The dagviz
command spins up a number of soterd nodes, and has them generate and exchange blocks. It then generates a series snapshots of the dag at a configurable interval and renders them as a group html file as shown below:
Command Line Options
$ dagviz -h
Usage of dagviz:
-blocktime int
Changing Mining Block Time in milliseconds
-duration int
Duration of the Run in seconds (default 20)
-interval int
Interval in milliseconds between each step (default 100)
-l Keep logs from soterd nodes
-nodes int
Number of Nodes (default 4)
-output string
Where to save the rendered dag
Generating Stepping Results
-timespan int
Changing Mining Time Span in seconds
Sample Runs
No Stepping with default parameters
$ dagviz
Generating dag with 4 nodes for 20 seconds
Node Profile: block time 0 msec, time span 0 sec
Rendering Step 0
Saved dag to /var/folders/x4/_qwzxtrx6dxg_5y9px_r3dj00000gn/T/dagviz754224431/dag_0.html
Use web browser to open the location indicated in the result above or on Mac OSX, do
$ open /var/folders/x4/_qwzxtrx6dxg_5y9px_r3dj00000gn/T/dagviz754224431/dag_0.html
The following DAG graph will be shown
Sample 1
Sample 2
Stepping with customized parameters
$ dagviz -stepping -interval 1000
Generating dag with 4 nodes for 20 seconds
Node Profile: block time 0 msec, time span 0 sec
Taking snapshots for 20 seconds with 1000 msec interval
Generating Step 0
Generating for 25.20568ms
Generating Step 1
Generating for 1.138243809s
Generating Step 13
Generating for 16.001910625s
Generating Step 14
Generating for 17.255362911s
Generating Step 15
Generating for 18.795045323s
Generating Step 16
Generating for 20.320941358s
Rendering Step 0
Rendering Step 1
Rendering Step 13
Rendering Step 14
Rendering Step 15
Rendering Step 16
Saved dag to /var/folders/x4/_qwzxtrx6dxg_5y9px_r3dj00000gn/T/dagviz246286339/dag_0.html
Use web browser to open the location indicated in the result above or on Mac OSX, do
$ open /var/folders/x4/_qwzxtrx6dxg_5y9px_r3dj00000gn/T/dagviz246286339/dag_0.html
The following DAG graph page will be shown and you can forward and backward between different steps.
Sample 3