Index ¶
- type ContainerModuleStub
- func (s *ContainerModuleStub) Delete(ctx context.Context, arg0 string, arg1 pkg.ContainerID) (ret0 error)
- func (s *ContainerModuleStub) Exec(ctx context.Context, arg0 string, arg1 string, arg2 time.Duration, ...) (ret0 error)
- func (s *ContainerModuleStub) Inspect(ctx context.Context, arg0 string, arg1 pkg.ContainerID) (ret0 pkg.Container, ret1 error)
- func (s *ContainerModuleStub) List(ctx context.Context, arg0 string) (ret0 []pkg.ContainerID, ret1 error)
- func (s *ContainerModuleStub) ListNS(ctx context.Context) (ret0 []string, ret1 error)
- func (s *ContainerModuleStub) Logs(ctx context.Context, arg0 string, arg1 string) (ret0 string, ret1 error)
- func (s *ContainerModuleStub) Run(ctx context.Context, arg0 string, arg1 pkg.Container) (ret0 pkg.ContainerID, ret1 error)
- func (s *ContainerModuleStub) SignalDelete(ctx context.Context, arg0 string, arg1 pkg.ContainerID) (ret0 error)
- type FlisterStub
- func (s *FlisterStub) Exists(ctx context.Context, arg0 string) (ret0 bool, ret1 error)
- func (s *FlisterStub) FlistHash(ctx context.Context, arg0 string) (ret0 string, ret1 error)
- func (s *FlisterStub) HashFromRootPath(ctx context.Context, arg0 string) (ret0 string, ret1 error)
- func (s *FlisterStub) Mount(ctx context.Context, arg0 string, arg1 string, arg2 pkg.MountOptions) (ret0 string, ret1 error)
- func (s *FlisterStub) Unmount(ctx context.Context, arg0 string) (ret0 error)
- func (s *FlisterStub) UpdateMountSize(ctx context.Context, arg0 string, arg1 gridtypes.Unit) (ret0 string, ret1 error)
- type GatewayStub
- func (s *GatewayStub) DeleteNamedProxy(ctx context.Context, arg0 string) (ret0 error)
- func (s *GatewayStub) Metrics(ctx context.Context) (ret0 pkg.GatewayMetrics, ret1 error)
- func (s *GatewayStub) SetFQDNProxy(ctx context.Context, arg0 string, arg1 zos.GatewayFQDNProxy) (ret0 error)
- func (s *GatewayStub) SetNamedProxy(ctx context.Context, arg0 string, arg1 zos.GatewayNameProxy) (ret0 string, ret1 error)
- type HostMonitorStub
- type IdentityManagerStub
- func (s *IdentityManagerStub) Address(ctx context.Context) (ret0 pkg.Address, ret1 error)
- func (s *IdentityManagerStub) Decrypt(ctx context.Context, arg0 []uint8) (ret0 []uint8, ret1 error)
- func (s *IdentityManagerStub) DecryptECDH(ctx context.Context, arg0 []uint8, arg1 []uint8) (ret0 []uint8, ret1 error)
- func (s *IdentityManagerStub) Encrypt(ctx context.Context, arg0 []uint8) (ret0 []uint8, ret1 error)
- func (s *IdentityManagerStub) EncryptECDH(ctx context.Context, arg0 []uint8, arg1 []uint8) (ret0 []uint8, ret1 error)
- func (s *IdentityManagerStub) Farm(ctx context.Context) (ret0 string, ret1 error)
- func (s *IdentityManagerStub) FarmID(ctx context.Context) (ret0 pkg.FarmID, ret1 error)
- func (s *IdentityManagerStub) FarmSecret(ctx context.Context) (ret0 string, ret1 error)
- func (s *IdentityManagerStub) NodeID(ctx context.Context) (ret0 pkg.StrIdentifier)
- func (s *IdentityManagerStub) PrivateKey(ctx context.Context) (ret0 []uint8)
- func (s *IdentityManagerStub) Sign(ctx context.Context, arg0 []uint8) (ret0 []uint8, ret1 error)
- func (s *IdentityManagerStub) StoreKind(ctx context.Context) (ret0 string)
- func (s *IdentityManagerStub) Verify(ctx context.Context, arg0 []uint8, arg1 []uint8) (ret0 error)
- type NetworkerLightStub
- func (s *NetworkerLightStub) AttachMycelium(ctx context.Context, arg0 string, arg1 string, arg2 []uint8) (ret0 pkg.TapDevice, ret1 error)
- func (s *NetworkerLightStub) AttachPrivate(ctx context.Context, arg0 string, arg1 string, arg2 []uint8) (ret0 pkg.TapDevice, ret1 error)
- func (s *NetworkerLightStub) AttachZDB(ctx context.Context, arg0 string) (ret0 string, ret1 error)
- func (s *NetworkerLightStub) Create(ctx context.Context, arg0 string, arg1 net.IPNet, arg2 []uint8) (ret0 error)
- func (s *NetworkerLightStub) Delete(ctx context.Context, arg0 string) (ret0 error)
- func (s *NetworkerLightStub) Detach(ctx context.Context, arg0 string) (ret0 error)
- func (s *NetworkerLightStub) GetSubnet(ctx context.Context, arg0 zos.NetID) (ret0 net.IPNet, ret1 error)
- func (s *NetworkerLightStub) Interfaces(ctx context.Context, arg0 string, arg1 string) (ret0 pkg.Interfaces, ret1 error)
- func (s *NetworkerLightStub) Namespace(ctx context.Context, arg0 string) (ret0 string)
