Issuing a custom token
In this walkthrough, we create a BTC asset on the Stellar testnet.
1 Create a source account
go run ../accounts/createkeypair.go -name source
go run ../accounts/activateaccount.go -name source -friendbot
2 Create the issuing account
go run ../accounts/createkeypair.go -name issuer
go run ../accounts/activateaccount.go -name issuer -source source
3 Create the distribution account
go run ../accounts/createkeypair.go -name distributor
go run ../accounts/activateaccount.go -name distributor -source source
4 Create a trustline between the issuing account and the distribution account
It requires
- an asset code
- trust limit: max tokens
The trust limit parameter limits the number of tokens the distribution account will be able to hold at once. It is recommended to either make this number larger than the total number of tokens expected to be available on the network or set it to be the maximum value (a total of max int64 stroops) that an account can hold.
go run createtrustline.go -source <distributor> -issuer <issueraddress> -asset <assetcode> [-limit <limit>]
5 Token creation
The Issuing account creates tokens and sends them to the distributing account.
go run ../accounts/transfer.go -from issuer -destination <distributoraddress> -asset BTC:<issueraddress> -amount 100