A Go build system with file watchers, output streams and live reload. Run, build and watch file changes with custom paths
Highly customizable
Build, Install, Test, Fmt, Generate and Run at the same time
Live reload on file changes (re-build, re-install...)
Watch custom paths and specific file extensions
Support for multiple projects
Output streams and error logs (Watch them in console or save them on a file)
Web Panel (Watch all projects, edit the config settings, download each type of log)
Installation and usage
Run this to get/install:
$ go get github.com/tockins/realize
From project/projects root execute:
$ realize add
It will create a realize.yaml file if it doesn't exist already and adds the working directory as the project.
Otherwise if a config file already exists it adds the working project to the existing config file.
The add command supports the following custom parameters:
--name="Project Name" -> Name, if not specified takes the working directory name
--path="server" -> Custom Path, if not specified takes the working directory name
--build -> Enables the build
--test -> Enables the tests
--no-bin -> Disables the installation
--no-run -> Disables the run
--no-fmt -> Disables the fmt (go fmt)
--no-server -> Disables the web panel (port :5000)
--open -> Open the web panel in a new browser window
Build, Run and watch file changes. Realize will re-build and re-run your projects on each change.
$ realize run
Run can also launch a project from its working directory with or without make a config file (--no-config option).
It supports the following custom parameters:
--path="server" -> Custom Path, if not specified takes the working directory name
--build -> Enables the build
--test -> Enables the tests
--config -> Take the defined settings if exist a config file
--no-bin -> Disables the installation
--no-run -> Disables the run
--no-fmt -> Disables the fmt (go fmt)
--no-server -> Disables the web panel (port :5000)
--no-config -> Doesn't create any configuration files
--open -> Open the web panel in a new browser window
And additional arguments as the "add" command.
$ realize run --no-run yourParams --yourFlags // correct
$ realize run yourParams --yourFlags --no-run // wrong
$ realize run --path="/Users/alessio/go/src/github.com/tockins/realize-examples/coin/"
output: outputs.log // name of the output file
log: logs.log // name of the log file (errors included)
enable: true // enables the web server
open: false // opens the web server in a new tab
host: localhost // web server host
port: 5000 // wev server port
flimit: 0 // increases the maximum number of open files - supported only on linux or os x, sudo required
- name: printer // project name
path: / // project path
run: true // enables go run (require bin)
bin: true // enables go install
generate: false // enables go generate
build: false // enables go build
fmt: true // enables go fmt
test: false // enables go test
params: [] // array of additionals params. the project will be launched with these parameters
before: [] // custom commands launched before the execution of the project
after: [] // custom commands launched after the execution of the project
paths: // paths to observe for live reload
- /
ignore_paths: // paths to ignore
- vendor
exts: // file extensions to observe for live reload
- .go
preview: true // prints the observed files on startup
streams: true // prints the output streams of the project in the cli
streams: false // saves the output stream of the project in a file
logs: false // saves the logs of the project in a file
errors: false // saves the errors of the project in a file
Next features, in progress...
Web panel - edit settings (full support)
Web panel - logs download
Schedule - reload a project after a specific time
Easy dependencies - automatically resolve the project dependencies
Import license - retrieve the license for each imported library