- func (s *NetworkerLightStub) Ready(ctx context.Context) (ret0 error)
- func (s *NetworkerLightStub) ZDBIPs(ctx context.Context, arg0 string) (ret0 [][]uint8, ret1 error)
- func (s *NetworkerLightStub) ZOSAddresses(ctx context.Context) (<-chan pkg.NetlinkAddresses, error)
- type NetworkerStub
- func (s *NetworkerStub) Addrs(ctx context.Context, arg0 string, arg1 string) (ret0 [][]uint8, ret1 string, ret2 error)
- func (s *NetworkerStub) CreateNR(ctx context.Context, arg0 gridtypes.WorkloadID, arg1 pkg.Network) (ret0 string, ret1 error)
- func (s *NetworkerStub) DMZAddresses(ctx context.Context) (<-chan pkg.NetlinkAddresses, error)
- func (s *NetworkerStub) DeleteNR(ctx context.Context, arg0 gridtypes.WorkloadID) (ret0 error)
- func (s *NetworkerStub) DisconnectPubTap(ctx context.Context, arg0 string) (ret0 error)
- func (s *NetworkerStub) EnsureZDBPrepare(ctx context.Context, arg0 string) (ret0 string, ret1 error)
- func (s *NetworkerStub) GetDefaultGwIP(ctx context.Context, arg0 zos.NetID) (ret0 []uint8, ret1 []uint8, ret2 error)
- func (s *NetworkerStub) GetIPv6From4(ctx context.Context, arg0 zos.NetID, arg1 []uint8) (ret0 net.IPNet, ret1 error)
- func (s *NetworkerStub) GetNet(ctx context.Context, arg0 zos.NetID) (ret0 net.IPNet, ret1 error)
- func (s *NetworkerStub) GetPublicConfig(ctx context.Context) (ret0 pkg.PublicConfig, ret1 error)
- func (s *NetworkerStub) GetPublicExitDevice(ctx context.Context) (ret0 pkg.ExitDevice, ret1 error)
- func (s *NetworkerStub) GetPublicIPV6Gateway(ctx context.Context) (ret0 []uint8, ret1 error)
- func (s *NetworkerStub) GetPublicIPv6Subnet(ctx context.Context) (ret0 net.IPNet, ret1 error)
- func (s *NetworkerStub) GetSubnet(ctx context.Context, arg0 zos.NetID) (ret0 net.IPNet, ret1 error)
- func (s *NetworkerStub) Interfaces(ctx context.Context, arg0 string, arg1 string) (ret0 pkg.Interfaces, ret1 error)
- func (s *NetworkerStub) Metrics(ctx context.Context) (ret0 pkg.NetResourceMetrics, ret1 error)
- func (s *NetworkerStub) MigrateZdbMacvlanToVeth(ctx context.Context) (ret0 error)
- func (s *NetworkerStub) Namespace(ctx context.Context, arg0 zos.NetID) (ret0 string)
- func (s *NetworkerStub) PubIPFilterExists(ctx context.Context, arg0 string) (ret0 bool)
- func (s *NetworkerStub) PubTapExists(ctx context.Context, arg0 string) (ret0 bool, ret1 error)
- func (s *NetworkerStub) PublicAddresses(ctx context.Context) (<-chan pkg.OptionPublicConfig, error)
- func (s *NetworkerStub) PublicIPv4Support(ctx context.Context) (ret0 bool)
- func (s *NetworkerStub) QSFSDestroy(ctx context.Context, arg0 string) (ret0 error)
- func (s *NetworkerStub) QSFSNamespace(ctx context.Context, arg0 string) (ret0 string)
- func (s *NetworkerStub) QSFSPrepare(ctx context.Context, arg0 string) (ret0 string, ret1 string, ret2 error)
- func (s *NetworkerStub) QSFSYggIP(ctx context.Context, arg0 string) (ret0 string, ret1 error)
- func (s *NetworkerStub) Ready(ctx context.Context) (ret0 error)
- func (s *NetworkerStub) RemovePubIPFilter(ctx context.Context, arg0 string) (ret0 error)
- func (s *NetworkerStub) RemovePubTap(ctx context.Context, arg0 string) (ret0 error)
- func (s *NetworkerStub) RemoveTap(ctx context.Context, arg0 string) (ret0 error)
- func (s *NetworkerStub) SetPublicConfig(ctx context.Context, arg0 pkg.PublicConfig) (ret0 error)
- func (s *NetworkerStub) SetPublicExitDevice(ctx context.Context, arg0 string) (ret0 error)
- func (s *NetworkerStub) SetupMyceliumTap(ctx context.Context, arg0 string, arg1 zos.NetID, arg2 zos.MyceliumIP) (ret0 pkg.PlanetaryTap, ret1 error)
- func (s *NetworkerStub) SetupPrivTap(ctx context.Context, arg0 zos.NetID, arg1 string) (ret0 string, ret1 error)
- func (s *NetworkerStub) SetupPubIPFilter(ctx context.Context, arg0 string, arg1 string, arg2 []uint8, arg3 []uint8, ...) (ret0 error)
- func (s *NetworkerStub) SetupPubTap(ctx context.Context, arg0 string) (ret0 string, ret1 error)
- func (s *NetworkerStub) SetupYggTap(ctx context.Context, arg0 string) (ret0 pkg.PlanetaryTap, ret1 error)
- func (s *NetworkerStub) TapExists(ctx context.Context, arg0 string) (ret0 bool, ret1 error)
- func (s *NetworkerStub) UnsetPublicConfig(ctx context.Context) (ret0 error)
- func (s *NetworkerStub) WireguardPorts(ctx context.Context) (ret0 []uint, ret1 error)
- func (s *NetworkerStub) YggAddresses(ctx context.Context) (<-chan pkg.NetlinkAddresses, error)
