Index ¶
- type Account
- type AccountsAPI
- func (a *AccountsAPI) CreateSubAccount(subAccount *Account) error
- func (a *AccountsAPI) DelSubAccount(id string) error
- func (a *AccountsAPI) GetAllowedCodecs(codec string) ([]Codec, error)
- func (a *AccountsAPI) GetAuthTypes(authType int) ([]AuthType, error)
- func (a *AccountsAPI) GetDTMFModes(DTMFMode string) ([]DTMFMode, error)
- func (a *AccountsAPI) GetDeviceTypes(deviceType int) ([]DeviceType, error)
- func (a *AccountsAPI) GetLockInternational(lockInternational string) ([]LockInternational, error)
- func (a *AccountsAPI) GetMusicOnHold(musicOnHold string) ([]MusicOnHold, error)
- func (a *AccountsAPI) GetNAT(NAT string) ([]NAT, error)
- func (a *AccountsAPI) GetProtocols(protocol int) ([]Protocol, error)
- func (a *AccountsAPI) GetRegistrationStatus(account string) (bool, []RegistrationStatus, error)
- func (a *AccountsAPI) GetReportEstimatedHoldTime(typ3 string) ([]EstimatedHoldTime, error)
- func (a *AccountsAPI) GetRoutes(route int) ([]Route, error)
- func (a *AccountsAPI) GetSubAccounts(account string) ([]Account, error)
- func (a *AccountsAPI) SetSubAccount(account *Account) error
- type AddChargeReq
- type AddChargeResp
- type AddPaymentReq
- type AuthType
- type BackOrder
- type Balance
- type BalanceManagement
- type BaseResp
- type BaseRoute
- func NewAccountRoute(value string) BaseRoute
- func NewCBRoute() BaseRoute
- func NewDisaRoute() BaseRoute
- func NewFwdRoute(value string) BaseRoute
- func NewGrpRoute() BaseRoute
- func NewIVRRoute() BaseRoute
- func NewNoneRoute() BaseRoute
- func NewQueueRoute() BaseRoute
- func NewRecordingRoute() BaseRoute
- func NewSIPRoute() BaseRoute
- func NewSysRoute(value string) BaseRoute
- func NewTCRoute() BaseRoute
- func NewVMRoute(value string) BaseRoute
- type CDR
- type CDRAPI
- func (c *CDRAPI) GetCDR(dateFrom, dateTo time.Time, callStatus CallStatus, timezone *time.Location, ...) ([]CDR, error)
- func (c *CDRAPI) GetCallAccounts(clientId string) ([]CallAccount, error)
- func (c *CDRAPI) GetCallBilling() ([]CallBilling, error)
- func (c *CDRAPI) GetCallTypes(clientId string) ([]CallType, error)
- func (c *CDRAPI) GetRates(packag3, query string) ([]Rate, error)
- func (c *CDRAPI) GetResellerCDR(dateFrom, dateTo time.Time, client string, callStatus CallStatus, ...) ([]CDR, error)
- func (c *CDRAPI) GetTerminationRates(route, query string) ([]TerminationRate, error)
- type CallAccount
- type CallBilling
- type CallStatus
- type CallType
- type Callback
- type CallerIDFilter
- type CancelDIDResp
- type Carrier
- type Charge
- type Client
- type ClientPackage
- type ClientThreshold
- type ClientsAPI
- func (c *ClientsAPI) AddCharge(client, description string, charge float64, test bool) error
- func (c *ClientsAPI) AddPayment(client, description string, payment float64, test bool) error
- func (c *ClientsAPI) GetBalanceManagement(balanceManagement string) ([]BalanceManagement, error)
- func (c *ClientsAPI) GetCharges(client string) ([]Charge, error)
- func (c *ClientsAPI) GetClientPackages(client string) ([]ClientPackage, error)
- func (c *ClientsAPI) GetClientThreshold(client string) (*ClientThreshold, error)
- func (c *ClientsAPI) GetClients(client string) ([]Client, error)
- func (c *ClientsAPI) GetDeposits(client string) ([]Deposit, error)
- func (c *ClientsAPI) GetPackages(packag3 string) ([]Package, error)
- func (c *ClientsAPI) GetResellerBalance(client string) (*Balance, error)
- func (c *ClientsAPI) SetClient(client *Client) error
- func (c *ClientsAPI) SetClientThreshold(client, threshold, email string) error
- func (c *ClientsAPI) SignupClient(client *Client, confirmEmail, confirmPassword string, activate bool) error
- type Codec
- type ConnectDIDResp
- type Country
- type CreateSubAccountResp
- type DID
- type DIDCountries
- type DIDInfo
- type DIDOrder
- type DIDOrderInternationalGeographic
- type DIDOrderResellerConfig
- type DIDSearchType
- type DIDsAPI
- func (d *DIDsAPI) BackOrderDIDCan(backOrder *BackOrder) error
- func (d *DIDsAPI) BackOrderDIDUSA(backOrder *BackOrder) error
- func (d *DIDsAPI) CancelDID(DID, comment string, portOut, test bool) error
- func (d *DIDsAPI) ConnectDID(DID, account, monthly, setup, minute string, nextBilling time.Time, ...) error
- func (d *DIDsAPI) DelCallback(callback string) error
- func (d *DIDsAPI) DelCallerIDFiltering(filtering string) error
- func (d *DIDsAPI) DelClient(client string) error
- func (d *DIDsAPI) DelDISA(disa string) error
- func (d *DIDsAPI) DelForwarding(forwarding string) error
- func (d *DIDsAPI) DelIVR(ivr string) error
- func (d *DIDsAPI) DelPhonebook(phonebook string) error
- func (d *DIDsAPI) DelQueue(queue string) error
- func (d *DIDsAPI) DelRecording(recording string) error
- func (d *DIDsAPI) DelRingGroup(ringGroup string) error
- func (d *DIDsAPI) DelSIPURI(SIPURI string) error
- func (d *DIDsAPI) DelStaticMember(member, queue string) error
- func (d *DIDsAPI) DelTimeCondition(timeCondition string) error
- func (d *DIDsAPI) DeleteSMS(id string) error
