusSUBMITTED captures enum value "SUBMITTED" PPMStatusSUBMITTED PPMStatus = "SUBMITTED" // PPMStatusAPPROVED captures enum value "APPROVED" PPMStatusAPPROVED PPMStatus = "APPROVED" // PPMStatusPAYMENTREQUESTED captures enum value "PAYMENT_REQUESTED" PPMStatusPAYMENTREQUESTED PPMStatus = "PAYMENT_REQUESTED" // PPMStatusCOMPLETED captures enum value "COMPLETED" PPMStatusCOMPLETED PPMStatus = "COMPLETED" // PPMStatusCANCELED captures enum value "CANCELED" PPMStatusCANCELED PPMStatus = "CANCELED" )
type PWSViolation ¶
type PWSViolation struct { ID uuid.UUID `json:"id" db:"id"` DisplayOrder int `json:"display_order" db:"display_order"` ParagraphNumber string `db:"paragraph_number"` Title string `db:"title"` Category PWSViolationCategory `db:"category"` SubCategory string `db:"sub_category"` RequirementSummary string `db:"requirement_summary"` RequirementStatement string `db:"requirement_statement"` IsKpi bool `db:"is_kpi"` AdditionalDataElem string `db:"additional_data_elem"` }
func (PWSViolation) TableName ¶
func (p PWSViolation) TableName() string
type PWSViolationCategory ¶
type PWSViolationCategory string
const ( PWSViolationCategoryPreMoveServices PWSViolationCategory = "Pre-Move Services" PWSViolationCategoryPhysicalMoveServices PWSViolationCategory = "Physical Move Services" PWSViolationCategoryLiability PWSViolationCategory = "Liability" )
type PWSViolations ¶
type PWSViolations []PWSViolation
type Paygrade ¶
type Paygrade string
Paygrade is the "rank" of a member. Some of these paygrades will have identical entitlements.
const ( // PaygradeAviationCadet captures enum value "aviation-cadet" PaygradeAviationCadet Paygrade = "aviation-cadet" // PaygradeCadet captures enum value "cadet" PaygradeCadet Paygrade = "cadet" // PaygradeCivilian captures enum value "civilian" PaygradeCivilian Paygrade = "civilian" // PaygradeE1 captures enum value "e-1" PaygradeE1 Paygrade = "e-1" // PaygradeE2 captures enum value "e-2" PaygradeE2 Paygrade = "e-2" // PaygradeE3 captures enum value "e-3" PaygradeE3 Paygrade = "e-3" // PaygradeE4 captures enum value "e-4" PaygradeE4 Paygrade = "e-4" // PaygradeE5 captures enum value "e-5" PaygradeE5 Paygrade = "e-5" // PaygradeE6 captures enum value "e-6" PaygradeE6 Paygrade = "e-6" // PaygradeE7 captures enum value "e-7" PaygradeE7 Paygrade = "e-7" // PaygradeE8 captures enum value "e-8" PaygradeE8 Paygrade = "e-8" // PaygradeE9 captures enum value "e-9" PaygradeE9 Paygrade = "e-9" // PaygradeMidshipman captures enum value "midshipman" PaygradeMidshipman Paygrade = "midshipman" // PaygradeO1 captures enum value "o-1" PaygradeO1 Paygrade = "o-1" // PaygradeO2 captures enum value "o-2" PaygradeO2 Paygrade = "o-2" // PaygradeO3 captures enum value "o-3" PaygradeO3 Paygrade = "o-3" // PaygradeO4 captures enum value "o-4" PaygradeO4 Paygrade = "o-4" // PaygradeO5 captures enum value "o-5" PaygradeO5 Paygrade = "o-5" // PaygradeO6 captures enum value "o-6" PaygradeO6 Paygrade = "o-6" // PaygradeO7 captures enum value "o-7" PaygradeO7 Paygrade = "o-7" // PaygradeO8 captures enum value "o-8" PaygradeO8 Paygrade = "o-8" // PaygradeO9 captures enum value "o-9" PaygradeO9 Paygrade = "o-9" // PaygradeO10 captures enum value "o-10" PaygradeO10 Paygrade = "o-10" // PaygradeW1 captures enum value "w-1" PaygradeW1 Paygrade = "w-1" // PaygradeW2 captures enum value "w-2" PaygradeW2 Paygrade = "w-2" // PaygradeW3 captures enum value "w-3" PaygradeW3 Paygrade = "w-3" // PaygradeW4 captures enum value "w-4" PaygradeW4 Paygrade = "w-4" // PaygradeW5 captures enum value "w-5" PaygradeW5 Paygrade = "w-5" )
type PaymentRequest ¶
type PaymentRequest struct { ID uuid.UUID `json:"id" db:"id"` MoveTaskOrderID uuid.UUID `db:"move_id"` IsFinal bool `json:"is_final" db:"is_final"` Status PaymentRequestStatus `json:"status" db:"status"` RejectionReason *string `json:"rejection_reason" db:"rejection_reason"` PaymentRequestNumber string `json:"payment_request_number" db:"payment_request_number"` SequenceNumber int `json:"sequence_number" db:"sequence_number"` RequestedAt time.Time `json:"requested_at" db:"requested_at"` ReviewedAt *time.Time `json:"reviewed_at" db:"reviewed_at"` SentToGexAt *time.Time `json:"sent_to_gex_at" db:"sent_to_gex_at"` ReceivedByGexAt *time.Time `json:"received_by_gex_at" db:"received_by_gex_at"` PaidAt *time.Time `json:"paid_at" db:"paid_at"` CreatedAt time.Time `db:"created_at"` UpdatedAt time.Time `db:"updated_at"` RecalculationOfPaymentRequestID *uuid.UUID `json:"recalculation_of_payment_request_id" db:"recalculation_of_payment_request_id"` // Associations MoveTaskOrder Move `belongs_to:"moves" fk_id:"move_id"` PaymentServiceItems PaymentServiceItems `has_many:"payment_service_items" fk_id:"payment_request_id"` ProofOfServiceDocs ProofOfServiceDocs `has_many:"proof_of_service_docs" fk_id:"payment_request_id"` EdiErrors EdiErrors `has_many:"edi_errors" fk_id:"payment_request_id"` RecalculationOfPaymentRequest *PaymentRequest `belongs_to:"payment_requests" fk_id:"recalculation_of_payment_request_id"` }
PaymentRequest is an object representing a payment request on a move task order
func (*PaymentRequest) Validate ¶
func (p *PaymentRequest) Validate(tx *pop.Connection) (*validate.Errors, error)
Validate gets run every time you call a "pop.Validate*" (pop.ValidateAndSave, pop.ValidateAndCreate, pop.ValidateAndUpdate) method.
type PaymentRequestStatus ¶
type PaymentRequestStatus string
PaymentRequestStatus is a type of Payment Request Status
const ( // PaymentRequestStatusPending is pending PaymentRequestStatusPending PaymentRequestStatus = "PENDING" // PaymentRequestStatusReviewed is reviewed PaymentRequestStatusReviewed PaymentRequestStatus = "REVIEWED" // PaymentRequestStatusReviewedAllRejected is reviewed PaymentRequestStatusReviewedAllRejected PaymentRequestStatus = "REVIEWED_AND_ALL_SERVICE_ITEMS_REJECTED" // PaymentRequestStatusSentToGex is sent to gex PaymentRequestStatusSentToGex PaymentRequestStatus = "SENT_TO_GEX" // PaymentRequestStatusReceivedByGex is received by gex PaymentRequestStatusReceivedByGex PaymentRequestStatus = "RECEIVED_BY_GEX" // PaymentRequestStatusPaid is paid PaymentRequestStatusPaid PaymentRequestStatus = "PAID" // PaymentRequestStatusEDIError an error has occurred PaymentRequestStatusEDIError PaymentRequestStatus = "EDI_ERROR" // PaymentRequestStatusDeprecated is deprecated PaymentRequestStatusDeprecated PaymentRequestStatus = "DEPRECATED" )
func (PaymentRequestStatus) String ¶
func (p PaymentRequestStatus) String() string
String is a string representation of a Payment Request Status
type PaymentRequestToInterchangeControlNumber ¶
type PaymentRequestToInterchangeControlNumber struct { ID uuid.UUID `db:"id"` PaymentRequestID uuid.UUID `db:"payment_request_id"` InterchangeControlNumber int `db:"interchange_control_number"` EDIType EDIType `db:"edi_type"` // Associations PaymentRequest PaymentRequest `belongs_to:"payment_requests" fk_id:"payment_request_id"` }
PaymentRequestToInterchangeControlNumber is an object that links payment requests to an Interchange Control Number used in the EDI 858 invoice
func (*PaymentRequestToInterchangeControlNumber) Validate ¶
func (p *PaymentRequestToInterchangeControlNumber) Validate(tx *pop.Connection) (*validate.Errors, error)
Validate gets run every time you call a "pop.Validate*" (pop.ValidateAndSave, pop.ValidateAndCreate, pop.ValidateAndUpdate) method.
type PaymentRequests ¶
type PaymentRequests []PaymentRequest
PaymentRequests is a slice of PaymentRequest
type PaymentServiceItem ¶
type PaymentServiceItem struct { ID uuid.UUID `json:"id" db:"id"` PaymentRequestID uuid.UUID `json:"payment_request_id" db:"payment_request_id"` MTOServiceItemID uuid.UUID `json:"mto_service_item_id" db:"mto_service_item_id"` Status PaymentServiceItemStatus `json:"status" db:"status"` PriceCents *unit.Cents `json:"price_cents" db:"price_cents"` RejectionReason *string `json:"rejection_reason" db:"rejection_reason"` RequestedAt time.Time `json:"requested_at" db:"requested_at"` ApprovedAt *time.Time `json:"approved_at" db:"approved_at"` DeniedAt *time.Time `json:"denied_at" db:"denied_at"` SentToGexAt *time.Time `json:"sent_to_gex_at" db:"sent_to_gex_at"` PaidAt *time.Time `json:"paid_at" db:"paid_at"` ReferenceID string `json:"reference_id" db:"reference_id"` CreatedAt time.Time `db:"created_at"` UpdatedAt time.Time `db:"updated_at"` //Associations PaymentRequest PaymentRequest `belongs_to:"payment_request" fk_id:"payment_request_id"` MTOServiceItem MTOServiceItem `belongs_to:"mto_service_item" fk_id:"mto_service_item_id"` PaymentServiceItemParams PaymentServiceItemParams `has_many:"payment_service_item_params" fk_id:"payment_service_item_id"` }
PaymentServiceItem represents a payment service item
func (*PaymentServiceItem) BeforeCreate ¶
func (p *PaymentServiceItem) BeforeCreate(db *pop.Connection) error
BeforeCreate is a Pop callback that is called before a PaymentServiceItem is created.
func (*PaymentServiceItem) GeneratePSIReferenceID ¶
func (p *PaymentServiceItem) GeneratePSIReferenceID(db *pop.Connection) (string, error)
GeneratePSIReferenceID returns a reference ID for the PaymentServiceItem it is being called on. The format should be <MTO reference ID>-<part of PSI ID to make it unique>
func (*PaymentServiceItem) Validate ¶
func (p *PaymentServiceItem) Validate(tx *pop.Connection) (*validate.Errors, error)
Validate gets run every time you call a "pop.Validate*" (pop.ValidateAndSave, pop.ValidateAndCreate, pop.ValidateAndUpdate) method.
type PaymentServiceItemParam ¶
type PaymentServiceItemParam struct { ID uuid.UUID `json:"id" db:"id"` PaymentServiceItemID uuid.UUID `json:"payment_service_item_id" db:"payment_service_item_id"` ServiceItemParamKeyID uuid.UUID `json:"service_item_param_key_id" db:"service_item_param_key_id"` Value string `json:"value" db:"value"` CreatedAt time.Time `db:"created_at"` UpdatedAt time.Time `db:"updated_at"` // Associations PaymentServiceItem PaymentServiceItem `belongs_to:"payment_service_item" fk_id:"payment_service_item_id"` ServiceItemParamKey ServiceItemParamKey `belongs_to:"service_item_param_key" fk_id:"service_item_param_key_id"` // Used to lookup the appropriate ServiceItemParamKeyID when creating a PaymentServiceItemParam IncomingKey string `db:"-"` }
PaymentServiceItemParam represents a parameter of the Payment Service Item
func (*PaymentServiceItemParam) Validate ¶
func (p *PaymentServiceItemParam) Validate(tx *pop.Connection) (*validate.Errors, error)
Validate gets run every time you call a "pop.Validate*" (pop.ValidateAndSave, pop.ValidateAndCreate, pop.ValidateAndUpdate) method.
type PaymentServiceItemParams ¶
type PaymentServiceItemParams []PaymentServiceItemParam
PaymentServiceItemParams is not required by pop and may be deleted
type PaymentServiceItemStatus ¶
type PaymentServiceItemStatus string
PaymentServiceItemStatus is a type of Payment Service Item Status
const ( // PaymentServiceItemStatusRequested is the requested status PaymentServiceItemStatusRequested PaymentServiceItemStatus = "REQUESTED" // PaymentServiceItemStatusApproved is the approved status PaymentServiceItemStatusApproved PaymentServiceItemStatus = "APPROVED" // PaymentServiceItemStatusDenied is the denied status PaymentServiceItemStatusDenied PaymentServiceItemStatus = "DENIED" // PaymentServiceItemStatusSentToGex is the sent-to-gex status PaymentServiceItemStatusSentToGex PaymentServiceItemStatus = "SENT_TO_GEX" // PaymentServiceItemStatusPaid is the paid status PaymentServiceItemStatusPaid PaymentServiceItemStatus = "PAID" // PaymentServiceItemStatusEDIError is an error status PaymentServiceItemStatusEDIError PaymentServiceItemStatus = "EDI_ERROR" // PaymentServiceItemMaxReferenceIDLength is the maximum overall length allowed for a reference ID // (given the EDI field's max length) PaymentServiceItemMaxReferenceIDLength = 30 // PaymentServiceItemMinReferenceIDSuffixLength is the minimum suffix length for the PSI's reference ID PaymentServiceItemMinReferenceIDSuffixLength = 8 )
func (PaymentServiceItemStatus) String ¶
func (p PaymentServiceItemStatus) String() string
PaymentServiceItemStatus is a string representation of a Payment Service Item Status
type PaymentServiceItems ¶
type PaymentServiceItems []PaymentServiceItem
PaymentServiceItems is not required by pop and may be deleted
type PersonallyProcuredMove ¶
type PersonallyProcuredMove struct { ID uuid.UUID `json:"id" db:"id"` MoveID uuid.UUID `json:"move_id" db:"move_id"` Move Move `belongs_to:"move" fk_id:"move_id"` CreatedAt time.Time `json:"created_at" db:"created_at"` UpdatedAt time.Time `json:"updated_at" db:"updated_at"` WeightEstimate *unit.Pound `json:"weight_estimate" db:"weight_estimate"` OriginalMoveDate *time.Time `json:"original_move_date" db:"original_move_date"` ActualMoveDate *time.Time `json:"actual_move_date" db:"actual_move_date"` SubmitDate *time.Time `json:"submit_date" db:"submit_date"` ApproveDate *time.Time `json:"approve_date" db:"approve_date"` ReviewedDate *time.Time `json:"reviewed_date" db:"reviewed_date"` NetWeight *unit.Pound `json:"net_weight" db:"net_weight"` PickupPostalCode *string `json:"pickup_postal_code" db:"pickup_postal_code"` HasAdditionalPostalCode *bool `json:"has_additional_postal_code" db:"has_additional_postal_code"` AdditionalPickupPostalCode *string `json:"additional_pickup_postal_code" db:"additional_pickup_postal_code"` DestinationPostalCode *string `json:"destination_postal_code" db:"destination_postal_code"` HasSit *bool `json:"has_sit" db:"has_sit"` DaysInStorage *int64 `json:"days_in_storage" db:"days_in_storage"` EstimatedStorageReimbursement *string `json:"estimated_storage_reimbursement" db:"estimated_storage_reimbursement"` Mileage *int64 `json:"mileage" db:"mileage"` PlannedSITMax *unit.Cents `json:"planned_sit_max" db:"planned_sit_max"` SITMax *unit.Cents `json:"sit_max" db:"sit_max"` IncentiveEstimateMin *unit.Cents `json:"incentive_estimate_min" db:"incentive_estimate_min"` IncentiveEstimateMax *unit.Cents `json:"incentive_estimate_max" db:"incentive_estimate_max"` Status PPMStatus `json:"status" db:"status"` HasRequestedAdvance bool `json:"has_requested_advance" db:"has_requested_advance"` AdvanceID *uuid.UUID `json:"advance_id" db:"advance_id"` Advance *Reimbursement `belongs_to:"reimbursements" fk_id:"advance_id"` AdvanceWorksheet Document `belongs_to:"documents" fk_id:"advance_worksheet_id"` AdvanceWorksheetID *uuid.UUID `json:"advance_worksheet_id" db:"advance_worksheet_id"` TotalSITCost *unit.Cents `json:"total_sit_cost" db:"total_sit_cost"` HasProGear *ProGearStatus `json:"has_pro_gear" db:"has_pro_gear"` HasProGearOverThousand *ProGearStatus `json:"has_pro_gear_over_thousand" db:"has_pro_gear_over_thousand"` }
PersonallyProcuredMove is the portion of a move that a service member performs themselves
func FetchPersonallyProcuredMove ¶
func FetchPersonallyProcuredMove(db *pop.Connection, session *auth.Session, id uuid.UUID) (*PersonallyProcuredMove, error)
FetchPersonallyProcuredMove Fetches and Validates a PPM model
func FetchPersonallyProcuredMoveByOrderID ¶
func FetchPersonallyProcuredMoveByOrderID(db *pop.Connection, orderID uuid.UUID) (*PersonallyProcuredMove, error)
FetchPersonallyProcuredMoveByOrderID Fetches and Validates a PPM model
func (*PersonallyProcuredMove) Approve ¶
func (p *PersonallyProcuredMove) Approve(approveDate time.Time) error
Approve approves the PPM to go forward.
func (*PersonallyProcuredMove) Cancel ¶
func (p *PersonallyProcuredMove) Cancel() error
Cancel marks the PPM as Canceled
func (*PersonallyProcuredMove) Complete ¶
func (p *PersonallyProcuredMove) Complete(reviewedDate time.Time) error
Complete marks the PPM as completed
func (*PersonallyProcuredMove) RequestPayment ¶
func (p *PersonallyProcuredMove) RequestPayment() error
RequestPayment requests payment for the PPM
func (*PersonallyProcuredMove) Submit ¶
func (p *PersonallyProcuredMove) Submit(submitDate time.Time) error
Submit marks the PPM request for review
func (*PersonallyProcuredMove) Validate ¶
func (p *PersonallyProcuredMove) Validate(tx *pop.Connection) (*validate.Errors, error)
Validate gets run every time you call a "pop.Validate*" (pop.ValidateAndSave, pop.ValidateAndCreate, pop.ValidateAndUpdate) method. This method is not required and may be deleted.
func (*PersonallyProcuredMove) ValidateCreate ¶
func (p *PersonallyProcuredMove) ValidateCreate(tx *pop.Connection) (*validate.Errors, error)
ValidateCreate gets run every time you call "pop.ValidateAndCreate" method. This method is not required and may be deleted.
