Documentation ¶
Index ¶
Constants ¶
This section is empty.
Variables ¶
var Address = map[string][]string{
"number": {"#####", "####", "###"},
"street_prefix": {"North", "East", "West", "South", "New", "Lake", "Port"},
"street_name": {"Alley", "Avenue", "Branch", "Bridge", "Brook", "Brooks", "Burg", "Burgs", "Bypass", "Camp", "Canyon", "Cape", "Causeway", "Center", "Centers", "Circle", "Circles", "Cliff", "Cliffs", "Club", "Common", "Corner", "Corners", "Course", "Court", "Courts", "Cove", "Coves", "Creek", "Crescent", "Crest", "Crossing", "Crossroad", "Curve", "Dale", "Dam", "Divide", "Drive", "Drive", "Drives", "Estate", "Estates", "Expressway", "Extension", "Extensions", "Fall", "Falls", "Ferry", "Field", "Fields", "Flat", "Flats", "Ford", "Fords", "Forest", "Forge", "Forges", "Fork", "Forks", "Fort", "Freeway", "Garden", "Gardens", "Gateway", "Glen", "Glens", "Green", "Greens", "Grove", "Groves", "Harbor", "Harbors", "Haven", "Heights", "Highway", "Hill", "Hills", "Hollow", "Inlet", "Inlet", "Island", "Island", "Islands", "Islands", "Isle", "Isle", "Junction", "Junctions", "Key", "Keys", "Knoll", "Knolls", "Lake", "Lakes", "Land", "Landing", "Lane", "Light", "Lights", "Loaf", "Lock", "Locks", "Locks", "Lodge", "Lodge", "Loop", "Mall", "Manor", "Manors", "Meadow", "Meadows", "Mews", "Mill", "Mills", "Mission", "Mission", "Motorway", "Mount", "Mountain", "Mountain", "Mountains", "Mountains", "Neck", "Orchard", "Oval", "Overpass", "Park", "Parks", "Parkway", "Parkways", "Pass", "Passage", "Path", "Pike", "Pine", "Pines", "Place", "Plain", "Plains", "Plains", "Plaza", "Plaza", "Point", "Points", "Port", "Port", "Ports", "Ports", "Prairie", "Prairie", "Radial", "Ramp", "Ranch", "Rapid", "Rapids", "Rest", "Ridge", "Ridges", "River", "Road", "Road", "Roads", "Roads", "Route", "Row", "Rue", "Run", "Shoal", "Shoals", "Shore", "Shores", "Skyway", "Spring", "Springs", "Springs", "Spur", "Spurs", "Square", "Square", "Squares", "Squares", "Station", "Station", "Stravenue", "Stravenue", "Stream", "Stream", "Street", "Street", "Streets", "Summit", "Summit", "Terrace", "Throughway", "Trace", "Track", "Trafficway", "Trail", "Trail", "Tunnel", "Tunnel", "Turnpike", "Turnpike", "Underpass", "Union", "Unions", "Valley", "Valleys", "Via", "Viaduct", "View", "Views", "Village", "Village", "Villages", "Ville", "Vista", "Vista", "Walk", "Walks", "Wall", "Way", "Ways", "Well", "Wells"},
"street_suffix": {"town", "ton", "land", "ville", "berg", "burgh", "borough", "bury", "view", "port", "mouth", "stad", "furt", "chester", "mouth", "fort", "haven", "side", "shire"},
"city": {"{address.street_prefix} {name.first}{address.street_suffix}", "{address.street_prefix} {name.first}", "{name.first}{address.street_suffix}", "{name.last}{address.street_suffix}"},
"state": {"Alabama", "Alaska", "Arizona", "Arkansas", "California", "Colorado", "Connecticut", "Delaware", "Florida", "Georgia", "Hawaii", "Idaho", "Illinois", "Indiana", "Iowa", "Kansas", "Kentucky", "Louisiana", "Maine", "Maryland", "Massachusetts", "Michigan", "Minnesota", "Mississippi", "Missouri", "Montana", "Nebraska", "Nevada", "New Hampshire", "New Jersey", "New Mexico", "New York", "North Carolina", "North Dakota", "Ohio", "Oklahoma", "Oregon", "Pennsylvania", "Rhode Island", "South Carolina", "South Dakota", "Tennessee", "Texas", "Utah", "Vermont", "Virginia", "Washington", "West Virginia", "Wisconsin", "Wyoming"},
"state_abr": {"AL", "AK", "AS", "AZ", "AR", "CA", "CO", "CT", "DE", "DC", "FM", "FL", "GA", "GU", "HI", "ID", "IL", "IN", "IA", "KS", "KY", "LA", "ME", "MH", "MD", "MA", "MI", "MN", "MS", "MO", "MT", "NE", "NV", "NH", "NJ", "NM", "NY", "NC", "ND", "MP", "OH", "OK", "OR", "PW", "PA", "PR", "RI", "SC", "SD", "TN", "TX", "UT", "VT", "VI", "VA", "WA", "WV", "WI", "WY", "AE", "AA", "AP"},
"zip": {"#####"},
"country": {"Afghanistan", "Albania", "Algeria", "American Samoa", "Andorra", "Angola", "Anguilla", "Antarctica", "Antigua and Barbuda", "Argentina", "Armenia", "Aruba", "Australia", "Austria", "Azerbaijan", "Bahamas", "Bahrain", "Bangladesh", "Barbados", "Belarus", "Belgium", "Belize", "Benin", "Bermuda", "Bhutan", "Bolivia", "Bosnia and Herzegovina", "Botswana", "Bouvet Island", "Brazil", "British Indian Ocean Territory", "British Virgin Islands", "Brunei Darussalam", "Bulgaria", "Burkina Faso", "Burundi", "Cambodia", "Cameroon", "Canada", "Cape Verde", "Cayman Islands", "Central African Republic", "Chad", "Chile", "China", "Christmas Island", "Cocos (Keeling) Islands", "Colombia", "Comoros", "Congo", "Congo", "Cook Islands", "Costa Rica", "Cote Divoire", "Croatia", "Cuba", "Cyprus", "Czech Republic", "Denmark", "Djibouti", "Dominica", "Dominican Republic", "Ecuador", "Egypt", "El Salvador", "Equatorial Guinea", "Eritrea", "Estonia", "Ethiopia", "Faroe Islands", "Falkland Islands", "Fiji", "Finland", "France", "French Guiana", "French Polynesia", "French Southern Territories", "Gabon", "Gambia", "Georgia", "Germany", "Ghana", "Gibraltar", "Greece", "Greenland", "Grenada", "Guadeloupe", "Guam", "Guatemala", "Guernsey", "Guinea", "Guinea-Bissau", "Guyana", "Haiti", "Heard Island and McDonald Islands", "Holy See (Vatican City State)", "Honduras", "Hong Kong", "Hungary", "Iceland", "India", "Indonesia", "Iran", "Iraq", "Ireland", "Isle of Man", "Israel", "Italy", "Jamaica", "Japan", "Jersey", "Jordan", "Kazakhstan", "Kenya", "Kiribati", "Korea", "Korea", "Kuwait", "Kyrgyz Republic", "Lao Peoples Democratic Republic", "Latvia", "Lebanon", "Lesotho", "Liberia", "Libyan Arab Jamahiriya", "Liechtenstein", "Lithuania", "Luxembourg", "Macao", "Macedonia", "Madagascar", "Malawi", "Malaysia", "Maldives", "Mali", "Malta", "Marshall Islands", "Martinique", "Mauritania", "Mauritius", "Mayotte", "Mexico", "Micronesia", "Moldova", "Monaco", "Mongolia", "Montenegro", "Montserrat", "Morocco", "Mozambique", "Myanmar", "Namibia", "Nauru", "Nepal", "Netherlands Antilles", "Netherlands", "New Caledonia", "New Zealand", "Nicaragua", "Niger", "Nigeria", "Niue", "Norfolk Island", "Northern Mariana Islands", "Norway", "Oman", "Pakistan", "Palau", "Palestinian Territory", "Panama", "Papua New Guinea", "Paraguay", "Peru", "Philippines", "Pitcairn Islands", "Poland", "Portugal", "Puerto Rico", "Qatar", "Reunion", "Romania", "Russian Federation", "Rwanda", "Saint Barthelemy", "Saint Helena", "Saint Kitts and Nevis", "Saint Lucia", "Saint Martin", "Saint Pierre and Miquelon", "Saint Vincent and the Grenadines", "Samoa", "San Marino", "Sao Tome and Principe", "Saudi Arabia", "Senegal", "Serbia", "Seychelles", "Sierra Leone", "Singapore", "Slovakia (Slovak Republic)", "Slovenia", "Solomon Islands", "Somalia", "South Africa", "South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands", "Spain", "Sri Lanka", "Sudan", "Suriname", "Svalbard & Jan Mayen Islands", "Swaziland", "Sweden", "Switzerland", "Syrian Arab Republic", "Taiwan", "Tajikistan", "Tanzania", "Thailand", "Timor-Leste", "Togo", "Tokelau", "Tonga", "Trinidad and Tobago", "Tunisia", "Turkey", "Turkmenistan", "Turks and Caicos Islands", "Tuvalu", "Uganda", "Ukraine", "United Arab Emirates", "United Kingdom", "United States of America", "United States Minor Outlying Islands", "United States Virgin Islands", "Uruguay", "Uzbekistan", "Vanuatu", "Venezuela", "Vietnam", "Wallis and Futuna", "Western Sahara", "Yemen", "Zambia", "Zimbabwe"},
"country_abr": {"AF", "AL", "DZ", "AS", "AD", "AO", "AI", "AQ", "AG", "AR", "AM", "AW", "AU", "AT", "AZ", "BS", "BH", "BD", "BB", "BY", "BE", "BZ", "BJ", "BM", "BT", "BO", "BA", "BW", "BV", "BR", "IO", "BN", "BG", "BF", "BI", "KH", "CM", "CA", "CV", "KY", "CF", "TD", "CL", "CN", "CX", "CC", "CO", "KM", "CG", "CK", "CR", "CI", "HR", "CU", "CY", "CZ", "DK", "DJ", "DM", "DO", "TL", "EC", "EG", "SV", "GQ", "ER", "EE", "ET", "FK", "FO", "FJ", "FI", "FR", "FX", "GF", "PF", "TF", "GA", "GM", "GE", "DE", "GH", "GI", "GR", "GL", "GD", "GP", "GU", "GT", "GN", "GW", "GY", "HT", "HM", "HN", "HK", "HU", "IS", "IN", "ID", "IR", "IQ", "IE", "IL", "IT", "JM", "JP", "JO", "KZ", "KE", "KI", "KP", "KR", "KW", "KG", "LA", "LV", "LB", "LS", "LR", "LY", "LI", "LT", "LU", "MO", "MK", "MG", "MW", "MY", "MV", "ML", "MT", "MH", "MQ", "MR", "MU", "YT", "MX", "FM", "MD", "MC", "MN", "MS", "MA", "MZ", "MM", "NA", "NR", "NP", "NL", "AN", "NC", "NZ", "NI", "NE", "NG", "NU", "NF", "MP", "NO", "OM", "PK", "PW", "PA", "PG", "PY", "PE", "PH", "PN", "PL", "PT", "PR", "QA", "RE", "RO", "RU", "RW", "KN", "LC", "VC", "WS", "SM", "ST", "SA", "SN", "RS", "SC", "SL", "SG", "SK", "SI", "SB", "SO", "ZA", "ES", "LK", "SH", "PM", "SD", "SR", "SJ", "SZ", "SE", "CH", "SY", "TW", "TJ", "TZ", "TH", "TG", "TK", "TO", "TT", "TN", "TR", "TM", "TC", "TV", "UG", "UA", "AE", "GB", "US", "UM", "UY", "UZ", "VU", "VA", "VE", "VN", "VG", "VI", "WF", "EH", "YE", "YU", "ZR", "ZM", "ZW"},
Address consists of address information
var Animal = map[string][]string{
"petname": {"Alfalfa", "Archie", "Attila", "Baloo", "Bark Twain", "Barney", "Beans", "Bernadette", "Betty", "Binx", "Biscuit", "Bitsy", "Bob", "Bruiser", "Butterball", "Butters", "Chalupa", "Cheeseburger", "Chewbarka", "Chompers", "Cujo", "Demi", "Dobby", "Doc McDoggins", "Droolius Caesar", "Elmo", "Fergus", "Fluffernutter", "Franz Fur-dinand", "Frodo", "Fyodor Dogstoevsky", "Gary", "Gollum", "Hairy Paw-ter", "Hercules", "Hobbit", "Jabba", "Jellybean", "Jimmy Chew", "Kareem Abdul Ja-Bark", "Kevin", "Khaleesi", "Larry", "Lloyd", "Mary Puppins", "Matilda", "Meatball", "Mister Miyagi", "Moose", "Munchkin", "Nacho", "Noodles", "Nugget", "Olga", "Orville Redenbarker", "Ozzy Pawsborne", "Pam", "Peanut", "Pee Wee", "Pikachu", "Prince of Barkness", "Pumba", "Rambo", "Rex", "Rocky", "Rufus", "Salsa", "Salvador Dogi", "Santa Paws", "Sarah Jessica Barker", "Scrappy", "Sherlock Bones", "Squeakers", "Squirt", "Tank", "Tater", "The Notorious D.O.G.", "Toto", "Twinkie", "Waffles", "Waldo", "Winnie the Poodle", "Woofgang Puck", "Yoda", "Zeus"},
"animal": {"alligator", "alpaca", "ant", "antelope", "ape", "armadillo", "baboon", "badger", "bat", "bear", "beaver", "bee", "beetle", "buffalo", "butterfly", "camel", "caribou", "cat", "cattle", "cheetah", "chimpanzee", "chinchilla", "cicada", "clam", "cockroach", "cod", "coyote", "crab", "cricket", "crocodile", "crow", "deer", "dinosaur", "dog", "dolphin", "donkey", "duck", "eagle", "eel", "elephant", "elk", "ferret", "fish", "fly", "fox", "frog", "gerbil", "giraffe", "gnat", "gnu", "goat", "goldfish", "goose", "gorilla", "grasshopper", "guinea pig", "hamster", "hare", "hedgehog", "herring", "hippopotamus", "hornet", "horse", "hound", "hyena", "impala", "jackal", "jellyfish", "kangaroo", "koala", "leopard", "lion", "lizard", "llama", "locust", "louse", "macaw", "mallard", "mammoth", "manatee", "marten", "mink", "minnow", "mole", "monkey", "moose", "mosquito", "mouse", "mule", "muskrat", "otter", "ox", "oyster", "panda", "pig", "platypus", "porcupine", "porpoise", "prairie dog", "pug", "rabbit", "raccoon", "rat", "raven", "reindeer", "rhinoceros", "salmon", "sardine", "scorpion", "sea lion", "seal", "serval", "shark", "sheep", "skunk", "snail", "snake", "spider", "squirrel", "swan", "termite", "tiger", "toad", "tortoise", "trout", "turtle ", "wallaby", "walrus", "wasp", "water buffalo", "weasel", "whale", "wildebeest", "wolf", "wombat", "woodchuck", "worm", "yak", "yellowjacket", "zebra"},
"type": {"amphibians", "birds", "fish", "invertebrates", "mammals", "reptiles"},
"farm": {"Chicken", "Cow", "Donkey", "Duck", "Goat", "Goose", "Horse", "Llama", "Pig", "Sheep", "Turkey"},
"cat": {"Abyssinian", "Aegean", "American Bobtail", "American Curl", "American Shorthair", "American Wirehair", "Arabian Mau", "Asian", "Asian Semi-longhair", "Australian Mist", "Balinese", "Bambino", "Bengal", "Birman", "Bombay", "Brazilian Shorthair", "British Longhair", "British Semipi-longhair", "British Shorthair", "Burmese", "Burmilla", "California Spangled", "Chantilly-Tiffany", "Chartreux", "Chausie", "Cheetoh", "Colorpoint Shorthair", "Cornish Rex", "Cymric, or Manx Longhair", "Cyprus", "Devon Rex", "Donskoy, or Don Sphynx", "Dragon Li", "Dwarf cat, or Dwelf", "Egyptian Mau", "European Shorthair", "Exotic Shorthair", "Foldex Cat", "German Rex", "Havana Brown", "Highlander", "Himalayan, or Colorpoint Persian", "Japanese Bobtail", "Javanese", "Khao Manee", "Korat", "Korean Bobtail", "Korn Ja", "Kurilian Bobtail", "Kurilian Bobtail, or Kuril Islands Bobtail", "LaPerm", "Lykoi", "Maine Coon", "Manx", "Mekong Bobtail", "Minskin", "Munchkin", "Napoleon", "Nebelung", "Norwegian Forest Cat", "Ocicat", "Ojos Azules", "Oregon Rex", "Oriental Bicolor", "Oriental Longhair", "Oriental Shorthair", "PerFold Cat (Experimental Breed - WCF)", "Persian (Modern Persian Cat)", "Persian (Traditional Persian Cat)", "Peterbald", "Pixie-bob", "Raas", "Ragamuffin", "Ragdoll", "Russian Blue", "Russian White, Black and Tabby", "Sam Sawet", "Savannah", "Scottish Fold", "Selkirk Rex", "Serengeti", "Serrade petit", "Siamese", "Siberian", "Singapura", "Snowshoe", "Sokoke", "Somali", "Sphynx", "Suphalak", "Thai", "Tonkinese", "Toyger", "Turkish Angora", "Turkish Van", "Ukrainian Levkoy"},
"dog": {"Affenpinscher", "African", "Airedale", "Akita", "Appenzeller", "Basenji", "Beagle", "Bluetick", "Borzoi", "Bouvier", "Boxer", "Brabancon", "Briard", "Boston Bulldog", "French Bulldog", "Staffordshire Bullterrier", "Cairn", "Chihuahua", "Chow", "Clumber", "Border Collie", "Coonhound", "Cardigan Corgi", "Dachshund", "Great Dane", "Scottish Deerhound", "Dhole", "Dingo", "Doberman", "Norwegian Elkhound", "Entlebucher", "Eskimo", "Germanshepherd", "Italian Greyhound", "Groenendael", "Ibizan Hound", "Afghan Hound", "Basset Hound", "Blood Hound", "English Hound", "Walker Hound", "Husky", "Keeshond", "Kelpie", "Komondor", "Kuvasz", "Labrador", "Leonberg", "Lhasa", "Malamute", "Malinois", "Maltese", "Bull Mastiff", "Tibetan Mastiff", "Mexicanhairless", "Bernese Mountain", "Swiss Mountain", "Newfoundland", "Otterhound", "Papillon", "Pekinese", "Pembroke", "Miniature Pinscher", "German Pointer", "Pomeranian", "Miniature Poodle", "Standard Poodle", "Toy Poodle", "Pug", "Pyrenees", "Redbone", "Chesapeake Retriever", "Curly Retriever", "Flatcoated Retriever", "Golden Retriever", "Rhodesian Ridgeback", "Rottweiler", "Saluki", "Samoyed", "Schipperke", "Giant Schnauzer", "Miniature Schnauzer", "English Setter", "Gordon Setter", "Irish Setter", "English Sheepdog", "Shetland Sheepdog", "Shiba", "Shihtzu", "Blenheim Spaniel", "Brittany Spaniel", "Cocker Spaniel", "Irish Spaniel", "Japanese Spaniel", "Sussex Spaniel", "Welsh Spaniel", "English Springer", "Stbernard", "American Terrier", "Australian Terrier", "Bedlington Terrier", "Border Terrier", "Dandie Terrier", "Fox Terrier", "Irish Terrier", "Kerryblue Terrier", "Lakeland Terrier", "Norfolk Terrier", "Norwich Terrier", "Patterdale Terrier", "Rat Terrier", "Scottish Terrier", "Sealyham Terrier", "Silky Terrier", "Tibetan Terrier", "Toy Terrier", "Westhighland Terrier", "Wheaten Terrier", "Yorkshire Terrier", "Vizsla", "Weimaraner", "Whippet", "Irish Wolfhound"},
Animal consists of animal information
var Beer = map[string][]string{
"name": {"Pliny The Elder", "Founders Kentucky Breakfast", "Trappistes Rochefort 10", "HopSlam Ale", "Stone Imperial Russian Stout", "St. Bernardus Abt 12", "Founders Breakfast Stout", "Weihenstephaner Hefeweissbier", "Péché Mortel", "Celebrator Doppelbock", "Duvel", "Dreadnaught IPA", "Nugget Nectar", "La Fin Du Monde", "Bourbon County Stout", "Old Rasputin Russian Imperial Stout", "Two Hearted Ale", "Ruination IPA", "Schneider Aventinus", "Double Bastard Ale", "90 Minute IPA", "Hop Rod Rye", "Trappistes Rochefort 8", "Chimay Grande Réserve", "Stone IPA", "Arrogant Bastard Ale", "Edmund Fitzgerald Porter", "Chocolate St", "Oak Aged Yeti Imperial Stout", "Ten FIDY", "Storm King Stout", "Shakespeare Oatmeal", "Alpha King Pale Ale", "Westmalle Trappist Tripel", "Samuel Smith’s Imperial IPA", "Yeti Imperial Stout", "Hennepin", "Samuel Smith’s Oatmeal Stout", "Brooklyn Black", "Oaked Arrogant Bastard Ale", "Sublimely Self-Righteous Ale", "Trois Pistoles", "Bell’s Expedition", "Sierra Nevada Celebration Ale", "Sierra Nevada Bigfoot Barleywine Style Ale", "Racer 5 India Pale Ale, Bear Republic Bre", "Orval Trappist Ale", "Hercules Double IPA", "Maharaj", "Maudite"},
"hop": {"Ahtanum", "Amarillo", "Bitter Gold", "Bravo", "Brewer’s Gold", "Bullion", "Cascade", "Cashmere", "Centennial", "Chelan", "Chinook", "Citra", "Cluster", "Columbia", "Columbus", "Comet", "Crystal", "Equinox", "Eroica", "Fuggle", "Galena", "Glacier", "Golding", "Hallertau", "Horizon", "Liberty", "Magnum", "Millennium", "Mosaic", "Mt. Hood", "Mt. Rainier", "Newport", "Northern Brewer", "Nugget", "Olympic", "Palisade", "Perle", "Saaz", "Santiam", "Simcoe", "Sorachi Ace", "Sterling", "Summit", "Tahoma", "Tettnang", "TriplePearl", "Ultra", "Vanguard", "Warrior", "Willamette", "Yakima Gol"},
"yeast": {"1007 - German Ale", "1010 - American Wheat", "1028 - London Ale", "1056 - American Ale", "1084 - Irish Ale", "1098 - British Ale", "1099 - Whitbread Ale", "1187 - Ringwood Ale", "1272 - American Ale II", "1275 - Thames Valley Ale", "1318 - London Ale III", "1332 - Northwest Ale", "1335 - British Ale II", "1450 - Dennys Favorite 50", "1469 - West Yorkshire Ale", "1728 - Scottish Ale", "1968 - London ESB Ale", "2565 - Kölsch", "1214 - Belgian Abbey", "1388 - Belgian Strong Ale", "1762 - Belgian Abbey II", "3056 - Bavarian Wheat Blend", "3068 - Weihenstephan Weizen", "3278 - Belgian Lambic Blend", "3333 - German Wheat", "3463 - Forbidden Fruit", "3522 - Belgian Ardennes", "3638 - Bavarian Wheat", "3711 - French Saison", "3724 - Belgian Saison", "3763 - Roeselare Ale Blend", "3787 - Trappist High Gravity", "3942 - Belgian Wheat", "3944 - Belgian Witbier", "2000 - Budvar Lager", "2001 - Urquell Lager", "2007 - Pilsen Lager", "2035 - American Lager", "2042 - Danish Lager", "2112 - California Lager", "2124 - Bohemian Lager", "2206 - Bavarian Lager", "2278 - Czech Pils", "2308 - Munich Lager", "2633 - Octoberfest Lager Blend", "5112 - Brettanomyces bruxellensis", "5335 - Lactobacillus", "5526 - Brettanomyces lambicus", "5733 - Pediococcus"},
"malt": {"Black malt", "Caramel", "Carapils", "Chocolate", "Munich", "Caramel", "Carapils", "Chocolate malt", "Munich", "Pale", "Roasted barley", "Rye malt", "Special roast", "Victory", "Vienna", "Wheat mal"},
"style": {"Light Lager", "Pilsner", "European Amber Lager", "Dark Lager", "Bock", "Light Hybrid Beer", "Amber Hybrid Beer", "English Pale Ale", "Scottish And Irish Ale", "Merican Ale", "English Brown Ale", "Porter", "Stout", "India Pale Ale", "German Wheat And Rye Beer", "Belgian And French Ale", "Sour Ale", "Belgian Strong Ale", "Strong Ale", "Fruit Beer", "Vegetable Beer", "Smoke-flavored", "Wood-aged Beer"},
Beer consists of various beer information
var Car = map[string][]string{
"type": {"Passenger car mini", "Passenger car light", "Passenger car compact", "Passenger car medium", "Passenger car heavy", "Sport utility vehicle", "Pickup truck", "Van"},
"fuel_type": {"Gasoline", "Methanol", "Ethanol", "Diesel", "LPG", "CNG", "Electric"},
"transmission_type": {"Manual", "Automatic"},
"maker": {"Alfa Romeo", "Aston Martin", "Audi", "Bentley", "Benz", "BMW", "Bugatti", "Cadillac", "Chevrolet", "Chrysler", "Citroen", "Corvette", "DAF", "Dacia", "Daewoo", "Daihatsu", "Datsun", "De Lorean", "Dino", "Dodge", "Farboud", "Ferrari", "Fiat", "Ford", "Honda", "Hummer", "Hyundai", "Jaguar", "Jeep", "KIA", "Koenigsegg", "Lada", "Lamborghini", "Lancia", "Land Rover", "Lexus", "Ligier", "Lincoln", "Lotus", "Martini", "Maserati", "Maybach", "Mazda", "McLaren", "Mercedes", "Mercedes-Benz", "Mini", "Mitsubishi", "Nissan", "Noble", "Opel", "Peugeot", "Pontiac", "Porsche", "Renault", "Rolls-Royce", "Rover", "Saab", "Seat", "Skoda", "Smart", "Spyker", "Subaru", "Suzuki", "Toyota", "Tesla", "Vauxhall", "Volkswagen", "Volvo"},
