Documentation ¶
Index ¶
Constants ¶
This section is empty.
Variables ¶
This section is empty.
Functions ¶
This section is empty.
Types ¶
type TriangleEntrypoint ¶
type TriangleEntrypointImpl ¶
type TriangleEntrypointImpl struct {
TriangleTypeClassifierUseCase classifier.TriangleTypeClassifierUseCase
func (*TriangleEntrypointImpl) TypeIdentifier ¶
func (t *TriangleEntrypointImpl) TypeIdentifier(ctx *gin.Context)
PostTriangleIdentify godoc @Summary Identify a tiangle type @Description Takes the triangle request JSON and identifies the triangle's type, and stores it in DB. Return saved JSON. @Tags triangle @Produce json @Param TraingleRequest body entity.TriangleEntrypointRequest true "TriangleEntrypointRequest JSON information" @Security ApiKeyAuth @Success 200 {object} entity.TriangleEntrypointResponse @Failure 401 {object} middleware.Error "User not authorized!" @Failure 422 {object} middleware.Error "Unprocessable Entity" @Router /api/triangle/v1/classifier [post]