func (*PersonallyProcuredMove) ValidateUpdate ¶
func (p *PersonallyProcuredMove) ValidateUpdate(tx *pop.Connection) (*validate.Errors, error)
ValidateUpdate gets run every time you call "pop.ValidateAndUpdate" method. This method is not required and may be deleted.
type PersonallyProcuredMoves ¶
type PersonallyProcuredMoves []PersonallyProcuredMove
PersonallyProcuredMoves is a list of PPMs
type PostalCodeToGBLOC ¶
type PostalCodeToGBLOC struct { ID uuid.UUID `db:"id"` PostalCode string `db:"postal_code"` GBLOC string `db:"gbloc"` CreatedAt time.Time `db:"created_at"` UpdatedAt time.Time `db:"updated_at"` }
PostalCodeToGBLOC is a mapping from Postal Codes to GBLOCs
type PostalCodeToGBLOCs ¶
type PostalCodeToGBLOCs []PostalCodeToGBLOC
PostalCodeToGBLOCs is not required by pop and may be deleted
type PrimeUpload ¶
type PrimeUpload struct { ID uuid.UUID `db:"id"` ProofOfServiceDocID uuid.UUID `db:"proof_of_service_docs_id"` ProofOfServiceDoc ProofOfServiceDoc `belongs_to:"proof_of_service_docs" fk_id:"proof_of_service_docs_id"` ContractorID uuid.UUID `db:"contractor_id"` Contractor Contractor `belongs_to:"contractors" fk_id:"contractor_id"` UploadID uuid.UUID `db:"upload_id"` Upload Upload `belongs_to:"uploads" fk_id:"upload_id"` CreatedAt time.Time `db:"created_at"` UpdatedAt time.Time `db:"updated_at"` DeletedAt *time.Time `db:"deleted_at"` }
An PrimeUpload represents an user uploaded file, such as an image or PDF.
func FetchPrimeUpload ¶
func FetchPrimeUpload(db *pop.Connection, contractorID uuid.UUID, id uuid.UUID) (PrimeUpload, error)
FetchPrimeUpload returns an PrimeUpload if the contractor has access to that upload
func (*PrimeUpload) Validate ¶
func (u *PrimeUpload) Validate(tx *pop.Connection) (*validate.Errors, error)
Validate gets run every time you call a "pop.Validate*" (pop.ValidateAndSave, pop.ValidateAndCreate, pop.ValidateAndUpdate) method.
type PrimeUploads ¶
type PrimeUploads []PrimeUpload
PrimeUploads is not required by pop and may be deleted
type ProGearStatus ¶
type ProGearStatus string
ProGearStatus represents the status of a pro-gear question
const ( // ProGearStatusYes captures enum value "YES" ProGearStatusYes ProGearStatus = "YES" // ProGearStatusNo captures enum value "NO" ProGearStatusNo ProGearStatus = "NO" // ProGearStatusNotSure captures enum value "YES" ProGearStatusNotSure ProGearStatus = "NOT SURE" )
type ProgearWeightTicket ¶
type ProgearWeightTicket struct { ID uuid.UUID `json:"id" db:"id"` PPMShipmentID uuid.UUID `json:"ppm_shipment_id" db:"ppm_shipment_id"` PPMShipment PPMShipment `belongs_to:"ppm_shipments" fk_id:"ppm_shipment_id"` BelongsToSelf *bool `json:"belongs_to_self" db:"belongs_to_self"` Description *string `json:"description" db:"description"` HasWeightTickets *bool `json:"has_weight_tickets" db:"has_weight_tickets"` Weight *unit.Pound `json:"weight" db:"weight"` DocumentID uuid.UUID `json:"document_id" db:"document_id"` Document Document `belongs_to:"documents" fk_id:"document_id"` Status *PPMDocumentStatus `json:"status" db:"status"` Reason *string `json:"reason" db:"reason"` CreatedAt time.Time `json:"created_at" db:"created_at"` UpdatedAt time.Time `json:"updated_at" db:"updated_at"` DeletedAt *time.Time `json:"deleted_at" db:"deleted_at"` }
func (*ProgearWeightTicket) Validate ¶
func (p *ProgearWeightTicket) Validate(_ *pop.Connection) (*validate.Errors, error)
Validate gets run every time you call a "pop.Validate*" (pop.ValidateAndSave, pop.ValidateAndCreate, pop.ValidateAndUpdate) method. This should contain validation that is for data integrity. Business validation should occur in service objects.
type ProgearWeightTickets ¶
type ProgearWeightTickets []ProgearWeightTicket
type ProofOfServiceDoc ¶
type ProofOfServiceDoc struct { ID uuid.UUID `json:"id" db:"id"` PaymentRequestID uuid.UUID `json:"payment_request_id" db:"payment_request_id"` CreatedAt time.Time `db:"created_at"` UpdatedAt time.Time `db:"updated_at"` //Associations PaymentRequest PaymentRequest `belongs_to:"payment_request" fk_id:"payment_request_id"` PrimeUploads PrimeUploads `has_many:"prime_uploads" fk_id:"proof_of_service_docs_id" order_by:"created_at asc"` }
ProofOfServiceDoc represents a document for proof of service
func (*ProofOfServiceDoc) Validate ¶
func (p *ProofOfServiceDoc) Validate(tx *pop.Connection) (*validate.Errors, error)
Validate gets run every time you call a "pop.Validate*" (pop.ValidateAndSave, pop.ValidateAndCreate, pop.ValidateAndUpdate) method.
type ProofOfServiceDocs ¶
type ProofOfServiceDocs []ProofOfServiceDoc
ProofOfServiceDocs is not required by pop and may be deleted
type ReContract ¶
type ReContract struct { ID uuid.UUID `json:"id" db:"id"` Code string `json:"code" db:"code"` Name string `json:"name" db:"name"` CreatedAt time.Time `json:"created_at" db:"created_at"` UpdatedAt time.Time `json:"updated_at" db:"updated_at"` }
ReContract represents a contract with pricing information
func (*ReContract) Validate ¶
func (r *ReContract) Validate(tx *pop.Connection) (*validate.Errors, error)
Validate gets run every time you call a "pop.Validate*" (pop.ValidateAndSave, pop.ValidateAndCreate, pop.ValidateAndUpdate) method. This method is not required and may be deleted.
type ReContractYear ¶
type ReContractYear struct { ID uuid.UUID `json:"id" db:"id"` ContractID uuid.UUID `json:"contract_id" db:"contract_id"` Name string `json:"name" db:"name"` StartDate time.Time `json:"start_date" db:"start_date"` EndDate time.Time `json:"end_date" db:"end_date"` Escalation float64 `json:"escalation" db:"escalation"` EscalationCompounded float64 `json:"escalation_compounded" db:"escalation_compounded"` CreatedAt time.Time `json:"created_at" db:"created_at"` UpdatedAt time.Time `json:"updated_at" db:"updated_at"` // Associations Contract ReContract `belongs_to:"re_contract" fk_id:"contract_id"` }
ReContractYear represents a single "year" of a contract
func (*ReContractYear) Validate ¶
func (r *ReContractYear) Validate(tx *pop.Connection) (*validate.Errors, error)
Validate gets run every time you call a "pop.Validate*" (pop.ValidateAndSave, pop.ValidateAndCreate, pop.ValidateAndUpdate) method. This method is not required and may be deleted.
type ReContractYears ¶
type ReContractYears []ReContractYear
ReContractYears is not required by pop and may be deleted
type ReContracts ¶
type ReContracts []ReContract
ReContracts is not required by pop and may be deleted
type ReDomesticAccessorialPrice ¶
type ReDomesticAccessorialPrice struct { ID uuid.UUID `json:"id" db:"id"` ContractID uuid.UUID `json:"contract_id" db:"contract_id"` ServiceID uuid.UUID `json:"service_id" db:"service_id"` ServicesSchedule int `json:"services_schedule" db:"services_schedule"` PerUnitCents unit.Cents `json:"per_unit_cents" db:"per_unit_cents"` CreatedAt time.Time `json:"created_at" db:"created_at"` UpdatedAt time.Time `json:"updated_at" db:"updated_at"` //associations Contract ReContract `belongs_to:"re_contract" fk_id:"contract_id"` Service ReService `belongs_to:"re_service" fk_id:"service_id"` }
ReDomesticAccessorialPrice model struct
func (*ReDomesticAccessorialPrice) Validate ¶
func (r *ReDomesticAccessorialPrice) Validate(tx *pop.Connection) (*validate.Errors, error)
Validate gets run every time you call a "pop.Validate*" (pop.ValidateAndSave, pop.ValidateAndCreate, pop.ValidateAndUpdate) method. This method is not required and may be deleted.
type ReDomesticAccessorialPrices ¶
type ReDomesticAccessorialPrices []ReDomesticAccessorialPrice
ReDomesticAccessorialPrices is not required by pop and may be deleted
type ReDomesticLinehaulPrice ¶
type ReDomesticLinehaulPrice struct { ID uuid.UUID `json:"id" db:"id"` ContractID uuid.UUID `json:"contract_id" db:"contract_id"` WeightLower unit.Pound `json:"weight_lower" db:"weight_lower"` WeightUpper unit.Pound `json:"weight_upper" db:"weight_upper"` MilesLower int `json:"miles_lower" db:"miles_lower"` MilesUpper int `json:"miles_upper" db:"miles_upper"` IsPeakPeriod bool `json:"is_peak_period" db:"is_peak_period"` DomesticServiceAreaID uuid.UUID `json:"domestic_service_area_id" db:"domestic_service_area_id"` PriceMillicents unit.Millicents `json:"price_millicents" db:"price_millicents"` CreatedAt time.Time `json:"created_at" db:"created_at"` UpdatedAt time.Time `json:"updated_at" db:"updated_at"` // Associations Contract ReContract `belongs_to:"re_contract" fk_id:"contract_id"` DomesticServiceArea ReDomesticServiceArea `belongs_to:"re_domestic_service_area" fk_id:"domestic_service_area_id"` }
ReDomesticLinehaulPrice represents a domestic linehaul price based on weight, mileage, etc.
func (*ReDomesticLinehaulPrice) Validate ¶
func (r *ReDomesticLinehaulPrice) Validate(tx *pop.Connection) (*validate.Errors, error)
Validate gets run every time you call a "pop.Validate*" (pop.ValidateAndSave, pop.ValidateAndCreate, pop.ValidateAndUpdate) method. This method is not required and may be deleted.
type ReDomesticLinehaulPrices ¶
type ReDomesticLinehaulPrices []ReDomesticLinehaulPrice
ReDomesticLinehaulPrices is not required by pop and may be deleted
type ReDomesticOtherPrice ¶
type ReDomesticOtherPrice struct { ID uuid.UUID `json:"id" db:"id"` ContractID uuid.UUID `json:"contract_id" db:"contract_id"` ServiceID uuid.UUID `json:"service_id" db:"service_id"` IsPeakPeriod bool `json:"is_peak_period" db:"is_peak_period"` Schedule int `json:"schedule" db:"schedule"` PriceCents unit.Cents `json:"price_cents" db:"price_cents"` CreatedAt time.Time `json:"created_at" db:"created_at"` UpdatedAt time.Time `json:"updated_at" db:"updated_at"` // Associations Contract ReContract `belongs_to:"re_contract" fk_id:"contract_id"` Service ReService `belongs_to:"re_service" fk_id:"service_id"` }
ReDomesticOtherPrice represents a domestic service area price based on date, service area, etc.
func (*ReDomesticOtherPrice) Validate ¶
func (r *ReDomesticOtherPrice) Validate(tx *pop.Connection) (*validate.Errors, error)
Validate gets run every time you call a "pop.Validate*" (pop.ValidateAndSave, pop.ValidateAndCreate, pop.ValidateAndUpdate) method. This method is not required and may be deleted.
type ReDomesticOtherPrices ¶
type ReDomesticOtherPrices []ReDomesticOtherPrice
ReDomesticOtherPrices is not required by pop and may be deleted
type ReDomesticServiceArea ¶
type ReDomesticServiceArea struct { ID uuid.UUID `json:"id" db:"id"` ContractID uuid.UUID `json:"contract_id" db:"contract_id"` ServiceArea string `json:"service_area" db:"service_area"` ServicesSchedule int `json:"services_schedule" db:"services_schedule"` SITPDSchedule int `json:"sit_pd_schedule" db:"sit_pd_schedule"` CreatedAt time.Time `json:"created_at" db:"created_at"` UpdatedAt time.Time `json:"updated_at" db:"updated_at"` // Associations Contract ReContract `belongs_to:"re_contract" fk_id:"contract_id"` }
ReDomesticServiceArea model struct
func (*ReDomesticServiceArea) Validate ¶
func (r *ReDomesticServiceArea) Validate(tx *pop.Connection) (*validate.Errors, error)
Validate gets run every time you call a "pop.Validate*" (pop.ValidateAndSave, pop.ValidateAndCreate, pop.ValidateAndUpdate) method. This method is not required and may be deleted.
type ReDomesticServiceAreaPrice ¶
type ReDomesticServiceAreaPrice struct { ID uuid.UUID `json:"id" db:"id"` ContractID uuid.UUID `json:"contract_id" db:"contract_id"` ServiceID uuid.UUID `json:"service_id" db:"service_id"` IsPeakPeriod bool `json:"is_peak_period" db:"is_peak_period"` DomesticServiceAreaID uuid.UUID `json:"domestic_service_area_id" db:"domestic_service_area_id"` PriceCents unit.Cents `json:"price_cents" db:"price_cents"` CreatedAt time.Time `json:"created_at" db:"created_at"` UpdatedAt time.Time `json:"updated_at" db:"updated_at"` // Associations Contract ReContract `belongs_to:"re_contract" fk_id:"contract_id"` Service ReService `belongs_to:"re_service" fk_id:"service_id"` DomesticServiceArea ReDomesticServiceArea `belongs_to:"re_domestic_service_area" fk_id:"domestic_service_area_id"` }
ReDomesticServiceAreaPrice represents a domestic service area price based on date, service area, etc.
func (*ReDomesticServiceAreaPrice) Validate ¶
func (r *ReDomesticServiceAreaPrice) Validate(tx *pop.Connection) (*validate.Errors, error)
Validate gets run every time you call a "pop.Validate*" (pop.ValidateAndSave, pop.ValidateAndCreate, pop.ValidateAndUpdate) method. This method is not required and may be deleted.
type ReDomesticServiceAreaPrices ¶
type ReDomesticServiceAreaPrices []ReDomesticServiceAreaPrice
ReDomesticServiceAreaPrices is not required by pop and may be deleted
type ReDomesticServiceAreas ¶
type ReDomesticServiceAreas []ReDomesticServiceArea
ReDomesticServiceAreas is not required by pop and may be deleted
type ReIntlAccessorialPrice ¶
type ReIntlAccessorialPrice struct { ID uuid.UUID `json:"id" db:"id"` ContractID uuid.UUID `json:"contract_id" db:"contract_id"` ServiceID uuid.UUID `json:"service_id" db:"service_id"` Market Market `json:"market" db:"market"` PerUnitCents unit.Cents `json:"per_unit_cents" db:"per_unit_cents"` CreatedAt time.Time `json:"created_at" db:"created_at"` UpdatedAt time.Time `json:"updated_at" db:"updated_at"` //associations Contract ReContract `belongs_to:"re_contract" fk_id:"contract_id"` Service ReService `belongs_to:"re_service" fk_id:"service_id"` }
ReIntlAccessorialPrice model struct
func (*ReIntlAccessorialPrice) Validate ¶
func (r *ReIntlAccessorialPrice) Validate(tx *pop.Connection) (*validate.Errors, error)
Validate gets run every time you call a "pop.Validate*" (pop.ValidateAndSave, pop.ValidateAndCreate, pop.ValidateAndUpdate) method. This method is not required and may be deleted.
type ReIntlAccessorialPrices ¶
type ReIntlAccessorialPrices []ReIntlAccessorialPrice
ReIntlAccessorialPrices is not required by pop and may be deleted
type ReIntlOtherPrice ¶
type ReIntlOtherPrice struct { ID uuid.UUID `json:"id" db:"id"` ContractID uuid.UUID `json:"contract_id" db:"contract_id"` ServiceID uuid.UUID `json:"service_id" db:"service_id"` RateAreaID uuid.UUID `json:"rate_area_id" db:"rate_area_id"` IsPeakPeriod bool `json:"is_peak_period" db:"is_peak_period"` PerUnitCents unit.Cents `json:"per_unit_cents" db:"per_unit_cents"` CreatedAt time.Time `json:"created_at" db:"created_at"` UpdatedAt time.Time `json:"updated_at" db:"updated_at"` // Associations Contract ReContract `belongs_to:"re_contract" fk_id:"contract_id"` Service ReService `belongs_to:"re_service" fk_id:"service_id"` RateArea ReRateArea `belongs_to:"re_rate_area" fk_id:"rate_area_id"` }
ReIntlOtherPrice is the ghc rate engine international price
func (*ReIntlOtherPrice) Validate ¶
func (p *ReIntlOtherPrice) Validate(tx *pop.Connection) (*validate.Errors, error)
Validate gets run every time you call a "pop.Validate*" (pop.ValidateAndSave, pop.ValidateAndCreate, pop.ValidateAndUpdate) method.
type ReIntlOtherPrices ¶
type ReIntlOtherPrices []ReIntlOtherPrice
ReIntlOtherPrices is a slice of ReIntlOtherPrice
type ReIntlPrice ¶
type ReIntlPrice struct { ID uuid.UUID `json:"id" db:"id"` ContractID uuid.UUID `json:"contract_id" db:"contract_id"` ServiceID uuid.UUID `json:"service_id" db:"service_id"` OriginRateAreaID uuid.UUID `json:"origin_rate_area_id" db:"origin_rate_area_id"` DestinationRateAreaID uuid.UUID `json:"destination_rate_area_id" db:"destination_rate_area_id"` IsPeakPeriod bool `json:"is_peak_period" db:"is_peak_period"` PerUnitCents unit.Cents `json:"per_unit_cents" db:"per_unit_cents"` CreatedAt time.Time `json:"created_at" db:"created_at"` UpdatedAt time.Time `json:"updated_at" db:"updated_at"` // Associations Contract ReContract `belongs_to:"re_contract" fk_id:"contract_id"` Service ReService `belongs_to:"re_service" fk_id:"service_id"` OriginRateArea ReRateArea `belongs_to:"re_rate_area" fk_id:"origin_rate_area_id"` DestinationRateArea ReRateArea `belongs_to:"re_rate_area" fk_id:"destination_rate_area_id"` }
ReIntlPrice is the ghc rate engine international price
func (*ReIntlPrice) Validate ¶
func (p *ReIntlPrice) Validate(tx *pop.Connection) (*validate.Errors, error)
Validate gets run every time you call a "pop.Validate*" (pop.ValidateAndSave, pop.ValidateAndCreate, pop.ValidateAndUpdate) method.