- func (d *DIDsAPI) GetCallbacks(callback string) ([]Callback, error)
- func (d *DIDsAPI) GetCallerIDFiltering(filtering string) ([]CallerIDFilter, error)
- func (d *DIDsAPI) GetCarriers(carrier string) ([]Carrier, error)
- func (d *DIDsAPI) GetDIDCountries(countryId, typ3 string) ([]DIDCountries, error)
- func (d *DIDsAPI) GetDIDsCan(province, rateCenter string) ([]DID, error)
- func (d *DIDsAPI) GetDIDsInfo(client, DID string) ([]DIDInfo, error)
- func (d *DIDsAPI) GetDIDsInternationalGeographic(countryId string) ([]InternationalLocations, error)
- func (d *DIDsAPI) GetDIDsInternationalNational(countryId string) ([]InternationalLocations, error)
- func (d *DIDsAPI) GetDIDsInternationalTollFree(countryId string) ([]InternationalLocations, error)
- func (d *DIDsAPI) GetDIDsUSA(state, rateCenter string) ([]DID, error)
- func (d *DIDsAPI) GetDISAs(DISA string) ([]DISA, error)
- func (d *DIDsAPI) GetForwardings(forwarding string) ([]Forwarding, error)
- func (d *DIDsAPI) GetIVRs(IVR string) ([]IVR, error)
- func (d *DIDsAPI) GetInternationalTypes(typ3 string) ([]InternationalTypes, error)
- func (d *DIDsAPI) GetJoinWhenEmptyTypes(typ3 string) ([]JoinWhenEmptyType, error)
- func (d *DIDsAPI) GetPhonebook(phonebook, name string) ([]Phonebook, error)
- func (d *DIDsAPI) GetPortability(DID string) (bool, []Plan, error)
- func (d *DIDsAPI) GetProvinces() ([]Province, error)
- func (d *DIDsAPI) GetQueues(queue string) ([]Queue, error)
- func (d *DIDsAPI) GetRateCentersCan(province string) ([]RateCenter, error)
- func (d *DIDsAPI) GetRateCentersUSA(state string) ([]RateCenter, error)
- func (d *DIDsAPI) GetRecordingFile() error
- func (d *DIDsAPI) GetRecordings() error
- func (d *DIDsAPI) GetRingGroups() error
- func (d *DIDsAPI) GetRingStrategies() error
- func (d *DIDsAPI) GetSIPURIs() error
- func (d *DIDsAPI) GetSMS() error
- func (d *DIDsAPI) GetStates() ([]State, error)
- func (d *DIDsAPI) GetStaticMembers(queue, member string) ([]Member, error)
- func (d *DIDsAPI) GetTimeConditions(timeCondition string) ([]TimeCondition, error)
- func (d *DIDsAPI) GetVoicemailAttachmentFormats(emailAttachmentFormat string) ([]VoicemailAttachmentFormat, error)
- func (d *DIDsAPI) GetVoicemailSetups(voicemailSetup string) ([]VoicemailSetup, error)
- func (d *DIDsAPI) OrderDID(didOrder *DIDOrder) error
- func (d *DIDsAPI) OrderDIDInternationalGeographic(didOrder *DIDOrderInternationalGeographic) error
- func (d *DIDsAPI) OrderDIDInternationalNational() error
- func (d *DIDsAPI) OrderDIDInternationalTollFree() error
- func (d *DIDsAPI) OrderDIDVirtual() error
- func (d *DIDsAPI) OrderTollFree() error
- func (d *DIDsAPI) OrderVanity() error
- func (d *DIDsAPI) SearchDIDsCan(province string, typ3 DIDSearchType, query string) ([]DID, error)
- func (d *DIDsAPI) SearchDIDsUSA() error
- func (d *DIDsAPI) SearchTollFreeCanUS() error
- func (d *DIDsAPI) SearchTollFreeUSA() error
- func (d *DIDsAPI) SearchVanity() error
- func (d *DIDsAPI) SendSMS() error
- func (d *DIDsAPI) SetCallback() error
- func (d *DIDsAPI) SetCallerIDFiltering() error
- func (d *DIDsAPI) SetDIDBillingType() error
- func (d *DIDsAPI) SetDIDInfo() error
- func (d *DIDsAPI) SetDIDPOP() error
- func (d *DIDsAPI) SetDIDRouting() error
- func (d *DIDsAPI) SetDIDVoicemail() error
- func (d *DIDsAPI) SetDISA() error
- func (d *DIDsAPI) SetForwarding() error
- func (d *DIDsAPI) SetIVR() error
- func (d *DIDsAPI) SetPhonebook() error
- func (d *DIDsAPI) SetQueue() error
- func (d *DIDsAPI) SetRecording() error
- func (d *DIDsAPI) SetRingGroup() error
- func (d *DIDsAPI) SetSIPURI() error
- func (d *DIDsAPI) SetSMS() error
- func (d *DIDsAPI) SetStaticMember() error
- func (d *DIDsAPI) SetTimeCondition() error
- func (d *DIDsAPI) UnconnectDID() error
- type DISA
- type DTMFMode
- type DelStaticMemberResp
- type DelSubAccountReq
- type DelSubAccountResp
- type Deposit
- type DeviceType
- type EstimatedHoldTime
- type FaxAPI
- type Forwarding
- type GeneralAPI
- func (g *GeneralAPI) GetBalance(advanced bool) (*Balance, error)
- func (g *GeneralAPI) GetCountries(country string) ([]Country, error)
- func (g *GeneralAPI) GetIP() (string, error)
- func (g *GeneralAPI) GetLanguages(language string) ([]Language, error)
- func (g *GeneralAPI) GetServerInfo(serverPop string) ([]Server, error)
- func (g *GeneralAPI) GetTransactionHistory(dateFrom, dateTo time.Time) ([]Transaction, error)
- type GetAllowedCodecsResp
- type GetAuthTypesResp
- type GetBalanceMangementResp
- type GetBalanceResp
- type GetCDRResp
- type GetCallAccountsResp
- type GetCallBillingResp
- type GetCallTypeResp
- type GetCallbacksResp
- type GetCallerIDFilteringResp
- type GetCarriersResp
- type GetChargesResp
- type GetClientPackagesResp
- type GetClientThresholdResp
- type GetClientsResp
- type GetCountriesResp
- type GetDIDCountriesResp
- type GetDIDsCanResp
- type GetDIDsInfoResp
- type GetDIDsInternationalResp
- type GetDIDsUSAResp
- type GetDISAsResp
- type GetDTMFModesResp
- type GetDepositsResp
- type GetDeviceTypesResp
- type GetForwardingsResp
