# Deprecation notice
This notary server implementation was meant to interact with the PageSigner client.
PageSigner used an old TLSNotary protocol which is unaudited, experimental, and deprecated.
A vulnerability was discovered in PageSigner on 19th Jul 2023 allowing the prover to create arbitrary proofs, thus the proofs created with PageSigner must not be trusted.
This repository will not receive any updates and is archived for historical purposes.
This is the notary server for the TLSNotary protocol.
It is primarily intended to be run inside a sandboxed AWS EC2 instance (https://github.com/tlsnotary/pagesigner-oracles). It can also be run as a regular server (you'll have to start it with --no-sandbox and pass the file public.key to the client).
1. Make sure nodejs is installed on the system.
2. Clone this repo with:
git clone --recurse-submodules https://github.com/tlsnotary/server
3. Compile:
cd server/src
go mod init notary
go get github.com/bwesterb/go-ristretto@b51b4774df9150ea7d7616f76e77f745a464bbe3
go get github.com/roasbeef/go-go-gadget-paillier@14f1f86b60008ece97b6233ed246373e555fc79f
go get golang.org/x/crypto/blake2b
go get golang.org/x/crypto/salsa20/salsa
go build -o notary
4. Run on a local machine with:
./notary --no-sandbox