Conversational Telegram Bot
Provide an .env file with bot token from BotFather with key "BOT_TOKEN" or edit the main.go
func getBotToken() (token string) {
token, ok := os.LookupEnv("BOT_TOKEN")
or supply the bot token directly to
pref := tele.Settings{
Token: getBotToken(),
To get an executable binary
go build
To run the bot
go run main.go
- Inspirational quote ✅
- Inspiratioal Image ✅
- Random inspiratioal quote ✅
- Cron jobs setup ✅
- Bible verse of the day ✅
- Audio bible message of the day ✅
- Persistent storage ✅
- Career motivational audio ❎
- Conversational AI ❎
- Remainder system ❎
- Game ❎
- Settings ❎
A view