change node labels and BridgeConfig/UplinkConfig/Deployment selectors to test
fill status for all resource
create a new MyDeployment CRD to add affinity test on it
add webhook to insert affinity
test webhook will add network label expression to all affinity
add MyDeployment to deployment (use MyDeployment as 3rd party resource, becuase add k8s core reousrce webhook is nightmare for controller-runtime version before v0.15.0)
add WAN attr in Router, only WAN could do NAT
Don't setup router label on WAN subnet
router controller needs to watch subnet changes to update router itself
change router from deployment to statefulset
better way to set static ip
put annotation on Kubevirt VM with static IP and Mac
watch kubevirt VM annotations and update DHCP server IP/MAC mapping
get correct dhcp and subnet from kubevirt VM network spec
better way to set static floating ip
put annotaton on kubevirt vm with static IP and mac and FIP
watch kubevirt VM annotations and update router iptable NAT rule with FIP and IP
get correct router from kubevirt vm network spec and put NAT rule on that router wan port