Index ¶
- Constants
- Variables
- func AwaitTopic(eventBus eventbus.Bus, topic string) <-chan interface{}
- func BytesArrayToPointsArray(byteArray []byte) (pointsArray []*common.Point)
- func ECDSASigToHex(ecdsaSig ECDSASignature) string
- func ECDSAVerify(ecdsaPubKey ecdsa.PublicKey, ecdsaSignature ECDSASignature) bool
- func ECDSAVerifyFromRaw(msg []byte, ecdsaPubKey ecdsa.PublicKey, signature []byte) bool
- func ECDSAVerifyPtFromRaw(msg []byte, pubKeyPt common.Point, sig []byte) bool
- func EmptyHandler(name string) func()
- func GETHealthz(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
- func GetBftStatus(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
- func GetPeerIDFromP2pListenAddress(p2pListenAddress string) (*peer.ID, error)
- func HashToString(bytes []byte) string
- func HexstringToInt(hs hexstring) int
- func IntToHexstring(i int) hexstring
- func New()
- func PointsArrayToBytesArray(pointsArray *[]common.Point) []byte
- type ABCIApp
- func (app *ABCIApp) BeginBlock(req types.RequestBeginBlock) types.ResponseBeginBlock
- func (app *ABCIApp) CheckTx(req types.RequestCheckTx) types.ResponseCheckTx
- func (app *ABCIApp) Commit() types.ResponseCommit
- func (app *ABCIApp) DeliverTx(req types.RequestDeliverTx) types.ResponseDeliverTx
- func (app *ABCIApp) EndBlock(req types.RequestEndBlock) types.ResponseEndBlock
- func (app *ABCIApp) Info(req types.RequestInfo) (resInfo types.ResponseInfo)
- func (app *ABCIApp) LoadState() (State, bool)
- func (app *ABCIApp) Query(reqQuery types.RequestQuery) (resQuery types.ResponseQuery)
- func (app *ABCIApp) SaveState() State
- func (app *ABCIApp) ValidateAndUpdateAndTagBFTTx(bftTx []byte, msgType byte) (bool, *[]tmcommon.KVPair, error)
- type ABCIMethods
- type ABCIMethodsImpl
- func (a *ABCIMethodsImpl) GetIndexesFromVerifierID(verifier, verifierID string) (keyIndexes []big.Int, err error)
- func (m *ABCIMethodsImpl) GetOwner() (owner string)
- func (a *ABCIMethodsImpl) LastCreatedIndex() (keyIndex uint)
- func (a *ABCIMethodsImpl) LastUnassignedIndex() (keyIndex uint)
- func (a *ABCIMethodsImpl) RetrieveKeyMapping(keyIndex big.Int) (keyDetails KeyAssignmentPublic, err error)
- func (m *ABCIMethodsImpl) SetOwner(owner string)
- type ABCIService
- func (a *ABCIService) Call(method string, args ...interface{}) (interface{}, error)
- func (a *ABCIService) Name() string
- func (a *ABCIService) NewABCIApp() *ABCIApp
- func (a *ABCIService) OnStart() error
- func (a *ABCIService) OnStop() error
- func (a *ABCIService) RunABCIServer(eventBus eventbus.Bus) error
- func (a *ABCIService) SetBaseService(bs *BaseService)
- type ABCITransaction
- type AssignmentBFTTx
- type BFTRPC
- type BFTRPCWSQueryHandler
- type BFTRPCWSStatus
- type BFTTxWrapper
- type BaseService
- func NewABCIService(ctx context.Context, eventBus eventbus.Bus) *BaseService
- func NewBaseService(impl ServiceCore) *BaseService
- func NewCacheService(ctx context.Context, eventBus eventbus.Bus) *BaseService
- func NewDatabaseService(ctx context.Context, eb eventbus.Bus) *BaseService
- func NewEthereumService(ctx context.Context, eventBus eventbus.Bus) *BaseService
- func NewKeygennofsmService(ctx context.Context, eventBus eventbus.Bus) *BaseService
- func NewP2PService(ctx context.Context, eventBus eventbus.Bus) *BaseService
- func NewPSSService(ctx context.Context, eventBus eventbus.Bus) *BaseService
- func NewServerService(ctx context.Context, eventBus eventbus.Bus) *BaseService
- func NewTelemetryService(ctx context.Context, eventBus eventbus.Bus) *BaseService
- func NewTendermintService(ctx context.Context, eventBus eventbus.Bus) *BaseService
- func NewVerifierService(ctx context.Context, eventBus eventbus.Bus) *BaseService
- func (bs *BaseService) Call(method string, args ...interface{}) (interface{}, error)
- func (bs *BaseService) IsRunning() bool
- func (bs *BaseService) Name() string
- func (bs *BaseService) SetServiceCore(service ServiceCore)
- func (bs *BaseService) Start() (bool, error)
- func (bs *BaseService) Stop() bool
- func (bs *BaseService) String() string
- func (bs *BaseService) Wait()
- type BftWorkerUpdates
- type CacheMethods
- type CacheMethodsImpl
- type CacheService
- type CacheSuite
- type CommitmentRequestHandler
- type CommitmentRequestParams
- type CommitmentRequestResult
- type CommitmentRequestResultData
- type Config
- type ConnectionStatus
- type ContextKey
- type DBSuite
- type DKGKeygennofsmTransport
- func (tp *DKGKeygennofsmTransport) GetType() string
- func (tp *DKGKeygennofsmTransport) Init()
- func (tp *DKGKeygennofsmTransport) Output(inter interface{})
- func (tp *DKGKeygennofsmTransport) Receive(senderDetails keygennofsm.NodeDetails, keygenMessage keygennofsm.KeygenMessage) error
- func (tp *DKGKeygennofsmTransport) ReceiveBroadcast(keygenMessage keygennofsm.KeygenMessage) error
- func (tp *DKGKeygennofsmTransport) Report(s string, inter interface{})
- func (tp *DKGKeygennofsmTransport) Send(nodeDetails keygennofsm.NodeDetails, keygenMessage keygennofsm.KeygenMessage) error
- func (tp *DKGKeygennofsmTransport) SendBroadcast(keygenMessage keygennofsm.KeygenMessage) error
- func (tp *DKGKeygennofsmTransport) SetKeygenNode(keygenNode *keygennofsm.KeygenNode) error
- func (tp *DKGKeygennofsmTransport) Sign(s []byte) ([]byte, error)
- type DKGPSSTransport
- func (tp *DKGPSSTransport) GetType() string
- func (tp *DKGPSSTransport) Init()
- func (tp *DKGPSSTransport) Output(sinter interface{})
- func (tp *DKGPSSTransport) Receive(senderDetails pss.NodeDetails, originalPSSMessage pss.PSSMessage) error
- func (tp *DKGPSSTransport) ReceiveBroadcast(originalPSSMessage pss.PSSMessage) error
- func (tp *DKGPSSTransport) Report(s string, data interface{})
- func (tp *DKGPSSTransport) Send(nodeDetails pss.NodeDetails, originalPSSMessage pss.PSSMessage) error
- func (tp *DKGPSSTransport) SendBroadcast(originalPSSMessage pss.PSSMessage) error
- func (tp *DKGPSSTransport) SetEventBus(e eventbus.Bus)
- func (tp *DKGPSSTransport) SetPSSNode(ref *pss.PSSNode) error
- func (tp *DKGPSSTransport) Sign(s []byte) ([]byte, error)
- type DatabaseMethods
- type DatabaseMethodsImpl
- func (db *DatabaseMethodsImpl) GetKeygenStarted(keygenID string) (started bool)
- func (m *DatabaseMethodsImpl) GetOwner() (owner string)
- func (db *DatabaseMethodsImpl) GetShareCount() (count int)
- func (db *DatabaseMethodsImpl) RetrieveCommitmentMatrix(keyIndex big.Int) (c [][]common.Point, err error)
- func (db *DatabaseMethodsImpl) RetrieveCompletedShare(keyIndex big.Int) (Si big.Int, Siprime big.Int, err error)
- func (db *DatabaseMethodsImpl) RetrieveIndexToPublicKey(keyIndex big.Int) (publicKey common.Point, err error)
- func (db *DatabaseMethodsImpl) RetrievePublicKeyToIndex(publicKey common.Point) (keyIndex big.Int, err error)
- func (db *DatabaseMethodsImpl) SetKeygenStarted(keygenID string, started bool) error
- func (m *DatabaseMethodsImpl) SetOwner(owner string)
- func (db *DatabaseMethodsImpl) StoreCommitmentMatrix(keyIndex big.Int, c [][]common.Point) error
- func (db *DatabaseMethodsImpl) StoreCompletedShare(keyIndex big.Int, si big.Int, siprime big.Int) error
- func (db *DatabaseMethodsImpl) StoreKEYGENSecret(keyIndex big.Int, secret keygen.KEYGENSecrets) error
- func (db *DatabaseMethodsImpl) StorePublicKeyToIndex(publicKey common.Point, keyIndex big.Int) error
- type DatabaseService
- type DefaultBFTTxWrapper
- type ECDSASig
- type ECDSASignature
- type EthEpochParams
- type EthNodeDetails
- type EthereumMethods
- type EthereumMethodsImpl
- func (e *EthereumMethodsImpl) AwaitNodesConnected(epoch int)
- func (e *EthereumMethodsImpl) GetCompleteNodeList(epoch int) (nodeRefs []NodeReference)
- func (e *EthereumMethodsImpl) GetCurrentEpoch() (epoch int)
- func (e *EthereumMethodsImpl) GetCurrentNodeIndexes() (nodeIndexes []big.Int)