type ReRateArea ¶
type ReRateArea struct { ID uuid.UUID `json:"id" db:"id"` ContractID uuid.UUID `json:"contract_id" db:"contract_id"` IsOconus bool `json:"is_oconus" db:"is_oconus"` Code string `json:"code" db:"code"` Name string `json:"name" db:"name"` CreatedAt time.Time `json:"created_at" db:"created_at"` UpdatedAt time.Time `json:"updated_at" db:"updated_at"` // Associations Contract ReContract `belongs_to:"re_contract" fk_id:"contract_id"` }
ReRateArea model struct
func FetchReRateAreaItem ¶
func FetchReRateAreaItem(tx *pop.Connection, contractID uuid.UUID, code string) (*ReRateArea, error)
FetchReRateAreaItem returns an area for a matching code
func (*ReRateArea) Validate ¶
func (r *ReRateArea) Validate(tx *pop.Connection) (*validate.Errors, error)
Validate gets run every time you call a "pop.Validate*" (pop.ValidateAndSave, pop.ValidateAndCreate, pop.ValidateAndUpdate) method. This method is not required and may be deleted.
type ReRateAreas ¶
type ReRateAreas []ReRateArea
ReRateAreas is not required by pop and may be deleted
type ReService ¶
type ReService struct { ID uuid.UUID `json:"id" db:"id"` Code ReServiceCode `json:"code" db:"code"` Priority int `db:"priority"` Name string `json:"name" db:"name"` CreatedAt time.Time `json:"created_at" db:"created_at"` UpdatedAt time.Time `json:"updated_at" db:"updated_at"` }
ReService model struct
type ReServiceCode ¶
type ReServiceCode string
ReServiceCode is the code of service
const ( // ReServiceCodeCS Counseling ReServiceCodeCS ReServiceCode = "CS" // ReServiceCodeDBHF Domestic haul away boat factor ReServiceCodeDBHF ReServiceCode = "DBHF" // ReServiceCodeDBTF Domestic tow away boat factor ReServiceCodeDBTF ReServiceCode = "DBTF" // ReServiceCodeDCRT Domestic crating ReServiceCodeDCRT ReServiceCode = "DCRT" // ReServiceCodeDCRTSA Domestic crating - standalone ReServiceCodeDCRTSA ReServiceCode = "DCRTSA" // ReServiceCodeDDASIT Domestic destination add'l SIT ReServiceCodeDDASIT ReServiceCode = "DDASIT" // ReServiceCodeDDDSIT Domestic destination SIT delivery ReServiceCodeDDDSIT ReServiceCode = "DDDSIT" // ReServiceCodeDDFSIT Domestic destination 1st day SIT ReServiceCodeDDFSIT ReServiceCode = "DDFSIT" // ReServiceCodeDDP Domestic destination price ReServiceCodeDDP ReServiceCode = "DDP" // ReServiceCodeDDSHUT Domestic destination shuttle service ReServiceCodeDDSHUT ReServiceCode = "DDSHUT" // ReServiceCodeDLH Domestic linehaul ReServiceCodeDLH ReServiceCode = "DLH" // ReServiceCodeDMHF Domestic mobile home factor ReServiceCodeDMHF ReServiceCode = "DMHF" // ReServiceCodeDNPK Domestic NTS packing ReServiceCodeDNPK ReServiceCode = "DNPK" // ReServiceCodeDOASIT Domestic origin add'l SIT ReServiceCodeDOASIT ReServiceCode = "DOASIT" // ReServiceCodeDOFSIT Domestic origin 1st day SIT ReServiceCodeDOFSIT ReServiceCode = "DOFSIT" // ReServiceCodeDOP Domestic origin price ReServiceCodeDOP ReServiceCode = "DOP" // ReServiceCodeDOPSIT Domestic origin SIT pickup ReServiceCodeDOPSIT ReServiceCode = "DOPSIT" // ReServiceCodeDOSHUT Domestic origin shuttle service ReServiceCodeDOSHUT ReServiceCode = "DOSHUT" // ReServiceCodeDPK Domestic packing ReServiceCodeDPK ReServiceCode = "DPK" // ReServiceCodeDSH Domestic shorthaul ReServiceCodeDSH ReServiceCode = "DSH" // ReServiceCodeDUCRT Domestic uncrating ReServiceCodeDUCRT ReServiceCode = "DUCRT" // ReServiceCodeDUPK Domestic unpacking ReServiceCodeDUPK ReServiceCode = "DUPK" // ReServiceCodeFSC Fuel Surcharge ReServiceCodeFSC ReServiceCode = "FSC" // ReServiceCodeIBHF International haul away boat factor ReServiceCodeIBHF ReServiceCode = "IBHF" // ReServiceCodeIBTF International tow away boat factor ReServiceCodeIBTF ReServiceCode = "IBTF" // ReServiceCodeICOLH International C->O shipping & LH ReServiceCodeICOLH ReServiceCode = "ICOLH" // ReServiceCodeICOUB International C->O UB ReServiceCodeICOUB ReServiceCode = "ICOUB" // ReServiceCodeICRT International crating ReServiceCodeICRT ReServiceCode = "ICRT" // ReServiceCodeICRTSA International crating - standalone ReServiceCodeICRTSA ReServiceCode = "ICRTSA" // ReServiceCodeIDASIT International destination add'l day SIT ReServiceCodeIDASIT ReServiceCode = "IDASIT" // ReServiceCodeIDDSIT International destination SIT delivery ReServiceCodeIDDSIT ReServiceCode = "IDDSIT" // ReServiceCodeIDFSIT International destination 1st day SIT ReServiceCodeIDFSIT ReServiceCode = "IDFSIT" // ReServiceCodeIDSHUT International destination shuttle service ReServiceCodeIDSHUT ReServiceCode = "IDSHUT" // ReServiceCodeIHPK International HHG pack ReServiceCodeIHPK ReServiceCode = "IHPK" // ReServiceCodeIHUPK International HHG unpack ReServiceCodeIHUPK ReServiceCode = "IHUPK" // ReServiceCodeINPK International NTS packing ReServiceCodeINPK ReServiceCode = "INPK" // ReServiceCodeIOASIT International origin add'l day SIT ReServiceCodeIOASIT ReServiceCode = "IOASIT" // ReServiceCodeIOCLH International O->C shipping & LH ReServiceCodeIOCLH ReServiceCode = "IOCLH" // ReServiceCodeIOCUB International O->C UB ReServiceCodeIOCUB ReServiceCode = "IOCUB" // ReServiceCodeIOFSIT International origin 1st day SIT ReServiceCodeIOFSIT ReServiceCode = "IOFSIT" // ReServiceCodeIOOLH International O->O shipping & LH ReServiceCodeIOOLH ReServiceCode = "IOOLH" // ReServiceCodeIOOUB International O->O UB ReServiceCodeIOOUB ReServiceCode = "IOOUB" // ReServiceCodeIOPSIT International origin SIT pickup ReServiceCodeIOPSIT ReServiceCode = "IOPSIT" // ReServiceCodeIOSHUT International origin shuttle service ReServiceCodeIOSHUT ReServiceCode = "IOSHUT" // ReServiceCodeIUBPK International UB pack ReServiceCodeIUBPK ReServiceCode = "IUBPK" // ReServiceCodeIUBUPK International UB unpack ReServiceCodeIUBUPK ReServiceCode = "IUBUPK" // ReServiceCodeIUCRT International uncrating ReServiceCodeIUCRT ReServiceCode = "IUCRT" // ReServiceCodeMS Move management ReServiceCodeMS ReServiceCode = "MS" // ReServiceCodeNSTH Nonstandard HHG ReServiceCodeNSTH ReServiceCode = "NSTH" // ReServiceCodeNSTUB Nonstandard UB ReServiceCodeNSTUB ReServiceCode = "NSTUB" )
func (ReServiceCode) String ¶
func (r ReServiceCode) String() string
type ReShipmentTypePrice ¶
type ReShipmentTypePrice struct { ID uuid.UUID `json:"id" db:"id"` ContractID uuid.UUID `json:"contract_id" db:"contract_id"` ServiceID uuid.UUID `json:"service_id" db:"service_id"` Market Market `json:"market" db:"market"` Factor float64 `json:"factor" db:"factor"` CreatedAt time.Time `json:"created_at" db:"created_at"` UpdatedAt time.Time `json:"updated_at" db:"updated_at"` //Associations Contract ReContract `belongs_to:"re_contract" fk_id:"contract_id"` Service ReService `belongs_to:"re_service" fk_id:"service_id"` }
ReShipmentTypePrice model struct
func (*ReShipmentTypePrice) Validate ¶
func (r *ReShipmentTypePrice) Validate(tx *pop.Connection) (*validate.Errors, error)
Validate gets run every time you call a "pop.Validate*" (pop.ValidateAndSave, pop.ValidateAndCreate, pop.ValidateAndUpdate) method. This method is not required and may be deleted.
type ReShipmentTypePrices ¶
type ReShipmentTypePrices []ReShipmentTypePrice
ReShipmentTypePrices is not required by pop and may be deleted
type ReTaskOrderFee ¶
type ReTaskOrderFee struct { ID uuid.UUID `json:"id" db:"id"` ContractYearID uuid.UUID `json:"contract_year_id" db:"contract_year_id"` ServiceID uuid.UUID `json:"service_id" db:"service_id"` PriceCents unit.Cents `json:"price_cents" db:"price_cents"` CreatedAt time.Time `json:"created_at" db:"created_at"` UpdatedAt time.Time `json:"updated_at" db:"updated_at"` //Associations ContractYear ReContractYear `belongs_to:"re_contract_year" fk_id:"contract_year_id"` Service ReService `belongs_to:"re_service" fk_id:"service_id"` }
ReTaskOrderFee model struct
func (*ReTaskOrderFee) Validate ¶
func (r *ReTaskOrderFee) Validate(tx *pop.Connection) (*validate.Errors, error)
Validate gets run every time you call a "pop.Validate*" (pop.ValidateAndSave, pop.ValidateAndCreate, pop.ValidateAndUpdate) method. This method is not required and may be deleted.
type ReTaskOrderFees ¶
type ReTaskOrderFees []ReTaskOrderFee
ReTaskOrderFees is not required by pop and may be deleted
type ReZip3 ¶
type ReZip3 struct { ID uuid.UUID `json:"id" db:"id"` ContractID uuid.UUID `json:"contract_id" db:"contract_id"` Zip3 string `json:"zip3" db:"zip3"` BasePointCity string `json:"base_point_city" db:"base_point_city"` State string `json:"state" db:"state"` DomesticServiceAreaID uuid.UUID `json:"domestic_service_area_id" db:"domestic_service_area_id"` RateAreaID *uuid.UUID `json:"rate_area_id" db:"rate_area_id"` HasMultipleRateAreas bool `json:"has_multiple_rate_areas" db:"has_multiple_rate_areas"` CreatedAt time.Time `json:"created_at" db:"created_at"` UpdatedAt time.Time `json:"updated_at" db:"updated_at"` // Associations Contract ReContract `belongs_to:"re_contract" fk_id:"contract_id"` DomesticServiceArea ReDomesticServiceArea `belongs_to:"re_domestic_service_areas" fk_id:"domestic_service_area_id"` RateArea *ReRateArea `belongs_to:"re_rate_areas" fk_id:"rate_area_id"` }
ReZip3 model struct
type ReZip5RateArea ¶
type ReZip5RateArea struct { ID uuid.UUID `json:"id" db:"id"` ContractID uuid.UUID `json:"contract_id" db:"contract_id"` Zip5 string `json:"zip5" db:"zip5"` RateAreaID uuid.UUID `json:"rate_area_id" db:"rate_area_id"` CreatedAt time.Time `json:"created_at" db:"created_at"` UpdatedAt time.Time `json:"updated_at" db:"updated_at"` // Associations Contract ReContract `belongs_to:"re_contract" fk_id:"contract_id"` RateArea ReRateArea `belongs_to:"re_rate_areas" fk_id:"rate_area_id"` }
ReZip5RateArea model struct
func (*ReZip5RateArea) Validate ¶
func (r *ReZip5RateArea) Validate(tx *pop.Connection) (*validate.Errors, error)
Validate gets run every time you call a "pop.Validate*" (pop.ValidateAndSave, pop.ValidateAndCreate, pop.ValidateAndUpdate) method. This method is not required and may be deleted.
type ReZip5RateAreas ¶
type ReZip5RateAreas []ReZip5RateArea
ReZip5RateAreas is not required by pop and may be deleted
type Reimbursement ¶
type Reimbursement struct { ID uuid.UUID `json:"id" db:"id"` CreatedAt time.Time `json:"created_at" db:"created_at"` UpdatedAt time.Time `json:"updated_at" db:"updated_at"` RequestedAmount unit.Cents `json:"requested_amount" db:"requested_amount"` MethodOfReceipt MethodOfReceipt `json:"method_of_receipt" db:"method_of_receipt"` Status ReimbursementStatus `json:"status" db:"status"` RequestedDate *time.Time `json:"requested_date" db:"requested_date"` }
Reimbursement is money that is intended to be paid to the servicemember
func BuildDraftReimbursement ¶
func BuildDraftReimbursement(requestedAmount unit.Cents, methodOfReceipt MethodOfReceipt) Reimbursement
BuildDraftReimbursement makes a Reimbursement in the DRAFT state, but does not save it
func BuildRequestedReimbursement ¶
func BuildRequestedReimbursement(requestedAmount unit.Cents, methodOfReceipt MethodOfReceipt) Reimbursement
BuildRequestedReimbursement makes a Reimbursement in the REQUEST state, but does not save it This will be useful for reimbursements that are filed after the initial move is created
func FetchReimbursement ¶
func FetchReimbursement(db *pop.Connection, session *auth.Session, id uuid.UUID) (*Reimbursement, error)
FetchReimbursement Fetches and Validates a Reimbursement model
func (*Reimbursement) Approve ¶
func (r *Reimbursement) Approve() error
Approve approves the Reimbursement
func (*Reimbursement) Reject ¶
func (r *Reimbursement) Reject() error
Reject rejects the Reimbursement
func (*Reimbursement) Request ¶
func (r *Reimbursement) Request() error
Request officially requests the reimbursement.
func (Reimbursement) TableName ¶
func (r Reimbursement) TableName() string
func (*Reimbursement) Validate ¶
func (r *Reimbursement) Validate(tx *pop.Connection) (*validate.Errors, error)
Validate gets run every time you call a "pop.Validate*" (pop.ValidateAndSave, pop.ValidateAndCreate, pop.ValidateAndUpdate) method. This method is not required and may be deleted.
func (*Reimbursement) ValidateCreate ¶
func (r *Reimbursement) ValidateCreate(tx *pop.Connection) (*validate.Errors, error)
ValidateCreate gets run every time you call "pop.ValidateAndCreate" method. This method is not required and may be deleted.
func (*Reimbursement) ValidateUpdate ¶
func (r *Reimbursement) ValidateUpdate(tx *pop.Connection) (*validate.Errors, error)
ValidateUpdate gets run every time you call "pop.ValidateAndUpdate" method. This method is not required and may be deleted.
type ReimbursementStatus ¶
type ReimbursementStatus string
ReimbursementStatus is the status of the Reimbursement
const ( // ReimbursementStatusDRAFT captures enum value "DRAFT" ReimbursementStatusDRAFT ReimbursementStatus = "DRAFT" // ReimbursementStatusREQUESTED captures enum value "REQUESTED" ReimbursementStatusREQUESTED ReimbursementStatus = "REQUESTED" // ReimbursementStatusAPPROVED captures enum value "APPROVED" ReimbursementStatusAPPROVED ReimbursementStatus = "APPROVED" // ReimbursementStatusREJECTED captures enum value "REJECTED" ReimbursementStatusREJECTED ReimbursementStatus = "REJECTED" // ReimbursementStatusPAID captures enum value "PAID" ReimbursementStatusPAID ReimbursementStatus = "PAID" )
type Reimbursements ¶
type Reimbursements []Reimbursement
Reimbursements is not required by pop and may be deleted
type ReportViolation ¶
type ReportViolation struct { ID uuid.UUID `json:"id" db:"id"` ReportID uuid.UUID `json:"report_id" db:"report_id"` Report EvaluationReport `belongs_to:"evaluation_report" fk_id:"report_id"` Violation PWSViolation `belongs_to:"pws_violations" fk_id:"violation_id"` ViolationID uuid.UUID `json:"violation_id" db:"violation_id"` }
func (*ReportViolation) TableName ¶
func (r *ReportViolation) TableName() string
func (*ReportViolation) Validate ¶
func (r *ReportViolation) Validate(tx *pop.Connection) (*validate.Errors, error)
Validate gets run every time you call a "pop.Validate*" (pop.ValidateAndSave, pop.ValidateAndCreate, pop.ValidateAndUpdate) method.
type ReportViolations ¶
type ReportViolations []ReportViolation
EvaluationReports is not required by pop and may be deleted
type Reweigh ¶
type Reweigh struct { ID uuid.UUID `db:"id"` RequestedAt time.Time `db:"requested_at"` RequestedBy ReweighRequester `db:"requested_by"` Shipment MTOShipment `belongs_to:"mto_shipments" fk_id:"shipment_id"` ShipmentID uuid.UUID `db:"shipment_id"` VerificationProvidedAt *time.Time `db:"verification_provided_at"` VerificationReason *string `db:"verification_reason"` Weight *unit.Pound `db:"weight"` CreatedAt time.Time `db:"created_at"` UpdatedAt time.Time `db:"updated_at"` }
Reweigh represents a request for the prime mover to reweigh a shipment or provide verification why they could not
type ReweighRequester ¶
type ReweighRequester string
ReweighRequester is the actor who initiated the reweigh request for the shipment
const ( // ReweighRequesterCustomer represents the customer requesting a reweigh ReweighRequesterCustomer ReweighRequester = "CUSTOMER" // ReweighRequesterPrime represents the prime mover requesting a reweigh ReweighRequesterPrime ReweighRequester = "PRIME" // ReweighRequesterSystem represents the milmove system triggering a reweigh ReweighRequesterSystem ReweighRequester = "SYSTEM" // ReweighRequesterTOO represents the TOO office user requesting a reweigh ReweighRequesterTOO ReweighRequester = "TOO" )
type RoleInclusion ¶
RoleInclusion is used to validate if a role is valid for inclusion
func (*RoleInclusion) IsValid ¶
func (v *RoleInclusion) IsValid(errors *validate.Errors)
IsValid validates if RoleInclusion is valid
type SITExtension ¶
type SITExtension struct { ID uuid.UUID `db:"id"` MTOShipment MTOShipment `belongs_to:"mto_shipments" fk_id:"mto_shipment_id"` MTOShipmentID uuid.UUID `db:"mto_shipment_id"` RequestReason SITExtensionRequestReason `db:"request_reason"` ContractorRemarks *string `db:"contractor_remarks"` RequestedDays int `db:"requested_days"` Status SITExtensionStatus `db:"status"` ApprovedDays *int `db:"approved_days"` DecisionDate *time.Time `db:"decision_date"` OfficeRemarks *string `db:"office_remarks"` CreatedAt time.Time `db:"created_at"` UpdatedAt time.Time `db:"updated_at"` }
SITExtension struct representing one SIT extension request
func (SITExtension) TableName ¶
func (m SITExtension) TableName() string
TableName overrides the table name used by Pop.
func (*SITExtension) Validate ¶
func (m *SITExtension) Validate(tx *pop.Connection) (*validate.Errors, error)
Validate gets run every time you call a "pop.Validate*" (pop.ValidateAndSave, pop.ValidateAndCreate, pop.ValidateAndUpdate) method.
