JD - Interactive JSON Editor
It's an experimental tool for querying and editing JSON documents.
It's basically a playground to show off the path syntax of GJSON.
It's possible to add, delete, and edit any JSON value type.
# Read from Stdin
echo '{"id":9851,"name":{"first":"Tom","last":"Anderson"},"friends":["Sandy","Duke","Sam"]}' | jd
# Read from cURL
curl -s https://api.github.com/repos/tidwall/tile38/issues/23 | jd
# Read from a file
jd user.json
There're pre-built binaries for Mac, Linux, FreeBSD and Windows on the releases page.
Mac (Homebrew)
brew tap tidwall/jd
brew install jd
go get -u github.com/tidwall/jd/cmd/jd
For a very fast JSON stream editor, check out jsoned.
Josh Baker @tidwall
JD source code is available under the MIT License.