- func (e *EthereumMethodsImpl) GetCurve() (curve elliptic.Curve)
- func (e *EthereumMethodsImpl) GetECPubKFromIndex(index big.Int) (pubKey common.Point)
- func (e *EthereumMethodsImpl) GetEpochInfo(epoch int) (eInfo epochInfo, err error)
- func (e *EthereumMethodsImpl) GetNextEpoch() (epoch int)
- func (e *EthereumMethodsImpl) GetNodeDetailsByAddress(address ethCommon.Address) (nodeRef NodeReference)
- func (e *EthereumMethodsImpl) GetNodeDetailsByEpochAndIndex(epoch int, index int) (nodeRef NodeReference)
- func (e *EthereumMethodsImpl) GetNodeIndexFromPubKey(pk common.Point) (index big.Int)
- func (e *EthereumMethodsImpl) GetNodeList(epoch int) (nodeRefs []NodeReference)
- func (m *EthereumMethodsImpl) GetOwner() (owner string)
- func (e *EthereumMethodsImpl) GetPSSReceivingStatus(epoch int) (isPSSReceiving bool)
- func (e *EthereumMethodsImpl) GetPSSStatus(oldEpoch int, newEpoch int) (pssStatus int, err error)
- func (e *EthereumMethodsImpl) GetPeerIDFromIndex(index big.Int) (id peer.ID)
- func (e *EthereumMethodsImpl) GetPreviousEpoch() (epoch int)
- func (e *EthereumMethodsImpl) GetSelfAddress() (address ethCommon.Address)
- func (e *EthereumMethodsImpl) GetSelfIndex() (index int)
- func (e *EthereumMethodsImpl) GetSelfPrivateKey() (privKey big.Int)
- func (e *EthereumMethodsImpl) GetSelfPublicKey() (pubKey common.Point)
- func (e *EthereumMethodsImpl) SelfSignData(data []byte) (rawSig []byte)
- func (m *EthereumMethodsImpl) SetOwner(owner string)
- func (e *EthereumMethodsImpl) SetSelfIndex(index int)
- func (e *EthereumMethodsImpl) VerifyDataWithEpoch(pk common.Point, sig []byte, data []byte, epoch int) (err error)
- func (e *EthereumMethodsImpl) VerifyDataWithNodelist(pk common.Point, sig []byte, data []byte) (err error)
- type EthereumService
- func (e *EthereumService) Call(method string, args ...interface{}) (interface{}, error)
- func (e *EthereumService) GetEpochInfo(epoch int) (epochInfo, error)
- func (e *EthereumService) GetNodeRef(nodeAddress ethCommon.Address) (*NodeReference, error)
- func (e *EthereumService) IsSelfRegistered(epoch int) (bool, error)
- func (e *EthereumService) Name() string
- func (e *EthereumService) OnStart() error
- func (e *EthereumService) OnStop() error
- func (e *EthereumService) RegisterNode(epoch int, declaredIP string, TMP2PConnection string, P2PConnection string) (*types.Transaction, error)
- func (e *EthereumService) SetBaseService(bs *BaseService)
- type KeyAssignHandler
- type KeyAssignItem
- type KeyAssignParams
- type KeyAssignResult
- type KeyAssignment
- type KeyAssignmentPublic
- type KeyGenUpdates
- type KeyLookupHandler
- type KeyLookupParams
- type KeyLookupResult
- type KeygenDecision
- type KeygenProtocolPrefix
- type KeygenPubKey
- type KeygennofsmMethods
- type KeygennofsmMethodsImpl
- func (k *KeygennofsmMethodsImpl) GetOwner() (owner string)
- func (k *KeygennofsmMethodsImpl) ReceiveBFTMessage(keygenMessage keygennofsm.KeygenMessage) error
- func (k *KeygennofsmMethodsImpl) ReceiveMessage(keygenMessage keygennofsm.KeygenMessage) error
- func (k *KeygennofsmMethodsImpl) SetOwner(owner string)
- type KeygennofsmService
- func (k *KeygennofsmService) Call(method string, args ...interface{}) (interface{}, error)
- func (k *KeygennofsmService) GetKeygenProtocolPrefix(currEpoch int) KeygenProtocolPrefix
- func (k *KeygennofsmService) Name() string
- func (k *KeygennofsmService) OnStart() error
- func (k *KeygennofsmService) OnStop() error
- func (k *KeygennofsmService) SetBaseService(bs *BaseService)
- type MapFreeze
- type MapThaw
- type MappingFreezeMsg
- type MappingFrozen
- type MappingFrozenMsg
- type MappingThawMsg
- type MessageSource
- type MethodRequest
- type MethodResponse
- type Middleware
- type NodeListUpdates
- type NodeReference
- type NodeRegister
- type NodeSignature
- type P2PBasicMsg
- func (msg *P2PBasicMsg) GetGossip() bool
- func (msg *P2PBasicMsg) GetId() string
- func (msg *P2PBasicMsg) GetMsgType() string
- func (msg *P2PBasicMsg) GetNodeId() string
- func (msg *P2PBasicMsg) GetNodePubKey() []byte
- func (msg *P2PBasicMsg) GetPayload() []byte
- func (msg P2PBasicMsg) GetSerializedBody() []byte
- func (msg *P2PBasicMsg) GetSign() []byte
- func (msg *P2PBasicMsg) GetTimestamp() big.Int
- func (msg *P2PBasicMsg) SetSign(sig []byte)
- type P2PBasicMsgDeprecated
- type P2PMessage
- type P2PMethods
- type P2PMethodsImpl
- func (p2p *P2PMethodsImpl) AuthenticateMessage(p2pMsg P2PMessage) (err error)
- func (p2p *P2PMethodsImpl) AuthenticateMessageInEpoch(p2pMsg P2PMessage, epoch int) (err error)
- func (p2p *P2PMethodsImpl) ConnectToP2PNode(nodeP2PConnection string, nodePeerID peer.ID) error
- func (p2p *P2PMethodsImpl) GetHostAddress() (hostAddress ma.Multiaddr)
- func (m *P2PMethodsImpl) GetOwner() (owner string)
- func (p2p *P2PMethodsImpl) ID() (peerID peer.ID)
- func (p2p *P2PMethodsImpl) NewP2PMessage(messageId string, gossip bool, payload []byte, msgType string) (newMsg P2PBasicMsg)
- func (p2p *P2PMethodsImpl) RemoveStreamHandler(proto string) error
- func (p2p *P2PMethodsImpl) SendP2PMessage(id peer.ID, p protocol.ID, msg P2PMessage) error
- func (m *P2PMethodsImpl) SetOwner(owner string)
- func (p2p *P2PMethodsImpl) SetStreamHandler(proto string, handler func(StreamMessage)) error
- func (p2p *P2PMethodsImpl) SignP2PMessage(message P2PMessage) (signature []byte, err error)
- type P2PService
- func (p2p *P2PService) Call(method string, args ...interface{}) (interface{}, error)
- func (p2p *P2PService) ConnectToP2PNode(nodeP2PConnection string, nodePeerID peer.ID) error
- func (p *P2PService) ForwardP2PToEventBus(proto string)
- func (p2p *P2PService) Name() string
- func (p2pService *P2PService) NewP2PMessage(messageId string, gossip bool, payload []byte, msgType string) *P2PBasicMsg
- func (p *P2PService) OnStart() error
- func (p2p *P2PService) OnStop() error
- func (p2p *P2PService) SetBaseService(bs *BaseService)
- func (p *P2PService) StopForwardP2PToEventBus(proto string)
- type P2PSuite
- type PSSDecision
- type PSSMethods
- type PSSMethodsImpl
- func (pss *PSSMethodsImpl) GetEndIndex() (endIndex int)
- func (pss *PSSMethodsImpl) GetFreezeState() (freezeState int)
- func (pss *PSSMethodsImpl) GetNewNodesK(protocolPrefix PSSProtocolPrefix) (newK int)
- func (pss *PSSMethodsImpl) GetNewNodesN(protocolPrefix PSSProtocolPrefix) (newN int)
- func (pss *PSSMethodsImpl) GetNewNodesT(protocolPrefix PSSProtocolPrefix) (newT int)
- func (pss *PSSMethodsImpl) GetOldNodesK(protocolPrefix PSSProtocolPrefix) (oldK int)
- func (pss *PSSMethodsImpl) GetOldNodesN(protocolPrefix PSSProtocolPrefix) (oldN int)
- func (pss *PSSMethodsImpl) GetOldNodesT(protocolPrefix PSSProtocolPrefix) (oldT int)
- func (pss *PSSMethodsImpl) GetOwner() (owner string)
- func (pss *PSSMethodsImpl) GetPSSProtocolPrefix(oldEpoch int, newEpoch int) (pssProtocolPrefix PSSProtocolPrefix)
- func (pss *PSSMethodsImpl) IncrementCounter(counterName string)
- func (pss *PSSMethodsImpl) NewPSSNode(pssStartData PSSStartData, isDealer bool, isPlayer bool) error
- func (pss *PSSMethodsImpl) PSSInstanceExists(protocolPrefix PSSProtocolPrefix) (exists bool)
- func (pss *PSSMethodsImpl) ProposeFreeze(pssProtocolPrefix PSSProtocolPrefix) error
- func (pss *PSSMethodsImpl) ReceiveBFTMessage(protocolPrefix PSSProtocolPrefix, pssMessage pss.PSSMessage) error
- func (pss *PSSMethodsImpl) SendPSSMessageToNode(protocolPrefix PSSProtocolPrefix, pssNodeDetails pss.NodeDetails, ...) error
- func (pss *PSSMethodsImpl) SetEndIndex(endIndex int)
- func (pss *PSSMethodsImpl) SetFreezeState(freezeState int)
- func (pss *PSSMethodsImpl) SetOwner(owner string)
- func (pss *PSSMethodsImpl) UpdateShareStore(protocolPrefix PSSProtocolPrefix, keygenID pss.KeygenID, ...)