"model": {"Db9 Coupe", "Db9 Coupe Manual", "Db9 Volante", "V12 Vanquish S", "V8 Vantage", "A3", "A4", "A4 Avant Quattro", "A4 Cabriolet", "A4 Cabriolet Quattro", "A4 Quattro", "A6", "A6 Avant Quattro", "A6 Quattro", "A8 L", "Gti", "Passat", "S4", "S4 Avant", "S4 Cabriolet", "Tt Coupe", "Tt Roadster", "Bentley Arnage", "Continental Flying Spur", "Continental Gt", " 325ci Convertible", " 325i", " 325xi", " 325xi Sport Wagon", " 330ci Convertible", " 330i", " 330xi", " 525i", " 525xi", " 530i", " 530xi", " 530xi Sport Wagon", " 550i", " 650ci", " 650ci Convertible", " 750li", " 760li", " M3", " M3 Convertible", " M5", " M6", " Mini Cooper", " Mini Cooper Convertible", " Mini Cooper S", " Mini Cooper S Convertible", " X3", " X5", " X5 4.8is", " Z4 3.0 Si Coupe", " Z4 3.0i", " Z4 3.0si", " Z4 M Roadster", "Veyron", "300c/srt-8", "Caravan 2wd", "Charger", "Commander 4wd", "Crossfire Roadster", "Dakota Pickup 2wd", "Dakota Pickup 4wd", "Durango 2wd", "Durango 4wd", "Grand Cherokee 2wd", "Grand Cherokee 4wd", "Liberty/cherokee 2wd", "Liberty/cherokee 4wd", "Pacifica 2wd", "Pacifica Awd", "Pt Cruiser", "Ram 1500 Pickup 2wd", "Ram 1500 Pickup 4wd", "Sebring 4-dr", "Stratus 4-dr", "Town & Country 2wd", "Viper Convertible", "Wrangler/tj 4wd", "F430", "Ferrari 612 Scaglietti", "Ferrari F141", "B4000 4wd", "Crown Victoria Police", "E150 Club Wagon", "E150 Econoline 2wd", "Escape 4wd", "Escape Fwd", "Escape Hybrid 4wd", "Escape Hybrid Fwd", "Expedition 2wd", "Explorer 2wd", "Explorer 4wd", "F150 Ffv 2wd", "F150 Ffv 4wd", "F150 Pickup 2wd", "F150 Pickup 4wd", "Five Hundred Awd", "Focus Fwd", "Focus Station Wag", "Freestar Wagon Fwd", "Freestyle Awd", "Freestyle Fwd", "Grand Marquis", "Gt 2wd", "Ls", "Mark Lt", "Milan", "Monterey Wagon Fwd", "Mountaineer 4wd", "Mustang", "Navigator 2wd", "Ranger Pickup 2wd", "Ranger Pickup 4wd", "Taurus", "Taurus Ethanol Ffv", "Thunderbird", "Town Car", "Zephyr", "B9 Tribeca Awd", "Baja Awd", "Forester Awd", "Impreza Awd", "Impreza Wgn/outback Spt Awd", "Legacy Awd", "Legacy Wagon Awd", "Outback Awd", "Outback Wagon Awd", "9-3 Convertible", "9-3 Sport Sedan", "9-5 Sedan", "C15 Silverado Hybrid 2wd", "C1500 Silverado 2wd", "C1500 Suburban 2wd", "C1500 Tahoe 2wd", "C1500 Yukon 2wd", "Cobalt", "Colorado 2wd", "Colorado 4wd", "Colorado Cab Chassis Inc 2wd", "Colorado Crew Cab 2wd", "Colorado Crew Cab 4wd", "Corvette", "Cts", "Dts", "Envoy 2wd", "Envoy Xl 4wd", "Equinox Awd", "Equinox Fwd", "Escalade 2wd", "Escalade Esv Awd", "G15/25chev Van 2wd Conv", "G1500/2500 Chevy Express 2wd", "G1500/2500 Chevy Van 2wd", "G6", "G6 Gt/gtp Convertible", "Grand Prix", "Gto", "H3 4wd", "Hhr Fwd", "I-280 2wd Ext Cab", "Impala", "K15 Silverado Hybrid 4wd", "K1500 Avalanche 4wd", "K1500 Silverado 4wd", "K1500 Tahoe 4wd", "Lacrosse/allure", "Limousine", "Malibu", "Montana Sv6 Awd", "Monte Carlo", "Rendezvous Awd", "Rendezvous Fwd", "Solstice", "Srx 2wd", "Srx Awd", "Ssr Pickup 2wd", "Sts", "Sts Awd", "Terraza Fwd", "Trailblazer 2wd", "Trailblazer 4wd", "Trailblazer Awd", "Trailblazer Ext 4wd", "Uplander Fwd", "Vue Awd", "Vue Fwd", "Xlr", "Aveo", "Forenza", "Forenza Wagon", "Verona", "Accord", "Accord Hybrid", "Civic", "Civic Hybrid", "Cr-v 4wd", "Element 2wd", "Element 4wd", "Insight", "Mdx 4wd", "Odyssey 2wd", "Pilot 2wd", "Pilot 4wd", "Ridgeline 4wd", "Rl", "Rsx", "S2000", "Tl", "Tsx", "Accent", "Azera", "Elantra", "Santafe 2wd", "Santafe 4wd", "Sonata", "Tiburon", "Tucson 2wd", "Tucson 4wd", "S-type 3.0 Litre", "S-type 4.2 Litre", "S-type R", "Vdp Lwb", "Xj8", "Xk8 Convertible", "Xkr Convertible", "X-type", "X-type Sport Brake", "Amanti", "Optima", "Optima(ms)", "Rio", "Sedona", "Sorento 2wd", "Sorento 4wd", "Spectra(ld)", "Sportage 2wd", "Sportage 4wd", "L-140/715 Gallardo", "L-147/148 Murcielago", "Lr3", "Range Rover", "Range Rover Sport", "Elise/exige", "Coupe Cambiocorsa/gt/g-sport", "Quattroporte", "Mazda 3", "Mazda 5", "Mazda 6", "Mazda 6 Sport Wagon", "Mazda Rx-8", "Mpv", "Mx-5", "C230", "C280", "C280 4matic", "C350", "C350 4matic", "C55 Amg", "Cl65 Amg", "Clk350", "Clk350 (cabriolet)", "Clk55 Amg (cabriolet)", "Cls500", "Cls55 Amg", "E320 Cdi", "E350", "E350 (wagon)", "E350 4matic", "E350 4matic (wagon)", "E500", "E55 Amg", "E55 Amg (wagon)", "Maybach 57s", "Maybach 62", "Ml350", "Ml500", "R350", "R500", "S350", "S430", "Sl500", "Sl600", "Sl65 Amg", "Slk280", "Slk350", "Slr", "Eclipse", "Endeavor 2wd", "Endeavor 4wd", "Galant", "Lancer", "Lancer Evolution", "Lancer Sportback", "Montero", "Outlander 2wd", "Outlander 4wd", "Vibe", "350z", "350z Roadster", "Altima", "Armada 2wd", "Armada 4wd", "Frontier 2wd", "Frontier V6-2wd", "Frontier V6-4wd", "Fx35 Awd", "Fx35 Rwd", "Fx45 Awd", "G35", "M35", "M35x", "M45", "Maxima", "Murano Awd", "Murano Fwd", "Pathfinder 2wd", "Pathfinder 4wd", "Q45", "Q45 Sport", "Quest", "Qx56 4wd", "Sentra", "Titan 2wd", "Titan 4wd", "Xterra 2wd", "Xterra 4wd", "Boxster", "Boxster S", "Carrera 2 Coupe", "Cayenne", "Cayenne S", "Cayenne Turbo", "Cayman S", "Phantom", "F150 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"V50 Awd", "V70 Fwd", "V70 R Awd", "Xc 70 Awd", "Xc 90 Awd", "Xc 90 Fwd"},
Car Beer consists of various beer information
var Colors = map[string][]string{
"safe": {"black", "maroon", "green", "navy", "olive", "purple", "teal", "lime", "blue", "silver", "gray", "yellow", "fuchsia", "aqua", "white"},
"full": {"AliceBlue", "AntiqueWhite", "Aqua", "Aquamarine", "Azure", "Beige", "Bisque", "Black", "BlanchedAlmond", "Blue", "BlueViolet", "Brown", "BurlyWood", "CadetBlue", "Chartreuse", "Chocolate", "Coral", "CornflowerBlue", "Cornsilk", "Crimson", "Cyan", "DarkBlue", "DarkCyan", "DarkGoldenRod", "DarkGray", "DarkGreen", "DarkKhaki", "DarkMagenta", "DarkOliveGreen", "Darkorange", "DarkOrchid", "DarkRed", "DarkSalmon", "DarkSeaGreen", "DarkSlateBlue", "DarkSlateGray", "DarkTurquoise", "DarkViolet", "DeepPink", "DeepSkyBlue", "DimGray", "DimGrey", "DodgerBlue", "FireBrick", "FloralWhite", "ForestGreen", "Fuchsia", "Gainsboro", "GhostWhite", "Gold", "GoldenRod", "Gray", "Green", "GreenYellow", "HoneyDew", "HotPink", "IndianRed ", "Indigo ", "Ivory", "Khaki", "Lavender", "LavenderBlush", "LawnGreen", "LemonChiffon", "LightBlue", "LightCoral", "LightCyan", "LightGoldenRodYellow", "LightGray", "LightGreen", "LightPink", "LightSalmon", "LightSeaGreen", "LightSkyBlue", "LightSlateGray", "LightSteelBlue", "LightYellow", "Lime", "LimeGreen", "Linen", "Magenta", "Maroon", "MediumAquaMarine", "MediumBlue", "MediumOrchid", "MediumPurple", "MediumSeaGreen", "MediumSlateBlue", "MediumSpringGreen", "MediumTurquoise", "MediumVioletRed", "MidnightBlue", "MintCream", "MistyRose", "Moccasin", "NavajoWhite", "Navy", "OldLace", "Olive", "OliveDrab", "Orange", "OrangeRed", "Orchid", "PaleGoldenRod", "PaleGreen", "PaleTurquoise", "PaleVioletRed", "PapayaWhip", "PeachPuff", "Peru", "Pink", "Plum", "PowderBlue", "Purple", "Red", "RosyBrown", "RoyalBlue", "SaddleBrown", "Salmon", "SandyBrown", "SeaGreen", "SeaShell", "Sienna", "Silver", "SkyBlue", "SlateBlue", "SlateGray", "Snow", "SpringGreen", "SteelBlue", "Tan", "Teal", "Thistle", "Tomato", "Turquoise", "Violet", "Wheat", "White", "WhiteSmoke", "Yellow", "YellowGreen"},
Colors consists of color information
var Company = map[string][]string{
"name": {"3 Round Stones, Inc.", "48 Factoring Inc.", "5PSolutions", "Abt Associates", "Accela", "Accenture", "AccuWeather", "Acxiom", "Adaptive", "Adobe Digital Government", "Aidin", "", "Allianz", "Allied Van Lines", "AllState Insurance Group", "Alltuition", "Altova", "Amazon Web Services", "American Red Ball Movers", "Amida Technology Solutions", "Analytica", "Apextech LLC", "Appallicious", "Aquicore", "Archimedes Inc.", "AreaVibes Inc.", "Arpin Van Lines", "Arrive Labs", "ASC Partners", "Asset4", "Atlas Van Lines", "AtSite", "Aunt Bertha, Inc.", "Aureus Sciences (*Now part of Elsevier)", "AutoGrid Systems", "Avalara", "Avvo", "Ayasdi", "Azavea", "BaleFire Global", "Barchart", "Be Informed", "Bekins", "Berkery Noyes MandASoft", "Berkshire Hathaway", "BetterLesson", "BillGuard", "Bing", "Biovia", "BizVizz", "BlackRock", "Bloomberg", "Booz Allen Hamilton", "Boston Consulting Group", "Boundless", "Bridgewater", "Brightscope", "BuildFax", "Buildingeye", "BuildZoom", "Business and Legal Resources", "Business Monitor International", "Calcbench, Inc.", "Cambridge Information Group", "Cambridge Semantics", "CAN Capital", "Canon", "Capital Cube", "Cappex", "Captricity", "CareSet Systems", "", "CARFAX", "Caspio", "Castle Biosciences", "CB Insights", "Ceiba Solutions", "Center for Responsive Politics", "Cerner", "Certara", "CGI", "Charles River Associates", "Charles Schwab Corp.", "Chemical Abstracts Service", "Child Care Desk", "Chubb", "Citigroup", "CityScan", "CitySourced", "Civic Impulse LLC", "Civic Insight", "Civinomics", "Civis Analytics", "Clean Power Finance", "ClearHealthCosts", "ClearStory Data", "Climate Corporation", "CliniCast", "Cloudmade", "Cloudspyre", "Code for America", "Code-N", "Collective IP", "College Abacus, an ECMC initiative", "College Board", "Compared Care", "Compendia Bioscience Life Technologies", "Compliance and Risks", "Computer Packages Inc", "CONNECT-DOT LLC.", "ConnectEDU", "Connotate", "Construction Monitor LLC", "Consumer Reports", "CoolClimate", "Copyright Clearance Center", "CoreLogic", "CostQuest", "Credit Karma", "Credit Sesame", "CrowdANALYTIX", "Dabo Health", "DataLogix", "DataMade", "DataMarket", "Datamyne", "DataWeave", "Deloitte", "DemystData", "Department of Better Technology", "Development Seed", "Docket Alarm, Inc.", "Dow Jones & Co.", "Dun & Bradstreet", "Earth Networks", "EarthObserver App", "Earthquake Alert!", "Eat Shop Sleep", "Ecodesk", "eInstitutional", "Embark", "EMC", "Energy Points, Inc.", "Energy Solutions Forum", "Enervee Corporation", "", "Ensco", "Environmental Data Resources", "Epsilon", "Equal Pay for Women", "Equifax", "Equilar", "Ernst & Young LLP", "eScholar LLC.", "Esri", "Estately", "Everyday Health", "Evidera", "Experian", "Expert Health Data Programming, Inc.", "Exversion", "Ez-XBRL", "Factset", "Factual", "Farmers", "FarmLogs", "Fastcase", "Fidelity Investments", "", "First Fuel Software", "FirstPoint, Inc.", "Fitch", "FlightAware", "FlightStats", "FlightView", "Food+Tech Connect", "Forrester Research", "Foursquare", "Fujitsu", "Funding Circle", "FutureAdvisor", "Fuzion Apps, Inc.", "Gallup", "Galorath Incorporated", "Garmin", "Genability", "GenoSpace", "Geofeedia", "Geolytics", "Geoscape", "GetRaised", "GitHub", "Glassy Media", "Golden Helix", "GoodGuide", "Google Maps", "Google Public Data Explorer", "Government Transaction Services", "Govini", "GovTribe", "Govzilla, Inc.", "gRadiant Research LLC", "Graebel Van Lines", "Graematter, Inc.", "Granicus", "GreatSchools", "GuideStar", "H3 Biomedicine", "Harris Corporation", "HDScores, Inc", "Headlight", "Healthgrades", "Healthline", "HealthMap", "HealthPocket, Inc.", "HelloWallet", "HERE", "Honest Buildings", "HopStop", "Housefax", "How's My Offer?", "IBM", "ideas42", "iFactor Consulting", "IFI CLAIMS Patent Services", "iMedicare", "Impact Forecasting (Aon)", "Impaq International", "", "IMS Health", "InCadence", "", "InfoCommerce Group", "Informatica", "InnoCentive", "Innography", "Innovest Systems", "Inovalon", "Inrix Traffic", "Intelius", "Intermap Technologies", "Investormill", "Iodine", "IPHIX", "iRecycle", "iTriage", "IVES Group Inc", "IW Financial", "JJ Keller", "J.P. Morgan Chase", "Junar, Inc.", "Junyo", "Jurispect", "Kaiser Permanante", "karmadata", "Keychain Logistics Corp.", "KidAdmit, Inc.", "Kimono Labs", "KLD Research", "Knoema", "Knowledge Agency", "KPMG", "Kroll Bond Ratings Agency", "Kyruus", "Lawdragon", "Legal Science Partners", "(Leg)Cyte", "LegiNation, Inc.", "LegiStorm", "Lenddo", "Lending Club", "Level One Technologies", "LexisNexis", "Liberty Mutual Insurance Cos.", "Lilly Open Innovation Drug Discovery", "Liquid Robotics", "Locavore", "LOGIXDATA, LLC", "LoopNet", "Loqate, Inc.", "", "LOVELAND Technologies", "Lucid", "Lumesis, Inc.", "Mango Transit", "Mapbox", "Maponics", "MapQuest", "Marinexplore, Inc.", "MarketSense", "Marlin & Associates", "Marlin Alter and Associates", "McGraw Hill Financial", "McKinsey", "MedWatcher", "Mercaris", "Merrill Corp.", "Merrill Lynch", "MetLife", "mHealthCoach", "MicroBilt Corporation", "Microsoft Windows Azure Marketplace", "Mint", "Moody's", "Morgan Stanley", "Morningstar, Inc.", "Mozio", "", "Munetrix", "Municode", "National Van Lines", "Nationwide Mutual Insurance Company", "Nautilytics", "Navico", "NERA Economic Consulting", "NerdWallet", "New Media Parents", "Next Step Living", "NextBus", "nGAP Incorporated", "Nielsen", "Noesis", "NonprofitMetrics", "North American Van Lines", "Noveda Technologies", "NuCivic", "Numedii", "Oliver Wyman", "OnDeck", "OnStar", "Ontodia, Inc", "Onvia", "Open Data Nation", "OpenCounter", "OpenGov", "OpenPlans", "OpportunitySpace, Inc.", "Optensity", "optiGov", "OptumInsight", "Orlin Research", "OSIsoft", "OTC Markets", "Outline", "Oversight Systems", "Overture Technologies", "Owler", "Palantir Technologies", "Panjiva", "Parsons Brinckerhoff", "Patently-O", "PatientsLikeMe", "Pave", "Paxata", "PayScale, Inc.", "PeerJ", "People Power", "Persint", "Personal Democracy Media", "Personal, Inc.", "Personalis", "Peterson's", "", "PIXIA Corp", "", "PlanetEcosystems", "PlotWatt", "Plus-U", "PolicyMap", "Politify", "Poncho App", "POPVOX", "Porch", "PossibilityU", "PowerAdvocate", "Practice Fusion", "Predilytics", "PricewaterhouseCoopers (PWC)", "ProgrammableWeb", "Progressive Insurance Group", "Propeller Health", "ProPublica", "PublicEngines", "PYA Analytics", "Qado Energy, Inc.", "Quandl", "Quertle", "Quid", "R R Donnelley", "RAND Corporation", "Rand McNally", "Rank and Filed", "Ranku", "Rapid Cycle Solutions", "", "Recargo", "ReciPal", "Redfin", "RedLaser", "Reed Elsevier", "REI Systems", "Relationship Science", "Remi", "Retroficiency", "Revaluate", "Revelstone", "Rezolve Group", "Rivet Software", "Roadify Transit", "Robinson + Yu", "Russell Investments", "Sage Bionetworks", "SAP", "SAS", "Scale Unlimited", "Science Exchange", "Seabourne", "SeeClickFix", "SigFig", "Simple Energy", "SimpleTuition", "SlashDB", "Smart Utility Systems", "SmartAsset", "SmartProcure", "Smartronix", "SnapSense", "Social Explorer", "Social Health Insights", "SocialEffort Inc", "Socrata", "Solar Census", "SolarList", "Sophic Systems Alliance", "S&P Capital IQ", "SpaceCurve", "SpeSo Health", "Spikes Cavell Analytic Inc", "Splunk", "Spokeo", "SpotCrime", "", "Stamen Design", "Standard and Poor's", "State Farm Insurance", "Sterling Infosystems", "Stevens Worldwide Van Lines", "STILLWATER SUPERCOMPUTING INC", "StockSmart", "Stormpulse", "StreamLink Software", "StreetCred Software, Inc", "StreetEasy", "Suddath", "Symcat", "Synthicity", "T. 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"suffix": {"Inc", "and Sons", "LLC", "Group"},
"buzzwords": {"Adaptive", "Advanced", "Ameliorated", "Assimilated", "Automated", "Balanced", "Business-focused", "Centralized", "Cloned", "Compatible", "Configurable", "Cross-group", "Cross-platform", "Customer-focused", "Customizable", "De-engineered", "Decentralized", "Devolved", "Digitized", "Distributed", "Diverse", "Down-sized", "Enhanced", "Enterprise-wide", "Ergonomic", "Exclusive", "Expanded", "Extended", "Face to face", "Focused", "Front-line", "Fully-configurable", "Function-based", "Fundamental", "Future-proofed", "Grass-roots", "Horizontal", "Implemented", "Innovative", "Integrated", "Intuitive", "Inverse", "Managed", "Mandatory", "Monitored", "Multi-channelled", "Multi-lateral", "Multi-layered", "Multi-tiered", "Networked", "Object-based", "Open-architected", "Open-source", "Operative", "Optimized", "Optional", "Organic", "Organized", "Persevering", "Persistent", "Phased", "Polarised", "Pre-emptive", "Proactive", "Profit-focused", "Profound", "Programmable", "Progressive", "Public-key", "Quality-focused", "Re-contextualized", "Re-engineered", "Reactive", "Realigned", "Reduced", "Reverse-engineered", "Right-sized", "Robust", "Seamless", "Secured", "Self-enabling", "Sharable", "Stand-alone", "Streamlined", "Switchable", "Synchronised", "Synergistic", "Synergized", "Team-oriented", "Total", "Triple-buffered", "Universal", "Up-sized", "Upgradable", "User-centric", "User-friendly", "Versatile", "Virtual", "Vision-oriented", "Visionary", "24 hour", "24/7", "3rd generation", "4th generation", "5th generation", "6th generation", "actuating", "analyzing", "asymmetric", "asynchronous", "attitude-oriented", "background", "bandwidth-monitored", "bi-directional", "bifurcated", "bottom-line", "clear-thinking", "client-driven", "client-server", "coherent", "cohesive", "composite", "content-based", "context-sensitive", "contextually-based", "dedicated", "demand-driven", "didactic", "directional", "discrete", "disintermediate", "dynamic", "eco-centric", "empowering", "encompassing", "even-keeled", "executive", "explicit", "exuding", "fault-tolerant", "foreground", "fresh-thinking", "full-range", "global", "grid-enabled", "heuristic", "high-level", "holistic", "homogeneous", "human-resource", "hybrid", "impactful", "incremental", "intangible", "interactive", "intermediate", "leading edge", "local", "logistical", "maximized", "methodical", "mission-critical", "mobile", "modular", "motivating", "multi-state", "multi-tasking", "multimedia", "national", "needs-based", "neutral", "next generation", "non-volatile", "object-oriented", "optimal", "optimizing", "radical", "real-time", "reciprocal", "regional", "responsive", "scalable", "secondary", "solution-oriented", "stable", "static", "system-worthy", "systematic", "systemic", "tangible", "tertiary", "transitional", "uniform", "upward-trending", "user-facing", "value-added", "web-enabled", "well-modulated", "zero administration", "zero defect", "zero tolerance", "Graphic Interface", "Graphical User Interface", "ability", "access", "adapter", "algorithm", "alliance", "analyzer", "application", "approach", "architecture", "archive", "array", "artificial intelligence", "attitude", "benchmark", "budgetary management", "capability", "capacity", "challenge", "circuit", "collaboration", "complexity", "concept", "conglomeration", "contingency", "core", "customer loyalty", "data-warehouse", "database", "definition", "emulation", "encoding", "encryption", "extranet", "firmware", "flexibility", "focus group", "forecast", "frame", "framework", "function", "functionalities", "groupware", "hardware", "help-desk", "hierarchy", "hub", "implementation", "info-mediaries", "infrastructure", "initiative", "installation", "instruction set", "interface", "internet solution", "intranet", "knowledge base", "knowledge user", "leverage", "local area network", "matrices", "matrix", "methodology", "middleware", "migration", "model", "moderator", "monitoring", "moratorium", "neural-net", "open architecture", "open system", "orchestration", "paradigm", "parallelism", "policy", "portal", "pricing structure", "process improvement", "product", "productivity", "project", "projection", "protocol", "secured line", "service-desk", "software", "solution", "standardization", "strategy", "structure", "success", "superstructure", "support", "synergy", "system engine", "task-force", "throughput", "time-frame", "toolset", "utilisation", "website", "workforce"},