- type GetIPResp
- type GetIVRsResp
- type GetInternationalTypesResp
- type GetJoinWhenEmptyTypesResp
- type GetLanguagesResp
- type GetLockInternationalResp
- type GetMusicOnHoldResp
- type GetNATResp
- type GetPackagesResp
- type GetPhonebookResp
- type GetPortabilityResp
- type GetProtocolResp
- type GetProvincesResp
- type GetQueuesResp
- type GetRateCentersResp
- type GetRatesResp
- type GetRegistrationStatusResp
- type GetReportEstimatedHoldTimeResp
- type GetResellerBalanceResp
- type GetRoutesResp
- type GetServerInfoResp
- type GetStatesResp
- type GetStaticMembersResp
- type GetSubAccountsResp
- type GetTerminationRatesRep
- type GetTimeConditionsResp
- type GetTransactionHistoryResp
- type GetVoicemailAttachmentFormats
- type GetVoicemailSetups
- type IVR
- type IVRChoice
- type InternationalLocations
- type InternationalTypes
- type JoinWhenEmptyType
- type Language
- type LockInternational
- type Member
- type MusicOnHold
- type NAT
- type NumberValueDescription
- type Order
- type Package
- type Phonebook
- type Plan
- type Protocol
- type Province
- type Queue
- type Rate
- type RateCenter
- type RegistrationStatus
- type Route
- type SearchDIDsCanResp
- type Server
- type SetClientReq
- type SetClientThresholdReq
- type SetSubAccountResp
- type SignupClientReq
- type State
- type StatusResp
- type StringValueDescription
- type TerminationRate
- type TimeCondition
- type Transaction
- type VOIPClient
- func (c *VOIPClient) Call(req *http.Request, respStruct interface{}) (*http.Response, error)
- func (c *VOIPClient) Get(method string, values url.Values, entity interface{}) error
- func (c *VOIPClient) NewAccountsAPI() *AccountsAPI
- func (c *VOIPClient) NewCDRAPI() *CDRAPI
- func (c *VOIPClient) NewClientsAPI() *ClientsAPI
- func (c *VOIPClient) NewDIDsAPI() *DIDsAPI
- func (c *VOIPClient) NewFaxAPI() *FaxAPI
- func (c *VOIPClient) NewGeneralAPI() *GeneralAPI
- func (c *VOIPClient) NewVoicemailAPI() *VoicemailAPI
- func (c *VOIPClient) Post(method string, entity interface{}, respStruct interface{}) error
- func (c *VOIPClient) WriteStruct(writer *multipart.Writer, iface interface{}) error
- type VoicemailAPI
- type VoicemailAttachmentFormat
- type VoicemailSetup
Constants ¶
This section is empty.
Variables ¶
This section is empty.
Functions ¶
This section is empty.
Types ¶
type Account ¶
type Account struct { Id string `json:"id,omitempty" url:"id"` Account string `json:"account,omitempty" url:"account"` Username string `json:"username" url:"username"` Protocol string `json:"protocol" url:"protocol"` Description string `json:"description,omitempty" url:"description"` AuthType string `json:"auth_type" url:"auth_type"` Password string `json:"password,omitempty" url:"password"` IP string `json:"ip,omitempty" url:"ip"` DeviceType string `json:"device_type" url:"device_type"` CalleridNumber string `json:"callerid_number,omitempty" url:"callerid_number"` CanadaRouting string `json:"canada_routing,omitempty" url:"canada_routing"` LockInternational string `json:"lock_international" url:"lock_international"` InternationalRoute string `json:"international_route" url:"international_route"` MusicOnHold string `json:"music_on_hold" url:"music_on_hold"` AllowedCodecs string `json:"allowed_codecs" url:"allowed_codecs"` DTMFMode string `json:"dtmf_mode" url:"dtmf_mode"` NAT string `json:"nat" url:"nat"` InternalExtension string `json:"internal_extension,omitempty" url:"internal_extension"` InternalVoicemail string `json:"internal_voicemail,omitempty" url:"internal_voicemail"` InternalDialtime string `json:"internal_dialtime,omitempty" url:"internal_dialtime"` ResellerClient string `json:"reseller_client,omitempty" url:"reseller_client"` ResellerPackage string `json:"reseller_package,omitempty" url:"reseller_package"` ResellerNextbilling string `json:"reseller_nextbilling,omitempty" url:"reseller_nextbilling"` ResellerChargesetup string `json:"reseller_chargesetup,omitempty" url:"reseller_chargesetup"` }
type AccountsAPI ¶
type AccountsAPI struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*AccountsAPI) CreateSubAccount ¶
func (a *AccountsAPI) CreateSubAccount(subAccount *Account) error
func (*AccountsAPI) DelSubAccount ¶
func (a *AccountsAPI) DelSubAccount(id string) error
func (*AccountsAPI) GetAllowedCodecs ¶
func (a *AccountsAPI) GetAllowedCodecs(codec string) ([]Codec, error)
func (*AccountsAPI) GetAuthTypes ¶
func (a *AccountsAPI) GetAuthTypes(authType int) ([]AuthType, error)
func (*AccountsAPI) GetDTMFModes ¶
func (a *AccountsAPI) GetDTMFModes(DTMFMode string) ([]DTMFMode, error)
func (*AccountsAPI) GetDeviceTypes ¶
func (a *AccountsAPI) GetDeviceTypes(deviceType int) ([]DeviceType, error)
func (*AccountsAPI) GetLockInternational ¶
func (a *AccountsAPI) GetLockInternational(lockInternational string) ([]LockInternational, error)
0 is an actual value for a Lock International entity so the signature of this message is a string opposed to an int. This was done to avoid confusion with other functions that take 0 in order to return all values.