- func (s *NetworkerStub) ZDBDestroy(ctx context.Context, arg0 string) (ret0 error)
- func (s *NetworkerStub) ZOSAddresses(ctx context.Context) (<-chan pkg.NetlinkAddresses, error)
- type PerformanceMonitorStub
- type ProvisionStub
- func (s *ProvisionStub) Changes(ctx context.Context, arg0 uint32, arg1 uint64) (ret0 []gridtypes.Workload, ret1 error)
- func (s *ProvisionStub) CreateOrUpdate(ctx context.Context, arg0 uint32, arg1 gridtypes.Deployment, arg2 bool) (ret0 error)
- func (s *ProvisionStub) DecommissionCached(ctx context.Context, arg0 string, arg1 string) (ret0 error)
- func (s *ProvisionStub) Get(ctx context.Context, arg0 uint32, arg1 uint64) (ret0 gridtypes.Deployment, ret1 error)
- func (s *ProvisionStub) GetWorkloadStatus(ctx context.Context, arg0 string) (ret0 gridtypes.ResultState, ret1 bool, ret2 error)
- func (s *ProvisionStub) List(ctx context.Context, arg0 uint32) (ret0 []gridtypes.Deployment, ret1 error)
- func (s *ProvisionStub) ListPrivateIPs(ctx context.Context, arg0 uint32, arg1 gridtypes.Name) (ret0 []string, ret1 error)
- func (s *ProvisionStub) ListPublicIPs(ctx context.Context) (ret0 []string, ret1 error)
- type QSFSDStub
- func (s *QSFSDStub) Metrics(ctx context.Context) (ret0 pkg.QSFSMetrics, ret1 error)
- func (s *QSFSDStub) Mount(ctx context.Context, arg0 string, arg1 zos.QuantumSafeFS) (ret0 pkg.QSFSInfo, ret1 error)
- func (s *QSFSDStub) SignalDelete(ctx context.Context, arg0 string) (ret0 error)
- func (s *QSFSDStub) UpdateMount(ctx context.Context, arg0 string, arg1 zos.QuantumSafeFS) (ret0 pkg.QSFSInfo, ret1 error)
- type RegistrarStub
- type StatisticsStub
- func (s *StatisticsStub) Current(ctx context.Context) (ret0 gridtypes.Capacity, ret1 error)
- func (s *StatisticsStub) GetCounters(ctx context.Context) (ret0 pkg.Counters, ret1 error)
- func (s *StatisticsStub) ListGPUs(ctx context.Context) (ret0 []pkg.GPUInfo, ret1 error)
- func (s *StatisticsStub) ReservedStream(ctx context.Context) (<-chan gridtypes.Capacity, error)
- func (s *StatisticsStub) Total(ctx context.Context) (ret0 gridtypes.Capacity)
- func (s *StatisticsStub) Workloads(ctx context.Context) (ret0 int, ret1 error)
- type StorageModuleStub
- func (s *StorageModuleStub) BrokenDevices(ctx context.Context) (ret0 []pkg.BrokenDevice)
- func (s *StorageModuleStub) BrokenPools(ctx context.Context) (ret0 []pkg.BrokenPool)
- func (s *StorageModuleStub) Cache(ctx context.Context) (ret0 pkg.Volume, ret1 error)
- func (s *StorageModuleStub) DeviceAllocate(ctx context.Context, arg0 gridtypes.Unit) (ret0 pkg.Device, ret1 error)
- func (s *StorageModuleStub) DeviceLookup(ctx context.Context, arg0 string) (ret0 pkg.Device, ret1 error)
- func (s *StorageModuleStub) Devices(ctx context.Context) (ret0 []pkg.Device, ret1 error)
- func (s *StorageModuleStub) DiskCreate(ctx context.Context, arg0 string, arg1 gridtypes.Unit) (ret0 pkg.VDisk, ret1 error)
- func (s *StorageModuleStub) DiskDelete(ctx context.Context, arg0 string) (ret0 error)
- func (s *StorageModuleStub) DiskExists(ctx context.Context, arg0 string) (ret0 bool)
- func (s *StorageModuleStub) DiskFormat(ctx context.Context, arg0 string) (ret0 error)
- func (s *StorageModuleStub) DiskList(ctx context.Context) (ret0 []pkg.VDisk, ret1 error)
- func (s *StorageModuleStub) DiskLookup(ctx context.Context, arg0 string) (ret0 pkg.VDisk, ret1 error)
- func (s *StorageModuleStub) DiskResize(ctx context.Context, arg0 string, arg1 gridtypes.Unit) (ret0 pkg.VDisk, ret1 error)
- func (s *StorageModuleStub) DiskWrite(ctx context.Context, arg0 string, arg1 string) (ret0 error)
- func (s *StorageModuleStub) Metrics(ctx context.Context) (ret0 []pkg.PoolMetrics, ret1 error)
- func (s *StorageModuleStub) Monitor(ctx context.Context) (<-chan pkg.PoolsStats, error)
- func (s *StorageModuleStub) Total(ctx context.Context, arg0 zos.DeviceType) (ret0 uint64, ret1 error)
- func (s *StorageModuleStub) VolumeCreate(ctx context.Context, arg0 string, arg1 gridtypes.Unit) (ret0 pkg.Volume, ret1 error)
- func (s *StorageModuleStub) VolumeDelete(ctx context.Context, arg0 string) (ret0 error)
- func (s *StorageModuleStub) VolumeExists(ctx context.Context, arg0 string) (ret0 bool, ret1 error)
- func (s *StorageModuleStub) VolumeList(ctx context.Context) (ret0 []pkg.Volume, ret1 error)
