
checkstyle is a style check tool like java checkstyle. This tool inspired by java checkstyle, [golint] (https://github.com/golang/lint). The style refered to some points in Go Code Review Comments.
##to install, run
go get github.com/qiniu/checkstyle/gocheckstyle
##to run
gocheckstyle -config=.go_style dir1 dir2
##config is json file like following
"file_line": 500,
"func_line": 50,
"formated": true,
"pkg_name": true,
##add to makefile
bash -c "mkdir -p checkstyle; cd checkstyle && export GOPATH=`pwd` && go get github.com/qiniu/checkstyle/gocheckstyle"
checkstyle/bin/gocheckstyle -config=.go_style dir1 dir2
##integrate with jenkins checkstyle plugin
excute in shell
mkdir -p checkstyle; cd checkstyle && export GOPATH=`pwd` && go get github.com/qiniu/checkstyle/gocheckstyle"
checkstyle/bin/gocheckstyle -reporter=xml -config=.go_style dir1 dir2 2>gostyle.xml
then add postbuild checkstyle file gostyle.xml
Run checkstyle with one or more filenames or directories. The output of this tool is a list of suggestions. If you need to force obey the rule, place it in fatal.
Checkstyle differs from gofmt. Gofmt reformats Go source code, whereas checkstyle prints out coding style suggestion.
Checkstyle differs from golint. Checkstyle check file line/function line/param number, could be configed by user.