func (*AccountsAPI) GetMusicOnHold ¶
func (a *AccountsAPI) GetMusicOnHold(musicOnHold string) ([]MusicOnHold, error)
func (*AccountsAPI) GetProtocols ¶
func (a *AccountsAPI) GetProtocols(protocol int) ([]Protocol, error)
func (*AccountsAPI) GetRegistrationStatus ¶
func (a *AccountsAPI) GetRegistrationStatus(account string) (bool, []RegistrationStatus, error)
func (*AccountsAPI) GetReportEstimatedHoldTime ¶
func (a *AccountsAPI) GetReportEstimatedHoldTime(typ3 string) ([]EstimatedHoldTime, error)
func (*AccountsAPI) GetSubAccounts ¶
func (a *AccountsAPI) GetSubAccounts(account string) ([]Account, error)
func (*AccountsAPI) SetSubAccount ¶
func (a *AccountsAPI) SetSubAccount(account *Account) error
type AddChargeReq ¶
type AddChargeResp ¶
type AddChargeResp struct {
type AddPaymentReq ¶
type AuthType ¶
type AuthType NumberValueDescription
type Balance ¶
type Balance struct { CurrentBalance json.Number `json:"current_balance"` SpentTotal json.Number `json:"spent_total,omitempty"` CallsTotal json.Number `json:"calls_total,omitempty"` TimeTotal json.Number `json:"time_total,omitempty"` //TODO:Stan change to duration SpentToday json.Number `json:"spent_today,omitempty"` CallsToday int `json:"calls_today,omitempty"` TimeToday json.Number `json:"time_today,omitempty"` }
type BalanceManagement ¶
type BalanceManagement NumberValueDescription
type CDR ¶
type CDR struct { Date time.Time `json:"date"` CallerId string `json:"callerid"` Destination string `json:"destination"` Description string `json:"description"` Account string `json:"account"` Disposition string `json:"disposition"` Duration time.Duration `json:"duration"` Seconds int `json:"seconds,string"` Rate float64 `json:"rate,string,omitempty"` Total float64 `json:"total,string"` UniqueId string `json:"uniqueid"` }
func (*CDR) UnmarshalJSON ¶
type CDRAPI ¶
type CDRAPI struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*CDRAPI) GetCallAccounts ¶
func (c *CDRAPI) GetCallAccounts(clientId string) ([]CallAccount, error)
func (*CDRAPI) GetCallBilling ¶
func (c *CDRAPI) GetCallBilling() ([]CallBilling, error)
func (*CDRAPI) GetResellerCDR ¶
func (*CDRAPI) GetTerminationRates ¶
func (c *CDRAPI) GetTerminationRates(route, query string) ([]TerminationRate, error)
type CallAccount ¶
type CallAccount StringValueDescription
type CallBilling ¶
type CallBilling StringValueDescription
type CallType ¶
type CallType StringValueDescription
type CallerIDFilter ¶
type CallerIDFilter struct { Filtering string `json:"filtering"` Callerid string `json:"callerid"` DID string `json:"did"` Routing string `json:"routing"` FailoverUnreachable string `json:"failover_unreachable"` FailoverBusy string `json:"failover_busy"` FailoverNoanswer string `json:"failover_noanswer"` Note string `json:"note"` }
type CancelDIDResp ¶
type CancelDIDResp struct {
type Carrier ¶
type Carrier NumberValueDescription
type Charge ¶
type Charge struct { Id string `json:"id"` Date time.Time `json:"date"` Amount float64 `json:"amount"` Description string `json:"description"` }
func (*Charge) UnmarshalJSON ¶
type Client ¶
type Client struct { Client string `json:"client"` Email string `json:"email"` Password string `json:"password"` Company string `json:"company,omitempty"` FirstName string `json:"firstname"` LastName string `json:"lastname"` Address string `json:"address,omitempty"` City string `json:"city,omitempty"` State string `json:"state,omitempty"` Country string `json:"country,omitempty"` Zip string `json:"zip,omitempty"` PhoneNumber string `json:"phone_number"` BalanceManagement string `json:"balance_management,omitempty"` }
type ClientPackage ¶
type ClientPackage StringValueDescription
type ClientThreshold ¶
type ClientsAPI ¶
type ClientsAPI struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*ClientsAPI) AddCharge ¶
func (c *ClientsAPI) AddCharge(client, description string, charge float64, test bool) error
func (*ClientsAPI) AddPayment ¶
func (c *ClientsAPI) AddPayment(client, description string, payment float64, test bool) error