"bs": {"aggregate", "architect", "benchmark", "brand", "cultivate", "deliver", "deploy", "disintermediate", "drive", "e-enable", "embrace", "empower", "enable", "engage", "engineer", "enhance", "envisioneer", "evolve", "expedite", "exploit", "extend", "facilitate", "generate", "grow", "harness", "implement", "incentivize", "incubate", "innovate", "integrate", "iterate", "leverage", "matrix", "maximize", "mesh", "monetize", "morph", "optimize", "orchestrate", "productize", "recontextualize", "redefine", "reintermediate", "reinvent", "repurpose", "revolutionize", "scale", "seize", "strategize", "streamline", "syndicate", "synergize", "synthesize", "target", "transform", "transition", "unleash", "utilize", "visualize", "whiteboard", "24-365", "24-7", "B2B", "B2C", "back-end", "best-of-breed", "bleeding-edge", "bricks-and-clicks", "clicks-and-mortar", "collaborative", "compelling", "cross-media", "cross-platform", "customized", "cutting-edge", "distributed", "dot-com", "dynamic", "e-business", "efficient", "end-to-end", "enterprise", "extensible", "frictionless", "front-end", "global", "granular", "holistic", "impactful", "innovative", "integrated", "interactive", "intuitive", "killer", "leading-edge", "magnetic", "mission-critical", "next-generation", "one-to-one", "open-source", "out-of-the-box", "plug-and-play", "proactive", "real-time", "revolutionary", "rich", "robust", "scalable", "seamless", "sexy", "sticky", "strategic", "synergistic", "transparent", "turn-key", "ubiquitous", "user-centric", "value-added", "vertical", "viral", "virtual", "visionary", "web-enabled", "wireless", "world-class", "ROI", "action-items", "applications", "architectures", "bandwidth", "channels", "communities", "content", "convergence", "deliverables", "e-business", "e-commerce", "e-markets", "e-services", "e-tailers", "experiences", "eyeballs", "functionalities", "infomediaries", "infrastructures", "initiatives", "interfaces", "markets", "methodologies", "metrics", "mindshare", "models", "networks", "niches", "paradigms", "partnerships", "platforms", "portals", "relationships", "schemas", "solutions", "supply-chains", "synergies", "systems", "technologies", "users", "vortals", "web services", "web-readiness"},
Company consists of company information
var Computer = map[string][]string{
"linux_processor": {"i686", "x86_64"},
"mac_processor": {"Intel", "PPC", "U; Intel", "U; PPC"},
"windows_platform": {"Windows NT 6.2", "Windows NT 6.1", "Windows NT 6.0", "Windows NT 5.2", "Windows NT 5.1", "Windows NT 5.01", "Windows NT 5.0", "Windows NT 4.0", "Windows 98; Win 9x 4.90", "Windows 98", "Windows 95", "Windows CE"},
Computer consists of computer information
var CreditCardTypes = []string{"visa", "mastercard", "american-express", "diners-club", "discover", "jcb", "unionpay", "maestro", "elo", "hiper", "hipercard"}
CreditCardTypes is an array of credit card types
var CreditCards = map[string]CreditCardInfo{ "visa": { Display: "Visa", Patterns: []uint{4}, Gaps: []uint{4, 8, 12}, Lengths: []uint{16, 18, 19}, Code: CreditCardCode{ Name: "CVV", Size: 3, }, }, "mastercard": { Display: "Mastercard", Patterns: []uint{ 51, 55, 2221, 2229, 223, 229, 23, 26, 270, 271, 2720, }, Gaps: []uint{4, 8, 12}, Lengths: []uint{16}, Code: CreditCardCode{ Name: "CVC", Size: 3, }, }, "american-express": { Display: "American Express", Patterns: []uint{34, 37}, Gaps: []uint{4, 10}, Lengths: []uint{15}, Code: CreditCardCode{ Name: "CID", Size: 4, }, }, "diners-club": { Display: "Diners Club", Patterns: []uint{ 300, 305, 36, 38, 39, }, Gaps: []uint{4, 10}, Lengths: []uint{14, 16, 19}, Code: CreditCardCode{ Name: "CVV", Size: 3, }, }, "discover": { Display: "Discover", Patterns: []uint{ 6011, 644, 649, 65, }, Gaps: []uint{4, 8, 12}, Lengths: []uint{16, 19}, Code: CreditCardCode{ Name: "CID", Size: 3, }, }, "jcb": { Display: "JCB", Patterns: []uint{ 2131, 1800, 3528, 3589, }, Gaps: []uint{4, 8, 12}, Lengths: []uint{16, 17, 18, 19}, Code: CreditCardCode{ Name: "CVV", Size: 3, }, }, "unionpay": { Display: "UnionPay", Patterns: []uint{ 620, 624, 626, 62100, 62182, 62184, 62187, 62185, 62197, 62200, 62205, 622010, 622999, 622018, 622019, 622999, 62207, 62209, 622126, 622925, 623, 626, 6270, 6272, 6276, 627700, 627779, 627781, 627799, 6282, 6289, 6291, 6292, 810, 8110, 8131, 8132, 8151, 8152, 8163, 8164, 817, }, Gaps: []uint{4, 8, 12}, Lengths: []uint{14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19}, Code: CreditCardCode{ Name: "CVN", Size: 3, }, }, "maestro": { Display: "Maestro", Patterns: []uint{ 493698, 500000, 506698, 506779, 508999, 56, 59, 6, 63, 67, }, Gaps: []uint{4, 8, 12}, Lengths: []uint{12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19}, Code: CreditCardCode{ Name: "CVC", Size: 3, }, }, "elo": { Display: "Elo", Patterns: []uint{ 401178, 401179, 438935, 457631, 457632, 431274, 451416, 457393, 504175, 506699, 506778, 509000, 509999, 627780, 636297, 636368, 650031, 650033, 650035, 650051, 650405, 650439, 650485, 650538, 650541, 650598, 650700, 650718, 650720, 650727, 650901, 650978, 651652, 651679, 655000, 655019, 655021, 65505, }, Gaps: []uint{4, 8, 12}, Lengths: []uint{16}, Code: CreditCardCode{ Name: "CVE", Size: 3, }, }, "mir": { Display: "Mir", Patterns: []uint{2200, 2204}, Gaps: []uint{4, 8, 12}, Lengths: []uint{16, 17, 18, 19}, Code: CreditCardCode{ Name: "CVP2", Size: 3, }, }, "hiper": { Display: "Hiper", Patterns: []uint{ 637095, 637568, 637599, 637609, 637612, }, Gaps: []uint{4, 8, 12}, Lengths: []uint{16}, Code: CreditCardCode{ Name: "CVC", Size: 3, }, }, "hipercard": { Display: "Hipercard", Patterns: []uint{606282}, Gaps: []uint{4, 8, 12}, Lengths: []uint{16}, Code: CreditCardCode{ Name: "CVC", Size: 3, }, }, }
CreditCards contains payment information
var Currency = map[string][]string{
"short": {"AED", "AFN", "ALL", "AMD", "ANG", "AOA", "ARS", "AUD", "AWG", "AZN", "BAM", "BBD", "BDT", "BGN", "BHD", "BIF", "BMD", "BND", "BOB", "BRL", "BSD", "BTN", "BWP", "BYR", "BZD", "CAD", "CDF", "CHF", "CLP", "CNY", "COP", "CRC", "CUC", "CUP", "CVE", "CZK", "DJF", "DKK", "DOP", "DZD", "EGP", "ERN", "ETB", "EUR", "FJD", "FKP", "GBP", "GEL", "GGP", "GHS", "GIP", "GMD", "GNF", "GTQ", "GYD", "HKD", "HNL", "HRK", "HTG", "HUF", "IDR", "ILS", "IMP", "INR", "IQD", "IRR", "ISK", "JEP", "JMD", "JOD", "JPY", "KES", "KGS", "KHR", "KMF", "KPW", "KRW", "KWD", "KYD", "KZT", "LAK", "LBP", "LKR", "LRD", "LSL", "LTL", "LYD", "MAD", "MDL", "MGA", "MKD", "MMK", "MNT", "MOP", "MRO", "MUR", "MVR", "MWK", "MXN", "MYR", "MZN", "NAD", "NGN", "NIO", "NOK", "NPR", "NZD", "OMR", "PAB", "PEN", "PGK", "PHP", "PKR", "PLN", "PYG", "QAR", "RON", "RSD", "RUB", "RWF", "SAR", "SBD", "SCR", "SDG", "SEK", "SGD", "SHP", "SLL", "SOS", "SPL", "SRD", "STD", "SVC", "SYP", "SZL", "THB", "TJS", "TMT", "TND", "TOP", "TRY", "TTD", "TVD", "TWD", "TZS", "UAH", "UGX", "USD", "UYU", "UZS", "VEF", "VND", "VUV", "WST", "XAF", "XCD", "XDR", "XOF", "XPF", "YER", "ZAR", "ZMW", "ZWD"},
"long": {"United Arab Emirates Dirham", "Afghanistan Afghani", "Albania Lek", "Armenia Dram", "Netherlands Antilles Guilder", "Angola Kwanza", "Argentina Peso", "Australia Dollar", "Aruba Guilder", "Azerbaijan New Manat", "Bosnia and Herzegovina Convertible Marka", "Barbados Dollar", "Bangladesh Taka", "Bulgaria Lev", "Bahrain Dinar", "Burundi Franc", "Bermuda Dollar", "Brunei Darussalam Dollar", "Bolivia Boliviano", "Brazil Real", "Bahamas Dollar", "Bhutan Ngultrum", "Botswana Pula", "Belarus Ruble", "Belize Dollar", "Canada Dollar", "Congo/Kinshasa Franc", "Switzerland Franc", "Chile Peso", "China Yuan Renminbi", "Colombia Peso", "Costa Rica Colon", "Cuba Convertible Peso", "Cuba Peso", "Cape Verde Escudo", "Czech Republic Koruna", "Djibouti Franc", "Denmark Krone", "Dominican Republic Peso", "Algeria Dinar", "Egypt Pound", "Eritrea Nakfa", "Ethiopia Birr", "Euro Member Countries", "Fiji Dollar", "Falkland Islands (Malvinas) Pound", "United Kingdom Pound", "Georgia Lari", "Guernsey Pound", "Ghana Cedi", "Gibraltar Pound", "Gambia Dalasi", "Guinea Franc", "Guatemala Quetzal", "Guyana Dollar", "Hong Kong Dollar", "Honduras Lempira", "Croatia Kuna", "Haiti Gourde", "Hungary Forint", "Indonesia Rupiah", "Israel Shekel", "Isle of Man Pound", "India Rupee", "Iraq Dinar", "Iran Rial", "Iceland Krona", "Jersey Pound", "Jamaica Dollar", "Jordan Dinar", "Japan Yen", "Kenya Shilling", "Kyrgyzstan Som", "Cambodia Riel", "Comoros Franc", "Korea (North) Won", "Korea (South) Won", "Kuwait Dinar", "Cayman Islands Dollar", "Kazakhstan Tenge", "Laos Kip", "Lebanon Pound", "Sri Lanka Rupee", "Liberia Dollar", "Lesotho Loti", "Lithuania Litas", "Libya Dinar", "Morocco Dirham", "Moldova Leu", "Madagascar Ariary", "Macedonia Denar", "Myanmar (Burma) Kyat", "Mongolia Tughrik", "Macau Pataca", "Mauritania Ouguiya", "Mauritius Rupee", "Maldives (Maldive Islands) Rufiyaa", "Malawi Kwacha", "Mexico Peso", "Malaysia Ringgit", "Mozambique Metical", "Namibia Dollar", "Nigeria Naira", "Nicaragua Cordoba", "Norway Krone", "Nepal Rupee", "New Zealand Dollar", "Oman Rial", "Panama Balboa", "Peru Nuevo Sol", "Papua New Guinea Kina", "Philippines Peso", "Pakistan Rupee", "Poland Zloty", "Paraguay Guarani", "Qatar Riyal", "Romania New Leu", "Serbia Dinar", "Russia Ruble", "Rwanda Franc", "Saudi Arabia Riyal", "Solomon Islands Dollar", "Seychelles Rupee", "Sudan Pound", "Sweden Krona", "Singapore Dollar", "Saint Helena Pound", "Sierra Leone Leone", "Somalia Shilling", "Seborga Luigino", "Suriname Dollar", "São Tomé and Príncipe Dobra", "El Salvador Colon", "Syria Pound", "Swaziland Lilangeni", "Thailand Baht", "Tajikistan Somoni", "Turkmenistan Manat", "Tunisia Dinar", "Tonga Pa'anga", "Turkey Lira", "Trinidad and Tobago Dollar", "Tuvalu Dollar", "Taiwan New Dollar", "Tanzania Shilling", "Ukraine Hryvnia", "Uganda Shilling", "United States Dollar", "Uruguay Peso", "Uzbekistan Som", "Venezuela Bolivar", "Viet Nam Dong", "Vanuatu Vatu", "Samoa Tala", "Communauté Financière Africaine (BEAC) CFA Franc BEAC", "East Caribbean Dollar", "International Monetary Fund (IMF) Special Drawing Rights", "Communauté Financière Africaine (BCEAO) Franc", "Comptoirs Français du Pacifique (CFP) Franc", "Yemen Rial", "South Africa Rand", "Zambia Kwacha", "Zimbabwe Dollar"},
Currency consists of currency information
var Data = map[string]map[string][]string{ "person": Person, "address": Address, "company": Company, "job": Job, "lorem": Lorem, "language": Languages, "internet": Internet, "file": Files, "color": Colors, "computer": Computer, "hipster": Hipster, "beer": Beer, "hacker": Hacker, "animal": Animal, "currency": Currency, "log_level": LogLevels, "timezone": TimeZone, "car": Car, "emoji": Emoji, "word": Word, "food": Food, }
Data consists of the main set of fake information
var Emoji = map[string][]string{
"emoji": {
"description": {
"grinning face",
"grinning face with big eyes",
"grinning face with smiling eyes",
"beaming face with smiling eyes",
"grinning squinting face",
"grinning face with sweat",
"rolling on the floor laughing",
"face with tears of joy",
"slightly smiling face",
"upside-down face",
"winking face",
"smiling face with smiling eyes",
"smiling face with halo",
"smiling face with hearts",
"smiling face with heart-eyes",
"face blowing a kiss",
"kissing face",
"smiling face",
"kissing face with closed eyes",
"kissing face with smiling eyes",
"smiling face with tear",
"face savoring food",
"face with tongue",
"winking face with tongue",
"zany face",
"squinting face with tongue",
"money-mouth face",
"hugging face",
"face with hand over mouth",
"shushing face",
"thinking face",
"zipper-mouth face",
"face with raised eyebrow",
"neutral face",
"expressionless face",
"face without mouth",
"smirking face",
"unamused face",
"face with rolling eyes",
"grimacing face",
"lying face",
"relieved face",
"pensive face",
"sleepy face",
"drooling face",
"sleeping face",
"face with medical mask",
"face with thermometer",
"face with head-bandage",
"nauseated face",
"face vomiting",
"sneezing face",
"hot face",
"cold face",
"woozy face",
"dizzy face",
"exploding head",
"cowboy hat face",
"partying face",
"disguised face",
"smiling face with sunglasses",
"nerd face",
"face with monocle",
"confused face",
"worried face",
"slightly frowning face",
"frowning face",
"face with open mouth",
"hushed face",
"astonished face",
"flushed face",
"pleading face",
"frowning face with open mouth",
"anguished face",
"fearful face",
"anxious face with sweat",
"sad but relieved face",
"crying face",
"loudly crying face",
"face screaming in fear",
"confounded face",
"persevering face",
"disappointed face",
"downcast face with sweat",
"weary face",
"tired face",
"yawning face",
"face with steam from nose",
"pouting face",
"angry face",
"face with symbols on mouth",
"smiling face with horns",
"angry face with horns",
"skull and crossbones",
"pile of poo",
"clown face",
"alien monster",
"grinning cat",
"grinning cat with smiling eyes",
"cat with tears of joy",
"smiling cat with heart-eyes",
"cat with wry smile",
"kissing cat",
"weary cat",
"crying cat",
"pouting cat",
"see-no-evil monkey",
"hear-no-evil monkey",
"speak-no-evil monkey",
"kiss mark",
"love letter",
"heart with arrow",
"heart with ribbon",
"sparkling heart",
"growing heart",
"beating heart",
"revolving hearts",
"two hearts",
"heart decoration",
"heart exclamation",
"broken heart",
"red heart",
"orange heart",
"yellow heart",
"green heart",
"blue heart",
"purple heart",
"brown heart",
"black heart",
"white heart",
"hundred points",
"anger symbol",
"sweat droplets",
"dashing away",
"speech balloon",
"eye in speech bubble",
"left speech bubble",
"right anger bubble",
"thought balloon",
"waving hand",
"raised back of hand",
"hand with fingers splayed",
"raised hand",
"vulcan salute",
"OK hand",
"pinched fingers",
"pinching hand",
"victory hand",
"crossed fingers",
"love-you gesture",
"sign of the horns",
"call me hand",
"backhand index pointing left",
"backhand index pointing right",
"backhand index pointing up",
"middle finger",
"backhand index pointing down",
"index pointing up",
"thumbs up",
"thumbs down",
"raised fist",
"oncoming fist",
"left-facing fist",
"right-facing fist",
"clapping hands",
"raising hands",
"open hands",
"palms up together",
"folded hands",
"writing hand",
"nail polish",
"flexed biceps",
"mechanical arm",
"mechanical leg",
"ear with hearing aid",
"anatomical heart",
"person: blond hair",
"man: beard",
"man: red hair",
"man: curly hair",
"man: white hair",
"man: bald",
"woman: red hair",
"person: red hair",
"woman: curly hair",
"person: curly hair",
"woman: white hair",
"person: white hair",
"woman: bald",
"person: bald",
"woman: blond hair",
"man: blond hair",
"older person",
"old man",
"old woman",
"person frowning",
"man frowning",
"woman frowning",
"person pouting",
"man pouting",
"woman pouting",
"person gesturing NO",
"man gesturing NO",
"woman gesturing NO",
"person gesturing OK",
"man gesturing OK",
"woman gesturing OK",
"person tipping hand",
"man tipping hand",
"woman tipping hand",
"person raising hand",
"man raising hand",
"woman raising hand",
"deaf person",
"deaf man",
"deaf woman",
"person bowing",
"man bowing",
"woman bowing",
"person facepalming",
"man facepalming",
"woman facepalming",
"person shrugging",
"man shrugging",
"woman shrugging",
"health worker",
"man health worker",
"woman health worker",
"man student",
"woman student",
"man teacher",
"woman teacher",
"man judge",
"woman judge",
"man farmer",
"woman farmer",
"man cook",
"woman cook",
"man mechanic",
"woman mechanic",
"factory worker",
"man factory worker",
"woman factory worker",
"office worker",
"man office worker",
"woman office worker",
"man scientist",
"woman scientist",
"man technologist",
"woman technologist",
"man singer",
"woman singer",
"man artist",
"woman artist",
"man pilot",
"woman pilot",
"man astronaut",
"woman astronaut",
"man firefighter",
"woman firefighter",
"police officer",
"man police officer",
"woman police officer",
"man detective",
"woman detective",
"man guard",
"woman guard",
"construction worker",
"man construction worker",
"woman construction worker",
"person wearing turban",
"man wearing turban",
"woman wearing turban",
"person with skullcap",
"woman with headscarf",
"person in tuxedo",
"man in tuxedo",
"woman in tuxedo",
"person with veil",
"man with veil",
"woman with veil",
"pregnant woman",
"woman feeding baby",
"man feeding baby",
"person feeding baby",
"baby angel",
"Santa Claus",
"Mrs. Claus",
"mx claus",
"man superhero",
"woman superhero",
"man supervillain",
"woman supervillain",
"man mage",
"woman mage",
"man fairy",
"woman fairy",
"man vampire",
"woman vampire",
"man elf",
"woman elf",
"man genie",
"woman genie",
"man zombie",
"woman zombie",
"person getting massage",
"man getting massage",
"woman getting massage",
"person getting haircut",
"man getting haircut",
"woman getting haircut",
"person walking",
"man walking",
"woman walking",
"person standing",
"man standing",
"woman standing",
"person kneeling",
"man kneeling",
"woman kneeling",
"person with white cane",
"man with white cane",
"woman with white cane",
"person in motorized wheelchair",
"man in motorized wheelchair",
"woman in motorized wheelchair",
"person in manual wheelchair",
"man in manual wheelchair",
"woman in manual wheelchair",
"person running",
"man running",
"woman running",
"woman dancing",
"man dancing",
"person in suit levitating",
"people with bunny ears",
"men with bunny ears",
"women with bunny ears",
"person in steamy room",
"man in steamy room",
"woman in steamy room",
"person climbing",
"man climbing",
"woman climbing",
"person fencing",
"horse racing",
"person golfing",
"man golfing",
"woman golfing",
"person surfing",
"man surfing",
"woman surfing",
"person rowing boat",
"man rowing boat",
"woman rowing boat",
"person swimming",
"man swimming",
"woman swimming",
"person bouncing ball",
"man bouncing ball",
"woman bouncing ball",
"person lifting weights",
"man lifting weights",
"woman lifting weights",
"person biking",
"man biking",
"woman biking",
"person mountain biking",
"man mountain biking",
"woman mountain biking",
"person cartwheeling",
"man cartwheeling",
"woman cartwheeling",
"people wrestling",
"men wrestling",
"women wrestling",
"person playing water polo",
"man playing water polo",
"woman playing water polo",
"person playing handball",
"man playing handball",
"woman playing handball",
"person juggling",
"man juggling",
"woman juggling",
"person in lotus position",
"man in lotus position",
"woman in lotus position",
"person taking bath",
"person in bed",
"people holding hands",
"women holding hands",
"woman and man holding hands",
"men holding hands",
"kiss: woman, man",
"kiss: man, man",
"kiss: woman, woman",
"couple with heart",
"couple with heart: woman, man",
"couple with heart: man, man",
"couple with heart: woman, woman",
"family: man, woman, boy",
"family: man, woman, girl",
"family: man, woman, girl, boy",
"family: man, woman, boy, boy",
"family: man, woman, girl, girl",
"family: man, man, boy",
"family: man, man, girl",
"family: man, man, girl, boy",
"family: man, man, boy, boy",
"family: man, man, girl, girl",
"family: woman, woman, boy",
"family: woman, woman, girl",
"family: woman, woman, girl, boy",
"family: woman, woman, boy, boy",
"family: woman, woman, girl, girl",
"family: man, boy",
"family: man, boy, boy",
"family: man, girl",
"family: man, girl, boy",
"family: man, girl, girl",
"family: woman, boy",
"family: woman, boy, boy",
"family: woman, girl",
"family: woman, girl, boy",
"family: woman, girl, girl",
"speaking head",
"bust in silhouette",
"busts in silhouette",
"people hugging",
"monkey face",
"dog face",
"guide dog",
"service dog",
"cat face",
"black cat",
"tiger face",
"horse face",
"cow face",
"water buffalo",
"pig face",
"pig nose",
"two-hump camel",
"mouse face",
"rabbit face",
"polar bear",
"paw prints",
"hatching chick",
"baby chick",
"front-facing baby chick",
"dragon face",
"spouting whale",
"tropical fish",
"spiral shell",
"lady beetle",
"spider web",
"cherry blossom",
"white flower",
"wilted flower",
"potted plant",
"evergreen tree",
"deciduous tree",
"palm tree",
"sheaf of rice",
"four leaf clover",
"maple leaf",
"fallen leaf",
"leaf fluttering in wind",
"red apple",
"green apple",
"kiwi fruit",
"ear of corn",
"hot pepper",
"bell pepper",
"leafy green",
"baguette bread",
"cheese wedge",
"meat on bone",
"poultry leg",
"cut of meat",
"french fries",
"hot dog",
"stuffed flatbread",
"shallow pan of food",
"pot of food",
"bowl with spoon",
"green salad",
"canned food",
"bento box",
"rice cracker",
"rice ball",
"cooked rice",
"curry rice",
"steaming bowl",
"roasted sweet potato",
"fried shrimp",
"fish cake with swirl",
"moon cake",
"fortune cookie",
"takeout box",
"soft ice cream",
"shaved ice",
"ice cream",
"birthday cake",
"chocolate bar",
"honey pot",
"baby bottle",
"glass of milk",
"hot beverage",
"teacup without handle",
"bottle with popping cork",
"wine glass",
"cocktail glass",
"tropical drink",
"beer mug",
"clinking beer mugs",
"clinking glasses",
"tumbler glass",
"cup with straw",
"bubble tea",
"beverage box",
"fork and knife with plate",
"fork and knife",
"kitchen knife",
"globe showing Europe-Africa",
"globe showing Americas",