- func (s *StorageModuleStub) VolumeLookup(ctx context.Context, arg0 string) (ret0 pkg.Volume, ret1 error)
- func (s *StorageModuleStub) VolumeUpdate(ctx context.Context, arg0 string, arg1 gridtypes.Unit) (ret0 error)
- type SubstrateGatewayStub
- func (s *SubstrateGatewayStub) CreateNode(ctx context.Context, arg0 tfchainclientgo.Node) (ret0 uint32, ret1 error)
- func (s *SubstrateGatewayStub) CreateTwin(ctx context.Context, arg0 string, arg1 []uint8) (ret0 uint32, ret1 error)
- func (s *SubstrateGatewayStub) EnsureAccount(ctx context.Context, arg0 []string, arg1 string, arg2 string) (ret0 tfchainclientgo.AccountInfo, ret1 error)
- func (s *SubstrateGatewayStub) GetContract(ctx context.Context, arg0 uint64) (ret0 tfchainclientgo.Contract, ret1 pkg.SubstrateError)
- func (s *SubstrateGatewayStub) GetContractIDByNameRegistration(ctx context.Context, arg0 string) (ret0 uint64, ret1 pkg.SubstrateError)
- func (s *SubstrateGatewayStub) GetFarm(ctx context.Context, arg0 uint32) (ret0 tfchainclientgo.Farm, ret1 error)
- func (s *SubstrateGatewayStub) GetNode(ctx context.Context, arg0 uint32) (ret0 tfchainclientgo.Node, ret1 error)
- func (s *SubstrateGatewayStub) GetNodeByTwinID(ctx context.Context, arg0 uint32) (ret0 uint32, ret1 pkg.SubstrateError)
- func (s *SubstrateGatewayStub) GetNodeContracts(ctx context.Context, arg0 uint32) (ret0 []types.U64, ret1 error)
- func (s *SubstrateGatewayStub) GetNodeRentContract(ctx context.Context, arg0 uint32) (ret0 uint64, ret1 pkg.SubstrateError)
- func (s *SubstrateGatewayStub) GetNodes(ctx context.Context, arg0 uint32) (ret0 []uint32, ret1 error)
- func (s *SubstrateGatewayStub) GetPowerTarget(ctx context.Context, arg0 uint32) (ret0 tfchainclientgo.NodePower, ret1 error)
- func (s *SubstrateGatewayStub) GetTime(ctx context.Context) (ret0 time.Time, ret1 error)
- func (s *SubstrateGatewayStub) GetTwin(ctx context.Context, arg0 uint32) (ret0 tfchainclientgo.Twin, ret1 error)
- func (s *SubstrateGatewayStub) GetTwinByPubKey(ctx context.Context, arg0 []uint8) (ret0 uint32, ret1 pkg.SubstrateError)
- func (s *SubstrateGatewayStub) GetZosVersion(ctx context.Context) (ret0 string, ret1 error)
- func (s *SubstrateGatewayStub) Report(ctx context.Context, arg0 []tfchainclientgo.NruConsumption) (ret0 types.Hash, ret1 error)
- func (s *SubstrateGatewayStub) SetContractConsumption(ctx context.Context, arg0 ...tfchainclientgo.ContractResources) (ret0 error)
- func (s *SubstrateGatewayStub) SetNodePowerState(ctx context.Context, arg0 bool) (ret0 types.Hash, ret1 error)
- func (s *SubstrateGatewayStub) UpdateNode(ctx context.Context, arg0 tfchainclientgo.Node) (ret0 uint32, ret1 error)
- func (s *SubstrateGatewayStub) UpdateNodeUptimeV2(ctx context.Context, arg0 uint64, arg1 uint64) (ret0 types.Hash, ret1 error)
- type SystemMonitorStub
- func (s *SystemMonitorStub) CPU(ctx context.Context) (<-chan pkg.TimesStat, error)
- func (s *SystemMonitorStub) Disks(ctx context.Context) (<-chan pkg.DisksIOCountersStat, error)
- func (s *SystemMonitorStub) GetNodeFeatures(ctx context.Context) (ret0 []pkg.NodeFeature)
- func (s *SystemMonitorStub) Memory(ctx context.Context) (<-chan pkg.VirtualMemoryStat, error)
- func (s *SystemMonitorStub) Nics(ctx context.Context) (<-chan pkg.NicsIOCounterStat, error)
- func (s *SystemMonitorStub) NodeID(ctx context.Context) (ret0 uint32)
- type VMModuleStub
- func (s *VMModuleStub) Delete(ctx context.Context, arg0 string) (ret0 error)
- func (s *VMModuleStub) Exists(ctx context.Context, arg0 string) (ret0 bool)
- func (s *VMModuleStub) Inspect(ctx context.Context, arg0 string) (ret0 pkg.VMInfo, ret1 error)
- func (s *VMModuleStub) List(ctx context.Context) (ret0 []string, ret1 error)
- func (s *VMModuleStub) Lock(ctx context.Context, arg0 string, arg1 bool) (ret0 error)
- func (s *VMModuleStub) Logs(ctx context.Context, arg0 string) (ret0 string, ret1 error)
- func (s *VMModuleStub) Metrics(ctx context.Context) (ret0 pkg.MachineMetrics, ret1 error)
- func (s *VMModuleStub) Run(ctx context.Context, arg0 pkg.VM) (ret0 pkg.MachineInfo, ret1 error)
- func (s *VMModuleStub) StreamCreate(ctx context.Context, arg0 string, arg1 pkg.Stream) (ret0 error)
- func (s *VMModuleStub) StreamDelete(ctx context.Context, arg0 string) (ret0 error)
- type VersionMonitorStub
- type ZUIStub
Constants ¶
This section is empty.