func (*ClientsAPI) GetBalanceManagement ¶
func (c *ClientsAPI) GetBalanceManagement(balanceManagement string) ([]BalanceManagement, error)
func (*ClientsAPI) GetCharges ¶
func (c *ClientsAPI) GetCharges(client string) ([]Charge, error)
func (*ClientsAPI) GetClientPackages ¶
func (c *ClientsAPI) GetClientPackages(client string) ([]ClientPackage, error)
func (*ClientsAPI) GetClientThreshold ¶
func (c *ClientsAPI) GetClientThreshold(client string) (*ClientThreshold, error)
func (*ClientsAPI) GetClients ¶
func (c *ClientsAPI) GetClients(client string) ([]Client, error)
func (*ClientsAPI) GetDeposits ¶
func (c *ClientsAPI) GetDeposits(client string) ([]Deposit, error)
func (*ClientsAPI) GetPackages ¶
func (c *ClientsAPI) GetPackages(packag3 string) ([]Package, error)
func (*ClientsAPI) GetResellerBalance ¶
func (c *ClientsAPI) GetResellerBalance(client string) (*Balance, error)
func (*ClientsAPI) SetClient ¶
func (c *ClientsAPI) SetClient(client *Client) error
func (*ClientsAPI) SetClientThreshold ¶
func (c *ClientsAPI) SetClientThreshold(client, threshold, email string) error
func (*ClientsAPI) SignupClient ¶
func (c *ClientsAPI) SignupClient(client *Client, confirmEmail, confirmPassword string, activate bool) error
type Codec ¶
type Codec StringValueDescription
type ConnectDIDResp ¶
type ConnectDIDResp struct {
type Country ¶
type Country StringValueDescription
type CreateSubAccountResp ¶
type DID ¶
type DID struct { DID string `json:"did"` Ratecenter string `json:"ratecenter"` Province string `json:"province,omitempty"` //only populated on Canadian API calls ProvinceDescription string `json:"province_description,omitempty"` //only populated on Canadian API calls State string `json:"state,omitempty"` //only populated on US API calls StateDescription string `json:"state_description,omitempty"` //only populated on US API calls PerMinuteMonthly string `json:"perminute_monthly"` PerMinuteMinute string `json:"perminute_minute"` PerMinuteSetup string `json:"perminute_setup"` FlatMonthly string `json:"flat_monthly"` FlatMinute string `json:"flat_minute"` FlatSetup string `json:"flat_setup"` SMS int `json:"sms,omitempty"` }
type DIDCountries ¶
type DIDCountries NumberValueDescription
type DIDInfo ¶
type DIDInfo struct { DID string `json:"did"` Description string `json:"description"` Order E911 string `json:"e911"` NextBilling time.Time `json:"next_billing"` OrderDate time.Time `json:"next_billing"` ResellerAccount string `json:"reseller_account"` ResellerNextBilling string `json:"reseller_next_billing"` ResellerMonthly string `json:"reseller_monthly"` ResellerMinute string `json:"reseller_minute"` ResellerSetup string `json:"reseller_setup"` SMSAvailable int `json:"sms_available"` SMSEnabled string `json:"sms_enabled"` SMSEmail string `json:"sms_email"` SMSEmailEnabled string `json:"sms_email_enabled"` SMSForward string `json:"sms_forward"` SMSForwardEnabled string `json:"sms_forward_enabled"` SMSURLCallback string `json:"sms_url_callback"` SMSURLCallbackEnabled string `json:"sms_url_callback_enabled"` SMSURLCallbackEntry string `json:"sms_url_callback_retry"` }
type DIDOrder ¶
type DIDOrder struct { Did string `json:"did"` Order DIDOrderResellerConfig }
type DIDOrderInternationalGeographic ¶
type DIDOrderInternationalGeographic struct { LocationId string `json:"location_id"` Quantity int `json:"quantity"` Order DIDOrderResellerConfig }
type DIDOrderResellerConfig ¶
type DIDSearchType ¶
type DIDSearchType string
const ( StartsDIDSearchType DIDSearchType = "starts" ContainsDIDSearchType DIDSearchType = "contains" EndsDIDSearchType DIDSearchType = "ends" )
type DIDsAPI ¶
type DIDsAPI struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*DIDsAPI) BackOrderDIDCan ¶
TODO:Stan this isn't working. It returns "invalid_ratecenter" and I'm pretty sure the ratecenter is correct.
func (*DIDsAPI) BackOrderDIDUSA ¶
TODO:Stan this isn't working. It returns "invalid_ratecenter" and I'm pretty sure the ratecenter is correct.