- type PSSProtocolPrefix
- type PSSService
- func (p *PSSService) Call(method string, args ...interface{}) (interface{}, error)
- func (pss *PSSService) GetPSSMsgPrefix(prefix PSSProtocolPrefix, method string) string
- func (pss *PSSService) GetPSSProtocolPrefix(oldEpoch int, newEpoch int) PSSProtocolPrefix
- func (p *PSSService) Name() string
- func (p *PSSService) OnStart() error
- func (p *PSSService) OnStop() error
- func (p *PSSService) PSSInstanceExists(pssProtocolPrefix PSSProtocolPrefix) bool
- func (p *PSSService) SetBaseService(bs *BaseService)
- type PSSStartData
- type PSSSuite
- type PSSUpdate
- type PSSWorkerUpdate
- type PatchMappingHandler
- type PatchMappingParams
- type PatchMappingResult
- type Ping
- type PingHandler
- type PingParams
- type PingProtocol
- type PingResult
- type SerializedNodeReference
- type ServerMethods
- type ServerMethodsImpl
- type ServerService
- type Service
- type ServiceCore
- type ServiceLibrary
- type ServiceLibraryImpl
- func (sL *ServiceLibraryImpl) ABCIMethods() ABCIMethods
- func (sL *ServiceLibraryImpl) CacheMethods() CacheMethods
- func (sL *ServiceLibraryImpl) DatabaseMethods() DatabaseMethods
- func (sL *ServiceLibraryImpl) EthereumMethods() EthereumMethods
- func (sL *ServiceLibraryImpl) GetEventBus() eventbus.Bus
- func (sL *ServiceLibraryImpl) GetOwner() (owner string)
- func (sL *ServiceLibraryImpl) KeygennofsmMethods() KeygennofsmMethods
- func (sL *ServiceLibraryImpl) P2PMethods() P2PMethods
- func (sL *ServiceLibraryImpl) PSSMethods() PSSMethods
- func (sL *ServiceLibraryImpl) ServerMethods() ServerMethods
- func (sL *ServiceLibraryImpl) SetEventBus(eventBus eventbus.Bus)
- func (sL *ServiceLibraryImpl) SetOwner(owner string)
- func (sL *ServiceLibraryImpl) TelemetryMethods() TelemetryMethods
- func (sL *ServiceLibraryImpl) TendermintMethods() TendermintMethods
- func (sL *ServiceLibraryImpl) VerifierMethods() VerifierMethods
- type ServiceRegistry
- func (s *ServiceRegistry) AddRequestMiddleware(middleware *func(methodRequest MethodRequest) MethodRequest)
- func (s *ServiceRegistry) AddResponseMiddleware(middleware *func(methodResponse MethodResponse) MethodResponse)
- func (s *ServiceRegistry) RegisterService(bs *BaseService)
- func (s *ServiceRegistry) RemoveRequestMiddleware(middleware *func(methodRequest MethodRequest) MethodRequest)
- func (s *ServiceRegistry) RemoveResponseMiddleware(middleware *func(methodResponse MethodResponse) MethodResponse)
- func (s *ServiceRegistry) SetEventBus(e eventbus.Bus)
- func (s *ServiceRegistry) SetupMethodRouting()
- type ShareCountHandler
- type ShareCountParams
- type ShareCountResult
- type ShareLog
- type ShareRequestHandler
- type ShareRequestItem
- type ShareRequestParams
- type ShareRequestResult
- type State
- type StreamMessage
- type TelemetryMethods
- type TelemetryMethodsImpl
- type TelemetryService
- type TendermintMethodResponse
- type TendermintMethods
- type TendermintMethodsImpl
- func (t *TendermintMethodsImpl) ABCIQuery(path string, data []byte) (*ctypes.ResultABCIQuery, error)
- func (t *TendermintMethodsImpl) Broadcast(tx interface{}) (txHash common.Hash, err error)
- func (t *TendermintMethodsImpl) DeregisterQuery(query string) error
- func (t *TendermintMethodsImpl) GetNodeKey() (nodeKey tmp2p.NodeKey)
- func (m *TendermintMethodsImpl) GetOwner() (owner string)
- func (t *TendermintMethodsImpl) GetStatus() (status BFTRPCWSStatus)
- func (t *TendermintMethodsImpl) RegisterQuery(query string, count int) (respChannel chan []byte, err error)
- func (m *TendermintMethodsImpl) SetOwner(owner string)
- type TendermintService
- func (t *TendermintService) Call(method string, args ...interface{}) (interface{}, error)
- func (t *TendermintService) DeregisterQuery(query string) error
- func (t *TendermintService) Name() string
- func (t *TendermintService) OnStart() error
- func (t *TendermintService) OnStop() error
- func (t *TendermintService) RegisterQuery(query string, count int) (chan []byte, error)
- func (t *TendermintService) RouteWSMessage(e rpctypes.RPCResponse) error
- func (t *TendermintService) SetBaseService(bs *BaseService)
- type TorusDB
- type TorusID
- type TransferState
- type TransportMessage
- type ValidatedNodeSignature
- type VerifierLookupHandler
- type VerifierLookupItem
- type VerifierLookupParams
- type VerifierLookupResult
- type VerifierMethods
- type VerifierMethodsImpl
- func (v *VerifierMethodsImpl) CleanToken(verifierIdentifier string, idtoken string) (cleanedToken string, err error)
- func (m *VerifierMethodsImpl) GetOwner() (owner string)
- func (v *VerifierMethodsImpl) ListVerifiers() (verifiers []string)
- func (m *VerifierMethodsImpl) SetOwner(owner string)
- func (v *VerifierMethodsImpl) Verify(rawMessage *bijson.RawMessage) (valid bool, verifierID string, timeIssued time.Time, err error)
- type VerifierService
- type WhitelistMonitorUpdates
Constants ¶
const CommitmentRequestMethod = "CommitmentRequest"
const ContextID = ContextKey("ID")
const KeyAssignMethod = "KeyAssign"
const KeyLookupRequestMethod = "KeyLookupRequest"
const PatchMappingRequestMethod = "PatchMapping"
patch003 TODO remove
const PingMethod = "Ping"
Debug Handelers
const VerifierLookupRequestMethod = "VerifierLookupRequest"
Variables ¶
var Events = struct { ErrorEvent string StartEvent string StopEvent string }{ ErrorEvent: "error", StartEvent: "start", StopEvent: "stop", }
var MessageSourceMapping = map[MessageSource]string{
P2P: "P2P",
var ( // ProtocolVersion - ProtocolVersion version.Protocol = 0x1 )
DB Stuff for App state and mappings
Functions ¶
func AwaitTopic ¶
func BytesArrayToPointsArray ¶
func ECDSASigToHex ¶
func ECDSASigToHex(ecdsaSig ECDSASignature) string
func ECDSAVerify ¶
func ECDSAVerify(ecdsaPubKey ecdsa.PublicKey, ecdsaSignature ECDSASignature) bool
func ECDSAVerifyFromRaw ¶
func ECDSAVerifyPtFromRaw ¶
func EmptyHandler ¶
func EmptyHandler(name string) func()
func GETHealthz ¶
func GETHealthz(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
GETHealthz always responds with 200 and can be used for basic readiness checks
func GetBftStatus ¶
func GetBftStatus(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
func HashToString ¶
Hashes to a hex string (only the first 6 chars)
func HexstringToInt ¶
func HexstringToInt(hs hexstring) int
func IntToHexstring ¶
func IntToHexstring(i int) hexstring
func PointsArrayToBytesArray ¶
[X1, Y1, X2, Y2, X3, Y3 ... ]
Types ¶
type ABCIApp ¶
type ABCIApp struct { types.BaseApplication // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*ABCIApp) BeginBlock ¶
func (app *ABCIApp) BeginBlock(req types.RequestBeginBlock) types.ResponseBeginBlock
Track the block hash and header information
func (*ABCIApp) CheckTx ¶
func (app *ABCIApp) CheckTx(req types.RequestCheckTx) types.ResponseCheckTx
func (*ABCIApp) Commit ¶
func (app *ABCIApp) Commit() types.ResponseCommit
func (*ABCIApp) DeliverTx ¶
func (app *ABCIApp) DeliverTx(req types.RequestDeliverTx) types.ResponseDeliverTx
func (*ABCIApp) EndBlock ¶
func (app *ABCIApp) EndBlock(req types.RequestEndBlock) types.ResponseEndBlock
func (*ABCIApp) Info ¶
func (app *ABCIApp) Info(req types.RequestInfo) (resInfo types.ResponseInfo)
func (*ABCIApp) Query ¶
func (app *ABCIApp) Query(reqQuery types.RequestQuery) (resQuery types.ResponseQuery)
Query -
type ABCIMethods ¶
type ABCIMethods interface { SetOwner(owner string) GetOwner() (owner string) LastCreatedIndex() (keyIndex uint) LastUnassignedIndex() (keyIndex uint) RetrieveKeyMapping(keyIndex big.Int) (keyDetails KeyAssignmentPublic, err error) GetIndexesFromVerifierID(verifier, veriferID string) (keyIndexes []big.Int, err error) }
type ABCIMethodsImpl ¶
type ABCIMethodsImpl struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*ABCIMethodsImpl) GetIndexesFromVerifierID ¶
func (a *ABCIMethodsImpl) GetIndexesFromVerifierID(verifier, verifierID string) (keyIndexes []big.Int, err error)
func (*ABCIMethodsImpl) GetOwner ¶
func (m *ABCIMethodsImpl) GetOwner() (owner string)
func (*ABCIMethodsImpl) LastCreatedIndex ¶
func (a *ABCIMethodsImpl) LastCreatedIndex() (keyIndex uint)
func (*ABCIMethodsImpl) LastUnassignedIndex ¶
func (a *ABCIMethodsImpl) LastUnassignedIndex() (keyIndex uint)
func (*ABCIMethodsImpl) RetrieveKeyMapping ¶
func (a *ABCIMethodsImpl) RetrieveKeyMapping(keyIndex big.Int) (keyDetails KeyAssignmentPublic, err error)
func (*ABCIMethodsImpl) SetOwner ¶
func (m *ABCIMethodsImpl) SetOwner(owner string)
type ABCIService ¶
type ABCIService struct { ABCIApp *ABCIApp // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*ABCIService) Call ¶
func (a *ABCIService) Call(method string, args ...interface{}) (interface{}, error)
TODO: (Zhen) We definitly have to create a state lock. A lot of our calls are working now cause deliverTx is synchornous, but our monitor and other calls to state will eventually break Delayed due so that we can get the app running first
func (*ABCIService) Name ¶
func (a *ABCIService) Name() string
func (*ABCIService) NewABCIApp ¶
func (a *ABCIService) NewABCIApp() *ABCIApp
func (*ABCIService) OnStart ¶
func (a *ABCIService) OnStart() error
func (*ABCIService) OnStop ¶
func (a *ABCIService) OnStop() error
func (*ABCIService) RunABCIServer ¶
func (a *ABCIService) RunABCIServer(eventBus eventbus.Bus) error
func (*ABCIService) SetBaseService ¶
func (a *ABCIService) SetBaseService(bs *BaseService)
type ABCITransaction ¶
type ABCITransaction struct { Type string `json:"type"` Payload interface{} `json:"payload"` }
ABCITransaction -
type AssignmentBFTTx ¶
type BFTRPC ¶
type BFTRPCWSQueryHandler ¶
type BFTRPCWSStatus ¶
type BFTRPCWSStatus int
const ( BftRPCWSStatusDown BFTRPCWSStatus = iota BftRPCWSStatusUp )
type BFTTxWrapper ¶
type BaseService ¶
type BaseService struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
BaseService provides the guarantees that a ServiceCore can only be started and stopped once.
func NewABCIService ¶
func NewABCIService(ctx context.Context, eventBus eventbus.Bus) *BaseService
func NewBaseService ¶
func NewBaseService(impl ServiceCore) *BaseService
NewBaseService returns a base service that wraps an implementation of ServiceCore and handles starting and stopping.