type SITExtensionRequestReason ¶
type SITExtensionRequestReason string
SITExtensionRequestReason type for SIT Extension Request Reason
const ( // SITExtensionRequestReasonSeriousIllnessMember is the sit extension request reason type for SIT extensions SITExtensionRequestReasonSeriousIllnessMember SITExtensionRequestReason = "SERIOUS_ILLNESS_MEMBER" // SITExtensionRequestReasonSeriousIllnessDependent is the sit extension request reason type for SIT extensions SITExtensionRequestReasonSeriousIllnessDependent SITExtensionRequestReason = "SERIOUS_ILLNESS_DEPENDENT" // SITExtensionRequestReasonImpendingAssignment is the sit extension request reason type for SIT extensions SITExtensionRequestReasonImpendingAssignment SITExtensionRequestReason = "IMPENDING_ASSIGNEMENT" // SITExtensionRequestReasonDirectedTemporaryDuty is the sit extension request reason type for SIT extensions SITExtensionRequestReasonDirectedTemporaryDuty SITExtensionRequestReason = "DIRECTED_TEMPORARY_DUTY" SITExtensionRequestReasonNonavailabilityOfCivilianHousing SITExtensionRequestReason = "NONAVAILABILITY_OF_CIVILIAN_HOUSING" // SITExtensionRequestReasonAwaitingCompletionOfResidence is the sit extension request reason type for SIT extensions SITExtensionRequestReasonAwaitingCompletionOfResidence SITExtensionRequestReason = "AWAITING_COMPLETION_OF_RESIDENCE" // SITExtensionRequestReasonOther is the sit extension request reason type for SIT extensions SITExtensionRequestReasonOther SITExtensionRequestReason = "OTHER" )
type SITExtensionStatus ¶
type SITExtensionStatus string
SITExtensionStatus type for SIT Extension status
const ( // SITExtensionStatusPending is a SIT extension status SITExtensionStatusPending SITExtensionStatus = "PENDING" // SITExtensionStatusApproved is a SIT extension status SITExtensionStatusApproved SITExtensionStatus = "APPROVED" // SITExtensionStatusDenied is a SIT extension status SITExtensionStatusDenied SITExtensionStatus = "DENIED" )
type SITExtensions ¶
type SITExtensions []SITExtension
SITExtensions is a slice containing SITExtension
type SITLocationType ¶
type SITLocationType string
SITLocationType represents whether the SIT at the origin or destination
const ( // SITLocationTypeOrigin captures enum value "ORIGIN" SITLocationTypeOrigin SITLocationType = "ORIGIN" // SITLocationTypeDestination captures enum value "DESTINATION" SITLocationTypeDestination SITLocationType = "DESTINATION" )
type SSWMaxWeightEntitlement ¶
type SSWMaxWeightEntitlement struct { Entitlement unit.Pound ProGear unit.Pound SpouseProGear unit.Pound TotalWeight unit.Pound }
SSWMaxWeightEntitlement weight allotment for the shipment summary worksheet.
func SSWGetEntitlement ¶
func SSWGetEntitlement(rank ServiceMemberRank, hasDependents bool, spouseHasProGear bool) SSWMaxWeightEntitlement
SSWGetEntitlement calculates the entitlement for the shipment summary worksheet based on the parameters of a move (hasDependents, spouseHasProGear)
type SelectedMoveType ¶
type SelectedMoveType string
SelectedMoveType represents the type of move being represented
const ( // MoveStatusHHG captures enum value "HHG" for House Hold Goods SelectedMoveTypeHHG SelectedMoveType = "HHG" // MoveStatusPPM captures enum value "PPM" for Personally Procured Move SelectedMoveTypePPM SelectedMoveType = "PPM" // MoveStatusUB captures enum value "UB" for Unaccompanied Baggage SelectedMoveTypeUB SelectedMoveType = "UB" // MoveStatusPOV captures enum value "POV" for Privately-Owned Vehicle SelectedMoveTypePOV SelectedMoveType = "POV" // MoveStatusNTS captures enum value "NTS" for Non-Temporary Storage SelectedMoveTypeNTS SelectedMoveType = NTSRaw // MoveStatusNTS captures enum value "NTS" for Non-Temporary Storage Release SelectedMoveTypeNTSR SelectedMoveType = NTSrRaw // MoveStatusHHGPPM captures enum value "HHG_PPM" for combination move HHG + PPM SelectedMoveTypeHHGPPM SelectedMoveType = "HHG_PPM" )
This lists available move types in the system Combination move types like HHG+PPM should be added as an underscore separated list The list should be lexigraphically sorted. Ex: UB + PPM will always be 'PPM_UB'
func (SelectedMoveType) String ¶
func (s SelectedMoveType) String() string
type ServiceItemParamKey ¶
type ServiceItemParamKey struct { ID uuid.UUID `json:"id" db:"id"` Key ServiceItemParamName `json:"key" db:"key"` Description string `json:"description" db:"description"` Type ServiceItemParamType `json:"type" db:"type"` Origin ServiceItemParamOrigin `json:"origin" db:"origin"` CreatedAt time.Time `db:"created_at"` UpdatedAt time.Time `db:"updated_at"` }
ServiceItemParamKey is a key for a Service Item Param
func (*ServiceItemParamKey) Validate ¶
func (s *ServiceItemParamKey) Validate(tx *pop.Connection) (*validate.Errors, error)
Validate validates a ServiceItemParamKey
type ServiceItemParamKeys ¶
type ServiceItemParamKeys []ServiceItemParamKey
ServiceItemParamKeys is not required by pop and may be deleted
type ServiceItemParamName ¶
type ServiceItemParamName string
ServiceItemParamName is the name of service item parameter
const ( // ServiceItemParamNameActualPickupDate is the param key name ActualPickupDate ServiceItemParamNameActualPickupDate ServiceItemParamName = "ActualPickupDate" // ServiceItemParamNameContractCode is the param key name ContractCode ServiceItemParamNameContractCode ServiceItemParamName = "ContractCode" // ServiceItemParamNameContractYearName is the param key name ContractYearName ServiceItemParamNameContractYearName ServiceItemParamName = "ContractYearName" // ServiceItemParamNameCubicFeetBilled is the param key name CubicFeetBilled ServiceItemParamNameCubicFeetBilled ServiceItemParamName = "CubicFeetBilled" // ServiceItemParamNameCubicFeetCrating is the param key name CubicFeetCrating ServiceItemParamNameCubicFeetCrating ServiceItemParamName = "CubicFeetCrating" // ServiceItemParamNameDimensionHeight is the param key name DimensionHeight ServiceItemParamNameDimensionHeight ServiceItemParamName = "DimensionHeight" // ServiceItemParamNameDimensionLength is the param key name DimensionLength ServiceItemParamNameDimensionLength ServiceItemParamName = "DimensionLength" // ServiceItemParamNameDimensionWidth is the param key name DimensionWidth ServiceItemParamNameDimensionWidth ServiceItemParamName = "DimensionWidth" // ServiceItemParamNameDistanceZip is the param key name DistanceZip ServiceItemParamNameDistanceZip ServiceItemParamName = "DistanceZip" // ServiceItemParamNameDistanceZipSITDest is the param key name DistanceZipSITDest ServiceItemParamNameDistanceZipSITDest ServiceItemParamName = "DistanceZipSITDest" // ServiceItemParamNameDistanceZipSITOrigin is the param key name DistanceZipSITOrigin ServiceItemParamNameDistanceZipSITOrigin ServiceItemParamName = "DistanceZipSITOrigin" // ServiceItemParamNameEIAFuelPrice is the param key name EIAFuelPrice ServiceItemParamNameEIAFuelPrice ServiceItemParamName = "EIAFuelPrice" // ServiceItemParamNameEscalationCompounded is the param key name EscalationCompounded ServiceItemParamNameEscalationCompounded ServiceItemParamName = "EscalationCompounded" // ServiceItemParamNameFSCMultiplier is the param key name FSCMultiplier ServiceItemParamNameFSCMultiplier ServiceItemParamName = "FSCMultiplier" // ServiceItemParamNameFSCPriceDifferenceInCents is the param key name FSCPriceDifferenceInCents ServiceItemParamNameFSCPriceDifferenceInCents ServiceItemParamName = "FSCPriceDifferenceInCents" // ServiceItemParamNameFSCWeightBasedDistanceMultiplier is the param key name FSCWeightBasedDistanceMultiplier ServiceItemParamNameFSCWeightBasedDistanceMultiplier ServiceItemParamName = "FSCWeightBasedDistanceMultiplier" // ServiceItemParamNameIsPeak is the param key name IsPeak ServiceItemParamNameIsPeak ServiceItemParamName = "IsPeak" // ServiceItemParamNameMarketDest is the param key name MarketDest ServiceItemParamNameMarketDest ServiceItemParamName = "MarketDest" // ServiceItemParamNameMarketOrigin is the param key name MarketOrigin ServiceItemParamNameMarketOrigin ServiceItemParamName = "MarketOrigin" // ServiceItemParamNameMTOAvailableToPrimeAt is the param key name MTOAvailableToPrimeAt ServiceItemParamNameMTOAvailableToPrimeAt ServiceItemParamName = "MTOAvailableToPrimeAt" // ServiceItemParamNameNTSPackingFactor is the param key name NTSPackingFactor ServiceItemParamNameNTSPackingFactor ServiceItemParamName = "NTSPackingFactor" // ServiceItemParamNameNumberDaysSIT is the param key name NumberDaysSIT ServiceItemParamNameNumberDaysSIT ServiceItemParamName = "NumberDaysSIT" // ServiceItemParamNamePriceAreaDest is the param key name PriceAreaDest ServiceItemParamNamePriceAreaDest ServiceItemParamName = "PriceAreaDest" // ServiceItemParamNamePriceAreaIntlDest is the param key name PriceAreaIntlDest ServiceItemParamNamePriceAreaIntlDest ServiceItemParamName = "PriceAreaIntlDest" // ServiceItemParamNamePriceAreaIntlOrigin is the param key name PriceAreaIntlOrigin ServiceItemParamNamePriceAreaIntlOrigin ServiceItemParamName = "PriceAreaIntlOrigin" // ServiceItemParamNamePriceAreaOrigin is the param key name PriceAreaOrigin ServiceItemParamNamePriceAreaOrigin ServiceItemParamName = "PriceAreaOrigin" // ServiceItemParamNamePriceRateOrFactor is the param key name PriceRateOrFactor ServiceItemParamNamePriceRateOrFactor ServiceItemParamName = "PriceRateOrFactor" // ServiceItemParamNamePSILinehaulDom is the param key name PSI_LinehaulDom ServiceItemParamNamePSILinehaulDom ServiceItemParamName = "PSI_LinehaulDom" // ServiceItemParamNamePSILinehaulDomPrice is the param key name PSI_LinehaulDomPrice ServiceItemParamNamePSILinehaulDomPrice ServiceItemParamName = "PSI_LinehaulDomPrice" // ServiceItemParamNamePSILinehaulShort is the param key name PSI_LinehaulShort ServiceItemParamNamePSILinehaulShort ServiceItemParamName = "PSI_LinehaulShort" // ServiceItemParamNamePSILinehaulShortPrice is the param key name PSI_LinehaulShortPrice ServiceItemParamNamePSILinehaulShortPrice ServiceItemParamName = "PSI_LinehaulShortPrice" // ServiceItemParamNamePSIPriceDomDest is the param key name PSI_PriceDomDest ServiceItemParamNamePSIPriceDomDest ServiceItemParamName = "PSI_PriceDomDest" // ServiceItemParamNamePSIPriceDomDestPrice is the param key name PSI_PriceDomDestPrice ServiceItemParamNamePSIPriceDomDestPrice ServiceItemParamName = "PSI_PriceDomDestPrice" // ServiceItemParamNamePSIPriceDomOrigin is the param key name PSI_PriceDomOrigin ServiceItemParamNamePSIPriceDomOrigin ServiceItemParamName = "PSI_PriceDomOrigin" // ServiceItemParamNamePSIPriceDomOriginPrice is the param key name PSI_PriceDomOriginPrice ServiceItemParamNamePSIPriceDomOriginPrice ServiceItemParamName = "PSI_PriceDomOriginPrice" // ServiceItemParamNamePSIShippingLinehaulIntlCO is the param key name PSI_ShippingLinehaulIntlCO ServiceItemParamNamePSIShippingLinehaulIntlCO ServiceItemParamName = "PSI_ShippingLinehaulIntlCO" // ServiceItemParamNamePSIShippingLinehaulIntlCOPrice is the param key name PSI_ShippingLinehaulIntlCOPrice ServiceItemParamNamePSIShippingLinehaulIntlCOPrice ServiceItemParamName = "PSI_ShippingLinehaulIntlCOPrice" // ServiceItemParamNamePSIShippingLinehaulIntlOC is the param key name PSI_ShippingLinehaulIntlOC ServiceItemParamNamePSIShippingLinehaulIntlOC ServiceItemParamName = "PSI_ShippingLinehaulIntlOC" // ServiceItemParamNamePSIShippingLinehaulIntlOCPrice is the param key name PSI_ShippingLinehaulIntlOCPrice ServiceItemParamNamePSIShippingLinehaulIntlOCPrice ServiceItemParamName = "PSI_ShippingLinehaulIntlOCPrice" // ServiceItemParamNamePSIShippingLinehaulIntlOO is the param key name PSI_ShippingLinehaulIntlOO ServiceItemParamNamePSIShippingLinehaulIntlOO ServiceItemParamName = "PSI_ShippingLinehaulIntlOO" // ServiceItemParamNamePSIShippingLinehaulIntlOOPrice is the param key name PSI_ShippingLinehaulIntlOOPrice ServiceItemParamNamePSIShippingLinehaulIntlOOPrice ServiceItemParamName = "PSI_ShippingLinehaulIntlOOPrice" // ServiceItemParamNameRateAreaNonStdDest is the param key name RateAreaNonStdDest ServiceItemParamNameRateAreaNonStdDest ServiceItemParamName = "RateAreaNonStdDest" // ServiceItemParamNameRateAreaNonStdOrigin is the param key name RateAreaNonStdOrigin ServiceItemParamNameRateAreaNonStdOrigin ServiceItemParamName = "RateAreaNonStdOrigin" // ServiceItemParamNameReferenceDate is the param key name ReferenceDate ServiceItemParamNameReferenceDate ServiceItemParamName = "ReferenceDate" // ServiceItemParamNameRequestedPickupDate is the param key name RequestedPickupDate ServiceItemParamNameRequestedPickupDate ServiceItemParamName = "RequestedPickupDate" // ServiceItemParamNameServiceAreaDest is the param key name ServiceAreaDest ServiceItemParamNameServiceAreaDest ServiceItemParamName = "ServiceAreaDest" // ServiceItemParamNameServiceAreaOrigin is the param key name ServiceAreaOrigin ServiceItemParamNameServiceAreaOrigin ServiceItemParamName = "ServiceAreaOrigin" // ServiceItemParamNameServicesScheduleDest is the param key name ServicesScheduleDest ServiceItemParamNameServicesScheduleDest ServiceItemParamName = "ServicesScheduleDest" // ServiceItemParamNameServicesScheduleOrigin is the param key name ServicesScheduleOrigin ServiceItemParamNameServicesScheduleOrigin ServiceItemParamName = "ServicesScheduleOrigin" // ServiceItemParamNameSITPaymentRequestEnd is the param key name SITPaymentRequestEnd ServiceItemParamNameSITPaymentRequestEnd ServiceItemParamName = "SITPaymentRequestEnd" // ServiceItemParamNameSITPaymentRequestStart is the param key name SITPaymentRequestStart ServiceItemParamNameSITPaymentRequestStart ServiceItemParamName = "SITPaymentRequestStart" // ServiceItemParamNameSITScheduleDest is the param key name SITScheduleDest ServiceItemParamNameSITScheduleDest ServiceItemParamName = "SITScheduleDest" // ServiceItemParamNameSITScheduleOrigin is the param key name SITScheduleOrigin ServiceItemParamNameSITScheduleOrigin ServiceItemParamName = "SITScheduleOrigin" // ServiceItemParamNameWeightAdjusted is the param key name WeightAdjusted ServiceItemParamNameWeightAdjusted ServiceItemParamName = "WeightAdjusted" // ServiceItemParamNameWeightBilled is the param key name WeightBilled ServiceItemParamNameWeightBilled ServiceItemParamName = "WeightBilled" // ServiceItemParamNameWeightEstimated is the param key name WeightEstimated ServiceItemParamNameWeightEstimated ServiceItemParamName = "WeightEstimated" // ServiceItemParamNameWeightOriginal is the param key name WeightOriginal ServiceItemParamNameWeightOriginal ServiceItemParamName = "WeightOriginal" // ServiceItemParamNameWeightReweigh is the param key name WeightReweigh ServiceItemParamNameWeightReweigh ServiceItemParamName = "WeightReweigh" // ServiceItemParamNameZipDestAddress is the param key name ZipDestAddress ServiceItemParamNameZipDestAddress ServiceItemParamName = "ZipDestAddress" // ServiceItemParamNameZipPickupAddress is the param key name ZipPickupAddress ServiceItemParamNameZipPickupAddress ServiceItemParamName = "ZipPickupAddress" // ServiceItemParamNameZipSITDestHHGFinalAddress is the param key name ZipSITDestHHGFinalAddress ServiceItemParamNameZipSITDestHHGFinalAddress ServiceItemParamName = "ZipSITDestHHGFinalAddress" // ServiceItemParamNameZipSITOriginHHGActualAddress is the param key name ZipSITOriginHHGActualAddress ServiceItemParamNameZipSITOriginHHGActualAddress ServiceItemParamName = "ZipSITOriginHHGActualAddress" // ServiceItemParamNameZipSITOriginHHGOriginalAddress is the param key name ZipSITOriginHHGOriginalAddress ServiceItemParamNameZipSITOriginHHGOriginalAddress ServiceItemParamName = "ZipSITOriginHHGOriginalAddress" )
func (ServiceItemParamName) String ¶
func (s ServiceItemParamName) String() string
type ServiceItemParamOrigin ¶
type ServiceItemParamOrigin string
ServiceItemParamOrigin is a type of service item parameter origin
const ( // ServiceItemParamOriginPrime is the Prime origin ServiceItemParamOriginPrime ServiceItemParamOrigin = "PRIME" // ServiceItemParamOriginSystem is the System origin ServiceItemParamOriginSystem ServiceItemParamOrigin = "SYSTEM" // ServiceItemParamOriginPricer is the Pricer origin ServiceItemParamOriginPricer ServiceItemParamOrigin = "PRICER" // ServiceItemParamOriginPaymentRequest is the PaymentRequest origin ServiceItemParamOriginPaymentRequest ServiceItemParamOrigin = "PAYMENT_REQUEST" )
func (ServiceItemParamOrigin) String ¶
func (s ServiceItemParamOrigin) String() string
String is a string representation of a ServiceItemParamOrigin
type ServiceItemParamType ¶
type ServiceItemParamType string
ServiceItemParamType is a type of service item parameter
const ( // ServiceItemParamTypeString is a string ServiceItemParamTypeString ServiceItemParamType = "STRING" // ServiceItemParamTypeDate is a date ServiceItemParamTypeDate ServiceItemParamType = "DATE" // ServiceItemParamTypeInteger is an integer ServiceItemParamTypeInteger ServiceItemParamType = "INTEGER" // ServiceItemParamTypeDecimal is a decimal ServiceItemParamTypeDecimal ServiceItemParamType = "DECIMAL" // ServiceItemParamTypeTimestamp is a timestamp ServiceItemParamTypeTimestamp ServiceItemParamType = "TIMESTAMP" // ServiceItemParamTypePaymentServiceItemUUID is a UUID ServiceItemParamTypePaymentServiceItemUUID ServiceItemParamType = "PaymentServiceItemUUID" // ServiceItemParamTypeBoolean is a boolean ServiceItemParamTypeBoolean ServiceItemParamType = "BOOLEAN" )
func (ServiceItemParamType) String ¶
func (s ServiceItemParamType) String() string
String is a string representation of a ServiceItemParamType
type ServiceMember ¶
type ServiceMember struct { ID uuid.UUID `json:"id" db:"id"` CreatedAt time.Time `json:"created_at" db:"created_at"` UpdatedAt time.Time `json:"updated_at" db:"updated_at"` UserID uuid.UUID `json:"user_id" db:"user_id"` User User `belongs_to:"user" fk_id:"user_id"` Edipi *string `json:"edipi" db:"edipi"` Affiliation *ServiceMemberAffiliation `json:"affiliation" db:"affiliation"` Rank *ServiceMemberRank `json:"rank" db:"rank"` FirstName *string `json:"first_name" db:"first_name"` MiddleName *string `json:"middle_name" db:"middle_name"` LastName *string `json:"last_name" db:"last_name"` Suffix *string `json:"suffix" db:"suffix"` Telephone *string `json:"telephone" db:"telephone"` SecondaryTelephone *string `json:"secondary_telephone" db:"secondary_telephone"` PersonalEmail *string `json:"personal_email" db:"personal_email"` PhoneIsPreferred *bool `json:"phone_is_preferred" db:"phone_is_preferred"` EmailIsPreferred *bool `json:"email_is_preferred" db:"email_is_preferred"` ResidentialAddressID *uuid.UUID `json:"residential_address_id" db:"residential_address_id"` ResidentialAddress *Address `belongs_to:"address" fk_id:"residential_address_id"` BackupMailingAddressID *uuid.UUID `json:"backup_mailing_address_id" db:"backup_mailing_address_id"` BackupMailingAddress *Address `belongs_to:"address" fk_id:"backup_mailing_address_id"` Orders Orders `has_many:"orders" fk_id:"service_member_id" order_by:"created_at desc" ` BackupContacts BackupContacts `has_many:"backup_contacts" fk_id:"service_member_id"` DutyLocationID *uuid.UUID `json:"duty_location_id" db:"duty_location_id"` DutyLocation DutyLocation `belongs_to:"duty_locations" fk_id:"duty_location_id"` }
ServiceMember is a user of type service member
func FetchServiceMember ¶
func FetchServiceMember(db *pop.Connection, id uuid.UUID) (ServiceMember, error)
FetchServiceMember returns a service member by id REGARDLESS OF USER. Does not fetch nested models. DO NOT USE IF YOU NEED USER AUTH
func FetchServiceMemberForUser ¶
func FetchServiceMemberForUser(db *pop.Connection, session *auth.Session, id uuid.UUID) (ServiceMember, error)
FetchServiceMemberForUser returns a service member only if it is allowed for the given user to access that service member. This method is thereby a useful way of performing access control checks.