func (*DIDsAPI) ConnectDID ¶
func (*DIDsAPI) DelCallback ¶
func (*DIDsAPI) DelCallerIDFiltering ¶
func (*DIDsAPI) DelForwarding ¶
func (*DIDsAPI) DelPhonebook ¶
func (*DIDsAPI) DelRecording ¶
func (*DIDsAPI) DelRingGroup ¶
func (*DIDsAPI) DelStaticMember ¶
func (*DIDsAPI) DelTimeCondition ¶
func (*DIDsAPI) GetCallerIDFiltering ¶
func (d *DIDsAPI) GetCallerIDFiltering(filtering string) ([]CallerIDFilter, error)
func (*DIDsAPI) GetDIDCountries ¶
func (d *DIDsAPI) GetDIDCountries(countryId, typ3 string) ([]DIDCountries, error)
func (*DIDsAPI) GetDIDsCan ¶
func (*DIDsAPI) GetDIDsInternationalGeographic ¶
func (d *DIDsAPI) GetDIDsInternationalGeographic(countryId string) ([]InternationalLocations, error)
func (*DIDsAPI) GetDIDsInternationalNational ¶
func (d *DIDsAPI) GetDIDsInternationalNational(countryId string) ([]InternationalLocations, error)
func (*DIDsAPI) GetDIDsInternationalTollFree ¶
func (d *DIDsAPI) GetDIDsInternationalTollFree(countryId string) ([]InternationalLocations, error)
func (*DIDsAPI) GetForwardings ¶
func (d *DIDsAPI) GetForwardings(forwarding string) ([]Forwarding, error)
func (*DIDsAPI) GetInternationalTypes ¶
func (d *DIDsAPI) GetInternationalTypes(typ3 string) ([]InternationalTypes, error)
func (*DIDsAPI) GetJoinWhenEmptyTypes ¶
func (d *DIDsAPI) GetJoinWhenEmptyTypes(typ3 string) ([]JoinWhenEmptyType, error)
func (*DIDsAPI) GetPhonebook ¶
func (*DIDsAPI) GetProvinces ¶
func (*DIDsAPI) GetRateCentersCan ¶
func (d *DIDsAPI) GetRateCentersCan(province string) ([]RateCenter, error)
func (*DIDsAPI) GetRateCentersUSA ¶
func (d *DIDsAPI) GetRateCentersUSA(state string) ([]RateCenter, error)
func (*DIDsAPI) GetRecordingFile ¶
func (*DIDsAPI) GetRecordings ¶
func (*DIDsAPI) GetRingGroups ¶
func (*DIDsAPI) GetRingStrategies ¶
func (*DIDsAPI) GetSIPURIs ¶
func (*DIDsAPI) GetStaticMembers ¶
func (*DIDsAPI) GetTimeConditions ¶
func (d *DIDsAPI) GetTimeConditions(timeCondition string) ([]TimeCondition, error)
func (*DIDsAPI) GetVoicemailAttachmentFormats ¶
func (d *DIDsAPI) GetVoicemailAttachmentFormats(emailAttachmentFormat string) ([]VoicemailAttachmentFormat, error)
func (*DIDsAPI) GetVoicemailSetups ¶
func (d *DIDsAPI) GetVoicemailSetups(voicemailSetup string) ([]VoicemailSetup, error)
func (*DIDsAPI) OrderDIDInternationalGeographic ¶
func (d *DIDsAPI) OrderDIDInternationalGeographic(didOrder *DIDOrderInternationalGeographic) error
func (*DIDsAPI) OrderDIDInternationalNational ¶
func (*DIDsAPI) OrderDIDInternationalTollFree ¶
func (*DIDsAPI) OrderDIDVirtual ¶
func (*DIDsAPI) OrderTollFree ¶
func (*DIDsAPI) OrderVanity ¶
func (*DIDsAPI) SearchDIDsCan ¶
func (*DIDsAPI) SearchDIDsUSA ¶
func (*DIDsAPI) SearchTollFreeCanUS ¶
func (*DIDsAPI) SearchTollFreeUSA ¶
func (*DIDsAPI) SearchVanity ¶
func (*DIDsAPI) SetCallback ¶
func (*DIDsAPI) SetCallerIDFiltering ¶
func (*DIDsAPI) SetDIDBillingType ¶
func (*DIDsAPI) SetDIDInfo ¶
func (*DIDsAPI) SetDIDRouting ¶
func (*DIDsAPI) SetDIDVoicemail ¶
func (*DIDsAPI) SetForwarding ¶
func (*DIDsAPI) SetPhonebook ¶
func (*DIDsAPI) SetRecording ¶
func (*DIDsAPI) SetRingGroup ¶
func (*DIDsAPI) SetStaticMember ¶
func (*DIDsAPI) SetTimeCondition ¶
func (*DIDsAPI) UnconnectDID ¶
type DTMFMode ¶
type DTMFMode StringValueDescription
type DelStaticMemberResp ¶
type DelStaticMemberResp struct {
type DelSubAccountReq ¶
type DelSubAccountReq struct {
Id string `json:"id"`
type DelSubAccountResp ¶
type DelSubAccountResp struct {
type DeviceType ¶
type DeviceType NumberValueDescription
type EstimatedHoldTime ¶
type EstimatedHoldTime StringValueDescription
type Forwarding ¶
type GeneralAPI ¶
type GeneralAPI struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*GeneralAPI) GetBalance ¶
func (g *GeneralAPI) GetBalance(advanced bool) (*Balance, error)
func (*GeneralAPI) GetCountries ¶
func (g *GeneralAPI) GetCountries(country string) ([]Country, error)
func (*GeneralAPI) GetIP ¶
func (g *GeneralAPI) GetIP() (string, error)
func (*GeneralAPI) GetLanguages ¶
func (g *GeneralAPI) GetLanguages(language string) ([]Language, error)
func (*GeneralAPI) GetServerInfo ¶
func (g *GeneralAPI) GetServerInfo(serverPop string) ([]Server, error)
func (*GeneralAPI) GetTransactionHistory ¶
func (g *GeneralAPI) GetTransactionHistory(dateFrom, dateTo time.Time) ([]Transaction, error)
type GetAllowedCodecsResp ¶
type GetAuthTypesResp ¶
type GetBalanceMangementResp ¶
type GetBalanceMangementResp struct { BaseResp BalanceManagement []BalanceManagement `json:"balance_mangement"` }
type GetBalanceResp ¶
type GetCDRResp ¶
type GetCallAccountsResp ¶
type GetCallAccountsResp struct { BaseResp CallAccounts []CallAccount `json:"accounts"` }
type GetCallBillingResp ¶
type GetCallBillingResp struct { BaseResp CallBilling []CallBilling `json:"call_billing"` }
type GetCallTypeResp ¶
type GetCallbacksResp ¶
type GetCallerIDFilteringResp ¶
type GetCallerIDFilteringResp struct { BaseResp CallerIDFilters []CallerIDFilter `json:"filtering"` }
type GetCarriersResp ¶