"globe showing Asia-Australia",
"globe with meridians",
"world map",
"map of Japan",
"snow-capped mountain",
"mount fuji",
"beach with umbrella",
"desert island",
"national park",
"classical building",
"building construction",
"derelict house",
"house with garden",
"office building",
"Japanese post office",
"post office",
"love hotel",
"convenience store",
"department store",
"Japanese castle",
"Tokyo tower",
"Statue of Liberty",
"hindu temple",
"shinto shrine",
"night with stars",
"sunrise over mountains",
"cityscape at dusk",
"bridge at night",
"hot springs",
"carousel horse",
"ferris wheel",
"roller coaster",
"barber pole",
"circus tent",
"railway car",
"high-speed train",
"bullet train",
"light rail",
"mountain railway",
"tram car",
"oncoming bus",
"fire engine",
"police car",
"oncoming police car",
"oncoming taxi",
"oncoming automobile",
"sport utility vehicle",
"pickup truck",
"delivery truck",
"articulated lorry",
"racing car",
"motor scooter",
"manual wheelchair",
"motorized wheelchair",
"auto rickshaw",
"kick scooter",
"roller skate",
"bus stop",
"railway track",
"oil drum",
"fuel pump",
"police car light",
"horizontal traffic light",
"vertical traffic light",
"stop sign",
"passenger ship",
"motor boat",
"small airplane",
"airplane departure",
"airplane arrival",
"suspension railway",
"mountain cableway",
"aerial tramway",
"flying saucer",
"bellhop bell",
"hourglass done",
"hourglass not done",
"alarm clock",
"timer clock",
"mantelpiece clock",
"twelve o’clock",
"one o’clock",
"two o’clock",
"three o’clock",
"four o’clock",
"five o’clock",
"six o’clock",
"seven o’clock",
"eight o’clock",
"nine o’clock",
"ten o’clock",
"eleven o’clock",
"new moon",
"waxing crescent moon",
"first quarter moon",
"waxing gibbous moon",
"full moon",
"waning gibbous moon",
"last quarter moon",
"waning crescent moon",
"crescent moon",
"new moon face",
"first quarter moon face",
"last quarter moon face",
"full moon face",
"sun with face",
"ringed planet",
"glowing star",
"shooting star",
"milky way",
"sun behind cloud",
"cloud with lightning and rain",
"sun behind small cloud",
"sun behind large cloud",
"sun behind rain cloud",
"cloud with rain",
"cloud with snow",
"cloud with lightning",
"wind face",
"closed umbrella",
"umbrella with rain drops",
"umbrella on ground",
"high voltage",
"snowman without snow",
"water wave",
"Christmas tree",
"party popper",
"confetti ball",
"tanabata tree",
"pine decoration",
"Japanese dolls",
"carp streamer",
"wind chime",
"moon viewing ceremony",
"red envelope",
"wrapped gift",
"reminder ribbon",
"admission tickets",
"military medal",
"sports medal",
"1st place medal",
"2nd place medal",
"3rd place medal",
"soccer ball",
"american football",
"rugby football",
"flying disc",
"cricket game",
"field hockey",
"ice hockey",
"ping pong",
"boxing glove",
"martial arts uniform",
"goal net",
"flag in hole",
"ice skate",
"fishing pole",
"diving mask",
"running shirt",
"curling stone",
"direct hit",
"pool 8 ball",
"crystal ball",
"magic wand",
"nazar amulet",
"video game",
"slot machine",
"game die",
"puzzle piece",
"teddy bear",
"nesting dolls",
"spade suit",
"heart suit",
"diamond suit",
"club suit",
"chess pawn",
"mahjong red dragon",
"flower playing cards",
"performing arts",
"framed picture",
"artist palette",
"sewing needle",
"lab coat",
"safety vest",
"one-piece swimsuit",
"woman’s clothes",
"clutch bag",
"shopping bags",
"thong sandal",
"man’s shoe",
"running shoe",
"hiking boot",
"flat shoe",
"high-heeled shoe",
"woman’s sandal",
"ballet shoes",
"woman’s boot",
"woman’s hat",
"top hat",
"graduation cap",
"billed cap",
"military helmet",
"rescue worker’s helmet",
"prayer beads",
"gem stone",
"muted speaker",
"speaker low volume",
"speaker medium volume",
"speaker high volume",
"postal horn",
"bell with slash",
"musical score",
"musical note",
"musical notes",
"studio microphone",
"level slider",
"control knobs",
"musical keyboard",
"long drum",
"mobile phone",
"mobile phone with arrow",
"telephone receiver",
"fax machine",
"electric plug",
"desktop computer",
"computer mouse",
"computer disk",
"floppy disk",
"optical disk",
"movie camera",
"film frames",
"film projector",
"clapper board",
"camera with flash",
"video camera",
"magnifying glass tilted left",
"magnifying glass tilted right",
"light bulb",
"red paper lantern",
"diya lamp",
"notebook with decorative cover",
"closed book",
"open book",
"green book",
"blue book",
"orange book",
"page with curl",
"page facing up",
"rolled-up newspaper",
"bookmark tabs",
"money bag",
"yen banknote",
"dollar banknote",
"euro banknote",
"pound banknote",
"money with wings",
"credit card",
"chart increasing with yen",
"incoming envelope",
"envelope with arrow",
"outbox tray",
"inbox tray",
"closed mailbox with raised flag",
"closed mailbox with lowered flag",
"open mailbox with raised flag",
"open mailbox with lowered flag",
"ballot box with ballot",
"black nib",
"fountain pen",
"file folder",
"open file folder",
"card index dividers",
"tear-off calendar",
"spiral notepad",
"spiral calendar",
"card index",
"chart increasing",
"chart decreasing",
"bar chart",
"round pushpin",
"linked paperclips",
"straight ruler",
"triangular ruler",
"card file box",
"file cabinet",
"locked with pen",
"locked with key",
"old key",
"hammer and pick",
"hammer and wrench",
"crossed swords",
"bow and arrow",
"carpentry saw",
"nut and bolt",
"balance scale",
"white cane",
"test tube",
"petri dish",
"satellite antenna",
"drop of blood",
"adhesive bandage",
"couch and lamp",
"mouse trap",
"lotion bottle",
"safety pin",
"roll of paper",
"fire extinguisher",
"shopping cart",
"funeral urn",
"ATM sign",
"litter in bin sign",
"potable water",
"wheelchair symbol",
"men’s room",
"women’s room",
"baby symbol",
"water closet",
"passport control",
"baggage claim",
"left luggage",
"children crossing",
"no entry",
"no bicycles",
"no smoking",
"no littering",
"non-potable water",
"no pedestrians",
"no mobile phones",
"no one under eighteen",
"up arrow",
"up-right arrow",
"right arrow",
"down-right arrow",
"down arrow",
"down-left arrow",
"left arrow",
"up-left arrow",
"up-down arrow",
"left-right arrow",
"right arrow curving left",
"left arrow curving right",
"right arrow curving up",
"right arrow curving down",
"clockwise vertical arrows",
"counterclockwise arrows button",
"BACK arrow",
"END arrow",
"ON! arrow",
"SOON arrow",
"TOP arrow",
"place of worship",
"atom symbol",
"star of David",
"wheel of dharma",
"yin yang",
"latin cross",
"orthodox cross",
"star and crescent",
"peace symbol",
"dotted six-pointed star",
"shuffle tracks button",
"repeat button",
"repeat single button",
"play button",
"fast-forward button",
"next track button",
"play or pause button",
"reverse button",
"fast reverse button",
"last track button",
"upwards button",
"fast up button",
"downwards button",
"fast down button",
"pause button",
"stop button",
"record button",
"eject button",
"dim button",
"bright button",
"antenna bars",
"vibration mode",
"mobile phone off",
"female sign",
"male sign",
"transgender symbol",
"double exclamation mark",
"exclamation question mark",
"question mark",
"white question mark",
"white exclamation mark",
"exclamation mark",
"wavy dash",
"currency exchange",
"heavy dollar sign",
"medical symbol",
"recycling symbol",
"trident emblem",
"name badge",
"Japanese symbol for beginner",
"hollow red circle",
"check mark button",
"check box with check",
"check mark",
"cross mark",
"cross mark button",
"curly loop",
"double curly loop",
"part alternation mark",
"eight-spoked asterisk",
"eight-pointed star",
"trade mark",
"keycap: #",
"keycap: *",
"keycap: 0",
"keycap: 1",
"keycap: 2",
"keycap: 3",
"keycap: 4",
"keycap: 5",
"keycap: 6",
"keycap: 7",
"keycap: 8",
"keycap: 9",
"keycap: 10",
"input latin uppercase",
"input latin lowercase",
"input numbers",
"input symbols",
"input latin letters",
"A button (blood type)",
"AB button (blood type)",
"B button (blood type)",
"CL button",
"COOL button",
"FREE button",
"ID button",
"circled M",
"NEW button",
"NG button",
"O button (blood type)",
"OK button",
"P button",
"SOS button",
"UP! button",
"VS button",
"Japanese “here” button",
"Japanese “service charge” button",
"Japanese “monthly amount” button",
"Japanese “not free of charge” button",
"Japanese “reserved” button",
"Japanese “bargain” button",
"Japanese “discount” button",
"Japanese “free of charge” button",
"Japanese “prohibited” button",
"Japanese “acceptable” button",
"Japanese “application” button",
"Japanese “passing grade” button",
"Japanese “vacancy” button",
"Japanese “congratulations” button",
"Japanese “secret” button",
"Japanese “open for business” button",
"Japanese “no vacancy” button",
"red circle",
"orange circle",
"yellow circle",
"green circle",
"blue circle",
"purple circle",
"brown circle",
"black circle",
"white circle",
"red square",
"orange square",
"yellow square",
"green square",
"blue square",
"purple square",
"brown square",
"black large square",
"white large square",
"black medium square",
"white medium square",
"black medium-small square",
"white medium-small square",
"black small square",
"white small square",
"large orange diamond",
"large blue diamond",
"small orange diamond",
"small blue diamond",
"red triangle pointed up",
"red triangle pointed down",
"diamond with a dot",
"radio button",
"white square button",
"black square button",
"chequered flag",
"triangular flag",
"crossed flags",
"black flag",
"white flag",
"rainbow flag",
"transgender flag",
"pirate flag",
"flag: Ascension Island",
"flag: Andorra",
"flag: United Arab Emirates",
"flag: Afghanistan",
"flag: Antigua & Barbuda",
"flag: Anguilla",
"flag: Albania",
"flag: Armenia",
"flag: Angola",
"flag: Antarctica",
"flag: Argentina",
"flag: American Samoa",
"flag: Austria",
"flag: Australia",
"flag: Aruba",
"flag: Åland Islands",
"flag: Azerbaijan",
"flag: Bosnia & Herzegovina",
"flag: Barbados",
"flag: Bangladesh",
"flag: Belgium",
"flag: Burkina Faso",
"flag: Bulgaria",
"flag: Bahrain",
"flag: Burundi",
"flag: Benin",
"flag: St. Barthélemy",
"flag: Bermuda",
"flag: Brunei",
"flag: Bolivia",
"flag: Caribbean Netherlands",
"flag: Brazil",
"flag: Bahamas",
"flag: Bhutan",
"flag: Bouvet Island",
"flag: Botswana",
"flag: Belarus",
"flag: Belize",
"flag: Canada",
"flag: Cocos (Keeling) Islands",
"flag: Congo - Kinshasa",
"flag: Central African Republic",
"flag: Congo - Brazzaville",
"flag: Switzerland",
"flag: Côte d’Ivoire",
"flag: Cook Islands",
"flag: Chile",
"flag: Cameroon",
"flag: China",
"flag: Colombia",
"flag: Clipperton Island",
"flag: Costa Rica",
"flag: Cuba",
"flag: Cape Verde",
"flag: Curaçao",
"flag: Christmas Island",
"flag: Cyprus",
"flag: Czechia",
"flag: Germany",
"flag: Diego Garcia",
"flag: Djibouti",
"flag: Denmark",
"flag: Dominica",
"flag: Dominican Republic",
"flag: Algeria",
"flag: Ceuta & Melilla",
"flag: Ecuador",
"flag: Estonia",
"flag: Egypt",
"flag: Western Sahara",
"flag: Eritrea",
"flag: Spain",
"flag: Ethiopia",
"flag: European Union",
"flag: Finland",
"flag: Fiji",
"flag: Falkland Islands",
"flag: Micronesia",
"flag: Faroe Islands",
"flag: France",
"flag: Gabon",
"flag: United Kingdom",
"flag: Grenada",
"flag: Georgia",
"flag: French Guiana",
"flag: Guernsey",
"flag: Ghana",
"flag: Gibraltar",
"flag: Greenland",
"flag: Gambia",
"flag: Guinea",
"flag: Guadeloupe",
"flag: Equatorial Guinea",
"flag: Greece",
"flag: South Georgia & South Sandwich Islands",
"flag: Guatemala",
"flag: Guam",
"flag: Guinea-Bissau",
"flag: Guyana",
"flag: Hong Kong SAR China",
"flag: Heard & McDonald Islands",
"flag: Honduras",
"flag: Croatia",
"flag: Haiti",
"flag: Hungary",
"flag: Canary Islands",
"flag: Indonesia",
"flag: Ireland",
"flag: Israel",
"flag: Isle of Man",
"flag: India",
"flag: British Indian Ocean Territory",
"flag: Iraq",
"flag: Iran",
"flag: Iceland",
"flag: Italy",
"flag: Jersey",
"flag: Jamaica",
"flag: Jordan",
"flag: Japan",
"flag: Kenya",
"flag: Kyrgyzstan",
"flag: Cambodia",
"flag: Kiribati",
"flag: Comoros",
"flag: St. Kitts & Nevis",
"flag: North Korea",
"flag: South Korea",
"flag: Kuwait",
"flag: Cayman Islands",
"flag: Kazakhstan",
"flag: Laos",
"flag: Lebanon",
"flag: St. Lucia",
"flag: Liechtenstein",
"flag: Sri Lanka",
"flag: Liberia",
"flag: Lesotho",
"flag: Lithuania",
"flag: Luxembourg",
"flag: Latvia",
"flag: Libya",
"flag: Morocco",
"flag: Monaco",
"flag: Moldova",
"flag: Montenegro",
"flag: St. Martin",
"flag: Madagascar",
"flag: Marshall Islands",
"flag: North Macedonia",
"flag: Mali",
"flag: Myanmar (Burma)",
"flag: Mongolia",
"flag: Macao SAR China",
"flag: Northern Mariana Islands",
"flag: Martinique",
"flag: Mauritania",
"flag: Montserrat",
"flag: Malta",
"flag: Mauritius",
"flag: Maldives",
"flag: Malawi",
"flag: Mexico",
"flag: Malaysia",
"flag: Mozambique",
"flag: Namibia",
"flag: New Caledonia",
"flag: Niger",
"flag: Norfolk Island",
"flag: Nigeria",
"flag: Nicaragua",
"flag: Netherlands",
"flag: Norway",
"flag: Nepal",
"flag: Nauru",
"flag: Niue",
"flag: New Zealand",
"flag: Oman",
"flag: Panama",
"flag: Peru",
"flag: French Polynesia",
"flag: Papua New Guinea",
"flag: Philippines",
"flag: Pakistan",
"flag: Poland",
"flag: St. Pierre & Miquelon",
"flag: Pitcairn Islands",
"flag: Puerto Rico",
"flag: Palestinian Territories",
"flag: Portugal",
"flag: Palau",
"flag: Paraguay",
"flag: Qatar",
"flag: Réunion",
"flag: Romania",
"flag: Serbia",
"flag: Russia",
"flag: Rwanda",
"flag: Saudi Arabia",
"flag: Solomon Islands",
"flag: Seychelles",
"flag: Sudan",
"flag: Sweden",
"flag: Singapore",
"flag: St. Helena",
"flag: Slovenia",
"flag: Svalbard & Jan Mayen",
"flag: Slovakia",
"flag: Sierra Leone",
"flag: San Marino",
"flag: Senegal",
"flag: Somalia",
"flag: Suriname",
"flag: South Sudan",
"flag: São Tomé & Príncipe",
"flag: El Salvador",
"flag: Sint Maarten",
"flag: Syria",
"flag: Eswatini",
"flag: Tristan da Cunha",
"flag: Turks & Caicos Islands",
"flag: Chad",
"flag: French Southern Territories",
"flag: Togo",
"flag: Thailand",
"flag: Tajikistan",
"flag: Tokelau",
"flag: Timor-Leste",
"flag: Turkmenistan",
"flag: Tunisia",
"flag: Tonga",
"flag: Turkey",
"flag: Trinidad & Tobago",
"flag: Tuvalu",
"flag: Taiwan",
"flag: Tanzania",
"flag: Ukraine",
"flag: Uganda",
"flag: U.S. Outlying Islands",
"flag: United Nations",
"flag: United States",
"flag: Uruguay",
"flag: Uzbekistan",
"flag: Vatican City",
"flag: St. Vincent & Grenadines",
"flag: Venezuela",
"flag: British Virgin Islands",
"flag: U.S. Virgin Islands",
"flag: Vietnam",
"flag: Vanuatu",
"flag: Wallis & Futuna",
"flag: Samoa",
"flag: Kosovo",
"flag: Yemen",
"flag: Mayotte",
"flag: South Africa",
"flag: Zambia",
"flag: Zimbabwe",
"flag: England",
"flag: Scotland",
"flag: Wales",
"category": {
"Smileys & Emotion",
"People & Body",
"Animals & Nature",
"Food & Drink",
"Travel & Places",
"alias": {
"tag": {
Emoji consists of emoji information
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Files consists of file information
var Food = map[string][]string{
"fruit": {"Apple", "Apricot", "Avocado", "Banana", "Bilberry", "Blackberry", "Blackcurrant", "Blueberry", "Currant", "Cherry", "Cherimoya", "Clementine", "Date", "Damson", "Durian", "Eggplant", "Elderberry", "Feijoa", "Gooseberry", "Grape", "Grapefruit", "Guava", "Huckleberry", "Jackfruit", "Jambul", "Kiwi fruit", "Kumquat", "Legume", "Lemon", "Lime", "Lychee", "Mango", "Mangostine", "Melon", "Cantaloupe", "Honeydew", "Watermelon", "Rock melon", "Nectarine", "Orange", "Peach", "Pear", "Pitaya", "Physalis", "Plum", "Pineapple", "Pomegranate", "Raisin", "Raspberry", "Rambutan", "Redcurrant", "Satsuma", "Star fruit", "Strawberry", "Tangerine", "Tomato", "Ugli fruit", "Watermelon"},
"vegetable": {"Amaranth Leaves", "Arrowroot", "Artichoke", "Arugula", "Asparagus", "Bamboo Shoots", "Beans, Green", "Beets", "Belgian Endive", "Bitter Melon*", "Bok Choy", "Broadbeans", "Broccoli", "Broccoli Rabe", "Brussel Sprouts", "Cabbage", "Carrot", "Cassava", "Cauliflower", "Celeriac", "Celery", "Chicory", "Collards", "Corn", "Crookneck", "Cucumber", "Daikon", "Dandelion Greens", "Eggplant", "Fennel", "Fiddleheads", "Ginger Root", "Horseradish", "Jicama", "Kale", "Kohlrabi", "Leeks", "Lettuce", "Mushrooms", "Mustard Greens", "Okra", "Onion", "Parsnip", "Peas", "Pepper", "Potato", "Pumpkin", "Radicchio", "Radishes", "Rutabaga", "Salsify", "Shallots", "Snow Peas", "Sorrel", "Soybeans", "Spaghetti Squash", "Spinach", "Squash", "Sugar Snap Peas", "Sweet Potato", "Swiss Chard", "Tomato", "Turnip", "Watercress", "Yam Root", "Zucchini"},
"breakfast": {"berry cream cheese coffee cake", "broiled cinnamon toast", "breakfast casserole seasoned with country gravy", "mamas fruit cobbler", "shirleys plain or blueberry muffins", "toasted sunny side up egg and cheese sandwiches", "3 meat breakfast pizza", "moms cheat doughnuts", "old fashioned banana muffins", "blackberry breakfast bars", "pikelets australian pancakes", "pumpkin ginger scones with cinnamon chips", "tomato and mushroom omelette", "asparagus omelette wraps", "poached eggs technique", "scrambled egg sandwiches with onions and red peppers", "cheesecake kugel", "chicken and egg on rice oyako donburi", "bacon egg casserole", "ginger lemon muffins", "lizs morning glory muffins", "scrambled eggs oeufs brouills", "nats cucumber cream cheese bagel", "easy breakfast casserole", "6 week bran muffins auntie annes muffins", "awesome orange chocolate muffins", "baked swiss cheese omelet", "melt in your mouth blueberry muffins", "baked pears", "flaeskeaeggekage danish bacon egg pancake omelet", "sleepy twisted sisters g n g breakfast ramekin", "lemon buttercream pancakes with blueberries", "chef flowers simple sunday brunch omelette", "blueberry bakery muffins", "cardamom sour cream waffles", "sausage gravy for biscuits and gravy", "creamy scrambled eggs in the microwave", "english muffins with bacon butter", "original praline bacon recipe", "christmas caramel rolls easy", "blueberry banana happy face pancakes", "whole grain pancake mix", "fresh mango bread", "canadian bacon cheese omelet", "pumpkin french toast with toasted walnuts", "green mountain granola", "italian eggs with bacon", "a faster egg muffin", "country scrambled eggs", "everyday french breakfast baguette and jam with chocolate milk", "mexi eggs in a hole", "fruited irish oatmeal", "ham omelet deluxe", "danish bubble", "best buttermilk pancakes", "egg flowers", "vanilla fruit dip", "eggs in a basket", "grandmas swedish thin pancakes", "cinnamon maple granola", "wake up stuffed french breakfast panini", "quinoa muffins", "grilled cheese on raisin bread", "castillian hot chocolate", "banana blueberry oatmeal bread", "caramel pull aparts", "purple cow", "chili jack oven omelet", "cheery cherry muffins", "israeli breakfast salad", "muffin toppings", "migas lite for 2", "easy danish kringle", "oatmeal cookie granola"},