func GetCustomerFromShipment ¶
func GetCustomerFromShipment(db *pop.Connection, shipmentID uuid.UUID) (*ServiceMember, error)
GetCustomerFromShipment gets the service member given a shipment id
func (ServiceMember) CreateBackupContact ¶
func (s ServiceMember) CreateBackupContact(db *pop.Connection, name string, email string, phone *string, permission BackupContactPermission) (BackupContact, *validate.Errors, error)
CreateBackupContact creates a backup contact model tied to the service member
func (ServiceMember) CreateOrder ¶
func (s ServiceMember) CreateOrder(appCtx appcontext.AppContext, issueDate time.Time, reportByDate time.Time, ordersType internalmessages.OrdersType, hasDependents bool, spouseHasProGear bool, newDutyLocation DutyLocation, ordersNumber *string, tac *string, sac *string, departmentIndicator *string, originDutyLocation *DutyLocation, grade *string, entitlement *Entitlement) (Order, *validate.Errors, error)
CreateOrder creates an order model tied to the service member
func (*ServiceMember) IsProfileComplete ¶
func (s *ServiceMember) IsProfileComplete() bool
IsProfileComplete checks if the profile has been completely filled out
func (*ServiceMember) ReverseNameLineFormat ¶
func (s *ServiceMember) ReverseNameLineFormat() string
ReverseNameLineFormat returns the service member's name as a string in Last, First, M format.
func (*ServiceMember) Validate ¶
func (s *ServiceMember) Validate(tx *pop.Connection) (*validate.Errors, error)
Validate gets run every time you call a "pop.Validate*" (pop.ValidateAndSave, pop.ValidateAndCreate, pop.ValidateAndUpdate) method. This method is not required and may be deleted.
func (*ServiceMember) ValidateCreate ¶
func (s *ServiceMember) ValidateCreate(tx *pop.Connection) (*validate.Errors, error)
ValidateCreate gets run every time you call "pop.ValidateAndCreate" method. This method is not required and may be deleted.
func (*ServiceMember) ValidateUpdate ¶
func (s *ServiceMember) ValidateUpdate(tx *pop.Connection) (*validate.Errors, error)
ValidateUpdate gets run every time you call "pop.ValidateAndUpdate" method. This method is not required and may be deleted.
type ServiceMemberAffiliation ¶
type ServiceMemberAffiliation string
ServiceMemberAffiliation represents a service member's branch
const ( // AffiliationARMY captures enum value "ARMY" AffiliationARMY ServiceMemberAffiliation = "ARMY" // AffiliationNAVY captures enum value "NAVY" AffiliationNAVY ServiceMemberAffiliation = "NAVY" // AffiliationMARINES captures enum value "MARINES" AffiliationMARINES ServiceMemberAffiliation = "MARINES" // AffiliationAIRFORCE captures enum value "AIR_FORCE" AffiliationAIRFORCE ServiceMemberAffiliation = "AIR_FORCE" // AffiliationCOASTGUARD captures enum value "COAST_GUARD" AffiliationCOASTGUARD ServiceMemberAffiliation = "COAST_GUARD" )
func (ServiceMemberAffiliation) String ¶
func (s ServiceMemberAffiliation) String() string
String is a string representation of a ServiceMemberAffiliation
type ServiceMemberRank ¶
type ServiceMemberRank string
ServiceMemberRank represents a service member's rank
const ( // ServiceMemberRankE1 captures enum value "E_1" ServiceMemberRankE1 ServiceMemberRank = "E_1" // ServiceMemberRankE2 captures enum value "E_2" ServiceMemberRankE2 ServiceMemberRank = "E_2" // ServiceMemberRankE3 captures enum value "E_3" ServiceMemberRankE3 ServiceMemberRank = "E_3" // ServiceMemberRankE4 captures enum value "E_4" ServiceMemberRankE4 ServiceMemberRank = "E_4" // ServiceMemberRankE5 captures enum value "E_5" ServiceMemberRankE5 ServiceMemberRank = "E_5" // ServiceMemberRankE6 captures enum value "E_6" ServiceMemberRankE6 ServiceMemberRank = "E_6" // ServiceMemberRankE7 captures enum value "E_7" ServiceMemberRankE7 ServiceMemberRank = "E_7" // ServiceMemberRankE8 captures enum value "E_8" ServiceMemberRankE8 ServiceMemberRank = "E_8" // ServiceMemberRankE9 captures enum value "E_9" ServiceMemberRankE9 ServiceMemberRank = "E_9" // ServiceMemberRankE9SPECIALSENIORENLISTED captures enum value "E_9_SPECIAL_SENIOR_ENLISTED" ServiceMemberRankE9SPECIALSENIORENLISTED ServiceMemberRank = "E_9_SPECIAL_SENIOR_ENLISTED" // ServiceMemberRankO1ACADEMYGRADUATE captures enum value "O_1_ACADEMY_GRADUATE" ServiceMemberRankO1ACADEMYGRADUATE ServiceMemberRank = "O_1_ACADEMY_GRADUATE" // ServiceMemberRankO2 captures enum value "O_2" ServiceMemberRankO2 ServiceMemberRank = "O_2" // ServiceMemberRankO3 captures enum value "O_3" ServiceMemberRankO3 ServiceMemberRank = "O_3" // ServiceMemberRankO4 captures enum value "O_4" ServiceMemberRankO4 ServiceMemberRank = "O_4" // ServiceMemberRankO5 captures enum value "O_5" ServiceMemberRankO5 ServiceMemberRank = "O_5" // ServiceMemberRankO6 captures enum value "O_6" ServiceMemberRankO6 ServiceMemberRank = "O_6" // ServiceMemberRankO7 captures enum value "O_7" ServiceMemberRankO7 ServiceMemberRank = "O_7" // ServiceMemberRankO8 captures enum value "O_8" ServiceMemberRankO8 ServiceMemberRank = "O_8" // ServiceMemberRankO9 captures enum value "O_9" ServiceMemberRankO9 ServiceMemberRank = "O_9" // ServiceMemberRankO10 captures enum value "O_10" ServiceMemberRankO10 ServiceMemberRank = "O_10" // ServiceMemberRankW1 captures enum value "W_1" ServiceMemberRankW1 ServiceMemberRank = "W_1" // ServiceMemberRankW2 captures enum value "W_2" ServiceMemberRankW2 ServiceMemberRank = "W_2" // ServiceMemberRankW3 captures enum value "W_3" ServiceMemberRankW3 ServiceMemberRank = "W_3" // ServiceMemberRankW4 captures enum value "W_4" ServiceMemberRankW4 ServiceMemberRank = "W_4" // ServiceMemberRankW5 captures enum value "W_5" ServiceMemberRankW5 ServiceMemberRank = "W_5" // ServiceMemberRankAVIATIONCADET captures enum value "AVIATION_CADET" ServiceMemberRankAVIATIONCADET ServiceMemberRank = "AVIATION_CADET" // ServiceMemberRankCIVILIANEMPLOYEE captures enum value "CIVILIAN_EMPLOYEE" ServiceMemberRankCIVILIANEMPLOYEE ServiceMemberRank = "CIVILIAN_EMPLOYEE" // ServiceMemberRankACADEMYCADET captures enum value "ACADEMY_CADET" ServiceMemberRankACADEMYCADET ServiceMemberRank = "ACADEMY_CADET" // ServiceMemberRankMIDSHIPMAN captures enum value "MIDSHIPMAN" ServiceMemberRankMIDSHIPMAN ServiceMemberRank = "MIDSHIPMAN" )
type ServiceMembers ¶
type ServiceMembers []ServiceMember
ServiceMembers is not required by pop and may be deleted
type ServiceParam ¶
type ServiceParam struct { ID uuid.UUID `json:"id" db:"id"` ServiceID uuid.UUID `json:"service_id" db:"service_id"` ServiceItemParamKeyID uuid.UUID `json:"service_item_param_key_id" db:"service_item_param_key_id"` IsOptional bool `json:"is_optional" db:"is_optional"` CreatedAt time.Time `db:"created_at"` UpdatedAt time.Time `db:"updated_at"` // Associations Service ReService `belongs_to:"re_service" fk_id:"service_id"` ServiceItemParamKey ServiceItemParamKey `belongs_to:"service_item_param_key" fk_id:"service_item_param_key_id"` }
ServiceParam is a Service Parameter
func (*ServiceParam) Validate ¶
func (p *ServiceParam) Validate(tx *pop.Connection) (*validate.Errors, error)
Validate gets run every time you call a "pop.Validate*" (pop.ValidateAndSave, pop.ValidateAndCreate, pop.ValidateAndUpdate) method.
type ServiceParams ¶
type ServiceParams []ServiceParam
ServiceParams is not required by pop and may be deleted
type ShipmentSummaryFormData ¶
type ShipmentSummaryFormData struct { ServiceMember ServiceMember Order Order CurrentDutyLocation DutyLocation NewDutyLocation DutyLocation WeightAllotment SSWMaxWeightEntitlement PersonallyProcuredMoves PersonallyProcuredMoves PreparationDate time.Time Obligations Obligations MovingExpenses []MovingExpense PPMRemainingEntitlement unit.Pound SignedCertification SignedCertification }
ShipmentSummaryFormData is a container for the various objects required for the a Shipment Summary Worksheet
func FetchDataShipmentSummaryWorksheetFormData ¶
func FetchDataShipmentSummaryWorksheetFormData(db *pop.Connection, session *auth.Session, moveID uuid.UUID) (ShipmentSummaryFormData, error)
FetchDataShipmentSummaryWorksheetFormData fetches the pages for the Shipment Summary Worksheet for a given Move ID
type ShipmentSummaryWorkSheetSIT ¶
type ShipmentSummaryWorkSheetSIT struct { NumberAndTypes string EntryDates string EndDates string DaysInStorage string }
ShipmentSummaryWorkSheetSIT is an object representing SIT on the Shipment Summary Worksheet
type ShipmentSummaryWorkSheetShipments ¶
type ShipmentSummaryWorkSheetShipments struct { ShipmentNumberAndTypes string PickUpDates string ShipmentWeights string CurrentShipmentStatuses string }
ShipmentSummaryWorkSheetShipments is an object representing shipment line items on Shipment Summary Worksheet
func FormatAllShipments ¶
func FormatAllShipments(ppms PersonallyProcuredMoves) ShipmentSummaryWorkSheetShipments
FormatAllShipments formats Shipment line items for the Shipment Summary Worksheet
type ShipmentSummaryWorksheetPage1Values ¶
type ShipmentSummaryWorksheetPage1Values struct { CUIBanner string ServiceMemberName string MaxSITStorageEntitlement string PreferredPhoneNumber string PreferredEmail string DODId string ServiceBranch string RankGrade string IssuingBranchOrAgency string OrdersIssueDate string OrdersTypeAndOrdersNumber string AuthorizedOrigin string AuthorizedDestination string NewDutyAssignment string WeightAllotment string WeightAllotmentProgear string WeightAllotmentProgearSpouse string TotalWeightAllotment string POVAuthorized string ShipmentNumberAndTypes string ShipmentPickUpDates string ShipmentWeights string ShipmentCurrentShipmentStatuses string SITNumberAndTypes string SITEntryDates string SITEndDates string SITDaysInStorage string PreparationDate string MaxObligationGCC100 string TotalWeightAllotmentRepeat string MaxObligationGCC95 string MaxObligationSIT string MaxObligationGCCMaxAdvance string PPMRemainingEntitlement string ActualObligationGCC100 string ActualObligationGCC95 string ActualObligationAdvance string ActualObligationSIT string MileageTotal string }
ShipmentSummaryWorksheetPage1Values is an object representing a Shipment Summary Worksheet
func FormatValuesShipmentSummaryWorksheetFormPage1 ¶
func FormatValuesShipmentSummaryWorksheetFormPage1(data ShipmentSummaryFormData) ShipmentSummaryWorksheetPage1Values
FormatValuesShipmentSummaryWorksheetFormPage1 formats the data for page 1 of the Shipment Summary Worksheet
type ShipmentSummaryWorksheetPage2Values ¶
type ShipmentSummaryWorksheetPage2Values struct { CUIBanner string PreparationDate string TAC string SAC string FormattedMovingExpenses }
ShipmentSummaryWorksheetPage2Values is an object representing a Shipment Summary Worksheet
func FormatValuesShipmentSummaryWorksheetFormPage2 ¶
func FormatValuesShipmentSummaryWorksheetFormPage2(data ShipmentSummaryFormData) ShipmentSummaryWorksheetPage2Values
FormatValuesShipmentSummaryWorksheetFormPage2 formats the data for page 2 of the Shipment Summary Worksheet
type ShipmentSummaryWorksheetPage3Values ¶
type ShipmentSummaryWorksheetPage3Values struct { CUIBanner string PreparationDate string ServiceMemberSignature string SignatureDate string FormattedOtherExpenses }
ShipmentSummaryWorksheetPage3Values is an object representing a Shipment Summary Worksheet
func FormatValuesShipmentSummaryWorksheetFormPage3 ¶
func FormatValuesShipmentSummaryWorksheetFormPage3(data ShipmentSummaryFormData) ShipmentSummaryWorksheetPage3Values
FormatValuesShipmentSummaryWorksheetFormPage3 formats the data for page 2 of the Shipment Summary Worksheet
type SignedCertification ¶
type SignedCertification struct { ID uuid.UUID `json:"id" db:"id"` SubmittingUserID uuid.UUID `json:"submitting_user_id" db:"submitting_user_id"` MoveID uuid.UUID `json:"move_id" db:"move_id"` PersonallyProcuredMoveID *uuid.UUID `json:"personally_procured_move_id" db:"personally_procured_move_id"` PpmID *uuid.UUID `json:"ppm_id" db:"ppm_id"` CertificationType *SignedCertificationType `json:"certification_type" db:"certification_type"` CreatedAt time.Time `json:"created_at" db:"created_at"` UpdatedAt time.Time `json:"updated_at" db:"updated_at"` CertificationText string `json:"certification_text" db:"certification_text"` Signature string `json:"signature" db:"signature"` Date time.Time `json:"date" db:"date"` }
SignedCertification represents users acceptance
func FetchSignedCertifications ¶
func FetchSignedCertifications(db *pop.Connection, session *auth.Session, id uuid.UUID) ([]*SignedCertification, error)
FetchSignedCertifications Fetches and Validates a all signed certifications associated with a move
func FetchSignedCertificationsPPMPayment ¶
func FetchSignedCertificationsPPMPayment(db *pop.Connection, session *auth.Session, id uuid.UUID) (*SignedCertification, error)
DEPRECATED - This can be removed when the PPM Shipment Summary Worksheet is updated to use the new PPM shipment table FetchSignedCertificationsPPMPayment Fetches and Validates a PPM Payment Signature
func (*SignedCertification) Validate ¶
func (s *SignedCertification) Validate(tx *pop.Connection) (*validate.Errors, error)
Validate gets run every time you call a "pop.Validate*" (pop.ValidateAndSave, pop.ValidateAndCreate, pop.ValidateAndUpdate) method. This method is not required and may be deleted.
func (*SignedCertification) ValidateCreate ¶
func (s *SignedCertification) ValidateCreate(tx *pop.Connection) (*validate.Errors, error)
ValidateCreate gets run every time you call "pop.ValidateAndCreate" method. This method is not required and may be deleted.
func (*SignedCertification) ValidateUpdate ¶
func (s *SignedCertification) ValidateUpdate(tx *pop.Connection) (*validate.Errors, error)
ValidateUpdate gets run every time you call "pop.ValidateAndUpdate" method. This method is not required and may be deleted.