Variables ¶
This section is empty.
Functions ¶
This section is empty.
Types ¶
type ContainerModuleStub ¶
type ContainerModuleStub struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewContainerModuleStub ¶
func NewContainerModuleStub(client zbus.Client) *ContainerModuleStub
func (*ContainerModuleStub) Delete ¶
func (s *ContainerModuleStub) Delete(ctx context.Context, arg0 string, arg1 pkg.ContainerID) (ret0 error)
func (*ContainerModuleStub) Inspect ¶
func (s *ContainerModuleStub) Inspect(ctx context.Context, arg0 string, arg1 pkg.ContainerID) (ret0 pkg.Container, ret1 error)
func (*ContainerModuleStub) List ¶
func (s *ContainerModuleStub) List(ctx context.Context, arg0 string) (ret0 []pkg.ContainerID, ret1 error)
func (*ContainerModuleStub) ListNS ¶
func (s *ContainerModuleStub) ListNS(ctx context.Context) (ret0 []string, ret1 error)
func (*ContainerModuleStub) Run ¶
func (s *ContainerModuleStub) Run(ctx context.Context, arg0 string, arg1 pkg.Container) (ret0 pkg.ContainerID, ret1 error)
func (*ContainerModuleStub) SignalDelete ¶
func (s *ContainerModuleStub) SignalDelete(ctx context.Context, arg0 string, arg1 pkg.ContainerID) (ret0 error)
type FlisterStub ¶
type FlisterStub struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewFlisterStub ¶
func NewFlisterStub(client zbus.Client) *FlisterStub
func (*FlisterStub) HashFromRootPath ¶
func (*FlisterStub) Mount ¶
func (s *FlisterStub) Mount(ctx context.Context, arg0 string, arg1 string, arg2 pkg.MountOptions) (ret0 string, ret1 error)
func (*FlisterStub) Unmount ¶
func (s *FlisterStub) Unmount(ctx context.Context, arg0 string) (ret0 error)
func (*FlisterStub) UpdateMountSize ¶
type GatewayStub ¶
type GatewayStub struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewGatewayStub ¶
func NewGatewayStub(client zbus.Client) *GatewayStub
func (*GatewayStub) DeleteNamedProxy ¶
func (s *GatewayStub) DeleteNamedProxy(ctx context.Context, arg0 string) (ret0 error)
func (*GatewayStub) Metrics ¶
func (s *GatewayStub) Metrics(ctx context.Context) (ret0 pkg.GatewayMetrics, ret1 error)
func (*GatewayStub) SetFQDNProxy ¶
func (s *GatewayStub) SetFQDNProxy(ctx context.Context, arg0 string, arg1 zos.GatewayFQDNProxy) (ret0 error)
func (*GatewayStub) SetNamedProxy ¶
func (s *GatewayStub) SetNamedProxy(ctx context.Context, arg0 string, arg1 zos.GatewayNameProxy) (ret0 string, ret1 error)
type HostMonitorStub ¶
type HostMonitorStub struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewHostMonitorStub ¶
func NewHostMonitorStub(client zbus.Client) *HostMonitorStub
type IdentityManagerStub ¶
type IdentityManagerStub struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewIdentityManagerStub ¶
func NewIdentityManagerStub(client zbus.Client) *IdentityManagerStub
func (*IdentityManagerStub) DecryptECDH ¶
func (*IdentityManagerStub) EncryptECDH ¶
func (*IdentityManagerStub) Farm ¶
func (s *IdentityManagerStub) Farm(ctx context.Context) (ret0 string, ret1 error)
func (*IdentityManagerStub) FarmSecret ¶
func (s *IdentityManagerStub) FarmSecret(ctx context.Context) (ret0 string, ret1 error)
func (*IdentityManagerStub) NodeID ¶
func (s *IdentityManagerStub) NodeID(ctx context.Context) (ret0 pkg.StrIdentifier)
func (*IdentityManagerStub) PrivateKey ¶
func (s *IdentityManagerStub) PrivateKey(ctx context.Context) (ret0 []uint8)
type NetworkerLightStub ¶
type NetworkerLightStub struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewNetworkerLightStub ¶
func NewNetworkerLightStub(client zbus.Client) *NetworkerLightStub
func (*NetworkerLightStub) AttachMycelium ¶
func (*NetworkerLightStub) AttachPrivate ¶
func (*NetworkerLightStub) Delete ¶
func (s *NetworkerLightStub) Delete(ctx context.Context, arg0 string) (ret0 error)
func (*NetworkerLightStub) Detach ¶
func (s *NetworkerLightStub) Detach(ctx context.Context, arg0 string) (ret0 error)
func (*NetworkerLightStub) Interfaces ¶
func (s *NetworkerLightStub) Interfaces(ctx context.Context, arg0 string, arg1 string) (ret0 pkg.Interfaces, ret1 error)
func (*NetworkerLightStub) Namespace ¶
func (s *NetworkerLightStub) Namespace(ctx context.Context, arg0 string) (ret0 string)
func (*NetworkerLightStub) Ready ¶
func (s *NetworkerLightStub) Ready(ctx context.Context) (ret0 error)
func (*NetworkerLightStub) ZOSAddresses ¶
func (s *NetworkerLightStub) ZOSAddresses(ctx context.Context) (<-chan pkg.NetlinkAddresses, error)