func NewCacheService ¶
func NewCacheService(ctx context.Context, eventBus eventbus.Bus) *BaseService
func NewDatabaseService ¶
func NewDatabaseService(ctx context.Context, eb eventbus.Bus) *BaseService
func NewEthereumService ¶
func NewEthereumService(ctx context.Context, eventBus eventbus.Bus) *BaseService
func NewKeygennofsmService ¶
func NewKeygennofsmService(ctx context.Context, eventBus eventbus.Bus) *BaseService
func NewP2PService ¶
func NewP2PService(ctx context.Context, eventBus eventbus.Bus) *BaseService
func NewPSSService ¶
func NewPSSService(ctx context.Context, eventBus eventbus.Bus) *BaseService
func NewServerService ¶
func NewServerService(ctx context.Context, eventBus eventbus.Bus) *BaseService
func NewTelemetryService ¶
func NewTelemetryService(ctx context.Context, eventBus eventbus.Bus) *BaseService
func NewTendermintService ¶
func NewTendermintService(ctx context.Context, eventBus eventbus.Bus) *BaseService
func NewVerifierService ¶
func NewVerifierService(ctx context.Context, eventBus eventbus.Bus) *BaseService
func (*BaseService) Call ¶
func (bs *BaseService) Call(method string, args ...interface{}) (interface{}, error)
Query implements Service
func (*BaseService) IsRunning ¶
func (bs *BaseService) IsRunning() bool
IsRunning implements Service
func (*BaseService) Name ¶
func (bs *BaseService) Name() string
func (*BaseService) SetServiceCore ¶
func (bs *BaseService) SetServiceCore(service ServiceCore)
SetServiceCore impleents SetServiceCore
func (*BaseService) Wait ¶
func (bs *BaseService) Wait()
type BftWorkerUpdates ¶
type BftWorkerUpdates struct { Type string Payload interface{} }
type CacheMethods ¶
type CacheMethodsImpl ¶
type CacheMethodsImpl struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*CacheMethodsImpl) GetOwner ¶
func (m *CacheMethodsImpl) GetOwner() (owner string)
func (*CacheMethodsImpl) RecordTokenCommit ¶
func (cache *CacheMethodsImpl) RecordTokenCommit(verifier string, tokenCommitment string)
func (*CacheMethodsImpl) SetOwner ¶
func (m *CacheMethodsImpl) SetOwner(owner string)
func (*CacheMethodsImpl) TokenCommitExists ¶
func (cache *CacheMethodsImpl) TokenCommitExists(verifier string, tokenCommitment string) (exists bool)
type CacheService ¶
type CacheService struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*CacheService) Call ¶
func (c *CacheService) Call(method string, args ...interface{}) (interface{}, error)
func (*CacheService) Name ¶
func (c *CacheService) Name() string
func (*CacheService) OnStart ¶
func (c *CacheService) OnStart() error
func (*CacheService) OnStop ¶
func (c *CacheService) OnStop() error
func (*CacheService) SetBaseService ¶
func (c *CacheService) SetBaseService(bs *BaseService)
type CacheSuite ¶
type CacheSuite struct { CacheInstance *cache.Cache TokenCaches map[string]*cache.Cache }
CacheSuite - handles caching
type CommitmentRequestHandler ¶
type CommitmentRequestHandler struct { TimeNow func() time.Time // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (CommitmentRequestHandler) ServeJSONRPC ¶
func (h CommitmentRequestHandler) ServeJSONRPC(c context.Context, params *bijson.RawMessage) (interface{}, *jsonrpc.Error)
type CommitmentRequestParams ¶
type CommitmentRequestParams struct { MessagePrefix string `json:"messageprefix"` TokenCommitment string `json:"tokencommitment"` TempPubX string `json:"temppubx"` TempPubY string `json:"temppuby"` VerifierIdentifier string `json:"verifieridentifier"` }
func (*CommitmentRequestParams) ToString ¶
func (p *CommitmentRequestParams) ToString() string
type CommitmentRequestResult ¶
type CommitmentRequestResultData ¶
type CommitmentRequestResultData struct { MessagePrefix string `json:"messageprefix"` TokenCommitment string `json:"tokencommitment"` TempPubX string `json:"temppubx"` TempPubY string `json:"temppuby"` VerifierIdentifier string `json:"verifieridentifier"` TimeSigned string `json:"timesigned"` }
func (*CommitmentRequestResultData) FromString ¶
func (c *CommitmentRequestResultData) FromString(data string) (bool, error)
func (*CommitmentRequestResultData) ToString ¶
func (c *CommitmentRequestResultData) ToString() string
type Config ¶
type Config struct { HttpServerPort string `json:"httpServerPort" env:"HTTP_SERVER_PORT"` // Used to manage the node whilst in live ManagementRPCPort string `json:"managementRPCPort" env:"MANAGEMENT_RPC_PORT"` UseManagementRPC bool `json:"useManagementRPC" env:"USE_MANAGEMENT_RPC"` // NOTE: This is what is used for registering on the Ethereum network. MainServerAddress string `json:"mainServerAddress" env:"MAIN_SERVER_ADDRESS"` EthConnection string `json:"ethconnection" env:"ETH_CONNECTION"` EthPrivateKey string `json:"ethprivatekey" env:"ETH_PRIVATE_KEY"` BftURI string `json:"bfturi" env:"BFT_URI"` ABCIServer string `json:"abciserver" env:"ABCI_SERVER"` TMP2PListenAddress string `json:"tmp2plistenaddress" env:"TM_P2P_LISTEN_ADDRESS"` P2PListenAddress string `json:"p2plistenaddress" env:"P2P_LISTEN_ADDRESS"` NodeListAddress string `json:"nodelistaddress" env:"NODE_LIST_ADDRESS"` NumberOfNodes int `json:"numberofnodes" env:"NUMBER_OF_NODES"` Threshold int `json:"threshold" env:"THRESHOLD"` // k NumMalNodes int `json:"nummalnodes" env:"NUMMALNODES"` // t KeyBuffer int `json:"keybuffer" env:"KEY_BUFFER"` KeysPerEpoch int `json:"keysperepoch" env:"KEYS_PER_EPOCH"` KeyBufferTriggerPercentage int `json:"keybuffertriggerpercentage" env:"KEY_BUFFER_TRIGGER_PERCENTAGE"` // KeyBufferTriggerPercentage int `json:"keybuffertriggerpercetage" env:"KEY_BUFFER_TRIGGER_PERCENTAGE"` // percetage threshold of keys left to trigger buffering 90 - 20 BasePath string `json:"basepath" env:"BASE_PATH"` InitEpoch int `json:"initepoch" env:"INIT_EPOCH"` ShouldRegister bool `json:"register" env:"REGISTER"` CPUProfileToFile string `json:"cpuProfile" env:"CPU_PROFILE"` IsDebug bool `json:"debug" env:"DEBUG"` PprofPort string `json:"pprofPort" env:"PPROF_PORT"` PprofEnabled bool `json:"pprofEnabled" env:"PPROF_ENABLED"` ProvidedIPAddress string `json:"ipAddress" env:"IP_ADDRESS"` LogLevel string `json:"loglevel" env:"LOG_LEVEL"` ServeUsingTLS bool `json:"useTLS" env:"USE_TLS"` UseAutoCert bool `json:"useAutoCert" env:"USE_AUTO_CERT"` AutoCertCacheDir string `json:"autoCertCacheDir" env:"AUTO_CERT_CACHE_DIR"` PublicURL string `json:"publicURL" env:"PUBLIC_URL"` ServerCert string `json:"serverCert" env:"SERVER_CERT"` ServerKey string `json:"serverKey" env:"SERVER_KEY"` EthPollFreq int `json:"ethPollFreq" env:"ETH_POLL_FREQ"` // IDs used for oauth verification. GoogleClientID string `json:"googleClientID" env:"GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID"` FacebookAppID string `json:"facebookAppID" env:"FACEBOOK_APP_ID"` FacebookAppSecret string `json:"facebookAppSecret" env:"FACEBOOK_APP_SECRET"` TwitchClientID string `json:"twitchClientID" env:"TWITCH_CLIENT_ID"` }
type ConnectionStatus ¶
type ConnectionStatus int
const ( EthClientDisconnected ConnectionStatus = iota EthClientConnected )
type ContextKey ¶
type ContextKey string
type DKGKeygennofsmTransport ¶
type DKGKeygennofsmTransport struct { Prefix KeygenProtocolPrefix KeygenNode *keygennofsm.KeygenNode // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*DKGKeygennofsmTransport) GetType ¶
func (tp *DKGKeygennofsmTransport) GetType() string
func (*DKGKeygennofsmTransport) Init ¶
func (tp *DKGKeygennofsmTransport) Init()
func (*DKGKeygennofsmTransport) Output ¶
func (tp *DKGKeygennofsmTransport) Output(inter interface{})
func (*DKGKeygennofsmTransport) Receive ¶
func (tp *DKGKeygennofsmTransport) Receive(senderDetails keygennofsm.NodeDetails, keygenMessage keygennofsm.KeygenMessage) error
func (*DKGKeygennofsmTransport) ReceiveBroadcast ¶
func (tp *DKGKeygennofsmTransport) ReceiveBroadcast(keygenMessage keygennofsm.KeygenMessage) error
func (*DKGKeygennofsmTransport) Report ¶
func (tp *DKGKeygennofsmTransport) Report(s string, inter interface{})
func (*DKGKeygennofsmTransport) Send ¶
func (tp *DKGKeygennofsmTransport) Send(nodeDetails keygennofsm.NodeDetails, keygenMessage keygennofsm.KeygenMessage) error
func (*DKGKeygennofsmTransport) SendBroadcast ¶
func (tp *DKGKeygennofsmTransport) SendBroadcast(keygenMessage keygennofsm.KeygenMessage) error
func (*DKGKeygennofsmTransport) SetKeygenNode ¶
func (tp *DKGKeygennofsmTransport) SetKeygenNode(keygenNode *keygennofsm.KeygenNode) error
type DKGPSSTransport ¶
type DKGPSSTransport struct { Prefix PSSProtocolPrefix PSSNode *pss.PSSNode MappingFrozen MappingFrozen SendMiddleware []Middleware ReceiveMiddleware []Middleware // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*DKGPSSTransport) GetType ¶
func (tp *DKGPSSTransport) GetType() string
func (*DKGPSSTransport) Init ¶
func (tp *DKGPSSTransport) Init()
TODO: make sure this can only be called once
func (*DKGPSSTransport) Output ¶
func (tp *DKGPSSTransport) Output(sinter interface{})
func (*DKGPSSTransport) Receive ¶
func (tp *DKGPSSTransport) Receive(senderDetails pss.NodeDetails, originalPSSMessage pss.PSSMessage) error
func (*DKGPSSTransport) ReceiveBroadcast ¶
func (tp *DKGPSSTransport) ReceiveBroadcast(originalPSSMessage pss.PSSMessage) error
func (*DKGPSSTransport) Report ¶
func (tp *DKGPSSTransport) Report(s string, data interface{})
func (*DKGPSSTransport) Send ¶
func (tp *DKGPSSTransport) Send(nodeDetails pss.NodeDetails, originalPSSMessage pss.PSSMessage) error