type SignedCertificationType ¶
type SignedCertificationType string
SignedCertificationType represents the types of certificates
const ( // SignedCertificationTypePPM captures enum value "PPM" - deprecated 10/2020 SignedCertificationTypePPM SignedCertificationType = "PPM" // SignedCertificationTypePPMPAYMENT captures enum value "PPM_PAYMENT" SignedCertificationTypePPMPAYMENT SignedCertificationType = "PPM_PAYMENT" // SignedCertificationTypeHHG captures enum value "HHG" - deprecated 10/2020 SignedCertificationTypeHHG SignedCertificationType = "HHG" // SignedCertificationTypeSHIPMENT captures enum value "SHIPMENT" for all shipment types from 10/2020 SignedCertificationTypeSHIPMENT SignedCertificationType = "SHIPMENT" )
type SignedCertifications ¶
type SignedCertifications []SignedCertification
SignedCertifications is not required by pop and may be deleted
type StageConusToOconusPrice ¶
type StageConusToOconusPrice struct { OriginDomesticPriceAreaCode string `db:"origin_domestic_price_area_code" csv:"origin_domestic_price_area_code"` OriginDomesticPriceArea string `db:"origin_domestic_price_area" csv:"origin_domestic_price_area"` DestinationIntlPriceAreaID string `db:"destination_intl_price_area_id" csv:"destination_intl_price_area_id"` DestinationIntlPriceArea string `db:"destination_intl_price_area" csv:"destination_intl_price_area"` Season string `db:"season" csv:"season"` HHGShippingLinehaulPrice string `db:"hhg_shipping_linehaul_price" csv:"hhg_shipping_linehaul_price"` UBPrice string `db:"ub_price" csv:"ub_price"` }
StageConusToOconusPrice is the stage CONUS To OCONUS price
type StageCounselingServicesPrice ¶
type StageCounselingServicesPrice struct { ContractYear string `db:"contract_year" csv:"contract_year"` PricePerTaskOrder string `db:"price_per_task_order" csv:"price_per_task_order"` }
StageCounselingServicesPrice is the stage counseling service price
type StageDomesticInternationalAdditionalPrice ¶
type StageDomesticInternationalAdditionalPrice struct { Market string `db:"market" csv:"market"` ShipmentType string `db:"shipment_type" csv:"shipment_type"` Factor string `db:"factor" csv:"factor"` }
StageDomesticInternationalAdditionalPrice is the stage domestic international additional price
type StageDomesticLinehaulPrice ¶
type StageDomesticLinehaulPrice struct { ServiceAreaNumber string `db:"service_area_number" csv:"service_area_number"` OriginServiceArea string `db:"origin_service_area" csv:"origin_service_area"` ServicesSchedule string `db:"services_schedule" csv:"services_schedule"` Season string `db:"season" csv:"season"` WeightLower string `db:"weight_lower" csv:"weight_lower"` WeightUpper string `db:"weight_upper" csv:"weight_upper"` MilesLower string `db:"miles_lower" csv:"miles_lower"` MilesUpper string `db:"miles_upper" csv:"miles_upper"` EscalationNumber string `db:"escalation_number" csv:"escalation_number"` Rate string `db:"rate" csv:"rate"` }
StageDomesticLinehaulPrice is the stage domestic linehaul price
type StageDomesticMoveAccessorialPrice ¶
type StageDomesticMoveAccessorialPrice struct { ServicesSchedule string `db:"services_schedule" csv:"services_schedule"` ServiceProvided string `db:"service_provided" csv:"service_provided"` PricePerUnit string `db:"price_per_unit" csv:"price_per_unit"` }
StageDomesticMoveAccessorialPrice is the stage domestic move accessorial price
type StageDomesticOtherPackPrice ¶
type StageDomesticOtherPackPrice struct { ServicesSchedule string `db:"services_schedule" csv:"services_schedule"` ServiceProvided string `db:"service_provided" csv:"service_provided"` NonPeakPricePerCwt string `db:"non_peak_price_per_cwt" csv:"non_peak_price_per_cwt"` PeakPricePerCwt string `db:"peak_price_per_cwt" csv:"peak_price_per_cwt"` }
StageDomesticOtherPackPrice is the stage domestic other pack price
type StageDomesticOtherSitPrice ¶
type StageDomesticOtherSitPrice struct { SITPickupDeliverySchedule string `db:"sit_pickup_delivery_schedule" csv:"sit_pickup_delivery_schedule"` ServiceProvided string `db:"service_provided" csv:"service_provided"` NonPeakPricePerCwt string `db:"non_peak_price_per_cwt" csv:"non_peak_price_per_cwt"` PeakPricePerCwt string `db:"peak_price_per_cwt" csv:"peak_price_per_cwt"` }
StageDomesticOtherSitPrice is the stage domestic other SIT price
type StageDomesticServiceArea ¶
type StageDomesticServiceArea struct { BasePointCity string `db:"base_point_city" csv:"base_point_city"` State string `db:"state" csv:"state"` ServiceAreaNumber string `db:"service_area_number" csv:"service_area_number"` Zip3s string `db:"zip3s" csv:"zip3s"` }
StageDomesticServiceArea is the stage domestic service area
type StageDomesticServiceAreaPrice ¶
type StageDomesticServiceAreaPrice struct { ServiceAreaNumber string `db:"service_area_number" csv:"service_area_number"` ServiceAreaName string `db:"service_area_name" csv:"service_area_name"` ServicesSchedule string `db:"services_schedule" csv:"services_schedule"` SITPickupDeliverySchedule string `db:"sit_pickup_delivery_schedule" csv:"sit_pickup_delivery_schedule"` Season string `db:"season" csv:"season"` ShorthaulPrice string `db:"shorthaul_price" csv:"shorthaul_price"` OriginDestinationPrice string `db:"origin_destination_price" csv:"origin_destination_price"` OriginDestinationSITFirstDayWarehouse string `db:"origin_destination_sit_first_day_warehouse" csv:"origin_destination_sit_first_day_warehouse"` OriginDestinationSITAddlDays string `db:"origin_destination_sit_addl_days" csv:"origin_destination_sit_addl_days"` }
StageDomesticServiceAreaPrice is the stage domestic service area price
type StageInternationalMoveAccessorialPrice ¶
type StageInternationalMoveAccessorialPrice struct { Market string `db:"market" csv:"market"` ServiceProvided string `db:"service_provided" csv:"service_provided"` PricePerUnit string `db:"price_per_unit" csv:"price_per_unit"` }
StageInternationalMoveAccessorialPrice is the stage international move accessorial price
type StageInternationalServiceArea ¶
type StageInternationalServiceArea struct { RateArea string `db:"rate_area" csv:"rate_area"` RateAreaID string `db:"rate_area_id" csv:"rate_area_id"` }
StageInternationalServiceArea is the stage international service area
type StageNonStandardLocnPrice ¶
type StageNonStandardLocnPrice struct { OriginID string `db:"origin_id" csv:"origin_id"` OriginArea string `db:"origin_area" csv:"origin_area"` DestinationID string `db:"destination_id" csv:"destination_id"` DestinationArea string `db:"destination_area" csv:"destination_area"` MoveType string `db:"move_type" csv:"move_type"` Season string `db:"season" csv:"season"` HHGPrice string `db:"hhg_price" csv:"hhg_price"` UBPrice string `db:"ub_price" csv:"ub_price"` }
StageNonStandardLocnPrice is the stage non-standard location price
type StageOconusToConusPrice ¶
type StageOconusToConusPrice struct { OriginIntlPriceAreaID string `db:"origin_intl_price_area_id" csv:"origin_intl_price_area_id"` OriginIntlPriceArea string `db:"origin_intl_price_area" csv:"origin_intl_price_area"` DestinationDomesticPriceAreaCode string `db:"destination_domestic_price_area_area" csv:"destination_domestic_price_area_area"` DestinationDomesticPriceArea string `db:"destination_domestic_price_area" csv:"destination_domestic_price_area"` Season string `db:"season" csv:"season"` HHGShippingLinehaulPrice string `db:"hhg_shipping_linehaul_price" csv:"hhg_shipping_linehaul_price"` UBPrice string `db:"ub_price" csv:"ub_price"` }
StageOconusToConusPrice is the stage OCONUS To CONUS price
type StageOconusToOconusPrice ¶
type StageOconusToOconusPrice struct { OriginIntlPriceAreaID string `db:"origin_intl_price_area_id" csv:"origin_intl_price_area_id"` OriginIntlPriceArea string `db:"origin_intl_price_area" csv:"origin_intl_price_area"` DestinationIntlPriceAreaID string `db:"destination_intl_price_area_id" csv:"destination_intl_price_area_id"` DestinationIntlPriceArea string `db:"destination_intl_price_area" csv:"destination_intl_price_area"` Season string `db:"season" csv:"season"` HHGShippingLinehaulPrice string `db:"hhg_shipping_linehaul_price" csv:"hhg_shipping_linehaul_price"` UBPrice string `db:"ub_price" csv:"ub_price"` }
StageOconusToOconusPrice is the stage OCONUS To OCONUS price
type StageOtherIntlPrice ¶
type StageOtherIntlPrice struct { RateAreaCode string `db:"rate_area_code" csv:"rate_area_code"` RateAreaName string `db:"rate_area_name" csv:"rate_area_name"` HHGOriginPackPrice string `db:"hhg_origin_pack_price" csv:"hhg_origin_pack_price"` HHGDestinationUnPackPrice string `db:"hhg_destination_unpack_price" csv:"hhg_destination_unpack_price"` UBOriginPackPrice string `db:"ub_origin_pack_price" csv:"ub_origin_pack_price"` UBDestinationUnPackPrice string `db:"ub_destination_unpack_price" csv:"ub_destination_unpack_price"` OriginDestinationSITFirstDayWarehouse string `db:"origin_destination_sit_first_day_warehouse" csv:"origin_destination_sit_first_day_warehouse"` OriginDestinationSITAddlDays string `db:"origin_destination_sit_addl_days" csv:"origin_destination_sit_addl_days"` SITLte50Miles string `db:"sit_lte_50_miles" csv:"sit_lte_50_miles"` SITGt50Miles string `db:"sit_gt_50_miles" csv:"sit_gt_50_miles"` Season string `db:"season" csv:"season"` }
StageOtherIntlPrice is the stage other international price
type StagePriceEscalationDiscount ¶
type StagePriceEscalationDiscount struct { ContractYear string `db:"contract_year" csv:"contract_year"` ForecastingAdjustment string `db:"forecasting_adjustment" csv:"forecasting_adjustment"` Discount string `db:"discount" csv:"discount"` PriceEscalation string `db:"price_escalation" csv:"price_escalation"` }
StagePriceEscalationDiscount is the stage price escalation discount
type StageShipmentManagementServicesPrice ¶
type StageShipmentManagementServicesPrice struct { ContractYear string `db:"contract_year" csv:"contract_year"` PricePerTaskOrder string `db:"price_per_task_order" csv:"price_per_task_order"` }
StageShipmentManagementServicesPrice is the stage shipment management service price
type StageTransitionPrice ¶
type StageTransitionPrice struct { ContractYear string `db:"contract_year" csv:"contract_year"` PricePerTaskOrder string `db:"price_total_cost" csv:"price_total_cost"` }
StageTransitionPrice is the stage transition price
type StorageFacilities ¶
type StorageFacilities []StorageFacility
type StorageFacility ¶
type StorageFacility struct { ID uuid.UUID `json:"id" db:"id"` FacilityName string `json:"facility_name" db:"facility_name"` Address Address `belongs_to:"addresses" fk_id:"address_id"` AddressID uuid.UUID `json:"address_id" db:"address_id"` LotNumber *string `json:"lot_number" db:"lot_number"` Phone *string `json:"phone" db:"phone"` Email *string `json:"email" db:"email"` CreatedAt time.Time `json:"created_at" db:"created_at"` UpdatedAt time.Time `json:"updated_at" db:"updated_at"` DeletedAt *time.Time `json:"deleted_at" db:"deleted_at"` }
func (*StorageFacility) Validate ¶
func (f *StorageFacility) Validate(tx *pop.Connection) (*validate.Errors, error)
type StringInList ¶
StringInList is an improved validators.StringInclusion validator with better error messages.
func NewStringInList ¶
func NewStringInList(value string, fieldName string, list container) *StringInList
NewStringInList returns a new StringInList validator.
func (*StringInList) IsValid ¶
func (v *StringInList) IsValid(errors *validate.Errors)
IsValid adds an error if the string value is blank.
type StringIsNilOrNotBlank ¶
StringIsNilOrNotBlank validates OptionalString fields, which we represent as *string.
func (*StringIsNilOrNotBlank) IsValid ¶
func (v *StringIsNilOrNotBlank) IsValid(errors *validate.Errors)
IsValid adds an error if the pointer is not nil and also an empty string.
type TSPPerformanceGroup ¶
type TSPPerformanceGroup struct { TrafficDistributionListID uuid.UUID PerformancePeriodStart time.Time PerformancePeriodEnd time.Time RateCycleStart time.Time RateCycleEnd time.Time }
TSPPerformanceGroup contains the fields required to uniquely identify a TransportationServiceProviderPerformances grouping for quality band assignment (currently done in the award queue).
type TSPPerformanceGroups ¶
type TSPPerformanceGroups []TSPPerformanceGroup
TSPPerformanceGroups is a handy type for multiple TSPPerformanceGroup structs
func FetchUnbandedTSPPerformanceGroups ¶
func FetchUnbandedTSPPerformanceGroups(db *pop.Connection) (TSPPerformanceGroups, error)
FetchUnbandedTSPPerformanceGroups gets all groupings of TSPPs that have at least one entry with an unassigned quality band.
type Tariff400ngFullPackRate ¶
type Tariff400ngFullPackRate struct { ID uuid.UUID `json:"id" db:"id"` CreatedAt time.Time `json:"created_at" db:"created_at"` UpdatedAt time.Time `json:"updated_at" db:"updated_at"` Schedule int `json:"schedule" db:"schedule"` WeightLbsLower unit.Pound `json:"weight_lbs_lower" db:"weight_lbs_lower"` WeightLbsUpper unit.Pound `json:"weight_lbs_upper" db:"weight_lbs_upper"` RateCents unit.Cents `json:"rate_cents" db:"rate_cents"` EffectiveDateLower time.Time `json:"effective_date_lower" db:"effective_date_lower"` EffectiveDateUpper time.Time `json:"effective_date_upper" db:"effective_date_upper"` }
Tariff400ngFullPackRate describes the rates paid to pack various weights of goods
func (*Tariff400ngFullPackRate) Validate ¶
func (t *Tariff400ngFullPackRate) Validate(tx *pop.Connection) (*validate.Errors, error)
Validate gets run every time you call a "pop.Validate*" (pop.ValidateAndSave, pop.ValidateAndCreate, pop.ValidateAndUpdate) method. This method is not required and may be deleted.
type Tariff400ngFullPackRates ¶
type Tariff400ngFullPackRates []Tariff400ngFullPackRate
Tariff400ngFullPackRates is not required by pop and may be deleted
type Tariff400ngFullUnpackRate ¶
type Tariff400ngFullUnpackRate struct { ID uuid.UUID `json:"id" db:"id"` CreatedAt time.Time `json:"created_at" db:"created_at"` UpdatedAt time.Time `json:"updated_at" db:"updated_at"` Schedule int `json:"schedule" db:"schedule"` RateMillicents int `json:"rate_millicents" db:"rate_millicents"` EffectiveDateLower time.Time `json:"effective_date_lower" db:"effective_date_lower"` EffectiveDateUpper time.Time `json:"effective_date_upper" db:"effective_date_upper"` }
Tariff400ngFullUnpackRate describes the rates paid to unpack various weights of goods
func (*Tariff400ngFullUnpackRate) Validate ¶
func (t *Tariff400ngFullUnpackRate) Validate(tx *pop.Connection) (*validate.Errors, error)
Validate gets run every time you call a "pop.Validate*" (pop.ValidateAndSave, pop.ValidateAndCreate, pop.ValidateAndUpdate) method. This method is not required and may be deleted.
type Tariff400ngFullUnpackRates ¶
type Tariff400ngFullUnpackRates []Tariff400ngFullUnpackRate
Tariff400ngFullUnpackRates is not required by pop and may be deleted
type Tariff400ngItem ¶
type Tariff400ngItem struct { ID uuid.UUID `json:"id" db:"id"` Code string `json:"code" db:"code"` Item string `json:"item" db:"item"` DiscountType Tariff400ngItemDiscountType `json:"discount_type" db:"discount_type"` AllowedLocation Tariff400ngItemAllowedLocation `json:"allowed_location" db:"allowed_location"` MeasurementUnit1 Tariff400ngItemMeasurementUnit `json:"measurement_unit_1" db:"measurement_unit_1"` MeasurementUnit2 Tariff400ngItemMeasurementUnit `json:"measurement_unit_2" db:"measurement_unit_2"` RateRefCode Tariff400ngItemRateRefCode `json:"rate_ref_code" db:"rate_ref_code"` RequiresPreApproval bool `json:"requires_pre_approval" db:"requires_pre_approval"` CreatedAt time.Time `json:"created_at" db:"created_at"` UpdatedAt time.Time `json:"updated_at" db:"updated_at"` }
Tariff400ngItem is an object representing a possible 400ng item
func FetchTariff400ngItem ¶
func FetchTariff400ngItem(dbConnection *pop.Connection, id uuid.UUID) (Tariff400ngItem, error)
FetchTariff400ngItem returns a Tariff400ngItem for the given ID
func FetchTariff400ngItemByCode ¶
func FetchTariff400ngItemByCode(dbConnection *pop.Connection, code string) (Tariff400ngItem, error)
FetchTariff400ngItemByCode returns a Tariff400ngItem for the given code
func FetchTariff400ngItems ¶
func FetchTariff400ngItems(dbConnection *pop.Connection, onlyRequiresPreApproval bool) ([]Tariff400ngItem, error)
FetchTariff400ngItems returns a list of 400ng items
type Tariff400ngItemAllowedLocation ¶
type Tariff400ngItemAllowedLocation string
Tariff400ngItemAllowedLocation represents the location of the item
type Tariff400ngItemDiscountType ¶
type Tariff400ngItemDiscountType string
Tariff400ngItemDiscountType represents
type Tariff400ngItemMeasurementUnit ¶
type Tariff400ngItemMeasurementUnit string
Tariff400ngItemMeasurementUnit represents
type Tariff400ngItemRate ¶
type Tariff400ngItemRate struct { ID uuid.UUID `json:"id" db:"id"` Code string `json:"code" db:"code"` Schedule *int `json:"schedule" db:"schedule"` WeightLbsLower unit.Pound `json:"weight_lbs_lower" db:"weight_lbs_lower"` WeightLbsUpper unit.Pound `json:"weight_lbs_upper" db:"weight_lbs_upper"` RateCents unit.Cents `json:"rate_cents" db:"rate_cents"` EffectiveDateLower time.Time `json:"effective_date_lower" db:"effective_date_lower"` EffectiveDateUpper time.Time `json:"effective_date_upper" db:"effective_date_upper"` CreatedAt time.Time `json:"created_at" db:"created_at"` UpdatedAt time.Time `json:"updated_at" db:"updated_at"` }
Tariff400ngItemRate contains pricing data for a Tariff400ngItem
func FetchTariff400ngItemRate ¶
func FetchTariff400ngItemRate(tx *pop.Connection, code string, schedule int, weight unit.Pound, shipDate time.Time) (Tariff400ngItemRate, error)
FetchTariff400ngItemRate returns a rate for a matching code, schedule, weight, and ship date
func (*Tariff400ngItemRate) Validate ¶
func (t *Tariff400ngItemRate) Validate(tx *pop.Connection) (*validate.Errors, error)
Validate gets run every time you call a "pop.Validate*" (pop.ValidateAndSave, pop.ValidateAndCreate, pop.ValidateAndUpdate) method. This method is not required and may be deleted.