type GetChargesResp ¶
type GetClientPackagesResp ¶
type GetClientPackagesResp struct { BaseResp ClientPackages []ClientPackage `json:"packages"` }
type GetClientThresholdResp ¶
type GetClientThresholdResp struct { BaseResp ThresholdInformation ClientThreshold `json:"threshold_information"` }
type GetClientsResp ¶
type GetCountriesResp ¶
type GetDIDCountriesResp ¶
type GetDIDCountriesResp struct { BaseResp Countries []DIDCountries `json:"countries"` }
type GetDIDsCanResp ¶
type GetDIDsInfoResp ¶
type GetDIDsInternationalResp ¶
type GetDIDsInternationalResp struct { BaseResp Locations []InternationalLocations `json:"locations"` }
type GetDIDsUSAResp ¶
type GetDISAsResp ¶
type GetDTMFModesResp ¶
type GetDepositsResp ¶
type GetDeviceTypesResp ¶
type GetDeviceTypesResp struct { BaseResp DeviceTypes []DeviceType `json:"device_types"` }
type GetForwardingsResp ¶
type GetForwardingsResp struct { BaseResp Forwardings []Forwarding `json:"forwardings"` }
type GetIVRsResp ¶
type GetInternationalTypesResp ¶
type GetInternationalTypesResp struct { BaseResp Types []InternationalTypes `json:"types"` }
type GetJoinWhenEmptyTypesResp ¶
type GetJoinWhenEmptyTypesResp struct { BaseResp JoinWhenEmptyTypes []JoinWhenEmptyType `json:"types"` }
type GetLanguagesResp ¶
type GetLockInternationalResp ¶
type GetLockInternationalResp struct { BaseResp LockInternational []LockInternational `json:"lock_international"` }
type GetMusicOnHoldResp ¶
type GetMusicOnHoldResp struct { BaseResp MusicOnHold []MusicOnHold `json:"music_on_hold"` }
type GetNATResp ¶
type GetPackagesResp ¶
type GetPhonebookResp ¶
type GetPortabilityResp ¶
type GetProtocolResp ¶
type GetProvincesResp ¶
type GetQueuesResp ¶
type GetRateCentersResp ¶
type GetRateCentersResp struct { BaseResp RateCenters []RateCenter `json:"ratecenters"` }
type GetRatesResp ¶
type GetRegistrationStatusResp ¶
type GetRegistrationStatusResp struct { BaseResp Registered string `json:"registered"` Registrations []RegistrationStatus `json:"registrations"` }
type GetReportEstimatedHoldTimeResp ¶
type GetReportEstimatedHoldTimeResp struct { BaseResp Types []EstimatedHoldTime `json:"types"` }
type GetResellerBalanceResp ¶
type GetRoutesResp ¶
type GetServerInfoResp ¶
type GetStatesResp ¶
type GetStaticMembersResp ¶
type GetSubAccountsResp ¶
type GetTerminationRatesRep ¶
type GetTerminationRatesRep struct { BaseResp Route NumberValueDescription `json:"route"` Rates []TerminationRate `json:"rates"` }
type GetTimeConditionsResp ¶
type GetTimeConditionsResp struct { BaseResp TimeConditions []TimeCondition `json:"timeconditon"` }
type GetTransactionHistoryResp ¶
type GetTransactionHistoryResp struct { BaseResp Transactions []Transaction `json:"transactions"` }
type GetVoicemailAttachmentFormats ¶
type GetVoicemailAttachmentFormats struct { BaseResp VoicemailAttachmentFormats []VoicemailAttachmentFormat `json:"email_attachment_formats"` }
type GetVoicemailSetups ¶
type GetVoicemailSetups struct { BaseResp VoicemailSetups []VoicemailSetup `json:"voicemailsetups"` }
type IVR ¶
type IVR struct { IVR string `json:"ivr"` Name string `json:"name"` Recording string `json:"recording"` Timeout string `json:"timeout"` Language string `json:"language"` VoicemailSetup string `json:"voicemailsetup"` Choices []IVRChoice `json:"choices"` }
func (*IVR) UnmarshalJSON ¶
type InternationalLocations ¶
type InternationalLocations struct { LocationId string `json:"location_id"` LocationName string `json:"location_name"` Country string `json:"country"` AreaCode string `json:"area_code"` Stock string `json:"stock"` Monthly string `json:"montly"` Setup string `json:"setup"` Minute string `json:"minute"` Channels string `json:"channels,omitempty"` //only used for GetDIDsInternationalGeographic }
type InternationalTypes ¶
type InternationalTypes StringValueDescription
type JoinWhenEmptyType ¶
type JoinWhenEmptyType StringValueDescription
type Language ¶
type Language StringValueDescription
type LockInternational ¶
type LockInternational NumberValueDescription
The Value type seems to switch between int and string for some reason, so it needs a custom struct for now. TODO:Re-evaluate
type MusicOnHold ¶
type MusicOnHold StringValueDescription
type NAT ¶
type NAT StringValueDescription
type NumberValueDescription ¶
type Order ¶
type Order struct { Routing BaseRoute `json:"routing"` FailoverBusy BaseRoute `json:"failover_busy,omitempty"` FailoverUnreachable BaseRoute `json:"failover_unreachable,omitempty"` FailoverNoanswer BaseRoute `json:"failover_noanswer,omitempty"` Voicemail string `json:"voicemail,omitempty"` POP string `json:"pop"` Dialtime json.Number `json:"dialtime"` CNAM json.Number `json:"cnam"` //1: true, 0: false. CalleridPrefix string `json:"callerid_prefix,omitempty"` Note string `json:"note,omitempty"` BillingType json.Number `json:"billing_type"` Test bool `json:"test,omitempty"` }
type Package ¶
