# Install
$ go get -u github.com/tkeel-io/tkeel-interface/tool/cmd/artisan
# Create project template
$ artisan new github.com/tkeel-io/helloworld
$ cd helloworld
# Download necessary plug-ins
$ make init
# Generate proto template
$ artisan proto add api/helloworld/v1/helloworld.proto
# Generate error proto template
$ artisan proto add api/helloworld/v1/error.proto
# Generate proto source code
$ make api
# Generate service template
$ artisan proto service api/helloworld/v1/helloworld.proto -t pkg/service
# Generate server template (this output needs to be manually added to cmd/helloworld/main.go)
$ artisan proto server api/helloworld/v1/helloworld.proto
# Generate API's makedown
$ artisan markdown -f api/apidocs.swagger.json -t third_party/markdown-templates/ -o ./docs/API/Greeter -m all
# Run the program
$ go run cmd/helloworld/main.go
# Generate API list based on apidocs.swagger.json
$ artisan markdown -f apidocs.swagger.json -m tag -o .
# Generate API function details based on apidocs.swagger.json
$ artisan markdown -f apidocs.swagger.json -m method -o .
# Generate API list and API function details based on apidocs.swagger.json
$ artisan markdown -f apidocs.swagger.json -m all -o .
# Generated based on apidocs.swagger.json and excludes functions with tags 'Private' and 'Internal'
$ artisan markdown -f apidocs.swagger.json -m all -o . --exclude_tag 'Private' --exclude_tag 'Internal'
# Generate based on apidocs.swagger.json and specify the template directory
$ artisan markdown -f apidocs.swagger.json -m all -o . -t pkg/markdown/templates