type Tariff400ngItemRateRefCode ¶
type Tariff400ngItemRateRefCode string
Tariff400ngItemRateRefCode represents
type Tariff400ngLinehaulRate ¶
type Tariff400ngLinehaulRate struct { ID uuid.UUID `json:"id" db:"id"` CreatedAt time.Time `json:"created_at" db:"created_at"` UpdatedAt time.Time `json:"updated_at" db:"updated_at"` DistanceMilesLower int `json:"distance_miles_lower" db:"distance_miles_lower"` DistanceMilesUpper int `json:"distance_miles_upper" db:"distance_miles_upper"` Type string `json:"type" db:"type"` WeightLbsLower unit.Pound `json:"weight_lbs_lower" db:"weight_lbs_lower"` WeightLbsUpper unit.Pound `json:"weight_lbs_upper" db:"weight_lbs_upper"` RateCents unit.Cents `json:"rate_cents" db:"rate_cents"` EffectiveDateLower time.Time `json:"effective_date_lower" db:"effective_date_lower"` EffectiveDateUpper time.Time `json:"effective_date_upper" db:"effective_date_upper"` }
Tariff400ngLinehaulRate describes the rate paids paid to transport various weights of goods various distances.
func (*Tariff400ngLinehaulRate) Validate ¶
func (t *Tariff400ngLinehaulRate) Validate(tx *pop.Connection) (*validate.Errors, error)
Validate gets run every time you call a "pop.Validate*" (pop.ValidateAndSave, pop.ValidateAndCreate, pop.ValidateAndUpdate) method. This method is not required and may be deleted.
type Tariff400ngLinehaulRates ¶
type Tariff400ngLinehaulRates []Tariff400ngLinehaulRate
Tariff400ngLinehaulRates is not required by pop and may be deleted
type Tariff400ngServiceArea ¶
type Tariff400ngServiceArea struct { ID uuid.UUID `json:"id" db:"id"` CreatedAt time.Time `json:"created_at" db:"created_at"` UpdatedAt time.Time `json:"updated_at" db:"updated_at"` Name string `json:"name" db:"name"` ServiceArea string `json:"service_area" db:"service_area"` ServicesSchedule int `json:"services_schedule" db:"services_schedule"` LinehaulFactor unit.Cents `json:"linehaul_factor" db:"linehaul_factor"` ServiceChargeCents unit.Cents `json:"service_charge_cents" db:"service_charge_cents"` EffectiveDateLower time.Time `json:"effective_date_lower" db:"effective_date_lower"` EffectiveDateUpper time.Time `json:"effective_date_upper" db:"effective_date_upper"` // Note that the following SIT fields are nullable in the DB because some old 2017-2018 records // store nulls in them (those records existed before these fields). But going forward, we want // to assume these fields are always there. The model-vet utility will flag this, so just noting // this for now until we either do something with the old records or suppress the model-vet error. SIT185ARateCents unit.Cents `json:"sit_185a_rate_cents" db:"sit_185a_rate_cents"` SIT185BRateCents unit.Cents `json:"sit_185b_rate_cents" db:"sit_185b_rate_cents"` SITPDSchedule int `json:"sit_pd_schedule" db:"sit_pd_schedule"` }
Tariff400ngServiceArea describes the service charges for various service areas
func FetchTariff400ngServiceAreaForZip3 ¶
func FetchTariff400ngServiceAreaForZip3(tx *pop.Connection, zip3 string, date time.Time) (Tariff400ngServiceArea, error)
FetchTariff400ngServiceAreaForZip3 returns the service area for a specified Zip3.
func (*Tariff400ngServiceArea) Validate ¶
func (t *Tariff400ngServiceArea) Validate(tx *pop.Connection) (*validate.Errors, error)
Validate gets run every time you call a "pop.Validate*" (pop.ValidateAndSave, pop.ValidateAndCreate, pop.ValidateAndUpdate) method. This method is not required and may be deleted.
type Tariff400ngServiceAreas ¶
type Tariff400ngServiceAreas []Tariff400ngServiceArea
Tariff400ngServiceAreas is not required by pop and may be deleted
type Tariff400ngShorthaulRate ¶
type Tariff400ngShorthaulRate struct { ID uuid.UUID `json:"id" db:"id"` CreatedAt time.Time `json:"created_at" db:"created_at"` UpdatedAt time.Time `json:"updated_at" db:"updated_at"` CwtMilesLower int `json:"cwt_miles_lower" db:"cwt_miles_lower"` CwtMilesUpper int `json:"cwt_miles_upper" db:"cwt_miles_upper"` RateCents unit.Cents `json:"rate_cents" db:"rate_cents"` EffectiveDateLower time.Time `json:"effective_date_lower" db:"effective_date_lower"` EffectiveDateUpper time.Time `json:"effective_date_upper" db:"effective_date_upper"` }
Tariff400ngShorthaulRate describes the rates paid for shorthaul shipments
func (*Tariff400ngShorthaulRate) Validate ¶
func (t *Tariff400ngShorthaulRate) Validate(tx *pop.Connection) (*validate.Errors, error)
Validate gets run every time you call a "pop.Validate*" (pop.ValidateAndSave, pop.ValidateAndCreate, pop.ValidateAndUpdate) method. This method is not required and may be deleted.
func (*Tariff400ngShorthaulRate) ValidateCreate ¶
func (t *Tariff400ngShorthaulRate) ValidateCreate(tx *pop.Connection) (*validate.Errors, error)
ValidateCreate gets run every time you call "pop.ValidateAndCreate" method. This method is not required and may be deleted.
func (*Tariff400ngShorthaulRate) ValidateUpdate ¶
func (t *Tariff400ngShorthaulRate) ValidateUpdate(tx *pop.Connection) (*validate.Errors, error)
ValidateUpdate gets run every time you call "pop.ValidateAndUpdate" method. This method is not required and may be deleted.
type Tariff400ngShorthaulRates ¶
type Tariff400ngShorthaulRates []Tariff400ngShorthaulRate
Tariff400ngShorthaulRates is not required by pop and may be deleted
type Tariff400ngZip3 ¶
type Tariff400ngZip3 struct { ID uuid.UUID `json:"id" db:"id"` CreatedAt time.Time `json:"created_at" db:"created_at"` UpdatedAt time.Time `json:"updated_at" db:"updated_at"` Zip3 string `json:"zip3" db:"zip3"` BasepointCity string `json:"basepoint_city" db:"basepoint_city"` State string `json:"state" db:"state"` ServiceArea string `json:"service_area" db:"service_area"` RateArea string `json:"rate_area" db:"rate_area"` Region string `json:"region" db:"region"` }
Tariff400ngZip3 is the first 3 numbers of a zip for Tariff400NG calculations
func (*Tariff400ngZip3) Validate ¶
func (t *Tariff400ngZip3) Validate(tx *pop.Connection) (*validate.Errors, error)
Validate gets run every time you call a "pop.Validate*" (pop.ValidateAndSave, pop.ValidateAndCreate, pop.ValidateAndUpdate) method. This method is not required and may be deleted.
type Tariff400ngZip3s ¶
type Tariff400ngZip3s []Tariff400ngZip3
Tariff400ngZip3s is not required by pop and may be deleted
type Tariff400ngZip5RateArea ¶
type Tariff400ngZip5RateArea struct { ID uuid.UUID `json:"id" db:"id"` CreatedAt time.Time `json:"created_at" db:"created_at"` UpdatedAt time.Time `json:"updated_at" db:"updated_at"` Zip5 string `json:"zip5" db:"zip5"` RateArea string `json:"rate_area" db:"rate_area"` }
Tariff400ngZip5RateArea represents the mapping from a full 5-digit zipcode to a specific rate area. This is only needed for a small subset of zip3s.
func (*Tariff400ngZip5RateArea) Validate ¶
func (t *Tariff400ngZip5RateArea) Validate(tx *pop.Connection) (*validate.Errors, error)
Validate gets run every time you call a "pop.Validate*" (pop.ValidateAndSave, pop.ValidateAndCreate, pop.ValidateAndUpdate) method.
type Tariff400ngZip5RateAreas ¶
type Tariff400ngZip5RateAreas []Tariff400ngZip5RateArea
Tariff400ngZip5RateAreas is not required by pop and may be deleted
type TourType ¶
type TourType string
TourType indicates whether the travel is Accompanied or Unaccompanied; i.e., are dependents authorized to accompany the service member on the move. For certain OCONUS destinations, the tour type affects the member's entitlement. Otherwise, it doesn't matter.
const ( // TourTypeAccompanied captures enum value "accompanied" TourTypeAccompanied TourType = "accompanied" // TourTypeUnaccompanied captures enum value "unaccompanied" TourTypeUnaccompanied TourType = "unaccompanied" // TourTypeUnaccompaniedDependentsRestricted captures enum value "unaccompanied-dependents-restricted" TourTypeUnaccompaniedDependentsRestricted TourType = "unaccompanied-dependents-restricted" )
type TrafficDistributionList ¶
type TrafficDistributionList struct { ID uuid.UUID `json:"id" db:"id"` CreatedAt time.Time `json:"created_at" db:"created_at"` UpdatedAt time.Time `json:"updated_at" db:"updated_at"` SourceRateArea string `json:"source_rate_area" db:"source_rate_area"` DestinationRegion string `json:"destination_region" db:"destination_region"` CodeOfService string `json:"code_of_service" db:"code_of_service"` }
TrafficDistributionList items are essentially different markets, based on source and destination, in which Transportation Service Providers (TSPs) bid on shipments.
func FetchOrCreateTDL ¶
func FetchOrCreateTDL(db *pop.Connection, rateArea string, region string, codeOfService string) (TrafficDistributionList, error)
FetchOrCreateTDL attempts to return a TDL based on SourceRateArea, Region, and CodeOfService (COS) and creates one to return if it doesn't already exist.
func FetchTDL ¶
func FetchTDL(db *pop.Connection, rateArea string, region string, codeOfService string) (TrafficDistributionList, error)
FetchTDL attempts to return a TDL based on SourceRateArea, Region, and CodeOfService (COS).
func (TrafficDistributionList) MarshalLogObject ¶
func (t TrafficDistributionList) MarshalLogObject(encoder zapcore.ObjectEncoder) error
MarshalLogObject is required to be able to zap.Object log TDLs
func (*TrafficDistributionList) Validate ¶
func (t *TrafficDistributionList) Validate(tx *pop.Connection) (*validate.Errors, error)
Validate gets run every time you call a "pop.Validate*" (pop.ValidateAndSave, pop.ValidateAndCreate, pop.ValidateAndUpdate) method.
type TrafficDistributionLists ¶
type TrafficDistributionLists []TrafficDistributionList
TrafficDistributionLists is not required by pop and may be deleted
type TransportationAccountingCode ¶
type TransportationAccountingCode struct { ID uuid.UUID `json:"id" db:"id"` TAC string `json:"tac" db:"tac"` CreatedAt time.Time `json:"created_at" db:"created_at"` UpdatedAt time.Time `json:"updated_at" db:"updated_at"` }
TransportationAccountingCode model struct that represents transportation accounting codes
type TransportationOffice ¶
type TransportationOffice struct { ID uuid.UUID `json:"id" db:"id"` ShippingOfficeID *uuid.UUID `json:"shipping_office_id" db:"shipping_office_id"` ShippingOffice *TransportationOffice `belongs_to:"transportation_offices" fk_id:"shipping_office_id"` Name string `json:"name" db:"name"` Address Address `belongs_to:"address" fk_id:"address_id"` AddressID uuid.UUID `json:"address_id" db:"address_id"` Latitude float32 `json:"latitude" db:"latitude"` Longitude float32 `json:"longitude" db:"longitude"` PhoneLines OfficePhoneLines `has_many:"office_phone_lines" fk_id:"transportation_office_id"` Emails OfficeEmails `has_many:"office_emails" fk_id:"transportation_office_id"` Hours *string `json:"hours" db:"hours"` Services *string `json:"services" db:"services"` Note *string `json:"note" db:"note"` Gbloc string `json:"gbloc" db:"gbloc"` CreatedAt time.Time `json:"created_at" db:"created_at"` UpdatedAt time.Time `json:"updated_at" db:"updated_at"` }
TransportationOffice is a PPPO, PPSO or JPPSO. If it is its own shipping office, ShippingOffice will be nil, otherwise its a pointer to the actual shipping office.
func FetchDutyLocationTransportationOffice ¶
func FetchDutyLocationTransportationOffice(db *pop.Connection, dutyLocationID uuid.UUID) (TransportationOffice, error)
FetchDutyLocationTransportationOffice returns a transportation office for a duty location
func FetchNearestTransportationOffice ¶
func FetchNearestTransportationOffice(tx *pop.Connection, long float32, lat float32) (TransportationOffice, error)
FetchNearestTransportationOffice fetches the nearest transportation office
func (*TransportationOffice) Validate ¶
func (t *TransportationOffice) Validate(tx *pop.Connection) (*validate.Errors, error)
Validate gets run every time you call a "pop.Validate*" (pop.ValidateAndSave, pop.ValidateAndCreate, pop.ValidateAndUpdate) method. This method is not required and may be deleted.
func (*TransportationOffice) ValidateCreate ¶
func (t *TransportationOffice) ValidateCreate(tx *pop.Connection) (*validate.Errors, error)
ValidateCreate gets run every time you call "pop.ValidateAndCreate" method. This method is not required and may be deleted.
func (*TransportationOffice) ValidateUpdate ¶
func (t *TransportationOffice) ValidateUpdate(tx *pop.Connection) (*validate.Errors, error)
ValidateUpdate gets run every time you call "pop.ValidateAndUpdate" method. This method is not required and may be deleted.
type TransportationOffices ¶
type TransportationOffices []TransportationOffice
TransportationOffices is not required by pop and may be deleted
type TransportationServiceProvider ¶
type TransportationServiceProvider struct { ID uuid.UUID `json:"id" db:"id"` CreatedAt time.Time `json:"created_at" db:"created_at"` UpdatedAt time.Time `json:"updated_at" db:"updated_at"` StandardCarrierAlphaCode string `json:"standard_carrier_alpha_code" db:"standard_carrier_alpha_code"` Enrolled bool `json:"enrolled" db:"enrolled"` Name *string `json:"name" db:"name"` SupplierID *string `json:"supplier_id" db:"supplier_id"` PocGeneralName *string `json:"poc_general_name" db:"poc_general_name"` PocGeneralEmail *string `json:"poc_general_email" db:"poc_general_email"` PocGeneralPhone *string `json:"poc_general_phone" db:"poc_general_phone"` PocClaimsName *string `json:"poc_claims_name" db:"poc_claims_name"` PocClaimsEmail *string `json:"poc_claims_email" db:"poc_claims_email"` PocClaimsPhone *string `json:"poc_claims_phone" db:"poc_claims_phone"` }
TransportationServiceProvider models moving companies used to move Shipments.
func FetchTransportationServiceProvider ¶
func FetchTransportationServiceProvider(db *pop.Connection, id uuid.UUID) (*TransportationServiceProvider, error)
FetchTransportationServiceProvider Fetches a TSP model
func (TransportationServiceProvider) MarshalLogObject ¶
func (t TransportationServiceProvider) MarshalLogObject(encoder zapcore.ObjectEncoder) error
MarshalLogObject is required to control the logging of this
func (*TransportationServiceProvider) Validate ¶
func (t *TransportationServiceProvider) Validate(tx *pop.Connection) (*validate.Errors, error)
Validate gets run every time you call a "pop.Validate*" (pop.ValidateAndSave, pop.ValidateAndCreate, pop.ValidateAndUpdate) method.
type TransportationServiceProviderPerformance ¶
type TransportationServiceProviderPerformance struct { ID uuid.UUID `json:"id" db:"id"` CreatedAt time.Time `json:"created_at" db:"created_at"` UpdatedAt time.Time `json:"updated_at" db:"updated_at"` PerformancePeriodStart time.Time `json:"performance_period_start" db:"performance_period_start"` PerformancePeriodEnd time.Time `json:"performance_period_end" db:"performance_period_end"` RateCycleStart time.Time `json:"rate_cycle_start" db:"rate_cycle_start"` RateCycleEnd time.Time `json:"rate_cycle_end" db:"rate_cycle_end"` TrafficDistributionListID uuid.UUID `json:"traffic_distribution_list_id" db:"traffic_distribution_list_id"` TrafficDistributionList TrafficDistributionList `belongs_to:"traffic_distribution_list" fk_id:"traffic_distribution_list_id"` TransportationServiceProviderID uuid.UUID `json:"transportation_service_provider_id" db:"transportation_service_provider_id"` TransportationServiceProvider TransportationServiceProvider `belongs_to:"transportation_service_provider" fk_id:"transportation_service_provider_id"` QualityBand *int `json:"quality_band" db:"quality_band"` BestValueScore float64 `json:"best_value_score" db:"best_value_score"` LinehaulRate unit.DiscountRate `json:"linehaul_rate" db:"linehaul_rate"` SITRate unit.DiscountRate `json:"sit_rate" db:"sit_rate"` OfferCount int `json:"offer_count" db:"offer_count"` }
TransportationServiceProviderPerformance is a combination of all TSP performance metrics (BVS, Quality Band) for a performance period.
func IncrementTSPPerformanceOfferCount ¶
func IncrementTSPPerformanceOfferCount(db *pop.Connection, tspPerformanceID uuid.UUID) (TransportationServiceProviderPerformance, error)
IncrementTSPPerformanceOfferCount increments the offer_count column by 1 and validates. It returns the updated TSPPerformance record.
func NextEligibleTSPPerformance ¶
func NextEligibleTSPPerformance(db *pop.Connection, tdlID uuid.UUID, bookDate time.Time, requestedPickupDate time.Time) (TransportationServiceProviderPerformance, error)
NextEligibleTSPPerformance wraps GatherNextEligibleTSPPerformances and DetermineNextTSPPerformance.
func NextTSPPerformanceInQualityBand ¶
func NextTSPPerformanceInQualityBand(tx *pop.Connection, tdlID uuid.UUID, qualityBand int, bookDate time.Time, requestedPickupDate time.Time) ( TransportationServiceProviderPerformance, error)
NextTSPPerformanceInQualityBand returns the TSP performance record in a given TDL and Quality Band that will next be offered a shipment.
func SelectNextTSPPerformance ¶
func SelectNextTSPPerformance(tspPerformances map[int]TransportationServiceProviderPerformance) TransportationServiceProviderPerformance
SelectNextTSPPerformance returns the tspPerformance that is next to receive a shipment.
func (*TransportationServiceProviderPerformance) MarshalLogObject ¶
func (t *TransportationServiceProviderPerformance) MarshalLogObject(encoder zapcore.ObjectEncoder) error
MarshalLogObject is required to be able to zap.Object log a TSPP
func (*TransportationServiceProviderPerformance) Validate ¶
func (t *TransportationServiceProviderPerformance) Validate(tx *pop.Connection) (*validate.Errors, error)
Validate gets run every time you call a "pop.Validate*" (pop.ValidateAndSave, pop.ValidateAndCreate, pop.ValidateAndUpdate) method.