func (*DKGPSSTransport) SendBroadcast ¶
func (tp *DKGPSSTransport) SendBroadcast(originalPSSMessage pss.PSSMessage) error
func (*DKGPSSTransport) SetEventBus ¶
func (tp *DKGPSSTransport) SetEventBus(e eventbus.Bus)
func (*DKGPSSTransport) SetPSSNode ¶
func (tp *DKGPSSTransport) SetPSSNode(ref *pss.PSSNode) error
type DatabaseMethods ¶
type DatabaseMethods interface { SetOwner(owner string) GetOwner() (owner string) StoreCommitmentMatrix(keyIndex big.Int, c [][]common.Point) error StoreKEYGENSecret(keyIndex big.Int, secret keygen.KEYGENSecrets) error StorePublicKeyToIndex(publicKey common.Point, keyIndex big.Int) error RetrieveCommitmentMatrix(keyIndex big.Int) (c [][]common.Point, err error) RetrievePublicKeyToIndex(publicKey common.Point) (keyIndex big.Int, err error) RetrieveIndexToPublicKey(keyIndex big.Int) (publicKey common.Point, err error) GetKeygenStarted(keygenID string) (started bool) SetKeygenStarted(keygenID string, started bool) error }
type DatabaseMethodsImpl ¶
type DatabaseMethodsImpl struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*DatabaseMethodsImpl) GetKeygenStarted ¶
func (db *DatabaseMethodsImpl) GetKeygenStarted(keygenID string) (started bool)
func (*DatabaseMethodsImpl) GetOwner ¶
func (m *DatabaseMethodsImpl) GetOwner() (owner string)
func (*DatabaseMethodsImpl) GetShareCount ¶
func (db *DatabaseMethodsImpl) GetShareCount() (count int)
func (*DatabaseMethodsImpl) RetrieveCommitmentMatrix ¶
func (*DatabaseMethodsImpl) RetrieveCompletedShare ¶
func (*DatabaseMethodsImpl) RetrieveIndexToPublicKey ¶
func (*DatabaseMethodsImpl) RetrievePublicKeyToIndex ¶
func (*DatabaseMethodsImpl) SetKeygenStarted ¶
func (db *DatabaseMethodsImpl) SetKeygenStarted(keygenID string, started bool) error
func (*DatabaseMethodsImpl) SetOwner ¶
func (m *DatabaseMethodsImpl) SetOwner(owner string)
func (*DatabaseMethodsImpl) StoreCommitmentMatrix ¶
func (*DatabaseMethodsImpl) StoreCompletedShare ¶
func (*DatabaseMethodsImpl) StoreKEYGENSecret ¶
func (db *DatabaseMethodsImpl) StoreKEYGENSecret(keyIndex big.Int, secret keygen.KEYGENSecrets) error
func (*DatabaseMethodsImpl) StorePublicKeyToIndex ¶
type DatabaseService ¶
type DatabaseService struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*DatabaseService) Call ¶
func (d *DatabaseService) Call(method string, args ...interface{}) (interface{}, error)
func (*DatabaseService) Name ¶
func (d *DatabaseService) Name() string
func (*DatabaseService) OnStart ¶
func (d *DatabaseService) OnStart() error
func (*DatabaseService) OnStop ¶
func (d *DatabaseService) OnStop() error
func (*DatabaseService) SetBaseService ¶
func (d *DatabaseService) SetBaseService(bs *BaseService)
type DefaultBFTTxWrapper ¶
type DefaultBFTTxWrapper struct { BFTTx []byte `json:"bft_tx,omitempty"` Nonce uint32 `json:"nonce,omitempty"` PubKey common.Point `json:"pub_key,omitempty"` MsgType byte `json:"msg_type,omitempty"` Signature []byte `json:"signature,omitempty"` }
func (*DefaultBFTTxWrapper) DecodeBFTTx ¶
func (wrapper *DefaultBFTTxWrapper) DecodeBFTTx(data []byte) error
func (DefaultBFTTxWrapper) GetSerializedBody ¶
func (wrapper DefaultBFTTxWrapper) GetSerializedBody() []byte
func (*DefaultBFTTxWrapper) PrepareBFTTx ¶
func (wrapper *DefaultBFTTxWrapper) PrepareBFTTx(bftTx interface{}) ([]byte, error)
type ECDSASig ¶
ECDSASig contains R S V and raw format of ecdsa signature. Does not contain the hashed message
func HexToECDSASig ¶
type ECDSASignature ¶
func ECDSASign ¶
func ECDSASign(data []byte, ecdsaKey *ecdsa.PrivateKey) ECDSASignature
type EthNodeDetails ¶
type EthereumMethods ¶
type EthereumMethods interface { SetOwner(owner string) GetOwner() (owner string) GetCurrentEpoch() (epoch int) GetPreviousEpoch() (epoch int) GetNextEpoch() (epoch int) GetEpochInfo(epoch int) (epochInfo epochInfo, err error) GetCurve() (curve elliptic.Curve) GetSelfIndex() (index int) GetSelfPrivateKey() (privKey big.Int) GetSelfPublicKey() (pubKey common.Point) GetSelfAddress() (address ethCommon.Address) SetSelfIndex(int) SelfSignData(data []byte) (rawSig []byte) GetCurrentNodeIndexes() (nodeIndexes []big.Int) // GetCompleteNodeList - retrieves node references from ethereum. its a blocking func and only returns the nodeList once allNodes have been registered and are connected // TODO: Factor out NodeRefernce GetCompleteNodeList(epoch int) []NodeReference GetNodeList(epoch int) []NodeReference GetNodeDetailsByAddress(address ethCommon.Address) NodeReference GetNodeDetailsByEpochAndIndex(epoch int, index int) NodeReference GetPeerIDFromIndex(index big.Int) (id peer.ID) GetNodeIndexFromPubKey(ptPk common.Point) (index big.Int) GetECPubKFromIndex(index big.Int) (pubKey common.Point) GetPSSReceivingStatus(epoch int) (isPSSReceiving bool) AwaitNodesConnected(epoch int) GetPSSStatus(oldEpoch int, newEpoch int) (pssStatus int, err error) VerifyDataWithNodelist(pk common.Point, sig []byte, data []byte) (err error) VerifyDataWithEpoch(pk common.Point, sig []byte, data []byte, epoch int) (err error) }
type EthereumMethodsImpl ¶
type EthereumMethodsImpl struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*EthereumMethodsImpl) AwaitNodesConnected ¶
func (e *EthereumMethodsImpl) AwaitNodesConnected(epoch int)
func (*EthereumMethodsImpl) GetCompleteNodeList ¶
func (e *EthereumMethodsImpl) GetCompleteNodeList(epoch int) (nodeRefs []NodeReference)
func (*EthereumMethodsImpl) GetCurrentEpoch ¶
func (e *EthereumMethodsImpl) GetCurrentEpoch() (epoch int)
func (*EthereumMethodsImpl) GetCurrentNodeIndexes ¶
func (e *EthereumMethodsImpl) GetCurrentNodeIndexes() (nodeIndexes []big.Int)
func (*EthereumMethodsImpl) GetCurve ¶
func (e *EthereumMethodsImpl) GetCurve() (curve elliptic.Curve)
func (*EthereumMethodsImpl) GetECPubKFromIndex ¶
func (e *EthereumMethodsImpl) GetECPubKFromIndex(index big.Int) (pubKey common.Point)
func (*EthereumMethodsImpl) GetEpochInfo ¶
func (e *EthereumMethodsImpl) GetEpochInfo(epoch int) (eInfo epochInfo, err error)
func (*EthereumMethodsImpl) GetNextEpoch ¶
func (e *EthereumMethodsImpl) GetNextEpoch() (epoch int)
func (*EthereumMethodsImpl) GetNodeDetailsByAddress ¶
func (e *EthereumMethodsImpl) GetNodeDetailsByAddress(address ethCommon.Address) (nodeRef NodeReference)
func (*EthereumMethodsImpl) GetNodeDetailsByEpochAndIndex ¶
func (e *EthereumMethodsImpl) GetNodeDetailsByEpochAndIndex(epoch int, index int) (nodeRef NodeReference)
func (*EthereumMethodsImpl) GetNodeIndexFromPubKey ¶
func (e *EthereumMethodsImpl) GetNodeIndexFromPubKey(pk common.Point) (index big.Int)
func (*EthereumMethodsImpl) GetNodeList ¶
func (e *EthereumMethodsImpl) GetNodeList(epoch int) (nodeRefs []NodeReference)
func (*EthereumMethodsImpl) GetOwner ¶
func (m *EthereumMethodsImpl) GetOwner() (owner string)
func (*EthereumMethodsImpl) GetPSSReceivingStatus ¶
func (e *EthereumMethodsImpl) GetPSSReceivingStatus(epoch int) (isPSSReceiving bool)
func (*EthereumMethodsImpl) GetPSSStatus ¶
func (e *EthereumMethodsImpl) GetPSSStatus(oldEpoch int, newEpoch int) (pssStatus int, err error)
func (*EthereumMethodsImpl) GetPeerIDFromIndex ¶
func (e *EthereumMethodsImpl) GetPeerIDFromIndex(index big.Int) (id peer.ID)
func (*EthereumMethodsImpl) GetPreviousEpoch ¶
func (e *EthereumMethodsImpl) GetPreviousEpoch() (epoch int)
func (*EthereumMethodsImpl) GetSelfAddress ¶
func (e *EthereumMethodsImpl) GetSelfAddress() (address ethCommon.Address)
func (*EthereumMethodsImpl) GetSelfIndex ¶
func (e *EthereumMethodsImpl) GetSelfIndex() (index int)
func (*EthereumMethodsImpl) GetSelfPrivateKey ¶
func (e *EthereumMethodsImpl) GetSelfPrivateKey() (privKey big.Int)
func (*EthereumMethodsImpl) GetSelfPublicKey ¶
func (e *EthereumMethodsImpl) GetSelfPublicKey() (pubKey common.Point)
func (*EthereumMethodsImpl) SelfSignData ¶
func (e *EthereumMethodsImpl) SelfSignData(data []byte) (rawSig []byte)
func (*EthereumMethodsImpl) SetOwner ¶
func (m *EthereumMethodsImpl) SetOwner(owner string)
func (*EthereumMethodsImpl) SetSelfIndex ¶
func (e *EthereumMethodsImpl) SetSelfIndex(index int)
func (*EthereumMethodsImpl) VerifyDataWithEpoch ¶
func (*EthereumMethodsImpl) VerifyDataWithNodelist ¶
type EthereumService ¶
func (*EthereumService) Call ¶
func (e *EthereumService) Call(method string, args ...interface{}) (interface{}, error)
func (*EthereumService) GetEpochInfo ¶
func (e *EthereumService) GetEpochInfo(epoch int) (epochInfo, error)
func (*EthereumService) GetNodeRef ¶
func (e *EthereumService) GetNodeRef(nodeAddress ethCommon.Address) (*NodeReference, error)
func (*EthereumService) IsSelfRegistered ¶
func (e *EthereumService) IsSelfRegistered(epoch int) (bool, error)
func (*EthereumService) Name ¶
func (e *EthereumService) Name() string
func (*EthereumService) OnStart ¶
func (e *EthereumService) OnStart() error
func (*EthereumService) OnStop ¶
func (e *EthereumService) OnStop() error
func (*EthereumService) RegisterNode ¶
func (e *EthereumService) RegisterNode(epoch int, declaredIP string, TMP2PConnection string, P2PConnection string) (*types.Transaction, error)
RegsiterNode - the main function that registered the node on Ethereum node list with the details provided
func (*EthereumService) SetBaseService ¶
func (e *EthereumService) SetBaseService(bs *BaseService)
type KeyAssignHandler ¶
type KeyAssignHandler struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (KeyAssignHandler) ServeJSONRPC ¶
