About Totoval
Note: This repository contains the core code of the Totoval framework. If you want to build an application using Totoval, visit the main Totoval repository.
Totoval is an API web framework that helps Golang engineers build a performance-boiled project quickly, easily, and securely. It is more like a scaffolding, respecting Golang's programming philosophy, supported by a number of highly acclaimed, high-performance core components, as well as many easy-to-use components to quickly adapt to more business scenarios. We also believe that development must be an enjoyable and creative experience. Totoval frees developers from the painful coding process. Do less, think more.
Refer to https://totoval.com

- Env Configuration
- Groupable Router
- Request Middleware
- Request Validator
- Database Migration
- Model Validator
- Model Helper - such as
- BigInt,BigFloat Support
- Orm: Mysql
- User Token JWT Support
- Random Code Generate and Verification
- Random String Helper
- Locale Middleware
- Gin Validator Upgrade to v9
- Password Encryption
- Validation Error Multi-Language Support
- Request Logger Middleware
- Infinity User Affiliation System
- User Email Validation via Notification
- Views Support
- Language Package
- Cache: Memory
- Cache: Redis
- Queue, Worker
- Event, Listener
- Custom Artisan Command Line
- Task Scheduling
- Logo
- Http Request Package
- Error Notifier
- User Authorization
- Multi Ports Serving
- Model Mutator Getter/Setter
- Websocket Support
- Monitor WIP
- Database Seeder PLANNED
- More Unit Test PLANNED
- Website && Document WIP
- File Storage PLANNED
- CI
- gin
- gorm
- validator.v9
- viper
- big
- jwt
- i18n
- urfave/cli
- fatih/color
- golang/protobuf
- nsqio/go-nsq
- robfig/cron
- ztrue/tracerr
- go-redis/redis
- getsentry/raven-go
- iancoleman/strcase
- gorilla/websocket
This project is licensed under the MIT license.
If you have any issues or feature requests, please contact us. PR is welcomed.