type TransportationServiceProviderPerformances ¶
type TransportationServiceProviderPerformances []TransportationServiceProviderPerformance
TransportationServiceProviderPerformances is a handy type for multiple TransportationServiceProviderPerformance structs
func FetchTSPPerformancesForQualityBandAssignment ¶
func FetchTSPPerformancesForQualityBandAssignment(tx *pop.Connection, perfGroup TSPPerformanceGroup, mps float64) (TransportationServiceProviderPerformances, error)
FetchTSPPerformancesForQualityBandAssignment returns TSPPs in the given TSPP grouping in the order that they should be assigned quality bands.
type TransportationServiceProviders ¶
type TransportationServiceProviders []TransportationServiceProvider
TransportationServiceProviders is not required by pop and may be deleted
type Upload ¶
type Upload struct { ID uuid.UUID `db:"id"` Filename string `db:"filename"` Bytes int64 `db:"bytes"` ContentType string `db:"content_type"` Checksum string `db:"checksum"` StorageKey string `db:"storage_key"` UploadType UploadType `db:"upload_type"` CreatedAt time.Time `db:"created_at"` UpdatedAt time.Time `db:"updated_at"` DeletedAt *time.Time `db:"deleted_at"` }
An Upload represents an uploaded file, such as an image or PDF.
func (*Upload) BeforeCreate ¶
BeforeCreate populates the StorageKey on a newly created UserUpload
type UploadType ¶
type UploadType string
UploadType represents the type of upload this is, whether is it uploaded for a User or for the Prime
const ( // UploadTypeUSER string USER UploadTypeUSER UploadType = "USER" // UploadTypePRIME string PRIME UploadTypePRIME UploadType = "PRIME" )
func (UploadType) Valid ¶
func (ut UploadType) Valid() bool
Valid checks if UploadType is set to a valid value
type Uploads ¶
type Uploads []Upload
Uploads is not required by pop and may be deleted
func UploadsFromPrimeUploads ¶
func UploadsFromPrimeUploads(db *pop.Connection, primeUploads PrimeUploads) (Uploads, error)
UploadsFromPrimeUploads return a slice of uploads given a slice of prime uploads
func UploadsFromUserUploads ¶
func UploadsFromUserUploads(db *pop.Connection, userUploads UserUploads) (Uploads, error)
UploadsFromUserUploads returns a slice of Uploads given a slice of UserUploads
func UploadsFromUserUploadsNoDatabase ¶
func UploadsFromUserUploadsNoDatabase(userUploads UserUploads) (Uploads, error)
UploadsFromUserUploadsNoDatabase returns a slice of Uploads given a slice of UserUploads
type User ¶
type User struct { ID uuid.UUID `json:"id" db:"id"` CreatedAt time.Time `json:"created_at" db:"created_at"` UpdatedAt time.Time `json:"updated_at" db:"updated_at"` LoginGovUUID *uuid.UUID `json:"login_gov_uuid" db:"login_gov_uuid"` LoginGovEmail string `json:"login_gov_email" db:"login_gov_email"` Active bool `json:"active" db:"active"` Roles roles.Roles `many_to_many:"users_roles"` CurrentAdminSessionID string `json:"current_admin_session_id" db:"current_admin_session_id"` CurrentOfficeSessionID string `json:"current_office_session_id" db:"current_office_session_id"` CurrentMilSessionID string `json:"current_mil_session_id" db:"current_mil_session_id"` }
User is an entity with a registered uuid and email at
func CreateUser ¶
CreateUser is called upon successful verification of a new user
func GetUserFromEmail ¶
GetUserFromEmail loads the associated User from the DB using the user email
func (*User) Validate ¶
Validate gets run every time you call a "pop.Validate*" (pop.ValidateAndSave, pop.ValidateAndCreate, pop.ValidateAndUpdate) method. This method is not required and may be deleted.
func (*User) ValidateCreate ¶
ValidateCreate gets run every time you call "pop.ValidateAndCreate" method. This method is not required and may be deleted.
func (*User) ValidateUpdate ¶
ValidateUpdate gets run every time you call "pop.ValidateAndUpdate" method. This method is not required and may be deleted.
type UserIdentity ¶
type UserIdentity struct { ID uuid.UUID `db:"id"` Active bool `db:"active"` Email string `db:"email"` ServiceMemberID *uuid.UUID `db:"sm_id"` ServiceMemberFirstName *string `db:"sm_fname"` ServiceMemberLastName *string `db:"sm_lname"` ServiceMemberMiddle *string `db:"sm_middle"` OfficeUserID *uuid.UUID `db:"ou_id"` OfficeUserFirstName *string `db:"ou_fname"` OfficeUserLastName *string `db:"ou_lname"` OfficeUserMiddle *string `db:"ou_middle"` OfficeActive *bool `db:"ou_active"` AdminUserID *uuid.UUID `db:"au_id"` AdminUserRole *AdminRole `db:"au_role"` AdminUserFirstName *string `db:"au_fname"` AdminUserLastName *string `db:"au_lname"` AdminUserActive *bool `db:"au_active"` Roles roles.Roles `many_to_many:"users_roles" primary_id:"user_id"` }
UserIdentity is summary of the information about a user from the database
func FetchAppUserIdentities ¶
func FetchAppUserIdentities(db *pop.Connection, appname auth.Application, limit int) ([]UserIdentity, error)
FetchAppUserIdentities returns a limited set of user records based on application
func FetchUserIdentity ¶
func FetchUserIdentity(db *pop.Connection, loginGovID string) (*UserIdentity, error)
FetchUserIdentity queries the database for information about the logged in user
func (*UserIdentity) FirstName ¶
func (ui *UserIdentity) FirstName() string
FirstName gets the firstname of the user from either the ServiceMember or OfficeUser identity
func (*UserIdentity) LastName ¶
func (ui *UserIdentity) LastName() string
LastName gets the firstname of the user from either the ServiceMember or OfficeUser or TspUser identity
func (*UserIdentity) Middle ¶
func (ui *UserIdentity) Middle() string
Middle gets the MiddleName or Initials from the ServiceMember or OfficeUser or TspUser Identity
type UserUpload ¶
type UserUpload struct { ID uuid.UUID `db:"id"` DocumentID *uuid.UUID `db:"document_id"` Document Document `belongs_to:"documents" fk_id:"document_id"` UploaderID uuid.UUID `db:"uploader_id"` UploadID uuid.UUID `db:"upload_id"` Upload Upload `belongs_to:"uploads" fk_id:"upload_id"` CreatedAt time.Time `db:"created_at"` UpdatedAt time.Time `db:"updated_at"` DeletedAt *time.Time `db:"deleted_at"` }
An UserUpload represents an user uploaded file, such as an image or PDF.
func FetchUserUpload ¶
FetchUserUpload returns an UserUpload if the user has access to that upload
func FetchUserUploadFromUploadID ¶
func FetchUserUploadFromUploadID(db *pop.Connection, session *auth.Session, uploadID uuid.UUID) (UserUpload, error)
FetchUserUploadFromUploadID returns an UserUpload if the user has access to that upload
func (*UserUpload) Validate ¶
func (u *UserUpload) Validate(tx *pop.Connection) (*validate.Errors, error)
Validate gets run every time you call a "pop.Validate*" (pop.ValidateAndSave, pop.ValidateAndCreate, pop.ValidateAndUpdate) method.
type UserUploads ¶
type UserUploads []UserUpload
UserUploads is not required by pop and may be deleted
func (UserUploads) FilterDeleted ¶
func (u UserUploads) FilterDeleted() UserUploads
type UsersRoles ¶
type UsersRoles struct { ID uuid.UUID `db:"id"` UserID uuid.UUID `db:"user_id"` RoleID uuid.UUID `db:"role_id"` CreatedAt time.Time `db:"created_at"` UpdateAt time.Time `db:"updated_at"` DeletedAt *time.Time `db:"deleted_at"` }
UsersRoles represents a user and a role
type ValidateableModel ¶
type ValidateableModel interface {
Validate(*pop.Connection) (*validate.Errors, error)
ValidateableModel is here simply because `validateable` is private to `pop`
type WebhookNotification ¶
type WebhookNotification struct { ID uuid.UUID `db:"id"` EventKey string `db:"event_key"` TraceID *uuid.UUID `db:"trace_id"` MoveTaskOrderID *uuid.UUID `db:"move_id"` MoveTaskOrder Move `belongs_to:"moves" fk_id:"move_id"` ObjectID *uuid.UUID `db:"object_id"` Payload string `db:"payload"` Status WebhookNotificationStatus `db:"status"` CreatedAt time.Time `db:"created_at"` UpdatedAt time.Time `db:"updated_at"` FirstAttemptedAt *time.Time `db:"first_attempted_at"` }
WebhookNotification is used by pop to map your webhook_notifications database table to your go code.
func (WebhookNotification) String ¶
func (w WebhookNotification) String() string
String is not required by pop and may be deleted
func (*WebhookNotification) Validate ¶
func (w *WebhookNotification) Validate(tx *pop.Connection) (*validate.Errors, error)
Validate gets run every time you call a "pop.Validate*" (pop.ValidateAndSave, pop.ValidateAndCreate, pop.ValidateAndUpdate) method.
func (*WebhookNotification) ValidateCreate ¶
func (w *WebhookNotification) ValidateCreate(tx *pop.Connection) (*validate.Errors, error)
ValidateCreate gets run every time you call "pop.ValidateAndCreate" method.
func (*WebhookNotification) ValidateUpdate ¶
func (w *WebhookNotification) ValidateUpdate(tx *pop.Connection) (*validate.Errors, error)
ValidateUpdate gets run every time you call "pop.ValidateAndUpdate" method.
type WebhookNotificationStatus ¶
type WebhookNotificationStatus string
WebhookNotificationStatus represents the possible statuses for a mto shipment
const ( // WebhookNotificationPending is the pending status type for a WebhookNotification WebhookNotificationPending WebhookNotificationStatus = "PENDING" // WebhookNotificationSent is the sent status type for a WebhookNotification WebhookNotificationSent WebhookNotificationStatus = "SENT" // WebhookNotificationSkipped is the skipped status type for a WebhookNotification WebhookNotificationSkipped WebhookNotificationStatus = "SKIPPED" // WebhookNotificationFailing is the failing status type for a WebhookNotification // - indicates the send has failed at least once but we are still retrying it WebhookNotificationFailing WebhookNotificationStatus = "FAILING" // WebhookNotificationFailed is the failed status type for a WebhookNotification WebhookNotificationFailed WebhookNotificationStatus = "FAILED" )
type WebhookNotifications ¶
type WebhookNotifications []WebhookNotification
WebhookNotifications is not required by pop and may be deleted
func (WebhookNotifications) String ¶
func (w WebhookNotifications) String() string
String is not required by pop and may be deleted
type WebhookSubscription ¶
type WebhookSubscription struct { ID uuid.UUID `db:"id"` Subscriber Contractor `belongs_to:"contractors" fk_id:"subscriber_id"` SubscriberID uuid.UUID `db:"subscriber_id"` Status WebhookSubscriptionStatus `db:"status"` Severity int `db:"severity"` // Zero indicates no severity value, 1 is highest EventKey string `db:"event_key"` CallbackURL string `db:"callback_url"` CreatedAt time.Time `db:"created_at"` UpdatedAt time.Time `db:"updated_at"` }
A WebhookSubscription represents a webhook subscription
func (*WebhookSubscription) TableName ¶
func (wS *WebhookSubscription) TableName() string
TableName overrides the table name used by Pop.
func (*WebhookSubscription) Validate ¶
func (wS *WebhookSubscription) Validate(tx *pop.Connection) (*validate.Errors, error)
Validate gets run every time you call a "pop.Validate*" (pop.ValidateAndSave, pop.ValidateAndCreate, pop.ValidateAndUpdate) method.
type WebhookSubscriptionStatus ¶
type WebhookSubscriptionStatus string
WebhookSubscriptionStatus is a type representing the webhook subscription status type - string
const ( // WebhookSubscriptionStatusActive is the active status for Webhook Subscription WebhookSubscriptionStatusActive WebhookSubscriptionStatus = "ACTIVE" // WebhookSubscriptionStatusDisabled is the disabled status for Webhook Subscription WebhookSubscriptionStatusDisabled WebhookSubscriptionStatus = "DISABLED" // WebhookSubscriptionStatusFailing is the failing status for Webhook Subscription // - it indicates that we have experienced notifications failing to be sent, but // have not disabled this subscription yet. WebhookSubscriptionStatusFailing WebhookSubscriptionStatus = "FAILING" )
type WebhookSubscriptions ¶
type WebhookSubscriptions []WebhookSubscription
WebhookSubscriptions is an array of webhook subscriptions
type WeightAllotment ¶
type WeightAllotment struct { TotalWeightSelf int TotalWeightSelfPlusDependents int ProGearWeight int ProGearWeightSpouse int }
WeightAllotment represents the weights allotted for a rank
func GetWeightAllotment ¶
func GetWeightAllotment(rank ServiceMemberRank) WeightAllotment
GetWeightAllotment returns the weight allotments for a given rank.
type WeightTicket ¶
type WeightTicket struct { ID uuid.UUID `json:"id" db:"id"` PPMShipmentID uuid.UUID `json:"ppm_shipment_id" db:"ppm_shipment_id"` PPMShipment PPMShipment `belongs_to:"ppm_shipments" fk_id:"ppm_shipment_id"` CreatedAt time.Time `json:"created_at" db:"created_at"` UpdatedAt time.Time `json:"updated_at" db:"updated_at"` DeletedAt *time.Time `json:"deleted_at" db:"deleted_at"` VehicleDescription *string `json:"vehicle_description" db:"vehicle_description"` EmptyWeight *unit.Pound `json:"empty_weight" db:"empty_weight"` MissingEmptyWeightTicket *bool `json:"missing_empty_weight_ticket" db:"missing_empty_weight_ticket"` EmptyDocumentID uuid.UUID `json:"empty_document_id" db:"empty_document_id"` EmptyDocument Document `belongs_to:"documents" fk_id:"empty_document_id"` FullWeight *unit.Pound `json:"full_weight" db:"full_weight"` MissingFullWeightTicket *bool `json:"missing_full_weight_ticket" db:"missing_full_weight_ticket"` FullDocumentID uuid.UUID `json:"full_document_id" db:"full_document_id"` FullDocument Document `belongs_to:"documents" fk_id:"full_document_id"` OwnsTrailer *bool `json:"owns_trailer" db:"owns_trailer"` TrailerMeetsCriteria *bool `json:"trailer_meets_criteria" db:"trailer_meets_criteria"` ProofOfTrailerOwnershipDocumentID uuid.UUID `json:"proof_of_trailer_ownership_document_id" db:"proof_of_trailer_ownership_document_id"` ProofOfTrailerOwnershipDocument Document `belongs_to:"documents" fk_id:"proof_of_trailer_ownership_document_id"` Status *PPMDocumentStatus `json:"status" db:"status"` Reason *string `json:"reason" db:"reason"` }
WeightTicket represents the weight tickets and related data for a single trip of a PPM Shipment. Each trip should be its own record.
func (*WeightTicket) Validate ¶
func (w *WeightTicket) Validate(_ *pop.Connection) (*validate.Errors, error)
Validate gets run every time you call a "pop.Validate*" (pop.ValidateAndSave, pop.ValidateAndCreate, pop.ValidateAndUpdate) method. This should contain validation that is for data integrity. Business validation should occur in service objects.
type WeightTickets ¶
type WeightTickets []WeightTicket
type Zip3Distance ¶
type Zip3Distance struct { ID uuid.UUID `json:"id" db:"id"` FromZip3 string `json:"from_zip3" db:"from_zip3"` ToZip3 string `json:"to_zip3" db:"to_zip3"` DistanceMiles int `json:"distance_miles" db:"distance_miles"` CreatedAt time.Time `json:"created_at" db:"created_at"` UpdatedAt time.Time `json:"updated_at" db:"updated_at"` }
Zip3Distance model struct
func (*Zip3Distance) Validate ¶
func (z *Zip3Distance) Validate(tx *pop.Connection) (*validate.Errors, error)
Validate gets run every time you call a "pop.Validate*" (pop.ValidateAndSave, pop.ValidateAndCreate, pop.ValidateAndUpdate) method. This method is not required and may be deleted.
type Zip3Distances ¶
type Zip3Distances []Zip3Distance
Zip3Distances is not required by pop and may be deleted
Source Files ¶
- address.go
- admin_user.go
- audit_history.go
- backup_contact.go
- client_cert.go
- contractor.go
- customer_support_remarks.go
- distance_calculation.go
- document.go
- duty_location.go
- duty_station_names.go
- edi_errors.go
- edi_processing.go
- edi_type.go
- electronic_order.go
- electronic_orders_revision.go
- entitlements.go
- errors.go
- estimate_helper.go
- evaluation_report.go
- fuel_eia_diesel_price.go
- ghc_diesel_fuel_price.go
- ghc_domestic_transit_times.go
- ghc_entitlements.go
- invoice.go
- models.go
- move.go
- move_history.go
- move_to_gblocs.go
- moving_expense.go
- mto_agents.go
- mto_service_item_customer_contacts.go
- mto_service_item_dimensions.go
- mto_service_items.go
- mto_shipments.go
- notifications.go
- office_email.go
- office_phone_line.go
- office_user.go
- order.go
- organization.go
- origin_duty_location_to_gbloc.go
- payment_request.go
- payment_request_to_interchange_control_number.go
- payment_service_item.go
- payment_service_item_param.go
- personally_procured_move.go
- postal_code_to_gbloc.go
- ppm_shipment.go
- prime_upload.go
- progear_weight_ticket.go
- proof_of_service_doc.go
- pws_violation.go
- queue.go
- re_contract.go
- re_contract_year.go
- re_domestic_accessorial_price.go
- re_domestic_linehaul_price.go
- re_domestic_other_price.go
- re_domestic_service_area.go
- re_domestic_service_area_price.go
- re_intl_accessorial_price.go
- re_intl_other_price.go
- re_intl_price.go
- re_rate_area.go
- re_service.go
- re_shipment_type_price.go
- re_task_order_fee.go
- re_zip3s.go
- re_zip5_rate_areas.go
- reimbursement.go
- report_violation.go
- reweigh.go
- service_item_param_key.go
- service_member.go
- service_member_rank.go
- service_param.go
- shipment_summary_worksheet.go
- signed_certification.go
- sit_extension.go
- stage_pricing.go
- storage_facility.go
- tariff400ng_full_pack_rate.go
- tariff400ng_full_unpack_rate.go
- tariff400ng_item.go
- tariff400ng_item_rate.go
- tariff400ng_linehaul_rate.go
- tariff400ng_service_area.go
- tariff400ng_shorthaul_rate.go
- tariff400ng_zip3.go
- tariff400ng_zip5_rate_area.go
- traffic_distribution_list.go
- transit_times.go
- transportation_accounting_code.go
- transportation_office.go
- transportation_service_provider.go
- transportation_service_provider_performance.go
- upload.go
- user.go
- user_upload.go
- users_roles.go
- validators.go
- webhook_notification.go
- webhook_subscription.go
- weight_ticket.go
- zip3_distance.go