func (h KeyAssignHandler) ServeJSONRPC(c context.Context, params *bijson.RawMessage) (interface{}, *jsonrpc.Error)
assigns a user a secret, returns the same index if the user has been previously assigned
type KeyAssignItem ¶
type KeyAssignParams ¶
type KeyAssignResult ¶
type KeyAssignResult struct {
Keys []KeyAssignItem `json:"keys"`
type KeyAssignment ¶
type KeyAssignment struct { KeyAssignmentPublic }
KeyAssignment - contains fields necessary to derive/validate a users key
contains sensitive share data
type KeyAssignmentPublic ¶
type KeyAssignmentPublic struct { Index big.Int PublicKey common.Point Threshold int Verifiers map[string][]string // Verifier => VerifierID }
KeyAssignmentPublic - holds key fields safe to be shown to non-keyholders
type KeyGenUpdates ¶
type KeyGenUpdates struct { Type string Payload interface{} }
type KeyLookupHandler ¶
type KeyLookupHandler struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (KeyLookupHandler) ServeJSONRPC ¶
func (h KeyLookupHandler) ServeJSONRPC(c context.Context, params *bijson.RawMessage) (interface{}, *jsonrpc.Error)
Looksup Verifier + VerifierIDs assigned to a key (access structure)
type KeyLookupParams ¶
type KeyLookupResult ¶
type KeyLookupResult struct {
type KeygenDecision ¶
type KeygenProtocolPrefix ¶
type KeygenProtocolPrefix string
type KeygenPubKey ¶
type KeygennofsmMethods ¶
type KeygennofsmMethods interface { SetOwner(owner string) GetOwner() (owner string) ReceiveMessage(keygenMessage keygennofsm.KeygenMessage) error ReceiveBFTMessage(keygenMessage keygennofsm.KeygenMessage) error }
type KeygennofsmMethodsImpl ¶
type KeygennofsmMethodsImpl struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*KeygennofsmMethodsImpl) GetOwner ¶
func (k *KeygennofsmMethodsImpl) GetOwner() (owner string)
func (*KeygennofsmMethodsImpl) ReceiveBFTMessage ¶
func (k *KeygennofsmMethodsImpl) ReceiveBFTMessage(keygenMessage keygennofsm.KeygenMessage) error
func (*KeygennofsmMethodsImpl) ReceiveMessage ¶
func (k *KeygennofsmMethodsImpl) ReceiveMessage(keygenMessage keygennofsm.KeygenMessage) error
func (*KeygennofsmMethodsImpl) SetOwner ¶
func (k *KeygennofsmMethodsImpl) SetOwner(owner string)
type KeygennofsmService ¶
type KeygennofsmService struct { idmutex.Mutex KeygenNode *keygennofsm.KeygenNode // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*KeygennofsmService) Call ¶
func (k *KeygennofsmService) Call(method string, args ...interface{}) (interface{}, error)
func (*KeygennofsmService) GetKeygenProtocolPrefix ¶
func (k *KeygennofsmService) GetKeygenProtocolPrefix(currEpoch int) KeygenProtocolPrefix
func (*KeygennofsmService) Name ¶
func (k *KeygennofsmService) Name() string
func (*KeygennofsmService) OnStart ¶
func (k *KeygennofsmService) OnStart() error
func (*KeygennofsmService) OnStop ¶
func (k *KeygennofsmService) OnStop() error
func (*KeygennofsmService) SetBaseService ¶
func (k *KeygennofsmService) SetBaseService(bs *BaseService)
type MappingFreezeMsg ¶
type MappingFreezeMsg struct { NodeDetails pss.NodeDetails Epoch int PSSProtocolPrefix PSSProtocolPrefix Signature []byte }
type MappingFrozen ¶
type MappingFrozen struct { idmutex.Mutex SendCount map[pss.NodeDetailsID]int Mappings map[mappingHash]TransferState MappingCount map[mappingHash]int }
type MappingFrozenMsg ¶
type MappingFrozenMsg struct { NodeDetails pss.NodeDetails Epoch int PSSProtocolPrefix PSSProtocolPrefix TransferState TransferState Signature []byte }
type MappingThawMsg ¶
type MappingThawMsg struct { NodeDetails pss.NodeDetails Epoch int PSSProtocolPrefix PSSProtocolPrefix DecidedTransferState TransferState Signature []byte }
type MethodRequest ¶
type MethodResponse ¶
type MethodResponse struct { Request MethodRequest Error error Data interface{} }
func ServiceMethod ¶
type Middleware ¶
type Middleware func(pss.PSSMessage) (modifiedMessage pss.PSSMessage, end bool, err error)
type NodeListUpdates ¶
type NodeListUpdates struct { Type string Payload interface{} }
type NodeReference ¶
type NodeReference struct { Address *ethCommon.Address Index *big.Int PeerID peer.ID PublicKey *ecdsa.PublicKey TMP2PConnection string P2PConnection string }
func (NodeReference) Deserialize ¶
func (nodeRef NodeReference) Deserialize(serializedNodeRef SerializedNodeReference) NodeReference
func (NodeReference) Serialize ¶
func (nodeRef NodeReference) Serialize() SerializedNodeReference
type NodeRegister ¶
type NodeRegister struct { AllConnected bool PSSReceiving bool PSSSending bool NodeList []*NodeReference }
func (*NodeRegister) GetNodeByIndex ¶
func (nr *NodeRegister) GetNodeByIndex(index int) *NodeReference
type NodeSignature ¶
type NodeSignature struct { Signature string `json:"signature"` Data string `json:"data"` NodePubKeyX string `json:"nodepubx"` NodePubKeyY string `json:"nodepuby"` }
func (*NodeSignature) NodeValidation ¶
func (nodeSig *NodeSignature) NodeValidation(eventBus eventbus.Bus, tokenIssueTime time.Time) (*NodeReference, error)
type P2PBasicMsg ¶
type P2PBasicMsg struct { // shared between all requests Timestamp big.Int `json:"timestamp,omitempty"` // unix time Id string `json:"id,omitempty"` // allows requesters to use request data when processing a response Gossip bool `json:"gossip,omitempty"` // true to have receiver peer gossip the message to neighbors NodeId string `json:"nodeId,omitempty"` // id of node that created the message (not the peer that may have sent it). =base58(multihash(nodePubKey)) NodePubKey []byte `json:"nodePubKey,omitempty"` // Authoring node Secp256k1 public key (32bytes) Sign []byte `json:"sign,omitempty"` // signature of message data + method specific data by message authoring node. MsgType string `json:"msgtype,omitempty"` // identifyng message type Payload []byte `json:"payload"` // payload data to be unmarshalled }
func (*P2PBasicMsg) GetGossip ¶
func (msg *P2PBasicMsg) GetGossip() bool
func (*P2PBasicMsg) GetId ¶
func (msg *P2PBasicMsg) GetId() string
func (*P2PBasicMsg) GetMsgType ¶
func (msg *P2PBasicMsg) GetMsgType() string
func (*P2PBasicMsg) GetNodeId ¶
func (msg *P2PBasicMsg) GetNodeId() string
func (*P2PBasicMsg) GetNodePubKey ¶
func (msg *P2PBasicMsg) GetNodePubKey() []byte
GetNodePubKey - in older versions <= v0.7.0 returns pubkey that is unmarshallable to p2pID secp pubkey Post v0.7.0 this returns a pubkey that is unmarshallable to common.Point{}
func (*P2PBasicMsg) GetPayload ¶
func (msg *P2PBasicMsg) GetPayload() []byte
func (P2PBasicMsg) GetSerializedBody ¶
func (msg P2PBasicMsg) GetSerializedBody() []byte
func (*P2PBasicMsg) GetSign ¶
func (msg *P2PBasicMsg) GetSign() []byte
func (*P2PBasicMsg) GetTimestamp ¶
func (msg *P2PBasicMsg) GetTimestamp() big.Int
func (*P2PBasicMsg) SetSign ¶
func (msg *P2PBasicMsg) SetSign(sig []byte)
type P2PBasicMsgDeprecated ¶
type P2PBasicMsgDeprecated struct { // shared between all requests Timestamp int64 `json:"timestamp,omitempty"` // unix time Id string `json:"id,omitempty"` // allows requesters to use request data when processing a response Gossip bool `json:"gossip,omitempty"` // true to have receiver peer gossip the message to neighbors NodeId string `json:"nodeId,omitempty"` // id of node that created the message (not the peer that may have sent it). =base58(multihash(nodePubKey)) NodePubKey []byte `json:"nodePubKey,omitempty"` // Authoring node Secp256k1 public key (32bytes) Sign []byte `json:"sign,omitempty"` // signature of message data + method specific data by message authoring node. MsgType string `json:"msgtype,omitempty"` // identifyng message type Payload []byte `json:"payload"` // payload data to be unmarshalled }
patch002 TODO: remove
type P2PMessage ¶
type P2PMethods ¶
type P2PMethods interface { SetOwner(owner string) GetOwner() (owner string) ID() peer.ID SetStreamHandler(protoName string, handler func(StreamMessage)) (err error) RemoveStreamHandler(protoName string) (err error) AuthenticateMessage(p2pMsg P2PMessage) (err error) AuthenticateMessageInEpoch(p2pMsg P2PMessage, epoch int) (err error) NewP2PMessage(messageId string, gossip bool, payload []byte, msgType string) (newMsg P2PBasicMsg) SignP2PMessage(message P2PMessage) (signature []byte, err error) SendP2PMessage(id peer.ID, p protocol.ID, msg P2PMessage) error ConnectToP2PNode(nodeP2PConnection string, nodePeerID peer.ID) error GetHostAddress() (hostAddress ma.Multiaddr) }
type P2PMethodsImpl ¶
type P2PMethodsImpl struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*P2PMethodsImpl) AuthenticateMessage ¶
func (p2p *P2PMethodsImpl) AuthenticateMessage(p2pMsg P2PMessage) (err error)
func (*P2PMethodsImpl) AuthenticateMessageInEpoch ¶
func (p2p *P2PMethodsImpl) AuthenticateMessageInEpoch(p2pMsg P2PMessage, epoch int) (err error)
func (*P2PMethodsImpl) ConnectToP2PNode ¶
func (p2p *P2PMethodsImpl) ConnectToP2PNode(nodeP2PConnection string, nodePeerID peer.ID) error
func (*P2PMethodsImpl) GetHostAddress ¶
func (p2p *P2PMethodsImpl) GetHostAddress() (hostAddress ma.Multiaddr)
func (*P2PMethodsImpl) GetOwner ¶
func (m *P2PMethodsImpl) GetOwner() (owner string)
func (*P2PMethodsImpl) ID ¶
func (p2p *P2PMethodsImpl) ID() (peerID peer.ID)
func (*P2PMethodsImpl) NewP2PMessage ¶
func (p2p *P2PMethodsImpl) NewP2PMessage(messageId string, gossip bool, payload []byte, msgType string) (newMsg P2PBasicMsg)
