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Published: Dec 22, 2020 License: Apache-2.0


Custom Server Tutorial


with go modules (go mod init) the deps are obtained with go get -g gen/...


Taking the working example with the handler implemented and adding authorisation to the spec goes as follows:

adding authorization requirement to the api parameters

      - name: Authorization
        in: header
        required: true
        default: Bearer {token}
        type: string

Then regenerate the code with no manual changes to the custom main.

Trying without an authorization header yields the predictable result

$ http get :3000/hello name==funky
HTTP/1.1 422 Unprocessable Entity
Connection: close
Content-Length: 60
Content-Type: application/json
Date: Tue, 22 Dec 2020 16:42:39 GMT

    "code": 602,
    "message": "Authorization in header is required"

Let's add a header ...

$  http get :3000/hello name==funky Authorization:"Bearer XYZ123"
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Connection: close
Content-Length: 13
Content-Type: text/plain
Date: Tue, 22 Dec 2020 16:48:18 GMT

Hello, funky!

Obviously this is a rather permissive authorisation scheme, out of the box.

Because all we've enforced is that there is a key in the header.

So let's change the spec like this

swagger: '2.0'
  version: 1.0.0
  title: Greeting Server
    type: apiKey
    name: Authorization
    in: header  
        - text/plain
        - name: name
          required: false
          type: string
          in: query
          description: defaults to World if not given
      operationId: getGreeting
      # note the "security" tag created on the restricted endpoint
        - Bearer: []
          description: returns a greeting
              type: string
              description: contains the actual greeting as plain text

This gives totally different results!

$ http get :3000/hello name==funky Authorization:""
HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized
Connection: close
Content-Length: 64
Content-Type: application/json
Date: Tue, 22 Dec 2020 18:42:33 GMT

    "code": 401,
    "message": "unauthenticated for invalid credentials"

$ http get :3000/hello name==funky Authorization:"Bearer XYZ123"
HTTP/1.1 501 Not Implemented
Connection: close
Content-Length: 123
Content-Type: application/json
Date: Tue, 22 Dec 2020 18:42:39 GMT

    "code": 501,
    "message": "api key auth (Bearer) Authorization from header param [Authorization] has not yet been implemented"

Now we can look for that message and implement the middleware that is needed ....

$ grep -rnw './' -e 'Authorization from header param'
./gen/restapi/operations/greeter_api.go:51:			return nil, errors.NotImplemented("api key auth (Bearer) Authorization from header param [Authorization] has not yet been implemented")
./gen/restapi/configure_greeter.go:43:			return nil, errors.NotImplemented("api key auth (Bearer) Authorization from header param [Authorization] has not yet been implemented")

We copy in the ValidateHeader function, set a trivial secret (jwtsecret), prepare a jwt token with that secret, e.g.


and now we make a request

$ export token=eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJzdWIiOiIxMjM0NTY3ODkwIiwibmFtZSI6IkpvaG4gRG9lIiwiaWF0IjoxNTE2MjM5MDIyLCJ1c2VyIjoiZnVua3kifQ.RKW_CGxk971o8gxIDtSfJYsRph9uqaERDu04F4UQCfw

$ http get :3000/hello name==fabby Authorization:"Bearer ${token}"

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Connection: close
Content-Length: 13
Content-Type: text/plain
Date: Tue, 22 Dec 2020 18:56:18 GMT

Hello, fabby!

Yay :-)

Below here is the original tutorial README

Original contents from here

In this tutorial we'll be building up a custom server. The core will be generated using a manually written and maintained OpenAPI 2.0 spec. The cli code will be a thin layer around that, and will simply setup the API and server, using the parsed configurations and our hand written handlers.

The server we'll building will be very simple. In this tutorial we'll assume you are already familiar with defining an API, using the OpenAPI 2.0 yaml specification format. Please consult the official OpenAPI 2.0 specification for more information in case you're new to OpenAPI (Also known as Swagger).

The end product of this tutorial can be found as ./examples/tutorials/custom-server.