"lunch": {"no bake hersheys bar pie", "worm sandwiches", "quesadillas for one or two", "pearls sesame noodles", "patty melt", "fresh tomato sandwiches saturday lunch on longmeadow farm", "onion burgers by john t edge the longmeadow farm", "fresh tomato and cucumber salad", "hoisin marinated wing pieces", "feta marinated", "spicy roasted butternut seeds pumpkin seeds", "honey chipotle pecans", "baked ham glazed with pineapple and chipotle peppers", "reuben sandwich our way", "toasted sunny side up egg and cheese sandwiches", "mrs allens date loaf", "3 meat breakfast pizza", "body and soul health muffins", "grilled blue cheese burgers", "kittencals beef burritos", "spinach and mandarin orange salad", "coconut pound cake", "scallop saute", "open faced crab sandwiches", "the traditional cyprus sandwich with halloumi onions and tomato", "toasted ham and cheese supreme", "scrambled egg sandwiches with onions and red peppers", "cucumber open faced sandwiches", "chicken and egg on rice oyako donburi", "blt sandwich", "grilled chicken pesto panini", "mushroom and chicken grilled quesadillas", "delicious cheesy bacon and green onion potato skins", "grilled chili lime chicken", "fried almonds", "the greatful bread sandwich", "egg salad club sandwiches or shrimp salad club", "nifs peanut butter banana muffins", "parmesan fish in the oven", "caramelized onion focaccia bread machine", "nats cucumber cream cheese bagel", "chicken with cashews", "lemon parsley popcorn", "not your ordinary chocolate chip cookies liqueur laced", "katos tasty salmon cream cheese surprise", "greek inspired salad", "tomato basil american cheese sandwich", "club sandwich", "bacon and egg salad sandwiches", "apple cheese bites", "two cheese panini with tomato olive pesto", "delicious and simple fruit dip", "tex mex 7 layer salad", "grilled peanut butter and jelly sandwich", "simply simple cucumber slices in vinegar dressing longmeadow", "ww greek inspired scrambled egg wraps", "baby greens with mustard vinaigrette", "patty melts", "ribs", "chocolate angel food cake", "spinach with lemon garlic", "green goddess dressing", "leftover rice muffins", "cajun garlic fingers", "fresh mango bread", "california crab salad", "hot salty nuts", "beef for tacos", "hidden valley wraps", "omas boterkoek dutch buttercake", "apple butterflies", "don t burn your fingers garlic bread", "beer wisconsin bratwurst", "salmon with bourbon and brown sugar glaze", "lemon coconut muffins", "the godfather of grilled cheese sandwiches", "green mountain granola", "tuna red onion and parsley salad", "tortellini skewers", "italian meatball hoagies", "crispy fried chicken spring rolls", "rotisserie style chicken in the crock pot", "creamed peas on toast", "bergy dim sum 5 steamed shrimp dumplings", "chocolate almond roca bar", "number 400 seafood casserole", "chocolate rainbow krispies treats", "spinach salad with blue cheese", "hash", "fake crab salad sandwiches", "guacamole stuffed deviled eggs", "weight watchers veggie barley soup 1 pt for 1 cup", "hummus with a twist", "bellissimo panini", "carls jr western bacon cheeseburger copycat by todd wilbur", "salami havarti and cole slaw sandwiches", "garlic herbed roasted red skin potatoes", "grilled cheese on raisin bread", "hearty grilled cheese", "italian deli wraps", "strammer max german warm sandwich", "quick elephant ears", "salata marouli romaine lettuce salad", "goat cheese black olive mashed potatoes", "tomato cucumber avocado sandwich", "purple cow", "chocolate coconut dream bars", "homemade popsicles", "ginger soy salmon", "sweet and sour pork balls", "spicy chicken soup with hints of lemongrass and coconut milk", "another buffalo wings recipe", "famous white wings", "amazing sweet italian sausage pasta soup", "sausage sandwich italian style", "copycat taco bell chicken enchilada bowl", "simple pan fried chicken breasts", "1 2 3 black bean salsa dip", "quick chile relleno casserole", "bacon spaghetti squash", "fantastic banana bran muffins", "garbanzo vegetarian burgers", "mediterranean tuna stuffed tomato", "sugared cinnamon almonds", "queen margherita pizza", "insanely easy chickpea salad", "habit forming shrimp dip", "turkey swiss panini", "pumpkin chocolate chip muffins", "grilled havarti and avocado sandwiches", "english muffin pizzas", "oatmeal cookie granola"},
"dinner": {"kittencals caesar tortellini salad", "no bake hersheys bar pie", "lindas special potato salad", "kittencals parmesan orzo", "pearls sesame noodles", "roasted potatoes and green beans", "kittencals really great old fashioned lemonade", "lindas chunky garlic mashed potatoes", "kittencals pan fried asparagus", "cafe mocha latte", "fresh tomato and cucumber salad", "peanut butter gooey cake", "foolproof standing prime rib roast paula deen", "mamas fruit cobbler", "hoisin marinated wing pieces", "feta marinated", "the realtors cream cheese corn", "savory pita chips", "jalapeno pepper jelly chicken", "kashmir lamb with spinach", "oven fried zucchini sticks", "best ever bruschetta", "maple cinnamon coffee", "kick a fried onion rings", "guava mojito", "confit d oignon french onion marmalade", "flounder stuffed with shrimp and crabmeat", "mrs allens date loaf", "swedish cucumber salad pressgurka", "authentic pork lo mein chinese", "golden five spice sticky chicken", "basil tomato salad", "white chocolate cheesecake", "celery and blue cheese salad", "kittencals crock pot french dip roast", "lindas asian salmon", "spinach and mandarin orange salad", "coconut pound cake", "scallop saute", "spicy catfish tenders with cajun tartar sauce", "just like deweys candied walnut and grape salad", "strawberry pavlova", "grilled pork chops with lime cilantro garlic", "smoky barbecue beef brisket crock pot", "quick and easy chicken in cream sauce", "fried chorizo with garlic", "cucumber open faced sandwiches", "rachael rays mimosa", "tortellini bow tie pasta salad", "tonkatsu japanese pork cutlet", "mushroom and chicken grilled quesadillas", "delicious cheesy bacon and green onion potato skins", "roasted beet salad with horseradish cream dressing", "islands bananas foster", "apricot glazed roasted asparagus low fat", "frozen kahlua creme", "fried almonds", "just peachy grillin ribs rsc", "death by chocolate cake", "parmesan fish in the oven", "calico peas", "creamy cucumber dill dip", "emerils stewed black eyed peas", "german style eiskaffee iced coffee drink", "strawberry angel trifle", "spinach salad with feta cheese", "french napoleons", "ultimate crab and spinach manicotti with parmesan cheese sauce", "sweet and sour stir fry shrimp with broccoli and red bell pepper", "crispy noodle salad with sweet and sour dressing", "crunchy rosemary potatoes", "roasted cherry or grape tomatoes", "blackened skillet shrimp", "parslied new potatoes", "tropical baked chicken", "sweet and sour kielbasa kabobs", "fantastic mushrooms with garlic butter and parmesan", "asparagus with lemon butter crumbs", "creamy garlic prawns", "kittencals banana almond muffins with almond streusel", "ww shrimp scampi", "kittencals tender microwave corn with husks on", "nude beach", "kittencals greek garden salad with greek style dressing", "roasted broccoli with cherry tomatoes", "kittencals chicken cacciatore", "buttermilk mashed potatoes with country mustard", "tilapia in thai sauce", "cream cheese potato soup", "brown sugar roasted salmon with maple mustard dill sauce", "baby greens with mustard vinaigrette", "ribs", "new england roasted cornish game hens", "chocolate angel food cake", "creamy strawberries", "spinach with lemon garlic", "green goddess dressing", "jamaican pork tenderloin", "awesome twice baked potatoes", "sausage mushroom appetizers", "roasted garlic soup with parmesan", "crushed red potatoes with garlic", "15 minute no fry chicken enchiladas honest", "uncle bills caesar canadian style", "raspberry cranberry salad with sour cream cream cheese topping", "hot salty nuts", "acorn squash for 2", "pumpkin knot yeast rolls", "caramelized onion dip spread", "roasted asparagus with sage and lemon butter", "spanish garlic shrimp taverna", "baby greens with pears gorgonzola and pecans", "grilled or baked salmon with lavender", "ruth walls german apple cake", "healthy italian breadsticks or pizza crust", "strawberry and cream cheese parfait", "marinated grilled tuna steak", "kittencals extra crispy fried chicken breast", "de constructed chicken cordon bleu", "moroccan cinnamon coffee with orange flower water", "lemon and parsley potatoes", "bergy dim sum 5 steamed shrimp dumplings", "chocolate almond roca bar", "garlic mashed potatoes and cashew gravy", "number 400 seafood casserole", "sherry buttered shrimp", "spinach salad with blue cheese", "cookie monster fruit salad", "asian broccoli salad", "pink poodle", "butterflied leg of lamb with lots of garlic and rosemary", "gorgonzola and toasted walnut salad", "maple coffee", "chocolate chip bundt cake with chocolate glaze", "crock pot caramelized onion pot roast", "mashed potatoes with bacon and cheddar", "provencal olives", "creole potato salad", "wild addicting dip", "baby shower pink cloud punch", "i did it my way tossed salad", "lubys cafeteria butternut brownie pie", "spiced poached pears", "lemon cajun stir fry", "iced banana cream", "potato ham onion chipotle soup", "chicken and penne casserole", "kahlua hot chocolate", "chicken and yoghurt curry", "oriental asparagus and mushrooms", "guacamole stuffed deviled eggs", "orzo with tomatoes feta and green onions", "kathy dessert baked bananas zwt ii asia", "hummus with pine nuts turkish style", "caramel delight", "whipped cream cream cheese frosting", "broccoli and cranberry salad", "raspberry lemonade", "pan broiled steak with whiskey sauce", "t g i fridays mudslide", "herb crusted fish fillets", "agua de valencia knock your socks off spanish cava punch", "orange brownie", "jiffy punch", "steak balmoral and whisky sauce from the witchery by the castle", "julies alabama white sauce", "ww potato gratin 5 points", "bo kaap cape malay curry powder south african spice mixture", "garlic herbed roasted red skin potatoes", "tasty broccoli salad", "risotto with pesto and mascarpone", "red potato and green bean saute", "caribbean sunset", "sriracha honey roasted broccoli", "salata marouli romaine lettuce salad", "goat cheese black olive mashed potatoes", "swirled cranberry cheesecake", "curried pea soup", "long island iced tea applebees tgi fridays style", "chocolate coconut dream bars", "bbq salmon filet", "blue margaritas", "sweet and sour pork balls", "spanish shrimp", "orange glazed pork chops", "heavenly lemon bread pudding", "spicy chicken soup with hints of lemongrass and coconut milk", "sweet onion and mashed potato bake", "smoky clam chowder", "cornish game hens with peach glaze", "garlic prime rib", "german apple cake with cream cheese frosting", "amazing sweet italian sausage pasta soup", "fresh orange slices with honey and cinnamon", "blackened tuna bites with cajun mustard", "tuna cobb salad", "greek shrimp with rigatoni", "creamy beet salad", "caponata eggplant and lots of good things", "lemon and oregano lamb loin chops", "pork chops with apples stuffing", "bacon spaghetti squash", "layered bean taco dip", "creamy lemon tarts", "strawberry and baileys fool", "italian style roast", "sourdough rosemary potato bread", "cracker barrel baby carrots", "portuguese tomato rice", "chocolate covered dipped strawberries", "caf a la russe chocolate coffee", "herbed potato with cottage cheese", "your basic tossed salad", "panzanella salad with bacon tomato and basil"},
"snack": {"hoisin marinated wing pieces", "feta marinated", "spicy roasted butternut seeds pumpkin seeds", "honey chipotle pecans", "best ever bruschetta", "body and soul health muffins", "kittencals beef burritos", "the traditional cyprus sandwich with halloumi onions and tomato", "delicious cheesy bacon and green onion potato skins", "fried almonds", "nifs peanut butter banana muffins", "lemon parsley popcorn", "not your ordinary chocolate chip cookies liqueur laced", "delicious and simple fruit dip", "fresh mango bread", "hot salty nuts", "omas boterkoek dutch buttercake", "apple butterflies", "lemon coconut muffins", "green mountain granola", "crispy fried chicken spring rolls", "guacamole stuffed deviled eggs", "hummus with a twist", "quick elephant ears", "homemade popsicles", "1 2 3 black bean salsa dip", "fantastic banana bran muffins", "sugared cinnamon almonds", "pumpkin chocolate chip muffins", "oatmeal cookie granola"},
"dessert": {"no bake hersheys bar pie", "big ol cowboy cookies", "crackle top molasses cookies", "old fashion oatmeal pie", "cranberry nut swirls", "butter balls", "peanut butter gooey cake", "mamas fruit cobbler", "pink stuff cherry pie filling pineapple dessert", "chocolate star cookies", "midsummer swedish strawberry compote jordgubbskrm", "foolproof one bowl banana cake", "creamy apple dessert", "walnut chews", "yummy bread pudding", "white chocolate cheesecake", "hersheys kiss peanut butter cookies", "coconut pound cake", "frosted rhubarb cookies", "strawberry pavlova", "cookies n cream ice cream", "perfect pumpkin pie", "gluten free dutch sugar cookies", "raw apple crumble no bake", "cheesecake kugel", "moo less chocolate pie", "chocolate macadamia nut brownies", "disneyland snickerdoodles", "islands bananas foster", "frozen kahlua creme", "nifs peanut butter banana muffins", "peach cobbler with oatmeal cookie topping", "christmas cardamom butter cookies", "death by chocolate cake", "moms southern pecan pie", "the best brownies ever", "jerrys chocolate ice cream", "strawberry angel trifle", "zucchini mock apple pie", "low fat chocolate peanut butter dessert", "creamy raspberry mallow pie", "french napoleons", "pie crust cinnamon rolls", "not your ordinary chocolate chip cookies liqueur laced", "foolproof dark chocolate fudge", "whole wheat sugar cookies", "awesome kahlua cake", "up those antioxidants with blueberry sauce", "grammie millers swedish apple pie", "glendas flourless peanut butter cookies", "my best banana pudding dessert", "viskos praline sauce", "perfect purple punch", "reindeer bark", "lindas bloodshot eyeballs", "moroccan fruit salad", "apple dumpling bake", "simons pumpkin bread pudding", "baileys flourless peanut butter cookies", "a 1 cherry cobbler tart a1", "monkey balls", "chocolate angel food cake", "creamy strawberries", "harvest cake", "deep dark chocolate moist cake", "spooktacular halloween graveyard cake", "cream cheese walnut drop cookies", "omas boterkoek dutch buttercake", "kates basic crepes", "banana spice bars", "ruth walls german apple cake", "low fat low cholesterol chocolate cake cupcakes", "lower fat peanut butter rice krispies bars", "nutella rolls", "fruit salad pudding", "strawberry and cream cheese parfait", "apple dessert quick", "betty crocker chocolate chip cookies 1971 mens favorites 22", "so there reeses peanut butter bars", "moms buttery apple cake", "chocolate almond roca bar", "turtles", "sesame toffee", "chocolate rainbow krispies treats", "dirt cups for kids", "ultimate seven layer bars", "raisin oat cookies", "snickers bar cookies", "french pie pastry", "sour cream pumpkin bundt cake", "microwave nut brittle", "cinnamon rolls buns", "nutella mousse", "blueberry sour cream cake", "angelic strawberry frozen yogurt", "chocolate chip bundt cake with chocolate glaze", "creole cake", "apricot banana squares", "banana snack cake with delicious cream cheese frosting", "pineapple coconut empanadas", "awesome chocolate butterscotch chip cookies", "easy homemade almond roca", "sonic strawberry cheesecake shake", "lubys cafeteria butternut brownie pie", "spiced poached pears", "chocolate mocha pudding low carb", "iced banana cream", "kathy dessert baked bananas zwt ii asia", "whipped cream cream cheese frosting", "italian biscotti al la syd", "died and went to heaven chocolate cake diabetic version", "coffee and chocolate pudding", "mimis maine blueberry cobbler", "cherry cola float", "linzer bars", "confectioners sugar cookies", "double chocolate mint chip cookies", "quick elephant ears", "swirled cranberry cheesecake", "mexican rice pudding", "eclair torte", "spiced pumpkin pie", "caramel breakfast cake", "lime granita", "chocolate coconut dream bars", "blueberry banana pie", "grannys gingersnaps", "homemade popsicles", "heavenly lemon bread pudding", "pizzelles", "mckinley tea cakes", "lazy day cobbler", "old school deja vu chocolate peanut butter squares", "cheesecake pie", "aunt zanas amish sugar cookies eggless", "amish cream pie", "chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream", "snickerdoodles dream", "chocolate cheese fudge", "german apple cake with cream cheese frosting", "fresh orange slices with honey and cinnamon", "frozen oreo cookie dessert", "blueberry crunch", "amaretto bon bon balls", "red cherry pie", "creamy lemon tarts", "brownie truffles", "strawberry and baileys fool", "easy danish kringle", "chocolate covered dipped strawberries", "caf a la russe chocolate coffee"},
Food consists of food information
var Hacker = map[string][]string{
"abbreviation": {"TCP", "HTTP", "SDD", "RAM", "GB", "CSS", "SSL", "AGP", "SQL", "FTP", "PCI", "AI", "ADP", "RSS", "XML", "EXE", "COM", "HDD", "THX", "SMTP", "SMS", "USB", "PNG", "SAS", "IB", "SCSI", "JSON", "XSS", "JBOD"},
"adjective": {"auxiliary", "primary", "back-end", "digital", "open-source", "virtual", "cross-platform", "redundant", "online", "haptic", "multi-byte", "bluetooth", "wireless", "1080p", "neural", "optical", "solid state", "mobile"},
"noun": {"driver", "protocol", "bandwidth", "panel", "microchip", "program", "port", "card", "array", "interface", "system", "sensor", "firewall", "hard drive", "pixel", "alarm", "feed", "monitor", "application", "transmitter", "bus", "circuit", "capacitor", "matrix"},
"verb": {"back up", "bypass", "hack", "override", "compress", "copy", "navigate", "index", "connect", "generate", "quantify", "calculate", "synthesize", "input", "transmit", "program", "reboot", "parse"},
"ingverb": {"backing up", "bypassing", "hacking", "overriding", "compressing", "copying", "navigating", "indexing", "connecting", "generating", "quantifying", "calculating", "synthesizing", "transmitting", "programming", "parsing"},
"phrase": {
"If we {hackerverb} the {hackernoun}, we can get to the {hackerabbreviation} {hackernoun} through the {hackeradjective} {hackerabbreviation} {hackernoun}!",
"We need to {hackerverb} the {hackeradjective} {hackerabbreviation} {hackernoun}!",
"Try to {hackerverb} the {hackerabbreviation} {hackernoun}, maybe it will {hackerverb} the {hackeradjective} {hackernoun}!",
"You can't {hackerverb} the {hackernoun} without {hackeringverb} the {hackeradjective} {hackerabbreviation} {hackernoun}!",
"Use the {hackeradjective} {hackerabbreviation} {hackernoun}, then you can {hackerverb} the {hackeradjective} {hackernoun}!",
"The {hackerabbreviation} {hackernoun} is down, {hackerverb} the {hackeradjective} {hackernoun} so we can {hackerverb} the {hackerabbreviation} {hackernoun}!",
"{hackeringverb} the {hackernoun} won't do anything, we need to {hackerverb} the {hackeradjective} {hackerabbreviation} {hackernoun}!",
"I'll {hackerverb} the {hackeradjective} {hackerabbreviation} {hackernoun}, that should {hackerverb} the {hackerabbreviation} {hackernoun}!",
Hacker consists of random hacker phrases
var Hipster = map[string][]string{
"word": {"Wes Anderson", "chicharrones", "narwhal", "food truck", "marfa", "aesthetic", "keytar", "art party", "sustainable", "forage", "mlkshk", "gentrify", "locavore", "swag", "hoodie", "microdosing", "VHS", "before they sold out", "pabst", "plaid", "Thundercats", "freegan", "scenester", "hella", "occupy", "truffaut", "raw denim", "beard", "post-ironic", "photo booth", "twee", "90's", "pitchfork", "cray", "cornhole", "kale chips", "pour-over", "yr", "five dollar toast", "kombucha", "you probably haven't heard of them", "mustache", "fixie", "try-hard", "franzen", "kitsch", "austin", "stumptown", "keffiyeh", "whatever", "tumblr", "DIY", "shoreditch", "biodiesel", "vegan", "pop-up", "banjo", "kogi", "cold-pressed", "letterpress", "chambray", "butcher", "synth", "trust fund", "hammock", "farm-to-table", "intelligentsia", "loko", "ugh", "offal", "poutine", "gastropub", "Godard", "jean shorts", "sriracha", "dreamcatcher", "leggings", "fashion axe", "church-key", "meggings", "tote bag", "disrupt", "readymade", "helvetica", "flannel", "meh", "roof", "hashtag", "knausgaard", "cronut", "schlitz", "green juice", "waistcoat", "normcore", "viral", "ethical", "actually", "fingerstache", "humblebrag", "deep v", "wayfarers", "tacos", "taxidermy", "selvage", "put a bird on it", "ramps", "portland", "retro", "kickstarter", "bushwick", "brunch", "distillery", "migas", "flexitarian", "XOXO", "small batch", "messenger bag", "heirloom", "tofu", "bicycle rights", "bespoke", "salvia", "wolf", "selfies", "echo", "park", "listicle", "craft beer", "chartreuse", "sartorial", "pinterest", "mumblecore", "kinfolk", "vinyl", "etsy", "umami", "8-bit", "polaroid", "banh mi", "crucifix", "bitters", "brooklyn", "PBR&B", "drinking", "vinegar", "squid", "tattooed", "skateboard", "vice", "authentic", "literally", "lomo", "celiac", "health", "goth", "artisan", "chillwave", "blue bottle", "pickled", "next level", "neutra", "organic", "Yuccie", "paleo", "blog", "single-origin coffee", "seitan", "street", "gluten-free", "mixtape", "venmo", "irony", "everyday", "carry", "slow-carb", "3 wolf moon", "direct trade", "lo-fi", "tousled", "tilde", "semiotics", "cred", "chia", "master", "cleanse", "ennui", "quinoa", "pug", "iPhone", "fanny pack", "cliche", "cardigan", "asymmetrical", "meditation", "YOLO", "typewriter", "pork belly", "shabby chic", "+1", "lumbersexual", "williamsburg"},
