Stellar client for Multisignature transaction
This client is developed for the sole purpose of recovering escrow accounts that are for some reason not refunding nor paying farmers.
- Start the explorer with the 5 multisig wallets (all of them should be on the same network and have some funds)
- Ask the client for the escrow account address
- Ask the client for the amount that needs to be recovered or search it on the Stellar transaction explorer.
- Select a destination wallet
- Create the multisig transaction
stellar create --seed "multisigwalletseed" --network "somenetwork" --asset "someasset" --destination "somedestination" --from "escrowaccountaddress" --amount "someamountasstring"
This will output something like:
- Make 2 out of 5 other multisig wallet sign this transaction
In the first step 1 out of 5 wallets already signs the transaction and we need a minimum of 3 out of 5 signatures to complete a transaction. So in this case 2 out of 5 need to sign!
stellar sign --seed "multisigwalletseed" --network "somenetwork" --transaction 'AAAAAPODclmCjkbWZYnoAPFTywzsVcd0T0V8nUogz3LFlya0AAAAZAAPNm8AAAAIAAAAAQAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAF6EkEQAAAAAAAAAAQAAAAAAAAABAAAAALX7uq+eXcgHVVKPAjAjscsoT2lnDH4ucBIuB6toxeoiAAAAAVRGVAAAAAAAOfxkG3qLTLHrhsPS6JsSUB7+ZjU/J4oT1YBMKb/3n2QAAAAABfXhAAAAAAAAAAABQANAbAAAAEAFPX5v7RyZ8quNt/eWN+CEp/3JQvg6bP2ncxNbO/6w2vvoav/K2SuHeP+Ur1ZEjuKOEOA6tQK43X+JKQEINEca
Repeat until nothing is returned!