The server we'll be building, will be generated using the following spec:

swagger: '2.0'
  version: 1.0.0
  title: Greeting Server
        - text/plain
        - name: name
          required: false
          type: string
          in: query
          description: defaults to World if not given
      operationId: getGreeting
          description: returns a greeting
              type: string
              description: contains the actual greeting as plain text

As you can see, there is only 1 operation, allowing us to focus on how to create a custom server, without losing track in the details of any specific implementation.

Where you store the specification is not important. By default the swagger cli expects it to be stored as ./swagger.yml, but we'll store it as ./swagger/swagger.yml, to keep our project's root folder clean and tidy.

Once we have our OpenAPI specification ready, it is time to generate our server. This can be done using the following command, from within our root folder:

$ swagger generate server -t gen -f ./swagger/swagger.yml --exclude-main -A greeter

In the command above we're specifying the -t (target) flag, specifying that swagger should store all generated code in the given target directory. We're also specifying the -f flag, to explicitly define that our spec file can be found at ./swagger/swagger.yml, rather then the default ./swagger.yml. As we are writing a custom server, we also don't want the automatically generated cmd server, and is excluded using the --exclude-main flag. Finally we're also explicitly naming our server using the -A flag. Please consult swagger generate server --help for more flags and information.

Once we've executed this command, you should have following file tree:

├── gen
│   └── restapi
│       ├── configure_greeter.go
│       ├── doc.go
│       ├── embedded_spec.go
│       ├── operations
│       │   ├── get_greeting.go
│       │   ├── get_greeting_parameters.go
│       │   ├── get_greeting_responses.go
│       │   ├── get_greeting_urlbuilder.go
│       │   └── greeter_api.go
│       └── server.go
└── swagger
    └── swagger.yml

After generation we should find only 1 sub directory in our gen folder. restapi, which contains the core server. It consists among other things out of the API (operations/greeter_api.go), operations (operations/*) and parameters (*_parameters.go).

Note that in case we also had defined models in the global definitions section, there would be a models folder as well in our gen folder, containing the generated models for those definitions. But as we don't have any definitions to share, you won't find it in this tutorial.

For more information, read through the generated code. It might help to keep the swagger/swagger.yml definition next to you, to help you realize what is defined, for what and where.

So now that we have the generated server, it is time to write our actual main file. In it we'll parse some simple flags that can be used to configure the server, we'll setup the API and finally start the server. All in all, very minimal and simple.

so let's start writing the ./cmd/greeter/main.go file:

We start by defining our flags, in our example using the standard flag pkg:

var portFlag = flag.Int("port", 3000, "Port to run this service on")

Now it's time to write our main logic, starting by loading our embedded swagger spec. This is required, as it is used to configure the dynamic server, the core of our generated server (found under the ./gen/restapi dir).

swaggerSpec, err := loads.Analyzed(restapi.SwaggerJSON, "")
if err != nil {

With the spec loaded in, we can create our API and server:

api := operations.NewGreeterAPI(swaggerSpec)
server := restapi.NewServer(api)
defer server.Shutdown()

With the server created, we can overwrite the default port, using our portFlag:

server.Port = *portFlag

After that, we can serve our API and finish our main logic:

if err := server.Serve(); err != nil {

Putting that all together, we have the following main function:

func main() {
	// load embedded swagger file
	swaggerSpec, err := loads.Analyzed(restapi.SwaggerJSON, "")
	if err != nil {

	// create new service API
	api := operations.NewGreeterAPI(swaggerSpec)
	server := restapi.NewServer(api)
	defer server.Shutdown()

	// parse flags
	// set the port this service will be run on
	server.Port = *portFlag

	// TODO: Set Handle

	// serve API
	if err := server.Serve(); err != nil {

Now that we have our server defined, let's give it a first spin! You can run it from our root directory using the following command:

$ go run ./cmd/greeter/main.go --port 3000

Let's now try to call our only defined operation, using the httpie cli:

$ http get :3000/hello

Sadly this gives us the following output:

HTTP/1.1 501 Not Implemented
Connection: close
Content-Length: 50
Content-Type: text/plain
Date: Thu, 26 Jan 2017 13:09:52 GMT

operation GetGreeting has not yet been implemented

The good news is that our OpenAPI-based Golang service is working. The bad news is that we haven't implemented our handlers yet. We'll need one handler per operation, that does the actual logic.

