A simple static site builder
Example site
This is the recommended place to start if you just want to get going.
Make sure you have go
go install
The basic commands are here.
The file structure should look like this:
├── out/ - the built output
│ └── ...
├── pages/ - the templated pages
│ ├── <template name>/
│ │ └── ...
│ └── ...
├── raw/ - the non-templated pages
│ └── ...
├── templates/ - the templates
│ ├── <single file
│ │ template name>
│ ├── <multi file
│ │ template name>/
│ │ └── ...
│ └── ...
├── data.json - page variables
| (optional)
├── siteConfig.json - configuration
| (optional)
└── tsconfig.json - TypeScript configuration
This file sets the config for site. The default config (do not use comments):
"TemplateDir": "templates", // Sets the template directory
"TemplateRootFile": "root.json", // Sets the root file of templates
"TemplatedSrcDir": "pages", // Sets the templated page directory
"RawSrcDir": "raw", // Sets the raw directory
"DstDir": "out", // Sets the output directory
"DstMode": "0755", // Sets the file permissions for the output (octal)
"DataFile": "data.json", // Sets the file data is read from
"FmtTemplatedHtml": false, // Formats templated html files
"FmtRawHtml": false, // Formats raw html files
"ExcludePaths": [], // Regular expressions that match paths to ignore
"PrebuildCmds": [], // Commands to run before building
"PostbuildCmds": [], // Commands to run after building
"NotFoundPath": "404" // 404 page (serve)
This is the default output directory, where the built pages will be.
This is the directory for templates; templates can either be a single file or a directory of files, which will be concatenated into one template. The name of the file or directory is the template name.
The templates use Go templating with sprig functions. Official documentation; Nomad Tutorial.
This is the directory for pages that need templating. The pages should be in a subdirectory with the same name as the template.
This is the directory for files that do not need templating.
This file is for variables used in the templates. The root should be an object, where the keys are the paths of the page in pages
, and the values are the data to be used in the page.
There can also be a default
key, whose corresponding values are used when not overridden.
Defaults for a template can be set with a key corresponding to the name of the template, these take priority over the standard default
If TypeScript is used, this file is needed. The settings below need to be set. This will need to be adjusted if directory names are changed in siteConfig.json
"compilerOptions": {
"rootDir": "./raw",
"outDir": "./out",
"include": [ "./raw" ]
The file can generated with:
npx tsc --init
could be used to transpile a separate directory of TypeScript to one file of JavaScript. See the tsconfig docs for more information.
and include
could be changed to separate TypeScript from the pages.
could be changed if you want to use the output JavaScript in a template.
site help
site build

site serve

Serving on a different address:
SITE_ADDRESS= site serve
Windows cmd:
site serve
site serve
Build and serve:
site build serve

Building TypeScript
Adding TypeScript building to your site is easy, just add the following to the siteConfig.json
"ExcludePaths": ["\\.m?ts$"],
"PostbuildCmds": [
["npx", "tsc"]
You maintain all rights to any work you create using the build functionality of this tool, and attribution is not required in the created work.
Licensed under the MIT License (source) or Apache License, Version 2.0 (source) at your option.