type Package struct { Package string `json:"package"` //This is the package id. Name string `json:"name"` MarkupFixed string `json:"markup_fixed"` MarkupPercentage string `json:"markup_percentage"` Pulse string `json:"pulse"` InternationalRoute string `json:"international_route"` CanadaRoute string `json:"canada_route"` MonthlyFee string `json:"monthly_fee"` SetupFee string `json:"setup_fee"` FreeMinutes string `json:"free_minutes"` }
type Protocol ¶
type Protocol NumberValueDescription
type Queue ¶
type Queue struct { Queue string `json:"queue"` QueueName string `json:"queue_name"` QueueNumber string `json:"queue_number"` QueueLanguage string `json:"queue_language"` QueuePassword string `json:"queue_password"` CalleridPrefix string `json:"callerid_prefix"` JoinAnnouncement string `json:"join_announcement"` PriorityWeight string `json:"priority_weight"` AgentAnnouncement string `json:"agent_announcement"` ReportHoldTimeAgent string `json:"report_hold_time_agent"` MemberDelay string `json:"member_delay"` MusicOnHold string `json:"music_on_hold"` MaximumWaitTime string `json:"maximum_wait_time"` MaximumCallers string `json:"maximum_callers"` JoinWhenEmpty string `json:"join_when_empty"` LeaveWhenEmpty string `json:"leave_when_empty"` RingStrategy string `json:"ring_strategy"` RingInuse string `json:"ring_inuse"` AgentRingTimeout string `json:"agent_ring_timeout"` RetryTimer string `json:"retry_timer"` WrapupTime string `json:"wrapup_time"` VoiceAnnouncement string `json:"voice_announcement"` FrequencyAnnouncement string `json:"frequency_announcement"` AnnouncePositionFrequency string `json:"announce_position_frecuency"` AnnounceRoundSeconds string `json:"announce_round_seconds"` IfAnnouncePositionEnabledReportEstimatedHoldTime string `json:"if_announce_position_enabled_report_estimated_hold_time"` ThankyouForYourPatience string `json:"thankyou_for_your_patience"` FailOverRoutingTimeout BaseRoute `json:"fail_over_routing_timeout"` FailOverRoutingFull BaseRoute `json:"fail_over_routing_full"` FailOverRoutingJoinEmpty BaseRoute `json:"fail_over_routing_join_empty"` FailOverRoutingLeaveEmpty BaseRoute `json:"fail_over_routing_leave_empty"` }
type RateCenter ¶
func (*RateCenter) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (c *RateCenter) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type RegistrationStatus ¶
type Route ¶
type Route NumberValueDescription
type SearchDIDsCanResp ¶
type SetClientReq ¶
type SetClientReq Client
type SetClientThresholdReq ¶
type SetClientThresholdReq struct { Client string `json:"client"` Threshold string `json:"threshold"` Email string `json:"email"` }
TODO:Stan Req objects aren't needed out side of the package. Change.
type SetSubAccountResp ¶
type SetSubAccountResp struct {
type SignupClientReq ¶
type StatusResp ¶
type StatusResp interface {
GetStatus() string
type StringValueDescription ¶
type TerminationRate ¶
type TimeCondition ¶
type TimeCondition struct { TimeCondition string `json:"timecondition"` Name string `json:"name"` RoutingMatch string `json:"routingmatch"` RoutingNoMatch string `json:"routingnomatch"` StartHour string `json:"starthour"` StartMinute string `json:"startminute"` EndHour string `json:"endhour"` EndMinute string `json:"endminute"` WeekdayStart string `json:"weekdaystart"` WeekdayEnd string `json:"weekdayend"` }
type Transaction ¶
type Transaction struct { Date string `json:"date"` //can't be time.Time as the API likes to return things like this: {"date":"2015-11-02 to 2016-11-01","uniqueid":"n\/a","type":"CNAM Queries","description":"CNAM Queries","ammount":"-0.2160"} UniqueId string `json:"uniqueid"` Type string `json:"type"` Description string `json:"description"` Amount string `json:"amount"` }
type VOIPClient ¶
func NewVOIPClient ¶
func NewVOIPClient(url, username, password string, debug bool) *VOIPClient
func (*VOIPClient) Get ¶
func (c *VOIPClient) Get(method string, values url.Values, entity interface{}) error
func (*VOIPClient) NewAccountsAPI ¶
func (c *VOIPClient) NewAccountsAPI() *AccountsAPI
func (*VOIPClient) NewCDRAPI ¶
func (c *VOIPClient) NewCDRAPI() *CDRAPI
func (*VOIPClient) NewClientsAPI ¶
func (c *VOIPClient) NewClientsAPI() *ClientsAPI
func (*VOIPClient) NewDIDsAPI ¶
func (c *VOIPClient) NewDIDsAPI() *DIDsAPI
Only partially implemented. See dids.go.
func (*VOIPClient) NewGeneralAPI ¶
func (c *VOIPClient) NewGeneralAPI() *GeneralAPI
func (*VOIPClient) NewVoicemailAPI ¶
func (c *VOIPClient) NewVoicemailAPI() *VoicemailAPI
Not implemented yet.
func (*VOIPClient) Post ¶
func (c *VOIPClient) Post(method string, entity interface{}, respStruct interface{}) error
func (*VOIPClient) WriteStruct ¶
func (c *VOIPClient) WriteStruct(writer *multipart.Writer, iface interface{}) error
type VoicemailAPI ¶
type VoicemailAPI struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Not implemented yet.
type VoicemailAttachmentFormat ¶
type VoicemailAttachmentFormat StringValueDescription
type VoicemailSetup ¶
type VoicemailSetup NumberValueDescription