Tigris command line interface
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curl -sSL https://tigris.dev/cli-macos | sudo tar -xz -C /usr/local/bin
curl -sSL https://tigris.dev/cli-linux | sudo tar -xz -C /usr/local/bin
CLI Usage
$ tigris
tigris is the command line interface of Tigris data platform
tigris [command]
Available Commands:
alter alter collection
completion Generate the autocompletion script for the specified shell
create creates database or collection
delete delete documents
describe describe database or collection
drop drop database or collection
generate Generating helper assets such as sample schema
help Help about any command
insert insert document
list list databases of the project or list database collections
local Starting and stopping local Tigris server
ping Check connection to the Tigris server
read read documents
replace replace document
transact run a set of operations in a transaction
update update documents
version show tigris cli version
-h, --help help for tigris
Use "tigris [command] --help" for more information about a command.
For more information on usage visit the
Tigris Docs page.
# Start Tigris up locally on localhost:8081
tigris local up
tigris create database db1
tigris create collection db1 '{
"name" : "coll1",
"properties": {
"Key1": { "type": "string" },
"Field1": { "type": "integer" }
"primary_key": ["Key1"]
tigris list databases
tigris list collections db1
# Insert two documents into the collection coll1
tigris insert db1 coll1 '{"Key1": "vK1", "Field1": 1}' \
'{"Key1": "vK2", "Field1": 10}'
# Read documents with keys equal to vK1 and vK2
# Output:
# {"Key1": "vK1", "Field1": 1}
# {"Key1": "vK2", "Field1": 10}
tigris read db1 coll1 \
'{"$or" : [ {"Key1": "vK1"}, {"Key1": "vK2"} ]}'
# Update Field1 of the document with the key vK1
tigris update db1 coll1 \
'{"Key1": "vK1"}' '{"$set" : {"Field1": 1000}}'
# Read all documents from the collection coll1
# Output:
# {"Key1": "vK1", "Field1": 1000}
# {"Key1": "vK2", "Field1": 10}
tigris read db1 coll1 '{}'
# Delete a document from the collection coll1 with the key vK1
tigris delete "db1" "coll1" '{"Key1": "vK1"}'
# Drop the collection coll1
tigris drop collection db1 coll1
# Drop the database db1
tigris drop database db1
# Stop Tigris running locally
tigris local down
This software is licensed under the Apache 2.0.