type NetworkerStub ¶
type NetworkerStub struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewNetworkerStub ¶
func NewNetworkerStub(client zbus.Client) *NetworkerStub
func (*NetworkerStub) CreateNR ¶
func (s *NetworkerStub) CreateNR(ctx context.Context, arg0 gridtypes.WorkloadID, arg1 pkg.Network) (ret0 string, ret1 error)
func (*NetworkerStub) DMZAddresses ¶
func (s *NetworkerStub) DMZAddresses(ctx context.Context) (<-chan pkg.NetlinkAddresses, error)
func (*NetworkerStub) DeleteNR ¶
func (s *NetworkerStub) DeleteNR(ctx context.Context, arg0 gridtypes.WorkloadID) (ret0 error)
func (*NetworkerStub) DisconnectPubTap ¶
func (s *NetworkerStub) DisconnectPubTap(ctx context.Context, arg0 string) (ret0 error)
func (*NetworkerStub) EnsureZDBPrepare ¶
func (*NetworkerStub) GetDefaultGwIP ¶
func (*NetworkerStub) GetIPv6From4 ¶
func (*NetworkerStub) GetPublicConfig ¶
func (s *NetworkerStub) GetPublicConfig(ctx context.Context) (ret0 pkg.PublicConfig, ret1 error)
func (*NetworkerStub) GetPublicExitDevice ¶
func (s *NetworkerStub) GetPublicExitDevice(ctx context.Context) (ret0 pkg.ExitDevice, ret1 error)
func (*NetworkerStub) GetPublicIPV6Gateway ¶
func (s *NetworkerStub) GetPublicIPV6Gateway(ctx context.Context) (ret0 []uint8, ret1 error)
func (*NetworkerStub) GetPublicIPv6Subnet ¶
func (*NetworkerStub) Interfaces ¶
func (s *NetworkerStub) Interfaces(ctx context.Context, arg0 string, arg1 string) (ret0 pkg.Interfaces, ret1 error)
func (*NetworkerStub) Metrics ¶
func (s *NetworkerStub) Metrics(ctx context.Context) (ret0 pkg.NetResourceMetrics, ret1 error)
func (*NetworkerStub) MigrateZdbMacvlanToVeth ¶
func (s *NetworkerStub) MigrateZdbMacvlanToVeth(ctx context.Context) (ret0 error)
func (*NetworkerStub) PubIPFilterExists ¶
func (s *NetworkerStub) PubIPFilterExists(ctx context.Context, arg0 string) (ret0 bool)
func (*NetworkerStub) PubTapExists ¶
func (*NetworkerStub) PublicAddresses ¶
func (s *NetworkerStub) PublicAddresses(ctx context.Context) (<-chan pkg.OptionPublicConfig, error)
func (*NetworkerStub) PublicIPv4Support ¶
func (s *NetworkerStub) PublicIPv4Support(ctx context.Context) (ret0 bool)
func (*NetworkerStub) QSFSDestroy ¶
func (s *NetworkerStub) QSFSDestroy(ctx context.Context, arg0 string) (ret0 error)
func (*NetworkerStub) QSFSNamespace ¶
func (s *NetworkerStub) QSFSNamespace(ctx context.Context, arg0 string) (ret0 string)
func (*NetworkerStub) QSFSPrepare ¶
func (*NetworkerStub) RemovePubIPFilter ¶
func (s *NetworkerStub) RemovePubIPFilter(ctx context.Context, arg0 string) (ret0 error)
func (*NetworkerStub) RemovePubTap ¶
func (s *NetworkerStub) RemovePubTap(ctx context.Context, arg0 string) (ret0 error)
func (*NetworkerStub) RemoveTap ¶
func (s *NetworkerStub) RemoveTap(ctx context.Context, arg0 string) (ret0 error)
func (*NetworkerStub) SetPublicConfig ¶
func (s *NetworkerStub) SetPublicConfig(ctx context.Context, arg0 pkg.PublicConfig) (ret0 error)
func (*NetworkerStub) SetPublicExitDevice ¶
func (s *NetworkerStub) SetPublicExitDevice(ctx context.Context, arg0 string) (ret0 error)
func (*NetworkerStub) SetupMyceliumTap ¶
func (s *NetworkerStub) SetupMyceliumTap(ctx context.Context, arg0 string, arg1 zos.NetID, arg2 zos.MyceliumIP) (ret0 pkg.PlanetaryTap, ret1 error)
func (*NetworkerStub) SetupPrivTap ¶
func (*NetworkerStub) SetupPubIPFilter ¶
func (*NetworkerStub) SetupPubTap ¶
func (*NetworkerStub) SetupYggTap ¶
func (s *NetworkerStub) SetupYggTap(ctx context.Context, arg0 string) (ret0 pkg.PlanetaryTap, ret1 error)
func (*NetworkerStub) UnsetPublicConfig ¶
func (s *NetworkerStub) UnsetPublicConfig(ctx context.Context) (ret0 error)
func (*NetworkerStub) WireguardPorts ¶
func (s *NetworkerStub) WireguardPorts(ctx context.Context) (ret0 []uint, ret1 error)
func (*NetworkerStub) YggAddresses ¶
func (s *NetworkerStub) YggAddresses(ctx context.Context) (<-chan pkg.NetlinkAddresses, error)
func (*NetworkerStub) ZDBDestroy ¶
func (s *NetworkerStub) ZDBDestroy(ctx context.Context, arg0 string) (ret0 error)
func (*NetworkerStub) ZOSAddresses ¶
func (s *NetworkerStub) ZOSAddresses(ctx context.Context) (<-chan pkg.NetlinkAddresses, error)
type PerformanceMonitorStub ¶
type PerformanceMonitorStub struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewPerformanceMonitorStub ¶
func NewPerformanceMonitorStub(client zbus.Client) *PerformanceMonitorStub
func (*PerformanceMonitorStub) Get ¶