Hipster consists of random hipster words
var IntData = map[string]map[string][]int{ "status_code": StatusCodes, }
IntData consists of the main set of fake information (integer only)
var Internet = map[string][]string{
"browser": {"firefox", "chrome", "internetExplorer", "opera", "safari"},
"domain_suffix": {"com", "biz", "info", "name", "net", "org", "io"},
"http_method": {"HEAD", "GET", "POST", "PUT", "PATCH", "DELETE"},
Internet consists of various internet information
var Job = map[string][]string{
"title": {"Administrator", "Agent", "Analyst", "Architect", "Assistant", "Associate", "Consultant", "Coordinator", "Designer", "Developer", "Director", "Engineer", "Executive", "Facilitator", "Liaison", "Manager", "Officer", "Orchestrator", "Planner", "Producer", "Representative", "Specialist", "Strategist", "Supervisor", "Technician"},
"descriptor": {"Central", "Chief", "Corporate", "Customer", "Direct", "District", "Dynamic", "Dynamic", "Forward", "Future", "Global", "Human", "Internal", "International", "Investor", "Lead", "Legacy", "National", "Principal", "Product", "Regional", "Senior"},
"level": {"Accountability", "Accounts", "Applications", "Assurance", "Brand", "Branding", "Communications", "Configuration", "Creative", "Data", "Directives", "Division", "Factors", "Functionality", "Group", "Identity", "Implementation", "Infrastructure", "Integration", "Interactions", "Intranet", "Marketing", "Markets", "Metrics", "Mobility", "Operations", "Optimization", "Paradigm", "Program", "Quality", "Research", "Response", "Security", "Solutions", "Tactics", "Usability", "Web"},
Job consists of job data
var Languages = map[string][]string{
"short": {"aa", "ab", "ae", "af", "ak", "am", "an", "ar", "as", "av", "ay", "az", "ba", "be", "bg", "bh", "bi", "bm", "bn", "bo", "br", "bs", "ca", "ce", "ch", "co", "cr", "cs", "cv", "cy", "da", "de", "dv", "dz", "ee", "en", "eo", "es", "et", "eu", "fa", "ff", "fi", "fj", "fo", "fr", "fy", "ga", "gd", "gl", "gn", "gu", "gv", "ha", "he", "hi", "ho", "hr", "ht", "hu", "hy", "hz", "ia", "id", "ie", "ig", "ii", "ik", "io", "is", "it", "iu", "ja", "jv", "ka", "kg", "ki", "kj", "kk", "kl", "km", "kn", "ko", "kr", "ks", "ku", "kv", "kw", "ky", "la", "lb", "lg", "li", "ln", "lo", "lt", "lu", "lv", "mg", "mh", "mi", "mk", "ml", "mn", "mr", "ms", "mt", "my", "na", "ne", "ng", "nl", "no", "nv", "ny", "oc", "oj", "om", "or", "os", "pa", "pi", "pl", "ps", "pt", "qu", "rm", "rn", "ro", "ru", "rw", "sa", "sc", "sd", "se", "sg", "si", "sk", "sl", "sm", "sn", "so", "sq", "sr", "ss", "st", "su", "sv", "sw", "ta", "te", "tg", "th", "ti", "tk", "tl", "tn", "to", "tr", "ts", "tt", "tw", "ty", "ug", "uk", "ur", "uz", "ve", "vi", "wa", "wo", "xh", "yi", "yo", "za", "zh", "zu"},
"long": {"Afar", "Abkhazian", "Avestan", "Afrikaans", "Akan", "Amharic", "Aragonese", "Arabic", "Assamese", "Avaric", "Aymara", "Azerbaijani", "Bashkir", "Belarusian", "Bulgarian", "Bihari", "Bislama", "Bambara", "Bengali", "Tibetan", "Breton", "Bosnian", "Catalan", "Chechen", "Chamorro", "Corsican", "Cree", "Czech", "Chuvash", "Welsh", "Danish", "German", "Divehi", "Dzongkha", "Ewe", "English", "Esperanto", "Spanish", "Estonian", "Basque", "Persian", "Fulah", "Finnish", "Fijian", "Faroese", "French", "Western Frisian", "Irish", "Gaelic", "Galician", "Guarani", "Gujarati", "Manx", "Hausa", "Hebrew", "Hindi", "Hiri Motu", "Croatian", "Haitian", "Hungarian", "Armenian", "Herero", "Interlingua", "Indonesian", "Interlingue", "Igbo", "Sichuan Yi", "Inupiaq", "Ido", "Icelandic", "Italian", "Inuktitut", "Japanese", "Javanese", "Georgian", "Kongo", "Kikuyu", "Kuanyama", "Kazakh", "Kalaallisut", "Central Khmer", "Kannada", "Korean", "Kanuri", "Kashmiri", "Kurdish", "Komi", "Cornish", "Kirghiz", "Latin", "Luxembourgish", "Ganda", "Limburgan", "Lingala", "Lao", "Lithuanian", "Luba-Katanga", "Latvian", "Malagasy", "Marshallese", "Maori", "Macedonian", "Malayalam", "Mongolian", "Marathi", "Malay", "Maltese", "Burmese", "Nauru", "Nepali", "Ndonga", "Dutch", "Norwegian", "Navajo", "Chichewa", "Occitan", "Ojibwa", "Oromo", "Oriya", "Ossetian", "Panjabi", "Pali", "Polish", "Pushto", "Portuguese", "Quechua", "Romansh", "Rundi", "Romanian", "Russian", "Kinyarwanda", "Sanskrit", "Sardinian", "Sindhi", "Northern Sami", "Sango", "Sinhala", "Slovak", "Slovenian", "Samoan", "Shona", "Somali", "Albanian", "Serbian", "Swati", "Sotho", "Sundanese", "Swedish", "Swahili", "Tamil", "Telugu", "Tajik", "Thai", "Tigrinya", "Turkmen", "Tagalog", "Tswana", "Tonga", "Turkish", "Tsonga", "Tatar", "Twi", "Tahitian", "Uighur", "Ukrainian", "Urdu", "Uzbek", "Venda", "Vietnamese", "Walloon", "Wolof", "Xhosa", "Yiddish", "Yoruba", "Zhuang", "Chinese", "Zulu"},
"programming": {"A# .NET", "A# (Axiom)", "A-0 System", "A+", "A++", "ABAP", "ABC", "ABC ALGOL", "ABLE", "ABSET", "ABSYS", "ACC", "Accent", "Ace DASL", "ACL2", "ACT-III", "Action!", "ActionScript", "Ada", "Adenine", "Agda", "Agilent VEE", "Agora", "AIMMS", "Alef", "ALF", "ALGOL 58", "ALGOL 60", "ALGOL 68", "ALGOL W", "Alice", "Alma-0", "AmbientTalk", "Amiga E", "AMOS", "AMPL", "APL", "App Inventor for Android's visual block language", "AppleScript", "Arc", "ARexx", "Argus", "AspectJ", "Assembly language", "ATS", "Ateji PX", "AutoHotkey", "Autocoder", "AutoIt", "AutoLISP / Visual LISP", "Averest", "AWK", "Axum", "B", "Babbage", "Bash", "BASIC", "bc", "BCPL", "BeanShell", "Batch (Windows/Dos)", "Bertrand", "BETA", "Bigwig", "Bistro", "BitC", "BLISS", "Blue", "Bon", "Boo", "Boomerang", "Bourne shell", "bash", "ksh", "BREW", "BPEL", "C", "C--", "C++", "C#", "C/AL", "Caché ObjectScript", "C Shell", "Caml", "Candle", "Cayenne", "CDuce", "Cecil", "Cel", "Cesil", "Ceylon", "CFEngine", "CFML", "Cg", "Ch", "Chapel", "CHAIN", "Charity", "Charm", "Chef", "CHILL", "CHIP-8", "chomski", "ChucK", "CICS", "Cilk", "CL", "Claire", "Clarion", "Clean", "Clipper", "CLIST", "Clojure", "CLU", "CMS-2", "COBOL", "Cobra", "CODE", "CoffeeScript", "Cola", "ColdC", "ColdFusion", "COMAL", "Combined Programming Language", "COMIT", "Common Intermediate Language", "Common Lisp", "COMPASS", "Component Pascal", "Constraint Handling Rules", "Converge", "Cool", "Coq", "Coral 66", "Corn", "CorVision", "COWSEL", "CPL", "csh", "CSP", "Csound", "CUDA", "Curl", "Curry", "Cyclone", "Cython", "D", "DASL", "DASL", "Dart", "DataFlex", "Datalog", "DATATRIEVE", "dBase", "dc", "DCL", "Deesel", "Delphi", "DCL", "DinkC", "DIBOL", "Dog", "Draco", "DRAKON", "Dylan", "DYNAMO", "E", "E#", "Ease", "Easy PL/I", "Easy Programming Language", "EASYTRIEVE PLUS", "ECMAScript", "Edinburgh IMP", "EGL", "Eiffel", "ELAN", "Elixir", "Elm", "Emacs Lisp", "Emerald", "Epigram", "EPL", "Erlang", "es", "Escapade", "Escher", "ESPOL", "Esterel", "Etoys", "Euclid", "Euler", "Euphoria", "EusLisp Robot Programming Language", "CMS EXEC", "EXEC 2", "Executable UML", "F", "F#", "Factor", "Falcon", "Fancy", "Fantom", "FAUST", "Felix", "Ferite", "FFP", "Fjölnir", "FL", "Flavors", "Flex", "FLOW-MATIC", "FOCAL", "FOCUS", "FOIL", "FORMAC", "@Formula", "Forth", "Fortran", "Fortress", "FoxBase", "FoxPro", "FP", "FPr", "Franz Lisp", "F-Script", "FSProg", "G", "Google Apps Script", "Game Maker Language", "GameMonkey Script", "GAMS", "GAP", "G-code", "Genie", "GDL", "Gibiane", "GJ", "GEORGE", "GLSL", "GNU E", "GM", "Go", "Go!", "GOAL", "Gödel", "Godiva", "GOM (Good Old Mad)", "Goo", "Gosu", "GOTRAN", "GPSS", "GraphTalk", "GRASS", "Groovy", "Hack (programming language)", "HAL/S", "Hamilton C shell", "Harbour", "Hartmann pipelines", "Haskell", "Haxe", "High Level Assembly", "HLSL", "Hop", "Hope", "Hugo", "Hume", "HyperTalk", "IBM Basic assembly language", "IBM HAScript", "IBM Informix-4GL", "IBM RPG", "ICI", "Icon", "Id", "IDL", "Idris", "IMP", "Inform", "Io", "Ioke", "IPL", "IPTSCRAE", "ISLISP", "ISPF", "ISWIM", "J", "J#", "J++", "JADE", "Jako", "JAL", "Janus", "JASS", "Java", "JavaScript", "JCL", "JEAN", "Join Java", "JOSS", "Joule", "JOVIAL", "Joy", "JScript", "JScript .NET", "JavaFX Script", "Julia", "Jython", "K", "Kaleidoscope", "Karel", "Karel++", "KEE", "Kixtart", "KIF", "Kojo", "Kotlin", "KRC", "KRL", "KUKA", "KRYPTON", "ksh", "L", "L# .NET", "LabVIEW", "Ladder", "Lagoona", "LANSA", "Lasso", "LaTeX", "Lava", "LC-3", "Leda", "Legoscript", "LIL", "LilyPond", "Limbo", "Limnor", "LINC", "Lingo", "Linoleum", "LIS", "LISA", "Lisaac", "Lisp", "Lite-C", "Lithe", "Little b", "Logo", "Logtalk", "LPC", "LSE", "LSL", "LiveCode", "LiveScript", "Lua", "Lucid", "Lustre", "LYaPAS", "Lynx", "M2001", "M4", "Machine code", "MAD", "MAD/I", "Magik", "Magma", "make", "Maple", "MAPPER", "MARK-IV", "Mary", "MASM Microsoft Assembly x86", "Mathematica", "MATLAB", "Maxima", "Macsyma", "Max", "MaxScript", "Maya (MEL)", "MDL", "Mercury", "Mesa", "Metacard", "Metafont", "MetaL", "Microcode", "MicroScript", "MIIS", "MillScript", "MIMIC", "Mirah", "Miranda", "MIVA Script", "ML", "Moby", "Model 204", "Modelica", "Modula", "Modula-2", "Modula-3", "Mohol", "MOO", "Mortran", "Mouse", "MPD", "CIL", "MSL", "MUMPS", "NASM", "NATURAL", "Napier88", "Neko", "Nemerle", "nesC", "NESL", "Net.Data", "NetLogo", "NetRexx", "NewLISP", "NEWP", "Newspeak", "NewtonScript", "NGL", "Nial", "Nice", "Nickle", "NPL", "Not eXactly C", "Not Quite C", "NSIS", "Nu", "NWScript", "NXT-G", "o:XML", "Oak", "Oberon", "Obix", "OBJ2", "Object Lisp", "ObjectLOGO", "Object REXX", "Object Pascal", "Objective-C", "Objective-J", "Obliq", "Obol", "OCaml", "occam", "occam-π", "Octave", "OmniMark", "Onyx", "Opa", "Opal", "OpenCL", "OpenEdge ABL", "OPL", "OPS5", "OptimJ", "Orc", "ORCA/Modula-2", "Oriel", "Orwell", "Oxygene", "Oz", "P#", "ParaSail (programming language)", "PARI/GP", "Pascal", "Pawn", "PCASTL", "PCF", "PEARL", "PeopleCode", "Perl", "PDL", "PHP", "Phrogram", "Pico", "Picolisp", "Pict", "Pike", "PIKT", "PILOT", "Pipelines", "Pizza", "PL-11", "PL/0", "PL/B", "PL/C", "PL/I", "PL/M", "PL/P", "PL/SQL", "PL360", "PLANC", "Plankalkül", "Planner", "PLEX", "PLEXIL", "Plus", "POP-11", "PostScript", "PortablE", "Powerhouse", "PowerBuilder", "PowerShell", "PPL", "Processing", "Processing.js", "Prograph", "PROIV", "Prolog", "PROMAL", "Promela", "PROSE modeling language", "PROTEL", "ProvideX", "Pro*C", "Pure", "Python", "Q (equational programming language)", "Q (programming language from Kx Systems)", "Qalb", "Qi", "QtScript", "QuakeC", "QPL", "R", "R++", "Racket", "RAPID", "Rapira", "Ratfiv", "Ratfor", "rc", "REBOL", "Red", "Redcode", "REFAL", "Reia", "Revolution", "rex", "REXX", "Rlab", "RobotC", "ROOP", "RPG", "RPL", "RSL", "RTL/2", "Ruby", "RuneScript", "Rust", "S", "S2", "S3", "S-Lang", "S-PLUS", "SA-C", "SabreTalk", "SAIL", "SALSA", "SAM76", "SAS", "SASL", "Sather", "Sawzall", "SBL", "Scala", "Scheme", "Scilab", "Scratch", "Script.NET", "Sed", "Seed7", "Self", "SenseTalk", "SequenceL", "SETL", "Shift Script", "SIMPOL", "Shakespeare", "SIGNAL", "SiMPLE", "SIMSCRIPT", "Simula", "Simulink", "SISAL", "SLIP", "SMALL", "Smalltalk", "Small Basic", "SML", "Snap!", "SNOBOL", "SPITBOL", "Snowball", "SOL", "Span", "SPARK", "SPIN", "SP/k", "SPS", "Squeak", "Squirrel", "SR", "S/SL", "Stackless Python", "Starlogo", "Strand", "Stata", "Stateflow", "Subtext", "SuperCollider", "SuperTalk", "Swift (Apple programming language)", "Swift (parallel scripting language)", "SYMPL", "SyncCharts", "SystemVerilog", "T", "TACL", "TACPOL", "TADS", "TAL", "Tcl", "Tea", "TECO", "TELCOMP", "TeX", "TEX", "TIE", "Timber", "TMG", "Tom", "TOM", "Topspeed", "TPU", "Trac", "TTM", "T-SQL", "TTCN", "Turing", "TUTOR", "TXL", "TypeScript", "Turbo C++", "Ubercode", "UCSD Pascal", "Umple", "Unicon", "Uniface", "UNITY", "Unix shell", "UnrealScript", "Vala", "VBA", "VBScript", "Verilog", "VHDL", "Visual Basic", "Visual Basic .NET", "Visual DataFlex", "Visual DialogScript", "Visual Fortran", "Visual FoxPro", "Visual J++", "Visual J#", "Visual Objects", "Visual Prolog", "VSXu", "Vvvv", "WATFIV, WATFOR", "WebDNA", "WebQL", "Windows PowerShell", "Winbatch", "Wolfram", "Wyvern", "X++", "X#", "X10", "XBL", "XC", "XMOS architecture", "xHarbour", "XL", "Xojo", "XOTcl", "XPL", "XPL0", "XQuery", "XSB", "XSLT", "XPath", "Xtend", "Yorick", "YQL", "Z notation", "Zeno", "ZOPL", "ZPL"},
Languages consists of address information
var LogLevels = map[string][]string{
"general": {"error", "warning", "info", "fatal", "trace", "debug"},
"syslog": {"emerg", "alert", "crit", "err", "warning", "notice", "info", "debug"},
"apache": {"emerg", "alert", "crit", "error", "warn", "notice", "info", "debug", "trace1-8"},
LogLevels consists of log levels for several types
var Lorem = map[string][]string{
"word": {"alias", "consequatur", "aut", "perferendis", "sit", "voluptatem", "accusantium", "doloremque", "aperiam", "eaque", "ipsa", "quae", "ab", "illo", "inventore", "veritatis", "et", "quasi", "architecto", "beatae", "vitae", "dicta", "sunt", "explicabo", "aspernatur", "aut", "odit", "aut", "fugit", "sed", "quia", "consequuntur", "magni", "dolores", "eos", "qui", "ratione", "voluptatem", "sequi", "nesciunt", "neque", "dolorem", "ipsum", "quia", "dolor", "sit", "amet", "consectetur", "adipisci", "velit", "sed", "quia", "non", "numquam", "eius", "modi", "tempora", "incidunt", "ut", "labore", "et", "dolore", "magnam", "aliquam", "quaerat", "voluptatem", "ut", "enim", "ad", "minima", "veniam", "quis", "nostrum", "exercitationem", "ullam", "corporis", "nemo", "enim", "ipsam", "voluptatem", "quia", "voluptas", "sit", "suscipit", "laboriosam", "nisi", "ut", "aliquid", "ex", "ea", "commodi", "consequatur", "quis", "autem", "vel", "eum", "iure", "reprehenderit", "qui", "in", "ea", "voluptate", "velit", "esse", "quam", "nihil", "molestiae", "et", "iusto", "odio", "dignissimos", "ducimus", "qui", "blanditiis", "praesentium", "laudantium", "totam", "rem", "voluptatum", "deleniti", "atque", "corrupti", "quos", "dolores", "et", "quas", "molestias", "excepturi", "sint", "occaecati", "cupiditate", "non", "provident", "sed", "ut", "perspiciatis", "unde", "omnis", "iste", "natus", "error", "similique", "sunt", "in", "culpa", "qui", "officia", "deserunt", "mollitia", "animi", "id", "est", "laborum", "et", "dolorum", "fuga", "et", "harum", "quidem", "rerum", "facilis", "est", "et", "expedita", "distinctio", "nam", "libero", "tempore", "cum", "soluta", "nobis", "est", "eligendi", "optio", "cumque", "nihil", "impedit", "quo", "porro", "quisquam", "est", "qui", "minus", "id", "quod", "maxime", "placeat", "facere", "possimus", "omnis", "voluptas", "assumenda", "est", "omnis", "dolor", "repellendus", "temporibus", "autem", "quibusdam", "et", "aut", "consequatur", "vel", "illum", "qui", "dolorem", "eum", "fugiat", "quo", "voluptas", "nulla", "pariatur", "at", "vero", "eos", "et", "accusamus", "officiis", "debitis", "aut", "rerum", "necessitatibus", "saepe", "eveniet", "ut", "et", "voluptates", "repudiandae", "sint", "et", "molestiae", "non", "recusandae", "itaque", "earum", "rerum", "hic", "tenetur", "a", "sapiente", "delectus", "ut", "aut", "reiciendis", "voluptatibus", "maiores", "doloribus", "asperiores", "repellat"},
Lorem consists of lorem ipsum information
var Person = map[string][]string{
"prefix": {"Mr.", "Mrs.", "Ms.", "Miss", "Dr."},
"suffix": {"Jr.", "Sr.", "I", "II", "III", "IV", "V", "MD", "DDS", "PhD", "DVM"},
"first": {"Aaliyah", "Aaron", "Abagail", "Abbey", "Abbie", "Abbigail", "Abby", "Abdiel", "Abdul", "Abdullah", "Abe", "Abel", "Abelardo", "Abigail", "Abigale", "Abigayle", "Abner", "Abraham", "Ada", "Adah", "Adalberto", "Adaline", "Adam", "Adan", "Addie", "Addison", "Adela", "Adelbert", "Adele", "Adelia", "Adeline", "Adell", "Adella", "Adelle", "Aditya", "Adolf", "Adolfo", "Adolph", "Adolphus", "Adonis", "Adrain", "Adrian", "Adriana", "Adrianna", "Adriel", "Adrien", "Adrienne", "Afton", "Aglae", "Agnes", "Agustin", "Agustina", "Ahmad", "Ahmed", "Aida", "Aidan", "Aiden", "Aileen", "Aimee", "Aisha", "Aiyana", "Akeem", "Al", "Alaina", "Alan", "Alana", "Alanis", "Alanna", "Alayna", "Alba", "Albert", "Alberta", "Albertha", "Alberto", "Albin", "Albina", "Alda", "Alden", "Alec", "Aleen", "Alejandra", "Alejandrin", "Alek", "Alena", "Alene", "Alessandra", "Alessandro", "Alessia", "Aletha", "Alex", "Alexa", "Alexander", "Alexandra", "Alexandre", "Alexandrea", "Alexandria", "Alexandrine", "Alexandro", "Alexane", "Alexanne", "Alexie", "Alexis", "Alexys", "Alexzander", "Alf", "Alfonso", "Alfonzo", "Alford", "Alfred", "Alfreda", "Alfredo", "Ali", "Alia", "Alice", "Alicia", "Alisa", "Alisha", "Alison", "Alivia", "Aliya", "Aliyah", "Aliza", "Alize", "Allan", "Allen", "Allene", "Allie", "Allison", "Ally", "Alphonso", "Alta", "Althea", "Alva", "Alvah", "Alvena", "Alvera", "Alverta", "Alvina", "Alvis", "Alyce", "Alycia", "Alysa", "Alysha", "Alyson", "Alysson", "Amalia", "Amanda", "Amani", "Amara", "Amari", "Amaya", "Amber", "Ambrose", "Amelia", "Amelie", "Amely", "America", "Americo", "Amie", "Amina", "Amir", "Amira", "Amiya", "Amos", "Amparo", "Amy", "Amya", "Ana", "Anabel", "Anabelle", "Anahi", "Anais", "Anastacio", "Anastasia", "Anderson", "Andre", "Andreane", "Andreanne", "Andres", "Andrew", "Andy", "Angel", "Angela", "Angelica", "Angelina", "Angeline", "Angelita", "Angelo", "Angie", "Angus", "Anibal", "Anika", "Anissa", "Anita", "Aniya", "Aniyah", "Anjali", "Anna", "Annabel", "Annabell", "Annabelle", "Annalise", "Annamae", "Annamarie", "Anne", "Annetta", "Annette", "Annie", "Ansel", "Ansley", "Anthony", "Antoinette", "Antone", "Antonetta", "Antonette", "Antonia", "Antonietta", "Antonina", "Antonio", "Antwan", "Antwon", "Anya", "April", "Ara", "Araceli", "Aracely", "Arch", "Archibald", "Ardella", "Arden", "Ardith", "Arely", "Ari", "Ariane", "Arianna", "Aric", "Ariel", "Arielle", "Arjun", "Arlene", "Arlie", "Arlo", "Armand", "Armando", "Armani", "Arnaldo", "Arne", "Arno", "Arnold", "Arnoldo", "Arnulfo", "Aron", "Art", "Arthur", "Arturo", "Arvel", "Arvid", "Arvilla", "Aryanna", "Asa", "Asha", "Ashlee", "Ashleigh", "Ashley", "Ashly", "Ashlynn", "Ashton", "Ashtyn", "Asia", "Assunta", "Astrid", "Athena", "Aubree", "Aubrey", "Audie", "Audra", "Audreanne", "Audrey", "August", "Augusta", "Augustine", "Augustus", "Aurelia", "Aurelie", "Aurelio", "Aurore", "Austen", "Austin", "Austyn", "Autumn", "Ava", "Avery", "Avis", "Axel", "Ayana", "Ayden", "Ayla", "Aylin", "Baby", "Bailee", "Bailey", "Barbara", "Barney", "Baron", "Barrett", "Barry", "Bart", "Bartholome", "Barton", "Baylee", "Beatrice", "Beau", "Beaulah", "Bell", "Bella", "Belle", "Ben", "Benedict", "Benjamin", "Bennett", "Bennie", "Benny", "Benton", "Berenice", "Bernadette", "Bernadine", "Bernard", "Bernardo", "Berneice", "Bernhard", "Bernice", "Bernie", "Berniece", "Bernita", "Berry", "Bert", "Berta", "Bertha", "Bertram", "Bertrand", "Beryl", "Bessie", "Beth", "Bethany", "Bethel", "Betsy", "Bette", "Bettie", "Betty", "Bettye", "Beulah", "Beverly", "Bianka", "Bill", "Billie", "Billy", "Birdie", "Blair", "Blaise", "Blake", "Blanca", "Blanche", "Blaze", "Bo", "Bobbie", "Bobby", "Bonita", "Bonnie", "Boris", "Boyd", "Brad", "Braden", "Bradford", "Bradley", "Bradly", "Brady", "Braeden", "Brain", "Brandi", "Brando", "Brandon", "Brandt", "Brandy", "Brandyn", "Brannon", "Branson", "Brant", "Braulio", "Braxton", "Brayan", "Breana", "Breanna", "Breanne", "Brenda", "Brendan", "Brenden", "Brendon", "Brenna", "Brennan", "Brennon", "Brent", "Bret", "Brett", "Bria", "Brian", "Briana", "Brianne", "Brice", "Bridget", "Bridgette", "Bridie", "Brielle", "Brigitte", "Brionna", "Brisa", "Britney", "Brittany", "Brock", "Broderick", "Brody", "Brook", "Brooke", "Brooklyn", "Brooks", "Brown", "Bruce", "Bryana", "Bryce", "Brycen", "Bryon", "Buck", "Bud", "Buddy", "Buford", "Bulah", "Burdette", "Burley", "Burnice", "Buster", "Cade", "Caden", "Caesar", "Caitlyn", "Cale", "Caleb", "Caleigh", "Cali", "Calista", "Callie", "Camden", "Cameron", "Camila", "Camilla", "Camille", "Camren", "Camron", "Camryn", "Camylle", "Candace", "Candelario", "Candice", "Candida", "Candido", "Cara", "Carey", "Carissa", "Carlee", "Carleton", "Carley", "Carli", "Carlie", "Carlo", "Carlos", "Carlotta", "Carmel", "Carmela", "Carmella", "Carmelo", "Carmen", "Carmine", "Carol", "Carolanne", "Carole", "Carolina", "Caroline", "Carolyn", "Carolyne", "Carrie", "Carroll", "Carson", "Carter", "Cary", "Casandra", "Casey", 