Utils for working with Kafka
To install, run
go get github.com/tmkarthi/kafka-utils/...
simple-kafka-producer [OPTIONS]
Application Options:
-s= Kafka server host (default: localhost:9092)
-t= Topic to publish to (default: sample)
-k= Message Key. If -m is set as +, this should be either '+' for reading from stdin or
key value for sending same key for all messages.
-m= File containing message value. If specified as '-', will read from stdin till an empty
line is encountered. If specified as '+', every line in stdin will be published as one
message till killed through ctrl+c. If value of '+' is accompanied by -k with '+',
every odd numbered lines will be considered as key.
Help Options:
-h, --help Show this help message
simple-kafka-consumer [OPTIONS]
Application Options:
-s= Kafka server host (default: localhost:9092)
-t= Topic to read from (default: sample)
-o= Output file. Specify '-' for printing to the console (default: -)
-c= ConsumerGroup name (default: simple-consumer)
--use-ssl Use SSL
Help Options:
-h, --help Show this help message