func (s *PerformanceMonitorStub) Get(ctx context.Context, arg0 string) (ret0 pkg.TaskResult, ret1 error)
func (*PerformanceMonitorStub) GetAll ¶
func (s *PerformanceMonitorStub) GetAll(ctx context.Context) (ret0 []pkg.TaskResult, ret1 error)
type ProvisionStub ¶
type ProvisionStub struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewProvisionStub ¶
func NewProvisionStub(client zbus.Client) *ProvisionStub
func (*ProvisionStub) CreateOrUpdate ¶
func (s *ProvisionStub) CreateOrUpdate(ctx context.Context, arg0 uint32, arg1 gridtypes.Deployment, arg2 bool) (ret0 error)
func (*ProvisionStub) DecommissionCached ¶
func (*ProvisionStub) Get ¶
func (s *ProvisionStub) Get(ctx context.Context, arg0 uint32, arg1 uint64) (ret0 gridtypes.Deployment, ret1 error)
func (*ProvisionStub) GetWorkloadStatus ¶
func (s *ProvisionStub) GetWorkloadStatus(ctx context.Context, arg0 string) (ret0 gridtypes.ResultState, ret1 bool, ret2 error)
func (*ProvisionStub) List ¶
func (s *ProvisionStub) List(ctx context.Context, arg0 uint32) (ret0 []gridtypes.Deployment, ret1 error)
func (*ProvisionStub) ListPrivateIPs ¶
func (*ProvisionStub) ListPublicIPs ¶
func (s *ProvisionStub) ListPublicIPs(ctx context.Context) (ret0 []string, ret1 error)
type QSFSDStub ¶
type QSFSDStub struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewQSFSDStub ¶
func (*QSFSDStub) SignalDelete ¶
type RegistrarStub ¶
type RegistrarStub struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewRegistrarStub ¶
func NewRegistrarStub(client zbus.Client) *RegistrarStub
type StatisticsStub ¶
type StatisticsStub struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewStatisticsStub ¶
func NewStatisticsStub(client zbus.Client) *StatisticsStub
func (*StatisticsStub) GetCounters ¶
func (*StatisticsStub) ReservedStream ¶
type StorageModuleStub ¶
type StorageModuleStub struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewStorageModuleStub ¶
func NewStorageModuleStub(client zbus.Client) *StorageModuleStub
func (*StorageModuleStub) BrokenDevices ¶
func (s *StorageModuleStub) BrokenDevices(ctx context.Context) (ret0 []pkg.BrokenDevice)
func (*StorageModuleStub) BrokenPools ¶
func (s *StorageModuleStub) BrokenPools(ctx context.Context) (ret0 []pkg.BrokenPool)
func (*StorageModuleStub) DeviceAllocate ¶
func (*StorageModuleStub) DeviceLookup ¶
func (*StorageModuleStub) DiskCreate ¶
func (*StorageModuleStub) DiskDelete ¶
func (s *StorageModuleStub) DiskDelete(ctx context.Context, arg0 string) (ret0 error)
func (*StorageModuleStub) DiskExists ¶
func (s *StorageModuleStub) DiskExists(ctx context.Context, arg0 string) (ret0 bool)
func (*StorageModuleStub) DiskFormat ¶
func (s *StorageModuleStub) DiskFormat(ctx context.Context, arg0 string) (ret0 error)
func (*StorageModuleStub) DiskLookup ¶
func (*StorageModuleStub) DiskResize ¶
func (*StorageModuleStub) Metrics ¶
func (s *StorageModuleStub) Metrics(ctx context.Context) (ret0 []pkg.PoolMetrics, ret1 error)
func (*StorageModuleStub) Monitor ¶
func (s *StorageModuleStub) Monitor(ctx context.Context) (<-chan pkg.PoolsStats, error)
func (*StorageModuleStub) Total ¶
func (s *StorageModuleStub) Total(ctx context.Context, arg0 zos.DeviceType) (ret0 uint64, ret1 error)
func (*StorageModuleStub) VolumeCreate ¶
func (*StorageModuleStub) VolumeDelete ¶
func (s *StorageModuleStub) VolumeDelete(ctx context.Context, arg0 string) (ret0 error)
func (*StorageModuleStub) VolumeExists ¶
func (*StorageModuleStub) VolumeList ¶
func (*StorageModuleStub) VolumeLookup ¶
func (*StorageModuleStub) VolumeUpdate ¶
type SubstrateGatewayStub ¶
type SubstrateGatewayStub struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewSubstrateGatewayStub ¶
func NewSubstrateGatewayStub(client zbus.Client) *SubstrateGatewayStub
func (*SubstrateGatewayStub) CreateNode ¶
func (s *SubstrateGatewayStub) CreateNode(ctx context.Context, arg0 tfchainclientgo.Node) (ret0 uint32, ret1 error)
func (*SubstrateGatewayStub) CreateTwin ¶
func (*SubstrateGatewayStub) EnsureAccount ¶
func (s *SubstrateGatewayStub) EnsureAccount(ctx context.Context, arg0 []string, arg1 string, arg2 string) (ret0 tfchainclientgo.AccountInfo, ret1 error)
func (*SubstrateGatewayStub) GetContract ¶
func (s *SubstrateGatewayStub) GetContract(ctx context.Context, arg0 uint64) (ret0 tfchainclientgo.Contract, ret1 pkg.SubstrateError)
func (*SubstrateGatewayStub) GetContractIDByNameRegistration ¶