func (*P2PMethodsImpl) RemoveStreamHandler ¶
func (p2p *P2PMethodsImpl) RemoveStreamHandler(proto string) error
func (*P2PMethodsImpl) SendP2PMessage ¶
func (p2p *P2PMethodsImpl) SendP2PMessage(id peer.ID, p protocol.ID, msg P2PMessage) error
func (*P2PMethodsImpl) SetOwner ¶
func (m *P2PMethodsImpl) SetOwner(owner string)
func (*P2PMethodsImpl) SetStreamHandler ¶
func (p2p *P2PMethodsImpl) SetStreamHandler(proto string, handler func(StreamMessage)) error
func (*P2PMethodsImpl) SignP2PMessage ¶
func (p2p *P2PMethodsImpl) SignP2PMessage(message P2PMessage) (signature []byte, err error)
type P2PService ¶
type P2PService struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*P2PService) Call ¶
func (p2p *P2PService) Call(method string, args ...interface{}) (interface{}, error)
func (*P2PService) ConnectToP2PNode ¶
func (p2p *P2PService) ConnectToP2PNode(nodeP2PConnection string, nodePeerID peer.ID) error
func (*P2PService) ForwardP2PToEventBus ¶
func (p *P2PService) ForwardP2PToEventBus(proto string)
func (*P2PService) Name ¶
func (p2p *P2PService) Name() string
func (*P2PService) NewP2PMessage ¶
func (p2pService *P2PService) NewP2PMessage(messageId string, gossip bool, payload []byte, msgType string) *P2PBasicMsg
helper method - generate message data shared between all node's p2p protocols messageId: unique for requests, copied from request for responses
func (*P2PService) OnStart ¶
func (p *P2PService) OnStart() error
func (*P2PService) OnStop ¶
func (p2p *P2PService) OnStop() error
func (*P2PService) SetBaseService ¶
func (p2p *P2PService) SetBaseService(bs *BaseService)
func (*P2PService) StopForwardP2PToEventBus ¶
func (p *P2PService) StopForwardP2PToEventBus(proto string)
type PSSDecision ¶
type PSSDecision struct { SharingID string `json:"sharingid"` Decided bool `json:"decided"` DecidedPSSIDs []string `json:"decidedpssids"` }
PSSDecision -
type PSSMethods ¶
type PSSMethods interface { SetOwner(owner string) GetOwner() (owner string) PSSInstanceExists(protocolPrefix PSSProtocolPrefix) (exists bool) GetPSSProtocolPrefix(oldEpoch int, newEpoch int) (pssProtocolPrefix PSSProtocolPrefix) ReceiveBFTMessage(protocolPrefix PSSProtocolPrefix, pssMessage pss.PSSMessage) error GetFreezeState() (freezeState int) SetFreezeState(freezeState int) GetEndIndex() (endIndex int) SetEndIndex(endIndex int) GetNewNodesN(protocolPrefix PSSProtocolPrefix) (newN int) GetNewNodesK(protocolPrefix PSSProtocolPrefix) (newK int) GetNewNodesT(protocolPrefix PSSProtocolPrefix) (newT int) GetOldNodesN(protocolPrefix PSSProtocolPrefix) (oldN int) GetOldNodesK(protocolPrefix PSSProtocolPrefix) (oldK int) GetOldNodesT(protocolPrefix PSSProtocolPrefix) (oldT int) NewPSSNode(pssStartData PSSStartData, isDealer bool, isPlayer bool) error ProposeFreeze(protocolPrefix PSSProtocolPrefix) error SendPSSMessageToNode(protocolPrefix PSSProtocolPrefix, pssNodeDetails pss.NodeDetails, pssMessage pss.PSSMessage) error IncrementCounter(counterName string) }
type PSSMethodsImpl ¶
type PSSMethodsImpl struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*PSSMethodsImpl) GetEndIndex ¶
func (pss *PSSMethodsImpl) GetEndIndex() (endIndex int)
func (*PSSMethodsImpl) GetFreezeState ¶
func (pss *PSSMethodsImpl) GetFreezeState() (freezeState int)
func (*PSSMethodsImpl) GetNewNodesK ¶
func (pss *PSSMethodsImpl) GetNewNodesK(protocolPrefix PSSProtocolPrefix) (newK int)
func (*PSSMethodsImpl) GetNewNodesN ¶
func (pss *PSSMethodsImpl) GetNewNodesN(protocolPrefix PSSProtocolPrefix) (newN int)
func (*PSSMethodsImpl) GetNewNodesT ¶
func (pss *PSSMethodsImpl) GetNewNodesT(protocolPrefix PSSProtocolPrefix) (newT int)
func (*PSSMethodsImpl) GetOldNodesK ¶
func (pss *PSSMethodsImpl) GetOldNodesK(protocolPrefix PSSProtocolPrefix) (oldK int)
func (*PSSMethodsImpl) GetOldNodesN ¶
func (pss *PSSMethodsImpl) GetOldNodesN(protocolPrefix PSSProtocolPrefix) (oldN int)
func (*PSSMethodsImpl) GetOldNodesT ¶
func (pss *PSSMethodsImpl) GetOldNodesT(protocolPrefix PSSProtocolPrefix) (oldT int)
func (*PSSMethodsImpl) GetOwner ¶
func (pss *PSSMethodsImpl) GetOwner() (owner string)
func (*PSSMethodsImpl) GetPSSProtocolPrefix ¶
func (pss *PSSMethodsImpl) GetPSSProtocolPrefix(oldEpoch int, newEpoch int) (pssProtocolPrefix PSSProtocolPrefix)
func (*PSSMethodsImpl) IncrementCounter ¶
func (pss *PSSMethodsImpl) IncrementCounter(counterName string)
func (*PSSMethodsImpl) NewPSSNode ¶
func (pss *PSSMethodsImpl) NewPSSNode(pssStartData PSSStartData, isDealer bool, isPlayer bool) error
func (*PSSMethodsImpl) PSSInstanceExists ¶
func (pss *PSSMethodsImpl) PSSInstanceExists(protocolPrefix PSSProtocolPrefix) (exists bool)
func (*PSSMethodsImpl) ProposeFreeze ¶
func (pss *PSSMethodsImpl) ProposeFreeze(pssProtocolPrefix PSSProtocolPrefix) error
func (*PSSMethodsImpl) ReceiveBFTMessage ¶
func (pss *PSSMethodsImpl) ReceiveBFTMessage(protocolPrefix PSSProtocolPrefix, pssMessage pss.PSSMessage) error
func (*PSSMethodsImpl) SendPSSMessageToNode ¶
func (pss *PSSMethodsImpl) SendPSSMessageToNode(protocolPrefix PSSProtocolPrefix, pssNodeDetails pss.NodeDetails, pssMessage pss.PSSMessage) error
func (*PSSMethodsImpl) SetEndIndex ¶
func (pss *PSSMethodsImpl) SetEndIndex(endIndex int)
func (*PSSMethodsImpl) SetFreezeState ¶
func (pss *PSSMethodsImpl) SetFreezeState(freezeState int)
func (*PSSMethodsImpl) SetOwner ¶
func (pss *PSSMethodsImpl) SetOwner(owner string)
func (*PSSMethodsImpl) UpdateShareStore ¶
func (pss *PSSMethodsImpl) UpdateShareStore(protocolPrefix PSSProtocolPrefix, keygenID pss.KeygenID, sharing pss.SharingData)
type PSSProtocolPrefix ¶
type PSSProtocolPrefix string
type PSSService ¶
type PSSService struct { PSSNodeInstances map[PSSProtocolPrefix]*pss.PSSNode // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*PSSService) Call ¶
func (p *PSSService) Call(method string, args ...interface{}) (interface{}, error)
func (*PSSService) GetPSSMsgPrefix ¶
func (pss *PSSService) GetPSSMsgPrefix(prefix PSSProtocolPrefix, method string) string
func (*PSSService) GetPSSProtocolPrefix ¶
func (pss *PSSService) GetPSSProtocolPrefix(oldEpoch int, newEpoch int) PSSProtocolPrefix
func (*PSSService) Name ¶
func (p *PSSService) Name() string
func (*PSSService) OnStart ¶
func (p *PSSService) OnStart() error
func (*PSSService) OnStop ¶
func (p *PSSService) OnStop() error
func (*PSSService) PSSInstanceExists ¶
func (p *PSSService) PSSInstanceExists(pssProtocolPrefix PSSProtocolPrefix) bool
func (*PSSService) SetBaseService ¶
func (p *PSSService) SetBaseService(bs *BaseService)
type PSSStartData ¶
type PSSUpdate ¶
type PSSUpdate struct { MessageSource MessageSource NodeDetails *NodeReference PSSMessage pss.PSSMessage }
type PSSWorkerUpdate ¶
type PSSWorkerUpdate struct { Type string Payload interface{} }
type PatchMappingHandler ¶
type PatchMappingHandler struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
patch003 TODO remove
func (PatchMappingHandler) ServeJSONRPC ¶
func (h PatchMappingHandler) ServeJSONRPC(c context.Context, params *bijson.RawMessage) (interface{}, *jsonrpc.Error)
patch003 TODO remove
type PatchMappingParams ¶
type PatchMappingParams struct { PSSProtocolPrefix PSSProtocolPrefix `json:"pss_protocol_prefix"` TransferState TransferState `json:"transfer_state"` }
type PatchMappingResult ¶
type PatchMappingResult struct { }
type PingHandler ¶
type PingHandler struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (PingHandler) ServeJSONRPC ¶
func (h PingHandler) ServeJSONRPC(c context.Context, params *bijson.RawMessage) (interface{}, *jsonrpc.Error)
type PingParams ¶
type PingParams struct {
Message string `json:"message"`
type PingProtocol ¶
type PingProtocol struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
PingProtocol type
func NewPingProtocol ¶
func NewPingProtocol(p2pService *P2PService) *PingProtocol
type PingResult ¶
type PingResult struct {
Message string `json:"message"`
type SerializedNodeReference ¶
type ServerMethods ¶
type ServerMethodsImpl ¶
type ServerMethodsImpl struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*ServerMethodsImpl) GetOwner ¶
func (m *ServerMethodsImpl) GetOwner() (owner string)
func (*ServerMethodsImpl) SetOwner ¶
func (m *ServerMethodsImpl) SetOwner(owner string)
type ServerService ¶
type ServerService struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*ServerService) Call ¶
func (s *ServerService) Call(method string, args ...interface{}) (interface{}, error)
func (*ServerService) Name ¶
func (s *ServerService) Name() string
func (*ServerService) OnStart ¶
func (s *ServerService) OnStart() error
func (*ServerService) OnStop ¶
func (s *ServerService) OnStop() error
func (*ServerService) SetBaseService ¶
func (s *ServerService) SetBaseService(bs *BaseService)
type Service ¶
type Service interface { Start() error Stop() error IsRunning() bool SetServiceCore(ServiceCore) String() string }
Service represents a way to start, stop and get the status of some service. BaseService is the default implementation and should be used by most users. SetServiceCore allows a user to set a ServiceCore. Users should implement their logic using ServiceCore.
type ServiceCore ¶
type ServiceCore interface { Name() string OnStart() error OnStop() error Call(method string, args ...interface{}) (result interface{}, err error) SetBaseService(*BaseService) }
ServiceCore is a service that is implemented by a user.
