Gollections - A collections' library for Golang generics

Gollections is a small library with helper functions and nre types to handle common collections in a type safe manner.
It uses the new generics support in GO that allows to create generic functions and types to let the compiler
check the correct use of types.
This library requires GO 1.18 or newer because it is based on the new generics support.
See https://go.dev/doc/go1.18
The recommended way to get started using the Gollections is by using Go modules to install the dependency in your project.
go get github.com/totemcaf/gollections
When using a version of Go that does not support modules, the library can be installed using dep by running
dep ensure -add "github.com/totemcaf/gollections"
You can see more detail in API documentation.
Instead of writing
package main
import "fmt"
func SearchValue(as []string, toSearch string) int {
for idx, a := range as {
if a == toSearch {
return idx
return -1
func main() {
strings := []string{"hi", "hello", "world"}
fmt.Printf("%s, found at %d", "hello", SearchValue(strings, "hello"))
And then repeating for other type, you can now write:
package main
import "fmt"
func SearchValue[A comparable](as []A, toSearch A) int {
for idx, a := range as {
if a == toSearch {
return idx
return -1
func main() {
strings := []string{"hi", "hello", "world"}
fmt.Printf("%s, found at %d", "hello", SearchValue(strings, "hello"))
ints := []int{ 4, 14, 42 }
fmt.Printf("%d, found at %d", 42, SearchValue(ints, 42))
And also new generic functions can be used:
package main
import (
func main() {
strings := slices.Of("hi", "Hello", "world")
fmt.Printf("%s, found at %d", "hello", slices.Index(strings, "hello"))
Composing the fluent style you can do, for example:
package main
import (
func main() {
words := slices.Of("hi", "Hello", "world")
wordSize := func(w string) int {return len(w)}
isLong := func(n int) bool {return n > 4}
longWordCount := slices.Count(slices.Map(words, wordSize), isLong)
fmt.Printf("found %d long words", longWordCount)
Or you can use the List[T]
package main
import (
func main() {
words := lists.Of("hi", "Hello", "world")
wordSize := func(w string) int { return len(w) }
isLong := func(n int) bool { return n > 4 }
longWordCount := lists.Map(words, wordSize).CountBy(isLong)
fmt.Printf("found %d long words", longWordCount)
isLongWord := func(s string) bool { return len(s) > 4 }
fmt.Printf("another way to found %d long words", words.FilterBy(isLongWord).Count())
numbers := lists.Of(42, 12, 34, 666)
square := func(n int) int { return n * n }
sumOfInts := func(sum, n int) int { return sum + n }
sumOfSquares := numbers.Map(square).Reduce(sumOfInts)
fmt.Println("Sum of squares of ints", sumOfSquares)