func (s *SubstrateGatewayStub) GetContractIDByNameRegistration(ctx context.Context, arg0 string) (ret0 uint64, ret1 pkg.SubstrateError)
func (*SubstrateGatewayStub) GetFarm ¶
func (s *SubstrateGatewayStub) GetFarm(ctx context.Context, arg0 uint32) (ret0 tfchainclientgo.Farm, ret1 error)
func (*SubstrateGatewayStub) GetNode ¶
func (s *SubstrateGatewayStub) GetNode(ctx context.Context, arg0 uint32) (ret0 tfchainclientgo.Node, ret1 error)
func (*SubstrateGatewayStub) GetNodeByTwinID ¶
func (s *SubstrateGatewayStub) GetNodeByTwinID(ctx context.Context, arg0 uint32) (ret0 uint32, ret1 pkg.SubstrateError)
func (*SubstrateGatewayStub) GetNodeContracts ¶
func (*SubstrateGatewayStub) GetNodeRentContract ¶
func (s *SubstrateGatewayStub) GetNodeRentContract(ctx context.Context, arg0 uint32) (ret0 uint64, ret1 pkg.SubstrateError)
func (*SubstrateGatewayStub) GetPowerTarget ¶
func (s *SubstrateGatewayStub) GetPowerTarget(ctx context.Context, arg0 uint32) (ret0 tfchainclientgo.NodePower, ret1 error)
func (*SubstrateGatewayStub) GetTwin ¶
func (s *SubstrateGatewayStub) GetTwin(ctx context.Context, arg0 uint32) (ret0 tfchainclientgo.Twin, ret1 error)
func (*SubstrateGatewayStub) GetTwinByPubKey ¶
func (s *SubstrateGatewayStub) GetTwinByPubKey(ctx context.Context, arg0 []uint8) (ret0 uint32, ret1 pkg.SubstrateError)
func (*SubstrateGatewayStub) GetZosVersion ¶
func (s *SubstrateGatewayStub) GetZosVersion(ctx context.Context) (ret0 string, ret1 error)
func (*SubstrateGatewayStub) Report ¶
func (s *SubstrateGatewayStub) Report(ctx context.Context, arg0 []tfchainclientgo.NruConsumption) (ret0 types.Hash, ret1 error)
func (*SubstrateGatewayStub) SetContractConsumption ¶
func (s *SubstrateGatewayStub) SetContractConsumption(ctx context.Context, arg0 ...tfchainclientgo.ContractResources) (ret0 error)
func (*SubstrateGatewayStub) SetNodePowerState ¶
func (*SubstrateGatewayStub) UpdateNode ¶
func (s *SubstrateGatewayStub) UpdateNode(ctx context.Context, arg0 tfchainclientgo.Node) (ret0 uint32, ret1 error)
func (*SubstrateGatewayStub) UpdateNodeUptimeV2 ¶
type SystemMonitorStub ¶
type SystemMonitorStub struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewSystemMonitorStub ¶
func NewSystemMonitorStub(client zbus.Client) *SystemMonitorStub
func (*SystemMonitorStub) Disks ¶
func (s *SystemMonitorStub) Disks(ctx context.Context) (<-chan pkg.DisksIOCountersStat, error)
func (*SystemMonitorStub) GetNodeFeatures ¶
func (s *SystemMonitorStub) GetNodeFeatures(ctx context.Context) (ret0 []pkg.NodeFeature)
func (*SystemMonitorStub) Memory ¶
func (s *SystemMonitorStub) Memory(ctx context.Context) (<-chan pkg.VirtualMemoryStat, error)
func (*SystemMonitorStub) Nics ¶
func (s *SystemMonitorStub) Nics(ctx context.Context) (<-chan pkg.NicsIOCounterStat, error)
type VMModuleStub ¶
type VMModuleStub struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewVMModuleStub ¶
func NewVMModuleStub(client zbus.Client) *VMModuleStub
func (*VMModuleStub) Delete ¶
func (s *VMModuleStub) Delete(ctx context.Context, arg0 string) (ret0 error)
func (*VMModuleStub) Exists ¶
func (s *VMModuleStub) Exists(ctx context.Context, arg0 string) (ret0 bool)
func (*VMModuleStub) List ¶
func (s *VMModuleStub) List(ctx context.Context) (ret0 []string, ret1 error)
func (*VMModuleStub) Metrics ¶
func (s *VMModuleStub) Metrics(ctx context.Context) (ret0 pkg.MachineMetrics, ret1 error)
func (*VMModuleStub) Run ¶
func (s *VMModuleStub) Run(ctx context.Context, arg0 pkg.VM) (ret0 pkg.MachineInfo, ret1 error)
func (*VMModuleStub) StreamCreate ¶
func (*VMModuleStub) StreamDelete ¶
func (s *VMModuleStub) StreamDelete(ctx context.Context, arg0 string) (ret0 error)
type VersionMonitorStub ¶
type VersionMonitorStub struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewVersionMonitorStub ¶
func NewVersionMonitorStub(client zbus.Client) *VersionMonitorStub
func (*VersionMonitorStub) GetVersion ¶
func (s *VersionMonitorStub) GetVersion(ctx context.Context) (ret0 semver.Version)
Source Files
- api_gateway_stub.go
- container_stub.go
- flist_stub.go
- gateway_stub.go
- host_monitor_stub.go
- identity_stub.go
- network_light_stub.go
- network_stub.go
- performance_monitor_stub.go
- provision_stub.go
- qsfsd_stub.go
- registrar_stub.go
- statistics_stub.go
- storage_stub.go
- system_monitor_stub.go
- version_monitor_stub.go
- vmd_stub.go
- zui_stub.go
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