type ServiceLibrary ¶
type ServiceLibrary interface { SetOwner(owner string) GetOwner() (owner string) GetEventBus() eventbus.Bus SetEventBus(eventbus.Bus) TelemetryMethods() TelemetryMethods EthereumMethods() EthereumMethods ABCIMethods() ABCIMethods TendermintMethods() TendermintMethods ServerMethods() ServerMethods P2PMethods() P2PMethods // KeygenMethods() KeygenMethods KeygennofsmMethods() KeygennofsmMethods PSSMethods() PSSMethods DatabaseMethods() DatabaseMethods VerifierMethods() VerifierMethods CacheMethods() CacheMethods }
type ServiceLibraryImpl ¶
type ServiceLibraryImpl struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewServiceLibrary ¶
func NewServiceLibrary(eventBus eventbus.Bus, owner string) *ServiceLibraryImpl
func (*ServiceLibraryImpl) ABCIMethods ¶
func (sL *ServiceLibraryImpl) ABCIMethods() ABCIMethods
func (*ServiceLibraryImpl) CacheMethods ¶
func (sL *ServiceLibraryImpl) CacheMethods() CacheMethods
func (*ServiceLibraryImpl) DatabaseMethods ¶
func (sL *ServiceLibraryImpl) DatabaseMethods() DatabaseMethods
func (*ServiceLibraryImpl) EthereumMethods ¶
func (sL *ServiceLibraryImpl) EthereumMethods() EthereumMethods
func (*ServiceLibraryImpl) GetEventBus ¶
func (sL *ServiceLibraryImpl) GetEventBus() eventbus.Bus
func (*ServiceLibraryImpl) GetOwner ¶
func (sL *ServiceLibraryImpl) GetOwner() (owner string)
func (*ServiceLibraryImpl) KeygennofsmMethods ¶
func (sL *ServiceLibraryImpl) KeygennofsmMethods() KeygennofsmMethods
func (*ServiceLibraryImpl) P2PMethods ¶
func (sL *ServiceLibraryImpl) P2PMethods() P2PMethods
func (*ServiceLibraryImpl) PSSMethods ¶
func (sL *ServiceLibraryImpl) PSSMethods() PSSMethods
func (*ServiceLibraryImpl) ServerMethods ¶
func (sL *ServiceLibraryImpl) ServerMethods() ServerMethods
func (*ServiceLibraryImpl) SetEventBus ¶
func (sL *ServiceLibraryImpl) SetEventBus(eventBus eventbus.Bus)
func (*ServiceLibraryImpl) SetOwner ¶
func (sL *ServiceLibraryImpl) SetOwner(owner string)
func (*ServiceLibraryImpl) TelemetryMethods ¶
func (sL *ServiceLibraryImpl) TelemetryMethods() TelemetryMethods
func (*ServiceLibraryImpl) TendermintMethods ¶
func (sL *ServiceLibraryImpl) TendermintMethods() TendermintMethods
func (*ServiceLibraryImpl) VerifierMethods ¶
func (sL *ServiceLibraryImpl) VerifierMethods() VerifierMethods
type ServiceRegistry ¶
type ServiceRegistry struct { Services map[string]*BaseService // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewServiceRegistry ¶
func NewServiceRegistry(eventBus eventbus.Bus, baseServices ...*BaseService) *ServiceRegistry
func (*ServiceRegistry) AddRequestMiddleware ¶
func (s *ServiceRegistry) AddRequestMiddleware(middleware *func(methodRequest MethodRequest) MethodRequest)
func (*ServiceRegistry) AddResponseMiddleware ¶
func (s *ServiceRegistry) AddResponseMiddleware(middleware *func(methodResponse MethodResponse) MethodResponse)
func (*ServiceRegistry) RegisterService ¶
func (s *ServiceRegistry) RegisterService(bs *BaseService)
func (*ServiceRegistry) RemoveRequestMiddleware ¶
func (s *ServiceRegistry) RemoveRequestMiddleware(middleware *func(methodRequest MethodRequest) MethodRequest)
func (*ServiceRegistry) RemoveResponseMiddleware ¶
func (s *ServiceRegistry) RemoveResponseMiddleware(middleware *func(methodResponse MethodResponse) MethodResponse)
func (*ServiceRegistry) SetEventBus ¶
func (s *ServiceRegistry) SetEventBus(e eventbus.Bus)
func (*ServiceRegistry) SetupMethodRouting ¶
func (s *ServiceRegistry) SetupMethodRouting()
type ShareCountHandler ¶
type ShareCountHandler struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (ShareCountHandler) ServeJSONRPC ¶
func (h ShareCountHandler) ServeJSONRPC(c context.Context, params *bijson.RawMessage) (interface{}, *jsonrpc.Error)
type ShareCountParams ¶
type ShareCountParams struct { }
type ShareCountResult ¶
type ShareCountResult struct {
}type ShareRequestHandler ¶
type ShareRequestHandler struct { // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (ShareRequestHandler) ServeJSONRPC ¶
func (h ShareRequestHandler) ServeJSONRPC(c context.Context, params *bijson.RawMessage) (interface{}, *jsonrpc.Error)
checks id for assignment and then the auth token for verification returns the node's share of the user's key
type ShareRequestItem ¶
type ShareRequestItem struct {}
type ShareRequestParams ¶
type ShareRequestParams struct {
}type ShareRequestResult ¶
type ShareRequestResult struct {
}type State ¶
type State struct { // Epoch uint `json:"epoch"` Height int64 `json:"height"` AppHash []byte `json:"app_hash"` LastUnassignedIndex uint `json:"last_unassigned_index"` LastUnassignedTorusIndex uint `json:"last_unassigned_torus_index"` LastCreatedIndex uint `json:"last_created_index"` KeyMapping map[string]KeyAssignmentPublic `json:"key_mapping"` // KeyIndex => KeyAssignmentPublic VerifierToKeyIndex map[string](map[string]TorusID) `json:"verifier_to_key_index"` // Verifier => VerifierID => KeyIndex BlockTime time.Time `json:"-"` // updated every start of block PSSDecisions map[string]PSSDecision `json:"pss_decisions"` KeygenDecisions map[string]KeygenDecision `json:"keygen_decisions"` KeygenPubKeys map[string]KeygenPubKey `json:"keygen_pubkeys"` Frozen bool `json:"frozen"` Thawed bool `json:"thawed"` MapFreezes map[PSSProtocolPrefix]*MapFreeze `json:"map_freezes"` MapThaws map[PSSProtocolPrefix]*MapThaw `json:"map_thaws"` }
State - nothing in state should be a pointer Remember to initialize mappings in NewABCIApp()
type StreamMessage ¶
type StreamMessage struct { Protocol string Message P2PBasicMsg }
type TelemetryMethods ¶
type TelemetryMethodsImpl ¶
type TelemetryMethodsImpl struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*TelemetryMethodsImpl) GetOwner ¶
func (m *TelemetryMethodsImpl) GetOwner() (owner string)
func (*TelemetryMethodsImpl) SetOwner ¶
func (m *TelemetryMethodsImpl) SetOwner(owner string)
type TelemetryService ¶
type TelemetryService struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*TelemetryService) Call ¶
func (t *TelemetryService) Call(method string, args ...interface{}) (interface{}, error)
func (*TelemetryService) Name ¶
func (t *TelemetryService) Name() string
func (*TelemetryService) OnStart ¶
func (t *TelemetryService) OnStart() error
func (*TelemetryService) OnStop ¶
func (t *TelemetryService) OnStop() error
func (*TelemetryService) SetBaseService ¶
func (t *TelemetryService) SetBaseService(bs *BaseService)
type TendermintMethods ¶
type TendermintMethods interface { SetOwner(owner string) GetOwner() (owner string) GetNodeKey() (nodeKey tmp2p.NodeKey) GetStatus() (status BFTRPCWSStatus) Broadcast(tx interface{}) (txHash common.Hash, err error) RegisterQuery(query string, count int) (respChannel chan []byte, err error) DeregisterQuery(query string) (err error) }
type TendermintMethodsImpl ¶
type TendermintMethodsImpl struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*TendermintMethodsImpl) ABCIQuery ¶
func (t *TendermintMethodsImpl) ABCIQuery(path string, data []byte) (*ctypes.ResultABCIQuery, error)
func (*TendermintMethodsImpl) Broadcast ¶
func (t *TendermintMethodsImpl) Broadcast(tx interface{}) (txHash common.Hash, err error)
func (*TendermintMethodsImpl) DeregisterQuery ¶
func (t *TendermintMethodsImpl) DeregisterQuery(query string) error
func (*TendermintMethodsImpl) GetNodeKey ¶
func (t *TendermintMethodsImpl) GetNodeKey() (nodeKey tmp2p.NodeKey)
func (*TendermintMethodsImpl) GetOwner ¶
func (m *TendermintMethodsImpl) GetOwner() (owner string)
func (*TendermintMethodsImpl) GetStatus ¶
func (t *TendermintMethodsImpl) GetStatus() (status BFTRPCWSStatus)
func (*TendermintMethodsImpl) RegisterQuery ¶
func (t *TendermintMethodsImpl) RegisterQuery(query string, count int) (respChannel chan []byte, err error)
func (*TendermintMethodsImpl) SetOwner ¶
func (m *TendermintMethodsImpl) SetOwner(owner string)
type TendermintService ¶
type TendermintService struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*TendermintService) Call ¶
func (t *TendermintService) Call(method string, args ...interface{}) (interface{}, error)
func (*TendermintService) DeregisterQuery ¶
func (t *TendermintService) DeregisterQuery(query string) error
func (*TendermintService) Name ¶
func (t *TendermintService) Name() string
func (*TendermintService) OnStart ¶
func (t *TendermintService) OnStart() error
func (*TendermintService) OnStop ¶
func (t *TendermintService) OnStop() error
func (*TendermintService) RegisterQuery ¶
func (t *TendermintService) RegisterQuery(query string, count int) (chan []byte, error)
func (*TendermintService) RouteWSMessage ¶
func (t *TendermintService) RouteWSMessage(e rpctypes.RPCResponse) error
func (*TendermintService) SetBaseService ¶
func (t *TendermintService) SetBaseService(bs *BaseService)
type TorusDB ¶
type TorusDB interface { StorePublicKeyToKeyIndex(publicKey common.Point, keyIndex big.Int) error RetrieveCommitmentMatrix(keyIndex big.Int) ([][]common.Point, error) RetrievePublicKeyToKeyIndex(publicKey common.Point) (*big.Int, error) keygen.AVSSKeygenStorage GetKeygenStarted(keygenID string) bool SetKeygenStarted(keygenID string, started bool) error GetShareCount() int }
TorusDB represents a set of methods necessary for the operation of torus node NOTE: work in progress
type TorusID ¶
TorusID - an arbitrary struct used to chain multiple keyindexes together forming an access relationship that forms a users ID
type TransferState ¶
type TransferState struct { LastUnassignedIndex uint `json:"last_unassigned_index"` LastUnassignedTorusIndex uint `json:"last_unassigned_torus_index"` LastCreatedIndex uint `json:"last_created_index"` KeyMapping map[string]KeyAssignmentPublic `json:"key_mapping"` // KeyIndex => KeyAssignmentPublic VerifierToKeyIndex map[string](map[string]TorusID) `json:"verifier_to_key_index"` // Verifier => VerifierID => KeyIndex PubKeyMappings map[string]common.Point `json:"pubkey_mapping"` }
type ValidatedNodeSignature ¶
type ValidatedNodeSignature struct { NodeSignature NodeIndex big.Int }
type VerifierLookupHandler ¶
type VerifierLookupHandler struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (VerifierLookupHandler) ServeJSONRPC ¶
func (h VerifierLookupHandler) ServeJSONRPC(c context.Context, params *bijson.RawMessage) (interface{}, *jsonrpc.Error)
Looksup Keys assigned to a Verifier + VerifierID
type VerifierLookupItem ¶
type VerifierLookupParams ¶
type VerifierLookupResult ¶
type VerifierLookupResult struct {
Keys []VerifierLookupItem `json:"keys"`
type VerifierMethods ¶
type VerifierMethods interface { SetOwner(owner string) GetOwner() (owner string) Verify(rawMessage *bijson.RawMessage) (valid bool, verifierID string, timeIssued time.Time, err error) CleanToken(verifierIdentifier string, idtoken string) (cleanedToken string, err error) // Lookup(verifierIdentifier string) (verifier auth.Verifier, err error) // TODO: no pointers on eventBus message data ListVerifiers() (verifiers []string) }
type VerifierMethodsImpl ¶
type VerifierMethodsImpl struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*VerifierMethodsImpl) CleanToken ¶
func (v *VerifierMethodsImpl) CleanToken(verifierIdentifier string, idtoken string) (cleanedToken string, err error)
func (*VerifierMethodsImpl) GetOwner ¶
func (m *VerifierMethodsImpl) GetOwner() (owner string)
func (*VerifierMethodsImpl) ListVerifiers ¶
func (v *VerifierMethodsImpl) ListVerifiers() (verifiers []string)
func (*VerifierMethodsImpl) SetOwner ¶
func (m *VerifierMethodsImpl) SetOwner(owner string)
func (*VerifierMethodsImpl) Verify ¶
func (v *VerifierMethodsImpl) Verify(rawMessage *bijson.RawMessage) (valid bool, verifierID string, timeIssued time.Time, err error)
type VerifierService ¶
type VerifierService struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*VerifierService) Call ¶
func (v *VerifierService) Call(method string, args ...interface{}) (interface{}, error)
func (*VerifierService) Name ¶
func (v *VerifierService) Name() string
func (*VerifierService) OnStart ¶
func (v *VerifierService) OnStart() error
func (*VerifierService) OnStop ¶
func (v *VerifierService) OnStop() error
func (*VerifierService) SetBaseService ¶
func (v *VerifierService) SetBaseService(bs *BaseService)
type WhitelistMonitorUpdates ¶
type WhitelistMonitorUpdates struct { Type string Payload interface{} }
Source Files
- abci_app.go
- abci_server.go
- bft_tx.go
- bftruleset.go
- config.go
- context.go
- db.go
- debug_handlers.go
- dkgnode.go
- ethereum.go
- handlers.go
- jrpc_handlers.go
- keygen_nofsm.go
- middleware.go
- monitors.go
- node_auth.go
- p2p.go
- ping.go
- pss.go
- server.go
- service.go
- service_library.go
- services.go
- telemetry.go
- tendermint.go
- utils.go
- verifier.go