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"Hershel", "Herta", "Hertha", "Hester", "Hettie", "Hilario", "Hilbert", "Hilda", "Hildegard", "Hillard", "Hillary", "Hilma", "Hilton", "Hipolito", "Hiram", "Hobart", "Holden", "Hollie", "Hollis", "Holly", "Hope", "Horace", "Horacio", "Hortense", "Hosea", "Houston", "Howard", "Howell", "Hoyt", "Hubert", "Hudson", "Hugh", "Hulda", "Humberto", "Hunter", "Hyman", "Ian", "Ibrahim", "Icie", "Ida", "Idell", "Idella", "Ignacio", "Ignatius", "Ike", "Ila", "Ilene", "Iliana", "Ima", "Imani", "Imelda", "Immanuel", "Imogene", "Ines", "Irma", "Irving", "Irwin", "Isaac", "Isabel", "Isabell", "Isabella", "Isabelle", "Isac", "Isadore", "Isai", "Isaiah", "Isaias", "Isidro", "Ismael", "Isobel", "Isom", "Israel", "Issac", "Itzel", "Iva", "Ivah", "Ivory", "Ivy", "Izabella", "Izaiah", "Jabari", "Jace", "Jacey", "Jacinthe", "Jacinto", "Jack", "Jackeline", "Jackie", "Jacklyn", "Jackson", "Jacky", "Jaclyn", "Jacquelyn", "Jacques", "Jacynthe", "Jada", "Jade", "Jaden", "Jadon", "Jadyn", "Jaeden", "Jaida", "Jaiden", "Jailyn", "Jaime", "Jairo", "Jakayla", "Jake", "Jakob", "Jaleel", "Jalen", "Jalon", "Jalyn", "Jamaal", "Jamal", "Jamar", "Jamarcus", "Jamel", "Jameson", "Jamey", "Jamie", "Jamil", "Jamir", "Jamison", "Jammie", "Jan", "Jana", "Janae", "Jane", "Janelle", "Janessa", "Janet", "Janice", "Janick", "Janie", "Janis", "Janiya", "Jannie", "Jany", "Jaquan", "Jaquelin", "Jaqueline", "Jared", "Jaren", "Jarod", "Jaron", "Jarred", "Jarrell", "Jarret", "Jarrett", "Jarrod", "Jarvis", "Jasen", "Jasmin", "Jason", "Jasper", "Jaunita", "Javier", "Javon", "Javonte", "Jay", "Jayce", "Jaycee", "Jayda", "Jayde", "Jayden", "Jaydon", "Jaylan", "Jaylen", "Jaylin", "Jaylon", "Jayme", "Jayne", "Jayson", "Jazlyn", "Jazmin", "Jazmyn", "Jazmyne", "Jean", "Jeanette", "Jeanie", "Jeanne", "Jed", "Jedediah", "Jedidiah", "Jeff", "Jefferey", "Jeffery", "Jeffrey", "Jeffry", "Jena", "Jenifer", "Jennie", "Jennifer", "Jennings", "Jennyfer", "Jensen", "Jerad", "Jerald", "Jeramie", "Jeramy", "Jerel", "Jeremie", "Jeremy", "Jermain", "Jermaine", "Jermey", "Jerod", "Jerome", "Jeromy", "Jerrell", "Jerrod", "Jerrold", "Jerry", "Jess", "Jesse", "Jessica", "Jessie", "Jessika", "Jessy", "Jessyca", "Jesus", "Jett", "Jettie", "Jevon", "Jewel", "Jewell", "Jillian", "Jimmie", "Jimmy", "Jo", "Joan", "Joana", "Joanie", "Joanne", "Joannie", "Joanny", "Joany", "Joaquin", "Jocelyn", "Jodie", "Jody", "Joe", "Joel", "Joelle", "Joesph", "Joey", "Johan", "Johann", "Johanna", "Johathan", "John", "Johnathan", "Johnathon", "Johnnie", "Johnny", "Johnpaul", "Johnson", "Jolie", "Jon", "Jonas", "Jonatan", "Jonathan", "Jonathon", "Jordan", "Jordane", "Jordi", "Jordon", "Jordy", "Jordyn", "Jorge", "Jose", "Josefa", "Josefina", "Joseph", "Josephine", "Josh", "Joshua", "Joshuah", "Josiah", "Josiane", "Josianne", "Josie", "Josue", "Jovan", "Jovani", "Jovanny", "Jovany", "Joy", "Joyce", "Juana", "Juanita", "Judah", "Judd", "Jude", "Judge", "Judson", "Judy", "Jules", "Julia", "Julian", "Juliana", "Julianne", "Julie", "Julien", "Juliet", "Julio", "Julius", "June", "Junior", "Junius", "Justen", "Justice", "Justina", "Justine", "Juston", "Justus", "Justyn", "Juvenal", "Juwan", "Kacey", "Kaci", "Kacie", "Kade", "Kaden", "Kadin", "Kaela", "Kaelyn", "Kaia", "Kailee", "Kailey", "Kailyn", "Kaitlin", "Kaitlyn", "Kale", "Kaleb", "Kaleigh", "Kaley", "Kali", "Kallie", "Kameron", "Kamille", "Kamren", "Kamron", "Kamryn", "Kane", "Kara", "Kareem", "Karelle", "Karen", "Kari", "Kariane", "Karianne", "Karina", "Karine", "Karl", "Karlee", "Karley", "Karli", "Karlie", "Karolann", "Karson", "Kasandra", "Kasey", "Kassandra", "Katarina", "Katelin", "Katelyn", "Katelynn", "Katharina", "Katherine", "Katheryn", "Kathleen", "Kathlyn", "Kathryn", "Kathryne", "Katlyn", "Katlynn", "Katrina", "Katrine", "Kattie", "Kavon", "Kay", "Kaya", "Kaycee", "Kayden", "Kayla", "Kaylah", "Kaylee", "Kayleigh", "Kayley", "Kayli", "Kaylie", "Kaylin", "Keagan", "Keanu", "Keara", "Keaton", "Keegan", "Keeley", "Keely", "Keenan", "Keira", "Keith", "Kellen", "Kelley", "Kelli", "Kellie", "Kelly", "Kelsi", "Kelsie", "Kelton", "Kelvin", "Ken", "Kendall", "Kendra", "Kendrick", "Kenna", "Kennedi", "Kennedy", "Kenneth", "Kennith", "Kenny", "Kenton", "Kenya", "Kenyatta", "Kenyon", "Keon", "Keshaun", "Keshawn", "Keven", "Kevin", "Kevon", "Keyon", "Keyshawn", "Khalid", "Khalil", "Kian", "Kiana", "Kianna", "Kiara", "Kiarra", "Kiel", "Kiera", "Kieran", "Kiley", "Kim", "Kimberly", "King", "Kip", "Kira", "Kirk", "Kirsten", "Kirstin", "Kitty", "Kobe", "Koby", "Kody", "Kolby", "Kole", "Korbin", "Korey", "Kory", "Kraig", "Kris", "Krista", "Kristian", "Kristin", "Kristina", "Kristofer", "Kristoffer", "Kristopher", "Kristy", "Krystal", "Krystel", "Krystina", "Kurt", "Kurtis", "Kyla", "Kyle", "Kylee", "Kyleigh", "Kyler", "Kylie", "Kyra", "Lacey", "Lacy", "Ladarius", "Lafayette", "Laila", "Laisha", "Lamar", "Lambert", "Lamont", "Lance", "Landen", "Lane", "Laney", "Larissa", "Laron", "Larry", "Larue", "Laura", "Laurel", "Lauren", "Laurence", "Lauretta", "Lauriane", "Laurianne", "Laurie", "Laurine", "Laury", "Lauryn", "Lavada", "Lavern", "Laverna", "Laverne", "Lavina", "Lavinia", "Lavon", "Lavonne", "Lawrence", "Lawson", "Layla", "Layne", "Lazaro", "Lea", "Leann", "Leanna", "Leanne", "Leatha", "Leda", "Lee", "Leif", "Leila", "Leilani", "Lela", "Lelah", "Leland", "Lelia", "Lempi", "Lemuel", "Lenna", "Lennie", "Lenny", "Lenora", "Lenore", "Leo", "Leola", "Leon", "Leonard", "Leonardo", "Leone", "Leonel", "Leonie", "Leonor", "Leonora", "Leopold", "Leopoldo", "Leora", "Lera", "Lesley", "Leslie", "Lesly", "Lessie", "Lester", "Leta", "Letha", "Letitia", "Levi", "Lew", "Lewis", "Lexi", "Lexie", "Lexus", "Lia", "Liam", "Liana", "Libbie", "Libby", "Lila", "Lilian", "Liliana", "Liliane", "Lilla", "Lillian", "Lilliana", "Lillie", "Lilly", "Lily", "Lilyan", "Lina", "Lincoln", "Linda", "Lindsay", "Lindsey", "Linnea", "Linnie", "Linwood", "Lionel", "Lisa", "Lisandro", "Lisette", "Litzy", "Liza", "Lizeth", "Lizzie", "Llewellyn", "Lloyd", "Logan", 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"phone": {"###-###-####", "(###)###-####", "1-###-###-####", "###.###.####"},
Person consists of a slice of people information
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StatusCodes consists of commonly used HTTP status codes
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"abr": {"DST", "U", "HST", "AKDT", "PDT", "PDT", "PST", "UMST", "MDT", "MDT", "CAST", "CDT", "CDT", "CCST", "SPST", "EDT", "UEDT", "VST", "PYT", "ADT", "CBST", "SWST", "PSST", "NDT", "ESAST", "AST", "SEST", "GDT", "MST", "BST", "U", "MDT", "ADT", "CVST", "MDT", "UTC", "GMT", "BST", "GDT", "GST", "WEDT", "CEDT", "RDT", "CEDT", "WCAST", "NST", "GDT", "MEDT", "EST", "SDT", "EEDT", "SAST", "FDT", "TDT", "JDT", "LST", "JST", "AST", "KST", "AST", "EAST", "MSK", "SAMT", "IDT", "AST", "ADT", "MST", "GST", "CST", "AST", "WAST", "YEKT", "PKT", "IST", "SLST", "NST", "CAST", "BST", "MST", "SAST", "NCAST", "CST", "NAST", "MPST", "WAST", "TST", "UST", "NAEST", "JST", "KST", "CAST", "ACST", "EAST", "AEST", "WPST", "TST", "YST", "CPST", "VST", "NZST", "U", "FST", "MST", "KDT", "TST", "SST"},
"text": {"Dateline Standard Time", "UTC-11", "Hawaiian Standard Time", "Alaskan Standard Time", "Pacific Standard Time (Mexico)", "Pacific Daylight Time", "Pacific Standard Time", "US Mountain Standard Time", "Mountain Standard Time (Mexico)", "Mountain Standard Time", "Central America Standard Time", "Central Standard Time", "Central Standard Time (Mexico)", "Canada Central Standard Time", "SA Pacific Standard Time", "Eastern Standard Time", "US Eastern Standard Time", "Venezuela Standard Time", "Paraguay Standard Time", "Atlantic Standard Time", "Central Brazilian Standard Time", "SA Western Standard Time", "Pacific SA Standard Time", "Newfoundland Standard Time", "E. South America Standard Time", "Argentina Standard Time", "SA Eastern Standard Time", "Greenland Standard Time", "Montevideo Standard Time", "Bahia Standard Time", "UTC-02", "Mid-Atlantic Standard Time", "Azores Standard Time", "Cape Verde Standard Time", "Morocco Standard Time", "UTC", "Greenwich Mean Time", "British Summer Time", "GMT Standard Time", "Greenwich Standard Time", "W. Europe Standard Time", "Central Europe Standard Time", "Romance Standard Time", "Central European Standard Time", "W. Central Africa Standard Time", "Namibia Standard Time", "GTB Standard Time", "Middle East Standard Time", "Egypt Standard Time", "Syria Standard Time", "E. Europe Standard Time", "South Africa Standard Time", "FLE Standard Time", "Turkey Standard Time", "Israel Standard Time", "Libya Standard Time", "Jordan Standard Time", "Arabic Standard Time", "Kaliningrad Standard Time", "Arab Standard Time", "E. Africa Standard Time", "Moscow Standard Time", "Samara Time", "Iran Standard Time", "Arabian Standard Time", "Azerbaijan Standard Time", "Mauritius Standard Time", "Georgian Standard Time", "Caucasus Standard Time", "Afghanistan Standard Time", "West Asia Standard Time", "Yekaterinburg Time", "Pakistan Standard Time", "India Standard Time", "Sri Lanka Standard Time", "Nepal Standard Time", "Central Asia Standard Time", "Bangladesh Standard Time", "Myanmar Standard Time", "SE Asia Standard Time", "N. Central Asia Standard Time", "China Standard Time", "North Asia Standard Time", "Singapore Standard Time", "W. Australia Standard Time", "Taipei Standard Time", "Ulaanbaatar Standard Time", "North Asia East Standard Time", "Japan Standard Time", "Korea Standard Time", "Cen. Australia Standard Time", "AUS Central Standard Time", "E. Australia Standard Time", "AUS Eastern Standard Time", "West Pacific Standard Time", "Tasmania Standard Time", "Yakutsk Standard Time", "Central Pacific Standard Time", "Vladivostok Standard Time", "New Zealand Standard Time", "UTC+12", "Fiji Standard Time", "Magadan Standard Time", "Kamchatka Standard Time", "Tonga Standard Time", "Samoa Standard Time"},
"full": {"(UTC-12:00) International Date Line West", "(UTC-11:00) Coordinated Universal Time-11", "(UTC-10:00) Hawaii", "(UTC-09:00) Alaska", "(UTC-08:00) Baja California", "(UTC-07:00) Pacific Time (US & Canada)", "(UTC-08:00) Pacific Time (US & Canada)", "(UTC-07:00) Arizona", "(UTC-07:00) Chihuahua, La Paz, Mazatlan", "(UTC-07:00) Mountain Time (US & Canada)", "(UTC-06:00) Central America", "(UTC-06:00) Central Time (US & Canada)", "(UTC-06:00) Guadalajara, Mexico City, Monterrey", "(UTC-06:00) Saskatchewan", "(UTC-05:00) Bogota, Lima, Quito", "(UTC-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)", "(UTC-05:00) Indiana (East)", "(UTC-04:30) Caracas", "(UTC-04:00) Asuncion", "(UTC-04:00) Atlantic Time (Canada)", "(UTC-04:00) Cuiaba", "(UTC-04:00) Georgetown, La Paz, Manaus, San Juan", "(UTC-04:00) Santiago", "(UTC-03:30) Newfoundland", "(UTC-03:00) Brasilia", "(UTC-03:00) Buenos Aires", "(UTC-03:00) Cayenne, Fortaleza", "(UTC-03:00) Greenland", "(UTC-03:00) Montevideo", "(UTC-03:00) Salvador", "(UTC-02:00) Coordinated Universal Time-02", "(UTC-02:00) Mid-Atlantic - Old", "(UTC-01:00) Azores", "(UTC-01:00) Cape Verde Is.", "(UTC) Casablanca", "(UTC) Coordinated Universal Time", "(UTC) Edinburgh, London", "(UTC+01:00) Edinburgh, London", "(UTC) Dublin, Lisbon", "(UTC) Monrovia, Reykjavik", "(UTC+01:00) Amsterdam, Berlin, Bern, Rome, Stockholm, Vienna", "(UTC+01:00) Belgrade, Bratislava, Budapest, Ljubljana, Prague", "(UTC+01:00) Brussels, Copenhagen, Madrid, Paris", "(UTC+01:00) Sarajevo, Skopje, Warsaw, Zagreb", "(UTC+01:00) West Central Africa", "(UTC+01:00) Windhoek", "(UTC+02:00) Athens, Bucharest", "(UTC+02:00) Beirut", "(UTC+02:00) Cairo", "(UTC+02:00) Damascus", "(UTC+02:00) E. Europe", "(UTC+02:00) Harare, Pretoria", "(UTC+02:00) Helsinki, Kyiv, Riga, Sofia, Tallinn, Vilnius", "(UTC+03:00) Istanbul", "(UTC+02:00) Jerusalem", "(UTC+02:00) Tripoli", "(UTC+03:00) Amman", "(UTC+03:00) Baghdad", "(UTC+03:00) Kaliningrad, Minsk", "(UTC+03:00) Kuwait, Riyadh", "(UTC+03:00) Nairobi", "(UTC+03:00) Moscow, St. Petersburg, Volgograd", "(UTC+04:00) Samara, Ulyanovsk, Saratov", "(UTC+03:30) Tehran", "(UTC+04:00) Abu Dhabi, Muscat", "(UTC+04:00) Baku", "(UTC+04:00) Port Louis", "(UTC+04:00) Tbilisi", "(UTC+04:00) Yerevan", "(UTC+04:30) Kabul", "(UTC+05:00) Ashgabat, Tashkent", "(UTC+05:00) Yekaterinburg", "(UTC+05:00) Islamabad, Karachi", "(UTC+05:30) Chennai, Kolkata, Mumbai, New Delhi", "(UTC+05:30) Sri Jayawardenepura", "(UTC+05:45) Kathmandu", "(UTC+06:00) Astana", "(UTC+06:00) Dhaka", "(UTC+06:30) Yangon (Rangoon)", "(UTC+07:00) Bangkok, Hanoi, Jakarta", "(UTC+07:00) Novosibirsk", "(UTC+08:00) Beijing, Chongqing, Hong Kong, Urumqi", "(UTC+08:00) Krasnoyarsk", "(UTC+08:00) Kuala Lumpur, Singapore", "(UTC+08:00) Perth", "(UTC+08:00) Taipei", "(UTC+08:00) Ulaanbaatar", "(UTC+09:00) Irkutsk", "(UTC+09:00) Osaka, Sapporo, Tokyo", "(UTC+09:00) Seoul", "(UTC+09:30) Adelaide", "(UTC+09:30) Darwin", "(UTC+10:00) Brisbane", "(UTC+10:00) Canberra, Melbourne, Sydney", "(UTC+10:00) Guam, Port Moresby", "(UTC+10:00) Hobart", "(UTC+10:00) Yakutsk", "(UTC+11:00) Solomon Is., New Caledonia", "(UTC+11:00) Vladivostok", "(UTC+12:00) Auckland, Wellington", "(UTC+12:00) Coordinated Universal Time+12", "(UTC+12:00) Fiji", "(UTC+12:00) Magadan", "(UTC+12:00) Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky - Old", "(UTC+13:00) Nuku'alofa", "(UTC+13:00) Samoa"},
"region": {"Africa/Abidjan", "Africa/Accra", "Africa/Addis_Ababa", "Africa/Algiers", "Africa/Asmara", "Africa/Bamako", "Africa/Bangui", "Africa/Banjul", "Africa/Bissau", "Africa/Blantyre", "Africa/Brazzaville", "Africa/Bujumbura", "Africa/Cairo", "Africa/Casablanca", "Africa/Ceuta", "Africa/Conakry", "Africa/Dakar", "Africa/Dar_es_Salaam", "Africa/Djibouti", "Africa/Douala", "Africa/El_Aaiun", "Africa/Freetown", "Africa/Gaborone", "Africa/Harare", "Africa/Johannesburg", "Africa/Juba", "Africa/Kampala", "Africa/Khartoum", "Africa/Kigali", "Africa/Kinshasa", "Africa/Lagos", "Africa/Libreville", "Africa/Lome", "Africa/Luanda", "Africa/Lubumbashi", "Africa/Lusaka", "Africa/Malabo", "Africa/Maputo", "Africa/Maseru", "Africa/Mbabane", "Africa/Mogadishu", "Africa/Monrovia", "Africa/Nairobi", "Africa/Ndjamena", "Africa/Niamey", "Africa/Nouakchott", "Africa/Ouagadougou", "Africa/Porto-Novo", "Africa/Sao_Tome", "Africa/Timbuktu", "Africa/Tripoli", "Africa/Tunis", "Africa/Windhoek", "America/Adak", "America/Anchorage", "America/Anguilla", "America/Antigua", "America/Araguaina", "America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires", "America/Argentina/Catamarca", "America/Argentina/ComodRivadavia", "America/Argentina/Cordoba", "America/Argentina/Jujuy", "America/Argentina/La_Rioja", "America/Argentina/Mendoza", "America/Argentina/Rio_Gallegos", "America/Argentina/Salta", "America/Argentina/San_Juan", "America/Argentina/San_Luis", "America/Argentina/Tucuman", "America/Argentina/Ushuaia", "America/Aruba", "America/Asuncion", "America/Atikokan", "America/Atka", "America/Bahia", "America/Bahia_Banderas", "America/Barbados", "America/Belem", "America/Belize", "America/Blanc-Sablon", "America/Boa_Vista", "America/Bogota", "America/Boise", "America/Buenos_Aires", "America/Cambridge_Bay", "America/Campo_Grande", "America/Cancun", "America/Caracas", "America/Catamarca", "America/Cayenne", "America/Cayman", "America/Chicago", "America/Chihuahua", "America/Coral_Harbour", "America/Cordoba", "America/Costa_Rica", "America/Creston", "America/Cuiaba", "America/Curacao", "America/Danmarkshavn", "America/Dawson", "America/Dawson_Creek", "America/Denver", "America/Detroit", "America/Dominica", "America/Edmonton", "America/Eirunepe", "America/El_Salvador", "America/Ensenada", "America/Fort_Nelson", "America/Fort_Wayne", "America/Fortaleza", "America/Glace_Bay", "America/Godthab", "America/Goose_Bay", "America/Grand_Turk", "America/Grenada", "America/Guadeloupe", "America/Guatemala", "America/Guayaquil", "America/Guyana", "America/Halifax", "America/Havana", "America/Hermosillo", "America/Indiana/Indianapolis", "America/Indiana/Knox", "America/Indiana/Marengo", "America/Indiana/Petersburg", "America/Indiana/Tell_City", "America/Indiana/Vevay", "America/Indiana/Vincennes", "America/Indiana/Winamac", "America/Indianapolis", "America/Inuvik", "America/Iqaluit", "America/Jamaica", "America/Jujuy", "America/Juneau", "America/Kentucky/Louisville", "America/Kentucky/Monticello", "America/Knox_IN", "America/Kralendijk", "America/La_Paz", "America/Lima", "America/Los_Angeles", "America/Louisville", "America/Lower_Princes", "America/Maceio", "America/Managua", "America/Manaus", "America/Marigot", "America/Martinique", "America/Matamoros", "America/Mazatlan", "America/Mendoza", "America/Menominee", "America/Merida", "America/Metlakatla", "America/Mexico_City", "America/Miquelon", "America/Moncton", "America/Monterrey", "America/Montevideo", "America/Montreal", "America/Montserrat", "America/Nassau", "America/New_York", "America/Nipigon", "America/Nome", "America/Noronha", "America/North_Dakota/Beulah", "America/North_Dakota/Center", "America/North_Dakota/New_Salem", "America/Ojinaga", "America/Panama", "America/Pangnirtung", "America/Paramaribo", "America/Phoenix", "America/Port_of_Spain", "America/Port-au-Prince", "America/Porto_Acre", "America/Porto_Velho", "America/Puerto_Rico", "America/Punta_Arenas", "America/Rainy_River", "America/Rankin_Inlet", "America/Recife", "America/Regina", "America/Resolute", "America/Rio_Branco", "America/Rosario", "America/Santa_Isabel", "America/Santarem", "America/Santiago", "America/Santo_Domingo", "America/Sao_Paulo", "America/Scoresbysund", "America/Shiprock", "America/Sitka", "America/St_Barthelemy", "America/St_Johns", "America/St_Kitts", "America/St_Lucia", "America/St_Thomas", "America/St_Vincent", "America/Swift_Current", "America/Tegucigalpa", "America/Thule", "America/Thunder_Bay", "America/Tijuana", "America/Toronto", "America/Tortola", "America/Vancouver", "America/Virgin", "America/Whitehorse", "America/Winnipeg", "America/Yakutat", "America/Yellowknife", "Antarctica/Casey", "Antarctica/Davis", "Antarctica/DumontDUrville", "Antarctica/Macquarie", "Antarctica/Mawson", "Antarctica/McMurdo", "Antarctica/Palmer", "Antarctica/Rothera", "Antarctica/South_Pole", "Antarctica/Syowa", "Antarctica/Troll", "Antarctica/Vostok", "Arctic/Longyearbyen", "Asia/Aden", "Asia/Almaty", "Asia/Amman", "Asia/Anadyr", "Asia/Aqtau", "Asia/Aqtobe", "Asia/Ashgabat", "Asia/Ashkhabad", "Asia/Atyrau", "Asia/Baghdad", "Asia/Bahrain", "Asia/Baku", "Asia/Bangkok", "Asia/Barnaul", "Asia/Beirut", "Asia/Bishkek", "Asia/Brunei", "Asia/Calcutta", "Asia/Chita", "Asia/Choibalsan", "Asia/Chongqing", "Asia/Chungking", "Asia/Colombo", "Asia/Dacca", "Asia/Damascus", "Asia/Dhaka", "Asia/Dili", "Asia/Dubai", "Asia/Dushanbe", "Asia/Famagusta", "Asia/Gaza", "Asia/Harbin", "Asia/Hebron", "Asia/Ho_Chi_Minh", "Asia/Hong_Kong", "Asia/Hovd", "Asia/Irkutsk", "Asia/Istanbul", "Asia/Jakarta", "Asia/Jayapura", "Asia/Jerusalem", "Asia/Kabul", "Asia/Kamchatka", "Asia/Karachi", "Asia/Kashgar", "Asia/Kathmandu", "Asia/Katmandu", "Asia/Khandyga", "Asia/Kolkata", "Asia/Krasnoyarsk", "Asia/Kuala_Lumpur", "Asia/Kuching", "Asia/Kuwait", "Asia/Macao", "Asia/Macau", "Asia/Magadan", "Asia/Makassar", "Asia/Manila", "Asia/Muscat", "Asia/Novokuznetsk", "Asia/Novosibirsk", "Asia/Omsk", "Asia/Oral", "Asia/Phnom_Penh", "Asia/Pontianak", "Asia/Pyongyang", "Asia/Qatar", "Asia/Qyzylorda", "Asia/Rangoon", "Asia/Riyadh", "Asia/Saigon", "Asia/Sakhalin", "Asia/Samarkand", "Asia/Seoul", "Asia/Shanghai", "Asia/Singapore", "Asia/Srednekolymsk", "Asia/Taipei", "Asia/Tashkent", "Asia/Tbilisi", "Asia/Tehran", "Asia/Tel_Aviv", "Asia/Thimbu", "Asia/Thimphu", "Asia/Tokyo", "Asia/Tomsk", "Asia/Ujung_Pandang", "Asia/Ulaanbaatar", "Asia/Ulan_Bator", "Asia/Urumqi", "Asia/Ust-Nera", "Asia/