You might wonder why it does give us a sane response, rather then panicking. After grepping for that error message, or using a recursive search in your favorite editor, you'll find that this error originates from the greeter API constructor (NewGreeterAPI) found in ./gen/restapi/operations/greeter_api.go. Here we'll see that all our consumers, producers and handlers have sane defaults.

So now that we know that we just got our ass saved by go-swagger, let's actually start working towards implementing our handlers.

Inspecting the gen/restapi/operations/get_greeting.go file, we'll find the following snippet:

// GetGreetingHandlerFunc turns a function with the right signature into a get greeting handler
type GetGreetingHandlerFunc func(GetGreetingParams) middleware.Responder

// Handle executing the request and returning a response
func (fn GetGreetingHandlerFunc) Handle(params GetGreetingParams) middleware.Responder {
	return fn(params)

Here we can read that there is a function type GetGreetingHandlerFunc, defined for the getGreeting operation which takes in one parameter of type GetGreetingParams and returns a middleware.Responder. This is the type alias our Handler has to adhere to.

A bit more down we'll also encounter an interface GetGreetingHandler, defined for the getGreeting operation:

// GetGreetingHandler interface for that can handle valid get greeting params
type GetGreetingHandler interface {
	Handle(GetGreetingParams) middleware.Responder

Its only defined method looks very similar to the function type GetGreetingHandlerFunc function defined above. This is no coincidence.

Even better, the GetGreetingHandlerFunc implements the Handle function as defined by the GetGreetingHandler interface, meaning that we can use a function respecting the type alias as defined by GetGreetingHandlerFunc, where we normally would have to implement a struct adhering to the GetGreetingHandler interface.

Implementing our handler as a struct allows us to handle with a certain state in mind. You can check out the kvstore example to see a more elaborate example, where you can see the handlers being implemented using a struct per operation.

Our Greeter API is however simple enough, that we'll opt for just a simple method. KISS never grows old. So with all of this said, let's implement our one and only handler.

Back to the ./cmd/greeter/main.go file, we'll define our handler as follows:

api.GetGreetingHandler = operations.GetGreetingHandlerFunc(
	func(params operations.GetGreetingParams) middleware.Responder {
		name := swag.StringValue(params.Name)
		if name == "" {
			name = "World"

		greeting := fmt.Sprintf("Hello, %s!", name)
		return operations.NewGetGreetingOK().WithPayload(greeting)

Which replaces the TODO: Set Handle comment, originally defined.

Let's break down the snippet above. First we make use of the go-openapi/swag package, which is full of Goodies. In this case we use the StringValue function which transforms a *string into a string. The result will be empty in case it was nil. This comes in handy as we know that our parameter can be nil when not given, as it is not required. Finally we form our greeting and return it as our payload with our 200 OK response.

Let's run our server:

$ go run ./cmd/greeter/main.go --port 3000

And now we're ready to test our greeter API once again:

$ http get :3000/hello
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Connection: close
Content-Length: 13
Content-Type: text/plain
Date: Thu, 26 Jan 2017 13:47:49 GMT

Hello, World!

Hurray, let's now greet Swagger:

$ http get :3000/hello name==Swagger
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Connection: close
Content-Length: 15
Content-Type: text/plain
Date: Thu, 26 Jan 2017 13:48:40 GMT

Hello, Swagger!

Great, Swagger will be happy to hear that.

As we just learned, using go-swagger and a manually defined OpenAPI2.0 specification file, we can build a Golang service with minimal effort. Please read the other go-swagger docs for more information about how to use it and its different elements.

Also please checkout the kvstore example for a more complex example. It is the main inspiration for this tutorial and has been built using the exact same techniques as described in this tutorial.


Path Synopsis
Package restapi Greeting Server Schemes: http Host: localhost BasePath: / Version: 1.0.0 Consumes: - application/json Produces: - text/plain swagger:meta
Package restapi Greeting Server Schemes: http Host: localhost BasePath: / Version: 1.0.0 Consumes: - application/json Produces: - text/plain swagger:meta

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