Vientiane", "Asia/Vladivostok", "Asia/Yakutsk", "Asia/Yangon", "Asia/Yekaterinburg", "Asia/Yerevan", "Atlantic/Azores", "Atlantic/Bermuda", "Atlantic/Canary", "Atlantic/Cape_Verde", "Atlantic/Faeroe", "Atlantic/Faroe", "Atlantic/Jan_Mayen", "Atlantic/Madeira", "Atlantic/Reykjavik", "Atlantic/South_Georgia", "Atlantic/St_Helena", "Atlantic/Stanley", "Australia/Adelaide", "Australia/Brisbane", "Australia/Broken_Hill", "Australia/Canberra", "Australia/Currie", "Australia/Darwin", "Australia/Eucla", "Australia/Hobart", "Australia/Lindeman", "Australia/Lord_Howe", "Australia/Melbourne", "Australia/Perth", "Australia/Sydney", "Australia/Yancowinna", "Etc/GMT", "Etc/GMT+0", "Etc/GMT+1", "Etc/GMT+10", "Etc/GMT+11", "Etc/GMT+12", "Etc/GMT+2", "Etc/GMT+3", "Etc/GMT+4", "Etc/GMT+5", "Etc/GMT+6", "Etc/GMT+7", "Etc/GMT+8", "Etc/GMT+9", "Etc/GMT0", "Etc/GMT-0", "Etc/GMT-1", "Etc/GMT-10", "Etc/GMT-11", "Etc/GMT-12", "Etc/GMT-13", "Etc/GMT-14", "Etc/GMT-2", "Etc/GMT-3", "Etc/GMT-4", "Etc/GMT-5", "Etc/GMT-6", "Etc/GMT-7", "Etc/GMT-8", "Etc/GMT-9", "Etc/UTC", "Europe/Amsterdam", "Europe/Andorra", "Europe/Astrakhan", "Europe/Athens", "Europe/Belfast", "Europe/Belgrade", "Europe/Berlin", "Europe/Bratislava", "Europe/Brussels", "Europe/Bucharest", "Europe/Budapest", "Europe/Busingen", "Europe/Chisinau", "Europe/Copenhagen", "Europe/Dublin", "Europe/Gibraltar", "Europe/Guernsey", "Europe/Helsinki", "Europe/Isle_of_Man", "Europe/Istanbul", "Europe/Jersey", "Europe/Kaliningrad", "Europe/Kiev", "Europe/Kirov", "Europe/Lisbon", "Europe/Ljubljana", "Europe/London", "Europe/Luxembourg", "Europe/Madrid", "Europe/Malta", "Europe/Mariehamn", "Europe/Minsk", "Europe/Monaco", "Europe/Moscow", "Asia/Nicosia", "Europe/Oslo", "Europe/Paris", "Europe/Podgorica", "Europe/Prague", "Europe/Riga", "Europe/Rome", "Europe/Samara", "Europe/San_Marino", "Europe/Sarajevo", "Europe/Saratov", "Europe/Simferopol", "Europe/Skopje", "Europe/Sofia", "Europe/Stockholm", "Europe/Tallinn", "Europe/Tirane", "Europe/Tiraspol", "Europe/Ulyanovsk", "Europe/Uzhgorod", "Europe/Vaduz", "Europe/Vatican", "Europe/Vienna", "Europe/Vilnius", "Europe/Volgograd", "Europe/Warsaw", "Europe/Zagreb", "Europe/Zaporozhye", "Europe/Zurich", "Indian/Antananarivo", "Indian/Chagos", "Indian/Christmas", "Indian/Cocos", "Indian/Comoro", "Indian/Kerguelen", "Indian/Mahe", "Indian/Maldives", "Indian/Mauritius", "Indian/Mayotte", "Indian/Reunion", "Pacific/Apia", "Pacific/Auckland", "Pacific/Bougainville", "Pacific/Chatham", "Pacific/Chuuk", "Pacific/Easter", "Pacific/Efate", "Pacific/Enderbury", "Pacific/Fakaofo", "Pacific/Fiji", "Pacific/Funafuti", "Pacific/Galapagos", "Pacific/Gambier", "Pacific/Guadalcanal", "Pacific/Guam", "Pacific/Honolulu", "Pacific/Johnston", "Pacific/Kiritimati", "Pacific/Kosrae", "Pacific/Kwajalein", "Pacific/Majuro", "Pacific/Marquesas", "Pacific/Midway", "Pacific/Nauru", "Pacific/Niue", "Pacific/Norfolk", "Pacific/Noumea", "Pacific/Pago_Pago", "Pacific/Palau", "Pacific/Pitcairn", "Pacific/Pohnpei", "Pacific/Ponape", "Pacific/Port_Moresby", "Pacific/Rarotonga", "Pacific/Saipan", "Pacific/Samoa", "Pacific/Tahiti", "Pacific/Tarawa", "Pacific/Tongatapu", "Pacific/Truk", "Pacific/Wake", "Pacific/Wallis", "Pacific/Yap"},
TimeZone is an array of short and long timezones
var Word = map[string][]string{
"noun": {"time", "way", "year", "work", "government", "day", "man", "world", "life", "part", "house", "course", "case", "system", "place", "end", "group", "company", "party", "information", "school", "fact", "money", "point", "example", "state", "business", "night", "area", "water", "thing", "family", "head", "hand", "order", "john", "side", "home", "development", "week", "power", "country", "council", "use", "service", "room", "market", "problem", "court", "lot", "a", "war", "police", "interest", "car", "law", "road", "form", "face", "education", "policy", "research", "sort", "office", "body", "person", "health", "mother", "question", "period", "name", "book", "level", "child", "control", "society", "minister", "view", "door", "line", "community", "south", "city", "god", "father", "centre", "effect", "staff", "position", "kind", "job", "woman", "action", "management", "act", "process", "north", "age", "evidence", "idea", "west", "support", "moment", "sense", "report", "mind", 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"regardless", "in the eyes of", "behinde", "regardless of", "abouts", "thanks to", "in the face of", "courtesy of", "anti", "uptill", "in front of", "as for", "behine", "ablow", "'long", "behither", "wiz", "rel", "froward", "upto", "agin", "except for", "imbetween", "apud", "foreanent", "benorth", "fo", "fo'", "twell", "F/B/O", "aginst", "f/k/a", "in the light of", "half", "thanne", "sauf", "anenst", "vith", "ageinest", "agyen", "anent", "outta", "vor", "vpon", "vppon", "afther", "ageinst", "untyll", "outtake", "outtaken", "in the middle of", "on or about", "aftre", "in the midst of", "hoff", "because", "afront", "thoo", "across from", "because of", "ontop", "up till", "abeam", "as of", "in keeping with", "up to", "out of", "um", "all over", "ever since", "betune", "acrosst", "par", "bove", "beyant", "acrost", "as opposed to", "beneathe", "upwards of", "agen", "as per", "in lieu of", "in the process of", "off of", "in light of", "as regards", "short", "awaye", "nought withstanding", "en", "ascr.", "next", "as soon as", "nought-withstanding", "abowt", "absent", "overthwart", "mid", "athwart", "contrary to", "ab", "atween", "endlong", "thruout", "vytin", "next door", "in addition to", "astern of", "in love with", "noughtwithstanding", "up until", "umb", "close by", "atwix", "vrom", "inmid", "foreby", "inmiddes", "agenest", "widout", "due to", "again", "next to", "half past", "umbe", "ahead of"},
"adjective": {"all", "one", "other", "first", "new", "good", "last", "own", "same", "old", "little", "different", "next", "great", "local", "small", "social", "important", "national", "high", "long", "second", "right", "large", "general", "possible", "young", "political", "able", "public", "particular", "full", "available", "early", "big", "main", "major", "economic", "sure", "likely", "only", "clear", "real", "international", "certain", "special", "black", "difficult", "open", "whole", "half", "third", "white", "free", "central", "common", "short", "similar", "human", "necessary", "true", "single", "private", "personal", "former", "financial", "foreign", "recent", "strong", "late", "low", "hard", "various", "due", "bad", "present", "royal", "poor", "wrong", "natural", "easy", "simple", "individual", "current", "legal", "modern", "final", "nice", "fine", "close", "normal", "red", "total", "serious", "previous", "significant", "prime", "industrial", "happy", "specific", "appropriate", 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"unknown", "parliamentary", "sharp", "sick", "communist", "net", "long-term", "guilty", "extensive", "enormous", "alive", "agricultural", "unusual", "alright", "angry", "principal", "efficient", "yellow", "lucky", "conventional", "voluntary", "comfortable", "valuable", "dramatic", "cheap", "temporary", "glad", "statutory", "golden", "friendly", "sudden", "competitive", "dependent", "federal", "radical", "acceptable", "keen", "sensitive", "outside", "flat", "emotional", "false", "adequate", "healthy", "global", "rapid", "administrative", "comprehensive", "silent", "maximum", "weak", "remarkable", "fifth", "secret", "dear", "mass", "wet", "solid", "tory", "brilliant", "electronic", "absolute", "visual", "wooden", "firm", "electric", "chemical", "sad", "supreme", "literary", "pure", "rough", "mere", "genuine", "extreme", "pale", "widespread", "nineteenth", "catholic", "classical", "favourite", "socialist", "numerous", "sweet", "distinct", "confident", "opposite", "helpful", "tough", "stupid", "consistent", "fast", "stable", "awful", "straight", "proud", "strategic", "outstanding", "clinical", "minimum", "conscious", "dominant", "cool", "constitutional", "mad", "theoretical", "anxious", "holy", "residential", "fit", "live", "impressive", "nervous", "accurate", "musical", "extraordinary", "honest", "precise", "visible", "slight", "monetary", "remote", "pink", "plain", "distant", "unemployed", "still", "gentle", "psychological", "junior", "smooth", "violent", "structural", "inevitable", "round", "sensible", "welcome", "silly", "so-called", "above", "fat", "continuous", "deaf", "grateful", "near", "pretty", "overseas", "evident", "occasional", "pleasant", "universal", "fellow", "blind", "classic", "dirty", "sixth", "equivalent", "square", "loose", "mean", "creative", "medieval", "level", "linguistic", "ultimate", "steady", "intellectual", "desperate", "judicial", "revolutionary", "vulnerable", "imperial", "illegal", "raw", "flexible", "outer", "informal", "bitter", "gross", "experimental", "collective", "frequent", "ethnic", "spiritual", "intense", "historic", "rational", "inadequate", "acute", "prominent", "logical", "valid", "weekly", "generous", "electrical", "random", "modest", "tight", "automatic", "asleep", "clever", "liable", "mutual", "multiple", "reliable", "sole", "nearby", "marginal", "satisfactory", "exact", "identical", "electoral", "distinctive"},
"phrase": {"what's yer poison", "time will tell", "I'm good", "nice to meet you", "spring forward, fall back", "what's your job", "once or twice", "AINEC", "you could have fooled me", "Appendix:Snowclones/I'm here to X A and Y B, and I'm all out of A", "what's your name", "why not Zoidberg", "time you got a watch", "AOB", "I'm Hindu", "fair play", "CU", "what's your phone number", "after the jump", "cease fire", "as ever", "I'm hot", "best of", "get well soon", "what's your poison", "when is closing time", "yes and amen", "you don't dip your pen in the company inkwell", "I'm hungry", "short of", "bbiab", "what's yours", "duces tecum", "after you", "yes and no", "I'm in love with you", "after you, Alphonse", "the pants off", "I'm Jewish", "few sandwiches short of a picnic", "shut the front door", "bbiafm", "does a bear shit in the woods", "the party is over", "tomayto tomahto", "I'm looking for a grocery store", "BBL", "does anyone here speak English", "heads I win, tails you lose", "tomayto, tomahto", "I'm looking for a job", "beneficium ordinis seu excussionis", "stick a fork in something", "does Dolly Parton sleep on her back", "the penny drops", "TIAS", "perstat", "I'm lost", "shut up and take my money", "TANSTAAFL", "mind you", "I'm married", "isn't it so", "bbl", "wham-bam-thank-you-ma'am", "does not compute", "hold your fire", "pardon me", "mind your own beeswax", "I'm mute", "SRO", "does someone look like", "YOLO", "I'm not being funny", "leave me alone", "going once, going twice, sold", "does the Pope shit in the woods", "yolo", "you get that", "TIMTOWTDI", "I'm not interested", "dafuq", "talk about", "here be dragons", "always a bridesmaid, never a bride", "the plot thickens", "TINSTAAFL", "close, but no cigar", "I'm not religious", "ultra vires", "ne bis in idem", "bound to", "always the bridesmaid, never the bride", "the plural of anecdote is not data", "I'm pregnant", "comedy equals tragedy plus time", "get you", "heads will roll", "all to the better", "I'm rubber, you're glue", "going to", "when push comes to shove", "tant pis", "you had to be there", "I'm scared", "you have beautiful eyes", "enjoy your meal", "I'm sick", "doesn't have both oars in the water", "you have the advantage of me", "here lies", "check is in the mail", "I'm single", "BBS", "stick 'em up", "when the chips are down", "YKINMK", "you just had to", "that'll be the day", "I'm sorry", "very good", "lather, rinse, repeat", "you kiss your mother with that mouth", "that'll do", "the rabbit died", "I'm straight", "in order for", "when the going gets weird, the weird turn pro", "explicit", "I'm thirsty", "IMHO", "NFBSK", "the rest is history", "it depends", "I'm tired", "in order to", "monkeys might fly out of my butt", "oh my life", "do want", "would it hurt", "you know what", "here you are", "all wool and a yard wide", "hit it", "I'm transgender", "servabo fidem", "pound for pound", "bottom falls out", "OK yah", "would it kill someone", "you know what I mean", "here you go", "alone in a crowd", "me neither", "chin up", "to be continued", "I'm twenty years old", "vide infra", "such is life", "off with someone's head", "Lord knows", "case closed", "yon", "you know what they say", "you've got to laugh", "ten points to Gryffindor", "that's a relief", "I'm worried", "kill the rabbit", "vide supra", "live and learn", "would not throw someone out of bed", "WWJD", "catch you later", "that's a wrap", "the rubber meets the road", "to be honest", "I'm your huckleberry", "STC", "off with their head", "Lord love you", "you learn something new every day", "catch you on the flip side", "all your base are belong to us", "that's all", "horses for courses", "HRU", "to be named later", "Sieg Heil", "good night", "would you mind putting on your seat belt", "easy does it", "that's all she wrote", "me too", "oh noes", "that's for me to know and you to find out", "to be truthful", "still got one's communion money", "Good Night, Vienna", "suo motu", "do you accept American dollars", "winner, winner, chicken dinner", "workers of the world, unite", "talk of the devil", "you must be fun at parties", "that's it", "hit me", "how about that", "ding, ding, ding, we have a winner", "do you accept credit cards", "word has it", "woulda, coulda, shoulda", "you must be new here", "how are you", "do you believe in God", "woulda, shoulda, coulda", "that's life", "safety in numbers", "how are you doing", "NN", "do you come here often", "worm has turned", "you never know", "that's my", "how are you getting along", "senso lato", "leave well enough alone", "do you have a boyfriend", "that's saying something", "the shoe is on the other foot", "this is someone", "how bist", "senso stricto", "do you have a girlfriend", "Lord only knows", "WWWWW", "that's that", "check yourself before you wreck yourself", "this is the life", "how can you sleep at night", "asf", "wake up and die right", "aaby", "do you have a menu in English", "wwwww", "that's the bunny", "the show must go on", "this is where we came in", "nod's as good as a wink to a blind bat", "wake up and smell the ashes", "on the huh", "do you have any brothers or sisters", "dogs bark", "worm turns", "rien ne va plus", "that's the spirit", "mea culpa", "this just in", "how did he die", "more like", "sic semper tyrannis", "Kansai dialect", "do you have any pets", "alright me babber", "Elvis has left the building", "this means war", "how do", "she could be his mother", "narmean", "do you have children", "wya", "alright me lover", "that's the ticket", "how do I get to", "IC", "shoulda, coulda, woulda", "nome sane", "guess what", "whenever one turns around", "do you have Wi-Fi", "alright my babber", "the story goes", "how do I get to the airport", "shoulda, woulda, coulda", "do you kiss your mother with that mouth", "Lord willing and the creek don't rise", "you said it", "alright my lover", "how do I get to the bus station", "ask me one on sport", "need I say more", "sounds like a plan", "put that in your pipe and smoke it", "do you know", "take a picture, it will last longer", "the streets are paved with gold", "how do I get to the train station", "ask my arse", "stop the car", "do you know who I am", "wouldn't you know", "YMBJ", "you shouldn't have", "how do ye do", "fans are slans", "use one's coconut", "bit by a barn mouse", "stick that in your pipe and smoke it", "nostra sponte", "do you mind", "but for the grace of God", "wouldn't you know it", "head in the sand", "the terrorists will have won", "HMU", "how do you do", "please excuse my dear Aunt Sally", "much of a muchness", "bless someone's cotton socks", "do you need help", "or else", "dress for the slide, not the ride", "that's wassup", "the thick plottens", "much to be said", "bless someone's heart", "a blessing and a curse", "do you speak English", "Appendix:Harry Potter/Draco Dormiens Nunquam Titillandus", "you think", "that's what I'm talking about", "how do you like that", "art imitates life", "please help me", "five will get you ten", "I've been raped", "GLWT", "do you think you can walk", "or so", "that's what she said", "the thing is", "how do you like them apples", "please pass the salt", "I've been robbed", "nature calls", "a boon and a bane", "but me no buts", "or something", "YMMV", "you welcome", "that's what's up", "how do you pronounce this word", "fare thee well", "please repeat after me", "I've been shot", "pot, meet kettle", "NAWALT", "a boon or a bane", "where are the snows of yesteryear", "or what", "rolling in it", "Appendix:Snowclones/that's X for you", "the toilet is clogged", "how do you English", "circle gets the square", "more than someone has had hot dinners", "please say that again", "I've burned myself", "different strokes", "where are the toilets", "or words to that effect", "you win", "how do you spell this word", "to hell with", "in virtue of which", "please sit down", "where are we", "out to", "ymts", "YOYO", "am I right", "IDR", "in potentiâ", "tt", "please speak more slowly", "I've lost my keys", "where are we going", "but who's counting", "dyor", "you wish", "am I right or am I right", "how goes it", "methinks the lady doth protest too much", "please turn left", "could be written on the back of a postage stamp", "I've never heard it called that before", "where are you", "you wish, jellyfish", "am I under arrest", "methinks thou dost protest too much", "please turn right", "bang to rights", "gimme a break", "where are you from", "revenge is sweet", "'tis the season", "pull the other one", "where are your parents", "out with it", "have a good one", "how long is a piece of string", "ay up me duck", "before you can say Jack Robinson", "pull the other one, it's got bells on", "where away", "only time will tell", "could fit on the back of a postage stamp", "before you can say knife", "pull the other one, it's got brass bells on", "where can I find a hotel", "the wheels came off", "angel passes", "how many languages do you speak", "could go all day", "sleep tight", "nature vs nurture", "practice, practice, practice", "where do I sign up", "WYCIWYG", "help is on the way", "many thanks", "the wheels came off the bus", "mercy bucket", "how many siblings do you have", "pleased to meet you", "could have fooled me", "CPCFC", "DILLIGAFF", "where do you live", "the wheels came off the wagon", "mercy buckets", "where do you live at", "you'd better believe it", "than a bygod", "the wheels fell off", "could have, would have, should have", "where does it hurt", "hell if I know", "you'd complain if you were hung with a new rope", "the wheels fell off the bus", "every good boy deserves fudge", "could I see the menu, please", "SITI", "where does this bus go", "help wanted", "the wheels fell off the wagon", "how much do I owe you", "where does this train go", "how much do you charge", "ICBW", "steady as she goes", "put the same shoe on every foot", "suck my cock", "where have you been", "temper temper", "eid mubarak", "how much does it cost", "IDST", "Appendix:Snowclones/in X, no one can hear you Y", "coulda, shoulda, woulda", "BEDMAS", "give credit where credit is due", "boom goes the dynamite", "suck my dick", "where is the toilet", "wyd", "YO", "Eid Mubarak", "how much is it", "in your dreams", "ISHYGDDT", "coulda, woulda, shoulda", "queer as Dick's hatband", "nulla poena sine lege", "suck my penis", "what a lovely day", "ono", "svidaniya", "to save one's life", "ICCL", "IDTS", "exsqueeze me", "nulla pœna sine lege", "like a martin to his gourd", "what a pity", "HAND", "you'll be late for your own funeral", "every man for himself", "size matters"},
Word consists of common english words
Functions ¶
This section is empty.
Types ¶
type CreditCardCode ¶
CreditCardCode contains code type and size
type CreditCardInfo ¶
type CreditCardInfo struct { Display string Patterns []uint Gaps []uint Lengths []uint Code CreditCardCode }
CreditCardInfo contains credit card info